#kanera fanfic
bookaholic-beech · 7 months
I was daydreaming about Kanan and Hera (when am I not??) and this idea for a fanfic came to me- sneaking into a Gala, fake relationship, slow burn, realizing their feelings for each other…
Anyways I wrote it. 😂
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taglist: @kanerallels @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @firefoxtessa @ladywren7 @auroramagpie (also tagging @flying-kanery cause I thought you'd appreciate :) )
randomly got really inspired and finally finished this fic!! the Role Swap/Spider-Hera au continues!!! sneak peek under the cut!
Why am I not leaving right now? Hera wonders, and again, no answer comes to mind. 
But a pair of aquamarine eyes keeps dropping by uninvited.
“Why are you not leaving right now?” comes an irritated voice through Hera’s commlink. She’d explained her plans for the morning to Kasmir when she’d returned to the Kasmiri last night. It made sense to drop Kanan off, since Hera needed to pick up her pay and return the Smoothride (which was a really inaccurate name) to Moonglow. Hera has done both of those things. And yet, here she is, sitting in the pilot’s seat of Expedient (yet another inaccurate name for the ship she’s flown for Moonglow over the past year or so), feeling as if she’s been glued there. 
She’d also promised to comm Kasmir when she was en route back to the Kasmiri in the morning. “You know I’m not a patient guy,” he unnecessarily reminds her.
“Actually, I hadn’t noticed,” she replies dryly, lifting the commlink. “I’m coming.”
Come on, Syndulla. Have you forgotten how your other relationships with causes have gone down?
You had to use the word relationship.
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strige-art · 8 months
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Repainting of a Phil Noto panel from one of the last Star Wars comic.
I'm been asked by a friend to do it with Kanan and Hera instead of Han and Leia.
She wrote a fanfiction about this fanart too!
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webtrinsic1122 · 11 months
Can we all agree Hera Syndulla is gorgeous and probably the luckiest girl in the galaxy and she damn well knows it.
This beautiful Twi’lek legit had a man, a Jedi, the love of her fucking life, tell her the worst thing in the galaxy about being blinded is that he could no longer see her face.
Legit if that ever happened to me- I’d never be insecure or anything ever again. I’d damn well grow a god complex and I legit thought I already had one.
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ladyanidala · 1 month
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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ldrskul · 9 months
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reading kanera fanfic for 3 hours after girlblogging all evening is my hobby ❤️‍🩹
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dio-icarticaae · 2 months
Work in Progress Wednesday!
Currently working on a fic for May the Fourth. Premise is 7 times Kanan cooks for a member of the Ghost Crew, and 1 time they cook for him. Here's a snippet of the first chapter!
People always wanted actual food and not just ration bars or precooked space meals. So he was surprised to find that that was entirely what Hera subsisted on. For his first few months on the Ghost, their supply runs had been quick things, picking up crates of ration bars and prepackaged meals that could be reconstituted with water and heat quickly. And that was fine for the hectic time it had been, but things had been quieter recently. Kanan was looking forward to having the time to make an actual meal.
Of course, to do that, they’d need ingredients. Which were not on the supply list Hera gave him. He squints at it in confusion. "We’ve got the time to do a thorough grocery run, but there's no pasta or rice or other cooking ingredients on here, just ration bars.” “Eh, there’s just no reason to keep those here." Hera says. "What?" "It's not like it's necessary and cooking takes time. Ration bars are easier.” She shrugs. “Besides it’s not like I can cook, so. Pointless."
“I can cook,” Kanan volunteers.
“You can cook?” Hera said, astonished.
“What’s so surprising about that?” Kanan asks, slightly defensive.
Hera gestures towards Kanan’s entire person.
“Hey. Rude.” Kanan says.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 7 months
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summary:   Waking up was getting harder and harder, no matter how suddenly it came. How long had Sabine been asleep this time? One hour? Two?  Nope.  She quickly found that it had only been ten minutes this time.  "She didn't know how many more nights she could spend like this, her dreams haunted by what she'd lost, and her waking hours spent replaying how she lost it— how she lost him." word count: 1.5K a/n: this one's one of those "i have a line of dialogue how can i write this into a fic?" scenarios. i hope you guys like it! taglist:@laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
How Much You Have
 There was something almost weightless about Sabine's painting session today. Maybe it was how lost she was in the picture itself. Maybe it was the lightness of the colors clouding out of her airbrushes. Maybe….
 "Is it almost done?" Ezra asked.
 Sabine looked back down at Ezra, who was concentrating very hard on keeping her suspended in midair with the Force.
 Which probably explained the weightlessness.
 "Almost!" Sabine called down, "thanks for helping."
 "No problem!" Ezra said.
 Sabine added the finishing touches of some clouds to her mural on the side of the building. It wasn't every day that she got paid to graffiti something.
 "That should be the last of it," Sabine said, "you can bring me down!"
 She added one last calculated splotch of color as Ezra pulled her back down. Her descent started out slowly, then came all at once, and ended with her falling right into Ezra's arms.
 "Nice catch," Sabine said.
 "I like to think so," Ezra raised an eyebrow.
 "Hey," Sabine said, as he set her back down on the ground.
 "What?" Ezra asked.
 "You know perfectly well," Sabine said, packing up her supplies that were scattered across the ground, "If I recall, you agreed to stop flirting with me three rotations ago."
 "Technically, I agreed we wouldn't flirt with each other," Ezra said, "I'm not breaking the terms unless you reciprocate."
 "Why do you think I stopped you?" Sabine thought, but didn't say.
 Why didn't she say it?
 Instead, she glared up at him.
 "Sorry," Ezra said.
 "Apology accepted," Sabine said, handing him the case of paint supplies as she got up, "now, let's get back to The Ghost. Supper must be almost ready by now."
 "Don't have to tell me twice," Ezra said, "race ya!"
 "You're on!" Sabine called, and ran after him, through the city and to the outskirts where the ship was waiting for them.
 As they neared The Ghost, Sabine found herself growing slower and slower, until eventually Ezra was far ahead of her, and started to fade from view entirely, along with everything else around them, fading into nothing once again.
 Waking up was getting harder and harder, no matter how suddenly it came. How long had Sabine been asleep this time? One hour? Two?
 She quickly found that it had only been ten minutes this time.
 She didn't know how many more nights she could spend like this, her dreams haunted by what she'd lost, and her waking hours spent replaying how she lost it— how she lost him.
 "Why'd he have to do such a kriffing stupid thing like that anyway?" Sabine muttered for the hundredth time since last week.
 She checked the time again. At least it was late enough now that no one else was awake. This wasn't her first run-in with insomnia, and in previous lapses, she'd found some warm milk never hurt.
 She slipped out of bed as quietly as she could, the cold of the floor sending a wakeful shock right through her. She braced herself for her next step, and found it came a little easier, and the next after that, and then made her way out of her room.
 "It's a good thing Zeb snores so loud," Sabine thought, as she slipped out the door and past the boys' room, "otherwise Ezra might hear…"
 Sabine froze in her tracks and reminded herself of the harsh reality.
 Ezra couldn't hear her.
 She didn't have to worry about waking up Ezra with her midnight milk raids anymore. She didn't have to worry about him asking her what was wrong and trying to comfort her. She didn't have to worry about running into Ezra at all anymore.
 Why had that ever been a worry?
 She would give anything to run into him again.
 But instead, when she entered the galley, she ran into someone else. Sitting at the table was Hera, clutching onto a cup like it was the last thread of her sanity.
 "Sabine?" Hera asked, before she had a chance to backpedal out of there, "what are you doing up?'
 "I could ask you the same question," Sabine replied. Since she was already caught awake anyways, she may as well get what she came here for, and headed over to the pantry to find some of that shelf-stable milk they always seemed to have on hand.
 "I haven't been sleeping much recently," Hera offered.
 Sabine poured herself a mug of the milk and put it in the nanowave.
 "Seems to be a lot of that going around," she said.
 There was a moment of silence until Sabine stopped the nanowave, just seconds before it beeped. She took the mug out and found herself, instead of bringing her drink back to her room, taking a seat across from Hera.
 So much had happened in the last month, and every step forward cost great sacrifice— so it went without saying why sleep had been lacking for them both.
 And why would they need to say anything anyways? Did either woman have words enough to console herself? And how could they offer that encouragement to each other?
 That was what they needed.
 Just a moment's silence spent with each other, understanding each other, that was all.
 And after that moment ended? After that sweet unspoken connection? Then Hera tacked on what she was really thinking.
 "I miss them so much," Hera sighed.
 "Me too," Sabine choked out.
 Hera gave her a weak smile.
 "I take it you haven't slept well since…" Sabine started.
 "No," Hera said, "the first few nights were rough. There was so much I never told Kanan," and his name came out almost like a prayer, "but I got by. I started thinking about everything he worked for— this crew, the Rebellion, Ezra…."
 Sabine bit her lip and nodded for Hera to continue.
 "It was easier when Ezra was here," Hera explained, "I know it'd be crazy to say Ezra takes after him, but in a lot of ways, he does. Having Ezra, seeing how Kanan's training had shaped him— it was like a part of Kanan was still with me."
 "I know," Sabine said, and maybe she would've said more if the very thought of her potential words didn't already start to bring tears to her eyes. She reached for her half-empty mug of milk, hoping that she could hide it, but found herself unable to even try to pick up the mug with how much her hand was shaking.
 Hera reached across the table and touched Sabine's wrist. Normally, Sabine would've pulled away, but something in Hera's motherly gesture grounded her back into reality.
 She looked up at Hera, who seemed to read Sabine with just a knowing gaze.
 "You miss Ezra?" Hera asked.
 That was it. Just three words. They could mean anything. They could mean the crew wasn't complete without him. They could mean he was the greatest friend she'd ever had, and now she didn't have him anymore. They could mean there were so many questions she didn't get the chance to ask him. They could mean that she missed how his sense of humor could brighten her hard days, and how he'd somehow always known the right thing to say while still never knowing the right thing to say, and that a part of her still needed him in her life. Those three simple words could even mean "did you love him?"
 But whatever those three words were meant to ask, Sabine knew the answer was "yes," and with that one word response came the breaking of a dam behind her eyes, and an onset deluge of tears.
 Sabine hadn't cried in front of Hera in ages— she hadn't cried in front of anyone in a long time— but Hera responded wisely, the only way she could. She got up. She walked around the table. She sat next to Sabine. She put an arm around her.
 And Sabine let herself cry for a moment there. If she hadn't been so distraught, she would've thought it was weird and embarrassing and would've left immediately, but all she could see right now was her grief, and that Hera was someone who understood.
 "There's so much I never told him," Sabine said, once she'd stopped crying. She let her words come out sharply instead of softly, hoping her anger would cauterize the tears, "so many questions."
 "I know," Hera said, "oh, I know."
 "Sometimes I have dreams," Sabine shook her head and pulled away from Hera a little, drying her cheeks with her sleeves, "dreams where everything's okay— where he's here, and we're happy, and I'm even being mean to him because I don't even think I could ever lose him."
 "You don't know how much you have until you've lost it," Hera shook her head, "you don't realize how precious every moment is."
 "Yeah," Sabine said, "makes you look at everything differently.
 "Yeah," Hera said.
 Sabine looked up at Hera and smiled a little for the first time in days.
 "Hera?" Sabine said.
 "Thank you."
 "For what?"
 "I don't know," Sabine said, "I just know tomorrow's not guaranteed anymore, and I want you to know. I appreciate you a lot, and I'm glad I joined your crew."
 "I know," Hera nodded and smiled a little, with a hint of pride, "and Sabine?"
 "I love you too."
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lena-hills · 6 months
My Kanan/Hera Regency novel AU is finally complete!!! This fic was about 4 months of writing and editing all together and ended up just shy of 40k words.
In the epilogue, our family gets their happily ever after they well deserve, plus a bit of smut because that's what we deserve!
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bookaholic-beech · 4 months
Chapter 2 is here!! ✨
Kanan and Hera go on their first official mission together- but Kanan ends up getting himself into trouble. 🙃
lol I had so much fun with this chapter. 🤣 It gets pretty unhinged at times, my favorite kind of writing.
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laughingphoenixleader · 8 months
Hi I Fixed the Ahsoka Ending
The stormtrooper steps out of the ship, hands raised. It wasn’t like Hera has never seen that before. She raises her pistol, questions shooting through her mind. Why is this trooper alone, why did he hail them, and, most importantly, why is something about his walk so familiar? Suspense fills the air, and she can tell that everyone around her felt it, too. The last of the steam that has spilled out of the ship’s exhaust evaporates into the air, unlike that overwhelming sense of familiarity that’s flooding her heart. She braces herself for anything, setting her jaw. Had someone she’d once been close to become a stormtrooper? She runs through a list of names in her mind, nothing turning up any results. 
Who are you and why’re you here? Chopper asks, apparently done waiting in suspense. The trooper gives no answer, continuing to step forward. 
What, are you deaf or something? Are you, are you, are you? Chopper chatters impatiently. But then, instantaneously, his mood changes. Which isn’t really unheard of. Wait, Chopper mutters, starting to roll forward. Hera wonders if he’s picked up on the familiarity, too. He’s always been more perceptive than people give him credit for. Chopper heads straight for the trooper, his ever-squeaky wheels (no amount of oil can fix that issue, and Hera’s tried) filling the silence. 
Who are you? Chopper asks as he stops at the trooper’s feet. And it’s at that moment that Hera realizes something: her mom sense is tingling. 
It can’t be. 
Huh? Huh? Huh? Chopper barks, until the trooper slowly extends one gloved hand and gently places it on Chopper’s head. Then his head spins around in giddy joy, his beeps turning into little excited ones. No words attached to them, just exclamations of happiness.
And, given that he usually hates people, there are only six of them Chopper’s ever gotten excited to see. 
And Hera’s got a feeling she knows which one this is. 
Sure enough, the trooper reaches up to grasp his helmet, and, when he pulls it from his head, the face that looks earnestly back at Hera is one she’s missed dearly. 
He looks different now. Far from the boy he once was. Navy facial hair covers the lower part of his face, and his hair is longer and curlier than when she last saw it. It had never been curly before. Human hair never ceases to amaze her. 
But he’s still got that effervescent light about him. Especially when he smiles at her, looking a little nervous, but there’s excitement spilling from him, too. She can feel it, as surely as she felt that she knew him as soon as he stepped out of that ship. 
Hera doesn’t even realize she’s lowered her gun until her hand hits her thigh. Shock and joy are washing over her, wave after overwhelmingly powerful wave. 
And grief. Because, though it doesn’t make sense, shouldn’t make sense, somehow, he looks so much like Kanan. 
Though she already knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is her boy, a part of her, the part that had always remembered the worst case scenario, that Ezra might just never come home, wants to know for sure. Doesn’t dare to believe it. 
“Ezra?” she asks, dipping her head slightly, just making sure. Because she has to. 
He seems to be as overwhelmed as she is, struggling for a moment to find the words. “Hi, Hera,” he greets her, and at that moment, even the most hopeless parts of her know it’s him. Because it’s the voice of a man who speaks back to her, but it’s youthful and casual and tentative and Ezra. That little boy who had been so lonely, who had looked up at Kanan and Hera like they were the most amazing people in the world every time they gave him something or complimented him, who had added so much joy (and chaos) to their lives, who had grown so, so much and made them so, so proud…he’s grown up, but that doesn’t mean he’s gone. He’s standing right here in front of her, after five long years. 
He gives a little shrug, his eyes and expression brimming with joy, his smile bright. “I’m home.” 
He chuckles a little, the sound sending fondness shooting through her. 
Hera exhales shakily, eyes locked onto her boy, taking him in. He’s here and he’s real and if she wakes up, she’s suing the Force itself. She shakes her head a little, the feeling of her hopes finally coming to fruition freezing her in place, somehow. To be fair, it’s a lot to process. 
Ezra slowly begins to walk forward, and Hera stands there for a few more seconds, but then she breaks out into a run, meeting him in the middle. She wraps her arms around the lost boy, and he hugs her back willingly, chuckling joyously, making her own laughter come spilling out of her. 
“It’s so good to see you,” Ezra whispers, burying his face in her shoulder like a kid. Her kid. 
She holds him closer. “I could tell you the same thing,” she replies, chuckling a little, blinking as her vision blurs with tears brought on by years of the homesickness that was being without a member of her family. By the pain that came from having no idea whether the Spectres were down to four. By having so many look at her in pity when she reported on the results of the victory on Lothal. By the obvious skepticism in people’s eyes when she told them that Ezra was missing, not dead.
They’d been wrong. She and Sabine and Ahsoka and Chopper and Zeb had been right. Though, these days, even Zeb had become disheartened. Last time they’d talked, sad skepticism had tinged his expression, too. But not for long, because Ezra is home.
And a piece of her home has returned with him. 
“Welcome home, Ezra,” she tells him, her voice choked with tears. But so is the chuckle he replies with. 
“Glad to be back, Mom,” he tells her, and a new barrage of emotions hits her, fondness and affection and love causing tears to leak from her eyes. 
They stand there like that, just holding each other, this moment too special for any more words to be spoken. 
Then she pulls away, because her Lieutenant, along with about 20 other people, are watching, and it’s starting to get a bit awkward in here. 
She looks at him up close, and those blue eyes are just as brilliant and youthful and Ezra’s as ever. She places a hand on his cheek, laughing incredulously, and he grins brightly, leaning into her touch. 
“What took you so long?” she asks, amusement and teasing in her tone, wiping at her eyes with her other hand. She drops the other one from his face and puts it on his shoulder. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes, shrugging sheepishly, but his smile only gets brighter. “I was kinda stuck, you know. Not really my fault.” 
“Fair enough,” she replies, chuckling a little. 
Ezra’s eyes light up, excitement overflowing from his voice. “Oh! I have to show you something!” 
Hera removes her hand from his shoulder to cross her arms expectantly, grinning. “Oh?” she asks playfully as he reaches for his belt, and then her eyes flick to the saber that rests on it. 
Her heart stops beating for a second. Because that saber looks heart-wrenchingly familiar. The hilt is one she’s never seen before, but the emitter is unmistakable. It’s Kanan’s. 
Hera’s breath hitches. Her gaze shifts to meet Ezra’s, shock filling her and her vision blurring again. “Is that…” she asks, her voice strangled. 
“It’s not his,” Ezra finishes, understanding in his eyes. “His was one of two,” he begins, wiping his eyes, too. “The droid that helped him build his lightsaber when he was a Padawan gave me the other. And he told me a little about him, too.” He unhooks the saber from his belt and places it in her hands, and she rubs her thumb over the hilt, the familiarity of it sends a lance of pain through her heart. 
“Huyang,” Hera realizes, smiling sadly, still stroking the saber, eyes glued to it. “Yeah, he’s told me some stories, too. When I needed them.” 
“Yeah?” Ezra asks, a vibrant mix of curiosity and excitement and sadness all sparking in his expression. 
“I’ll tell you all of them,” Hera assures him before he can ask, handing the saber back. Even though those stories would be hard to tell and talk about, he deserves to hear them. “Soon. After you tell me where Sabine and Ahsoka are.” 
That’s when smile fades from his face, and Hera’s stomach drops. Dread and panic slam into her. No. Not again. I can’t lose anyone else. 
“They’re where I was,” Ezra tells her, shame in his expression. Already blaming himself. 
“I don’t know what happened,” Hera interjects before he can finish, even as everything in her screams WHY at the Force with all its might. It’s already taken so much from me. Was all that really not enough? But she continues, focusing on her mission, which, right now, is reassuring her adopted son. “But I know that, whatever it was, it wasn’t your fault.”
“It was their choice,” Ezra admits, nodding. “Ahsoka was fighting that Elsbeth lady so that Sabine and I could escape, and Sabine couldn’t leave her.” Ezra swallows, sadness spilling from his eyes, gaze shifting to the floor. “She…she was returning the favor. Making her own sacrifice. And,” Ezra shakes his head, chuckling ironically, “as much as I hate that, I’m also really proud of her.” He looks up to meet her eyes. “You know what I mean?” 
Pain claws at her heart, but a corner of her mouth tilts up in response to his question. “Oh yeah,” she replies. “I happen to know exactly how that feels.”
Ezra chuckles, looking sheepish again. “Right. Sorry about that.” 
“You’re here now,” she assures him, placing a hand on his shoulder again. “That’s enough.” Sadness seeps into her again. “Though I’d rather have all of you here.” Sabine, the daughter she’d never had. And would probably never have. But Sabine had always been enough. Hera loves her witty humor, fiery courage, and stubborn kindness with all of her being. She’s someone you never forget after you meet her, and her absence is just as unforgettable. Ahsoka, who had become her best friend over the past few years. They’d exchanged many a secretive look during important meetings, whether because of inside jokes or exchanging wordless opinions. She’d been someone who Hera had bonded very deeply with over a relatively short period of time. Maybe it’s because both of them had left their people behind at a young age. Maybe it’s because they’ve both suffered great losses. Maybe it’s the understanding that warriors share that those who have never been on the battlefield can never understand. Whatever it is, it had made them click in a way that Hera hadn’t with anyone but the Spectres in a long time. 
She wonders how long it will be until she sees them again.  
“I can find them,” Ezra tells her, determination filling his voice, jolting her back to reality. “The Force will guide me, and I know that planet like the back of my hand. It’s practically a part of me now, so I know I can find it on a starmap.”
“I believe you, Ezra,” she tells him, letting her genuineness show through the look she gives him. Then something pops into her head, something she’s been wishing she could tell him this entire time. “And hey,” she begins, her voice quivering, just a little. “As much as I hated that sacrifice you made, I’m so proud of you.” His face lights up, and it melts her heart to know he still cares that much about her approval. 
“And Kanan would be, too,” she continues firmly, looking into her boy’s cobalt-hued eyes, which fill with grief and joy and a thousand emotions she doubts either of them can name. “He’d be so, so proud of you. You learned well, Ezra.” 
He’s lost for words, his hand unconsciously going to his saber and fidgeting with it. His expression grows heavy with pain, with all the emotions that come with losing someone you love so much. Hera wonders just how much he’s let himself grieve over the last few years. And she aims to help him in any way she can. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his voice and eyes weighted with how much what she said means to him. “I needed to hear that.” 
“I had a feeling,” Hera replies, smiling sadly. 
“You’re always right,” Ezra tells her, a bit of that unstoppable playfulness infusing his expression. 
He hugs her again, and not for the last time, either. 
@kanerallels @accidental-spice
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strige-art · 1 month
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webtrinsic1122 · 7 months
A thrilling Saga
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spectre83 · 15 days
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Domestic Fluff, Married Couple, Married Life, Married Sex, Kitchen Sex, Bathtub Sex, Pregnancy, Food Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Wake-Up Sex, Medical Conditions, Mentions of Cancer, Family Planning, Family Issues, Death of a Parent, Father-Daughter Relationship, Strained Relationships, Marital angst Series: Part 14 of Now That I’ve Found You Summary:
Getting married was the easy part.
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ladyanidala · 10 months
Has Kanera taken over my thoughts???
Do I even need to give you the answer?
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bearboyboy · 2 years
Learning to sort ao3 fics by “most bookmarked” has changed my life. It is the best of the best
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