#james mcavoy fandom
elizabethcrumb · 2 months
🐰Split Oc book 5 - chapters 71 and 72 up to read! 🐰
Link: SPLIT: Big Book Of All Of My Oc Oneshots Book 5 - Chapter 71 - LizRenKnight - Split (2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Title & Summary: 71: Feeling Old, Dennis X My Oc's Molly/ Elizabeth (Molly gets the idea of taking some of Elizabeths blood that has ability to make her better but something else happens)
Link: SPLIT: Big Book Of All Of My Oc Oneshots Book 5 - Chapter 72 - LizRenKnight - Split (2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Title & Summary: 72: Daisy's Highschool days, Orwell/The Beast x My oc Older Daisy. (AU Possible Future or dream fic - Daisy's high school days are far from perfect)
🐰 Happy Easter Y'all! 🐰
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manichewitz · 13 days
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the cunt they served on this day
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insanityisdivine · 10 days
Anyone have a legit larger size version of this picture?
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i-like-superheros · 4 months
"I’m not good with violence."
Then he punches him in the face!
But honestly, he deserved it and a lot more when they got older. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
21 - Lehnsherr Revenge
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Part 22
Battle of Heart and Mind
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Shrugging on a red leather jacket paired with a gray tea shirt and dark blue jeans with boots. Tying my hair in a French braid going down my back I just stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. “The baby…they would have been a mutant like me and sissy.”
Ryder’s words were still buzzing around in my mind. Lowering a hand to my stomach I felt tears welling in my eyes thinking of my baby. Gripping the sink underneath my fingertips I sucked in a sharp and shaky breath hearing footsteps come across the creaky wooden floor. “Addison?”
“I just need a minute, Erik.” I tremble out a response with him standing in the doorway wearing a different change of clothes like me.
His gaze lifted up from the floor watching me. “Take your time. I just got the twins in the car.”
“Did you tell Charles we are dropping them off?” My eyes held focus on the mirror. Dropping one hand to my stomach I gripped the fabric of my shirt between my fingers still feeling the baby in me even though that wasn't the case.
My husband stepped up behind me unsure what the right thing was to do for me. Anyway he still wrapped his arms around me from behind, his chin resting on my shoulder. “Don't worry about that right now. Besides, he's a telepath. He'll figure it out.”
“I never thought this would happen to us. I…I never had a reason to want those people dead. Until they…they killed our baby.” Spinning my body around to face his front I couldn't stop the tears when I looked him in the eye.
He was no stranger to harsh and personal loss, but I was. My father Shaw and I weren't really close but this baby was a part of me. “Addi, come here. We're gonna be okay.”
“How are we going to be okay?” I sobbed into his shirt clutching the fabric in between my fingers.
Erik remained silent, unsure how to answer. “I'm not sure yet. But we'll figure it out.” The pair just remained holding one another until they both believed it was out of their system at least for a few hours until something triggered the horrible memory again.
The drive to the factory wasn't far from our house. Erik put the car in park looking into the backseat at the twins. “You have to be good and do exactly what you're mother tells you too. Do you understand?”
“Yes daddy.” Astraea nodded.
Ryder gave a thumbs up. “Yeah.”
“Are you sure you want to do this still, Addison?” Erik shifted in his seat sending her a weak look.
Reaching across the dash I intertwined my hand in his. “They deserve it, Erik.” We got out of the car and slowly walked into the factory. Erik closed the metal door with his mind causing everyone to turn their attention towards the two of us.
“Some of you spoke to the police... about what you believe you witnessed here yesterday. You want to know my powers... know who I am... see what I can do? I'll show you.” Erik began speaking, never removing my hand from his. “Think of the person you love most in your life. Your wife. Mother. Daughter. Son….unborn child Now that person will know what it is to lose someone they love. And live with that pain. Forever.”
One of the workers spoke. “Henryk, please. Don't do this.”
“My name isn't Henryk. My name is Magneto…Addison.” He answered him back watching me step forward turning our hands red taking his power.
Stepping forward away from him, my hands clutching into fists at my sides. “Invidia!” Raising my hands out in front of me and shooting my power towards the men.
The workers grabbed their heads crying out when the metal helmets they wore began crunching around their heads. I waved one of my hands, launching them up into the air and then slammed them down into the ground. The metal wires coming up out of the dirt, wrapping around them. Erik watched me with a smirk on his face making the men who wronged us both suffer.
“Who the fuck are you?” Erik could feel someone standing behind us so he glanced over his shoulder coming to see a guy with dark blue skin and covered in warriors type armor.
“I’m here for you.” The stranger answered.
Erik quickly turned his head telling me to run. “Get out of here. I’ll find you if he can be trusted.” Bolting out of the factory to the car I ran out of there with the kids in the backseat asleep. The drive was long before Erik texted me saying we should go along with the stranger and whatever plan he had.
Parking the car in the driveway of the school I nudged each twin, waking them up. Holding my hands with the two I walked them inside in search of Xavier’s main office. Some kids ran past us before I saw a wheelchair go into one of the rooms telling me where he was. Entering the office room the familiar professor lifted his head up from the papers he had scattered on the desk. “Addi! Astraea, Ryder. It’s good to see you. I wasn’t expecting a visit.”
“Sorry to just drop in unannounced. We weren’t exactly planning on coming without telling you beforehand.” I apologized to my friend.
Charles raised a hand not offended. “Don’t apologize, love. Is Erik with you too?”
“Mommy left him at his work.” Ryder piped up standing by his twin sister.
Charles knitted his brows. “I’m afraid I’m not following.”
“Kiddos, how about you go to your rooms here and get settled while I talk with your uncle Charles. I’ll find you before we get some food.” Bending down on a knee I pushed the kids out the door so we could talk privately. I didn’t wish for them to know what was really going on.
Once the office door was shut Charles spoke up. “Addi, please tell me what is going on.” I knew he could read my mind to know the answer but he was still polite about it.
“I was pregnant, Charles. Until I lost it.” I sniffed through some heavy tears that had begun falling down my face.
Charles raised a hand to his mouth. “Oh Addi. I’m so sorry. How…how did it happen if you don’t mind me asking?”
“A handful of policemen were killed by Erik after one of them accidentally fired an arrow into my stomach. I…I lost it a few seconds after I pulled the arrow out.” I sniffed wrapping my arms around myself for comfort.
Charles rolled up closer to me in his wheelchair. “But you’re perfectly fine now. How is that possible?”
“Ryder can heal people. He is a mutant like we were speculating. He actually has more than one ability.” I trailed off tucking hair behind my ear. “He can sense other mutants…the baby would have been one is what he told me and Erik.”
Charles tilted his head grasping my freehand in his giving me a soft look. “Addi, my love. I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you. But I came here to ask you a favor.”
He answered without hesitation. “Ask me anything.”
“Could you watch the twins for a little while. Erik and I have some things to take care of but I don’t want them being around us while we finish our tasks.” I questioned the telepath professor.
He nodded in agreement. “Of course I can. In fact there’s no one in your old room. You can spend the night here if you wish before you return back to him.”
“I appreciate that. Thanks.” I squeezed his hand seperaing to go find my old room while he returned to grading his students papers. Night had come down on the old Xavier mansion faster than ever in my opinion. I had settled the twins down to sleep over an hour ago. Laying down underneath the covers of the bed I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand. Picking up my phone I saw that Erik had texted me the details of the strange man.
Erik - He wants to have us both help him with his plans. How are the kids
Me - They are asleep now. I’ll make the drive back there tomorrow.
Erik - He says that he has someone who can locate you for him. Just stay at the house and we’ll come in.
Me - sounds suspicious. Just make sure he won’t hurt our kids
Erik - will do, Addison. Love you
Me - love you too
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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emotinalsupportturtle · 10 months
Why does Aziraphale’s “oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever” remind me of Charles Xavier’s “they are just following orders” to Erik in X-men First Class (2011). Both led to absolute disaster, two of the worst breakups and were worst things they could have possibly said.
It’s even more heartbreaking when you realise both Crowley and Erik begged Aziraphale and Charles (respectively) to join them in a desperate, last ditch attempt which didn’t work out either time.
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nellarw95 · 1 month
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Happy Birthday James 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
James Andrew McAvoy
April 21,1979
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
21 Aprile 1979
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 16 hours
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
And if you said the first and last, and like to rp as them hiii. 👋
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moonlitdark · 2 years
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Tokyo Comic Con 2022 was a gift. 💐
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thischerik · 2 years
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charles wanting to kiss even when erik gets mad at him for something dumb
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elizabethcrumb · 3 months
Split Oc book 5 - chapters 69 and 70 up to read!
Link: SPLIT: Big Book Of All Of My Oc Oneshots Book 5 - Chapter 69 - LizRenKnight - Split (2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Summary & Title: 69: First Date With Dennis, Dennis X My Oc Molly   (Flashback short AU - Molly asks Dennis on their first date )
Link: SPLIT: Big Book Of All Of My Oc Oneshots Book 5 - Chapter 70 - LizRenKnight - Split (2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Summary & Title: 70: Maggie's First Day At HighSchool,
Dennis/ The Beast x My Oc's Maggie Crumb, David Maxwell, Elizabeth. etc (Time jump fic - Maggie goes to highschool)
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duckpearyuki · 2 years
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Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters
📍Englefield House, London
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Can someone recommend me some new timeline cherik fics where Charles ends up joining Erik? Ik it goes against the fundamentals of his character but like indulge me pls. Maybe something around DOFP or even FC? But I'll take anything. Ty fellow gay mutant lovers
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ironasss · 2 years
Ok so I finally started watching the sandman, and, disregarding the whole ass plot:
they mention the book Vile Bodies,right? Unless im stupid? In 1926, they mention Vile Bodies. As far as i can tell,the only Vile Bodies book is Evelyn Waugh.
which didnt come out until 1930. Ugh.
Ok next!
The movie adaptation! Bright Young Things (2003)! Has David Tennant, James McAvoy, and Michael Sheen! All of which are in episode eleven!!! Stephen Fry, director of the film! Is in three other episodes!!
Bill Patterson,also in good omens and bright young things,in episode one of the sandman!
Also, they said it would "keep you awake"? My guy that book wasn't very keep you awake.
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
19 - The X Gene
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Part 20
Battle of Heart and Mind
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Astraea and I had woken up earlier than the boys in our small cabin house. I knew that there was only one person who could put my nerves at ease. I loved my son but I needed to know was it even possible for him to have powers or not. “Mom, are you sure he will hear me at this distance?”
“You don’t know Charles as well as I do. He’s very powerful.” I answered her where we sat down on the back porch swing.
She tilted her head to the side. “Like you and daddy are?”
“Yes, like me and your father. Now remember what I told you, just focus your mind on him and Charles will find us.” Holding my hands out for her she placed her hands in mine closing her eyes and I did the same. We waited a few seconds before I felt his voice inside my head.
The moment I opened my eyes he was rolling towards us in his wheelchair that Hank had put in a joystick controlling to make it easier to move the chair for him. “Addi, Astraea, it’s good to see you.”
“Hi Charles, I was hoping you could help me understand something.” I turned while holding my daughter’s hand while we were appearing in an astral projection form through my daughter’s mind space.
He gave me a concerned look. “What is on your mind, Addi?”
“I was hoping you could give me answers on whether or not Ryder will ever show a mutation like any of us have. I mean I will love my boy regardless. But I just want to know if he will ever show any mutation.” Slumping my shoulders I huffed in defeat praying he would have something.
The professor clicked his tongue. “I am not certain I can find an answer to that type of concern. Mutation is something we are slowly finding out is coming from the male parent.”
“But what about when both parents are mutants? What do you think could happen in that case, Charles?” I blurt out the question he wasn’t really answered yet.
The man named Professor X blankly stared at me. “Addi, I'm sorry to say I have no answer for that.”
“It's alright, Charles. I know if you had anything you would provide it.” He didn’t owe me an apolgy.
“That is a tough question. But from a scientific perspective I could have Hank look at his DNA and see if he can come up with something more for you.”
“Can you get the DNA from me, Uncle Charles?” Astraea asked him.
The telepath tapped the side of his head. “Unfortunately not in the mind space, dear. He would need your brother to physically be here. And I must point out his male DNA has a tiny difference to yours so only Ryder can produce what we would need.”
“I’ll go tell him we are visiting you.” She quickly took my hand and our hands turned red giving me a source of her power so she could leave us alone to talk.
I attempted to stop her but she already vanished from our mind space view. “Astraea wait-“
“Calm your worries, Addi. Her suggesting it will be harmless.” Charles raised a hand, feeling my mind beginning to race in concern.
Slumping my shoulders tucked hair behind my ear. “Yes I know I shouldn't worry. But you’ve seen how powerful her mind is. She can do damage when she doesn’t really mean to.”
“Yes she can indeed. She has the most powerful mind I have ever seen, especially before I ever saw Jean Greys when she started attending here.” Charles ran a hand over his chin thinking deep in thought before his hand tangled in his brown hair and finally dropped to the armrest of the wheelchair.
I nodded my head in understanding, mumbling under my breath allowing my mind to go back to the first night we saw her powers for ourselves. “You put me and Erik together who are already powerful and she is the result of it.”
Laying in my bed with Erik I heard our bedroom door creak open at the same time as I heard someone speak in my head knowing it was Charles. “Addi, there's something you need to see.” I got out of bed slowly doing my best to not wake Erik since it was rare he got a full night's sleep. Throwing on one of my sweatshirts I followed the back of his wheelchair down the hallway until we reached my daughter's room. Ryder had his own room a few doors down from hers.
“Professors?” One door creaked open showing a girl named Carianne.
Charles waves his hand shoeing her to bed before she woke anyone else in the hallway up. “Carianne, back to bed.”
“What's wrong, Charles?” I questioned my friend with him opening the door and I held it open with his chair rolling into her bedroom. My gaze shifted around the dimly lit room. The walls appeared to be melting and I could see my daughter shifting around in her covers. I answered my previous question to him. “I think I can see why.”
Charles grunted using his upper strength to get out of his chair and sit down on the edge of the bed. “Astraea, it’s me. Just calm your mind.”
“Ah! Uncle Charles - mom, I had a nightmare.” She suddenly woke up trying to catch her breath and moved to sit upright on the pillows behind her head.
I maneuvered to the other side of the bed sitting down by her side. I didn’t enjoy seeing her like this. I knew I had my own demons inside of my mind after everything that has happened since the night we met Xavier. Yet the concept of nightmares for a young telepath like her could only be ten times worse than I could even fathom. “It was just a dream, honey. I’ll be here until you go to sleep.”
“No! No, it wasn’t a dream. I saw - I saw you were pregnant and then you lost the baby.” Astraea snapped back at me.
I tried to calm her down again, noticing that the glass in the windows was beginning to crack clearly by whatever she was feeling inside of her mind space. “Astraea-”
“Mom, you won't understand. You don't know what it's like to be afraid to shut your eyes!” She gripped the covers in her hands, releasing some tears.
“You’re mother may not know the feeling but I do. It wasn't so long ago that I was plagued by voices, myself. All their suffering. All their pain. Their secrets.” Charles focused his attention on my daughter and her eyes became brighter by the words he said.
Astraeq wiped away some tears. “But what if my nightmare comes true?”
“Lie back, dear.” Charles instructed her and he lifted her blankets back over her body. “Don't worry your head about it. If it comes to pass we will face it together, you and I.”
She grasped his hand in her smaller one. “How did you face what you fears?”
“Everyone fears that which they do not understand. You will learn to control your powers. And when you do... you'll have nothing to fear…my little darling.” Charles brushed hair out of her face kissing her forehead too.
She snuggled under her covers whispering something that I wasn’t expecting. “Thank you, Charles….you're a good dad.”
Charles and I slowly walked out of the room and I shut the door behind me gently to not wake her up again. We walked down the hallway together in silence until we ended up outside his bedroom door. “Charles, wait. I'm sorry if that was awkward for you when she…uh called you dad.” He paused, pushing his bedroom door open glancing over his shoulder at me.
“No apology is necessary, Addi.” He reached up, looping my right hand with his. His blue eyes poured up into mine. “I just want to help these kids learn to control their powers, especially your children.”
I nodded, squeezing his hand in mine. It was moments like this that caught me off guard with me remembering how nice he was to me and everyone else around us. I cared for Erik but I could see Charles as being a good father to a child someday. “You have always been a really great person in my life, Charles.”
“I feel the same about you, Addison and I will always be here to support you.” He told me before he rolled inside of his bedroom. “Goodnight Addi.”
“Goodnight Charles.” I waved bye to him walking back to my bedroom and crawling back into bed with Erik for the night. Regardless of my last name being changed to Lehnsherr it would always be me, Erik and Charles raising Astraea and Ryder.
Charles and I had kept walking through the school just enjoying the silence between one another. He paused his chair by the long staircase staring up at me. “Hank should be able to find the answers you seek. Until then you shouldn't put too much worry in that head of yours.”
“I appreciate your help, Charles. I really do.” I smiled at the telepath before we heard someone appear beside us turning our attention to the person behind me. “Astraea, you're back. Is something wrong?”
My daughter nervously ran a hand through her messy hair. “Mom, I can't find my brother.”
“Ryder, what’s wrong with your brother?” Charles questioned with a raised brow to her.
She gulped nervously. “I went looking for him around the house but I couldn't find him. I couldn't find him in the back yard either and dad can't help me since he's still at work.”
“I'll come right away. We'll see you later, Charles.” Whipping my head around to my telepath friend.
He nodded in understanding. “Good luck in finding Ryder.”
“Let’s go find your brother and see what is going on.” My daughter looped her hand through mine and we disappeared back to our house. Unknown to us Erik was already driving home in a panic after what he had done at work that day.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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