#jotaro kujo fluff
beneathashadytree · 10 months
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Warnings : semi-nudity, first-time parents, this is set between SDC and DIU, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : domestic fluff <3
Word count : 0.7K words
Additional notes : Been rewatching JJBA and yearning for a family with this man.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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“She’s so small.”
Jotaro’s voice was just as small; quiet enough that they barely heard him through the thin walls separating the bathroom from their bedroom. After having washed up a little in the middle of the night (something they rather enjoyed, amidst all the fuss of waking up at ungodly hours to feed their daughter), they made their way back to their room.
The scene they walked in on was something that must’ve come straight out of their most personal dreams, one that a younger version of them would’ve been pining after every single day and blushing furiously as their imagination ran with them.
There was Jotaro, lying back in bed with his legs crossed as he always was—only this time, his shirt was pulled off and strewn to the side somewhere. Jolyne’s tiny body was nestled against his naked chest, her clean skin a little flushed and all endearing. Her entire fist was curled around just one of her father’s fingers, while his other hand cradling her head was carefully brushing through her dark tufts of hair.
It was that sight alone that sent their heart pounding in their chest and threatening to burst through their ribcage with sheer adoration. “You’re really keen on listening to the nurse’s advice for skin-to-skin contact, huh?”
His response wasn’t verbal; just a nod of his head and a mesmerized look on his face as he watched their daughter coo a little at the soothing motions he did. She seemed to be just as attached as he was, half-asleep and blinking up drowsily at him, while still leaning into his every touch in the way that endearingly clingy babies did.
“Jolyne likes it,” Jotaro simply said, his teal eyes softer than they’d ever seen as he regarded Jolyne with that same rare adoration that he bestowed upon the very few people he adored, undeniably so. He only tore his gaze away from her to look at them as they crawled into bed beside their spouse and daughter. “It’s late, and you’re tired. You should sleep.”
“So should you.” Their hand came to rest on the left side of his chest, palm settling against the warm skin and feeling every reassuring thump of his heart beating. A soft caress only helped his heart to pick up the pace, and a small, almost-imperceptible blush to rise up the tips of his ears. “You’ve been getting up almost every single night, and even feeding her on the days I’m too exhausted. You need rest too, darling.”
Jotaro stilled for a few moments, before turning his attention back to little Jolyne, who seemed to be close to slipping back into her dreamless slumber. He didn’t utter a word for a bit; long enough for them to start doubting he’d say anything at all.
Until, that is, he broke the silence with six little words, softly spoken with all the yearning in the world, and with his eyes looking so tenderly at her; like he was cradling the entire world in his hands, despite being calloused hands that had—for a heart-achingly long time—only ever been used for violence and bloodshed.
“I don’t want to miss anything.”
It dug deep into their heart and nestled there, right with all of the millions of reasons they’d already had and learnt as to why they love him so wholly; that keenness of his that branded him as someone so fiercely devoted to the few he let inside his impossibly high walls. And it was a privilege that they wanted to cherish forever.
“You won’t miss out on anything if you just let yourself relax.” They leaned in to press a soft kiss to his slightly-stubbled cheek. “We’ll still be here in the morning, I promise you. We’re not going anywhere.”
All they got was a grunt to show that he was listening, and nothing more. Jotaro remained fixated on the sight of Jolyne’s chubby cheeks smooshed against his skin, and rosy with the happiness of a good feed.
But they could see how their words seemed to settle into his mind, as the tension unwound between his shoulders, and his body sunk deeper into the pillows he’d nestled against. The small furrow between his thick eyebrows had slowly melted away, and the ever-so-gentle quirk of his lips into a half-smile brought their heart to a near-stop.
He huffed out what sounded like a quiet chuckle. “I’ll hold you to your word, then.”
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @boorishbrambling @mrsgiovanna
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thetiredasthmatic · 1 year
Teenage Dirtbag [ Jotaro Kujo]
Synopsis: Jotaro Kujo rarely found interest in girls at school, he thought they were mostly annoying and only wanted him for his looks and bad boy status. All except one, but she probably didn’t like him at all….right?
Word Count: 0.9k words (3 pages!)
A/n: I fucking love the song Teenage Dirtbag! expect more songfics lol, and also here's the introductory fic to my favorite anime and current hyper fixation JJBA! Hope ya enjoy!
“Jojo! Do you want to walk with us today?”
“Oh Jojo! Do you want to hang out after school?”
“You’re really cute, you know that?”
Jotaro let out a frustrated groan before turning to the posse that followed behind him. 
“Shut the fuck up! Stop being fucking annoying!”
Jotaro stared down at them annoyingly before hearing all them squeal and continue to chatter about him, still following behind him.
The male only let out a sigh before continuing to school, before a softer voice called for him.
He raised his head to see a (h/c) hair girl coming his way and waving, bringing a slight grin to his face. Your name was Y/n L/n, and she was a newer student at his school. You were  best friends with Kakyoin, being an artsy student with amazing grades.
You were  nearly perfect.
So he sometimes wondered how the hell did he end up being friends with you.
You ended up walking up to him, causing him to stop in his tracks.
“Hi, Jotaro! I wanted to know if you’d like to come to the art club after school today?” Your voice was so nice to Jotaro, a change in pace from the annoyed bitches that he heard on a daily basis. The male raise an eyebrow at your question and you giggled at his expression.
Your giggle made a light dust of pink cross his cheeks as you continued chatting away and telling him about the club meeting.
“Yea sure. I don’t mind.” 
You clapped your hands excitedly before smiling and waving goodbye to him, running off saying how you had to prepare and that you had so much to show him.
Jotaro could only watch your figure vanish before pulling his hat down over his face.
God why did he have to be him? He was known as a big scary guy on campus, he had a reputation that he didn’t want to attach to you. He knew how sweet you were and how many friends you had. They all tell her how horrible of a person he was and how you should stay away from him.
It hurt him honestly. 
Because after a while, Jotaro didn’t just tolerate you, he found himself actually liking you. And as much as he hated to admit it.
It had turned into a crush.
Jotaro knew for sure you didn’t want to be with an asshole like him. He beat up people, constantly fought, had an insane posse of girls after him. 
He just didn’t want to see anything happen to you because you wanted to be around him.
So he was both excited and concerned at you inviting him to the art club after school.
Maybe you were gonna tell him that you didn’t want to be his friends anymore, that he was too mean and weird for you to be even bothered with him anymore.
Jotaro sighed as he went to class, the only thing on his mind was you.
“You’re not going to be at the art club today?”
“Nah, I have an assignment to catch up on.”
Jotaro sighed as he walked alongside Kakyoin, friend to you and him. Kakyoin was also in the art club, and it concerned Jotaro even more that he wasn’t gonna be there. He didn’t have anyone to awkwardly talk to when he couldn’t bring himself to come up with a conversation to have with you.
“Jotaro, it’ll be fine.”
“...if you say so..”
Jotaro then split off with his friend, walking to the art room by himself. His head was swirling with thoughts about you. He was worried about how this situation was gonna go.
He was coming up on the art room when he heard the sounds of a scuffle.
At first, he thought it was just some of the other students dicking around near the hall until he heard a familiar voice.
Followed by the sound of punches being landed and a group of girls came running out of the art room, one with obvious bruises on her face. Jotaro watched as they walked by and took notice that some of them were his posse. 
This only pulled him faster to the classroom only to find you. You were smiling like usual, standing infront of a canvas, but it was obvious that your knuckles were bruised and the classroom was a mess.
“Oh! Jotaro you’re here!”
He walked up to you and placed his bag down, you grabbed the canvas off the easel and held it behind your back. Once again, Jotaro raised his eyebrow at you. “What are you hiding?”
You look to the side before showing him what it was.
It was a realistic portrait of him sitting in his desk in your earlier class. He didn’t know when you had the time to draw it, nor how you got the picture to be able to draw it but Jotaro slowly grabbed the canvas from you.
He allowed his hand to caress yours, going over your knuckles with his fingers.
You noticed him looking and finally spoke up.
“Heh, they deserved it. They were talking about you like you were a piece of meat..” This caught Jotato off guard.
You fought them because of him?
“I guess that means we’re alike more than we thought Jojo…” You joked and he pulled his hat down to hide his blush once again. You took this opportunity to step up on your art stool and place a kiss on his cheek. Shocking the male and causing his eyes to widen.
“Wanna hang out at my place later? We can talk more about many fights over you, heh.” 
Jotaro was still at a loss for words but simple gave a nod as an answer.
Guess you were a teenage dirtbag just like him.
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“you’ve never looked as beautiful as you do right now.”
day 2 of 14 days of fluff
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Pairing: JotaroxReader
Summary: friends to lovers (confession), the college years perhaps?, star gazing with your best friend and he gives you his jacket because you’re cold, lightly inspired by me driving around the other night to see the green comet
No content warnings, it’s just really long because I got carried away and I totally don’t have a crush on jotaro
prompt list here
As the car stops in the small dirt parking area at the mouth of the trail, you clutch the map to your chest and excitedly look over at your best friend in the driver’s seat. His hat and hair slightly obstruct your view of his eyes but his face is calm. You unbuckle your seatbelt and fling the door open, hopping right out and laughing lightly as your shoes kick up dust.
Your arms cross in front of your torso, and you shiver as you wait for Jotaro to exit the vehicle, “C’mon! It’s cooooold out here, I wanna get walking!!”
“Hang on, will you?” His gruff voice returns as he steps out from the car, a thick blanket tucked under his arm, “And I told you it would be cold. Someone just doesn’t listen when I tell them to dress warm.”
With your arms still crossed you heave a dramatized sigh, tossing your head back but you’re caught off guard by just how clear the sky is, “Woah, you can see everything and we’re not even at the clearing. “
“Then imagine what we’ll see when we get to the clearing,” he cocks an eyebrow as he meets you by the passenger side.
You nod, unfolding the paper map and taking a few steps towards the trail head. You look over your shoulder to make sure he’s following, and he is.
A little gust from a cold breeze sends a shiver down your spine and you visibly shake before you compose yourself, causing Jotaro to shake his head at you.
“You never listen, do you Y/N?” He cocks half a smile at you and pulls his jacket closer around his body as he walks past you onto the dirt path.
“That’s not fair!” You fire back, catching up to him and trying match his pace. His long legs move a little faster than yours, so it is a bit of a challenge. “You can just wear what you always wear and be fine, I did bundle up for tonight and it’s still not enough.”
Jotaro glances over at you as the two of you continue through the woods, “A sweater and jeans is bundling up, eh?”
You nod, glancing down at the map that is more of a security blanket at this point. It was a short five minute walk on a straight trail and you’d be there, but it was a comfort nonetheless.
The two of you walk in silence for a bit, you keep catching yourself staring straight up and the clear night sky peaking through the trees. While it is cold, moving your muscles has helped substantially, but you’re still chillier than you would like to be. Every so often you look over at Jotaro, and eventually you notice his gaze has shifted from straight down the trail to meet yours.
“The wind is going to pick up in the clearing,” Jotaro starts, stopping to stand on the trail and turn his body towards you. He lifts the blanket his been carrying and gestures to it, “I brought this to sit on, now I feel I should have brought another to keep you warm.”
You shake your head and smile up at him then drop your eyes to the blanket before locking eyes with him again, “I can assure you I’ll be fine, Jotaro. Maybe you’re the one who’s cold, with how you keep harping on it”
“I’d hardly saying I’m harping,” he almost scoffs at you with a shrug, “Your shivering is just annoying.”
“Annoying?” You laugh, shaking your head and starting to walk past him. “Just come on, we’re almost there.”
And finally the two of you step out of the woods and into an open field, Jotaro a step or two behind you. The hay has long since been cut and baled, so you can see for acres and acres. The sky is a wide open expanse of little dotted stars, the nearly full moon almost directly overhead.
“Just. Wow.” Is all you can utter as you crane your neck back to look up at the stars. The wind begins to pick up as you take a few more steps forward, causing your body to tense but you barely pay it any mind.
Jotaro stands behind you, and you can hear the slight grin in his voice, “Never seen stars before, Y/N?”
You whip around, grinning at his teasing, “Never like this before! We can see the whole sky. It’s like a big dome, I could stare at it forever…” Your voice is serene as it trails off and you turn your eyes back to the stars.
After hearing some rustling, you notice Jotaro spread out the beach blanket on the grass. Once it is all smoothed out you notice him smiling up at the moon and you take a few steps towards him, holding your arms by your chest to try to stay warm in the blustering wind.
“This was a good idea, right?” You raise an eyebrow, “it’s almost magical.”
You are absolutely enamored by the night sky, though you keep stealing glances at your best friend to find him already looking at you. One of the times you catch him staring he clears his throat then gestures to the blanket. You nod and sit down, patting the spot next to you which he swiftly sinks into.
His body offers some protection from the wind but you still catch yourself shivering and you can tell he notices. You try to push through, pointing up at the sky, “You see that line of three stars? That’s Orion’s Belt.”
“Mhm,” he follows your pointing, tilting his head far back enough that his hat almost slides off his head but one of his hands flies up at lightning speed to secure it, this pulls a giggle out of you.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence as you get lost in the sky. The still night is peaceful and being with someone you care about, who makes you feel so safe, is the best feeling in the world. You get lost in thoughts of how much you like Jotaro, how good of a friend he is to have driven you out to see the stars on a week night. Yeah he teases you, yes he’s a little rough around the edges, but you two have a sort of understanding. As your thoughts keep twirling in your mind you jump in surprise as you are enveloped in warmth.
“Jotaro?” You twist your head to the side to see him wordlessly slipping his big jacket over your shoulders.
“I told you, your shivering was annoying me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m soooo annoying, huh?”You laugh, tossing your head back and then falling over to the side so you’re leaning against him. You blink up at him with a soft smile as you wrap his jacket tightly around yourself, “Thank you, Jotaro”
He responds with a small grunt and a nod, as both your gazes return to the sky. Without another word you notice him slip an arm around your shoulders and not to your surprise when you look over at him he’s already looking at you with softer eyes than you’ve seen in awhile.
You let out a little teasing laugh and bite your lip before speaking, “You keep staring at me! Do I look good in your jacket, or something?”
Without hesitation Jotaro responds, “You’ve never looked as beautiful as you do right now.”
You are taken aback, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks and your stomach begin to swirl. Flustered beyond belief you don’t break his gaze and manage to choke out, “O-oh yeah?”
“Mhm,” he nods, tightening his arm around you, “You in my jacket, with the moon in your hair. I like it.”
You look away, feeling warmth spread through your body you muster up the courage to look him dead in the eyes, “Well I like you.”
Your boldness gets a chuckle out of him, he squeezes you in a side hug, “I know, Y/N.”
“You know?” You scoff, blinking in disbelief, “How did you know? I don’t think I even knew before I said it.”
Jotaro leans his face in towards yours, placing his free hand under your chin to make sure you see eye to eye, “Because I like you, too.”
Overwhelmed with butterflies you screw your eyes closed before letting out a nervous laugh and meeting his gaze again, swallowing hard before speaking softly, “That’s crazy. Maybe you should like, take me out sometime, or something.”
He laughs, dropping his hand from your chin to pull you into a full embrace, “Yeah, perhaps I should.”
“I’d like that,” you say into his chest. He’s hugged you before, but never like this. You allow yourself to relax into his arms, shielded from the cold.
You sit in his arms for a few moments you wished would never end, before straightening your back to sit up again. The two of you adjust on the blanket and return to star gazing.
“Look,” He jostles your arm and points up to the left of the moon, “Y/N, did you see it?”
You nod, you almost hadn’t. It was such a quick blip against the black sky but you had caught it. A shooting star. You grin, “Make a wish.”
He chuckles, “I think I got my wish tonight, don’t want to push my luck.”
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
I Still Love You - Jotaro Kujo
Pairing - Jotaro Kujo x f!reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 1,250
Notes - again, i have some jotaro brainrot today i tell you what, i absolutely love this marine biologist
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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She sighed, blowing her hair out of her eyes. Which one should she get? She swore she had to have been standing in the middle of that aisle for at least five minutes. She had thousands of other worries in the world, so why was she so hung up on which bag of chips she should buy? Finally, after what felt like hours, she threw a random bag into her cart and took off. There was no way she was going to spend any more time down that aisle. But as she ran out, she nearly bumped into someone with her cart. She was such a clutz, it was embarrassing. “Oh, I'm sorry, I should’ve-” She froze, unable to say a word. Every memory, every feeling, it all came back, right then and there.
“J-Jotaro?” He looked different. Really different. His hair was shorter and he looked more clean, minus the dark eyebags, of course. “Jotaro, is that really you?” She tilted her head, confused why he wasn't saying anything. “Dada? Who’s that?” She looked down to find a little girl pulling on Jotaro’s sleeve. She kneeled down to the little girl’s level and stuck out her hand. “I'm y/n. What’s your name, sweetpea?” “I'm Jolyne!” She looked up at Jotaro, who was refusing to make eye contact, and back at Jolyne. “Nice to meet you, Jolyne!” “Are you dada’s friend?” “Uh,” she looked up at him again, noticing a sad look in his eyes. “We used to be… yeah.” “You’re pretty! Dada! Dada! I didn't know you had pretty friends! Can she be my new mama?!” Jotaro looked down at his daughter, shock in his eyes. “No, Jolyne, she can't be your new mama. You still have a mama.” “I know… but-” “Come on, Jolyne.” “But-” “Not buts. Come on.” “You didn't even say hi to your friend.” Jotaro went to pull her away, but Jolyne stood her ground. “We’re not leaving until you say hi.” Jolyne crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip. Jotaro groaned and turned towards her, his eyes looking at her for a second before averting away. “Hi. Come on, Jolyne.” Jolyne looked satisfied and waved at her. “Bye pretty lady! Daddy, can she come over?” “No, Jolyne.”
She didn't realize how distant her and the rest of the Stardust Crusaders had become. It was heartbreaking, really. She remembers making Jotaro laugh so hard that milk shot out from his nose. She remembers Kakyoin trying to convince Jotaro that Princess Peach was hot. She remembers Avdol trying to get her and Jotaro together. What happened to that? They used to be fun loving kids… and now they were adults. Apparently Jotaro was married and had a kid now? Why wasn't she or Polnareff invited to the wedding? It just felt like everything they had just disappeared.
“Daddy? Can I get this?” Jolyne held up some brown stuffed bear with a bright smile on her face. “Don't you have that at your mom’s house?” Jotaro pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a long, deep breath. “Yeah, but I want it here!” “You can just bring it when you visit me.” Jolyne sighed and put it back. “Okaaaaay. Hey! It's your pretty friend, dada!” Jolyne ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her leg. “Can she please come over?! I wanna show her my dolphin.” She looked at Jotaro apologetically, trying to pull the feral child off of her leg. “Jolyne, get off of her. Look,” for the first time through the entirety of her shopping spree, Jotaro looked her in her eyes. “I'm sorry about her. She takes after her-” “Yeah, she definitely takes after her dad.” She giggled as Jolyne got distracted by something else. “I meant to say her mom, but…” Jotaro chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess she does kinda take after her dad, huh?” “Oh yeah. She has your eyes too.” She looked into Jotaro’s eyes with a smile. Those beautiful blue eyes. She couldn't believe she lost those after all these years. “It's a little unfortunate though,” Jolyne ran up to Jotaro, jumping in his arms. “She’s not around all that often. She lives with her mom full time, she only visits me every once and a while. It's hard though with my job and all the traveling I do. Plus her mom lives in America and… I'm rambling, aren't I?” Jolyne pulled off his hat and put it on herself. “No, you’re not. I… missed talking to you, Jotaro.” “I missed you.” “Who’s Jolyne’s mom, anyway?” “Oh, you wouldn't know her.” She hummed in response, watching as a hatless Jotaro bounced his daughter in his arms. “You know,” she chuckled and picked a fuzz off of Jotaro’s shirt. “I think after all this time of knowing you, I haven't seen you once without your hat.” “Oh, I know. A rare occurrence for Dr. Kujo.” “Dr.?” “Oh my god, has it been that long?!” She tilted her head. “I got a PhD… in Marine Biology.” “Really?! That's so awesome, Jotaro!” She subconsciously threw her arms around the back of his neck into an embrace and he immediately melted to her touch. “Thank you.” She couldn't help but hold onto him a little longer. He still smelled the same. After all these years, he didn't really change. That’s what she loved about him. And even after all these years, she still loved him.
In the middle of the hug, she felt a little hand reach out and pat her on the back. She looked up to find Jolyne with a bright smile on her face, still in Jotaro’s arm. “Dada, you should get her a super fancy dinner. She’s pretty.” Jotaro slightly pushed her away, blushing, but trying to cover it with his hat that he took back from Jolyne. “Good grief, Jolyne.” She giggled, which in turn made Jolyne giggle. “Well Jotaro,” she waved and turned towards her cart. “I'll see you later. It was really nice to see you again. Brought back a lot of good memories.” She didn't let him see the disappointed look on her face. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay with him forever. They had the good shit: shared trauma. She wanted him back in her life. But he had a family now. He clearly moved on. Maybe she should’ve too.
She went to push her cart away, but felt a stronger weight pulling against it. She turned to find Jotaro holding onto her cart. “Jotaro?” “Uh… Jolyne’s probably right. I wouldn't mind some dinner.” “Y-You wouldn't?” She felt her face get warm and the feeling of tears forming. She knew she sounded like an idiot, but she didn't care. “No, I wouldn't. So… please?” She nodded, wiping a tear that was about to fall. “Y-Yeah. Yeah. I would love to, Jojo. Uh… I'm free whenever.” “We’ll wait until Jolyne’s back at her mom’s.” “I wouldn't mind Jolyne coming with us. We have plenty of time to go on dates alone.” Jolyne hopped up and down out of excitement. “Yeah! Let’s go on a date with the pretty lady!!” Jotaro giggled and ruffled Jolyne’s hair, putting her back in the cart. “Tomorrow then?” She smiled softly, straightening Jotaro’s jacket. “Tomorrow sounds great.” Jotaro ruffled her hair next and took off with the cart, trying to ignore his embarrassingly red face. But he couldn't help it. Even after all this time, he still loved her.
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kuromiiyuuu · 2 years
can i request a one shot of jealous jotaro? you can have complete creative liberty :) as long as it’s fluff at the end haha
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・“Jealou? Me? No.”
—In which you meet a past acquaintance, and your boyfriend doesn’t seem to like how he interacted with you.
jotaro kujo, (f).
genres, warnings, + word count. Fluff? | none! | 1.1k |
note i. i really hope you like this anon, jealous jotaro is something I won’t get tired of thinking about.
It was one of those days where you and Jotaro decide to go out for dinner and enjoy yourselves with each other. He might seem like the guy to not care in relationship, but how can he when it was you? No words can explain how much you changed his perspective in relationship and even love.
His salty and cold attitude still present of course, if he hasn’t warmed up to his mother yet then maybe it will be the same for you, but you always tell yourself maybe he just need some time.
You sit yourself on your side of the chair and so did Jotaro on his. His face intimidating as ever.
“This place is nice.” You compliment while scanning the place with a small smile, trying to lighten up the mood and maybe interest Jotaro in a conversation.
“I guess... Kakyoin recommended it.” The raven haired exclaims with a shrug of his broad shoulders. His face uninterested as ever but you know too well he wasn’t that good with showing emotions outside.
“Good evening to the both of you.” A quite familiar voice seemed to hit your hearing senses and before you can even react, the waiter shows themselves at you by standing in front of your table and you turn your head to look at them.
Your eyes instantly widen in surprise and mouth shaping into a big smile, and the waiter did the same, mirroring your actions as Jotaro remained confused.
“Haru? Is that really you?” You say with a small laugh at the end, can’t believe you met with the possibilities to meet with your high school fling.
“Wow Y/n. You’ve... grown.” The Haru guy exclaims as he rakes his eyes on your figure and this goes unnoticed by you, but it only made Jotaro’s glare on whoever the guy was stronger and noticeable.
“Who’s this.” Jotaro finally tells you to answer his question more than really questioning, the brings to cross his arms in front of his chest as he raises his eyebrow at you, not giving Haru a single glance since he thought it wasn’t so worth it.
“He’s my classmate back in high school.” Leaving out the information you had a crush on him for like a whole semester, you knew about how possessive he can be. And don’t even get me started on his level of jealousy.
“Nice to meet you, man. I’m Haru.” The brown haired man introduces himself with a soft smile, being friendlier than ever and Jotaro stops himself to roll his eyes. He ignores the hand Haru offered him to take and shake, Haru only retreats it back with a slight embarrassment flashing his face.
“And I’m can you get our order now?” Jotaro says with a serious glare on his face and you knew more than anyone what that stare meant so you ushered for Haru to just continue by taking both of yours order.
“Baby.” You call out, forcing a smile to mask out that you were trying your best to compose yourself.
Haru’s eyes slightly widened with his eyebrows lifting, “Ah, your boyfriend? I thought it was your cousin.”
“Yeah, this is Jotaro.” You forced another laugh out to ease the awkward tension, your eyes stopping right on Jotaro’s jaw that you saw clench and stiffen at Haru’s statement.
This wasn’t going to end well at all.
“Cousin? Would her fucking cousin take her out on an expensive restaurant alone?” Jotaro asks, his composure and the peaceful surface tension finally breaking and you instantly bring your hand to lay on top of his to at least calm him down even just a little.
You swore that you saw Haru’s life flash before his eyes, his audible gulp of his own saliva made Jotaro want to laugh at his face. The way Jotaro said it and his tone and bold voice can scare anyone, but it didn’t scare you.
The thing that was scaring you was the result for tonight’s events.
“Certainly not! Anyway— what can I get for you both today?” Haru tell both of you, flashing you both a nervous smile as he immediately changes the topic and turned over to your side.
Anyone could be intimated by Jotaro’s appearance. And you both looked good together even if you were opposites, odd. But good.
Majority of the night was just you neutralizing the relationship between the two. Haru was definitely checking you out when you were not looking, and Jotaro saw that all to himself and he had never felt the urge to burn someone alive right there and then. He may or may not had a glare on his face for the rest of the night whenever Haru had appeared at your table. He would’ve legitimately killed that guy with his own bare hands if it wasn’t for you being in the room.
Saying the car ride was silent would be an absolute understatement. Cause as soon as you had stepped inside to take your sit on the passenger seat, Jotaro was quiet than usual and that concerned you.
“You didn’t need to be so rude towards him, he was just a friend from school.” You say in a low tone, not wanting to trigger anymore of an angry Jotaro.
“He was obviously checking you out but I guess you were too naive to notice it.” He bites back, focusing his left arm to focus on the wheel and the other puffing a cigarette right in his mouth.
Despite how many times you told him not to smoke wen you were around he doesn’t seem to listen to you, he doesn’t listen to anybody but he does listen to you on special occasions.
“Well if I’m naive then you were being a mean bastard.” You say in a tensed voice with a slight pout on your lips, not afraid to curse at your boyfriend who looked at you for a split second before releasing a line of smoke.
“He was eye fucking you, and you didn’t seem to notice it!” Jotaro continues to argue with you and you scoff in disbelief.
“You’re just jealous.” You blurt out and before you can even process what you just said it just cane out.
“I wouldn’t be jealous to a guy that looks like him, trust me baby.” He replies back, looking back at you before back to the road.
 “Sounds like a jealous Jotaro to me.” You tease more like a witty comeback, you think about the situation and as much as you thought about it. It seemed to be not that bad, Jotaro being possessive of little things was almost what you encounter all the time, so you should be used to it, “I’m sorry... I should’ve been more aware that he was doing that.”
You look over to him with sorry eyes and he looks back at you for a spare moment and you forced yourself to not say out loud how he looked good at that moment.
“Whatever, it’s all in the past now— now let’s focus on going back home cause I’m fucking tired.” He lied of course, about the tired part. Cause it seems like whenever he does feel tired, just one look at you and he was all good again cause you were his rest.
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bizarreisntit · 1 year
jotaro fanservice for me and one other person
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kittwix · 2 months
First Kiss with the Joestars
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
word count: 5.4k , it's long if you read all of their parts >_<
tags: very sweet; cavity inducing fluff, jodio is a little mean, reader stand isnt specify or implied, reader is gender neutral!
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Jonathan Joestar
Your suspicion grew when he had invited you for a picnic out to the vineyard. He had made it obvious that he liked being around you, even at the times when he would be practicing for his Rugby tournaments, he would always encourage you to be there to cheer him up.
He would have everything all planned out, he had his maids prepare the basket for him and even went ahead to pack some of his favorite lunch items; resisting the urge to just eat them right then and there before he could meet up with you.
Upon meeting, he gracefully held the basket with one hand, offering his other arm for you to grasp. He greeted you with a kiss on the back of your hand, a faint blush gracing his cheeks, eliciting a chuckle of amusement from you.
"My, my, Jojo.. Have you contrived this all on my behalf?" You stood there, curiosity in your eyes and a small smile, as you watched your boyfriend carefully spread a beautifully sewed quilt over the uneven patches of grass. It was clear that this moment, simple as it might seem, was shaped with intention and care, setting the stage for the intimate afternoon you were about to share together. "Could it be that there is a significant event which has escaped my memory?” 
"No, nothing of that sort." Jonathan replied, his smile casting a warmth over you that felt as comforting as sunlight caressing your skin.The sheer sight of him made your tummy flutter with butterflies; his handsomeness was evident, and his disposition was the pinnacle of gentleness. He was the nicest and most sincere boy you'd ever met. "What a delightful day out, wouldn’t you agree? The weather is simply ideal for a luncheon outing with my beloved.” 
"Well yes," You hummed, now it was your turn to be embarrassed as you fidgeted with your hands for a moment and watched him take apart the lunch. "I cannot shake the suspicion that you are plotting something. Quite the mischievous schemer, are you not?”
"What? Me? That’s absurd! Do you truly believe me of being capable of such baseness?" Your boyfriend teased, mimicking a frown which prompted you to gently push on his shoulder as you shared a laugh. It was times like this where you could genuinely admire him. You noted the sharp outlines of his chiseled face, and how his kind blue eyes, reminiscent of the deepest sapphires, seemed to sparkle even more under the natural light. And oh, that smile...
You gradually moved closer to him, inch by inch, until there was almost no room between you. He twisted his head, appearing surprised by the sudden closeness, yet there was no sign of disinterest in his reaction. Silence encompassed you both, the world around you dissolving into a distant hum. 
Within seconds, you closed your eyes and closed the final gap, your lips meeting his in a sweet, short kiss. It was a brief encounter, lasting only a few seconds before you pulled back, but in his gaze, you could swear you saw stars twinkling back at you. He glanced at you, completely taken aback, his mouth slightly parted as if about to speak, capturing a moment of wonder.
"Wow..." He reacted. "That was certainly not within the scope of my intentions, but I must admit.. It was rather pleasant."
Joseph Joestar
It was mostly his initiation, he likes to joke around with you a little too much but that was just part of his personality that you like so much. Not to mention that he can be pretty unpredictable, making him blunt in ways that just makes you like him even more. 
"What do you want now, Joestar?" You asked, crossing your arms at the sight of your tall boyfriend creeping up on you with a stupid smile that could only mean that he was up to no good.
"Ouch! Can't a guy stroll up to his darling and turn on the charm?" He asked, seeming to have pretended to his offensiveness with a hand on his chest as he bats his eyelashes at you. “Anyways, got any plans later?”
“Oh, what’s it to you? Gonna take me out for dinner? Miss Lisa Lisa isn’t going to like the fact that you’re slacking off on your training.” You reiterated back with a little smirk and a hand on your hip. "She doesn't need to know! I can handle almost anything, baby! Just give me a shot, or else you might get kissed." He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, leaning in a bit closer, and you couldn’t help but conceal the smile that was growing on your face. With a playful push, you gently nudged him back, enjoying the flirtatious banter between you. “Is that a threat?” You raised a brow. “Or are you asking something out of me?” “Perhaps.” He answered back and for a second, silence enveloped both of you, heightening the tension in the air. It didn't help matters that he was so close, his scent filling your senses. Glancing around briefly, you released a small sigh, shaking your head in a playful manner. With a tender gesture, you reached out and cupped his cheek, the intimate moment shared between you intensifying.
“You’re impossible.” Your voice was a faint whisper, closing the distance between you as you moved in to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. The kiss, delicate and sweet, lasted far longer than you had anticipated, but you found yourself loving every moment of it. As you got closer, the temptation to melt into his embrace overcame you, and you could feel his eagerness through the curious movements of his hands, which became bolder by the minute.
However, just as you were about to voice your feelings, the distinct call of Caesar’s voice pierced the intimate bubble you had created, forcing you to regretfully break the kiss. Turning your gaze back to Joseph, you were met with his trademark snarky smile, a look that teetered on the edge of being both endearing and infuriating. He wore his joy openly, quietly bragging to himself about having gained something as simple as a kiss to you. It was a moment that triggered a playful irritation in you, making you want to slap his smug grin away.
As the moment between you faded, you watched him depart with a playful wink cast over his shoulder in your direction before returning back to Caesar. Even as he walked away, his cheeky demeanor left a lingering warm feeling in your heart, a silent promise of more moments like these to treasure.
Jotaro Kujo
On the contrary, it was an accidental kiss and wasn't something that neither of you had planned. It was in front of everyone as well, especially in front of his grandfather, which only heightened the embarrassment of the situation.
The situation had taken an unexpected turn, with suspicions that an enemy Stand user, possibly one of Dio's underlings, was involved. This required everyone to be attentive, continuously on the lookout for signs of an attack or sabotage, no matter how bizarre the situation may be at hand. Despite the tension, the moment had allowed for a brief lapse into normalcy as Joseph generously offered to cover the cost of lunch for everyone. You conveyed your gratitude gracefully, humming blissfully to yourself as you devoured the pasta you'd chosen, enjoying the flavors 
However, your delight was cut short when you felt an unusual sensation in your throat. It swelled quickly, making it difficult to breathe and speak. Panic came in when you realized you were choking, and the situation quickly escalated from uncomfortable to life-threatening. It was Iggy who had caught on to this, the small dog emerging from beneath the table and began barking loudly at you.
The abrupt escalation of events threw the group into a state of alarm. As you began to drool excessively, struggling for air, a small, rabid-like bug emerged from your mouth, adding a surreal horror to the scene. Your attempt to cry out was muffled, choked by the intrusion. Polnareff and Joseph let out a collective scream, their voices blending in shock and terror. Despite the panic that was clouding your eyesight, you could see Avdol and Kakyoin rush into action, summoning their Stands with an eagerness.
In the midst of the chaos and fear, you suddenly felt a strong, reassuring grip on your shoulder, spinning you around until you were face-to-face with Jotaro. His presence was imposing, the brim of his hat casting a shadow that obscured the upper half of his face, rendering his eyes invisible in the moment. Before you could process the situation fully, Jotaro's lips pressed firmly against yours. Shock and a surge of adrenaline caused your eyes to fly open wide, your hands instinctively curling into fists against his muscular chest. As he pulled back, the realization hit you: Jotaro had taken the stand from your mouth, now holding it between his lips. With a look of disgust, he spat it out to the side. In an instant, Star Platinum was summoned, its fist blurring into motion as it delivered a powerful punch that sent the stand hurtling into oblivion.
Everyone was taken aback by Jotaro's action. It was a bold move that had you gasping for air. Your cheeks flushed with warmth as you processed the sensation; his lips had been surprisingly soft, and the kiss had carried a level of passion that left you questioning its intent.
The lingering sensation of his lips on yours created an array of emotions swirling within you, mixing gratitude with confusion and a hint of curiosity. The lingering sensation of his lips on yours sparked a range of emotions within you.
You cleared your throat, the unexpectedness of the circumstance made you feel instantly self-conscious, forcing you to put your plate aside as your hunger faded in the aftermath of the experience. “Thanks…” You said hoarsely.
“Yare Yare…” 
Josuke Higashikata
You and Josuke attended the same school, and it had become a regular occurrence for him to offer to walk you home. At first, you didn't think much of it, considering it a friendly gesture. However, things took a different turn when your school friends started teasing you, hinting that Josuke might have a crush on you.
Today was like any other day, with Josuke offering to walk you home once again. However, a nagging feeling of guilt crept over you as you realized how many times he had gone out of his way for you without expecting anything in return. Despite your gratitude for his kindness, you couldn't help but feel like you owed him something more substantial.
As the two of you approached your house's doorstep, you fidgeted with your hands, an anxious yet grateful smile forming across your face as you turned to face the boy. "Is this like, the millionth time you've walked me to my door?" you teased gently, resting against the doorframe and looking down at your feet. "You're really sweet," you said, genuine admiration coloring your words as you met his gaze again. His presence was familiar and comforting, making every trip to your door a special part of your day.
Josuke rubbed the back of his head, a bashful smile playing on his lips as he blushed slightly at your words. "Hey, I was raised to be a gentleman, y'know," he replied with a hint of self-consciousness, his genuine sincerity shining through. "And, uh, I think you're pretty cool to hang out with." he added, trying to play it off casually but unable to hide the warmth in his eyes as he looked at you. 
"Yeah? I think you're pretty cool too," you replied, crossing your arms and allowing your gaze to linger on his figure, almost as if you were studying him intently. Josuke, with his trademark pompadour, couldn't help but chuckle softly at your lingering look, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
You fought with the thoughts that raced through your mind, urging you to take the risk and make your move, especially after leaving Josuke visibly flustered. He was now haphazardly kicking at a pebble under his foot, avoiding direct eye contact as if quietly expressing that he was waiting for something else to happen before returning home. The tension in the air was obvious, and you could sense the weight of unspoken words hanging between you.
"I wanted to thank you for walking with me every day," you began, your voice wavering slightly with nerves. "A proper thank you," you quickly corrected yourself, hoping to drop a subtle hint about where the conversation was heading. "I feel like my words aren't enough. I think you deserve something more meaningful."
As you spoke, Josuke's gaze shifted back to you, curiosity and anticipation flickering in his eyes. He didn't know what to expect, but the moment he felt your hands holding onto his biceps, everything seemed to fall into place. His heart skipped a beat as realization dawned on him, his mouth going dry and his lips quivering slightly in response to the sudden surge of emotions.
Without hesitating for another second, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips against Josuke's, savoring the sweetness of the moment. The taste of cherry chapstick lingered on your lips, adding to the enchantment of the kiss. When you finally pulled away, a soft giggle escaped your lips as you admired the lovestruck expression on Josuke's face, his goofy grin speaking volumes about his happiness in that moment. "S-so, uh... I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Josuke asked, a hint of nervousness lacing his words. In response, you gave his cheek a soft tap, a reassuring gesture that brought a smile to his face. With a final glance and a warm smile, you opened the door to your house, leaving Josuke with a sense of anticipation.
Giorno Giovanna
During another date that he had arranged, Giorno bought you ice cream as the two of you walked hand in hand. It was a rare occasion when he wasn't caught up in his responsibilities as a mob leader and actually took the time to be with you. Being outside of the mansion felt refreshing, and you were grateful that Giorno shared the same sentiment.
"You know," you started, a playful lilt in your voice as you attempted to coax him into sharing the dessert, "it's one of your favorite flavors. Are you sure you don't want a taste?" Your attempt was light-hearted, an effort to draw him into a small act of normalcy, something as mundane as sharing ice cream on a date.
Giorno's response was a chuckle, the sound warm and rich, filling the space between you. "I'm quite sure. Today, I'm more than happy just to see you enjoy it," he replied, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter. 
It made you wonder if he'd ever considered taking the relationship to the next level. Nothing extravagant, simply the fact that you've been dating for a while now and he has never initiated a kiss. How you ached to feel his lips on yours. Given his soft-spoken demeanor, you wondered if his lips were also soft and moisturized, providing an intoxicating lasting sensation with each kiss. Given that you were staring a little too long, Giorno had turned to meet your eyes as an evident grin spread across his lips as he cups his own cheek out of embarrassment. “Is there something on my face? You look like you have something you want to say.”
“Mmm, yeah actually.” You responded back with lidded eyes as you gave his hand a small squeeze and stopped your tracks. "There’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest.” You admitted as the ice cream in your hands slowly melted from the bright sun above. You continued, “If I have your permission to touch you, will you trust me?” 
"You always have my permission, you don't need to ask," Giorno reassured you with a gentle smile, his eyes watching you carefully. As you wrapped one arm around his neck, the distance between your bodies shortened, creating a more intimate atmosphere. Your cheeks were flushed, and the way he met your gaze without much of a reaction made butterflies flutter in your stomach. You felt his arm snake around your waist, and it almost seemed like he knew exactly what you had planned to do next. The anticipation and closeness between you added a thrilling suspense to the moment.
Eventually, the both of you lean in to share a passionate kiss. Much to your pleasure, his lips were soft and so were his hands as it continues to explore the rest of your body. You felt weak in the knees, your hand rested on his chest and once the two of you pulled away you were left starstruck. “Giorno...” “Shall we get going?” The question, simple and gentle, jolted you back to reality, yet the magic of the moment lingered like the afterglow of a sunset. His hand, warm and reassuring, squeezed yours. You nodded your head in response, letting the blonde lead the way as the two of you continue to enjoy the rest of your date. 
Jolyne Cujoh
Well, it was more of a dare than something that was just intended. Whenever she was in a good mood, she hardly took herself so seriously, especially when she was messing around with her friends. Though it was pretty easy to break down the tough exterior that she occasionally displays on herself. That’s just how Jolyne is and you admire her for that.
You were seated comfortably on the carpet of your apartment, surrounded by your friends and the lively energy of the gathering. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, fueled by the risky game you had all decided to play. With each round, bets were placed, and allowances were on the line as you wagered on the most obscure acts and challenges.
However, things took an unexpected turn when Ermes placed a cash bet on Jolyne kissing you. The room fell silent for a moment as everyone's gaze focused on you and Jolyne, the heightened tension palpable as the game appeared to have strayed into personal territory. 
“Where’d that even come from? You tryin’ to make fun of us or something?” You asked Ermes, your cheeks felt warm,
Ermes just laughed, a knowing twinkle in her eye as she observed the sudden tension between you and Jolyne. "What? Can't handle a little dare?" she teased, her grin widening at your discomfort. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation, especially when you caught Jolyne's eye. Her usually fierce demeanor seemed softened by the flush of embarrassment, making her look unexpectedly vulnerable.
Jolyne let out a deep breath, her gaze shifting from you to Ermes and then back again. "Fine," she finally said, the word coming out more as a challenge than a submission. She leaned closer, her eyes locked with yours, a mix of defiance and something softer you couldn't quite place. The room fell silent, the playful teasing of moments ago replaced by an almost electric anticipation. You could hear your heart beating, loud in the quiet of the room, as Jolyne's face came closer to yours. Her eyes flickered closed, and for a moment, everything else seemed to disappear.
The kiss was brief, a simple press of lips that felt like a spark through your entire body. When she pulled back, her eyes met yours again, searching for a reaction. The room erupted into whistles and laughter from Ermes and Foo Fighters, but both you and Jolyne were caught in a moment of silent communication, a question and answer passing silently between you.
Jolyne broke eye contact first, turning back to face Ermes and the others with a nonchalant shrug. "See? Just a kiss," she said, her voice steady but you noticed the slight pink still coloring her cheeks.
You were left a little dazed, warmth spreading through your chest. Although the kiss was part of the game, it felt like it carried more weight than either of you would admit. As the game continued and the evening wore on, you found yourself stealing glances at Jolyne, wondering if the moment had meant as much to her as it did to you.
Johnny Joestar
Just as he was about to join the big horse race, you had to pull him back a bit as you couldn’t help but worry about his own well being. It was a big deal, people can get way too competitive and you tend to worry over the littlest things. Of course, he had to reassure you that he was gonna be fine and that he would just have to be away for a few days, perhaps a few weeks or even months. The thought of being so far away from him already made you anxious and he noticed this, so he held your hands and looked up into your eyes. 
"I'll be fine, promise," he responded, his voice full of confidence and calmness. You wanted to believe in his statements and that he would carefully go through the challenges. You knew deep down that despite the distance and time away, he had the courage and determination to return to you.
Before you could say anything else, an obnoxiously loud horn blared, causing both you and Johnny to flinch. The announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, signaling that the horse race was about to commence. You observed Johnny, noticing how his gaze fixated on a man in a hat, attending to a horse. While you were curious about his sudden focus, you decided not to inquire and instead diverted his attention back to you.
You stretched out and cupped his cheek, gently turning his face toward you. The touch was both calming and anchoring, a gentle reminder amidst the chaos of the race. Johnny's gaze met yours, and everything else disappeared into the background. The clamor of the crowd, the excitement of the race, everything went incidental.
In the heat of the moment, you let your body take control as your brain lagged behind. You wrapped your arms around Johnny, pulling yourself closer to his pretty face and eventually your lips locked with his own. You could tell you caught him off guard with the way his body jumped but he immediately melted into the kiss.  The world around you seemed to fade into a blur, leaving just the warmth of his lips against yours and the rhythmic beating of your hearts in perfect harmony. It was a frozen moment in time, with every touch and sensation speaking volumes about your relationship.  
After the lingering kiss had finally ended, Johnny's lips retained their puckered form for a moment longer, as if trying to capture the essence of the intimate moment. His eyes remained closed, basking in the residual warmth of your embrace. It wasn't until you let out a playful giggle and lightly tapped his cheek that he snapped out of his reverie, realizing that the kiss had come to an end. Johnny's face broke into a sheepish grin as he opened his eyes, the delighted twinkle in them reflecting how deeply he had lost himself in the experience.
"Having fun there, loverboy?" you teased with a playful grin, unable to hide the amusement dancing in your eyes.
"Shut up, and kiss me again before I go for real this time," Johnny mumbled in a half-serious, half-playful tone, already leaning in with closed eyes, anticipating the next kiss. You couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully at his eagerness, knowing all too well how much he enjoyed these moments of intimacy.
Granting his wish, you leaned in closer, planting a series of small, teasing pecks on his lips. Each kiss was light and fleeting, just enough to leave him wanting more but sufficient to see the satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
His embrace was overwhelmingly tight, his clinginess something you adored in him, yet you hadn't quite anticipated the sheer strength he possessed. It left you feeling somewhat overpowered, as if you were about to be compressed into nothingness. Your reaction was a series of light giggles, and although you attempted to push him away gently, it only led him to draw you closer once again. Looking down at you, Gappy gently held your face, his thumb tracing your cheekbone.
"Josuke, what's gotten into you?" you question playfully about your boyfriend, but Gappy's arms remained tightly around you. Sure, you had grown accustomed to his affection, though it may occasionally take you by surprise with its intensity. You were also aware of his memory loss and continued search for his identity and purpose. Being one of the first people he met after losing his memory, he quickly developed an emotional connection to you, which you accepted wholeheartedly. 
“You’re warm...” He muttered quietly, his fingers tracing patterns across your skin, inducing involuntary shivers. His acts toward you were noticeably compassionate, in stark contrast to his usual approach. Really, he had charisma, a natural capacity to attract those around him, as well as characteristics that made him unique. Nonetheless, he was ready to get violent at any given moment. But with you, he was someone completely different. He treated you with tenderness and care that spoke volumes, distinguishing you to be special in his eyes. It was this sharp contrast, this respite from his rougher side, that made you feel sincerely appreciated and cherished.
"Jojo..." Your words was just a whisper, a sweet utterance full of care as you softly lifted your hands, cradling his face with the utmost care.You allowed your eyes to wander over his features, memorizing each detail—the curve of his brow, the depth in his eyes, the subtle strength in his jawline.  As you leaned closer, your lips discovered the warmth of his forehead and planted a delicate kiss. With each kiss, you followed a line across his face, from his forehead to his cheek, and finished with a peck on his chin.  He reacted with a slight start to your boldness, a small but noticeable jump, yet he remained silent, his eyes speaking volumes of the surprise and warmth he felt.
You wanted to giggle, a sense of satisfaction at getting such a reaction from your boyfriend. You were about to say something witty and sharp, the words almost dancing on your tongue, eager to tease him even more. However, before you could make your smart remark, the scenario took an unexpected turn. His hands, echoing your previous move, rose to gently cup your face. The world seemed to stop for a time as his eyes fluttered shut, sending a subtle indication of his intentions.
Then, with unexpected boldness, he closed the gap between you, pushing his lips against yours in a daring kiss. His unexpected action left your eyes wide open in shock for just a second, leaving an unspoken query hanging in the air. But as the surprise wore off, a warmth flowed through you, and you found yourself easing into the kiss, your body's tension melting away as you reacted with equal passion.
Once the two of you pulled away, you were left breathless, your cheeks were warm and it was hard to really look him in the eyes after such a passionate kiss. You were at a loss for words as well, it was hard to really think about what to say next. It seemed like he was on the same page, his eyes simply looking at yours as he tried to read the expression that you had on your face. Rest assured, there was definitely going to be more kisses after that. 
Jodio Joestar
Your frustration was palpable when you stumbled upon him yet again engaged in the act of selling drugs, this time to a group of unfamiliar faces. The sight of him engaging this illicit exchange stirred a flare of anger within you, prompting you to confront him directly. Standing there, your posture rigid with your arms tightly crossed over your chest and a frown etching deep lines of disappointment across your face, you were the picture of discontent.
Jodio, seemingly unconcerned by your appearance or the dissatisfaction etched all over your face, simply snickered to himself dismissively. He nonchalantly shook a baggie full of dollar notes, flaunting the goods of his trade right in front of your eyes, all before he had a chance to properly register your presence or understand the depth of your anger.
"Again?" You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you observed his repetitive behavior. It was a mix of frustration and disappointment that colored your expression, a silent plea for him to understand the significance of his actions. However, his response was careless, with a mere shrug that appeared to indicate a lack of regard for your issues.
"What's the big deal?" he asked, his tone tinged with casualness as he continued walking, dismissing your concerns. He passed you and headed in the direction where Dragona had parked his car. However, you were not going to let him off the hook so easily. You followed closely after him, the mean expression still engraved on your face as you gazed at his back. Your steps were deliberate, each bearing the weight of your frustration you had for him. His relaxed demeanor simply bolstered the urge to confront him and make him realize the weight of his actions that he had on you.
"What's the big deal?" For god's sake, you're a 15-year-old selling drugs to a couple of dickheads!" Your frustration spilled out in words, your voice infused with fear and exasperation. "You'll get in big trouble, and they'll take you away, and—" Before you could continue, you were interrupted by his irritatingly loud yawn. The interruption left you speechless, your eyes narrowing.  The boldness of his attitude, yawning as if your issues were nothing more than a little annoyance, was frustrating. "You're unbelievable," you said under your breath, your words filled with disappointment.
"What's unbelievable is that you care so much," he spat back, his tone defiant as he stuffed the bag of cash into his pockets. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you directly. "What? Cat's got your tongue? You're kinda funny," he added with a hint of sarcasm, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Your initial instinct was to lash out, to give voice to the frustration swirling inside you. But in a split second, something shifted, and before you could fully process it, your impulses took over. Without a second thought, you grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie, pulling him closer, and pressed your lips onto his.
The kiss was impulsive, a burst of emotion that manifested in the heat of the moment. You could feel the texture of his slightly chapped lips against yours. It was a surprise even to yourself, this sudden act of intimacy amidst the tension and conflict that had defined your interaction moments ago.
“I’ll… see you around.”
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starry-snippets · 1 year
thinking about cuddling with star platinum while jotaro is busy working. you're sitting in one of his many white hats and his long white coat, patting star platinum on the head while you flip through a marine animal textbook from earlier in jotaro's college years. star platinum is snuggled besides you while you read the labels, the attentive stand responding with intrigued "oras" which made you giggle and jotaro's face flush. if you hadn't stolen his hat he'd of pulled it over his face in an attempt to hide the red of his ears and cheeks at how much star platinum loves you.
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euryfix · 6 months
hii can i have sfw relationship headcanons with jotaro kujo? thank you in advance and have a nice day!
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Jotaro Kujo x Reader
sfw Headcanons
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Jotaro is a pretty picky person when it comes to relationships. He is very closed off and hard to get to open up.
So if he picks you to be his partner it’s because he truly loves and cares for you.
He’s not that fond of PDA but whenever he can get you alone he’s very affectionate.
He’ll hug you from behind while resting his head on your shoulder. Sometimes he’ll even kiss you softly on your neck.
When you guys are cuddling he loves to be big spoon. He likes the feeling of him keeping you safe!
While you guys are out together (shopping, on a date, etc..) he won’t let you out of his sight. He just doesn’t want anything to happen to you.
He’s very protective of you. If he sees someone be even a little rude/flirty towards you he’ll immediately take action.
Something Jotaro loves about you is that you treat him softer than others, you were like this even before you guys started dating. People see Jotaro as this cold, strong guy but you always saw that his soft side was something you’d have to really get to know him to be able to see.
When he goes on his long adventures he makes sure to call and update you on everything that happens. If there isn’t a place to call he’ll write you these cute letters
The letters usually arrive with some kind of gift, something like flowers, jewelry, or anything that reminded him of you.
When he gets home he’ll never leave your side. You guys would stay at home together all day doing stuff like watching movies, cooking together, going on dates, and cuddling!
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Thank you for requesting and reading!!
Yours truly,
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lumibuns-blog · 10 months
"F--k it"
Jotaro x reader
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After finally arriving in Egypt and gaining Iggy as an "ally" you were forced to fight against Geb and his stand N'doul.
When Abdul had been hurt and your enemy was going in for the kill, you immediately ran, putting yourself at risk to try and save your friend, whom you had just gotten back.
Your friend Jotaro had ran after you, probably just to do damage control, but he was also worried for you. He had helped you defeat the enemy stand user (using Iggy), and now you were walking back to the rest of your friends.
You admired Jotaro in a new light, after he had lost his hat in the fight. He looked so handsome, he always had but now with strands of his hair hanging in front of his face. Of course you had always admired him not only for his looks but his personality as well, he was stoic, calm under pressure, cool, and he always listened to you no matter what, and he was never rude to you always being somewhat gentle.
You felt all of this yet you still knew that it was sort of hopeless, you were friends and Jotaro had showed no interest in you, at least in that way.
So you walked beside him, happy that you could at least know him even under these circumstances, I mean he really was-
"What are you looking at" he suddenly asked, an eyebrow raised
"Oh um sorry" you stammered waving your hands to try and signify it was nothing
"Hm ok..." he looked away
As he looked away his hair moved and the sun shone on his skin.
It was your turn to suddenly speak "You just look really nice without you hat on" you froze, not meaning to think out loud
"Huh?" He trends back towards you and strange look on his face
"Oh I'm sorry- I just, well I haven't seen you without your hat is all..."
He quickly looked away, you panicked, thinking you had said something you shouldn't have
"I just meant-"
"You...look...nice in...the sun...set" he mumbled, barley audible
You could see, even though he was turned away from you that he was covering his face with his hand.
You stood there stunned "what...do you mean?"
"You're such an idiot" he grumbled
He was being so vague you had no idea what he meant
"It's just- fuck it" he suddenly turned back to you and grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in close and he bent down so you lips meant for just a moment, he was so gentle and he held you close, as though he thought you would break. He slowly separated himself from you lips and stood up.
"I hope that's obvious enough for you" he scoffed
You stood there, blushing like crazy, unable to speak.
After a moment Iggy came running back, with Jotaro's hat in his mouth
"Well, what do you know. You picked up my hat for me?" He said, surprised "maybe he isn't so bad after all" he looked over his shoulder at you, a small smile on his face
He stopped, realizing Iggy had slobbered all over it after he had returned it to his head
"Gimme a break" he sighed
You chuckled "hey Jojo"
"Hm yeah?"
You jumped up to reach his face and planted a kiss on his cheek
"I didn't know you felt the same way" you grinned
"You're pretty dense"
"Says you"
He chuckled
"Well um since we both-"
"HEY JOTARO, Y/N" you could hear Polnareff yell from the dune buggy "COME OVER HERE"
"We'll continue this later I guess" Jotaro sighed
You laughed and ran to catch up with him and the rest of your crew
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
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Warnings : none I think, this is set between DIU and Stone Ocean, a sort of happy family AU, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : domestic fluff for the loml
Word count : 0.6K words
Additional notes : This is super short, but I just missed Jotaro🫶🏽
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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“You got the shallots I asked for?”
“Yeah, they had an offer, a whole kilogram for 4.55. A steal, huh?” They looked proud as they handed him the bag with the ‘DISCOUNT!’ sticker. “They also had some fresh parsley on sale, so I got some.” After setting the rest of their purchases down, they leaned in to give him a kiss to the cheek. Loathe as he would be to admit it—if asked about it, that is—they noticed how their husband leaned in a bit, and how he even let out an absentminded (but certainly affectionate) hum at that.
“Thanks, I can work with that too.” Jotaro began to work on peeling and slicing the shallots, while they went to wash off the rest of the produce in the sink. Considering just how they fared in the kitchen, they sometimes thanked the higher powers that he was perfectly fine with being on cooking duty forevermore while they handled groceries. “What soup do you want?”
A confused look made its way on their face. “I don’t think any of the food you’re making goes well with soup. Unless you’re making miso soup, which would be too much.”
Momentarily setting the knife aside, he sighed. “Jolyne’s voice sounds weird. I think she’s coming down with something.”
“Aha. It’s probably cause of that ice-cream you two got yesterday. Honestly, what were you thinking, having something that cold in the middle of February, and on the beach no less?”
Their scolding fell on deaf ears, as they both knew that Jotaro was helpless when it came to Jolyne. Just one look at her dazzling smile and sparkling eyes and he was sold, giving in to her every whim and fancy. It was up to them to be the disciplinary parent, or else she would’ve turned out horribly spoilt.
The accusatory train of thought never got them anywhere with Jotaro, though, and they knew it was pointless to go on, so they turned to more important matters. “In that case, I can make her some vegetable soup with lemon and pepper. Works wonders, I tell you.” Standing up after having crouched to grab the broth they’d made last week and left in the freezer, he was giving them a dead-pan look. “What?”
“Do you wanna blow our house up?”
Rolling their eyes, they shoved his shoulder—which, unsurprisingly, did not make him even budge. “You brat. I made you that soup before when you were quarantined.”
“Could’ve sworn that was your mother’s,” he mumbled under his breath, amusement on his face as he turned back to dig out more vegetables for the noodles he was making. “I’ll cut extra for that soup. You just focus on not burning that broth.”
“Hardy-har-har.” With nothing more than mild annoyance, they started the thawing process. After a few moments of silence, they quietly asked, “Can you even burn soup?”
“Are you taking that as a challenge?” Jotaro snorted, somehow having already finished dicing up half the vegetables, and currently tearing open two packs of noodles. “You’ll find a way to do it. I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“You know what? Starve.”
“Hardly a threat, considering I can fend for myself. You on the other hand…”
“I’m off to wake Jolyne up for medicine,” they loudly interrupted, not before giving him a vulgur gesture with their hands. “Time for the cook of the house to work solo.”
“You forgot to—“ he tried to quickly interject, then sighed as they’d already long slipped upstairs. Shaking his head, he side-stepped to the abandoned stove, turning the flames on low. “Good grief. You really would’ve burnt the soup like that.”
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @mrsgiovanna @boorishbrambling
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aliyalala · 1 year
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" "Nah"
Gojo, Miguel, Peter, Geto, Toji, Mikasa, Jotaro, Jolyne
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inkpot909 · 7 months
Fluff Alphabet: Jotaro Kujo
↳ Reader is written as gender neutral and was previously a part of the trip to Egypt.
A/n: I’ve always wanted to write an alphabet list! And who better to write one for than my favorite marine biologist? I hope y’all enjoy and remember to take care of yourselves. <3
Warning(s): A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it innuendo. Mentions of blood and canon-typical swearing. Very light angst.
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(A)ffection - How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?
Let’s face it, the phrases “Jotaro Kujo” and “lovey-dovey” don’t mix.
He didn’t rank high on the affectionate scale, at least, not at the beginning of your relationship.
Instead of being openly affectionate, his main method of expressing his feelings during the beginning was to spend lots of quality time with you. Attached at the hip, he followed you around everywhere.
Another way he expressed his affection was by… introducing or referring to you as his boyfriend/girlfriend?
You still remember the first time you’d met his mother. He brought you home one day, standing a good foot or two to your left. His arms were firmly planted in his pockets, while you awkwardly had to listen to him bluntly say “This is who I’m dating.”
That was his idea of romance.
Jotaro’s come a long way since; it’s a matter of time for him. Quality time is still a large part of his love language, no question, but after settling into the relationship he’ll get the hang of it.
Specifically, he’s more knowledgeable on what you like best and that will certainly shine through in his actions.
This is especially true in private, where he’ll show a side of himself that’s genuinely sweet and more inclined to be physically affectionate.
(B)eauty - What does he admire about you? What does he think is beautiful about you?
Your personal drive and motivations are two things he deeply admires about you!
Specifically, your passions make you incredibly special in his eyes. And this is true regardless of where those motivations lie. If you are passionate in your career, or even about your hobbies, he’ll be sure to take notice.
Whether it’s the way your face lights up when the topic is even slightly mentioned, or the expression of complete focus when knee-deep in whatever it is that compels you to move forward, it can honestly leave him speechless.
He’s a great support as well. Vocally and bluntly expressing a unwavering belief in you. He does this more often if you harbor any insecurities towards your passions as well.
Physically speaking, he adores your eyes the most.
The amount of times he’s drowned himself in the vast ocean contained within your irises is uncountable. It’s grounding, comforting, and will likely never fail to make his heart flutter.
His staring is a constant in your relationship. During the platonic stage, the beginning of you dating, and all throughout your years of marriage.
(C)omfort - How would he help you when feeling down/having a panic attack/etc.?
Much like with displaying affection, Jotaro’s going to be rather shit at this in the beginning.
Where it differs, however, is that his attempts at making you feel better were likely the first signs of his deeper feelings towards you.
As the journey to Egypt developed, so did both of your understanding of one another. Namely, he was rather curt and dismissive towards you initially. This behavior probably led you to try and avoid him, whether it was done shyly or with a more vocal pushback against his actions.
Regardless, stand attacks were the catalyst of you realizing he actually cares for you. More specifically, during the fight against Steely Dan. It didn’t matter to him that Joseph’s life was on the line, if the bastard so much as got to close, you were having to hold Jotaro back from becoming violent.
Comforting you while dealing with mental or emotional hurtles is something he approaches far more awkwardly.
When you first began going out, he would grow silent and sit next to you as you let out your emotions. He’s always been a good listener, certainly, but that was pretty much it.
As he matures, he’ll find the- although limited -right words to say. Not only that, but if you want to cling to him, feel free to do so.
If you’re going through a panic attack, his response depends on the situation. If it’s during/because of a battle, he leaves comforting you to someone else while he dives head-first into the fight.
If it’s not during such a dire situation, he will pull you close (unless it’s already been made clear that will only heighten your distress).
Jotaro will encourage you to meet his gaze, and follow his deep breaths as best you can. He will always be calm, and prioritizes you relaxing before discussing the source of your panic attack after the fact.
(D)ance - Does he like to dance with you? How good of a dancer is he?
No way in hell.
It won’t matter how many times you, whine, beg, or bargain. The most you’ll ever get from him is the tapping of his foot or gentle nod of his head in the car.
Try not to take it personally!
In general, Jotaro just doesn’t dance. It’s not for him. He doesn’t even know if he’s got naturally good rhythm (he doesn’t) because he just… never does it.
The first time you ever danced with him is on your wedding day.
Marrying the love of your life in of itself is enough to make your heart swell. But the fact that he danced with you, in front of friends and family no less, made the ceremony magical. And his steady movements, as well as how tenderly he held you to him, took your breath away.
The fact that he asked his mother to show him how to slow dance, practicing for weeks beforehand, is something he’s taking to the grave.
(E)xcitement - How does he act when he’s excited? What excites him?
The world must’ve stopped turning; the sun is falling down from the sky. Pigs are outside flying through the air as if they’ve been doing so for centuries.
Jotaro Kujo’s smiling unprompted.
No, seriously, you can tell he’s anticipating something when the tiniest of smiles plays on his lips for no immediate reason. Generally, he also seems less annoyed at the world when he’s feeling excited.
Those are good enough indicators on their own, but there’s also the fact that he talked your ear off about whatever it is he’s looking forward to the night prior.
“Talked your ear off,” by the way, translates to mumbling out no more than four sentences on the matter.
If you were anyone else, they likely wouldn’t notice a difference. But you do, knowing Jotaro better than he knows himself at times.
Achievements and advancements within his career is what often excites him as an adult. A rare visit from an old-friend such as Polnareff is also bound to put him in a good mood. And finally returning home from a long trip away is bound to make his eyes shine.
When he was still a young delinquent, these reactions were policed to the point where he hardly expressed such things in front of you. But after mellowing out, it’s heartwarming to see more genuine displays of his emotions.
(F)uture - What are his plans for the future? Does he see himself getting married, having kids?
Before you, even getting into a romantic relationship wasn’t on his mind at all.
So it’s more likely that you’re the first to bring things up like marriage or children, then he’ll begin to seriously consider it. If he realizes his wants and needs for the future on his own, you’re still what’s going to be on his mind front and center.
For him, his mind is focused on one thing at a time.
After marrying, he’ll one day think to himself, Huh, usually the next step is having kids. Then he’ll contemplate it, wondering if that’s what he wants.
Jotaro’s the type of individual that never saw such a thing for himself out of youthful disinterest.
But as he grew up and found his relationship with you to be the most important thing in his life, he discovered he truly does wish to have a nuclear family.
It scares him a little, even with your ability as a stand user.
He knows all too well that there are plenty of people that want his head for the conflict in Egypt. It’s something you both have invested a lot of time in investigating side-by-side.
But at the end of the day, his trust in you and knowledge that you’re more powerful as a unit that eventually pushes those worries out of the picture.
And ultimately, what’s important to you becomes important to him. So, although he certainly comes to envision settling down and having a family with you, how you feel on the matter is the final word in his eyes.
(G)ifts - What does he give you as presents? How often does he give gifts?
Birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and anniversaries is pretty much the only time he gives gifts.
Despite not doing it often, he’s attentive enough and knows you to the point where he’s become quite good at it. He’s not afraid to spend a generous amount of money on you either.
And what his gifts lack in frequency, he certainly makes up for in memory.
Jotaro Kujo never forgets a date. The thought of reminding him doesn’t ever pass through your brain because he’s so consistent with it.
He smartly plans ahead on top of that. Meaning, even if he orders you a gift to be delivered to the house, it will always arrive on time. And if it doesn’t, it’s never on him that it didn’t.
(H)old - How does he hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Holding hands has long been his preferred (and only) form of PDA.
Especially when you were younger and still dating, it was a statement to everyone around you. That yes, you’re both taken and happy to be together.
By the time you both mature into the relationship, it’s already an established habit. Now, he simply does it because he loves you and is happily aquatinted with your fingers intertwined with his.
Yes, part of him still wants everyone to know. But he cares a lot less about his reputation at this point in his life.
When cuddling, he mainly likes holding you close to him rather than it being the other way around. Having your head rest on his chest provides him a sense of comfort that’s irreplaceable.
That said, there are times when he’d like to lean on you or plant his head in your lap. It’s usually after a long, stressful day that he’ll seek out such a thing.
After dinner is usually time for you both to curl up, snuggled together in front of the TV. During the weekend, when neither of you are busy, you’ll find yourselves clinging to each other during the afternoon as well.
He doesn’t much care for cuddling you in bed, though. Jotaro likes to stretch out in his sleep and not be locked into on position the whole night.
“I cuddled with you all day, why would you need me to do it now when I’m trying to sleep?”
Although, if you’ve had a particularly rough day or if you haven’t seen one another for a while, he’ll bring you into his arms at night. Bending his legs forward, he’ll tangle them with yours as he spoons you.
(I)deal - What’s his ideal date like?
Heh, any date with you is ideal, babyboy/babygirl.
Jokes aside, he really doesn’t give a shit.
Planning dates with him may make you want to pull your hair out. He doesn’t care- whatever you want to do works for him.
You want to go out to eat? Fine with him, he’s getting hungry anyways. Want to go watch a movie? No problem; he’ll even pay for your ticket. Or would you rather stay in, curl up together in bed reading beside one another? Perfect, as long as he’s sitting close.
Jotaro doesn’t really understand why you may grow sick of always having to pick, and you’ll likely have to explain it to him.
Whenever he does make plans, it’s almost always something you’ve done together before and therefore is confident you’ll enjoy yourself.
His one no-go for a date is going to an amusement park.
Everything is way overpriced, the lines are too long, and the obnoxious kids littered around the place will set back his desire to have children for years.
(J)ealousy - Does he get jealous easily? How does he handle it?
When you were dating- absolutely.
Not only was he a little more insecure about the future of your relationship, but he also felt the need to keep up his tough-guy persona.
It has always been extremely rare for him to get violent due to jealousy, though.
Instead, he grew dangerously quiet and wrapped an arm around your shoulders protectively.
That said, he wasn’t ever opposed to getting violent. If it ever got to the point where someone was explicitly hitting on you in front of him, one glance at the uncomfortable look on your face, and he’s not afraid to start throwing around vague threats.
In adulthood, and once married, he feels less inclined to posture.
If someone’s hitting on you, he’s more likely to approach the situation calmly and make a point to introduce himself as your husband.
Having a naturally intimidating face doesn’t often lead to others pushing it.
And when he gets jealous in later years, he’s simply going to wait patiently until you get home. Not exactly grow silent like he used to, but shoot you knowing glances instead.
He waits until your both home before doing anything outright. That’s when he’ll grab your hand and lead you to the bedroom. Of course, he knows by now that you love him, but a night of reminding you how much you mean to him certainly doesn’t hurt…
(K)isses - How does he like to kiss you? How often does he kiss you?
For the first month into the relationship, he’d settle for merely kissing you on the cheek.
He’d plant one there, quickly moving away in order to tug the brim of his hat down and cover his face.
You’re likely the one to have instigated the first kiss with him. He didn’t know how to approach; didn’t know how to ask.
After that threshold was broken, he easily prefers on-the-mouth kisses.
Jotaro will still give you kisses on the cheek from time to time, especially in front of family or friends as to not push it PDA wise.
But he’ll likely give you a kiss on the mouth, even if brief, at least once a day. It’s usually after he or you arrive home from work, greeting you with the affectionate action.
Or he’ll give you a quick kiss goodnight before the both of you settle into bed.
Plus, he’s naturally always been a pretty good kisser. Talented bastard.
(L)ove - How does he show you he loves you?
By being a constant presence in your life.
“I’m here, aren’t I? Of course I love you,” he tells you, as if it’s a no-brainer.
He won’t say it out loud, but it’s not just the fact that he’s there, it’s how. Jotaro is very much a show rather than tell type of man.
Acts of service is the primary love language he expresses.
He does your laundry for you unprompted, and in fact, takes care of a lot of the household duties without you needing to ask. He knows you very well, and thus takes care of tasks you know you’ll appreciate not having to do.
He doesn’t make a point of it either. Jotaro rarely boasts about doing such things, and often you’re left to find out on your own.
His deep trust in you is also a way you know he loves you.
With knowing one another for as long as you have, the bond is impossibly strong. Jotaro doesn’t think twice before informing you about his struggles, big or small. Not because he expects you to solve all his problems, but because he values transparency.
(M)elt - What do you do that absolutely makes him melt?
When you respond to his emotions without him needing to say a word, Jotaro’s heart warms.
This once again ties in with how well you know each other.
You’re so good at reading him that he sometimes tricks himself into thinking you may be able to read his mind.
He mentioned it once offhandedly, not even meaning to say it out loud. You’re lighthearted reaction was a little embarrassing for him, but it’s a cherished memory for you.
Not only that, but the fact that you get along seamlessly with his mother honestly brings him a sense of joy he cannot describe.
The only thing he can to think to say on the matter is that family’s important to him. The implication of the statement is implied: You being able to get along with his mother and extended family as well has him melting on the spot.
Bonus points if you’re good with kids too. Namely because Jotaro… is not.
(N)icknames - What does he call you, and what does he like being called?
Not really one for giving pet names, he simply calls you by your name or a preferred nickname.
On rare occasions, when he’s feeling particularly teasing or playful, he’ll call you ‘honey.’ Those moments are few and far between, though.
Other than that, it’s usually just your name he sticks with.
After growing up, and especially after receiving his degree, not many people still refer to him as JoJo. He doesn’t think much of the transition, but he does like it if you still call him JoJo from time to time.
It reminds him of your longtime bond; the nostalgic foundation of friendship you share.
If you like using pet names for him, he’ll roll his eyes and pretend as if he doesn’t like it. That said, he greatly appreciates it if you refer to him by name in front of others or in a serious situation.
(O)bvious - How obvious does he make it that he likes you?
When he was simply harboring a crush on you, it was not at all obvious.
Back during the trip to Egypt, Jotaro’s developing crush went unnoticed. Not even his own grandfather could tell. Hell, Jotaro himself couldn’t even really recognize it at first. It went unnoticed by everyone.
Well, everyone except Kakyoin.
It puts a strain on Jotaro’s heart, remembering it was Kakyoin that first noticed his feelings for you.
The redhead was very respectful about it, but still felt the need to stick his nose in Jotaro’s business in private. Despite him denying the crush up and down, Kakyoin’s encouragement still got to him a bit in the end.
During rough nights, where the past is painfully kept in the front of his mind, Jotaro wonders if him becoming just a little more obvious with his affection for you is done in part as some sort of way to prove himself to his departed friend.
(P)ets - Does he have pets? Does he want them?
Jotaro is so the definition of someone who swears up and down he doesn’t want a pet, yet ultimately ends up loving one unconditionally.
If you want one, he’ll dig his heels into the dirt for months. He’s too busy, you’re too busy… all prepackaged excuses for why it wouldn’t be a good idea.
But you eventually convince him to get one, the stoic man finally relenting with a long sigh.
He prefers dogs over any other kind of pet, so if that’s what you want, it’ll be slightly easier to convince him.
Without ever even trying to do so, it’s him who becomes the pet’s favorite.
The closeness is what leads him to giving in and only admitting to himself that he likes the pet. He’ll never admit it to you (as if you can’t tell); far too stubborn for his own good.
Jotaro has a one-pet-at-a-time policy, though. That’s nonnegotiable.
(Q)uiet - How are the calm, quiet moments with him?
To be honest, it’s a staple of your relationship.
Jotaro finally considered it love once fully wrapping his head around the fact that neither of you felt the need to always be making conversation with one another.
Comfortable silence is cherished by him. Whether you’ve always been the same, or come to have understood that with time, the fact that you’ve come to embrace that aspect of his personality led him to opening himself up to you more during conversations.
Quieter moments occur a lot during the weekend, when there’s no work and only relaxing. You also just enjoy each other’s company without much talking when getting ready for bed.
Sometimes, he doesn’t even say goodnight to you.
Instead, he gently tugs a few strands of hair from your face and cups your jaw momentarily. A gentle glimmer within his pupils reveal much more than any words could express.
The quietness and tranquility present in a lot of the time you spend together is part of his assessment in realizing you were the one.
(R)omance - How romantic is he? What is his go-to ways of being romantic?
…Romantic? Jotaro…?
He’s really responsive to your preferences in romance. Well, depending on how you present them.
He’s no mind-reader and not exactly the best at observing others. Remember the Yellow Temperance arc? Yeah… he’s not exactly a detective. If you want him to take a different approach in how romantic he is, subtly nudging him in the right direction isn’t going to work.
Instead, telling him directly what it is you like is much easier for him to wrap his head around. Jotaro never takes such comments personally, seeing as being upfront is preferable for him.
A year or two into the relationship, and he’s much better acquainted with what you like best.
Confident he understands you well, it naturally brings out a more romantic side of him. He’s only deeply observant with those closest to him (think Holly), so once you both reach that point, it brings out a surprisingly sweeter side of him.
(S)afe - What makes him feel safe and comfortable around you?
Once again, it’s got a lot to do with your history together.
Jotaro knows he can rely on you. He’s been keenly aware of your reliability since the late 80s.
Safety for Jotaro means tranquility, and a deep sense of comfort- along with a familiar environment. You provide him these warm feelings; seemingly just by your very presence.
When the two of you are at home together, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, he’s perfectly content. Simply glancing in your direction grounds him, and can calm buried anxieties.
That’s all he really needs to feel safe: You.
Visiting Morioh turns out to be a far more long and arduous task than either of you originally expected. But with you at his side, Jotaro rarely felt himself getting too worked up.
Spending late nights together at the hotel was all he needed to reset his brain, able to start the next day without much complaint over spending his time with unruly teenagers.
(T)end - How does he act when you’re hurt/sick, and vise versa?
If anyone hurts you, they may as well count their days. It doesn’t necessarily matter if you’re assertive all on your own; Jotaro’s going to have something (at the very least) to say.
Hell, knowing him, if someone’s troubling you all he usually has to do is look in their general direction. His entire demeanor gives off the impression of “Don’t fuck with me” and he’s all for standing up for you.
Even during the trip to Egypt, he seemed much looser with his grip on his temper when you were put into the line of fire.
If you’re sick, Jotaro’s surprisingly doting.
He’s extremely adamant that you stay home and rest up. Any reason you may have to get out of bed he’ll take care of himself without question.
If he can’t be there to take care of you (likely due to work), he’ll call once or twice while he’s gone just to check in on how you’re doing.
It’s quite ironic, considering how he acts when hurt or sick.
“I’m not sick,” he’ll insist in a scratchy voice, despite a reddened face and clearly runny nose.
“I’m fine.” Yeah, sure, Jotaro. Never mind the deep gash actively gushing blood all over his left arm.
Attempts to take care of him in anyway will be met with pushback, no matter how old he gets.
One reminder of how much he babies you when you’re feeling unwell is all it usually takes for him to begrudgingly accept your offer to help.
He’ll be silent throughout, but his refusal to look you in the eye is a dead giveaway that he secretly likes being taken care of every now and then.
(U)nique - What’s an unusual thing about him that’s oddly charming?
“JoJo… do you need something?”
“Then why’re you staring at me?”
“I’m not.”
“You’ve been looking at me for the past ten minutes!”
(V)ariety - Does he prefer to keep the same routine, or spice things up?
Jotaro is a creature of habit.
He certainly likes to keep a usual routine. Having a familiar structure makes him feel comfortable and as though his life is maintaining stability.
Too many surprises or shocking events happening at once is at best annoying for him, and downright unnerving at worst.
He is a little conscious of this aspect of himself; part of him worries you may grow board of him.
That worry is unfounded, though. Especially considering something new or a shake up to the usual routine is accepted by him if you’re the one to do so. He’s so naturally considerate that he doesn’t even think of that being a factor.
Luckily for the both of you, it’s not difficult for you to ease his worries.
(W)ild Card - A random fluff headcanon
Jotaro’s a big fan of manga and usually invests his free time in catching up on his favorite series’s anime incarnations.
He’s been reading Shonen since he was young, and that interest carries over into his adult years.
Jotaro will certainly sit you down and make ask you to watch his some of his favorite anime with him. Saturday afternoons is his favorite time to curl up next to you on the couch and watch for a few hours.
Definitely the type to always sneak peaks at your reactions out of the corner of his eye. He hardly is the type to speak during a show or movie, but is glad to discuss with you after the fact. Please, discuss with him after the fact.
If you’re also into manga and anime before meeting him, he’s internally overjoyed. However, he is a bit critical.
Not to the point of being rude, but certainly dismissive of it at first if your tastes don’t exactly align with his. Jotaro has taste, and is quite proud of his selections. It may come off as a bit elitist… because it is.
He loosens up with time, and may even give some of your favorites a chance. He will never admit out loud to actually liking them, even after you catch him intently watching an anime of your suggestion on his own.
(X)OXO - Is he affectionate in public? How much PDA does he show?
Despite not being too outwardly affectionate or into PDA, everyone close to him can easily tell you’re together once a relationship is formed.
Joseph cheekily goes on and on about how he “totally saw this coming” (no he didn’t). Polnareff is patting the both of you on the back with a big, goofy grin (his world is crashing around him).
When the Duwang gang first met you, the teens of the group were going mental upon the realization that… holy shit… he’s married… !?
The group’s bewilderment was mostly kept to internal struggles due to both Jotaro’s harsh expression at any question relating to how on earth he managed to marry such a lovely individual.
Josuke specifically thought he was going to have a stroke. Unlike the others, he’s much more prone to speaking his mind even after the implicit warning.
After getting over his initial shock, he’ll berate his nephew for not previously telling him about his partner.
(Y)earning - How does he cope when he’s missing you?
It takes everything in him not to call you.
He holds out the first day of you being gone. It’s no trouble that he’s cooking without your presence, not at all. Ignoring the fact that he’s eating dinner without you cheerily filling him in on your day is no problem. Getting ready for bed alone is no big deal.
Yeah… definitely.
Jotaro will lay himself down in bed, facing your usually taken up side. He’ll find his hand reaching out m at the empty space, fingers curling around the sheets. A frown finds its way onto his tired face.
He’s calling you the next day. And after finally caving, he’s sure to give you a call each day or every other day after that.
Past events has made him wary of being separated from you for too long. And even though he logically knows he’s fussing over nothing, he still cannot help but cave to the small worry growing in the back of his mind.
That said, it isn’t too difficult for him to distract himself from missing you.
But being alone during moments that he’d usually share with you is enough to remind him of your absence.
(Z)eal - Is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes, he will undoubtedly go to great lengths for you.
One could argue that, having been a part of the Crusaders yourself, an aspect of his actions against DIO were also influenced by a desire to avenge you as well as the others.
Jotaro isn’t above getting violent in your behalf, and would certainly jump through several hoops as long as your safe.
Part of this is because there’s an unspoken mutual understanding that you’d do the same for him (and you certainly have).
But more than that, Jotaro has a small circle of individuals that he would likely do just about anything for. And after everything the both of you have been through together, you’re at the top of that list.
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saerotonins · 11 months
lap princess
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ft. kujo jotaro x gn!reader (the usage of princess is only for the sake of the title)
content warnings: fluff, modern!au, 3taro w/ less trauma LOL, suggestive themes if you squint, reader likes to watch some kdramas, characters are aged up to 18+, not beta read
wc: 775
notes: am i projecting? yes maybe...
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you always like hanging out with jotaro in his room.
sometimes you two watch movies as to pass time, read books together, or most of the time, just bask in with other's presence.
jotaro had invited you over for some company and you knew that meant that you were going to be lying away either on his floor, or his bed. you have no complaints because that just means you get to spend time with each other albeit in silence.
this isn't a problem the two of you would think about. jotaro is a natural listener. often choosing to open his ears to whatever hyper-fixation you decided to dwell on, current interests, or even shows that you were currently watching, sometimes even opting to share some of his thoughts or even humming as to let you know that he was engaged to whatever you are talking about.
caged around his arm, you watched some k-drama on your phone while jotaro reads on his pocketbook on his free hand. the warmth he provides felt comforting, for someone who acts so cold, together with his tough exterior, he's surprisingly a great alternative for a teddy bear. although you might argue that he is better.
shifting from his hold, you began to lie down on the free space on his bed when he stopped you.
"what are you doing?"
"i'm just going to lie down a bit while i watch."
just as you were about to let your head hit the pillow, you suddenly felt both of jotaro's hands on either side of your head. your mouth was ready to complete until you realized he moved your head somewhere.
his lap.
despite the bold move, you don't have it in you to tease him. like his arms, his lap feels so warm, so soft despite his muscly build.
jotaro went back onto reading his book when he felt you squirming, trying to find the most comfortable position to lie down while watching on your phone. his breath hitched, his legs were crossed and coincidentally, he placed your head near his—
"(y/n), quit moving" jotaro felt his face turn beet red, thank the gods your attention was on your phone or else you would've seen how flustered he was.
"hold on, i'm trying to be comfortable," you argued back.
he finally let go the breath that he didn't know he was holding back when he see you settled on his lap, holding your phone to your side.
the silence was comforting and relaxing. jotaro likes to spend his time with even if it's only this simple. so mundane, yet so fulfilling, he thinks.
some minutes later, he felt a soft thud on his bed, he looked down and saw your phone lying flat on his bed, with your eyes closed and quiet snores accompanied by the voices of the ongoing drama from your phone. a small smile evident on his lips as he pulled his comforter on your body, providing you more warmth, he then paused the show on your phone so you can sleep in peace without any disturbance.
"jotaro! y/n! i bought some sna-" holly's voice came to a halt as soon as she opens her son's door, revealing the adorable sight before her.
jotaro's free hand gently patting your head that is placed on his thighs while his other is holding the book he's currently reading. your soft snores along with the quiet whirl of his room's air conditioner enveloped the whole room.
sensing the open door of his room, he looks away from his book and sees his mom wearing a giddy smile and tray full with homemade snacks and drinks. a slight smile formed on his face as he puts his index finger over his lips, as if playfully silencing his mom. holly then pursed her lips, hiding a playful smile while tiptoeing through jotaro's room. she then carefully and quietly placed the tray over the kontatsu to avoid making unnecessary noises that might get you out of your sleep.
after making sure that all is well, holly tiptoed once again to exit jotaro's room, not forgetting to send a small wave to jotaro and your sleeping form before finally closing the door.
it's like times like these when jotaro felt the most safe and allow himself to be vulnerable. the normalcy and domesticity that you provided in his life serves as a surprise but certainly welcomed. he likes that he knows that you're always by his side, always eager to help him in ways that you can and offer him your company.
even if it's just you laying on his lap.
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signanothername · 4 months
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Ok but what if stands were indeed evil spirits possessing their users??
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kittwix · 1 month
What are the Joestars like in a Relationship?
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
word count:
tags: mostly fluff, there might be some sugestive content for joseph and jolyne specifically but you have to squint to really catch it,
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Jonathan Joestar
Perhaps this might be a bit predictable, but he's a total sweetheart and would treat you with the most care in the world. Honestly, it can be a bit overwhelming how affectionate he can be.
To start things off, he's very much the type to always ask you for minor things. To walk you home, to hold your hand, to go out on a date, etc. It was how he was raised, he'd put your feelings first as the gentleman that he is.
He isn't one to initiate a lot of things, he isn't used to romance that often honestly. You had to initiate the first kiss and he allowed you to. However, once he gets the silent approval from your end, that lets him know that he needs to be bolder in order to at least impress you.
Will always defend you, no matter how right or how wrong you are, he will be at your side and believing everything that you have to say.
He isn't the best cook, it wouldn't be too wise to ask him for some help around the kitchen. He may be a gentleman but he is still a very clumsy man. But he would gladly be a taste tester.
He will refer to you with loving, old-fashion petnames (ex. darling, dearest and sweetheart are his favorites)
Very solid relationship, 10/10 he treats you the best out of all the joestars in my personal opinion.
Joseph Joestar
It's never gonna be boring with him, that's for sure. He makes sure you have the time of your life whenever you're around him, even if it means risking your lives.
Seriously, at times you hate to be the party pooper but he takes things a little too far. Though, the last thing he'd ever want is to put you in danger for his own foolishness. A good talk or two would really put him down and keep him in his lane.
He very much does initiate a lot of the activities you do together, as well as the affections that he shows you. And that also means being extra touchy with you too. Seriously, he can't keep his hands to himself.
The kind of guy to go out of his way to really impress you in a way that it feels like a competition. Who is he competiting with? Well any other man that looks your way, of course! He'll always have your heart and you'd have to tell him that since he goes above and beyond in getting you gifts.
Some of the petnames he has for you is very classic (ex. baby, babe and sugar are his favorites).
Pretty strong relationship, however he is prone to have an affair, so take that what you will. 7/10 just because he's hot.
Jotaro Kujo
He's a tough cookie, alright. Honestly, it was a bit of a shock for anyone to see Jotaro act so... soft around somebody.
Part 3 Jotaro would take his time to really warm up to you, as long as you're patient with him and know that he can rely on you, then he'd slowly lower his guard and the most you'll get from him is a little kiss on the cheek. Everybody would be surprised and wonder about how you manage to break this man.
Part 4 Jotaro is a way more mature, with some experience up his sleeve and a career that he could only dream of, he isn't necessarily shy to show his appreciation for you. He'll hug you and his words run a lot deeper than what he would've said if he was in highschool.
Part 6 Jotaro has no shame in calling you his, of course he isn't openly affectionate but behind closed doors he can be a little clingy. But because his job requires him to move a lot, he can be a bit neglectful.
Petnames that I could see him use are a lot more classic and sweet names (like honey or darling).
He still has some hiccups here and there but it could be worse. 6/10. He's trying.
Josuke Higashikata
In his own words, he's a very romantic type of lover and likes doing things the old-fashion way. He doesn't take you for granted, that's for certain.
Because of this, it means that he preferes a much more slow burn of a relationship with you. Expect to see him by your door with a bouquet of flowers just for you. Or how he always stays by your side, walking you home or accompanying you to the store. Sometimes it takes Okuyasu and Koichi to pull him away from being around you so much. Now he's the real loverboy.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and he's a pretty emotionally sensitive guy. He takes good care of himself and he likes to always look good for you, even when you tell him he's perfect no matter what. On date nights, he takes a lot longer to get ready than you, mostly for doing his hair to which he might even ask you to help.
Initiation goes both ways honestly, sometimes he's a little shy to ask for a kiss or to hold hands; Other times he's carrying you bridal style with Crazy Diamond behind him spewing all kinds of lovey dovey crap to defend in your honor.
Petnames he likes to use for you are really classy and unique (such as babe or lovebug).
Pretty good relationship status, I'd say he's second best because he cares and wants was best for you as well as wanting to just have fun. 9/10.
Giorno Giovanna
He's pretty reserved, it can take a bit for him to open up about himself and especially with you since you are his partner. I like to think Giorno has little experience, sure he has a lot of charisma and it's easy for him to use that charm to get what he wants but when has he ever actually been on a date before? Be in a relationship, for that matter? Probably nothing as as serious as the relationship he's with you now.
Which leaves room for him to learn more personal and intimate affections that casual flings won't happen, like discussing the future and actually expressing how much you love each other.
He's gentle with you and surprisingly obedient. He has a heart of gold, yet mischief lies behind those eyes of his that leaves you a giggling mess. His sense of rebellion keeps you up on your toes and yet he was always so gentle with you.
He can be surprisingly pretty protective and almost terretorial for you, always having you behind him of all cause and his hands always seem to gravitate towards your hips just to keep you close.
Once he's mob, leader of them all, Giorno then he'll make sure to spoil you with everything and anything you want.
Petnames that he likes to use for you are sweet and sincere italian nicknames (like caro/cara or bello/bella).
He really cares and he shows that he cares, despite setting his priorities over you at times, you'll always matter to him. 8/10.
Jolyne Cujoh
She definitely warms up to you quicker once you've gained her trust, using any excuse to wrap herself around your arm and is at your side at all times. She can be pretty clingy, being away from you for so long is straight up torture for her.
No literally, everything about her softens whenever she's near you just from how soft her voice gets or how gentle she is with her touches.
Initiation goes both way, though she catches you off guard and at times she gets a little too bold; Not like you're one to complain.
She's an experimental lover, she isn't one to really turn down the adventures you have planned. And I mean that in more ways that one.
She knows that she can be a bit complicated and all she wants is someone who is willing to fight at her side and someone to rely on, much like her dad.
Of course, don't take yourself too seriously, she still likes to have fun and mess around.
Petnames she likes to use are things like babe, baby, and cutie.
Overall, 9/10 relationship! It isn't perfect but she's a lovergirl and if she trusts you enough, she'll swoon over you.
Johnny Joestar
Definitely likes teasing and making a mockery out of you but it's all for love, it's really nothing personal.
Is also the type to be a little clingy, though he likes to deny it from time to time and uses an excuse that he was just worried for you. Honestly, he just wants to be understood and you're one of the few that listens to him.
At first he may seem a bit closed off, but he really likes the attention you give him and honestly he'd be upset if you weren't as affectionate. Thats why he prefers it whenever you take the initiation, he likes being caught off guard and pampered with kisses. But don't worry, he has some tricks up his sleeves as well and he'll return the favor.
I'd like to think that he was still raised to be at least a bit respectful, though that certaintly backfired since he can be a bit of a jerk. Though, not towards you, he has a soft spot for you and doesn't see you as some rich person who he sleeps with when he was at his prime.
Some petnames I could see him use is along the names like Sweetheart, Honey and Dear if he's feeling extra affectionate.
8/10 , he likes to put an image that he's tough but with you around he acts soft.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
You are his everything and he loves you so much, he just likes to express it a little differently. His main priority is to retrieve his memory back and trying to figure out who he is, but in the process of that he turns to you because you are one of the few people that truly understands him.
He doesn't know what he wants or how he is, he was drawn towards you because you're nice to him and is willing to help him out of his situation.
You had to do most of the initiation, he's a little clueless and oblivious to your advances unless you're really direct with it and let him know what you want or what you're gonna do. If you're gonna kiss him, tell him that and he'll close his eyes and pucker his lips just for you to take the intiative to lean in and lock lips.
He loves hugs, being embraced by you calms him down and puts him at ease. Sometimes he thinks a little too much or thinks of nothing at all, only to be reminded that you're still with him and he appreciates you for it. He cries just a little and you poke fun of him for that, just for him to say that he wasn't crying at all (he is).
As for petnames, I can only really see him just call your name.
7/10 , He doesn't know what the hell is going on but he knows for sure that he likes you and we'll do everything in his power to keep you from harm.
Jodio Joestar
A somewhat stereotypical, awkward, highschool relationship where you both have no idea what you're doing but holding hands for some reason is such a big deal.
He's kinda a loser, perhaps you don't say it out loud but because of his inexperience to talking with anyone or being in a relationship in general, he lacks the ability to muster up the courage to do anything further than just hand holding and hugging. So when you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there with a blush before resorting to just expressing how cool he is (he's freaking out).
The money that he gets from selling drugs and getting himself into trouble, he'd use some of that up to buy something nice for you or at least something that reminde him of you.
Sometime's he's a little mean, a bit of a jerk at times but you learn to bring him back and help him keep his cool. He just likes to run his mouth and at times it can get the both of you in trouble. A little kiss or squeeze of his hand will instantly shut him up.
Petnames he likes to use are a bit obnoxious just to make everyone around him annoyed. So something like babe, honey and baby.
7/10 , you're both young and dumb and its not perfect and yes theres ups and downs but at the end of the day.
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