#look at where this plot bunny has gone
If you could mix transformers universes what would you do
Hm. Well honestly that is a question that would require a bit of thought to answer well. But off of the top of my head I feel like bayverse and tfp could mix well due to the relatively similar personalities of the bots involved. Or better yet, G1 and Animated due to the ties between the two.
In tfa the G1 war is a canon thing that happened (at least I am pretty sure), meaning it would be quite easy to swap around a little lore and make everything work out well.
G1 & TFA Lore Mix
It wouldn't be hard to drop G1 Optimus in there and throw him into the plot as an ancient war hero who fought for the Autobots. He would have the Matrix and be a true Prime, an actual herald of Primus during the early years of the war. Whatever his origin story, him and Megatron would hate each other but have this odd Perry the platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz like relationship to keep with the fun G1 feel. But sooner or later Optimus would start becoming a threat to the Autobot high council and eventually he would see the corruption. At some point during the height of the war when the council believed themselves near victory, they would try to get rid of him due to his too good morality getting the way of their goals. At some point Optimus would disappear without a peep, prompting intense backlash from Autobots and Decepticons alike.
Megatron and his Decepticons, while still not fond of Optimus, respected him greatly and would lash out, knowing that most likely the Prime had been killed. And Optimus's most loyal Autobots would rebel but ultimately find themselves slowly being picked off and mind wiped or sent out to dead-end positions where they would have no influence. The council would rewrite the story of Optimus Prime, turning him into a fairy tale figure, a made up story of loyalty and bravery to the Autobot cause for young sparklings. And with time, Optimus Prime would fade into obscurity outside of the imaginations of sparklings, his legacy quietly removed and his records and assets destroyed.
Optimus's young son Bumblebee would be put into stasis, too small to remember just about anything in regards to his Creator. He would only be woken vorns upon vorns later when not a spark would remember his lineage, at which point he would be drafted into boot camp. All of Optimus's old comrades save Ratchet, Kup, and a few others would be... removed, new sparklings being given their names to make up for the loss. Ratchet and the few that remained would be blackmailed into remaining silent, their skills too useful to be lost and their disappearances being far too suspicious to be acted upon. Ultra Magnus hoping to save at least some of the legacy of his old commander and Prime, would take control of the Autobots as best as he was able. He would try to stop the implementation of the title of Prime as a military rank to no avail and struggle viciously to preserve the ideals he and his fellows fought for. He would try, but with time he would grow apathetic and detached from it all.
Eventually a young bot would be given the name Optimus by Kup in the hope that the youngling might live up to his namesake. And with that done, transformers animated would proceed as usual, with Optimus taking the fall for Sentinel and going to earth with his repair crew in an attempt to get the Allspark. Shenanigans would ensue and very little would change story wise besides a few small cultural things and perhaps a snippet or two of Bumblebee still loving the old sparkling tale of Optimus Prime the war hero. He would also definitely poke fun at the current Optimus all the time for being named after a fairy tale figure while secretly admiring him for it. Ratchet would also likely struggle to treat Optimus normally considering he served under the original and was his best friend. But overall everything would be normal... until the last of the Primes is unearthed trapped in a stasis pod.
Cue everything going to heck in a handbasket as the original Optimus wakes up very much confused, angry, and unsure as to what in the pits he is supposed to be doing. Not only that but he would have a bit of a breakdown trying to find his sparking, likely going onto believe that his little one is either dead or long gone. Ratchet would do what he could, but the original Optimus and the new would bicker, not really angerly, just because of differing styles of leadership and cultural misunderstandings. Maybe to make everything better the original Prime is weak from slumbering for so long, not at full strength or otherwise being mostly out of action for quite some time. He would become a mentor figure and work from the sidelines for most of the show, adding a more mystical element to everything or even a humorous aspect due to his age.
It could go many ways, but it would be fun nonetheless and has amazing potential for fluff and angst.
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blublublujk · 7 months
good girl, gone bad
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word count: 6k
genre: established (secret) relationship
pairing: good girl y/n x bad boy jk
“I can’t believe anyone actually likes those stupid fucks. I mean, the hickeys, it’s like he wants everyone to know he actually fucks.” You stay staring just a tad longer at the buff (sexy) jock, short enough so that Karina won’t notice. This time the boy proudly parading the trail of hickeys down his neck smiles at you and parts with a quick wave, some blonde hair boy from the group laughs at him and shakes his arm teasingly. You can’t help but to smile too, it’s barely there, but he’ll know. You decide to turn around and follow her steps. “Yeah totally, me either.” What your best friend doesn’t know won’t kill her… right?
warnings: basically just pwp but plot went missing (oops!), swearing, smoker jk (i swear if anyone complains in my inbox i'll haunt you), explicit sexual content; jk has a huge dick ok, consensual recording/pictures, car sex (don't fuck in a car), hickeys, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, spanking, squirting, breast play, blowjob, fingering, cunnilingus, come shot (on face), slut shaming (again lol), come tasting/swallowing, stomach bulge (my fault i love this one), choking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
a.n: sorry for a late update hope yall dont mind, but i just wanna get rid of all my drafts they are PILING. lol forgive me for only always writing about jungkook, but he's so easy to write about. he breathes, and i instantly open my notes app (im not even joking). this has been sitting in my drafts since his LA trip (iykyk) it sparked a conversation and i wrote it. i want that man bad... and im lesbian :D
ANYWAYS enjoy and STREAM GOLDEN for our golden bunny <3
p.s: i'll probably come back to this couple but its a oneshot for now... but wouldn't no nut nov be fun with this jk?? everyone say yesss. ok bye.
—> m.list
—> welcome me on ao3 & twt
“Ugh, what a piece of shit.”
Before you even get to ask who, the motorcycle roars back to life across the parking structure belonging to the very one and only, Jeon Jungkook. A group of college jocks crowd around the man. There’s a cigarette between his fingers, he’s not paying it much attention though. He's deep in conversation, laughing at something one of them said, clearly more invested in the joke than anything else around him. 
As the laughter dies down, he looks over, eyes connecting while he brings the cigarette to his pierced lip, slowly inhaling the toxic fume. The terribly annoying (yet somehow sexy) tattooed jock on his loud motorcycle winks towards your direction, before selfishly exhaling that poisonous smoke into the air. Fuck, you really, really wanted to hate him too. 
“Yuck.” Karina gags with a scrunch to her nose, turning a cold back to them and you’re grateful to her because you almost get stuck in his lustful gaze. 
“Yeah… yuck.” You reply with no real meaning somehow managing to convince her you meant it.
“I hate him and his stupid friends. They are killing the Earth slowly and they don’t even give a fuck!” Karina argues in all her given glory and in her environmental science major mindset. “Plus those cancer sticks reek, why must the general public suffer because they can’t last thirty without them.”
Jungkook could last thirty without them. Way more than thirty when you were around him, especially when he was given something (or someone) to entertain himself with, but you couldn't say that aloud so the sudden thoughts stayed safe and sound in your head. 
“No, no they don’t. But what can we do?” There’s a sigh and then you clear your throat. “Should we get going now?”
Your arm wraps around hers, gesturing the way back to campus with a swift wave where you both had been meaning to study given that classes finally started cramping in heavy assignments.
“Yes, please.” Karina is quick to sharply turn her heel and walk back towards the building. “I can’t believe anyone actually likes those stupid fucks. I mean, the hickeys, it’s like he wants everyone to know he actually fucks.”
You stay staring just a tad longer at the buff (sexy) jock, short enough so that Karina won’t notice. This time the boy proudly parading the trail of hickeys down his neck smiles at you and parts with a quick wave, some blonde hair boy from the group laughs at him and shakes his arm teasingly. You can’t help but to smile too, it’s barely there, but he’ll know. You decide to turn around and follow her steps. “Yeah totally, me either.”
What your best friend doesn’t know won’t kill her… right?
“You taste disgusting.” There’s a muffled laugh pressed into your lips, as your tongues meet halfway, meeting each other’s lips in a bruising wet kiss. Your ass grinds roughly against his lap, groaning into your mouth while you bring your ass flush down, feeling his soft cock harden below you. His right hand grips your right ass cheek, jiggling it in his hand, before smacking it (with love, of course!). 
“Yeah?” Jungkook smirks, bringing his mouth against your throat, sucking and licking everywhere there was space. He sneakily leaves little love bites behind even though he knows you’ll kill him for this later because you have somewhere to be after this. He even bites your ear lobe gently between his teeth, before he cockily whispers. “You love it though.”
The whimper that leaves your mouth should be illegal. It only drives Jungkook crazier. 
Both hands find purchase on your ass now, spanking you once again in each cheek. Though Jungkook was a bit disappointed he wasn’t seeing your flushed bare cheeks on top of him, but he guesses he can settle for now. “You gonna let me fuck you now baby?”
He gropes your asscheeks without any hesitation, still leaving wet kisses buzzing onto your skin, stealing a quick kiss from your raw-bitten lips. 
“Mm, only if you ask nicely.” You tease, dragging a finger along his jawline.
With this, Jungkook laughs, throwing his head back. Your hand comes to fist his hair, while he drops another wet smooch onto your lips. “You know I’d do anything for a piece of this ass angel.”
You smile into the kiss, grinding harder against his now– hard cock. You felt your folds leak of your own arousal. It was so undeniable. The attraction between you two, the desire to take each other apart, to be within each other’s arms. There was no place like Jungkook’s lap. Here you could stay forever.
“Imagine what people would say if they saw you like this baby.” Jungkook starts teasing, tugging your shirt off with no trouble. Your breasts catch his attention, noticing that you are wearing that black lingerie set he had bought for you last Valentine’s Day. “Fuck. Look at you baby.”
He squishes your breasts together, leaning up to kiss the uncovered tender flesh on both sides. You don’t even attempt to hold your moans back. “I– nghhh.”
“Did you expect to get fucked today princess? Hmm? Is this all for me?” Jungkook’s words work like magic, they drip off his sinful tongue like honey. You bring your body flush against his, burying your blushing face against his neck. “Don’t get shy on me baby, tell me. Did you wear this all for me?”
He purrs sweetly and you only nod, cheeks burning red. 
It's not like you were embarrassed of him, no in fact, you were happy to announce that the college campus’ certified bad boy is all yours and has been for the past two years. 
There was no exact moment to this, the attraction had always been there. 
You had first officially met Jungkook in one of your general ed classes. Statistics, to be exact, which he would have one-hundred percent failed had it not been for you passing him the answers mid exams. It wasn’t like that to begin with of course, it took you some convincing. To be fair and to your excuse, it was so hard to say no to those beautiful big brown eyes.
At first, you assumed he was doing this all, acting lost and playing dumb, to get into your pants which he succeeded. However you had enough dignity left to make him work for it. Until you realized those secret smiles, stolen glances, and subtle hand holds were much more than just a silly game. You had fallen for his charm, and against everyone’s advice to stay far away from him, you fell in love with the (not so terrible) bad boy and let him take over your heart completely. It happened so randomly and so all at once. It was confusing, new, but most of all, liberating. 
Being with Jungkook was so freeing and the thrill of being caught with him was so worth it. It didn’t matter what people thought of you or him, you both were willing to die on this hill of love. 
Jungkook, too, had fallen quickly. How could he not? There was nothing to dislike and everything to love. Your pouty scolds, he looked forward to. The stolen glances across campus were his favorite, a secret only you and him held close to heart. There were times where your cheeks would flush pink, because he would steal kisses from you behind the campus library. You were seriously his favorite person ever. 
“Jungkook stop! What if someone sees us?” You would whisper-shout, a pout would form against your will. 
Jungkook would just kiss your worries away again and again and then say. “You’re the cutest little thing alive baby.” 
“Are you trying to change the subject?” It was hard to speak between kisses, that and the fact that he would squish your cheeks together like the adorable boyfriend he was. 
“I don’t know. Is it working?” His reply was cheeky and lips would start trailing down your neck and then you determined, yes. Yes, it is working. Fuck it all. 
It’s safe to say, he was yours since the start of it all, as you were his. Wrapped in each other’s fingers before anyone had realized it, now you were inseparable. 
“Answer me princess.” Jungkook pulls you back gently, observing your flushed face. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
Of course, this only makes you blush harder, but you do manage to admit. “Y-Yes… I wore this only for you. Always for you.”
Jungkook smiles, pecking your cheek. “Then I’m the luckiest man alive angel.”
He cradles your face, before leaning in to kiss you. This time, you guys take your time. Your mouths stay closed, taking the time to really feel the plushy feeling against your own and enjoy each other’s presence. You felt as if you were floating in clouds. 
“Jungkook.” You mumble onto his lips and he hums, but that’s not enough so you call his name once more with intent. “Jungkook.”
He pulls back with a questioning look. “Yes, my love?”
“Can you please just fuck me already?” The words come out barely above a whisper, even after fucking you so many times, you could be so shy at times.
Jungkook breaks out into a bunny-like grin, holding back a stifled laugh. “So much for wanting to make me say please, look at who’s pleading now.” 
“J-Jungkook…” Your face goes hot again and he laughs once more, patting your ass softly.
“Okay. Okay, my love. Enough teasing, I’ll fuck you since you asked so nicely baby.” Jungkook takes his sweet time taking off his own shirt, and pulling your skirt off. It was a bit tricker, given you were both in your car which was not fit for two people even in the backseat, but you guys always made it work. 
You were still scared to ride to campus with him as much as he begged you to because it would blow your secret relationship, but fucking on campus has yet to be off-limits. Mainly because Jungkook fucks you all too well, and you aren’t one to say no to good dick (oops).
He attaches his mouth right above the bare skin of your left breast. He holds your tits in his hands, pushing them together, stuffing his face right between them. Jungkook makes sure to pay attention to both breasts (it’s only fair), rubbing your hard buds through the black lace which hardly covers them. You bite back a moan, feeling him rut up against your heat, his hard length pressing stiffly against you, your walls already clenching, desperate to feel him inside you.
His tattooed hand slips below, releasing the nipple he had been tugging on earlier. You feel the tip of his fingertips brush against your panties. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby. I can’t wait to be inside you.”
Surely by now, you were dripping onto the lace. His erection is still pressing against your inner thigh. “D-Don’t wait then.”
Your boyfriend smiles, bringing his lips to yours. “Behave. You’ll get some dick inside you soon.”
Like the brat you were, your eyes rolled back so used to being spoiled. He pays it no mind though because his tongue comes out again, licking your lips apart. Your tongues meet once more, this time you suck his tongue into your mouth, brushing it against the roof of your mouth. He taste quite bitter, it’s the cigarette from earlier, yet somehow and against all judgement, he tastes fucking delicious. Especially when a grunt slips from his throat, feeling you roll your barely covered folds against his fingers.
He allows this, putting more pressure with two fingers, feeling you drench his fingertips even through your panties. Jungkook pushes his tongue deeper into your mouth, spit mixing as he reciprocates the favor, sucking gently on your tongue. You tasted like the strawberries you had earlier for lunch and Jungkook groans, greedily swallowing the taste in your mouth. 
What an innocent sweet little thing you were and he was about to ruin you all. 
Cigarettes and strawberries. 
Quite the pair. 
You whine into his mouth, unable to hold back much longer. “Please, Jungkook…”
He smirks against your mouth. How much he loved the way you fell apart on his cock. Especially more, when he had barely had his hands on you and you were already begging for more. Jungkook pulls back, but not before you whine a soft “no.” He holds your cheeks in his palms, forcing you to look directly into his hazy eyes. 
“Imagine if people knew baby.” His voice comes out more sultry, rough around the edges. His thumb carrasses your cheek, patting your mouth open. “How much of a slut you were for this dick.”
His words make you mewl (he knows how much you get off to this thought), he slowly eases two fingers into your mouth, holding your chin in place. You made sure to suck on them as he liked, your tongue coming flat against them. 
Jungkook bucks his hips into yours, chest rising while he watches you suck, like the good girl you were. “Imagine if they really knew, baby? Such a sweet girl like you, with someone so dangerous and reckless like me. What would they say? Hmm?”
He pulls out his fingers, seeing them barely glisten under the light.
“I- I don’t know.” Your voice is dry and soft yet, you are incredibly horny.
“You don’t know? I have a few ideas.” Jungkook chuckles, hands brushing along your back. “Can this come off?” 
He tugs your bra from behind and you hesitate to nod permission. “Good, I wanna watch them bounce when I finally fuck you.”
By now, you have given up resisting him, so you moan pathetically as he shreds your bra with ease and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking the tender bud into his tongue, flicking it and placing it between his teeth. He tugs and licks the sting away, watching with hooded eyes as you squirm against him. Your face burns imagining the idea. 
What if people knew? How would your friends react? They would surely be disappointed, Jungkook was good for nothing but trouble. Yet, he was perfect to you. You were willing to defend him from hell and back. Whatever it took for them to believe you. 
Jungkook moves to the other bud, placing it into his mouth, cupping and gripping your breasts. His mouth was hot and heavy against your nipple, his tongue caressing the hard bud. He squeezes them one last time before letting them drop, watching them bounce gently against your chest. Yup, Jungkook was the luckiest man alive. There was nothing better than this moment right here.
Heat travels your body quickly, feeling your own chest rise, struggling to breathe in the steamy car. Your boyfriend looks down, communicating with his eyes instead of actually saying anything, your hands quickly move to his belt, tugging them off and throwing it anywhere else. Desperately, you unbuckle his jeans, harshly pulling his boxer down, just enough to watch his dick spring out. The flushed, wet length smacks against his stomach, watching as his abs clench at the sensation. If you stare any longer, you’ll start drooling. “So good for me angel.” 
There’s no time to waste. 
“Wanna suck you off.” You breathe out, voice filled with desire and lust, clearly it takes over because usually his girlfriend was much shyer and timid, but that all disappeared when Jungkook’s cock was present. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook watches you drop on your knees, your pretty knees will for sure suffer the consequences of your horny choice, but there was no stopping this. He pats his thighs as he leans back to give you enough space. “I’m all yours, baby girl.”
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek when he feels your warm mouth wrap around his dick. Your tongue comes out messily, practically salivating and dripping all over him. There’s probably not a single day that goes by that you aren’t sucking his dick, but it was quite the experience every damn time. 
“F-Fuck, I wish you could see yourself.” He struggles a bit because the sight is fucking sinful and if people knew you like he did, they wouldn’t believe the person in front of him. 
His personal little cockslut. 
You pop off for a second, hand still wrapped around his length covered in your spit. “Yeah? Then take a picture for me, Kook.”
Double fuck.
When you first started dating Jungkook, you were against any pictures at all. After time passed and to his luck, you came around and you would let him take pictures, but only if he promised your face wasn’t in the frame. Now, his camera roll is covered with images of you and your blooming relationship. You didn’t care anymore about covering or blurring your face out. His camera roll consisted of just about everything, pictures of you sleeping peacefully against his chest as you would nap, videos of you laughing on the random adventures he would take you on, but never images of you nude. Never ever was he allowed anything that could probably incriminate you both, even if he would beg, ever-so sweetly. It seems like you came around after all. Bless you.
“Fuck, don’t talk to me like that princess, you have no idea what that does to me.” He’s never heard you sound so fucking sexy. Jungkook bites his lip, recovering his phone that had dropped earlier on the carpet. “You sure about this baby?”
“Yes.” Then you are back on his cock and he shudders, already snapping a few pictures. Your eyes looked up at the camera, making a show out of it all.
Jungkook tries controlling his heavy breathing but with a sinful tongue like yours, it’s impossible. “Can I record this princess, only if you’ll let me, of course.”
You take him deeper into your throat and nod furiously on his cock. You trusted him enough, you knew Jungkook could never hurt a single soul, unless they tried him. Point is, he would never do anything to break that trust so hell yeah, why not add more to his long collection.
“God, you are so perfect baby. Made for me and only me.” Jungkook’s voice is nothing short of possessiveness. He presses record, caressing your hair softly, almost petting you for your work like the good girl you were for him. “Imagine if they knew how well you take cock baby. How perfect those plump lips look around my dick. You’re like a dream come true princess, my personal cockslut.” 
You moan around his length, loving the bitter taste on your tongue and Jungkook has to hold back from fucking your throat, though he thinks you’ll love it anyways. 
“Can I fuck your throat?” His voice is raspy and you open your mouth wider, nodding so prettily with dick stuffed in your mouth. Jungkook is careful when placing your hair in a little makeshift ponytail for the meantime and as best as he can with one hand as he starts to thrust into your warm mouth. “So beautiful and all mine. Isn’t that right princess?”
You don’t get to reply, but the vibrations of your moans that manage to run through his cock  answer for you and it almost makes him smile. What a good girl you were. Pretty things like you deserved to be spoiled and he couldn’t wait to give you the fucking world. 
And was he fucking loving the show you were putting on for him becoming more needy and desperate on camera, your eyes rolled as he brutally used your throat for his liking. 
Jungkook bites at his bottom lip as he begins to roll his hips with much more force, feeling your throat take him down with greed. “Fuck baby, your throat feels amazing. Taking me so good.” 
He lets you go when he feels you tap his thigh and you gasp for air, tears threatening to leak down your face. “W-Want you to come on my face.”
Your voice is hoarse and his eyes widen at your sweet request. 
“Aren’t you just perfect for me today baby. Just you wait, you’ll get the best dick of your entire lifetime.” Not that you would know since he was your first and he knows that, proudly carries that in his cocky ego, but you always believed him. No one could fuck you better than this, you were sure. You bat your eyes at his promise and he comes down to kiss you messily, the camera records jackshit, but it captures your whiny moans and the sound of your lips smacking against one another. He pulls off with one last kiss and adjusts the camera frame back towards you as he takes his hard length and slaps his swollen, wet dick along your cheek. “Open up princess, I’m really fucking close.” 
You take him in with no hesitation and go to fucking work. Slurping and licking all over his length, your chin dripping with saliva, but you don’t even care anymore because his grunts and whines keep you going. 
Every now and then you look up at the camera making sure you do your best to keep him coming back. You know he will probably rewatch this every night that you aren’t there with him. And your predictions are correct because Jungkook’s already planning on watching this tonight and jacking off to it while you are out with Karina doing God knows what. All he knows is his sweet girl will be doing something productive while he’ll be coming undone in your gracious honor.
“I’m close baby.” He groans sexily, and his breathing starts to become sharp. “Look up baby, right into the camera, gonna come all over that perfect fucking face.”
Doing as he says, you look up sucking him dry, your hands come to relieve what you can’t cover with your tongue. His hand pushes you off for a second. “Tongue out baby.”
He fucks his fist and it doesn’t take long before he squirts his load all over your face, grateful that most of it lands on your tongue, you swallow it all immediately, humming gracefully at the salty taste. 
Jungkook’s eyes are blown out as he catches his breath and lets his dick flop back down against his thigh, you look like a fucking sin and he must be the Devil because he’s about to commit about thirty tonight. “Give me a second princess.”
He says between breaths as he stops recording with one last picture of your come-soiled face, still breathing heavily as he throws his phone on the floor again, thankful that he has something for later. You giggle against him and he almost awes as you throw your head against his bare thighs into a laughing fit. “Okay.” 
He huffs a dry laugh and pulls you up. “Times up. Come here.” 
Jungkook is quick to capture you in a sloppy kiss, not minding the leftover mess of come on your face, he doesn’t wanna mess up his masterpiece just yet. You soon grow desperate in his arms, but this time he doesn’t mess around. 
“Lay down.” Your bare back lands on the seats and he shoves himself between your thighs. Again, it’s steamy and fucking cramped in your car, but you both couldn’t care any less right now. 
His tongue hits your slit not bothering to move your matching panties, but the effect is almost the same. He licks a long strip watching you soil the silky lace mixing his spit with your own arousal. 
You moan sweetly as your legs come apart letting him completely devour your heat. Jungkook pulls off, tugging your spoiled little black panties to the side and continues on with his mission. His tongue finds your clit and you swear you could come like this. 
“R-Right there. Please.” Your boyfriend doesn’t let up either, eating your sweet pussy like it deserves. His tongue flicks your bud, building the sensation in your tummy. Jungkook sucks on your clit selfishly.
His chin is covered in your arousal. He’s humming and moaning deep inside your pussy, your juices stick onto his tongue like candy and he greedily swallows the treat whole. 
“B-Baby.” Your voice is struggling like his was earlier, but it’s there. He lifts his face from your heat, eyes in a lust-filled trance. Jungkook knows he’s pussy-whipped, but at least he admits his problems!
“Yes, my baby.” Jungkook’s eyes are blown out and he looks just as wrecked as you are. 
“C-Can I take a picture?” He almost gapes at your request, the amount of times you took him by surprise today. At this point, he would let you do anything, fuck his morality!  
“Do whatever you want princess. Pictures, videos. I’m all yours.” He gives you his full consent and permission to do anything so you are quick to grab his phone (you’ll send them over to yourself later) and start snapping pictures while he dives back in for seconds. 
Jungkook keeps your legs open while you are a whimpering mess above him, struggling to get the best picture. You have no idea how he was doing this himself, the pictures come out blurry as he continues to devour you as if it was his last meal.
He also puts on a show for the camera like you did so nicely earlier for him. Jungkoook’s eyes hood as he stares up, he even winks for the shot. If college didn’t ever work out for either of you, this would be something to look into. Good thing that was not the case, at least for you, his little straight A student. 
“I’m g-gonna come.” This only makes your boyfriend go crazier between your folds. He drops eye-contact with the camera and instead solely focuses on that pretty pussy presented for him. Jungkook’s tongue is sin itself, not letting up once as more arousal drips out of you. He slowly teases a finger inside, building your orgasm quickly as he fucks you open with his middle finger. “I’m– nghh. Fuh-fuck!”
The sentence is never finished as you start to squirt onto his tongue, creating your own little masterpiece on his face. Jungkook has never swallowed anything down faster than right now and he’s loving every second of it. Completely pussy-whipped and all, but at least he’s happy!
Your boyfriend finally detaches himself from your heat and the sight is nearly adorable. His hair is now all fucked up and he’s a sticky mess everywhere (you are sure you look no better). 
“Yum, I could do that all day.” Jungkook shamelessly says. 
“Mm, I’m sure.” You say coming down from your own orgasm, he gives you a few seconds to breathe as you set his phone down again. Jungkook takes his shirt from the floor and wipes himself clean. He does the same but it’s no use, the come that landed on your face has dried up and he doesn’t wanna scrub it off and end up hurting your precious face. 
Jungkook kisses your cheek affectionately as an apology. 
“There’s dry come on my face right?” You start to scold him, but he smiles with all his teeth apologetically and you forgive him at that moment. 
“Guilty.” He smirks, proud of his work, he thinks you truly haven't looked better. 
Wrapping arms and legs around your boyfriend you whisper innocently. “I was promised dick of a lifetime, unless… unless you lied to me?”
Jungkook scrunches his nose cutely while he looks at your perfect pouty face, doe-eyes begging to be fucked. “I never lie, not to you at least.”
He makes you laugh and he detangles your legs from his waist. “Now let me focus, I have a reputation to uphold.”
There’s no laughing once two fingers press into you and you gasp at the invading feeling, but the stretch only burns for a while before it turns into pleasure and you are whimpering at his touch. “Fingers so deep.”
He smiles and you throw your head back. “Yeah? My dick goes even deeper baby, I’m just making sure you can take it.”
“I can take it.” You breathe out against his pink lips. “I was made for you.”
The taller’s eyes nearly eat you alive, fuck you were so sexy. “That you were baby. My perfect little cockslut.” 
His fingers pull out of you brutally and you whine, but he kisses you roughly making you forget the loss. A hand wraps around your throat, squeezing it with purpose. You squirm in his hands and he pops off your lips. 
Fingers coated with your arousal trace your lips and you take them in greedily, sucking your own juices off the tattooed fingers, moaning at the delicate taste, his other hand still locked around your throat. 
“That’s my girl. All fucking mine.” You nod around his fingers and he finally lets go, gasping for fresh air. “‘M gonna fuck you now baby.” 
Your legs fly open in response, letting him have his way with you. 
“Do me a favor?” He asks while taking his hard length in his hand, jerking himself off while he awaits your response. 
“What?” You hum, confusion written all over your face. 
“Record this for me. I want you to see how I break you apart. How this pretty pussy makes a mess all over my dick. I want you to remember this fuck for the rest of your life.” His voice drops a few octaves and you can’t help but gasp and moan at his vulgar use of words. 
You used to be innocent, at least, that’s what Jungkook used to think. In a way, he thinks you still are. Untouched and pure, only for his eyes and his hands to touch. Jungkook is honored that he was your first, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He was gentle and took care of you every step of the way. It was like that until you were begging and pleading for more. Sweet then, and sweet now.
He’s created a little monster, but he knows that your heart is pure and that’s what he loves most about you. 
“Okay, yes.” His phone is back in your hands and you click record, watching him line-up his cock. Jungkook groans as he disappears snuggly inside you. “Mmm.”
He lets you get used to the feeling and once he feels your breathing stabilize he starts to thrust himself with strong strokes inside you. 
Like the first time, you are struggling with the phone because you can’t stop shivering and shaking, you feel him in your guts and recording is much harder than pictures because it lasts longer and you can't stay still for that long. Not with dick inside you.
“K-Kook. I— oh.” You stop to moan when he hits your g-spot and he continues ramming that same spot over and over. “I- I can’t. Hand’s shaking.”
Your sweet boyfriend grabs the phone and lets you settle yourself. “That’s okay princess, I got you. Just lay there, I’ll take care of you.” 
He records himself ramming into you for a few minutes, watching himself disappear into you on camera. The taller one can't even believe this is his reality. How did this even happen and most of all with him of all people? He truly was the luckiest man alive! 
“‘S deep, Kook.” He fondles one of your breasts as he keeps a harsh pace, rubbing the hard nub with his thumb. 
“Yeah baby? Tell me where you feel it.” He whispers loving the way you tremble, your gaze struggling to keep up with his. 
“Right here.” You touch right below your belly, palm flat against the feeling of his cock inside you. “So so deep.” 
You mumble something else, but he doesn’t get to hear it because your high pitched moans drown everything out. He lets go of your breast watching them bounce as he continues to pound straight into your sweet spot. 
The camera catches it all though. The mess between your thighs look just as delicious on film as they do in real time. The sounds you make, the squelching noise that is being created by his cock going deep inside you, and most of all, it captures your beautiful face as it comes apart. 
He presses on your stomach right where your own palm rests and you strangle out a whine. “I- I can’t. T-Too much.” 
“You can take it. Remember?” His dick tears through you from the inside and you start yelling when he increases his pace. He’s fucking you mercilessly now and you can’t control the sounds that escape. “You were made for me, princess.”
“Yes, yes, I am.” You sound beautiful, but you would kill him if you guys got caught now especially in the position you guys are in. 
His firm hand finally comes off your stomach and instead two fingers go inside your mouth, muffling your screams and whines. 
The car rocks back and forth. He’s sure people know what the fuck is going on, the windows are foggy as fuck, for fuck’s sake, but you would hate him much worse for not finishing you off.
“Mmff, don— stopff.” He nearly giggles as you struggle to speak, but he keeps his promise quite well. He fucks you ever harder and deeper, his cock will surely fall off after this, but it’s all worth it. He slams inside, bottoming out fully before pulling out and repeating the same steps. “Fuhh-uk.”
“You like that baby?” Jungkook rasps feeling you squeeze tightly around him, which only means one thing, you are really fucking close. “Gonna come all over my cock princess?” 
“Mmff.” You are quick to nod and hum sweetly. He decides to pull his fingers out, spit dripping all over. “Yes, yes. Please, don’t stop. Harder Kook- ah!”
Jungkook almost forgets he’s recording and he centers the camera again, wanting to capture every last second of this. You are glistening all over, he’s made a complete mess of you, but he is no better. Jungkook is dripping sweat and yet, that doesn’t stop his mean and precise strokes against your velvet walls, stretching you in ways you didn’t even know were possible. 
The final straw is when you feel his messy fingers start toying with your clit and you are coming once again all over your back seats and wetting his cock just how he likes it. Being a squirter had its own perks with a boyfriend like Jungkook because that meant he never stopped fucking you until you completely had nothing more to give. 
Jungkook curses when he starts to see your orgasm trinkle out, he fucks you all through it though, feeling the water-like pressure against his slit. And it doesn’t take long before an orgasm catches up to him. 
“Inside.” You plead with a pout, eyes completely blown out. 
With one last curse Jungkook comes deep inside your walls. He catches his breath for a few moments before pulling out slowly, making sure to capture the dribble of his come which sadly hangs onto your hole. “Push it out for me princess.” 
“Nooo, we’re gonna make a mess Kook.” Jungkook shakes his head, a smile on his face because a mess has already been made. 
“I’ll clean it. Now, push it out baby.” You almost cover your face because you are sure you turned red, but you start to push his seed out of your hole and he’s tempted to fuck it back inside. 
“Fuck. That’s it baby. Perfect comeslut. Isn’t that right?” He stops recording once he’s gotten the shot he wanted and he starts to wipe you down with his shirt, lucky enough that he has a back-up hoodie to cover him after he’s done. 
“Yes, all yours.” 
You both smile against each other’s lips before he whispers. “I love you princess.” 
“I love you more.” 
“Impossible baby.”
JK❤️: hiiii 🙂
me: hi baby :) everything okay?
JK❤️: marvelous 😇 i just came watching that video we took earlier ;))
me: baby! 😠  i'm out with karina! can you not talk about sex for two seconds while im out
JK❤️: sure! just came all over myself totally wasn't watching our sextape back ;)))
me: nice talk jungkook.
JK❤️: come home soon~~ i miss you :((((
me: love you too lol
JK❤️: not more than me. come home soon im serious!!!
me: i'll see you later jungkook. ❤️
JK❤️: 😠😠😠 
me: ❤️❤️❤️
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kissforyouu · 4 months
...THAT is your boyfriend?
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pairing : jungkook x sanrio girl!oc
genre : fluff
warning : mention of drugs , little bit of angst
request : tiktok
a/n : sorry this is rlly short but LONGER drabbles of this story r comingggg js need to get them out of the drafts LOL
this is like after about 3 months into their relationship btw!
"padamdam damdamdampadamdam, tupadadadadadamdam..." you speak nonsense, hand around your boyfriend's arm as you scrolled through your phone.
jungkook huffs, giving you the side eye. "what are you even saying?"
"shush, don't say anything." you comment, giving him a small glare and going back to doing whatever you were doing on the phone.
"yes, ma'am."
you both were at the mall shopping, going from aisle to aisle looking for cute clothes. mostly for you. jungkook didn't really care about what he wore. just some dark coloured clothes and a few rings will do for him.
"i was...hmmm...ah! this is what i was looking for earlier." you show your boyfriend your phone which displayed a picture of a plastic figure of cinnamonroll.
"the fuck is that?" he couldn't help but laugh a little, taking the phone from your grasp and zooming into the figure.
"it's cinnamonroll." you give him a sour look. how could he not know!
"i swear, it was pink before." he kisses his teeth, tilting his head to the side, curious about the mysterious bunny (not) figure.
"baby, that was poron. his sister." you correct him. "it's a HE?" jungkook's jaw falls a little, turning to look at you with a shocked expression. yeah. i felt the same when i found out too.
"it's okay. me too. can't believe i was supporting a MAN. but he's really cute, i love him!" you smile. jungkook glances at your face then back at the phone with a small smile forming in the corner of his lips.
"okay, where do we find this guy?" he asks.
that was before you grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him out of the store.
"mm, jungkook, nooo, it has to be here!" you sigh, going through each of the figures displayed on front. he just hums, not really paying any mind to your misery.
a few minutes pass by and you were still searching for the little guy. at this point, jungkook was getting a little tired. he looks over to you who was crouched down, going through a pile of figures in a basket. he decides to take matters into his own hands and find this little guy for his girlfriend.
so jungkook walks away from you across the store to the cashier, asking for help. he shows a picture of the figure to the cashier, and while he goes through their computer trying to find if he's still in stock, jungkook wonders why you didn't do this first. dumb little girl, he thinks.
"sorry sir, seems like it's out of stock." the cashier speaks. jungkook thanks him, walking back to you. but plot twist! you were gone!
but something catches jungkook's attention. some guy holding your bag outside the store. what?
the corner of his lip twitched upwards, to not to form a smile but rather to form a scowl. what was some rando doing with your bag? he was leaning against the wall with a grin, examining your bag like he owned it.
jungkook walks upto the guy, giving him a tap on the shoulder. the guy turns around to look at him, raising his head up. shortass, jungkook thought.
"why do you have her bag with you?" he points at the bag.
"what? why are you asking?" the guy furrows his eyebrows, his lips twitching up to a sour expression.
"because it's my girlfriend's bag, dumbfuck. where's she?"
girlfriend? the guy scans jungkook from top to bottom. long hair, tatted arms, piercings. y/n can't be possibly be into...that? she can do so much better. the guy looks like he's on drugs. he probably is! he thinks.
"no way y/n's dating a druggy like you." the guy laughs mockingly, clutching onto the purse.
"alright, little man. fuckin tell me where my girl is or i'll pluck your toenails out one by one." he looked as if he was about to beat up the guy then and there, and he probably was too.
"fucking hell, man. god, there she is!" the guy rubs the back of his head, clearly annoyed as he moved away from jungkook. meanwhile, jungkook immediately turns around to see you walking towards both of them with a confused look.
"where were you?" you ask.
"no, where were YOU? and who's this fucker holding your shit?" he points at the guy who's walking towards you. confidently too. as if he knows you better than anyone else. jungkook's jealous, it doesn't take a genius to understand that. angry too. really fucking pissed that this shortass little man is interrupting their date.
before you could answer, the guy cut you off.
"y/n, here's your stuff. and i don't know who this is, but he's—
"i'm her boyfriend, dumbfuck!" jungkook shouts, frustrated.
"is he?" he turns to look at you for confirmation.
"yeah...?" you nod.
"you never told me?" the guy scoffs.
"i don't have to tell you about everything going on in my life?" you frown.
"y/n, he looks like he cheats on you with a different girl every week." the guy comments.
okay no, what the fuck. you're not going to tolerate some meanass comment about your boyfriend. but you also don't want to cause a scene. okay, nevermind—
"the fuck did you just say?" jungkook's clearly offended. but before he could do more, you grab onto his arm and pull him back.
"let's go." you say. he didn't really reply to you, but just gave you a scoff. okay. he's not disagreeing either.
"matheo, i'll talk to you later." you don't even bother giving the guy a smile, but just drag jungkook away.
"what was that all about?" you squeeze his biceps. jungkook pulls his arm away from you, rolling his eyes.
"nothin." he mumbles.
not wanting to continue this topic further, you just nod.
but it's odd. it's been about 30 minutes and jungkook hasn't said anything to you except replying to whatever you tell him. he's also been keeping a small distance from you. what's wrong again. ugh.
"baby, what's wrong?" you look at your boyfriend who was sitting across you mindlessly scrolling on his phone. he raises his head up to take one glance at you but looks back down immediately. instead, he just shakes his head.
"no, i know something's wrong." you protest.
jungkook sighs, placing his phone on the table before finally looking at you.
"you really want me to tell you?" he asks, his expression rather serious. uh oh. you messed up. but fine, you'll take it. you hesitantly nod your head, nervously scratching your skirt with your nails.
"i'm tired of keeping this private. i know you wanted time till you felt like telling people, but it's been 3 months already and we still haven't told a single soul."
"i don't want to run into guys like that ever again. fucking shortass. you know i care about you and respect your feelings, right? but i just...you know, want to tell people. it's fine if you still wanna wait. but this is just how i feel." he sighs, turning his head to look away.
you couldn't help but pout a little at his confession. you know he's right. it's been 3 months.
"okay. let's tell people. i'm sorry for making you wait that long. and thank you for telling me, gguk." you smile at your boyfriend who's eyes lit up at the mention of you finally publicly posting about your relationship.
"you're sure about this?" he re-checks.
you nod in approval!
"fucking finally. i can beat up every guy who approaches you now."
"okay, no no no no." you laugh, disagreeing COMPLETELY. you knew he wasn't joking either.
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taglist: @fungie233 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-txt
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luna-lovegreat · 7 months
Twilight and Legends relationship
...I love it
**in this post there's a lot of stuff I didn't notice before. I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay on each point, and attempt to leave most of it up to the reader's interpretation**
Ok ok there's a ton of stuff here, starting with early character scenes
They're like the rest of the chain: They fight together and talk. Legend is close to Hyrule, and Twilight to Wild and Time.
We see some things Twilight and Legend have in common. One is their dislike of Hyrule knights, and-
As seen in the Gerudo clothes scene, both Twi and Leg like to mess around with pranks and have a lot of snark... wonder what would happen if they worked together
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But there's something really important about how Twilight views Legend:
I wasn't aware this was before looking closely at their interactions but... Twilight didn't originally like Legend. This is shown a lot later on- in his facial expressions and words towards Legend. But from the start he didn't like him much, and here's why:
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From the start, Jojo says this- Twilight judges Legend's actions as too harsh since his mannerisms come across as picking on someone. (Also Sky you are so so pure and cute 10/10 most huggable Link)
Legend is abrasive because he's had so many adventures- he's hardened to the point of being sharp. But it's wonderful that that character can still be so loved- his heart is good (hero duh)
Twilight has always been a big brother. It makes him well loved (rightly so). Jojo says he knows people can change- for good or bad. But because of his past Twilight doesn't like people picking on others "not even a little". It's complicated- we see it affect Twilight's attitude towards Legend a lot.
Anywho moving on to the plot
Wolfie, Aka twilight
Dark mirror stuff happens, and Legend finds out Twi's Wolfie- as we all know. But he can't just. Acknowledge it of course. He's gotta probe and tease, asking pointed questions (snark snark snark)
And in his attempts to be certain about the Wolf stuff, we were blessed with:
Bunny Legend
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Welp. That investigation did not go as planned.
Animal forms:
Bunnies are soft, but Legends actions are not. He is guarded and sharp yet his form shows how sweet his true heart is
Wolves will love/protect their family yet are fierce, they have fangs and will fight. The root of who Twilight is is his kindness and family
Also (sarcastic) good job to Four and Wild for being SO SUBTLE with their emotions when Legend's asking questions hinting he knows Twi's secret
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Legend: asking questions about the secret shhh
Four and Wild: Are having a freaking heart attack about it
Twilight: starts ranting about goats
Once Twilight gets over the shock of Legend like. Absorbing his crystal. He... well, looking at the harshness in his face and words, this is where Legend's attitude and his past with Colin being bullied biased him against Legend.
Look at his face in each panel through the progression- Twilight is more and more confused thinking legend is not who he thought he was...
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And Twilight certainly sympathizes/relates to being hurt by losing someone he loved (in whatever form the relationship took)
And WHY is it always girlfriend trauma with these boys of COURSE it's girlfriend trauma that brings them together NOT SHARING A SPIRIT AND LOVE OF SWINGING GLORIFIED METAL NO THEY HAVE TO BOND OVER RELATIONSHIPS GONE WRONG
Twilight then thinks well that's a good reason to be pretty changed because from the start Jojo said he'll always understand people changing...
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So they go, and make legend human again (with pink hair) and Legend is... surprised. And grateful...
Another few defining moments:
Legend's dialogue thanking him is the real start of them connecting like in Leg's original character description "the most reliable, you want him on your team"
And again Twi's face, Twilight is looking at Leg differently throughout this- contemplating to be honest. Considering...
And remember when I said these two both like to prank? Well the second they have a shared experience and get back to camp they immediately team up and start barraging Warriors with snark
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Heaven help the chain when these two are on the same side
Legend has never been close to people outside of the few he's accepted as his (love him and hyrule's bond). After this? Twilight's one of his people. There's much more expression of caring and closeness towards Twilight- something we don't see with many.
And then, well, Twilight nearly dies. And Legend, he cares
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Bunny boys puppy dog eyes are gonna kill me someday
Twilights pretty injured, he really doesn't see/remember all these moments showing how much Legend wants to help
And then we have this moment
this moment
Matters so so much
Look at Twi's face. Look at his surprise, realization, and acceptance- this is when he realizes- when he sees how much Legend cares for him
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Twi woke from his deathbed for his family
and then in the next few updates it's really cute- he just is barely recovering and legend is just... beside him. Staying by his side
Animal forms later development:
Legend's bunny form is soft- but he is still not totally soft. Looking at Legends actions and facial expressions towards the others, while he's definitely closer to Twi now, he's still the snarky boy we know and love.
Twilight's Wolf form is loyal and loves family: Once he knows legends heart? Full on pack love.
And WHY were they so very intent on petting each other
Legend: I'm gonna go try and pet the wolf since I think he's my dude yes good plan
Here's a few random parallels of them to chew on because I love parallels (them snarky snarking each other, then some brother love parallels)
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The thing with these two is their character bonding and whatever is not all sweet and lovey like some of the others. They have some REALLY sweet caring moments with each other. But snark plus snark equals double snark, meaning them together is the weirdest mix of kindness and teasing you've ever seen
And although at the beginning they were pretty harsh towards each other, it makes their getting closer and learning their similarities all the better.
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lincolndjarin · 9 months
Oh Honey. ★ masterlist
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Welcome to Honey, West Virginia! [COMPLETED FIC]
pairing : monster!joel miller x afab!mortician!reader
gen. tags : soulmates au, no outbreak au, monster lover, 18+ mdni
series summary : you’ve been given a gift. a fresh start in a brand new place, the sleepy little town of Honey, WV. a distant aunt has passed away and left you a little plot of land and her camper, the stars must be aligning for you because the local mortician is looking for an assistant and you’re desperate for the work experience. your new employer even offers to set you up with her brother-in-law! things are looking up, you’ve got a brand new home, a new town, a hot date, (and thanks to a series of bear attacks that started immediately after your arrival) you have more than enough work to keep you busy!
content warnings : eventual smut, teratophilia, graphic descriptions of violence, explicit descriptions of menstruation, graphic descriptions of the mortuary process, horror, depictions of extreme fear, body horror, graphic depictions of death, eldritch horror. this is a monster fucker fic, proceed accordingly
no use of y/n.
mostly no description of afab!reader given, other than the fact that she is younger than joel, has hair & has a period.
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chapter one : down the rabbit hole (11k words)
[ When you were just a child you found a deer in the woods behind your childhood home. ]
Right on the edge of the forest where there was a road you weren’t supposed to go near. You had gone out to find stones to paint when you came across her. ]
chapter two : beware the jabberwock (15k words)
[ You don’t sleep well after your dream.
Just staring up at the ceiling until the sun is starting to shine through the windows. 
Not that you’ve been sleeping well recently to begin with. And Joel suddenly feels less safe, the grip of his arms around you feels more like it’s trapping you rather than protecting you. ]
chapter three : we're all mad here (11k words)
[ “It’s okay, it’s just me.”
Joel, Joel, Joel. 
The only thing that consumes your thoughts. ]
chapter four : painting the roses red (11k words)
[ “Joel…” You give him a wary look as he bares his teeth at you, a low rumble starting in his throat as your instincts kick in. “Joel!” You yell like you would if you were scolding a dog and he freezes in place. ]
chapter five : i'll decide where to go from here (6k words)
[ “C’mere, bunny.” His stubble brushes against the back of your neck, his mouth is warm as you feel a kiss placed against your spine. ]
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chaoticharrington · 6 months
My Bunny
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Pairing: Mike Schmidt x afab!reader
WARNINGS: SMUT!!!, MINORS GTFO THIS IS NOT FOR YOU DNI AGELESS OR BLANK BLOGS WILL BE BLOCKED, daddy kink, watersports(piss kink), spit kink, edging, slight impact play, soft but pervy dom!mike, bdsm themes,cockwarming, throat fucking, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, marking kink, inspection kink, cock and ball worship, oral fixation, p in v, slight orgasm control,porn without plot , & squirting
Summary: Mike comes home from a meeting with his aunt and needs to let off some steam
Authors Note: this is my first full length fic i’ve like ever written on this app i’ve only ever written i think maybe one other blurb besides this so be nice pls😭 if you have any requests i’d love to write more for Mike! I fell in love with writing this fic so I hope you guys like it :D
Word Count: 4.4k
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Your eyes are so tired and heavy,begging you for sleep after staying up all night waiting for mike to get home. You like to be awake when he gets home from work because he always looks so tired and worn out.
Mike has since come and gone from your shared house. You both took a little nap once he came home from work before you had to get up and make breakfast and get Abby on the bus for school and Mike had to go to a meeting with his Aunt Jan. You get so nervous when he goes to see his Aunt, she’s a monster if monsters smelled like cigarettes and emotional manipulation. He always needed some cheering up after meetings like that and you wanted to be there for him when he came home. You hope it doesn’t go too bad, his aunt tends to get under his skin so easily.
You have lunch made and ready for him if he’s hungry. You’re just patiently waiting on the couch watching tv until he gets back. You’re still fighting your eyes to stay open and watch some random sitcom on the screen until you hear the door open and shut hard and abruptly. You snap your head towards the noise to see Mike leaning against the now closed front door with his eyes closed and yellow papers scrunched in his hand. You look up at him from the couch slightly spooked by his sudden entrance.
“Hi baby, you okay?” you say lightly, trying to gage where he is emotionally
“Get on your knees” he mutters as he sets the papers inside of the little desk by the kitchen.
“What?” you look at him a bit confused
He shrugs his jacket off and looks up at you clearly not in the mood.
“Don’t make me say it again, get on your knees please” he looks at you tiredly as he makes his way over to couch.
You continue to look up at him now with concern in your eyes, something’s wrong… something happened with his aunt. You open your mouth as if to say something and ask if he’s okay and decide against it, he will tell you when he’s ready to.
Not wanting to upset him even further you slowly uncross your legs and push yourself off the couch and then the floor and onto your knees.
“Good Girl” by says with a satisfied sigh
He puts his hand softly on your cheek and begins to rub circles on your cheek with his thumb as he hooks the rest of his hand under your chin and pushes your head up slightly so you have to look up at him. You look back at him with so much admiration and devotion, if this was how Mike needed to let off some steam you weren’t going to stop him. You’d get the details of what happened later but now… now you needed this as much as he did.
You shifted on your knees a little bit, trying to find any friction you could from the position you were in, but it was almost impossible in this position.
He hums in response to your neediness, he loves seeing how much he can fluster you with such little effort. His thumb moves to your lips rubbing circles into your top and bottom lip. You get the hint and open your mouth allowing his thumb to push past your lips and into your mouth. Without thinking you suck on his thumb and twirl your tongue around it.
“Fuuuck” he mutters softly “you look so pretty with your mouth full… my beautiful little bunny”
You hum and smile around his thumb at the nickname, you loved when he called you that, because that name was for you and you only. A form of ownership you loved and one you’re only willing to ever give to him.
He crouches down so his face is right in front of your face and slips out his thumb and replaces it with his pointer and middle finger.
“Do you mind if we play for a bit baby? I’ve had a rough day and all I can think about are your lips…”
Mike shoved his fingers slightly further down your throat and groans quietly
“and your pretty little pussy”
Your mind starts to go fuzzy at his words, he knows just how to make you putty in his hands. You nodded at him with his fingers still in your mouth, and spit starting to pool under your tongue threatening to escape your lips
“Good” he smiles slightly
He stands up and removed his fingers from your mouth with a slight pop. He unbuckles his jeans and steps out of them. You’re now eye level with the bulge in his boxers, you bite your lip to contain a moan.
You love so many qualities about Mike, you love how sweet and gentle he is with Abby, you love how patient and hardworking he is, you love his hands, his waist, but his cock was just made for you. Made for your mouth and hit just the right spot inside of you that made you see stars. You needed to feel it on your lips and down your throat. You look up at him searching his face for his approval to move forward with your thoughts. Already knowing what you’re thinking he nods his head in approval.
“Go ahead baby, over my boxers only. I wanna see all the..delicious.. things your mouth can do first, m’kay?”
You waste no time and start kissing and licking stripes along his boxers knowing you’ve not been giving the go ahead to take them off yet. You know Mike has a thing for your mouth and watching how you use it to make him feel good.
Mike has a thing for watching in general, he likes seeing how engrossed you get into making him feel good, he like seeing what makes you feel good. Which kisses make your skin shiver or which parts of your neck were the most sensitive,or part of your thigh that if bitten makes your legs shake, or the spot inside you that makes you squirt. He likes knowing you inside and out, which only makes every experience that much better.
Mike groans at the view, always in awe of how you know exactly how to make him feel good, even just over his boxers. You continue kissing and licking until you see little dark spots in his boxers from your spit. You move a little lower so you can open mouth kiss and slightly suck on his balls, getting a mouth full of wet fabric in your mouth. You see his stomach muscles tighten and you feel a hand go behind you head ever so slightly holding your head to his bulge.
His hand only encouraging you to do more, licking the tip of his cock through the fabric getting a hint of salty precum that’s already started to drip out. You moan deeply needing to taste more of it, sucking and making out with his tip even more. Light moans start pouring from his lips and his fingers start to get tangled in your hair.
“s-so fuckin pretty” he almost whispers
He pulls you back by your hair, and untangles his fingers so he can work his boxers off. His cock springs out in front of your face, your mouth watering even more already covered in your own spit.
He grabs the back of your head again
“Open up bunny” he orders softly
You obey and open up wide as he guides his cock into your mouth and tries to push it down your throat. You gag slightly at the intrusion, but swallow around him.
“S’okay angel, i’ve got you, just relax that tight throat of yours for me” he whispers
You nod as best as you can with your mouth now very full, and close your eyes to try and relax so you can fit more of him down your throat. You get a handle of breathing through your nose and start working the rest of his cock down your throat until your nose is touching the curly dark hair at the base of his shaft. You push even further down to make a point smushing your nose into his hair, and licking the vein on the underside of his shaft.
You look up at him again wanting to see the effect you’re having on him and that alone elicits another groan from his lips and his eyes to roll back.
“Doin so good baby so fuckin good for me” he moans shakily as he wraps both of his hands behind your hand and tangles them back into your hair. Bracing your throat for what’s going to happen next
“I-I just I gotta… I need to… fuck i’m sorry bunny I can’t hold back any longer.. s‘not my fault.. you just look perfect with your mouth all full.. need to fuck it” he utters
Your legs tighten at his words, rubbing your thighs together trying to chase any friction you can find between your legs. His hips start to move and his cock starts to go in and out of your mouth, slow at first as you adjust to him being in control. But before long his hips start to pick up in pace and his cock is roughly going in and out of your throat making the most obscene wet noises as spit now runs freely down your lips and down your chin.
He pushes his hips hard one more time against your head as your nose goes flush with his pelvis, pushing as much of his cock inside of your throat as he can, forcing a cough from your throat.
Then he pulls your head off of his cock just enough to spit on your face right above where your lips and his cock meet, his spit coats your lips and your nose slightly. You moan loudly around his cock, you loved when mike was like this… you liked being dirty and covered in anything and everything that was Mike Schmidt.
He then pulls you completely off his cock so you can breathe, you’re sputtering and catching your breath. You mind is clouding even more, not able to think about anything else besides Mikes cock or the wet patch you can feel growing in your panties and the throbbing between your legs.
“Look at you bunny… look at my messy fucking girl” he pants.
You smile up at him, pleased with his reaction, you want nothing more than to make him feel good, make him forget whatever happened with his aunt. You use your fingers to push any of mikes spit that didn’t make it onto your lips into your mouth, so you can taste every last bit of him that there is to offer.
“Jeeesus christ baby, you drive me fucking crazy you know that?” he chuckles lightly, watching you in absolute adoration. You chuckle slightly back at him brain still foggy and needing more.
“Can’t help it daddy, love your cock” you mumble with your fingers still in your mouth.
Before you could even begin to beg you were already over Mikes shoulder being carried into your shared bedroom and tossed onto the bed. You giggle as you flop on the bed, Mike grabs your ankles and pulls you back to him on the edge of the bed. He’s still standing in front of you, your legs on either side of him.
“Let’s see what we got here” as he goes down onto his knees,takes of your pants ,and spreads your legs further apart. Inspecting the wetness that’s now soaked the outside of your panties.
“Fuck me” he says barely audible. He starts to kiss and suck your thighs, leaving little red marks where he’s sucked a little bit too hard.
Marks are another perk of being with Mike he never ends a session without some part of you being marked. Wether that’s a bite mark on your thigh, or a hickey on your neck, or a little bruise on your tits (both because he refuses to do just one).
Your thighs start to shake in anticipation waiting for him to kiss where you really needed him, your entrance clenching at nothing, begging to be stretched. Your hands latch onto his brown curls trying to bring his head to where you wanted him.
“Not so fast sweetheart, let me take my time with you yeah? gotta make you mine” he mumbles into your skin as he leaves another kiss on your thigh. He continues his assault on your thighs, starting to bite and suck harder on your skin, leaving deep red and purple patches in their wake. You prayed some of them would stay so you could see them tomorrow.
He takes you by surprise by licking a stripe right up your clothed wetness and you both let out a loud moan, thanking your lucky stars that Abby was not home so you didn’t have to worry about being quiet.
“You taste so fucking good, could live down here forever” he praises
You moan finally getting the attention you’ve been waiting for, but you need more or you’re going to explode. Every part of your body is yearning for more, needing to feel him everywhere, wanting your brain to be even more empty than it already is.
“Please daddy please” you practically wail
With that Mike tugs your panties down your legs ,and throws them somewhere in your room for you to hunt for later. He spreads your legs even further apart so he can see the effect he has on you. He pulls your lips a part, your folds already gleaming with your arousal.
“So wet baby, this all for me?” he smirks as he runs his fingers through your folds dipping his finger into your entrance and bringing it up to circle your very sensitive clit
“All for you” you breathe
“I’m sorry I must of missed the last part, all for who baby?” he taunts
“You daddy all for you” you whine out as the circles on your clit get faster
“There we go that’s my girl” he coos.
He lowers his fingers and teases them at your entrance as his lips start to lightly lap at your clit. It feels like lightening as your whole body lights up with pleasure. Your hands grab on a little tighter onto his curls needing something to ground you. You can hear him moaning into your pussy, making the most lascivious noises known to man. Licking and sucking his way to your release, his fingers inside you picking up the pace, moving in the “come hither” motion that hits exactly the right spot inside of you to make you moan out his name.
“Fuck Mike fuck i’m getting so close.. so so close”
Which only eggs him on further, pushing his entire face into your pussy, needing to taste and lick every inch. His moans sending vibrations straight to your core, pushing you further and further to the edge of bliss.
“Yeah right there don’t stop! Please don’t stop need to cum! need to cum so bad, so close!” you cry out.
Right as your vision starts to white out and you feel your body start to push over the edge, his mouth leaves you and his fingers are pulled out from inside you. You sob at the betrayal, you were so close… so fucking close.
You blink away tears, looking at Mike who’s now taking his shirt off and climbing on top of you, licking his fingers that previously made a home inside you,and sliding in between your legs. He puts his hand over your mouth and positions your head to look at him straight on.
“Your orgasms belong to me, do you understand bunny?” he says sternly as he lets go of your face
“Y-yes daddy I understand” you croak
“Good, now grind on my cock” he commands, satisfied with your response.
You start to slowly move your hips back and forth against his length that was now situated directly in front of your very wet cunt. You both groan in unison at the feeling.
He grabs the hem of your shirt and ripping it off over your head to see more of you. Mike is laser focused on your chest watching your tits bounce back at forth in front of his face. Burying his face between them and switching between sucking and biting on your tits, leaving bigger and bigger welts across your chest.
“Mine all mine all fucking mine…” he babbles like a mad man into your new adornments.
His action igniting your hips to move faster searching for your release, the tip of his cock rubbing right up against your clit evoking a moan from you each time your clit rubs against it.
His lips find yours, finally, his kisses are rough,sloppy, and urgent. He wanted to consume every inch you, until every single part of you is his. Your teeth clash together and he growls into your mouth. He bites your lip hard enough to extract a yelp from your throat.
While your mouth is open he takes the opportunity to spit in your mouth.
“show me” he purrs
You push your tongue out of your mouth to show him the spit that has now pooled onto your tongue. His breath hitches as he grabs your jaw to inspect his spit on your tongue.
“swallow for me princess, yeah just like that, be a good girl f’me” he hums.
You put your tongue back into your mouth and swallow, sticking your tongue back out again to show that the evidence of his spit on your tongue was gone. You feel yourself starting to climb closer to your previously ruined release. The urgency to cum becoming more and more urgent.
Mike can tell, by the way your movements are becoming less controlled, he starts to rut harder against your pussy to propel you further to your release.
Mike abruptly stills your hips and lays down on his back, grabbing you by your hips and positioning you on top of him. You cry out against him in protest.
“What the hell Mike!” you whine
He looks at you sternly
“This is the last time i’ll remind you before you regret it. You belong to me, your cunt belongs to me, your orgasms belong to me and you will cum when I say you can cum, is that clear?” he commands
You clench around nothing but his words that float between the two of you.
“Yes i-i’m sorry daddy” you whisper
He looks at you satisfied with your response “Now remind me why I call you bunny” he taunts and cups your ass cheek with his hand and slaps it slightly.
A moan escapes your lips as you oblige him and sink yourself around his cock, feeling every inch of his thick cock fill the void inside of you. Once you adjust to his size, which you have to every time because of how thick Mike is, it stings as you fully seat yourself around him. You spring into action and start bouncing up and down on his cock. You put your hands on his chest for support trying to keep a steady pace, the coil inside of you tightening already in response to your two ruined orgasms.
“m so close daddy” you sob, tears now freely flowing from your eyes. Your two ruined orgasms was making every cell of your body scream with need.
“Awe is my baby close?” he mocks you with his hands on your hips. You nod in response not trusting your words, your mouth hung open in pleasure.
He responds by grabbing your hands in each of his and moving them to either side of your bodies and gripping them hard for stability as he uses that to slow your hips and piston his hips hard and fast inside of you.
“My bunny my fucking bunny… MY good… fucking… girl” he snarls
Any composure that you had previously is out the window as a full on scream leaves your lips and your vision completely whitens out and your jaw goes slack. Clenching and spasming around Mikes cock as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“Fuck baby if you keep squeezing me like that m gonna cum too” he warns
But you can barely hear him, your orgasm washes over you in waves that seem to never end, every nerve ending pushing you further and further into pleasure until you completely let go. You feel all the pressure leave your body as a rush of liquid squirts onto Mikes cock making the most perverted slapping noises between your two bodies.
Your mind finally starting to come back as your orgasm begins to fade, and the room comes back into view. Mikes hips slow as you come back to, sitting up to meet your lips with his.
“God baby I love it when you fucking do that” he praises
Enveloping your lips back with his, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer into a heated wet kiss. He pulls away first to expertly roll you both over so he’s on top of you now. He pushes your legs up next to your head engulfing you in everything him, and you’re loving every second of it.
He wastes no time driving his cock back into you, not waiting for you to adjust anymore. You moan loudly still getting over the after shocks of your life shattering orgasm. With this new position he’s now so deep inside you, you can basically feel him in your throat.
“Mike oh my god Mike holy s-shit” you wail, barely able to keep up with the rough and fast pace Mike had set.
“sssh shhh baby just take it… fucking take my cock” he growls
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, the overstimulation becoming too much to bear, your mind goes completely numb and your jaw goes slack.
“Aaahh there she is… there’s my little braindead bunny, just let me finish filling your pussy yeah? MY pussy” he coos
You could tell that Mike wasn’t going to last much longer his thrusts were getting sloppier and more erratic and his breathing was getting heavier, muttering obscenities under his breath. You loved this side of him, the almost animalistic side, the side that just needed you. It filled you with such pride knowing that you can do this for him even if you can’t do much else.
His hand slithers down to your now aching clit, rubbing rough circles around your bud.
“You can cum for me one more time can’t you? I know you can baby, just let go, daddy’s got you” he murmurs
It doesn’t take much to get you close to the edge again, just a few more swirls of his fingers and you were just as close as he is. The coil inside you begging to let go.
“Look at me bunny, lemme see you” he says sternly and out of breath
You look up at him, eyes big in desperation, searching his eyes for approval to let go. He nods at you, and with that an explosion of color happens around you and Mike. Your sobs and his grunts fill the room, surely over flowing into every house and neighbor in a close proximity. Both of you too lost in each other to care. You feel his warm cum splatter your insides full. Filling you entirely, feeling some of it spill out down your ass. His hands grip the sheets next to your head tightly, moaning into your neck and leaving soft praises and kisses. Reminding you of how good you are to him, how much he loves you, how beautiful you are. Your heart swoons over his words, you move your legs to wrap them around his waist not quite ready to part from him. The full feeling he gave you was too addictive to part with so quickly.
He deflates on top of you, both of you still breathing quite heavy from your previous activities. You lift your head up and move his to look at you.
“You okay baby?” you pant
He slumps his head onto your chest as he heaved heavily and shakes his head.
“…no… but just let me have this a little bit longer and then we can talk about it” he sighs tiredly
“I got you” you say warmly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pull him in even closer to you.
You both stay like that for awhile, rubbing and kissing each other. Mike makes sure to softly kiss every single mark he left on your body, like little apologies all over your skin. You didn’t mind either way, you loved taking off your clothes and seeing where he marked you, knowing you were his and he is yours.
You can feel him stiffen a little on top of you, and you have an inkling to what is gonna happen next. You clench around Mikes now soft cock inside you excitedly.
“You know what’s coming bunny, I know it’s your favorite… gotta claim this pussy as mine and mine only m’kay?” he whispers roughly in your ear
You moan in response, one of your favorite parts about being with Mike is how dirty he is, his kinks always match yours if not even dirtier.
Before you can think another thought you feel a warm stream of his piss pour inside of your aching hole mixing with his cum. Claiming every bit of you, body, mind, and soul. You melt into this feeling, feeling completely at peace if only for a moment. Completely at his mercy, taken care of and loved by him in every single way.
You allow him to scoop up your limp body from the bed and carry you into the shower to clean up. He rubs soap into your body and you do the same to his. Feeling slightly shy like this act is almost more intimate than what the two of you had been doing for the past hour.
You both lay back in bed clean, and you snuggle up onto his chest, hearing his heartbeat in your ear. He ended up telling you what happened in the meeting with his aunt, he cries to you in frustration and hopelessness because of how much he loves Abby. You soothe his sobs and rub his skin while you try and figure out how to fix it or help.
You both end up falling asleep in each others arms, putting off responsibilities just a little bit longer until one of you had to go and pick up Abby from school. And you can’t think of a better way to have spent the morning.
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ludi-ling · 2 months
Prompt 1 - Heroes
I knocked out prompt 1 like a rabid little plot bunny. 🐇 Thanks @lovethelebeaux for your suggestion!
Got a prompt? Post it in the replies of this post.
Happy Easter everyone! 🐤🐰🐥🥚
The prompt:
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The story:
               It’s a beautiful night.
               Warm, and sultry, like the woman he’s just spent it with.
               He slings his trench coat over his shoulder and whistles a dissonant little tune as he heads up the grassy incline to the mansion.
               He’s jumped the walls. He prefers not to trigger the cameras. His indiscretions are his own. In any other place, he wouldn’t care. But he does here, in this place where there are responsibilities, and truth, and justice.
               He doesn’t fit in. He knows this already. He won’t ever.
               I’ll be sad, if you go, Stormy tells him. But if you must, you must.
               I ain’t cut out for this, he replies. I ain’t like all’a y’all.
               And she raises a gentle eyebrow at him, says; After all we have seen, all we have been through together, you can still say such a thing?
               We had some fun, p’tit, he concedes with a grin. But look at ya now. Ya all grown up, Stormy. You’re an X-Man. And I’m still just a thief.
               He’s worse. But no one here has to know that, and he doesn’t want them to know, not ever. Guilt is a heavier burden, in a place like this. You weigh your soul against the goodness of others. Stormy figures he can find some sort of redemption here. But she doesn’t know the sins he must one day atone for.
               Earlier that day, he’d started packing. But he hadn’t been able to resist one last hurrah before hitting the road once more.
               He’ll go back to his room, have a shower. Sleep what little he can, before a new day rises.
               Then he’ll bid his adieus and be gone.
               He skirts by the lake, and as he does, he hears a nearby splash of water. Once, twice.
               It’s too early in the morning for birds. He pauses. He steps around the dense trunk of the cedar tree and follows the sound.
               He stops when he sees her.
               Floating on her back in the water, eyes closed, her silver and cinnamon hair fanned out like a halo around her.
               She’s never like this.
               Rogue is brash and loud, and when she’s silent she’s sullen… sometimes sad. But she’s never like this. Calm. Peaceful. At home with herself.
               He looks aside a moment, feeling like he’s encroaching on a moment, and not knowing how to extricate himself from it.
               Truth be told, he doesn’t want to.
               He’s been avoiding her. Not because he doesn’t like her, but because he likes her too much. She’s a reason to stay, and yet a reason to go. He wants to touch her, but he can’t. He doesn’t stay for things he can’t touch, he can’t steal. What’s the point in stealing a heart from a body you can’t touch, after all?
               He hears her splash again, and his eyes move back to her.
               She’s standing waist-deep in the water with her back to him, her hair a coppery sheen down her back. She lifts her arms and wrings the water from her locks.
               She’s naked.
               His heart is thudding in his ears.
               He knows a thing or two about beauty, but something about hers stirs him every time, in places he doesn’t know could be stirred.
               He slinks back into the shadows of the tree, and when he hears her begin to the leave the pool, he turns aside and quickly leaves.
               He feels as if he’s intruded on something he shouldn’t have seen, that she would never have let him see. The sentiment has never stopped him before, but he tells himself this is self-preservation. If he sees her and she sees him, it’ll invite him to break a boundary he doesn’t dare articulate. After Belle, after Marissa, after all the women he’s fallen for, there’s too much at stake.
               There’s too much.
               He marches up the slope to the back entrance. He’d thought he’d worked out all his urges and then some tonight, but she stokes fires in him without so much as even throwing a look his way. Tugs at him with the memory of her kiss, one he can’t ever relive again.
               He reaches the flagstone steps, and walks up onto the veranda. The need hasn’t gone, and so he pauses in the doorway and lights up a smoke to calm his nerves. He closes his eyes and breathes. When he opens them again, he sees her walking up the hill towards him, dressed in nothing but a blue, terry-cloth robe, her feet bare. She ascends the steps, oblivious to his presence, and when she sees him in the shadows, she starts.
               “Gambit,” she almost exclaims.
               “Rogue.” He steps forward a little, into the porchlight. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean t’startle ya.”
               She says nothing. For a moment they stare at one another, a little awkwardly, a little something more. He hasn’t spoken to her for about a week now; but he’s sensed her eyes on him, sometimes, across the dinner table, or from the other end of the Rec Room. He’d pulled away from their banter and light flirtation because he’d slowly been coming to the conclusion that it was better to leave, but here, now… he doesn’t want to go without saying some sort of goodbye to her first.
               Maybe he's even tempted to steal another kiss from her, her powers be damned.
               “You’ve been out late,” she breaks the silence first, noting his trench coat and his unbuttoned dress shirt. She’d been aiming for flippant; but the words are a little self-conscious, a little defensive, as if she knows, instinctively, what he’s been up to.
               “Looks like you’ve been too,” he responds quietly.
               She colours a little, tugging the robe tighter around her, as if suddenly aware of her nakedness beneath it.
               “I went for a swim, down at the lake,” she explains, almost in a rush. “It’s safer to do it now, when no one else is about. Don’t gotta worry ‘bout absorbin’ anyone.”
               “Hm.” He nods. “Bet it reminds you of splashin’ round in the Mississippi durin’ high summer too, neh?”
               She smiles then, a genuine smile.
               “Yeah,” she says. “Sure does.”
               Silence falls. She swallows. His heart is still crashing in his ears.
               He can’t stop thinking about their kiss.
               He guesses she can’t stop thinking about it either.
               “Listen,” she blurts, after a moment, “I was wonderin’… Wolverine and I gotta trainin’ session tomorrow mornin’. You wanna join us?”
               He’s surprised.
               “Heh. You want me to hand your ass t’ya again, chere?”
               She almost colours again – it’s less the ass-handing that bothers her, and more the kiss that had come afterwards.
               “Naw. Ya just been lookin’ so sorry for y’self lately, I figured you could use a distraction.”
               He laughs softly.
               “Thanks but no thanks, chere. Three’s a crowd. And I know Wolverine don’t like me much.”
               She quirks a small smile.
               “That old grump don’t like no one.”
               “He likes you.”
               She looks aside, reflecting on that a moment.
               “Well… I protected someone he loved. And in return… he gave me the gift of life.” Her voice had become quiet. “Before that… he hated me. Everyone here did.”
               He’s surprised to hear that.
               She darts a look at him, awkward again.
               “Didn’t Storm tell ya?”
               He says nothing, and so she continues; “I was with the Brotherhood. I… I did a lot of bad things. To the X-Men. To other people. To innocents.”
               She clutches the robe tighter around her, as if to shield herself from her shame.
               “I nearly killed Ms. Marvel – someone who’s a real hero. I stole everythin’ that belonged to her – her powers, her mem’ries – everythin’ that made her her. Her mem’ries ate at me. Drove me nearly t’madness. She was so strong. So strong, I began to fear I’d lose myself. So I came here. Hopin’ against hope that the Professor could help me. And he did. Just not the way I was expectin’.”
               The words seem to take something out of her. She sits on the balustrade, still clutching the robe around her.
               “When I first came here, everyone hated me. I couldn’t blame them. I’d tried to kill them, hurt them, countless times. But I had nowhere else to go.”
               “And you earned their trust,” he finishes the story for her. “You became like them. A hero.”
               She smiles up at him faintly.
               “Everyone who comes here… somehow… we all end up heroes. Of one stripe or another.”
               He laughs self-deprecatingly and grinds out his cigarette with his heel.
               “I ain’t no hero,” he mutters.
               “You seem to be doin’ pretty well so far.”
               He shakes his head and moves to sit on the balustrade beside her. Close… but not close enough to risk brushing against all the naked skin she’s exposing right now.
               “You’ve moved on from your past, chere,” he mutters, rubbing his long fingers together. “Maybe I ain’t ready yet t’move on from mine.”
               She stares at him. There it is again. Her gaze, like fire on his flesh, in his gut and lower.
               “Nothin’ you’ve done can be so bad it’s irredeemable,” she says.
               There’s certainty in her voice. She believes it. Everything she’s experienced here, with the X-Men, has taught her to believe it. But he doesn’t. He knows what it is to stain his hands with blood.
               “Would ya say the same to the Shadow King?” he asks.
               She says nothing for a moment, and he thinks he’s caught her out – but she doesn’t take the bait.
               “Y’know somethin’, Gambit,” she begins softly instead, “for the longest time I wasn’t sure whether I’m here now, fightin’ the good fight, because it was Ms. Marvel’s mem’ries, her personality, her goodness and sense of justice, that brought me here. Hell,” she exhales a heavy breath, “I still don’t know. Scratch the surface, scratch away all the psyches I’ve ever absorbed… when you get to the core of me, the real me, who is Rogue? Is she a murderer and a terrorist, who became a ‘hero’ because she absorbed a hero? Or was she a good person from the get-go? I genuinely don’t know anymore. Since I was thirteen, all I’ve ever had is other peoples’ personalities layerin’ over mine, over and over, buryin’ me under.”
               She braves a look at him.
               “Sometimes I get scared that… I’ll wake up one day, and discover the real me that’s been hidin’ underneath all that shit. I get scared I’ll kill everyone in their sleep. That I’m not – and never really was – a hero.”
               Her eyes her greener under the porchlight. There’s an earnestness in them that tugs at him more powerfully than her body.
               And he can answer her question. Because he knows it. Because it’s been self-evident to him since he first laid eyes on her.
               “You’re a hero,” he assures her quietly. You’re somethin’ I’m not. He touches the sleeve of her robe because he can’t touch her hand, and he adds: “You’re a good person, Rogue.” He rubs the fabric between his fingers, because he can’t rub her own. “And… you’re beautiful.”
               The earnestness doesn’t leave her eyes. She doesn’t look away.
               “I think the same things about you,” she says simply.
               She puts a hand on his knee, and he feels the warmth of each finger through the fabric of his pants. His heart is crashing in his chest. A touch has never felt so intimate. He leans towards her, and, Dieu, she’s brave enough to lean back towards him. He wants to kiss her so badly, he thinks he might chance it. He thinks he might chance oblivion, and all his ugly secrets being ripped out into the open, to kiss and be kissed by this sweet creature who swears she’s no angel, yet is nothing but to him.
               For a few short, lingering seconds they remain there, a breath away from a kiss. She draws away first. He doesn’t know it now, but in the years to come, it will always be her who will draw away first.
               “I… I should go. Gotta get up early for that trainin’ session tomorrow.”
               She slips off the balustrade. He is still holding her sleeve, and somehow he can’t let go. She glances up at him.
               “Will ya be joinin’ us?” she asks hopefully.
               “What time?”
               He thinks about it. He’s been planning to be long gone by then.
               “A’right,” he says.
               She smiles. He loves her smile, because she doesn’t smile enough, not like the way she is right now.
               “Great. I’ll see ya then.” She pauses, adds a little shyly, “Goodnight.”
               He relinquishes her sleeve, and she pads up to the door in her bare feet, throwing him another smile over her shoulder before she leaves.
               He heaves out a pent-up breath.
               His senses are burning. She consumes him like the sun. She doesn’t need to touch him to do it.
               He gets off the balustrade and goes inside. He climbs the lonely stairs and heads back to his room. He stares at the bag on his bed, the bag he’d packed only just this afternoon.
               He thinks of his words. Words so painfully honest he’d never meant to say them until he’d said them.
               You’re a hero. You’re a good person, Rogue. And you’re beautiful.
               Her hand on his knee. The warmth of its imprint.
               I think the same things about you.
               He wants to be the person she sees.
               He doesn’t know if he can be. But he wants to be, for her.
               He makes up his mind.
               Slowly, methodically, he begins to unpack.
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author-morgan · 11 months
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Title: Riverside Rating: M Pairing: Harald Finehair x fem!Reader (and Halfdan the Black) Summary: Harald Finehair may be a fool, but at least he has his brother, and at least he has you. ❤️plot bunny that's been collecting dust for two years by @mrsragnarlodbrok ❤️
down by the river by the boats, where everybody goes to be alone
“YOUR BROTHER IS a fool,” you remark, watching Harald Finehair slip away with the princess who once promised to be his queen—the woman whose husband had only just been murdered in the early hours of the morn. Halfdan the Black watches his brother too, lips twitching as he lifts his cup of ale, taking a short quaff of the weak brew. He’ll be glad to leave England—an army of this size meant dwindling supplies, game, and ever-weakening ale and mead.
He picks off another hunk of meat from a roast pheasant. “Is that meant to be news?” Halfdan asks in turn, smiling as he flicks his stringy blond hair aside and out of his eyes—his dark gaze flitting back to you. Harald’s always been a fool when it comes to women and love, and Halfdan doubts time and age will ever change that.
“Halfdan,” you chide. Harald is a fool—a fool for thinking Ellisif would wait for him, a fool for killing Vik so crassly in the heart of the camp. You both know he is, but watching Princess Ellisif slip away with her husband’s killer makes you uneasy. Grief and the thought of vengeance would not have left her mind yet. And such things can drive people to act in unpredictable ways. “You don’t think it’s odd she wishes to seek a private audience with him only a few hours after he killed her husband?”
Halfdan raises his brow—the blue-black ink of the tattoo on his temple and forehead twitches and wrinkles. At the moment, he’s more content with filling his belly and entertaining your company than fretting over his brother, yet you won’t let the subject rest so easily, and deep down, Halfdan knows you are right, as is the feeling of dread in his liver. “Had it been me, the thought of retribution would not yet be gone, nor the fog of dolor.”
You make a convincing case, and with a sighing frown, Halfdan pushes away from the table and you, heading toward Harald’s tent—hand resting on the hilt of his sword, knowing already he will have to serve as his brother’s protector once more. A moment later, Halfdan emerges from his brother’s pavilion. The sword in his hand is coated with blood, bright and red. And it would seem, after all, he knew women far better than his brother—or at least how to listen to you. 
He frees a cloth from his belt and slides it down the blade, cleaning it with a single long swipe as he looks at you, watching and waiting. Halfdan doesn’t have to say anything as he approaches for you to know, but regardless, your lips quirk upward. “Told you,” you declare, and he makes a low sound of agreement from the back of his throat, taking the cup of ale you offer. You knew Ellisif would not have so easily nor quickly forgiven Harald for his transgression, especially after not upholding her promise to wait for marriage. 
Harald’s curses and fit of rage ring out in the brisk air. You know there’s little that can soothe his heart and pride, but if anyone in the Ragnarsson encampment can make an earnest attempt, it is you—Halfdan knows this too. “I’ll see to him,” you breathe, taking one last drink of ale. Halfdan grips your arm before you can go to his brother and leans close, offering a soft, quick kiss over too soon.
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THE RIVER FLOWS slowly, given its breadth near the encampment of the Sons of Ragnar—a hundred longships are pushed up against the banks and moored in the water. Together, you and Harald walk along the water’s edge, heading north, where fewer ships and wandering eyes and ears are. The blood on his hands and chest is nigh dry, and it makes his red woolen tunic stick to him and stiffens his silver-tinged beard.
Harald Finehair looks at you but cannot dispel what you must think of him, of these circumstances—your expression is only a cool mix of solicitude and what he thinks is annoyance. Yet again, he finds himself failing to understand the mind and heart of a woman—one he has known since childhood, no less. “My brother is lucky,” Harald admits, feeling a spike of jealousy stab at him as he thinks about you and Halfdan, “to have only ever loved you.” But had he ever truly loved Ellisif beyond his desire for her beauty? Even he is not sure of the answer.
You stop near the prowl of one of Jarl Olavsson’s ships—his shields and sails marked by white and dark green—and stare at Harald, aghast and confused by his insinuation. “Do I no longer have your love?” You ask, reaching for him and the leather ties at the neck of his tunic.
“I had thought–” his voice trails off as he looks at the flock of blackbirds flying overhead, unsure if it is a sign from the gods or just an ill omen. He lets you draw him nearer, but it’s only when the flat of your hand connects with his bloody cheek that his gaze and attention return to you—his stormy blue eyes filled with bewilderment and indignation. He stares at you, nostrils flared. 
“No, Harald!” You’ve finally grown exasperated by his foolishness—you could tolerate his laments about love and marriage, but to nigh let himself be killed by a recreant woman under such circumstances? “You didn’t think!” You tell him, and Harald steps back, hands curling to fists at his sides. He needs to hear this, though, if not from his brother, then from you. “And if you did, it was with the wrong head.” The same head all men think with first when it comes to women.
“You speak to a king,” he reminds you, puffing out his chest—a weak reply, and you both know it.
You shake your head and reach for him, hands settling on either side of his blood-spattered face—thumbs following the blue-black scrollwork of the tattoos on his cheeks. “And I am also speaking to one of my oldest friends,” you remind him. King or no, Harald and his brother are among your oldest and dearest friends—they could be little more than farmers or simple whalers, and you would think no less of them nor love them less. There’s a shift in Harald’s expression then, as though he realizes the error of his ways in disregarding your and Halfdan’s counsel, and hubris fades to humility. “One whom I care for and love very much.” Love, the word catches him off-guard. Then an ephemeral smile returns to grace your lips. “Even if he is pigheaded at times.”
He forces down the growing knot in his throat. “My brother–” Harald starts, but you press your fingertips to his weathered lips, shushing him and chasing away any apprehension or fear of driving a rift between the three of you with what comes next. “Halfdan knows,” you tell Harald with airy unconcern—fingers slipping down to comb through his silver-tinged wiry beard. Your trysts had never been clandestine, even before whatever this unspoken thing with his brother began before the first raid on Paris. “He’s very astute,” you remark, the corner of your lips quirking upward again. “You could stand to learn a thing to two.”
He huffs, then goes to the river, shrugging off his tunic, and kneels at the water’s edge, splashing the cold water on his face and chest—scrubbing the drying blood of the woman he once intended to marry. He stares at his reflection, shoulders falling forward, accepting his ill-fated pursuit of marriage and defeat, alas. “I’ve been a fool,” he grumbles. You crouch next to him, dipping your hand in the river to help wash the blood from his shoulders and the back of his neck, humming your agreement—gladdened to know it is no longer a whispered secret between you and Halfdan. “You’re not supposed to agree with me,” he admonishes, mirth slipping back into his tone.
There’s a scar on his shoulder, and without thought, you lean toward him, placing the gentlest and quickest of kisses on the raised patch of silvery skin. You can recall how he and Halfdan have gotten most of their scars, but the history of this small mark evades you right now. When you meet his eyes, you see him staring at you with a look of raw hunger and desperation you’re entirely unprepared for, and it sends a wave of heat washing over you. But he’s so gentle when he handles you—even in all his lingering anger and hurt.
He holds your chin until his thumb swipes across your flushed cheek—always touching you like you’re some fragile, precious thing and not a shieldmaiden—and then his lips part, and he exhales a shaky breath, waiting for your permission, spoken or otherwise. You give it with a breathy sigh of his name. Harald. His warm breath hits your cheek, followed by the faint tickle of his scraggly beard at your jaw before his lips are fully on yours. “Let me have you.” His plea is soft against your mouth—and you cannot deny him.  
Skirts rucked up around your waist, Harald grips your hips, drawing you closer to him until his wool and linen-clad thigh presses between yours. His touch is fervent—hot palms, calloused from years of battle, scrape over the bare skin they touch. His tongue sweeps across your bottom lip before kissing you—languid and soft. Your hands grasp at his back to pull his chest to your own. And then he fumbles to loosen his belt, but you knock away his hands, and Harald curses and groans when your hand slides into his undone britches, fingers wrapping around his half-hard cock—stroking him.
Your stomach flutters as his fingers caress you briefly, fleetingly—but gone far too soon. Your hips move towards his touch, but now is not the time for drawn-out caresses and teasing. In truth, he's not focused on your pleasure but more on his desire.
Harald pushes forward, rocking his hips slowly until his cock is fully sheathed inside the warmth of your cunt, and his hips meet yours. You gasp, somewhere between a whine and moan, head tipping back, and Harald takes the chance to press his lips to the base of your neck. He’s gentle as he trails a hand down your side and holds your waist—he and Halfdan have always been two sides of the same coin as lovers.
You lay back—letting him do as he pleases. He needs this moment, this release, far more than you do. His thrusts start slow, lazy almost, as though you’ve all the time in the world—like you’re back in Tamdrup on a spring night in a patch of wildflowers or bale of loose straw in a stable, not lying on a muddy English riverbank on the verge of another battle—not knowing if tomorrow will be the day Valhalla beckons you home.
He looks down at you—splayed beneath him and his gut twists with a sickening realization. I’ve been a fool, Harald thinks again, cradling your cheek, the rough pad of his thumb pressed against your parted lips, chasing a woman who could never love me. But you. It did not matter what misfortunes or victories the gods bestowed upon him. You were always there—never faltering from your place at his and Halfdan’s side. He’s only ashamed not to have realized or acted sooner.
Your legs spread wider to welcome him, squeezing at his shoulders to urge him to move faster. Every push and pull of his hips brings him deeper inside you. Harald pants at your ear, his breathing ragged and strained as his pace falters—thrusts growing quicker and rougher as he seeks release. Beneath your palms, the muscles in his back ripple, contracting with each thrust. His lips find yours again, and you pull him down closer until his bare chest presses against the rumpled wool of your dress bodice—nails scraping across his shoulders and the patchwork of tattoos on his shoulder blades.
The look in Harald’s eyes is nigh unsettling—a mix of emotion you do not wish to think about in this moment of lust and carnality—and you squeeze at his biceps, urging him to move faster, and when his trance breaks, he obliges. He breathes hushed praises against your neck and strokes a thumb over the racing pulse in your neck as he rolls his hips up into yours—strokes long and deep. 
You whine and squirm for him, grinding your hips into his. The next time he moves, his cock strikes the place inside you that makes you cry out without thinking, and your toes start to curl—he does it again and again, thrice over. “Harald.” He works himself deeper still, pelvis rubbing against your clit, and he doesn’t miss the shiver that goes through you or the way your muscles tense—cunt squeezing his cock tighter. His breathy, open-mouth kisses grow sloven as you fumble to keep in rhythm, your movements slack—distracted by the fog of ecstasy in your head.
Breath hot against your lips, his eyes drift shut in unison with yours. Behind closed eyes, all that triumphs is the feel of your bodies sinking into each other. He will not last much longer. Harald barely manages a coherent rasp of your name, teeth gnashing, when his entire body shivers and he stills deep, deep inside, cock twitching. 
His livid eyes are dark, like a stormy sea when they open once more, and there’s a crease between his brows that you have a yearning impulse to kiss away—and so you do, and in the wake of your lips, you smooth your fingertips over his brow. “I do love you, Harald,” you tell him—a breathless whisper—and suddenly, the knot in his throat and the offbeat feeling in his heart is back. “Just as I love Halfdan.”
He says nothing, only rests his forehead against your shoulder and shivers when your hand runs along his back, finding his dark braid to run your fingers along. But there’s a new dampness on your flesh—tears for love lost and love found.
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HIS TEMPER IS quelled upon returning to the encampment, even if his heart has yet to mend. Halfdan rises from his spot at one of the fires, leaving the waning conversation with Björn Ironside when he sees you and his brother approach. The whispers around the camp of what happened between Harald, Vik, and Ellisif have already faded with new discussions of the army’s next move in Mercia—steadily creeping closer to Wessex and retribution upon King Ecbert for his part in Ragnar’s death. Harald swallows his pride and glimpses you before turning his attention to Halfdan. “Thank you, brother,” he says. “Yet again, I owe you my life.”
“I’ll always watch your back,” Halfdan replies, pressing a cup of ale into Harald’s hand before clasping his shoulder—then his gaze flits to you, and he smiles, a glimmer shining in his dark eyes. “But next time we tell you to kill someone, you should listen, yeah?” Harald shakes his head, looking down into the cup of ale with a dry laugh. You both told him to rid himself of Ellisif before setting sail to England. He should have listened then—knows he was a fool not to have. But once more, it is the three of you, and maybe that is how the gods always intended it to be.
[Harald & Halfdan taglist: @ahotmesswithprivilege / @alicedopey / @certifiedlittleshit / @charming-merlin / @elluvians / @erzsebetrosztoczy / @gearhead66 / @gossamarnie / @hc-geralt-23 / @kaexiao / @midnightmuze / @moonlightsspirit / @n0sferatus / @naaladareia / @queenfinehair / @queenyalo / @savagemickey03 / @xinyourdreamsx / @yalos-writing ] if your name is italicized, tumblr would not let me tag you. if you’d like to be added to my Vikings taglist, or any other taglist, just let me know with this Google Form!
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ananicoleta · 4 months
Looney Tunes headcanon time!
I've been thinking about this for a while so now I gotta share it on here!
Bugs Bunny doesn't get mad easily. That's just how he's wired. Calm, collected, level-headed, usually pretty relaxed, lazily strolling down the street while humming a merry melody (eh?), he prefers to chill and doesn't really take anything seriouslly.
A Warner Bros. intern messed something up, be it accidentaly or because he was a careless idot? Bugs doesn't even flinch and immediately finds a way to fix whatever it is.
A student at Acme Looniversity is goofing around way too much during a lesson? All Bugs has to do is give him a look and the child stops at once, but he never raises his voice or loses his temper.
One of his enemy messes with him? Pfff, are you kidding? That's the most fun he's gonna have all week!
Even when he gets irritated by one of them, he doesn't actually get mad mad and he certainly doesn't hate them (he's too cool for that). It's more of an "oh, he interrupted my peaceful afternoon? now i'll have to fuck his entire shit up" kind of thing. He might be mildly annoyed in the beginning but by the time he starts plotting the poor soul's demise, his irritation is long gone. His motivation is rather the principle of "don't mess with me" rather than anger.
Sometimes Bugs will fake being mad to get his point across (to scare people, usually a nemesis or a student), but again, he's not really angry, he's just exaggerating.
However, and this is where my headcanon comes in, this doesn't mean that sometimes Bugs Bunny doesn't get pretty fucking MAD.
Like I said, it's very hard to get him at that point. But when he gets there oh, Lord have mercy! And it's not what people (who have obviously never seen him in that state) might think.
He doesn't shout. He doesn't get physical. He doesn't throw a tantrum. If he does any of those then again, he's not really mad. He either does it for comedic effect or to intimidate. No. It's much more unsettling than that.
Instead, he just goes quiet. And not the usual relaxed, watching-shit-go-down-from-the-sidelines quiet. Oh, no. He's rigid as a statue. His upbeat expression is replaced by one of pure coldness. No condecending smirk, no smug look, no playfullness in his eyes. Just a motionless face with an icy stare.
If Bugs speaks when he's like this he doesn't raise his voice. He doesn't need to. Instead, his tone is serious but surprisingly... calm. Not relaxed like it usually is, but more like... even. Controlled. Firm. There is a slight strain in his voice as if he's doing his best to hold back the greatest rage someone has ever seen (because he is).
If he does this to anyone then that person/toon will most likley shit their pants. Because they know, oh, they know they fucked up big time if Bugs Bunny acts that way towards them.
Whenever he's like this literally everyone is scared of him. Toon or human, doesn't matter, if Bugs is this angry YOU STAY OUT OF HIS WAY.
No one messes with him, not Elmer, not Sam, not Wile, not Marvin, not any of his enemies, no Acme Loo student, no WB intern, even the executives are nervous around him if he's like this. Even Daffy, who gets a kick out of pushing Bugs' buttons every time, is nope-ing himself out of that situation so hard. Like nope. Not today. Nuh-uh. He wants to live, thank you very much.
I feel like I should mention that Bugs isn't cold hearted though. Even if he is in this state he will not be a prick to people who have done nothing wrong or to the ones he cares about. He realizes it's not their fault.
He might be a little distant but it's just because he wants to be left alone to calm down. The others know and understand and will leave him to cool off.
Again, though, he doesn't get this angry that often. In all his life he's probably been like this like three or four times (which is very rare given that he's been around since like what? the 40s? but even if it's happened only a few times it was enough to earn him the reputation of being really damn scary when pushed to far).
Also, he's never ever like that because of a Looney Tune or an Acme Loo student or anyone he cares about. If you are part of the aforementioned categories then it's damn near impossible to get Bugs to be that mad at you. Annoyed? Sure. Angry? Sometimes, yeah. But never mad like that.
No. This type of rage is reserved for a special breed of people. The ones that have crossed Bugs big time, that have done something really messed up.
What makes this so scary for the others witnessing it, even if it's not aimed at them, is the fact that it's so different compared to the way Bugs usually acts. Like, he's almost unrecognizable. Besides, the rabbit is pretty powerful given his whole WB mascot gig thing. He can rock your entire world with just a snap of his fingers.
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sparrowmoth · 8 months
Dumping a plot bunny on the side of the road: AU where Jan Van Eck had bought a summer home in Novyi Zem as a wedding for his bride, and the Van Ecks ever since used to spend half the year there. They kept to themselves in the sense that they were often seen, but rarely spoken to.
Not for lack of trying on the part of their neighbours on the farm to one side, which belonged to the Faheys. Colm had tried to welcome them when they first arrived, especially seeing as the Van Eck boy looked not much younger than his own son, but Van Eck had told him coldly that his son had prior engagements and no time to play with farm boys.
One day, though, when Jesper is seven, he sees the red-faced Van Eck man come running through their fields, calling out for his parents. They tell Jesper to go upstairs, but he creeps into the stairwell and overhears them in the kitchen when they let the man inside. He's frantically exclaiming about his wife and son, apparently poisoned.
He hears his mother conduct herself with no concern to how this man has treated their family. She rushes out the door to help, promising Jesper to return before he sleeps that night.
But she never does.
Because the Van Ecks are dying. The mother and son. She can't save them both. Marya doesn't begrudge that, but begs her... save Wylan.
And Aditi does.
Wylan lives because Aditi takes the poison from his body and dies in his place under the Van Eck's roof.
It all happens so fast after that, once Marya has gone. Van Eck sells the summer home and moves his son back permanently to Kerch, never saying a word of condolence or regret to Jesper or Colm.
Not even a goodbye.
Not from Van Eck or... his mother.
She never had the chance.
Jesper never forgets, though, the name Van Eck.
Every target he shoots, he can see that man's face in the doorway that bright summer day, about to take his mother from him forever.
She didn't teach him vengeance, but Kaz...
Kaz finds vengeance is a useful thing to nurture.
And Jesper is a poisonous plant in bloom.
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Ner Kar'ta
Summary: As a long time servant of Palpatine, you take what joy can can when you can. And for Commander Fox, the lost Prince of Mandalore, you are the only bright spot in his life. And now Palpatine knows it.
Pairing: Prince!Fox x Reader
Word Count: 3023
Warnings: Angst
Mando'a used: Ner Kar'ta - lit. My heart
A/N: This is technically a sorta sequel to the Wolffe version of this AU. Technically. But you don't have to read it to understand. Also, while I would normally write this tomorrow, I got mugged by a wild plot bunny, so here it is.
Divider by saradika
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You quietly hurry down the cold hallway, the torches Lord Palpatine uses to light the part of his palace devoted to his servants barely bright enough to cast enough light, let alone offer any warmth to the people unfortunate enough to call it home.
You’ve gotten very good at layering to stay warm. Though your slippers do little to protect your feet from the chill of the stone beneath your feet. But, it’s better to have cold feet than to wear something thicker that might make more noise.
Silence is the name of the game as one of Lord Palpatine’s servants.
And you are very good at silence.
You turn down a side hallway, your feet leading you to a specific room. Though you falter when you notice the red clad guards standing at the door. Lord Palpatine’s Imperial Guard.
Why they’re called that, you’re not sure, but it doesn’t matter. The red clad men and women are as cruel and vicious as the men who hold their leashes. You press your back against the wall and duck your head, your arms folding tightly around the rough cloth satchel in your arms. The red clad guards don’t even glance towards you. Which is probably the only upside to being a servant, you are so unimportant that you might as well not exist.
The door to the room that is your final destination swings open, and you immediately stop leaning against the wall, and bow your head. You hear heavy footsteps, and then a pair of heavy boots stops in front of you. 
You don’t look up as Lord Vader stops in front of you, and you can feel him glaring down at you with those terrifying yellow eyes. “You are here to tend to the Commander’s injuries.” His voice is flat, and his sentence, which should have been a question, comes out more as an order.
“Yes, My lord,” You whisper, your voice barely loud enough to be heard.
There’s silence for another moment, which, to you, feels like an eternity, and then the boots turn away from you, “The Commander has a few broken bones, girl. See to it that he’s healed properly for his duty in the morning.”
“Yes, my lord. Right away, my lord.” You keep your head bowed until Lord Vader and the Imperial Guards are gone, and only then do you feel comfortable lifting your head and hurrying down the hall.
You open the door only wide enough for you to slip in, “Commander?” You ask from the doorway just before you shut the door with a quiet click. The room is just as badly lit as the hallway, but even so, you’re able to see the Commander sprawled on his mattress. 
You cross the room as quickly as you dare, and you smoothly sink to your knees next to his head. Quickly, and with the ease of long experience, you remove the Commander’s helmet, “Fox? Are you with me?”
He groans and slowly opens his eyes.
He looks…bad. His bruises have bruises, though you don’t see any blood, thank the stars for small mercies, you suppose.  “Ner kar’ta,” He murmurs.
Relief washes through you when he speaks, his voice rough from disuse, and in spite of his bruises and injuries, his eyes are bright and alert, so no head injury this time.
“I’m going to remove your armor.” You whisper, “Where is the pain the worst?”
His lips curl up into a ghost of a smile, “Buy a guy dinner first, ner kar’ta.” He jokes weakly.
“Well, it’s your lucky day. I was able to smuggle some fresh fruit from the kitchens as well as a sandwich.” You reply, lowering your voice even more.
“Risky,” He murmurs.
“You’re worth it.” You reassure gently, your hand resting lightly on his shoulder, “Now, please, where is the pain the worst?”
“Chest, ribs. Vader was pissed today, don’t know why.” He groans lowly as you, as gently as possible, start unfastening his armor and setting it to the side.
“He didn’t seem any angrier than usual when I ran into him,” You reply as you carefully help him sit up to remove his back plate, and then lay him back on the mattress.
Fox grabs your wrist to stop your movements, “Ner kar’ta…You ran into Vader?” He asks, something like panic crossing his face as he scans you for any injuries, “Are you hurt?”
“No. He spoke with me, but that’s all.” You run your fingers soothingly across the top of his hand, “I’m not important enough to hurt, my love, please don’t worry about me.”
“Can’t help it,” Fox replies as the tension drains out of him, now that he’s sure that you’re uninjured, “You’re the only good thing in this place.”
I love you, he means. And you both know it. Though speaking the words out loud brings too much risk. And Fox would sooner rip his own arm off than ever say anything that would make your life more dangerous than it already is. You don’t need to hear the words to know the truth, after all.
You favor him with a tender smile, and you press your lips against the top of his hand, before you carefully set it on the bed as well. You move down his body and swiftly strip off the rest of his armor, stacking all of it neatly at the end of his bed.
“Can you remove your undershirt, Fox?” You ask as you settle next to him again, this time opening the satchel and sorting through the various ointments and potions.
“Not without help, I’m afraid.”
“That’s okay, that's why I’m here.” You lean in and slowly help him remove his shirt, revealing a patchwork of bruises, including the angry red ones from his broken ribs. You blink rapidly, to keep your tears from falling, but it doesn’t help. It never does.
His hand moves and cups your cheek, “I always seem to be making you cry, ner kar’ta.”
You sniffle, “Not you, Fox. Never you.”
His smile is slightly rueful, and it becomes a little more real as you turn your head and kiss the palm of his hand. He lowers his arm back to the bed as you start examining bottles. “Palpatine and Vader have been furious for the last couple of days,” He offers, “Have you heard anything?”
You hum thoughtfully as you pick a bottle and start applying the cool ointment to his bruises, “I have, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Tell me anyway.” Fox replies as his voice catches when you press a little too hard against a bruise.
“Sorry,” You lighten your touch slightly, as you consider where to begin, “Palpatine caught one of the Prince’s of Mandalore and the Wizard apprentice to Mandalore.” You explain quietly, feeling Fox tense under your fingers.
“Which Prince?”
You shoot him an apologetic look, “Prince Wolffe,”
Fox closes his eyes and there’s a tremor through his body. You’re not supposed to know that Fox is one of the Prince’s of Mandalore. And you’re definitely not supposed to know that he’s Prince Wolffe’s identical twin brother.
So far as you’re aware, though, you’re the only person outside of Palpatine and Vader who know.
“What happened, ner kar’ta?”
You switch to a different bottle and pour out a small measurement into a glass, “Drink this, it’ll help the broken bones and any internal injuries,” You explain softly, lifting his head slightly so he can drink the elixir without choking, “As for what happened…well, rumor is that Lord Vader helped the little wizard escape from her bonds, and then she managed to break through the protective spells on the tower, and they escaped.”
“And my brother?”
“Alive, so far as I’m aware.”
“Good. That’s good,” Fox closes his eyes, “What else?”
“The Nations are now aware of Palpatine. And Vader.” You whisper.
Fox releases a laugh, “Oh, that’s why Palpatine is so angry. He probably took it out on Vader-” He slowly sits up and twists slightly, before releasing a sigh of relief, “That’s much better.”
“I’m not done,” You fret, your hands fluttering towards the angry looking bruises on his stomach.
He reaches out and cups your face with his hands, “When we get out of here,” Fox murmurs as he leans in and lightly presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, “I’m taking you someplace tropic, where you can lay on a beach chair and drink fruity little drinks out of coconuts.”
“Oh? And where are you while I’m getting drunk from coconuts?” You ask fondly, as you continue treating his bruises.
“I’m right there with you. We’ll spend a year doing nothing but relaxing.” Fox murmurs.
“A whole year?”
“Mm. Maybe we’ll go swimming.” He decides as he opens his eyes, “Does that sound nice to you, ner kar’ta?”
“It sounds like a dream,” You murmur, “But it sounds like a dream that I’d like to see.”
He hums quietly, and tilts your head just enough to ghost his lips against yours. He doesn’t allow himself anymore than that, just a brush of your lips against his, before he’s pulling back. “I’ll make it happen, ner kar’ta. I promise.”
You smile at him, though it’s tinged with sadness. You both know that it’s probably never going to happen. “Here,” You reach into the satchel and hand him a sandwich and a fresh fruit, “Eat. I’ll treat the rest of your bruises.”
Fox eats quickly while you finish treating the rest of his injuries, and then you sit back on your heels and slide the treatments back into your satchel.
“...you should go.” Fox murmurs.
“I don’t want to.”
“I know.” He reaches out and lightly caresses your cheek, “In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have to. But I need you to go.”
“I know.” You don’t move for a moment longer, and then you shudder, and carefully get to your feet. You gather your satchel, and make sure there’s nothing indicating that you brought Fox food, and then you lean in and kiss his forehead, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Fox physically restrains himself from reaching out to touch you, knowing that if he does neither of you will want you to leave. “Be careful, ner kar’ta.”
You flash him one more smile, and then slip out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind you, and heading back to the room you share with seven other people.
The following morning begins as it normally does. You, and the other servants, are woken far, far too early to begin your prep work for the day. Food is prepped, and rooms are opened just in case Lord Palpatine has any visitors, which he never does, and then you start your normal daily upkeep.
You manage to finish the meal prep (no one can cut veggies as quickly or as uniformly as you can) and you’re about to head out to start cleaning Lord Palpatine’s trophy room (which is far, far less ominous than it sounds, thankfully) when you’re approached by two members of the Imperial Guard.
As per your norm, you move to the side, to allow them to pass…but they don’t. They stop in front of you.
“You need to come with us,” One of the identically dressed men said in monotone.
Terror grips your heart, but you obediently set your dust cloth on a counter, “Of course.”
One of the guards falls into step in front of you, and the other one right behind you, and they march you through the halls until you're standing in Lord Palpatine’s throne room.
You bow deeply towards Lord Palpatine and Lord Vader, and then you stop moving. “This is the one?” Lord Palpatine asks.
“Yes, my lord,” a different Imperial Guard says.
“Hm.” A rough hand grabs your chin and your head is jerked up so you’re looking into Palpatine’s eyes, “How long have you worked for me, girl?”
“Since Naboo, my lord.” You reply quietly, he releases you and you have to fight the urge to rub at the bruises that you’re sure are forming.
“I see.” He circles you, like a vulture, and your hands start shaking, “Have you any magic talent, girl?”
“N-no, my lord.”
“I see.” Palpatine finishes circling you and returns to his throne, something cruel crossing his face, “CC-1010.” He calls, “Come here.”
Your heart thud painfully in your chest as Fox steps out from a side room. He’s totally clad in his red and white armor, and his face his hidden from you, but you can feel his eyes on you. “You called me, sir?” he asks, his voice carefully masked by his helmet.
“Kill her.” Palpatine orders.
You take half a step back, and your eyes go wide. Fox hesitates for half a second, not so long that anyone other than you would notice, and then he steps between you and Palpatine.
His hands tremor as he pulls a hunting knife from a sheathe on his hip, and he moves closer to you, until you can feel the heat from his body. He rests the tip of the blade against the hollow of your throat, making a small nick against the thin skin there, and then lightly drags it down to rest against your sternum.
“Trust me?” He asks, his voice low enough that you barely heard him despite how close you’re standing to him.
“Always,” You breathe out in response.
And then the blade pushes home, piercing the tender flesh of your chest with little resistance. There’s blinding pain for a moment, and then there’s nothing.
You wake up some time later, tired and in pain, but very much alive. You’re wrapped in bandages, and for some reason you’re outside.
You blink at the sky, twice, not sure if you’re seeing what you think you’re seeing, and then you turn your head to see if you can figure out what’s going on. 
There, only a few feet away from you, Fox is sitting. His hands are shaking and he’s covered in cuts, burns, and bruises, but he doesn’t seem to notice, or care, that he’s staining his armor.
“You’re bleeding,” You mumble, as you try to sit up to help him.
His head whips to the side, and a look of such relief crosses his face that you think he’s about to cry, “Hey, ner kar’ta, you need to lay still. You’re hurt really badly.”
You reach out for him, and he immediately takes your hand in his shaking one, “You’re hurt,” You repeat, your eyes scanning his face, tracing the bruises and cuts.
He presses his lips against your knuckles, “It’s no more than I deserve,” He replies, “Fuck, I stabbed you, ner kar’ta.”
“I’m still alive though,” You point out as you squeeze his hand, “And if you hadn’t one of the others would have.”
“Never should have done it,” Fox mumbles against your hand, “Should have thought of another plan.”
“Fox? How am I still alive?” You ask.
He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against your hand, “I made contingencies, should Palpatine learn about us and try to use you against me.” Fox admits, his voice shaking, “When I nicked your throat with my blade, I injected a potion that put you into a stasis, so when I-when I stabbed you-” His voice breaks, and he swallows hard, “It didn’t do any damage.”
“That’s incredibly clever, my love.” You praise gently, as you stroke his hand. “What happened after?”
“I…uh…I took responsibility for disposing of your body,” Fox says quietly, “And so I took you and I ran.”
“But you’re hurt?”
“Imperial Guards,” He replies, and something grimly triumphant flickers across his face, “They won’t come after us again. Not when I killed six of Palpatine’s Imperial Guards. He won’t risk Vader against me, or himself.”
“So we’re home free?”
“Not just yet, but…” Fox runs his fingers through his curly hair, “We’ll be passing into Mandalorian territory within the next couple of days. Do you think you can sit up, ner kar’ta?”
Slowly, with Fox’s help, you sit up. Your chest twinges uncomfortably, but you’re not in active pain, which you’re sure to mention to Fox. Which does wonders to wash the guilt from his face.
He moves so his side is pressed against you, and his hands slide up to cup your face, and you close your eyes and lean into his touch, “What happens now?” You whisper, your eyes fluttering closed, as you relax against him.
“Now I take you home, introduce you to my family, and we go on a year long vacation where the only thing we have to worry about is getting you more sunblock.” Fox replies.
You smile, and slowly open your eyes, “That sounds perfect.”
“We deserve perfection, I think.” He says.
Your hands come up and you lightly cup his face, “Hey Fox,” You murmur, “Did you know that I love you?” You speak the words slowly and clearly, able to speak them outloud for the first time without having to worry about anyone hurting him.
He smiles and kisses your hands, “I love you too,” He whispers, “And no one is ever going to try and use you against me ever again.” Something dangerous glimmers in his eyes, and you believe him.
You smile at him, all warmth and love, “Good.” You whisper, and you pretend that you can’t hear the knives in your voice. No one would ever use him either. Never again. Not if you had a say in it.
His smile grows into a grin, and he leans in and kisses you, properly, for the first time, his hands sliding around and burying in your hair as he holds you like he’s wanted to for ages.
And you, thrilled to no longer have to hide in dim corridors and rooms that smell of iron and pain, press yourself as close to him as possible. This was all you’ve ever wanted in your life, and now that you have it, you’re going to hold it as tight as you can.
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january-summers · 7 months
Hmmm, what's new in Plot Bunny Land today?
Pre-series canon divergence where Epsilon's self-destruction left Wash in a vegetative state, his brain is completely intact physically, but it's a case of the lights are on and no one is home.
Not one to waste resources, Director decides to use Wash's empty brain to house Alpha instead of Private Jimmy. And Alpha creates a version of himself that blends what little is left of his own sense of self with the remnant memories of Agent Washington.
So Alpha wakes up in Blood Gulch convinced he's David Church, Dr Leonard Church's son and Agent Carolina's older brother and he worked for Project Freelancer in Command and oh god oh fuck oh NO, he's responsible for his sister's death. His father had him reassigned to the backwater Blood Gulch outpost as punishment because Alpha David is still his son but Director cannot even look at him right now.
(Worse, he thinks he got his sister killed because he was distracted by an affair/breakup with Agent Texas. Allison Beth, he calls her Beth, it's her middle name and she honestly preferred it and Allison was his mother's name.)
And Florida Butch Flowers thinks: good enough.
(There's still huge gaps, but Butch manages to convince him it's from brain damage when the MOI went down, so Church rolls with it.)
Except Wash isn't gone. He was just recovering.
Tucker has many concerns about his team, his CO is... certainly something, and he's convinced Church has a split personality disorder he doesn't seem aware of.
Church's ability to hit a target with a gun is inversely proportional to how much of a prick he's being. (or: Wash can hit his target, Church still cannot.)
Caboose likes Church. All of him. The nice-ish one and the mean one and the psychotic one. All Churches are good Churches and shall be his Best Friend. Yes.
(Wash is trying not to lose himself to the trauma Epsilon left behind, tries to cling to the outgoing and social person he was before, but sometimes he just really wants to do a violence. There's nothing wrong with that.)
Obviously Wash does not die by friendly fire, but he does maybe get severely injured which still prompts additional Freelancer backup.
Freelancer reactions start with "Oh, so this is where they hid Alpha" (for those in the know) to "Why does Church seems so familiar at times? ... HOLY FUCK WHAT DID THEY DO TO WASH?!?!"
Florida's survival is optional. Options are Optional.
(Ohhhh, Florida having Wash's emp unit in case of absolute emergencies.)
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hollersparrow · 2 months
just some 9-1-1 headcanons/plot bunnies
so i've kinda gone on a 9-1-1 deep dive that started out casual and rapidly turned into an obsession. a few things to note, i definitely think that buck and eddie have something (whether it's romantic or queerplatonic is up for grabs but there's something beyond friendship there and no one can convince me otherwise) and i am a strong subscriber to any tropes that strongly encourage found family/families so...make of that what you will
anyway, after binging all of the available episodes, i have several headcanons that i want to put out there (for some reason a lot of them are from season 5???)
ana realizing that there's more to eddie and buck's relationship than it seems in that scene from s5e2 when she brings christopher to the station. buck clocks that eddie has started panicking immediately and ana just like. *looks* at him for a few seconds in a way that just makes me think that this woman clocked that they have a deeper than normal connection to one another. that or she's heard about buck but obviously has never seen eddie and buck interact and is suddenly realizing exactly what people keep trying to tell her about
a buck/eddie-focused exploration of the aftermath of 'brawl in cell block 9-1-1'. buck freaking out once mitchell's been carted off to get his heart taken out and refusing to let eddie go anywhere while checking him for injuries, eddie having some uncomfortable realizations about just how affected buck was by the whole experience. personally, i feel that would lead to them actually talking about the sniper and all the mess that goes with it
lots of potential for temporary angst with eddie having a lot of big feelings about having failed as a husband in his marriage to shannon and not wanting to get married again b/c of it (thinks he doesn't deserve another shot at it? thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with him to where he can't? don't know how this would manifest exactly). personally, i see this eventually leading to him and buck realizing that they're more or less functionally married and they may as well reap some tax benefits from it but you can do whatever you want with that
buck goes to the funerals of many of the people who die on calls that he's a part of. it's mostly people that he directly worked on and he doesn't tend to tell anyone that he's a first responder that was involved (b/c of how devon's sister reacted in s1) but he does go to them.
kinda of tied to the headcanon above this but! buck getting adopted by a bunch of older queer folk following the deaths of mitchell and thomas in s2. he goes to the joint funeral that was planned for the two of them, in part b/c he wants/needs to and in part bc he accidentally took a few photos from the scrapbook from the scene (he shoved them in his pocket on instinct when thomas collapses). anyway, he shows up and the older queer community has rallied to show up at the funeral and they recognize him as someone who needs more found family and just adopt him into their ranks. i could see the 118 finding out about this soon after it happens or not until years later; maybe karen and hen finding out sooner than everyone else but buck asks them to keep it quiet?
s5e14 where jee-yun gets sick? what if it actually WAS leukemia and she somehow ends up needing some sort of donation (plasma? bone marrow? idk really anything about how cancer is treated). jee's put on a list and they start testing family members, none of whom work out until...buck. cue maddie not wanting to ask that of buck b/c of all the baggage that comes with daniel and the buckley parents are absolute assholes about it (along the lines of completely disregarding buck's autonomy as a human being in the face of their precious granddaughter being in trouble), maybe a chimney that isn't trying to be pushy about it but also just...can't help pushing a bit, a buck that so overwhelmed with everything that he's feeling that he goes off the rails a bit. obviously everything works out and buck donates or whatever needs to happen and jee-yun is completely fine b/c i don't actually want it to end badly
the entire 'buck's a sperm donor' family argument and maraget saying "you're a miracle baby yourself" made my fucking blood boil and i want to see a better exploration of the fallout of that statement b/c you just know that there was more to it than it just getting brushed off
buck telling maddie that he has a checklist that he goes through every time he wakes up post-coma in s6e12. chris and eddie being part of that list, where buck is just constantly checking up on them to make sure that they're still in LA (part of the reason why it's so easy for him to fall asleep/relax on the diaz couch or in their house in general). eddie doesn't notice the uptick in check-ins b/c he's too busy figuring out the least intrusive ways for him to check in on buck at all times b/c he NEEDS to know that buck is alive/breathing. once eddie notices though, he confronts buck about it
maddie asking buck to be her maid of honor for her wedding since hen is obviously going to have best man privileges. mostly just exploring the ridiculous that this brings up and everyone joking about buck in a dress (up to you whether he actually wears one to the wedding or not), but i have to include a side note that the buckley parents are dicks about it and have no sense of humour/fun
literally anything featuring athena being worried about buck as a maternal figure, i was so disappointed by her lack of interaction when buck was struck by lightning and, while i'm so fucking happy to have may acknowledging that buck is bobby's son too, we missed out on athena being devastated by the situation as well
there will probably be more of these to come at some point knowing myself.
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itsseohannbin · 4 months
• Like A Volcano | Part Two | •
Han Jisung Mini Series
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Series Masterlist
Chapter Genre: Fluff 💕Angst⚡️Crack💥
-Bestfriends to Lovers Trope-
Summary: being best friends with the kings of kpop always has its ups and downs, and when you're offered a spot on the next European-American book tour to promote the publishing of your new book, there's one kpop king in particular who just doesn't want you to go.
Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x Female Reader x Bestfriend Skz
** Includes two of my own original female characters, both whom are romantically involved with two of the members. Chan x Jo / Minho x Ash **
Warnings: angst. hurt. swearing. mentions of alcohol. mentions of marijuana use. implied intoxicated han jisung. harsh/vulgar language. yn's friends (jokingly) plot Han's death (i.e. homicide, staged accidental death, death by carbon monoxide, death by chloroform, premeditated murder). the boys do not use honorifics. best friend skz.
I think that's it. If I missed any, lmk!!
Word Count: 5.4k
**this chapter is unchanged**
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Walking out of Jisungs room that night was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. Not only were you turning your back on your one shot with the man you’ve been in love with for years, silently breaking his and your heart in the process, but you also now had to face the reality of what the hell had just happened as you returned to the living room where your friends were.
It seemed the rest of the party stragglers had all gone home and it was just your friends left, all of them now helping clean. Changbin and Jeongin were collecting empty cans and bottles and storing them back into the original boxes for easier discarding, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Ash were sweeping and mopping the floors clean of dumped food and spilled drinks, and Chan and Jo were tackling the mass amounts of red cups that littered the room. Minho was most likely cleaning his kitchen domain, as he got pretty upset any time the kitchen turned into a mess.
Felix’s spider-senses must’ve been going off because he was at the bottom of the stairs as soon as you had appeared, staring up at you in concern. You had done your best to wipe the mascara off your face as you rushed from Jisung's room, but based on the look Felix had, you knew you hadn’t done the greatest job of hiding your sadness.
“Bunny, what’s wrong?” he asked not so quietly, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and turn to look your way. You felt heat rush to your cheeks and you tried to swallow back the lump that still sat idly in your throat. 
How the hell were you supposed to explain what had just happened when you were still processing the events that had taken place in the last thirty minutes or so?
“Nothing Felix. I’m just really tired. I think I’m going to call it a night.” You settled with a tiny white lie.
Felix looked at you unconvincingly, but you paid him no mind as your eyes went searching for Jo. As soon as your eyes found hers, you sent her a look she knew all too well from the years of friendship you two had shared; one that practically screamed ‘get me the hell out of here’.
Instantly, she dropped her bag of garbage and discarded a stack of red cups onto the coffee table.
“I’ll drive you home!” She said, feigning cheerfulness. She knew something was wrong but none of the guys needed to know that. They didn’t need to know anything until the wheels of your plane left the ground the following day.
Ash, being the ever-observant friend she was, set her broom and dustpan aside and skipped over to you almost as cheerfully.
“Ou, She-Racha car ride? Count me in!”
Together, Jo and Ash gathered their things and slipped on their shoes when Minho suddenly appeared through the kitchen doorway with a half-eaten pudding cup in his hands. He glanced at his fiancée and Jo, confused as to what was going on.
“Are we going somewhere?” His gaze then landed on you and his face softened once he got a good look at you. “Y/n what’s going on? Where’s Jisung?”
Before you could open your mouth and feed Minho the same lie you told Felix, Jisung's voice echoed off the walls as he whipped his bedroom door open and shouted loudly down the hallway.
“Y/n wait!”
Upon hearing the desperation and anger in Jisung's voice, everyone’s eyes went from you to the top of the stairs where they expected Jisung to appear. You immediately hurried to the door where Jo and Ash were waiting, turning back to address Minho as you grabbed your things.
“Minho, please, do not let him come after me.”
Minho gave you a worried and confused look, but nodded nonetheless, knowing exactly what it was you needed from him. You only ever called him by his full name if it was urgent, and he picked up on that quirk of yours quickly. Ever since he and Ash had gotten together he’d become a lot more in tune with female emotions, and even though Jisung was one of his best friends, he obeyed you without hesitation.
Jisung appeared at the top of the stairs then, his hair messy as if he’d been pulling at it, his eyes angry but still drenched in tears. He saw you and immediately began descending the staircase two at a time, desperate for one last attempt to get you to stay, but Minho was quick to block his path. Without needing an explanation, Chan and Changbin instinctively jumped in and went to help as Minho struggled against Jisung's flailing figure.
Together, the three men managed to stop Jisung from reaching the bottom of the stairs while the remaining four stayed rooted in place, looking as freaked out and bewildered as anyone else in their position would’ve been.
You barely spared anyone a second glance before following Jo and Ash out of the house, slamming the door behind you.
And that was the last time you saw Jisung.
Even now, with all seven of the boys alongside Jo and Ash gathered around you at the airport to bid you one last farewell, Jisung didn’t show. You had laid awake practically all night, replaying the entire fight over and over again in your brain. A small part of you hoped against hope that he would show up despite it all and say goodbye, but he didn’t. 
You knew he wouldn’t. Not after you walked out on him the way you had.
Chan was furious at Jisung’s absence. He was currently standing a little ways away from the group, his phone pressed to his ear as he angrily left yet another voice message on Jisung's answering machine. 
According to the boys, after you and the girls left abruptly last night, and after the three older men fought Jisung's advances off, Jisung returned to his room as if he were a bull seeing red. He had quickly packed a bag of essentials and, before anyone could stop him, he left the house, swearing and cursing his members into hell for helping you escape. 
No one had seen him since, and based on the several messages each member had left on Jisung's phone, urging him to get to the airport before you had to board your plane, they hadn’t heard from him either. Felix and Hyunjin were worried about his lack of response, but the others were just pissed off at his behavior. 
“I swear to God Ji, if you don’t get to the airport in the next thirty minutes, I will personally disown you as my first child and then I’ll kick your ass. Call me back when you get this.” you heard Chan growl into his cell.
Jo was standing with you, her arms wrapped around your waist while yours slung around her shoulder in a half hug, your head resting on hers. She was smiling and laughing with Ash and the boys, but you could tell by the tension in her body that she was also listening in on Chan. No one had ever seen him this upset before, and it was unsettling for all of you.
A moment later, Chan hung up his phone again and returned to the rest of the group, scratching the back of his head in annoyance as he shoved his phone into his pocket.
“Based on the look on your face, I’m assuming he’s not coming?” Jo asked as Chan pushed his way through the circle to resume his spot behind her. He shook his head angrily, opening his mouth to begin the irate rant you all knew was coming, but Seungmin beat him to the punch, trying his best to brighten the mood with his usual level of sarcasm.
“Incredible!” he shouted as he began clapping obnoxiously, bringing everyone's attention to him. “Detective Jo has once again solved the case! The evidence was beyond us and yet, she somehow figured it out! I’m in awe.” 
You watched in amusement as Jo's eyes squinted as she glared at Seungmin with a smile on her face.
“I will fuck you up, Puppy.” Jo threatened as she detached herself from your side and stepped into Chan's embrace once more. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on her head, the anger in his features dissipating quickly.
Seungmin crossed his arms over his chest and flashed Jo a menacing grin. He loved being the only one brave enough to challenge Chan’s rules. Jo was off limits, but it didn’t seem to stop Seungmin from his relentless flirting. It’s like he was fueled by mischief.
“Good luck reaching me from down there, Little Miss Four-Foot Nothing.” He bantered. Jo’s eyes closed impossibly more as she tried to fight off a smirk that sat at her mouth.
“I’m 5’4, asshole.”
“Yikes. That’s still higher than your IQ, Seung.” Minho piped in, joining in on the fun. He had his arm protectively wrapped around Ash’s shoulders, but when Seungmin moved to kick him in the shin, Minho slid behind her in an attempt to hide, laughing maniacally.  
“I can’t fucking stand either of you.” Seungmin hid his laugh behind an annoyed exhale.
“Then kneel, dumbass.”
“Then kneel, dumbass.”
Both Jo and Minho spoke at the same time, resulting in everyone breaking out into laughter as the two of them high-fived each other in approval.
The stress that seemed to hang in the air at Jisung's clear absence was slowly being washed away with each chuckle, and you found yourself feeling so incredibly grateful for your friends.
“Why are you guys so mean to me?” Seungmin then fake pouted. Jo reached her hand up and ruffled his fluffy hair, pushing it out of his eyes.
“Cause I’m that much closer to hell than you are, Seung.” She responded sweetly. Everyone let out another laugh at her comment while Seungmin ducked out of her reach and playfully elbowed her in the ribs.
Ever since everyone arrived at the airport merely an hour ago, minus Jisung, you felt like your heart was just minutes away from stopping. Anxiety clawed through your insides like a feral cat trapped in a cage. Whether it was because of the obvious missing presence or simply just pre-tour jitters, you weren’t sure, but you expected the uneasiness to sink its teeth into you any second now, forcing an anxiety attack from your body. 
Thankfully, being surrounded by your friends, laughing and joking as if all was well helped ease some of the tightness in your chest, though only little by little.
That was until Minho’s phone began to ring noisily from his pocket, causing the tension to return to you in full force.
“Fucking finally,” Minho whispered once he caught a glance at the screen.
Everyone fell silent, the stress once again clouding the air like smoke.
“Is that him?” Felix questioned, a hopeful look in his eyes. Minho ignored him and swiped his thumb across the screen before shoving his phone to his ear.
“Jisung, where the fuck are you?”
Jisung could practically taste the fury that rolled off of Minho's tongue and into his ear. It made his chest tighten slightly, but he took a deep breath and willed himself to relax.
“I’m sorry Min. I’m not coming.”
“What do you mean you’re not coming?”
“I mean I’m not coming.”
An irritated breath left Minho’s mouth.
“Fuck off Jisung. I don’t know what the hell happened between you and y/n last night, and at this point, I don’t really care, but you need to get your ass here, now. Y/n’s plane leaves in no less than two hours. Put in your fucking tampon and come say goodbye.” Minho growled.
Jisung let out a sigh as he glanced around the hotel room he was staying in. His laptop sat open on the bed beside him, his anime currently paused. He made a point not to acknowledge the empty soju bottles that decorated the tabletop, or the bag of marijuana that sat half-opened on the nightstand beside him.
Why did his friends, his family, have to make this so difficult for him? 
All he wanted to do was forget.
Forget you. Forget your name. Forget your face. 
He wanted to forget the way your lips felt against his, even for that brief but magical moment you two shared; the way you whimpered and melted into his touch seconds before you ripped his heart out and stomped it into the carpet of his bedroom. 
He wanted to forget all of it. The kiss you shared, the fight that ensued, the look you gave him before you slammed the front door and left.
He wanted to forget, but more than anything else, he hoped to God that when he’d wake up from his intoxicated sleep, he’d remember.
He wanted to remember the way you smiled in awe as you listened to the song he made for you, eyes full of tears as they fluttered closed as if you could feel the emotion and love he poured into each lyric. He wanted to remember the way your body automatically responded to him when he leaned in to kiss you, as if kissing him was as natural to you as breathing. He wanted to remember how absolutely beautiful you looked as you yelled at him with mascara-stained tears.
He wanted to remember it all and he wanted to forget it all.
Jisung took a second to chug back the soju from his shot glass, setting the empty soju bottle next to the others before he responded to Minho, trying to ignore the sting of his friend's words.
“I’m sorry Min.” was all he could say. 
There was a second of silence before Ash’s calm and collected voice suddenly came through the phone. 
“Jisung, what’s going on?” she asked, her voice soft. Jisung nearly started to cry just from how warm and concerned she sounded. She always had been like an older sister to him, and her serene and tender attitude hit him like a bucket of ice-cold water. He loved the boys so much, but listening to the dozens of harsh messages they’d left him when he didn’t show up at the airport hurt him more than he cared to admit.
“I’m sorry Ash. I can’t.” Jisung didn’t think he had any tears left in him, but his eyes began to water as if he hadn’t cried in years. “I love her too much. I can’t let her go.”
Ash let out a sigh as she stepped away from the group of eyes staring expectantly at her, trying to get some privacy when she realized Jisung was crying.
“Ji, I know what happened last night.” She reassured him with a whisper. “Y/n told me everything. And I know it’s hard saying goodbye, but I don’t want you to regret this.”
“I can’t just let her run off with another man.” he scoffed.
“Ji, you know nobody wants you two together more than we do. Chan stopped trying to set her up with other guys years ago because he knows now that you two were absolutely made for each other. We all know that. Just because she’s going on tour with Seojun doesn’t mean she isn’t going to come home to you in a year and a half. You’re the one she loves, not him. You just have to let her figure it out for herself. And she will. She’ll always come home to you.”
“I don’t think so, Ash. Not this time. I fucked up.”
Ash let out a sigh at his words, running a hand through her hair.
“Come and say goodbye and you’ll see that you haven’t.” she tried.
The other end of the line was silent for a moment and she swore she got through to him. Jisung carefully absorbed her words, and for a second, he hoped she was right. But that thought was washed away just as quickly when the image of you walking out the door without a single regret flashed through his brain, causing him to let out an unexpected sob.
“I’m sorry,” Jisung whispered, his voice defeated and tired. “I can’t. Please, please don’t be mad at me.”
Another sigh left Ash's mouth and Jisung braced himself for the words he knew would come next.
“I’m not mad at you Ji. I’m disappointed. Despite everything that happened, we’re still a family, and this isn’t how we treat our family.” 
Even though he expected her answer almost word for word, it still hurt to hear her say. Being mad at him was one thing, but being disappointed in him and his actions made his heart ache impossibly more. 
He spent so much time trying to make everyone around him proud of everything he did and hearing Ash say those words did nothing but knock him down a few dozen pegs on his scale of confidence.
He pushed away another round of tears and took a deep breath before responding to her. 
“I’m sorry. I’m not coming.” 
And that was final.
Ash sensed the certainty in his tone and let out yet another heavy sigh, the disappointment more evident now than before. As much as they respected each other and understood each other, she knew better than to try and sway his decisions. He was a stubborn man, and when his heart was set on something, it was nearly impossible to change his mind.
Oh, the irony.
“Okay, I’ll let the gang know,” she whispered.
“Thank you.” Jisung breathed a sigh of relief, thankful she gave in so easily. He hated fighting against her.
“Don’t thank me,” Ash spoke up again, her voice now firm and authoritative, just like a scolding mother. “You’re not out of the woods yet Jisung. Just because I’m saying ‘okay’ doesn’t mean I’m happy about this. You still have to face Jo whenever you decide to come home.”
He wasn’t planning on coming home any time soon, but he didn’t say it, lest he let her down even more than he already seemed to have.
“I’m sorry.” he choked out one last time.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”
She was right, and he knew it, but he couldn’t bring himself to contact you. He wanted so badly to call you and say goodbye, to hear your voice one last time, but he knew it would only cause him more heartbreak if he did. Even though he swore to himself the day he met you that he would do absolutely anything for you, he couldn’t bring himself to do this.
Instead, he let Ash's words hang in the air for a few moments longer before another sob escaped his throat, causing him to say goodbye and hang up.
Ash shook her head and willed herself to breathe as the dial tone rang in her eardrums. 
“So?” Hyunjin prodded as she returned to the group. Everyone looked at her expectantly while she slid Minho’s phone back into the pocket of his jeans, but you already knew based on the way her shoulders slumped that her attempts to convince Jisung to come were helpless. “Is he on his way?”
Ash shook her head at Hyunjin and gave you a sad, guilty look.
“I’m sorry, Babe,” she whispered. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and plastered a smile on your face, trying to mask the hurt you felt. If anyone would’ve been able to convince him, it was her. You were thankful that she at least gave it a try. “S’okay. I didn’t really expect him to come after everything that happened. Thank you though for trying.”
“I’m gonna’ fucking kill him.” Jo then growled from beside you, her sudden outburst causing you to jump. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger as she shook her head in disgust. 
“Not if I kill him first.” Changbin piped in then, his jaw clenched in disbelief at his friend's behavior. He had his phone out in front of him and he was tapping relentlessly against the screen, no doubt sending yet another message to Jisung.
“I’m gonna’ help.” I.N decided, his tongue prodding his cheeks as he tried to hold back his frustration. “Binnie and I have watched enough true crime shows to know how to get away with homicide.”
“Don't you mean homie-side” Chan laughed, earning a glare from everybody else while he chuckled at his own joke. The pause was quick before everyone began plotting again, ignoring him and his old-man puns.
“Guys,” you rubbed the bridge of your nose as Jo and the boys began organizing what you hoped was nothing more than a hypothetical crime. With Jo, there was always the possibility of it being not-so. “Can we please just forget about it? We’re supposed to be saying goodbye, not plotting a murder.”
Your friends ignored you completely.
“You’re right." Jo then continued with a nod, her eyes burning holes into the floor as you saw the wheels practically spinning wildly in her mind. "We have to make it look like an accident.”
You sent Chan a look of desperation, to which he shrugged his shoulders and gave you a helpless look in return.
“Why are you looking at me? You know I have no control over them.” He tried to hide his smile behind a pathetic cough, no doubt reveling in the fact that for once in his life, he was not at the butt end of all the jokes.
You rolled your eyes and clenched your jaw in irritation as you glared at him before attempting to calm your friends down again.
“Guys, I think we’re overreacting a bit, yeah?” you tried.
“I’m thinking Carbon Monoxide in his sleep,” Seungmin stated, nodding his head in approval. The lack of emotion on his face had the hairs on your arms standing upright.
“I’m thinking we just chloroform the little bastard,” Minho suggested, his hands up, pretending like he was holding onto someone's head while he shoved an imaginary cloth into their non-existent face.
With that, you let out another sigh, louder this time, and rubbed at your temple. You gave Chan another look and winced when you saw his amused smile growing wider.
Thankfully, Ash caught on to your distress and spoke up quickly on your behalf.
Immediately, like little ducklings, everyone stopped talking and turned to look at her. She always stepped into the parental role when Chan couldn’t be bothered to, it was part of the platonic partnership they came up with when they were deemed as Mom and Dad of the group. The boys may not have always respected Chan, but they never failed to listen to and respect Ash.
“Can we please wait and discuss our premeditated murders until after y/n’s gone? I don’t think she wants to spend the last of her time with us being reminded of he who shall not be named.”
The boys and Jo muttered their apologies before they dove into other conversations with one another. You mouthed a ‘thank you’ Ash’s way before being roped into the conversation with them.
It didn’t take long for the time to fly by. One minute you were thanking Ash for stepping in and calming the kids down, and the next, the time had come. The boys were currently held up in a heated debate about Jo and her nickname for Innie when you reluctantly glanced up at the clock.
A sigh left your mouth. 
It was time to go through security and find your gate.
“Only Jo gets to call me Daddy Toast, you know that!” 
“I know it, but I’ll never understand it.”
“What does that even mean anyway?”
“See Hyune. This is why you’re the leader of Paboracha.”
“It means she thinks I’m hot!”
“I do not, Innie!”
“Okay, I do not approve of this conversation anymore.”
You let out a giggle as Chan let out his signature disappointed dad sigh, a hand running down his face as the kids began arguing again. He turned to look at you, his face now pleading.
“Please don’t leave me with these idiots.”
“You’ll be fine,” you reassured him with a smirk. The smirk quickly turned into a sad smile as you let out a breath. “I have to go now.”
Chan nodded before he clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention. He received a little more resistance than Ash had, but everyone was quick to shut up and listen. “Alright you heathens, it’s time to say goodbye to Bunny.” 
One by one, each of your friends stepped forward to give you one last hug goodbye. Hyunjin and Felix squished you into a HyunLix sandwich while planting friendly kisses all across your face, causing you to giggle and squeeze them against you. Changbin then impatiently pulled you from their arms and literally swept you off your feet, spinning you around easily as he crushed you with his biceps.
I.N and Minho both settled for ruffling your hair and patting your head before wrapping you in a half hug and squeezing you gently to show their affection. You were surprised to find Chan tear-free as he stepped from Jo’s side, a complete one-eighty from his drunken speech the night before. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head, smiling proudly.
“Go kick some worldwide ass,” he whispered as he rubbed his hands up your back soothingly, no doubt trying to help ease the tension he probably felt in your shoulders. The tears that were threatening to pool in your eyes suddenly appeared at the sound of his words, and you purposely wiped your tears on the fabric of his shirt. The sigh that left Chan’s mouth at your actions was funny enough to make you laugh but not enough to stop the sudden flow of water pouring from your eyes like a faucet.
“I’m going to miss you guys so much,” you whispered back as he planted a kiss on the top of your head and then let you go.
Seungmin was last, a giant pout on his lips as he stepped into your open arms.
“Please don’t forget about us, okay?” he asked dramatically, as if you weren't set to return to his side eighteen months from now. He sulked into your embrace, willing himself not to cry. You smiled through your own tears. 
“I could never forget about you, Pup.”
At that, a single tear fell down Seungmin's cheek. He quickly wiped it away with the sleeve of his oversized hoodie before flashing you a playful grin.
“I know that you’re with Seojun now and the old man gave me strict instructions not to kiss you anymore but-”
Before you could even protest, Seungmin dipped his head and kissed your cheek mischievously before folding you in his arms.
“- I don’t care what grandpa says. You know I live to break the rules, and if Seojun fucks up, I’ll break him.”
You nuzzled your face into his shoulder. Unlike Chan, Seungmin didn’t seem to mind the tears (and snot) that were staining his sweater. He just ran his hand through your messy hair and shushed you as you hiccupped.
“You’re a menace to society,” you whispered lovingly at him.
“I love you too Bunny,” Seungmin laughed before pulling away from you and holding you at arm's length. “No more crying okay? We don’t want the resident trash panda making a return before she’s due overseas.” His hands cupped your face, thumbs wiping at your cheeks softly as he bent and gave you his best smile. 
You snorted at his joke and smacked him lightly, trying to pull your face from his grasp while he laughed at your reaction. 
“I’m kidding Bunny. You are going to kill it out there. Seriously. You have all of us behind you. If you need us, call. Any time.”
You nodded and gave him one last tight bear hug in return before you took a deep breath and turned to face the two you were dreading saying goodbye to the most.
When you turned to the girls, the waterworks went into overdrive. Together, Ash and Jo came forward to hug you, their chins resting on each of your shoulders as your arms wrapped around them tightly.
“I’m so proud of you,” Jo whispered, hiccuping through her words.
“We’re so proud of you.” Ash corrected her, her hand running up and down your back. You gave both of them a gentle squeeze and willed yourself to stay like that for several moments as reality sunk in.
This was it. 
You were really doing this.
Never in a million years did you think you’d be saying goodbye to your friends and heading out on your own tour without them, yet here you were. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous as hell, thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong and then some. 
Who were you going to go to when you needed someone to proofread your next chapter if you couldn’t sneak into Ash’s or Seungmin's room and bother them? Who were you going to bribe into late-night ice cream dates when your mind turned to mush after staring at the screen all day if you couldn’t ask Changbin and Jisung? Who was going to sprawl out on the couch with you on your off days and watch K-dramas if it wasn’t Felix, I.N, or Minho? Who was going to talk trash about reality television with you if it wasn’t Hyunjin, Jo, and Chan? 
Your heart felt heavy.
Jo must’ve sensed it cause her hand came up to hold the back of your head as she pulled away and looked at you, tears washing down her face.
“We’ll facetime every chance we get, okay?”
You let out an unattractive snort.
“You don’t even use Apple, Jo.”
She rolled her eyes at you.
“Binnie and I stand by what we said about Samsung being superior.”
“Superior, my ass!” Felix called out from somewhere behind her. Jo twisted her head around and gave him a glare.
“Oi. You’re lucky I love you Lixie or I’d kick you off of The Freckled Friends Baking Show and have Binnie replace your apple-loving ass.”
Felix’s lip jutted out at Jo’s threat. 
“Binnie doesn’t even have freckles! You wouldn’t dare!”
Jo flipped him off with a smirk. “Watch me, bitch.”
Another round of arguing ensued then, this one about which cell phone brand was better, and you resisted the urge to join them. As much as you loved your friends and their chaotic antics, you needed to leave, no matter how badly you didn’t want to at that moment.
“I’ll keep you updated on Ji,” Ash whispered as she pulled away from you. You thanked her and finally stepped away from the group. With your carry-on in one hand and your purse in the other, you gave your friends one last nod, one last smile, one last awkward wave before you turned your back on them and headed towards the security line.
You couldn’t help but turn your head back every couple of minutes as you waited in line patiently. Every time you glanced back at your group, they were smiling and waving and cheering you on. You were surprised the lot of you hadn’t been kicked out of the airport already for causing such a commotion. 
You waved again when you reached the front of the line, the security guard taking your ticket and I.D. and instructing you to unload your belongings into the bins to go through the machine, which you did.
It took you no less than a couple minutes to get through security unscathed and gather your belongings on the other side. 
When you retrieved your phone from the basket you saw you had a couple unread messages from Felix. You smiled widely when you opened the messages to find Felix had sent you a handful of photos. A couple were of you heading towards the security line, while the rest of them were pictures of the group waving and blowing kisses goodbye.
You grinned and ran your hand through your hair as you stopped and glanced back up through the security gate. You had your hand raised and were bidding one final farewell to your group when a familiar figure caught your eye.
Lo and behold, standing a few feet in front of your group of friends, staring at you through the line of people was the man you were waiting for. Dressed in dark sweatpants, a darker hoodie, and a white backward cap, Han Jisung frowned at you as he waved goodbye.
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Part Two is here!!!!
God, I forgot how much I adored this mini-series! Re-reading now is making me so emotional and nostalgic.
Thank you all for returning for Part Two!!!
Prepare yourselves for Part Three, cause it's a sad one!!
See you all soon!
Taglist: @sungshineworld @collisvng @ihrtlix
If you want to be added to the taglist, lmk!!!
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lily292 · 1 year
Atticwife Pete
For @sweatyflytrap and @adanima who encouraged me to finally finish this plot bunny
Pete is high off the adrenaline of being free and knocking out Vegas. It really only takes him as far as the grave they dug for Khun Spikes. He gives up and sits with everything I love leaves me running through his head. But Vegas doesn’t love him. That’s the crux of the matter. Still, he thinks of Vegas pleading for him to stay as he took off the cuffs and he stays. He stays next to the grave and eventually becomes aware of Nop (which seems to be the accepted name for Vegas’ bodyguard though I don’t know where it came from) right next to him when Nop pokes him.
Nop: so, what’s the plan?
Pete: ???
Nop: Khun Vegas says I’m supposed to let you go if you want and make sure you make it there safely but you’re not leaving and he says you’re a person not a pet and won’t come get you.
Pete: *sniffles and sobs in the ensuing awkward silence*
Nop: he was making curry in case you come back?
This is a winning argument. Pete gets up and pads over to peer through the patio door. And there’s Vegas dishing food out onto plates. They make eye contact and Vegas takes a step forward. Pete takes one back. And Vegas just stops. Pete can’t hear anything through the glass door but Vegas’ face is desperate and pleading. Pete’s tired and hungry and his heart hurts. Cautiously, one eye on Vegas, he steps closer and closer and eventually opens the door. He pauses on the threshold.
Pete: are you going to tie me back up?
He’s not entirely sure he cares if the answer is yes. Vegas has fundamentally changed him. He’s not sure how to go on living without him. Still, he’ll feel infinitely better if Vegas wouldn’t chain him back up. (Just because he doesn’t particularly like going out, doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate the option)
But Vegas shakes his head frantically. He won’t chain him up or lock him up or anything as long as Pete stays, he promises. And so Pete comes within feeding distance. They eat. And after it’s over, Pete sags onto his chair. Vegas eyes him cautiously. “Pete” he looks up. “Please, don’t leave me.” And Pete doesn’t really have a plan to leave. He already tried and failed. Still, maybe if Vegas hurts him again, he can convince his brain that this is an option. “Why?” “Because I love you.” And Pete doesn’t believe him is the thing. Because Pete’s seen the people Vegas has left behind in his wake, desperate and broken, while Vegas just moved on to the next target. Still, Vegas begs and pleads and Pete is tired. He doesn’t believe him but Vegas swears he’ll prove it to him. So he lets Vegas lead him upstairs and they sleep, Vegas wrapped around him.
Or rather, Pete sleeps. Vegas is too afraid he’ll wake up and Pete will be gone to do anything but cling to him all night and think about how to keep him.
In the morning, they lay in bed looking at each other. “You know we can’t be together as long as your dads around right?” And Vegas does know. He’s spent most of the night listing all the reasons he should get rid of his dad. He’s mostly convinced himself and come up with a plan to deal with it to boot. Still, everything depends on Pete choosing to stay. And so, he begs and pleads until Pete acquiesces. They spend the day together, clingy and unsure but desperately in love with each other. Vegas doesn’t say it because Pete doesn’t believe him. Pete doesn’t say it because he doesn’t trust him and doesn’t want to give him that power.
In the morning, Vegas begs a kiss off Pete and leaves. And Pete curls up in their bed, huddling under blankets, ears pricked for a sign of his return. When he hears a car, he throws off the blankets and rushes downstairs only to find Nop. And Macau. Who is utterly befuddled.
Macau has no idea what’s going on. He woke up this morning, met his brother who was an utter mess and who asked him to be nice to the person he loved, and he was bundled into a car and sent away. And now he’s staring at the bodyguard who was stalking Vegas but then disappeared. He’s in rough shape and it’s pretty obvious what happened. Still, he’s never seen Vegas like that before. If his brother is in love with some bodyguard and wants him to be nice to him, he can try his best. At least this new guy can’t be as annoying as Tawan.
Nop explains that Vegas is planning to take out his dad and wanted Pete to keep himself and Macau safe and out of the way while he does it. And Pete believes him now. Because Vegas loved his brother. And he would never compromise Macau’s safety for a game. And so they stay at the safehouse. Pete lifelessly, not sure what he’s supposed to be doing other than waiting for Vegas and taking care of Macau. Macau is worried for his brother but also because Pete seems like a zombie. As more days pass without Vegas, Pete gets more worried. And starts making plans. If all else fails, he could probably hide Macau out with his grandma. No one would think to look for him there. Especially if Pete returns to the Main House after, claiming to have escaped Vegas. He wouldn’t be able to keep him in the lifestyle he’s undoubtedly used to but he would be safe. In a distant corner of his mind, he’s mentally howling, waiting for Vegas to come back. You tore open my heart, he wants to say, please don’t leave me to bleed.
Macau is not too worried honestly. The majority of the Minor Family is loyal to Vegas rather than his dad. Other than his dad’s personal guards, everyone prefers Vegas. Probably, he’s just working out the logistics of the coup and making sure everything’s settled before bringing them back.
Meanwhile in Bangkok, Vegas has managed to manipulate the evidence to condemn his dad rather than himself. He’s also managed to get the kitchen staff to poison his dad’s alcohol so that it looks like he realized the game was up and committed suicide rather than face the consequences. Kinn doesn’t believe it at all but there’s no proof and Korn insists that he let it go. For his part, without the attack, Korn can’t justify not letting Vegas inherit without endangering his benevolent family man image. So Vegas becomes head of the Minor Family. Tankhun is furious because he’s convinced Pete is dead and by this point, so is everyone else. Still, Pete was sent to spy and everyone knows what happens to spies. In the end, the only person who can be blamed is the one who sent him says Korn and absolves Vegas of guilt. Of course, Pete’s friends still blame Vegas but there’s nothing to be done.
Vegas, meanwhile, renovates his house. He pays an absurd amount of compensation if the builders can get the changes he wants done within a week. For triple the fee to the company and triple the pay for the individual workers, they’re motivated and they finish on time. Meanwhile, Vegas has been securing his hold on the Minor Family and pulling out of all the things he thought were bad investments. Most of which conflict with the Main Family.
Porsche, still angry over Pete, but desperate to figure out Korn’s connection to his parents seeks out Vegas. Vegas turns him down. He has his own family to protect, he explains. He’s already on thin ice with the Main Family and he’s not risking his family for Porsche. Porsche, unhappy, understands. Still, Vegas recognizes the lady in the picture on his dad’s desk and lets Porsche poke around in there. This is how Porsche finds out about his mom’s connection to the Theerapanyakuls and his parents’ death at Korn’s hands. He has no idea how to handle this when he gets news of Korn’s death. He sticks around lost for a few hours as he tries to recover his hazy memories.
Meanwhile, Vegas has been told construction is complete. And Korn’s death makes it the perfect time to bring back Pete while maintaining the illusion that he’s dead. Except you know. Porsche is having a breakdown in his house. Ugh. So he finds Porsche and makes up some bs about love that convinces Porsche to go support Kinn. And he waits.
It takes no time at all really for some other family to attack the Main House. When he hears the news, he grabs a car and goes to the safehouse.
Because a change in leadership is the perfect time to try making a power grab. If Gun had been alive, he wouldn’t have been the only one to try it, just the first to put it into action.
Pete, meanwhile, throws himself at Vegas and sobs out I love yous because Vegas could’ve died without knowing. Macau makes himself scarce and Vegas is getting teary eyed too because Pete loves him and is promising to stay.
Eventually, they reunite, Macau and Pete at the countertop, watching Vegas cook. Pete and Vegas can’t keep their eyes off each other though Vegas is telling them what’s been happening while Macau asks questions and Pete watches silently.
It’s after they eat that Vegas lays out his plan. He’s going to take Pete back to the Minor House. He’ll send a guard back for Macau whenever the attack on the Main House is over and claim that his absence was because he was stowing him away at a safe house.
Pete is torn. Because an attack on the Main House? Pete is loyal. But Khun Noo has Arm and Pol and all the other bodyguards and will surely be alright. And Pete may have been a prized bodyguard but in the end he was just a bodyguard. A tool. One more body to live and die for the family. Pete has only ever lived for others and the only person who’s really loved him has been his grandma.
But Vegas is willing to let him contact his grandma. And the part of Pete that wants to be loved is willing to let Vegas keep him hidden away like some precious treasure. And so Vegas smuggles Pete back into the Minor House. He’s had his secret rooms remodeled for Pete. Now, there’s a room that’s Vegas’ room. And in that room, there’s a secret way to open a hidden door to Pete’s room. Pete’s room has a balcony with a staircase that leads down to a small garden that’s been walled off. The whole thing has been constructed so that people wouldn’t notice that something was off without extremely careful scrutiny. He sits with Pete and they choose furniture together. Pete’s never had this much choice before. Vegas encourages him to actually pick things.
They’ve already planned out how they’re going to decorate the room and have things set for delivery when they hear the attack has failed. Also that Korn is alive. Pete is very offended by Korn’s abusive father behavior. But not enough to go back. Kinn has heard by now that Vegas was the one to encourage Porsche to go back and is willing to come to a tentative truce with Vegas as long as he toes the line. He’s too busy dealing with Korn’s bullshit and it’s continued effects on his relationship anyway. Macau is summoned back and he’s a little weirded out that Pete has decided to live in a room in his brothers room but decides to stay out of what they do in their bedroom(s).
Pete becomes the most open secret in the Minor Family House. Because he rarely leaves his room and never leaves the house but all the staff knows Khun Vegas keeps his wife locked up in his room. None of them know about the inner room because they’re not allowed in either room so they think Pete just lives in Vegas’ outer room.
But also, this is the one secret no one really cares about. People know what Khun Vegas will do to them if they dare mention his wife outside. And also it’s not really information that anyone will pay for. Pete is not a vulnerability to be exploited because he never leaves the house. He doesn’t even leave his room most days. Not even if Vegas is out. If that’s the case, Macau takes food up for him. No one else is allowed in and people think they’ll be caught if they try to sneak into Vegas’ room for information because he has a live in wife.
People aren’t even sure what Pete knows. For all they know, it’s just another plaything who’s become obsessed with Khun Vegas, only this time Khun Vegas decided he might be useful and decided to keep him. Does he get told confidential information? Is it even a vulnerability or is it just Khun Vegas maintaining the illusion to keep him brainwashed? No one knows.
What they do know is that he’s to be treated as the de facto mistress of the house. Macau defers to him but also is known to play along to most of Vegas’ schemes so who knows. The revolving door to Vegas’ bedroom has become blocked off but that was always a bit of a security leak anyway. And maybe Khun Vegas is growing up and settling down.
And this is how Pete becomes Vegas’ attic wife who lives in a secret room in Vegas’ bedroom.
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seangelfish · 11 months
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Matching keychains
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Ramuda Amemura x Reader
Genre/s: Angst (no comfort)
Word count: 2,788
Plot/Summary: This feeling has always been lingering in the back of his mind, but he knew that this can't last forever. Despite loving you for so long, he finally decides to let you go.
A/N: I recommend you listen to the instrumental of Buster Bros' Re:start whilst reading this as I was listening to it whilst writing this and honestly, it made the angst 10x worse! I might continue this fic because I actually really like it, and I love Ramuda so why not?
[I love Hypmic so much and I've always wanted to write fics surrounding the franchise, but I'm still pretty new to it, so please bare with me on how I portray these characters. I'm trying my hardest to make these accurate to the character as possible. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy reading!]
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There was something important that you needed to get done today and it involved you visiting the most popular toy shop in Shibuya. This city was known for its shopping let alone its vast entertainment, fashion, and restaurants, so this task was bound to be easy for you!
You stepped inside the building in awe at the wide range of plushies. They ranged from big to small, from animals to people to even little accessories for them as well! You were already tempted to get something for yourself, but that wasn't the reason why you were here.
You wondered around the shop trying to find a specific item in stock. It was extremely crowded, so you ended up bumping into a lot of other customers.
Hmm, where could it be? you thought to yourself, already overwhelmed. It should be here...!
Thankfully, a shop assistant caught your eye and helped you find the item that you were looking for. Once you were shown the selection of plushie keychains, your worries disappeared just like that. You thanked the worker profusely.
You giggled to yourself as you picked up the two matching bunny keychains. One was pink whilst the other one was white. Both bunnies were wearing bows of the other's colour. It was so cute!
"Ramuda would love this!" you chirped.
Yes, the sole reason you came to this particular area was to buy a little gift for your boyfriend, Ramuda. You saw the two plushies advertised on your Twitter feed and instantly thought of him. You thought it would be so cute to have matching keychains with the love of your life!
You exited the store happily with the plushies you just bought. You can't wait to surprise Ramuda with them, and it was a perfect day to do so because he had asked you to meet up with him this evening.
"I wonder what he has planned for us tonight~" you wondered excitedly.
In his shop, Ramuda was anxiously scribbling in his sketchbook, thinking of ideas on what new clothes to design but to no avail because all he could think about was you.
The page he was currently working on was now filled with messy, indescribable pencil scratches. Whatever he was doodling wasn't pretty and he knew of it. He just wanted to rip everything out, destroy everything until these feelings of his were no more.
"Are you okay?" asked Gentarou, looking at Ramuda's sketches from behind his shoulder.
And as on cue, Ramuda immediately slammed his sketchbook shut and answered cheerfully, "I'm A-OK! I'm just having art block at the moment! Nothing too serious. I'll try again later~!"
Gentarou didn't believe a second of it, but shrugged it off.
"Just so you know," Gentarou began. "You can always tell–"
Ramuda cut him off. "I'm alright," he said slowly.
He jumped up from his seat to give his usual little twirl.
"Well, I'm off to see (Y/N) now~!" he exclaimed. "She's waiting for me, so I have to be there quick! I'll be back, so you don't need to close the shop. See you later~!"
Gentarou watched his friend skip out of the shop hurriedly. Once he was gone, Dice entered.
"I just saw Ramuda run out," he stated. "He wasn't looking too good. Is he okay?"
Gentarou merely shook his head.
You idled around the park, taking in the cool breeze and the amber sunset above. It truly was a beautiful evening and you couldn't wait to spend it with Ramuda.
A thought popped into your head. You should take a picture of the plushies you bought today with the sunset in the background!
You placed the two bunnies down on one of the park's benches, positioning them together as if they were holding hands. You giggled to yourself at how embarrassing this was, but it was such a cute idea! You were thankful that the park was empty at this time.
You quickly snapped a picture and to your satisfaction, it was the most beautiful picture of a sunset you have ever taken. You couldn't wait to post this on your Instagram page with your lover tagged!
You could hear faint footsteps running towards you. Shoving the plushies back into your bag before Ramuda could see them, you turned around to greet your boyfriend with the brightest smile on your face.
His pace slowed down as he stopped a few metres away from you. Seeing you smile at him like that made his heart ache. He would usually match your expression, but this time, he returned your smile with a look of such emptiness that it just wasn’t hard to miss.
Your smile faded away quickly.
"Ramuda... are you okay...?"
The distance between you two was unbearable, but you knew that you weren’t permitted to cross the invisible barrier Ramuda was holding up. So, you stayed stuck to your spot, and he did too.
“(Y/N),” he repeated, but with sadness to his tone. “Remember when you asked me where my parents were… or what my childhood was like?”
You didn’t know where he was going with this.
He continued, “…or which high school I attended? Who I was before I became a fashion designer? Before The Dirty Dawg? …But I didn’t answer any of it?”
You stared at him. He wasn't the Ramuda you were used to seeing everyday. His demeanour was completely different, but it wasn't too much of a surprise to you. Sometimes, you'd catch glimpses of this other personality, but you doubt he'd ever catch you noticing it.
“…I had none of what you had, none of what the average person has had in their lives. You could even say that I did not even have a life before any of this. You may not believe me, (Y/N), but what I’m going to tell you from this point on is the truth. Unfortunately, I can’t give you too many details as it’s not in my right.”
He watched your expression, the confusion and worry on your face. You wanted to ask him why he was bringing this up now, but you continued to stay in your spot, awaiting his explanation.
As he stated before, he didn’t bring up too many details. Though, he confessed that the personality he presented to others including you was all made up – a lie. He mentioned that he wasn’t the ‘real Ramuda’ and that he could never be the real one. He told you that he merely exists for someone else, not himself, and if he were to disobey them, he would be killed. He described himself as ‘defective’ as if he was a product. He revealed why he was a massive sweet tooth as the lollipops helped him to continue living.
“And that’s why… we should break up,” he said finally. “I’m just going to cause you trouble if I continue to be with you.”
You were speechless. It was so much to take in. He had finally told you about his background, but now he was suggesting that you two should break up. You didn’t know what to say, but all you wanted to do in that moment was to touch him.
“So please–” he began.
You pulled him in, letting his chin rest on your shoulder as your other hand held his head gently. It was getting hard to breathe as tears streamed down your face. Ramuda was frozen, his eyes showing nothing but perplexity.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that all on your own," you whispered. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t too attentive or if I wasn’t there for you.”
Ramuda chuckled with some sort of annoyance.
“It’s not your fault, (Y/N). You were always there for me; I just never made those feelings known. But we need to end things now. You can never truly be happy with me for who I am and what I will have to deal with in the future. Things will get too complicated and not only will it hurt you but me as well.”
Even when he was saying all of that, his arms couldn’t help but hug you back. He couldn’t stop himself from shedding a few tears. Why did you believe him so easily? Why did you trust him so much? Why do you still care about him even after confessing that his whole character was fake?
And as if you were reading his mind, you replied, “I don’t want to end things with you. I don’t care about who you were, I just care about who you are right now… even… even if it’s a lie. I don’t care. I know how kind and passionate you are. We can easily overcome these obstacles, can we not?"
Ramuda was silent, pulling away from your embrace. He shook his head and looked at you sadly.
“(Y/N), I’m going to let you go, and so should you. This is my final decision.”
He smirked. “I’m not going to lie though, I really do love you, and it sucks because I’m going to keep loving you.”
He shook his head, interrupting you. “But we can’t keep doing this. I can’t risk you getting involved and I can’t keep you from being in a better relationship. You can’t be happy with me. So, go find yourself a better man; someone that will always make you feel safe and happy… like Ichiro or something.”
Before you started dating Ramuda, you were close friends with Ichiro. This was during The Dirty Dawg days where the leaders of each division were grouped together. Your friendship with Ichiro was genuine and he was so lovely towards you. You would always laugh with him and shared each other’s stories. People often caught you together by the lake watching the sunset.
Ramuda always felt guilty that he robbed you off a beautiful relationship with Ichiro. But despite knowing your mutual feelings, he still shoved his way through the bubble you and Ichiro had together. He did all he can to pop that little bubble of yours, he’d butt into your conversations whenever he got the chance. He didn’t care whether you liked Ichiro or if Ichiro liked you back, he just wanted you to be his. He liked you too after all! And eventually, with all his attempts of breaking you two up, he succeeded.
“What?! Why are you saying that?!” you cried. "Why would you tell me to go find another lover when all I want is you?! My feelings for Ichiro are in the past now! I don't want him, I just want YOU. Why is this so difficult to understand that I don't care about who you are?!"
“(Y/N), stop!” he shouted. “I’m not going to change my mind!”
He was crying. He was crying as much as you now.
“If I didn’t get in between you two, you would’ve been in a happier relationship. You wouldn’t need to worry about me or the troubles I will cause. You wouldn’t need to worry about where he is or what he’s doing unlike me! He’s genuine and he’s real. He’s probably everything you’ve been looking for in me!” he said as he choked on his words. “I’m sorry for doing that to you two. I should’ve ignored you back then so you wouldn’t need to hear me say all this stuff now.”
The tears in your eyes wouldn't stop flowing, but you were also getting fed up with him. You just wanted to reason with him. You didn’t want to end things like this, not now and not ever.
“I said I don’t care!” you yelled. “Ramuda, I just want to be with you! I will only ever love you!”
Ramuda was stunned at your words, but he laughed even with the tears gushing down his face. He cupped your face with both of his hands and kissed you softly – his last kiss to you.
“Ah, (Y/N), I’m really going to miss you,” he croaked. “I… I really am going to m-miss you…”
"Ramuda, please..."
"It's time for you to forget me, okay?"
How did such a beautiful day turn into something so sad? You just wanted to give him your matching keychains…
He whipped out some sort of device – a hypnosis mic? – and sang something. There was no time to react as everything became a blur. You tried calling out his name once again, but the last image you had of him was of him smiling at you with the glassiest eyes you have ever seen.
A few months from now...
There would be times you would feel some sense of melancholy in the air. That feeling would happen whenever you'd enter a particular shop or area, but you never knew why you felt that way.
Ramuda lived his life as usual. Before he took you home, he erased everything of his existence from your phone, computer, and physical photo albums – anything he could get his hands on. It pained him that he had to do this, but he wanted you to start anew. He hoped that you were still able to fall in love with Ichiro again even if it will hurt him.
"And done!" said Ramuda, finishing off his sketches. "It's perfect. The ladies would love this collection~!"
"Oh, you’re finally done?” Dice said as he munched on his lunch Gentarou paid for. “That was fast.”
Ramuda giggled. He was proud of himself for completing such a task. He couldn't wait to see how the final product will turn out.
"Oh, by the way," he started. "We're going to participate in the Division Rap Battle next week, so be ready~!"
You were convinced by your co-workers to watch the DRB with them after work, so you decided to clean your photo storage. You liked taking pictures whenever you’d attend concerts after all!
As you were going through all your photos, you stumbled upon a photo you didn’t remember taking. It was a photo of two bunny plushies sitting on a bench in front of a beautiful amber sunset; a pink and white bunny who looked like they were holding hands.
"I didn't know I had plushies like that..." you said slowly.
You got up and looked around your room for those plushies. As a result, you made a huge mess, but you were just happy you found one of them. It was the pink bunny with a white bow. However, you couldn’t find the white bunny anywhere, and you searched everywhere for it.
"Weird," you commented, looking at the pink bunny. "When did I buy this again?"
It was fluffy and soft, and the feeling of melancholy washed over you once again. You still didn’t understand why you keep getting that feeling. You shrugged it off like you always did.
Attaching the pink bunny keychain to your bag, you left the house to meet up with your co-workers to get to the stadium.
The stadium was packed. The girls around you were squealing over a particular figure, Ramuda Amemura, who was currently rapping against Matenro.
You haven’t seen Ramuda in a while despite living in the same city. You were good friends with him when The Dirty Dawg was still around, but after they disbanded, you two never kept in touch. He slowly became distant with you which kind of annoyed you because you had heard from the others how he still kept in touch with Ichiro and Samatoki.
You would see him a lot on social media though. He was super popular with the girls, and he had the best fashion sense that was to your taste. You even purchased some of his pieces online.
He was now active in Fling Posse and his raps were as brilliant as they were before. He seemed more energetic too.
You watched him from the seats attentively as the girls around you cheered him on. But you were extremely confused because as Fling Posse lost against Matenro and was ushered to leave the stage, you spotted it – the white bunny keychain, the same one in the picture that matched your pink bunny keychain you currently had hung on your bag. Ramuda had the bunny attached to his hoodie.
And yet you still didn’t understand why this sense of melancholy came back to you, tugging on your heart strings even more than ever. Even when your eyes locked with Ramuda’s for just a second, even when your eyes began to water, you still didn’t understand why you were feeling this way.
For some reason, you just wanted to chase after him and hold him tight, but all you could really do was watch him smile at the crowd and walk away.
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