#mafia crime
nsifka · 12 days
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The Road to Heaven
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froody · 5 months
The Italian restaurant in my mom’s hometown WAS definitely a mob front. The owner briefly served in the Italian military, immigrated to America in his twenties back in the early 70s, mysteriously had enough money to open a chain of Italian restaurants and was convicted for trafficking cocaine across the Virginia/West Virginia area and spent 15 years in prison.
My mom had worked as a waitress at the place while she was a teenager and throughout her 20s and she realized that when she was sent to the restaurant’s sister location in West Virginia in a mysteriously packed car by her mysteriously nice boss, it probably wasn’t pizza ingredients she was hauling. It was the 80s. She was a tiny, very naive, conventionally attractive church girl with no criminal record so she was the perfect unwitting drug mule.
The thing was, this restaurant and the man who operated it were locally loved. Beyond large scale organized cocaine trafficking, food was his other passion. Everyone waited anxiously for him to get out of prison and when he did this guy started a crusade against the corrupt local sheriff’s office. He started doing anti-police brutality advocacy work WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Donating to local families who had been victims and participating in local drives and awareness campaigns.
Made men usually do local charity work but the balls on this guy to take up sword and spear against shitty corrupt ineffectual law enforcement. Incredible. One thing about Appalachians is that we hate the cops and we love social agitators. This guy lived a long eventful life and died recently of natural causes and the overwhelming outpouring of love for him on Facebook was incredible, a uniting force that the town had not seen in decades, everybody was sharing their favorite stories about him and I’m sure local law enforcement was fuming.
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why did you people come up with russian names for what is supposed to be a movie set in italy. what was the thought process here. why does she sound like she walked out of a tolstoy novel
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Danny wasn't sure what to do. Was this legal? He knew the bats were part of the Justice League and whatnot but surely they can't just pick him up off the street after he got into a brawl with some creeps trying to mug him!
Sure, Nightwing had jumped down to help and Danny, still in his living form with its crappy human vision, thought he was another mugger because of the dark and attacked him too.
Now he's sitting in the back seat of the batmobile with his hands in wierd bat handcuffs.
Was everything these guys owned bat themed? Yeah his parents put there last name in all the titles of their inventions but they had a brand to sell so it was excusable. Batman however, is clearly living out his bat shaped dreams. Usually Danny was all for the furrys doing thier thing, one of his best friends was a proud furry and Danny 100% supported him, but there was a line you don't cross and tall dark and fuzzy crossed it when he kidnaped one 14 year old Danny Fenton.
He couldn't Go Ghost right in front of Batman and Nightwing but he could use the one thing his mom made him take with him everywhere since he was a little boy.
His panic button.
It was powered by ectoplasm and could get through signal jammer with no problem. If he pressed the button his parents would drop everything to come save him. They made sure to put little sirens and flashing lights in thier own hazmat suits to make sure they didn't accidentally miss it. Sure they looked hilarious the few times he had seen it go off in his life but it was highly effective.
So he pushed the button and his parents were charging torward them in record time, the GAV playing chicken with the freaking batmobile. Suddenly his mothers voice came from the panic button, "Are you in the front of back, sweetie?"
"I, uh." He stuttered, looking up at the shocked face of Nightwing before answering, "The back."
"Perfect." He mother said darkly.
A trio of high mechanical whines filled the air and Danny didn't need to look through the windshield to know the buzz saws were out.
Bruce just wanted to know why Danny Fenton, youngest of the Fenton Family and son of Jack Fenton and Madeline Walker, two people whose marriage brokered peace between thier prospective mafia syndicate families, was doing in Gotham beating up low level thugs.
He was not expecting overprotective mad scientist parents.
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bruciemilf · 3 months
hiii ily tell some more abt silly little bruce wayne
Baby Bruce gets kidnapped. A lot
Luckily for all involved, it happens when he’s a little too young to comprehend what kidnapping IS. It does seem rather odd that mama and papa fire cooks, gardeners, and drivers so often.
(‘Fire’ is the childproof version of ‘we slaughtered these bastards in the basement’)
Thomas is very protective over him and has huge doubts about leaving him unattended. It’s just kind of hard being around your child when you reek of murder all the time
Alfred can handle it, but there’s a collective mourning in the fact that he HAS to.
Very shy kid; Aside from Oliver and Harvey, he never made a lot of friends, but then again, his parents don’t have that many either. He has his uncle Oz and his stuffed toys, and Alfie, and that’s alright with him
I think Thomas and Martha would love for him to have some, but you just can’t be too sure, ever
I think he’d make good friends with Alberto Falcone; Thomas knows an unwanted child when he sees one, so Carmine’s little son is always welcomed around.
“you know, you’re nothing like your dad” for Alberto, that’s a compliment.
Martha was an expert marksman and definitely thought him how to handle guns, but she always made a game out of it. Can’t be too harsh with the baby
Bruce was a mafioso baby let’s be real
Thomas was big on spoiling him, but he also made it clear Gotham didn’t have favorites; She can, thought, pick sides sometimes.
After he and Martha get killed, Bruce wonders why she didn’t pick theirs.
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mackerel22 · 7 months
Ango: They say partners can never be just friends. It's always sexual.
Dazai: *scoffs* That's dumb. Look at me and Chuuya. There's nothing sexual between us.
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evilkaeya · 4 months
Personally I don't think Dazai would appreciate us saying "he didn't do anything wrong ever!" about him. He worked hard on those crimes you know.
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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Hire Pacino or DeNiro this would make a fun film premise.
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vicsy · 7 months
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Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll for Boss.
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dumbfucksystem · 2 months
imagine if the shen family was actually a part of the mafia. and shen yuan just never knew.
like his Family is rich and they are all super close. he’s even in contact with some of his distant relatives pretty often, which is kinda cool for him, he’s sure that this isn’t the case for most families so he considers himself lucky to know the extent of his family tree. sure, some of them seem to have lost a marble or two but what family doesn’t have a couple oddballs in their midst, you know?
and its not just sy’s comical obliviousness that contributes to this. his family is well aware that sy is not suited for this life style- especially his siblings. they grew up watching him get himself into all sorts of weird situations and putting himself at a disadvantage simply because he’s too nice. he can try and deny it all he wants (just like how he denies he’s gay- c’mon sy everyone can tell you are not straight) but his sense of justice would only burden him if he were to work for the Family. not to mention his sense of self preservation is absolute shit and they don’t want to have to babysit him his whole life- and he probably doesn’t want that either!
so they send him off to college, help him find an apartment, and basically do everything they can to help him start off on his own, away from the Family. his siblings had to do a whole lot of convincing to let this happen btw- this kind of thing usually isn’t allowed, but sy doesn’t know anything that could be used against the Family, so they make an exception in his case. better for them to not have a deadweight sticking around either is what they say but they all dote on him anyways and refuse to admit they care about him. sy definitely picked up this line of reasoning from them btw.
shen yuan is a little upset and confused that his Family seems eager to send him off (it’s not like they can’t afford for him to live with them after all- both of his older brothers still live in the Family’s massive house and even his aunts and uncles are living there??). he manages to recover quickly though. at least now he can read his web novels in piece without prompting any dick jokes (his cousins had a field day when they found his account with all of his pidw comments…). now he just needs to figure out how to live by himself.
it’s not that sy is incapable of taking care of himself- it’s just that he’s so used to having other people with him that he never understood how much they were doing for him until they were no longer around. but that’s fine, living on your own is just another learning curve and sy is willing to rise up to the challenge. which he did, by the way! he found a job and pays his taxes and even though that isn’t much he still gives himself a mental pat on the back for it. he is still in contact with his siblings, he never misses an update for pidw which he totally doesn’t get excited for and his life is going great.
……until he accidentally eats some expired food and dies.
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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Mafia Presence Index in Italy. At municipal level, 2000–2015
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ssaraexposs · 4 months
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They literally invented the "BE GAY, DO CRIMES"
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save-the-data · 2 months
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HIStory3: Trapped | S03E06
Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | Netflix | WeTV | Tencent | Prime | Catalogue
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revivalrequiem · 5 months
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# mafia/gambler themed ✮
created with bsd angels in mind (?). free to use, credit if reposting and using for edits requests.
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