#jason thinks he came back wrong thats hes the one who is no longer the son bruce mourned
adelinamoteru · 1 year
there is something just so amazing about jason coming back to life, seeing how the world remembered him and hating it. coming back to life and telling the people who loved him that they grieved him wrong. people worry if they’re doing the right thing x person would’ve wanted them to after they died, but no one has ever experienced something like that.
someone who you loved and mourned and who loved you back came back and was disgusted by what grief made of you. they didn’t want anything to do with you. how do you deal with the loss of someone you loved a second time around when they’re standing right in front of your eyes, breathing and alive again?
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I've seen many posts where Jason dates Jazz and realizes there's something wrong with Danny, but what if it's the other way around?
Danny has been ghosting for a while longer, so he knows better how to hide the effects, Jazz who only recently realized he's liminal doesn't do so well.
Then Jason arrives, he met this cute and nice guy who is totally sarcastic but also always willing to help him with a problem, then he meets his sister, who has something strange about her, sometimes her smiles are too big or her shadow moves unnaturally, makes bad love decisions and wants to be a psychologist, cue Jason thinking that Jazz is the second coming of Harley Quinn but more Eldritch
This is amazing!!!
This is kind of an old one because i was away for a while, but thanks for the ask
Jason had made a new friend (boyfriend if he's lucky)
They met when red hood was on patrol and was going to stop a SA in progress when this lanky bruce adoptee to be stepped in and handed the scumbag his ass on a silver platter
After the kid took care of the girl, called the police and sent them on their way he stayed, turned to where he was perched, smiled and said
"What? Couldn't just do nothing."
Turned and left, leaving jason dumbfounded that this kid could see him, beating up an unexperienced scumbag was one thing finding a highly trained vigilante was something else, looks like this kid is interesting.
Turns out the kids name is danny and he is awesome!
He's 19, just moved to gothem from some no where town and was studying aerospace engineering, linguistics and chemistry in gothem university.
His mother was a blackbelt and tought him how to put the fear of God in people 6 ways to sunday, he also has a sister whos an arkam asylum phyciatritrist intern
Danny is cool, knowes how to take a joke and can dish it right back out, was goofy and playful compared to the usual seriousness of of the bats, AND HE WAS SASSY
The colourful way he broke down the batfams characters had him cry laughing
When he met Danny in red hood persona he was mostly the same, though jason nearly had a heart attack when danny called him jason in red hood gear, but dannys cool and easy to talk to, they spent the rest of patrol together
Batman showed up wondering why red hood wasn't responding and red hood thought he had to defend danny from the interrogation that was to come...NOPE
The first words out of danny's mouth was
"I've never met a furrie in person, is it difficult to breath wearing the suit"
By the end of the 'conversation' Red hood couldn't move he was laughing so hard oh he couldn't wait to meet his fanily
Nevermind somethings wrong with jazz
When he met her nothing was wrong per'se but...
she seems nice but her smiles are too wide, too pointy, she moves too stiff and theres something just...off
She made the pit squirm in...not fear or discomfort, more like, she made the pit more agitated, annoyed, angry...thats...never happened before
Then he found out she was having love problems...the last guy she dated ended up in a cutl and was trying to get her to join, and the way she talk about phycology was too...disconnected
Somethings wrong with her
About 2 hours later jason came speeding into the batcave screaming about the next generation of Harley Quin
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hiya so i know you're a frankenstein enjoyer (same here) but im curious: what are your thoughts on the whole "came back wrong" idea? i really love it but what do you think?
short answer: yes oh my god i love that trope (?) and i love the themes and stories and implications that can be told with it gdhgdh its sooooo good bc i think it highlights the finality of death and the futility in holding on to the past instead of moving forward, but it also is such a wonderful metaphor for grief and how it warps how the dead are perceived by those they leave behind
longer answer:
i dont know if id say im a fan of specifically "coming back wrong" so much as "coming back and being perceived as wrong" or more simply "coming back changed". characters who are brought back, having gone through a fundamentally life altering experience and are expected to just slide back into the mold of their own life when they have been shaped into something entirely new that Will Not Fit. they're not a different person but they're not the same person either. they've grown and they've evolved, but no one is willing to see or accept that change because they're so used to the version that's living in their memories. i think its a really great way of showing how grief tends to form an idealized version of loved ones in our minds, and the high pedestal we put them on may make them impossible to recognize if they are brought back as they were, not as how they were remembered or expected to be. this new version isn't wrong, not anymore wrong than your cousin who you haven't seen since childhood who now has a new favorite color, but it feels wrong because it's not what you remember.
then, too, i love the idea of wrong just meaning changed. that these characters have undergone a Process which has altered them in some way, not in like a mystical or magical sense like "ooo the spell to bring them back made them Insane" or whatever, but just the fact that death and rebirth are experiences that would shape a person and absolutely have an impact on their personality in a very natural and logical way. no clue if ur a batman fan so im sorry if this example makes no sense, but like, i think thats part of the reason why jason todd is one of my favorite characters. you could easily say he "came back wrong" after being brought back to life, but there's just something about that phrasing that i dont particularly like as much because it implies to me that there's no real explanation for his changed behavior, when in reality it's the circumstances of both his death and his rebirth that actively caused him to change. i like to look at "coming back wrong" as more of a metaphor for the natural process of change and growth that everyone goes through, but it's coupled with a reluctance of those around the character to accept said change (mostly i think because they did not get to see the process of the change occurring. to them this person was simply gone and then they weren't, and they have no frame of reference for what traumatizing experience literally dying is)
i think it's an interesting idea within the concept of frankenstien as well, because i really enjoy the idea that it is both the creature and victor who "come back wrong", both in slightly different ways like ive talked about. the creature is an affront to god and nature, he is "wrong" in the sense that he should not exist, but more than that, he is "wrong" because he is not as victor imagined him to be. victor wanted to create the perfect form of life, a vessel capable of beating death. and while he achieved one of those goals, the horror of his actions catches up with him and causes him to treat the creature as a monster before he ever has a chance to be anything else. he comes to life with no memories, no sense of morality, no knowledge of anything at all, and is then turned into something wrong- something that came back wrong- because of how he was treated by the world
and then victor, i think, undergoes a more metaphorical death and rebirth (seen with his illness) as the shock and horror of what he's done causes him to reevaluate his goals in life and fundamentally changes the way he looks at the world. obviously you could just say that this is just. natural character progression and it doesn't really relate to coming back wrong at all, but i think its a nice little parallel, and honestly. victor is unable to fit back into his life from before because his is so haunted by his actions (literally and metaphorically) so i think it works as a similar metaphor to some extent.
so yeah uh. fucking love thinking abt this as a concept bc i am obsessed with the idea of death and rebirth. rebirth as a process of corruption instead of a process of purification. corruption in itself being a form of purification. coming back "wrong" meaning you've come back as the purest form of yourself, of humanity, and having everyone around you turn away out of grief over their expectations of you
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so you know the lazurus pit rage? the annoyingly pervasive head-cannon.
i have a shot in the dark at one of the reasons.
people think bucky barnes return as the winter solider and jasons return as the red hood are similar.
now arnt they? no they are not. on the surface and at the bare bones maybe, dead sidekick returns and is antagonistic. and the idenitity being revealed.
like thats it. bucky barnes was brainwashed by the soviets and then red skull, once he was removed of the brainwashing, he was a solid ally. jason todd was trained by a force classically “opposed“ to batman, but was not brainwashed or even manipulated.
and also key: bucky barnes did not pose an ideological opposition to steve, no in the way jason did, bucky “came back wrong” as in he was brainwashed into a perversion of who he was, and used as a tool of the people he fought.
jason came back wrong as in, his death solidified the idea of brutal justice/the broken nature of the justice system,
they are both tragedys, but bucky comes back. scared, changed, but he goes back to the belifes he once held.
the tragedy is that jason cannot go back both him and bruce are changed by his death. they cannot go back to versions of themself who can love each other. and that is the tragedy.
so making it so Jason is out of control and can be fixed with hugs?? goes against that. it robs it of the tragedy, and the integrity of the characters. one of them will have to bend, to change, but they cannot, the story cant stay intact, so one of them ends up, off, weird.
jasons return is about the tragedy of trauma, and how it can change people, change them so much they can no longer love each other, how they had to become different people to deal with the trauma. and those people are strangers, haunted by who they once were to each other.
and thats a story i find fascinating.
not to mention that jasons boundrys are often trampled “for his own good” by bruce and the family, to get him back. congrats thats the worst possible thing to do. its still an allegory for trauma, but now its about how you should roll over and accept what happened to you and go back to who you once were to please your family, how you should kill the person who survived, to become the person before. ive read plenty of jason joins the family again fics. but these days? they sound like horror storys.they sound like nightmares.
but the mcu is pretty pervasive, and the comic storys pretty famous. so its easy to conflate the two under “dead sidekick who came back wrong”
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Best of friends pt5
Peter Parker x Stark!reader, Jason Todd x stark!reader
Summary: Tensions rise between Peter and you as you and Jason begin to grow closer. 
A/n: Hey! Another short fic y’all. I promise the next fic will be longer , I just need to finish my school work 😅😅
Warning: Asshole!Peter, Jealousy, bit of angst.
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You turn to see Peter and Ned staring at you and Jason with shocked faces. Your face burns under the heat of their stares. You quickly step away from the raven haired boy.
“Pe-peter! Ned! What's up?”, You cringe at the stutter and Jason laughs. You turn to glare at him and he puts his hands up.
“Sorry Princess, just didn’t know a Stark could lose their cool like that.” 
“Oh shush.” You say as a smile grows your face. You hear a voice clear and you turn back to Peter and Ned. Both sporting different expressions. 
Ned, bless his soul, looked uncomfortable. As if he was caught in between a couple during an argument. His eyes darted between you and Peter.
Peter on the other hand was emotionless. His face was void of ay emotion as he stared at you and Jason. But even though his face didn’t betray any emotions, his eyes raged with a fire you’ve never seen before. And it was directed right at Jason. 
“Hey Y/N!” Ned finally said, “ Me and Peter decided we needed some dude time so we came here. I wanted to see the new exhibit.” 
You smile widely at him, “ No way! Me and the boys wanted to see the exhibit too!” “Boys?” “ Oh hush Jaybird.”
“I thought you weren’t allowed to go outside.” Peter interrupts, finally looking you in the eye. 
You furrow your brow in confusion, “Um, thats only when I’m alone...I can go out with other people. You know that Pete.”
Peter scoffs, but doesn’t answer. Instead he asks, “And Mr. Stark was okay with you going out with some guy by yourself.”
“Well, I came with his brothers...” You slowly say, “ And Jay isn’t some guy, he’s my friend.”
Peter stays silent and looks away. An awkward silence fell upon the four of you. 
“So...the four of use together again...haha” Ned says in an attempt to clear the air. But the tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. 
“Right..” Jason finally says, “Because it went so well the last time.” 
Peter was about to open his mouth to say something but was stopped by Damian and Tim.
“Y/n, there you are. I apologize for leaving you with Todd, I hope he did not damage any of your brain cell with his idiotic ranting.”
“You little...” 
“Come on Damian, you know Jay just nods along to whatever she tells him, even if he doesn’t understand it.” Tim snickers, quickly dodging the punch aimed at him. 
You roll your eyes and snort, “ This is what I’ve had to deal with all day.”  You say to Ned and Peter. 
You don’t get a response so you fully face the two. You see Peter and Ned having a silent conversation with their eyes. 
“We’re probably intruding on your guy time...” You say, hoping that Peter would tell you to stay. 
Instead, he just faces you and says, “ Yeah, you kind of are.”
Your face falls as you watch Ned slap his arm. He scolds him for his harsh words.
“No it’s fine Ned, we’re interrupting your time together. We can go.” You turn around sadly, “Bye Peter.”
You gather the fighting Waynes and lead them to a different part of the museum with a heavy heart. You ignore their questioning looks and just keep walking. Wondering why Peter was acting so cold to you.
“Dude, why did you do that?” Ned scolds, “ You probably hurt her feelings.”
Peter cringed, he didn’t mean to come off so cold. But seeing you so close to that Jason kid made him feel...angry. 
“I know...I don’t know what came over me..” Peter says sadly. Ned lightened up and started smirking. 
“I know...you like her.” 
Peter turned red at the thought. Immediately denying it, “ Are you crazy! I don’t like her. She’s one of my best friends. And besides, I’m with Liz..”
Ned rolled his eyes, “ First off, you’re going to homecoming with Liz, you’re not dating her. Secondly, if you don’t like her like that, then why do you get so mad when she’s with Jason?”
“Because!” Peter shouts, then lowers his voice when people turn to look at him, “Because, Y/n …she doesn’t get out much and... I don’t trust this guy.”
Ned scoffs, “ Do you hear how dumb that sounds?”
“W-what do you mean?”
“Well technically, Y/n has been friends with Jason longer than she’s known you.”
Peter was silent, he didn’t trust Jason. There was something about him that was off. He was way too observant for a regular guy. He was always on guard as if something was gonna jump out at him. He was just off. Like he was hiding something. 
“Ned, I just... feel like somethings wrong with the dude, I think he’s hiding something,” Peter finally says. Ned rolls his eyes. 
“The only thing he’s hiding is his feelings for Y/n. And he sucks at it too.” 
Then Peter gets a text. It was from Tony, telling him that he was needed in the lab.
“Hey, I gotta go, Mr. Stark needs help in the lab.”
“Come on Princess, let us see your pretty smile” 
“Yes, don’t let an idiot bring you down” 
“Yeah, cheer up girl” 
Jason sneers, “Cheer up girl? Jesus replacement, do you not know how to talk to girls?”
“ Oh please, you asked her to show us her smile, like that would make her feel better.” 
“Would you two stop bickering, you sound like children. “ Damian snaps, turning around to glare at them 
You giggle, their squabbling never failing to amuse you. 
“There it is!” Jason shouts, glaring at the few people who give you looks, “ beautiful as always.”
You blush, feeling his blue eyes on your face. 
“Y/n, are you hungry?” Damian asks, breaking you out of your trance. 
“Um.. I can eat.. how do you guys feel about Chinese?”
“Sounds great!” Tim says, “ We should head back to the tower anyway, I think our father should be out of their meeting now.”
So the four of you pile into the car, your heart feeling lighter hearing the brothers argue over directions. 
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Cheryl//maple syrup
Request: Can you do the secret and sins when Veronica comments on the Cheryl’s twincest and the reader defends Cheryl even though the reader kinda diss likes Cheryl.
hey! how is everyone? i hope you’re all well and good! i may have slightly cheated a bit and copy and pasted a previously written out bit from another request where they’re playing secrets and sins. but that’s only because i didn’t see the point in writing the same dialogue again. anywayyyy enjoy! 
It seems that whenever Cheryl Blossom arrives at a party, the party atmosphere disappears. Maybe it’s her grating personality or overbearing need to be liked, whatever it is, within ten minutes of her and Chuck gate crashing Jughead’s unwanted birthday party, there’s already tension. 
Which is not made any better by the suggestion of secrets & sins. Your friends are gathered in a circle in the living room, while you sit off to the side. You want to eavesdrop, but you don’t want to reveal your deepest, darkest secrets, not to your best friends and definitely not to Cheryl. 
It’s clear everyone that’s been roped into this stupid game doesn’t want to be there. Betty shifts in her seat uncomfortably and stares at you with pleading eyes. You shoot her an unsure smile back before taking a sip of your drink and she drops your gaze, glancing at Archie before staring down at the floor. 
Cheryl is the only one that looks like she’s enjoying herself, but you’re not surprised. Chaos and the chance to get dirt on everyone so she can control them even more than she already does is what Cheryl lives for.
You glare at the red-head, who’s smiling brightly as she looks around at her victims and when her eyes land on you, her eyes narrow and the smile is replaced by a smirk. 
“What’s wrong Y/n? Did nobody pick you to be on their team?” She asks, her bright red lips forming a perfect pout and you can’t help but stare at them for a few seconds longer than you should. You feel your face heat up and look away, blaming the alcohol for the affects you’re feeling and refusing to believe that you’ve just thought of Cheryl Blossom as attractive. 
A shiver runs up your spine at the thought and you lips pull into a pout as you stare down at the now empty cup in your hands. You scratch at the plastic and listen to the mumbles and whispers of the teenagers stood and sat around you. 
Whoever isn’t partaking in Secrets and Sins, have gathered around to watch and judge, and you can’t help but lean in a little closer, they may be some of your closest friends, but you can’t help wanting to know what they’ve been hiding from one another...you’re only human and at least you’re not as bad as Cheryl. 
Cheryl lives of rumours. Like Gretchen Wieners with smaller and redder hair. 
“What the hell is Secrets and Sins?” Jughead asks, all eyes on Cheryl as she moves around in a circle, eyeing everyone suspiciously as she starts to explain the rules. 
“Its a variation on Truth or Dare…in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I’ll start the game with…Veronica Lodge.” She smirks and you roll your eyes at her. 
“Naturally.” Veronica sighs and you pat her shoulder. 
“Let’s begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so-called fresh start.” She says, her eyes filled with accusations and anger before she’s even gotten to her question. 
You really don’t know why so many people like her, well you do, it’s because she’s rich and she bullies people into being her friend because she’s unable to make them any other way. 
She’s snobby, spoilt and just plain mean, but that doesn’t stop you from sometimes staring at her for longer than you want to and definitely should. 
“Tell us Veronica, what’s so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?”
“That was your doing.” She replies confused, her arms crossed defensively against her chest.
“Moving on to dear Daddy Lodge…” She interrupts, getting more and more angry by the second. “Isn’t it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing behind bars?” She continues and you glance to your side at Joaquin, who shares a very suspicious look with FP
“Well, I can’t speak for my father…but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother.” The tension in the room shifts and your eyes widen. 
As much as you dislike Cheryl, you know how close her and Jason were and you knew how much it hurt and how she’s still hurting now because of his death. You’ve seen her crying underneath the bleachers after school, you see how her eyes are a little more dull than they used to be. They don’t sparkle as much when she talks and when she’s not spreading hate, she’s just not saying anything at all. 
She smiles less when with her friends, and sometimes you think the only reason she’s horrible to people is so she can feel something. But that doesn’t excuse it and so you shake your head and earn a few confused looks as you try to stop yourself from defending Cheryl Majorie Blossom. 
“Everyone knows how much I loved my brother.” Cheryl defends herself.
“Exactly.” Veronica replies. “But did you love him, maybe in ways that a sister shouldn’t love a brother?” She continues and you watch as Cheryl becomes more and more upset. “And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your father’s many hunting rifles.”
Her shoulders slump a little and her bottom lip quivers as she looks around the room helplessly. The confident look she usually has, has slipped off like a mask, revealing a very sad girl underneath and suddenly you find yourself standing up. 
“That’s enough Veronica.” You say, surprising everyone, including Cheryl. “Just leave her alone, it’s not worth it.” You add quietly and slowly sit back down again. 
Veronica hold her hands up in defence and you force a smile before going back to picking at the plastic of your cup. 
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Cheryl seethes, her eyes full of hatred as she looks at you, and for some reason it stings. You’re used to her not liking you, but her hating you, hurts you for some unknown reason and you have to take a few deep breaths in order to stop the ache in your chest. 
“This game is sick.” Dilton adds and Cheryl uses the distraction to wipe away the tears on her cheek. “I wanna go next.” He adds making everyone look at him.
“Thats the spirit, Doiley. What secrets do you have to reveal to us?” Chuck grins. 
“I saw Ms. Grundy’s car by Sweetwater River the day Jason went missing.” He says and everyone gasps. People mumble and whisper around you and Cheryl stares straight at Dilton, her eyes narrow. “I told Betty and Jughead, and then Ms. Grundy quit her job and left Riverdale, like, two days later. And let’s not forget that Archie was also at Sweetwater River that morning.”
“Oh, my God.” Cheryl whips her head round to look at Archie. “Colour me shocked. Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four-Eyes were pulling a Mary Kay Letourneau?”
“Don’t say anything. Don’t get in the gutter with them.” Veronica mutters while glaring at Cheryl. 
“Wait, what? Andrews was banging a teacher?” Chuck asks, his tone a mix of surprise and impressed and you roll your eyes at him. “I wish I would’ve known. I would have added you and Ms. Grundy to the book of conquests.”
“Classy, Chuck, as always.”
“Wait a second.” Cheryl interrupts. “That also explains why Archie can’t seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He’s got serious mommy issues. Anything to say for yourself Arch? Were you a victim or a perpetrator?”
“Dilton Doiley plays with guns.” Betty tries to change the subject but she’s immediately shut down.
“Big whoop, Betty. So Doiley’s a psychopath. Everyone knows that.”  
“Well, I guess it’s my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty Cooper.”
“Leave her the hell alone, Chuck.” Archie threatens.
“Shut up, Andrews.” He replies. “Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn’t even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you don’t know...she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, drugged me, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi, and well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly. But, hey, you knew all about this right, Jughead?” He asks. For a second, the question hangs in the air, everyone trying to figure out what to say next and how to process what they’ve just been told. 
But then Jughead leaps forward at punches Chuck in face causing all hell to break loose. Everyone stands and FP shoves races forward to grab Chuck and throw him outside. 
While everyone else follows them outside, eagerly awaiting a fight, you stay back and watch as Cheryl disappears upstairs, quietly sniffling as she goes. You look at the front door and then at the stairs and sigh, knowing that this is not gonna end well. She’s gonna insult you and tell you to leave her alone, but at least you can say you tried to help and then you won’t feel bad. 
So you glance at the door one more time and pray that at least one person is filming whatever is happening out there, before wandering up the stairs in search for Cheryl. 
The slight scent of maple syrup and the sound of faint cries coming from the bathroom lets you know where she’s hiding and you quietly creep along the slightly creaky floorboards, trying to remember which ones to avoid after years of practice when sneaking into Archie’s room in order to break him out. 
You stop outside of the bathroom, light coming out of the cracks of the door and your hand hovers over the handle. 
“Whoever is out there, go away.” She sniffles and you roll your eyes. 
Turning on your heel, you start to walk away, but then you hear her sob and it makes you freeze. 
You let out a quiet groan and curse the side of you that can’t leave people that are crying alone, before making your way back to the bathroom and slowly opening the door. 
The first thing you see as you duck your hear around the door is Cheryl sat on the side of the bath. Her hands gripping the edges so hard that her knuckles have turned white. He hair has fallen in front of her face and you watch as she her shoulder shake and tears drip onto the bath mat. 
“Cheryl?” You whisper and she looks up, her eyes wide as she quickly scrambles to wipe away the tears that have ruined her makeup. “Are you okay?” You ask and walk into the room. You close the door behind you and lean against it and her expression hardens. 
“I’m having the best time.” She deadpans and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. God is she stubborn. 
“Look, I know we’re not exactly best friends. Most of the time, I don’t really like to be around you-” 
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?” She asks and you shrug. 
“But you know that if you need someone to talk to that won’t judge you or really know anything about you, you can. I’ll just sit and listen and you can cry or rant or I dunno. Just, know you’re not alone. You may not get along with everyone in this town, but we will all be here for you if you need us, all you have to do is ask.” You say honestly but anxiously while playing with your fingers. 
She looks at you surprised, her lips part as if she’s going to say something and you’re sure she’s going to tell you to shut up and leave her alone, but instead she says thank you and you feel yourself relax a little. 
“It’s okay.” You nod. “And for the record, what Veronica said was out of line. Everyone knows how much Jason meant to you and for her to say that is just wrong. We all know you loved your brother...a normal amount.” You add the last bit quietly and she stares at you for a few seconds before a smile twitches at her lips. “Would you like me to leave you alone now?” You ask and she shakes her head. You look around the small bathroom, trying to figure out the best place to sit and she moves along a little so you can sit beside her. “Would you like me to sit with you until you feel better?” You ask and she nods slowly, her lip wobbling again. 
You sit beside her, place a gentle hand over hers and the two of you fall into a slightly awkward but not as bad as you thought it would be, silence. 
After ten minutes, Cheryl stands and makes her way over to the mirror. She swipes her fingers under her eyes to try and get rid of her ruined mascara before messing with her hair to try and get it back to looking like normal. 
“Do I look okay?” She turns to you and stands with her arms by her side. Your breath hitches when you look at her and you wonder how she looks so pretty even in the most unflattering light that is Archie Andrews’ bathroom. 
You stand in front of her and slowly tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and you watch as she takes a shaky breath. 
“Can I?” You ask, your fingers centimetres away from her cheek and she nods slowly, her eyes locked with yours and you feel yourself growing warm from the intensity. “There.” You smile once you’ve wiped a bit of mascara away from her cheek. 
She grabs her bag and pulls her lipstick from it, but when she goes to apply it, her hands shake and you take it from her gently. 
Your lips darts out between your tongue as you concentrate on keeping the lipstick in the lines, and you can feel her warm breath on your cheek. 
“There!” You smile proudly once your finished, but she grabs your arm before you can pull away properly as her lips connect with yours in an almost frantic kiss.
You gasp a little and then relax and kiss back just as frantically, but she pulls away after a few seconds and the two of you stare at each other wide-eyed and breathless. 
“Your lipstick’s ruined.” You whisper and her lips curl into a smile. 
“Worth it.” She replies before pulling you close to her and kissing you again. 
support my writing! if you want! 
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 2
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Summary: negans jealousy and temptation starts to escalate when he starts coming around trying to fit his way back into your life while also showing jack who the man of the house is but jack may also have secrets of his own no one knows about.
🛑Warning: fluff, major smut, saddness, jealousy, cheating,fighting 🛑
Sitting on your bed with mascara tears streaming down your face holding onto old pictures of you,negan and ellie. Jack walks in and you quickly wipe your tears and shove the pictures under the pillow before he notices.
"Hey baby...whats wrong?" Jack slides in next to you
"Oh nothing haha" you sniffle and play it off all cool
"You looked beautiful lastnight...i realized i forgot to tell you" he said brushing a strand of hair behind your ear leaning in to kiss you softly. Jack resches inbetween your skirt automatically causing your legs to spread apart inviting him in. He reaches his other hand up your shirt grabbing your boob gently squeezing it in his hand you begin to quickly unbutton your blouse breathing heavier when the front door opens. You frantically pull your shirt back together terribly and tugging at your skirt when you exit the room to see negan and ellie standing in the living room.
" have you ever heard of calling or sending a text!!??" You cross your arms over your chest with a few buttons still loose allowing your black lace bra to peak out
"Well....looks like youve been busy" negan takes off his glasses sliding them ontop of his head
"I just thought id come by and cookout for ellie.." He grins pulling out steaks and ribs from a grocery bag.
"Oh! I brought wine too...your favorite"
"Cook out!?...wha" you followed behind him outside to the patio slamming the door behind you.
"So you think you can just walk into my house acting like you own the place saying you want to "cook out" for ellie!!??" By now you are almost inces away from him
Negan flicks on the grill and then grabs you gently by your face.
"I believe its my house too.....my name is also on the deed" he relases his hand and then walks past you back inside
You scoff to yourself as you stand there trying to process what is going on when jack comes outside.
"Im heading out for work...also whats up with him?"
"I..uh...he is cooking out for ellie i suppose" you said running your finger's through your messy hair
"I see.....well ill see you later, message me!" He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before hopping into his car and driving off. You sigh to yourself opening the door walking back into the kitchen seeing negan rubbing up the meat with spice's and ellie downing a bowl of chocolate ice cream.
"Negan! Seriously you gave her ice cream before dinner" you quickly took the spoon and bowl away from ellie before she could cram another spoonful in her mouth
"Whaaat let the kid live alittle...." He looks at ellie giving her a goofy face
You go over to dump out the ice cream in the trash can before dropping the dish in the sink next to negan you caught yourself looking at him his jacket was off and his sleeves were rolled up exposing his toned arms and rough hands. His black glasses resting on his face and his perfect salt and pepper hair. You always have had a thing for men a bit older than you and negan fit that image perfectly...jack was much younger than negan which you never would of guessed going for a younger man would be good for you.
"Huh..yes honey?" Causing you to snap out of your thought's
"Can daddy stay the night we can stay up and was scawry moviessszz!!?" Ellies face lit up with excitment
"Oh. Sweetie im sorry but daddy cant stay the night" bending down to her level caressing her cheek
"Uuuuggghhhhh!! No fair!!" Ellie screams at the top of her lungs and starts flailing her arms
"Ellie! Do not act like that towards your mother!" Negans deep strong voice boomed in the kitchen almost making you weak at your knees. Ellie ran off to her room and slammed the door.
"That sassy girl" negan said looking at you through the top of his glasses
"Thank you...." You sighed exhaustedly while popping the cork off of the wine bottle and filling your cup up
"Mmmm...." Swallowing the sweet red wine feeling it flow down your throat
"So....you and younger guys huh?" Negan chuckled while washing his hands
"Something new...nothing wrong with that" you said taking another sip of your wine
"thought you had a fetish for older men....whats it called? Daddy issues"
"I guess you could say that...." Pouring more wine into your glass
"Sure sure..." Negans voice died out as he walked off to the bathroom
Negan came back into the kitchen grabbing the tray of meat outside and slapping it on the grill. You followed behind him wine glass in hand.
"So...was it you that told ellie to ask me if you could stay the night?" Raising an eyebrow
"Shouldnt you go get another glass of wine" negan chuckles
"Ya know...your cooking was always the best" chugging down the rest of your glass
" i think the wine is starting to talk haha" negan closed the lid to the grill folding his arms over his chest
I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen while ellie and negan were snuggled up on the couch watching friday the 13th together. Hearing negan be playful and caring with ellie really makes your heart happy. A part of you wishes things could have been diffrent between the two of you that is your babygirls father of course you love the both of them but being with negan just isnt in your future right now.
"Mommy come in here!"
You finished putting dishes away when you walked in there and sat down by negan he kept looking over at you grinning while ellie jumped at the scary scenes with jason Voorhees.
"So...hows the team going?"
"Good...good the boys are a handful" negan chuckled
"You were always a great coach you really pushed those boys to do great things" giving him A sweet smile
Talking about school with negan was always a touchy topic. He runs a basketball team at the local highschool......thats also where he was cheating on me with one of the english teachers.
"She is out like a light... My sweet girl." Negan was running his fingers through ellies long red hair when he looked over at you realizing you had fell asleep on his shoulder too. Negan picked up ellie and took her to her bed and tucked her in when he came back you were slightly awake.
"Thank you..." You said tiredly
"For what baby..." He said in a low deep voice
"For dinner and taking ellie to bed...its hard doing it alone sometimes..." You began to feel really vulnerable and kinda felt unsettling with negan calling you baby
"Jack should be home soon he gets off late.." You raised up off the couch
"You want me to leave...." Negan asked with puppy dog eyes
"Negan....you have to go im sorry"
"Baby....you know i never meant to hurt you" negan pulled you back down to sit on the couch
"But you did.....what were you thinking....you ruined everything" you were a bit tipsy from the wine and your emotions were just flowing out of you
"I love you negan! And you threw it all away for some fucking teacher at your school!!" You began shoving him
"All you care about is yourself you are so fucking full of yourself...you think you are so fucking amazing!" Now gripping onto his shirt hitting him in the chest he quickly pulled you into a tight hug and you began crying uncontrollably onto his shoulder soaking his tshirt.
"Shhh....im here now i promise you i will do anything..i want to be back in ellies life full time again i miss my girls" negan started to get all choked up holding back tears
"I...i cant right now negan its too soon im still hurting so bad.....im trying to move on from this" wiping the tears away from your eyes
"I understand.....im never going to let you down again all i want is for you and ellie to have a good life even if im not in it"
He stood up pulling you with him he took you to the bedroom and layed you down in bed taking your shoes off for you and tucking you in before jack got back.
"Goodnight" he kisses you on the forehead and leaves
You woke up to ellie jumping and screaming on your bed you looked over to see jack sleeping next to you rubbing at his eyes.
"Good morning beautiful" he leans over and kisses you
"Goodmorning" you chuckled
"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Ellie jumped onto you
"Hi sweetheart mommy sees you" you squeezed her tight in a hug before getting up out of bed
Jack had already gotten up and hopped into the shower when his phone began to ring on his bedside table you eagerly went over and looked at who it was. A girl named Melissa was calling him you just brushed it off and joined him in the shower.
"Hey...." Slipping off your panties and hopping into the shower with him
"Whoa...hey" jack said shocked
You grabbed him by the face and began kissing him hard feeling the hot water stream down your back. He moved his hand down between your legs taking one finger and slowly slipping it inside of you moaning out gripping onto his dick starting to slowly pump it back and forth feeling it grow long in your hand. Before you knew it he flipped you around ramming his cock into you pumping back and forth into your dripping wet pussy. His grip grew tighter on your hip as he started going faster and faster untill you felt an emptyness from him pulling out.
"Im hopping out im gonna let you finish up in here" he slapped your ass and then hopped out and closed the bathroom door behind him
"What a disappointment....." You whispered to yourself as you scrubbed shampoo through your hair knowing that negan would of never left you hanging like that and would of lasted way longer. Turning off the water you coulf faintly here jack laughing and talking to someone over the phone you quickly dried off and opened the bathroom door.
"Who are you speaking to?" You asked slipping on some clothes
"Ohh just a coworker nobody really" he said putting his phone into his pocket and sliding his tie on leaving the room
"Okay then....." You said to yourself
Slipping your shoes on you walked into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee before jack headed off to work. Jack seemed super eager to leave for work today you just brushed it off assuming it was going to be a busy day for him at the office. He kissed you goodbye and took ellie with him to drop her off at daycare. It was just you alone in the house today which meant housework....gross.
You tied your hair up in a bun and began gathering your cleaning supplies you connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker blasting old rock songs. You were down on your hands and knees scrubbing at the floor in your short shorts when you were greeted by two feet infront of your face. You slowly looked up at who it was and it was negan with a huge dirty smirk on his face.
"This all for me doll?" He bit at his lip
"Oh....uh i planned on cleaning house today while everyone was out" you said shyly not realizing you were still on your knees
"I like you down there...on your knees" he slwoly chuckles
"Oh! Sorry....you cant just keep letting yourself in negan..." You quicly shot up to your feet
"You need me to help with anything?" He walks into the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee
"Ugh....The grass needs mowed......" You answered while wiping down the living room table
" jack doesnt mow grass?" Negan began laughing
"Negan...dont" standing there with your hands on your hips you sprayed him with the water bottle
"Hey!.....im just saying i figured young business boys couldnt mow grass anyway" negan walked outside and started up the pushmower.
An half and hour has passed and you finally finished the housework inside. You peaked out the window to see negan finishing up yard work...his shirt was off and he was all sweaty then jack suddenly pulls up causing you to stop gawking at negan.
"You always mow peoples grass" jack called out to negan getting out of the car
"Well, today i do. And maybe even next time...your girlfriend asked me to" negans jaw begins to flex
"Oh really...well" jack rubs at the back of his neck annoyed
"Dont think for a second that you have this all figured out......just setting some ground rules" Negan leans in towards jack and sternly says
Jack glared at negan as he walked past him to go insdie the house.
"Hi sweetie!" You greeted jack with a peck on his cheeck before stepping outside to speak with negan.
"I think you need to go...." You softly said to him trying not to stare at his sweaty toned bare chest
"Cmom doll.....things were getting fun. Jack is really starting to take a liking to me" he chuckles sliding his tongue across his bottom lip
"Negan....this isnt a game" you said picking up the gardening tools and taking them to the garage
"But i like games....and i always win" negan said in his cocky voice following behind you
You slammed down the shovel on the work bench in the garage before you knew it negan flipped you around lifted you up and and sat you ontop of the bench crashing his lips into yours he slid in between your legs grabbing a fist full of your hair yanking your head back as he began biting at your neck.
"Negan...." You moaned softly
"God i miss you moaing my name..."
"N....negan stop" it was so hard to resist him
"I want to have another kid with you....i want to fill myself insdie of you.....please baby" he tugged at your hair harder causing you to moan louder
The hairs on the back of your neck shot up after hearing what he had just said to you. You wrapped your legs tight around his waist and pulled him into you kissing him roughly biting and tugging at his bottom lip. You couldnt control yourself your body was weak negan always knew the right things to say. Negan took his two fingers pulling your yoga shorts aside to his surprise you weren't wearing any panties his finger began to play with your now swollen sensitive clit causing you to whimper out. He sucked on his finger making it wet before bringing it back to your clit gently flicking it faster and faster.
"Negan...im gon-
"(Y/n)...are you in here" jack called out from around the corner of the garage
"Oh shit!" You whispered to yourself before hopping off the work bench approaching jack
"Hey...im going to be going out of town on a business trip soon"
"Oh....well how soon?" You asked curiously
"Like...tonight soon" he quickly stated
"Oh...i see" your voice lowered
"I have to go baby i will keep in touch with you!" He kissed you before slow jogging to his car and leaving
A part of you didnt feel good about jack leaving for a "business trip" if thats really what it was.....something seemed off with him like he was hiding something. You stood from the garage watching him drive down the road untill you couldnt see his car anymore.
"Business trip huh....." Negan questioned walking up beside you
"Yeah...i suppose so" you said zoning out
Negan begins to chuckle and walk past you to his car.
"Wait were are you going!?" You yelled out to him
"Have to go pick up our daughter from daycare" negan calls out from the driver side
"Wait up im coming with you!" Jogging up to his black 1969 camero and hopping in the passenger seat
You,ellie and negan were back at the house when you were in the bedroom freshening up when you noticed jack had left his laptop on the dresser. Curiously you walked over and popped it open the screen automatically came on to his emails the very top email read from Melissa.
Hey jack we have that meeting tonight dont forget!😊 im also wearing that little tight dress you love.
You read the message over and over again the words ringing in your head making you feel sick to your stomach you slammed the laptop shut your body shaking full of rage and a adrenaline not knowing what to think or how to feel anymore. You just lay back on your bed zoning out up at the ceiling.
The door to the bedroom opens and its negan with a dirty smirk on his face looking at you layed out on the bed you just want to forget everything you want to feel numb you want to be made to feel dirty...
"Hey..." His deep tone giving you goosebumps
"Fuck me.....i want you to fuck me like the slut i am" you sternly said to him
Negan swiftly ripped his shirt off and yanked down your shorts spreading your legs apart bringing his tongue to your pussy licking your sweet folds brining his tongue down to your opening and all the way back up to your clit teasing you. You begin to grind up against his face while he pumps his cock hearing him moan only made you even more wet. He pulls his mouth away and flips you over slapping you on the ass hard the sting of it felt amazing he spanks you agains and a again before he enters his tip inside of you. Gripping onto the the bedsheets you have almost forgotten how big his cock is streching you open to fit perfectly insdie of you.
"Oh fuck.....god its so tight! You dirty fucking whore" he grunts slowly sliding more of his cock into you pulling your head back by your hair
"I miss you....i want you to fuck me hard..." You begin to rub your clit
Negan starts pumping his cock in and out of you his cock slowly swelling up inside of you and you squeeze down on him feeling all it all. He begins to move faster and faster leaning his face down to yours grabbing onto your throat squeezing it to let you feel that perfect high.
"Fuck...i...i cant keep going much longer" he starts fucking you faster and faster
"I want you to cum in me....please..i want your cum inside of me"! You beg
He lets out a load moan as he finishes inside of you and kisses you hard on the lips before pulling out letting his cum pour out of you all over the bedsheets. Negan pulls up his jeans as he hands you a towel to clean yourself up. You havent felt that amazing in awhile so relaxed and burnt off some built up rage
"All you have to do is ask and im here...." He whispers to you before leaving the room to go check on ellie. You get up from the bed to go take a shower.
"What am i doing......." You say to yourself
"Im so fucking stupid...." You begin to cry and sit with your knees pulled up to your chest in the tub feeling like a peice of shit after what you had just done. You are playing with negans emotions and stabbing jack in the back...what kind of girlfriend and mother am i.
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SuperChat September 1- Meeting/Cute
"You're lucky I love you Mari." Adrien said, leaning down to whisper in his adoptive sister's ear. Marinette snorted softly hiding her mischievous smile behind the champagne flute in her hand. "I hate these parties so much, but a promise is a promise. Everyone shall see your designs, modeled on my beautiful body." He let out a sniffle dabbing at his eyes dramatically. "Oh it's so hard being this beautiful, always taken advantage of even by my sister dearest." Marinette hit his chest gently with her hand as she struggled not to laugh.
Marinette had received an invitation to that Wayne's Charity Gala and knew this would be the perfect time to show off. Convincing Adrien to attend had taken a lot of sweets and bribery of buying him the latest gaming console. However he had agreed to come, so they were together at the Gala wearing Marinette's latest suit and dress combo. One she made sure was her absolute best. Adrien wore a navy blue suit with deep red tie and gold cufflinks. Marinette wore a deep red dress with a V-neckline and coordinating illusion mesh back. She had sewn chiffon on the shoulders and back in the same red that flowed to the ground forming a train. Together they made for a stunning couple and were gathering compliments all night, which amused the both of them greatly. Apparently it was unknown to Gotham high society that Adrien was no longer an Agreste but a Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien grinned at Marinette as she rolled her eyes he held up his champagne flute in a toast gesture to Marinette. "To making your dreams come true. I'm proud of you Princess, only twenty-three and one of the top names in fashion already." They tinked their glasses together and Adrien waited until Marinette took a sip before he spoke again. "Now if only you didn't use me to get there." Marinette turned sharply glaring at him and raised her arm to smack his shoulder. Adrien laughed loudly, moving back quickly only for her bad luck to kick up. He tripped over his own feet, he closed his eyes tensing up ready for the fall. Only for a strong arm to wrap around his waist catching him, the other one catching his champagne flute. Adrien opened his eyes wide in surprise, the first thing he noticed was stunning blue eyes, hidden behind askew glasses. He stared into the man's eyes unable to look away, until the man asked him a question. "I-uh. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I got lost in your eyes. '' Jon blinked down at the blonde in his arms, before snorting and helping Adrien stand up fully. He however did not remove his arm from Adrien's wasit.
"I really wasn't expecting that after saving you from ffalling.Do you use that on everyone that catches you?" Jon asked teasingly, his eyes sparkling. Adrien smirked, taking his champagne flute back from Jon.
"Only on knights with the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, so I've only used it twice." Jon quirked an eyebrow, leaning back slightly. Adrien was quick to note that Jon was a full head taller than him.
"Oh? So who do I have to be jealous of then?" Jon asked, and this caused Adrien to snort softly before taking a sip of his champagne finishing the flute.
"Well that would be my sister-in-everything-that-counts but blood. I still fimd it funny that she had the adoption papers ready before her parents even knew. She thw one that, ya know the very one that pushed me tonight." With that comment Marinette surged forward smacking Adrien in the chest repeatedly, yet descretly enough to not gain attention.
"Adrien Dupain-Cheng!" She whisper yelled, causing Adrien to tense and look at Jon.
"Uh-oh full adopted name." He whispered causing Jon to snort.
"I did not push you and you know that!" Adrien snorted grabbing her wrist gently and squeezing it slightly running his thumb again the back of her hand. "And don't think compliments will get you anywhere Mister! I did not forget what you said before you decided to be a clumsy kitten!" At that comment Adrien blushed slightly looking away as Jon smirked playfully at the nickname. Marinette turned to him smiling brilliant meeting his eyes, the smile and her eyes took his breath away. He could definitely understand that he stood under Marinette when it came to beautiful eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful mix of blue and grey, and if he looked close enough he was positive he'd find stars trapped in them. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'm this idiots sister-in-everything-that-counts but blood." He looked at Adrien then back at Marinette before going back to Adrien.
"I respectful take my spot as second in the pretty eyes category. Your sister-in-everything-that-counts but blood clearly has me beat. She definitely has me beat as most beautiful person as well." He said causing Marinette to blush slightly. "I would love to see who comes out in a contest between her and my practically older brother Dick." Adrien and Marinette looked at him quizzical, but Adrien was the one to voice it.
"Practically older brother?" Both him and Marinette struggled not to smirk as Jon rubbed the back of his head witb his free hand. Marinette noted the his arm was still around Adrien's waist, causing her to narrow her eyes and observe him more. Jon was quick to note the look her was gettimg amd cringed on the inside, it was the look that he had come to see the most. Considering his best friend's entire family was detectives, that look ment that Marinette would probably know all his secrets by the end of the night. Though he calmed himself assured that Marinette would not discover him in one night, thats something only the Batfamily could do.
"Well my best friend, Damian, I've known him for years and know his brother in turn. Dick is the oldest, he is labeld as the most beautiful, even out of his sisters. Jason and Tim are the ones that represent Gotham the most. Jason represents the streets where you fight to survive while Tim the weathy where you do everything you can to help. Cassandra is the Princess and follows in her father's charitable footsteps. Stephanie isn't adopted in like the others but she is known as the Prankster. Duke isn't adopted in either he is a ward but he is a part of the family, he is known as the most caring and compassionate always donating his time to charity. Damian is the youngest he was known in school to be an Ice Prince, but no one can deny he is his father's son with a sharper edge. He doesn't associate with people that aren't worth his time. Luckily I am worth his time, I wasn't at first!" Jon said with a cheerful laugh, Adrien blushed slightly adding beautiful laugh to Jon's attractiveness meter. Marinette and Adrien made eye contact having a silent conversation together, which reminded Jon of the Batfamily yet again. He glamced across the room at said family standing and laughing together, he could even see a real smile on Bruce's face as he looked at his kids. 'Maybe Bruce's has another kid he doesn't know about. It would fit black hair, blue eyes, and adoptive tendencies, oh Damian would not like to find out he may have a blood sibling.' Marinette gave Jon amd tight yet polite smile once their secret conversation was over.
"Well Jon, I'd love to talk more, but I spotted a dear old friend across the room. You wont mind keeping my brother entertained would you?" Adrien smiled brightly at her words amd turned to look up at him with kitten eyes.
'Why is he so pretty. Why are these too the essence of beauty, it like the were blessed by gods.' Tikki and Plagg shifted uncomfortably in Marinette's purse and shared a look that screamed, who is thinking of us. Jon spared a glance at Marinette's purse, before looking back at Adrien. He was a little confused on why he could hear breathing from her purse, but he pushed it to the back of his head.
"It would be stupid of my not to agree, although I must ask for a short interview efore you both leave for the night. Ah. I never fully introduced myself, Jonathan Kent, I work at the Daily Planet. I'd love to do a piece on M.D. clothing." Marinette and Adrien shared a look before nodding in agreement, and Marinette was off gracefully crossing the floor to Selina Kyle. Although he tensed up at her whisper that he had, at first, assumed was to herself. He was wrong when he realized she was talking to him. In seconds he was terrified of the beautiful women walking away from them. The women that had discovered his secret quicker than anyone before. Of course it would be months of him and Adrien dating until he finally admited how terrified of Marinette he was. Marinette only smirked at him sipping her coffee, as Tikki gave her chosen a proud look from her small chair on the table. However Jon would never give up his spot in their family. He loved Adrien, now he just had to gain the courage to propose to him.
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
Daminette arranged mariage au part 6
I thought the last one was part 6 but nope its this one
Marinette and Damian had had a great day at the park with Xander and Titus. Xander was so excited to see the "puppy" that he practically jumped from Marinette's arms.
They stayed at the park until it started getting dark after that damian went home to drop off titus and then they all went to McDonald's because it was Xander's favorite American food. When they were done eating marinette suggested damian come back to the apartment to watch "Onward" with them because that was Xander's favorite movie (it was shaping up to be a great day for this kid).
Halfway through the movie the toddler fell asleep so damian put him to bed and came back to sit with marinette. He had to admit this had been a wonderful day, but they had a lot to talk about.
Damian sighed, "we are never going to have a normal relationship, you know that right?"
"I went into this relationship knowing how it started" she replied turning to face him, "and I'm ok with it."
"Even though it wasn't your choice to marry me?"
"Dames the reason i came here to find you wasn't just to introduce you to Xander it was also because I love you." Those words ment more to him then she could even know. She still loved him even after all this time. He kissed her cheek smiling, she blushed as she continued "We didn't meet in the best circumstances but that wasn't your fault, and we were still able to have a relationship, and a son."
"Its just...you had to raise Xander on your own and I know you had Luka but I should have been there with you." He thought of all the things he missed, "I should have Held your hand at the hospital, helped you with the nursery, been there when he learned how to walk. I should have kept looking for you. But I didn't."
"You thought I was dead I understand how painful that can be. You were shipped back here with your father. You didn't have a choice how we met or when you left." She took a breath, "I know you would have been there if you could have."
"I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any doubts about our relationship," he tried to find the right way to farase it so it didn't sound too blunt, "because my father thinks you should meet my brothers." $#*! That was too blunt.
"Are you sure you want to tell them?" She said not seeming to mind his bluntness.
"If I don't tell them they will get suspicious and will probably figure it out on their own, mother made sure we couldn't get out of this easily so we are legally married. Its a wonder they don't already know, besides once they know then maybe you can come on patrol with us, I'm sure you missed it."
"Oh and we can spar again that will be so fun." She said clapping her hands together. "So when am I going to meet your brothers?"
"I was thinking you could come over for dinner tomorrow and if things go well then we can have Luka bring Xander over." He wasn't quite sure how Luka had so much free time but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. that was how that saying went, right?
"Are you sure you want to tell them you have a girlfriend/wife AND that you have a son I the same day?"
"My dad took it pretty well."
"Your dad doesn't show any emotions unless the media are around." She wasn't wrong.
"It'll be fine they might be surprised but at least it's not a bad surprise."
She snorted in amusement, "if you say so."
Damian woke up to the screaming of a toddler. As he opened his eyes in the bright light coming from the window he noticed that he was still at marinette's apartment, and that marinette was still asleep on the couch by his side. She scrunched up her face at the yelling and started to sit up until damian whispered, "mari you have been talking care of him for years let me take this one, go back to sleep." She groaned and rolled over as he got off the couch and walked to the little boy's room.
"Hey Xander what's wrong?" He said in his most Soothing tone.
Xander reached over the bed rail trying to reach something "I...t...truck.....*sniffle* c...can't reach.....and food....and mommy...."
"Hey its okay buddy here i got your truck," he said handing the little boy a green truck with a Robin symbol on the side. "mommy is right out there why don't we go see her ok?"
Xander nodded wiping his eyes and reaching up toward Damian. Damian lifted up the boy and put him on his hip like he had done it a thousand times. When they reached the kitchen marinette was already up making breakfast.
"I told you I could handle him." He said shaking his head.
"I know but I wanted to make you breakfast and pancakes are Xander's favorite." She said turning to the toddler in his father's arms, "Isn't that right baby?"
Xander nodded happily asking "syrup too mommy?"
"Yes, we can have syrup too, now let your dad put you in you chair and the pancakes should be done soon."
Marinette could hear damian struggling, After a moment he said, "Marinette can you help me? I can't figure out how to strap him in the chair." She smiled and walked over to help.
She wanted every morning to be like this. Waking up next to damian, him helping with breakfast and trying to figure out Xander's toys.
When all the pancakes were done marinette went to Luke's room to tell him it was time for breakfast and Damian cut up Xander's pancakes. Damian and marinette explained their plan to luka who agreed to watch Xander while they were at dinner. When they were all done eating damian said goodbye and that he would pick marinette up at 6 for dinner.
When he returned home around 10 Jason was confused not only because he hadn't seen damian since breakfast yesterday but also because he smelled like vanilla perfume. Which meant damian had been out with a girl. And had spent the night with this girl.
"So demon spawn were gave you been?"
"None of your business todd." He said in a tone not quite as angry as it usually would be.
"Really? Because I think you just don't want me to knowing you spent the night with a girl."
Damian's face turned red but he didn't deny it, "you will meet her at dinner with the rest of the family." He said leaving to make the arrangements with Alfred and his father.
Jason was perplexed, who had damian been out with and more importantly why was he just hearing about this now? Maybe he could do some snooping before dinner.
So i saw this post about how when you are writing you should write all the dialog first and then fill in the rest and you will get longer chapters and I think it works! If anyone wants to be tagged please ask me and ill put you on the list, and I still need help with how far apart all the boys are i think someone told me but I was dumb and didn't write it down, oops. anyway I hope you like this chapter! If you have any questions feel free to ask me and happy 4th of July to any Americans, happy traders day to the British and happy Saturday to everyone else.
@abrx2002 I love that you suggested Onward for the movie because its about a boy trying to meet his dad for the first time and thats kinda whats happening in the story
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rawritzrobin · 4 years
Angel Amongst Bats Chapter 11
Title: Angel Amongst Bats
Pairing: Jason Todd x Stella Covington (My OC)
Warnings: Cursing, past major character death, a little bit angsty, fluff.
Summary: Stella was getting used to living in this universe. Things were peaceful. But peace never lasts.
A/N: Wanna be on my tag list? DM me and let me know (:
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Hunted
“It’s been weeks!” Jason screams.
Jason, Tim, Dick, Bruce, Barbara, and Damian were all inside the Batcave. Tim was sitting at the meeting table staring at a blueprint of a building, a hot cup of coffee in his hands. Dick was doing pull ups on his dual gymnastic rings, while Barbara was on the other side of the training room doing sit ups. Damian was practicing his aim towards the back of the cave. Alfred was walking around with a feather duster, looking for things to clean.
He huffed, frowned, and crossed his arms in anger when he noticed no one was paying attention to his rant.
Jason was living in the manor with the others. Ever since Stella disappeared, he couldn’t bare to go back to his empty apartment. After he woke up from whatever Bruce drugged him with, Alfred offered him his old room at the manor and he didn’t hesitate to move in.
He looked like hell. His hair was undone, sticking out in various places. He had large bags under his eyes from many sleepless nights. He wasn’t eating, he wasn’t drinking. He spent the first 3 days breaking things around the house. After a stern talking to from Alfred, he focused all his energy into training, determined to get Stella back one way or another. He survived on supplement bars and shakes, only eating real food when Alfred deemed it “necessary for living”.
Bruce was sitting in front of the Bat computer starting intently at the screen. On the screen was Martian Manhunter, the Flash, and Zatanna.
“Give us a few more weeks. We are very close to narrowing it down. We are pretty sure we know which dimension she is in, but we want to be sure.” Zatanna said confidently.
“weeks ?! What if she’s in danger? Can’t you just starting sending me into the ones you think she’s in and have me look? I am sick of waiting around!” Jason screams at the computer.
Bruce interrupts his rant. “Let us know when you find the right one.” He says as he hangs up the call. Jason stares at Bruce with murder eyes.
Alfred, sensing conflict, steps in front of Bruce. “Master Jason, can you please help me with something upstairs?” He asks, pulling Jason away from the others. Alfred was always the only one who could calm him down.
“Are they really close to finding her?” Dick asks, approaching Bruce.
“We’ve dealt with dimension hopping before. Granted it was just The Flash who was able to travel through the dimensions. But I am fairly confident we will find her soon.” Bruce answers.
Just then there is a loud crash from upstairs. Dick winces.
“I hope so. I don’t know how much longer Alfred can distract him before he goes on a murder spree.”
———————— Stella felt better after talking with her mom, she always did. She avoided Bruce for the most part, sticking with Tim most of the time. He enjoyed the company since he told her Conner was off planet for a mission. She had come at the perfect time.
She went out with Alfred whenever she could. She enjoyed leaving the house and she loved helping Alfred with everyday things. It was one of those little pastimes she never got to do with her mom as a kid. They always had a nanny or a butler who would do everything for them. It was nice to be able to do the little things in life. Grocery shopping was her favorite. She loved looking at all the fresh fruits and vegetables and picking out the perfect ones.
Occasionally, Stella and Damian would head out to the dog park together with Titus. Stella learned fairly early on that he loved animals. Stella even took him to the Zoo on his day off from school. They shared a cotton candy together while Damian lead them around the park, telling Stella all the facts he knew about each animal. Stella made a mental note to take Damian behind the scenes of her marine animal park when she got back home.
She was starting to get used to living in this universe. The sad part was, she was slowly beginning to believe she would never go back.
What she didn’t know, was that Jason had been trailing her, ever since he saw her in the graveyard.
Jason had been following Stella for days.
He started by watching the entrance to Bruce’s estate. The manor itself was under high security, but the roads leading up to the manor were not. It wasn’t hard for Jason to plant cameras around the roads leading up to the house. Every time Alfred’s car pulled out, Jason would be on the move. To his surprise, “Stella” was always out with him. He even followed her around the Zoo one day. She managed to make the demon spawn laugh. Jason had never seen Damian laugh before in his entire life. He didn’t even know it was capable of emotion.
Today Jason followed them to the local shopping mall. It was about one in the afternoon. Alfred was weaving in and out of mens department stores, no doubt shopping for one of Bruce’s fancy parties. Jason scoffed at the idea of Bruce’s stupid gatherings.
Stella was dressed in a pair of tight gray jeans and a plain white off shoulder blouse. She was wearing a black beret and a pair of large fake glasses. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her back. She was as beautiful as Jason remembered. She was no longer a young teenage girl. A beautiful woman was now standing in front of him. His heart ached every time he saw her smile.
What he didn’t understand was how, and why she didn’t come looking for him if she was alive.
“Hey Alfred, I’m going to take a walk down to Gotham prep. Can you pick me up there later when you’re done?” Stella asks.
“Of course. I should be done in a few hours.”
“Thats perfect! We’re just so close to the school, and I wanted to see how the school has changed.” And to grab a milk shake at the local diner, she thought.
Alfred smiled at her. “Be careful.”
“I will. See you in a bit!” Stella says as she starts to walk away and waves goodbye to Alfred.
It was a brisk Fall day. A light breeze blew through the air. The sun shined lightly through a thin layer of clouds. Stella stretched out her arms and smiled. She put in a pair of earphones and put her hands in her pocket.
She was almost at the school, when she suddenly had a gut feeling that something was wrong. The street was completely void of people, which was normal for this time of day, but it was a little too quiet. She stopped her music, and listened to the sounds around her. She heard a pair of footsteps behind her. She slowed down, they slowed down. She sped up, they sped up. And when she stopped, they stopped as well. By the mirrored sounds of footsteps behind her, she knew she was being followed. She began to pick up her pace.
——————— Jason started following Stella as soon as she left Alfred’s side. She was headed in the direction of Gotham Prep. He kept his distance, about a block or so away.
The crowded streets of Gotham began to die down. Soon, it was just him and her. But as she passed a street corner, two people came out and started following her.
Jason tensed. He looked around the area and they were all alone.
He noticed Stella’s pace changing. First she slowed down, then went back to a normal pace, and then started speeding up. She knew she was being followed. It was a trick he taught her on how to test if someone was tailing you. He hoped that they would be able to make it into a more crowded area, but then Stella turned into one of the alleyways. Once she disappeared from their sight, the two figures started running after her. Jason took off after them.
Stella knew this alley lead directly to a street in a busy area. She would be safe once she got into a crowd. She made a sharp left turn as soon as she entered the alley. She could hear heavy footsteps behind her. Stella’s eyes widened when she saw the large fence straight in front of her.
“Shit, Shit, Shit.” She cried out. That gate was not supposed to be there. The alley was supposed to lead straight through to a big street.
When the hell did they put up this fence? Stella thought.
Her heart was beating a million beats per second. She ran straight into the fence and started to climb. She was about halfway up, when a pair of arms grabbed her hair and yanked her off the fence.
“Where you going babe?” The larger one asked in a creepy tone.
The shorter man grabbed Stella by the arm and she cried out in pain. His grip was painful and she knew she would have bruises after this. That is, if she she survives. She punched him with her free arm and he let go for a second. But in an instant, the second man shoved her against the wall and pressed his body into hers. Stella started fighting back and began screaming, but he covered her mouth with his hands.
“Feisty. What’s a pretty thing like you doing all by yourself?” The man asked looking her up and down, licking his lips.
“Should be a little more careful, you never know what kind of creeps are out here.”
Tears welled in her eyes as the other man started to lean in closer. She closed her eyes, not able to look at his face any longer.
Almost instantly she felt the pressure release. The man was violently ripped off her as she fell to the ground. She covered her face and braced for what was coming. But, nothing did. She heard sounds of fists connecting to skin, but none of it was aimed at her. Finally, the sound of two gun shots echoed through the walls, followed by silence.
She opened her eyes when it was quiet. She saw the two men’s bodies facedown on the floor, blood beginning to pool around them. She noticed another pair of boots standing over the bodies. She looked up and her eyes widened.
“Are you okay?”
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
Five Years
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Paring: Jason Scott X Reader Words: No clue but here you go! Fandom: Power Rangers
A/N: So in this, the reader takes the place of Tommy Oliver as the Green Ranger. Also I think I might do a pt 2 to this if people like it enough 
Ten years. It had been ten years since you and your friends had found the stones and saved Angel Grove and ultimately the world. Five years you were the defenders of Earth in a sense, stopping any and all threats from other worlds that came against it. Five years that you gave up your normal lives to take care of other people...then the next generation rose and you were free. 
When you gave up the stone to the next Green Ranger you were 22 years old. You stayed around and helped train everyone but once they didn’t need you anymore...you left town and didn’t look back. 
Settling down in a small town in Maine had never been on your list of things to do, but that was before you met Caleb. He was nice, normal and had no idea of the horrors of the universe that you had seen. Something you craved. Dating for the longest time he had eventually asked you to marry him. So at 27 years old you were two months away from the wedding of your dreams and you couldn’t of been happier. 
Standing in the kitchen, you nodded your head to the classic rock song that was softly playing on the radio. Dinner was on the stove and you were looking over the paperwork from your legal job that you had been at for two years. A new client was in trouble and you were coming up with ways to help that didn’t involve him going to prison. 
“Hey babe, someone is here to see you.” Caleb said poking his head around the corner. “Says that he is an old friend of yours?”
Your hair popped up as your brow furrowed. No one really knew you were up here except your parents, and you didn’t think they would give your information out. Not wanting to worry your fiance you put a smile on your face and followed him. 
You knew him even before he had turned around. Five years had gone by and he still looked just the same. Blonde hair that was a little longer than you remember, fell into his eyes. His stance was one that you had memorized inside and out so you could always know where you needed to be when he needed you. His crystal  blue eyes still had that sparkle that you hadn’t seen in forever. 
Jason Scott was standing in your living room and you couldn’t breath. 
“Hey Y/N/N” He said softly with a smile. Caleb looked at you and at the smile you had as you shook your head. 
“Jason Scott as I live and breath. Caleb this is a old friend Jason...Jason this is my fiance Caleb.” You said as you tried to calm your voice. Jason would only be here for one reason ..and that reason wasn’t a good one. Turning to Caleb you touched his arm. 
“Honey I forgot a few things at the store, can you go grab them for me? I’ll text you a list.” You said praying he would do it without asking. Caleb nodded as he smiled. 
“Yeah, I need to run there anyway for some stuff tomorrow.” Thanking him you gave him a quick kiss and watched him leave as you listened for his car to drive away. 
Walking further into your living room, you sat down on the couch and looked anywhere but at Jason. Meanwhile he never took his eyes off you. You had matured more since he saw you, your long hair was down to your waist now instead of the shoulder length that he was used to. You still continued to pick at your cuticles though, something that he learned long ago you did when you were nervous or stressed. 
“Jason, why are you here?” You finally asked breaking the silence. The last time you saw him was the night that you guys finally let the new team take over. With a kiss and a goodbye he never saw you again. 
“The kids are in trouble..they need our help.” He said slowly. 
The kids. That’s what you called them because that’s what they were. The youngest Ranger had been 15 when you found him, and it broke your heart. His childhood was gone, the days of not having a care in the world was no more.
“What are you talking about....they are fine.” You said quietly even though you knew it wasn’t true. As the years went by Alpha 5 became more advanced and he had started contacting you....but every time you ignored him. Eventually the tries stopped and you figured all was well, you thought wrong. 
“Y/N, they are in serious trouble. This is something thats never been faced before and for some reason they aren’t able to do this alone. Zordon thinks if we-”
“Fuck Zordon.” You said standing up, your voice raising. “Fuck him and his plans.” You say as you start pacing the room. “We were part of his plan for five years. Five years we gave up our lives to the greater good Jason. He promised us that we would be free finally...and now he wants us to just give up our lives and jump right back in?”
“Hey, hey look at me. I know your angry, but we are still Power Rangers Y/N and we still have a duty and obligation to help when we are needed.” He said looking at you. Spinning around you crossed the distance between you. 
“I am getting married in two months. Married to a man who is kind and loving and...and normal.” You said. You noticed the look in his eyes and continued. “I left that part of me behind in Angel Grove the day we passed the stones over.” 
“Yeah I know, you left me along with it.” The blonde man had said bitterly. You and Jason had become a thing and it continued through every battle, every hardship, ever memory. It was all Jason. 
“I had to. I loved you Jason....but I couldn’t have any part of that life with me anymore if I wanted to be happy. And I can’t go back to it now. Not when i’m so close to being normal again.” You whispered as you closed your eyes. Feeling hands wrap around yours, your E/C eyes opened and you looked into the blue ones that you had fell in love with . 
“Y/N/N they need us. And we need you.” Jason spoke softly as he reached up and wiped a tear away from your cheek. Shaking your head you backed away. 
“I’m not that girl anymore Jason. I can’t just drop everything in my life and go fight aliens again. I can’t keep doing this.” You said crossing your arms. “I’m sorry.”
Sighing, Jason shook his head. “You know when you left I figured you would still always be that girl that I fell in love with. The girl that helped anyone in need, the girl who would put someone’s life above her own. The girl who fought to be the Green Ranger and be the team that we had created. But I guess that person isn’t here anymore.” 
“People change Jason.” You said as you watched him walk towards the door. He opened it and stood there with his hand on the knob as he opened it. 
“Yeah, I just never thought you would.” 
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pseudonymfox · 5 years
A lifetime
@Modern!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: We fall in-Love with 3 People in our lifetime… Each one for a specific reason.
Warnings: fluff, character-death, loss, emotions, anger, first love
A/N: It’s this accounts second birthday and here something to celebrate it YAAAY. Thats also gonna be a mini series ;) Tags are open!
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First love: This love happens at a young age. You eventually grow apart or call it quits over silly things. When you get older you may look back and think it wasn't love. But the truth is, it was. It was love for what you knew love to be.
His name, Bucky Barnes. Childhood friends and neighbors thanks to your families since moving to Brooklyn at the age of three. You grew up and spend most of your time together, it was just natural for you to be something more at one point as your parents like to say. Both of you didn't saw that, of course until it was almost too late. But let's get back to the beginning... 
As you sat there in the background of the main dancefloor, looking down at all the students dancing together, some of them mixing liquor secretly into their drinks, shy freshmen standing awkwardly around, the popular girls who are probably gossiping about everything that gets into their sight and then there's you who sits further away with no date while waiting for your friend who even tho has a date doesn’t show up or respond to your texts. 
Bucky was even the one who convinced you to come and have fun with him and his date, basically as the third wheel. 
Neither him or you were really like fitting in any of the typical groups and as Sadie, the leader of the cheerleader team suddenly asked him to be her date, Bucky of course said yes, even after you told him she was just trying to make fun of him.
Not wanting to wait longer, you just got up as you saw perfect little Sadie enter the hall. All alone, so you walked her way. 
"Where's Bucky?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. She immediately looked you up and down. 
"Oh Bucky..yeah. I got asked out last second by Jason so I went with him." Sadie told you. "And you told Bucky right? Where is he?" 
"I guess he just figured that out himself. I don't know where he is and I don't care either" she said as it wasn't obvious enough before moving out of your sight and bumping not so innocently into you making you stumble to the side. 
Thinking that he must be at home, you walked out of the hall and went straight towards home in your way to uncomfortable heels. At least it didn't take you that long otherwise you would have taken the train. 
Much to your surprise Bucky sat outside waiting as if Sadie would still come around. It hurts to see him like this. 
“Shouldn’t you be at school?” he asked before giving you even a chance to say something. “I could ask yourself ask you that too” you chuckled, trying to lighten up his mood a bit. 
"I mean it (Y/N). Get back to school, at least one of us should enjoy it" he got off the stairs and back in the building. 
"I am not going back there if you are not there either. It's stupid anyway so why don't we do something instead?" With these words he stopped and turned hesitant to you, but also with excitement in his eyes. 
"Wait right there for a second" he said and rushed inside. Rolling your eyes you rubbed your arms up and down, it began to get kind chilly but before you had to stand there any longer, Bucky came back out again swirling a pair of keys around his fingers and a slight smirk on his lips. You knew these keys which worried you which Bucky should be too. 
"Bucky your dad.."you sighed concerned. His father wasn't the nicest Person, especially not Bucky. It's scary to meet him sometimes and he always tried to cut things short with him before his father would find a new reason to throw a fit. 
"It's going to be fine. Let's make this a good night's. Just the two of us" Bucky convinced you, but you were still wary. For a good reason. 
"But you dad. We both know what-" you stopped as this silly shushed you and held his hand over your mouth. 
"No 'buts'. Just get in the car (Y/N). If I destroyed your homecoming than at least let me make it up for it" he pushed you back around and opened your car door waiting for you to get in. Which you did and soon after you found yourself outside the City. The big skyscrapers disappearing in your mirror and the sky getting cleared up so you actually got to see stars which was so rare if you didn't get to do these kinda road trips as often as you wished it to be. One of a few more reasons to get out of there if you have the chance. 
"Why so far off Bucky. Did you secretly plan this?" You chuckled as turning your head back to him. 
"Maybe I did think that I didn't had to be one this homecoming dance all night long and take someone special out here who I knew would like it out of special reasons" he winked your direction, eyes switching from you and the street a couple of times. If you only knew Bucky thought to himself. While all you could think about Sadie not even deserving a single bit off of him. 
"I know you hate to hear this, but she is not worth it like at all. If I had the self confidence I wish I had then I would have beat this bitch up" you said, throwing both of you in a fit of laughter, that you made forgot the world with him. Driving off the main street you found yourself on a rather uneven road with nothing but fields surrounding it until Bucky hit the breaks, stopping the car which was a rather older truck that seemed to barely hold on to life. "Now? Is it your plan to kill me out here because of what I did to you years ago.." you joked with him in a deeper voice as if it was a old movie.
"Dork" he replied with a grin before jumping out and onto the back of the truck. Following right after him you stayed rather on the ground watching what he wanted to do next. 
"Care to join?" He asked after scattering some blankets onto the ground, holding his hand out to you and pulling you up to him. 
"And then he took that knife from behind his back-" joking again, he cut you off with a shoulder bump. Sitting down crossed legged you watched Bucky laying down and watching the sky turn colors from the orange, red sunset in the dark night, stars popping up here and there to light up the sky a bit. 
"I'm really sorry about today Buck" you laid off your silly attitude and tried to be serious at least for now. 
"Not your fault (Y/N). I didn't wanted to come in the first place remember. Don't remember why I changed my mind in the first place" he sighed out, one hand under his head and one at his side holding your. 
"Cause I wanted you to be there. See it's kinda my fault. I just wanted both of us to remember this kinda stuff" He probably didn't think about stuff like you did, but along some of your circumstances, you tried to make your school time somewhat nice for the both of you. "What kinda stuff do you mean?" Bucky said a bit quieter this time, turning his head to you. "You know..the usual stuff. What other normal people do. We just don't have that, no friends, we don't do clubs after school, no getting drunk or getting invited to anything" 
Maybe you ranted a bit too much but school is hard and life outside school is harder. Bucky sat up now, releasing this is not you joking around with him and that you spoke this with honesty. 
"What is so wrong with this. Not perfect, but who cares and we don't need that either" he told you making you look back up while holding your hands in his. Now you never really thought much about the little things, but it showed you more and more that there might be more to that friendship with him. Inching closer you wanted to take the next step, giving yourself a kick to kiss your best friend "because we have each other?" Mocking him a little too much, Bucky went to stand up again. 
Great job you thought to yourself. 
"We should go now. Don't wanna be late. My dad has work soon" he sighed out going back inside and starting to drive back home. 
Bucky didn't like to show it much, but he got nervous around his dad, knowing how he can be and what he can be. His knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel too tight, overstepping the speed limit just a tiny bit, all these details showed his fear. As he parked the car you both practically jumped out the car. Pacing back inside. 
"Bucky if..I mean if something happens, you come over alright?" you stuttered out before he could go back inside, not wanting him to be late, but you need to remind him that you're there for him even if he knew that. 
"I know. Thank you for tonight (Y/N)" bucky kissed your cheek. 
"I should thank you Buck" you could only reply before you both went inside your homes. Still worry lacing thoughts, you tiptoed into your room and got into bed as soon as possible for a good night sleep and well deserved rest after saying a quick apology to your parents. 
And in the middle of the night you woke up by the slight background voices, yelling and other loud noises that didn't sound too far off. Standing back up from your bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to look what is going on in the hallway, even if you had a bad feeling about what it could be as the voices got clearer. 
"Don't you dare come back inside!! If I am losing my job because of you than you might as well be the one who takes care of that family!!" you understood now and heard the familiar voice yelling. 
A quick look outside you wanted to check things, but with shock you saw Bucky is sitting outside his door. 
"Bucky?" You asked softly, but as he turned to your voice coming the hallway you noticed his bruised eye, cut on the cheek and lip. Blood running down the side of his face. With that you got outside and walked up to him. 
"Oh my god Bucky.." you whispered and hunched down to him. 
"It-It's fine" he whimpered a bit, shaken up and hurt. That was by far not the first time. His mother was a sweetheart, but to scared to do something. Having enough of sitting there you helped him up and took him to your place. Your parents knew about that, but never really said anything. Sitting him down on your bed you returned from the bathroom with your first aid kit and a some frozen peas to cool it. As you stitched him and cleaned the blood off of him you were the first one to say something again. 
"I shouldn't even let you go back inside there" you told him silently. 
"You don't have to think that everything is your fault" he stopped your hand from holding the peas onto his face that started to slightly burn. 
"We should go to bed now. Let's talk tomorrow alright" you asked him, but he only hunched over and laid back under the covers, you beside him with your eyes already dropping not being fully there anymore until Bucky just got closer and kissed you. Wincing a bit as his face stings. Somehow with everything going around you, careless and abusive parents, no friends, school barely surviving. This was the only thing that felt really right. 
Bucky was and always is your best friend. The one you could trust no matter what. Since that night somehow it didn’t really change much besides the actual couple stuff and spending even more time together if that was even possible at that point. It’s both of your last year in school and you talked about what happened afterwards since you got accepted at a college in atlanta and Bucky wanted to stay home and help his family out since his Mom got sick and can’t work anymore. You’ve been understanding but what he didn’t know is that you are scared for what might come. New York isn’t just around the corner if you would wanted to keep this upright. Of course it's not just the relationship, it’s your whole friendship. There wasn’t anyone else like Bucky for you. 
“I have a present for you” Bucky came in your room with an envelope in his hands. He looked way to excited as he gave it into your hands waiting for you to open it. 
“Did I forget some special day if yes, then since when do we do that?” you asked suspiciously. Opening it you saw a flight ticket towards New York. It made you rather emotional than happy.
“We haven’t talked about it yet but we gotta at some point and I am fully in this relationship if you are too” 
“That was so cheesy, you hated that didn’t you?” you laughed with a quiet sob, not holding your emotions in really well.
“Yes I did but I showed you where I am standing. I also got myself a ticket to Atlanta so we can switch things up” he said showing the other ticket in his pocket.  “It’s going to work (Y/N)” 
You hugged each other with a following kiss and that gave you some kind of hope.
This sadly not everlasting last year came to an ending. All your stuff was already packed up in boxes and on it’s way to your dorm thanks to your parents who told you they would drive down there themselves while you are waiting for your flight with Bucky by your side. Time to say goodbyes.
“I think that is the longest we won’t be able to see each other” you have been crying multiple times before so you tried to stop that but tears kept coming the whole last week. 
“We said no more crying alright? Just a few months. We can do this” Bucky said but his eyes were also red and his cheeks stained. Nothing helped this right now and neither did as your flight was called up.
“Time to go. See you soon alright. Call me when you landed.” he kissed you another time trying to make it last forever until you had to cut it off to catch a breath. 
“I love you Bucky” you said with another peck on his lips. 
“I love you too (Y/N)..so much” he hugged you tight before you went to walk away, looking another time back to him with a big smile on your faces to comfort each other as you walked to the doors. 
College was harder than you thought and getting really into this life might be almost harder, you had a roommate but she was not really open minded to making new friendships. One time she punched a hole in the wall cause something was wrong with the pizza she ordered. Classed kept you from anything really. Sleeping, eating, calling your boyfriend or getting some time for yourself. Bucky on the other side found himself a job and couldn’t call you as much as you both liked too. If you had the time it wasn’t long and you didn’t know what to say sometimes. It was mostly complaining about your life and problems. It brought back the fear you had as you left which turned into anger that added to your thousand other problems. One day as you were in class, Bucky called which was surprising since he worked normally at this time and he knew you classes at this time of the day. It must have been urgent you thought and went outside with your stuff as quick as possible and took the call. “Bucky? Shouldn’t you be working?” you asked waiting in front of the door hoping to get back inside, not wanting to fall behind in every single class.
“Uhm it’s George, listen I don’t know why he didn’t call earlier but tomorrow is Winnies funeral. She passed a few days ago..” Bucky’s dad told you over the line, out of shock you almost forgot to reply. How could he not tell you that? But that didn’t matter right now. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that sir. I’ll be there of course. Thank you for letting me know”
“No problem. I’ll send you the info. See you then” were his last words before hanging up. It took you a moment to realise all of this. His Mother always treated you as you were a part of this family. So nice and respectful didn’t even your parents treat you. Your last two classes have been hell and you could barely concentrate on any of the subjects. As soon as you got back to the dorm you packed a bag and went to the airport trying to get the next flight with one of Bucky’s tickets. Luckily one was right on time so you would land in New york in time and you did but the traffic there was as always horrible. Cursing at the cab driver a couple of times actually helped as he practically threw you out at the church where the funeral is getting held. Scurrying down the path you saw them already walking away, cursing under your breath you could punch a tree right now. Bucky still didn’t turn around and his father only gave you a slight nod as he walked also past you. Taking that as a hint you walked carefully up to him. “Bucky..” you said not even getting out as secure as you thought your voice would be. Turning with widened eyes towards the sound of your voice you could see the hurt written all over his face and body language. There weren’t words that came to either your minds as he took a big step towards you, who took him in a big hug as he sobbed quietly in your shoulder. Standing there for a while you just enjoyed each other presence giving him as much time as he needed and wanted. 
Later on you sat down with him a little bit away on a bench. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Bucky. I mean I know it got worse with her the last month and that might be not the right time to talk about that but.. I just thought we can talk about that?” you asked him.
“I just couldn’t think about anything and you just haven’t been there” he said and let go of your hands. 
“What? I mean I understand but just because I am not here doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me or I am out of this world” you tried not to get it to your head and take that with respect towards him. 
“Yes it does (Y/N). I don’t know if you noticed but since you have been in Atlanta, everything went straight downhill and you can’t tell me that everything stayed how it is. It’s just not the same” Bucky raised his voice a bit and each of that words cut into your skin making you almost think it’s your fault what happened. Thinking that it’s just been a harsh few months for him you tried to comfort him some more by just simply holding his hand but something in him snapped with your next words. “I understand Bucky-” you could only brought out. 
“No you don’t understand, you don’t! Why did we think that works out so well?” he stood up, pacing up and down in front of you. 
“You were the one who gave us this hope by buying the tickets?” you snapped back at him. “I mean the whole relationship. Why destroying the friendship when we knew about college and all of that” Bucky started to yell at some point.
“Don’t say that because you don’t mean that!” you replied trying to calm him. 
“But it’s the truth. Tell me why we did that? Couldn’t have stayed the same because that would make it much easier. It was all so silly..” he swallowed hard, realising how wrong the words might sounded and with this you understood, even you told yourself the whole time that this was only the circumstances right now. But that simply went too far.  
“Then I am going to make that much easier for you since I am that much of a pain in the ass. Hope you never have to see me again” you threw the flowers you bought at him and left. Never looking back again you told yourself.
Everyone keeps thinking the first love is the one forever until it breaks your heart for the first time. Later you will eventually learn the true meaning behind this...
Feedback appreciated!
Tags: @escapetheschackles / @racheo91 / @haru-ririchiyo / @memory-of-a-goldfish / @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe / @learisa​
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fandomscross · 7 years
Jughead Jones Imagine
Description: You’re Archies little sister who had moved away with your guys mom for a while but decided to come back to Riverdale. You run into an old bully from the past, and you start to develop feelings for Jughead.
“Mom, I’ll be fine. Dad and Archie are there, and you know I don’t like the city.” You said as you’re mom hugged you one last time in front of your house.
“Y/N hunny, I’m worried about the town not them. Please be safe and stay with Archie.” She said hugging you again.
“Alright, alright! Now go, you’ll be late for work tomorrow if you don’t leave now.” You said shooing her to her car. She got in a gave you a wistful look and drove away. You turned to your old house and breathed in the air of Riverdale. Your home. You would eventually get out of their but not in Chicago and not with mom. You grabbed your bags and climbed up the steps and opened the door. Before you could even close the door 2 arms wrapped around you tightly.
“Y/ N I missed you so much, I’m so glad your home, and it just-” Archie rambled. You were having a hard time breathing, so you patted his shoulder. “Oh, sorry. I’m just so excited you’re home.” He said. You smiled, at your now BIG brother. He had gotten a lot stronger since you last saw him, more muscles and now is a good 4 inches taller then you.
“Y/ N!!” You heard dad say hugging you. His clothes smelled of saw dust and rain. Riverdales home scent.
“Welcome home.” He said, and you could feel he was tearing up.
The 2 days that followed consisted of registering you for school, and getting supplies for school as well and putting things together in your room. You flopped down on a chair and sat playing on your phone, when a knock came on the door. Archie opened the door, and let Jughead in. You and Archie were in the same grade because you skipped a grade, and well, now you were with him. Archie was welcoming him in when Jughead saw you.
“Y/ N? I thought you moved to Chicago-” You stopped him. “I hated it and it was not ment for me anyways. How are you?” You asked hugging him really quick.
“Good, hey, um, I got to go talk to Archie about some, uh, boy stuff. I’ll see you later.” He said running upstairs to Archies room. You sighed and flopped back on the couch.
Jugheads POV
A summer can change everything. 2 or 3 summers can change a person entirely, and that’s exactly what it did to Y/N. She no longer was a short, little girl. She had changed quit a bit. She had grown about 2 inches, and lost a lot of baby fat. She was beautiful then and he thought so, but now, shw was gorgeous. The city had taken that little girl. She now was curvy, her face more defined, her hair lighter from the sun and longer. Her eyes seemed to have sparkled in a new way. Lost in how beautiful she was I just panicked and left for Archies room.
“Jug, tell me about Jasons murder.” He asked. I needed to distract myself with this…
~A few hours later~
The night had come, and Betty, Veronica, and I had all meet at Pops, and were waiting for Archie. Her face was just in my head, and I couldn'tstop thinking about it.
“Jug, you alright?” Veronica asked me snapping in front of my face. I sighed and drummed my fingers on the table.
“Nothing, just lost in thought..” I said as the through the door, the Andrews siblings walked in.
“Well, well, well, who is this lovely lady?” Veronica said scanning Y/N up and down. This is going to be an interesting night.
Archie invited me to go to Pops with him to meet his friends. Mom and you had moved away your 6th grade and now am back after 3 years. We walked into Pops and saw Betty and Jughead at a table, and a raven haired girl.
“Well, well, well, who is this lovely lady?” She asked looking you up and down.
“Hey guys, Veronica, this is my little sister, Y/N.” He motioned to you. You smiled and then slide into the booth next to Jughead, and Archie after me.
“Oh, my, god, Archikins, how could I not have known you had a sister?!” She exclaimed. You laughed and answered for him.
“I lived with our mom for 3 years in Chicago. I wished to come home.” You said. After she reacted to it, you ordered a milkshake when your phone went off. You had a yext from Jughead.
‘Hey, you seem nervous, you alright?’ You smiled a bit at the text.
‘You still have this number? But, I guess I’m okay…’ You sent the text. He read it next to you and nodded.
‘What’s wrong?’
'I haven’t been home in 3 years and I feel unwelcomed and just interfering with everyones life…’ He sighed and then rubbed his hand on his leg.
'Y/N you are always welcomed here. If you get to nervous you can hold my hand.’ You read that and felt warmth go through your chest.
“Oh. My. God. Is that Y/N?!” You hear from a voice you hadn’t heard in years, and were personally freaking out. You grabbed Jugheads leg, just because his hand wasn’t there. Memories flooded your head. You squeezed his leg as hard as you could to try and forget everything happening in your head. Here, now at your table was Cheryl Blossom, your nightmare from the age of 8, when she decided you were her next victim.
“You’re home?! Welcome, welcome of course! You’ll be at the practice for the-” Cheryl was cut off by Archie.
“Yes, she’s home but you are not welcomed around her Cheryl.” Achrie said simply and she gave a hurt look then laughed.
“Oh Archikins, I KNOW you don’t think thats gonna happen! Well, enjoy your milkshake.” She said looking you up and down. You squeezed Jugs leg so hard you wouldnt be surprised if he had a bruise. He had now put his hand over yours and was rubbing little circles around on it with his thumb. You automatically covered your stomach at her comment. You realised your hand from Jugs leg.
“I’m sorry, I have to, uh, take a breath, outside.” You said practically pushed Archie out of the booth. You felt suffocated and like a deer in the headlights. You walked quickly outside, and got outside. She was sitting in her car. You saw her face was turned and sprinted down the road until you were at least a mile away. Your heart was pounding so hard you hadn’t heard the footsteps behind you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” A voice you hadn’t expected, Jughead. You also hadn’t noticed that you started crying.
“Hey, hey, what happened?” He asked sweetly wiping away your tears.
“She, she, was my-my childhood bully. She tormented me and I-I haven’t seen or had any of those-” He shushed you by covering your mouth with his hand.
“Look at me. You are okay. She will not hurt you, and stop thinking of that. Let me walk you home.” He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
Walking home, Jughead had wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Your house was wmpty but you still felt panicked. Jug could feel it, but you didnt want to bother him anymore.
“Thanks Jug, I mean, I’m fine, I’m just going-” Jug cut you off, “I’m staying.” He said simplying walking upstairs with you. You sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
You felt paranoid, and just wanted to keep it off your mind. You didn’t know what to do.
“Hey, let’s go to bed, you need rest. I’ll stay with you till you fall asleep. I’ll stay in Archie’s room so he doesn’t flip.”
You smiled and laid down in his arms. You could get used to this.“Good night.” He said softly and kissed your forehead.
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hooschist-blog · 7 years
because for some reason people actually don't notice these things
((please correct me if any of these are wrong))
*reasons annabeth chase isn’t a one sided character and sometimes acts the way she does* - annabeth grew up in a house hold with not the best influences in her house (step mother) - she felt so awful by the age of 7 that she ran away from home (when she met luke and thalia) - she had to learn how to fight young to survive because luke and thalia couldn’t always protect her and had trouble trusting anyone - one of her best friends was killed and she was in a brand new place and didn’t know anyone - at the age of 12 luke betrayed her and she had to deal with losing the other person she had known for years - when she was 13 she had to come to terms with the fact that being a cyclops wasn’t bad and in a way try to accept the fact that one killed thalia - when she was 14 she had to literally hold the sky up (percy did too, but she did longer if i remember) - at 15 she walked through the labyrinth (yes percy did too but we’re focusing on annabeth) - at 16 she took a dagger for percy - and she had to watch luke die - at 16/17 she was given another quest to save the world while she was missing her best friend/boyfriend - she went through tartarus at the same age - annabeth chase is a strong character who has had and still has problems and has been through a lot in her life. she learned to be independent when younger and is trying to over come that and accept help in what she does. sometimes she can be cold and sometimes she can be a little touchy but she’s trying and i can name a million male characters way worse than how she is. she is working on developing who she is as a person and people need to stop bringing her down because they fetishize gay people.
*reasons piper mclean isn’t a one sided character and sometimes acts the way she does*
- growing up she was ignored a lot and had to do things to get her dad attention - because her dads famous there were probably quite a few people who pretended to be her friend for her dad - whenever she accidentally used her charmspeak no one believed her - yes okay ‘you just gave me this car’ can be unbelievable but i mean come on even her dad wouldn’t try to understand - when she ggot to wilderness school the only person she had was leo - she met a boy named jason and then found out every memory she had with him was fake - they had something and it was ripped away from her - she ended up in a place with a mom who she didn’t want - suddenly everyone expected that she was girly - no she didn’t wear dresses and makeup. she had nothing against them, they just weren’t her thing - with almost no experience she had to go on a quest to save the goddess who fucked with her, leos, and jasons memories - she had a chance to tell her dad about the world of greek gods and goddess’s and have him realize why she did the things she did but didn’t because he would have gone crazy - she then trained and went on a quest to save the world - she went through so much and still supported her friends and rebuilt her relationship with jason - she is a strong character who worked hard to get where she is and wants to keep improving. she can seem a little touchy or even clingy sometimes but she’s just scared to lose people. she doesn’t want people to ignore her or act like she’s not there. you can’t boil her down to 'she’s aphrodites daughter who is self centered and clingy and uses her charmspeak against everyone even though its canon that she hates that but whatever i’m gonna ignore that.’
*reasons hazel levesque isn’t a one sided character and sometimes acts the way she acts*
- when she was alive on the 1940s her mom worked with gaia - she pretty much hated the half god part of her because of her gem powers and what they did to people who got them - sammy - (i can’t 100% remember how hazel died to p l e a s e correct me if this is wrong) but she had to basically kill herself and her mother to stop gaia back in the 40s - when she came back to life she had to get used to a completely new generation of people and customs - she still hated her powers and only told one person (nico) about her past because she was scared - she slowly worked harder to become stronger and still wasn’t given much credit for it - she was then sent on a quest to save the world after the events of the son of neptune - she had to deal with the whole leo and sammy thing - she acts supportive and sweet and kind because she knows people need her - but thats not all she is - because she can be strong and terrifying - all in all hazel levesque is a strong, sweet, and kind character who works hard and has trust and/or abandonment issues. she is trying to improve who she is and get over her past. she is forgiving herself for things that were out of her control and is coming to terms with who she is as a person and is accepting herself.
*over thoughts and summary*
i might get into other female characters in another post (reyna, calypso, rachel, etc) but i thought i would start with annabeth, hazel, and piper. personally i think the reason a lot of people try to discredit these three and say they’re one sided characters who are like every other stereotypical girl because they’re not (this post was inspired by an ask i got from an anon who said i shouldn’t ship piper with jason and leo because she’s a boring character who is like every other female character. i ignored it and deleted it last night but was thinking about it all today so here this is). i think what it is is people (specially girls, i’m not saying all girls, but a small group of them) fetishize gay people and two males being in a relationship. the main people i see doing this act like they’re aren’t stereotypical male characters. they act like male characters don’t do anything wrong and can be forgiven for everything (luke and stabbing himself) and think if a female characters who do minor things and can never be forgiven for it (annabeth being cruel towards tyson at first because thalia was killed by a cyclops, but eventually warmed up and started liking him and was nicer towards him). we need to stop erasing all the things these three have been through and start realizing that they have back stories that exist too. please stop erasing them to idolize male characters who have been through the exact same thing because you like fetishizing being gay.
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Request: Can I request a Cheryl/reader where everyone thinks you were dating Jason, while you were actually dating Cheryl, maybe both of you comforting each other? Or like announcing that you’re both together? basically like you and her becoming a power couple/comforting each other
This is set during season 1, just so you don’t get confused!
“Cheryl?” Your voice echoes around the empty locker room, the quietness of the room sends a chill up your spine as you walk further in. “Babe. Are you in here?” You ask softly and look around. Cheryl and the rest of the vixens had been in the middle of cheering on the Bulldogs when she ran off. Everyone had been confused, however you were concerned. You knew she wasn’t handling the death of her brother as well as she told everyone, and neither were you. 
Jason had been your best friend since you could remember. Even though he was a year older and completely different to you, you had been friends ever since you met. He had been the first person you came out to and he promised he would take the secret to his grave until you were ready to come out to everyone. You had laughed when he first said it, replying with ‘i’m not gonna be in the closet forever’, however now it had a different meaning. And you hated it.
A small sniffle from the corner of the room pulled you out of your thoughts and you looked to the side of you. Cheryl was sat on one of the benches, her head was in her hands and she was sobbing. 
“Cheryl, baby. Whats wrong?” You asked and sat down beside her. You wrapped your arms around her and she leaned against your chest, crying harder.
“Jason.” She sobbed. 
“What about him?” You asked, a few tears escaping your own eyes. 
“He’s not here.” She cried and you squeezed her harder. 
“I know. But he’s in a better place.” You tried to comfort her, repeating the words everybody had been saying to the two of you for the past few weeks. 
“A better place is here, with us. With the people that he cared about. Why did I encourage him to go.” She stuttered and you shook your head. “I sent him to his death.” 
“You didn’t Cheryl.” You pulled away from her and she looked at you sadly. “I also encouraged him to run away. Does that mean that its my fault he died?” You asked and she frantically shook her head. 
“No of course not.” 
“Well then your not at fault either. You told him to do what he wanted, and he did. It just didn’t go as planned. And the only person who is at fault, is the person who killed him. Not you, not me, not him. His murderer.” You reassured her and she nodded. 
“I miss him.” She sighed. 
“I miss him too.” You replied sadly and pulled her into another hug. 
“I never got to say goodbye properly.” She mumbled against your chest. 
“I know. But he knew how much you loved him.” You gave her a sad smile. “I never got to say goodbye either.” You sighed and she wrapped her arms around you. 
“I’m sorry.” She apologized and you looked at her confused. 
“Why are you saying sorry?” 
“Because I’m making this all about me. He was your best friend.” She sighed, crying harder. 
“Its okay baby.” You reassured her. “Comforting you, and looking after you takes my mind off it in a weird way. And you’re not making it all about you, he was your brother. You have a right to miss him.” You kissed her forehead and she gave you a watery smile. 
“Come here.” You pulled her into another hug and she rested against your chest. You stayed silent for a couple of minutes, one of your hands stroked her hair, while the other held her against you. 
“We never got to tell him.” She said into the quiet and you sat up slightly. 
“What?” You asked and she looked at you. 
“We never got to tell him about us.” She repeated and you sighed. 
“How well do you think he would have taken that?” You asked and she laughed a little bit. “His best friend and little sister dating? I’m sure he would have been thrilled.” You continued, you were determined to make her smile stay for a few seconds longer. You hadn’t seen her smile in so long. 
“I think he would have been happy for us.” She nodded and you raised an eyebrow. “After a while.” She giggled softly and you smiled at her. 
“Yeah. He would have.” You nodded and she looked at the floor. A sad expression taking over again. “We never got to tell him but we can tell his friends...the people he loved and who loved him.” You suggested and she looked up at you. “I know it isn’t the same. But they all knew him, maybe it’ll make you feel a bit better.” You shrugged and she smiled sadly. 
“Yeah. Maybe. I’ll think about it.” She nodded and cuddled back into your side. 
“Do you wanna stay at mine again tonight?” You asked and she nodded. 
“If thats okay?” 
“Of course.” You kissed her head gently. She’d been staying with you since Jason had disappeared, and had yet to go home. The only time that she did was so she could get some clothes, and some of Jason’s stuff before her parents and the police went through his room.
“Cheryl!” Betty’s voice rang through the room and Cheryl pulled away from you. “There you are.” She rushed towards the two of you. Veronica and Josie trailed behind her, both of them sending you sympathetic smiles. 
“Are you okay?” Josie asked and sat on the other side of Cheryl. 
“Fine.” She nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. 
“Y/n?” Betty asked. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” 
“Sure?” You replied concerned. You stood up and followed her to the other side of the room. Veronica had replaced you and wrapped an arm around your girlfriend. 
“What was wrong with her?” Betty asked once you were out of earshot. 
“She was upset because of Jason.” You told her and she sighed. 
“How are you doing?” She asked and you shrugged. 
“Not good.” You replied honestly and she sent you a sympathetic smile. “But, I have to be strong for Cheryl.” You nodded your head. 
“Yeah. But you need support too. You were his girlfr-” 
“Betty?” Veronica interrupted your conversation and you looked at Betty confused. 
“We’re gonna take Cheryl to Pops. Are you coming?” 
“Yeah.” Betty nodded. “Are you coming too?” She asked and you nodded.
It had been a few months since the locker room incident and both you and Cheryl were doing better. You were far from being completely okay, but you were getting there. And you were proud of Cheryl and how far she’d come. She was still living with you and had practically moved in, not that you were complaining. 
“I think its time.” Cheryl told you. You were both in the student lounge, Cheryl’s head was on your lap and you were reading a book for your English class. 
“Time for what?” You asked absentmindedly. 
“To tell our friends about us. I think I’m ready...if you are?” 
“Yeah?” You smiled at her, putting your book down. “Sure.” 
She sat up and smiled at you brightly. “Lets go.” She stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you with her. 
“We’re doing it now?” You asked, grabbing your bag. 
“No time like the present.” She pulled you out of the room and towards the cafeteria. As you approached the table with your friends, anxiety started to bubble in your chest. Cheryl seemed to notice this and turned to face you, her smile faltering when she saw the scared look on your face. “Whats wrong?” 
“What if they don’t accept us?”
“They will. Its the modern era Y/n. The only people living in the middle ages are my parents.” 
“But I’m pretty sure Betty thought I was Jason’s girlfriend.” 
“I know.” 
“Thats just Betty. I promise, they’ll accept us. But if you don’t want to yet, we don’t have to okay?” She reassured you and you nodded, taking a moment to think. 
“I want to.” You nodded your head and she smiled brightly. You would literally do anything to see her smile like that again. 
“Hey sad breakfast club.” Cheryl greeted the gang and you rolled your eyes. “We have something to tell you, so listen up. It’s gonna blow you’re tiny minds and give you something to brighten up your dreary existence.” 
“I see you’re feeling a little better Cheryl.” Jughead said sarcastically and she smiled at him. 
“Better than you hobo. How’s living in the school. I hear the basements really comfy.” She lashed out and Jughead rolled his eyes. He was ruining it, this was supposed to go smoothly. She was gonna tell everyone and they were gonna accept it and she would show you that there was nothing to be scared of. 
“Cheryl.” You pulled on her arm and she looked at you sympathetically. 
“Give me a minute.” She mumbled and you sighed before agreeing reluctantly. “Anyway. Listen up. Me and Y/-” 
“Oh Y/n, how are you feeling?” Betty interrupted her and Cheryl glared at her. 
“Oh. Fine? Why?” You asked. 
“Well, I know the last time we talked properly you were upset about Jason. Understandably because of how close you both were.” 
“Yeah, I-” 
“I know he was your boyfriend-” 
“Back up Nancy Drew. Y/n was not dating Jason.” Cheryl spoke over her. 
“Yeah. I wasn’t dating Jason.” You added and everyone looked at you confused. 
“You weren’t?” 
“Nope.” You shook your head. “He was just my friend.” 
“I always thought you two had a thing for each other.” Betty replied. “Everybody did.” 
“Not me.” Kevin held his hand up. 
“Just friends.” You repeated. 
“Anywayyyy. Back to me and the point I’ve been trying to make for the past five minutes.” Cheryl gained everyone’s attention. “Me and Y/n are together.” She smiled and held your hand. 
“We know you’re together. You’re stood right next to each other.” Archie said. 
“Not like that idiot.” Cheryl rolled her eyes. “As in we’re dating. As in we’re gay together. This is us coming out.” She dumbed it down for him and you giggled. 
“You’re gay?” 
“Well, duh.” Cheryl rolled her eyes again. 
“Thats so cute!” Veronica smiled brightly at you both. 
“I knew it!” Kevin cheered. “I knew there was a reason you weren’t with Jason. My gaydar is so good.” He said proudly and went back to eating. 
“How long have you been together?” Jughead asked. 
“2 and a half years.” You replied and their eyes widened. 
“Why tell us now?” Betty asked. 
“Because we couldn’t tell JJ, so Y/n suggested that we tell the people who were close to him.” Cheryl explained and they smiled. 
“He would have been so proud.” Josie said. 
“We know.” 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” You whispered in her ear. 
“Thank you.” She mumbled. 
“He would have been proud of you.” You added. 
“I hope so.” 
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iwritethat · 7 years
Batmom x Damian Wayne Drabble
A/N: I'm pleased with this one. Warnings: None but it's a bit longer than the others I think. >>>>-------------------> He'd never had someone quite like you in his life, the only mother figure he had was Talia, your opposite apparently. You'd often ask about his day, night activities, offer to stitch him up, make him snacks, take him places whenever he wasn't quite himself - he secretly loved all the things you did but couldn't understand why you did them. Did he owe you something? Did you need him for some evil master plan? It was a Saturday morning and Damian was graciously finishing the breakfast prepared for him by Alfred when you walked in, dressed in a way that suggested you were going somewhere. "Morning Dami, how'd you sleep?" You chirped reaching for a snack on the top shelf. "Well. Though patrol was particularly strenuous." He monotonously replied looking to you, green eyes filled with curiosity. "I hope you kicked butt out there, do you need any injuries taking care of?" You asked with a smile. "No." Rather blunt, with a hint of obnoxiousness. "Alright, call me if you need anything." You grinned walking over to the boy and playfully ran your fingers through his hair before leaving the kitchen. Damian froze, this was odd behaviour - you'd never done that to him before and he felt slightly agitated that you were now treating him like a child. Dick walked in just as you were about to exit noticing the cold frown his 'youngest brother' wore. "Hey Dickiebird." You greeted and again tousled his hair too, to which left Damian thoroughly confused - so you weren't treating him like a child? Dicks eyes lit up significantly and he sent a pout your way as you left, immediately fixing his hair afterwards. Damian's hair was also in more disarray than usual and realisation hit the older hero. "It's her way of showing she loves us, (y/n) does it to all of us from time to time." Grayson grinned before grabbing some orange juice and presumably going to the Batcave. There was no way you did this to all of them right? Damian decided to check this out for himself through the art of skilful observation, or maybe he was just determined to prove Grayson wrong. First it was Tim, a couple of days after the 'incident' and Tim had come to the Batcave under the alias of Red Robin, pulling down his mask and looking completely exhausted. You sat at one of the desks pushing a cup of coffee toward the returning vigilante while Damian leant on the railing above watching the scene unfold below him. Tim walked past the coffee and over to you who was now standing, he took you into a weak hug and rested his forehead on your shoulder allowing you to run your fingers through his tousled locks. "Aw, you must tired Timmy." Again you gave a meaningful smile and handed Tim his coffee which he graciously accepted. Damian continued to observe,  believing that Tim was just soft and you had only gotten to 3/4 of them meaning Dick still wasn't right. Damian was confident you wouldn't do it to all of the Robins, apparently just most of them - Jason being the one exception, since he was always grumpy or sarcastic, he didn't think you would dare touch him in fear of getting yelled at. However, he was proven wrong much to his distaste when Jason had arrived at the manor for goodness knows what and was leaning on the wall waiting for Bruce (he assumed anyway). Thats when you walked past, noticing the absence of Jason's helmet you briskly went toward him and rustled your fingers through his hair on your way past. "Nice of you to visit Jaybird, you better tell me how you're getting on once you're done here." You grinned heading down the hallway while Damian awaited the harsh reply from the Red Hood. Which never came...? Instead Jason ran a hand through his newly messed up hair and smiled, it was a genuine smile too, one which was rarely even seen on him. Did he like it? "Was that a smile Todd?" Damian arrogantly interrogated making his presence known. "Shut up Demon spawn!" Jason remarked, a hint of happiness detected in his rude tone. Upon returning from vigilante duty with his father, Damian was still considering his findings - why did you do it? Grayson was not right, it couldn't be a sign of affection since he'd only been living here for a few months maybe he just refused to accept that you actually did trust him so quickly or it was denial. He stood in the Batcave pondering all the possibilities, meanwhile you happily greeted Bruce with long kiss and a hug then made you way over to Robin with Bruce carefully watching your actions. You ran your hand through his dark hair, ruffling it slightly which recaptured his attention. "Welcome home Dami." You greeted cheerfully but in a calm manner then began to make your way back up to the mansion. You completely missed the look of shock that crossed Bruce's face in a split second as you interacted with Robin. Robin on the other had finally accepted it, he enjoyed your little act of affection and it made him feel welcome, safe and happy even - this brought the smallest of smiles to boys features. "Thanks... (Y/N)." Damian finished, turning to you as you left - you smiled and nodded in response while Bruce was just speechless due to Damian's sudden change in attitude. Weird.
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