hazel-wand · 11 months
I’ve been reading a lot of stories I want to rec recently, so I thought I’d try a bumper fic rec post of my most recent bookmarked fics. Read on for Animal Transformation, Medieval Fantasy, Canon Divergence, Shrunkyclunks and Shrinkyclinks and Florida!
< 10,000 words
The description in this is just so delicate, and the emotional punch it packs is considerable. This is the Bucky waking up out of cryo in Wakanda tearful reunion that you’ve been longing for.
20,000 - 50,000 words
This was a reread. I read an animal transformation fic (and then several more) and it made me want to reread this one, where Winter Soldier! Asset! Bucky is transformed into a dog and (unsurprisingly) gets adopted by a lonely Steve. They are what each other needs, and this is a beautiful, touching ultimately feel good story.
First things first, leveragehunters’ On a Pale Horse is one of my favourite Stucky fics, so I was predisposed to a) like a Bucky is a horse transformation fic and b) compare any horse transformation fics to that one. This story really stands up. It’s different enough that it doesn’t feel rehashed, and the essential things I love about On a Pale Horse (winning trust, equine devotion, essential goodness of the ‘rider’ character, stubborn not-a-horse antics) are all here.
Second things second, I was a horsey girl growing up. I love horses. I loved that so much of this story was about building trust between Steve and horse!Bucky, and I enjoyed all the talk about halters and lunging.
This story has so much heart and humour. There’s the usual gang (Sam is delightful here), and such a kind, stubborn, good Steve. I really adored it.
*Examines fingernails* so, you know that animal transformation fic reading binge I mentioned earlier? This is the last one. In fact, I went to leveragehunters’ AO3 page looking for On a Pale Horse (have I said how much I love that fic enough yet?) after reading The Winter Stallion, and found this story instead. It’s a Ladyhawke AU. I had to google what Ladyhawke was, and didn’t bother until after I’d read the fic. You don’t need to know anything about the film to enjoy this story. It is set in a medieval fantasy world and features my favourite flavour of pre-serum Steve (stubborn, slightly bitter, quick and with so much innate goodness, honour and self-sacrificing idiocy). He falls in with the unlikely, bickering and mysteriously-cursed duo of Bucky (grumpy, oddly vulnerable, ultimately awesome) and Sam, who is kind, witty and Sam (is there ever a bad Sam?). Also, importantly, there is a horse and he is the best horse (just ask Bucky).
We are (briefly) back to the real world after my animal transformation fic spree. And oh my goodness, if you read nothing else on this list, read this fic. It’s a Winter Soldier recovery fic except that it isn’t, it’s a Steve recovery fic. Steve has all his powers in this story, but he is so human. He is brave and loyal and snarky, but he is also so, so vulnerable, and this story shows him feeling lost and little and hurt in a way that not many stories do. Bucky is equally awesome - he’s so clearly the Bucky of the 1930’s whose main objective was keeping Steve safe. This story also has one of my favourite versions of Tony as a side character.
> 50,000 words
Alright, we have skipped happily back into medieval fantasy land for this fic. It features another of my favourite kinds of AU Steves. He’s strong and clever and has proven himself in battle, and has the confidence that goes with that, but he still remembers being the scared young man defending his village with tools not weapons. He’s honorable and down to earth, strategic but also so open to love. This fic has some of my favourite tropes (identity porn! Forbidden love! So much pining!) and is such a fun romp through this ‘swords and honour’ landscape.
And now a different kind of swords and honour. I’m very late to the party in reading this, but if you haven’t come across this Shrunkyclunks story, then do yourself a favour and settle in to read. This fic has so much humour, warmth and passion with a side of politics (but in a good way!) Bucky is a civil rights attorney, and the fact that the story is tagged for period typical homophobia and transphobia and is set in the modern day tells you the rest.
But what this story does really well is make you passionate and pissed off (alongside Bucky and Steve) about civil rights, whilst primarily being a romance story that is fun and positive. There are so many deft character touches as well that round out the supporting cast into lovable, memorable individuals (Yelena!!).
I’m trying to be better about reading WIPs. In that spirit, here are two that I’ve started and which I’m really enjoying.
Currently 10/27 chapters posted (74,000 words)
In which MCU-verse Bucky and Steve retire and move to Florida. Steve gets into surfing and Bucky is busy gardening. Okay, my summary sucks but this story is brilliant. I’m a sucker for fic where the author clearly knows their shit. Florida is sketched so well in this story that it’s practically its own character. The story is about how being in this place (that is shown for all its wonders, flaws, and idiosyncrasies) is challenging, helping and healing a Bucky and Steve who are both in pretty bad shape at the beginning.
Currently 5/30 chapters posted (24,000 words)
This is an A/B/O AU set during WW2. Omega! Pre-serum!Steve is a mathematical genius recruited to try to break Nazi codes. There’s the right amount of codebreaky detail which goes into (to me - someone who knows nothing about codes) impressive depth and feels very authentic. This story is just getting started, but so far the characters are great (there’s an excellent supporting cast - Darcy and Wanda are early faves), and Steve is such a good mix of physical frailty and mental power. I’m interested to see how the A/B/O elements play into the story as it progresses. The setting and moreso the feel of the setting - the frustration, desperation and guilt as the team struggle to make sense of the codes and inform troop movements - is really well-realised and gripping.
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hitorimaron · 2 years
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Inspired by The Necrofloranomicon by @leveragehunters
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justanothersong · 2 years
Spent a good deal of the day reading @leveragehunters and @snarkymonkeyprime on ao3, and you should too.
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kotaka-kun · 9 months
Hi sorry do you have a link to the fic where Steve gets to howl like laika and bucky breaks into nasa blease
omg yes i had to go look for it but its Black Dog by leveragehunters please enjoy 💖💖💖
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leveragehunters · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Captain America (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, School Reunion, Bartender Bucky Barnes, natasha romanov - Freeform, Wanda Maximoff - Freeform, Drinking, Flirting, Fluff Summary:
"Hey!" Steve laughed. "Are you calling me boring?"
"You are spending your Friday night sitting at the bar at someone else's high school reunion," Bucky pointed out.
Steve opened his mouth, then closed it with a snap. "I've got no come back for that."
Bucky patted his arm. "It's okay. You're here for a good cause."
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I'm going with 10 All Time Classics from the Captain America (MCU) fandom. I mean, they're all classics to me, at least. In no particular order:
1. This, You Protect by owlet
First installment in the Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series, which are all amazing. It's a “Bucky escaping Hydra and rebuilding his sense of self” fic, which he does while spying on Steve. With eventual Avengers Family and a lovely cast of OCs bonding with Bucky in the meantime. It has a very distinctive perspective and writing style; Bucky's in constant internal (and sometimes accidentally external) dialogue with himself, making it hilarious and tragic all at the same time. I love it. I've recently been getting into The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells and this Bucky has a similar sassy-but-vulnerable vibe? Read this if you like that, anyway.
2. The One Who Knows by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
This is a Political Animals AU, in that no-powers Steve is inserted into the Political Animals world and Bucky is TJ. Discusses being outed and depression but is ultimately hopeful. The author is one of my all time faves and has written lots of great stories for this and many other fandoms.
3. Blue Scales by chaya
Steve is a merman AU. He's still Captain America, though. It's crack with heart, I love it.
Best line: "May your scales and your love story be our weird secret forever.”
4. Our Lingering Frost by eyres
AU where Bucky is rescued from Hydra in the 50s (?) and so is around for Steve to be found.
5. Assets Out of Containment by follow_the_sun
It's a classic to *me*, OK? Bucky goes undercover at Jurassic World just as that movie's plot kicks off. They're Hydra dinosaurs! It's just great. Also has a podfic and crossovers with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
6. Not Easily Conquered (series) by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears
Some of the greatest fanfiction I've ever read, the whole series is epic. Anyway, it's a "Steve doesn't go into the ice" AU with added queer angst when (never sent) love letters from Bucky resurface. I particularly like the second installment in the series The Thirteen Letters, which are just Bucky's letters and are insanely well-written.
7. to memory now I can't recall by Etharei
Time travel AU! Featuring post-CATWS Bucky accidentally switching places with CATFA era Bucky.
8. If Wishing Made It So by Leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
Genie!Bucky AU! This author is great at writing AUs with fantasy/genre elements, it was hard to choose. They've also written an excellent werewolf!Steve AU and a horse!Steve AU that I really love.
9. Into That Good Night by Nonymos
An Interstellar AU! Very angsty and tragic but with an eventual happy ending.
10. Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square by Speranza
Speranza must be one of the best writers in the fandom, so it was hard to pick just one of their fics. Other strong contenders were All the Angels and the Saints and The Fifties, so check those out too! But this one has a special place in my heart. Steve, Tony and Natasha accidentally time travel to WW2 London, leading to an accidental run-in with CATFA-era Bucky. The author does tragic and romantic time travel tropes so well, but with a happy ending.
I now realise that most of these are AUs, so here’s a bonus rec for a non-AU in-universe story that’s severely underrated and deserves more love:
Heart, Have No Pity on this House of Bone by Sena
This story follows Bucky in-action in the Pacific Theatre. It’s very well written and, from what I can tell, well researched. Steve only appears in Bucky’s imagination and the story focuses on the horrors of war rather than romance, but it’s gripping! And it explores unrequited love, being closeted and period-typical homophobia, which I also enjoyed. I’m still holding out hope for a sequel.
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artgroves · 6 months
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For the wonderful Graphology by @leveragehunters!
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helenedraws · 8 months
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A gift for @leveragehunters for being a legend and a cutie on top
Tip me on Ko-Fi if you want!
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musette22 · 1 year
For the nonnie who asked: here are some of my all time favourite lengthy Stucky fics (30-200k, mostly multi chapter):
Not Easily Conquered by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFears
This, You Protect by owlet
Home Is Wherever I'm With You by cydonic
Lucky Seven by BetteNoire
Political Animals by @spacerenegades, Deisderium
Wishes and Words by wearing_tearing
A Company Man by @whtaft
Push It Real Good by spoffyumi
The Size of Perfection by @phoenike
Like Real People Do by 2bestfriends
Easy Work For Easy Pay by AustinB
Prince Charming by Brenda
What's in a Name? by levi_cas_tho, maichan
Critical Feline Mass by Kryptaria, zooeyscigar  
Ipseity by SkyisGray
Circling Back by chaya
Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) by spitandvinegar 
The Necrofloranomicon by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
with all my skin and bone by unicornpoe
He's All That by @spacerenegades
Monoclonius by Zenaidamacrouras1
oh meet me, my darling, where the sun sets over the barley by charlesdk @trancowboy
Coming Home by charlesdk @trancowboy
The Settler by charlesdk @trancowboy
Waking Up Slow by odetteandodile
Family Placement by notlucy
I Held You in Gloved Hands (And I’m Not Letting Go) by @voylitscope
then a small thing happened by BeaArthurPendragon
North Fork by BeaArthurPendragon
Itsy Bitsy Yoga by wearing_tearing
All Those Little Pieces by Ellessey
Bucky Barnes Gets His Groove Back & Other International Incidents @silentwalrus1
Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin's Guide to Supersoldier Seduction by galwednesday, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt
Coming Home For Christmas by Chiyume
Chase the Lightning From the Sky by SilverSlashes
These next ones I haven't had a chance to read yet, but I love these authors' other fics so I'm sure these are brilliant too!
lane lines by @sparkagrace
Till It Bleeds Daylight by @cable-knit-sweater
Backhoe by @zenaidamacrouras1
hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play) (WIP) by @buckyismybicycle
I was alone, I took a ride (I didn't know what I would find there) by @otp-holic
Till there were no more wolves in the West by @dharmasharks
better to speak or die (WIP) by @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place
Atoms by @andrea1717
I'm sure I'm forgetting some brilliant ones, so feel free to add to this! Also, please check out these authors' other works too, they're all brilliant <3
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
Last Line Challenge
I got tagged by the wonderful @jedi-enthusiast and ∞-tagged by the Mostest amazing @cacodaemonia
Rules: Show off the last line you wrote or drew in a new post and tag as many people as words, pigments, or pixels as the line provides!
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The song I mentioned in the last game? The Kamino song? Yeah. That one’s wholly at fault here. But! There’s more blame to go around! Mainly @adiduck who gleefully encourages me whilst I cry over cursed clones.
So this here is disassociating Unlucky!Cadet Cody. Don’t worry, the blood isn’t his! it’s Bly’s who’s currently recovering from stabbed lungs and complaining about it
The last line I drew is the little highlight on the bone ridge on the bridge of his nose.
No pressure tags, except for you @cacodaemonia, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @cj-kenobi @leveragehunters @levitatingbiscuits @imrowanartist @happybean17
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hazel-wand · 2 years
I love fanfiction. Having enjoyed the sexual tension and romantic plotlines between two characters in a superhero franchise, why wouldn’t you want to go and read a story set in an alternate fantasy universe where one of the characters is turned into a horse?!
And of course, it’s brilliantly written, imaginative and detailed and makes you Feel Things.
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koreanrage · 7 months
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I've been trying to catch up on my saved list of stucky fics I'm just hoarding never actually reading lol and picked up @leveragehunters's Werewolves in the Workplace. Can't believe you're still posting amazing stucky fics in 2023. You are - as the kids working at the office like to say - the goat...I think? ._.
Anyway still struggling to get through the art slump and fics always seem to help.
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sparkagrace · 8 months
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Happy spooky season! I hope everyone is looking forward to the turning of the season (I am!)
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390,977 words read over 36 fics (average of 10,860 words per fic, not including wips) 📈 up 29% from August
current total for the year: 2,296,745 words
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a handful of fic recs
Two of a Kind, the Perfect Pair by @stfustucky shrunkyclunks | E | 78.4k
if the bad times are coming let 'em come by @suzukiblu shrinkyclinks | E | 5.8k
Maybe Our Kind Don't Fit Round Here by Rainne shrunkyclunks | E | 5.8k
the price we pay by @dontcallmebree stucky | M | 1.5k
we never had a shotgun shot in the dark by @voxofthevoid shrinkyclinks | E | 2k
you were far from the truth by @teenytabris stucky | M | 6.6k
If I could hold you for a minute, Darlin’, I would do it again by @cable-knit-sweater stucky | M | 2.4k
Are You Aware, Wolf? by @leveragehunters stucky | T | 12k
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series rec
Song of the Rolling Earth by @the1918 shrunkyclunks | 5 fics | E | 154k
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be kind, rewind
As You Seep On In And Keep Me Down by @thiccbuckybarnesfic shrunkyclunks | E | 8k
i'm gone in such a blaze by @thiccbuckybarnesfic shrunkyclunks | E | 1.3k
Public Offering by Brenda shrunkyclunks | E | 7k
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non-mcu recs
Let Them Eat Cake by @rohruh FirstPrince (RWRB) | E | 1.7k
(did my love aid and abet you?) by alasse FirstPrince (RWRB) | T | 12k
Didn't know what time it is, the lights were low by @dreamsinthewitchouse FirstPrince (RWRB) | E | 3k
Not the tide (series) by @dreamsinthewitchouse RWRB RPF | 3 fics | M | 4k
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steevbuckk · 10 months
some short fics that i love 🥰
Belated by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
[Post TWS, 2 295 words, General Audiences]
In the middle of the war, Steve has a birthday present for Bucky, one he never manages to give him. After the ice, after the Winter Soldier, when Bucky finally comes home, Steve tries again.
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Breathe Your Breath in Me by @dekudynamight
[Endgame Fix it, 2 491 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
When Steve said to the end of the line, he meant it.
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From Brooklyn, With Love by @musette22
[Meet cute, 4 816 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
Bucky Barnes, newly-single twentysomething from Brooklyn, heads to Europe with the goal of showing everyone back home (particularly his shitty ex) that he's living his best life. He asks a beautiful blond stranger for a picture of them kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower to post to his social media, and ends up having a bit of a déjà vu.
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that's what they don't know by steveandbucky
[Post TWS, 6 884 words, Explicit]
“I remember,” Steve whispers. “I always regretted that we didn’t get a chance to…”
Bucky bites on his lower lip. “We have the chance now. If you’d like.”
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No Vacancies by @darter-blue & @the1918
[Enemies to Lovers, 6 416 words, Explicit]
Steve Rogers might have a pretty face, but fuck is he a pain in the ass.
In which Bucky and Steve have a sexually charged, warring relationship as co-workers, and the conference hotel has a double-booking problem.
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Lonesome no more by @dharmasharks
[Wakanda, 7 539 words, Explicit]
“Uh, Steve?”
Steve’s eyes snap open. He pulls back, bracing to be reminded that this isn’t something they do.
Instead, Bucky slurs, “D’you…have a beard?”
A post-cryo, pre-Nomad interlude.
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#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled (Senforza)
[Shrunkyclunks, 4 127 words, Teen And Up Audiences]
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “…Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
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more fics
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leveragehunters · 1 year
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Aaaand that concludes our brief trip down Bill and Ted lane.
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carriesthewind · 1 year
thank you so much for your write up of the case, it's what brought my attention to it - and I just finished reading the Mata v. Avianca transcript from 8th June and I think I feel my soul leaving my body. There's so many insane sections that you've already noted in that one extract post, but honorable mentions to Page 25 Lines 23-24 and Page 34 Lines 2-7 which had me feeling like that winnie-the-pooh gif
(Thanks to @leveragehunters for finding another copy of the hearing transcript!)
Oh yes. For the benefit of everyone else to feel the cringe as well:
Page 25:
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Page 34:
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(I extended it down to capture the Yeah. Yes? Yes. exchange, because I think it really captures the tone.)
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