pazzesco · 7 months
Jefas Bonita
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Zapotec women call themselves Tehuanas. The Zapotec civilization was an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization. Tehuantepec is the center of Zapotec culture. In Tehuantepec women are the heads of households, control the purse and represent the community to outsiders. To this day the women rule the roost in their matriarchal society where women used to hold exclusive trading rights and still dominate the in-town markets. The business acumen of the Zapotec women is respected today and was widely celebrated in 19th century writings.
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The Tehuanas are also known for their traditional dress, full skirts, artisanal embroidered blouses and florid hairstyles. adopted by the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.
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cowgirlgirl2002 · 1 year
A woman carried us as an egg since fetal development, created us decades later still was creating our bodies within every cell and bone in her body, carried us and went to through toils, pain and hardship of labor and childbirth to give us life for days and months yet we had been given a man’s name and we live in a patriarchal society.
Make it make sense
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
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Laundry wisdom as taught to me by the matriarchy of my family. (Mostly Mom)
1. Use three clothes pins for every two pieces of clothing (overlap ends)
2. Shirts by the tail
3. Pants by the cuff
4. Like clothes together
5. “Unmentionables” in back behind blankets and towels to hide them
6. Socks in matched pairs by the cuffs
And most importantly!
7. Always bring in the clothes pins. Never leave them on the line or in the holder out in the elements.
Feel free to add your wisdom, tips and tricks. Laundry on a line is one of the easiest ways to save energy.
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educationaldm · 7 months
What would a Matriarchal society look like? Article by @worldanvil. We've seen R.A.Salvatore write Lloth's Menzoberranzan in the Drizzt novels, and then there's the Barbie movie...
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greentempleblog · 3 months
Morning Prayer
As the dawn returns, I greet the day gratefully. Liva, in your magnificent world of life, you grant me another day to witness your wonders. In every sunrise, in the rustle of leaves, in the roaring of rivers, your beauty and power are ever evident.
I am a humble part of your creation, a small piece of you made manifest in the grand circle of life. With each breath of your air, each step on your sacred soil, I am reminded of the blessings of existence. It is my duty to cherish and honour you, and to live in harmony with your rhythms.
Liva, I thank you for letting me rise again, and for the life that flows around me and through me. In your love I find peace, in your presence I find connection, and the true essence of being. You are the eternal force. You have always been here and will always be here. Through your power, I am made whole and balanced and brave
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magdalene-spirit · 1 year
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“…Narendranath Bhattcharyya… argued that there is an archaic matriarchal substratum beneath all the religions of India, the Middle East, and most of the ancient world (which is rooted in a form of se7ual magic)…., the ancient goddess cults of Cybele, Isis, Ashtarte, and the Indian mother goddesses are rooted in ‘primitive se7 rites based on the magical association of natural and human fertility.’” Hugh Urban Magia Se7ualis
“…Narendranath Bhattcharyya… argued that there is an archaic matriarchal substratum beneath all the religions of India, the Middle East, and most of the ancient world (which is rooted in a form of sexual magic)…., the ancient goddess cults of Cybele, Isis, Ashtarte, and the Indian mother goddesses are rooted in ‘primitive sex rites based on the magical association of natural and human fertility.’” Hugh Urban Magia Sexualis
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bloodweave · 1 year
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kstinebrla · 2 years
The World Was Not Always Patriarchal; Pre-hispanic Philippines' Matriarchy
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When I read accounts of the past, the first thing that comes to mind is that men ruled. Men have the final say on everything. Men are in control, or so? For the rest of the world, it may be yes, but for the pre-hispanic Filipino people, patriarchy was not always the thing. Women and men were treated equally; men respected women; women had their own stand in the community; women's roles were not limited to giving birth alone or serving men in their homes; women did far more than what was expected of them.  The way women were treated during the pre-Hispanic period paved the way for the rights of women today. They played critical roles both inside and outside the organization. Before it was even colonized, women were already active in business, politics, and even religion. In Volume 2 of the Kasaysayan series, families during the precolonial period were much more eager for the birth of a daughter than a son. This is due to the fact that during marriage, grooms give dowries to parents and relatives of the bride as a form of compensation for her loss. The groom is expected to work for the family before marriage. After marriage, Filipino women retained their names and the husband's usually took the bride's name if she came from a family with large connections and merits. Pre-hispanic Filipinos have so-called binukot, a practice that secludes a young woman from her parents at the age of 3 or 4, where no man is allowed to see her until she is ready for marriage at the age of 13 or 14, when she is treated as a princess. Binukots belonged to the elite class and were esteemed as equal to the rank of the datu, or ruler, for they were desired by the datus as their wives. Datus held the highest power in the community, but, of course, one cannot rule out the existence of female datus. The Babaylans (Visayans) and Catalonans (Tagalog) are the only people who can compete with the datus' power. The reason why babaylans were highly esteemed is due to their ability to negate the dark magic of the datus, heal the sick, ensure a safe pregnancy and child birth, and lead rituals with offerings to the various divinities. This social order came to an end when the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards.
Philippines Prehistoric Culture - Philippine History - Pinoy Edition. (n.d.). Www.pinoyedition.com. Retrieved September 10, 2022, from https://www.pinoyedition.com/history/philippines-prehistoric-culture/
BINUKOT: Women Secluded and Veiled in Philippine History • THE ASWANG PROJECT. (2017, December 8). THE ASWANG PROJECT. https://www.aswangproject.com/binukot/
LIMOS , M. (2019, March 18). The Fall of the Babaylan. Esquire. Retrieved September 10, 2022, from https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/features/the-fall-of-the-babaylan-a2017-20190318
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tides-of-truth · 2 years
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Step into the holy Now
The time of the holy Mother
Where what happens is cyclic
Everything has a rhythm & flow
Nothing is pushed into existence
When we believe in clock time
We push and we force
But in circular time
The now and the mother
The process of birth is allowed
That what needs to come into form
Will do so when the time is right
So we live a natural life
In rhythm
With the tides
And the seasons
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eponastory · 6 months
And I'm up at 3:30 in the morning thanks to the poltergeist in my parents' house.
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No... not like the movie, but things have been falling off the shelf in the craft room for the past hour or so. I'm ready to go back to my little witch hut (I live in a little cabin on the property) and not have to be woken up every night by something being thrown at me.
This poltergeist has been around since before we ever moved here. We first started noticing things about a month after we moved here. Things would go missing, and we started hearing bangs from the attic. Turns out it was the attic door opening and shutting. I found my other set of car keys up there. I have no idea how because they were always on the key rack by the door in case I lock my other set in the car (it happens to me all the time 😩 I am notorious for locking my keys in my car). But yeah, we've been living in peace with each other. Cabinet doors open on their own. We've woken up to every singe cabinet open in the house. Drawers open on their own. Things go flying thru the air sometimes, but no one has ever gotten hurt. It's just annoying.
I've smudged the house numerous times, even going as far as doing a few cleansing rituals. The ghost does not care. It doesn't get angry. It just keeps on doing what it's doing. After a couple of years, we just decided to come to an agreement with each other.
It can stay as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. And it hasnt.
Since all of my aunts and uncle have passed away in the last five years, my mom and I have been seeing more shadow people coming in and out.
We are indigenous (Chittimatcha), so we have heavy beliefs in the spirit realm. We've seen things that other people would deny and call us crazy for. My grandmother told me she was a dreamwalker, and most of the women in our family have the same ability. My cousins have the same crazy dreams I do.
But anyway, yeah, weird stuff goes on in my mom's side of the family. We are all witches (I use that term because I don't know how else to explain the craziness) and it comes from somewhere.
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cowgirlgirl2002 · 4 months
Matriarchy is Life-based and grounded in the truth of biology. Life is carried through the bodies of Women.
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matriarchalganonjo · 8 months
Matrarchalganonjo ganonjo at japan touch lyon
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happyheidi · 1 year
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deer walks into a store and later brings her whole family for another visit 🛒
Horsetooth Store, Gas, and RV Park
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