#kogami shinya fanfic
pearlsephoni · 10 months
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Akane/Kogami)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: In their line of work, certain sacrifices are always to be expected. That doesn't make preparing for them any easier.
A/N: Written for @shinkaneweek Day 2: timely preparation for future eventualities. c/w for discussions of death and grief. Further author's notes can be found on AO3.
It was a beautiful night. Kogami was back from a mission, letting them pass an evening cooking and working on separate casework, before Akane abandoned her chair in favor of slouching over his shoulders, her whole body jostling from his soft chuckles as she leaned against his back.
Now they were on the couch, her legs draped over his, reading different books and occasionally breaking the silence to read out a quote, whether it was striking or ridiculous or funny. Her heartbeat was steady, calm, matching the rhythm of his thumb as he drew arcs along the inside of her bare ankle. The soft light of the floor lamp was all that illuminated their books, letting the rest of the apartment be washed by the silvery moon and bright neon lights of the city.
It was domestic, comfortable, perfect. Akane hated to ruin it.
She gave herself until the end of her chapter, then slid her bookmark into place and slowly shut her book. She felt the weight of Kogami’s eyes flickering towards her, even though she was looking away to set the book aside. But he didn’t say anything, simply slid his own bookmark into place and placed the book on the coffee table, before turning his focus completely on her. A silent signal that he was ready.
“Yes, Inspector?”
She grimaced at the teasing note in his response. “Shinya.”
“Yes, Akane?”
“I, ah…I’ve been assigned a new case.” His brows furrowed, but again, he didn’t say anything. “My assignment comes straight from Kasei.”
Now those brows raised, but still no response. “It’s…known to be dangerous. The Division assigned to it lost one of their Inspectors, so—”
There was nothing light in Kogami’s voice now. It was all steel, perfectly matching the sharp edge of his gray gaze. Akane flinched, as though she could feel the edge of his words, but she powered through. “I wanted to tell you, in case something happens to me—”
“Akane, no.”
“I’ve set my journal to respond to your fingerprint—”
“—and all of my most important codes and passwords will be in there, behind some other—”
“Stop it—”
“—I’m sure you’ll be able to find your way around—”
The barked word seemed to echo around the room and bounce between the couple as they stared, wide-eyed, at each other. “Stop,” Kogami repeated, voice softer with appeal. “Don’t tell me you’re planning on…on…”
“It’s not like I’ll have much say in the matter,” Akane muttered with a humorless scoff. “I’m not sure how closely you’ve been following the new reports, but his victims don’t exactly volunteer.”
“You’ve survived worse cases. You’ve outwitted smarter murderers. You fought and you won.” He met her gaze and held it, his glinting eyes cutting straight through her walls as quickly and efficiently as ever. “You’re going to keep fighting, right?”
Indignation sparked up Akane’s spine and lifted her chin. “Of course I am.”
“Then what’s with the preparations?”
“There is more than one way to be prepared.” A wry grin pulled at her lips. “I’m not in the interest of leaving you with nothing more than a note this time.”
Her words were closely followed by a small yelp of surprise from a sudden pinch at her ankle. “Good,” Kogami huffed, fingers already soothing her reddened skin. “But I’d rather you didn’t leave me at all.”
“Now now,” Akane tutted, scooting closer until she could rest her chin on his shoulder, “don’t be greedy.”
“Why not?” He gently shrugged her away and turned to face her again. “You already know I’m selfish. Why shouldn’t I want more of the one good thing in my life?”
Kogami always loved to play at being cold and collected, only ever showing the spark remaining in him when caught in combat. He let down those walls around her, but she was still unprepared for his sudden, simple, achingly-vulnerable statements of his love for her. “You have your team,” she protested weakly. Her fingers ran through his messy hair, brushing it out of his face in a well-worn gesture. “You have Tenzing, somewhere in the world. You have others who care about you.”
“Not like you.”
“Not like me,” she relented. Her hand drifted from his hair to rest against his cheek. “You’re listed as my next of kin, so…if anything does happen”—her fingers lightly pressed to his lips, holding back his protests—“you’ll gain possession of my things, apart from a few things I’ll leave for some others.” It was her turn to let a teasing note slip into her words, despite the morbid topic. “Think of it as my way of paying it forward. I had to clean up your things, so it’s only fair for you to return the favor, don’t you think?”
“Oh, you think you’re so funny.”
“A little bit, yeah.” She was ready for his nip at her fingers, though she couldn’t help giggling at the glancing pressure.
He caught her hand before she could pull it away, weaving their fingers together and staring intently at all the lines where their skin met. Then, he murmured, “Me, too.”
“You’re my next of kin, too.” When he looked up at her, his expression was newly-solemn. “You and Gino. Though unlike you, I’m not planning on making either of you face those responsibilities for a while, so…wish me luck.”
Akane simply hummed in response before snuggling in closer and nuzzling into the curve of his neck. When he spoke again, she felt more than heard his soft words. “...I don’t know if I could survive it.”
“Grieving you.” Akane fell still, but she didn’t pull away, letting him wrap his arms tighter around her. “Sometimes I…I think I’ve grown numb to grief, after everyone we’ve lost. But then I imagine grieving you, and I…” A slow breath shook out of him before he could continue. “I feel hopeless just imagining it, Akane. You’re the color in my life, and I…I can’t go back to black and white.”
“Well, I’ve already grieved you once,” Akane murmured, words slightly muffled in his skin. “I don’t think I could survive grieving you again.”
“Hm…that’s no good. We both have to die eventually.”
“Maybe we’ll just have to go together…in a grand, fiery explosion!”
“An explosion? Haven’t we had enough excitement in life? Can’t we go peacefully in our sleep, holding each other?”
“My goodness, you’re such a romantic.” Laughing, Akane pulled back just enough to press a sweet kiss to his cheek. “Like you’d ever get tired of excitement.”
He grinned when their eyes met, a warm, fond little thing, only to melt away the longer he stared at her. “Promise me you’ll fight to live,” he suddenly murmured, hand rising to her cheek. “I want more time with you.”
“Of course I will. These are just precautions, Shinya, nothing more. I promise.”
When he leaned in for another kiss, he was quicker to lick into her mouth, and Akane welcomed him. She let him guide her to straddle his lap, let him slide fingers into her hair and arch her neck for his lips, let him press her close until their bodies were flush against each other. For all her teasing and scolding, Akane was just as greedy as he was, at the end of the day. And for all her intention to fight, the future was still unpredictable. This time with Kogami was a precious thing, and dammit, she was going to relish it with everything she was worth.
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psychosimp17 · 5 months
Just posted the beginning of the SEQUEL to my fanfic "Ending the Omnipotence Paradox" over on Ao3!
We're shifting gears on this one to follow Akane after her release from Tokorozawa and diving into her new role at the PSB. 🩵 #postFirstInspector #angst101 #dualPOV #itscomplicated #AUCanonDivergence #thisisntalovetriangle #buckleup #adultsituationsahead
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psychopasss4 · 6 months
ShinKane's daughter 😍💕
If Akane and Kougami-san would have 1 daughter. I can picture this kid as her 😘🤌🏻❤️
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Proud Daddo and Waifu 🤭🤗🥰
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necropxlis · 2 years
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Ghost Story
Shinya Kogami x gn!Reader
TW: angst, psychological distress, Kogami throws a bottle close to your face.
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“Stop coming”
Those words rang in your ears. Echoing inside your head as you try to grasp the meaning behind them. Kogami, your long time boyfriend, would never tell you to leave.
“I’m sorry. Do you wanna repeat that?” You stuttered taking a step towards the man.
“Y/N don’t make this difficult-“ he started
Scoffing, you threw your hands in the air, “Of course I make everything difficult. Just because you don’t want to put me in “danger.” I’m not a child Shinya, I can handle myself.”
Kogami was growing frustrated with each second you continued to argue. You could tell this is not what he truly wanted, but he was stubborn. He always got what he wanted wether you liked it or not. Taking a swig of water, he tosses the bottle away and turns toward the wall. Kogami has been obsessing over Makishima Shougo ever since he lost his partner months ago. He claims that he’s the reason behind everything.
You believe him to an extent. You believe that Makishima has something to do with the death of his partner and the reason Kogami is now an enforcer. However, you don’t believe he is as smart as Kogami says. No man can turn themselves into a ghost story.
“Shinya, you need to stop. Don’t you see you’re obsessing over nothing? This person may not even be involved.”
A glass bottle flew past your head, crashing against the wall behind you. As you stood there wide eyed, Kogami was heaving with anger. Never before had he ever done anything like this. The Kogami you knew and fell in love with never made any sign of aggression towards you. This was the first time he even yelled at you. Guilt began building up inside of you.
You knew how much Kogami had suffered since he had been released from the rehabilitation center. You knew how his pride hurt after being reduced to Sybil’s hunting dog; how his once friend, now sees him as nothing more than a tool. All because he can’t handle the emotions of loosing someone.
Taking a step forward, you tried to reach for him, hoping he would allow you to comfort him. How could you be so stupid to let your pride come before his feelings?
“Shinya I-“
“I SAID LEAVE” he yelled angrily slamming his fist on his desk.
You lowered your hand and stood there for a moment considering your options. Knowing there was nothing more you could do, you walked out of Kogami’s room without looking back. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes, but you wouldn’t cry here. Not out in the open where someone could see you. As you were walking towards the elevator, a door opened revealing Masaoka. He called out to you and begged you to stop, but you couldn’t. You could never come back here again.
-Present Day
It had been days since that fight. Days? Maybe it was months ago? Longer? You don’t know anymore. The concept of time has been lost. Ever since you broke the simulation and realized your four walls were nothing but a lie. The starch white walls littered with scratches were all you knew. Who caused them? Was it you? Why can’t you think straight?
Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. THINK!
-The Past
There was an incident in the building you work in. Apparently some psycho tried to assault one of your coworkers. Thankfully you went out to eat for your lunch break with a couple of your friends. Arriving back at the building, you noticed MWPSB vans littered around the area. Something tugged at your heart as you felt yourself walking towards a familiar figure. The spiky black hair that never seemed to be controlled no matter how much product was applied. A line of smoke trails in front of the figure.
All the signs led to Kogami.
Walking up to the figure, you were inches away from grasping onto his jacket, when he turned around to face you. The cigarette fell out of his mouth as he stared at you. There was no emotion behind his eyes and nothing showed on his face. The line of work Kogami is involved with he had to perfect his poker face. Nothing was said between the two of you. Words failed you in this moment.
You begged your brain to form a sentence, to say anything to break the silence, but nothing came. His steel eyes bore into your soul. He wasn’t pleased you were actually in front of him. After the argument the two of you had, he was perfectly content with never seeing you again. When the call came through that there was a potential crime happening in your building, he prayed you weren’t involved. Seeing you in front of him now, he was able to breathe easily, he just couldn’t let you see it.
“Enforcer Kogami, line up.” A man with green hair spoke.
That must be Ginoza. You’ve met him a few times back when Kogami was an Inspector. Kogami kept eye contact with you for a while before turning away. He handed his dominator to the inspector and walked into the back of the loading van. He looked at you one last time before the doors closed. Your heart breaking more and more the further the van traveled.
A shorter lady with brown hair brushed passed you. Something about her felt strangely familiar. Quickly reaching out, you grabbed her sleeve, causing her to stop. Turning around to meet you face to face, you noticed her brown eyes held a variety of emotions.
“You must be Inspector Tsunemori?” You asked.
Akane nodded and began to speak but you cut her off. Smiling so wide your eyes closed to give off a soothing grin.
“Watch out for Kogami for me?”
-Present Day
The creak of the hinges on the old door startled you. He had come to visit you once again. His white hair flowed as he effortlessly entered the decrepit room. With a voice like honey, you had once trusted him. The villain sang the song of the Pied Piper, and like a fool you followed. Kneeling down, the man swept some of your hair out of your face, forcing you to look at him. His golden eyes held so much promise, but there was nothing there for you. You were simply a pawn in his glorious game of chess. You hated to admit it but Kogami was right.
The ghost story was true, and now you’re in it.
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Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Psycho-Pass Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kougami Shinya/Tsunemori Akane Characters: Kougami Shinya, Tsunemori Akane, Ginoza Nobuchika, Hinakawa Shou Additional Tags: Birthday Presents, no, not those presents, sick Akane, green-eyed Ginoza, Sho "Eye of the Tiger" Hinakawa Summary:
This is a series of one shots that I wrote in a fevered pitch in April and that I'll now unleash (heh) on you guys. I'll update this fairly regularly.
Two men, one woman. It was a tale as old as time. And Kogami knew that meditating on Othello wasn’t going to help.
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thedubiouspeach · 1 year
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Psycho-Pass Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kagari Shuusei/Kougami Shinya Characters: Kougami Shinya, Kagari Shuusei, Tsunemori Akane, Ginoza Nobuchika, Kasei Joushuu Additional Tags: Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Angst and Romance, Angst and Feels, Angst, Love Confessions, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, POV Third Person Limited, Rare Pairings, Headcanon, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Seemingly unrequited love, Love, Implied Sexual Content, Pining, Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Plug, Oral Sex Summary:
In Japan, the Sibyl System judges the whole of your consciousness. All that you are, from start to finish, is quantified. A self-proclaimed judge, jury, and executioner in the name of providing happiness for the greatest number of people. With such a place, what happens when a new Enforcer, who's been on the receiving end of all the flaws this society has to offer, collides with a seasoned Enforcer who's ready to make a break for it?
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mixakuu · 8 months
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Hey. My name is Mixie and welcome to my page. I’m glad that you’re here, existing. <3
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A little about me…
24 ☆ INTJ ☆ Virgo ☆ Enneagram 9 The Peacemaker ☆ Poli Sci major ☆
Current Fave songs:
⁃ Mayday by Coldrain & Ryo,
⁃ RUNRUNRUN by Dutch Melrose,
⁃ You Wanted More by VIOLENT Vira
I’m literally the type of person that if you start talking to me randomly I will act like we’ve known each other for 7+ years. So please don’t hesitate to tag me/talk to me I’d love to make more online friends even if it’s temporary <3
Some characters I love:
JJK- Noritoshi Kamo, Kento Nanami, Suguru Geto, Toge Inumaki, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna
Blue Lock- Rensuke Kunigami, Jingo Raichi, Reo Mikage, Ikki Niko, Okuhito Iemon, Tsurugi Zantetsu, Rin Itoshi, Hiiragi Reiji
Fire Force- Vulcan Joseph, Karim Flam
Bungo Stray Dogs- Doppo Kunikida, Ango Sakaguchi, Oda Sakunosuke, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Mushitarō Oguri
Kaiju no. 8 - Leno Ichikawa, Soshiro Hoshina
Psycho Pass- Nobuchika Ginoza, Shinya Kogami
Tokyo Revengers- Takashi Mitsuya, Shuji Hanma, Chifuyu Matsuno
Some Characters I Kin (HEAVILY):
Atsushi (BSD)
Maki (JJK)
Ango (BSD)
Oda (BSD)
Younger Geto (JJK)
Writer, Artist, Anime quote enthusiast, book & art lover, dark academia & gore, Halloween enthusiast 🎃
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Will be posting some fanfics on here and on my AO3. Follow me on:
AO3 (fanfics)- Mxxdygrizzle
Twitter (unhinged)- Mxxdygrizzle
TikTok (anime edits/etc)- Mxxdy_grizzle
(See a theme? Lmao) 🖤🤍
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"People need to be told they're worthy of being alive by someone else, or they can't go on." - Atsushi BSD
“Stop pitying yourself. Pity yourself, and life becomes an endless nightmare.” - Dazai BSD
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ms-kogami · 2 years
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❦ 𝐤𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 ❦
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: kogami shinya x reader.
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: headcanons for your boyfriend shinya and some opinions on his preferences.
𝐀/𝐍: empty blogs and minors dni.
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You'll have to have so much patience with Kogami. He is an enforcer and was previously an inspector so his life revolves around solving cases and protecting people. There is a high probability that you won't be able to spend much time together — but, please, be patient.
Kogami is a faithful lover and partner. No matter what rough path your relationship seems to be passing by, he will make sure to try harder to make you feel appreciated. Some of his attempts include staying longer in bed when he's with you and taking occasional breaks to be with you.
His main love language is physical touch and a close second is quality time. When you are alone, he holds you the entire time. Even if you are laying on the sofa reading something or having leisure time, he has to keep physical contact with you, either with tangled legs or having you laying on top of him while he reads paper books.
Talking about quality time, Kogami does his best to make the most of the little time he has to be with you. If you can cook from scratch in the Psycho-Pass world, congratulations! That is a valuable skill and you get a proud Kogami towering over you while you cook. If you have any other hobbies, expect your boyfriend to learn it from zero just to spend time with you and also get that smug grin on his face when he gets better than you at your favorite activity.
I can see Kogami patting your head if you are smaller in height than him, be it just to tease you or to show how proud and delighted he is. He gives you that grin (you know which one I'm talking about) if you get flustered.
That being said, I think his ideal type would be someone petite and tending to a more delicate behavior. It tickles his protective traits and he would be delighted to have you as a partner. Also, Kogami is a big teaser and having someone with an inclination towards timidness might amuse him.
I can also see him with someone that can kick ass and put up some challenge during the romantic chase, though the similarities between the two of you might get chaotic after a while and it might feel like you're falling for yourselves instead.
Being so similar to each other might also trigger some fights due to impulsive and brash behavior. Therefore, the relationship might not thrive for long.
One of his biggest fears is to taint you. His psycho-pass is high and dark, his everlasting seek for answers bringing him down even further. If you show traits of balanced state of mind, self-control and similar opinions on the world, this fear might lessen and Kogami would be more open to the possibility of having you as a permanent aspect of his erratic life. If not, he would probably try to be the antihero type of character and try to save you in his own debatable way: by leaving you before things get worse.
Don't fall for that. It's one of his self punishment attempts. That's the moment you have to show him how strong you are and that you are more than capable of carrying whatever weight or burden. Kogami deserves someone that can question his molded by the world, turned into concrete beliefs and show him that he still has a reason to return home. That person might just as well be you.
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pearlsephoni · 1 year
Shinkane Week 2022, Day 3: Humility
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: G
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Kogami/Akane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami
Word Count: 1,282
Summary: After years of knowing each other, there are still some hidden talents left to be revealed.
A/N: Written for @shinkaneweek! Further author’s notes can be read on AO3.
“Wow, I’m hungry.”
Kogami looked down at her with a small grin and a bemused wrinkle to his eye. “I would hope so, if we’re getting lunch.”
“I know, but it just hit me extra strong.” As though on cue, Akane’s stomach grumbled, bringing a flush to her cheeks and a broader smile to his lips.
“And what are you craving today, Inspector?”
“Don’t call me that.” The response was instinctive more than anything at that point—he’d never stop using the title, even if its meaning had gone from overly-strict observance of work ranking, to a fond tease. “Isn’t it your turn to choose?”
“Mm…a new place just opened with crepes. It’s over by the park.” His smile warmed at her wide, interested eyes. “Shall we?”
Curse him and his knowledge of her sweet tooth. Despite knowing he suggested it because it was something she’d be interested in, Akane couldn’t resist the chance to try some crepes. She could only muster narrowed eyes of suspicion at his mischievous smile and let him lead the way.
The food stalls at the edge of the park were their favorite places to get lunch when the weather was nice enough. With how rarely they could get lunch together, they still hadn’t been able to try all of the new stalls.
But Kogami walked past the ones they’d been wanting to try, including the Thai stall he’d been eyeing for a while, only stopping in front of the crepe stall. The warm scent of chocolate and strawberries made Akane’s mouth water, even as she eyed Kogami doubtfully. “Shinya, are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” He met her skeptical gaze with an easy grin, until she sighed in defeat.
“Alright. But I’m paying.”
“My treat!” She pulled up her card on her comm before he could stop her. “What do you want?”
With that, she shooed him off to wait for her at their favorite bench while she ordered his savory crepe and her sweet strawberry crepe. The delicious scent of batter being spread over the pan and the fillings being warmed in the freshly-cooked dough made an excited smile spread over her face as she waited in line, and it ended up coaxing a matching smile from the worker taking her order.
By the time she accepted the finished crepes and made her back to Kogami, her mouth was watering, eager and ready for the sweet treat she held.
Then she saw Kogami, and she stumbled to a stop.
She’d been expecting to see him lost in thought, or checking a message, or even just watching her at the food truck.
But he was doing none of those things. His attention was entirely focused on a ginger cat rubbing itself on his leg.
Stray animals were rare in the city, especially outside of the Sibyl black zones. Any that were spotted were usually reported and caught to be put into a rescue. Kogami clearly wasn’t planning on doing anything of the sort. He was perfectly happy offering up his fingers for the cat to sniff and direct under its chin.
“Hey, little one,” Akane could just hear him murmur, “where’d you come from?” The cat let out a croaky meow, before going back to rubbing its cheeks against Kogami’s fingers. Akane couldn’t hear any other sounds from the cat, but Kogami quietly commented, “Oh, someone’s happy. Someone’s purry, hm?”
Shinya Kogami, former Inspector and Enforcer, pursued guerilla warrior, now part of Hanashiro’s most carefully-selected crew of detectives and officers…was baby-talking to a cat. The happiest cat Akane had ever seen, at that.
The cat meowed and sniffed at the air, before sniffing at Kogami’s fingers and giving them a delicate lick. “Hm? Do you smell something? I’m afraid I don’t have anything for you. Not yet, anyway…” With that, he finally looked up and saw Akane, standing stock still with his crepe carefully balanced in one hand and her crepe held over her delighted expression. “…Oh.”
He began pulling his fingers back, only pausing when Akane burst out, “Oh, please don’t stop! Please, Shinya, this is the best thing I’ve seen in weeks!”
His brows furrowed as a small smile tugged at his lips. “You can understand why that’s not appealing to me.”
“You don’t want me happy?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Akane shot him a playful grin before focusing on the cat, who looked distinctly perturbed to have its time with Kogami interrupted. “It’s okay,” she cooed, slowly approaching and holding Kogami’s crepe out for him to take. “I’m friendly, I promise.”
The cat still tensed up with every step she took, only starting to relax when she knelt close to the ground and held out her newly-free hand. It was much less willing to approach her, and she had a feeling it eventually did just because of the smell of Kogami’s chicken crepe still on her fingertips.
“Hey!” she laughed when it nipped at her. “How come you bit me and not Ko?”
“My charm must be irresistible.” His faux-cocky grin faltered under the blithe smile she shot him.
“Must be…though I’m not sure it was your ‘charm’ that got me.”
Those stormy gray eyes, usually so sharp and knowing, seemed almost bashful in the way they skittered away from hers to look at the cat. “Is that so?”
“Mm…it was more your intelligence…your stubbornness…your unshaking focus…”
His ears were turning pinker and pinker with every word she said and every inch she closed between them, until she was sitting next to him on the bench and his ears looked like they could catch on fire. “…Akane.”
“Hm?” She smiled sweetly when he finally met her eyes.
“Eat your crepe. It’s going to get cold.”
She giggled before obeying him, watching fondly as he picked out a small piece of chicken and dropped it to the ground for the cat to leap on. “I didn’t know you were so good with animals.”
“Neither did I,” he chuckled, an ever-so-soft curve to his lips as he watched the cat eat. “At least, not with cats. And Dime took a while to warm up to me.”
“I’m sure that was thanks to Gino-san’s influence more than anything.”
“Awfully rude to say about your superior.” Even if she didn’t already know him so well, the glint in his eye would have told her he was joking.
“Not rude,” she sniffed, “just honest.”
With a scoff, Kogami focused back on the cat, this time balancing a piece of chicken on his fingertips. Sure enough, the ginger critter approached and delicately ate the chicken without a moment’s hesitation. “I think this little guy is just friendly and hungry.”
“Humility’s a strange look on you, Kogami-san.”
He gazed sidelong at her. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were calling me arrogant.”
“But you do know better.”
“I’m still struggling to figure out what you do mean.”
“I mean,” she laughed, taking a chance on their secluded bench and leaning in to rest her chin on his shoulder, “you’re usually more self-assured than this.”
“I think I can be forgiven for being less sure about cats.”
“Well…it’s still sweet.”
“Sweet?” Akane’s chin slid of his shoulder when he leaned away just enough to look at her. “That’s a new one.”
“A bad one?”
“From anyone else, maybe.”
“Mm…I have an image to maintain.”
Oh, that smile. After all this time, it was still rare enough and gentle enough to make her heart squeeze. Who could possibly resist stealing a kiss from those sweet lips? She never could, and she wasn’t going to start now…even with indignant meows piercing through their peaceful veil of solitude.
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
Kogami Shinya x reader x Ginoza Nobuchika x Sugo Teppei PART 1
a/n: First Psycho Pass fic, so excited kdkdk
Requests are open, if you want me to write something, just let me know 😊
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: gunshot, blood, swearing, injuries
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"Did the new bureau chief really want us to come to a place like this?” Kogami asked, and Ginoza nodded.
Kogami was absolutely sure that something was wrong, he couldn't understand what they were doing in this old mine quarry when he looked around. After thinking for a while, he turned to his friends and shook his head.
"Gino, Sugo this is definitely a trap. Stay away, I'll go in a little bit more."
"Are you kidding me Ko, if it's a trap why are you trying to get in?"
At that moment, with the push of a button, the doors closed and Kogami was inside, the others remained outside, and a commotion broke out.
"Ko! Are you okay!?" To Gino's shout, Kogami replied, "Gino, find a way and get in. Bad things will happen."
Kogami started to move forward in the tunnel. While he was walking through the dark tunnel with his flashlight, he ran there with a body he saw on the ground and checked his surroundings.
A young woman, covered with bruises and bruises all over her body, lay unconscious on the floor in her underwear.
When Kogami touched her to untie her hands, the woman winced and shifted in fear.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm Kogami Shinya, from MFA Operations Department. I'll untie your hands, calm down okay?"
The woman opened her eyes wide at the young man's words and stopped fidgeting. When the young man took the tape off her mouth, he made the young woman sit down and took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
"I'm... 'l/n, f/n'. I'm your office supervisor..."
Kogami looked at the young woman in surprise and shook his head.
"They trapped you because of me... I'm so sorry Kogami-san. Are you okay?"
"Mam, we're fine. But you dont look fine. Can you walk?"
Young woman shook her head
"I guess I just need a shoulder"
Kogami smiled and took the young woman's arm. Together they began walking through the tunnel. Hearing a few footsteps as they walked silently through the tunnel, Kogami pulled the young woman aside and covered her mouth.
As the footsteps approached, he withdrew his hand and told her to be quiet with his eyes. The young woman closed her eyes, opened them, and nodded.
"Stay here, you're hurt. I'll try to destroy at least one of them."
Kogami pulled out his gun and, hiding the young woman behind the wall, came out from behind the wall where they were hiding and started running towards the gunmen and metal hounds that were coming towards them. He carefully hurt one of the dogs and ran to the young woman.
"Mam, I think they both know very well who we are."
Young woman shook her head
"They used me to catch you too. I was so careless, I'm sorry."
"Don't blame yourself, I jumped in here knowing it was a trap after all"
At what Kogami said with a grin, the young woman smiled and shook her head. As the dogs got closer, they began to run quickly behind the other wall. At that moment, when a man fired at them with a shotgun, Kogami was hit and quickly threw himself behind the wall.
The young man slumped to the ground, leaning against the wall, and the young woman quickly pressed her hand to the young man's wound.
"I... I can't run like this. I'll stall them, you run"
At what Kogami gasped, the young woman quickly shook her head.
"Never. I can't leave you Kogami-san"
At that moment, the man who was coming towards them with the gun in his hand, both looked at the man in front of them in shock.They think they both came to the end of the road.
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psychosimp17 · 5 months
Again, random curiosity, NOT to judge anyone for it.
I find that I feel so much more connected to a story when I can *FEEL* the emotions a writer has put into its words as well as read/visualize them...
I've long ago realized that I have a soul connection to music and words that it seems most others do not, but am always interested in learning the experiences of others! 💜 #bibliophilethings #ADHDthings #musicspeaks
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lucidink · 2 years
AU where Makishima died shortly after Kougami was demoted. 
Waking from another close call in the infirmary, he is relieved to see a familiar face.
AAAAAAA THIS FIC IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! Please give it a read, it’s my first fic in 5 YEARS so it’s exciting to be writing KoKane again!
A huge thanks to @whatsyourcolor and @jediofbooksandsnacks for helping beta!!!
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chaptersinprogress · 3 years
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snapshot: eight | shinya/akane | no cws
"Akane? AKANE!"
The shouts seemed to ring out from a distance. Akane summoned all her energy to shakily prop herself up on the filthy bank. Blinking slowly, she registered the group of people running in her direction.
One of the figures broke away and sprinted towards her. As the person dropped to their knees beside her, heedless of the fetid water and muck, a familiar cologne wafted through the air.
"Akane... Akane I need you to look at me," the voice said urgently.
It took an incredible amount of effort for her to tilt her head up to look at Kogami, and even more to give him a faint smile.
"I'm ok," she reassured, voice rasping from the amount of truly disgusting seawater she'd unintentionally swallowed. "Not injured. Just tired."
She watched patiently as Kogami briefly looked her over to confirm her words. And promptly found all the breath expelled from her lungs when he yanked her into a suffocating hug and buried his face into her hair.
"Too tight!" she coughed out.
Kogami relaxed his hold fractionally so that she could breathe easier but made no other move to let go. Engulfed in his hold, she could feel the slight tremors shaking his frame.
"Ko..." she said softly. "I'm ok."
Kogami remained silent for a long moment, before pressing a kiss to her soaked hair and pulling away. Before Akane could protest, he slid his arms around her slender frame and picked her up in a bridal carry.
"I know. Let's get you cleaned up," he replied, making his way to the rest of the group waiting a short distance away.
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whatsyourcolor · 3 years
Dragnet - Chapter 9 - Kingdom of Thieves.
Read on Ao3
Thank you to those of you that are still reading Dragnet! In previous chapters Kogami and Akane conducted a mission that resulted in technology malfunctioning, suspicions arising and Akane almost getting killed. Kogami broke up their short-lived (or so he thinks) association for reasons and emotions still confusing to him. Here’s Chapter 9:
Pliable, suspiciously warm, the sofa's leather cushions in the analysis lab sank underneath Kogami's weight, comfort suffusing his tense limbs like an anxiolytic. Undoubtedly, Kunizuka had made a routine pitstop here prior to heading to the interrogation room with Ginoza for another round of fruitless grilling. Which would explain the mellow, secret melody Shion was humming as she typed away on her keyboard. At least someone in Division 1 was having fun. Banished from the interrogation room and having severed the only connection he had to that other world, lulls of silent anticipation such as this had become nearly intolerable for him because, like a stray dog, his mind would go—insistently, shamelessly—back to her.
If only his ruminations had been centered in the pragmatic aspects of their relationship (what was her exact link to the syndicates? When did it start? And why?), he could have forgiven himself more easily. But it was the way his name sprung from her direct mouth, and how it meant she was not cross with him (as opposed to Inspector), and that furrowed brow each time she sermonized about things not unlike those he’d spend hours perusing in books—things he had strictly forbidden himself to linger on; things he’d never dream to speak about out loud. It was her scrutiny, never sub rosa. Not when she looked at him with unabashed eyes, not searching for a weakness or a fault—he suspected—but for something like a virtue, something that would warrant their unlikely partnership in her eyes.
So what did it mean for him to be sitting here while she was still out there, meandering in the dark? Stubbornly continuing this, insisting on this, and she would lose more than her hue. Kogami palmed the cellphone inside his pocket and then thought better of it because—what right did he have to care? To ask anything from her? Who was he in her life but an accident of chance? Or, perhaps, had his threats managed to compel her, and had she gone back to an ordinary life where she didn’t want to change the world? No, he thought sullenly. Even I know that about you. But it’s not like you’re alone either, is it, Tsunemori? Not that it makes you any safer.
On a large screen, a corner-side vantage of the dark interrogation room. Light spilled from a lamp above onto a table as a cuffed man swaggered in like a circus bear that's figured out the master's whip is made of hay. A braggart's smirk splashed across his face as he flumped on a chair. Kogami perched his elbows on his legs, interlaced hands under his nose to summon all his objective focus on the screen, but all he could think about was how much he'd love to pummel that sneer off again.
"A different species of inspector today," proclaimed the Arumajiro man, all affected bravado to Gino's bespectacled, sober professionalism. Still bearing the marks Tsunemori had gouged on his tattooed skin, he slammed his arms on the table, presumably to stir a wince from Ginoza, who only blinked with imperturbable disdain. "And you even brought a woman to protect you. That a habit of Sibyl's dogs?"
"The type of technology found in the interior of the truck you and your comrades were riding on is not something that can be built with metal scraps scavenged from Ougishima,” Gino said with no inflection in his voice. "Who is funding your association?"
The man acknowledged the question with a caustic snort for answer, a sort of growl. His eyes slithering over the less illuminated corners of the room—methodically, as if searching for something.
“He’s watching, ain’t he?” he eventually muttered. “He wouldn’t miss this.”
"You'll have enough time to look at walls when you go to the isolation facility. No need to strain your eyes so hard on these,” Gino spat back. “Answer the question. Your syndicate knew about the crackdowns by the MWPSB. How did you acquire a signal jammer? Who programmed it?"
"Inspectors in the blocks," the man began in a low voice. "You lot stick out like a pack of wild hens running around with your dominators. Of course, everyone always knows when you're there, with your holos and your drones. You’re not exactly low-key, you know? The eyes of Sibyl might see us only when they want to, but we’re always watching.”
"And so your syndicate figured they'd try to go undetected and invest on an illegal piece of technology impossible to acquire within the abolition blocks.”
"Impossible,” the man echoed as if mulling the meaning of the word. As if, Kogami thought, what a Sibyl detective would deem impossible, even preposterous in his world, was something that acquired a different value where he came from. A perverse grimace spread on the man’s face, a sort of smiling frown full of certitude. "Nothing is impossible in the abolition blocks. Not anymore.”
“Not exactly a charmer when he finally decides to talk, is he?” Shion drawled with a slow plume of smoke, her profile silhouetted by blue light in the haze. “What could he possibly mean?”
"At least he's taunting us now,” Kogami murmured dryly. “But I don’t perceive urgency in his behavior. No negotiation or surrender. If he’s decided to talk it must be for more than dull temporizing, though I don’t think his objective is to necessarily give us what we want.”
“Hmm. Who knows.” Shion gave an affected gasp. “Could it be he likes Ginoza better?”
Kogami chuckled softly, and Shion smiled, proud of herself. He figured he probably had been looking as dismal as he felt.
“Definitely,” he acknowledged with a cool sigh, lifting himself up from the softness of the sofa, and starting to hanker for a smoke. He shoved the flaps of his navy windbreaker aside and thrust his hands in the pockets of his pants. “Gino can be a darling when he wants to. But I should head over there now. Might as well put some pressure now he’s talking.”
“I thought Ginoza said—”
“I know. I know he instructed all of you to keep me at bay. But this case might be bigger than we think and I can’t just wait idly by.”
Shion exhaled coolly, swiveling her chair toward her station again. “Very well. Just be careful.”
Freely, brashly for an interrogation, the man went on blathering on the screen. “But impossible things have been happening. People disappearing. Tunnels hidden behind holo. Miracles, even. The last of which involved a woman intercepting a truck in the tunnels, armed with nothing but a bat—so what I’ve been wondering is, how did the excellent and competent MWPSB get a double-crossing bitch to do their job for them?”
Doors glided open in front of him as Kogami’s step came to a standstill. Jaw clenching, he whirled round to face the grainy image of the man again.
“You’d do well to remember I’m the one asking questions here,” Ginoza retorted impatiently, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t an exchange of particulars between two commensurate parties. This is an interrogation, and your time is running out.”
The man leaned in over the table and Kunizuka’s back went upright, her hand circling around her waist as a warning. “You see,” he said. “I can’t help but be intrigued as to how a single woman gained the trust of the underground resistance and helped them against the syndicates, all while working with the police.”
Kogami stiffened. Was that the reason behind Tsunemori’s ironclad secrecy? Did the man not kill her only because he was working information out of her? Even if Kogami had entertained a similar notion before—with her overt spurning of the system and her criminal consorts—something in him refused to admit that she could be, for lack of a better word, his enemy. But if what was being said was true, then the accusations he’d hurled at her—the same ones that had been tormenting him since he’d said them—may have been wholly understating.
“Justice for traitors and informers, know what that is? That wretched girl hanging from a wire in the ports of Ougishima where anyone else with funny ideas can see. Or worse—No. Better—her chained to a bed in the filth of a brothel. See that pretty hue turn black.” The man spoke slowly but without pause, in his visage a pained expression that evoked menace in lieu of sorrow. “Imagine, if you can, in a place crawling with people both desperate to cleanse their sins and itching for something unsullied to defile, just what coveted merchandise a clear-hued Sib would be. Not just any Sib, no. A plant by the MWPSB. A traitor. Hell, for all we know it might be her own people that get her first.”
With clenched fists, Kogami made his way back toward the screen. It wasn’t that the man’s tirade didn’t incense him greatly, considering to whom his poisoned darts were being aimed. But there was something else: the fact that he spoke as if he wasn’t in Sibyl’s claws. In his claws.
“That brat is too smart for her own good. Messing with things she don’t understand. Stealing things that don’t belong to her. Out of all the crummy chumps the so-called resistance has produced, this one might be the trickiest one. Should’ve snuffed her out when I had the chance.”
“This resistance,” Ginoza cleared his throat, “is it an anti-governmental group?”
The man stared superciliously, almost amused. “You Sibs think the blocks are seedbeds of chaos where the scum of society oozes like a weeping blister in your clean world. It’s not for me to deny it. I’ve seen men rip out each other’s guts over a cigarette. I’ve slain many more myself, men and women, for less than that. Why? You worried the pus might spill onto your streets? You afraid hearing these things will make you catch that disease?” A spark of relish in his eye. “What if I told you there’s a cure for that?”
“A—a cure? A cure for what?”
“The illness of evil—the illness the Sibyl system diagnosed for the rest of us. In fact, I’ll prove it to you right now,” the man invited with an almost affable tone. “Point your dominator at me.”
“What? What are you talking abou—H-Hound 2! No one ordered you to withdraw your dominator!”
Kunizuka, arm fully extended next to Ginoza’s face, had her sights aimed directly at the space between the eyebrows of the Arumajiro man. “I’m sorry, Inspector. This is the only language men like these speak.” A heavy mute second was filled with Ginoza’s eyes flitting from the dominator, to the man, back to Kunizuka until at last, haltingly, she lowered her arm and her jaw dropped with shock. “Th-There has to be a mistake. We checked his hue this morning and it was—a-and besides, he just said—”
Kogami didn’t wait to hear the rest. He bolted out of the analysis lab and down the corridor in the direction of the emergency stairs. His mind raced. One victim found dead in a factory. A second victim mauling herself to death in Nona Tower. Disparate timelines and intervals in both casualties, as if the pill’s dual mechanism could be detonated at a distance, at will. It made no sense. He hurtled down endless flights of stairs many floors below, gnawing despair lodged deep in his stomach. He’d seen him strangling her. He’d tried to drown him. No doubt he was a murderer. It couldn’t be. Nausea and doom had overtaken him by the time he tore past the doors of the last hallway and turned the last corner, silvered walls bouncing all around him as he caught sight of his mark leaving the interrogation room behind Ginoza and Kunizuka. He couldn’t see or hear until his hands were on the man. Until he felt other hands trying to pull him away.
“Shepherd 2! Get a hold of yourself!” Ginoza thundered, forcefully jostling against him. “Stop this right now! Kogami!”
“You fucking bastard,” Kogami growled, both hands yanking the manacled Arumajiro man by his threadbare shirt. “You know about the pill. You know what it is. You’re gonna tell me everything even if I have to kick it outta you!”
“Seems like someone’s found the antidote to Sibyl,” the tottering man hissed back, reveling in Kogami’s stunned expression. “Whatever it is you want to call it.”
“Yeah?” Kogami’s grip was taut on the collar around the man’s neck. “Then you must know about its side effects. Does that make you smile also?”
“I’d be more worried about that hue of yours, Inspector. I’d even go as far as advising you to choose your friends and allies wisely. Before she ruins you.”
A sobering shudder ran through Kogami.
“Search for her,” he rasped with bared teeth, “touch her again, and I swear I’ll find you and kill you with my own hands!”
“That’s enough of that!” Masaoka shouted from somewhere. Next thing he knew, Sasayama was there too, shouldering his way between them, tearing Kogami off as Kunizuka and Gino pulled the man away. Still, Kogami shoved and kicked and cursed as the man crossed the threshold of a door shutting closed, and then his vision went askew as a sharp pain had him hunching down and looking at the ground, immobilized.
“You need to cool down, son.” Masaoka tightened his armlock and Kogami heard himself pant helplessly, his forehead beading with sweat.
“Don’t you realize,” Kogami grunted through the pain, “that’s the one lead we have in this case?”
“And what good will it do if you end up in a rehabilitation facility?” Sasayama’s shoes came into view and Kogami was just able to shift his head up to shoot a glare at him. “How is pulling this bullshit gonna help you catch him then?”
There was the slow squeak and hush of a door opening and closing again.
“I hope you know this is all your influence, Sasayama,” Ginoza roared. “And if you think I won’t have a few words to say about you in the report of this incident, then you’re awfully misguided.” Masaoka loosened the grip of his metallic arm, and Kogami yanked his own free. He straightened up to meet the withering, unforgiving gaze of his partner. “Masaoka, go assist Kunizuka in the discharge of the witness. Kogami, you and I need to talk.”
“Gino, we can’t let him go,” Kogami protested with a gruff voice. “You saw what just happ—”
“Would you rather we do this in the presence of the Chief?”
Kogami squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to steady himself, but rage still boiled inside of him. “Fine,” he grumbled with frustration. “Fine.”
Outside of Nona Tower the sun had set but the city was blazing like it was the middle of the day. A shine as artificial as that of the abolition blocks, though sleeker, clearer, new. Not the dizzying red and yellow twilights that led the way through the narrower, angular alleys of the abolition blocks, nor the darkened hollows and crannies where eyes and knives glinted. From a holographic billboard the large face of a woman donned in traditional garb gazed at him, her pale face dissolving into a pink forest, carpeted with what looked like pink snow. The next thing he noticed was that there was no distinct smell.
He walked the stretch of the plaza. Guardedly. Drawing near to where another hologram had attracted a multitude, but still keeping a cautious distance, he stood to watch. Three large fish swam in a hoop, floating in sync until one of them broke the formation to playfully pursue the others, making a squealing sound similar to that of rats, but louder and full of delight. Something like a fog, a vague sensation taking form, disturbed him. A nebulous recollection from years ago, of childhood in the blocks. A discoloured picture of animals like these nailed to a cracking wall. A wrinkled old lady calling him evil before falling with a thud. He remembered her body being warm even after he’d withdrawn his knife more times than he could count. The eyes in the eyes of his first kill looking deep into him and then…nothing. It’s cold, he thought, and that’s why I’m shivering. He peered at the crowd. Oblivious onlookers and their marveled profiles. His gaze drifted upwards and behind the surrounding skyscrapers. They didn’t know a few kilometers from here people burned. Soon they would.
He pivoted to two pairs of gawking eyes pegged on him. Youngsters. They approached him with slimy passivity, before gushing admiringly.
“Woah, mister, you really went out of your way with that cosplay! See? I told you the tattoos weren’t holo!”
“Of course they’re holo! How do you think he’d show to work with those tattoos? But isn’t the convention until next February though? If it was today I’m sure he’d win first prize!”
He snarled at the two pests, which only seemed to excite them more. A flashing light blinded him for a second, and before he could curse them out, they were scuttling away. It was then he took notice of the woman wearing a red long coat standing beside him.
“Do you actually know where you’re going, Igarashi-san?”
Unblemished skin. Long, silky hair. Almond eyes evenly shaped with a strange green sheen to them, and a thin, pointy nose. An enigmatic smile that could’ve been wider but wasn’t.
“Choe Gu-sung?”
“I knew Makishima-san was right to put his trust in the Arumajiro.”
“Your holo is too perfect,” Igarashi answered with blunt disdain. “No one looks like that.”
“That may be true in the abolition blocks, but as you can see, people love illusions here.”
Minutes later they were driving through the elevated highways of Tokyo. A light rain fell aslant, pins of purple and pink hitting on the windshield of the driverless vehicle. Igarashi kept a wary side-eye on Makishima’s lackey sitting beside him, though underneath that stupid holo he was more unreadable than usual. Not that he didn’t understand how such concealment was necessary for serious matters, but it pissed him off that important work should fall on the lap of a foreigner out of all people.
“I hope your doubts about our plan are settled now, Igarashi-san,” said Choe Gu-sung as if reading his mind, the faintest hint of mockery in his voice.
“Our plan requires certain arrangements we’ll overlook for the moment, but I know the Arumajiro won’t be so sparing afterwards.”
“It’s precisely that ruthlessness that Makishima found so compelling for this project to start with. In this brave new world of Sibyl, few men are willing to go where the Arumajiro go, and so your clan is instrumental for what needs to be done.”
All the sickly ass-licking made Igarashi turn his face toward the city flashing past. “To think you’re the first person to
address me by my name since I was arrested,” he muttered with disgust.
Once they had arrived at the high-rise hotel, an elegant wooden door embellished with the metal knocker of a spider admitted them into a vast suite decked out with fine furnishings. A low gray sofa with plush cushions half-mooned around a glass table where a steaming cup of tea had been set. An open book rested onto the lid of a black piano, and above it, a strange light fixture glittered from the ceiling like a dancing bride. Igarashi was becoming acutely aware of the thick, green rug underneath his tatty boots, but unlike him, the silver-haired man contemplating Tokyo out of the ceiling-to-floor windows fit into the room perfectly. Deceptively.
“I’m glad you made it out safely, Igarashi-san.”
Obscured on the reflection, Makishima’s features betrayed his otherwise harmless semblance as a truer, more sinister face smiled at Igarashi from the glass. Long gone was his first impression of a wealthy, over-spoilt child uttering words of revolution because, where the pointless, clumsy violence of the blocks rose and fell with no consequence or significance, Makishima had given them the means to overthrow an evil bigger than all the gangsters of the underground.
“The MWPSB has an informer in the blocks. That’s how they were able to get us. It’s Lemonade Candy.”
Piqued by his words, Makishima looked briefly over his shoulder. “The mastermind of the resistance works with the MWPSB,” he said, turning again toward the city. “How interesting. It only makes it the more impressive for you to have survived such a predicament, being attacked, as you were, by both sides.”
“It was one of their own group who gave them away. An unregistered who’d worked for Bunzo.” Igarashi’s fingers trailed the soft fabric on the arm of the sofa without daring to sit. “Wanted to settle a score or somethin’. Went mad, and for a moment there I really thought we’d turned the tables on her.”
“Her, you said?”
“Lemonade Candy is a twenty-something woman. Small and thin as a reed. And still the bitch was able to take out our lights singlehandedly and then escape through one of their hidden tunnels. We followed, and for a moment I had her, until an inspector showed up.”
“She ensnared you,” murmured Makishima. “She used herself as bait knowing you’d follow her. What appeared like recklessness at a cursory glance, was a calculated gamble.” He turned around and ambled across the room, feathery and lithe, with hands in his pockets. “We’re not the only ones with the will to choose to bet, it seems.”
Again there was that mysterious smile on Makishima’s lips and, like an obedient disciple, Igarashi felt the irresistible urge to supply more. “The resistance is not our biggest problem. Getting the syndicate to get rid of her now that I’ve seen her should be easy. But there’s also the police. That detective, especially. He don’t seem the type to let go of things.” An ear-to-ear grin spread on his face. “And he’s a hot head for that woman. Nearly slugged me when I mentioned her to him. Threatened to kill me, even.”
“Are they not merely enforcers?”
“No,” Igarashi assured with a sharp shake of his head. “He’s the one who’s been interrogating me. Or trying to, at least. Today I heard his partner refer to him as Kogami. As for the woman…haven’t seen her since that night.”
“Kogami,” Makishima echoed with flash of eagerness in his amber eyes. “Are there still humans in this city who are not afraid of themselves, I wonder? And, if so, is it a coincidence that we happened to lure two of them out of hiding? Is this what the sentimentalist calls ‘destiny’?”
Across from him, Choe Gu-sung ambled over and sat on the other side of the sofa where he opened a laptop. He’d remained so quiet, Igarashi had but completely forgotten about his presence, and his appearance, now devoid of holo, glared like a sour reminder. He began typing something hurriedly.
“They’re vermin—that’s what they are,” crossing his arms, Igarashi commented while looming over Choe. “All those who can’t rise by their own strength deserve to be squashed like roaches. It’s the rule of the world. Eat or be eaten.”
“You know, Igarashi-san,” Makishima lingered by the piano, slowly turning over the pages of the book. “I’ve always admired men like you. The ones who agitate the whole world through the sheer strength of your desire. If the world sings blue, you’ll force it to sing red until it matches your vision. A common man in an uncommon world. Please,” his eyes rose from the page to watch him intently. “Understand that this is the deepest of compliments. You see, in this sterile, plastic world, that type of primal life force has been forgotten. The human animal domesticated, his soul depurated, sterilized, until he became nothing more than the ruins of what he once was—and ruins are only beautiful after a great war. Anything else is…mockery.”  
“Well, that’s the way of the blocks. The only way we know. And now, thanks to you, these things will be ours too.” Not until he said it did it seem true to Igarashi—that they would rule over this world just like they ruled over the underground. Dominators, cymatic scanners and drones could not stop them anymore, and the weak children of Sibyl would succumb just like their evil mother. “And even the enemies of the Arumajiro won’t mind it if it means destroying this system.”
“You are correct. Anger has an interesting way of vitalizing people in ways no other need or cause does, notwithstanding how pure or lofty. That vein those spurned by the system share is what the Sibyl system has cut off and anesthetized, to the extent where the masses can’t even recall it ever being there. Their senses lay dormant as if they could truly exist as humans without them. Others even claim to want to live forever. But what value does a life have when it’s benumbed and protected from the knowledge of its own mortality? When it loses all primitive instincts in a beautiful cage where there’s no danger? As in the yesteryear, we need men like you to remind us what it means to be alive.”
In more ways than he could understand, Makishima’s words made Igarashi feel strangely satisfied. Comforted, even. Never before had he thought of his life in any aspect beyond, well, living.  What for was a question that hadn’t occurred to him. But for all the things he’d seen and done, he never would have guessed it’d be this man the one to weave meaning into his life.
“Do you know what intrahistory is, Igarashi-san?”
Choe Gu-sung’s annoying typing made it difficult for him to hear the question. “Huh?”
“Intrahistory,” Makishima continued as he ran his finger down a yellowed page in the book, “Is the history that’s left outside of the books. Think of it as the blank margins on the paper. It’s the story of the nameless people who made history but who are never mentioned. Without them, History with a capital H is unconceivable.”
Igarashi gave a sly smile. “Is that the people from the blocks?”
“Indeed. The men who wrought the world and thrust it forward through blood and fire. You can see why the system made sure we never hear about them. Those who dare to be the actors of their own existence have no need for Sibyl.”
“Like the Arumajiro in the blocks.”
Makishima closed the book carefully. “Like the gladiators who died devoured by the lions under the impassive eyes of an Emperor. Or the soldiers in the vanguard bringing us closer to victory with their sacrifices. The anonymous martyrs who enrage the survivors. The strongest within the strong.”
It was quiet now. Choe Gu-sung had abruptly stopped his noise. A bizarre, undeniable aura of expectation hung in the air. Igarashi swallowed something he’d not felt in years down his parched throat, his mind scrambling to decipher what Makishima was getting at with his incessant blabber.
“Violence can be captivating, even beautiful. But like any art, when it’s empty, it’s hopelessly corrupted and vulgar. You do not need to worry about that, Igarashi-san. I’ll be sure to make your sacrifice meaningful.”
Dread surged in Igarashi like a freezing chill. “What the hell are you talking about?” he murmured. He’d kill the two of them. He could take them both easily, rip them apart with his hands, bludgeon them to death.
With a flourish, Choe Gu-sung made a single clicking sound on his keyboard, and Igarashi felt his body drop and crash into the glass table. A hail storm of white particles infested his vision, followed by a green crooked line and a tea cup rolling on the floor. Beyond that, Makishima’s feet trod toward him with the precision of a ropewalker, and he felt fear.
“I know you don’t like this gruesome part, Choe. You may go.”
Igarashi’s wild eyes tried to meet the mechanical eyes of the hacker, but he couldn’t move because a rumbling began inside his body; his blood boiling and searing and cauterizing from the inside. He clenched his teeth and grunted, his body growing rigid as pain travelled through his veins like a jagged marble—excruciating pain that made it impossible to think on anything except on it being over. With what little mind he had, he started wide-eyed at a slice of a window visible between Makishima’s legs, wishing with all his rotten heart he could jump from it. Then he heard himself howl a beast-like howl over and over again.
“’Alas, what is good and what is evil?’” Makishima said looking down on him. “’Are they both one single thing with which we furiously attest our impotence and passion to attain the infinite by even the maddest means? Or are they two different things? Yes…they had sooner be one and the same…for if not, what will become of me on Judgement Day?’”
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psycho-pass-saiko · 3 years
[Some time after their lunch date, Kogami pays a visit to his former superior for a small training session]
Kogami, entered the semi-abandoned base as she called “home” these days. The electric was on but was only enlightining the training place, which was placed in the center of the large room. Containing of a large tatami floor. Except the rink, there werent much furniture in this broad room. It felt as if he was in an aircraft shed.
He saw two figures under the lamp, moving back and forward. As he got closer to the figures, the one next the brunette was someone quite familiar.
‘’ Is that… me?’’
‘’Huh-..argh!’’ with a confused yelping, Akane lost her balance as the training robot kicked her legs from the ground, forcing her to fall hard on her chest.
Kogami, made a move forward to help the laying woman but Akane quickly recovered from her earlier state with a back roll, now was on her knees. She pushed a button of her watch on her left wrist, stoping the combat robot. Akane, slowly stood up while his gaze quickly checked her, if there were any injuries or such. She snorted, analyzing his look.
‘’ I am not a piece of glass, Kogami-san.’’
‘’Oh I am well aware of that,’’ He narrowed his eyes but now was more relaxed not seeing any visible injuries. ‘’just fine.’’
Kogami was next to a bench near the tatami she and her robot were on. He threw his backpack as if it was a piece of cloth. Bag fell into the floor after crushing the wood but he didnt care and sat on the bench.
He once again checked her from head to top. She was wearing a cotton pink tights and short sleeved t-shirt, some places were darker from the sweat of her efforts before his arrival. Her leg muscles were making their appearance through the thin fabric. When he saw her bending forward his eyes found hers.
“Is there something on my face, Kogami-san?” She said with a subtle grin on her lips. Kogami shrugged as she grabbed the water bottle just over the tatami, gulping down one or two sips. Kogami, leaned back putting his hands next to his body. He gestured the combat robot with a swing of his chin.
“What about it?”
Akane pulled the bottle from her lips, following his gesture. She cleared her throat before speaking.
“Oh, its just a hologram. You know to get better experince for the field.“ She walked towards the robot, which was designed as Kogami’s body with gym clothes, and tapped the head of the robot making a metalic clank sound . Kogami gave her a coy smile.
“I know its just a hologram. But why me?”
Akane didnt answered as quickly as she wanted. She sighed and combed her short damp hair with her fingers. “It keeps me on focus.” After her short sentence she touched to her watch again to make the hologram disappear. Now it was a plain robot standing in front of her.
“You mean, i keep you on focus?” Kogami continued on his flirty attitude to draw her in the corner. But the Akane he knew, the innocent girl who would blush about anything, was now nowhere to be seen. Instead Akane turned to him with a faint smile and answered honestly. “Yes. Yes you do.”
Kogami, a bit unready for this serious expression, stood up slowly on his legs. He reached to zip of his hoodie, pulling it down while he responded. “You could have said it earlier.”
He stepped on the tatami with his bare feet now his hoodie on his hand. He threw the hoodie like his bag to the bench earlier and turned right to face her fully.
Akane’s gaze wondered over him. He was wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt wrapping around his quite visible biceps, a grey sport pants a bit tight on his thighs. Her eye stopped a bit longer on his torso though. His cheeky voice guided her honey colored eyes to his own grey clouded ones. “One word and you could get the real one here. Also, i have the voice upgrade as well comparing to that mute useless metal garbage.”
Akane, not being able to contain her giggle, hide her lips behind her hand. “ Kogami-san, those combat robots are really useful.”
Kogami raised one of his eyebrows. “ You say so? I can crack open three of them, lets say, under 30 seconds.”
Now it was Akane’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “You say?”
Kogami, put his hands on his waist, leaning on his left leg. “Are you doubting me, Inspector?”
“Ex-Inspector.” She corrected him with that subtle smile again. Kogami wanted to face palm himself but he held back. Akane sipped one more time from her bottle only to throw it next to the bench Kogami’s stuff were. She turned to face him.
“Are you offering me a match, now, Kogami-san?”
Kogami shrugged, moving a bit closer to her. Now he was in front of her, half an arm lenght away. He could see the sweat drops on her neck slowly sliding down to her chest. He fixed his eyes on hers. “If it is what you desire.”
Akane, secretly gulped down, to drown the weird feelings came to her chest. The wild gaze of his grey shiny irises gave shivers to the back of her neck. She muffled an “idiot” beneath her breathe, making sure he didnt hear it. She was successful.
Akane turned to her left, opening her feet about a shoulder gap, taking her defensive standing. “So you want a rematch, if i remember correctly, i was the one who won over our small encounter years ago.”
As he also stood yet a bit bended forward, legs opened, hands in fists, Kogami looked at her. “ What? You didnt win that one-“
She is fast.
Before finishing his sentence about the fight they had years ago, in that abandoned building seconds before an explosion he protected her from, she attacked him gliding on the tatami.
She was a petite woman but as the years passed she learnt to use this to her advantage. She always knew her opponents wont be in her league mostly. So she trained herself with bigger and heavier rivals everytime.
Akane lowered herself more on her knees, dashed to his left side, to his less defensed part. Or she thought.
Akane caught Kogami with her well balanced level change and speed. She threw a punch to under his left arm directly into his chest. Her fist brushed over his shirt as Kogami also slided on the tatami to the front, blocking her attack. Akane without even taking a breath, she turned around her right leg to give a high kick to her opponent.
Kogami saw Akane’s leg before hitting his face. He swayed a bit on his legs, shaked himself to gain the balance and the sight back.
But Akane wasnt planning to give him the chance.
As soon as her left leg touched the ground, she attacked forward again. Her right punch blocked with his left hand, her left with his right. He was now full focused. He leaned a bit forward, still blocking her forceful fists with his forearms. “You could have been a bit kinder towards me. This will leave a bruise, i dont have a metalic face.”
Akane chuckled for a second, looking at his cheek already getting red. She stayed silent, grabbed his left wrist with her left hand pulled him towards herself and twisted his palm to ceiling, her right hand was also pushing his elbow downwards. This made Kogami grunt, as he was facing the floor on his half bending knees now.
Very well, she wanted this.
He threw his body forward into a tumble to release himself from her grabbing. He saved his aching arm from her ,now was behind her. As she was turning to her back, he grabbed her opened arm quicker than before. He raised it upwards, rising on his left knee to create a room for his right leg to kick the back of hers. His heavy leg found its target, making her to fall on her back. Still holding her left arm Kogami stood up. He gently twirled her palm to an unnatural state.
She grunted with pain and had to turn facedown on the tatami, to not get her shoulder dislocated. Kogami, standing over her, took a short breath before releasing her from his grip.
“You improved yourself fairly, Tsunemori.” he complimented her. And he was serious about every word. He knew she could fight and protect herself, but feeling it directly made a difference. Nothing came from her as a response so Kogami got worried if he went hard on her too much.
“Tsune- ugh?!”
To his confusion, Akane rolled over to her right side, mirroring his attack, she kicked him behind his knees. When his body lowered to ground she grabbed his left arm, raised her torso lifting up her waist and legs. She instantly caged his neck and head between her calfs, locking her feet with a twist. Kogami with a thud fell on the floor, eyes widened with shock. Akane hugged to his left arm, now he was in her steel like leg lock.
She arched her back, making the grip tighter. Kogami, growled in his chest, he grabbed her ankles with his free hand tried to open the lock. But it was, no wonder , in vain.
Before his vision got dark, he hit the tatami floor a few times, declaring his defeat.
Akane grunted as she losen up her grip around him. She pulled her legs back to herself, still layed down next to him trying to recover her breathing.
Seconds of silence past. Until both of them started giggling at the same time.
“ 30 seconds you were saying?”scorned him.
“ I might have been underestimated you a bit.” said Kogami now leaning on his arm, looking at her from up.
Akane turned her head to left to encounter with his soft gaze. “Biggest mistake of yours, i assume.”
Kogami, snorted looking at the ceiling as if praying to god. “ Thats for sure. Should i start counting the times you sent me to hospital room, Tsunemori?”
A rush of blood went to Akane’s cheeks. “ You were not obeying to my orders that time Kogami-san! I apologized a lot.” She stood up on both of her elbows, now same level with his face. Seeing a cheeky yet quite relaxed expression of him caught her off of guard.
“Yeah, you did apologize a lot. Should have been me who did all of it though.” His right hand reached over, slightly brushing away the hair that was hiding her eyes. With the sudden move, Akane held her breath for a time she felt like a year. Not changing his caring expression a couple more seconds, he watched her face in a dreamy look, just before standing up.
He placed his hands on the floor, taking a boost from it, stood up. He hold out his hand to her. Akane, grabbed his hand, realizing the size difference between them once more. Her cheeks got a bit more pinkier.
“You can kick a full grown-ass man from floor to floor, but a small act of chivalry makes you blush.” He chuckled with his hoarse voice. “ You are one of a kind, Akane Tsunemori.”
Akane, not knowing if she should pull her hand back, shrugged. “ Well, at least, i am the first statutory enforcer in the history.”
This stole a full laughter from his lips.
“ I didnt mean about that specific kind.” His smile reached to his eyes. Akane gave him an equal smile, as bright as the stars.
“So, what are we getting tonight?” She realized neither he or she released each other from their hand hold.
“Hmm, what are you in the mood for?” He asked walking together with her to the bench.
Kogami, smirked while grabbing his stuff with his free hand. His fingers entwined with her delicate ones.
“Noodles, it is.”
[I hope you guys like it, it is my first time writing a ficlet for Shinkane, just a cozy time for them]
and i am sorry for the mistakes that i made dont mind my typos love youuu
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Another Life [1-1]
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Fandom: Psycho-Pass (AU)   
Summary: An exploration of what could have been. Not all in the same alternate universe (though they should all be set in a universe with Sibyl-controlled Japan unless my brain goes haywire). It will probably mostly be about friendship, though there will also likely be times when they act as opponents or unlikely/unwilling comrades. There (probably) won’t be romantic content. Multi-part stories will be indicated by a [-#] appended in the title, with # being the part number.
Characters: Makishima Shougo, Kougami Shinya
Warnings: None?
Word Count: <1k
The shot rings out.
But it's not the last thing that he hears. It takes him a heartbeat to recognize the harsh, ragged breathing behind him, his own lungs burning in sympathy. His head drops, as if to study the small, smoking hole beside his knee, before turning to look back.
Kougami Shinya stands behind him, still pointing the old revolver at his nemesis, and his hands are shaking--but not from exhaustion or excitement. Even though he's finally caught up to the ghost of his nightmares, the unseen enemy who destroyed his future, there's nothing in his expression. No sense of victory, no thrill of the chase, not even a bloody desire for vengeance. He is a man caught in a long-forgotten struggle, tormented by an ancient question: what is the right thing to do?
He still wants to kill him. It's apparent in the tension that cords his body, the gun focused on him again, but he's hesitating. It only takes Shougo a moment to run through a possible scenario: hands on the ground, push up, kick the gun, a second shot going wide as he turns around and drives Kougami to the ground. It's not a fight that he's sure he can win now, with his injuries, but his chances are still fair. He's beaten the man before, and the will to live can lend people incredible strength. He's seen that firsthand, and there is no better example than the man who has finally caught up to him.
Slowly, he turns his head forward again, placing his hands on his lap as he steadies his breathing.
"Do you want to know the true form of the Sibyl System?" he asks conversationally, as if he's talking to Gu-sung over tea. Silence fills the space between them, and he lets it hang there as the light fades around them. Just when it seems that the silence is unbearable, when it seems that Kougami will either speak or shoot him just to break it, he continues.
"It surprised me, when I found out. It was beyond even my wildest dreams. But I think you know, already, that it's not what they said it was. That it never was." He pauses, takes a deep breath, and gets to his feet slowly, brushing the dirt off his legs to let the anticipation build. When he turns around, it's as if he doesn't even see the gun anymore, pointed directly at his heart, and he looks directly into Kougami's eyes.
"Sybil is a conglomeration of the greatest criminals of Japan--or, well, their brains, at least." Even in the dim light, he sees exactly what he is hoping for: a hitch in Kougami's breath, a widening of his eyes, another shake in his arm.
"You're lying." Flat, clipped tone. It's the first thing he's said in this whole encounter, and Shougo allows himself a small smile as he shrugs expressively.
"What would be the point? If I wanted to save my life, I'd tell you something more believable. And despite your protestations, I think you're clever enough to recognize that it's true, or at least that it explains a few things. Beyond the technical difficulties of a supercomputer actually being at the heart of the system, it has displayed a rather human-like irrationality at times, don't you think?
"For example, why Chief Kasei wanted me to be captured alive, even if it meant that more people would die. There is no question that I am guilty of aiding and abetting a great number of murderers, in addition to killing Inspector Tsunemori's friend. Your Dominators have condemned so many others who did far less--who thought of doing far less--than what I did. Sybil could have given you other weapons so that you could at least defend yourself if we met, and yet, they insisted on a tool that was entirely useless. They were far more afraid of what someone like you might do, accidentally or intentionally, to render me useless to them. Touma, in particular, seemed quite enthusiastic about my joining them."
He doesn't miss the small flinch at the name.
"Yes, Kozaburo Touma, the culprit of what you called the Specimen Case is one of those great minds governing Japan. Or perhaps he was. He was still convinced that I was his friend, so he told me many things that he probably really shouldn't have. But I was quite emphatic in my refusal of their offer."
"You refused?"
Shougo's smile stretches, turning sly. "You don't really think I'd accept? I know that you understand me and the way I think: it's why we're here now. I have no interest in playing God or watching the game of life from the sidelines. Life is for the living, no more and no less."
His steps are slow and deliberate as he walks toward Kougami, narrowing the distance between them, until the muzzle of the gun rests on his chest, his eyes never leaving his foe's.
"So then... now it is your choice. Kill me, or let me live so that I can uproot this rotten system. And I would certainly welcome your help, should you choose to give it."
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