#lex demie
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Forgot to post this! I just felt like doodling Faith and Lex, and I like how their designs turned out.
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
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Memes Percy and Lex would make together
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befuddled-calico-whump · 11 months
Sorry if this is weird, but what are Lex, Sarah, and Uriah's sexualities?
Not weird at all!
they're... They're all bisexual/biromantic
Sarah thinks she's straight, but she's not
Uriah is actually a biromantic ace who has a thing for acting sadistic
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chezzabellesworld · 5 months
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Leo Venus style
Leo Vinz has a classy but tacky sort of wide y2k look. I feel very girly but in a glittery glamour way like a Paris Hill or Holly Madison, or even in Nicole Ritchie early 2000s, but also gives Alexa Demi in Euporia where it’s really classy and like I’m the queen and the attitude that comes with it and I put Pamela Anderson as well because she is in fact Leo Venus and I think when I think Leo Venus I do see Pam in her many outfits that’s why I’ve put one of her iconic ones there of her in the big big glittery hat with Tommy Lee And it’s very pretty and beautiful and almost like delicate but it’s a popular girl it’s a girl you love to hate it’s a girl you wanna be but you know you can’t and usually got model Lex Madonna also has this placement and so does Selena Gomez and everyone wants to be her don’t make for some reason I don’t, I don’t have a problem with her at all she starting to become that guy isn’t she so he gave Leo Venus I give you a classic pair of Chloe sunglasses or Rayban, and the couture that you don’t mind spending about £100 on a white top with nothing else just cause you know it’s fresh. But whatever you wear is gonna look stunning, but try and go over this kind of look because if you want a tea maybe even a Aaliyah core
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anime-villian-irl · 3 months
Kon when Jon questions wether or not he loves someone: everyone feels love Jon that's what makes them good people and don't you dare mention. Cass (aromantic asexual). Jason (aromantic) Dick (demiromantic Demi sexual) Bruce (aromantic demisexual) Or Clark (grey romantic) Lois (aromantic) Lana (aromantic grey sexual) Lex (aromantic asexual) Duke (demiromantic asexual) Lena (aromantic) Kori (grey romantic) Raven (demisexual) Or Literally every young justice member ever Or Oliver queen (demiromantic) Wally West (asexual) At all okay. They don't count.
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crimsonrune · 3 months
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Gift - Chubbyvoirs (Gardevoir TF/TG)
Another Pokemon Day post for you, this time a set of palette swaps by the lovely Lex-i-TF! This time around, I filled out the much coveted psychic role on her team by becoming everybody's favorite from Hoenn, Gardevoir! With a couple of caveats, however; the big one being how *big* she is around the midsection and thighs. I mean, aren't these ones supposed to be trim and graceful? I haven't even triggered a Trace ability yet! Whatever the case, this was also one Lex-i kindly did some color variations of, spanning everything from my traditional reds to some demi additions and even the basic green and shiny blue!
Posted using PostyBirb
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sketch page update: assorted Shazam characters and potential cast members for Action Comics: The Ophidiad
For Shazam we've got Vlarem, Oggar, Tanus and Blaze, Desira Sivana and her lieutenant Doctor Dynamo, plus Misters Atom and Mind, and a couple takes on Sobek since I'm still taking myself out of drawing him like Vector the Crocodile as a counterpart to Tawny.
Vlarem was the Wizard's champion identity (anagram of "Marvel" natch) and Oggar was a god ousted from Shazam (then "SHAZAMO")'s line-up, while his name is also a clear corruption of the word "Ogre". I can kinda see Oggar as a companion of Baal and Vlarem's rival. Vlarem himself is still the Canaanite Jebediah, but Mamaragan fills the role of the Wizard, so what happened to Vlarem between his war with Oggar and Mamaragan's empowering of Hurut , Aman and Teth.
Blaze and Tanus/Satanus are the children of Baal, returned to Earth in the modern day in pursuit of Baal's contemporary incarnation, Billy. Tanus uses a civilian identity as "Colin Thornton" owner and publisher of Newstime, while Blaze lived as Angelica "Babe" Tanaka, frontwoman for The Children of The Night. They both ended up during afoul of Superman after leaving Fawcett for Metropolis.
Desira Sivana is Thaddeus's wife, composited from Queen Desira (Golden Age Queen of Venus), Venus Sivana, and possibly Aphrodite? Mister Mind is Venusian as well, so it all kinda ties together. Beautia Sivana is an outright demi-god and the leader among the Sivana siblings, growing even more powerful with the transformative powers of the Black Sivana Equation...
The Ophidiad's a concept I've been cooking for a bit. It's a hypothetical Action Comics arc focused on Jimmy Olsen and Lex Luthor:
"After altering his DNA into a hypothetical copy of his father’s mythical “Thorulian” ultra-humanite, Lex finds himself further transformed into a host of Ophidian, the Orange Light Entity of Greed. How a shapeshifting snake man capable of summoning an army at a thought, Jimmy Olsen takes up his old Turtle-Man mantle to fight back. But as residual Doomsday virus effects alter Jimmy for the worse, all of Metropolis find themselves in a Kaiju fight between the distant cousins…and Superman nowhere to be found!"
Hector Hammond, Lionel Luthor, Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Steel, Devour, Hiro Okamura are part of the cast, but Captain Comet, Sand Superman, and Hope (from Superman: Lost) are potentially involved as well.
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
Obviously for the ask meme you’re going to get people asking you for Kon, so how about Kara and Clark? Since you just read Supergirl. (Although if you wanted to do Kon I sure wouldn’t say no 😛)
HAHA you know i don't actually have a kon in my askbox yet!! but hell yeah kara first:
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbiab. girl did not have a single convincing male love interest that whole run
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary by default because kryptonian gender identities and definitions do not 1:1 fit earth ones and BOY does that sometimes feel incredibly alienating (haha get it. alien. it's funny because she. because she's an. because--)
A ship I have with said character: i do think her friendship with cassie is cute and all but hear me out. kara/lori luthor
A NOTP I have with said character: kara/being forced into jeph loeb's vision of her. disgusting. get out of my sight
A random headcanon: i like to imagine her trying to recreate some of her dad's art in her own paintings sometimes.
General Opinion over said character: GENTLY HOLDS... 🥺 i love her...
and then clark!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: very demiromantic, very bisexual, very repressed.
Gender Headcanon: demi-man for similar, alien gender related confusion but will literally never use any label other than cis man because he has made himself at home in the closet where he invalidates himself about any queer feelings he has on the daily.
A ship I have with said character: CLOIS <33333
A BROTP I have with said character: clark & kara & kon :) a family can be a venn triagram of three (3) confused guys (fitting in on earth? being an alien? what does it all mean, anyway?) and their superdog
A NOTP I have with said character: clex in any requited or remotely healthy context. lex being creepily fixated on clark and kryptonians in general? definitely. it ever being portrayed in a healthy light? no way.
A random headcanon: apple pie is his favorite :)
General Opinion over said character: god. he's literally so good. it does not get better than clark kent. he is the perfect man. i adore him.
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raemeh · 1 year
Hello rae :D for the character asks maybe Terry Jr. for 2, 17, and 23 maybe if you want to? :] 
Oh lex you sure do know me
#2 A canon or headcanon hill I will die on 
#17 Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Probably me forceing two puzzle pieces that don’t fit together but either “how to rest” or “queen of nothing” both by the crane wives. 
#23 If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
People might say I’m weird for this but wood. Idk i just really like the smell of wood. It’s comforting to me and he’s my comfort character so it fits. 
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
If Percy and Magnus still become friends after Lex gets Percy and Annebeth broken up, Lex should totally join Diklah and Alex in being absolute terrors
HELL YEAH THEY SHOULD!!!!Chaotic trans people RISE UP
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ballplayersxo · 9 months
Devin is going back his old ways he’s liking so many ig pics Alexa demie, zendaya,jorja smith Camille cabero ,Zoe Gara ,jamilla strand lex carrington pamalaam feel free to add any guys I wanna know who hes watching 😂
he’s so unserious
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swedesinstockholm · 11 months
15 juin
douce après-midi à traîner à moitié nue sur le lit de m. avec la fenêtre grande ouverte et la brise intermittente qui venait me caresser les fesses. j’ai eu un intense flashback de goûter au bn au chocolat en maillot au bord de la piscine chez ma tante en mangeant un biscuit fourré au chocolat assise sur le lit en culotte, plongée dans un rayon de soleil. ma-a-a-agique. ce matin quand j’ai vu r. sur scène j’étais contente que ça fasse une boucle, chacun son tour, il m’a vue sur scène et m’a fait des signes depuis son siège dans le public, je l’ai vu sur scène et lui ai fait coucou depuis mon siège dans le public. il est trop chou, il est grand et maigre et bouclé, mon long passage par le lesbianisme n’a absolument rien changé à mes goûts en matière de garçons et ça me rend folle. dans le cadre de la mise en place de barrières de protection j’ai posté une annonce sur lex pour rencontrer des gens queer aussi, quand même, plusieurs personnes m’ont écrit mais j’ai répondu à qu’une seule parce que les autres me donnaient pas envie. les gens sur les applis de rencontre ne me donnent jamais envie.
r. m’a envoyé des vidéos d’un vieux monsieur qui donne des idées de date loufoques pour impressionner son crush et j’aurais pu rebondir dessus et dire bon on fait quel date demain? mais j’y ai pensé trop tard. mais c’est bon, je suis à peu près sûre que c’est bien un date maintenant? in other news j’étais à la perf de perrine et bastien ce soir et j’avais bien fait attention d’arriver pour 20h mais ils ont commencé qu’à 20h30 ce qui fait que j’ai passé une demie heure à souffrir le martyre sur le toit terrasse entourée de gens qui discutaient joyeusement entre eux avec leur verre à la main et je savais plus où me mettre avec ma solitude encombrante. j’ai brièvement discuté avec perrine, elle est vraiment trop belle, quand elle a lu-chanté en anglais j’ai trouvé ça trop chou et j’ai enfin compris l’effet que je devais faire aux non-francophones quand je parle anglais. je veux absolument bidouiller des sons électroniques et poser ma voix dessus et chanter-crier un peu comme bikini kill ou le tigre, ou faire des trucs comme jenny hval. perrine aussi aime jenny hval.
je suis partie dès que c’était terminé pour pas revivre un calvaire numéro deux et dans les escaliers j’ai croisé élise qui discutait avec une fille qui m’a dit j’adore tes lectures! quand je suis passée. j’ai mis un moment à comprendre de quoi elle me parlait et ça devait se voir sur mon visage parce qu’elles étaient mortes de rire. j’ai dit oh merci! et je suis partie en dévalant les escaliers comme ce matin au musée des instruments de musique, sauf que ceux-là étaient en béton et les murs étaient recouverts de graffitis et de stickers dont un qui disait vive la mort. je l’ai pris en photo. j’ai un peu peur qu’elle revienne m’embêter dans les prochains jours, avec cette histoire de r. d. j’ai peur qu’elle revienne de ses vacances à marrakech pour me dire eh mais ne t’inquiète pas lara, au pire je suis là, ne l’oublie pas.
non mais ça me rend folle qu’une fille m’ait reconnue ce soir et m’ait dit qu’elle adorait mes lectures, j’ai des fans partout, je suis névrosée et seule au monde mais je suis une superstar littéraire!!
16 juin
je viens de passer la journée entière sur le lit de m. à attendre un message de r./hésiter à lui en envoyer un, à manger n’importe quoi à n’importe quelle heure et à me lever uniquement pour boire de l’eau tiédasse du robinet et faire pipi. et pourtant je suis pas dépressive en ce moment. pour ma défense, il fait très chaud dehors et j’avais zéro envie de sortir dans la fournaise sans avoir de but précis. j’ai passé la journée à recopier mon journal sur tumblr. ça m’obsède. j’ai l’impression que c’est malsain parce que ça me fait pas sortir de la bulle de ma vie. moi moi moi moi moi. j’ai l’impression de tout monter en épingle aussi. c’est ça que je fais avec mon journal, je monte les choses en épingle. j’ai googlé la définition parce que j’étais plus tout à fait sûre et ça me dit: donner de l’importance à quelque chose en attirant l’attention dessus. je veux donner de l’importance aux choses. mais hier soir la seule personne qui m’a adressé la parole à part perrine c’est la fille qui m’a dit qu’elle adorait mes lectures, ce qui me renvoie de nouveau à la moi de mon journal. moi aussi je l’aime la moi de mon journal, mais j’aimerais que les gens aiment aussi la moi de la vraie vie. je veux pas être une poète maudite et incomprise qui utilise sa vie de misère pour écrire. je veux être une écrivaine cool qui a des ami.es et une vie amoureuse et qui sait tenir debout sans son journal. demain soir je sors avec r. et je prends pas mon journal dans ma banane.
j’ai cédé, je lui ai écrit, j’ai fait une blague sur la vidéo des idées de dates un utilisant les mots “notre date” et à la fin j’ai mis i’m here émoji sapin parce qu’à force de regarder les arbres toute la journée j’ai l’impression d’en être devenue un moi aussi. je suis un arbre et je t’attends r. j’ai posé mon téléphone hors d’atteinte en me disant que j’aurais jamais du utiliser le mot date et je savais plus quoi faire pour détourner mon attention de l’angoisse qui pointait dans mon ventre. il m’a répondu par message vocal en s’excusant pour sa réponse tardive parce qu’il était à la fête de l’école de sa fille et que donc il était crevé blablabla mais que demain avant la soirée de perf il aimerait bien me voir pour tchatcher, fin de la citation. et si c’était pas un date et que je me sois encore fourré le doigt dans l’oeil jusqu’au coude? et s’il voulait me voir juste en tant qu’artiste, lui aussi, mais comme il est très gentil il a pas osé clarifier les choses et me décevoir dans son message? peut être qu’il veut juste me proposer une collab? ce qui serait très cool au demeurant, mais également horriblement décevant.
il est 21h58 le soleil vient de se coucher et j’ai toujours chaud putain. instagram vient de me proposer une pub pour une application de rencontres pour gens atypiques et dans la liste des gens atypiques ils mettent, entre autres, les hypersensibles. alors 1. est-ce que l’algorithme d’ig lit mon journal et 2. est-ce que tous mes problèmes viennent de mon hypersensibilité? est-ce que je devrais me trouver une communauté d’hypersensibles pour partager mon expérience de l’enfer et être fière d’être atypikool? deux des personnes qui m’ont écrit sur lex avaient des profils atypiques. peut être que c’est avec elles que je devrais traîner, au lieu de vouloir me frotter à des garçons comme r. dire qu’au début c’est moi qui questionnais sa santé mentale. tout à l’heure je mangeais du beurre de cacahouète à la cuillère toute nue dans le noir avec la fenêtre grande ouverte et je me sentais 1. décadente 2. folle. je regardais les arbres frémir dans la brise et j’avais envie que l’un d’entre eux étende une branche, comme l’arbre de mon histoire, pour venir mes caresser les fesses. une branche de saule pleureur. ils donnent les meilleures caresses. celui du fond de la rue à la maison en tout cas.
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part of me wants lex smut but the rest of me remembers that's very much Not His Thing Really
i love my demi lad but -shakes him- lemme lewd u sometimes
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Name(s): Xander/Ro/Roman/Virgil/Virge/Xan/Der/Lex/Ducky (don't ask)
Age: 17
Gender + Pronouns: Non binary/demi boy He/They/Xem/Star/Its (anything except she/her please)
Orientation: Gay/Achillian + demisexual
Interests: Owl House, Sander Sides, writing, being with my friends, miraculous, cosplay, Sally face, makeup, piercings, Bojack Horseman, young royals, helluva boss, the music freaks
Likes: gay ships, bubble tea, my friends, my hobbies, being called pretty, being called handsome, my dogs, going on walks, pet names, Conan Gray, fan fiction, making edits and listening to music
Dislikes: my ex(s), my parents, my siblings (blood), being treated as stupid, loud noises, being called Ninja, being touched by strangers
Extra: I'm pretty sure I have adhd and autism, im officially diagnosed with Anxiety and depression as of 2024, I have mommy and daddy issues, trust issues, abandonment issues, PTSD, did, mild ED, and probably more shit- I fall for people very very quickly, it's very much a problem- I'm very clingy so once you give me affection, good luck getting rid of me <3 I wear contacts but hate my glasses so you'll never see me in them unless I trust you a lot or I was just lazy that day lmao, I love love love Halloween so if you're down to talk about Halloween and/or make Halloween plans I'm down all day every day 💞
Other socials if you’re interested:
Pintrest: VirgilSimp
Spotify: That one emo dude ❤️🖤💀
A03: xanisconfused
Wattpad: amshinestar7778939
My other tumblrs:
Shared account (posting about my shared stories with my best friend, read pinned post for more info)
Agere account (please do not follow if over 18 and nsfw)
System account (hate will not be tolerated, I am a new system and still learning)
Racists (of any kind)
Homo/transphobes (those against neos, biphobes, acephobes, etc.)
Age players
Christians (it just makes me extremely uncomfortable to hear about)
Abuse defenders (ex: “I was hit as a kid and I was fine so get over it!” or “mental/emotional abuse doesn’t count as real abuse”)
Huntlow shippers (Hunter x Willow, toh)
MAP supporters/p3dos/gr00mers/pro shippers
Anti cosplayers (those against cosplay)
Dsmp fans
K-pop fans 
Haikyu!! Fans 
Anyone under 12, this is not the place for you
I have the right to block and report anyone I see fit for the sake of my own mental health and the health of anyone who happens to follow me or find my page by chance
be respectful and if you wanna stick around, feel free. I mostly post content about fandoms I’m apart of, my experiences being a gay trans man, and my experience growing up in an abusive household. Glad to have you here!
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Meet the LI's
As a BIG point of reference. The colors are off because tumblr is restrictive haha. Lex:
Full Name: Lex Bergstrom (Lex Burg-strum)
Pronouns: Xey/Xem/They/Them (genderqueer)Sexuality: OmniAge/Birthday: 19 (Jan 1st)
Height: 6’3”
Ethnicity: Norwegian/Swedish 
Position: Switch 
Likes: brunost, improv, acting, cooking, baking for others, being a bastard (damn bitch, you lanky and have an attitude), romance novels/manga, gaming, cousins (best friends), Vocaloid, rain, Nightcore (understandable but damn.) Their lizard named Brann
Dislikes: talking shit, ableist comments on eye, xyr body, carrots (ew), sarcasm (although they do it, wow hypocrisy), band kids (it's mostly a joke….maybe), xyr Christian parents (told them they're sinning for how they changed their name), basketball (played it in high school)
Love Language
Giving: nothing Acts of Service/Quality Time
Receiving: Words of Affirmation 
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Full Name: Rania Habib (Raan-ya Haa-beeb) 
Pronouns: She/Her (trans) Sexuality: Demi/Omni Age/Birthday: 19 (July 21st) 
Height: 5'1 (Lumi height lmfao) (rude </3)
Ethnicity: Cyrpus/Egyptian/Japanese 
Position: Power bottom/Switch
Likes: halloumi cheese, very gen Z humor (fried memes make her snort), fashion! (Decora; japan), studying (English literature student but works part-time at the in-school bookstore), koshary (dish), plushies, her books <3, cats, long naps, societal issues, her cat BiBi
Dislikes: being told she's over-cluttered, being held back in her studying (she wants to finish it in one go if she can, although she takes breaks), being owned things, popping candy (surprisingly), her fucking shit and wack ass classmates, existence, girl can't cook sorry
Love Language
Giving: Words of Affirmation 
Receiving: Physical Touch
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Full Name: Darius Harris (Dar-ee-us Hair-is) 
Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 28 (October 26th
Height: 5’6”
Ethnicity: African American
Position: Service Top
Likes: laughing cow Cheese, his kid. His kid very much, loves his kid (will do anything for her), his job, surprisingly! He actively likes knowing the town and speaking to the regulars every day, DND! (Nerd), jazz (plays a few different instruments;) ), fruit loops (on God he eats it uP), coffee snob, his apartment decorations, hockey, dad jokes
Dislikes: smoking, Starbucks, newer pokemon games, Mcdonald's fries (they really went downhill in recent years), garbage not put on the curbside (PLEASE PUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE HE TRIES HIS BEST), people who tell him he works a shit job :( (he likes it a lot how dare you insult his trash), glitter (that shit gets everywhere), (monarchy shhhh secret)
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time/Gift Giving
Receiving: Acts of Service 
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Full Name: Perkins Arsenault (Perk-ins R-sen-o)
Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bi Age/Birthday: 21 (April 22)
Height: 6’2”
Ethnicity: Québécois/Canadian
Position: Switch
Likes: oka cheese (blue cheese is second best), his mom's <3, cheese. His cows!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Millie <3), calligraphy, nature hikes/long walks, road trips, baking bread, yoga, gardening, sunset/sunrise, fruit snacks, those pamphlets you get when you travel 
Dislikes: Animal cruelty, large crowds, the cold, pineapple on pizza (IT DOESNT BELONG THERE), peaches, hotel mints (he’s been tricked far too many times thinking it was just chocolate), doing nothing
Love Language
Giving: Acts of Service 
Receiving: Quality Time
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Full Name: Milo Davis (Mee-lo Day-vis)
Pronouns: He/They/She (Intersex/Genderfluid) Sexuality: Bi Age/Birthday: 25 (September 1st)
Height: 5’11”
Ethnicity: Australian
Position: Top (youre welcome Lumi)
Likes: goat cheese, strawberry milk (secretly), his tattoos, oil paint/acrylics, rock, leather clothes, BBQ fanatic (cooks really well), specific paint brushes (Rembrandt), quietness, fucking with people (will make you believe stupid things), ex-wife (1 year). Mom <3, AAA meetings, yellow, punk fashion and ideology 
Dislikes: hot dogs (will kill on sight), alcohol (ex ad.), Fighting, fake rock fans, watercolor paint, math, pickles (has cried before), mocking. Loud noise. 
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time
Receiving: Physical Touch
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Full Name: Andrés (Roberto) Rodríguez (Han-dre) (Rode-dre-gaze)
Pronouns:They/Them (amab) (agender) Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 20 (July 7th)
Height: 5’3”
Ethnicity: Cuban
Position: Switch (Top leaning)
Likes: queso nabacoa, guayaba, dancing (hip hop), family!!! Big time especially his grandfather, soccer (inter Miami CF), photography, cigarettes, caffecito 
Dislikes: puns (sorry for your loss in humor bro), water (can't swim for shit, will drown), horror movies (horror in general), anyone who says bullshit about his team <\3, being dismissed when he talks about his interests 
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time
Receiving: Acts of Service 
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Full Name: Merry Winsterfield (Mare-ee Win-stir-field)
Pronouns: She/They (enby) Sexuality: Omni Age/Birthday: 25 (May 5th)
Height: 5’5”
Ethnicity: American/Irish
Position: Bottom
Likes: cheddar, video games, Instagram-worthy dinners, social interaction, skateboarding, mom's side of the family, beer!
Dislikes: unfashionable people, being criticized, overworking herself, ducks. Hates ducks (they scare her), her dad, panic attacks
Love Language
Giving: Quality Time/Physical Touch
Receiving: Gift Giving
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Full Name: Liam Hugon (Lee-am U-ong)
Pronouns: He/Him (trans) Sexuality: Pan Age/Birthday: 22 (March 17th)
Height: 6’1”
Ethnicity: Vietnamese/American 
Position: Switch (Bottom leaning)
Likes: brie, designer clothes, big-time fashion nerd, sewing!, Drawing (has to do with fashion but has drawn other pieces), reading, Bún thịt nướng (good AF tbh, pop off Liam), high-end restaurants…like reservations are impossible to get in I mean bro, does work out (has an in-home gym ;) ) and helps out at the community garden, providing for loved one's, has a dad who was very supportive of his transition (although he's a traditional man)
Dislikes: one of the aunties that keeps telling him that he's not "a real man," and etc. Good old transphobia from old traditional people, am I right, lads, yelling, cucumber (will fight you if about how gross they are), ex (toxic mf? Can't imagine), anything that's pure wool….just ew. Being recognized in the streets/paparazzi (although not famous famous still has a following important enough)
Love Language
Giving: Gift Giving
Receiving: Words of Affirmation 
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