#mess is mine
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let me see you and stay
neil hilborn // text post – @rebeccabinch //  naudline pierre – through the clouds, 2020 // flintcoded, 08 –15 – 21 // the first bad man – miranda july // sade alandria zabala // georges bataille // @tristamateer // mess is mine – vance joy // @softhe4rted , i will – mitski // taylor jenkins reid, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo //georges bataille – the dead Man //
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asoftepiloguemylove · 11 months
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if someday the moon calls you by your name don't be surprised / because every night i tell her about you
Richard Siken I Had A Dream About You / Vance Joy Mess Is Mine / Alessia Di Cersare The Side Effects of Eating Too Many Clementines / Frank O'Hara Biotherm / pinterest / pinterest / Tyler Knott Gregson Chasers of the Light: Poems from the Typewriter Series / Amrita Pritam Pinjar: The Skeleton & Other Stories / Ron Hicks Twilight Conversation / Joseph Marius Jean Avy Bal Blanc / Natalie Diaz Postcolonial Love Poem / Shahrazad al-Khalij
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lizardthelizard · 7 months
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@ouattober Day 2 - Favourite Location: Storybrooke Harbor
"What I really wanted to do, was sail. I even bought a boat. It’s a real clunker. I was going to fix it up, sail around the world, say good-bye to this hellhole."
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lvcygraybaird · 1 year
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well, hold on, darling. this body is yours, this body is yours and mine. well, hold on, my darling. this mess was yours... now your mess is mine
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naivesilver · 2 days
Just a teeny tiny little something featuring @lizardthelizard 's mess is mine folks + one of my own, because I love them and the urge hit me out of nowhere like a runaway train 🥰
"So let me get this straight-"
"Lampwick, please-"
"You won't let anyone touch this thing you like more than me-"
"Now that's just unfair-"
"And you asked that kid if he wanted to drive it?"
August glances away, having the grace to look at least a bit sheepish. "Technically it's still me driving. Just... A little off."
"Great excuse. Can't wait for the kid's father to hear it." Lampwick takes another drag out of his cigarette, wondering if he's more amused or exasperated by this whole thing. "Or I guess your father, by your reasoning? I'm sure that's gonna go well."
"He's not a little boy. He'll be fine." The other man shifts his weight from one foot to the other, not as convinced as he's trying to sound. "And I'm going with him, anyway. He's not going to be alone."
Several feet from them, the boy in question continues gleefully inspecting August's bike, blissfully unaware they're talking shit about him. He must be about 15, more or less, but the sheer delight on his face makes him look way younger, like a child on Christmas morning - his eyes meet Lampwick's for a brief moment, and he waves politely in greeting, smiling broadly.
Lampwick waves back, then turns to August again with a slight smirk. "Sure. But- don't know if you can really be considered adult supervision, y'know?"
August rolls his eyes, though even his annoyance is touched with fondness. "Look, he just seemed excited to try. He told me he's got his eyes on a bike, too, in his home world. He said he might get it for his next birthday, if he saves up enough."
"Not a monster like this one, hopefully?"
"You spent some time with that other me's sister, didn't you- no, a smaller bike, Lampwick. I'm only trying to show him the ropes, that's all."
"Give baby you a good impression of yourself, you mean." Not that Lampwick can blame him. That boy, that Pinocchio - no one in town has ever seen August at that age, but you could guess the kid's already better adjusted than his counterpart from miles away. Not by much, not entirely, but enough that he can still be carefree and muck around with his friends like another idiot teenager in the realms.
It has to be infectious, that pleasant nature, and August really needs to be around someone like that, at times.
August himself, however, hears none of those thoughts, and instead simply huffs and gives Lampwick a quick kiss, halfway on the move towards the bike already. "Maybe you could try doing the same, if you're not too busy."
"I'm not touching that Lampwick with a ten foot pole, but thanks." That could be the end of it; and yet he can't resist adding, when his boyfriend is fitting the second helmet on the other Pinocchio's head-
"But I'd be careful letting Eliana know what you're doing- I'm not sticking around to watch her scream your ear off for putting him on your death trap, I'm really not."
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blablaadje · 1 year
“This mess was yours Now your mess is mine”
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sommer-girl · 1 year
Mess Is Mine | Olanna
Anna was already in a bad mood by the time she got back from work.
It was another shift with Evy, and Anna had hovered over her the whole time, making sure she didn’t make a mistake that would mean Anna had to stay late. But then Anna didn’t get all of her sidework done, and she wound up staying late anyway. Meanwhile, Kiki kept pestering her about improv troupe auditions, which Anna knew she was slacking on advertising, thank you, and in the back of her mind somewhere, the thought of her meeting with her advisor about her dissertation, which was definitely behind schedule, loomed. 
So yeah, all Anna really wanted to do was pop some microwave popcorn and catch up on Gossip Girl. But of course, when she walked into the dorm kitchen, it was a mess. Dishes in the sink. Fast food wrappers left out on the table. And the whole place stunk of burnt cheese. It was enough to send Anna over the edge. 
She stomped over to Olaf’s room (she was still avoiding Candy) and knocked on the door, sharp and polite but very hard. “Excuse me!”
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you’re the reason that i feel so strong, the reason that i’m hanging on, you know you gave me all that time, well, did i give enough of mine? ....
well, hold on, my darling, this mess was yours, now your mess is mine
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rhythmlessseas · 3 months
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poprocklyrics · 8 months
When you think of love, do you think of pain?
Mess Is Mine, Vance Joy
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shetheyshenanigans · 2 years
Okay the music choices in the last episode were top tier, I mean, Holding Out For A Hero? Perfection
But also. When Buck and Eddie were patching up Eddie’s walls, imagine if Mess Is Mine was playing
Like Mess Is Mine by Vance Joy would’ve been perfect! Look up the lyrics it’s literally
“Hold on my darling, this mess was yours. And now your mess is mine”
Like the parallels! EddieAna breakup where she was like “I guess this mess is yours now” and then Buck coming in after Eddies breakdown, just so ready to help him, making Eddies mess his mess too, oh my god Buddie makes me so soft
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desvariosdelos30 · 27 days
De “Out of My Mind” a “Okay”
Bueno, estoy en una especie de transición. Estoy aburrida de mí misma, de esos patrones que siempre me atrapan en la misma espiral. Quizás vivir del drama tiene su gracia, te da anécdotas para contar, pero honestamente, estoy harta de ese guion que parece repetirse una y otra vez en mi vida. Me encuentro lidiando constantemente con emociones incómodas, ya sea porque no seguí mis instintos, elegí mal a ciertas personas, o me abrí con quienes no merecían mi confianza. Es como si estuviera atrapada en un bucle interminable de malas decisiones y decepciones. Y francamente, estoy agotada de eso.
Por eso, estoy lista para virar el rumbo y poner un freno a esos viejos patrones. Siento que es momento de cuidarme de verdad y aceptarme tal como soy. Porque si hay algo claro en todo esto, es que todos mis problemas radican en mi incapacidad para cuidarme y quererme como merezco. Creo que es hora de cuidarme de verdad y aceptarme tal como soy, con todos mis defectos y virtudes.
La verdad es que me siento un desastre en este momento. Fumo para calmar la ansiedad, tomo alcohol para evadirme de mis problemas y ni siquiera soy capaz de sentirme cómoda en mi propia piel. Siempre hay una especie de nubarrón oscuro que parece empañar incluso los momentos más felices de mi vida. Y me pregunto, ¿cómo puedo ser feliz si siempre estoy sumergida en este océano de desánimo? Siempre que algo pasa a mi alrededor, me siento responsable de todo, absorbo culpas y vergüenzas como si fuera una esponja, y en vez de aprender de las situaciones, termino dañándome aún más. ¿Y para qué? Para fumar y beber mis penas.
Pero entonces, hace poco me topé con un libro que llamó mi atención: "Already Enough" de Lisa Olivera. Y resulta que habla justo de todo esto, de aceptarnos, querernos y cuidarnos a nosotros mismos. Y yo pensé, ¿por qué no? Siento que es hora de emprender ese viaje hacia el autodescubrimiento, con la ayuda del libro, mi psicóloga y, lastimosamente, con mi propio esfuerzo.
Olivera explora un montón de cosas interesantes en su libro. Habla de cómo la curiosidad puede abrirnos nuevas perspectivas para cambiar el relato, la historia de nosotros mismos que siempre nos contamos y darnos la valentía de explorar nuestras emociones. También resalta la importancia de tratarnos con compasión, de perdonarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás, y de rendirnos ante lo que no podemos controlar. Y, claro está, nos recuerda lo crucial que es actuar de acuerdo con nuestros valores y necesidades.
Así que aquí estoy, lista para cuestionar mi historia, dejar atrás ese papel damisela en apuros y acercándome más al espíritu de lucha de Erin Brockovich, por ejemplo. Voy a comenzar a practicar la autocompasión y el perdón, con un toque de determinación. Claro que tengo miedo y resistencia, pero sé que es un paso necesario si quiero dejar atrás esos patrones autodestructivos que arrastro desde hace tanto tiempo, esa historia que ya me aburrió.
Entonces, para este nuevo capítulo de mi vida, me sumergí en las palabras de Lisa y me compré un par de conjuntos deportivos para el gimnasio. Algo es algo, ¿no? Veremos qué me depara el camino, pero una cosa tengo clara: estoy decidida a aceptarme y quererme a mí misma, con todos mis defectos y virtudes. Ahora mismo me siento como en el punto más bajo, me identifico con una canción que dice: "It's okay to be not okay, it's just fine to be out of your mind" de Imagine Dragons. Y quién sabe, tal vez algún día pueda cambiar esa canción por algo un poco más optimista. De “Out of My Mind” a “Okay”. Parece un buen plan, ¿no?
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lizardthelizard · 2 years
"August,” he said, eliciting a frown from Lampwick. “It’s not...My name is August.” “Oh.” Because of course he wasn’t Pinocchio anymore.
(Lampwick finds August living in a trailer in the woods. The pair haven't seen each other since Pleasure Island but Lampwick is more than willing to help his childhood friend work through some things).
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lvcygraybaird · 2 years
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– do you like walking in the rain? when you think of love, do you think of pain? [john b version]
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Hold on, darling
This body is yours
This body is yours and mine
Hold on, my darling
This mess was yours
Now your mess is mine
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