#like at that point the point should be zoe yeah he likes you but can we reflect on how uncomfortable that makes us and what says about you
irregodless · 1 year
cant stop thinking about how there was an episode of louder and prouder where they got mad at zoe for going out with a guy they said only dated white women when two of the girls were willing to dump their boyfriends for the guy with lighter skin and eyes
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ameagrice · 5 months
chapter thirty | fine line
percy jackson x fem reader
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There are silver streaks shared by Annabeth and Percy, scattered through their hair.
It’s something that will connect them forever, you know for certain. It’s a symbol of a shared strength.
It’s just one more thing to make your heart melt.
Realistically, you should feel nothing but proud of them both, and in your own way, you do. But there has been too much loss to feel any sort of good from the ending, and you can’t get Zoe Nightshade’s death from your mind.
“I can see the stars, my lady,” she whispered, so gently you’d barely heard her at all. The wound on her side gaped, and bled, the golden ichor of an immortal on her way out. An inch of a smile appeared on her face, struggling, before it dropped, and the light faded from Zoe Nightshade’s eyes. A wisp of silvery light lifted from her lips, drifting up into the air, before it, too, faded.
In the sky, the stars showed an image of a girl, running across the sky. Zoe Nightshade had, finally, found her peace.
Atlas was in his rightful place. His daughter had been stolen from the world. Luke Castellan was kicked to his death by Thalia’s action.
Except, they couldn’t find a body.
Body, upon body, upon body. They just kept piling up.
Bianca; Zoe; Luke. Lost lives; people who could have had so much more than they were given.
But Gods who couldn’t care any less.
And if you had to, you’d bet they didn’t even know their names.
You could see now, just why Luke was so angry. Because you felt it too. And it was terrifying.
“You don’t believe me about Luke,” Annabeth said, sounding faded amongst your thoughts. “We’ll see him again. He’s just under Kronos’s spell.”
Thalia jolted away, somehow seemingly unbothered by the height at which you travelled in the sky, Artemis in the lead. “There it is,” she pointed, sitting up. “It’s started.”
“What’s started?” Percy leaned forward, catching your hair between his hand on the seat he held onto. You didn’t say anything.
High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light. A mountain ablaze with torches and braziers.
“The Winter Solstice,” she breathed. “The Council of the Gods.”
In the early-morning darkness, torches and fires made the mountainside palaces glow twenty different colors, from bloodred to indigo. Apparently no one ever slept on Olympus. The twisting streets were full of demigods and nature spirits and minor godlings bustling about, riding chariots or sedan chairs carried by Cyclopes. Winter didn’t seem to exist here. The scent of the gardens in full bloom, jasmine and roses and even sweeter filled your senses. Music drifted up from many windows, the soft sounds of lyres and reed pipes.
Towering at the peak of the mountain was the greatest palace of all, the glowing white hall of the gods.
You touched ground outside towering, silver gates, just inside the courtyard. Pegasi travel was rather terrifying, and you were much more than glad to be alive and on the ground. Olympus glowed with warm, the kind that settled in your bones. The warm wind, blowing from nowhere, shifted your hair when you clambered down to the ground.
“Yeah,” Percy muttered.
Percy froze. “Uh—the horse. Sorry! Pegasi.”
A laugh escaped you, startling in the night. Thalia turned, eyebrow raised. “Why are you talking to a horse? It didn’t say anything.”
“Didn’t I tell you? Haven’t I told you?” He averted his gaze.
“What,” you landed your hand on your hip, waving the other to the pegasi. “You talk to animals now, too, like Grover?”
“Just sea creatures. And horses. Pegasi, sorry!”
“Yeah, you’ll really have to explain that later,” you trailed off. “We’ve got more important matters at hand.”
The Pegasi flew off, leaving yourself, Percy, Thalia and your sister together. You liked to think, years later, laying on the glass floor of a ship, that you were all trying to gather the courage after everything to step inside the giant building, and face gods you had once only ever heard about in stories.
Side-by-side, you walked into the throne room.
Twelve enormous thrones made a U around a central hearth, just like the placement of the cabins at camp. The ceiling above glittered with constellations—even the newest one, Zoë the Huntress, making her way across the heavens with her bow drawn.
All of the seats were occupied. Each god and goddess was about fifteen feet tall. Under their judging eyes, despite your own mother being one of them, you were uncomfortable.
“Welcome, heroes,” Artemis said.
That was when you noticed Bessie and Grover, the latter standing at the side of a pool of water which Bessie swam in.
“Grover! You made it.”
He started to run towards your friends, then stopped, and looked back at Zeus, who up close, felt a lot scarier than he looked. You only realized then, that there was a major difference in terror of humans, and the intimidation of gods. You could deal with this kind.
“Go on,” Zeus nodded once. But he wasn’t looking at Grover—he was looking at Thalia.
None of the gods spoke. Grover’s hooves echoed on the marble floor, Bessie the Ophiotaurus mooing warmly at your arrival.
You took the time to observe the gods up close, because you might never get the chance to again. Artemis, looking as if she hadn’t ever even been hold hostage, watched the exchange between Percy and Grover. Percy’s father, Poseidon, dressed so casually you might have laughed in other circumstances, had this sort of barely-there smile on his face, bright eyes shining just the way Percy’s own did, too. Apollo, sunglasses covering his eyes, had his earbuds in, golden head of hair tilted back to the ceiling. And…
Ares. It was impossible to not feel him looking at you. Why the special interest, you wanted to ask. Do you see yourself in me? You wondered. Do I see myself in you?
Your eyes met his dark ones, a stark difference, between the extreme fatigue, and the colors. Your eyes burned with exhaustion and the tears you had shed since yesterday. He wore his signature black leather jacket, dark, dark hair being tousled by Aphrodite’s touch. When it was obvious her husband wasn’t looking at her, perched at his side, her love-ridden smile slowly fell away, and those sparkling eyes fell on you as well.
Or maybe it’s you, I see myself in. Too romantic. Too caught up in feelings. After all, you only had so much love to spare between friends, and the dead ones.
What do you see in me? You were desperate to ask, curiosity clawing at your chest. Why am I the way I am?
Gods sometimes took a special interest in heroes. All the tales told you so. You just had to wonder, what would come of this.
Ragged and bruised, you felt as though you were being picked apart under the watchful eyes of so many olympians.
You hadn’t realized Grover was doing the rounds until he yanked you into a hug. You found it in yourself to hug him back—at least he was still alive.
“Glad you made it,” you whispered.
“You too.” He nodded. Neither of you smelled amazing after this quest, but it went uncared for. A trouble shared is a trouble deeply understood.
“You have to convince them,” he said to the remaining four of you. “They can’t do it!”
“Do what?” You blinked.
“Heroes,” Artemis called. The goddess slid down from her throne and turned to human size, a young auburn-haired girl, perfectly at ease in the midst of the giant Olympians. She walked toward your little group, her silver robes shimmering. There was no emotion in her face. She seemed to walk in a column of moonlight.
“The Council has been informed of your deeds,” Artemis spoke loudly, addressing everyone in a steady, clear tone. “They know that Mount Othrys is rising in the West. They know of Atlas’s attempt for freedom, and the gathering armies of Kronos. We have voted to act.”
There was some mumbling and shuffling among the olympians, as if they weren’t all happy with this plan, but nobody protested.
“At my Lord Zeus’s command,” Artemis said, “my brother Apollo and I shall hunt the most powerful monsters, seeking to strike them down before they can join the Titans’ cause. Lady Athena shall personally check on the other Titans to make sure they do not escape their various prisons. Lord Poseidon has been given permission to unleash his full fury on the cruise ship Princess Andromeda and send it to the bottom of the sea. And as for you, my heroes…”
She turned to face the other immortals.
And that, was the moment you saw your mother for the first time.
Dressed in a beautiful white dress, draped over one shoulder, her eyes, as gray as your own, as gray as Annabeth’s appeared lost in thought. You took the chance to just look at the woman you never thought you would meet.
“I gotta say—” Apollo cleared his throat. “These heroes did okay.” He began to recite. “Heroes win laurels—”
“Um, yes, first class,” Hermes interrupted with a side-eye in his brother’s direction. You were unable to help the smirk. “All in favor of not disintegrating them?”
A few tentative hands went up: Aphrodite, Demeter, Apollo—waving his iPod.
“Hang on a minute,” Ares growled, sitting up on his throne. He pointed at Thalia and Percy, on the other side of Annabeth. “These two are dangerous. It’d be much safer, while we’ve got them here—”
Don’t say anything, you begged yourself. Even Annabeth elbowed you.
“Ares,” Poseidon interrupted. “They are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits.”
“Nor my daughter,” grumbled Zeus. “She has done well.”
You leaned forward around your sister, who visibly shook, pale, in need of a lie down from the looks of things. Thalia blushed—you grinned wickedly. All the things you could do with this moment in the future.
Athena cleared her throat. Annabeth sighed. The goddess leaned forward. “I am proud of my daughters, as well. But I agree—there is a security issue with the other two.”
Annabeth elbowed you a little too late, this time.
“Mother!” You exclaimed.
Your heart dropped and splattered on the ground. Never had you addressed her as such. And never had she looked you in the face the way she did now.
Too late to back out, now.
“How can you just—”
Athena cut you off with a girl, but calm look. “It is unfortunate that my father, Zeus, and my uncle, Poseidon, chose to break their oath not to have more children. Only Hades kept his word, a fact that I find ironic. As we know from the Great Prophecy, children of the three elder gods…such as Thalia and Percy…are dangerous. As thickheaded as he is, Ares has a point.”
“Right!” Ares said. “Hey, wait a minute. Who you callin’—”
He started to get up, but a grape vine grew around his waist like a seat belt and pulled him back down.
“Oh, please, Ares,” Dionysus sighed. “Save the fighting for later.”
Ares cursed and ripped away the vine. “You’re one to talk, you old drunk. You seriously want to protect these brats?”
Dionysus gazed wearily. “I have no love for them. Athena, do you really think it wise to destroy them?”
“I do not pass judgement,” she said. “I only point out the risk. What we do, the Council must decide.”
“I will not have them punished,” Artemis cut in hotly. “I will have them rewarded. If we punish heroes who do us such a great favour, then we are no better than the titans, are we not? If this is Olympian justice, I will have none of it.”
“Calm down, sis,” Apollo scoffed. “Chill. Jeez, you need to lighten up.”
“Don’t call me sis! I will reward them!”
“Well, perhaps. But the monster must be destroyed. We have agreement on that?”
“Bessie?” Percy burst out. “You want to destroy Bessie?”
Your heart swelled. Gosh, he cared. It was lovely.
And then you wanted to slap yourself.
What was up with the emotions lately?
Poseidon frowned. “You have named the Ophiotaurus Bessie?”
“Dad,” Percy said. “He’s just a sea creature. A really nice sea creature. You can’t destroy him.”
Poseidon shifted uncomfortably, a trait Percy shared with him, you noted. “Percy, it’s power is considerable. If the titans were to steal it, or—”
“You can’t,” Percy insisted.
Zeus opened his mouth, looking as though he was getting antsier by the second. But you had experience with this sort of thing that needed a good negotiation, so you cut in.
“Controlling the prophecies never works. Isn’t that true?” You tried, stepping forward. All eyes landed on you, and you swallowed. “Have we not just experienced it? Are we not experiencing it now? The Ophiotaurus is innocent. Killing something like that is wrong. It’s as wrong as Kronos eating his children just because of something they might do.”
Zeus looked to be considering it. You breathed heavily, in a mild panic after consulting the king of the gods head on. If he wanted to, you could be zapped out of existence in less than a second.
“And what of the risk? Kronos knows full well, if one of you were to sacrifice the beast’s entrails you would have the power to destroy all of us. Do you think we can let this possibility remain? You, my daughter, will turn sixteen on the morrow, just as the prophecy says.”
“You have to trust them,” you tried, pleading with your eyes. “Please, you have to trust them.”
Zeus scowled. “Trust a hero?”
“She is right,” Artemis nodded slowly. “Which is why I must first make a reward. My faithful companion, Zoe Nightshade, has passed into the stars. I must have a new lieutenant. And I intend to choose one, but first, father Zeus, I must speak with you privately.”
Zeus beckoned Artemis forward, leaning to listen as she whispered to him.
“Annabeth,” Percy whispered from behind you. “Don’t.”
“Look, I need to tell you something. I couldn’t stand it if—I don’t want you to—”
Artemis turned. “I will have a new lieutenant, if she will accept it. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, will you join the Hunt?”
Your jaw almost dropped. Stunned silence filled the room.
“I will,” Thalia said firmly. She moved to your side, and then a little bit further ahead. Confident.
Zeus rose, his eyes full of concern. “My daughter, consider well—”
Don’t let him change your mind, you prayed. Hold your ground.
“Father, I will not turn sixteen tomorrow,” she shook her head. “I will never turn sixteen. I won’t let this prophecy be mine. I stand with my sister Artemis. Kronos will not tempt me again.”
She knelt down before Artemis, and repeated the same words Bianca had uttered what felt like years ago at the cliff side in the snow and weary sunlight.
When she had finished, she hugged each of you and said a few words. You felt awkward, putting your hands into your coat pockets, when Thalia stood in front of you. For once, there was no spiteful comments from either one of you. She smiled small, looking rejuvenated the same way Bianca had, as if the quest had never happened.
“You’re a good friend,” she nodded. “You’re brave. You’ve got what it takes to help them with this prophecy.” And then she leaned in, and hugged you just as she had with Annabeth and Grover and Percy. “Trust yourself.”
Thalia went and stood with Artemis, and the atmosphere changed instantly.
“Now, for the Ophiotaurus.”
“The boy is still dangerous,” Mr. D. opposed. The beast is a temptation to great power. Even if we spare the boy—”
“No.” Percy said firmly. “Please. Keep the Ophiotaurus safe. My dad can hide him under the sea somewhere, or keep him in an aquarium here. But you have to protect him.”
“And why should we trust you?”
“I’m only fourteen. If this prophecy is about me, that’s only two more years.”
“Two years for Kronos to deceive you,” Athena uttered. “Much can change in two years, young hero. It is only the truth. It is bad strategy to keep the boy alive. And the animal.”
Poseidon stood. “I will not have the creature destroyed if I can help it. And I can, help it.”
He held out his hand, and a spear shimmering with blue light appeared. “I will vouch for the boy and the safety of the Ophiotaurus.”
“You won’t take it under the sea!” Zeus stood suddenly. “I won’t have that kind of bargaining chip in your possession.”
“Brother, please,” Poseidon sighed.
Zeus’s lightening bolt appeared in his hand, and the whole room filled with the smell of ozone.
“Fine,” Poseidon nodded. “I will build an aquarium for the sea creature here, with the help of Hephaestus. The creature will be safe. The boy will not betray us. I vouch for this on my honor.”
Zeus thought about it. “All in favor?”
A dozen hands went up, besides Mr. D, your mother’s, and Ares just sat looking bored.
“We have a majority. And so, since we are not destroying these heroes, I imagine we should reward them.”
There are parties, and then there are Olympian parties. And Olympian parties are filled with gold and beautiful colours, exotic flowers and the Muses music, braziers of fire, and delicious food and drinks. It became busy very quickly, and before you knew it, you found yourself stumbling into a corner to get yourself together. All you wished to do was go to your cabin and cry. To let it all out.
“This doesn’t look like you’re partying.”
“What the hell are you? A spy? Just leave me alone.” You shoved yourself further into the corner just away from all the partying, a quiet corridor devoid of anything but cold marble and tall, golden ceilings.
Ares hummed lowly. You didn’t have to see him, shoved into the corner like a child, but you knew he was just on the other side of it.
“I’ll let you off just this once, demigod.”
You rolled your eyes. The marble edges dug into your back uncomfortably from how hard you were trying to disappear for a few minutes. “What do you want? Spit it out.”
“If you weren’t her’s, I would say you’re one of mine. You’ve got the fire, I’ll give you that. And my wife has taken a special interest in you and that boy. Her business is my business, you’ll understand. Since you’re her business, now, you’re my business, too.”
You wanted to scream at him to leave, to go away so you could breathe for five minutes. But…you really wanted to know what he had to say. Curiosity always got the better of you.
“I don’t want to be anybody’s business,” you settled on, weakly. “I’m my own person.”
“Whatever, kid. I’m just here to pass along a message.”
“Which is?”
“She says, you’re doing exactly what you should be doing.”
“Oh, really?”
You shoved away from the corner, and paused.
He’d already gone.
Making your way back into the crowd was the last thing you wanted to do, but it would be best to show your face for a little while. Eventually you made your way back to Percy. He smiled as you popped up next to him, and then slowly frowned. His green eyes glistened under all the lights.
“You’ve been crying,” he reached up, and then lowered his hand, unsure of what to do.
You laughed pitifully. “Yeah.”
Because, really, what more could you say? It was rather obvious. And you sounded as if you’d just developed the world’s worst cold and stuffy nose.
Percy still stared at you, concerned. It was touching, really.
“I’m just tired.” You nodded. “I promise. When we get back to camp you might not see me for a couple weeks. I’m about to fall off the face of the earth in sleep mode.”
He smiled, tight-lipped, those eyes dancing across your face. For the first time ever under Percy’s eyes, you felt self-conscious.
“I’ll clean up later. My dad always says I look like I’ve just done thirty rounds of coke after crying. It’s funny because it’s true,” you tried lightly.
Percy’s dark curls shook. “No,” he denied. “I think you look…I think you look pretty—uh—I mean—”
Your heart jumped into your throat, and suddenly it was difficult to breathe. Because AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
“Uhm—” you frantically tried for something to do; hair behind your ears, leaning back and forth on your heels. “Thank you. Thanks.” Heat flooded your cheeks. Percy was already scarlet in the face, nodding frantically, avoiding your eyes.
When you looked up, Athena watched from a distance, and then looked away, as if she hadn’t been interested at all. But you weren’t about to let her ruin what just happened—Percy called you pretty.
“I was thinking,” he shoved out. You turned your head, blinking expectantly. “I owe you a dance, don’t I? We got interrupted at Westover Hall, right?”
This time, you allowed yourself to smile, your heart and lungs expanding.
“Right.” You took his hand, shaking.
The music played on, a gentle tune of the future, the past, and the present.
Chiron greeted you all at the Big House with hot chocolate and toasted cheese sandwiches. Grover went off to his satyr friends, telling them all about his brief experience with Pan.
Annabeth, Percy and yourself sat with Chiron by the fire. A couple of others joined you, too—Clarisse, back from a quest of her own it seemed. Her hair was cut short, like somebody had hacked it with scissors without a care, and there was a jagged scar on her chin. For once, she kept quiet.
“I got news,” she said glumly. “Bad news.”
“I’ll fill you in later,” Chiron said with forced cheerfulness. “The important thing is you’ve prevailed. And you’ve saved Annabeth!”
The Stoll brothers were there, too. You hadn’t even looked Travis in the eye. The high of the short dance with Percy had worn off, that tiny spark of normality had gone, and left you with the sadness you’d been feeling before it. You struggled with getting Bianca and Zoe’s deaths from the front of your mind, and Thalia’s moving on. Everybody was leaving, it felt like. And everybody was too happy for what had happened along the way.
Percy, sitting next to you in front of the fire, felt the same. You could tell by the sheer look of something bordering on a deep sadness he had.
You didn’t speak.
Annabeth talked about Atlas, and where she had been kept. She yawned the whole way through, still shaking with weakness even after some ambrosia.
Chiron’s positivity spread a little bit to you tired campers, but in the end, the unwavering need to go somewhere and cry won. You set down your mug of hot chocolate, and walked away. Another chair scratched the floor behind you, as you walked away toward the fields.
“Let her be,” you heard Chiron utter. “She needs time.”
You heard happy babbling just as you wandered away, boyish, childish talking. You looked to the left, and there was Nico di Angelo, two figurines in hands, talking to himself the way children tend to do. Every organ in your body twisted painfully, and you got away before he could see you. You couldn’t be the one to tell him Bianca was long gone. You still didn’t want to believe it yourself.
The air was bitter cold, your fingertips numb already. Snow fell lightly as you wandered into where you probably shouldn’t have been. You didn’t get far until his voice caught you up.
You stopped, the snow crunching quietly. Behind you, Travis grew closer until he was right in front of you. You hadn’t even realized how tall he’d gotten until you saw him again, like seeing him in a different light.
Bundled in a red sweater and jeans, a coat and scarf atop of that, he still shivered.
“I just need to go for a walk. I’ll be alright later.” You shrugged.
Silence captured the air. Until he said, “Chiron…mentioned what happened to Nico’s sister. And the Hunter girl. Zoe. I’m—I’m so sorry.”
The first tear fell without any effort. And then you grew too cold too quickly. And crumbled.
He enveloped you instantly, as if without thought—like the action would be unknown, to hesitate in your arms. Against his warm, soft chest, Travis’s heart beat gently against your ear, his hands coming up carefully to your back, to your shoulder.
And at the end of it—Travis.
You allowed yourself the tears. Your hands scrunched at his shirt. He smelled of the outside weather, of wind
of life.
PAIN. So, we’ve reached the end of Titans Curse! How are we feeling so far about relationships and eve thing? Feedback is always appreciated!
taglist: @bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @charlesswife @jessiegerl @crackerphobic20 @mata0-0mata @jccc1000 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @nothankyou138 @i-love-books-and-the-bible @obxstiles
if they’re not highlighted, it wouldn’t let me tag you!
this chapter’s quite short. I didn’t want to drag it out too much.
aaaaand I’ve added a few more songs to the playlist (on my profile if you don’t have it saved!) if you want to give them a listen. thanks for reading!
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mymomhatesmyguts · 1 month
Budweiser (connor murphy x fem!reader)
Scenario: You're one of Connor's best friends- his only friend, in fact. You snuck through his window as you do every Friday, only to find him drunk and sobbing.
A/N: i wrote this in 2nd person but is 1st person preferred? idk, its my first time writing fanfics on tumblr :)
"Con..." You say, gently reaching out to touch his shoulder, to offer some sense of relief, even though you can tell he's far beyond hugging it out at this point.
"No, just-" He cuts himself off with a drunken hiccup as tears roll down his face. "Just leave me alone." He buries his head in his hands, his back shaking with sobs. You wish you could take him in your arms, kiss his pretty face until he stops crying, but you're just friends. Thats all. Thats all you'll ever be.
"Connor, please? Tell me what's wrong?" You coo, your voice soft enough to mirror the voice of a mother speaking to her child. He just shakes his head, flinching slightly as you rub his back gently. "Connor..." You coax, finally getting him to look up at you with his reddened, tear filled eyes.
"You don't love me." He says with a sniffle before bursting into sobs once more.
"I... what? Of course I love you." You say, almost incredulous. And it's true, of course it's true. You love him more than a dog loves his master, crave him more than a flower craves the sun, need him as much as a starving man needs a warm meal. But how can you tell your best friend that when he's drunk and sobbing on his creaky mattress at one in the morning?
"No!" He says, suddenly raising his voice as he stands up abruptly. "No, no, no, you don't love me the way I love you!" The tears roll of his cheeks like raindrops in a thunderstorm. He hiccups dryly, slurring his speech as he continues. "I... I want to kiss you and I want... I want you to be my girlfriend-"
"Connor, you're drunk." You cut him off, almost numb with shock.
"But that doesn't mean my feelings arent real!" He says, shouting now, without any regard for his sleeping sister and parents.
"Con..." Your voice is soft again, kind, the honey-sweet voice he's come to crave every night. "Believe me. If you were sober I would... I would kiss you right now, but you're drunk. I don't want this to be a drunken regret, and I don't want to take advantage of you." You say sternly, but not unkindly. Connor sinks to the bed, smiling goofily now.
"Yeah?" He says, grinning ear-to-ear like a fool. He giggles, then hiccups again, which makes you laugh and then you're both laughing and trying to shush each other at the same time, for fear of awaking Zoe, or worse- Cynthia and Larry.
"Yeah." You whisper, smiling at his dumb grin as you stand, dusting off your jeans. "Text me in the morning if you still feel the same when you're sober, yeah?"
"M'kay. G'night.." He slurs, falling backwards onto his bed.
"Sweet dreams," You whisper as you slide open the window, but as you turn back to check on him one last time, he's already snoring into his tear-stained pillow.
A/N: AAAHHHH i'm scared this is really bad but whatever ig?? i looooove connor sm i think we should actually get married. feedback in comments pls? 🥺🥺
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levi501ackerman · 24 days
Silly | Hange x Reader Fluff
I have this in my head but I'm too lazy to write so bullet points it is
You didn't know anyone in Levi squad most of them came from the southern cadet corp. You are from the north. They all knew each other and to them you were the new one.
You met them along with Captain Levi in a hide out cabin.
They were all very nice and welcoming. You remained reserved and barely spoke.
You roomed with Sasha and Mikasa. They're the ones that hear you talk the most. You felt the most comfortable around them and Armin.
You cleaned well and you were helpful with Eren's titan experiments. Captain Levi took a liking to you. He thought you were intelligent, quiet, respectful and didn’t complain.
While doing an experiment you see a woman you've seen many times along with a man talking to Captain Levi. She and the guy lept down the cliff to pull Eren out of his titan form. You saw this as an opportunity.
"Excuse me, Captain, who's that woman you were just talking to?"
"Section Commander Hange Zoe." Levi said.
You look at her pulling out Eren and screaming.
"Will she be around us, a lot?" You asked politely.
"Why?" Levi asked, you blushed then turned away.
"Just curious, thank you, sir." You walked back to your post seeing Hange pulling Eren all the way out.
"L/N," you looked over your shoulder giving your attention to Levi. "The tea you made last night was good. Please make some tonight."
"Thank you, yes sir."
You made the tea and you made sure to do it perfectly knowing your Captain actually likes it.
While at dinner with everyone you ate your soup and you are in your head like you usually are. You thought of story ideas and some books you've read.
Along with the rest of the table, you laughed at a joke Connie told.
You knew Sasha will always take your left overs and so you passed your bowl of soup to her.
"You're the best! I love you!" Sasha exclaimed.
Later Levi squad are in their rooms and Levi and Hange are talking about tomorrow’s schedule. About an hour later Hange decided she should go to her squad’s hide out cabin.
Levi stays seated at the dining table sipping his tea and rereading plans.
As Hange passed the stairs, you muster out a “Hi.” She turns to you on the stairs and smiled.
“Hi there!” Hange said.
“Section Commander Hange Zoe, right? My names Y/N.” You said descending the stairs and extending a handshake.
“Yes Y/N! Ive heard of you, its nice to formally meet you.” Hange shook your hand and noticed how short you are.
You can’t help blush, but you’ve been wanting to talk to her, so you try your best to continue to conversation. “Your glasses are really cute, they suit you.”
“THANK YOU! I’m practically blind without them!” Hange said beaming. You boldly take them off her face and hold out your hand.
“$100 and you get them back,” you said deadpan. Hange bursted laughing and you laugh too, happy she liked your joke. While you both are laughing you offer her glasses back. “Here.”
“Oh I’m grateful you dropped your ransom.” She put them back on her face..
“Yeah I don't need them since I can see better than you.” You shot back. Hange laughed more, her smile bigger, and because of her contagious laugh and energy you join. She pushed your shoulder playfully.
“Who even are you?” Hange rhetorically managed to ask through her red face and teary eyes starting develop. You feel satisfied that she is enjoying conversing with you.
Levi heard all this from the dining room and is in disbelief that you were saying all this considering you rarely joined conversations. It’s late and he's ready to send you back to bed.
“You’re funny, I can see why Levi picked you to be in his squad,” Hange smiled ear to ear.
“She’s more talkative than usual.” Levi said behind Hange and it made Hange jump. “What’s the reason you’re down here?” He asked.
“I’m sorry Captain, I just wanted to get a drink of water then I ran into section commander Hange and wanted to introduce myself.” You said genuinely.
“Get your water and back to bed. We have early hours tomorrow.” Levi remembered that you were respectful and not a trouble maker like Jean and Sasha.
“Yes, sir."
“You keep chatting to Hange, she might piss herself.” He said.
“Piss for me.” You said while looking into her eyes. Hange cackles throwing her head back then puts a hand on your shoulder holding herself up from doubling over. You giggle then gradually laughed harder. To the point where you both are laughing silently.
Levi stood there with his arms crossed watching this play out. He's confused where this witty side came from. He's wondering how your stupid line is causing you both to cry from laughing.
You're pleased that you're making this extremely cute woman laugh at everything you say. Both of your energies are causing you both to find everything funny.
When you both start calming down. Hange glanced at Levi's expressionless face, she couldn't contain her laughter, causing you to giggle a little more.
"Okay, you go back to your cabin" he said with a slight amusement in his tone. He began pushing Hange toward the door. "You, off to bed."
"It was nice to meet you," you said wishing you could talk to Hange more.
"Goodnight Y/N! I'm glad we officially met!" You feel so satisfied with the outcome as you walk to the sink.
You replay the conversation in your head. You grab a glass and start getting water from the faucet. Hange enjoying your company and having her laugh with you makes you elated. You notice your heart beating out of your chest.
You chug the water and and then refill the glass to take upstairs. You spot Levi standing with his arms crossed, as you turned to start heading upstairs.
"You're secretly weird, aren't you?" Levi asked and you didn't know how to answer it. You couldn't tell if he was mad or wanted a certain answer.
"I'm sorry Captain for the late night disturbance, I'm heading to bed." You said strolling pass him.
"What's with the formalities when you just told a commander to piss for you?"
Author's Note: Finals is over I can write more! I just wanted to get this out cuz I had this idea of a reserved reader with a silly side and just wanting to make hange laugh. I've been thristing over hange these past few weeks lol. Anyways hoped you enjoyed. There's not enough Hange x reader out there I'll make more lol <3
I've also thought of a Reader in Wonderland. They fall in and meet Hange as the Mad Hatter, Armin as McTwisp, and I haven't thought more into it except basically she gotta fuck Hange, fuck Levi in order to escape. Idk Im just horny going on 2 weeks of being single and I want Hange's strap.
I also have a vampire AU in mind but its dirty af and smutty? Lmao
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galahadwilder · 1 year
Marry Me AU
Look, I liked the webcomic way back when, but I loved the movie. It’s been rent-free in my head all day. Sue me.
Marinette is a chronically single up-and-coming designer who had an extra ticket to fashion week after Alya had to back out. She’s not a particular fan of Gabriel designs, and she knows very little about his son except that he’s the guy from the perfume ads and he’s friends with the girl who used to bully her in middle school. Her school friend Wayhem, however, is obsessed with Adrien, and when he found out she had a spare ticket and nobody to go with (Zoe already has a ticket and will be meeting her there) he begs her to let him come and also to go to the Gabriel show with him.
Adrien Agreste is a full-time model who has never really had any control over his life. Everything he does is dictated by his father and his brand team. He’s been told that he will be marrying Chloé Bourgeois to unify the two fashion empires, but he’s really not looking forward to it because Chloé is kind of awful. But he can’t go against his father.
After Marinette finishes a rather successful show, she sets in to enjoy the rest of fashion week, with the singular exception of suffering through the Gabriel show. Wayhem brings a “Marry Me” sign to Adrien’s catwalk run, which—while bizarre—Marinette can’t exactly fault him for given that she did something similar for the Clara Nightingale concert back in 8th grade.
Wayhem and Zoe, who should not have been allowed to meet, spend most of the Gabriel show talking to each other, since Wayhem has finally met someone who actually personally knows Adrien Agreste and has kind of gone feral. Zoe insists he’s actually really nice. Marinette could not give a single crap. Dude’s Chloé’s fiancé. He sucks.
Adrien comes out on the catwalk, and Wayhem hands Marinette the sign so he can take out his phone and start filming.
Partway down his walk, Adrien stops.
His entire life has been managed, set, staged by other people. If he marries Chloé, it’s going to keep being like that—he’s never going to get the chance to make his own decisions, just living the life other people tell him to live. He’s staring into the faces of this crowd, into the face of a life he’s never wanted… and has a full-on mental breakdown.
He sees the girl in the second row—she’s beautiful, one part of his mind notices—holding up a sign that says Marry Me. And before he knows it, he’s making the first decision for himself that he’s ever made—he’s pointing at her, telling her, yes. Yes I will marry you.
Wayhem is screaming. Zoe is screaming. They both bundle a confused and terrified Marinette onto the catwalk, and since Zoe got ordained for the Kitty Section Julerose Wedding Concert she’s able to officiate right there and then. Marinette’s too caught up in the moment to say anything—and then she sees the sadness in Adrien’s eyes, and how excited he seems to be at the prospect of doing this, and she can’t bring herself to say anything other than “I do” when Zoe asks.
The wedding isn’t, technically speaking, legal. But in the eyes of the public… well. The Adrien Agreste just grabbed some nobody out of a crowd at random and married her onstage instead of his glamorous and wealthy fiancée. It’s all anyone in Paris is talking about.
And Marinette is starting to realize that this sad, kind, and—oh yeah, sculpted-out-of-marble hot boy may actually be just the kind of guy she’d given up on looking for…
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whumpdoyoumean · 8 months
Whumptober #2
This is set post-Serenity!
part 2 part 3
xxx i’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back
Mal turns the water up, steam billowing around him. He usually likes his showers cold, brief, and to the point, but right now the hot water feels good on his stiff joints and aching muscles. He lets the water fall over him, eyes closed as he lets out a long breath and tries to relax. He’s been on edge lately, and he’s not sure why. Things have been quiet…maybe that’s the issue. He feels like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
He’s been around long enough to know that there’s always another shoe. 
He lets out a long sigh. 
“What’s the matter, Cap?”
Mal’s eyes snap open and he turns the water off, heart hammering. That sounded like…
That’s impossible.
He shakes his head in an effort to clear it, sending droplets of water flying in every direction.
“C’mon,” he mutters to himself. “Don’t be stupid.”
“I dunno, stupid is kinda your default.”
Mal whirls around and startles so bad he almost falls. Wash is standing directly in front of him. Mal shuts his eyes tight and counts to ten and then opens them, and the pilot is gone. He takes a shaky breath and reaches for his towel.
“Gwai-gwai long duh dong…”
He’s imagining things. It’s exhaustion, maybe, or maybe his blood sugar is low? He’ll grab something to eat and hit the sack early, sleep whatever this is off. 
Things’ll be better in the morning.
Things are not better in the morning. He wakes up feeling like death warmed over; every part of him hurts and he keeps getting chills down his spine. He opens his eyes and immediately closes them, letting out a groan. His head is pounding…The travel time between planets can be hard sometimes, but right now he’s grateful for it. It means he can get away with staying in his bunk a little longer.
“You gonna stay in bed all day?” 
Mal’s eyes snap open and he bolts upright, ignoring the ache that radiates through his body. He takes a few deep breaths. “You’re not real.”
“It’s funny, you saying that out loud. Who, exactly, are you trying to convince?” Wash (Not Wash, Mal reminds himself) brushes his nose with one hand then points at Mal. “You’ve got a little something.”
Mal reaches up to his own nose right as a drop of blood hits his top lip. “Aiya!” He lets out a steady stream of curses as he tilts his head back and pinches his nostrils to stem the blood flow.
“You should talk to Simon,” Wash says.
“Why, ‘cus I got a little nosebleed?”
“Well, that. And you’re talking to a dead man.”
Mal lets out a little hum as he slowly releases the hold on his nose, relieved to find that the bleeding has stopped. “Yeah, I don’t think the doc is that kind of doc,” he mutters. “Why are you here?”
But Wash is gone.
“You okay, Cap’n? No offense, but you look like niou-se.”
“Thanks, Kaylee,” Mal says as he pours himself a cup of shitty coffee. His hands are trembling. He hopes it isn’t noticeable. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Simon has a small frown on his face. “Because Kaylee is right, you really don’t look well.”
Mal lets out a disbelieving scoff and turns to Zoe for support. She raises her hands and shakes her head.
“Don’t look at me. I agree with them.”
“Well I don’t think you look any worse’n usual, Cap,” Jayne pipes up, and Mal gestures at him. 
“See?” he says. “I’m fine.”
“Liar.”  It’s Wash who says it, from the corner of the room, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans casually against the wall. 
“Shut up,” Mal says, low. 
Jayne lets out an indignant noise. “I didn’t say nothin’!” 
The others are looking at him. He can feel their stares, can sense the concern coming off them in waves. He doesn’t like it. He shakes his head, setting his barely-touched coffee on the table. 
“Your sister on the bridge, Doc?”
“Um, yes. She is. Do you want me to--”
“Shut your mouth and leave me alone?” Mal throws him a sarcastic smile. “Yes, I do. That sounds like a mighty fine idea, actually! I’m gonna go check in with River. I suggest you all get back to…whatever it is needs doing.”
He storms out of the room and into the small passageway that leads to the bridge. He’s tempted to just go back to his bunk and lay down. Every part of him hurts. His head is the worst. The ache that he’s been enduring the last few days has progressed and now it feels like someone is trying to break their way out of his brain with an ice pick. But he’s the captain, and he’s got a ship to run. He’s run it in worse shape than this. He hasn’t been shot or stabbed, nothing’s broken, and he’s got both his ears, so he can handle this. 
“You’re shaking, Mal,” Wash points out unhelpfully.
“Yeah, well, you’re dead,” he says under his breath, and immediately feels a sharp pang of guilt, and the ache in his chest that comes whenever he thinks too much about the people he’s lost. 
Wash just laughs, a cold, mirthless sound that makes the hairs on the back of Mal’s neck stand on end. He walks faster, doing his best to ignore the presence of his dead pilot. He’s breathing hard by the time he reaches the bridge, and he stands at the bottom of the stairs for a second to catch his breath before he climbs up. River looks over her shoulder at him.
“Morning, Captain.”
“Hey, she’s in my seat,” Wash says. 
River smiles. “I hope you don’t mind.”
Mal’s heart leaps. He’s about to say You can see him? when River points to a little bobble-head cat settled amongst Wash’s plastic dinosaurs. Mal recognizes it as one that she’d picked up at the last port.
“He was lonely on my shelf, I thought maybe he would like the company…” She frowns, tilting her head to one side. She’s staring at Mal with that look she gets, the one that means she’s pondering something deeply. “You’re sick.”
Mal lets out a frustrated breath. “Not you too,” he says, and the words are barely out of his mouth before he’s hit by a sudden wave of dizziness. He grabs the back of the chair in front of him in a tight grip to keep from falling, closing his eyes and pressing the heel of his hand against his forehead. The pain behind his eyes sharpens to a bright crescendo and he can’t stop a cry from escaping him as falls to his knees. 
“Captain?” River’s voice is high and tight with fear. Mal wants to reassure her, but he can barely think through the agony in his head. “Simon!” 
“‘m okay,” he manages to gasp, and then his mouth fills with the taste of blood and his world goes black.
xxx to be continued…
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jacksjargon · 1 month
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cjrights · 13 days
Night routine with Zoe (oneshot)
The game had been intense all night. UConn and Ohio were really going after it- a foul must’ve been called every three minutes. Unfortunately for UConn it meant they lost Ice to foul troubles and almost Aaliyah on a block call.
Which is why when Paige grabbed the ball and ran out the remaining shot clock to win the game Zoe couldn’t help the huge smile across her face.
“You guys did it!” She yelled in a rare moment of excitement, Ice and the rest of the bench hollering at the top of their lungs as everyone rushed onto the course. As everyone crowded in Zoe felt her nerves rise and bolted for the team not at all wanting to get crushed in the crowd.
“Ayy we did it!” Shouted KK excitedly as Aaliyah wrapped her arm around Zoe’s shoulder and lightly nudged her into the circle of sweaty players.
Zoe smiled, “congrats guys!”
Paige’s eyes brightened having just seen her. “Zozo! I missed my mini me!” She declared, pulling her up by the forearms and swinging her up onto her shoulders, ignoring the blush on the smaller brunettes face.
“But I was over on the bench the whole time…” she mumbled, looking slightly confused as the team chuckled at their interaction- it was no surprise that Paige had done that. Hell, Zozo was practically the blondes shadow at practice always wanting to shoot or partner with her and even spent the night with her a few times if her dad was away on bussiness (which he was quite a bit lately).
“I can still miss you.”
“Heads up guys, looks like the media found us.” Mumbled Zoe suddenly from her vantage point, “this is gonna be a long night…” she mumbled quietly, slipping down from Paige’s back, opting to hover at her side instead. A large crowd was approaching asking for autographs or press conferences or photos. Zoe hadn’t miss the camera flashing a photo of her on Paige’s shoulders earlier.
“Yeah can’t lie I could use a nap….” KK admits, a large yawn escaping her jaws. Zoe just resisted the urge to groan knowing it was about to be loud, overstimulating, and tiresome for a good two hours. They were hurried along to a folding table already prepped with mics and folding chairs for all of the girls.
“Come on Zozo, you can sit between us,” Nika stated, patting the space between her and Paige at the interview and smiling Zoe took it, albeit a bit hesitant. Truthfully she didn’t know if she should even be there; she wasn’t a player and she’d feel terrible if she took away time from one of the girls.
The reporter frowned. “Which player is this again?” She asked crinkling her nose. Zoe burned red, and almost immediately tried to leave. Luckily Nika grabbed her gently by the scruff and sat her back down, frowning at the lady. “Her name is Zoe. She is our manager and will be sitting with us and being respected, as she does so.” Nika states adding a stony glare at the word respect.
Now noticing the death glares almost every UConn member was sending at her she began to talk- and boy did she talkkk. Zoe yawned tiredly around the hour mark, it was now 11:44 and she was beyond ready for bed.
“I know bub, just a bit longer,” Nika murmured quietly, feeling her head flop onto her shoulder and ghosting a hand through thr soft brunette curls. She herself was ready to go the sweat was clinging to her body and honestly she was bored with the whole thing with the post win adreniljne being replaced by tiredness. Nika tried to ignore the cameras flashing photos of them; knowing fully well it would be all over social media tomorrow and bound to have a couple haters in the comment section. Fucking idiotic people Nika thought.
Eventually she felt Paige tapping her on the shoulder, smiling lightly. “Cmon Zozo we’re done with interviews for now.” Nodding sleepily she got to her feet, motions sluggish and slightly clumsy from the late night. “Almost your bedtime isn’t it?” She asked teasingly.
At this the zoes eyes widened and she immediately shook her head. “No! I still have a while and im not tired just-“ she was cut off by a yawn escaping. “Resting my eyes,” she mumbled rubbing at them with her fists.
Aaliyah rolled her eyes, “yeah you’re not tired just like im not taller than you.”
“Don’t make me go to bed!” Zoe whined, pouting slightly as they followed the path to the exit, clustered closely together around her. “We literally just finished the game and you guys are probably gonna stay up and celebrate without me.”
Paige just rolled her eyes, “considering im soaked in sweat and my legs feel ready to give out I don’t think im celebrating.”
“Second,” mumbled KK.
“Whatever!” She grumbled and stormed ahead onto the bus ignoring the slight laughter behind her.
Paige chuckled lightly as Azzi shook her head fondly, “bub gets grumpy when she doesn’t go to bed early.” She laughed as Paige and the others nod their agreement.
“Y’all I got an idea,” KK stated suddenly, eyes flashing with a menacing mischievousness the team had become all too familiar with.
“Ohhh boy….” Mumbled Azzi as the circle closed and they began to go through the plan.
Zoe had already settled down on the bus quietly laid in her seat and was just putting her AirPods in for a bit of white noise. She had her favorite blanket tucked under chin and her husky stuffy resting just beside her. She didn’t know where the rest of the team was they’d literally been right behind her and now they were gone. But she did want them to get back soon- she was tired and ready for a long sleep back at the hotel.
Resting her head on the window with her legs folded out in front of her she leaned back and had nearly dozed off by the time the team entered the bus. Zoe didn’t bother to open her eyes- they’d all settle into their seats in a second she figured, going back to her mind lulled sleep state. That was until Paige started talking.
“Hey yall it’s Paige here and we just pulled out the w against Ohio so now we going back to the hotel. But i think we should take yall along with us!”
Zozo gave a soft groan internally but ignored them, as long as they weren’t yelling she could still sleep. Huffing slightly she pulled her blanket up tighter and rolled over to press herself against the side of the seat.
“So tonight we gonna do something really special and give yall Zozos goodnight routine.”
Her eyes snapped open. What the hell?! Zoe groaned and turned back into the seat, “I don’t have a goodnight routine with you people.” She called, voice muffled with her face pressed into the seats. “Leave me alone and let me nap for Pete’s sake!”
A slight wave of giggles followed her call and she knew she heard Paige do the same before continuing, “now anyways. Y’all can clearly see Zozos cranky cause it’s past her bedtime and she needs to get to be so tonight is gonna be rough,” she chatted to the camera, sounding as though she was taking care of a one year old as a single mom.
“I hate you all,” she grumbled as the team surrounded her and suddenly there were people other than Paige doing the talking.
“Awe, Zozo are you ready for bed?” Cooed a voice she thought belonged with ice, as a hand started patting her back.
“Oh come on people leave me alone!” She whined fidgeting slightly in her seat.
“Zozo don’t make us put you in timeout. We all know you’re sleepy but there’s no need to be grumpy.” Stated Azzi, looking at the girls half exposed eye, looking unimpressed at the eye roll she received.
“Why are all of you acting like a bunch of mommy bloggers on TikTok?”
Nika shrugged, surprising the smile that twitched on her lips. “Well let’s see. We have us the moms, you the baby, and the app so we’re pretty much there,” she replied, trying to keep her laughter down at Zoe’s half asleep eye roll.
“I’m thirteen years, not thirteen months.”
“Yall yall, back on topic.” Stated Aaliyah who was currently filming the whole thing with KK at her side.
Paige cleared her throat, “anyways now one thing we all like to do,” she stated, gesturing at Nika and Azzi and Ice, seemingly the ‘moms’, “is car safety. You know we always gotta make sure Zoe’s buckled and all nice and secure so let’s fix her up.”
“Ay!” Zoe helped slightly as suddenly she was lifted up from laying down by her armpits and forced into an upright position. “Come on Paige I was sleeping nice and peacefully!”
“Not safely though!” Lectured Ice. “And don’t worry all you mama bears we always make sure her buckles on,” she stated clipping the belt across her lap ignoring the look she was given.
“But we also gotta make sure babies comfortable which is why we give her the blankie and plushie.” Azzi added, throwing the blanket over Zoe’s legs, while Nika offered her the stuffed dog. “And now she’s all nice and cozy for the bus ride back!” She chuckled deciding to push it by grabbing the girls cheek in a pinch.
“Okay can baby go goodnight for a while?” Zoe asked, deciding if playing along meant more sleep then she would be ok with it.
Nika smiled, “yes baby you can go nini now. You three go sit up front I can watch her.” She nodded at Paige and Ice and all the others who’d gathered, who agreed and said a brief ‘nini’ to zoe as well, before retreating to their own seats, ignoring the glare Zoe was giving them.
“Why are yall like this again?” She questioned Nika, taking her sitting down as an opportunity to lean against her shoulder tiredly allowing a soft yawn to escape.
Nika shrugged with a half apologetic smile, nudging some of her curls behind her ear, “have you met our family?”
Zoe just smiled slightly before closing her eyes for a peaceful night…at long last…
At least for about twenty minutes she had her peace and then the bus pulled into the hotel.
“Alright…” whispered Azzi carefully making her way back to the bus where Nika sat with zoe still haphazardly flopped on her shoulder. “Awwe looks like our babies tired, hm Niks?” She questioned, to which the brunette nodded to, before placing a finger over her lips.
“Never wake a sleeping baby.” She whisper stated, just as the others made their way back, Paige in the lead with Ice behind.
“Ok yall,” Paige whispered into the camera, “we’re getting to the actual routine now I promise, we just gotta get Zozo inside without waking her. Ice?” She looked over at the taller girl expectantly. Nodding carefully, Ice reached over to undo the buckle, all of them sucking in a sharp breath when the girl twitched slightly. Cautiously, as though she was made of glass Ice scooped her up, pausing for a second to make sure the girls neck wasn’t flopping around.
Just as she turned to move off she heard Azzi hiss at her to stop, “here put the blanket on her if she wakes up it’ll be a long night for us all.” She stated, acting as if she was dealing with an actual infant. Albeit a bit awkward looking, Ice did manage to get the blanket around her, unfortunately as she headed down the steps Zoe took that moment to come to.
“Ice…?” She asked tiredly, narrowing bleary eyes at her. “What’s going on?” She asked confused as to why she was in a swaddle and being carried around, “like I appreciate it but I can still walk? Hey! No no no!” She hissed wiggling frantically when she saw they were about to enter the hotel, cheeks already bright red at the thought.
“Zoe relax, I highly doubt anyone will actually be awake past midnight,” Nika stated lightly, amused but trying to be confident and comforting at the same time.
“I hate you guys! You weren’t even mommy bloggers or whatever the heck they’re called!” She whined, shoving her face into Ice’s collarbone, trying to annoy the amused chuckles that followed, only thurning redder when she remembered that Aaliyah and KK were filming the whole time.
If Zoe had her way she would’ve taken a boatload melatonin and slept like a rock on the bus.
Luckily, Nika was true to her word and no one was out beside the receptionist, whom just smiled at the team and ‘baby’ even giving Zoe a slight wave; smiling the larger they’d ever scene when Zoe shoved herself deeper into Ice and the blanket. Once they were out of the elevator she tugged on Ices shirt expectantly, “alright funs over guys I’m going to bed for real.” She stated, grateful when her feet were reunited with the ground. “Thank youuuu.” She said happily turning to walk down the hall to her room, only to stop after realizing that her ‘moms’ were still following, despite the rest of the team breaking off. “Okay y’all are just being weird now it’s past my bedtime…” she muttered, chuckling slightly, before bolting down the hall as fast as she could. “Gonna die gonna die gonna die!” She chanted over and over knowing fully well the girls would be pissed that she’d just ruined the fun of their little mommy blog skit. “Shit shit shit,” she huffed wheeling down the staircase as fast as she could knowing damn well they were chasing after her. “Sorry!” Yelped Zoe, after almost smashing into some poor maid with a cleaning cart, “didn’t mean it have a good night!”
Internally Zoe panicked, she had no idea where the hell to go, she was only close to the lobby and the pool area now. As she rounded the corner she saw the lobby with its couches and front desks, immediate relief coursing through her. She almost slammed into Geno at how fast she hurled into his side but didn’t luckily. He glanced down in surprise, the athletic trainer he’d been speaking to doing the same. “Hello to you to Zoe. Mind explaining why you’re not in your room like we told you to be? And why are you so sweaty?”
Zoe winced putting her hands on her knees and trying to get her breath, “Geno, your girls..Paige…Azzi,” she paused for a second. “They were-“
Zoe got cut off at the sight of all six involved finally reappearing after the corner, looking notabley winded and pissed off. “Help,” she squeaked in terror burying her face into her foster grandfather.
“Jesus Zoe your fast.” Huffed Ice trying to get her breath back, “also ratting us out to Geno? Just a dirty move.”
At this she perked her head up for a second, “not my fault you all blew an ACL or something and can’t get downstairs as fast as me,” she huffed, shrinking back into Geno slightly at the glare sent her way.
“Girls.” Geno stated as they slowed down. “Care to explain yourselves?” He asked, tone slipping into one only heard on the court. He looked around between the six, who all became very interested in the floor. “I mean come on something’s gotta be wrong if Zoe just came barreling into here at a full blown sprint basically begging me to save her.”
Paige shuffled slightly, “was a joke Geno, that’s all.”
Zoe snorted at this. “A joke? You people kept waking me up and followed me back to my hotel room!”
“Yeah and then you sprinted down a hallway!”
“It’s 12:30 in the morning, i wanna sleep!”
“Girls!” Geno barked before a real squabble could break out. “1. You all need to chill about the TikToky media stuff, yall get distracted. 2. Zoe maybe don’t lead them on a wild goose chase at 12;30 through a busy hotel?”
“Sorry Geno…” she mumbled quietly, ducking her head.
“Yeah I geuss we’re sorry to…” mumbled KK having the good sense to look remotely ashamed.
He nodded in satisfaction. “All of you go to bed, long bus ride and practice tomorrow.” He stated, lightly patting Zoe on the head before turning back to his previous conversation.
Zoe and the girls reach the elevator rather quickly, all of them climbing in together.
“Y’all were acting really creepy just so you know.” She muttered as the elevator went up.
Ice scoffed, “how?”
“I don’t know maybe by pretending to be my mothers then chasing me down a damn hall way?!”
“She does make a point…” Nika mumbled. Then her eyes glimmered with hopefulness. “But you know…we could still finish our video…” she looked at Zoe with hopeful puppy eyes, all of the others mirroring her.
“ugh fine, just do it quickly,” she groaned, knowing that it would be a waist if they just ignored all the work they’d already done.”
“Really?” KK asked excitedly, Zoe giving a slight nod. Expectantly she offered her hands up, fighting back the smile as Ice grinned and immediately scooped her up making sure she was comfortable.
“Let’s just be quick about it,” Zoe mumbled allowing a squeaky yawn to escape, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Paige nodded quickly and she retreated back to her nook in Ices collarbone which had quickly become her favorite spot for ignoring people. By this point Zoe had stopped listening, heck, she was half asleep before they were halfway to her room. She only twitched awake after hearing the keycard scan and the door open, all but jumping from Ice when she spotted her bed. “Oh thank god,” she grunted in relief, shoving her face into the pillows, “it is bedtime.” Scrambling hurriedly to get under her blankets, she was grateful for her husky plush to be returned, tucking her securely beneath her arm, before squirming around to find her spot of the night, Azzi even going as far to pat the comforter down once she’d settled.
She heard them all smothering a laugh before Nika settled on the comforter next to her. “Okay yall that is the end of this blog. Now Zoe’s just gonna get a song and go to sleep so honestly, I don’t think you need to see anymore, so hope y’all have a goodnight bye!” She whispered, the others doing the same, Zoe offering a half lifted hand.
“Night zozo,” KK whispered, Ice, Aaliyah, Azzi all mimicking the call. Only Paige and Nika stayed considering they were her roommates. She could still her Paige’s giggles at the footage as she headed to the bathroom, presumably to shower before bed. Nika stayed out with her, glancing down at her with slight amusement. “You’re a good sport Zozo aren’t you?”
She snorted slightly. “Damn right. I could’ve went to bed a lot earlier if it wasn’t thanks to you.”
“Ay, language,” Nika scolded, giving her a light swat to the neck, smirking at the huff she received. “Zozo appropriate language only.”
Zoe pouted slightly and turned away in seeming annoyance.
Nika just rolled her eyes fondly, patting her head. “Night night Zoe.”
“Wait Nika…” she started hesitantly making the Croatian pause expectantly, “you said I get a song?” She asked soft hazel-brown eyes hopeful. Zoe wouldn’t ever admit it, but Nikas voice was one of her favorites to hear, like melatonin in a song form. It never failed to calm her nerves or put her to sleep and she certainly wasn’t letting an opportunity to hear the Croatian sing c especially if no teammates were around to mock the pair for it.
The older girl smiled returning to her place back on the comforter, beginning to hum as Zoe curled up on her shoulder again, lightly running her hand through the brunette curls. Nika never minded signing for Zoe even if the younger brunette thought she did. Hell, she was honored Zoe thought so highly of her voice and trusted her enough to ask for the song.
Nika’s undeniably soothing Croatian lullaby had been the final nail in the coffin, listening to the rythametic hums that left her chest each time she said a particular word. It was undoubtedly the most soothing thing zoe had ever had, between the hair stroking, warm bedding and Nikas shoulder, and the loving softness of the foreigners voice. Nika smiled seeing how quickly she’d gone to sleep, Zoe loved that lullaby even if she hardly ever asked her to sing it. Deciding that she to had an early night she just sighed and repositioned so both her and Zozo could have a good nights sleep.
“laku noć zoe, volimo te iako si dosadna.”
When Paige came out of the shower and saw what was quite possibly to the cutest sight she’d ever seen, she couldn’t resist, snapping probably a hundred photos to send to the group chat, smiling all the way as little hearts appeared for each new message.
Where in the hell this motivation came from not a clue. But I ain’t complaining. Sidenote I want someone to sing me a lullaby now. Also I know this is a weird fic leave me alone ok people I didn’t know what else to write-
this is adorable oh my goodness and so canon
you always get it every time baby 😚😚
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leffee · 15 days
Day 23: Lemonade
Anthro au :)
Also, there are degrees mentioned in this one, my ass is using Celsius, America or not, I don't think it will hurt anybody, and I actually know what they mean, Fahrenheit on the other hand? Nuh-uh.
“Man, it’s so hoooot,” Pepper whined and tugged on her crossed legs.
“Yes, you have already said it like 20 times.” Zoe fanned her sweat-covered face, not stopping even when the chilly air produced by the ventilator hit her.
“Cause it’s still true!” Everyone groaned in agreement.
They were all at Zoe’s house. It was the middle of the summer - perfect time to enjoy her outdoor pool… or so they thought. They tried to push the scorching heat to the back of their minds and enjoy the water, the sunbeds, the tanning but… eventually they simply needed to admit that the sun was too much today and that inside will have to do. So now, instead of enjoying some water fun, the group sat on the floor with a ventilator in front of them, gracing each of them with a puff of cold air from time to time as it rotated. Even Zoe and Minka who normally thrived in hot temperatures were now slumped on the floor and panting heavily. 
Everyone was displeased with the weather, well, almost everyone.
“I wish it was just a little bit warmer, then it would be one hundredth percent perfect!”
They all turned to glare at Vinnie.
“You are an actual psychopath.”
“It’s like, forty degrees outside, if it gets any warmer, I think we will all perish.”
“Shut up, please, just shut up.”
Vinnie who has just entered the room chuckled at his friends,’ in his opinion, dramatic reactions. Being cold-blooded was normally a pain in the ass, but there were at least the tiniest number of situations when it was actually a plus. Still, he did feel kinda bad for everyone else.
“Maybe I can do something to help?”
“As much as we appreciate the offer, I don’t think there is anything you can do.” Penny sighed and leaned backwards on her palms.
“Or maybe…” Russell thought aloud as the air ruffled his hair. “Zoe, do you have ice cream or anything similar? Sorbets, maybe?”
Zoe merely shook her head.
“I wish. Yesterday when those three were here,” She pointed carelessly at Pepper - who grinned, Penny - who chuckled a bit, and Minka - who simply motioned a peace sign, “we ate all the frozen treats I had.”
“Wonderful,” Sunil huffed. 
“Mmmhm.” Zoe breathed a sigh. But then, “Wait! I might not have anything cold to eat but I did make some, well, lots of lemonade this morning, this should do, right?” She looked around at her friends who all nodded. So then, in this case just one tiny problem remained – nobody really wanted to move and risk heating up even more, at least nobody directly next to her. “Vinnie!” She called out.
“Yeah?” He asked when he approached closer to the semicircle "of shame", though he did deliberately avoid getting anywhere close to the fan’s radius.
“There are pitchers of lemonade in my fridge, take them out and bring us some,” Zoe ordered.
“Okay.” Vinnie nodded. “Can I have some too?”
“Yes, sure, just make it quick.” She waved him off and let her back hit the floor.
“And add plenty of ice cubes to our glasses!” Penny yelled behind Vinnie.
“Yeah, and be quick or we might evaporate!” Minka added, getting a thumbs up in return from him.
“And please, don’t spill the lemonade or worse, shatter the glasses!”
“Okay, I get it, jeez.” Vinnie threw his arms in the air at Sunil’s addition but did march to the kitchen.
It couldn’t have been longer than a few minutes when he returned to the rest of the group with a tray filled with glasses, but it felt like ages. He moved slowly, trying to perform a miracle of not tripping over anything. It seemed fate was on their side today because he reached his friends unharmed and put the tray before them, leaving it for their enjoyment after claiming one lemonade-filled glass for himself.
“Finally, our lemon-aid, I think I was genuinely starting to turn into steam.” Pepper was the first one who managed to push herself forward and take one glass. After her, everyone one by one took one for themselves too. The glasses were generously filled with ice, perhaps even too generously, but they weren’t gonna complain since combined with the fan’s chill, they finally felt significant relief.
One thing was for sure, to survive this day, they would need a refill, probably more than one.
Why does this prompts list has so many drinks, I mean first juice box then coffee now lemonade and day 26 is milkshake, there's only so many drinks-related stories I can write.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 8 months
Random Inside No. 9 Thoughts
You know the drill, it's been a while so let's go!
The Devil of Christmas and Private View are so underrated and the best episodes of season 3
Viktor from Once Removed gives off homophobic gay vibes, like he claims to find gay people "weird" but only because he's heavily closeted
I also have this weird concept of Viktor and Lisgoe (TLOG) being cousins? I have no idea why that is, but the concept is there
How do people remember the names of every character Reece and Steve have played!? I can remember some (Len, Tommy, Hector, Varney, Tommo, Viktor, Carl, Stu, Chas, Joe, Warren, Clarke, Jim, Barnabus, Simon and I'm pretty sure one of them played someone called Greg) but for the rest I'm like "yeah, [x]'s character in [y]". How do y'all do it?
They should make an Inside No. 9 CD with a full version of Blue Jeans Baby, an extended version of Tears Of Laughter and a full version of Steve singing Shine by Take That. It could even include some of the covers from Empty Orchestra
For me, season 6 is the weakest but it's still good
And The Winner Is... and The Bill would make great 1-act plays
I am once against hoping Daniel Rigby's in season 9
You could point to any of Reece's characters and say "that's a homosexual" and I wouldn't be able to 100% disagree
The female actors working on Inside No. 9 are so underrated in the fandom, we've had the likes of Zoe Wanamaker, Maxine Peake and Nicola Walker just to name a few - I wish fans appreciated them more!
If this 9th season doesn't live up to my expectations I'm gonna feel so betrayed I can't lie. I'm sure it'll be amazing but... those guys better deliver
Sometimes I lowkey marvel at just how much Reece and Steve's work has influenced my screenwriting, like what would these things be had I never discovered Inside No. 9 and TLOG?
I wonder what Reece and Steve will do after season 9, will they collaborate on something again? Maybe not a TV series, but a film would be cool - not that I'm opposed to another TV series. I'm just hoping this isn't the last time they act/write together
Imagine if Charlie Brooker (writer for Black Mirror) collabed with Reece and Steve, that would be such a cool episode! Plus, a lot of actors that were in Black Mirror have been in Inside No. 9
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And… we’re back.
Ok Deflagration is back, I’m a day late, but I literally do not care ok? I was having a rough day and put mental health first, and this show is not mental health for me
Anyways I’m keeping this review concise because this episode was actually pointless.
Like no joke, genuinely fucking pointless! It’s just as bad as the first half of Kwamis’ choice, where for some reason it’s alright to give up the miraculous for your love life (because being able to date is so much more important then the safety of the universe), the identity rule continues to pretend to matter (tho I will say the tracking on the alliance rings is smart) and no one has a personality outside of the love square, and everything in the end of the episode reset, to the point they make tongue in cheek jokes about it
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…yep you can see why people are slowly giving up on this show (myself included)
I think if anything, my main complaints about this episode are these:
1. No one gives a shit about ladybug and chat noir quitting
This connects to how Alya and Tikki were always like “yeah marinette is right to quit so she can date adrien” but literally no one gives a shit! For something as huge as Ladybug and Chat Noir quitting after over a year of constant fighting, and giving the miraculouses to complete amateurs there is literally no reaction! Everyone is just fine with this change, make a quick tribute and even make tongue in cheek jokes about how they must have quit in order to date, which in general just shows how the show doesn’t actually care about the heroic part of the story? Like this is just the love square show, with ladybug worshiping sprinkled in.
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(Also the way the only indication of the Kwamis and holders missing each other was Adrien, who was basically a background character this episode, being sad for unexplained reasons and Tikki saying she missed marinette)
But I digress next complaint
2. The way… this episode was just Chloe Slander/Zoe worship.
I…SWEAR TO GOD!!! Listen I don’t hate Zoe, she doesn’t do anything to make me hate her, and I do realize Chloe is not a good person, but the show shoves it in your face so much! Like every single moment this episode being like “omg Zoe is so kind and sweet and better then Chloe look how awful Chloe is hate her” when Zoe is (no offense Zoe) so bland, that her entire personality consists of being better then Chloe and being in love with marinette!
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And as for the Chloe slander, I swear to god! The show goes out of its way to have this entire scene where Chloe tries to humiliate marinette (which is so tactless and dumb? Like it really felt like the show just needed to remind you that Chloe sucks you guys hate her guts please) and makes Plagg rant to Zoe about how awful and irredeemable Chloe is and how he should cataclysm her (like he speaks of Gabriel, the literal terrorist) and has Chloe willingly accept an Akuma (as if she didn’t fight the akumas a couple seasons back)!!!
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So all of this together, we just have another Lila on our hands! The show is legitimately arguing that Chloe and Lila (stereotypical 14 year old bully characters) are as bad if not worse then the terrorist plaguing Paris and being an abusive father on the side, and justifies that by making them increasingly worse to the point where it’s just unrealistic and laughable!
Honestly the only two upsides for this episode is that at least we didn’t see Marinette whining over her crush on Adrien (which sprung back out of nowhere), and that Adrien got to show up his dad by taking the ladybug miraculous away from him (the resistance is nice, the names are weird but it’s nice)
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All in all? Kwamis’ choice was Completely pointless, and everything is back to the status quo except LOVE SQUARE OooOoOoO
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
I have watched the Christmas Special I am allowed back on the tumbls.
thoughts! nd a little feelings!
we're really starting in on the ideas of the season - magic and science as one, belief as a power, things somewhat to the left of conventional reality, tricksters (and eventually gods), and those are simply some of my favourite things!
on that note, the song that the doctor and ruby sing very similar to how donna beat that one part of the toymaker's maze
this may be the most of a musical episode we get, but I think we should still have a full one -- confirmed both ncuti and millie can sing so...
themes of family as not a biological decree, but as choice and luck and what you decide to call family
(how big is the ruby-is-susan's-child fan theory?)
I also note that introducing a companion with a mystery in this is different than back in m*ffat-era, when it was from the doctor's perspective of wanting to solve the companion, rather than be with the companion and have the companion involved in the mystery (companion as plot point rather than as character), whereas this time around it's ruby's mystery, and in fact the doctor stepped back from figuring it out which is... interesting
some things as foreshadowing: ruby's birth-mother as mystery, themes of family as mentioned - created, found, lost perhaps? - that tie ruby's past with the doctor as the timeless child possibly eventually in a very tangible way (susaaan), how easily one can change reality (mavity just came back, which feels like a small example of how easy it is, alongside the toymaker in the last episode, and the goblins going back in time and stealing ruby in this one), how different beings operate under different laws than ours...
ncuti is giving perfect doctor, as we knew, but I think it deserves to be said! also a tried and true doctor deflection moment of "I've got no one" and then Moving On -- because this episode (and I hazard a guess, season) is so family-focused, I assume there'll be a return to all of that. definitely giving benevolent trickster in a universe of malevolent trickster feel (right before he said that maybe he's the bad luck, I was saying that he's the good luck bringer, which was a fun coincidence...)
I like ruby. I think there's a lot of space to gauge still, as this episode did a lot to give us her background (and a bit of her personality, which is obviously very companion-type), but I'm not quite sure how much millie gibson sticks out to me on her own, especially opposite someone as Big as ncuti gatwa. I wasn't initially a fan of casting another young actor (and then I thought, oh she might be playing someone younger, like yasmin finney did, invoking characters like zoe or ace, but then they haven't done that either), so I'm still a bit on the fence in terms of how she's going to set herself apart from a majority of attractive young white women that play companions, apart from the backstory itself, because so far I'd say... kind of a shrug, yeah she's fine, but she's not super memorable. that being said this is early days -- her background is well-built, she's very much Of A New Generation, which I'm guessing is why they went with someone around this age and they've made sure to represent in various scenes, I like that she's Mancunian, I like the scenes between her and her family. so yeah, I like her, I think currently that she's sweet. also millie gibson has quite a bit of background considering how young she is, and specifically won awards for her work on coronation street, which, I always feel like rtd works well with bringing out the best kind of emotions from actors who've been on soaps, makes me hope for Bigger, which I think DW (and rtd) is good at getting from people
spire through the goblin king's stomach. brutal
on the flipside, the christmas-star death seemed a bit intense, so am glad the doctor saved davina mccall
oh yeah, and the neighbour woman... there was that too. mysteries
fun episode. I'm never expecting brilliance from a christmas special, just fun! and I had very good fun! and also mysteries...
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 months
It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To-Buck/Bucky
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Summary: Bucks parents forgot about his birthday once again, Bucky certainly did not.
WC: 4, 040
C/W: Mentions of church and smut at the end (can be skipped!)
MOTA Masterlist!
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Buck woke up a little earlier and took a little more time getting ready. He took more time picking out his outfit, standing in the mirror dabbing some of his cologne behind his ears. He knew it would drive Bucky up the wall later when he inevitably would be kissing at Bucks neck.
He picked out a new dark brown sweater that definitely complimented his blue eye. He had excitement for today, not that his birthday was ever particularly a big day. It fell not long after new years and it just seemed to get pushed down and forgotten about because of the Holidays.
So of course this year would probably be no different.
Buck came down the steps seeing a familiar sight in the kitchen of his parents packing Adelaide and Zoe’s lunches. Meatball sitting at the girls feet waiting for them to drop something.
“Good morning,” Buck said, clearing his throat coming into the kitchen grabbing his lunch from the fridge.
“Morning, Gale.” His moms voice frantic with a little edge, scribbling notes on the napkins for the girls.
“So, are we still going to dinner? Is it alright if John comes? I assumed but I just wanted to ask first…”
Mary looked up at him, her eyebrows raised and her eyes a little wide. She turned her head glancing at the white board calendar in the kitchen then back at Buck. “Oh sweety…”
And Buck knew that they had forgotten.
“Happy birthday Gale!” Zoe came running over to Buck giving him a hug Addy not far behind, their dad following in with their empty cereal bowls.
“Thank you,” Buck smiles down at the two blonde girls seeing the realization hit his dads face too.
“We’re going to have to reschedule, sweetie…I’m sorry your father and I have a work dinner meeting and the girls are going to Grandmas. I’m sorry I don’t know how we missed it, I swore it was next week.” Buck’s mom sighed as she wrapped him in a hug, “Here why don’t we do this?”
The short blonde woman went buzzing over to her purse sitting on the table and dug before pulling out her wallet, “You can have John and Curt over and you can order a pizza? I know it won’t make up for dinner at Rosalines but we can probably fit that into next week?”
“Okay, I gotta get going, I have to pick up John.” Buck pointed towards the door, he loved his parents but he just really wanted to get out of the house. He wasn’t expecting much anyways but at least they promised dinner?
Buck smiled to himself like a proud boyfriend watching Bucky come out the front door holding a large container and a balloon. Rushing over to the car, John set his container and his backpack in the back seat before climbing into the front. “Happy birthday to you!” Bucky's smile grew wide before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you,” Buck's cheeks began to turn red. He knew Bucky wouldn’t let Bucks birthday slide without making the biggest deal. He tried throwing him a surprise party last year. But Hambone and Douglass ended up accidentally bringing it up in front of Buck.
“How does it feel to be a legal adult? Should we go buy scratch offs and get matching tattoos?”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.”
“What if we win it big from scratch off? We could buy a house and have sex in every room.”
“Do you know how much houses cost in this economy?” Buck let out a laugh, gently rubbing John's thigh.
“No, because I don’t pay attention in econ,” Bucky flicked him two finger guns, “Oh I also made you a cake! I was gonna put it in Ms. Argyle's room for the day, then we can eat it later or we can eat it at lunch but then we’d probably have to share it with the others. You know how those volchars are”
“You made me a cake?” Buck glanced at him, seeing the wide smile on the other's face.
“Yeah I frosted it too and there’s strawberries on it.” Bucky felt proud of himself; he knew how Buck didn’t really like his birthday, “Are we still going out to dinner at that one fancy place?”
“Uh…no. They forgot.” Buck tripped over his words, “Too busy to fit me into their calendar. She gave me some money to order a pizza and said you and Curt could come over.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry, Buck.” John knew this wasn’t anything new, Buck would have something important and his parents wouldn’t work him into their schedules. He wasn’t near the top of their priority list anways.
“It’s fine, it’ll probably be more fun this way. You, me, Curt, some shitty movie and the cake you made.”
“That does sound kind of fun, maybe we can go for a couple rounds of birthday sex then.” Bucky punched him lightly in the shoulder. Buck had been looking forward to the birthday sex…he wasn’t a man of lying.
Bucky rested his hand on the top of Bucks, squeezing it lightly, “We should skip and drive out of town and get a hotel room.”
“As appealing as that sounds, I have a calc test today,” Buck sighs, pulling into the high school's parking lot.
“For my birthday we should plan, skip and go get matching face tattoos.”
“We are not getting matching face tattoos!”
“Hey!” Croz slapped his hand down on Bucks hood as they came to a hard stop, nearly hitting him and Bubbles.
“Sorry boys!” Bucky rolled down the window.
“I’ll give you a break, because it’s your birthday.” Croz smiled walking over to Buck's window, “Happy birthday, old man.”
“You’re next Croz!” Buck points at him as he pulls into a parking spot since Croz had the next birthday.
“Now we must seize our day, Buck.” Bucky patted the other's leg, “I promise that today is going to be a good day.” John unbuckled and leaned over the center council cradling the side of Buck's face, “And the wait for sex will be worth it.” Bucky pressed a gentle, teasing kiss to his lips, “I assure you, Gale. You’ll be glad the house is empty.”
Buck pressed his lips back into Bucky’s but he pulled away teasingly, “You’ll be starving for it later.” Bucky opened the door, getting out, Buck rolled his eyes, throwing his head back dramatically before doing the same.
“Whats up Queers!” Curt came jogging up behind them from where he had gotten off the bus then seeing the two walking to the doors, “Happy birthday Buck.” He patted him on the shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Hey!” Bucky rejoiced as if he hadn’t seen Curt in years.
“How’s the birthday?” Curt put a strong hand on Bucks shoulder.
“Just the usual, my parents forgot.” Gale shrugged nonchalantly.
“Damn I’m sorry that happened again.”
“It’s fine we're gonna have a good day regardless, right John?” Buck nudged his boyfriend.
“Hell yeah we are! You should come eat cake with me and Buck later!” John walked a bit further ahead walking backwards, making Buck a little nervous because the cake was still in his hands.
“I gotta work tonight, someones gotta run the fuckin’ Taco Bell.” Curt sighed holding the door open for them.
“What!? Don’t they know that this is a national holiday?” Bucky protested.
“Well it’d probably be more like a bank holiday, unfortunately.” Curt snickered, elbowing their sides.
Unfortunately, Curts right, his parents wouldn’t even notice if his birthday was a national holiday. Now he just wanted the school day to go by fast so he could be with John.
“We have to take them to Grandma Ethels?” Bucky grumbled looking at the longline of cars in the pickup line at the elementary school.
“Yes, we won’t stay long I promise. I’m just going to run in, you don’t have to come in.” Buck didn’t exactly want to go to his Grandmas either but he had to drop off Addy and Zoe. If he tries to leave without coming in she would chew his ear off on how bad of an influence she thinks Bucky is. She deeply despised him since he first came to the family Christmas. His other cousins brought their boyfriends and girlfriends. Why couldn’t he bring his?
Buckys always a hit with Bucks aunties though, which made for a good time. but across the room would be his Grandma silently judging him for bringing ‘the devil’ into her family.
“I’m sorry that she acts that way in front of you. You don’t deserve that and it’s not okay.” Buck glanced over at him and brought one of his hands down to his thigh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh look!” Bucky broke out a smile while they pulled up next and saw Addy and Zoe waving at them before they rushed getting into the back.
“Hi Bucky!” The girls leaned over the seat hugging him. Addy and Zoe were easily Bucky's second biggest fans right behind Buck and Curt.
“We made you a card,” Zoe smiled, unzipping her backpack and taking out the card.
“That's so nice of you guys,” Buck glanced in the rearview mirror at them. Bucky took the card from them showing Buck as he tried to keep his eyes on the road.
“Is this us?” Bucky cooed pointing at the two stick people holding hands with a heart over them holding hands.
“Yeah!” Addy pointed at the pink card.
“Because you guys are in love,” Zoe giggled, “I drew Gale and Addy drew Bucky.”
“You guys are so talented I think it looks just like me,” Bucky held the card up next to his face.
“Yes, the next Michael Angelo and Davinci.” Buck agreed, sharing a smile with Bucky and giving his thigh a small squeeze.
“Do we have to go to Grandmas?” Addy pouted in the back, the girls were on a similar page about their Grandma. She always had really weird strict rules that certainly hadn’t changed since Gale was younger.
“Yeah, why not? Grandma doesn’t let us watch any cartoons and she wears too much perfume.” Zoe whispered the last part causing an eruption of laughter from the entire car. As much as Buck didn’t want to have to leave them with her he also didn’t want to have to be responsible for them…it also might’ve been because he had been looking forward to Bucky bending him over the kitchen counter.
“Because I have plans with my friends and mom and dad have a work dinner. I don’t even know what time they’ll be back tonight. Here, how about after school tomorrow we can go get ice cream?” Buck suggested trying to keep the peace.
“Can I come for ice cream?” Bucky asked, pointing at himself sticking out his bottom lip slightly.
“Of course you can come, you don’t have to ask.”
“Okay I can’t promise you that this is going to be like the best cake you’ve ever had. I followed some recipes on Tik Tok and…voila.” Buck took the container off the cake. It was a heart shaped messily chocolate frosted cake with ‘HBD Buck’ in messy white frosting at the top. Strawberries cut in half garnished the dollops of frosting on the border.
“You’re too sweet, I mean it John.” Buck slapped his ass lightly causing the other to turn bright red.
“I’m gonna sing to you and it’s going to be so good I’ll win a Grammy for my performance!” Bucky announced as he seemed to magically pull out a box of birthday candles out of his pocket. Buck knew all of this was incredibly cheesy but he knew how much of a romantic Bucky is…he also liked rose petals and candles on the bed…and well Buck liked the romantics of it all too.
“I guess this is your one day in the entire year where I cannot deny you the right to sing.” Buck knocked his elbow into his boyfriend's side.
“You love when I sing, you can’t keep lying to yourself.” Bucky stuck the candles in the cake. Today he was focused on Buck and he just wanted to make his day better. He could see in the way his shoulders seemed to sag more every time he saw him and the glow in his eyes was just not as bright as it should be.
Bucky grabbed his lighter from his pocket and lit the five candles on the cake.
“Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Gale. Happy birthday to you!” Bucky sang to him Meatball sitting at their feet seemingly howling along to Bucky's scratchy voice. Buck blew out the candles silently wishing for a good and amazing year for them. Then he felt Bucky's lips pressed to his cheek, the familiar little mustache tickling his skin.
“What’d you wish for?”
“Can’t tell or it won’t come true.”
“Did you wish for me to grow a thicker mustache so I can gel it?”
“Hell no.”
Bucky shook his head grabbing a knife from the knife block, Buck quickly took it out of his hands. “No knives for you, remember home ec last year when you almost stabbed me?”
“That was an accident. How was I supposed to know the water was going to boil over? It almost burned my hand.” Bucky threw his arms up in the air dramatically with that silly, dopey smile on his face. Buck truly wouldn't have cared if John accidentally stabbed him if it meant him not burning his hand.
“Why don’t you get two plates down, Gordon Ramsey?”
Bucky definitely wasn’t the kind of guy who knew his way around the kitchen. He knew how to make ramen in the microwave and that was about it.
Buck definitely is impressed by the cake as he cuts into it. It smelled good and it looked good. “Did you make this by yourself?”
“Well I Facetimed Croz and he gave me some tips. But other than that, yeah. Maybe I did actually learn a few things in home ec.” Bucky furrowed his eyebrows, his face deep in thought but quickly pulled from it as Buck slid the plate with his slice over to him. They both leaned on the counter as they both took a bite, Bucky's face puckering a bit, his lips then pursing together.
It was absolutely terrible. But Buck wasn’t going to show that, he smiled through his bite and swallowed hard, “This is really good.”
“Really? Because I think it tastes like shit.” Bucky snickered, breaking the silence.
Buck felt a wash of relief somewhat fall off his body, it was true though. He would sit here and eat the most vile thing ever and pretend to like it if Bucky made it. That's just how they were, they'd do just about anything to please the other.
“Yeah, wanna go buy a cake from Walmart?”
“Hell yeah.”
The two sat on the couch with the small cake resting on Bucks lap as the two of them just had two forks and no care in the world. They had picked some movie to watch and it was proving to be as boring as watching paint dry. Bucky leaned against Buck, his head resting on his shoulder looking up at him as he brought another bite of cake up to his mouth.
Bucky reached up and gently nudged Buck's hand forcing some frosting to get on his face. “Oops,” he giggled, swiping the frosting off of Buck's nose with his finger and putting it in his mouth.
Buck swallowed hard as he felt that familiar feeling in his pants. Not quite an erection but just that warm feeling. Buck quickly put the cake on the coffee table catching Bucky's hips as he launched himself at Buck's face. John brought his hands up to the others face holding him as he stuck his tongue down Gales throat.
Buck could feel his dick get the rest of the way hard as he began grinding into John's knee between his legs. “God you’re so beautiful.” Bucky mumbled against his lips as he put a hand on Bucks bicep squeezing his muscles, “Have you been working out, Gale?
“I have, what about you, John?” Buck rested his forehead against Buckys, sliding his icy hands under John's hoodie feeling his abs. He knew every inch of John's body like it was his own, he could identify him by hands alone. God, he loved his hands…
Gale wrapped his hand around Bucky's wrist and brought his thumb up to his mouth before wrapping his lips around it.
John let out a small whimper as he watched Gale take his hand. His eyes were closed as he sucked on his thumb but Bucky quickly replaced it with his middle and pointer finger. Buck swallowed against them letting out a small groan, “You’re so fuckin hot. Do you want it now?”
“Bent over the counter,” Gale mumbled against John's fingers. He watched Bucky's face turn bright red and his lips pull up into a devious smile.
“I’ll be right back?” Bucky smirked, hopping off the couch and be-lining it to the stairs. Buck stood up off the couch and put Meatball in his kennel in the office. If they didn’t put him in the kennel he’d sit there and howl the entire time or just kinda stare at them.
Bucky came bouncing down the stairs, the bottle of lube being tossed back and forth in his hands, “Hey that's my job!” John came jogging over and slapped Bucks hands, hooking his fingers into Bucks belt loops pulling him closer. Buck being forced to give up on taking his shirt off. John smirked, satisfied with Buck.
Buck presses his lips back into Johns gently nudging his knee back to sit back down. John took a step back, his hands on Buck's waist pulling them back down onto the couch. Quickly deciding to flip around, John back straddling Bucks lap surely grinding his cock against his thigh. John felt for the bottom seam of Buck's shirt, shiming it up off his body. Trailing wet hot kisses from his mouth down the side of his neck. John began sucking a hickey into Buck's boney collarbone seemingly leaving a trail of small bites as John got on his knees on the floor. Undoing Gales belt, he began palming at the ever growing bulge in his pants. Buck let out an airy moan. His head tipping back, letting out a frustrated grunt looking up.
John had stopped his palming to undo his belt, “Hurry.” Gale let out a small whimper pushing his hands down to undo his button and zipper. John smirks up at him, teasingly pulling down his pants. He did it as slowly as possible, not breaking eye contact with Gale. The other squirming and squeezing his thighs together, “You can’t tease it’s my birthday.”
“You’re so ridiculous.”
John pulled Gales boxers down, his hard cock smacked against his stomach.
“God you’re so beautiful.” John spoke gazing down at Gale's plump, pink cock. Wrapping a hand around the base John ran his tongue around the tip of it.
Gale gasped, grabbing a fist full of John’s messy brown curls. John felt encouragement from him sitting back on his knees as he swiped his fingers through a chunk of frosting from the cake. Gale felt his body go rigid watching John smear the frosting down the underside of his cock.
“Oops.” John chuckled to himself, swallowing Gale's entire cock, flattening his tongue out and licking the frosting off. The knot in Gale's stomach grew tighter as John pulled his cock back from his mouth with a pop noise. A small bit of frosting and pre cum running from his lips to his chin. God he was so hungry for John right now, considering even abandoning get bent over the counter just so he could fuck John right here on the couch. That idea got scrapped fast, John pressing his lips back into Gales. Gale tasting the sweetness of his own cum mixing with the frosting,
“Let's get this off.” Gale pulled John's shirt off and tossing it mindlessly onto the floor.
“I can’t wait any longer,” Gale whined while wrapping his legs around John's waist. The other didn’t even take a second thought wrapping his hands around Gales' ass picking him up. Carrying him over to the kitchen island he set Gale on the counter then tearing off his own pants. John waited patiently all week to get to bend Gale over and the anticipation was building in his own stomach.
“Come on beautiful,” John whispered gruffly, grabbing Gale by his thighs and pulling him off the counter, “Do you want me to work your sweet little ass open for me?” Landing a loud smack against the blonde's ass.
“Yes please,” Gale whimpered, leaning on the counter and spreading his legs just the slightest. Without warning he rocked forward feeling John shove two lubed up fingers into him. Gale grunting biting down on his lip, “fuck.” He whined as John scissored his fingers, Gale pushing his hips back against him, “I’m ready.”
John, satisfied with him grabbed the lube off the table squirting some into his hand then working his own cock. “Look at you Gale. All pretty just for me.”
Gale's face got warm, blushing red across his cheeks. John rested his head against his entrance for a moment, “Ready beautiful?”
“Please,” Gale whimpered, relaxing himself as John slid his length in, wrapping his hands around Gale's hips squeezing them.
“Oh you feel so good,” John spoke leaning forward as he began thrusting his hips into Gale. Gale leaned on his elbows, John delivering harder and rougher blows to him. His knees started knocking into the cabinets on the island. No one makes him feel good the way John does.
Gale let out a whimper feeling John’s large hand wrap around the back of his neck and his other go to his cock.
“I love you,” Gale uttered through breathy moans feeling the warmth of John’s hand pumping up and down on his cock, Gale rocking his hips back into John’s.
Whipping his head up, Gale heard the shaking of his moms precious fine china cabinet. The slams of John's hips into Gales growing louder and becoming more on beat. “Be Careful what are we gonna tell Mary if we break her china.” Gale's little chuckle filled the room for a moment.
“What if I don’t wanna be careful?”
“Do you…Oh yes right there oh my god!” Gale threw his head back slamming his hips back into John as he hit just the perfect spot and began jerking him off harder, “John oh my god. I love you.”
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, baby…I love you too.” John moaned, grabbing a handful of Gales locks. Slamming his hips into him, “You make me feel so good.”
“Don’t pull out,” Gale began begging as he could feel they were both about to climax. John began pumping him harder and harder, rubbing his thumb over the slit.
“John…” Gale aggressively pushed his hips into John as he came all over John's hand and his own stomach. Moving his hips back and forth to get out the aftershocks, making John's knot in his stomach began to unwind Gale clenched around him. Letting out a loud groan and falling a bit forward into Gale pushing in a few last times before pulling out and leaning forward onto Buck.
“God you’re so fucking good,” John kissed Gales shoulder wrapping his arm around his waist.
“I’m ready for round two, do you wanna go up to my room?” Gale turned to look at him panting through his words.
“Hell yeah,” John threw Gale over his shoulder carrying him up to his room.
“You better not fart John, I’ll cock block you for the night!”
“Don’t count on it!”
Sure his parents forgot about his birthday but as far as Gale was concerned he's having a pretty good time.
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Miraculous Paradise - Chapter 20 - Get Out Free
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Zoe moved around her room as she tore it apart. She gathered her personal possessions into a backpack along with the saved allowance that Andre had given her. Silkii materialized and watched Zoe.
            “What are you doing, spiderling?”
            “Opportunity knocks, Silkii. I have a chance to escape.”
            “Yes. I’ve waited for a chance to get away from these wretched people and now I can. With your power and someone out there who understands me.”
            “The fox woman, right?”
            “Correct. You should have seen her eyes. I wouldn’t believe a word out of her mouth, until I saw her eyes. She’s known pain. She’s been an outcast. She understands me.”
            “So? So, it’s huge. I can finally be with people like me. Just like back in the States. I can finally have a new family.”
            “What’s the point? People always betray in the end.”
            “You’re wrong. My people would never betray each other. We had each other’s backs through thick and thin. No one was left behind or stabbed in the back.”
            Silkii laughed. “Yeah right.”
            “Look, these blue bloods may not understand a lick about loyalty and family, but us ‘peasants’ know the true value of it. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”
            “Oh, please. You mortals tell yourself that, but in the end, even that is false. You all betray each other in the end. Loyalty means nothing.”
            “You’re wrong, and I’ll prove it.”
            “Yeah? How?”
            Zoe put the backpack on. “Silkii, sever the thread.”
            Felix threw the front doors open to the Agreste mansion. He charged for the stairs while Adrien trotted in after him.
            “Felix, wait! I want to talk to you,” Adrien called.
            “Not until I do,” Colt remarked.
            Felix froze on the steps. He looked up at Colt at the top of the stairs.
            “Uncle Colt? Is Felix in trouble?”
            Colt attempted to maintain a neutral face but cracked a smile. He stepped down the stairs with his phone in hand. He held it out for Felix to take. Felix eyed it suspiciously but took it. Colt grinned and pressed play on the video. Adrien ran up to see what it was while Felix’s heart dropped. The video was an amateur recording of Void’s illusions beating him up after chasing him around the city.
            Adrien grimaced. “Felix?”
            Felix sneered and pushed the phone into Colt’s chest. “If you’re just going to mock me, do it through texts like you usually do.”
            Uncle Colt, you know Felix is Cat Noir?”
            “Of course, I do. I’d recognize my son anywhere. Granted he didn’t hide it that well to begin with.”
            Felix sneered. He looked up to face Colt when he heard Emilie’s shrill voice.
            “Good afternoon, my baby boy! How’re you doing?” Emilie asked Adrien.
            “I’m great! I went out to have breakfast with Felix, then he took me to his friend’s house where I got to meet other people my age.”
            “You did? Were they-?” Emilie started.
            “Colt, what are you doing with Felix?” Amelie interrupted.
            “Nothing. I was just-,” Colt began.
            “Colt was informing me that Grandmother and Grandfather had found a bride for me,” Felix cut in.
            Amelie paled. “What? What did you say?”
            “A marriage has been arranged for me, and I accepted it,” Felix answered.
            Tears welled in Amelie’s eyes. “No. No, please. You can’t, Felix. Is this really what you want?”
            “What I want has never and will never matter. Not when I am the one responsible for carrying on the family’s legacy. Everything must be done for the good of the family.”
            Amelie’s face contorted between desperation, despair, horror, and rage.
            Emilie moved out of the way with Adrien. “Now, let’s be reasonable. Felix, I’m sure you can still find happiness, right? What you want does matter.”
            Felix laughed. “Thank you, Aunt Emilie, but I will not fool myself. I was reminded that isn’t true and after having a taste of any kind of escape, I’ll take whatever has been chosen for me as I always have.”
            “But-!” Amelie yelled.
            Gabriel cleared his throat and got everyone’s attention. “I apologize for interrupting, but, Emilie, I must speak with you.”
            Emilie gulped and nodded. “Right. Adrien, we’ll be back.”
            “Ok. I’ll be in my room.”
            Emilie hugged Adrien as she went with Gabriel. Gabriel led Emilie to their room. He shut the door, then sat on their bed with Emilie.
            “Emilie, I saw the news broadcast last night,” Gabriel said.
            “O-oh? What news broadcast?”
            “Emilie, I know it was you. That fairy woman. I would recognize you anywhere.”
            Emilie forced a smile. “I… I suppose you would, wouldn’t you? Well, what now? Are you going to stop me?”
            “I know better. I don’t agree with the course you are taking, but I am here for you.”
            “You… what?”
            “I don’t think getting involved with magic and miracles any more than we already have is worth what comes after, but I know why you do it. And, at this point, it’s a little late to back down. Not with the cult following you’ve gathered after a mere night.”
            “I see. Well, what will you do, Gabriel? If you won’t stand against me, will you stand beside me?”
            “Yes. I am here for you through this endeavor.”
            “You are? Would you maybe then accept a kwami and fight with me if the opportunity arises?”
            “Yes. For you, Adrien, and our family. I will do what it takes to keep you all.”
            Emilie smiled as her eyes misted over. She fanned herself before she hugged Gabriel. He smiled and hugged her back.
            “I love you, Emilie.”
            “I love you too, Gabriel. So much. So very much. Hey, Gabe, perhaps we should check on Adrien. I hadn’t seen him all morning,” Emilie remarked.
            “Give him some time to rest. I would rather we check on Amelie and Colt and to make sure our home isn’t running red with his blood.”
            Emilie stiffened. “Oh, shit! You’re right. Let’s go.”
            Andre sat at his desk as he worked on paperwork. There was a knock on the door, but he ignored it. He assumed it was Audrey coming to him about some trivial problem or just to make demands of him. The knock came again, but he ignored it. There was a third knock before the door opened. He sighed and looked up, expecting Audrey’s shrill voice, but there was silence. He froze seeing Widow advancing towards him. He reached for the phone, but she threw a dagger into the machine.
            “Who are you? What do you want?”
            Widow remained silent. She pulled up a seat and made herself comfortable.
            “Please, I have no real power. I’m just the mayor. I’m sure-.”
            “You’re exactly who I’m looking for.”
            Andre’s blood froze. “Zoe? Is that really you?”
            “The name’s Widow.”
            “R-right, Widow. What could you want me for?”
            “Adoption papers and any other paperwork with you and Audrey signing over custody of one Zoe Lee.”
            “B-b-but I don’t have those papers. I’m afraid-.”
            Widow lunged for Andre with a dagger at his throat. She slammed the necessary paperwork on his desk.
            “How did you-?!”
            “Get to filling them out.”
            Andre nodded. Widow moved her dagger away as she watched Andre fill out the papers properly. Her heart leapt seeing him complete them. He moved to put them in a professional folder when Audrey stepped into the office.
            “Andre! Why haven’t you been answering my calls? And who is this?”
            “Audrey, darling! We can discuss this after you sign all these papers.”
            Audrey approached and looked over the papers. Her face lit up. “Oh! We’re finally getting rid of the deadweight? Why didn’t you say so? Give me a pen.”
            Audrey snatched a pen from the desk and filled out every page with her signature. She closed the folder and handed it to Widow.
            Widow’s eyes sparkled as she held the folder close to her. She ran out as Audrey ordered room service to clear out her room. She didn’t care anymore. Everything left in there was garbage. Now a new life awaited as she headed to Bridgette’s apartment.
            Marinette’s eyes fluttered open. She blinked as she adjusted to the darkness. She looked around, surprised to see Alya and Bridgette sleeping around her. She shifted as a dim light glowed. She glanced over to see Trixx in fox form, staring at her. She raised her index finger to her lips, and he nodded.
            Marinette moved to stand. She stumbled but found her footing. She grimaced at the pain that shot through her, but she soldiered on as she made it to the bathroom. She turned on the light and froze. She stared at her reflection and the visible scars. She lifted her hand and ran it along some burn scars. She gulped as the feelings from before surfaced.
            Marinette wished for release from her hell. She wished she never survived the car crash. There was nothing left after that day. She lost her amazing, loving parents that she missed every day and whose absence was too noticeable. She hated her body that was a shell of what it was. All her strength was gone, she couldn’t lift her arms overhead without horrific pain, she walked with a painful limp, and her voice was gone forever. With the cherry on top when all her friends abandoned her save for Alya, Mylene, and Ondine.
            Marinette could live with most of that, save the worst of it. She couldn’t draw the way she used to. The magnificent designs and drawings she used to make are mere scribbles a toddler could do better. Then there was her family that disowned her where her parents and Bridgette had accepted her and her desires. Part of her wished Bridgette never let it out, but it was better this way. The moment Bridgette did, all talk about her value and worth went out the window and she was left alone. Despite it all, the whispers didn’t stop.
            Marinette hugged herself and sank to the floor. The whispers of her family played through her head that always cut her deep. They called her defective, worthless, unlovable. That no one in their right mind would want “damaged goods.” Her father’s side wasn’t much better. Her grandfather refused to acknowledge her just because Sabine was her mother. Aside from him, she had no idea about any of her father’s family. Perhaps it was for the better so she wouldn’t have to endure their slights as well.
            “Marinette?” Alya asked.
            Marinette looked up at Alya and Trixx. She attempted to hide her heart, but tears poured from her eyes. Alya sat beside her and held her tight.
            “It’s alright. I’m here.”
            Trixx watched Alya comfort Marinette before he faded away. He stepped into the Unseen world. He searched the apartment until he found Tikki as a pink lipstick ladybug kwami, hiding in the kitchen.
            “You’re just going to let this continue, aren’t you?”
            “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
            “Tikki, there’s a fine line.”
            “I… she’s… she has me. What more could she need?”
            “You know, you’re right. What more could she need? Thankfully she can’t open a pill bottle or have the physical strength to harm herself. But, no, you’re right. What more could she need?”
            “She hasn’t… has she?”
            “Would you believe me if I told you the truth?”
            “I… I wouldn’t want to.”
            “Then don’t ask questions you don’t want an answer to.”
            Tikki scoffed. “And why should I believe any of this? You are nothing more than deception.”
            Trixx snickered. “Oh, dearie dear. Have you forgotten this talk already? What is truth? What is false? Even if I know it to be true, would you not cast doubt? Would you claim every word from me is false just to suit your whims, even if the words are true? What is true then? What is false? I mean, who better than I to know how the girl is feeling after spending the last three years with her. But, no, you’re right. Every word from me is a lie. Or is it? You may never know.”
            Tikki opened her mouth, but a knock interrupted her.
            Trixx looked towards the door. “Visitor? But who?”
            Trixx materialized as a fox and crashed into Bridgette,
            Bridgette woke with a start. She frantically looked around, then down at the couch. She panicked when she didn’t see Marinette.
            “Where is she, Trixx?”
            “Bathroom. Alya is with her.”
            Bridgette deadpanned. “Is this the day you tell me they’ve hooked up?”
            Trixx’s ears perked up and he grinned. “Yes.”
            Bridgette rolled her eyes. “Nice try. What’s up then? Why the wake-up call?”
            “Someone is a-knocking.”
            Bridgette furrowed her brow. She headed for the front door as another knock came. She opened the door to see Widow.
            “Uh, what brings you here? I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you until tonight. Or is it night? What time is it?”
            “It’s still early. I just wanted to bring this to you.”
            Widow held out the folder. Bridgette took it and gestured for Widow to step inside. Widow took a seat on the couch while Bridgette turned on the lights and examined the documents.
            “Hold up, are these adoption and custody forms? And they’re already signed?”
            “Well, except for your signature.”
            “Excuse me? We met once and you think I want to adopt you?”
            “Well, no, but you understand me. I looked into your eyes and saw my own. That’s why you did it, didn’t you? You wanted me to understand, and I did.”
            “Well, yes, but-.”
            “Exactly. And I saw the perfect opportunity to escape. With Silkii’s power and someone who understands, I had to capitalize on it.”
            “Ok, hold up. Why are you trying to escape your home?”
            “Because it isn’t my home. I’m just a pawn in the games of blue bloods. My real home is back in the States, but after my coward father killed himself, I was shipped off here because my harpy mother lives here. For the past few years, I’ve lived with people that don’t love me. That would easily toss me aside once I served my purpose. So, I’m running away now, legally. That way no one gets in trouble.”
            Bridgette sighed. “You’re putting me in an interesting position here, kid.”
            “I mean, what’s one more?” Trixx butted in.
            “That’s not the issue. I’m all for taking in strays at this point with Mar-Mar’s friends, but I don’t know her.”
            “Oh! That’s right. My name is Zoe Lee. I’m thirteen years old. Born and raised in the States until the incident I mentioned earlier. I’m extremely stubborn and hot-headed but will kill for my family.”
            “Oh, look! A mini you,” Trixx teased.
            “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult?” Bridgette remarked.
            “Why not both?” Trixx said.
            “What’s that supposed to mean?” Bridgette and Zoe said in unison.
            “Didn’t realize you had an echo, Bridgette.”
            Bridgette deadpanned. “Fine. Look, Zoe, I will consider signing these, but only if you get along with Marinette. She is my dependent first and foremost. As long as you two get along, I will sign these. Understood?”
            “Ok. Well, where is she?”
            “Give her some time. She’s having a moment with Alya,” Trixx answered.
            Bridgette stiffened. “What kind of moment?”
            “What kind of answer would you like?”
            Bridgette panicked. She threw the folder onto the table and ran to the bathroom. Widow de-transformed and crept towards the room. She peeked inside at the scene. Bridgette fussed over Marinette, whose face was red and puffy from crying. Alya sat beside Marinette, patting her back. Her eyes widened when she saw the unfathomable pain in Marinette’s eyes. She started towards them, but a gentle hand held her back.
            Zoe looked up at Fang as a tall woman with olive skin and silver hair styled in an undercut ponytail. Fang shook her head and guided Zoe away from the bathroom.
            “That girl is in pain,” Zoe whispered.
            “I know. It hurts to see it. Hurts more to feel it. Just, let them help her. You can meet her later.”
            “Well, what do we do in the meantime?”
            “Why don’t we go grab a bite? Ayla pointed out some of her favorite haunts to me.”
            Zoe smiled. “Sure. Let’s go.”
            Adrien looked at the time. It was nearly dinner time, several hours after he and Felix had returned. He decided to go talk to Felix now, wanting Felix to have had time to collect himself after all that. He headed out of his room and towards Felix’s door. He knocked on it.
            “Felix? May I come in?”
            Felix sighed. “Yes.”
            Adrien entered the room. He eyed Felix on the bed, reading a book.
            “May I take a seat?” Adrien asked as he pointed to the bed.
            Felix nodded.
            “I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to talk.”
            “About what?”
            “The deal you made for me. For me to live.”
            “What about it?”
            “I just… I don’t know if it’s possible.”
            “How so?”
            “Because I made a deal with the kwami that was responsible for allowing Mom to have me, but also the source of my illness.”
            Felix put a bookmark in his book and set it down. “Go on.”
            “Well, I spoke to him yesterday while in the hospital. He told me I would die in three days unless I accepted his deal. He would give me a year to live with near perfect health, but I wasn’t to allow Paradise to happen. If I did, I would die on the spot.”
            “Only a year? Sass, you can better than that,” Plagg remarked.
            Adrien looked around as Plagg materialized as a kwami by Felix. Sass hissed and materialized beside Adrien as a kwami.
            “Zip it, cat. What’s been done to him was set at his birth. Even allowing this is more than I’d normally allow anyway,” Sass spat.
            Plagg rolled his eyes. “Fine. You won’t help him, me and Tikki will.”
            Sass laughed. “Yeah? How? The most you and the little red bug can do is destroy and recreate him, but he’d still retain the venom in his veins. The only pair that can help him is Terra and Psyche. However, you still need a willing donor of flesh to ensure the boy is still human and not a living golem.”
            “Really? Is that all? You seem to be forgetting another pair.”
            “I don’t think-.”
            “Gimmi and Vana.”
            Sass stiffened. “You wouldn’t. They wouldn’t. They made it clear they wouldn’t get involved unless necessary. Have you even talked to them yet?”
            “No, but we will be soon. After all, Paradise cannot happen yet. In time, yes, but not yet. I know they’d agree with this, and seeing as Adrien is the root cause, I’m sure they’d make an exception. They have before.”
            “Those were dire circumstances. This is not.”
            “I suppose we’ll see, then won’t we? I mean, we have a year, right, Sass? And I may not be Orsus, Moirai, or Oron, but I know a lot can happen in a year.”
            “If I may, Felix, why did you make such a deal for me?” Adrien interjected.
            “What do you mean?” Felix asked.
            “Well, I don’t mean to seem ungrateful for the gesture, but I don’t understand it. If it was Mom or Dad, that’d be one thing, but we don’t know each other that well. I’ve rarely spoken to you in the past and only ever saw you on my birthday. So, I’m just curious. Why?”
            “Well, I’ve been thinking on that here and there. My first answer would be because you are family. It doesn’t matter our relationship, but that you are family. Always remember, blood runs thicker than water. But, and this stays between us, I want someone to be happy. I want… to experience that.”
            Adrien’s face fell. “Felix?”
            “It’s… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be forcing my petty problems on you, Adrien.”
            “Felix, are you unhappy?”
            Felix gave a harsh laugh. “Happiness is not a luxury I can afford. I must be what is expected. Want and happiness are not part of it. But you can have all that. Emilie got it, Gabriel got it, so can you.”
            “And you.”
            “No. It’s not for me, but I can get it for you. I can play my part, put on a show, all so you can be free to have a life I couldn’t even dream of.”
            “Felix, I wish you could have that too,” Adrien whispered.
            “Yeah, well, it’s a nice, albeit empty, sentiment. Now, run along. I’m sure Aunt Emilie is looking for you.”
            Adrien bowed his head and left. Sass flicked his tongue at Plagg, then vanished.
            Plagg sighed. He looked back at Felix, who went back to his book. His tail twitched and his fur bristled. He hated seeing this destruction. It wasn’t the fun, chaotic type of self-destruction. Rather Felix went down an isolating and desolate path of self-destruction. Any fight he might have had, extinguished already.
            Plagg looked back to the door as he reflected on Adrien’s wish. He could feel the desire, though it was small, but enticing all the same. He gave Felix one last look, then vanished.
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Honestly, kimiko should just rebel, follow her own rules and kicks Billy's ass because losing her arm to Zoey could mean the boys is no better than the shining light of liberation because wtf is she doing trying to kidnap a child (Zoe) from her parent? She's no better than the people who kidnapped her and kenji and she's no better than Billy either! Plus, there is a scene of kimiko jumping out the window, holding her injury. So, it must means she's going to possibly going to tell Billy to tell him to shod off and go live her own life; Get some modicum of peace with Frenchie maybe.
honestly? yeah.
and i wish i wish i wish, BUTT. sadly kimiko's got her own complexes and things she doesn't understand due to the way she was... well... stolen from her family and forced to be a soldier.
she's in survival mode, she is almost always in survival mode. she's been treated as a weapon and tends to act as a weapon because she had her humanity robbed from her. in some ways, her situation has a lot of depths that make her very similar to homelander in these regards
except~ kimiko is actually horrified of what she's capable of and what her 'survival mode' and 'weaponization' end up doing (most of the time). and the thing was, she *initially* blamed the v for it, but the underlying cause is her unaddressed *trauma* that puts her in survival mode in the first place (hence why she came to terms with it *sorta* and asked annie to get her the v again, realizing that v itself was a *tool* that she could use to protect the people she cares about).
the boys is no better than shining light *BECAUSE* of butcher. all of them want better and to do better and actually help. frenchie, kimiko, annie, hughie, mm, even mallory--
except butcher.
butcher just wants destruction, and he doesn't care what the cost is and is willing to sacrifice others or use them like pawns or weapons to get what he wants. he ends up being an especially frustrating character because you know that he has these valid grievances and plights and *could* actually do the right thing and give a shit about other people.
but he doesn't. especially the people who actually help him. he treats kimiko and starlight especially, but even his team, like GARBAGE~ with absolutely ZERO excuses for it
and even worse than that, he *uses* these plights as a means to garner sympathy and hide from any criticism for what he does like the gotdamn fucking daddy issues coward he is. he uses his own trauma legit in all the wrong worst ways possible not just to control and manipulate others, but as an excuse to be his absolute worst self and continue spiraling into all that hatred and self loathing.
AND it works!! people are more likely to excuse everything that butcher does! there's a part of me that blames fandom misogyny (for the mistreatment to our precious lady supes) at least a lil, but i also think it's in part to the story being told a good chunk from butcher's *side* of things, but the whole point is that butcher gets *proven wrong*. he is wrong from the start and is a massive fucking hypocrite, and the reader/viewer is supposed to come to this realization as the story unfolds and reveals more about him.
don't even get me started on the chaos in fandom right now, it's a fuckin' mess post gen v. i CAN NOT with the genocide apologism--
homelander, to some degree has some similar issues. except he's *not* self aware about the fact. he's also battling a different demon with the subconscious thought that he is wholly *unloveable* (which is why he is incapable of recognizing vought as his abuser and still seeks approval and admiration from those around him. he is seeking the means to love himself without realizing he can't actually learn to do that through others)
homelander is also easily manipulated, as to some degrees, is kimiko. hence where scumbag extraordinaire billy butcher comes in. butcher is slowly dragging down homelander to his fucked up level. kimiko and the boys are resisting because they are seeing through butcher's nonsense and dishonesty for once
hard agree that going after zoe isn't just a bad wrong stupid move, it is fucked beyond belief because when you get to the point when you start targetting actual fucking *CHILDREN*--.
there is no excuse for that. ever. EVER. that is why we have the geneva conventions, and yeah. butcher MAKES the boys leik actual fucking terrorists, but that is kinda the point ain't it?
i'm still hoping it's at least *kinda* a raw deal/wrong place, wrong time kinda thing where zoe is there but they weren't actually going after *her* specifically or that butcher withheld certain details/claimed they'd be *saving* her just to get his team on board (as per typical butcher fashion. UGH), but i mean... kidnapping a kid def ain't something butcher wouldn't lower himself to doing.
boi gets worse every season and he started out pretty damn bad.
but BOI, am i lookin' forward to the HELL to come~<3<3<3 ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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didn't the connections just want Evie as a weapon/ tool to end all wars (I need to check that file in 7) and Miranda wanted a replacement for Eva hence why she decided to dig up her dead daughter and give them tissue samples (high key even if Miranda brought Eva back the poor kid would never ever be good enough Miranda has had 100 odd years of putting the child on a pedestal)
also Alan Droney (Director* douche who transported Evie with Mia... again the connections sent two 2 people to transport Evie without the treatments needed to keep her stable will that ever not be a problem for me and something i don't see other people mentioning at all?) was posing as a father figure to Evie who rejected her and Evie wanted Ethan to be daddy instead of Jack when he turned up which made Jack mad and Ethan has no idea what he's on about and of course rejects her as well
*in game they call him that and Mia is a caretaker
basically I hope Evie finds people in the conciousness of mold who know everything about her whilst not being directly affected by her violence and help her out (mold therapy group is a idea near and dear to my heart)
As far as the Connections go--tl;dr i went and did some research which is why this took a bit to answer, but yeah, it looks like the Connections DID always plan to use Evie... but Miranda didn't just provide mold, she also provided DNA of her daughter for use in Evie's creation. This, combined with the fact that rose is a 'perfect Eveline' and Eveline's name being so close to Miranda's daughter (Eva) are contet clues that Miranda wanted Eveline made so she could do what she tried with rose. Meaning Eveline's original 'true' purpose was to become Miranda's daughter, but she was 'imperfect'. Because of the emphasis on rose being 'perfect' and Eveline being 'imperfect', I think you make a great point about how ultimately, Eva probably wouldn't have been good enough. None of the 4 Lords were, despite all their power, Miranda still made them feel like they weren't enough to please her.
(side note: this whole 'Miranda was working with Connections!!!' feels very like it was decided after the fact/making it up as they go along. But this interpretation makes it make more sense, at least to me.)
iirc (and someone can feel free to correct me), Mia and her partner were posing as Mia's parents specifically to avoid arousing suspicion when they were transporting her. They weren't intended to be actual parental figures to her. But she was a heavily sheltered child, likely lonely, so she wasn't going to understand it was fake.
We know Evie latched onto Mia as a mother figure, I don't know if she latched onto the guy as a father figure, though. She killed that guy because he essentially rejected her, yeah. If she did see him as a father figure, it was not for very long and it was not to the extent she latched onto Mia (which is intentional--you're not really supposed to care about that guy, so Evie likely didn't either). She also let Ethan 'defy' her much longer than she did Alan.
Evie did use Mia to lure Ethan, though. re7 is explicit about that, bc when Mia is lucid, she tells Ethan she didn't send him the video--meaning Evie was controlling her. Evie wanted Ethan as a father figure because her 'mom' should be married to her 'dad'. I don't think she ever saw Jack as a father figure, because he had adult children her 'mother's age, and because those children (Lucas and Zoe) would likely have been rivals for his love. It's easier for her to play house with Mithan as her parents, and the Bakers as extended family.
Infected!Jack was jealous, yeah, because Ethan was essentially going to replace him as the male head of the family, but Infected!Jack is not the real Jack. Those feelings and actions came from the false family hierarchy that Eveline set up, in which she is both the head of the family and the treasured only grand-child (which is why her rapid aging works as such a good twist; a lot of southern families have an old matriarch like that, and many of them also have a darling granddaughter who is adored).
tbh I don't really care what happens to Evie in the mold matrix, it's just upsetting to me that people call a child irredeemable and deserving of death. Like... they can't see Eveline as the tragedy she is. But Lady D and Heisenberg get praised to high heaven.
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