#kes writes
Pairing: Ari x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You are planning to cancel you're gym membership but then you meet Ari
WC: 1.6K
A/N: This is for Navy & Roo's @the-slumberparty this was from a generator or prompt list before the challenge actually started. My prompt was Active.
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That's it you were done. All the new year, new you nonsense was over.
You used to spend so much time setting resolutions, unrealistic ones at that, not meeting them and then beating yourself up about it. But you were different now. Thanks to all the work you'd been doing on yourself, mentally and emotionally, you were in a much better place. You were learning to love the body you were in and you wanted to take better care of it. No you didn’t have any weight loss goals. What you wanted was to move your body in ways that felt good. To build up your strength and endurance. You wanted to be stronger and you couldn’t do that if you were feeling self conscious in a gym full of people.
Once you realized it was the gym itself that made you nervous you found alternative ways to work out. You’d started working out at home with short YouTube videos and were going on lots of walks and even a couple short hikes. Who needs those fancy confusing machines? Not you. Which is why it was time to cancel this membership. To be honest you signed up online last year and never even stepped foot in the place. It was an unnecessary expense, but not anymore!
Unfortunately they wouldn’t let you cancel online so you are here to do it in person. Maybe as a treat you’ll go out nice for dinner. After all, you'll have an extra $35 bucks a month in your pocket once you got this sorted.
Going up to the door you're almost knocked over by some gym bro rushing out. Yuck . This is exactly why you are leaving too much testosterone.
As you enter you take in the place there is pop music playing over the speakers. Lots of cardio machines and weight machines and of course free weights. But there's something about this place that's different. You expected to see an endless sea of muscle tees and hear lots of grunting from John Cena looking guys. Or smaller guys who imagined they could look like John Cena if they tried hard enough. But today in this gym there were a lot of women. A curious number in fact since there was a women's only gym on the other side of town. At least you thought there was.
Huh, maybe it closed. Shrugging to yourself you start to make your way to the front desk.
On your way you pass what you assume to be the smoothie bar. Behind which a handsome dark skin man with bright eyes and an easy smile is making drinks for about 5 different women. Huh, maybe you’ll grab something on the way out.
You’re waiting at the front desk for someone to help you. You would go ask smoothie guy but he’s clearly preoccupied…
“Hi, can I help you?”
Turning around every thought you had drifts out of your head as you lock eyes with what could only be a beautiful figment of your imagination. 6’2” maybe 6’3” shaggy brown hair and a thick beard. You’ve never really been into beards before but he might change that.
“Are you alright? Can I help you with something?”
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Ok so you didn’t cancel your membership. In fact you had signed up for personal training sessions. You didn’t plan on it but you and Ari got to talking; he was so kind and patient when you told him about your concerns. How you weren’t sure how to use the machines and didn’t know which workouts to do. You couldn’t believe you were being so bold and honest with him, but you’re glad you were.
After you confessed everything to him he offered you 3 complimentary personal training sessions with him. Since you didn’t like the crowds he offered to meet you later in the evening after the post work rush. On your first session with him Ari took you through every machine in the gym and taught you how to use them. He’s been nothing but kind, encouraging and supportive ever since you met.
“Great work!” Ari said as you finished your last rep.
You’ve been working with Ari for about 2 months now, doing 1 private session a week and coming another 3 times on your own. Working out was officially a part of your regular routine, and you were in the best shape of your life! You could feel yourself getting stronger and your confidence was obviously growing.
Private sessions or not, Ari always seemed to find you. You had a sneaking suspicion he was going out of his way to talk to you. In fact this session tonight was an extra. Usually you meet with him on Mondays but he said he had a cancellation and offered you a Friday slot as well.
“You did amazing today!” Ari said before wrapping you up in one of his big bear hugs and spinning you around.
“Me? I couldn’t have done any of this without your help”
“No, no way I just guided you a bit here and there you’re the one who put in all the hard work.”
Ari was always saying things like that, how strong you are, how dedicated, how beautiful. If it was anyone else you’d think they were sucking up so you would keep coming back, but Ari? He was being nothing but sincere.
He’s still holding onto you, your arms are wrapped around each other, and he's looking down at you with his beautiful blue eyes, and he’s so tall you have to tilt back your head so you can meet his intense gaze. The moment is heavy and you start to think that maybe…
There's a loud bang in the gym, probably someone dropping the squat rack on the ground too hard. But the sound breaks the tension. Ari clears his throat and takes a rather large step away from you. “
Seriously great work today, why don’t you head home, I can clean up here.” He says as he starts to wipe down the equipment you were using.
“Ohh um sure, I’ll head out then. I’ll see you next week?”
“Yeah definitely!”
As soon as you turn off and head to the locker room Ari is kicking himself. Christ, there goes yet another opportunity to ask you out and he botched it..again! The guys keep bothering him about it, apparently the entire gym staff knows he’s harboring the world's biggest crush on you. And all the extra pressure from his staff is not helping his nerves.
Ari has never in his life had a hard time talking to women but something about you, he gets so tongue tied and nervous it’s not like him at all. A minute ago when the two of you were standing there wrapped in each other's arms, God it felt so good to hold you like that it took all his strength not to lean down and kiss you. But then he chickened out of course. Ughh he’s got to think of a plan. Maybe it would be easier if he just texted you…? No he’d rather do it in person, like a gentleman, he just didn’t know what he was going to say.
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Ari’s at the front desk with Sam, one of the other trainers. The gym is usually slow on Friday nights so the two of them just have to wait for the few stragglers that are here to finish their workouts and then they’ll head home.
He thought you might have left already but you stroll up to the desk looking absolutely lovely in a different outfit than when you came in.
“Hi” You say smiling at him “Hey Sam” You acknowledge the man next to him.
Sam gives a quick “Hey” back before giving Ari a gentle nudge and heading to the other side of the desk so he can look busy with paperwork while still eavesdropping.
“Hi, did you need something before you go?”
“No, actually I wanted to ask you something,” You take a deep breath before verbalizing the question that’s been burning on your tongue for weeks, “Would you like to go out with me sometime?”
For a split second Ari is convinced he heard you wrong. For a moment he’s convinced this is one of his many fantasies about you, but he quickly recovers and gives the only logical answer.
“Yes, yes I would love to go out with you.” His smile is so wide it almost hurts, and you have an equally wide grin across your face. You try to reign it in just a little bit. Right now you have the overwhelming urge to squeal and jump around but you’re pretty sure that might make Ari change his mind.
Calming your inner turmoil you look to him and say “Great well, I don’t know if you’re free this weekend at all but...”
“Actually he’s free right now” Sam interrupts.
“You sure man?”
“Yeah, I’m sure, we close in an hour anyway, you two go out and have a good time” Sam waves the two of you off.”
“OK it looks like I’m free now” Ari says with a chuckle. “If that works for you?”
“Yes, that definitely works!”
“Ok, there's a really good Mexican place right up the street. We could walk there if you want?”
“Mexican sounds perfect.”
“Ok then, after you.” He says as he gestures for you to lead the way. You head towards the door figuring he’ll catch up. Ari steps around to the front of the desk wrapping his knuckles on it before whispering a quick “thank you” to Sam. With his long legs he catches up to you quickly and by the time you make it out the front door the two of you are holding hands as you leisurely stroll to your destination.
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Thanks so much for reading!! Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Have an awesome day! <3
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distractionactivated · 2 months
hey re that "wouldn't it be fucked up if my magic system did this" post, what's ur fav fucked up magic system idea(s)? c:
'Favourite' is a difficult one because I am constantly in a state of forgetting and remembering things lmao. But here's a couple that I've used, largely in games:
What if worlds were held together by powerful artifacts and breaking them broke the world a little bit and then an empress got the idea that if she broke one on purpose she could harness the power beyond and then she let in the interdimensional imperialists who broke all the artifacts and sucked worlds dry and then moved on, would that be fucked up or what.
What if the British government figured out how to weaponise [toff voice] the stiff upper lip and blitz spirit of the British people as a functional nuclear defence so siphoned off everyone's hopes and dreams and feelings in a delusional nightmare, would that be fucked up or what.*
What if light could be corrupt and the only safety is darkness, which turns out to be blood, would that be fucked up or what.
What if a vampire could kill you and you didn't notice for years would that be fucked up or what.
GAY TIGER ALLIANCE It’s the final year of high school, it’s nearly time for prom, and the whole Gay-Straight Alliance is very excited about it! You are going to make this experience absolutely perfect. Also, at least one of you is a tiger.* *the tiger is mostly very good at the shapeshifting magic that makes them look human. But only mostly.
*The least realistic part of this one is that the Reactive Emotional Nuclear Defence (or REND) didn't get cancelled for failing to provide value for money.
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astrarift · 5 months
it’s been a while, heres some xandara and os cinco fluff for the new year!!!
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tasavvur-ki-duniya · 1 month
Even if you have found someone who loves you back, the battle doesn't end here. Sometimes, not sometimes but all the time, love is not enough. You need to be respected, you need to be understood, you need to be communicated, the one-sided relationship of giving is not enough only for the sake of he/she loves me back, your love for each other must be constant despite the fights between you, you must be ready for a change in yourself, you need to point out each other's toxic traits and be open/ready to work on them. If your partner is insecure and overthinks every single detail, you're the one who is supposed to understand it. Instead of being mad, assure him/her. Loving IS A BIG DEAL.
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stainedpoetry · 4 months
I think the best thing that our generation has normalised is having "online friends" . The bond created with these people is not based on their looks or their status but on the basis of their likes, their personalities, their favourite fandoms and their interests. You might have never shook hands or hugged them but still you are more comfortable telling them about your stupid mistakes and stupid jokes. The best thing about these friends is you don't have to meet them regularly to keep your friendship alive. And it's also the worst part not getting to meet them regularly or even once a week or once a month. From meeting them in the comment section of a meme to listening to their rants to updating them about our lives, online friends become our forever friends. It's a different kind of friendship but it's the cutest no pressure of any sort just two people sharing bits and pieces of their lives with each other and supporting each other.
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In another universe-I'm not miles away from you and actually live close to your house.
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 4 months
I'm an old school lover
So i would take you to eat streetfood ♡
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chainmail-butch · 3 months
Listen, the closest I can get to flirting is saying, "I love your skills and interests," while telepathically willing you to understand that it's horny. I will give you no physical clues. You gotta psychically receive the message and act on it or it's not happening.
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i am once again thinking about Andrew/Jean parallels, and the potential for how Andrew could help and comfort Jean, since in some ways they went through quite similar traumas
there's that scene in The King's Men where Renee, Kevin, Neil and Andrew are talking about what to do with Jean now that Renee's gotten him away from the Ravens, and Andrew makes it clear that he's not willing to help protect Jean, "And I'm not taking in any more refugees" Andrew said. -page 326 TKM (which is completely fair on Andrew's part given all the bullshit he's already dealing with)
But like, I can't stop thinking about how things might have gone if Andrew had agreed to help, to protect Jean just like he's been protecting Kevin and Neil for well over a year now, to take another "refugee", like how might things have turned out 🤔
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nowritingonthewall · 3 months
Let me take your hand
Fandom: Star Wars
Character(s): modern!AU Poe, Shara Bey and Kes Dameron
Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn!reader
Summary: Sometimes all you need to make the pain a little more bearable is someone to take your hand, hold you gently, kiss you softly and tell you that they love you.
Words: 6900
Warnings: Hurt/comfort with a lot of hurt (!) in the beginning, aftermath of losing a parent (please please please don’t read if you fear that you might not be able to bear reading this!), reader celebrates Christmas, kind of spoilery if you haven’t read “Free Fall”
A/N: This was supposed to be a cute little spin-off of another Christmas story that spiralled completely out of control. 2023 was the third Christmas with this story living rent free in my mind and I was really determined to finally write and finish it this time before becoming really sick for two months. Even though it’s nearly Easter I hope that maybe one or two of you might still like it <3
As always, I apologize for not being a native speaker.
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Christmas used to be Poe’s favourite time of the year.
There were presents, bright sparkling lights all over the city, the smell of freshly baked cookies, joyful songs on the radio, people being so much kinder than usual, chocolate glazed koyo berries and most importantly: both of his parents would be at home. Because Christmas was sacred.
Sure, presents were nice and everything, but sneaking into his parents’ bedroom before dawn on Christmas Morning, cuddling up to them under their warm blankets, lying safe and snug between them in a huge loving hug sandwich, knowing that for once there was no rush to get up and nothing to worry about because the day belonged to no one but their family?
There was nothing in Poe’s whole world that would ever be able to beat that.
Christmas was his favourite thing in the entire universe.
Even his very first memory was created on Christmas Eve. Shara and Kes would dance together at every possible (and impossible) opportunity they got, but that very first dance in the light of their Christmas tree on Christmas Eve was special.
It was as special to them as the song that had to accompany their dance: 'Let Me Take Your Hand' by Hera and the Rebels.
It was the song that had played on an old record player when they had met in an airplane hangar for the very first time. It had played when they had shared their first kiss, when Kes had proposed to his beloved Shara, when they had their first dance at their wedding, and when Shara had told Kes with happy tears in her eyes that they were going to be parents.
Music like a tender hug wrapping its loving arms around you, caressing your soul and soothing your heart, leaving you feeling like nothing in the world could ever hurt you.
Would you let me take your hand
And hold you gently
And kiss you softly
If I said I loved you
That Christmas Eve, as his parents began to sway in tune with the first few bars of the old forty-five crackling over the loud speakers, little Poe had no idea that he had just become part of a very long and love-filled Dameron Christmas tradition.
He was simply the happiest little boy, cuddled against his Dad’s chest, who held him gently yet safely close to his heart. With his Mom taking his hands in hers and making funny faces at him while singing along to the music, his eyes sparkled even brighter than the lights of the Christmas decorations around him.
As soon as the song was over, he wiggled his tiny feet and clapped his little hands in excitement, squealing giddily, “‘gain pwease!”
And his parents didn’t mind at all. With the record playing over and over again, they took turns kissing each other and placing the softest of kisses on their son’s forehead, cooing how much they loved him.
Poe couldn’t get enough of it.
On his eighth Christmas Eve, as Poe clung to Shara’s leg during their dance, he decided that part of him couldn’t wait to grow up and find his special someone to dance to their song. He vividly imagined how he would look at them the same way as Kes was looking at Shara.
Of course, his parents would still be there and enjoy dancing right next to him. He would do a show of being embarrassed when his Mom would try to ruffle his hair, because for some weird reason, grown-ups were supposed to hate it, even though he wouldn’t actually mind at all. And his Mom and Dad would love you nearly as much as he would and his parents would be so happy for their son to carry on their Christmas tradition.
If only he had known. If only he had known that this would be the very last Christmas with his Mom. Maybe he would have clung to her a little tighter, maybe he wouldn’t have nicked quite so many Christmas cookies, maybe he would have told her how much he loved her just one more time.
But then again, if he had known, it probably wouldn’t have been the most wonderful Christmas ever or the last time that he could remember his Dad looking truly happy before everything changed forever.
Only a year later it was hard to believe that any of those beautiful memories had been real at all.
Despite his insurmountable grief, Kes had tried his best to make this Christmas as magical for his son as it used to be. It was just that he had never quite gotten the hang of how Shara had always managed to make the Christmas tree and their apartment look so beautiful and festive and welcoming. And no matter how many Christmas lights he would string or how many candles he would light, it seemed like all their warmth and brightness had left when Shara did.
It was the night before their first Christmas without his Mom when Poe woke up to the most desperate stifled sobs coming from the living room. Full of worry, he stumbled out of bed and through the flat, the sinking feeling in his tummy growing heavier with each step of his bare feet on the ice cold floor tiles.
When he reached the door to the living room, the picture unfolding in front of him nearly tore is heart apart: The hunched over figure of his Dad lying under the Christmas tree, face hidden behind his hands, crying so violently his whole body was shaking.
Before even being able to form a single coherent thought, Poe had already crouched down on the floor right next to his Dad, trying to pull him into a hug – just like he knew his Mom would have done to comfort him.
His arms didn’t quite reach all the way around the package that his Dad had folded himself into but Poe tried to make up for it by pouring all the softness and warmth and tenderness from his big little heart into his words when he said, “I love you, Daddy! It’s gonna be okay!”
His Dad didn’t react. So Poe tried again, squeezing him even tighter this time but all it drew from Kes was another heart-wrenching sob.
But Poe wasn’t going to give up that easily. After all, just because his Mom wasn’t here with them in person, it didn’t mean that she didn’t celebrate Christmas with them. And if she was looking down at them from her cloud in Heaven among all the most beautiful angels in the universe (because there was no doubt for Poe, that’s exactly where his Mom would be), it would surely break her heart to see her two boys crying on Christmas Eve. And he couldn’t let his Mom down, could he? Not at Christmas.
And there was one thing left to try.
Hurrying over to the record player, he found what he was looking for exactly where his Mom had stored it away neatly last year. Ever so carefully, as if handling the most precious item in the world, he let the record slide out of its sleeve and placed it on the turntable. Slowly and gently, just like his Mom had taught him, he lowered the tone arm before turning back to his Dad.   
With the first few soft sounds floating across the room, Kes finally raised his head, looking up to where his son stood, holding out his hand for his Dad. As he slowly got on his feet, Poe took a step towards him and tried his best to put on a brave smile, his eyes encouraging and full of hope.
Kes looked at his son. And he looked at the record player. Then he walked straight past his son and with a cry of agony that made Poe stumble backwards with a start, Kes tore the record off the turntable and threw it to the ground with enough force to break it into a thousand pieces. Yet they were nothing compared to the millions of pieces that little Poe’s heart shattered into at this very moment.
As his father stormed out of the room, Poe kept staring at the broken remnants of the last happy memory of his family. Trying to understand what on earth had just happened. What had he done wrong?
Maybe it was the shock, maybe it was the confusion, but he didn’t even notice how he began to shiver as the cold crawled up from the floor over his bare feet and under his thin pyjamas. Until he could no longer tell whether the numbness creeping into his heart and soul came from the cold or the growing ache in his chest. He had never felt more lost or lonely in his entire life.
For the briefest of moments, he wondered whether it would be possible to glue the pieces back together again. But as he knelt down and began to pick them up slowly, one by one, that last flicker of hope was extinguished quickly.
As he pondered over what to do, he spotted the stack of Christmas napkins that his Mom had bought last year, after Poe had insisted that the teddy bear pictured on them looked just like his beloved plushie Mr. Beebs. He had spent hours sitting right next to her, learning how to fold them into the most intricate shapes, just like his Mom had done, until he had declared excitedly that his Mom would never have to worry about folding a set of napkins for their guests ever again because now she had Poe to take care of that. Taking one of the napkins from the stack now, he could vividly remember the fondness in her eyes as her smile had outshone his proud little grin.
After spreading the napkin out on the floor, he piled the pieces of the record up onto it, carefully and gently, until even the tiniest of pieces had been accounted for. Looking around the room for something to tie the napkin bundle up with, his gaze fell upon Mr. Beebs sitting on the couch with his tiny bow tie around his neck. It didn’t seem right to take it, but Poe apologized to his teddy and promised that he would only borrow it for a little while.
Having the napkin tied neatly together, he got up off the floor, taking one last look at the Christmas tree. A source of warmth and comfort for as long as he could remember, its lights and decorations almost seemed like they were mocking him now. As his eyes began to wander along its branches, his gaze came to rest on the star at the top of the tree.
“I am sorry, Mommy,” he whispered.  
As Poe held the napkin bundle gently against his heart, the tears began to fall. Unseen and in silence, yet hot and burning.
He was still clutching the little bundle to his chest when he found himself crying quietly in his bed a little later. He held it even tighter when he could hear the soft footsteps of his father approaching.
“Poe?” Kes’ voice was so gentle, it was barely audible to his son.
“Poey, sweetheart… I am sorry! I am… I am so so so sorry!”
Staring at the wall in front of him, Poe couldn’t see how his father’s tears over losing the love of his life had turned into tears over the fear of losing his son. He couldn’t see how his father reached out his hand towards him, only to hesitate at the very last moment, too afraid that he would just make things worse.
He couldn’t see how Kes longed for nothing more than to hug Poe close to his heart and never let him go again, desperate to find a way to comfort his son without subjecting him to his own soul crushing pain.
All he could see, over and over again, was that moment when his father walked right past him to smash their record to pieces.
His father didn’t want to take his hand.
Determined that he didn’t want Kes to see him cry, Poe pulled the covers over his head. And just like he had wrapped the napkin around the broken pieces of the record, Poe could feel something else wrapping itself around his heart. Not nearly as gentle and careful, but way harder and tighter and indefinitely more painful.
His father didn’t want to take his hand.
It was the last time that either of them acknowledged the song. It was the last time that music was played in the Dameron household.
And Poe never danced again.
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Sometimes he would dream of it, though. Holding someone in his arms and swaying to the soft rhythm of a melody while waiting for Christmas cookies to bake in the oven or the first coffee of the day to finish brewing. But it never felt quite right. As soon as that longing ache would make itself known, he would shove it back to where it came from. Burying it a little deeper every time. After all, life was not a flipping Disney Christmas movie.
Yet there was a part of him that never stopped trying to find the song again. Even more so during that time of the year. Whether it was at the Christmas markets or at the shops, as soon as the softest sound of music could be heard anywhere, Poe would strain his ears hoping against hope to hear that comforting familiar tune just one more time.
Now and then he would hum the melody to himself, especially in those moments when he missed his Mom even worse than usual.
More than once he found himself sliding into a panic when he seemed to stumble over parts of the melody or he needed a little longer to remember some of the words. Every time that happened, he feared another piece of the memory of his Mom might slip away.
One night, after waking up in cold sweat again, he frantically scribbled down the lyrics onto the next best sheet of paper he could find as if they might be lost forever if he didn’t write them down this instant. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, he carefully folded the sheet and placed it into the little wooden box in his nightstand, which held the napkin bundle and the record sleeve.
Over the years, there were a few people that he tried to confide in but his attempts always ended up with him being made fun of. So he gave up those attempts too, burying his feelings deep under the growing pile of pain and ache and longing. They were obviously too silly to share them with anyone.
Not to you, though.
When Poe and you were about to spend your first Christmas together, it had been several years since he had bothered to put up any proper Christmas decorations at all. So when you asked him excitedly whether you could put them up together, he really did it more for you than for him.
Though he couldn’t deny that your enthusiasm was more than a little contagious. You turned the whole thing into a proper little event with Christmassy snacks and hot cocoa and festive music. After a while he found your joy so infectious that it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Feelings that he hadn’t associated with Christmas for a long, long time.
He even sent both of you into a fit of giggles and laughter after somehow managing to completely wrap himself in tinsel rather than the Christmas tree.
And then you threw him completely off balance with one seemingly innocent little question: “So what’s your favourite Christmas tradition?”
Before he could tumble off the chair he was standing on, however, his instincts kicked in, making him fall back onto his standard go to answer: Chocolate glazed koyo berries. “My father had this really amazing way of turning them into the most delicious…” he began.
But it just felt wrong. Of course he loved his father’s chocolate koyo berries, he actually used to love them a lot. But there was something else. As he looked into your warm and loving eyes, something long forgotten tried to force its way up from the deepest pits of his heart. And try as he might, it refused to be pushed back down again this time.
Determined to keep it together, he turned away from you, biting his lips until they hurt. He was not going to cry. He was not going to ruin everything again.
“Poe? Hey… sweetie, your hands are shaking…”
Squeezing his eyes shut with enough force to give him a headache, he could hear the confusion in your voice turning into worry.
“Oh Poe, I am sorry, I should have known that this might bring back painful memories, I really shouldn’t have asked, I am so sorry…”
Trying to stifle the wave of sobs demanding to be let out, he shook his head vigorously, still refusing to look at you.
“No no no, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just… it’s silly!” he choked up.
You paused for a moment before saying gently, “It doesn’t look like it’s silly to you?”
He didn’t resist when you took his trembling hands in yours and helped him to climb down from the chair. Not letting go, you carefully held them steady in your hands, drawing soothing circles on them with your thumbs, as Poe kept staring at the floor.
“You don’t have to tell me now, if it’s too much,” you tried to reassure him.
“No, I want to, I just…” Grunting in frustration, he broke away and began to rub at his eyes with the palms of his hands with increasing force as if the motion would somehow be able to rub those pesky and unwelcome feelings away.
Carefully taking his hands into yours once more, you slowly led them away from his eyes. As you cupped his face with your hands, tenderly caressing over his temples with your thumbs, he finally looked at you, revealing his sore eyes glistening with tears and all the pain and grief that lay beneath.
It broke your heart.
You hesitated, as you had to fight your own tears welling up inside of you now before asking softly, “Is this about your Mom?”
Poe nodded ever so slightly.
Your voice turned even softer. “Does it have anything to do with the little box you keep in your night stand?”
Of course you had seen the way that he looked at that box. You had seen how he would rest his hand on that box, how his expression would turn from soft to pained and to soft again. Now and then he had even seemed to be humming a soft little melody while gently caressing over the lid of the box. Yet despite all of your questions, it had never felt right to ask him about it before he was ready to open up to you.
Closing his eyes again, Poe took a few shaky breaths. Letting his fingers wander up your arms, until they came to rest on your hands still holding his face, he tried to ground himself, focussing his attention on you. Your kindness, your gentleness, your warmth.
“Do you really want to know?” he finally managed to ask before his voice broke again.
“I do,” you said gingerly. “Of course I do. But… I wouldn’t want you to feel like you’d have to tell me anything that you aren’t ready to share yet.”
Nodding slowly, he furrowed his brow, deepening the pained expression on his face. An even more overwhelming wave of sadness radiated from his eyes, spreading over his already grief-stricken features. He tried to open and shut his mouth a few times before giving up and taking you by the hand to lead you into the bedroom.
You knelt down on the floor right next to him while he opened the drawer of his nightstand to remove the little wooden box and carefully opened the lid, revealing its contents to you. You saw the record sleeve and the lyric sheet and the napkin bundle tied together with the bowtie borrowed from Poe’s old childhood teddy Mr. Beebs.
Taking a deep breath, Poe took the bundle out of the box and placed it on the floor in front of you, unwrapping it ever so carefully.
He hadn’t opened it in decades. The moment that the napkin came undone around the broken pieces of the record, the tight layer of repressed feelings and ignored pain and buried grief wrapped around his heart fell away with it. Until there was nothing left to hold back the swelling flood of tears.
As soon as the first desperate sob ripped through his body so violently that it threatened to take his breath away, you were there. Catching him, holding him, comforting him, sheltering him.
And Poe cried like he had never cried before.
“It’s not fair! It’s not flipping fair, it’s not… she should be here… she should still be here… here with us…”
Everything seemed to bubble up to the surface at once. Pain and anger and confusion and helplessness.
“I wanted to hug him, I… I just really needed to hug him and… and I wanted to, but… but… but I was too small and… and… how could he just smash it?”
You were barely able to make any sense of all his memory fragments and turbulent emotions that were demanding attention all at once, but that wasn’t important right now.
“He came to apologize that night but I couldn’t… I couldn’t… I didn’t want him to see me cry and I… I… I should have…”
As you held him gently in your arms, he clung desperately to you, sobbing helplessly against your shoulder.
“I just… I… I failed them. Both…”
“Oh, Poe,” you whispered as you buried your face in his curls. And even though you knew that he wouldn’t be ready to believe you yet, you added gently but firmly, “You didn’t fail anybody!”
Smoothing some damp curls from his forehead, you pressed a tender kiss to the top of his head, when a new wave of tears began to stream down his face. Hot and desperate tears that had never been given a chance to dry, burning in his heart during all those years.
And now you were kissing them away. Softly. Every single one of them, even tough they were replaced by fresh ones immediately. Until sheer exhaustion made him collapse into your embrace.
As you cradled the back of his head, steadying him against your chest, rocking him gently back and forth, you knew that it wasn’t just your boyfriend crying in your arms. You held the wounded little boy, who couldn’t understand. Who blamed himself without even knowing what he had done wrong. Who hurt so deeply and yet would rather take care of everybody else around him before tending to his own wounds.
“I am here for you, Poe,” you cooed gently, hugging him tight. “I love you!”
And for the first time in decades, it felt like a few of the million shattered pieces of his heart were beginning to heal.
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Unbeknownst to Poe, you made it your year’s goal to find the song for him.
The fact that Poe hadn’t been able to find it in all those years despite all his efforts, not even in the endless vastness of the internet, didn’t deter you in the slightest. Or so you thought. At least for the first eleven months of the year.
By the time December came around again, you were so close to admitting defeat that Poe began to worry about what brought you so low, even fearing that he might have been the one dampening your mood with his lack of Christmas spirit.
So, in an attempt to make up for that, he suggested taking you to the annual charity Christmas bazaar at your local school, hoping that a little Christmassy shopping spree for charity and the sparkly atmosphere of the Christmas lights might cheer you up again.
You tried not to get your hopes up, you really did. But the moment that Poe popped off to the restrooms and you found yourself stranded in front of a stall with several boxes of old forty-fives, you had to start browsing, of course.
Sorting swiftly through the records, you had gone through at least fifty of them, when your brain gave you a little jolt. You stopped. Going backwards very slowly, you looked at each of them again until you got back to the forty-second one. You carefully removed the record from the box. You read the title on the sleeve. You stared at it in disbelief. And you read it again. You shook your head. You read the title a third time. And despite your best attempts to stay calm, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a little scream that made the elderly gentleman behind the display ask in concern whether you were all right. It took every ounce of self restraint you could muster to keep yourself from throwing your arms around him and hug him until he turned blue. In the end, you hugged him anyway.
After handing the stall owner enough money to prompt him to ask you again whether you were all right, you hid the record in your bag and quickly hurried past the next few stalls, hoping not to give anything away.
You still weren’t able to keep the shine out of your eyes, though. Which Poe noticed immediately the minute that he caught up with you.
“What’s gotten into you?” he asked raising a confused eyebrow.
Letting out a happy sigh that you weren’t able to contain, you smiled, “I’m just really looking forward to Christmas!”
His gaze softened as he pulled you towards you, placing a tender kiss on top of your head. Gently rubbing your noses together, his smile grew wider until it painted crinkles around his eyes.
As he rested his forehead against yours, he whispered, “Me too!” And for the first time since what felt like forever, he actually meant it.
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You spent the better part of the remainder of the run-up to Christmas trying to come up with the best possible plan to present the record to him. Should you simply hide it in a pile of other gifts in his stocking, should you make him close his eyes while you put the record on, should you wake him up with the music on Christmas Morning or maybe something completely different? In the end you decided that you would leave it up to Poe because the last thing you wanted was to overwhelm him in any way or even cause him more hurt.
When you found yourself cuddling with him on the couch on Christmas Eve, however, it became increasingly harder for you to remain patient until Christmas Morning.
Lying half atop on you, Poe had completely melted into your embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck, while you played with his hair. The ease and trust with which he relaxed in your arms melted your heart. You were just about to turn your head and place a gentle kiss to his temple, when he lifted his head.
“Are you okay, bups?” He asked, raising a worried eyebrow at you.
“Hmmm?” you mumbled a little absentmindedly. “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re as tense as a loaded spring about to go off. And I mean that in a very non-euphemistic, sfw way. Although…” he wriggled his eyebrows, looking way too cute with his tousled hair curling itself into every possible direction, “I wouldn’t mind adding some ‘n’ into the mix a little later…”
You couldn’t help breaking into giggles, which made Poe grin in return. “That’s better,” he smiled, placing a sweet little kiss to your forehead before furrowing his brow again. “Wanna tell me why you are so nervous?”
You really hadn’t intended to spoil this peaceful moment but you also knew that Poe wouldn’t stop worrying until he knew what was up. With a heavy sigh, you reluctantly tried to wriggle yourself free from underneath Poe to sit up, drawing some grunts of protest and a pout from him.
“I have a little surprise for you.”
Humming in a slightly more relaxed tone, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him again.
“And can we stay on the couch for that or do we have to transfer to the bedroom?”
You snorted, “I’ve clearly given you the wrong idea now.”
With another smile, you brushed a few stray curls from his forehead and left a soft kiss in their place.
“You can stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Getting up to fetch your little present from the hiding place in the bedroom, you swiftly returned and set down next to Poe before giving it to him.
It took a few moments for Poe to realize what he was holding in his hands. As they began to tremble, he couldn’t help but keep staring at the record.
“How… where did you…” he whispered.
You gently laid your hands on his before explaining softly, “Actually… you kind of led me to it yourself when you took me to the Christmas bazaar three weeks ago.”
He let out a small shaky laugh that turned into a soft sob.
You immediately began to rub his back in soothing circles, leaving tender kisses all over the side of his face until he began to lean into you.
“Would you like me to play it?” you asked him gently.
He slowly peeled his gaze away from the record to look at you. As his big brown puppy dog eyes began to sparkle, he slowly nodded as if in a daze. He had gotten so used to hearing the song only in his memory, had both dreaded and hoped for this moment over and over again. As you put the record on and the song began to float across the room, it felt too surreal for him to grasp.
The music sounded even softer than you had imagined it. And so much more comforting than Poe remembered.
It sounded like the warmth of his Mom’s hand caressing his face and his parents’ laughter and tickle fights and the smell of his Mom’s baking and Kes scooping him up to carry him on his shoulders and morning cuddles and running towards his parents’ embrace. Both of them holding out their hands for him.
Just like you did now.
“Dance with me?” you asked him softly. Warm and open and welcoming while still giving him all the room that he might need.
Poe’s tears fell more slowly this time. As you laid your arms around him, pulling him towards you, swaying both of you to the soft rhythm of the music, he didn’t fight the soft and shaky sobs that turned another layer of destructive pain and grief into hopeful feelings of comfort and familiarity and home.
His head found his place leaning on your shoulder as your cheek came to rest against his. You held him gently and at the same time so close that there seemed to be no room left for anything that might hurt him. And yet your embrace was so soft that he knew he could trust you with his wounded bare heart in your hands.
As he wept in your arms, you kept caressing over his curls, leaving a trail of soft kisses along his hairline until his tears began to mix with your own. The moment Poe noticed the wet streaks running down your face, his eyes widened in alarm and he quickly reached up to wipe your tears away. But you gently laid your hands on his and shook your head with a sparkly-eyed smile.
“Don’t worry about those, Poe. Not all tears are bad.”
And Poe’s eyes that had been sparkling with tears of pain and sorrow slowly began to sparkle with something else.
It might not have been quite what he had imagined the first time to be like. Dancing to his parents’ song in the light of the Christmas tree with his own special someone.
Yet as his sobs subsided to the gentle rhythm of your soft kisses to his face and your hands tenderly smoothing over his hair, right now in this moment, he felt like the luckiest person in the universe.
Except for one thing.
When he let out an involuntary sigh, you pressed one more kiss to the top of his head before asking, “Why don’t you call him? Ask him to come over for Christmas?”
“Who?” Poe raised his head in mild confusion.
“Your father?” you smiled.
“How did…” Trailing off and letting out another sigh, Poe began to shake his head. “Me and my father stopped doing Christmas years ago. I don’t even have his number.”
“Well, funny thing…”
As Poe began to raise his eyebrows, you allowed yourself to break into a mischievous little grin, making him smile through his tears.
“I spoke to Auntie Leia the other day, and…” you began.
“…she had his number and gave it to you?” Poe finished your sentence in only mild disbelief.
“Of course she did,” you nodded and smiled again. “I don’t know how but it’s like she knew.”
Poe shook his head, unable to suppress a soft giggle. “She always does.”
You hesitated a little before you asked him, “Did you know that your father keeps asking after you whenever he meets her?”
Sobering up immediately, Poe lowered his gaze to the ground, furrowing his brow. “No, I… I didn’t…”
“Hey…” Cupping his face and gently guiding him to look at you again, you asked, “I can call him for you if you don’t feel up to it?” Your eyes softened before you added, “And no, Poe… I don’t think that would be ‘silly’.”
Poe let out a shaky breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. “Could you do that for me…?”
So you did. And less than an hour later, Kes was standing at your door. His knock was so soft and cautious that you would have missed it, had you not been on your way to the kitchen at exactly that moment.
He was shivering from the cold as it looked like he hadn’t even bothered to take the time and find appropriate clothes for the freezing temperatures outside. Yet when you had introduced yourself and motioned quickly for him to come in and step into the warmth, he hesitated.
“Are you really sure that Poe wants to see me?” he asked full of doubt.
You gave him a reassuring smile. “Yes he does. Of course he does! We just didn’t expect you to be here so early.”
“Oh… if you want me to come back later…”
“No, no, please… come in! You must be freezing.”
As Kes stepped into the light of your flat, you could see the clear remnants of tears on his face that had been hastily wiped away. And your heart broke for him just as it had for his son.
Poe had spent the last half hour bent over your record player, carefully removing remnants of dust from the needle and the grooves of the record. Deeply focused on his work, he gave a little start when you entered the living room, announcing brightly, “Look who is here, sweetie.”
“Hello, Poe!”
Turning around, Poe let out a soft, “Hey…” before clearing his throat and saying more firmly, “I am glad that you came.”
His father’s reaction threw him off for a few moments. Was he really so utterly convinced that Poe wouldn’t want to see him?
Kes had to swallow a few times as he began to fumble nervously with the handle of the bag he had brought with him.
“Oh… these are for you!” he finally said, producing a huge bag of chocolate koyo berries.
Poe gasped in surprise. “But… these take days to make, how did you…?”
The smile that spread across Kes’ face somehow made him look even sadder. “I still make them every year, just in case you might... Never mind, you probably don’t even like them anymore, I just thought…”
Taking a step towards Kes, Poe reassured him, “No, no, of course I still love them, that’s really thoughtful of you… Dad!”
For a brief moment, Poe’s gaze flickered over to you and you started the record player. It took only a few notes for Kes to recognize the melody and his eyes widened, displaying a myriad of emotions.
“I… I’ve been searching everywhere,” he whispered. “I thought that maybe if I could find it, if I could just… you might…” Kes’ voice broke and he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gain his composure.
When he opened them again, his son was standing right in front of him, offering his hand to his Dad. The look in his eyes was neither angry nor reproachful, but open and warm and encouraging with maybe a slightly pleading undertone. And it hit him full force just how much Poe reminded him of Shara in that moment.
Clasping a hand over his mouth, Kes let out a half-stifled shaky sob as his eyes began to glisten with tears. Taking a careful step towards his son, he took Poe’s hand into both of his. Placing the softest of kisses on his son’s hand, he gently held it against his chest right above his heart.
“Oh, Poey,” he whispered. “I am so... I am so…”
The moment his voice faltered again, Poe pulled his Dad into a hug. This drew a surprised little gasp from Kes before he threw his arms around his son, holding him closer than he had ever held him before. Like he was never going to let him go again. He knew that he might not be able to make up for lost time. But he could show Poe how much he meant to him right here and right now. Between violent sobs and desperate kisses to his temple and his cheek, Kes pulled his son close over and over again.
“Me, too!” Poe whispered through his own tears. “It’s okay, Dad… I love you!”
Maybe okay wasn’t exactly the right word. Maybe it was never really gonna be okay again. But as they both clung to each other, it certainly felt more okay than it had in a very long time. Maybe this could be the beginning of creating their new okay.
As his Dad’s desperate kisses slowly turned softer, he pulled back just enough to be able to gently cup his son’s face in his hands. “I love you, too, Poe. So so so damn much!”
You were just about to sneak out of the door to give them some room when Poe softly called out to you, “Hey… c’mere!”
They both invited you to join them with open arms. There may have been some feet casualties before the three of you found your rhythm but those were easily laughed away.
Christmas Eve turned into Christmas Day and Poe was still dancing. Safe and snug in a hug sandwich between the two people that he loved more than anything else in this world and who loved him just as much in return.
As Poe’s face once again found his familiar place in the crook of your neck, he mumbled, “I wish my Mom could have met you. I really wish that she could have been here with us just one more time.”
“I think she is, Poe!”
Instead of an answer, he let out a little sob against your shoulder, hugging both you and his Dad a little tighter, as Kes gently ruffled his hair.
And when Poe looked up again and his gaze came to rest on the star at the top of the Christmas tree, he could have sworn that it shone brighter than he could ever remember.
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Sometimes life may cause you wounds that seem to hurt so deeply that all the time in the universe wouldn’t be able to heal them.
And sometimes… sometimes all you need to make the pain a little more bearable is someone to take your hand, hold you gently, kiss you softly and tell you that they love you.
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Thank you for reading 💜
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our-marvel-universe · 9 months
Playing The Long Game
Pairing: Soft!Dark Cole Turner x Reader \
WC: 408
Summary: You and Cole are roommates…but could you be more?
A/N: orginally this was going to be fluff but then I watched Ghosted and I realized I had to make it a little dark cause Cole is a creep.
Written for @the-slumberparty Bingo challenge This checks off Night out and roommates!
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You stumble through the door, your roommate Cole right on your heels.
“Whoa be careful” Cole says as he catches you by the arm. You tripped in your drunken attempt to take off your shoes. Leaning against him you pout your lip and give him your saddest eyes 
“Help please” you beg.
With a laugh Cole walks you over to your couch and sits you down. Placing your legs in his lap he starts to gently take off your shoes, once he’s got them off he begins to give you a nice foot rub while you turn on the TV and queue up your show. 
He tries to focus on the task at hand and not on the fact that your already short dress is riding up allowing him to see even more of you. He averts his eyes and turns instead to look at the TV trying to focus on the show rather than… No. Nope. He’s not going to think about it.
You fall asleep before the episode even ends so Cole decides it’s time for bed. He helps you clean your makeup off and then gives you some pajamas. He waits while you change and use the bathroom. You're still pretty drunk so he sets up a bucket by your bed, just in case, even though he’s sure you won’t need it. You stumble in and throw everything off your bed, but before you can climb in you grab Cole’s hand and pull him towards you. Then you give him what is easily the best kiss of his life. It’s over before he knows it and you're climbing into bed waving at him like it’s just any other night. 
“Night handsome see you tomorrow” you sing before turning out the light and going to sleep. 
Cole stands there stunned, unsure what to do. In a daze he walks out your room closing the door behind him.
Cole’s dad always says ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’… and if that’s true it means his plan is working. He goes into his room and pulls out the ring he got for you. He had it custom made for you about a month or two after you moved in. After things went off the rails with Sadie he decided to take his sisters advice, he’s playing the long game with you. After all he doesn’t care how long he has to wait since you're going to be his forever.
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Thanks for reading 💛 Don't forget to reblog and even leave a comment if you're feeling frisky!
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astrarift · 9 months
friday - 25/08/2023 - feed the baby a food that starts with R
Tallulah was upset about something. She was crying to Phil off to the side. Allie was trying not to pay attention, it was rude to eavesdrop. Ae and Chayenne were sitting, quietly eating their raspberries. Allie had discovered they really like raspberries, they've liked most of the food ae has had the past week but this was even better. Chayenne promised to make xyr raspberry ice cream at some point in the future. He would make it today but it was apparently too hot and he said it would melt. Allie wasn't sure what ice cream was but Chayenne said it was good. When Allie was done with their berries, ae licked at aer fingers to get the rest of the juice. Their hands were stained with the red of the raspberries. Allie did not like that and stood up to go wash their hands in the washing area of the house. Tallulah was there, with her arms folded over each other, looking very grumpy. "Are you okay?" Allie asked, reaching xyr shaky hands into the water to clean the red stains off. "I don't want to take a bath but abuelito says I have to." Talullah frowned. "Why don't you want to bathe? You really wanted to earlier." Allie was confused. "Because then I'd have to take my hearing aids off and I don't want to right now." "So later then?" "Yeah but I want to be clean now." Tallulah was pouting even harder. Allie did not know what to do so they just brought Tallulah into an awkward hug, patting her lightly on the back. "Tallulah, I have a solution." Phil returned to the washing area with Chayenne, a smile on his face. Allie was glad someone knew what to do. Phil was very good at knowing things.
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tasavvur-ki-duniya · 4 months
i think waiting together is a love language. wait for the train with me, so we can talk a little longer. wait for dinner with me, we can slow dance in the kitchen. wait for me until i can talk after crying my eyes out, hold me, we will figure it out. wait for me when it gets rough, i know i can get through this (with you). wait for me in the car, this song is too good to not finish listening to it. wait for the first snow with me, cold red noses and bright eyes. lets wait for each other, i love you.
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stainedpoetry · 3 months
You probably don't believe this but there are a lot of people who silently adore and admire you. Who silently wish they could have your eyes, who silently love your hair, who silently like your smile, who silently desire to be as kind as you, who silently admire the light you bring along, who silently adore the way you talk and the way you think. They might shy away from saying this to you but the universe knows. Universe have heard things you haven't. And that's why universe has been kind to you because you have been kind to it's creations.
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Ig I'm just not made for regular relationships. I want our souls to intertwine deeply.
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 4 months
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Making a playlist is a delicate art. Where without uttering a word you says a lot through playlist.
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Kundali match ho ya na ho but taste of music and books match hona is compulsory✨️
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