bangtanghan · 5 months
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purgatorei · 4 months
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stuff i doodled 4 my friend in vc :3
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3456boidone · 2 years
You guys now that one post about the sea and moon being lesbian lovers.. soooo...
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nubis84 · 2 months
Sangre y piel oscura. El sol presente en cada uno de sus combates.
Lo hallaron desnudo en la sabana africana. Una especie de tarzán de raza negra, desorientado, receloso de cualquier detalle porque significaba peligro.
Un ser de más de dos metros; tres para las habladurías. Un ser que jamás pestañea y que permanece en su figura sin importar el fondo que transite.
Su descubridor lo vendió a un antro de apuestas ilegales especializado en boxeo sin guantes. No fue difícil convencer al dueño conforme repetía la historia de haberlo visto matar leones a puñetazos. Tal descubrimiento demostró su valía tumbando de un golpe a uno de los favoritos. El ambiente del antro cambió desde entonces.
El jefe mafioso a veces se preguntaba si había hecho lo correcto adquiriéndolo. Para poder dar combates decentes tenía que gastar tiempo en buscar rivales dignos. El que más duró, un luchador de sumo, aguantó tres golpes de la masa negra.
Ni el puto King Kong aguantaría.
Mientras otros se preguntaban por el origen de ese africano, el jefe apuraba de donde no tenía. Los días que sacaba a la palestra a Kinko —que así lo llamaron por el ruido que producía con la garganta al abalanzar sus puños— era cuando más se llenaba el local. Sabía que en parte era por un efecto de querer verlo, como si su noble casa fuese un zoológico, y eso lo enervaba. Pero eso iba a dar con el próximo evento que tenía pensado.
Llamarlo Kinko no era honorable, pero tampoco un deshonor porque provenía de un ruido de su cuerpo. Hay que aceptar lo que somos.
Conforme aprendía el idioma se daba cuenta de la contaminación moral de aquellas personas de piel lechosa. Sus cuerpos no estaban curtidos por el dios Sol, y por eso eran tan débiles incluso en moral. Él era poderoso porque tenía dentro la luz. Ellos incluso mancillaban el don con lo que llamaban protección solar.
Estaba lejos de casa, pero tampoco tenía la necesidad de volver. Derrotaría a todos los enemigos que hiciese falta, así había sido su vida.
Notó un pinchazo en la nuca. La teoría seguía en pie, una de la cual le hablaba de rivales o depredadores cada vez más grandes: más y más grandes.
Hasta llegar al punto de tener que destruir a la propia montaña.
Sintió un sabor amargo.
Esa noche tendría que volver a luchar. El llamado jefe le repitió que intentara que el combate durara, pero Kinko sabía que la supervivencia es lo primordial, y que acabar de forma rápida con el peligro es de sabios. No era su estilo jugar a que las multitudes miren como sufren otros: un golpe y se acabó la falta de lucidez.
El sabor no se marchaba.
La noche se avecinó irremediable. Ya notaba el calor de los focos y la multitud. La pronta impresión del aliento de su rival sobrevino.
El clamor inundó los pensamientos, ahogándolos para dar paso a una paz mental: ningún pensamiento posible. Sólo los más fuertes lo logran.
Pero un olor intentaba distraerlo.
Se dirigió hacia el enorme ring enjaulado al tiempo que separaba sin tocar a la muchedumbre, una marea que se abría a su paso y que gritaba. Recordó la calma de la sabana, y por primera vez en lo que llevaba allí sintió cierta nostalgia.
Se subió al sucio cuadrilátero, raído en las puntas. El aire era espeso, resultaba familiar…
Los pelos en la nuca y hombros se erizaron.
En la zona del ring por donde tendría que subir en opuesto su rival no había nadie, salvo vallas que marcaban el camino. Con calma ceremonial, un hombre vestido de forma hortera se fue acercando desde la lejanía. Portaba una cadena que creyó escuchar por encima del gentío. Guiaba a un guerrero ancestral de sombras que fue tomando forma bajo los focos.
Por una pasarela preparada, el hortera subió al león.
Imágenes del hogar volvieron a definir a Kinko.
Recordó haberse enfrentado a un león lleno de cicatrices. Sus puños no parecían afectarle, y se vio obligado a intentar destrozar su costado.
Los leones, con sus melenas eran similares al sol. Representaciones.
El dios le obligaba a pasar de nuevo por la misma prueba.
Y no le pareció justo.
En paralelo a la memoria imaginó amartillando a base de nudillos a aquella bestia sobre el ring. La superficie expandiendo más sangre que nunca. Lo imaginó como un ritual de sacrificio.
Cuando la campana sonó, el amaestrador soltó la cadena y se alejó corriendo.
Kinko puso los brazos en cruz.
Y se dejó morder ante un público que fue quedando estupefacto conforme bajaba los puños.
Sus últimos pensamientos fueron recuerdos. Aquel león cicatriz en la sabana le había atrapado, y por capricho divino logró escabullirse del único rival que jamás podría derrotar.
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mspinky1 · 11 months
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Osomatsu San: Tougou AU
So as the title of my art says, here is my version of what the Tougou au looks like. In case you're wondering why Tougou himself isn't here, its because I had a hard time figuring out how to draw him without him looking crappier than he already looks LOL. So the way I envisioned it:
Tougou successfully kidnapped Osomatsu kun when he was 10, and raised him since, forcing him to help with heists. Osomatsu over the years took multiple attempts at escaping the old man, each time failing. Eventually he gave up when he reached 20yrs old and accepted his new life. He's still has his fun charm, but deep down empty of any happiness.
Atsushi is actually Tougou's bio son. Atsushi was raised by his single, drunk mom for a few years until he was 12yrs old. His mom didn't want to raise him anymore, so she gave him to Tougou in exchange for a lot of yen. Atsushi was scared and terrified of Tougou, he was even forced to do a few heists, which he wasn't good at. Atsushi was good with math so the old man taught the boy business and how to make money. Atsushi and Osomatsu somewhat got along, Oso comforting Atsushi whenever he was sad, terrified or even lonely like he did with his little brothers. Eventually when they got older, they grew distant and did argue once in a while, but they do have mutual respect for one another. Atsushi, not knowing about Osomatsu's brothers, did attend the same high school as them thanks to Tougou's connections, and thought he was high when he saw them. He got along with Todomatsu the most, and did fancy him a little, even if he did look like Osomatsu. However, he did tell Osomatsu that he met with his bros, Oso tearing up, feeling happy for the first time in a while, and asked Atsu if he could report to him every few weeks of their well being, Atsu agreeing wholeheartedly.
Hashimoto Nyaa Chan, or Reika Hashimoto has had a normal childhood with a loving family, but when she graduated high school, her life changed for the worse. She always dreamed of becoming an idol and took the initiative by becoming the underground idol star, Nyaa Chan. Her parents didn't agree with her life choice and told her that if she went through with this, she could never come back home. Reika wanted to prove her family wrong and decided to leave home. Unfortunately, one night after her performance, she got attacked at the back alley outside the venue. The bodyguards were nowhere to be seen and she assumed they fled. Before it got worse, she was saved by Osomatsu, who beat the hell out of the attacker. The attacker bled on the ground, unconscious, and Osomatsu carried Reika on his back as he walked back to his hideout. He tended to her wounds and helped her clean and wash up. Rei couldn't go back home and asked to stay with Tougou. He reluctantly agreed, under the condition that she'd work for him. After negotiating, they both would agree that Reika would continue her idol job, with a couple bodyguards protecting her during performances, Osomatsu helping too when he's in disguise. In exchange, 80% the money she makes go straight to Tougou, and she would cook for the group and clean their hideout during her free time.
Homura is also Tougou's bio child, but her mother took her away from him when she was a baby. when she was around 7yrs old, Tougou killed his ex wife and kidnapped Homura. Since then, she was forced to work under him during undercover missions. She is about 2yrs younger than Osomatsu and Atsushi, and 1yr younger than Reika, yet they are all kind to her and treat her like a little sister, Atsushi especially. Despite Atsushi and Homura being half-related thanks to Tougou, Atsu feels a close connection to his half sister. He would homeschool her so she would have an average amount of knowledge and not be dumb, Oso would play games with her and give her most of his food so she wouldn't go hungry, and Reika would have girl time with her and share personal thoughts with each other. Unfortuately, when she turned 18yrs old, she was forced to do indecent videos in order for Tougou to make profit. Osomatsu and Atsushi beat up Tougou when they found out, Rei hugging Homura tightly, both crying in emotional pain. There wasn't anything they could do, however, because all the copies of the videos were already sent out. Feeling nothing but despair, Homura ran away, going to Akastuka Ward by train, and headed to the top of a cliff by the beach, hoping to end her own life. Before she could, she saw someone that looked like Osomatsu, practicing batting swings. She came to his rescue when he was swept by the sea, and they've been going out since. While they were going out, Homura made the realization that these were Oso's brothers, and as much as she wants to be with Jyushimatsu, she had to go back in order to protect him incase Tougou finds them both. But before she left, Jyushi gave her his #14 wristband as a memory of their time together, causing her to cry more, but mainly from happiness.
Kinko grew up in a bad neighbourhood in another country, and grew up to be a thief and hooker. She was hired by Tougou to come to Japan and investigate Akastuka Ward because according to one of his informants, Oso's brothers have interacted with both Atsushi and Homura a couple of times without his knowledge, and wanted her to check in they could pose as a problem for him in the near future. She went undercover as the Matsuno boy's temporary neighbour, 'accidentally' losing her bras to inside their house and getting them back to get their attention. Eventually, she managed to spend the day with them, gathering info on their life and routines, only to be interrupted by Reika's supposed idol rival, Totoko. They 'made up' and Kinko told them she had to 'move back'. To tell you the truth, she genuinely enjoyed spending time with the boys, and told Tougou they weren't going to cause problems for him. She decided to stay with the group incase she was needed, and mutually got along with everyone and teaching all of them simple english. She loves to tease Atsushi, likes having conversations with Osomatsu about his brothers and have contests to see who can steal more wallets, adores spending time with Homura and showing her the ropes of surviving the hookup life. Most of all, she loves having one on one girl time with Reika.
Not gonna lie, i've had these backstories in my mind for a looooong time, ever since i've first discovered the Osomatsu kun fandom, just didn't know how to portray it. Hope you like the art and these backstories.
P.S: Kudos and apologies to anyone who read all those paragraphs 😂. I mean, DAMN! It's like I wrote a whole essay, didn't think it was gonna be this long.
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loomfus · 1 year
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Cozy summer vibes
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osocringe · 2 years
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There isn’t enough fanart of Kinko, so I decided to fix change that 😌
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finalrespite · 1 year
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2016, 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as various girls
1. Kinko (Osomatsu-San) - requested by luigi-totty-girl
2. Ageha (RIN-NE) - requested by weaklingsmozow12
3. Anna (Cinnamon the Movie) - requested by miaknhikari
4. Momo Miyaura (A Letter to Momo) - requested by joshuat1306
5. Nanoha (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha) - requested by jeanette9a
6. Kamen Rider Accel (Kamen Rider W) - requested by mariostrikermurphy
7. Jiban (Kidou Keiji Jiban) - requested by mariostrikermurphy
8. Sil (Species) - requested by tommypezmaster
9. Super Shinken Red (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger) - requested by mariostrikermurphy
10. Kamen Rider Femme (Kamen Rider Ryuki) - requested by mariostrikermurphy
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fuujikun · 29 days
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enchantedbook · 4 months
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Fog Spirits dancing in the Moonlight by Kinko White
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9 for the ask game
9. What's your writing process like?
I have an idea, usually like a scene or two and I write them. But I have to write in chronological, if the thing in my brain's in the middle I have to figure out how you get to there, I can't just write a scene in the middle first. After I think I'm done, I go back and read it again and then I might take out a few sentences or change some things.
Thank you for the ask <3
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breadboylovin · 7 months
thank you tgirls for inventing music
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the-black-manor · 10 months
Darling, I am the monster that can do it all. I’ll knot you with both of my thick cocks, flood your system with glowing aphrodisiac cum, lay eggs in your belly, fuck your throat with my long tongue, drink your blood, mark you, claim you, breed you, wrap you up in tentacles, fuck all the thoughts from your head, and anything else you can possibly think of.
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littlepawzbigheart · 4 months
Hear me out...
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Cottagecore lesbians
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hazird · 6 months
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