#like he was soooo jealous that she liked hanging out with me more than him. dude she’s my friend i’ve known her since 7th grade of course
livvyofthelake · 11 months
i’m allowed to be a jakey hater ok my best friend has a jakey ass boyfriend who doesn’t like me very much. i’ve earned it
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aaronhotchswife · 7 months
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Drew Starkey x Female Reader
Chapter 1
Warnings : alcohol, panick attack, angst, want to give the reader a hug, smut, loss of virginity
Chapter 2
"If two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find their way back into each other's arms, no matter what."
Drew's point of view
I look at her, sleeping on my shoulder. She looks so peaceful, her breathing is serene. I look at her lips, that even if I kissed them a lot for the sake of the show, I wonder how they would taste if it was for real. I had agreed to watch Tangled with her since I know it's her favourite movie. For the year she lived with me, she asked me to watch it with her. She was always watching it alone but I finally succumbed to watching it tonight.
She moves slightly, causing me to hold my breath.
'"Hi," she says, repositioning herself on the couch. "Sorry about that," she glances to my shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry," I speak softly, my gaze went back to the movie, a lantern scene playing.
"I woke up just in time for my favourite scene"
"This is your favourite scene ?" I chuckle, incredulous.
"Yeah ! It's so romantic. The ways he looks at her and the song, it's cute."
"It is," I say, looking over her.
We finished the night both laying on the couch, showing each other tiktoks and funny Instagram reels. It was nice to just hang out, like roommates and friends, even if in my head, I always had that little thing, where she might likes me back.
Y/N's point of view
I come back from the grocery store, rubbing my hands together from the cold outside before setting the grocery bags on the counter.
"Drew ?" I spoke loudly, waiting for him to answer me. "Are you home?"
Without getting any answers, I emptied the grocery bags before laying on the couch, a cooking TV show playing in the background.
To : Cut the camera
Mads : the guys chose the bar for tonight. They say it's a pub kind of place
Y/N : girlsss idk what to wear
Lacia : you should wear your blue jeans with your black silk top 🥵
Mads : I AGREE
Mads : btw Odessa's gonna be there tonight
Y/N : that must be why Drew isn't home
Y/N : i already didn't feel like going now it's worse 🙃
Madie : c'mon girl, you're gonna have a great time with us!! And it's the last time that we're gonna see each others before everyone leave for Christmas soooo
Since Drew and Odessa were filming a movie together, they were always hanging out. I tried my best not to be jealous of her but it was hard. I felt like she was prettier, skinnier, funnier than me. And Drew seems to find her really interesting. Which was ok. I was just his roommate and his best friend. Just his roommate and his best friend.
The pub was crowded just enough. I was sitting next to JD and Lacia, talking about crazy fan theories.
"Oh there he is!" JD exclaim, reaching out his hand to do a handshake with Drew. I felt my hands getting clammy, feeling a bit anxious seeing him with her.
"Hi man, hi Lacia, hi Y/N." Drew said, his eyes scanning the booth.
"Hi guys!" said Odessa.
JD and Lacia said hi at the same time, but I find the straw in my drink a lot more interesting than her. I looked over Drew, making eye contact with him before letting my gaze fall back down to my drink.
Drew's point of view
I saw her, wearing her cute jeans and that black top that embraced her curves.
She looked over me, her eyes filled with something else than usually. Her expression changed the second she saw me. I sat at the booth, next to JD. Even if I wanted to sit next to her, she seemed more absorbed by the straw in her drink that by my presence. Odessa sat next to me, putting her hand on my back, making me stiffen. I saw Y/N's gaze looking over me, before she got up, walking over Madelyn and Chase. I get up, walk over them to say hi to my friends. She is standing next to me, but she is still looking everywhere except where I want her to look. I leaned over her, my hand finding a place on her back.
"You ok ?" I asked.
Her tone is dry and I can't think of any reasons of why she would be like that.
"So you brought Odessa ?" Chase asked, making me come back to reality.
"Yeah, well we're spending a lot of time together these days because of Hellraiser and she's nice and —"
"In that case you should go see her before she starts missing you too much."
I turned back to Y/N, my brows furrowed. The tone is which she said it is harsh, something that would normally not happen with her. She doesn't look at me and instead, before I can answer anything, her eyes find Rudy, Austin and Madison talking next to the bar and just like that, she's gone.
Y/N's point of view
I'm sitting at the booth, listening to Rudy asking Austin a Truth or Dare question. I am here, but I feel as if my head is somewhere else. Somewhere alone with Drew. Somewhere where he is in love with me.
"Drewbear, if you saw me on Tinder, would you swipe right ?"
I can hear Odessa giggling while she's asking her question to Drew. Even if I do not want to hear his answer, I suprise myself raising my head and listening carefully. I can't invent the way his eyes look at me before making their way to Odessa.
"I would."
I feel my heart stop. I know I didn't have the right to be jealous of her. We are just friends, even if sometimes it feels like we are more than that. I try to smile, making it seems like it don't affect me, but the way I see Madelyn look at me, her eyes filled with pity, I feel the tears raising in my eyes. I get up to go order a drink, asking everyone if they wanted a refill. I could hear my voice shaking, trying my best to control myself.
"I'll come with you," Drew says, raising from his seat.
"You don't have to."
"C'mon Y/N/N, you can't bring 5 drinks by yourself," he smiled, following me to the bar.
I ordered the drinks, watching the floor and playing with the rings on my fingers waiting for the drinks to be ready.
Drew's point of view
"Did I do something wrong ?" I spoke softly. I could feel something was wrong and it made me sick in my stomach, thinking that I could've hurt her. "You're acting weird ever since I've arrived."
She stops playing with her rings, lifting her head to watch me.
"You didn't."
"Then why are you acting like that ? Being mean about Odessa, ignoring me ? You're in your little world since the beginning of the night, looking everywhere but at me. C'mon, you know we're best friends and that we say everything to each other."
"Do we ? Do we tell each other everything Drew ?" Her voice was trembling.
The moment was cut by the bartender, handing us the drinks.
"I want to talk about it Y/N." I talk louder, making our way to the booth.
"There is nothing to talk about."
Y/N's point of view
As I sat at the booth, my phone vibrated. I look down to see a text from Madelyn.
'You really should tell him how you feel'
Another vibration.
'He's in love with you. You should see the way he looks at you. He's just trying to make you jealous'
'Yeah right' I write back.
'It's working'
"Y/N, truth or dare ?" Odessa asks.
There's is no way I trust this girl enough for a dare, so I answer truth.
"How many persons did you have sex with ?"
I feel the heat creeping up on my cheeks. Even if being a virgin in my 20's sucked, it was always something I could hide. Except for now because the way she looks at me, I'm pretty sure she realizes what I am.
"Oh oh, are you a virgin ?" She laughed sarcastically.
Everybody at the table is silent. Because even if mostly everyone knew, the tone is which she said it makes everyone feel tense. I feel my breath getting shorter and I start getting dizzy. I can't breathe. I can't feel my heart. I can't even focus on the faces of my friends in front of me. I feel like I'm in high school again, with the mean girls. I feel like I will die. I look at Drew, a pleading look on my face. I want him to do something even if I don't know what. I need air, I need the cold air of December to help me breathe.
Drew's point of view
Everybody is silent, everybody is looking at me. Madelyn gets up, running to the door, yelling Y/N's name. I turn to face Odessa and I know she can see the anger in my eyes.
"What. The. Fuck is your problem ?" I speak loudly, not a care in the world if I'm causing a scene. "You should leave. Now." I tell her before exiting the bar, looking for Y/N.
I find her outside, on her knees. Madelyn is next to her, on her knees as well, rubbing her back. I can hear her crying, her respiration is twitching as she tries to speak.
"I–I–don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm not good for anyone," I hear her say between tears. "I–feel like I will die. Why did she do that. Why can't he love me," I see her hyperventilating and I want to say something. To do something. But my feet are stuck on the ground.
"Shh, it's okay. You're okay. You're alive. You're with me. It's okay," I can hear Madelyn comforting her.
"You should go. I think you're the last person she wants to see at the moment," Madison speaks loudly behind me, Lacia following her . Madelyn raises her head, as does Y/N.
"Make him leave Madie, please, make him leave."
I heard her, I look over the girls, tears forming in my eyes. I don't understand anything that is happening right now. I don't understand how my best friend is on the floor have a breakdown because of me.
Y/N's point of view
I run outside, falling to my knees on the ground. I can't breathe. The blood is pounding in my ears. My heart is thudding in my chest.
"Y/N!" I hear Madelyn say, but I don't have the strength to turn back. I need to be alone, I need to breathe.
"Y/N," Madelyn is reaching to me, holding me close to her. My breathing is shaking and I try to control it, to control the tears falling down on my cheeks. I feel humiliated, I feel as if I'm going to die. I don't hear Drew running out the door and I don't see him standing there, his face broken.
"It's okay. It's okay. Breathe with me." Madelyn says, inhaling and exhaling. I try to do the same but my breath gets stuck.
"I–I–don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm not good for anyone," I say between tears. "I–I feel like I will die. Why did she do that. Why can't he love me," I rambled, unable to say anything that make sense.
"Shh, it's okay. You're okay. You're alive. You're with me. It's okay."
I don't hear Drew running out the door and I don't see him standing there, his face broken. I only realized he's there when I hear Madison and Lacia telling him to go home.
"Make him leave Madie, please, make him leave," I begged.
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𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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All my fics for Jude ♥︎ some mature content (if over the age of 18 and you cannot see them go to settings, content you see and turn off mature block ♥︎ tag on Jude scenarios here
🩷 = mature
Last updated July 26th
A win anyways ♥︎ hi can u write jude x reader comforting him after losing the match?
A blurb with no name ♥︎ Can you do a little blurb with a jealous Jude? Maybe you’re a few years older than him and thinks you’d get along better with Trent?
Anything for you ♥︎ Request: one where jude takes care of you when you feel off/bad and the feeling comes out of Nowhere. Like you start to reminisce abt your childhood and it ruins your mood
The L word ♥︎ hiii could you please write a jude imagine where the reader and jude have a lazy day at home and it’s cute and fluffy and he confesses he loves reader for the first time? thank you 😊
Stay ♥︎ hi my love, would you mind doing an angsty jude bellingham smut where they have agreed to break up as he needs to focus on his career but they decide to spend one more night together and have very intimate but also sad sex before they have to leave eachother (and if you don’t mind have them kinda talk it out and decide not to split in the end if you want) thank you 🫶🏻 🩷
Biggest supporter ♥︎ can u write a Jude Bellingham fluff abt just going to his practices and games and being his biggest supporter
Kissing booth ♥︎ Based on a TikTok I saw. Where you tell Jude you love him while taking photos in a photo booth.
Makeup or breakup ♥︎ Jude says some disgusting things during an argument which results in you leaving for some space. Maybe you'll makeup... 🩷
The way he loves you ♥︎ Headcanon on the way Jude shows you he loves you
What about us ♥︎ Jude lied to you and said he was going to stay with you instead of transferring. You felt betrayed
Lust and envy ♥︎ Summary: IM BEGGING jude smut/angst where him and reader are broken up but he finds an old (rough?) sextape and he touches himself to it (we want details tho intense solo sessions are HOT😩) then yeah he regrets leaving her and wants her backkk, and then maybe shes with another guy and he gets all jealous and possessive (sorry to much details) I want toxic jude soooo bad 🤭 🩷
Soulmates ♥︎ sitting in the car in the rain, you and Jude havs a heart to heart
Initials ♥︎ I just know bf Jude would buy you a necklace or a bracelet with his initial on it 😍
The other woman ♥︎ Jude can’t get enough of you, but he is with another woman that's not you 🩷
My life ♥︎ Jude angst where he tries to break up with the reader because he thinks that his life is too much for her but she’s not having it. Just like ‘yea but no’
Mykonos ♥︎ You and Jude enjoy your time on the beach together but that was cut short when you both decided the hotel room was a better option 🩷
Birthday surprise ♥︎ you surprise Jude on his birthday after being away from him for a while. You give me him a little something as well 🩷
There's this girl ♥︎ Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice )
Love languages ♥︎ all five Love language with Jude 🩷
Hidden feelings ♥︎ Can we got some enemies to lovers with Jude maybe him and the reader “hate” each other but are in the same friend group and one day reader gets hurt and he rushes to come and help her 😩😩 anything will don’t tbh
Soul intertwine ♥︎ English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes… I was thinking about something fuffly + smut. Like the reader being innocent and a shy person. She and jude got into their relationship recently and they have had no sex yet bc jude don’t wants to pressure her to do anything (but ofc he wants have sex w her), especially when he starts to realize how innocent she is… he thinks she’s too cute and at the same time he wants to ruin her, he feel the need to protect her. But when y/n is in a convo w her girlies friends and one of them asks about her sex life w jude and she don’t know what to say, she would be curious about it but would be too shy to talk w jude about it he would find it weird that she was quiet and looking bothered by something and would talk w her. After insists a lot, she finally says about all the stuffs that she heard about her friends and she would be “idk how react” and jude gets fully turned on by her innocent but makes he’s best to not show ithe tries to find a way to explain for her without destroy her innocent but she wants to know about everything and she wants him to do everything w her bc she wants to be his. 🩷
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© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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hotchs-big-hands · 9 months
ngl i would genuinely get off to making haley jealous and angry because of how fucking easy it is. my personal hc here but i think she was controlling and thought she had hotch wrapped around her finger and it infuriated her that his job was the only thing he refused to listen to her about. i also think she tried to baby trap him with jack in the assumption that would "fix" their marriage and when it only made it worse she blamed aaron for never being home when she easily couldve hired a nanny or regular babysitter so she could work or do whatever. i believe she cheated bc of that one phone call to their house when hotch answered and it was a random man asking for haley before hanging up and the look hotch gave her like yeah he knew she was fucking around too. i think it made her even angrier that when she filed for divorce hotch didnt even fight her onit! didnt ask to work things out or for counseling or anything. just "okay ill sign the papers when i get back from this case"
now assuming reader is mid twenties i think your very existence would have her enraged. aaron seems happier and even healthier. hes got more color in his face, hes put on some healthy weight, he smiles and laughs now, he takes more time off work, his life has clearly significantly improve since she left him and she cant fucking stand it. she thought she was the best thing that ever happened to him and now shes seeing in real time she's actually the worst thing ♥️♥️
and you thinks its funny as hell to watch a 40 year old woman with a whole ass kid be that bent out of fucking shape because the man SHE LEFT is fine without her. like yes maam i am younger than you, hotter than you, nicer than you AND i can ride the dick just right. stay pressed bitch 💕. and when she tries interfering in your relationship hotch asks you to put up with it just for a bit because he knows hack is still adjusting to coparenting and he wants the best for his son so you let him handle his exwife until she crosses a line and tries to accuse you of some shit and aaron finally puts his foot down and haley cant believe that shes really lost complete control over aaron (haha fuck you haley)
like i fantasize about a situation where haley is trying SOOOO hard to break yall up and drive a wedge between you two and it isnt until jacks birthday or some big family function aaron brought you too and haley cant help it but lowkey stalk yall all night and so youre like "aaron watch this" and you drag him off to some secluded corner and hes like ??? but you tell him "hold on baby give it a minute. bet you anything haley pops up" and then once you hear footsteps you give aaron a big fat smooch and surprise surprise!! whos coming around the corner? why its haleys stalker ass following you two like a creep!
i literally just want to cuck haleys pathetic ass because fuck her and her scraggly blonde hair and that nappy ass wig she had on in witness protection with her no-style-no-personality-all-about-me havin ass 😒😒😒😒
sorry this is such a convoluted mess i just hate that lady 😭😭
The SECOND she says smth nasty abt you Aaron is soooooo fucking pissed. She insults you saying you're just a whore sleeping with Aaron for his money (and cuz us babes are plus-size queens she HATES THAT) and that Aaron is not attracted to you.
And Aaron OOF he takes her to one side and tells her she is fucking nothing but the mother of his child now. That YOU are his everything. YOU make him the man he is now. He's fucking happy with you as the love of his life and that Haley made him chronically stressed and depressed and almost completely ruined his self esteem. He warns her to back the fuck off from him and reader. He does not want any communication with her unless it's to do with Jack. End of.
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 2 months
So I saw that you're writing for Marvel now. I was thinking about jealousy. Specifically Bucky being ✨Jealous✨. Like the reader is just chatting away with someone about this guy she likes (bucky) but she knows he doesnt like her back (he soooo does) and (everyone else can see it too) so he gets hella jealous and finally just snaps. And kisses her like he is gonna die if he doesnt. The kind of kiss that makes you forget everything else in the world kiss.
Author note: The "bad guy" of this story is named Luke so I'm sorry if you are Luke or you're friends with a Luke.
Triggers: Nothing? I think it's just fluff, a little of Bucky angst but nothing bad!
Bucky didn't mean to eavesdrop, he swears! All he wanted to do was get more tea!
But....when he heard your voice, your giggle, maybe just maybe he stayed hidden on purpose.
Who is making her giggle so much?? He wondered feeling emotions he hasn't felt in a while. Anger, confusion, insecure.
He overhears a few things that makes his ears ring.
"He's just so sweet you know? Like he is always trying to be there for me and he's so pretty! Like those eyes!" You playfully groan, "He's just perfect." Bucky stops listening after those few sentences passed your lips. Who is she talking about? Who is there for her, I thought I was that person... He goes back to his room with his empty mug and decides to spend the rest of the morning pouting in his room.
Bucky was dreading tonight.
Why the hell did he promise Sam that he would go to this party??? He knew you were going to be there, my god what if that "perfect" guy was going to be there with her? Is he going to have to deal with you be hanging all over this mystery guy? As his mind races with the idea of you being with someone else it begins to wander away with the idea of you. What will you being wearing? Will your hair be down or up? If it's down it usually means you were struggling more today than usual, does that "perfect" guy know that? "fucking doubt it" He grumbles as he walks out the door.
Sam is over this damn attitude Bucky has been giving out today. "What the hell is wrong with you tonight?" Sam asked fed up, "I know this isn't like your thing but you were improving on at least fixing your face when you're in a mood. I think if you glare at that guy anymore he will drop dead, go over and talk to her, get your girl or leave them be and fix your face." All he got in response was an eye roll.
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Bucky had enough. Who the hell does this guy think he is! Your attention has been on this 'Luke' guy all night. Bucky hasn't been able to get you alone for at least a conversation for hours now and he was done. Finishing his drink he leaves the table and goes over to you, walking with a purpose. He doesn't notice the way your eyes light up and how a smile graces your face when you see him coming your way but he does notice how you seem to giggle and lean into Luke to whisper something to him and he certainly noticed Luke rubbing your arm before walking away.
"Bucky! I've been wanting to talk to you abo-" You get cut off by his lips pressing against yours with a passion. You gasps slightly, completely caught off guard. Sure people were saying Bucky was into you but you didn't really believe it. The two of you pull away slowly, wanting to stay in your own little world. Bucky smile softly, feeling a sense of relief from feeling you so close to him, but that was quickly overshadowed by a sense of fear washing over him. What if you weren't into him like that? What if he overstepped? What if he just ruined your relationship? What if Luke wanted to kick his ass now?...well I could totally take Luke.
"I-I um I know I didn't, I should've asked before kissing you but you don't understand how awful it has been watching you with that guy..." he trailed off feeling embarrassed by his previous actions. "I think I should probably just get going" he announced before he is stopped by your hands softly gracing his face. When he got the nerve to look back up at you it was his turn to gasp against your lips as you kiss him with a passion.
Who would've thought everyone was right when they said you guys were into each other. Bucky definitely wishes he listened sooner if it meant he got to feel your lips against his.
I hope you loved! I loved writing it! I'm finally getting back into the groove with writing so if you have any request I would love to try and write it for you! I do fluff, I'm trying my hand out in smut and angst too
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emgavi · 1 year
Hiii! Can you write a gavi x reader when they’re in a long distance relationship and gavi gets jealous because the reader has been busy and hanging out with other guys? Don’t overwork yourself and drink some water!
Where were you? (Pablo Gavi x reader)
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I got carried away writing this one soooo, i hope you like it <33
Your head was pounding, another headache coming from another sleepless night working with your team from work. You worked as an animator and recently a while back you were moved to the Paris branch to work on an upcoming project. You hated leaving Gavi for longer than you wanted, but he understood how great this project would be for you as an animator.
Long distance relationships didn’t seem like it would affect you and gavi, the first weeks it was a breeze. Daily facetime calls, always texting each other throughout the day, and phone calls during lunch hour made it feel a bit better being away from the love of your life. 
But as work for you started to intensify, and Gavi practices extending longer, the less you and Gavi would be able to talk to each other the past month. Facetimes became once a week or twice if it was a good week. You would still text each other daily but it was much less than before. You hated not having the time to talk to Gavi but this new animation project was taking a lot of your time. 
You and your team of other fellow animators have been working on this project for the last 3 months on overdrive getting it ready to hand it to the next department in development. Working on overdrive everybody felt like they needed a break to just relax and have fun away from the project. That’s when the pleading started from your work mates. 
“Come on y/n come with us, everyone is going”
“Yeah y/n, it’s just one night out, we will start again in the morning”
“You need to relax y/n/n” they all kept saying to me while I sighed typing away, sitting in my desk area. 
“You guys do know we have a deadline to meet right?” you told them 
Cami, one of your closer friends in the group, came to you and put her hands on your shoulders
“y/n/n we will finish it before then, we already have done much more in our time frame, you deserve a break” she said shaking you a bit as she spoke.
Sighing for the final time at them, “fine… but not for too late” They all cheered at your answer and quickly picked you up from your chair and headed out the door. You laughed at their excitement, you all did deserve a break, what could go wrong? 
Over in Barcelona, was an anxious Gavi pacing his apartment with Pedri watching him from the couch, eating some snacks. He texted you in the afternoon and now it was nighttime, causing him to worry.“Why hasn’t she replied yet, she never goes this long” Pedri rolled his eyes at his best friend. 
“Hermanito she has a life too you know, plus you know she's been busy with her project” Pedri tells the pacing Gavi.
“I know’ Gavi sighed and ran his hand through his hair while still in his head. “Should I call her?” 
Pedri finally stood up and put his hands on Gavi’s shoulders to stop him pacing. “Calm down gavi, she’s okay, this is y/n we are talking about” Gavi just looked down and nodded his head, agreeing for the moment with Pedri.
“Just wait a bit, i’m sure she’ll respond soon” Pedri told Gavi
Loud music blared in your ears all around you, taking another sip from your drink you continued to dance with your friends. You finally felt somewhat at ease for the first time in weeks, “maybe you guys were right, we did need this” you say over the loud music to them 
“We told you y/n “ Patrick says , one of your other friends/ co-workers. You just smiled back at him and continued to dance to the music with your group, feeling the alcohol start to get into your system. 
Without you knowing, your friend Cami recorded you and the rest of the group, dancing to the music and having fun. She then posted it on her story on instagram, which Gavi so happened to follow since she was your friend and he could see updates of you. 
Gavi couldn’t keep his phone out of his sight, he still hadn't heard anything from you. So when he saw that your friend had posted on her stories, he quickly clicked on it hoping you were shown okay. He felt a bit of relief when he saw your face on the screen except it quickly fazed out with jealousy as he starts to notice that you are in a club, drinking, with a bunch of guys around you. 
You were dancing next to them, sure it looked like a group but he didn’t like how close those men were to you. Who even were they? The more Gavi watched the quick video the more upset he became.
Questions floating in his mind, Why were you out with them? Why weren’t you picking up your phone? , did you not have time for him anymore?, did you just not care about him and him being concerned about you? 
More upset than before, he tries to call you, screw what pedri said before, he didn’t care.
He groaned out loud when he heard your voicemail in his ear. “Answer y/n, come on” Gavi whispered to himself as he dialed your number again. 
Still at the club, you took a break to sit down and talk with Cami and other friends. Seeing your other friend pull out her phone, made you remember your own. You haven’t checked on it since after your lunch break and put it on silent, so you could stay focused on work. 
When your screen lit up, your eyes went wide at the amount of texts you had from Gavi and missed calls. You didn’t think he was going to text you today since you knew he had a busy practice schedule and figured he would be too tired to text when he got back. 
As if on cue, you see Gavi’s face pop on your screen, signaling to you that he was calling you again. Quickly you answered and stood up to walk outside out of the loud club.
“Hello, Gavi? I’m so sorry i had my ringer off and i didn’t look at my phone till now, is everything okay? You spoke while pushing past people to go to the door.
“No, y/n, everything is not okay, You had me worried sick, I was this close to buy a ticket to go over there but it seems like you wouldn’t care because while I am freaking out, you are out clubbing with other guys, am i not important to you anymore?” Gavi spoke, sounding very upset, you knew this would not be good.
“Wait- how did you know I was out? I’m sorry I worried you but I thought you would be too tired to text after your practice” you told him, now outside so you could hear him clearly
You hear Gavi scoff, “your friends instagram story, and you shouldn't just assume what i’ll do” 
“I - im sorry gavi i did-” you started but then Gavi cut you off
“And don’t you have an important project, you know the one that limits you from talking to me and ignoring me. You said it was super important yet I see you partying with a bunch of guys, how come you aren’t able to have time for me but for them?” Gavi said, his voice getting angrier as he talked.
“There aren't random guys gavi, they are co-workers from my team, they wanted to get out of the office for some fun and to relax, we have been working our butts off. And don’t you start with me not having time for you, you know very well how much you mean to me and how important this project can be for my career” you said in defense of yourself. 
“Do i? Do I really? Porque right now I feel like I mean nothing to you, not even having the time to let me know you're okay? This relationship works when both people communicate y/n” 
“Gavi, what do you want me to do?! It’s my job just like you have your job” you were getting tired of this argument with Gavi but you were getting annoyed how he thought you didn’t care about him just because of some stupid story on instagram.
“... this isn’t working, maybe… we should take a break for a while…at least you come back” Gavi said softly, him too already tired of the fighting.
“What? Gavi you can't be serious. I care about you, I love you, I don't want a break” you said shocked, feeling the weight of Gavi’s words as if it was suffocating you. You feel a tear slip on your face.
“But i do….i love you but i - i just can’t do this right now”  Gavi said in defeat, all of the emotions throughout the day caused him to just not want think of anything right now or deal with it. 
“Gavi please-” you begged on the line, hoping that he would change his mind. “Im sorry y/n , i’ve gotta go” at that Gavi hung up on you. You stood outside the club in shock of what just happened , Gavi just broke up with you, the weight on your chest started to feel heavier as you started to have a panic attack, the alcohol in your system not helping either. Your emotions are a whirlwind, you loved Gavi, and never once did you want to be with anyone other than him, why didn’t he see that? 
As heavy tears fall from your face, your chest felt like an elephant just sat on you. You start to feel dizzy, the whole world around you becomes blurry. The last thing you remember before you passed out was a voice calling out to you then darkness. 
To be continued? 
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oftenwantedafton · 5 months
Night Shift - Steve Raglan/William Afton x Mike Schmidt x Female Reader
Chapter 4
Rating - Explicit
Warnings for sexual content, dub con
Also available on AO3
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Mike looks exhausted.
The lack of sleep and the strenuous shift compiled with certain…activities…has clearly taken its toll. You promise him you’ll take Abby to school and he doesn’t argue, tossing his keys and work vest on the kitchen counter before collapsing into bed fully dressed.
When the phone rings, startling you from the copy of the Dream Theory book that your boyfriend’s always engrossed in, you hurriedly move to the kitchen to answer it, hoping the noise didn’t wake Mike.
“Well, hello, honey.”
Steve Raglan’s voice purring in your ear makes you shudder. You sag against the wall, fiddling with the phone cord. “What do you want?”
”I wasn’t expecting you to answer. Are you two living together now? That escalated quickly.”
If you didn’t know better, you’d swear he almost sounded jealous. ”No, we’re not. I’m taking the semester off from school and I’ve been working remotely so I have extra time to help out over here.”
”Like a good housewife. How…quaint,” he murmurs, the disdain dripping from his words.
”Did you call for any particular reason, or did you just want to insult me?”
The man’s tone instantly shifts. “Not at all. The owner and I have been chatting and have come to the realization that the clean up here is going to be more than Mike can handle on his own within a reasonable amount of time. It also detracts from his time spent watching the cameras, therefore defeating the entire purpose of him being there in the first place. Soooo,” he draws out the vowel, his voice now deceptively cheerful and innocent, “I thought I’d accept your earlier offer of lending a hand.”
He’s done it again: found another reason to have the three of you together.
“The owner isn’t filing a police report? You’re certain?”
“No, he’s not. Although this might help solidify that decision, if you catch my meaning.”
“Am I ever going to get to meet this owner?”
You can practically hear his sly grin over the phone. “Maybe someday, sweetheart. I’m sure he’d like that very much.”
The thought of him drawing another person into your little blackmailing circle of sin makes your stomach turn. “Never mind. Forget I said anything.”
“As you like. You’ll be there tonight then?”
“Excellent. I look forward to supervising your progress.”
The line disconnects and you hang up the phone, turning to see Mike standing in the doorway.
“Shit, I’m sorry the phone woke you up. I tried to get it quickly.”
He stifles a yawn, rubbing his eyes. “Was it that asshole?”
“What now?”
“He wants me to go with you tonight to help clean up.”
“Bastard.” He curses, glancing at the clock. “We’re going to have to get someone to watch Abs. I really wish Max would answer her damn phone.” He folds his arms across his chest. “I’m gonna have to call Aunt Jane. Abby will be mad.”
“Want me to pick her up from school?”
“Nah. It’s better if I break the news to her as soon as possible.” He frowns. “You’re going to need to take a nap since you’ll be up all night.”
“I’ll try.”
“I’m gonna grab takeout. Maybe that will soften the blow. We haven’t had Chinese in awhile.”
“Sounds good.”
“Okay I’m gonna go shower and get going.” He brushes a quick kiss against your mouth before leaving the kitchen.
You return to the couch in the living room, your eyes staring sightlessly at the words on the page. Tonight will be your third night at Freddy’s. Your fourth time with Steven Raglan.
Your body shudders again.
Mike had been right. Abby was upset.
She refuses supper, storming off to pack an overnight bag while you sit at the kitchen table, unfolding a carton of chicken fingers, munching on the batter dipped meat while Mike works on a container of rice.
“What time are we dropping her off?”
“Another hour. You don’t have to come, you know.”
“I know. I just think it will go smoother.”
Abby reappears, reaching for one of the plates stacked on the counter. You and Mike’s eyes meet and you see his lips twitch.
“Change your mind, Abs?”
“You’re still a jerk,” she says dismissively, settling into the seat next to you. You offer her a piece of chicken and slide an unopened carton near her plate.
“You know it’s work. We both have to work,” he reminds her gently, spooning out a portion of fried rice onto his sister’s plate.
“Still a jerk,” she proclaims around a mouthful of chicken, but she sounds much less grouchy this time.
You glance at Mike, seeing him wink and you struggle not to smirk.
With Abby dropped off there’s nothing left to do but wait until it’s time to leave for the restaurant. You’d tried lying down earlier but sleep had completely evaded you, even after you'd listened to Mike’s soothing nature sounds cassette and attempted some of the techniques in the dream theory book, willing yourself to sleep and maintain control of what you envision but ultimately failing.
Mike is slumped beside you on the couch, clearly still worn out, unaware of your gnawing anxiety and anticipation, knowing the latter is wrong but not being able to help yourself, your mind racing from one thought to the next. You replay the strange conversation on the phone earlier, certain now that Raglan was upset at finding you at Mike’s; the way his tongue had touched the pulse in your wrist after he’d asked you what you wanted during your previous intimate encounter; the secret smile he’d gifted you in parting the last time you’d seen him.
“I’ve got to go get ready.” Mike’s voice interrupts your reverie.
He hesitates. “Is that what you’re wearing?”
It hadn’t even occurred to you to change; when you’d dressed today you’d wanted to look nice for your boyfriend. Now the clinging ribbed knit dress and matching shrug seems wildly inappropriate.
“I…no. Can’t really clean in this.”
“I guess it doesn’t matter. I doubt he’ll have you do much actual cleaning,” he says bitterly.
“I’ll change,” you say firmly. “Can I borrow something to wear? Pajamas maybe?”
“Of course. You look great, by the way. I appreciate the effort, believe me. I’m just really tired.”
You squeeze his hand sympathetically. “I’m sorry. I’m going to try to help. I mean with the cleaning,” you add, wondering if you’re making it worse.
The career counselor’s car is waiting for you in front of the pizzeria, the man himself leaning against the side of it, seemingly oblivious to the cooler night air.
“Welcome back, sweetheart,” he greets you as you exit the car. Mike moves more slowly, glaring at the older man, slamming the door shut. “Why don’t you head inside, Mike. Your girlfriend and I have something to discuss.”
The security guard’s eyes narrow. “I’m not leaving you alone with her.”
“What’s the matter? You think we’re going to do something scandalous in this climate? This won’t take long.”
Mike scowls but relents, directing his attention at you. “Make it quick, okay?”
You nod, watching the shorter man’s retreating figure.
“Are you cold?” Steve steps forward, halting just in front of you.
“I’m fine.” You wrap your arms tightly around yourself, wishing you’d brought a warmer jacket. You’re always so ill prepared.
His eyes rove over your figure and he frowns. “What are you wearing?”
“I borrowed Mike’s pajamas.” You shuffle your feet in his poorly fitting sneakers, suddenly self conscious about the plaid pants and loose shirt you’re dressed in.
“What happened to your own clothes?”
You sigh, rubbing your arms to try to generate some warmth. “I had to change out of my dress so I could do this stupid cleaning.”
“I would have liked to see you in the dress,” he murmurs. “Why didn’t you just go home and change?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it until it was too late. I figured you’d be pissed if we were late.”
“Or maybe you were just impatient to get here.”
“You wish.” You shiver again. “Was there something specific you wanted to talk about? Why are we out here?”
“Come here.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “You promised we weren’t going to—”
“—I didn’t promise anything. I’m simply asking you to come here.”
“You never ask. You only tell.”
“We both know that’s not entirely true now, don’t we?”
You chew your bottom lip, hesitating. “Why do you want me to?”
The bearded man feigns surprise. “Do I need a reason?” He reaches out, fingers briefly stroking against your jaw, his tone matching the gentle touch. “Have I ever needed a reason?”
“I guess not.” You can’t control your shivering now.
His hand drops back to his side. “What is this sudden obstinance tonight? I hope this isn’t an indication of how the rest of the evening is going to go. Your boyfriend is already on thin ice.”
The implied threat weakens your resolve. “Fine.” You sigh, moving to wrap your arms around him. It feels good, being crushed against his chest, heartbeats echoing on opposing sides, his arms securing you against him, breath warm in your hair. You inhale the scent of him, remaining silent, wishing it didn’t feel so pleasant to cling to him.
He draws back to peer down at you, tipping your face up to view his. You think back to the very first time he’d done this, before your first kiss. Your eyes trace the lines near the corners of his eyes and mouth, lingering on his lips. They curve ever so slightly.
And then he abruptly leaves your embrace, instead reaching for one of your hands to lead you to the entrance.
You’re more baffled than ever, confused by the man’s erratic behavior.
“I thought you wanted to talk,” you protest.
“We did talk.” He pulls on the handle of the glass door, holding it open for you.
“Barely,” you mutter, following him into the entryway and dining room.
“We shouldn’t keep Mike waiting.”
“You don’t care what he wants.” You stop dead in your tracks, pulling your hand free of his grasp.
“You’re right. I don’t care what he wants,” he agrees, nonplussed, the emphasis on he unmistakable.
“What do you care about?”
“Now that’s a much better question.” He smirks at you as he opens the door to the employee area. “After you.”
“You’re enjoying this.”
“It’d be nice if you answered a question once in a while.” You shake your head, about to walk past him when he grabs at your waist, tugging you against him. All traces of amusement have vanished, the dark centers of his eyes expanding, the pools of desire widening. Just the slightest lift on your part and bend on his and his mouth would be on yours.
You’ve never wanted anything so much in your life.
“Raglan!” Mike appears from the other end of the corridor, starting towards you.
Steve sighs, relaxing his grip.
You’re not sure which one of you is more disappointed at the interruption.
You’d thought the destruction at the front end of the restaurant had been bad, but it pales in comparison to the state of the back rooms.
You’re not even certain that all of the mess spread before you is from the previous intruders; there’s a definite layer of dust on many of items scattered everywhere, the mysterious dark stains on the floors looking like they’d soaked into the surface a long time ago.
“This isn’t from the break in,” you announce, startling Mike, who’d begun sweeping rubble into a pile.
Steve returns from throwing the switch on the box to restore power in time to hear your complaint and shrugs. “It’s still part of the job. Clearly stated when you accepted the position,” the career counselor says, directing his gaze meaningfully at Mike, then turns back to you. “Come with me, sweetheart. We’re going to need some supplies to work on these floors.”
Mike halts mid sweeping motion, his grip on the handle tightening.
“You should know the routine by now. Back to work,” the older man growls warningly.
You follow Raglan down the hall to a large custodial closet, your attention wandering to the room across the hall while he begins gathering items together.
“What’s in here?”
“Extra locker storage for employees,” he replies distractedly, hefting a bottle of industrial cleaner free from the clutter of its brethren on the steel shelf.
You step inside the room, noticing that all of the steel cabinets are open and empty, save the one on the end of the row that is sealed shut.
Almost as if in a trance you walk toward it, reaching for the handle.
The distracted muttering that had become background noise disappears, Steve rushing past you to slam a hand on the door, preventing you from opening it, his breathing harsh. You’ve never seen this expression on his face before.
He looked afraid.
“Don’t open it.”
“What’s in there?”
“It doesn’t matter what’s in there. I’m telling you not to open it.”
“What is it, Pandora’s box?” You quip but the older man’s features remain grave.
It takes him a few moments before he’s no longer panicked, the wild look in his eyes fading, his breathing slowing as he regains his composure. “That’s not your concern. Let’s go.” He guides you back out of the room, this time locking the door behind you.
For the first several hours, you and Mike actually do nothing but clean, surprised when even Steve lends a hand in your efforts to restore the space to some semblance of order and cleanliness.
He’s acting differently tonight, especially after the strange incident in the locker room earlier. There’s more of a familiarity with this area; a sort of odd reverence for the animatronic components that he encounters.
The more you think about it, the more you feel like you’re missing something blatantly obvious. Why is a career counselor so familiar with the interior of the children’s restaurant, particularly this area restricted to employees? Had he worked here once? You find it hard to imagine, but it did explain some things.
“Alright. That’s enough for now.”
The room smells of cleaning chemicals, pungent ammonia mingling with whatever had been saturating the floors, something metallic and musty that clashes unpleasantly. You’re grateful when he leads you away, first giving you both a minute to wash up in the restroom, then guiding you towards the security office.
“Why don’t you keep an eye on the monitors for awhile, Mike?” He points to the office chair and Mike obediently slumps into it, too tired to argue. The security guard begins to dejectedly punch on the command panel to view alternate camera angles.
Raglan’s gaze wanders to the Nebraska poster the younger man had recently tacked up on the wall, an unreadable expression on his features before he meets your stare.
You’d been acutely aware of his eyes on your body all evening, lingering over the places where you’d gotten splashed with water, thin material clinging dark and wet to your skin. You couldn’t help notice his ass whenever he bent over, generous curves straining against the seat of his sensible trousers. The impulse to shove your hands inside those back pockets to cop a feel has struck you more than once.
“Enough,” he reprimands Mike, his voice less stern than usual as he shoves the keyboard away from his hands, clearing a spot for himself to half sit on the edge of the desk, one thigh seated in place, the other leg braced against the floor, the tall figure blocking Mike’s view of the monitors. He gathers a fistful of the younger man’s shirt and drags your boyfriend and the office chair he’s seated in forward, then releases his shirt and lets his fingers siphon through the soft brown curls, the touch more of a caress than any you’d seen him bestow on Mike previously. Maybe it was because it was so late; he was probably tired after working all day and most of the night, too.
His face drops down as he pulls Mike’s head back gently, his eyes flicking up to your face as he descends, seemingly in slow motion, watching you watching him as he captures Mike’s lips with his own. His free hand reaches out for you and you accept it, letting him pull you towards them, and you collide somewhere between Raglan’s hip and Mike’s arm.
Steve’s fingers search your face blindly as he’s currently occupied with sucking a bruise onto Mike’s neck, and you feel them pause when they reach your lips. They part and you suck along his index and middle fingers, the knuckles passing through as he strokes along your tongue, pushing back as if to test the limits of your gag reflex before he slides them free, shoving them past the drawstring tightened waistband of your borrowed pajama pants and panties where they circle around your clit.
You gasp and the older man hurriedly swallows that sound, his mouth breaking free from Mike’s and covering yours, gifting you the kiss you’ve been craving all evening.
You lose track of who does what to whom, vaguely aware of sounds of zippers parting, some moans from Mike, who’s hair you’re now clutching, your own needy whimpers and the feel of Raglan’s fingers easing inside your entrance. He pants beside your ear while your free hand briefly traces the outline of his cock through his pants before wandering across the rest of his body. You feel your boyfriend’s hand moving underneath the oversized shirt he’s lent you to stroke across your nipples.
Steve’s face moves so he can see your features as he continues invading you, making you plead breathlessly for another kiss, to cum, anything he’s willing to give you. Your eyelids flutter, your mouth slack as the pair of long fingers curl inside you, expertly stroking your sweet spot.
Oh, God.
You come apart on his hand, words unspoken pressing at the back of your teeth as your grip tightens in Mike’s hair, your other hand finally surrendering to what it’s wanted for hours, slotting into Steve’s back pocket and squeezing.
Slick fingers work on the knot of your pants, impatiently tearing the fabric ties and jerking the waistband over your hips, collecting your panties on the way, bending just long enough to tear everything off your legs completely. “Sit on your boyfriend’s lap, sweetheart. He’s ready for you.” He grasps your upper arms and turns you so that you’re facing the seated man, indicating for you to straddle his slouched form, Mike’s erection sliding inside of you as you lower yourself down, the chair creaking alarmingly with the added weight. You feel the older man against your back, lending you extra support and you lean your shoulders back on his chest, your boyfriend’s thumbs digging into your hips as he thrusts into your pussy still oozing your own cum.
Raglan’s hand cups your chin and he thrusts his thumb into your mouth. You lick and bite the pad of it, frantically grinding down onto Mike. It’s such a sloppy fuck, you’re so wet…
It takes tremendous concentration to orgasm when you’re exhausted; you know exactly what that feeling is like, how frustrating it is because you just want release but you can’t quite find the energy to get there. You know just fucking you is not quite enough to send Mike over the edge.
“Fill her up, Mike.” Steve’s hands slide down, reaching the pair still holding on to you and that’s it, you feel the hot splash of seed inside, the younger man cursing his way through his release.
It’s already leaking back out but Steve doesn’t waste any time solving that problem, lifting you easily and sitting you on the edge of the desk, his cock sliding right back into the slot your boyfriend had so recently vacated, fucking his cum right back inside your cunt. You cling to him, clutching his body with all of your limbs while he rocks into you, your teeth gripping his shoulder through his shirt.
“Harder,” he urges, and you comply, jaw closing, teeth digging into fabric and the skin beneath. He huffs in pain; you can hear him wincing in that sound and you immediately release him, kissing a gentle apology against his throat.
“I didn’t say to stop,” he scolds you, but he doesn’t sound upset. “You ready for it, honey?”
You are and you aren’t. You love the feel of him inside you; you adore his mouth on yours; you want to take him apart; you don’t want to watch him leave the parking lot without you when you’re finished here.
You say none of these things. You nod and kiss him and let him fill your womb with another load.
When he finally lets you go, you see Mike just sitting there, haunted eyes fixed on the poster above you, the fragile skin beneath his eyes shadowed darker than you’ve ever seen.
“I have to tell you something.” Mike’s voice cracks through the silence of your ride home.
You glance over at him. “What?”
He rubs at the hair lining his jaw. “I have a younger brother named Garrett.”
You remain silent, waiting for him to continue.
“He went missing when my family went camping back in Nebraska. Somebody took him. I was supposed to be watching him, and I got distracted.” His knuckles blanch as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel. “That was the last time I saw him. Until I started working at Freddy’s.”
You frown in confusion.
“There’s something about that place. I know it doesn’t make any sense. But I can see him so clearly when I doze off there. That’s why I’m so invested in the Dream Theory. I feel like if I keep at it, I can finally remember something, some detail that might help me find out where he is. I saw the car that drove away with him, but I’m not certain about the make or model. I don’t think it had a license plate. Sometimes I see other kids at the state park, too. They’re new. They weren’t in the dreams until I started working there. I’ve tried to talk to them, but they keep running away from me. I feel like they know something. I don’t know what it all means, but…” His voice trails off.
“I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry.”
“I think you should know. Even if…even if there wasn’t this blackmail about Abby, I’d have to stay there. It’s the only hope I have of ever finding him. I’m never getting out of this situation any way that you look at it.”
He pulls into the driveway of his house, making no move to exit the car. “I let it happen again, didn’t I? Let myself get distracted when I should have been watching what’s going on right in front of me.”
“What do you mean?”
His wounded eyes meet yours. “I see the way Steve looks at you. He’s not even bothering to hide it anymore.” You see his Adam’s apple shift as he struggles to swallow past the emotions building in his throat. “I know you think about him all the time.”
“No, I don’t.” The denial sounds feeble even in your own ears.
“Do you ever wish you were with him instead?”
“No.” Your breath hitches at how on target he is and you struggle to recover. “No, of course not. I spend more time here now than I do at my own place. I help take care of Abby—”
“—And I appreciate that, sincerely. You’re amazing with her,” he interrupts. “But that’s not an explanation for what’s happening with us.”
“How am I even supposed to act with you?” You snap bitterly, on the defensive. “You’re afraid to go near me. You don’t want me to make a move on you. You treat me like I’m some delicate flower you’re going to crush. I’m not.” You pluck at the rumpled plaid pants you’re wearing, your voice softening. “It’s not my fault. I did all this to help you so you wouldn’t lose your sister.”
“I know. And I had no right to ask that of you. It was my problem. I’ve created this entire mess. I always do.” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “Ever since Garrett went missing because of me. It’s just been one mistake after another. I’ve caused everyone I care about grief.”
“What happened to your brother wasn’t your fault.”
“It’s a moot point. The damage is done all the same.” He reaches for your restless fingers, stilling them. “I’m right, aren’t I? About Steve.”
You force yourself to meet his eyes. “Yes,” you whisper.
He nods to himself, exhaling loudly.
“Why did you hide that shirt? The one you wore to the movies that night.”
He frowns at the shift in conversation. “I don’t know.”
You shake your head, smiling bitterly. “Yes, you do. Because it’s the same for you. You enjoy the things he does with you. You think about him when he’s not around. Wish he was here—”
“—I fucking despise that man,” he growls.
“Maybe. But it doesn’t mean you don’t desire him, as twisted as that sounds. Maybe because hate is such a strong emotion, the opposite side of the same coin.”
“You don’t hate him,” he mutters quietly.
“No. I should, but I don’t.”
“Are you…are you falling in love with him?” You can see him struggling to push the words out.
“I don’t even know him. Not really.”
“That’s not an answer.”
You hesitate. “I don’t know. I’m still here because I want to be. I care about both of you. And I know that’s not fair. So where does that leave us? Do you want me out of your life?”
“It would hurt Abby.” He pauses. “It would hurt me, too. Badly. You two are all I have left. I’ve lost everyone else. But I don’t want you sticking around just because you feel some sense of obligation. It’s just going to get harder for us the longer you’re around.”
“I don’t want to lose either of you. I don’t know what to do.” You drag one palm against each of your eyes, attempting to smear away the tears that are starting. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Okay. Then we’ll…we’ll figure this out. Together.” He pulls you against him, burying his face against your neck.
The Check Engine light comes on when you’re in the middle of nowhere on a stretch of highway late at night.
You should’ve left sooner, back when it was still daylight; back before you’d had perhaps one too many drinks; even more than that, if you were being honest with yourself. It’s foolish, but the peer pressure of being with a group of friends you haven’t seen since last year clouds your judgment, delaying you with silent promises of staying for just a few more minutes, and consuming just one more for the road.
Now you’re stranded on that very road, the car making some horrible grinding sound. You pull onto the shoulder and turn the key, silencing the noise and extinguishing the warning message. You feel a headache coming on and you massage your forehead absently, trying to sort through the intoxication and think of who you can call to rescue you. You have a cell phone for emergencies, a clunky looking Nokia that you keep tucked in the glove compartment just in case.
Mike’s at work by now of course, and Abby is staying over their aunt’s for the weekend. The friends you’ve just left certainly aren’t in any shape to come out this far. You rummage in your purse, squinting in the darkness, hoping you’ll find a bottle of acetaminophen when your hand brushes against a small rectangular object:
Steve Raglan’s business card.
You’d tossed it in there without a thought, a duplicate of the one he’d given Mike after one of your previous encounters, pressed into your palm before he’d exited the parking lot of Freddy’s. He obviously wouldn’t be at work this late. You turn the key in the ignition to the accessory position, flipping on the rear view mirror’s lighting. You hesitate, your fingers tracing over the embossed lettering on the front before you move to throw it back into your bag, freezing when you realize there’s another number handwritten on the back, along with the words Home No. and Call any time.
You’d tried to obliterate Steve from your mind, renewed in your commitment to Mike after that last heart to heart you’d had. You’d hoped a change of scenery would help; that enough booze would numb your senses and make it difficult to concentrate, dissipating the memories. Instead it’s only made you ache with longing, realizing that there’s no escaping the older man’s reach. You’re bound to him just as firmly as Mike is.
You lean over and flip the latch of the glove compartment, shoving the owner’s manual aside, fingers finally closing over the mobile phone and its power supply. You plug the phone into the charger and hold the power button, the lime green screen blooming back to life, glowing brightly. The phone rings twice before Raglan answers. He doesn’t sound like he was asleep, at least.
“Hi, it’s me.” It comes out breathier than you’d intended and you try and fail to stifle a giggle at how absurd you sound.
There’s a long pause. You can practically hear the disapproving scowl forming from here. “Where are you calling me from?”
“I’m on my cell in the car. I’m broken down on the interstate.”
“Um…I don’t know. It’s hard to think. My head is splitting. I’m like probably forty five minutes outside of town? Heading north. No, I mean, you’ll be going north. I was heading south.” Another giggle escapes.
“I’m leaving now. Make sure your doors are locked.”
“Thank you. I’m—”
The call disconnects. You power it down and put it everything away, turning the key again, bathing yourself in darkness once more.
You’ve nearly nodded off when you see the pair of headlights growing closer, and you know, somehow instinctively, that it’s Steve.
You emerge from the car just as he loops around to stop behind it. You still feel buzzed, your footing on the broken asphalt on the shoulder making the trek more difficult. You hear the older man curse as he slips out of the car, hurrying over to you. One arm slides around your waist, half dragging, half guiding you. He bends to lift the door handle on the passenger side and you cling to him with whatever strength you have left.
“Christ, how much did you drink? You reek of alcohol. You’re lucky you didn’t get yourself killed. Or hurt anyone else,” he adds.
“Not enough to forget everything you’ve done to me.” You realize he isn’t wearing his glasses nor his customary business attire, instead clad in jeans and a Henley. You relax your grip on his shoulder, wondering if the marks you bruised him with the last time you’d been intimate still linger, moving to toy with the pair of buttons holding his shirt closed instead, leaning back against the side of the car, pulling him with you.
“What are you doing? Stop.” He shoves your groping fingers away.
“What’s the matter? You only like it when you’re forcing me?”
“Enough. Get in the car.”
“You’re not really forcing me anymore though, are you?” You seat your palm against the broad muscles in his neck, feeling the tension there. “You know how much I want you.”
He drags your hand away once again. “I’m not arguing with you when you’re this intoxicated. Get in the car or I will put you there,” he growls.
“That’s the aggressive Steve I’m used to.” You laugh but surrender, sitting down heavily, nearly losing your balance again before you manage the task.
He shuts the door and makes his way back to the driver’s side, sliding behind the wheel, about to reach for the gear shift when your hand closes over his, halting his progress.
“You didn’t even call me sweetheart or honey. You’re that mad at me?”
His hand slides free of your grasp, as if he can’t tolerate you touching him all of a sudden, his voice tight. “Yes.”
“Because I made you drive out here in the middle of the night?”
The career counselor glowers at you. “First of all, you didn’t make me do anything, I volunteered. Secondly, this is the kind of irresponsible behavior I’d expect from that idiot boyfriend of yours, not you.”
“He’s not an idiot,” you protest. “Don’t say that.” You watch his lips press together thinly with the strain of keeping whatever further insult he’s about to hurl in check. “Why are you so pissed?”
“Because you could have gotten hurt!” He exclaims, slamming a fist on the steering wheel.
“You do care about me,” you realize, giving voice to the sobering thought out loud. It was like that night when you’d gone into the locker room and reached for the closed door; he was afraid for you.
His gaze remains focused on the rear of your car currently bathed in the glow of headlights. “I shouldn’t,” he murmurs quietly.
“Why not? Please talk to me.”
The older man sighs heavily. “About what?”
“Anything. Everything. Trivial stuff. What you eat for breakfast. What color your toothbrush is. Which sitcom makes you laugh.”
“It’s one thirty in the morning. I hardly think these questions are that pressing. You need to sleep this off. You’re going to have a hell of a hangover in the morning.”
”I’m not that drunk,” you protest. “I know what I'm saying.” You pause. “What do you do when you go home after you’ve been with me? Do you think about me as much as I think about you?”
He hesitates, glancing over at you. “You really shouldn’t go down this road. You’re going to be disappointed.”
You swallow thickly, the sudden swell of emotions building in your throat threatening to choke you. “I’ll die if you don’t kiss me.”
He makes a soft, broken sound, like a wounded animal in its dying moments, so full of regret and want, then leans over, fingers bracing your jaw as his mouth roughly covers yours. You whimper at the feeling, lips desperate against his, tongue restlessly probing. Your heart slams against your ribs and your grab his free hand and place it there, willing him to feel what he does to you.
“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t pursue this,” he exhales beside your cheek.
You shudder at the pet name, once so condescendingly offered, now saturated with affection.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
suffering horrendous nothing happens withdrawals, heart getting weaker, legs getting numb, sweat running down my back etc etc do you have any headcanons or something to help me during this difficult time 😔
(only if you feel like it ofc lovey)
OF COURSE I HAVE HCS NONNIE.. I'M ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THEM.. and i'm more than happy to share them with u mwah!!
james' first time happened when he was 16 with this girl a couple of years older than him, they never dated it was simply a hookup. but reg's first time is with james when he's 17 (and james 19) <3 while he's dating barty too <3
funnily enough.. this happening is actually barty's fault..
james ruins more than a few friendships over regulus and all the shit he does for/bc of him (he doesn't care)
there's a scene with james and lily after he catches he and reg making out . very heavily . and i'm so fucking excited to write it bc their lil convo is everythingggg to me
barty and pandora dated briefly when he first joined their friend group. and then barty dated reg. and he ends up with evan at some point. which is somehow hilarious to me bc he saw this lil group of freaks and he was like . yeah i'm fucking all of them . AND HE DID
james gets in a physical fight with one of reg's bfs (rabastan) and actually sends him to the hospital
mary never forgives james about the emma thing, so their friendship remains tense and . kinda bitter . after he and emma break up
effie and monty absolutely adore reg as a person but . they don't like him for james bc they don't like the kind of person james turns into when he's with reg (this changes with time obviously and this is not all on reg, james is half to blame at the very least but that's their son etc)
everyone at reg's school think he's dating james (mostly during his last 2 years) and he never corrects them
despite barty being the person james hates the most . his least fav of reg's bfs is benjy simply bc he's actually a nice guy and really good for reg (it also doesn't help that sirius loooooves him)
reg makes a habit of picking up james' phone when they're hanging out and james' current gf calls and being . as ambiguous about what they're doing as possible on purpose
james catches him at some point but finds it soooo funny and sooooo endearing that he allows it. kinda encourages it even
james mentions in part 2 of nothing happens that he doesn't think sirius knows about he and reg sharing a bed so often bc he'd confront him about it but sirius Does Know bc he has seen them a couple of times when he has a nightmare and goes to look for his brother
he's not a fan. hates it even. but he'd never tell reg how or where to seek comfort so he's never mentioned it and simply pretends it's not a Thing at all
evan's always been Team James simply bc he was jealous when reg and barty dated and secretly wanted them to break up so bad
pandora however................. she stops being james' fan at some point in the story and even after they figure their shit out . her friendship with him is never the same
when it comes to james' friends, i'm pretty sure the only ones rooting for reg are lily and peter. like.. not even sirius and that's literally his brother lmao
james and reg's relationship stays mostly platonic at all times (except they never actually act like friends but u get what i mean) but when either or both of them are dating someone . the jealousy and possessiveness jump out and suddenly they're making out + fucking any chance they get
reg shows off all the hickeys james leaves when james is dating someone, but does his best to cover them when james is single (or he is dating someone)
james never hides the marks reg leaves tho.. mostly bc he isn't self-aware about the cheating and he's never ashamed of what he and reg do
and i think i'm gonna stop there bc this has already gotten long enough.. i have another post with some hcs somewhere in the tag tho i case u wanna check those up too!!
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
i am hereby sending in a virgil van dijk request....
reader being a little brat: she insists on coming to fb practice with him which obviously takes hours and all she does is tease him from where she's sitting (on the bleachers of whatever idk). and obviously that shit kinda pisses him off ya know so when the two of them get home he like throws her over his shoulder (my man is hUGE OKAY and i live for a size kink hehe) and shows her her place 😫😫
feel like that's a very detailed request so sorry if it's too much. im sure whatever u write will be wonderful as always xoxo
- ney anon
I'm kissing you rn -- also even better if you're flirting (jokingly of course) with one of his teammates
"Oh come on," you grabbed your husband's hand, pulling his attention from his phone to you. "Let me come with you," you stood in front of him while he sat on the couch. "I promise I'll be good."
Virgil laughs, giving you a tug and pulling you closer to him. He lets go of your hand, his hand coming up to pinch your chin softly. "You've never good."
You fake a gasp, hand on your chest. "Soooo not true, your standards are just too high."
"Yeah okay," he smiles, "go on then, I'm leaving 10 and I'm not waiting."
You bite the inside of your cheek, knowing you've won for now. You give him a kiss on the cheek before heading to the bedroom to get dressed. Virgil had his work cut out for him; you never joined him unless you were up to something.
He shouts for you from the bottom of the staircase, telling you he was leaving and you come down a moment later, your little black leggings and his shirt hanging off your shoulders. The two head out for the day and the moment you arrive, you're welcomed by the guys and they all want to show you around because Virgil never brings you around unless they're having a home game.
Virgil, of course, lets you go off with whoever you pleased, telling you he'll see you during practice. You and Ox end up walking around for a bit, he made you laugh so hard your stomach was hurting.
Eventually, he had to join the guys for practice and you sat on the bleachers, watching as they ran through the first couple of drills. Virgil smiles at you when he sees you and you blow him a kiss.
You were there for a while, your attention on your phone before you feel someone nudge your knee. You look up and see Trent sitting in front of you, turned to face you.
"Hey," you smile. "Boring isn't it?" He asks and you shrug, "I don't mind it, you guys are good."
"Still boring," he says and makes you laugh. Your smile isn't something your husband missed. His eyes fixed on you and Trent, his teammate's hand touching your leg, friendly of course, you and Trent were nothing more than friends but Virgil didn't see it that way.
"Trent!" He shouts from the field, "we're practicing, not chatting. Sub in for me." He tells him, walking over to you two. Trent gives Virgil a look but gets up nonetheless, he says bye to you and walks off before Virgil gets over there.
Your husband grabs your hand, pulling you up and you follow him down to the tunnel. He picks you up, letting you hang over his shoulders and you were confused.
"Virg! Put me down!" You smack his back but he doesn't, instead he keeps walking until he gets to the locker room which was empty aside from the two of you.
Finally the man puts you down and you look at him. "What the hell was that?"
Virgil holds your jaw between his thumb and index finger, "you're mine."
It clicks why he's dragged you off, "oh." You giggled, "are you jealous?"
"Why would I be jealous?"
"Why would you drag me off?"
He rolls his eyes, pulling you against him. He leans down and kisses you, eventually the two of you shift around until he's sitting down and you're on his lap, straddling him.
"How much time do we have before practice is over?" You ask, kissing down his neck. Virgil pulls you back a bit, "we're not fucking in the locker room."
You roll your eyes, "you're so boring, maybe I'll ask Trent." You get off his lap and he grabs your hand and pulls you back, "hurry up then.
He's got you on his lap again, your leggings tossed on the floor, his shorts pulled down just enough and your hands on his shoulders, balancing yourself as you sink down onto him.
"God," you sigh, your forehead resting on his shoulder.
"Not exactly." He smiles, pulling you up for a kiss.
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Can I get a clingy s/o with fnaf crew (2)
{ like the last one with a fnaf 1 ?} :D
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚢 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝙵𝙽𝙰𝙵 2
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢, 𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎, 𝚃𝚘𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚝
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛.
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
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My dumbass might've realized a little too late you probably also meant the withered bots... But I only wrote these guys 💀 AZOAJAI I'm sorry-
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-> 𝐓𝐨𝐲 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲
This man is the clingy one.
Handsy motherfu-
He's delusional so he definitely would expect you to love him back -if not he'd make you-
But when you actually started clinging to him on your own free will, it's like fireworks went off in his head.
"Huh? You... You love me right? Yup! You definitely do."
You hold his hand once on your own and he instantly decides that you must love him back just as much as he loves you-
Gives you lots of kisses and gets all delusional.
The type to punch or kill rivals with a smile cuz he's too happy that you love him back.
Thinks it's okay to get rid of everyone because you love him and you'd agree.
"Just knowing how they love me like that makes me so happy~"
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-> 𝐓𝐨𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞
If you are clingy to him when you're in the public he's gonna be so cocky.
Likes to show you off, especially show off how much you love him.
Gets a little embarrassed if you hang off him for too long but won't back down.
"Yeah that's right! They love me soooo much, don't you star?~"
In private he's a little softer, appreciating your touch more than just boasting about it after every little caress.
You being clingy = Toy Bonnie teasing and bullying you more since he believes you won't leave him.
The second someone gets close to you he has his sight on the person within 0.5 seconds and gets jealous.
Unknowingly because of the attention you give him you have him on the palm of your hand, Toy Bonnie doesn't want you to stop so he'll either end up threatening you to be even more affectionate or kill whoever he views as a threat.
"It's fine, it's fine, I can kill everyone and they'll only love me."
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-> 𝐓𝐨𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚
Oh of course you are. Who wouldn't be?
Unlike Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie, who just melt onto your affection and cuddle, -With Bonne in private- Toy Chica just soaks it up and gives you praise for being good instead.
"Awww that's so adorable~ you're being such a good pet today [Y/N]~"
Usually she acts like it's nothing and let's you do whatever you want, but the way she returns her affection begins to change.
It's a lot more needy, a lot of time you'll be left with scratches and bruises all over you but Toy Chica looked just so happy when placing you on her lap and doing everything.
You can never give Toy Chica too much attention, so if you even just as much as look at another person for too long she'll notice. She's shooing everyone away when the two of you cuddle, it's your personal time after all.
Holding you even tighter and dragging you around, it's strange to watch her usual calm and sadistic composure break into something akin to need and jealousy.
Obviously whoever has gained your interest will be dead but you'll get a punishment too, how dare you get her so worked up!
"Looks like I need to tie you up whenever I leave so you don't go to someone else huh..."
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-> 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞
Y'all they're tired- so do expect them to just come to you when they feel drained out, no matter if you're kidnapped or just doing your job.
Completely melts when you start clinging to them or doing anything at all, please just touch them -simp-
"Is it really alright?... Okay, I'll try not to hurt you then..."
They are scared to hurt you but as soon as they notice you don't really give a fuck and still cling to them they're about to do a 180
No you have bitemarks all over you, Mangle's a deranged bot if someone let's them loose, they'll cuddle you happily while scratching and biting.
Watch his insanity just go down the more you let go of the leash, the second someone approaches you he's biting their limbs off, whenever someone talks to you the person is dead the next morning.
"[Y/N]!~ Ah don't worry it's not my blood, give me a hug!"
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-> 𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐭
Man's so tired, so when you go out of your way to hug or squeeze at him he lowkey metls.
Buts it's that soft melting where he doesn't say anything and just enjoys it.
His mood will go from "tired babysitter" to "happy tired babysitter", likes nuzzling your hair especially.
"Your touch is really soothing, [Y/N]... Don't stop, I like it."
Really sweet, probably likes humming softly while the two of you hug and maybe make you go to sleep.
For every hug or time you cling to him he gets you a present, some of it it's stolen and some he made himself but the puppet hopes you like them.
He's a really calculative bot though, don't go too long without giving him a hug or he's gonna start manipulating you...
You see- the thing is, the puppet wants you to be a certain way and if you're not to his liking he's going to break you down and build you up like how he prefers you to be.
"What's wrong darling, why do you look so scared? Ah- that person? Yeah I do wonder who left them for dead like that, but let's go back and cuddle."
So for you to be clinging to other people too? He really needs to do something about it.
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep16
I love that they're riding together now
"I don't WANT to go without you"
"Sure you're up to the challenge? How much more patronising can you get?" dhdhdhs
He is suuuuch a loser
"I'm a sidekick, obviously expensible when push comes to shove"
Joxer pls don't annoy everyone
"Then I'll have fewer than Athena :<"
PLEASE she is terrible XDD I love her.
"Pow. They're your boytoys"
She's gonna have to work with Joxer...
Hello Boo- I mean Aphrodite
Urgh dudes kidnapping women...
Shdhdhd Joxer
He actually looks less shitty under his armour (by which I mean his clothes that would look so much better on a butch lesbian)
"My sword is always ready to pleasure you" NO-
This is gonna be a Xena-lite episode
Joxer can't recall anything
Princess regrets EVERYTHING
"Peace to both our kingdoms" Aphrodite is like WOOSH
"Who'd wanna look at a river when they could look at me?"
Cupid looks so funky
Aphrodite loves discord a lot for being the goddess of love
The princess just wants to go home
Aphrodite goddess of gender stereotypes
Gabrielle is like Did not want to see this...
He noticed the bell
I think Joxer should kiss the guy
"You've messed up another of my perfect matches"
Pls... Aphrodite is like Jealous love, angry love...
GABRIELLE IS LIKE "This is a sickness"
"I think I'm gonna be sick" same
It's hilarious how little I care about all these men.
Gabrielle keeping them from each other XDD
"CUT IT OUT" sprays them with more
That's disgusting. I didn't come here for STRAIGHTIES
And he's back to silliness
Gabrielle my poor girl has to put up with this
"Hang on did you say Aphrodite"
"You'll make a great sidekick, Joxer"
Honestly Joxer is soooo fucking annoying...
Gabrielle showing up at Aphrodite's temple XD
"This is like a brand-new antique" shdhshs
"petty and spiteful" sjfjdd
Oh nooo they're gonna execute Joxer 😐
Damn she's learned a lot from Xena
I hate this macho straightness...
Honestly I can't even comment much on this episode because I just don't wanna see Joxer...
"But I'm right-handed you see"
"Exquise me, there is no fighting in my temple!!!"
"Dream on" YOU PIECE OF SH-
Gabrielle like "JUST LIFT THE SPELL"
"Love is soft and gentle, not violent and raw" I beg to differ
"He's an idiot full-time again"
An overarching sidekick
JOXER NO ONE KNOWS WHY YOU HANG OUT WITH THEM. We are all asking ourselves that.
...... Joxer. Fuck OFFFFFFF -_-
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noaltbruh · 2 years
(A/N: this isn't exactly a request, more like a gift for my best friend :3, she loves part 4 and Josuke as much as I love part 5 and Giorno, so buddy, this is for you! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ )
Grey with a bit of color
Soft, dripping sounds were tickling the surface of the glassy window of one of the many house in the small, yet eccentric city that Morioh-cho was.
Opposite to what might have almost seemed like a sweet base for a lullaby, inside that very same home, one could hear loud snores coming from the sleepy boy who lived there with his mother.
By the time his rest had ended, it was already late in the morning. As soon as he opened his eyes, the young Josuke basically threw himself off his bed, precipitating to the living room and grabbing the phone laying there, and called one of the very few numbers he knew by memory, his girlfriend's.
He wasn't even sure if anyone was going to pick it up in the first place. After all, there weren't many things that the girl loved more than spending the entire morning sleeping during the weekend.
To his...Kind of surprise, however, it wasn't long before she found the strength to stretch her arm out of her bed and answer, the first thing Josuke heard on the other side was one of her yawns.
" 'Morning "
She said, her voice sounded deeper after waking up than usual.
"Hey babe...up already?"
"Yup, you good? You sound kinda blue"
"Yeah, like the rain outside"
"It's more like grey than blue, but ok"
"Come on Y/N, you know what I mean!"
The boy replied. He knew that she was probably just messing around with him, everything she said was sarcasm almost all the time, it was almost hard to understand when it actually wasn't.
The teen was used to it, and he often found it entertaining, it was nice having someone you could just naturally talk to without worrying of making everything sound logical or serious.
This time, however, annoyance in his voice was pretty clear, although the reason behind it was rather sweet.
"We were supposed to spend today together! How are we gonna do that if we can't go anywhere?"
"...Am I a bad person if I say I'm a bit happy about it?"
His yelling was enough to get a small laughter out of the other, who was holding her favourite pillow close to herself as she talked.
"You know I like the rain, Jo!"
"More than me?!"
There was an awkward silence for a small moment, like she wasn't sure of how she was supposed to answer. A part of her wanted to answer "yes", just to see his reaction, but she didn't.
"There's nothing I like more than you"
"Uh uh, tell that to the pillow you're hugging"
She shouted, genuinely offended by such statement. He couldn't even see his partner, but he would have sworn on everything he had that 'that thing' was listening to their conversation.
The girl wasn't particularly social, he wasn't jealous of other boys...Or people in general, it was a mere pillow that constantly made him snap more than anything else ever could.
"Urghh...I wanted to see you soooo baaad"
He grabbed the phone a bit tighter and walked back into his room, before leaning his head on the edge on the window and staring disappointedly outside, almost like a puppy whose only wish is to go out and play.
"I know, I know...I wanted to hang out too, really, but it's not like we can do much about it"
Y/N, shrugged, she was checking the weather in the mean time. While the rain outside was still relatively light, judging from what had been announced, in a couple of hours, thunders would have arrived to worsen the situation. Clear skies wouldn't have come back before, at the very least, the day after.
"Maybe you can come over? Got the house all for myself, not even a hurricane is gonna stop my mother from going to work"
Josuke commented, a bored expression was printed on his face, as he observed the small drops of rain and bet against himself which one was going to dissipate faster.
"Normally, I would have said 'yes' "
Answered the other, she couldn't have helped but smile a little because of his last affirmation.
"But my parents aren't home either, so I got no one to accompan-"
"...Your parents aren't home?"
His eyes widened, and the boy with blue eyes stood up.
"Uh, yeah? That's what I just said...Jo? Babe? Are you there?"
The only thing that could be heard was the beeping sound of Josuke's cellphone, as Y/N shook her own, thinking that it had stopped working.
But nothing, he had just disappeared out of nowhere. It wasn't the first time something similar happened, especially since he would often fall asleep as the two of them were talking before going to bed, or his mother would suddenly call him out of the blue to help with house duties.
Maybe the rain had interrupted the signal?
As she tried, in vain, to call him back, walking in a circle in her bedroom, she heard a knock on the front door. She was unsure whether she should have opened it or not, she definitely wasn't expecting any visitors.
...Emphasis on 'expecting'.
"Maybe mom and dad came back earlier"
Y/N thought, as she reluctantly headed towards the small hallway that connected the rest of the house to the main entrance.
"Who's there?"
She took a step back, caught unprepared by that shouting. The other had never been predictable, especially when it came to hang outs and social experiences, unlike his partner, who needed at least three days to prepare herself for any sort of social gathering. By 'social gathering', I mean going for a walk outside with someone that wasn't her relative.
While she would have recognized that voice among millions, it took a second exhortation before she connected what was going on.
The door swung open, as the teen ran inside the place, breaking the umbrella he was holding on his hand in the rush of the moment. His shoes were still wet, and before his girlfriend could muster up anything, she found herself crushed under the weight of the huge, ripped teddy bear that Josuke was.
" 'Sup?"
He innocently said, blush was adorning his cheek, together with a goofy smile spread across his lips.
"What in God's name are you doing here?"
She questioned, despite being barely able to breath from under him, he and was looking at the girl directly with those big puppy eyes of his.
"Big words coming from someone who isn't even Christian"
He slowly got up and grabbed the broken umbrella, before calling out Crazy Diamond to fix the mess made. He calmly put it with the others next to the door, not noticing his 'sweetheart' walking back and forth in the same two spots.
"You DO realize that if my parents knew you were here, they'd absolutely kill me, right?"
Josuke began, placing himself in front of Y/N with his usual smirk, the one that announced troubles.
"I don't see any mama or papa around here"
A simple deep breath was all he got for an answer, before strangling Y/N in a huge hug and giggling.
"All I see is my beautiful girlfriend!"
As he was busy pampering her face with small kisses from the neck to the point of her head, he failed to notice how his grip was perhaps a bit too tight, especially for someone whose body structure was quite different from his own.
"You wouldn't just kick me out after I walked all the way from my place up to yours just to be with you! Right?"
He let go of his grip, while the girl crossed her arms and looked at him reassigned, but failing to hide that inevitable little smile, always impressed on her face whenever he'd go over the top just for basic things.
"I guess not...And I'm happy to see you too"
She commented and tilted her head to the side, when she saw him inspecting everything around him, from the pictures hanging on the wall, to the closed doors.
"Nice house! Can't believe you never invited me before"
"Eh, you know I would have if I could, but..."
"Yeah yeah, parents 'n stuff"
He pointed to one of the rooms placed at the end of the hallway, he couldn't see anything of the inside from over there, but he noticed a faint red light reflected against the wall.
"Is that your room?"
"How did you guess?"
"You left the Led on, silly!"
Y/N shrugged and chuckled at what hardly sounded like an insult.
"Well sorry, I was too busy opening up the door for a dumbass under the rain"
They headed towards her small 'lair', as their light hearted bickering continued.
"I surprised you, didn't I?"
"I'm more surprised you actually bothered taking an umbrella. Knowing you, I would have just expected you to run in the middle of a thunderstorm like it was nothing"
"And mess up my awesome haircut? Not a chance"
As they walked in and the girl closed the door behind her, Josuke immediately jumped on her messy bed.
"Guess I don't need to tell you to make yourself at home"
She sarcastically added, leaning against the wall right next to the door, and observed the other as he was already getting comfy.
He looked to the side, seeing all the random pages of her favourite mangas she had attached to the wall. He wasn't really into comics, so he only actually recognised the most notable ones, that everyone knew...And of course, some pages from Rohan's 'work of art' couldn't be left out too, they were basically slammed into his face, much to his demise.
"Urgh, I still don't get why you hang out with that guy"
He picked up one of the many pillows on the soft mattress.
"Every time I see him, I just feel like punching his damn guts out!"
"Pff...Yeah, but don't take it out on the poor thing, I don't want to clean up feathers scattered all around the place"
The desk, which was placed on the opposite part of the room, had a still unopened box of cookies laying in the middle of it. Y/N would always keep some sort of snack as close to her as she could, Josuke had lost count of how many times his partners had told him "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired" ever since he had met her, they were basically her catch phrases by now.
On top of this, it seemed almost hilariously comical how much energy she seemed to get from it, food was basically the only thing that helped her survive through the day, to the point where once, during one of their hangouts, her boyfriend had brought an ice-cream wrapped in plastic with him, just to see her reaction when she'd complain about wanting to eat.
The latter grabbed the small envelope and opened it, proceeding to climb on top of her favourite boy and rest her head on his chest. The height difference between them was obvious, and there had been many times where the tallest one would tease the other for being a shortie, but she never took it to heart, she knew it was just his way of playing around.
Besides...It made it much easier to lean on him, she felt like she was resting on top of a huge teddy bear, despite him having the physical strength to completely smash her, if he wanted to.
"You didn't bother making some place for me, so I just made it myself"
She smugly told him, bringing a biscuit to her mouth, and one to the other's.
"You want one? Bet you didn't have breakfast"
"Hehe...You're right, I didn't"
He answered, as he embarrassedly swallowed the snack, it tasted like chocolate and vanilla. He wrapped his arms under his sweetheart's chest and kissed the back of her forehead, causing a small hint of red to manifest on her cheeks.
"You're sweeter though"
"Aw come on...You know I blush easily"
"That's exactly why I do that, honey!"
Josuke flashed her with one of his brightest, purest smiles, one that could melt your heart with a single glance at it. There were some stains of vanilla on his right cheek and under his lips.
Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"You've got something on your face"
"U-Uh? Where?"
He didn't receive a direct answer, only the soft touch of her lips delicately placing themselves on his own. He loved when she managed to catch him off guard with her little sweet gestures, especially since he was certainly the most openly 'lovely-dovey' between the two.
"Ah, nevermind, it's gone"
"Wow, you're magical!"
The latter spotted, in the corner of his eyes, his partner's console...To his surprised, she had actually charged it for once. Soon enough, however, he remembered why she actually bothered doing so, for once.
"Hey! Did you get that game? You've been waiting months for it"
"Hell yeah, I'm gonna spend so much time on it, you'll see"
"Try not to become a shut-in like the main character though"
"No promises"
She shrugged, when suddenly, she felt her cheeks getting pitched and a soft laughter.
"Don't make me worry like that...You know I can't live without your pretty face!"
"Fine fine...I'll try not to"
Josuke held the other a bit closer to himself, placing his head between her shoulder and neck, gently kissing it.
"Can I watch you play?"
"Since when do YOU like horror games?"
"I like all types, dear!"
Y/N sighed and called out her stand, asking it to pick up her console and turn it on. She was too lazy to get up and take it herself, but she also knew that once she reciprocated her boyfriend's affection, there was no way he would have let her go for at least the following hour.
He looked at the glowing screen, recognising the icon of the game and the music playing in the background very well. He knew everything about it despite never playing it himself, but Y/N had been telling him about it ever since it got announced on a console she actually had.
As she began playing, he could see the visible happiness on her small, round face, he couldn't help but think she was kinda cute, although he didn't say anything out loud, he knew how she was used to all people seeing her as this nice little girl...Whom certainly, diving a bit further into her, or even in just her hobbies, surely was quite different from the image one could get of her at first sight.
The two of them opened the first and new safe file. Just like they couldn't shut up during movie nights, commenting every single piece and scene of it, the same applied for the game as well, as the characters' journey was constantly interrupted by Josuke pointing out some minor detail or asking the weirdest questions, to which Y/N always gladly replied to.
If he though she was cute, in other other's eyes, he was adorable, as she covered up his eyes when a jumpscare or unsettling image would come up. She was impressed and quite...Surprised, to see how someone as brave as the boy, who risked multiple times his life and put it on the line to protect her, his family and their friends, would get so spooked out by something as silly as a fictional world.
Sure, this may not have been how he hoped to spend the day or time with his lover, after all, he wasn't someone who would willingly pass the entire morning, afternoon or evening, just hanging around in his room during a stormy day. He'd much rather go out and try something new, seek thrilling experiences, visit a new place!
Even just going to a cafe or the park, anything was okay for him as long as he wasn't forced to remain inside.
"Heh...I'm sorry Jo, this isn't exactly your cup of tea, right?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. Just...Lazying around like this, don't you think it's...I dunno, boring?"
They two of them have always been quite different, Josuke being outgoing, fun-loving and chatty, he would often get teased about how he would be able to befriend a wall if he just gave it a try. He was beloved and wanted by many, and how could they be blamed? It was natural to be attracted by someone so easy going, so simple to be around with.
On the other hand, his partner lacked the energy he had, it almost felt like he had stolen it from her. She was sarcastic and chill, someone who wouldn't judge you and was okay just doing her own things without bothering anyone else. Ultimately, however, she knew she couldn't give the other all the excitement and inputs he was looking for. She liked her stability, her quietness, she loved learning and could spend hours diving into a topic that caught her attention, but making new friends or meeting new people was just not one of them.
...But that doesn't mean that the boy hadn't grown to appreciate that calmness or those tranquil moments. After all, in a certain way, those were new experiences too. But most of all, he knew that simplicity and intimacy was what truly felt like well spent time for the girl, he recognised he wasn't as extroverted as him, and that...Was okay.
"Are you having fun?"
He put an hand behind her chin, making her face him directly.
"I mean...Duh, of course I am. I've got my room...My game, the sound of the rain...And I'm with you. I mean, what else could I possibly ask for?"
As soon as she was finished pronouncing those words, she felt Josuke kissing the back of her head, before squishing his cheek against her own and giggling.
"Look, you know I'm not a pretentious guy, I got the chance to see you, when I was afraid I was gonna spend all day alone, with nothing to do, only hearing your voice through the cellphone"
He stopped for a brief moment, only to kiss Y/N one more time, this time on her lips, as he began to play with her fluffy hair.
"You always try so hard to go along with all my weird-ass plans and dates, so what if for once, we just relax and do what you like?"
"...I guess that's true"
With a look of relief on her face, she put the console down and closed her eyes, curling up a bit in herself, she could hear the sound of Josuke's heartbeat. It was fast, not to her surprise.
"Don't you wanna play anymore?"
"Nah, I'm gonna take a nap"
"But you literally just woke up a couple of hours ago"
"So what? Who's gonna stop me?"
She ironically asked, before letting out a long yawn.
"I've found a comfy position"
"Is that so?"
As his hands were still intertwined with her hair, one of them gently moved to the side of her cheek, caressing it, almost like he was already trying to put her to sleep.
"If that's the case...Maybe I'll join you"
Just like the other, the teen closed his eyes, but before he could say anything else, he felt like his girlfriend had suddenly gotten a bit heavier...She was already snoring.
Soon enough, his consciousness slipped too.
Perhaps the outside was grey right now, but he still managed to find a bit of color in it, like the one he brought in Y/N's life.
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zunniva · 1 year
The Wallflower part 2
So this is part 2 of The Wallflower,been writing and rewriting for weeks. I wasn't sure which way I wanted this to go. Still not sure I like it, but I hope you guys do
Also... I'm sorry if I'm making absolutely no sense when I mention the dom/sub aspect. I'm not that well educated in it but I hope I'm not offending anyone with that short part ❤️
🛑 Warnings 🛑 Sexual activities, strong language, some violent behaviour, mention of SA and r**e
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“Is there a reason your fucking guard dog ALWAYS seem to be answering the phone when I call?” fuck... I shouldn't have answered. I know better by now! It's been about a month of Eddie answering every call and Laura hanging up on him.
“Well...what can I say. He's faster than me” I sigh
“Bet you tell him to answer, you don't want to talk to your own sister?”
“Not really, no”
“So? Are you coming home any time soon? Or do mum and I have to go to fucking Nowhere, Indiana if we wanna see you from now on? That is if I'm ALLOWED of course” she's so bitter, and it makes me feel soooo good
“Why wouldn't you be allowed to travel to Indiana?” I love playing stupid with her
“For fucks sake, you know what I mean! Well I guess having a guard dog is pretty easy when you have money” she snickers
“Laura, careful” I say “I don't have the best patience when it comes to you any more”
“You think I care if you try to insult me? Sweet sister, I am the mean one here. I bet this Eddie is just someone you're too NICE to throw out so he's there spending your money. Well...don't come back here crying when he leaves you”
“Never have truer words been spoken Laura” I say
“I KNEW IT! I'm right, he's not your boyfriend just some loser you paid to tell me that”
“I meant that you're the mean one” I smile “what's really the problem Laura? Are you lonely? Is that what's triggering this excessive calling? Used to be every other week you'd call to insult me. Now it's every other day... Jealous much?”
She lets out a scoff “Why would I be jealous of YOU?”
“Well, I'm happy now. And I've made good friends which then makes that question unnecessary for you to ask. I haven't heard you brag about your friends in a while, or any of the myriads of men you date...” I knew this would hit the spot
“I don't have to tell you EVERYTHING about my life” strangely her voice isn't as confident any more
“Well, you've been telling me everything for years now...to make ME jealous so I mean...what's changed?”
I hear keys in the door and Eddie comes in. He looks at me, looks at the phone and raises an eyebrow like a question. I nod at him and roll my eyes.
“You ok?” he mouths at me and I nod and he smiles and goes to the bed room to change out of his work clothes
“So now you're not even listening to me?” Lauras voice breaks through my admiration of the guy that's undressing in my bed room.
“Whaaaat?” I sigh
“I said that nothing's changed... I just don't feel you need to know about my personal life” her voice is getting less and less confident by the minute
“Strange, you've never been that considerate in your life. Look I don't have time for you now, Eddie just got back from work so we're having dinner”
“Of course, the hired help got there. Well I beat him today so you can just send him home. Well ARE you coming home at all?”
“I was planning on taking Eddie with me to Seattle for mum's birthday. I can close the store for a couple of days then so it might be good timing” I sigh, she really doesn't need this information, I wasn't going to bring him until Christmas but then I thought that if I could get the awful meet and greet done with earlier than that it might not ruin my favourite holiday.
“Riiiight, and then when mum's birthday arrives he 'has to work' or someone in his 'family is sick' or something right?” her snappish tone is back
“Whatever Laura, have a good day. I'm sure you can discuss this further with Eddie next time you call” I hang up before she starts up again
I pinch the bridge of my nose and inhale sharply.
“What's to be discussed with me next time?” I hear from the door to the bed room. I turn and I let out a moan. Eddie's standing there, naked and glorious.
“Oh, just how you're my hired man. You don't love me you're just annoying her for the money. You know...the obvious” I say and I lock eyes with him as I slowly start walking towards him unbuttoning my dress as I do
“Oh, yeah that! Damn she caught me” he smiles not letting me go with his stare “I mean I have noooo interest in you other than the pay check” he mumbles as he starts to stroke his hardening cock “no interest what so ever”
“No I can tell, totally uninterested” I say as I unclasp my bra and throw it behind me. I step out of my panties just before I reach him “I mean if it wasn't for the obvious lack of interest I might fuck you some time, but as it is...I mean why bother. Right?” I smirk
“Don't you fucking DARE put those clothes back on!” he grabs me and presses me up against the bedroom wall, pinning my arms up over my head with one hand. The free hand quickly moving down between my legs, fingers sliding in to my folds with ease. “Do you get wet just looking at me sweetheart? You're soaking” he purrs at me as I moan at his touch
“Have you seen you? Of course I get wet just seeing you” I pant and I move my hips so I can meet his hands movements.
He tuts at me “Nah pet. I'll be doing the touching here. You just be a good girl and take it” he smiles at me
“Yes, master” I whisper and it has the same effect now that it had the first night I tried calling him that. I'd been reading a particularly spicy novel before he came here that night, the girl in the book called her man 'Sir' but I didn't think that suited Eddie. Then I thought of his roll as dungeon master in Hellfire. So that night when we were making out he asked me to take off my panties for him. I answered him 'Yes...master' and he fucking lost it. He makes me so comfortable in my own skin, which just a few months ago would have been something I'd never ever think would be possible for me.
“You're gonna kill me sweetheart, making me so fucking horny calling me master like that” Eddie growls in my ear as he pushes his fingers in to me with a squelching sound. My knees wobble a bit and he chuckles softly “what's got you weak in the knees honey? Could it be this?” he smiles and lets one more finger slide in to me and I buckle under his touch. Eddie quickly catches me before I slide down the wall completely, swooping me up in to his arms and carrying me to the bed. “Wanna spread those amazing thighs for me sweetheart?” his grin is so sexy is takes my breath away. I do as I'm told, spreading my legs as wide as my body lets me, making Eddie smile even wider “there it is...fuck I love watching you do that babe” he murmurs at me slowly creeping up the bed towards me eyes locked on my pussy.
He sits down on his knees between my legs letting his hands play over my breasts and down my tummy. “So fucking soft and warm, God I love your body” he's in his own world now and I love him for it. His hands reach the inside of my thighs and Eddie grabs a handful of the soft flesh in his hands, growling deep down in his chest as he does. Then he finally leans in and lets his tongue slide up my slit from asshole to clit in one go making me yelp from the sudden impact. He begins sucking and running his tongue in circles over my clit while letting one hands fingers slide in to me again reaching that soft spongy part inside that makes me melt like snow in his hands. I squirm, I writhe and I moan like I'm possessed from his touch, it never fails. He knows my body like it's been his for years and years. The orgasm hits like a freight train and I'm pretty sure I sound like some kind of banshee. Before I can even come down from my high I feel Eddie pushing him self in to me, one thrust and he's in to the hilt. He pauses for a second, eyes closed and a smile on his lips “fuck yeah babe, this is it... God I've been longing for this all day” he grabs my hips and starts moving, slow and deep at first. He feels so good, filling me up like he's made for my body and my body alone. His thrusts get faster and he's making the sexiest sounds imaginable as he fucks me. His hand moves in and he begins working my clit again with skilled fingers, knowing exactly what's gonna make me fall apart again. “There you go babe, scream my name... I wanna feel you cum all over me...” he's fucking me so good and I can feel that knot in my stomach growing larger as he pushes me closer and closer to the edge of sanity. “That's my good girl, fucking me like no other... cum for me...” he growls and I let go
“EDDIEEEEE FUUUUCK!!!” I scream as he sends me over the edge one more time following close behind. I feel him pulsate in me and hear him let out the most delicious groans as he fills me up. Then he slumps down on the side of me pulling me in real close kissing me deeply
“God dammit woman! I love you” Eddie's panting and smiling at me
“Love you to....master” I say winking at him
“Well aren't I lucky” he mumbles in to my lips as he keeps kissing me “I have found the best girl out there”
We lay there for a bit cuddling. Eddie gets up on his elbow and looks down at me
“So...how bad was she today?”
“Laura?” he nods “nah not too bad actually. She just went on about how you were someone I hired to act like my boyfriend. She keeps referring to you as either 'the guard dog' or 'the hired help'...she's so jealous it's killing her. Mean as it might make me sound I LOVE it” I say and I blush a little
“Sweetheart, with all the shit you've told me I can't blame you” Eddie chuckles and pulls me in closer hugging me tight “as awesome as this is... I'm kinda hungry” he says
“What? You always eat when you get home from work, did something distract you today?” I smile in to the pillow
“Did something...?” Eddie laughs “Hell yeah, I'd say something distracted me. The sexiest god damn book store employee there ever was made me go all feral because she's so fucking hot” he tickles me making me scream with laughter
“LET ME GO EDDIE MUNSON!” I scream as he pins me to the bed tickling me all over “Or there will be no more sexy book store employee for you” he lets go with a pout
“Awww...mean” he says with a wink
We get out of bed and I start dinner as Eddie takes a shower and changes in to more comfortable clothes. He's basically living here now, almost all of his things have found their way to my drawers and closet. Nothing we've discussed it just kind of happened slowly over time. I've noticed and I'm thrilled. I want to talk to Eddie about it but I don't quite know how to start up a conversation like that. Some things still make me nervous, talking about relationship things is one of them. I always have this little voice in the back of my head saying I've gotten ahead of myself, that I've misread the situation, that I've misunderstood Eddie...things like that. Then we have what ever talk we need to have and everything is fine, just...my fucking mind.
We eat dinner, Eddie praising my cooking as always.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something” I look down at my hands trying to swallow that lump of uncertainty forming in the back of my throat
“Yeah?” Eddie beams at me like he always does making me feel safe and loved...but still the lump is there
“So... I mean... It's been 3 months, I know it's probably too soon to even mention this but... If you'd like...this is a big apartment” my voice no more than a whisper at the end
“Sweetheart... Are you trying to ask me if I wanna move in with you?” Eddie smiles and takes my hand
“Well...” deep breath “yeah” still can't look at him
“Babe, look at me” he says and I do, his smile is wide and reassuring “I would love to, been thinking about it myself. Can't even remember when I slept in my own bed last. Not even sure I want to sleep there again, it would be too empty without your soft body to keep me company” he says and I let out a big relaxing sigh “Did this really make you nervous? Asking me if I wanna move on with you?” he asks me surprised and I nod in response “But why?”
“I...don't know. Maybe it's the fact that all I've ever known about relationships is what I've seen my mum and Laura go through. They were always in such a hurry with everything and nothing ever lasted... I guess I was afraid I was moving too fast for you and that you'd get cold feet” I admit looking down at my hands again. I see Eddies big hands enclose mine in a warm embrace
“Kat, c'mon... I'm not easily scared, you know that. Besides I love you too much, you're not able to get rid of me. So don't worry about that. I mean... I've basically been living here since that first week haven't I” he chuckles “I went to the trailer the other day, realized all my stuff is here. So it's not like I live there any more. Only thing I need to get is my guitar and some other small things, all my clothes are here. So it's not really you who need to ask me if I wanna move in. It should really be me asking if you're ok with me already having moved in”
I look at him then I get up from my seat and I walk up to him sitting down on his lap and pressing my lips to his.
“I love you freak, and I'm so happy you've moved in” I say as we part “another thing I was meaning to talk to you about is my mum's birthday. It's in 2 weeks, are you able to get some time off work and come with me? I kinda let it slip to Laura I was thinking of bringing you, so if I don't she'll have all the ammo she'll need to ruin the whole weekend” I look at him
“I think that's doable, wouldn't wanna leave my best girl in the claws of the devil all on her own. Hey, what if we make it a road trip? Maybe Robin and Casey wanna come along, I remember them talking about visiting Casey's family. And what the hell we'll bring Harrington as well, he could do with a change of scenery” Eddie smiles at me hugging me tight
“Sound like a good idea, I'll call Casey and see if that'll work for them. Should we be keeping Steve or do we send him along with them?” I giggle
“Let's keep him with us, maybe that's what your sister needs? A good guy with a big cock and a fat wallet” Eddie laughs
“Jeeesus Eddie, I didn't need to know that about Steve” I laugh “maybe that's what SHE needs but I hardly think Steve needs a narcissist with a spending problem and a foul temper” I say on a more serious note
“He'll be fine, he's not as meek as he seems” Eddie kisses me “thanks for dinner by the way it was lovely as always” he says “wanna come with me to get the last of my things then?”
“Sure, I just need to clean this first” I say and I get up
“WE need to, c'mon do you think I'm expecting you to do everything around here?” he gets up and collects the dishes from the table as I take the leftovers in to the kitchen.
When we're done cleaning up after dinner we head off to the trailer park to gather the last of Eddie's stuff. There isn't much left as he said. His guitar, some photos and a few books. He stands in the door to the trailer and I can see his eyes filling with tears, it's been home for quite some time after all. I go up and I wrap my arms around him
“You're sure about this? I wouldn't want you to leave if you're not 100% sure you wanna live with me” I say
“I'm a 1000% sure babe, just...this place holds memories...not that many good ones but still. Hey can we invite Wayne some time? I want him to see I did make it out of here at last” his voice breaks at the end and my heart fills with love for this sensitive dork of mine
“What kind of a question is that? Of course you can invite your uncle to your home. Just 'cause I wouldn't want my family within a 100 miles from Hawkins doesn't mean you can't have your family come over any time you want. It is YOUR home to now” I tell him and he smiles at me and gives me a long hug
“OUR home...wow...that's insane. Hey...I'ma be livin' with a giiiirl” he chuckles “think about all them cooties”
“Dork” I say and I laugh at him as I pick up the bag of photos and carry them to the car. On the way home we stop at Family Video. We head inside only to once again be met by Steve sighing behind the front desk and Robin loudly arguing in the stacks. “WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET IT IN YOUR THICK SKULL THAT TOM CRUISE SUUUUCKS”
“Hey Buckley....Gareth” Eddie calls in towards where the sounds are coming from
“Hey Freak...can you come get this...I think it belongs to you” we hear Robin call back and Eddie chuckles and heads towards them, not sure who he's really saving
“Hey Steve” I smile at him, can't for the life of me stop my eyes from glancing down his body quickly without him noticing
“Hey Kat, what's up” he smiles back at me
“Not much, been to pick up the last of Eddies stuff from the trailer”
“So he's officially moved in now? Like 3 moths after he ACTUALLY moved in” Steve laughs
“Something like that” I laugh with him “hey... I wanted to ask you if you might wanna join me and Eddie in Seattle in like 2 weeks. Mum's birthday is coming up and Casey and Robin are coming with us for a road trip. We just wouldn't wanna leave you behind”
“Cool, yeah I think that'll work. But you sure you want me to tag along? I'm not going to be in the way?” he asks
“No, of course not. I was thinking at first that you maybe wanted to go with Robin but I know that Casey's family hasn't got that much room. Mum does and she's been saying she'd wanna meet my my friends. We've been getting along better now...there is of course the matter of the devil incarnate thou...”
“Your sister? Yeah I think I can take her” he smiles
“Eddie said something like that” I suddenly blush
“What the hell, why are you blushin all of a sudden? What has he said to you?” Steve is looking very amused
“I told her that her sister might need a nice guy with a big cock and a fat wallet” Eddie comes up to us laughing
“C'mon Munson...don't embarrass your girl like that” Steve scoffs at him but there's a hint of a smile on his lips
“I wasn't lying so...” Eddie kisses me on the forehead “sorry babe” he mumbles and smiles at me
“S'ok...just...can't help but look now” I whisper at him and he roars with laughter. Steve probably has an idea what that was about and he blushes and shakes his head at us
“Morons...the both of you. But I'll come with...what am I to do if you all lave anyway...might as well deal with the devil” he smirks “and for the record... I can get a hotel room. No need to house me, my cock and my fat wallet” he laughs
I sigh and shake my head “whatever you like Steve. But I'll tell mum you'll be coming with us so she's prepared for one extra guest at the table” I say
The 2 weeks before we leave are quiet. The store is slow, not a lot of customers right now. Mum was thrilled I'd be bringing my friends. She even insisted that I invite Casey and Robin over for lunch. Something that's never happened during the 17 years I've been friends with Casey. This guy she's with must be a real gem, making her act this civil towards me. Laura is still a story all on her own, she still calls almost every day. I still let Eddie answer and she goes off on him telling him he's a loser, a hired help, a fucking thief for stealing my money from me etc. It's going to be so much fun setting him lose on her in a couple of days. She still thinks I'm coming alone, she has absolutely no trust in Eddie actually showing up.
The trip is awesome, we take a couple of days off all of us so we can take our time driving. We leave Wednesday and we reach Seattle on Thursday late in the evening. I take the last part of the drive seeing as I know my way around. We drop off Casey and Robin at Caseys parents house and then we drive the five minutes to mum's house. It's weird seeing it, I feel like I just left a couple of days ago at the same time as I feel like it's been years. I dread going in but Eddie gives me a reassuring hug and Steve a big smile.
“Lets go grab these bulls by their balls now babe!” Eddie says and takes my hand. We go up to the door and I knock. We hear footsteps and a very handsome and kind looking man opens the door.
“Hello, you must be Katherine! I'm Henry it is so nice to finally meet you. Ruth has told me all about you” He smiles a warm smile at us and steps to the side so we can enter
“Hello Henry, I wish I could say mum has been telling me all about you to but I guess we've mostly been talking about me. I have heard your name and some stuff about you though” I say feeling I need to be honest
“Well, I'm not much to brag about” he chuckles “Welcome you 2 as well, where are my manners” he says looking over at Eddie and Steve
“Hey man, I'm Eddie. Kat's boyfriend this is our good friend Steve” Eddie shakes hands with Henry
“Eddie and Steve, yes I have heard about you to” Henry smiles at them and I hear my mum coming from the kitchen
“Are they here?” she enters the hallway wiping her hands on... A APRON?
“Since when do you wear aprons?” I can't stop myself
“Well hello to you too honey...” she hugs me and looks me up and down “you look good sweetie. And I wear aprons when I cook” she smiles
“Cook? You know how to cook?” I'm confused...are we in the right house
“I'll tell you all about it. Now aren't you going to introduce me?” she glances at the boys
“Sorry...of course. Mum this is Eddie, my boyfriend and this is our friend Steve. Guys this is my mum Ruth” I say dreading her reaction
“Eddie, so good to finally meet you” she smiles so widely I'm beginning to suspect I AM in the wrong house. She even gives him a hug... what the hell is happening here? Then she turns to Steve “and Steve, I have heard lovely things about you. It is nice to finally meet you as well” she gives him a hug to and I feel like I need to sit down
“Is she here?” I ask
“Who? Oh Laura...but she's on her way I suppose” mum looks nervous
“Well...ok. I need the restroom, I'll be right back” I say
“Me and Steve will get the things from the car” Eddie smiles at me
“You do that, thanks” I say and I head to the downstairs toilet. I splash my face with cold water and I look in the mirror. There is something so wrong here...who IS that woman? Could it all be Henry's doing? Then that man is my new hero... I like this version of my mum, she's never before told me I look good. Making me suspicious though. I go back in to the hallway, I hear mum and Henry in the kitchen laughing. Weird sound in this house... But where are the guys? It shouldn't take them this long to get a couple of bags? I look out the window and my blood freezes. They're standing by the car having a smoke and well...she's arrived... I open the door and I head outside
“Laura” I say and she spins around with a great big smile. I sneak a peek at Eddie who's got this mischievous smile on his lips and Steve has the same look. What are they up to?
“Kaaaat... You came” my sisters voice is so fake it hurts my ears
“Yeah? I mean I did tell you I was coming so”
“Well... I see I was right” she has a very smug look on her face
“You were right? About what?” Eddie and Steve are giggling quietly and suddenly I get it. She hasn't figured out who they are. They haven't told her
“Well, we can talk all about THAT when we get inside. I was just talking to these goooooorgeous guys here” she gives them a dazzling smile
“Oh...” I fight the urge to laugh out loud at her.
“Where's your car by the way? Don't tell me the hired help has wrecked it and you're stuck with THIS?” she points at the car we borrowed from Eddies boss so we'd all fit and we wouldn't have to take 2 cars. I look over at her as I take the bags out of the trunk and then I throw the keys at Steve.
“I did no such thing... Hello Lucifer...” Eddie smirks at Laura
“Yeah...that's Eddie...and this is Steve our friend” I say and we all laugh at the look on Lauras face as we take our things and head back inside “Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there all night?” I ask as I'm about to close the door. Laura isn't making a single sound, she just walks up to the house and past me as quick as she can. She's not even looking at Eddie or Steve she just rushes in to the kitchen
“Oh that was...priceless. She was flirting SOOO heavily with us the second she turned the corner and saw us” Eddie laughs
“I've never seen her that speechless” I say “I kinda like it” I snicker “I'm going to take the bags upstairs, you go join the others in the kitchen” I kiss Eddie and I take the bags
“You need help?” he asks and Steve nods
“Nah, I'm a big girl I can handle them” I smile and I head up the stairs to my old room. I open the door and I'm instantly back to feeling as small and insignificant as I did the last time I was in here. God I hated this place... I put our bag down on the bed then I head to the guest room to leave Steves things in there. I finally convinced him it wasn't a problem having him in the house, he needn't get a hotel room for 2 nights. I hear footsteps behind me as I'm putting his bag on the bed
“Seriously?” Laura is fuming...now I recognise her
“Seriously WHAT Laura?” I sigh with my back still turned at her
“That's who you're paying to act your boyfriend? You couldn't have... I don't know stuck to YOUR league? You really think anyone one of us believes that perfect specimen of a man is for REAL your boyfriend? C'mon Kat... And Steve? How many hot men are you paying to try and convince me you have a life?” she scoffs at me “You might be able to fool mum and Henry, but I know you Kat. You are not the girl to bag a guy like that. Why the hell would they be friends with YOU? The most boring and insipid person known to man? What are you going to do to yourself when the money runs out and they leave you? Huh? Gonna come back here and hide at mums and become the wallflower again? Jesus fucking Christ Kat, you should have left them at home, I'm not falling for that” she's so angry and I feel like crawling in to the walls, how is it she can make me feel this small. I haven't got any answers for her, I know her and now she's going strong. She won't listen to anything I say, she's made up her mind. They're hired help both of them. I'm standing there head bent trying to find words when the door is flung open and all I see is a shadow as Laura shrieks and then I hear Eddie's low growling voice. I look up and I see him holding her by her throat a few inches of the ground pinned to the wall
“If I hear ONE more thing coming out of your mouth that belittles Kat I will fucking END you! Why the FUCK are you here if you can't act like a human being? Huh...you fucking bitch” Eddie is furious
“Eddie...let her go she's not worth it” I say quietly
“Do...you...understand...me?” his voice is no more than a deep vibrating note. I see Steve coming in, he looks over at them. He goes over and he puts his hand on Eddies shoulder
“Hey man, not worth it. Kat's been telling us what she's like, what did you expect? This one can't act civil so just ignore her. Saw it the second she stopped outside, she's nothing but a brat. I wouldn't waste my time even trying to tame this one, ugly insides make awful outsides” I'm shaking to the core, Laura is going to be 100 times worse from this
Eddie's eyes are black as he slowly lowers Laura to the ground.
“One more word... Just one...” he growls. Then he turns to me “you ok babe?” he wraps me in his arms and kisses my head “sorry if I scared you, I noticed she disappeared from the kitchen when we came in there. I was worried” he looks down at me and his eyes are back to the delicious brown color they usually are. I glance at Laura who's standing by the wall holding her neck staring at us. She looks over at Steve who shoots her a disapproving look and sighs. Then I can see she takes a deep breath. Fuck no...
“WHAT THE HELL! This is fucking unreal, you pay people to abuse me now?” her voice is high pitched but with a hint of nerves
I feel Eddie tensing up and gritting his teeth. He lets go of me and spins around. I grab him
“No Ed, please. Leave her... It's 2 days then we never have to see her again. Just... I agree with Steve this devil can't be tamed. She's never going to be anything but a bitch to me. You can kick her ass from here in to next month and she still won't believe I'm not paying you. Let her think so, I don't care” I'm staring back at her “let's just have a good time with mum and Henry and this one can sit in her corner sulking”
“THIS ONE? So your sister is worth less than some asshole you pay to...” *SMACK* I strike the side of her face with every bit of frustration I have in me
“I have no sister” I growl and then I leave the room, hearing Eddie and Steve gasping then Eddie comes running to catch up with me
“Jesus babe, that was one hell of a slap... I'm so proud” Eddie chuckles and grabs my hand stopping me from stomping down the stairs. He pulls me in and gives me a deep kiss “are you ok though?” he says as he lets me go
“That was...cathartic” I say “never thought slapping my sister would make me feel alive” I look back at the door to the guest room “Where's Steve?”
“I don't think he wants to leave his stuff alone with...that. He'll be right down once she leaves the room” Eddie says and we head down the stairs again. I see mum at the bottom looking worried
“What...did she do?” she says
“She was being Laura” I tell her
“Well... I guess she'll come crying about it later. I smacked the shit out of her and told her I haven't got a sister any more” I say “after Eddie pinned her to the wall and told her he'd end her if she said another word....which she of course did. She'll be fine once her fragile ego has healed so I give it 10 minutes” I scoff
“You...hit your...her?” mum sounds surprised
“Well... 'bout time someone did wouldn't you say?” we hear Henrys voice from the door to the kitchen. I think I love this man!
“Well...yeah” now I need to sit down, mum agreed...
“What the hell has happened to you?” I say unable to stop myself
“Well... I've tried to change. I was” she clears her throat “court ordered to therapy after I threw a fit in the grocery store.” she blushes
“You what now?” I say and Eddie is slowly trying to give us space “No Eddie, stay” I say and I take his hand
“Yeah, not my proudest moment... But I met Henry, so it wasn't a complete waste. I...haven't been talking to her for almost 2 months now. My therapist made me see just how venomous she is...and that she's been turning me against you” I see tears in my mums eyes, I don't think I've ever seen her show emotion like this. I am not entirely sure I trust this...
“Well...yeah” is all I have to say to her “the two of you have made my life horrible”
We hear stomping from upstairs and the sound of a door slamming shut.
“Well I guess we can count her out of dinner then” Henry smirks
“Not a fan?” Eddie asks
“Not even a little...” Henry scoffs
Steve comes down the stairs and he whispers something in Eddies ear, his eyebrows shoot up. “You sure?” he asks Steve and he nods in response
“What?” I say
“I'll tell you later” Steve says “well Ruth, sorry about that. Can I help you in any way?” he turns on the Harrington charm and my mother is lost
“Oh...well...thank you Steve. You can open the wine if you don't mind?” she blushes and giggles at him
“Passed over by a 20 something guy...I'll be damned” Henry chuckles
“Oh hush now...” mum smiles at him. We head in to the living room and sit down making conversation with Henry. He really is a very nice man. So far from any guy my mum's dated before.
“So... Were you also in therapy when you met mum?” I have to ask
“Well, no. I worked in her therapists office, at the front desk. I fell for her the instant she walked through the doors her very first appointment” he smiles widely
“Is that...ok?” Eddie asks with a tentative tone
“No, it was frowned upon when they found out. Since then I've switched workplace so that it won't cause a problem. I'd rather be with your mum than keep that job” he looks at me “I do love her Kat, and I hope you and I will get along. Seeing as I don't...with that” he makes a gesture towards the second floor. I laugh
“Well, very few get along with that so don't worry. I think you and I will be just fine, you seem like a real good guy” I smile at him
“Great! I'm actually from Indiana myself, so I would love to take your mum on a trip there. Maybe visit you also?” he says
“Sure, that sounds good. She needs to get away for a bit I think” I tell him and Eddie agrees. We hear movement from upstairs, a door opens. I can feel my whole body tense up, no more. Eddie puts his arm around me and pulls me closer whispering in my ear
“Babe, relax. I think the worst is over an done with” he looks at me with a smirk
“What do you know?” I ask and Henry looks at him with the same question in mind
“Not my thing to say” he tells us and then he says nothing more
Mum and Steve have finished in the kitchen and call for us to come in to the dining room. We head in there and we see a very grumpy Laura at the table already. Mum is looking at her nervously and Henry draws a deep breath beside me. My mind is racing, I don't want to do this...couldn't she just have stayed upstairs until dinner was over.
We start eating, the conversation isn't as natural any more. Seeing as we have the devil at the table...she's glaring at us all. Not saying a word just mean looks and small snorts at things we say. When we all grab seconds of the delicious meal mum made for us Laura can't restrain herself
“Really Kat? Like you would need seconds” my heart sinks and I put the fork down instantly. I can feel Eddie vibrating next to me and his breathing is strained. Then I notice Steve in the corner of my eye, holding his hand to his chest with one finger up. Patting his chest slowly with it looking straight at Laura. Her eyes widen, then she looks down.
“Ahem...sorry...that was mean of me” she says and I damn near pass out. So does mum and Henry. We all stare at her... what in the actual hell?
“Uhm...yeah...that's nothing new?” I say. She looks at me anger in her eyes, I can tell she NEEDS to say something but she's fighting the urge so hard. What did Steve say to her before he left her upstairs?
A deep sigh escapes her “Well...still it was rude of me. Eat as much as you like” she says through gritted teeth
I look at Eddie who has tears in his eyes from trying SO hard not to laugh at her. I make a questioning look and he shakes his head. “Later” he whispers
Dinner is pleasant enough, the atmosphere is weird after that, whatever that was. Everyone is just waiting for Lauras next meltdown. But when were all done and mum gets up to clean the table. I see Steve staring at Laura who blushes and gets up hastily “I can do it mum. You sit” she says and starts clearing the table
“You...can? Are you sick?” Mum and Henry are staring at her in disbelief and so am I. Laura is 21 years old and has NEVER ever help clear the table after a meal. Something is really weird here
Laura laughs a strained laugh “No...just thought I'd help” then she scurries off in to the kitchen
“So aliens DO exist?” Henry says with a chuckle “either that or she's hit her head real hard or she's in dire need of an exorcist. I mean is everyone seeing this or am I dreaming?”
“Maybe she just...realised how she's been behaving?” Steve says a little TOO innocent
“No hell no, this is somehow your doing Harrington. I don't know what you did or said but fuck it...keep doing it” I say and I glare at him “but just so you know...either you move here or you take her home with you. I am not taking her back the way she was before” I point my finger at him and mum nods in agreement
“Me? I've done nothing...” he says and not a single soul in the greater Seattle area believes him
“Yeah right, and I'm the god damn pope...” I say and Eddie breaks down next to me
“I've always wanted to know what the pope has under that robe of his” he laughs “guess I'll finally find out” I poke him in the side
“Idiot” I laugh
The rest of the night is ok, we're still all walking on eggshells around Laura just waiting for her to snap. We can see she wants to but she's keeping a very close eye on Steve all the time. Then it hits me... something Eddie and I were talking about after I called him master that first time. Dominance... Steve is being dominant with her...so my sister is a submissive person? Eddie had explained some things he knew of the practice to me, he said he learned some of it from a friend. I think I know the friend... But Laura...a sub? Makes absolutely no sense to me. But it's the only thing I can think of...
Later when were in bed I turn to Eddie
“So he's being a Dom with her isn't he?” I say
“You figured it out did you? I thought you might, seeing as we talked about it. But yeah, that's what he whispered to me 'this is a mean one but I think I can break her' is what he said. Say...has she EVER been nice to you? Like even if it's just been for a short while?” he asks and I have to think long and hard
“Yeah...when you mention it. There's been like...maybe twice she's been civil with us” I say
“Bet that's been when she's had some sort of a relationship?” Eddie's smiling now
“Yeah...maybe...yeah I think so” I say
“Right...probably when she's been with a guy who could give her what she wants. Domination... She's probably wanting it so bad but can't find it and that frustration is what's fuelling her anger. And that anger is then directed towards the more submissive one in her life...you. Only you're submissive in another way than her. Yours isn't a lifestyle it's what she's made you. Fuck...of course it took Steve to realize this. I would have never figured it out” he chuckles. It all makes sense, from what little Eddie told me about it. She needs someone to control her in every way or she'll just lash out. At me...because I'm easy to break.
“BITCH” I can't help it “so she's been having all these pent up needs and taking that out on me...from way back when she started dating guys basically...that's when she became real mean”
“Guess so...it's no excuse by any means. But maybe...just maybe Steve can make her a little bit better?” Eddie looks at me
“Oh I doubt that... That demon isn't tameable...” I say
“Give Harrington some time, you'll see” Eddie smiles and pulls me in to his chest “Well no matter what I still love you so much. AND I was fucking turned on when you bitch slapped the crap outta her” he giggles and kisses my neck “My babe is such a badass” he mumbles letting his tongue play on the soft skin under my ear. I gasp and grab his hair
“Yeah? Making you all hot and bothered when I show some force does it?” I moan as Eddies hands have found my breasts kneading them and pinching my nipples
“Oh yeah, you looked so fucking hot” his kisses have moved down my neck to my breasts kissing the nipples, tugging softly at one of them with his teeth. I grab him and I flip us over, making me straddled over his hips looking down at him. I start moving my hips against his hardening cock.
“Yeah? Too bad Steve's taming her then...” I smirk, rolling my hips against Eddies bare skin. His hands trail my hips and up towards my breasts again. I smack them away “Nope... No touching until I say so...keep em above your head” I say with a stern voice, Eddies eyes widen and turn pitch black as he exhales loudly and slowly raise his hands above his head.
“Good boy...keep em there no matter what” I say giving him a small wink. His eyes are locked on me. I sit back a little so he can see my pussy clearly. I'm already soaking wet and he can tell by the dark patch on my underwear. I stand up over him and I slowly start moving my body to an imaginary song in my head. I let my hands play all over my body until they reach my panties. I grab the lining with my thumbs and I ease them down slowly. I step out of them and I take a small step up towards Eddies face, I let my hands slide in between my thighs and I spread myself open for him. Letting my fingers run through the slick of my folds and circle my clit.
“Fuuuuuck babe... I wanna help, can I help please” he moans
“Nah...you can watch.... Any touching and I stop and we sleep” I say locking eyes with him, Eddie sighs and nods. I back up a little and I kneel down again, sitting myself down on his cock that's twitching like mad underneath his boxers. I rub myself over him, kneading my breasts while I do. Eddies eyes are nearly popping out of his skull. I stop and I look at him “Now I'm going to rub myself all over this delicious cock until I gush all over it...as for you...you can't cum until I say so” I wink and Eddie whimpers in response. I pull down his boxers, his cock slaps up against his stomach. I sit myself down on his cock letting it slide in between my folds. I rub all down the length of it, moaning as the head rubs over my clit. At first I go slow, making sure to lean back so Eddie gets a clear view of it. His eyes are black and he looks almost crazy squirming beneath me. Once he moved his arms down towards me but I stopped and I shot him a meaning smile and glanced up at his arms. He quickly pulled them up again and secured them under his head.
“Sorry babe, didn't mean to” he groans “you just look so amazing, and you feel soooo good”
“Mmmm...nothing compared to how you feel rubbing against my wet pussy. Gonna make myself cum soon rubbing my clit on your cock” I pant as I pick up the pace of my hip movements. I can feel it in my stomach, I'm about to come undone all over Eddie I'm rubbing myself faster and faster against his hard cock making him cry out in desperation
“Fuuuuck...can I please put it in, god I wanna feel you cum around me...please babe” he's whining now.
“No....gonna cum and then I'm gonna smear my juices all over your shaft...then maybe you can fuck me” I moan locking eyes with him as I feel myself growing closer and closer to orgasm. Eddies hands are tangled in his hair, grabbing handfuls of locks just holding on for dear life so he won't accidentally touch me and ruin this. I smile at him and I grab my breasts and I start playing with them as I feel the tension rising and suddenly I snap and I cry out his name as my pussy gushes with more wetness all over Eddies cock “Fuuuuuck Ed...God that felt amazing” I pant and I can tell he's going crazy underneath me waiting for the all clear to touch me. I lean forward so my breasts land on his chest and my pussy hovers just above his cock. The head is just at the entrance, one move and he'll slide right in. He's shivering under me, moaning and breathing deep. “Wanna fuck me handsome? You were such a good boy for me, come on, do what you want to me” I whisper and in one instant Eddie's arms are wrapped around me, his lips pressed against mine and his cock shoved deep inside me. The sound he makes is pure need, a guttural deep growl. He sits me up on his lap and then tips me on my back, not letting go or sliding out for a second. Then he begins fucking me with a desperation I've never felt before
“Fucking hell that was the hottest thing ever...God I thought I was going to explode... I love you so fucking much” he's groaning in my ear as he plunges in me with deep thrusts “please babe, cum on me again, I wanna feel that squeeze” he moans in my ear before he slides his hand down and start working my clit with his fingers. “I'm so close now...fuck babe....such an amazing pussy” the knot in my stomach is growing and I can feel another orgasm coming in fast, the way he sounds and the way his cock slides against the perfect spot inside of me. It hits like a ton of bricks again and I once more cry out Eddies name and I hear him moaning my name as he follows me close filling me up with his warm seed. We're lying there panting, Eddie slumped down on my chest.
“Fuck I love you Kat” he whispers
“Yeah? Well not as much as I love you” I whisper back and I place a kiss on the side of his neck making him shiver. He rolls of to the side and gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom and gets a warm towel to clean us off with. Then he crawls back beside me and wraps me in his arms
“Well, if Harrington could do that to your sister she might become tolerable” he chuckles and I shake my head
“Eww Ed, I DO NOT want to think about Steve fucking my sister...however pleasant it would make her” I giggle. We joke around about this for a little while and then we settle in and fall asleep.
The next morning as I head down to the kitchen I'm met by my sister, alone... I flinch. What's going to happen now... I have no one with me. I glance at her
“Good morning Kat... Coffee?” she says and I nearly drop dead
“Ehm...sure. Thanks...” I'm thinking there has to be a catch. She hands me a cup and sits down at the table flipping through the newspaper. I stare at her, sipping on the coffee...well it doesn't taste poisoned... I sit down on the edge of the seat ready to bolt any second. But she just continues reading the paper and drinking her coffee. I relax a little and I look put the window for a bit. I kinda missed the view from mums kitchen, that being pretty much the only thing I've missed about this place
“So... Last night” Lauras voice cuts the silence and I jerk “I was...out of line”
“Aren't you always?” she may be civil but I haven't gotten there yet myself
“Perhaps... I don't hate you, you are my sister after all. I do understand if you hate me...I'm not stupid, I've given you no reason to like me. Steve...ehmmm...well we had a conversation last night after I yelled at you in the guest room. He.... I....”
“You're a submissive person aren't you, and he's a dominant? He's pretty much what you've been looking for? What you need to feel at ease?” I ask and I look at her with interest, how will this be accepted. Me knowing
“Oh...you know... I didn't think you...understood such things” she says, straightening herself a little and I can hear she's doing her best not to snap
“Well... We talked about the practice a few weeks ago me and Ed, just last night I got it...what happened between you and Steve. So I asked Eddie if I was right in my suspicions”
“Well aren't you all well informed these days” she snarls, there she is...
“I wouldn't say well informed...just... me and Eddie have a very open discussion about sex. I can ask him anything and he'll answer to the best of his abilities” I say wanting to be honest with her
“So you got yourself a manwhore that's been around I see... Well as long as he's not on the payroll I guess I can be supportive” she snaps
“Now now” I tut at her “what would Steve say about this change in attitude?”
“Don't fucking push it you have NO idea what you're talking about. Fucking wallflower, that longhaired freak up there probably took your virginity then filled your head with all sorts of crap so he can mould you in to his own sex toy” her temper is searing now but mine isn't far behind
“DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT SHIT YOU HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT LAURA! I fucking lost my virginity when I was 19, I was fucking molested and abused by some asshole at a party YOU made me drive you to so don't fucking talk about me like you know anything about what I've been through. I wished I had a sister back then to talk to but all I had was you, a selfish mean fucking bitch demon in sheep's clothing. Don't for a second think that I'll like you any better just because Steve can be what you need...you're still the devil spawn that made my life a living hell for so many years. What...cat's got your tongue? No snappish remark about how I had I coming because I was shy? No? Nothing?” I stare at her and I can feel how crazy I look right now, I've never ever raised my voice like this at her. She's pale as a ghost and all she can do is swallow audibly “What Laura? No comment? Not a single snarky thing to say about your sister being fucking raped at at party you made her go to? You know what...go straight to hell and stay there” I get up and I storm out of the kitchen leaving her there, tears are flowing down my cheeks as I storm up the stairs and in to my bed room. I throw myself on the bed and I cry so hard.
“What the hell happened? I'm snoozing and all of a sudden here you are, a fucking crying mess? What did she do? Babe...talk to me” I forgot about Eddie in my emotional state
“She...and... I... I yelled, I told her about the ass at the party and I told her to go to heeeeell” I say between sobs. Eddie pulls me in close to him, rocking me and kissing my head as I let the tears fall.
“There, there babe it'll be ok. You wanna go home? We can rent a car or get a flight and Steve can pick up the girls tomorrow and drive my boss's car back” he's stroking my head
“No, we still have mums birthday dinner tonight. She's been great, and I really like Henry. But if Laura stays I'll go to Casey's until tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm done now” I sob
“I get that, but I can't let you go alone... I don't wanna be here without you” Eddie kisses me
“She just made me so angry... And once again she was attacking you. Now you're a manwhore wanting to keep me as a sex toy because I'm so innocent you can teach me all the things you want to use me for” I smile up at him through my tears
“Me use you? Yeah right...like last night you mean...I felt I had a lot of power there” he smiles and gives me a kiss
Suddenly we hear commotion downstairs, shouting and furniture scraping against the floor. I look at Eddie confused and we get out of bed and head out into the hallway. I hear my mums voice booming from downstairs
“I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE! I heard Kat... I heard what she said happened to her, all because YOU needed a ride. I'm as much to blame for making her take you... But you were supposed to have her back. Don't you fucking roll your eyes at me missy... Get your things and get out before I throw you out. I have no doubt there is a, what did you call him? A longhaired freak upstairs with no hesitation if I ask him to help me” I look at Eddie and he's as shocked as I am. Steve appears behind us
“What the hell happened this morning?” he asks
“All hell broke lose apparently... I think your services aren't needed any more. At least not to help this one” Eddie smirks at him
“Yeah? Make friends?” Steve says
“Does it sound like it?” I say with a dark tone
“Oh... She went off on you again? Should I...”
“I don't care if you wanna keep up this thing with her but don't ever bring her near me again” I say and I look at Steve “not EVER, you hear me? She can go back to whatever hell she crawled out of and stay there. I am done now”
“Noted... It was just a little fun, I wasn't planning on it becoming anything. I was just doing it to try and help you Kat. I would never chose her over our friendship. She can find someone else to dominate her the way she wants to. We leaving or...?” he hugs me
“Nah, I wanna celebrate mums birthday. But as I told Eddie, if Laura stays I'm going to Casey's until dinner. And then I think I'll crash on her couch until we leave in the morning” I say
“Sounds like you won't have to go anywhere” Eddie says and pulls me to the side as a furious Laura stomps up the stairs not looking at anyone of us. She gets her things and she storms down the stairs again and out the door.
“Good fucking riddance I say” Eddie shakes his head and goes back in to the bed room to get dressed. I stay in the hallway with Steve
“Are you disappointed it didn't go further? I sorta figured out what was going on last night...” I ask him
“Nah, I mean it just ONE side to me. And I have a feeling your sister would be more of a brat than I would be able to deal with...don't worry sweetie. I'll be fine, it was a fun night though” he winks at me
“OH...yikes...well...ok then. Not just us then” I say and I giggle
“Nope...sorry” he smiles
“It's ok...just never mention it again” I say
“Deal” he laughs
“What are you 2 laughing about?” Eddie comes back out to us
“Oh you know... Steve using my sister as his personal cock warmer last night” I say and laugh so hard tears roll down my face and Steve looks like he wants to crawl under the carpet and hide
“Well, good boy Harrington!” Eddie high fives him and Steve blushes even more
“Fuck the two of you... This isn't going to die down is it?”
“When we tell Buckley you mean? No it'll live in infamy” Eddie roars with laughter
“Fuuuuck” Steve turns and heads back in to the guest room leaving us laughing in the hallway.
The atmosphere in the house changes drastically when Laura left. We all have an amazing day, Casey and Robin come over for lunch and my mum actually apologizes to Casey for any and all bad things she's said to her over the years. Casey drags me to the side and asks me if my mum's dying or something. I laugh and tell her that apparently being court ordered therapy for throwing a fit in a grocery store does wonders to people. Casey has to hold the railing to the stairs to keep from falling down laughing. I tell her about the incident this morning and she hugs me and tells me it's probably for the best.
Mums dinner is a success, much thanks to me and my cooking. Henry and Eddie seem to have made it a competition to see which one of them can compliment me the most in one sentence. I don't think I've ever felt this good in this house, I tell mum this as we're in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. We tried telling her no, she shouldn't have to on her birthday but the woman wouldn't listen to reason.
“I'm so sorry I never listened to you back then Kat. I kinda suspected something had happened to you but...well...yeah” she looks ashamed
“Mum... Even if you'd asked I don't think I was ready to tell you anyway. I wasn't planning on telling now either it just came out...in anger” I say and I take her hand
“But...did he force you, hurt you?” she's pale as a ghost
“Force no... he fooled me though. I thought he liked me so I gave in....then he turned heavy-handed on me. It is what it is mum. It can't be undone. It's all in the past now, Eddie's helping me heal” I say
“I like him, he's a real gem sweetheart” she smiles
“He is... So is Henry mum, I really like him” I tell her
“Oh, good” she smiles and I look at her
“He's asked you something hasn't he” I smirk
“Well...yeah...he did. This afternoon when you were all in the living room talking. He cornered me in the kitchen” she says and takes out a box showing me a beautiful ring
“Oh mum, that's gorgeous. I'm happy for you... I'm not saying all is forgotten, but we've made progress haven't we?” I say hugging her
“I hope we have Kat, I want you here for my wedding... I want you all here, well almost all of you”
“We'll be here I promise. Just let me know the date so I can see if someone can mind the store for me”
“Yeah how's that working out for you? Have you spoken to....Stella? How is she doing?”
“It's great mum, right up my alley. I spoke to her last week, she was beginning her tour of Asia. So she's got quite some time left on her trip, but she sounded like she's having the time of her life.”
“If you don't mind...could you have her call me. If she has the possibility... I wanna pick her brain on a destination for our honeymoon” Mum smiles at me
“I'll tell her, not sure how often she can call but the next time I speak to her I'll ask” I say
The next morning we're all up early. We want to get going as soon as possible so we won't get home to late the following day. Mum hugs me so tight and cries a little as we leave. It feels strange leaving again, but also it feels like this chapter is finally done. And if I'm lucky Laura actually IS gone from my life... I hope. I'm so done with her... I do hope for mum though that they can mend some of their relationship. But who knows, maybe she'll be at the wedding maybe she won't makes no difference to me.
We arrive in Hawkins the next day, late in the afternoon and as we go to get my car from Eddies boss I sigh deeply
“We're home Ed... We're finally home”
“Yeah we are...” he sounds confused
“No I mean... This is home, Seattle never felt as good as this does. It never felt like home, not even now coming back did it feel like a home I left. I felt like... I don't know a place I visited when I was younger?” I try to explain what I'm feeling but I'm not sure I'm making sense
“I get it, I think. I mean this is the only home I've ever had so... But it feels better now that I'm sharing it with you that's for sure” Eddie smiles at me “So how you feeling about your sister? Really?” he asks
“Relieved, annoyed, angry...but most of all so fucking done” I say
“So, you're ok with the outcome?”
“I never thought we'd get to have a good relationship in any scenario. Even if Steve would have tamed her and turned her in to a purring kitten would I have been at ease around her. She ruined this all on her own and I'm ok with her being gone” I say
“Well as I said... Good fucking riddance” Eddie beams
Life was good before this trip, life is better now! I talk to mum once a week, her therapist had her write down all the things she knows she's done to me and then he wanted her to talk to me about them, hear my side of it and really listen to ME when I tell her how it effected me. It's just as good for her as it is for me I think. We cry a lot, and we laugh. There is hope for a good mother daughter bond in the future... Laura hasn't been in touch with either one of us.
So yeah, bringing the hired help with me was a good call... Maybe I ought to give him a raise...or maybe a ring...
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sketchguk · 21 days
these hc's are abt some jungkook and mc meetings when mc was still with taehyung. at this party , mc was trying to get something from a vending machine but it stopped working and so she kicks it but very weakly bcuz she's scared of ruining it ( she's the cutest ) . jungkook leans from the staircase and is like , damn these things keep eating our cash huh. and he comes down and asks and tries to help. When he's doing that he starts joking abt how mc's kick wouldnt have done anything bcuz it was so weak ........ and mc would be like, hey !!! dont make fun of me. and jungkook would say he can tease her bcuz he knows about kicks. ( he plays football YES HE'S A JOCK !!! ) they laugh and then mc says he should go and have fun . she would get a drink from the kitchen instead. but jungkook will be like, Hey thats ok, and i am having fun . MC would be feeling something bcuz he says it soooo sincerely . and then the machine works and two cans would roll out! he'll give them to mc but she will be like, UH that ones not mine. so jungkook will be like, Oh ... and then he';; say "maybe we can finish it together??" and before mc responds taehyung would enter the scene saying "there you are, you need to come out and see this ..." and mc would look at jungkook and jungkook would give her the other drink and say "or you can just keep it haha" taehyung would pull her out and while leaving mc will turn back and be like, thanks jungkook ! so that's just an hc about how sweet jungkook is and how mc thinks jungkook's eyes looked so pretty when he told her he was having fun with her <3 and jungkook wanted to spend that evening with her if taehyung has not dragged her out <//3 I will send another hc tomorrow or whenever to get to this one! have a nice day <333
jungkook au anon here again , i Just forgot to respond to what you asked about jungkook being insecure , LIKE YES OFCOURSE HE IS ! That's the whole point of the white lotus story and other than that, they even go on vacay to this place like the one on in the soop and mc goes along with the boys. So there's a lot of situations where jungkook feels veryyyyy insecure especially because tae's right there.
JUNGKOOK IS A FOOTBALL PLAYER?!!!! (aka soccer, sorry i'm american. it's my fatal flaw). he is so hawt and segsi <33 i adore him with all my heart. i hope he teaches her how to kick a ball around heheh. taehyung better be there to witness it too >:( (maybe they're having a boys night , and jungkook isn't even hanging out with the members. rather, all his attention is on mc. all the boys wanna gag because they're being lovey dovey like in the early stages of a crush loll). also, mc is so adorable with her weak, little kick LOL
why is he the absolute sweetest boy :'(( they don't make boys like him irl !! their banter is so adorable. of course he's having fun chatting her up !!! the most fun he could ever have !!! before he was c*ck blocked >:( what did taehyung want to show her? it couldn't have been THAT important 🤔
also !!! i watched the first season of white lotus but it was a lil slow to me. i know you said your head canons are based on season 2, but i have this incessant need to watch things in order LOL (even the seasons aren't related). i think i'm 3 episodes into s2, but i got a little busy !! it's definitely more interesting than s1 to me. seeing theo james naked was not on my 2024 bingo card....
I LOVEEEE reading aus where they go on vacation !! whether it's a winter cabin for the weekend or a beach house in the summer :')) there are so many different possibilities for the plot !!! tell me more ! tell me more !
what would jungkook typically do when he gets jealous??? would he stay quiet and walk away?? is he gonna stand up for himself and get the girl of his dreams?!!!
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angelplummie · 3 years
Okay so like for starterssssss, I love getting represented as a chubby gal 🥺🥺 so I love you for writing that last Oikawa imagineeeee 😩😩😩
Soooo, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader that really likes Kuroo, (and he’s like a super cliché bad boy🤰🏽) but he’s too embarrassed to be seen with Y/n. So she starts to hit on his friend or try to make him jealous. (I want you to add your own little idea here! But likeee, make her a baddie 😘😘)
Thanks baby 😚
Angsty?? kinda, a pinch of suggestive stuff
post girlboss was referring to
a/n:i decided to go for emo / anger issues / definitely has punched a hole in his wall kuroo, just cuz i love writing losers, and i love seeing grown men cry. reader is like 20/21 just like college age yk, kuroo is 23 as stated in fic. p.s where my artic monkey hoes at
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex n specific sexual acts, suggestive stuff, uhhh bad boy but he’s not a (bad boy) he’s just a (bad) (boy) he’s just no good, like no fr never date guys like this, he may SEEM COOL and give you the dick but girl you will be so embarrassed once u realised u gave up the kitty for a man that genuinely believes tame impala and mac demarco are unheard of and calls himself an empath even though he’s mean to his mum every time she comes over to help with the laundry and has manipulated every girl he’s ever been in the vicinity of but i digress! on with the story!
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“Kuroo-!” you yelped in surprised, bed bouncing beneath you. The second he had thrown you down, he ripped off his shirt and made a noise of frustration when he couldn’t shed his skinny jeans fast enough. Brows furrowed, he began hopping furiously to yank them off.
You laughed, much to his annoyance.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep up with that. What’s the rush?”
He sighed, and carefully pulled them off his ankles. Standing up straight, he seemed to have composed himself, with that cocky smirk on his rugged face. Your eyes trailed down his lean, long body. It was all you could do not to scream, he was so gorgeous. He took a few sweeping steps to where you lay, and got right on top of you, hands either side of your head. His eyes bore into you, it made you squirm internally, not that you would ever admit it.
“Just want you so bad, kitten.”
You barked out a laugh as if your heart didn’t jolt at his stupid pet name. It was such a stupid name, but coming from him it made you melt. Again, not like you’d ever admit it.
“Ew, Tetsu don’t call me kitten, it’s cr-“
He cut you off by leaning down and kissing you, you could feel his snake bites against your bottom lip. He groaned softly, shoving his tongue down your throat. He tasted like his sour apple vape, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through it. You could barely contain your butterflies, eyes squeezed closed.
“Come on babe, you know you like it.”
No matter how many times you and Kuroo hung out, it always felt so fresh. Maybe it was because he was exciting, or because he was a little bit wild, you didn’t know.
He leaned down closer to you, getting on his elbows, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smirked at your breathlessness. With a slender, ring adorned hand, he reached beneath your top and cupped your tits over your bra. He gave them a sharp squeeze and started placing chaste kisses on your neck. He was considerate like that, didn’t leave hickeys because he knew they’d be hard to cover for you. He groaned as he jiggled the fat of your boobs in his hands,
“God, you have the nicest tits, babe.”
You had been dating for nearly 3 months now, if that was what it was. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you were. You hang out all the time at his or your place, there was rarely a time when you didn’t have an ache between your legs, one way or another. He didn’t really take you on ‘dates’ but chatting to him was fun in itself, you didn’t need to go out to do that. He didn’t necessarily say romantic stuff either... but he didn’t not say romantic stuff either? He beat up your ex at a party one time! That had to mean something right? He exactly wouldn’t tell you how he felt but he showed you, kissing your cheek or tilting your chin up to look at him or kissing your neck or feeling you up. But that usually led to sex, so you couldn’t be certain. It wasn’t like you only screwed though, you watched your favourite movies together... although the last couple times he just started fingering you. You showed him your playlists? No no, he showed you his playlists, his sex playlists. There seemed to be a common theme here. But... there were times, afterwards, when he would pull in you so tight, tell you how good you were for him, how well you did, how pretty you looked. Any doubts you had were gone after a few hushed words on his tobacco reeking rickety old bed. You’d never really had a relationship like this before, but you assumed it was just because Kuroo was so chill. You were probably boyfriend and girlfriend, he just didn’t feel the need to announce it, he was laidback like that. So what if you guys had a lot of sex? Weren’t you a new couple? Wasn’t this just the honeymoon stage were you can’t get your hands off each other? You didn’t want to seem high maintenance and nag, so you let it be. He was sweet enough to you, right now everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
A clatter sounded downstairs, the door slamming open against the hallway wall.
“Kuroo! Hey man, I brought some California!”, a voice called from bellow.
Kuroo broke away immediately, spit trailing from your neck to his pink lips.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Kuroo mumbled, pushing off the bed and scrambling the pick up his discarded clothes and shove them back on.
You sat up, disgruntled, rearranging your bra strap from were he’d kneaded at it.
“What’s wrong? Who is that?”
He shot you a glance before continuing to yank back on his jeans.
“Uh, so change of plan, I can’t do tonight. I need you to go home. Discreetly.”
“What? Tetsu, I’m already here,” you scoffed.
What was going on?
Why was he acting like this?
You had never seen him so... frantic.
“I know babe, and I’m really sorry about that, but my friends are here early than I said.”
“So? Can’t I meet your friends?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, just let out an exasperated breath, zipping up his fly.
“Well, yeah you can meet them, just not with me. I don’t want them knowing that I-“
He cut himself off, but you had heard enough to understand.
There was a beat of silence, only disturbed by Kuroo’s friends calling for him.
Your mouth hung open, and you scoffed in shock.
You shouldn’t be surprised really. It’s so obvious now that you think about it. So that’s what this was. That explains everything. He didn’t really like you, he was just using you. That’s why he didn’t take you anywhere, or why he didn’t show you he cared. It was because he didn’t. He wasn’t “afraid of getting close to people” or “emotionally distant”, he was just upfront about not giving two shits about you aside from your vagina. I guess he didn’t want his friends to know he was furiously screwing a fat girl any chance he got. He was embarrassed of you. You were something to be ashamed of. Your stomach jerked as you got to your feet. You were pissed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t really hurt. You had liked him. A lot.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You could see the panic in his eyes, it was quite funny actually. Of course you new what it meant, but it still made you feel a little better to watch his eyes widen like that, to hold a shred of power over him.
“I mean- well I didn’t- come on babe you know I didn’t mean it like that-“ he laughed nervously, not noticing the footsteps in the landing. You rolled your eyes. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren’t going to fall for his shit again. Whatever he spouted.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Just say it, your embarrassed of me.”
“Y/N, please, don’t you think-“
Two men burst through the door, one with spiked grey hair and one with fluffy black hair.
“Kuroo! What the hell are you doing up here we’ve been-“ the grey haired one, stopped when his eyes went from a shirtless Kuroo to you.
Your eyes flickered to Kuroo, he looked mortified.
“Ah. I see. Well, Akaashi, we better give these two some time, we can just-“
“Oh no, I was just leaving,” you grabbed your jacket from on top of his chest of drawers and turned back to the two men, putting on a big smile, adrenaline and fury spurring you on.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Your eyes shot to Kuroo, who looking like get was about to shit himself.
“You probably haven’t heard of me, me and Kuroo have actually been having sex for three months. He kept it a secret because he’s embarrassed of me. We should hang out soon though!”
“Y/N-!” Kuroo yelled, exasperation clear in his tone, but you were already descending the stairs.
He came into the hall, hands rubbing his temples.
“Y/N just come talk for a second, I can-“
But he was cut off by the door slamming.
You got in your car parked outside and sped away.
The whir of the engine and the monotony of the roads cleared your mind a bit, a mist of anger still remaining.
You can’t believe you let yourself be tricked. you were a fully grown woman, but you had been reeled in hook, line and sinker. Not only had you been reeled in, you have been reeled in by a man that still had tik tok LED lights in his room and a fucking monster can collection at the age of 24 fucking years old. The more you thought about him, the more you realised how much of an emo loser he was. Of course you were still hurting, but it was more of the angry hurt you feel when it turns out your crush is homophobic or something (been there done that, don’t ask). He was a waste of oxygen, you had decided by the time you made it back to your apartment. A waste of perfectly good space that could most definitely not get the kitty anymore. You got inside your house, pulled on some comfies and got on facetime with your friends.You told them all about what happened, and they passionately bitched about him with you, confirming your suspicion that they never liked him in the first place. They also told you to forget about his existence, he wasn’t worth a slither of your brain power, he was dirt compared to you. All in all, you felt marginally better, saying goodbye to your friends while they still giggled about how stupid Kuroo’s hair was.
This was just a speed bump, you thought as you tucked yourself into bed, you would get over this.
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“Who’s Bokuto been talking to all night?” Yamamoto leaned over to ask Lev, shouting over the blaring music.
It was a week after you had thrown Kuroo to the curb, and he was out with a couple of volleyball friends, some from Nekoma, but there was also Bokuto with them.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s Y/N something? She’s in class. She’s pretty chill.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up, and he turned around to face his friends up against the bar.
“Bokuto’s talking to who?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N. She goes to my-“
“I know who Y/N is,” kuroo snapped, taking a swig of the beer in his hand and scanning the dance floor for either one of you. He found bokuto first, shoulder against the wall, holding a drink as he leant down to have you whisper something in his ear. That’s when Kuroo paid attention to you. You looked... you looked gorgeous. He felt jealousy creep up inside him. How many times had you been out looking like that since you broke things off? How many guys had you slept with since? How dare Bokuto chat you up when he knew you two had been a thing? Wasn’t he meant to be Kuroo’s friend? As Kuroo wound himself up, you and bokuto continued your extremely pleasant conversation.
“I just wanna say, sorry about Kuroo. He’s a real bonehead, but we’ve been friends since high school so I can’t ditch him.”
You snorted into your cocktail.
He frowned and straightened up indignantly.
“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with bonehead?”
“No no, nothing, it’s just very Legally Blonde.”
He beamed down at you.
“I love Legally Blonde!”
“You do? Me too!”
This big beefy man was very cute, you had been talking for nearly three hours now, but you never ran out of things to say. And, aside from the obligatory introduction compliments, he had not made any move to try and get you into a wendy’s bathroom as quick as possible, which you couldn’t say of yours and kuroo’s first meeting.
He had dreamy eyes, you noted as he smiled for the nth time that night.
“Whose your favourite-?”
“What the fuck are you doing man?”
You glanced scathingly over to the familiar face of your old fling.
“What?” Bokuto asked back, clearly done with his friends bad boy shtick.
“Why are you talking to her when... when you know?”
“What’s there to know? I’m talking to her because I want to, and she wants to.”
He looked over to you for approval.
You nodded, a little nervous. You hated Kuroo’s guts, but you knew how weirdly possessive he was, you didn’t wanna cause trouble for Bokuto.
“See? Now I don’t think she wants to see you, right?”
He looked at you again. You nodded again.
“Ok? You guys are over, now are we done?”
Kuroo huffed. His eyes flitted from Bokuto to you, remembering you were there most likely, and he scowled.
“No, we aren’t done, what are you trying to pull anyway? Trying to piss me off by talking to someone I know? Are you really that petty? Well, your little plan is working, so just-just stop, ok?”
You felt like screaming. You had just come out here to have a nice time, not listen to Kuroo’s narcissistic whining.
“Can you just fuck off? Was I not clear enough or something? You’re dead to me, Kuroo. I’m just trying to have a nice night.”
Kuroo’s mouth gaped open. He had never been spoken to like that, never. He clenched his fists at his sides and his glare intensified.
“You’re lucky I gave you the time of day, fat ugly slut.”
He grabbed Bokuto’s shoulder roughly, turning him to face him completely.
“Hey man, thanks for clearing up my sloppy seconds, really good of you. Good to know I’ve got great friends like you.”
Those were the last things out of Kuroo’s mouth before bokuto landed a punch on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re a fucking asshole man,” Bokuto grunted.
He stepped over where Kuroo lay, and held out a hand for you to step over too. You took it quietly and trailed along behind him to the door, fingers still locked. His hands were warm, and big. Kuroo’s face must hurt right now. The thought made you smile. He held the door open for you before sighing, resting his back against the wall. You stood in front of him, twiddling with your fingers.
“I am so sorry about that,” You apologised, embarrassed and shaken by the scene Kuroo had made, “I shouldn’t have wound him up, and I shouldn’t have talked to you after I knew you guys were friends, I promise I didn’t mean to start anything.”
“Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry for not making him leave right away. And either way,” he gently reached for your hand again, and you let him take it,”I’m glad you talked to me. I’d like it if you talked to me even more.”
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DISCLAIMER FOR KUROO STANS!!!! I DONT THINK HIS HAIR IS STUPID!!! it’s just when ur bestie is going thru a break up or anything entailing a male you shit talk everything about him to high hell, doesn’t matter if he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. also i have no ill will towards kuroo nor any of the characters i write shit bag fan fics about i just like to complain any way i hope you enjoyed! reblogs and replies always appreciated!!!
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gemini-elf-girl · 2 years
some headcannons
things are a bit tense after the events of season one until one day, imogen just corners him and says “this is stupid nick, we have always been friends, nothing has to change. can we just try hanging out again? you are one of the few people in this group i actually like.” they become even closer than they were before!
imogen figures out nick and charlie are dating before they even stop hiding it. she casually brings it up to nick one day and he looks at her with a very startled expression. she goes “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I DIDNT REALIZE YOU WERE KEEPING IT A SECRET, don’t worry i haven’t told anyone!” for the few days where they are still trying to be sneaky, she is somebody nick can confide in
imogen makes nick do silly tik tok dances with her and turns him into her personal insta photographer. she takes candids of him all the time for his insta too!
doing each others makeup for the memes, nick looks gorgeous and she looks like a goblin afterwards. her snap story is wild that night
bi imogen for life. one day she starts asking nick a bunch of questions about realizing he was bi and how he came to terms with it and nick is like “……you know you can tell me anything right?”
one day during a pirates of the caribbean marathon, nick looks at the screen and goes “wow i love being bi” and imogen just goes “same.” they then stare at eachother for a minute, and then crack up. that’s how she comes out.
friendship bracelets. nuff said.
imogen takes nick shopping. aka, nick carries imogen’s bags :P
charlie is very briefly jealous of how close imogen and nick are, and imogen, being the perceptive lil queen she is, immediately catches on and pulls him aside. “i absolutely love you guys together. nick is one of, if not my closet friend and im so happy he’s happy. you don’t have to worry about me getting in your way, and if you saw the way he looks at you, you wouldn’t worry either!”
so then charlie and imogen are ALSO besties and the three of them hang out. she makes them all do face masks
she constantly steals nick to come be her wingman at parties
the way they crack up when people ask if they are dating, imogen normally says “are you kidding? im clearly out of his league?”
once she becomes more chill with the whole squad, darcy and tara CONSTANTLY tease her about the “ally” comment. often referencing the “the is my friend valentina” tik tok. (until imogen comes out of course). Imogen thinks this is hilarious
(i can’t write fics but somebody else please write this) when she starts dating a girl for the first time, she isn’t ready to come out to her parents but still wants to do obviously date activities. so nick and charlie accompany them on “totally heterosexual” double dates
loves to take selfies with nick and charlie being coupley in the background and captioning them “my parents took me on an outing today”
imogen makes huge obnoxious signs at rugby matches and is nick and charlie’s biggest cheerleader
her and tao like being shady bitches together, they especially love to tease nick and charlie for being coupley (imogen is much nicer about it though)
imogen is a flower crown queen, always making them out of the dandelions in the school lawn, and surprising nick and charlie with them
one day for kicks she straightens charlie’s hair and curls nicks. a photo shoot occurs
imogen is soooo supportive of nick when charlie is in the hospital. she comes over for comfort movie nights, helps him do research on how to be a supportive boyfriend to a partner with an ed, and puts together little self care packages with movies, skincare, fuzzy socks, and one time even a squishmallow for nick to bring to him
if the show goes all the way through the events of nick and charlie, i’d love to see her talk some sense into nick during the big fight, while also binging ice cream with him and watching disney movies
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