#miss and love you all <3 hope you’re all taking care of yourselves
warmsol · 1 year
HI! I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay. We definitely miss you in this weird little corner of the internet. Thinking of you <3
omg hi angel ;-; thank you so much for the sweet message :’) i’m doing much better though life has been a lil busy lately (but it’s all been good, work things and travel!) i’m finally going to have more down time to do sims stuff soon so i’ll be back to infiltrate your dashboard ajdjfkdj. thank you for thinking of me <3 i hope you’re well <33
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 6 months
born to die - m. murdock
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a/n: IM NOT DEAD i am very busy with finals but this has been rattling around the old noggin for a while now. i took a lot of inspiration from @ellephlox 's fic strawberry rhubarb which i 100% reccomend bc its better than most fics including this one! hope you enjoy! as always reblogs and comments are always appreciated! <3 warnings: oh boy. torture (cutting, burning) some sexually suggestive talk (nothing happens but it's not consensual) readers dad abused her, nightmares, lots of major character death (but not permeant) ANGST!!! but with a happy ending! kidnapping, medical stuff, cursing, and if i missed anything, let me know! word count: 4.8k summary: as matt murdock's wife, your life is rather full of surprises. getting kidnapped by wilson fisk takes the cake as the worst one. pairing: matt murdock x wife!reader now playing: born to die - lana del rey "choose your last words, this is the last time/'cause you and i, we were born to die"
You would think after patching him up too many times to count, five years without him, and countless sleepless nights worrying if he was alive, you would think you’d be used to Matt Murdock and his world of surprises.
And then you get kidnapped, so maybe you’re not so immune to surprises.
It’s really such a shame too, because you’re storming out of the apartment, too angry to take notice of your surroundings.
Silly, foolish, ditzy you.
Because it isn’t like Matt hasn’t told you time and time again that you need to be careful, especially when you go out alone at night. But he’s so angry that he doesn’t even think about the potential dangers of Hell’s Kitchen at three a.m. when Daredevil has been tucked away for the night and Matt Murdock comes back out to play.
He’s been taking more and more patrols because with Fisk being out of prison he can’t help but be constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop.
How silly he was to think that maybe he could have it all—A successful law firm, good friends and a loving wife.
Silly, foolish, ditzy Matt.
But after a week of nonstop patrols, you’re both fed up and tired, and above all, you’re yearning for each other. Neither of you allow yourselves to be totally happy all the time. It would just make everything too easy.
So, after yelling at each other over, what? Patrols? Cases? Burnt dinners? You’re freezing on the streets, and you get about five blocks before you stop and rub your eyes.
This is dumb, you rationalize. Of course, you’re both stressed out and tired, but you’ve gotten through rougher times before, and you both made an oath. To each other, in front of his God, to love each other no matter what.
You realize you left your wedding ring on the table, the ghost of the metal around your finger haunting you. You were dumb for leaving and Matt was dumb for telling you to go. You’re made for each other.
You turn around to go back to your shared apartment, and then, someone grabs you from behind. Your first instinct is to yell for your husband, but you don’t get the chance to before you’re knocked out, by what you can only guess to be a gun or maybe a large fist.
• • •
You wake up in this dingy room, the lighting not suitable for much of anything except to make you afraid. The set up is almost comical and in a fucked up away, stereotypical for a kidnapping. You’re tied up to a chair, and the lights shine only bright enough so you can see shadows and rats scurrying along.
The air is this weird musk of salt and earth, and you realize you’re near the docks, and that’s about all you know about your current location.
Your head is still pounding from whatever it was you were hit with, but you can see another chair a few feet from you and a wooden table with various weapons laying on it. You don’t feel good about this one. Also on the table is an old school record player. You have no idea what the intention is with it.
You try to keep your cool, knowing that wherever you wander, your husband will not be very far off. That whatever is happening, he will be coming to find you no matter how upset he is for whatever it was you were fighting about earlier.
And then, out of the shadows, there he is. 
But he’s too big to be Matt, and he has a man standing next to him.
Frank, maybe?
And then you realize who this man is.
He’s Wilson Fisk, the kingpin who has done nothing but torture and kill people, shoving it in Matt’s face for years. Matt only met you after Fisk was put back in prison, and you know at some point in the five-year blip without Matt, he had escaped prison.
So, this is the first time you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fisk. When he meets your eye, you do nothing but stare.
“Good evening, Mrs. Murdock. It’s a shame we must meet under these circumstances.” He tells you, taking a seat in front of you. His henchman stands behind the chair.
“It’s regretful to say the least.” You tell him, not intending to make any more of an enemy out of him than Matt already has, not right now.
“I wanted to congratulate you on your wedding. I remember my own, it was a rather special day.”
You know that was the day Matt took him down. The night that he, Karen and Foggy took him down.
“I’ve heard stories. It seemed like a lovely day.”
“You’re a much more gracious guest than your counterpart.”
“Well, I’m sure people say similar things about you and yours.”
He seems to consider this for a moment before nodding.
“You’re probably right about that, Mrs. Murdock. I wanted to tell you I’m terribly sorry these are the circumstances in which we are finally introduced. But it seems Mr. Murdock has been interested in finding out more about my endeavors. And you see, we simply cannot have that. I made a promise not to hurt Miss Page or Mr. Nelson but it seems you were not included in that deal.” Of course not, it had been a long time before you showed up. “So, you’re how we’re going to send Mr. Murdock a message.”
So, this is how you die.
Well, you might as well go out with a bang.
“You see, Mrs. Murdock, When I was a boy—”
“I’m going to stop you, Mr. Fisk, because your sob story is rather dull. I know who you are. You were beaten by your father, just like I was. The difference is that I don’t use that as an excuse to murder my way to the top of the food chain. And you can torture me, assault me, whatever you feel you need to do. But if you think for a second that I’ll forget who’s coming to stop you, you are sorely mistaken. And if you think he’ll ever stop trying to find me, you do not know my husband very well.”
Fisk stares at you for a while, his gaze hardening into a glare.
“You’re right. You do know who I am. Because we’re rather similar.” He stands up and nods to the man nearby. “If Murdock can hear her far from here, make sure he hears her screaming.”
Then Wilson Fisk walks away, and you are left with the sickening gaze of a man who has no good intentions.
 The man goes to the record player and starts to play a song you recognize quickly as “Fly Me To The Moon” by Frank Sinatra. As he does this, he speaks,
“Hello, Mrs. Murdock. I’m John.” You stay quiet, and he just enjoys the song.
He picks up a knife from the table and goes to you, this grin on his face that makes you sick.
But you remember a trick from not only your childhood, but also from Frank who told you the key to remaining strong under torture—Distraction.
You stare straight ahead, trying not to mind as the man runs the knife over your skin. You think about Matt. You imagine him in his wedding suit, the smile he had on as you approached him down that aisle. You think about when he asked you to marry him, and—
A sharp pain slashes down your arm, cutting open the shirt you’re wearing. You yell in pain, before moving in to try and take deep breaths.
You can do this. Matt will be here soon.
You continue to breathe through the anxiety and the pain, trying not to think too hard about when John hums along to Sinatra’s voice, guiding his knife around your skin. Another cut finds itself on your shoulder.
This goes on for a while, with the classic song looping over and over again. John never seems to tire of it, no matter how badly you will for it to end. As the song ends in one particularly good loop, John hits your face hard, and your nose starts bleeding.
You try to think of Matt’s voice. You don’t listen to John’s torments, knowing it will only egg him on further. You just want him to burn at that point.
By the end of… Countless Frank Sinatra serenades, you have cuts littered around your body, dry blood on your face from your nose and tears running down your face. When he’s eventually done, two men cut you out from the chair and drag you along to a smaller, darker room. You are left in there with a small meal, and you just huddle against a corner, nearest a barred window out of your reach.
And then, you begin to speak for the first time since you saw Fisk.
“Matt,” You whisper, “I’m by the docks.” You tell him, not sure if he can even hear you. “Please, I’m sorry for everything, please just come find me..” You mumble, too tired and aching to try and do more.
• • •
The next day, or what you presume to be the next day since you have no way to tell how much time has passed, you’re woken up by a loud banging on the door of your.. cell..?
The same two men enter and drag you back to the room, where John waits for you.
“How are you feeling today, Mrs. Murdock?” He asks.
You glare.
“Fuck you.”
He laughs and shakes his head.
“What happened to the polite young woman Mr. Fisk and I met yesterday?”
You’re filled with unprecedented anger.
“I said, Fuck you!”
He wastes no time, grabbing a lighter off the table and starting the record player again. Once more, Frank Sinatra’s voice fills the room, and you’re pretty sure once you’re done with John, and then Fisk, you’ll bring Sinatra back from the dead just to kill him again.
You’ve never really been a violent person, but you suspect that it lives in the worst parts of you, just as it did with your own father. You’re much better at keeping it all at bay. Besides, it does you no good to be violent while you have Matt. He’s plenty angry for the both of you.
Oh, Matt..
This is how time passes for you. While John tortures you, burning you or carving into your skin, you think about how great it will be to choke the life out of the singer… And you think about Matt. When you’re in your dark little room, you talk to him. Even if he can’t hear you, you must hope that he’s looking for you.
• • •
Days pass. How long have you been here?
One night, you have the following dream:
It starts out as a memory. A memory of you and Matt. You’re lying in bed with him, and the sunlight is hitting his face just right. You love this memory, it’s one you recall often. He just has this angelic look to him.
Yeah, most people who encounter him, especially at night, meet the devil. But occasionally, you get glimpses of the angel you know he is. He’s sleeping, and you think in this state, he is the most relaxed you’ll ever see him.
Then, before your eyes, the dream shifts and you’re in this black void, on the ground.
Foggy, Karen, Frank, and Matt stand around you. You run to Matt but hit a clear shield keeping him from you. You bang on the glass, well, maybe it’s glass, you don’t know. You try to scream, but your voice never reaches your ears. You begin to look around, looking for a way out.
An eerie version of ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ plays as you glance over to Foggy and watch in horror as his body begins to turn to ash, just like Matt and Karen did when they were blipped. You scream, banging against the shield, but your screams are silent.
You glance back and see the same thing happening to Frank. No, no, no! It was never supposed to happen this way! Frank and Foggy, they lived! They got their time! They don’t die like this!
And then Karen starts too. You start sobbing, not wanting her to go. You had missed her so much, and you only just got her back. But soon enough, she’s gone too, and you’re left in front of your husband.
His hand comes up to rest on the forcefield and he frowns softly.
He says your name gently, and then adds, “You know it couldn’t last forever, right?”
And then just as quickly as before, he is gone again. You remain there in that void, sobbing and screaming though no noise reaches you. This can’t be it! You just got him back, you needed him! You couldn’t take being alone for another five years… Or more…
The dream transforms and you’re in this grand ballroom. People are dancing elegantly and you’re in this.. obnoxious ball gown. But across the room, you can see Matt. He’s dressed in an all-black suit, with a red masquerade mask covering his face. The mask has little red devil horns on it.
Now, the orchestra plays their rendition of Sinatra’s romantic classic. And you step towards Matt, attempting to make your way towards him, only to be met with a masked man, beginning to twirl you around.
You jump from man to man, until eventually, you’re dancing with a man in an all-white suit, a man you quickly recognize as Fisk. No matter how hard you try to escape his grasp, he holds on tighter. The two of you stop dancing now, amid the crowd of moving bodies.
Fisk grabs your chin and tilts it in Matt’s direction, just in time for you to see him bowing to another woman, kissing the back of her hand. Your eyes widen and you think, this can’t be real.
“When I kill you,” Fisk says, “He’ll move on. You’re easily replaceable, Mrs. Murdock.”
And then, in an instant, the woman with Matt pulls out a dagger and plunges it deeply into his abdomen. It’s then that the other dancers, besides you, Fisk, Matt, and this mystery woman, disappear. Matt turns to you and falls to his knees, clutching his stomach.
He tries to crawl to you, blood seeping onto his hands and the beautiful ballroom floor. He yells your name, and the woman stabs him again from behind, and you watch as your husband dies. You hear him screaming, hear him yelling your name. But Wilson Fisk keeps you in place. You can do nothing but watch as Matt Murdock meets his end again, unable to save him. You start to scream, thrashing against Fisk, ready to claw your way to Matt.
You wake up screaming, the nightmare haunting you. A guard bangs on your door, yelling at you to keep it down.
It was just a nightmare, you tell yourself. Maybe Matt heard your screams.
Maybe he’s already dead.
You force yourself not to listen to the voice in your head that says that.
• • •
One day, Fisk visits again, only this time, He’s covered in blood. That damn song is still playing.
You just stare. They have long since stopped tying you up, recognizing that you no longer have the energy to try and fight back.  He has this sick grin on his face.
“Good evening, Mrs. Murdock.” You say nothing. “Have you been enjoying your stay with us?”
You glare.
“I hope Matt kills you when he gets here, because it will be a lot less painful for you if he does it instead of me.”
Mr. Fisk just laughs at this and tosses something at your feet. You get down off the chair to see what it is.
Your face goes pale with realization. You pick it up and slip it on your thumb, with it being too big for your other fingers. Matt’s wedding ring. You know it’s his, it has your name engraved in braille on the inside. How did he get this?
As if reading your mind, Fisk speaks again. “I took it off his body after I killed him.”
Your head shoots up to him. What did he say?
“No.” You deny. “Fuck off, I don’t—I don’t believe you.”
“Your husband is dead, Mrs. Murdock. I killed him with my bare hands because he was stupid enough to come after you. Your friends will mourn you and Matt Murdock for a while, and the city will come to the realization that Daredevil did nothing but harm. I win, Mrs. Murdock.”
You feel tears start to fill your eyes, and you realize, no. He hasn’t won because you’re still alive.
Maybe not for long, but you are.
You gather the rest of your energy and leap up, lunging at the large man covered in the man you love’s blood. And there’s a part of you that gets it. Okay, universe, you win. Most people don’t get a second chance like the two of you did. And now he’s dead, and soon you will be too. You can at least try to kill Fisk.
But you barely get a scratch in, yelling and screaming obscenities at him, as John grabs your arms from behind pulling you away. Fisk laughs and shakes his head again.
“It’s been lovely knowing you, Mrs. Murdock. I’m sorry you’ll have to die, you had so much potential. John, when you’re done doing whatever you’d like to her, kill her.” You hear him say it, but you’re blinded by rage, by grief.
John laughs behind you and forces you back into the chair, tying you back up once more. He looks at you, enraged and grief stricken, and just shakes his head.
“You and I are going to have a lot of fun.”
He leaves for a few minutes, and you realize this is the first time you’ve been left alone in this room. You tug at the knots and realize that while John is a gifted torturer, he’s not much of a knot tier.
So you manage to wiggle out of the rope, approaching the table in front of you. You don’t have much time. Okay, maybe you won’t be able to kill Fisk, but John will do. You take a golf club off the table in front of you and turn to the record player.
You begin to smash the thing in, angrily cursing at it as Frank Sinatra’s voice fades off into nothing. When the song ends, the lights turn off. And then, red flood lights turn on in their place.
A back up generator. Lovely. You think that your smashing of the record player couldn’t possibly make the whole building’s power go off, but you don’t really care at that moment.
You’re tired. You won’t make it far, but you need to try. You grasp the club and open the door, being greeted with a man you don’t recognize. You smack him in the face with the club hard enough for him to fall to the ground.
The red lighting adds an eerie tone to the hallways as you creep around, concussing various henchmen that Fisk has working for him. You don’t mean to kill these ones, only John.
But you’re running out of stamina, peeking around corners. And that’s when you see him. John is just standing there like he knows you’re there.
“Come out to play, Mrs. Murdock?” He calls, approaching the corner where you are waiting on the other side.
You focus on his footsteps, taking a swing around the corner when you know he’s close enough. You hear a sharp crack! As he falls, and you can’t see the blood in this lighting. Good. You begin to hit his head in, sobs mixing with yelling. You hate him. You want him to die before you’re killed.
But you don’t get the pleasure, because a pair of arms are pulling you off him, and you begin yelling.
“No!” You yelp. “No, Fuck you! Let go of me! Stop!” You think it’s another one of his goons, and you just want to be able to finish the job before you die. The figure forces you to drop the club. “Please, stop, don’t hurt me—”
But he’s saying your name and turning you around to see him. You know that voice.
“Sweetheart, hey, it’s just me—” He pants, his hands going to your cheeks. “It’s me, It’s just me. I’ve got you.”
And you can’t believe your eyes.
“Matt..?” You whimper, not able to believe it. “No, you’re dead, this has to be—”
And then, Matt does something he wouldn’t do for anyone who wasn’t his wife. He pulls off his helmet so you can see his face. Oh.
“I’m right here. I’ve got you.” He says softly, his thumb gently rubbing against your skin.
That’s when you start to sob, falling against him, no energy left to carry yourself. His arms wrap around you, and you say it again.
“He told me you were dead..”
“I know.. I’m sorry, I don’t know how he got my ring but we’ve gotta get you out of here.” He tells you.
You’re so tired. You’re slumping against him as you try to walk, the warmth radiating off his body just drawing you to sleep.
The last thing you hear before you fall asleep is Matt’s voice, begging you to stay awake.
• • •
You see flashes. Your parents, your dad. Nightmares of Fisk killing Karen, Foggy, Frank, and worst of all, Matt. You see John’s sickening grin on the body of spiders, and you’re chased by his cruel laughter.
But the dreams are filmier compared to what’s happening around you. You know Claire shows up at some point, and you’re thankful to her. Karen sits next to you sometimes, petting your hair, or sometimes it’s Foggy, talking your ear off.
You have fever dreams of Frank in full military gear, tormenting you.
“Not so tough now, huh, girl?” He teases. “You really thought you’d kill the big bad wolf? Solve all your boyfriend’s problems?”  
You say to him, “Husband, He’s my husband.”
• • •
Even in your dreams, where you were slashed and burned aches, and you long for the pain to end.
You wake up only once throughout these dreams, and it’s when Karen is playing music to try and calm you from your insistent nightmares.
Only one song snaps you out of it, and you hear it clear as day.
‘Fly me to the moon,” Sinatra sings, “Let me play among the stars,’
He only gets through a few more lines before you’re sitting up on the couch, screaming.
“No! Stop, please!” You cry, and in an instant, Matt’s arms are around you. “Matt, please, don’t let him hurt me, please! Please don’t die, don’t let him keep hurting me!” You beg, in a hazed, frenzied state.
“I’ve got you, No one’s going to hurt you..”
Karen turns off the music somewhere deep in the apartment.
“No..” You begin to grow tired in his arms again. “Matty, please.. You can’t die, please..” You whimper out, continuing to mumble out pleads as you fall back into your weird dream state.
• • •
You really wake up two days later. Matt’s hand is clasped over yours, and he’s just.. Sitting on the floor next to the couch, praying into your clasped hands.
Praying for what, you don’t know.
Your body aches. But something in you tells you you’re safe.
“Matt…?” You whisper gently, and his head shoots up.
“Hey..” He says softly, one hand leaving yours, coming up to brush your hair out of your face. “There she is..”
“You’re alive..”
He seems a little concerned you still had some doubts about this.
“I am. Fisk lied to you.. He never even touched me.” You nod.
“Did I kill him? The man you found me..”
“No. He’s just in a coma, I checked. He’ll be brought to justice.”
“I only wanted him dead when I thought you were too..” Because really, you would have nothing if Matt wasn’t there. Nothing to live for. When he was blipped away, you had the hardest time readjusting to life. Now you know if he died again, you’d probably go off the rails.
No love story is saved more than once. You used up all your luck. Now it will be doomed if he’s ever killed again.
“I know.” He said gently.
“How long have I been out? How long was I in there?”
“A week, and then you were out for four days here. They got you good, baby..” He says gently. “I’m sorry I didn’t find you earlier.”
You frown softly.
“You did find me though. That’s all that really matters anymore.” You know you’ll be nursing scars for a long time. Physical or not.
“Still..” He said gently, and he brings your hand up to kiss it gently. “And I’m sorry I told you to leave that night. I was just upset, but this past week and half.. I feel like I’ve been going crazy without you. No matter how mad at you I am, I never want to spend another night without holding you. Knowing that you could have been…” His voice breaks, and he just sighs, taking a moment to lean his head on your hand. “I love you, so much.” He kisses your palm again.
How are you so tired again? All you’ve done is talk to him, but it feels like you just ran a marathon.
“I love you. It’s why I married you. Because you and I, we were always meant to be with each other. No matter what.”
He smiles weakly and reaches over to the coffee table to grab something. He slips it on your finger and for the first time in over a week, your wedding ring is back where it belongs. You see Matt is wearing his. Your Matt. Your husband. The only one you were ever meant to be with.
“Did Claire patch me up? I remember her being here..” He nods softly.
“Yeah, we.. we really owe her one. She was a huge help..”
“Karen and Foggy were here… And Frank?”
“No, no, Frank’s still in Illinois, I think?” You nod softly. “You were mumbling to him, though. I heard you… you were telling him you had a husband.”
You would laugh if it didn’t hurt.
“He called you my boyfriend. I had to correct him.” You grin.
“That’s my girl.” He hums. Matt gently lifts you so you can sit up and drink some water. Then, he climbs onto the couch and brings you close. His arms wrap around your freshly wounded skin and you have a rare moment of gratefulness for his blindness.
You sit in silence for a while.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks gently.
You think about it all. The torture, the cuts, burns, the small room. Fisk’s laughter, John’s grin. But something sticks out to you.
“Fisk said I was just like him.”
“We.. We grew up similar, Matt, I mean.. What if he’s right? What if the only thing separating him and I is one bad move?”
Your husband frowns and shakes his head.
“Sweetheart, you are the.. the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’re the complete antithesis of Wilson Fisk. Yeah, you grew up like him, but you’re living proof that you don’t have to go down the path he did just because of his background. You and I both know that there will never be a world where you end up like him. Especially not with me.”
You find comfort with his words. Not only did you make every choice not to be like Fisk, but you must’ve also made all the right decisions if in the end, you ended up with Matt. Oh, it won’t be easy, you know that for sure. You’ll never be able to listen to Frank Sinatra, and your upcoming nights are filled with nightmares and hauntings.
But one day you’ll be okay. One day You’ll be able to sit in the silence without thinking about it. One day you’ll get the image of dead Matt out of your head. You’ve spent many nights wondering about who will go first, you or him.
And then you realize the best-case scenario is that the two of you die at the same time, never living another moment without each other.
How would there ever be a world where you and your husband weren’t with each other, even just for a moment?
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nctstar · 1 month
Can you write a smut w plot on Taeyong x sub!reader x Mark ? I am craving for this pair please bestie...you can take your time, no rush. make them a bit possessive and dom and you can add anything to your liking.
hiii friend! i know this is CRAZY late but i hope you still like it <3 turned out a bit more sad than expected HAHA
dumb conversations, we lose track of time
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“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He bent over to kiss you, bringing both of his icy hands to your face, but you didn’t care. The kiss was everything, and you brought your bodies over to the wall as you continued, one of his legs now in between yours. “Fuck, I think…I’m gonna miss you so bad.”
pairing: markyong x fem!reader (no markyong ship)
other members: other 127 members mentioned
word count: 3k
genre: romance & smut, angst, fluff, sort of hurt/comfort
warnings: sexual content so minors please dni!! mild profanity, mentions of being sick from food, kissing, dom!markyong, praise kink, degradation (use of slut/whore), daddy kink, slapping, penetrative sex, riding, oral (male receiving), manhandling/being held down/held in place, missionary sex, praising (sweet girl, good girl), crying (like lots of crying!!), subspace, double penetration (2 in 1), clitoral stimulation, taeyong is leaving for military service and this is upsetting to reader (strong self insert moment LMAO)
disclaimer: this is a fanfiction purely from my (filthy) imagination. I don't know the nct members and don't claim that they act like this in real life. I also do not condone any of the activity by any of the characters in this fic. 
a/n: NOW i know i was technically supposed to make this a (freaky) smut only...but i had to add the extra things because i have been sooo emotional lately and i have not really been in a smut mood unless it's emotional and loving :D with the release of the tortured poets department, taeyong's enlistment, renjun's hiatus...ya'll it's just been a lot. so a lot of this is very much just me projecting HAHA but hope it's comforting to some of you. also, i just wanna say that you guys shouldn't feel pressured to engage in sexual activity when you're sad and crying...everything here is consensual of COURSE as always, and this is all fantasy but i just thought I'd add that in. please take care of yourselves when you're vulnerable. love ya'll mwah <3
You stifled your giggles in the droop of your cardigan, but Taeyong still flushed red. Your cheeks puffed out as you fought the urge to snort in his face. “I’m so sorry.”
He rolled his eyes, instinctively going to run his hands through his now non-existent hair, making you double over in laughter. “Alright, miss, that’s enough. Hilarious, I know.”
“Noooo Taeyong, don’t be embarrassed.” You ran over, pinching his cheeks in your hands, feeling his skin hot and elastic under your thumbs. “You’re so cute. Like…Anpanman!”
“I know you love jjingppang, jagi, but that was so uncalled for.” You strung his arm into your body, letting the both of you walk away from the dim lights of the restaurant. “Why? Are you hungry? But didn’t you just eat?”
“There is always space for dessert, hon. Come on, we’ve been together 2 and a half years now, and you still don’t know my philosophies?” You were teasing, having fun, but as you watched another couple walk in front of you, hands gripped tightly together, the shadows in the trees dancing across their bodies, you felt something sharp poke inside you. You gulped the feeling down, forcing a smile, even though you knew he wasn’t watching.
“You’ll get sick if you eat too much bread again.” You shook your head, scoffing. “That was one time, Taeyong. And it was in Japan. I would definitely have eaten that much again.”
“Really? I recall you crying in the bathroom, whining to me about why I didn’t stop you.” You knocked him playfully, feeling his scent permeate your senses and bring you back to those times in Japan. He was here now, a solid body standing right next to you, brushing up against you, but…You felt a sudden rush of emotion, but you could see Mark’s car now, and you decided not to bring up what you had been thinking the entire time.
“I’m sorry I’m leaving you.” The words surprised you, even though it was something both of you had been holding back the entire time. “I’m sorry I have to do this.”
“Don’t be silly.” You were standing in front of him now, the white streetlights illuminating every line on his face, too scared to look into his eyes. “You have to do it, right? And, you should be proud of yourself. It’s hard work you are willing to dedicate yourself to for a while. And, I can always take care of myself.”
“You have Mark.”
“No, I can take care of myself.” You nodded as if you were trying to convince yourself instead of just him. Your eyes watered, working against every restraint you had. “Please, just…it will be fine. I will still see you. Just, not as often. But you’ll still be here.” He held both your hands, bringing them to his chest, and you were looking at your shoes, watching them get blurrier, feeling him pull your body towards his.
You couldn’t do it. Not for the last time.
“Bye.” You let go of his hands, turning swiftly around and walking towards the parked car at a pace that seemed closer to running.
The warmth enveloped you, and you hastily rubbed off the tears, almost embarrassed at the thought of crying in front of him. Both of them. “H-hey, Mark.”
“You okay?” You nodded, and he brought your hand to his lips, lightly pecking it before he shifted gears.
The apartment was quiet at first, as if it already sensed the loss of one tenant. “Just squeezing past, babe.” Mark’s shoulder brushed yours as the keys jangled in his fingers, his steps retreating towards the bathroom. You walked over to the couch, looking at the empty cake box, the one Doyoung had bought to celebrate. The cake crumbs that littered the floor, the frosting on the couch – you didn’t even have the heart to be mad.
“Is that frosting…on the couch?”
You chuckled weakly, sniffling. “Yeah. I thought I told Jungwoo not to make a mess.”
“You didn’t. You’re so quiet around the boys. So shy.” Mark’s breath tickled your neck, his lips grazing the skin hidden underneath your cardigan. He kissed you gently, bringing one hand to your shoulder, the one he had brushed. “It’s what I love about you.”
You smiled, watching Mark’s shadow cover you as he moved to sit next to you on the couch. “What a mess. This isn’t driving you crazy?” You shook your head, but you smiled, a little bit more genuine this time. Curling up next to Mark, you basked in the heat of his body. He pressed his nose to the top of your head, inhaling your scent. “You smell good.”
“You trying to get laid, Lee?” You felt his chest shake as he laughed, both a little awkwardly and without holding back, like he always did. You thought of all the times you fell asleep in his lap, feeling him stroke your body soothingly as you both waited for Taeyong to get home.
You sat up, turning, looking deep into Mark’s eyes. “I love you.” You kissed him, pulling his bottom lip with your mouth as you pulled away. He ran his hands up your back, connecting lips as you climbed onto his lap, so quick to bring your body against his. He held your hips in place when you stared to move, groaning softly as he pulled away from your mouth. “Are you sure?”
“What, am I sure I love you?”
“No, I mean,” he gasped shortly when you kissed his collarbone, a spot only you knew how to tease. “Easy, baby. I mean, are you okay with doing it tonight?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Your voice came out sharper than you intended, and you hated yourself in that moment for ruining it all. Desperate to stop him from continuing, you shut him up with a kiss, moving his hands from your hips so you could grind against his growing bulge. Your fingers in his hair, you dug your knees on the couch so you could push your chest onto his face. He moaned this time, tugging at the ends of your hoodie to signal you to take it off. You hissed when the cold hit your bare torso, Mark unhooking your bra clasp as you shivered. “You cold, sweetheart?” You nodded, but you were sitting back onto his lap, both of you shrugging off your bottoms as you talked. The cold drew goosebumps on your skin, but you felt wet and hot in the pits of your stomach.
“Fuck, so tight.” Mark threw his head back as you cried out, feeling the stretch harder than you remembered. He held you in place with a hand on the small of your back, another on your thigh. “Shhh. Come closer to me. Good girl.” He continued praising you as you sunk deeper onto his length, inches buried inside you. “W-wait.” You pressed a hand to his stomach, warning him not to move as you scrunched your eyes shut. “So fucking big.” Mark laughed, moving your hand away and bringing your chest closer to his mouth. As he licked and nipped at your body, you began to relax, your breath quickening with every passing second. His dick jumped inside you, making you whimper. “You ready, sweet girl?”
You tasted the tears before you felt them, streaked down your face. “Please.” you begged, and he began to thrust up into you. “Fuck, Mark, M-Mark!” Your voice carried through the apartment as he rolled his hips into you. “Come on, baby, that’s it. You’re our good girl, right?” You sobbed, bringing one hand to your mouth to quieten yourself, but he pulled the hand away. “If you’re gonna cum, you better do it screaming my name. You understand?” He held your chin into place. “Use your words.”
“Yes, yes, p-please. Fuck,” You gasped, feeling the ripples of pleasure run through your body. “I’m close! Please, Mark, can I-“
“Yeah, good girl, baby. I’m close too.” His voice was raspy, his thrusts sloppy as he reached his own high. You shut your eyes, feeling your thighs constrict as you came. You breathed heavily, the tears still running down your face. When the ringing sound stopped post-orgasm, you heard yourself crying.
“Hey, hey. You did well, sweetheart. It’s okay, I’m right here.” You nodded, feeling your body slump against him. “Can I pull out? Does it hurt? I didn’t hurt you, right?”
You looked into his eyes, feeling the way he held you so securely in his arms. “I miss him. I miss the three of us. I know it’s silly, because it technically hasn’t happened yet, but,” you sighed. “I didn’t know how hard it would be until it really happened.”
Mark hummed in agreement, wiping away your tears. “Of course. That’s not silly. And, I love you too, okay? I’m here for you.” You wrapped your arms around his body, breathing in his scent, feeling Mark pull your hoodie around the both of you. “You never hurt me, Mark.”
You both woke up with a jolt when the knocking started. You climbed off Mark as your eyes shot open, and the both of you started frantically dressing, as if the person had entered straight away. “Who’s coming over so late?” Mark grumbled.
“Hopefully Jungwoo to clean the couch.” You muttered, but Mark was rushing to open the door after peeking through the peephole, and you frowned.
You knew it was him. But you couldn’t even move. In that moment, you were frozen in time.
“Hi, jagi.” His body stood looming over yours, his face red from the cold outside. You didn’t know what to say, rubbing the itch on one of your ankles to kill time.
“You’re…you’re here.”
“Yeah. It’s my apartment too, right?” He smirked. “Why, is the Anpanman look enough to make you forget me?” You laughed, sniffling, hitting him lightly on the chest. You noticed Mark raise an eyebrow, left out of the inside joke. Your stomach churned, your heart pining for a loss that suddenly was not lost, and it all felt so out of place.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He bent over to kiss you, bringing both of his icy hands to your face, but you didn’t care. The kiss was everything, and you brought your bodies over to the wall as you continued, one of his legs now in between yours. “Fuck, I think…I’m gonna miss you so bad.”
“You’ll live.” You scoffed, pushing him away. He laughed, the smile lines on his face making your heart soar. “I don’t think I’m gonna miss these stupid jokes.”
He kissed your forehead. “I think you will.” You rolled your eyes, but he was right. As always. You ran a hand up his chest, then, underneath the hoodie he was wearing. You gasped in an exaggerated, ditsy way, making your voice airy on purpose. “Officer, I think you’re pretty hard right now.”
Taeyong smirked, his eyes darkening as he gripped the wrist of your wandering hand. “Oh yeah? You think you know me so well? Wanna play that game?” In the corner of your eye, you watched Mark’s figure step closer. “She already did, Hyung.” He pushed his tongue on the side of his cheek, and you fluttered your eyelashes at Taeyong, feigning innocence. “I didn’t do anything. He’s lying.”
“Oh?” Mark looked pissed, and you only giggled in response. Taeyong brought his face closer to yours. “If I find out you’ve been lying, you’re done for. Now, on your knees.” You complied, seconds later being met with Taeyong’s length springing out of his boxers. You covered his tip with your mouth, but you felt your hair being yanked backwards and a slap on your face. “Did I say anything yet? Dirty slut.” Mark’s grip on your hair didn’t falter, and you whined. “If you want to suck me so bad, you better be ready to beg for it.”
“Mmm, please. Please let me taste you, Daddy. Please, I’ll be good.” Mark’s other hand travelled under your chin, tilting your head up almost uncomfortably, making you yelp. “Tap him if it’s too much, okay?” You nodded in response, and as soon as you did, Mark’s thumb pressed hard on your bottom lip, prying your jaw open. Taeyong thrusted inside your open mouth, guttural groans leaving him as he did. Tears sprung to your eyes at the sudden intrusion, the apartment now filled with the sounds of you violently gagging on dick. Your fists clenched by your sides. “Pretty cockwhore, aren’t you?” Mark whistled lowly, making you squeeze your legs in embarrassment. “Ah, so you like being our nasty little thing. As expected.” You shook your head, but he only tightened his grip, laughing almost cruelly in response. Taeyong pulled out when he heard you choking, inhaling air as soon as his tip left your mouth. “Not so talkative now, are you, pretty?” Your voice raspy as you spoke, you opened your mouth wider, sticking your tongue out. “Daddy’s little whore, yeah?” You could only hum in response as Mark held you still, Taeyong jerking himself off on your tongue. You swallowed the cum in your mouth, letting some of it drool out of your mouth. Taeyong bent over, spreading it over your chin, mixed with your drool. “Go and bend over the couch.” You went to nod once more, but he slapped your face. “Words.”
“Y-yes, T-Taeyongie.” You only used that when you were floating away, letting yourself go, and to be honest, you were surprised it had happened so soon. As you bent over the couch, you had an inkling that they were surprised too. You felt Taeyong’s hands on your sides, and you jumped. “Sorry, jagi. Is this still okay?”
“Uh-huh.” You felt wetness pool in between your legs. “Please, f-fuck me. Before, what happened…well, Markie…I’m sorry I lied, Daddy.” You heard Taeyong shushing you. “I want you to enjoy yourself, beautiful. Okay? Tell me if this is too much.” You sighed, relaxing when you felt Taeyong rub up your back, pressing hard in the way that you liked. Under his hands, you felt safe. Calm. Honest.
“C-Can we go to the bedroom? I don’t like this position.”
Your body burned, even though your shared bedroom was freezing tonight. “Fuck, it’s cold in here.” Taeyong held you close to your body, as if he never wanted to let go.
As the three of you sat on the edge of the bed, you began to ugly cry. Taeyong rubbed your back as you shook, Mark taking a tissue to wipe your chin. “Was it too much? Baby?” You didn’t know who was speaking, but you held both their hands, unable to stop the tears from falling. “No, its just that,” you rubbed your face harshly, feeling the days makeup rub off on your hand. “This is all so fucking dumb. I’m sorry, but, I don’t want you to leave. I don’t care if that makes me a bad person.” Taeyong laughed as he held your head in both his hands, pulling you into his body. Mark ran his hands soothingly up your thighs. “I think I love this side of you, actually.”
You smiled, remembering your conversation only a while ago. “Sorry I’m ruining everything.”
“Sorry but, you must be fucking crazy if you think that’s true for even a second.” Unlocking yourself from Taeyong’s embrace, you exaggerate lifting your hands up in surrender. “Okay, relax, Mark. Don’t call a woman crazy.”
“Especially not a horny one.” You snorted at this, making both of them laugh. Sighing, you tried to appear mad or even annoyed. But you hadn’t felt more free in days.
He was right. You were going to miss these stupid jokes.
The three of you rolled onto the bed, you straddling Taeyong while Mark left noisy kisses down the sides of your neck from behind. “I want you both inside me. Please.” You moaned as Mark squeezed your boob from under your shirt, your head on his shoulder as Taeyong pulled your panties down, the three of you momentarily and, almost comically, struggling with taking them all the way off.
Your hands splayed across Taeyong’s bare chest, you bent over to kiss him. “I’ll miss you.” You whispered against his skin, and he squeezed the outside of your thigh in response. As Mark sheathed himself inside you for the second time that night, he began to thrust straight away. “Still fits like a fucking sleeve, so fucking good.” Your breath quickened as your clit rolled against Taeyong’s bare cock, your moans thickening as you watched Taeyong lie beneath you. “You ready, my love?” You nodded furiously, Mark holding onto you with an arm across your shoulders, pressing your body flush against his. Both men guided you onto Taeyong’s length, the stretch now burning, firecrackers exploding in your stomach. “Fuck! Oh fuck!” You couldn’t breathe, pulling at Mark’s arm, slowly registering him shushing you in your ear. “Relax, baby girl. You’re doing so well. Almost there.” Taeyong groaned in pleasure, shifting the tiniest bit, which made you yelp. The feeling was so unfamiliar, and your heart pounded at the new sensations. “Please, don’t move yet.” Taeyong rubbed circles on your clit, watching your face carefully.
“Nghh, ahh…” The feeling of both of them inside you was starting to choke you from the inside, deliciously bringing you close to a release. “Wait, Daddy, don’t-“ You squealed as you squirted, your clit throbbing from the aftermath. “Shit, I don’t know if I can-“
“You can cum again, pretty. I know you can.” You moaned, feeling both of them bump against each other and into your walls inside you, wet and messy. “Oh my god, oh my…” you babbled, holding onto anything as they thrusted relentlessly, both their timing desperate and rocky. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cum for us, jagi, that’s it.” Taeyong’s voice rose in pitch, and you heard Mark groaning in your ear, pressing your upper body closer to his. You came for the second time, gasping for air, hips rolling without permission over both their cocks. You slumped over Taeyong after, Mark pulling out and resting next to you both on the bed.
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
๑ keep safe : prologue (1)
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one piece x male reader
i get this feeling
like it all could happen
that's why i'm leaving you for the moment,
you for the moment
+ a/n @ the end <3
in the heights of their shared treehouse, there was a single one that was awake whilst the other two were slumbering away.
he sighed, taking the hair tie that was resting on one of the branches and put it between his teeth. he gathered up his locks, his signature low-ponytail being tied in security. finally, he grabbed the sword that was leaning against one of their walls and used the strap connected on its ends to be thrown over his shoulder.
then he looked over his shoulder and smiled at the sleeping boys. the ones he loved more than anything and grew up with, walking over and gently petting their heads.
“i’ll see you boys soon,” he whispered, standing upright and walking to their entrance and exit of their treehouse and freely jumped down, safely landing on the floor many ways down.
he took a short walk over to the actual house they were supposed to be staying in, not bothering to knock as he entered the front door. he was not at all shocked to see that they were all already awake, notably dadan was standing there with a rolled up newspaper in her hands as if she were about to beat someone with it. the cigarette in her mouth dropped ash into the eye of one of the members of their house, making her even more angered at his sudden flinching movement.
the only reason why the attention was drawn to him was because of him loudly clearing his throat.
“see! i told you, he’s already awake and now he’s ready to leave and nothing that we wanted has been prepared! i blam-”
“dadan, i’m leaving. i hope to see you all soon, truly,” [name] said calmly, opposite to all of the other people in the room’s expression.
they sombered up quite quickly at his declaration, turning themselves into silent mimes as all they could do was open their mouths and then close them, repeating it at least three times before he grinned and turned around. he was about to leave, but then there was a sudden uproar and ruckus.
“[name]! we’re going to miss you so much! please don’t leave us with those two troublemakers! we can’t deal with them alone! they only listen to you, please-” dadan cries continued on, those were the words that were heard almost throughout the entire island.
“ace and luffy?” [name] questioned, chuckling as he felt the woman’s tears fall onto his shoulder, “you’re gonna be fine taking care of them,” he whispered, gently rubbing up and down her back to calm her down. “you took care of me,”
“you guys took care of yourselves! and now you’re all grown up and i hate it!”
[name] blinked slowly, nodding his head as he processed her words.
“i’ll miss you, dadan,” and that was all he said as he left her, an appreciative smile on his lips as he sobbed away into her hands.
she was a sweetheart even though she had trouble actually saying or conveying those sentimental emotions.
he was slightly biased, however, because she always did favor him a little bit opposed to the other two troublesome boys.
[name] continued on his trek down to the main village, knowing that his small boat was waiting for him. but he knew he had one more stop to make before he could even think about leaving.
makino’s bar. he smiled fondly at the worn down doors, gently pushing them so that he could go inside. the bartender with green hair looked at his figure, squinting a bit so that she could get a clear view of his face. the sunlight behind him was slightly blinding, but as he walked further into the bar, she was able to recognize him just by his figure.
“[name]-kun!” she said in joy, running around the counter and into his arms. without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. the warmest hugs always came from people like makino.
he let his eyes shut in peace, enjoying this moment and trying to savor it for as long as possible.
“oh dear, i’m going to miss you so much,” she whispered and he already could hear the wavering in her voice.
“please, don’t cry you’re going to make me cry!” he said jokingly, tightening his hold on her to comfort her.
“i know you’re going to be fine, it’s just that i’m going to miss you so much! and you’re going so far, and i’m not trying to stop you, it’s just, i won’t know for certain you’ll be safe-”
“i’ll be safe, maki-san,” he comforted her, humming as she continued to cry into his chest.
“you’re too reckless to think about safety for even a moment,” she said, making herself chuckle at her teasing comment. she pulled away from his chest, wiping her tears away and then lifting her hand up to his scarred cheeks.
she gently traced the lines that were very slightly protruding up from his skin.
“i know you’ll be fine, just call it a mother’s worry then,” she whispered, making him nod his head.
“we can call it that,” he said with a close-eyed smile. the two weren’t related at all biologically, far from it, but still the comfort of calling her his mother, and him her son, was something the both of them needed in that moment. “i’ll be sure to write at least, to calm your nerves.”
“just promise to be safe now and i’ll be able to be at peace for at least a month?”
“not even half a year? maki-san, you’re killing me,” he joked, pulling away so that they weren’t chest to chest anymore.
she pinched his cheek, making him wince, “i’m killing you? suree,” she sarcastically said, pinching his cheeks even harder until he was almost folding in himself. she finally let up her hold, knowing that the boy was just playing for her own entertainment.
“i’ll miss you too, maki-san,” [name] said, “but you’ll hear about me enough in the newspapers!”
a mischievous wink left little to what he exactly meant by that. she pulled away from him and walked to her position behind the counter.
“you’re going to kill garp-san, too,” she said, wiping down some of the freshly washed glasses.
“he deserves it, old man’s been alive for too long,” he yawned, putting his hands in his pockets.
she sighed at his rude words, knowing that there was really nothing she could say that could make him change his thoughts on his “grandfather.”
“well, i think you should get going before either of those two wake up,” she commented, looking over at the sun that was getting higher and higher in the air, “their minds might recognize your presence as gone before they’re even awake.”
“they always were creepy in that sense,” he sweatdropped, knowing that she did have a point. “until next time!” he called out, jogging out of her bar and shooting her the widest smile possible.
they weren’t going to see each other for a long time and he wanted her to remember him smiling if anything.
and when his back was turned to her, he wasn’t able to see the stray tear that was falling from her cheek. she was going to miss him more than he could ever know.
when [name] finally made it to his raggedy boat, he untied the rope from the port and pushed it off with his foot. that gentle push was enough for the boat to get into motion, the wind pushing through the sails and furthering his distance from his home.
he sat down and leaned against the post, kicking his feet up on the sides of the boat. a relaxed sigh left his mouth and he looked up at the sky.
“man it’s a beautiful day-”
he jolted where he sat, getting up form his reclining position to look at the island. a smirk climbed onto his face as he realized just who exactly was calling out to him. there was a dust cloud behind them, the distinguishable strawhat held in his hands.
“[name]!!! wait for me out at sea!!” he shouted, almost falling into the sea water below as his stopping was rough and uncalculated.
[name] stood up on his rocky grounding, cupping the sides of his mouth so that his voice was amplified, “i’ll wait for you, luffy!!! we’ll meet again!”
he put his hands on his hips, smiling gently as he saw the energetic boy jump up and down at immeasurable heights just so he could be seen.
“you’re my captain, afterall,” he said, this time only for his own ears to hear.
Pirate Rookie, [Name], has been officially dubbed ‘The Cursed Orphan’ by the government as a wanted pirate! If handed over to any local government facility, ALIVE ONLY, you will be granted a prize of 200,000,000 BERI.
His powers are unknown, so proceed with caution if you so choose to pursue him. Their most notable strength, however, is the famed sword that is wrapped in protective cloth and scabbard that was once used by one of the Yonko, “Red Hair” Shanks.
a certain ravenette threw his head back in laughter, the hat on his head almost falling off. his boots were kicked up on a bar table and his chest was moving rapidly with his laughs filling the air.
“[name]! man, i wish i knew where you were, i’d sail over in an instant,” he said, a soft look in his eyes as he looked at the man’s wanted poster, “oi! you better keep an eye out for me too because i won’t be falling behind!”
the people in the bar were looking at him weird for having a conversation with a piece of paper, looking borderline crazy as he did so. his freckled cheeks were so high due to how wide his smile was, showcasing his pearly whites.
“i miss you, but it’s relieving to know that you’re fine,” he sipped his drink and wiped the excess at the side of his mouth with the back of his hand, “who am i kidding?! you were the most tame out of the four of us! bahaha!”
more people began whispering about his strange actions, the owner of the bar looking a bit fearful and hesitant on stopping his disruptive actions.
“someone! quick get me a knife! i’m keeping this picture in my pocket!” he called out, his thumb gently brushing up and down the pictured person’s cheek. he yelled with such passion his wavy hair was no longer shielding his eyes, shifting around with how aggressive his movements were.
yeah, he was definitely crazy, the people all concluded.
luffy laughed his head off seeing [name]’s wanted poster.
“he looks so badass, wow! hehe, [name]’s got a bounty, [name]’s got a bounty!” he danced in a circle, kicking his feet up high to show his excitement, his laughter filling the entire house of bandits. “come on, let’s frame it as soon as possible, i’ll keep it safe in my room!”
“there will be no such thing happening in this household! your idolization of him should have stopped long ago!” dadan scolded, the cigarette in her mouth threatening to fall out. luffy didn’t seem to pay attention to her, though, as he continued to run around the house, holding [name]’s wanted poster up as if it were a sacred piece of meat.
there was silence amongst the mountain bandits, nothing but luffy’s shouts resonating in the entire house. that was until dadan abruptly stood up, looking at the subordinates around her as if they were crazy.
“what do you all think you’re doing!? get up and find me the finest frame in town, i don’t care if you have to steal it! hurry up, you bunch of lazy asses!”
“hey! this posters mine, get your own!” luffy shouted defensively, holding the paper close to his chest.
“and grab another wanted poster of [name] while you’re in town!” dadan added in, knowing that stubborn look in luffy’s eyes. how territorial his behavior was was ridiculous, in dadan’s opinion.
the low ponytail of h/c hair gently swayed in the wind, the man of the hour looking at his own poster with a childish grin. he just finished reading the article that was next to his wanted poster, boosting his ego a little bit as he did so.
“i haven’t even made it to the grand line yet,”
a/n: i don't think .. .. . long fanfictions/series get that much attention on tumblr, but i just felt the need to publish my ff on here bc I JUST FELT LIKE THERE WAS A GENUINE DROUGHT OF MALE READER SHIT ON HERE !! i dont know how to explain it beyond that. i would like for this to be successful on here, but at the same time . .. .. i don't really care ??? for getting high number of notes, follows, etc. because as long as it reaches my target audience - that's all i really care about. like of course, i would like for this to grow successful on this platform as well, but to me that looks like engagement and interactions from those that this story applies to (male readers, basically)
『 next 』
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
Hugs for a Vampire (Astarion x GN!Reader) - Chapter 18: At Withers' Party
Bonus Hug - Chapter 18: At Withers' Party
Each chapter can be read as a standalone hug.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Rogue!Tav)
Genre: Fluffy, Filling in Canon
Rating: Teen
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, post-game, epilogue, cw: alcohol, jealousy
WC: 2.1k words, 18/18 chapters
Summary: An epilogue hug! Astarion sees Rogue!Tav giving out hugs and wants one of his own.
Author's Note: This was not part of the original fic, added on after the epilogue was released, however I chose to put my own spin on the epilogue hug.
Finally, Whether you read this fic AO3, on Tumblr, or a combo of both, thanks so much for joining the hugfest! I love this vampire man, and may he have many, many more hugs <3
Ao3 | [Hug17] | Hugs for a Vampire Masterlist
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It’s been six months since your victory at Baldur’s Gate.
Six months of traveling through the Underdark with Astarion, establishing a base for the vampire spawn, and figuring out your next steps together. It was perilous and difficult work, but you wouldn’t change a single thing. 
You have missed your former companions dearly though, so when you received the invitation from Withers for a celebration, the smile that broke across your face could blind a celestial. I wouldn’t miss this for anything – not even a fresh new apocalypse, you wrote back.
So that’s how you and Astarion have found yourselves above ground once again, the familiar wilderness of the Sword Coast a welcome sight, the distinguished company an even more welcome one.
Everyone seems to be doing quite well, despite how you all left each other. Lae’zel is only able to visit through a projection, and the reprieve is rather temporary for a few of your companions– namely Wyll and Karlach– However, it’s a rare opportunity and you’re incredibly grateful to have it.
The elation must be obvious on your face, as Astarion takes one look at you and laughs. His sing-song little giggle never fails to bring a smile to your face, and right now your face is liable to crack open. “Go on, dear,” he says, sensing the eager tension in your body. “Mingle! If you need me, I shall be near the wine.”
“You can mingle too, you know,” you say, though you’ve already begun to walk away.
“Invite me again after a few bottles,” he responds. You know he loves them all in his own way, but he also finds them to be a bit too much at times. Ever the stray cat, he’ll find his way to them when he’s ready, at least you hope. So you nod to him in agreement and wander off to chat with your dearest friends.
You’re so excited to see them all again that you’re practically jogging to meet them. 
Shadowheart is the first. When you get a good look at her, you see a peace in her face that you haven’t seen in any of the months you’ve known her. Something about it brings you relief. You knew they would each find their happiness without you, but seeing it firsthand is something else. Perhaps it’s because she’s looking so much more herself than ever, but before long you find yourself asking, “Could I have a hug?” The hug is caring and welcoming and everything you knew Shadowheart has always been.
Next you make your way to Karlach. She’s alive and well, which is ten times better than the last time you saw her, and you just might cry from the sight. She tells you about Avernus and about the possibility to fix her heart and you just might cry from that as well. Again, you can’t resist, especially knowing she’s been fighting for her life for six months. “Could I have a hug?” The hug is warm and strong, just like the woman in your arms.
After that, you make your way to Wyll. He’s doing rather well in Avernus with Karlach, and, when he mentions that he’s planning to ensure Karlach finds a solution to her heart, a few tears well in your eyes. Wyll is among the best of mortal and immortal men, and you’re glad he went with Karlach when you couldn’t. The grateful feeling is more than you can put into words, so you ask, “Could I have a hug?” The hug is strong and bracing and an absolute testament to Wyll’s enduring friendship.
You find your way to Lae’zel. After learning of her diligent efforts to save her people from Vlaakith, you can’t help but be awestruck by how much she’s changed. You’re inspired by her ability to learn to fight with words and stunned by how much she truly misses you. Even though she’s not there, you can’t help yourself, “Could I have a hug?” She simply clicks her tongue at you and calls you an idiot, somehow melting your heart all the same.
Eventually, you find Gale, tucked away with the tressym Tara. He’s a teacher and no longer at risk of exploding – you can’t help laughing at that, remembering the various times he almost blew you all up without the help of an all-powerful orb. Something about the way he speaks of his new role and invites you to visit, either to teach or just to spend time, makes you realize that this is what a happy wizard looks like. You love it and ask, “Could I have a hug?” The hug is all-encompassing and lengthy, much like one of Gale’s lessons in magic.
Finally, you find Halsin, dancing the night away. When you learn more about his endeavors, you find that he’s reestablishing the settlement at Reithwin, reconnecting the land to its people. He mentions that Thaniel and Oliver are no longer lonely and that the children of the settlement bring him a fulfillment he never thought possible. After regaling him of an exaggerated tale of your and Astarion’s adventures, you assure him that the two of you will visit soon to tell more. “Could I have a hug?” The hug is surprisingly gentle and comforting, and you walk away feeling quite content.
You determine that you’ll need to ask the rest, even Withers, for hugs if they’ll all be this enjoyable. But before you do that, you decide to take a moment to yourself, to process everything.
That’s how you find your way to a quiet corner, head spinning with warm, fuzzy feelings and maybe a smidge too much wine. Just being here, surrounded by some of the best people you’ve ever had the privilege to encounter, fills you with a companionship you weren’t aware you’d been missing. Astarion fills you with so much love and happiness, but this– this is different.
As if summoned with your thoughts, the vampire walks toward you, wine glass in hand. "Are you done mingling?" Sensing your mind is elsewhere, he leans closer, inspecting your glassy, faraway gaze. His hand lands on the small of your back, jolting your attention back to the present and you turn to look at him. His eyes sparkle at you with radiant joy and a hint of something else. Could that be annoyance?
You decide to focus on the joy. "Yes, I think I've managed to get good conversations out of everyone. Did you know Gale wants me to go teach at Waterdeep?" Your voice sounds incredulous, after all, you warned him: once a rogue, always a rogue. Unless he wants his students to learn how to stab more efficiently, he would do best to seek someone else.
Astarion clearly agrees, making an exaggerated, aghast expression. "You? A teacher?" He shudders in fake-fear. "My love, I pity the poor students who would be subjected to your methods."
“Hey,” you say, shooting him a glare. “I thought you were supposed to be the supportive one!”
He laughs and shakes his head. “I can only support so much, my dear.” Then he takes a long look at you, noticing how unfocused your eyes are, the flush to your face. “And from the looks of it, I may need to support your entire body before the night is over.”
You only grin at him and say, “What did I do to deserve such a caring man?”
“Yes, yes,” he says, rubbing gentle circles along your back. “Likely whatever you did to deserve the affections of every adventurer this side of the Chionthar.” His tone is joking, but the dark look on his face says otherwise.
Pushing aside your own amusement, you pull his hand from your back and lean into him. “Okay, what's the matter, love?”
“Oh nothing. I just thought my jealous days were behind me.” He sounds sullen, and you note a sad tilt to his eyebrows.
Jealous days? You groan, recalling his concern over the fiery barbarian. “Love, really truly, if I were leaving you for Karlach, I would have gone to Avernus months ago.”
He waves his wine glass at you dismissively. “I know that, and I don’t mean Karlach, contrary to all evidence thus far.” Suddenly avoiding your gaze, he takes a sip of wine and changes the subject. “No matter, let’s go ask Withers where he found this vintage.” 
“No, no, no,” you say, tugging him back to you before he can walk off. After another six months together, getting used to each other’s idiosyncrasies outside of mortal peril (mostly out of mortal peril), you knew the escape was only a ruse. He wants to talk, but he seems too embarrassed to begin. “You’re allowed to be jealous, Astarion. But I can’t help you if you don’t tell me why.”
Astarion stops in his tracks, looking back at you with a pair of vulnerable red eyes. “Do you promise not to laugh?”
You take a beat to debate this, but ultimately honesty wins over and you shake your head. “I wish I could, but I do promise to try my best?”
A sigh escapes him, and you’re graced with a soft, reluctant smile. “Typical. You were truthful though, so I shall be too. I was rather jealous of…” He wipes a hand over his face dramatically. “I was jealous that you’ve gone and hugged everyone else. Gods, I sound like a child.”
It’s a good thing you only promised to try your best because an involuntary huff leaves your lips, which you'd firmly pressed together in preparation. "That is…" you gasp out.
"Idiotic? Pathetic?" Astarion supplies.
"Rather adorable actually," you say, finally allowing a snort out. “How do you always manage to be both adorable and sexy?”
You swear you can see the tips of his ears color pink, but that may just be the firelight or your own tipsy vision. He only says, “I’m quite talented.”
“Would a hug help you feel better?”
Astarion looks at you, eyes darting between yours. You can see a bit of hesitation in them, and you’re wondering why when he says, “Only if it’s not a pity hug.”
“Never,” you say, solemnly. “You know I only give hugs I mean.”
He clicks his tongue, annoyed again. He places his wine glass down on the ground with a flourish, as if preparing himself. “Yes, exactly. Which is why I’ve gone and become jealous. This is all your fault and I expect you to remedy it.”
You nod, accepting this burden with ease. “In that case… Could I hug you?” Astarion waves his hand at you as if to say, get on with it already, and you dive right in. 
The hug is loving, it’s understanding and supportive. It warms you, it cools you, and it makes you want to tackle this man to the ground in an aggressive affection– a feeling you only barely temper after a few glasses of wine. After experiencing so many hugs tonight, you find that the hug is so very perfectly him.
No, not just him. It’s the type of hug that the both of you make together. And it’s the hug you want to experience again and again for the rest of your life.
When you finally pull away from him, Astarion is smiling once more, jealousy evidently placated. “Well now, I have you every night, don’t I? Go on then, continue to bless them with your presence. I’ll be here when you’re ready. I’ll always be here, my love.”
You shake your head at him. “A lovely sentiment, of course, but you’re done hiding. Come on.”
“What?” he asks, brows furrowing as he tilts away from you.
“I said, you’re done hiding. No more shadows, they all keep asking about you and I’d rather you answer them yourself,” you say, all but dragging him back to the party now. “They miss you too, you know.”
“Darling, please. What if they ask me for a hug?” Astarion looks truly appalled at the thought.
You laugh, imagining him reacting like a cat forced into a bathtub. “You can say no, of course. But I promise not to get too jealous if you do.”
“What will it take for you to forget I ever said that?” he says, laughing and allowing himself to be dragged.
You quickly swipe his wine glass back up off the ground as you pull him along, and take a long drink before returning it to him. You only say, “At least two more bottles, though I suppose that depends on how wild Withers likes his parties.”
Hand-in-hand, you both walk off to enjoy the rest of the celebration. The night is young, the wine is flowing, and there are still many more hugs to be shared.
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vminizzle · 1 year
Part 3 : a new chapter
pairing : husband!jungkook × f.reader
genre : smut, fluff, angst
warnings : pet names, slight dry humping, love making, penetration, unprotected sex, marking, praising, breeding kink, creampie
words count : 3k
A/N : hi my lovely people, I hope y’all doing good and spending a nice weekend. Thank you for reading the first and second part of this "series", I hope I won’t disappoint with this third part. I got feedbacks on the two other parts and I feel so happy about it. Guys, I ain’t lying when I say reading your comments make me happy asf. I mean it. Thank you for everything! REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH. Take care of yourselves, love you all so much. - sunny
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“you ready?” Jungkook asked holding your hand.
You took a deep breath before nodding.
You were nervously standing in front of the villa front door, your friends probably doing their “everyday things” without doubting you were about to do your “comeback”.
Jungkook placed his hand on your lower back, a small gesture encouraging you to knock on the door.
You lifted your fist in the air, hesitating on knocking, many scenarios playing in your head.
“what if they hate me?” you whispered anxiously more to yourself.
“don’t say such a thing.” your husband tsked.
“they aren’t like that.” he turned your body around to face him.
He cupped your cheeks gently making you look up at him.
“C’mon, they missed you a lot. They’re gonna be happy to see you again.” he said before pecking your forehead.
You gulped before facing the door again, this time your fist coming in contact with it.
After a few seconds, a brown haired boy opened the door, a gasp escaping from his lips.
“y/n!” Hoseok said a big smile appearing on his face.
“I’m so happy to see you!” he grabbed you by your shoulders embracing you in a warm hug.
“Hoseok, I’m so happy to see you too.” your hands flew to his back to hug him tighter making him chuckle.
“oh, did you grow up?” he joked touching your head only to light up the mood more.
“Hey JK!” Hoseok said loudly making the concerned man grin.
“how you doin’ man?” he hugged his friend quickly.
“much better.” he smiled looking at you.
”please come in guys.” he moved to the side allowing Jungkook and you to enter the house.
Walking to the spacious living room, you were met with the familiar scenery :
Jimin laying on the couch with his phone, Taehyung sat down on the carpet with a drawing book, Yoongi headphones on with his laptop and Namjoon standing in front of the glass door, admiring whatever he was looking at.
Perhaps, the sunflowers Hoseok planted recently?
“guys we have visitors!”
Jimin looked up from his phone screen, his eyes widening as he jumped out the couch.
“y/n! You’re back!” he immediately took your in his arms.
Jin came out from the kitchen with furrowed eyebrows.
“and now why are you yelling?” he asked frustrated, he probably told the boys to be quiet for him to cook peacefully.
He opened his mouth surprised as he noticed you standing in the middle of the room.
“oh my- guys! y/n, is here!”
“no shit Sherlock.” Jungkook rolled his eyes teasingly to annoy him.
Taehyung stood up “we missed you so much, you can’t even imagine.”
You smiled at him, Jimin finally letting go of you.
“It’s nice to see you.” Yoongi walked to where you were standing and side hugged you.
“yea it’s nice to see you again y/n.” Namjoon approached, patting your shoulder.
Jimin looked at you with his teary eyes, a little smile decorating his lips.
“please don’t cry.” You pouted, your eyes getting teary again.
“And now how do you want me not to cry? I was worried, I didn’t see my best friend for about a month and you dare asking me that?” Jimin protested.
You lowered your head, feeling bad about making them feel like that.
You took him in your arms again “I’m so sorry, I feel so b-”
“please no. It’s ok, let’s no.” he said hugging you tightly making you chuckled.
Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi encircled you and Jimin in a big hug making Jungkook coughed.
“Well, I’m glad to see you too guys.” he said with a poker face making everyone laugh.
The boys ran to him greeting him.
“so how are you both?” Namjoon asked as he signaled you to sit on the couch.
You looked at Jungkook before clearing your voice.
“I’d really like to apologize to you guys.” you started catching everyone’s attention.
“I was being disrespectful toward you for the past few weeks-”
“what are you even talking about?” Jin cut you off with a serious face.
“Please guys, listen to me.” you asked making them nod.
“I feel bad for making you feel like I was ignoring you or whatever. It was selfish of me and .. I regret it. You guys didn’t do anything but be patient and kind to me. I don’t deserve you.” you sighed.
“It was my problem and I acted like it was your fault or I don’t know… i just .. I’m so sorry, please accept my apologies.” you looked down.
It was silent for a moment. Jungkook took your hand in his gently, caressing the back of it with his thumb.
“y/n.” Jimin came to sit next to you.
“please don’t apologize. You don’t have to. It’s understandable. We aren’t mad at you or whatever you´ve had thought. We were just worried and nothing more. We missed you but never we’ve been mad at you during that period. You needed time for yourself, to recover and to take care of yourself. And you do deserve us, yea?” he said putting his hand on your shoulder making you look at him.
“thank you so much guys.” you wiped your tears with the back of your hand.
Jungkook got up clapping his hands “well, big hug?” he smiled widely.
“big hug!” Hoseok screamed making everyone laugh.
The rest of the day flew so fast, you spent your time talking about what the guys have been doing during this long month while eating Jin’s new recipe, which was just heaven for mouth.
“ahhh what a nice evening.” you hummed as you took off your coat throwing it in the nearest surface.
“I agree. It was pleasant.” Jungkook said making you nod as you let your body fall back on the couch.
“And the food was just.. delicious!” you exclaimed as your took your shoes off, closing your eyes.
“I’m sure of one thing, I’ll go to that restaurant again.” Jungkook affirmed.
“You good?” He asked as he approached you.
You opened your eyes smiling “yea.” you patted the space next to you telling your husband to sit.
“I love you.” you laid your head on his shoulder making him smile.
“I love you more Mrs. Jeon.” he kissed your forehead making you giggle.
After some good minutes, Jungkook shifted in his place making you look at him.
“y/n.” he started a bit nervous.
“let’s try again.” he whispered hesitantly.
You stared at him speechless. You just couldn’t think straight at the sudden demand.
“I mean.. no.. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t had asked that now.” he immediately said waving awkwardly.
You blinked several times before taking his hands in yours on your lap.
”Jungkook.“ you whispered making him look at you, his eyes full of regret.
”I’m sorry, I asked and I didn’t even know if you’re ready or if you still want or if-“ you put your finger on his mouth stopping his blabbing.
You chuckled at his confused face ”don’t apologize, I want it.“ you said.
”I’m not forcing you y/n-”
“i know. I just, you know, I’ve been thinking about it these days.. about trying again." you confessed making him let a deep breath out.
“I thought I pressured you.” he put his hand on his chest.
“what? no.” you laughed.
You turned your body completely to face him.
“I want to have a baby with you.” you took his face in your hands, pecking his lips quickly leaving the man speechless.
“gosh I love you.” he breathed out making you laughed.
You stood up taking his hand in the process and lead him to the bedroom upstairs.
You closed the door behind you as you walk into the bedroom with your husband.
Your hands were flat against his shirt-covered chest making you feel how strong he was.
Jungkook stared down at you as you unbuttoned the shirt’s buttons painfully slow.
You looked up at him surprised as he suddenly grab you by your hips pulling you closer to him.
“stop teasing love.” he groaned making you bit your bottom lip.
“I’m not.” you smirked before yanking his black shirt off, dropping it in the carpeted floor.
He smirked back turning your body around before pushing your hips back against him, making you feel how hard he was.
“I’m trying to be patient, but you see it’s getting harder.” he murmured into your ear before biting your earlobe making you moan softly, the sound, a melody to him.
His large hands went on your stomach, sliding down to your thighs, lower until they reached the end of your dress.
“May I?” he waited for your consent until you murmured a little “yes”.
Jungkook kissed your neck as he slid your dress up, but before he could continue you grab his hands “wait.”
“what is it? did I do something?” he looked at you worried making you shook your head.
“nah but you’ll ruin my dress if you take it off like that, the zipper is just right there.” you pointed to the side of the dress.
“oh man, you serious right now?” he closed his eyes sighing.
“hey hey I love that dress!” you slapped his chest making him laugh.
“ok ok m’aam, I will take it off properly then .” he lifted an eyebrow up making you grin.
“go on mister.”
One of his hand was resting on your waist as the other one went to the zipper dragging it down slowly revealing your soft skin.
You helped him remove the dress, still caring about the precious material, making your husband roll his eyes.
Leaving you in your black lingerie, Jungkook had to hold himself from drooling before the beauty standing in front of him.
“fuck, you look so good”.
You hid your face behind your hands “stop it please.”
“no. you really look like a goddess darling.” he licked his lips.
“thank you.” you hugged him.
He patted your head before sighing.
“y’know we’re supposed to make a baby.” he joked.
You parted away pinching his side making him wince “I was joking.”
You put your hands around his neck “now come here.” you pulled him down for a kiss.
He pulled you against him, feeling his warm skin against yours.
Your hands cascaded down his stomach until they reached his belt, you broke the kiss, looking up at him waiting for his consent.
“go on darling.” he caressed your cheek.
Without hesitating you unbuckled his belt pushing his pant down as he stepped out of it.
You walked him backward to the bed making him sit on the edge.
He made you sit on his lap, resting his hands on top of your thighs.
“I can’t wait to show you how much I love you.”
“don’t waste time then.” you put your hands on his shoulders, leaning into his neck to place soft kisses.
“show me how much you love me.” you said making him closed his eyes.
“show me how much you want me.” you bit his neck teasingly
You didn’t know where this boost of confidence came from but it felt so good.
“fuck.” his hands gripped the flesh of your thighs tightly as you started grinding on his confined bulge.
“enough.” he groaned stilling your hips.
“I can’t anymore.” he said impatient before switching position, laying you on your back and getting on top of you.
He leaned down, capturing your lips into a sweet kiss.
His hands went behind your back trying to take your bra off.
After all these years, Jungkook kept on struggling with it. You chuckled sitting up and unhook the material that annoyed your husband.
“there you go.” you discarded the bra on the pile of clothes near the bed.
He sighed “next time I’ll get it.” he pecked your lips.
Jungkook pushed you on your back gently again, lowering himself on you.
He started leaving wet little kisses between the valley of your breasts, his hands on each sides of your hips as he kept on going down slowly.
You could felt butterflies in your stomach as his mouth arrived near your navel.
“you’re so pretty, look at you.” he murmured against your skin, goosebumps raising at the praises.
You moaned when he bit the inside of your left thigh. His fingers started playing with the waistband of your panties.
“please take it off.” you whined getting impatient.
“as you wish.” Jungkook executed.
He was about to kiss higher when you pulled on his hair “what is it?” He asked confused.
“please let’s skip foreplay, I need you.” you pleaded.
“so eager huh.” Jungkook teased making you roll your eyes before you pulled him up by his arm.
“please.” you closed your eyes desperately.
He bit back a smile.
“fine fine.” he finally decided to get rid of his boxer, letting him bare on top of you.
He positioned himself in between your legs, rubbing his cock between your glistening lips.
“stop teasing.” you looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows angrily.
“don’t make that face babe, you look nothing but adorable.” he pinched your cheek.
“Stop it Kook!” you slapped his back making him laugh.
“fine.” he grinned.
“are you ready my love?” he aligned himself at your entrance, now looking at you carefully.
You nodded holding his bicep tightly as he entered you painfully slow.
“fuck.” Jungkook groaned as he lowered his head into the crook of your neck.
“you’re so tight.” he breathed out before looking up at your face.
Your eyes were closed, eyebrows furrowed, your lips ajar as you tried to divert your mind off the painful feeling down there.
“you good princess?” he kissed your cheek.
“please move.” you whined.
Jungkook started moving in and out making you bite your bottom lip hard.
“you feel so good.” he panted as he picked up the pace making you moan.
“don’t stop oh my- faster!” you demanded as he hit that spot that could make you see stars again and again.
It’s been so long since the two of you had this intimate moment.
You needed that.
You needed to feel each others again, you needed to find yourselves.
“fuck! yes like that!” You threw your head back as he grabbed one of your thigh to lift your leg a bit higher so he could reach deeper inside you.
“Jungkook! right there!”
“fuck I love it when you moan my name like that!” he moaned.
“do I make you feel good sweetheart?” he said before sucking on your sweet spot.
Your hands travelled to his muscular back burying your nails into his flesh as they form little crescents.
The burning sensation sending pleasure to the man as he left a love bite in your neck making you sob, your head spinning as your body received pleasure from everywhere.
From his rough hands caressing your sides, his lips doing wonders onto your neck and collarbones, his hips moving more and more harder into yours making you feel like lightheaded.
“I’m close!” you cried out.
Jungkook looked down at you with lust, you looked so ruined.
The man above you bit his lips, the view too attractive, he loved seeing you like this.
You gasped as you felt his fingers travelling down between your bodies to rub on the bud of nerves helping you reach your high easily.
You involuntary tightened around him making him moan loudly.
“I can’t- fuck it I’m close too.” he let out.
He held your hips strongly as he thrust faster and faster.
“I’m gonna put my babies into you f-fuck and make you the mother of my children. You want that my love?” Jungkook said, lust fogging his mind.
Your walls started convulsing around him, your climax nearer.
He held your hands, placing them at each sides of your head as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
You cried out as you came around him.
Your hold tightening his hands, your eyes closed tears escaping from them, the pleasure unbearable.
Your breathless moans pushed him over the edge as he cum inside you.
His hot cum warming you inside, filling you up to the brim.
“you’re gonna look so good with your belly swollen… carrying my child.” he whispered against your sweaty skin.
“I love you y/n.” he laid a gentle kiss on your throat.
“I love you Koo.” you smiled shyly as you caress his soft long curly hair.
After a few minutes, your husband helped cleaning you up and changing before laying next to you.
“thank you.” he suddenly said making you look at him curiously.
“thank you for giving me a second chance.. for the bab-” you sat up furrowing your eyebrows.
“don’t you dare continue your sentence or I’ll cut your tits.” you menaced him making him sit up while laughing.
“I’m serious.” you slapped his shoulder.
“don’t say such things. I love you. Just let’s not.. hm? It’s a new chapter of our life now.” you took his hand in yours before laying a sweet kiss on it.
He just nodded looking at you lovingly.
“I’m so lucky to have you as my wife, my best friend. You’re really the best person I’ve ever met. I love you with all my soul.” he confessed in a breath.
You chuckled before hugging him tightly.
“you’re so precious. You’re the best husband ever. I love you more than anything Jungkook. I will always.” you kissed his soft lips making him hummed.
You both looked into each other’s eyes with tired smiles.
“now let’s go to sleep. You almost got me unconscious.” you joked making the man smirk.
“maybe I sh-”
“nah shut up.” you pulled him down with you as you lay your head on his chest comfortably.
“sweet dreams Mr. Jeon.”
“sleep well Mrs. Jeon.” he pecked your forehead before closing his eyes.
A/N: hi hi, thank you so much, if you guys read this, it means that your read until the end so thank you a lot. I hope i didn’t disappoint. Please don’t hesitate to leave feedbacks! If you want to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. Love you guys. I’ll prob post the next part next week :)
TAGLIST: @btssevenx @starstruckfangirls @riworlds @babycandy111 @chimmisbae @borahaexoxo @bxcndd @tokiodori @jungkooksseuphoria @manuosorioh@axa-00 @kleirielk @kissme-ornot @delasmooth @cartiluv3r @lalita-7 @ohyeahjk @starlight-1010 @burnahtsw @kookietkk @0funsite0
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Grievances: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
You woke to the feeling of a cold and empty bedside. You sat fully up in the bed, the thin cotton sheets falling into your lap as you did your best to look around the small bedroom for your boyfriend, but you couldn’t find him. In fact, the sheets beside you were even made despite him getting under the covers with you just a few hours ago. Looking to the small end table, you saw the time on the little alarm clock - 3:46 in the morning.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and got up onto the creaky old floorboards, wincing at how loud they were just from your slight movement. You did your best to creep out of the room without making too much noise to wake the others (although you’re sure Ignis had already woke from you getting up). You toed on your shoes and grabbed your jacket before making your way down the aging steps.
You all had just arrived at Cape Caem yesterday afternoon, rolling up to the old farmhouse by the sea to set off for the prince’s wedding soon. It had been a trip and a half so far, with Galdin being out of the picture and Lestallum being a pitstop and a half with all of the little side things you had accidentally picked up as a party, it was nice to get a whole evening to yourselves and rest. You and Gladio had been given one of the solo bedrooms, a queen-sized bed fitted with crisp white sheets and a baby blue comforter with distressed white wooden furniture. It would be a lovely bedroom to take home.
But Gladio wasn’t around.
You looked around in the kitchen and on the porch but didn’t see him, afraid of opening other doors that could lead into bedrooms full of sleeping people. You split open the vintage curtains in the front window to look outside, squinting into the darkness as you looked around in the near-darkness for any signs of him. It wasn’t like Gladio to just disappear, hell, he’s a mountain of a man! How could you miss him? How could you not wake up to him getting out of the bed?
You nearly closed the curtains to look somewhere else when you caught a glimpse of someone in the darkness over by the cliff’s edge. You opened the door and quickly stepped outside, the cool sea air blowing past you, nipping at your skin and leaving goosebumps down your body. The air was cool and crisp, it smelled of the salty sea and of the churned earth behind you full of fields of crops. Crickets were chirping in the grass, you heard the rustling of small animals in the bushes, in the distance you heard wild animals howling in the night to the moon. You slowly walked towards the figure, already able to make out his broad shoulders covered in a jacket and the fluffy hair that needed a good trim before the wedding. You’re not sure if he heard you coming, but if he did, then he didn’t say anything to you. He was sitting on one of his camping chairs, back to the farmhouse as he looked over the sea and the moon. There was a book on the ground, one of his favorites, it looked like it had been tossed without a care in the world down.
It was when you were standing right next to him did he acknowledge your presence, only giving you a slight glance before turning back to look at ocean. He was kind of hunched over in his seat, almost as if he was trying to make himself look smaller. It was almost like he felt vulnerable, especially before you.
You gave him a few moments, hoping that with you being next to him that he would open up to you, maybe give you a glimpse as to what was going on, but he didn’t. His lips were sealed.
“Are you alright?” you finally asked quietly, breaking the tense silence between you two.
Your words hung in the air around him like anvils, they swaddled him up in a suffocating grip and refused to let go. Your words, those three little words, make the king’s shield start to tremble.
Gladio’s breath was shaking, hitching in his throat as he tried his hardest not to start breaking down in front of you.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and rounded out in front of him, crouching to meet his eyes. His face was already wet, tear tracks slightly dry and they looked sticky, he must have been crying earlier. His eyes, bright and full of life like a roaring fire, were dull and diminished. He looked exhausted, he looked miserable.
“Gladio…” you murmured.
Suddenly the shield pulled you in close, forcing you to stand or else you would have head-butted right into him. His big and burly arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he yanked you in close, burying his head into your stomach. You felt a warm wetness start to form against your shirt. His grip was crushing against your back and hips, but all you could do was try to comfort him.
He didn’t sob, he didn’t moan or heave or scream. He sat in the chair and trembled, crying softly into your stomach.
You didn’t rush him, you didn’t say anything to break the silence, you simply placed one hand on his brawny shoulder and the other became carded into his soft hair. You had to admit, it was a shock to see your partner cry. He was always one for being stoic and in control of himself - except for anger sometimes - to the point that you wondered when the last time he had cried was. Even now, he was still controlling himself, pulling back on showing how truly upset he was as he clung and shook under your hands.
“I miss him.”
Those words hit you deep in the gut as he whimpered them out into your shirt.
His father.
His father had passed in the fall with the king. He and Iris were on their own now, their mother having passed about a year after Iris was born from what Gladio had told you. It was just him and his little sister against the world now.
All of his life was spent to be like his father, maybe even better while still holding his father is high regard. He was going to be like his father, be a shield and protect the king with his life. Gladio loved his father, and now he’s finally allowed himself time to grieve for his loss. What hurts even more is that there probably isn’t a body to bury back in Insomnia either, only twisting the knife in his chest.
“Oh Gladio,” you murmured. You rubbed both of your hands along his shoulders, rubbing soothing circles into his back as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Everything will be alright.”
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nataliesfirefly · 15 hours
chapter 3 - the truce
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a/n: omg i am so sorry for not uploading sooner!!! may was so chaotic with finals and everything. i sincerely apologize for taking so long to write this chapter! i dont know if anyone still cares about this series or wants to read it, but im still going to post this just in case some of you still enjoy it :)) love yall so much and again i apologize for the wait 🤍🤍
chapter warnings: slight language
wc: 4k
series masterlist
You make your way to English class hastily, the cold wind almost slicing through your skin and bones. November weather in London has always been cruel, but you can’t remember the last time it was this freezing. You look down at your shoes as you walk, trying to save your face from the harsh, burning gusts. If it’s going to be in the negative temperatures, some snow would be nice.
You eventually reach the classroom and swing open the door, shuffling inside. You sigh with dread, knowing today is the day you’re going to be assigned your partner for the essay. You’d much rather be cozied up in your dorm room with a mug of hot tea, listening to your favorite classical music pieces while reading a non-assigned book.
“Good morning,” Mrs. Chasteen greets you as you walk to your seat. “Are you quite alright?” You pause at her words and raise an eyebrow. “Yes, miss. Why do you ask?” You reply, confused. “Oh. No reason,” She waves a hand dismissively and you decide not to question it as you venture to your seat.
You sit next to Magdalena, a new accquaintance you’ve made in this class. “Is something off about me? Like, my face?” You ask her as you set your things down. “Your cheeks are just very rosy. And your nose,” She giggles and covers her mouth, her green eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh. It’s just the cold,” You sigh. This was a common occurrence for you.
“Didn’t know Rudolph was in our class,” Someone mutters as they pass by. You glance up and see Farleigh glancing back at you with a smirk. You roll your eyes and groan. “He’s funny,” Magdalena remarks.
You turn to her. “Excuse me?” It comes out harsher than you expected it to, and her eyes widen. “Sorry. I mean… he’s… annoying..?” She says it almost like a question while trying to bite back a grin, but you can see it clearly. “Just because you hate him doesn’t mean I have to,” She points a finger at you. You nod. “Fair point. Sorry, Lena.” You pat her shoulder and she smiles. “No worries.”
“Alright, is everyone settled?” Mrs. Chasteen’s voice drags your attention back to the front of the room. A few quiet agreements echo throughout the room, meaning it’s unfortunately time to start the lesson.
Towards the end of class, Mrs. Chasteen stands up to announce something.
“So, with our first term coming to an end soon, it’s time for you to begin your essays. I’m expecting university level quality, and some very thought-provoking writing. I know you all can do it, just put your minds to it, and trust yourselves. Now, just because I’m giving you a partner does not mean you can slack off. You must do your equal parts of work,” She warns, already knowing the work ethics of some of the people in this class.
“I chose each of your partners for a reason. I think I know you all well enough by now, and I believe you are going to work well with whoever I paired you with.” She explains. You glance over at Magdalena with a smile and raised eyebrows. Mrs. Chasteen likes you, you think, so perhaps she paired you with Lena, since it’s obvious you two have become close.
“Alright.” She walks to her desk and grabs a piece of paper with the pairs written down. “Fiona and Oscar,” She calls out. You hear some mutters and hums and shuffling of your classmates. “Mason and Henry,” She says.
She continues calling out names, and you think you’re going to die from the anticipation. It seems like she’s saving your name for last on purpose. She hasn’t called Lena yet, though, so perhaps there is still hope.
“Magdalena and…” She pauses and squints at the paper. You tightly cross your fingers under the desk. “Olivia.” You turn to Lena quickly. She looks at you with a confused expression and shrugs. Mrs. Chasteen hates you, probably.
Suddenly you hear your name and your attention peaks. You whip back around to face the front, watching your teacher closely. “...and Farleigh.”
You swear your heart drops to your stomach. Your eyes widen and you blink, desperately trying to wake yourself up as if this is only a bad dream. In fact, now that you think of it, you genuinely believe you’ve had a nightmare about this before. Having to work with Farleigh on a project. A project that is basically worth your entire grade this term. Magdalena gasps quietly and then giggles, nudging you. “Oh my God,” She whispers. Of course she finds this funny.
“And that’s all. The essay is due December 15th, I will give you the prompts tomorrow. You are dismissed.” You immediately shoot up from your seat, seemingly at the same time as Farleigh, speedily walking up to Mrs. Chasteen’s desk, trying to beat him there. But it’s no use, as you both arrive there at the same time.
“Miss, is there any way I could switch partners?” You quickly blurt out before he can get a chance to talk, while still trying to remain polite. She looks at you with a surprised expression.
“I can’t do this essay with him.” You glance over at Farleigh who looks offended. “I can’t do this essay with her!” He exclaims. “Alright, alright, you two. Calm down. Why don’t you both have a seat?” She nods towards the two chairs positioned in front of her desk.
You exchange glances before obeying and sitting down. She sits down in her own chair across from the two of you, adjusting her glasses and leaning forward.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I had paired you two together for a reason?” She quirks an eyebrow and you have to resist the temptation to roll your eyes.
“I have noticed that there seems to be some sort of… rivalry or.. tension between you. However, I believe you two can work together and write something beautiful, once you put your feelings aside. If you both desire to go to Oxford, this is a skill you must learn. You must be agreeable, and able to adapt to new situations and people. Even if you do not prefer their company.” Mrs. Chasteen explains matter-of-factly.
“I’m not doing this because I dislike you. I’m doing it because you are two of my favorite students.” She winks and stands up. You’ve won, but at what cost? You and Farleigh stand shortly after, following suit. “Now, I think you’d ought to get to your next classes.”
“This absolutely sucks,” He groans as you both trudge across the courtyard, as you have both done everyday since the first day of school when he offered you his umbrella. It’s like a tradition, although he’s not the preferred person you’d like to be walking with right now.
“Yeah, you think?!” You exclaim furiously, raising your voice over the wind. “Did she say we’re going to have to meet outside of class?” He asks, and you turn to glance up at him. “What? Oh my God, that’s even worse!” You slap a hand to your forehead and shake your head.
“I’m not meeting you anywhere,” You tell Farleigh. He stops in his tracks. “It’s not up to us. We have to if we want to get this done. It’s half of our-”
“Yes, I know. Half of our grade. At this point, I’d rather take the zero!” You throw your hands up as you both reach the door to the west wing. He rolls his eyes and holds the door open for you. You angrily bustle past him to escape the freezing cold air.
“Are you serious? It’s really not a big deal. We can get along for the sake of an essay.” The door closes behind you two, leaving both of you alone in the long hallway. You turn around to face him.
“Fine. But we both get equal input for the essay. I know how you are when it comes to group projects,” You narrow your eyes at him and fold your arms, remembering that chaotic astronomy project you had to work on with Farleigh and some other irrelevant people during your tenth year. He was a total control freak and didn’t let you do anything, because he feared you would ‘mess it up.’
“Okay, okay. Deal.” He nods and holds out his hand like it’s some kind of business agreement. Or maybe more like a truce. For now. You reluctantly take his hand and shake it gently. You can’t help but notice how small your hand is compared to his own.
“See you later.” You spin on your heel and head up the stairs quickly to get to biology. Hopefully this whole ordeal doesn’t cause you to be late.
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The next day in class, Mrs. Chasteen assigns each group their prompt. Unfortunately, you now have to sit next to Farleigh. You’ll certainly miss Magdalena’s peaceful company and her ability to not make snarky comments every five seconds.
“Right, so our prompt is…” You drag the slip of paper closer to you to read the words printed. “Discuss revenge in the novel. In what ways is it connected to love? What is the nature of love in the novel, that it can be so closely connected to vengeance?” You read aloud.
“Easy.” Farleigh sighs and leans back in his chair nonchalantly. “Well, then perhaps you would like to enlighten me with some of your ideas?” You turn to him expectantly. “Are you doubting my knowledge?” He asks, clutching a hand to his chest as if to appear offended. “No. Just curious.” You shrug and smile mischeviously, but you know exactly what you’re doing.
“Heathcliff’s unrequited love for Catherine drives his desire for revenge. Their love is self-destructive and all-consuming which leads to Heathcliff’s strong emotions and actions.” He replies. You sit there in silence for a moment, realizing he actually knew what was going on in the novel. You had assumed he had just skimmed through it and Googled a summary.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” You mutter, nodding slowly in agreement. “Great. Sounds like we won’t have any trouble with this essay,” He smiles and pats you on the shoulder firmly. You almost instantly recoil, shifting in your chair and glaring at him. What is it with him and touching you?
“So, when should we meet up to work on it?” You ask. “How about tonight at seven? The library?” Farleigh suggests. “I won’t steal your spot this time,” He says teasingly. “Shut up.” You snap.
“Why did you care so much about that anyway?” He questions. “I’m just…” You trail off, your face reddening. “Superstitious?” He raises his eyebrows and you sigh. “I guess you could say that.” You shrug and look back down at the table.
“Should we get each other’s numbers?” He suddenly asks. Your eyes dart up to his. “What?” You can already feel your face getting hot again, and you don’t even know why. The idea of Farleigh having your number is… frightening. But why are you blushing at the thought of it? And why does he want your number? Could he possibly…
“For the project.” Your expression probably gave too much away, so he had to clarify. “Oh. Right. Yeah, definitely.” You nod a bit aggressively as he fishes his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and handing it to you. Your hands tremble as you take his phone and type in your number. You hand it back to him and pray he didn’t notice your strange behavior. “Thanks,” He mutters.
“You know that Clara girl?” He says. “Yeah, what about her?” Your curiosity peaks as you glance over at him. “She’s been talking to me a lot. Like, she’s barely spoken a sentence to me in the past five years we’ve been at this school. And now she won’t leave me alone,” He says it with that tinge of pride in his voice.
“Okay?” You gesture vaguely. “Well, your friends with her, right?” He lowers his voice and checks around him to make sure no one is eavesdropping. “Yeah…?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Does she ever… you know, talk about me?” He asks. You almost laugh but you stop yourself. “No, she doesn’t.” You bite back a feisty remark. “You are seriously no help whatsoever.” He shakes his head and pinches the space between his eyes.
“Just because a girl starts talking to you more than she usually does, does not mean she likes you.” You tell him, only realizing how untrue that sentence is after you’ve said it. “You just have a huge ego,” You recover quickly after your moment of silence.
“I do not. If anyone does it’s you.” He replies a little too quickly. It goes quiet all of a sudden and you awkwardly look away and out the window. He clears his throat. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” You quietly respond. Sooner or later class is over and you’re free from that awkward moment.
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Later that night you arrive at the library, a few minutes after seven. You walk in and head over to where Farleigh is sitting, conveniently next to your usual spot. You smile at the thought of him remembering where it was and remembering not to take it.
But then you notice there’s someone standing at the side of the table, leaning against the table with their long legs crossed, twirling their lengthy blonde hair. Clara.
You awkwardly walk over and stand there next to Clara, waiting for her to turn and notice you.
“You’re funny,” She giggles right as Farleigh glances up and sees you. She turns, following his line of eyesight and eventually meeting your gaze. “Oh, hello!” She grins brightly. Why is she always so… sociable?
“Hi, Clara.” You step aside, going around her to your side of the table and sitting down. She seems confused. “Oh, are you two-”
“We’re just meeting up for a project,” Farleigh explains. “Oh. The essay for English, right?” To your surprise, she sits on the table, perfectly comfortable. Is Farleigh blushing?
“Yep,” You nod with a sigh, hoping that she’ll take the hint. “That book was honestly so boring. I couldn’t even tell you what it’s actually about.” She laughs like it’s funny. And the worst part is, Farleigh is chuckling along with her.
“We should probably get to work…” You mutter. You make eye contact with Clara and something in her gaze is threatening. But then, the switch flips and she nods, sliding off the table. “Alright. I’ll leave you to it! Have a good night, you two.” She smiles and walks away, and you swear she purposely walks with a swing in her hips.
Farleigh is just staring after her like an idiot. You nudge him harshly. “Farleigh,” You hiss. He startles out of his trance and turns to you. “Ow. What?!” He rubs his arm sarcastically and you roll your eyes.
“See, I think she likes me. You were lying to me.” He whispers. “I didn’t lie to you. I just–” You cut yourself off before you say something embarrassing.
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get started on this,” He says, and you both reach down into your bags for your laptops and book copies.
“I’ve never written an essay with someone before.” You mutter. You’re curious as to how this will work; perhaps you both take turns writing paragraphs, or take turns revising and editing. “I can do the introduction. I’m pretty good at those,” Farleigh offers.
“I mean… you could, I guess.” You don’t sound so certain. Introduction paragraphs are your specialty, and if he writes it, you know it wouldn’t be as good as yours. He looks at you with confusion. “What do you mean ‘I guess’?” His thick eyebrows furrow.
“Nothing, it’s only that… well, I’d rather write the introduction.” You explain sheepishly. “What, you think I can’t do it?” He questions. He crosses his arms defensively.
“I never said that. I just think that you should let me do it.” You reply. You can already feel yourself becoming annoyed by him. “Why should I?” He shoots back. “Because– Because..” You can’t think of a good reason. Shit.
“Let’s write it together, then.” Ah, yes. A compromise. Something you hate. Of course he would be the one to suggest that.
“Fine.” You huff and fall back into your chair. “We’ll just write it on mine, it will be easier that way.” He moves his laptop in front of him and begins to type. You sit up quickly and squint to see what he’s typing.
Seems good so far. Until–
“Wait. Maybe we should use a different word right there,” You suggest, but it’s not really a suggestion at all. More like an order.
“What’s wrong with intense?” He asks combatively, not bothering to look at you. “I think impassioned would be better. Or passionate, even.” You reply. He lets out a sigh full of exasperation. “You’re so stubborn,” He mutters while shaking his head.
“And you’re such a dick,” Your voice raises a bit too high, gaining a few turned heads and curious glances. “Jesus, okay. I’ll change it.” He whispers, replacing the word with your recommendation.
Your next hour spent in the library consists of hushed arguments and whisper-yelling over who should write what and who comes up with the better phrasing. You knew this couldn’t possibly work out. You’re both too stubborn and aggressive to work together.
You haul your backpack onto your shoulders and push in your chair a bit violently. Farleigh really pissed you off tonight.
“Goodnight…” He watches you with wide eyes. “Night,” You respond shortly as you hurriedly walk to the front doors.
Later that night, you’re sitting at your desk listening to music while doing some homework for your history class. Your phone dings with a notification.
You curiously flip over your phone, peering down at the screen. Unknown number.
“Hey, it’s Farleigh. Should we meet tomorrow evening, same time at my dorm?”
Oh. He hasn’t texted you since you gave him your number, so you haven’t had the chance to save his number. But why at his dorm?
You unlock your phone and begin typing out a response.
No, too harsh. You hit the backspace button a few times and try again.
Too energetic. You groan and delete the word once again. Why are you overthinking this so much? It’s just Farleigh.
“Sounds good.” You settle on that and press the send button. Maybe he doesn’t want to meet at the library anymore because of all the strange looks you both received last time.
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You check the time on your phone lockscreen. Seven PM sharp. You take a deep breath and knock on Farleigh’s door, preparing yourself for some more bickering.
The door opens with a slight creaking sound. “Hey,” Farleigh says quietly. The awkwardness sets in and it takes you a moment to come up with a response.
“Hi.” You stand there, waiting for him to step aside to let you in. He stares down at you for a few seconds, but for some reason, it feels like a whole minute.
He opens the door further and makes room for you to enter. You take a few small steps inside and he closes the door behind you. You glance around, taking all the details in. All the dorms here have the same layout, but everyone is free to personalize and decorate however they would like to, within reason.
You would expect the asshole to be sporting a bunch of medals and trophies, but it’s quite the opposite. There’s a few movie posters and postcards (you’re assuming from America) hung neatly on the walls, a small bookshelf with various novels and notebooks, a work desk similar to your own with sheets of paper splayed out and pens scattered about in typical Farleigh fashion, a closet, and a nice potted plant on the windowsill.
“Not bad,” You comment with a teasing smile. “What did you expect?” He laughs softly and rests his hands in his pockets, watching you survey the room. “I thought it would be more messy,” You grin.
“It usually is,” He replies, and then his smile quickly fades as if he just registered what he said. “So you cleaned up just for me? Awww.” You press a hand to your chest and pout your lips in mock flattery. He stutters. “No, I..” Is he getting nervous right now?
You clear your throat. “Anyways. Let’s get to work.” You clap your hands twice for dramatic effect, sitting down on the floor with your legs criss-crossed. Farleigh grabs his laptop and joins you, placing it in between you.
“Sorry about yesterday.” He murmurs so softly you can barely hear it. “Hm?” You decide to be cheeky. If he’s going to apologize, you want to hear it louder than that. “I said sorry. About yesterday. I was being… annoying.” He says it a bit louder this time.
“Annoying is one word for it,” You bite your lip shortly afterwards. You shouldn’t have said that. If you want to get this essay done, you’re going to have to try to get along with him. “I forgive you.” For you, those three words are the hardest words to say. You let out a breath.
“You were being an asshole too, though.” He tilts his head and raises his eyebrows at you. “I- Yeah. I was. Sorry.” Your face reddens and you rub the back of your neck. Why is it suddenly so warm in this room?
“I really think we can do this.” Farleigh’s gaze burns into yours and it’s so hard not to look away. His usual cold and dark stare is replaced by something warmer, kinder. “Me too,” You agree, but your voice comes out sounding a bit odd. You cough slightly. “Sorry.”
“I’ve written down some ideas for the format. Like, what we should write about in each paragraph.” He explains, standing up to grab a notebook from his desk. Wow. Maybe he’s actually going to be useful.
This evening was far more productive than the one before. You two managed to get most of the second paragraph done. And against all odds, there was only one small argument. You were even able to laugh together. There’s still some tension floating around the room, and you’re not sure why it’s there. Not even the usual tension between you two, more like…
Farleigh stands up. “I’d say that was pretty productive.” He stretches and yawns before offering you his hand. You freeze and just stare at it until you realize he’s just trying to help you up. God, why do you keep assuming the wrong things? You reach up for his hand and he pulls you up with a little too much strength, causing you to kind of fall into him. He steadies you with his hands on your waist before quickly removing them as if he’s just touched a hot stove.
“Sorry,” You both blurt out. “It’s okay.” You say casually, although you’re trying to pretend your legs don’t feel like jelly right now.
“So… I guess I’ll see you Monday, then. Unless you want to work on this over the weekend.” He says. You shake your head. “I think since we started early, we’re already pretty far ahead. Let’s just plan for Monday.” He nods at your words and you smile.
“Goodnight, Farleigh,” You head for the door and you can see a slight hesitation in his eyes, like he wants to say something more. But he doesn’t. “Goodnight.”
And with that, you’re headed back to your own dorm, already feeling the effects of exhaustion setting in.
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
Hi :3 I read your Ezekiel x reader and I was sooo happy! I wanted to ask if you could do a second part to the Ezekiel x yandere reader xP thank you and your writing is soooooo good!!!!!
Hiyaaa!💗 Thank you so much for complimenting my writing! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed the first Ezekiel x reader! I hope you enjoy this part two!❤️
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Married life was magical when you got the love of your life to think the same of you in his life.
Getting to fold all the clothes you bought for yourselves, wash and iron, drowning your nostrils in his scent.
That enchanting scent.
You keep all the hair you find of his whenever you’re changing the bedsheets or vacuuming the floors.
You devote an area of the bedroom to a shrine crafted for him, including your wedding dress and his groom suit.
You have to be selfish sometimes.
Every time he comes back home, you press your lips all over him.
Every dinner is made in accordance to what he craved for that day or week, and you always found a way to make the food spell out his name or outline his face.
You play love songs in the background. To make it more romantic, you tried burning incense once however when Ezekiel began coughing and his eyes went watery, you disposed of it right away to never use again.
For the first few days of living together, you brushed his teeth for him after being alerted that Ezekiel had no clue which direction he was meant to follow for cleaning teeth.
So you happily took it upon yourself to enforce the importance of hygiene.
Bubble baths everyday.
In turn, you got to drink his bathwater and lick his deodorant.
Nonetheless, you take care of his shaving for him, that being marked for.
Every evening, you would also renew your wedding vows.
"Holmes I can't lie to you...” he stretches his arms up,“But I'm a bit wiped out today. Do' think we can skip the vows today and have din dins early?"
"Skip vows today?” you gasp, couldn’t believe what you were hearing,“How do you expect me to stay sane if we skip vows any day? You know how much this means to me darling! Please? I feel terrible for asking anything of you, but can you pull through? I promise I’ll make a larger portion of supper tonight!"
Every evening.
All walls in that house is occupied by at least ten picture frames of Ezekiel.
He frequently wonders what you do for a living, since surely housekeeping wasn’t hectic enough for you to take care of majority of the bills and vacations.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about my love.” you assure him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Any day, anniversary or birthday, you arrange getaways at the expensive tourist destinations like Dubai, United States, Brazil, Kenya, Australia, England at the best hotels and best plane seats.
Whenever he falls ill, you refuse to let him do anything and confine him to the marriage bed.
At moment’s command, you are right there.
Heating pad, tissues, soup, vomit bucket, ice cream, cold water.
Ezekiel actually didn’t know what hospitals were, making him more reliant on you- or how you called it, bonding.
Knew that nursing course would pay off!
You loved being the only one he could really depend on.
But it feels that something’s missing.
Nothing about possessions or housing. You had done everything. But it’s something. Something greater than money.
It became clearer with every single turning down of Ezekiel’s suggestion about inviting his family over or going on a day trip to visit them, the one thing you refuse to grant him.
Of course. It was the thing bumping this wistful pacemaker in his behaviour.
Ezekiel... Your darling...he’s lonely.
You were both bound to be maternally and paternally deprived eventually. How you wished you were like him, whose came later.
It’s for his own good. A man and a woman is supposed to vacate their parents. Staying in touch with them would only have him getting used to seeing them and depending on them which would be more painful in the long run when they die.
Maybe now was the time to take their places, and conceive what would plant both the McLean and Miller family trees forward to see another generation.
You blush at the thought.
“I’m not so sure, bird...” your darling husband scratches the back of his neck, “When I was growing up back on the farm, my daddio was also here to raise me. If I have to go out being a rockstar everyday, the little ones might not know who their dad is. Besides, a man is needed around to raise strong children. Even the gal ones.”
“We can take turns!” you involuntarily latch yourself on top of him.
Ezekiel still hasn’t gotten used to this form of treatment, but trusts you enough to allow it,“My ma said pregnancy changed her life, eh?”
“How mine’s changed before it!” you adoringly play with a strand of his brown hair,“When I first saw you, my soul felt complete and my void was no more. I had never felt love stronger than you and now, I physically can’t survive without you.”
“Poetic, eh?” he gruffly laughs, your feelings going over him,“Not sure if that’d help in parenting, yo. Don’t wanna accidentally teach the girls it’s their world to be yappin’ in.”
Your response is a placid remark of your own femininity,“How beautiful my body is.“ an old nursery rhyme wraps your words,“Two loonies make a toonie, now aren’t I a scholar?”
Sleep well while you can, husband!
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quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Letters From Watson, The Noble Bachelor
Part 3: The Fun Bits
- Holmes did NOT have to make this a dinner theater, but he did. Because Watson is trapped at home by the weather? Because Lord St. Simon is footing the bill? So Hattie and Francis would get a much-belated wedding dinner?
- He also appears very ready to argue St. Simon down from his anger. And the feeling is valid but anything St. Simon would do stemming from it would do nothing but make the lives of innocent people more difficult.  - Missing, presumed dead is a trope, but it’s a lot easier to achieve believably in these days with travel and sending messages far more difficult. It’s made more believable by Victorian attitudes about the USA.  - Holmes’ visit to Hattie and Francis is also interesting to imagine. He’s a detective, but he knows you didn’t do anything wrong, you just... planned hastily. Everybody will feel a lot better if you all meet in secret at his place to talk it over - he’ll even provide a nice meal to celebrate your wedding! You mustn’t mind his roommate.  - Hattie must care enough about St. Simon to want this to go as least-terribly as possible for him. And this route does save her father a lot of grief too. St. Simon is... not so quick to cooperate.  - Holmes’ ideas regarding a US/UK global empire are, uh. You know the kind of retrofuturism that is so hopeful but also so fucking cringe? Yep. My dude. I have some READING for you to do. (How long do you think it would take to radicalize a victorian?) - After all this we skip the wedding dinner, which Holmes appears to have attempted to make enjoyable... if all went as he planned, would St. Simon and the Moultons be friends by the end? Does he think he can show off a little, feed everyone a nice dinner, and happily, instead of bittersweetly, resolve what is ultimately a case where nobody is to blame, or at least, nobody acted with malice? He doesn’t get a lot of those. - Love the actual evidence-finding in this case - the recipt. The prices alone narrow it down quite a bit, but were doubly lost on me when I first read this, being a modern american. I’m triply at sea because  the prices here are also so low that they’re really impossible to ballpark using only inflation calculators. The prices of food and lodging do not correspond to inflation anyway, as basically all of us are aware. Maybe I’ll add some historical comparison of wages vs. expenses to my projects along with the ongoing amended timeline. - Holmes gives the Moultons some “paternal” advice. Of note he’s like, barely thirty: Hattie is in her very early twenties and Francis presumably similarly aged. On the one hand, sir you are a hypocrite, on the other hand, I’m thirty and twenty-two year olds are kids. Especially if the solution to the problem is “you need to get over yourselves and talk this out.” - Holmes’ closing comments regarding that he and Watson are unlikely to ever be out both a spouse and an income in the same day are very, very hilarious if you, like me, presume that Holmes is aroace. I have legitimately told friends and acquaintances relating tales of romantic trouble (not theirs! I have some sense of when to shut up!) “Wow, glad I’ll never have that problem.” Also, when one remembers that Watson is weeks away from his own marriage, this could also be a clumsy attempt by Holmes to reassure him. This won’t happen to you, old chap. You’re the first and only person in Mary’s heart. 
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m-jelly · 1 year
Love's thorny grip - Chapter 7
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Incredible banner by @ladycheesington <3 I adore it so much. She's so incredibly talented. Go follow her! I wonder what he's thinking...
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Royal AU, romance, falling in love, soft yandere Levi, plot development, fluff, rough Levi, oral (fem reviewing), slight public oral sex.
Concept: You confront the traders of the country and enforce fairer laws for workers and pay. You go with Kuchel to a shop where she surprises you with a dress for your engagement party. You and Levi enjoy yourselves at the party and let people know when the wedding will be. Ji-Woo confronts you and Levi before being sent away. Levi and you go to a balcony alone where he has you as his meal.
AO3 Link
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 The end
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The room was full of shouting men with you sat at the head of it all. Your father gazed at you with a concerned but caring look. You smiled softly back at him before continuing your paperwork as the men settled down. Luna poured you a cup of tea and smiled at you. You winked at her and sipped your tea.
Your mother, Tia, pushed over more papers to you. “I think these will help.”
You smiled softly. “Thanks, mum. This is perfect.”
Tia placed her hand on yours. “I am so proud of you. We all are.”
“Thank you. I just hope these lot won’t drag their heels.” You nibbled your lip. “I want to do this without Levi’s help. I don’t want to pull the Prince card or the engagement one. I’m going to be the princess and then Queen. I have to do this on my own.”
“We’re right with you.”
You sat up straight and looked out at the arguing men. “Gentlemen, I suggest you quiet down or you’ll miss what I’m talking about. I refuse to raise my voice. So, you either hear this or not.” You shifted your papers. “I’m applying new trading laws that will change a lot o things for you all.”
Harold smiled with pride as you started talking about the law changes. One by one the room went quiet as you spoke. Some started protesting, but you never paused and never stopped for them. You maintained your power and authority by continuing to talk about the changes.
You pushed a paper to Luna. “Those who disagree with fairer trading, increased wages, health and safety regulations, mandatory breaks and a set amount of holidays for workers to be increased. Those who agree…” you slid another paper to your mother “sign this one. I need you to write out your full name and the company you represent.”
One glared at you as Luna waited for him to sign. “What happens to us who disagree?”
You smiled at him. “If you’re worried about being hurt, you are misled in your thinking. No harm will come to you. Trust me.” You glanced over at your father. “I was raised by two wonderful parents in trading, so I respect the process, the laws and the difficulties.”
Luna handed you the list. “Here you are, my lady.”
You blushed and took the paper. “Thank you.”
Your mother presented you with the other, which thankfully had more names on it. “Looking good, my little bird.”
You felt your heart flutter at doing so well. “Thank you.” You checked both papers and nodded. “Perfect. Now, Luna? Could you take this paper and lead all these gentlemen into the assigned room we have for them?”
Luna bowed. “Of course, my lady.”
You handed Tia the other. “Mother? Could you take these to the room we discussed for them? I will be with you all in a moment.” You waited for the room to clear before releasing a long shaky sigh. You placed your hand on your chest. “Fuck, calm down. You’re okay, everything is okay.” You got up and went to Luna’s room of guys to see them terrified as Levi held back his rage. You walked over to your lover and rubbed his chest. “Breathe.”
Levi sighed. “Sorry, it’s just these men rejected your ideas and it’s pissed me off. Did a lot say yes?”
You nodded. “Yes. My mother has taken them to Erwin for further talks and to enjoy the treats we got them.”
He kissed your neck. “Good. Now, may I talk to these men?”
You smirked at him. “Let me break the news, okay? Then you can do your whole thing.”
He hugged you from behind as soon as you turned around. He nuzzled your back and whined at you. “Fine.”
You smiled at the room of men as Levi held you. “Gentlemen. I know you’re all thinking this is the good room, but you’re wrong. I’m here to inform you that your businesses have been removed from your care.”
You felt amazing that you had so much more power compared to normal. Levi was giving you opportunities, loving you and cheering you on. You felt like you could make a difference. You couldn’t help but smile at how angry these men were. You knew it was going to take a while for people to adjust to the fact that you were going to marry Levi and be a ruler. You knew very well it could put your parents at risk as well, but you wanted to do better and be better for this country.
You patted Levi’s arm. “Your turn.”
Levi released you and let out a long sigh. “Gentlemen, let’s talk.” He pushed you along. “Go with Luna and have a cup of tea.”
You pouted. “But I want to do this with you.”
“Love, I am going to do something very naughty. So, please don’t be here when I do.”
You kissed him. “See you soon.” You walked to the door and paused. “Try not to get too much blood on everything!” You smirked at how terrified people looked. “Come on, Luna.”
Luna left with you. “Do you really think he’ll beat them?”
You shrugged. “Possibly. I mean, he’s very protective of me.”
“So, is there anywhere special you wish to go?”
You nodded as you walked through the halls. “I need to talk to Kuchel. I think she’s in the grand hall planning the engagement ball.”
Luna clapped her hands. “I’m so excited! I can’t wait to celebrate it with you and everyone. You and his highness are perfect for each other.”
You blushed a little in thought. “I suppose we are.” You fiddled with your dress. “There’s a lot of love between me and him.”
Luna hugged your arm. “I can’t wait for the wedding day.”
You smiled softly as you thought about saying I do to Levi. “I can’t wait either.”
Luna opened the double doors. “Lady Kuchel? I have a guest for you.”
Kuchel waved at you. “Hello, future daughter-in-law!” She ran over to you and gave you a big hug. “How did your meeting go?”
You hummed. “Good, but your son is having his time with them.”
She giggled. “I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be some very terrified men.”
“You’re right about that.” You walked with her around the hall and gazed at the decorations up already. “This looks beautiful. I’m looking forward to the event. You’ve done a perfect job.”
Kuchel grinned as she felt proud of her work. “Thank you, dear.” She clasped her hands together in excitement. “I have somewhere to take you.”
“Oh yeah?”
She nodded and led you to the door. “Yes. It involves us going into the city to see a friend of mine.”
You smiled a little. “Sure. Let’s head out, but I need to let Levi know so he doesn’t panic.”
Luna bowed. “I will do that, my lady.”
You gazed at Luna. “Oh, thank you so much.”
“I’m offering because you know what his highness is like. He will either demand to go with you, or hold onto you and not let you leave.”
You giggled at the thought. “You’re right. I’ll see you soon.”
Kuchel guided you outside to the carriage waiting. She told the driver where to go before helping you inside. “I’m so excited to show you this.”
“What do you have planned?”
She blushed a little. “Just something small to show you how much I love you. You’re becoming part of my family. You mean a lot to me.”
You blushed as well. “I love you too. You’re like a second mother to me.”
Kuchel hugged you. “We’re going to be a perfect family.” She pulled back as she fiddled with her dress as nerves seeped in. “I can’t wait to be a grandmother. I know you are Levi are waiting. Levi has told me that’s your plan, but I just can’t wait.”
You hummed a laugh. “Well, we’re both still young, so we want to give it a bit of time. I know Levi wants many babies, but we’re giving it plenty of time.”
“That’s so cute.” She gasped. “Are you both having a honeymoon?”
You blushed in thought. “I don’t know. I don’t even think Levi knows what one is. So, if you mention it to him he’ll want it.”
“Oh, highly likely.” She opened the carriage door and slipped out. “Come, my sweet.”
You joined her and walked into a shop. “What do you have planned?”
She grinned. “Something important for you.” She waved to the shop owner. “Hello, my dear. Here she is!”
The owner held your hands. “Welcome, my lady. You are a vision. You’ll be a perfect Queen.” She winked at you. “I have a gift for you. I made it under Lady Kuchel’s orders.”
You walked with the woman. “That’s so kind of you, both of you.”
Kuchel giggled. “It’s going to be perfect!”
The woman released your hands before approaching a red curtain. She grinned at you. “Ready?”
You shrugged a little. “I guess, yeah?”
She yanked back the curtain to reveal a black lace dress that was off the shoulders with long sleeves and looked magical. “What do you think? I made the skirt part big, but not too much. You’ll look stunning when you twirl in it.”
You welled up. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, both of you.”
“I need to see you in it, just in case I have to make alterations.”
You nodded and walked to the changing area. “Of course.” You removed your dress and stepped into your new one. “This is the perfect engagement dress. I’ll match Levi.”
Kuchel smiled. “You will! You’ll look so cute together.” She gasped in delight when she saw you in the dress. “So beautiful.”
You welled up a little. “This is an incredible engagement gift. Thank you.”
“You deserve it all, my dear.”
The designer pushed you along. “Go see.”
You walked over to the mirror and gazed at yourself. Your cheeks burned at how the dress hugged you. It looked like the whole thing had been painted on your skin. “This is incredible. Thank you so much.” You welled up. “Sorry, I’m all emotional, but it truly is beautiful. I’ve never had a dress this stunning before.”
Kuchel wiped your tears away. “You deserve it all.”
You sniffed a little. “Levi says the same thing. Now I know where he gets it from.”
“He is a bit like me.” She winked at you. “He’ll love this.”
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You adjusted the top part of your dress and smiled in pride. “What do you think, Luna?”
Luna welled up. “You look like a Queen.”
You bowed to her. “Thank you.”
She held your hand and walked with you out of the room. “Let’s take you to the Prince.”
You smiled as you walked with Luna to Levi’s office. You opened the door as Levi paced a bit while he shifted his papers. You admired his black suit with a royal cape, along with his medals pinned to his blazer. “Levi?”
Levi looked over at you to show his hair was slicked back. His cheeks burned as he took you in. He tossed his papers on his desk before he approached you. “You are a goddess.” He smiled. “Look at you.”
You blushed a little. “Thank you. You look like a King.” You gazed at his small and simple crown. “I love your Prince crown.”
“Thank you.” He took it off and placed it on your head. “You wear it better.”
You gasped and grabbed the crown. “I shouldn’t wear this. This is yours.”
“Well, I’m Prince and I can do what I want.”
You placed it onto his head making him blush. “I know, but I want you to wear this crown for now.” You pulled back and smiled. “I will get mine when we marry.”
He wrapped his gloved hand around your neck and tugged you close making you gasp. He slipped his hand over your waist as his eyes traced over your features. He leaned closer and kissed you. “You are so beautiful and perfect. I want you to be my wife so badly.”
You gripped his waist a little. “I want to marry you too, but we have to do this whole engagement celebration.”
He let out a long sigh. “You’re right.” He kissed you before releasing you. “We have a party to go to.”
You hugged Levi’s arm and walked with him. “Levi?”
He looked down at you. “Yes?”
You gazed up at him. “I love you.”
He blushed at your words. “I love you too.” He stopped in the hall and kissed you. “I love you so much.”
You kissed him and moaned against his lips. “Levi, we have a party to go to.”
He moaned. “Boo.”
You let him go and walked to the grand doors. “Stop pouting. You get to show me off as yours.” You showed him your engagement ring. “Remember?”
He growled and yanked you close. “You’re right.” He pushed the double doors open. He smiled with pride when you were both announced to a round of applause. “You know, I’m happy to have a ball. I’ve never been one for parties and events, but this is my chance to show you off. I get to tell people that you are mine and mine alone.”
You hummed a laugh. “You’re right.”
Levi growled a little. “Tch, that shit.”
You frowned a little. “What’s wrong?”
“Lord William Rider is here. I fired him from parliament due to his old-fashioned views.” Levi gritted his teeth. “I don’t know why he is here. I did not invite him.”
You rubbed Levi’s back. “Just ignore him, okay?”
He let out a long sigh. “Fine, fine.”
You grabbed two drinks and handed one to Levi. “Focus on your speech, okay?”
He downed his drink and huffed. “Yeah.”
You leaned closer and kissed him. “Take your time, my love.”
He purred at you. “You have the best kisses.”
“Thank you.” You linked your arms around his neck and let out a long sigh. “Marriage, huh?”
Levi wrapped an arm around you. “Yeah, me and you becoming husband and wife. Do you want to take my name?”
You nodded. “Mrs Ackerman. Princess Ackerman.”
He nuzzled his nose against yours. “Queen Ackerman.”
You hummed a laugh. “I need my King though.”
“I’m your King, now and forever.” He took your hand and kissed the back of it. “So divine.”
You blushed a little. “Thank you.”
He led you to the thrones and climbed up onto the platform with you. He turned to the room and held his head high. “Ladies and gentlemen! I brought you all here today to announce my engagement to this wonderful creature here.” He gazed at you as he said your name “is the most beautiful, smart, kind, caring and sweet woman I know. I am truly a better man and a leader because of her. The changes I have made to this country to make us better was all inspired by her. We are to marry first before I take my title of King.”
You leaned over and kissed Levi’s cheek making him blush. “I’m honoured to marry you.”
Levi smiled softly. “The wedding will be in one week. I’ve already set plans in motion.”
You blushed hard. “Really?”
Levi nodded. “Yeah, surprise.”
“It’s lovely. I can’t wait.”
Levi rubbed your cheek affectionately. “I can’t wait either. I just want us to be together.”
Your father climbed up next to Levi and placed his hand on his shoulder. He smiled softly at Levi before raising his glass to the room. “Three cheers for the engaged couple!” He cheered with everyone before turning to Levi. “I, and many, underestimated you but you truly are a great prince and will be a wonderful King.”
“Thief!” The crowd parted as Ji-Woo gracefully walked forwards with his long royal robes dragging on the floor. “You are a thief, Prince Levi.”
Levi pushed you behind him. “Please, enlighten me Prince Ji-Woo on what I have stolen.”
He pointed to you. “She was promised to me.”
“There was a potential marriage between you two. You went on a few dates together, but your marriage offer was rejected.”
Ji-Woo moved closer. “She rejected me because you stalked her and manipulated her views and desires. She was perfect for me. We were a dream couple, but you ripped that away.”
Levi held his head high. “You pushed her away. You took her to your ship and tried to sleep with her while distracting her with talks. You lied to her. You led her on. You made her think she was safe with you, but instead, you were just like every other man out there.” Levi clenched his fist as he fought his rage. “You wanted to curb her intellect. You wanted her to just give you babies and that’s it. You wanted to reduce this wonderful incredible woman into this breeding doll. You’re the reason she rejected you.”
Ji-Woo clenched his jaw as he felt humiliated by Levi. He had never felt this way before. He had always been handed everything. He was treated as a god by his people and a perfect son by his father. He had every woman in his land want him, yet you didn’t.
Ji-Woo glared at you and shouted your name. “How dare you humiliate me like this!? You are of low birth! You are scum! You are nothing compared to the other women who’ve asked to marry me! You should be begging me to marry you!”
You walked forwards and saw him blushing hard when he saw you in your dress. “If I’m so below you, then drop this all and walk away. You clearly deserve someone of higher standing than me.” You bowed deeply to him. “I am sorry that you were humiliated. I thought we cut this tie we have, but it seems I did not do a good enough job. Please forgive me.”
Ji-Woo stared at you for a while before grabbing your wrist and pulling you close. He glared down at you as soon as your chest bumped his. “I don’t know what you are, but you do things to me. I want to move on, but I cannot.”
You looked behind him over his shoulder. “Levi? Put your sword away. I don’t want blood to be spilt here.”
Ji-Woo slowly looked down to see Levi’s sword at his neck. He gulped hard and felt a shiver of fear run through him. He slowly turned his head to see a psychotic look in Levi’s eyes. He looked back at you as his eyes widened. He watched you place your hand on Levi’s before smiling softly. Ji-Woo felt this magnetic pull towards you that Levi had felt in the moment he pinned you against the wall the first night you met. He felt this obsession seeping into his very being.
You pulled Levi’s arm and carefully removed the sword from Ji-Woo’s neck. “Calm, my love.”
Levi shook a little as the rage bubbled inside him. “But.”
Levi put his sword back on his hip before walking away from Ji-Woo with you. He stopped a moment and turned to the Prince. “Find another person to marry. You lost this one.” He released you and walked up to Ji-Woo. He lowered his voice so no one could hear. “If you come after her, I won’t hesitate in ending your life. I have done a lot of things to men who have wanted her. A high-status title will not stop me.”
Ji-Woo gritted his teeth. “I will come back and I will be stronger next time to face a beast like you.”
Levi raised his head high and his voice. “Thank you, Prince Ji-Woo for gracing my country with your presence. I do hope you enjoyed your stay here. I am sorry you are leaving without a bride, but I am sure there will be another out there for you.” Levi turned and walked up to you. “Do you want to dance?”
You nodded as a sparkle filled your eyes. “Yes, please! I want to dance.”
Levi kissed the back of your hand before leading you to the dancefloor. He held you close as you both slowly drifted together along to the soothing music. “Forgive me for what happened earlier.”
You shook your head. “Don’t be sorry. You did what you felt was right at the time. Instinct told you to attack because he grabbed me. I am thankful to you. You were quick to defend my honour. I’m touched by it. However, you have to be careful. You can’t just go around doing things due to your emotions pushing you. I know you feel very strongly about me and I know what you’ve done before, but he is different.”
Levi felt a prick of jealousy. “Tch, do you care for him?”
“No, I don’t.” You let out a long sigh. “I’m simply warning you. He is a Prince of a large land. If you two start a fight over me, you could end up with a war on your hands. No one wins in war, Levi and the people who suffer most are the people. War ravages lands and rebuilding takes years upon years to make it better. It’ll be a gaping wound on this land and your people will not forgive you.” You stopped dancing. “I love you with all my heart and soul, and I know very well you love me with everything you have. We must be careful.”
He lowered his head. “I understand.”
You smiled and cupped his face. “You are cute when you acted like a told-off puppy.” You hummed a laugh before kissing him. “I love you deeply. I’m just worried about you. Can’t I worry about my sweet fiancé? I want to keep you for life.”
Levi smiled at your words when he pushed aside his deep possessive feelings and looked at the reality of the situation. “You’re right. We have to be careful with Ji-Woo. No wars.”
You took Levi’s hands and kissed them. “Thank you.” You released a relieved sigh. “Well, I’m going to sit down and eat something. Once I have, I will get some fresh air.”
Levi hummed a little. “I love you.”
“Love you too. I always have and always will.”
Levi let your hands go and watched you walk off to the dinner table to chat with friends. He smiled a little before turning to his friends. “Erwin? Mike? I want a close eye kept on that prince. I recognised a look in his eyes as one I’ve had. He will come back for her at some point. I want his monitored.”
Mike smirked. “On it. I’ll put my best spy on him. We’ll watch him leave.”
Erwin sighed. “I will communicate with his father the emperor and mention in our monthly letters that you and engaged. The Emperor pushes for peace. If your engagement is clear in the Emperor’s mind, then he will enforce that fact with Ji-Woo.”
Levi turned to his friends. “thank you, both of you. I know you are doing this because she will be your Queen.”
Mike shook his head. “We do this because you’re both our friends. This guy threatens your bond.”
Erwin hummed in thought. “We’re dedicated to you both because we care about you. Your titles are not involved in this, only your bond with us. We’ll help you both in whatever way we can.”
Levi bowed to the two of them. “Thank you.” He sighed. “Now, I will try and enjoy my evening with my fiancée.” Levi ran up to you from behind and grabbed you making you giggle. “Mine.”
You turned in his arms and smiled. “Do you want something to eat?”
“I do.”
You rubbed his back. “Well, there’s a lot to eat.”
He growled at you. “Nothing here I want.”
You frowned. “Well, we can go to the kitchen.”
He leaned closer and softly kissed your neck. “Can we go somewhere? I want to be alone with you for a moment.”
You nodded and held his hand. “Sure.” You pulled him out of the hall, upstairs and then out onto a private balcony. “Is here okay?”
Levi looked out at the view of the palace gardens. “Hmm…perfect. We’re alone.”
You leaned your arms on the balcony and looked out at the garden. “It’s pretty.” You gazed up at the stars. “So many stars.”
Levi wrapped his arms around you. “So beautiful.” He kissed and nipped your exposed neck. “You should be made illegal.”
You moaned at your lover’s wandering hands. “I was talking about the stars.”
“I was talking about you.”
You looked back at Levi. “Thought you were hungry?”
“I am.”
You frowned as Levi dropped to the floor before lifting your dress and getting under. “Wait, what are you doing?” You gasped as he moved your legs apart and sat on the floor with his back to the balcony and his face against your pelvis. “Le-Levi?”
He slowly slipped your bloomers down and spoke against you. “May I?”
You whined a little as you looked around. “Y-Yes.”
Levi slipped your bloomers down and helped you carefully step out of them. He shoved them into his inside pocket before shifting your legs open. “You’re dripping, my love.”
You blushed hard as you gripped the banister. “You’re lucky the bottom of my dress is so big.”
Levi’s gloved hands gripped your asscheeks. “You’re so beautiful. I wish I could see more under here.” He raised his head and kissed your clit before speaking against it. “Such a delicious treat for me.”
You leaned your head back and moaned as Levi took your clit into his mouth and sucked softly. You shivered and moved your hips a little as Levi’s tongue massaged your clit. You panted and mewled in delight as he explored your clit. You gazed up at the stars and felt the heat of pleasure consume you as the cold night hair caressed your exposed skin. You gripped the banister as your legs started to shake a little. You whimpered and moaned as you felt your coil tighten inside you.
Levi gripped your buttcheeks hard as he moaned against your clit. He smiled as a vibration of his moan moved through you. He felt you wiggle and move above him as pleasure seeped into your bones. He licked from your clit to your pussy causing your slit to part for him. He coated his tongue in your delicious juices and moaned at your sweet taste. He lapped up everything you gave him before dragging his tongue along to your clit.
You panted as your coil tightened up harder and threatened to snap. A strong blush spread on your cheeks when you heard someone say your name behind you. You looked over your shoulder at Lord Rider. “L-Lord Rider?”
Rider bowed. “I am sorry to disturb you, but I am looking for your fiancé, the prince. I want to talk to him about my job termination.”
You bucked against Levi’s face as he sucked your clit harder as if he enjoyed eating you out in secret while you spoke to a man he hated. “I-I haven’t s-seen him.”
Rider leaned against the doorway. “Really?”
You gulped hard. “H-He is umm…” You shivered in delight. “Ah, he’s probably v-very deep in something.”
“Working as always.” He shook his head. “Leaving a wonderful woman like you alone.”
You doubled over and bit your hard as you held back a moan. “I-I’m okay!” You heard Rider shift. “D-Don’t come over here! I-I think I have the uhh…flu! Yeah. Y-You might get infected.” You groaned. “Oh fuck.”
Rider backed up a bit. “I can talk to a maid for you.”
“N-No!” You nervously laughed. “I ju-just need a moment!”
He hummed as he studied you. “Are you sure?”
Your legs shook as you felt the urge to cum hard, but you were resisting it as best as you could. “Yes.” You looked back at him and grinned. “All good.” You clenched Levi’s face with your thighs. “You can go now. Thank you for coming to our party.”
He bowed to you. “May I say, you are the best thing to happen to that stupid prince.”
You smiled at him. “Sure.” You watched him leave before collapsing against the banister and moaning against your arm as your coil snapped hard. You came against Levi’s lips and tongue as he lovingly lapped up your honey. You panted heavily and slipped backwards as your legs gave up. “Fuck.”
Levi caught you before you hurt yourself, but his head was still under your dress. He lowered you down before pulling your dress off his head. He licked his lips and purred at you. “Delicious.”
You slapped your dress down and huffed. “You are a naughty boy!”
Levi chuckled. “You seemed to enjoy yourself.”
You sat up and glared at him. “You should be spanked.”
“I should so do it.”
You blushed hard before crawling over to him. “I love you, but you were a bit naughty to keep that up while someone talked to me.”
He dragged you into his arms and kissed you. “Forgive me for being hungry.”
You nuzzled the crook of his neck. “You’re lucky that it felt incredible.”
He chuckled. “I’m glad.”
You pouted a bit. “There’s just one problem.”
He frowned before looking down at you. “What’s that?”
You looked up at him. “My pussy aches for your big thick cock now.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “You know, ever since I saw you in that dress I wanted to fuck you hard in it. How does being bent over my desk sound?”
You gripped his blazer and moaned. “Promise you’ll keep on these clothes. I want Prince Levi to fuck me.”
Levi kissed you roughly. “Yes.”
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margaetyrell · 10 months
hi luvs! how are you?? i hope everything’s great 😊 i’m not fully back yet bc i’m on vacation atm, just came to save a long queue to keep my blog active bc it’s pretty much dead. so i’m gonna put all the boring details bellow in case you wonder about the future content of this blog and my general thoughts (if you’re up to read, follow the cut!) please drink water, protect yourselves from this insane weather and take care!! see you all soon 💜
okay so. i’m obviously still disappointed on taylor, but after everything i’ve realised it’s not worth it anymore. i’m still a fan and i cannot deny that. altho it’s true that i’ve distanced myself from her, she is and will always be a big part of my life! and i’d be lying if i said i’m not excited for 1989, bc i bloody am!! it’s one of my fave albums of all time and i really don’t have the strength anymore to let anything else ruin that for me (unless there’s a mh collab on it, then i’ll explode lmao) but the truth is that i’m just an art consumer as we all are, and she is pure art. so i’ll just keep doing my thing while she does hers. end!
that doesn’t mean i’ve erased everything from my brain or that it won’t upset me if she messes up again. but i’m choosing to stay away from drama, not just hers but fandom drama in general. the past year has been a roller coaster of emotions and i’m just tired of it. and the funny thing is that it doesn’t really matter! it doesn’t matter AT ALL. its only point is to make me bitter and out of patience, and i’m just another random person with random thoughts that won’t have any impact on her or anybody, whether i’m right or wrong, so!
in conclusion: i’m a swiftie who is not a swiftie who is a swiftie who is not part of the fandom who is a gaylor who is not an unhinged gaylor who is no one at all. hope this helps!
which brings us to the point: stfu sarah what are we going to see here. ofc taylor, but! i’m not gonna stress anymore over not missing a single post. i’ll just vibe with it and save whatever’s relevant to me from now on (i’ve saved a lot already) which are mostly graphics, fanart, lyrics and tagged posts (you can keep tagging me on everything btw, and thanks again to the few who still do lols love ya!!!) but the main content can be found on the celeb blog i run with my bestie (candyshapes), which not only focuses on taylor but she’s like 70% of it, and where my dear @jdschecter has made sure not to miss any details of the tour (thanks ems, i’d be lost without you <3) so i really recommend you follow us there !! the rest, as usual, will be a multifandom blog with special dedication to taylor and GoT.
that’s all ! if you’ve read everything, thank you SO much. i know it wasn’t necessary, but i wanted to clear that up nevertheless. first, bc i’m pretty true to my opinions and i’ve spent a great deal of time trying to figure this out. and second, bc i’ve lost many of you in the process and that’s understandable. but if i’m going to be back, i need to make sure i enjoy it here and curate my experience once and for all, as you all should! also thanks again to all the people that has understood my situation and showed me support in the past. love you and miss you to bits, mwah!!
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stardustedsins · 3 months
Kiss Prompts #48: A kiss out of habit
Jotaro (part 3)/reader (gender neutral reader)
After spending so long traveling (and having near death experiences with) the group, you’re not ready to say goodbye. But you can’t all stay together so easily, after Cairo. You all spend at least some time in the hospital, and as each of you is released, it seems everyone has somewhere to go. 
You don’t really know where you’re supposed to go, or what you’re supposed to do after everything you’ve been through. How could you just go back to a normal life?
Jotaro and Joseph are going back to Japan together, to see Holly finally healthy again. You and Jotaro have become close, so you tag along. Holly is a gracious host, genuinely happy to have you, and you help her with whatever you can in return. 
Jotaro chooses to go back to his school and finish the year with a bit of extra work to make up for what he’d missed, and you and Holly see him off each morning. You think it’s sweet how she always gives him a goodbye kiss and tells him to have a good day. 
There’s not too much to do during the school day, so you and Holly find ways to entertain yourselves. You watch overdramatic daytime TV, go to the grocery store, and sometimes just walk around the neighborhood. You even ask Holly to teach you to cook. She shows you some of the easy basic dishes she makes often, and steps back to let you try things yourself.
She declares your karaage perfect, and puts some in a lunchbox for Jotaro to take to school the next day.
“We’ll have to see if he can tell the difference.” She says with a wink. 
You’re kind of excited to hand it to him the next morning. On his way out, Holly gives him a water bottle and he leans down for a kiss on the cheek. 
“Have a good day at school!” She says brightly. He grunts in acknowledgment. You give him the lunchbox, packed up neatly with care.
“Bye, have a good day!” You say, and he leans down and stops like he’s waiting for something. Does he… want a goodbye kiss?
Holly giggles just as you have the thought, and he straightens up fast and walks just a little too quickly to the door. 
“Sorry.” He says in a low voice as he goes. “Habit.” 
He seems embarrassed, but you can’t let him leave without that goodbye kiss now! You hurry after him, catching him before he makes it to the street. 
“Wait!” He turns back to look at you, and you stand on your toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
His face turns pink, and neither of you seem to know what to say now. 
“H-have a good day.” You say again, feeling your own face flushing to match his. 
“I will.” He nods, and you let him leave so he won’t be late. When you go back inside, Holly is waiting with a too-innocent smile on her face. 
“Aren’t you two cute?” She says. “I didn’t realize your karaage was so good because it was made with love. I’m sure he’ll be able to tell.”
Your blush returns, but you do hope he’ll like it. 
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69dias · 2 years
hi i hope you’re doing well ! can you write something about what happens to fratboy jk and oc after he says ily😭
hi my love!!! here’s your little Drabble <3 I honestly had zero idea where to take that one so thank u for giving me a reason to think abt it 😭🤞🏽
warnings: nothing much . mentions of alcohol/alcoholism and sex !! poor jk :(
wc: 1k
the thing about jeon jungkook is that he’s sloppy when he’s drunk. a spitting image of his father, even, but he doesn’t like to think about that too much. he says things that he shouldn’t, admits things that he pushes to the back of his brain when he’s sober, and is just incohesive and messy; he’s a messed up man, and alcohol intensifies that and he’s learned that you intensify that, if the way he acts around you is any indication of such.
the thing about you, is that you know of jungkook’s drunken stupors incredibly well. the arrangement you’ve found yourselves in has lasted a while, and while most of the nights you’ve shared have consisted of plain sex, ended with your lipstick prints on whatever surface he chose that day, some of them don’t ever make it that far. but occasionally, frat drinks would be a bit too much and he’d just end his nights curled up in your lap, lips a bit swollen from making out, throat a bit dry from talking to you.
and he’d say things drunk that would leave you in a daze — talk about his family and his friends and how he regrets being in a fraternity sometimes — he’d let you run your fingers through his hair and he’d laugh into your chaste kisses and he’d be different. he’d cry at time, spill his heart out and forget about it (the vodka cure) and he’d drink some more the next week to do it again.
which is what has you doubting him, has you slipping out of his room with nothing but the remnants of your dignity and a hoodie from the depths of his closet that you don’t plan on returning ever again. in fact, you don’t think you plan on speaking to him ever again because he really did not have the right to tell you that; didn’t have the right to spring his feelings onto you and falling asleep, rendering you unable to confirm whether or not there was even a semblance of truthfulness in what he had to say.
and it’s a bit hard to convince yourself that he actually meant it, but the days he’d drunkenly spoken to you on the same bed he’s currently passed out on come to mind, and then it’s even harder to convince yourself that he didn’t mean it.
but at the end of the day, you don’t really have to care about the intentions he had, because you don’t share these feelings. it’s why you walked out on him though you never do that, but you can’t understand why you feel a thrum of pain down to your abdomen that rests there uncomfortably every time you think of how he’d looked when he said it, or why you try to wash yourself off of the memories you have with him, albeit only a few are anything substantial. you don’t share these feelings, so it’s a wonder that you’re thinking so much about the way his voice had sounded, a bit hoarse from the moaning and all the alcohol, but still sweet; sticky, saccharine, sweet that still clings to your body when you’re in bed.
at the end of the day, you don’t share these feelings but you miss his bed, and you miss him just a little more because he’d never let you leave without aftercare, even if you had to wait a while for him to wake up. and maybe you can attribute feeling his absence so deeply because you’re still far in headspace, but that cannot justify the itch in your feelings to text him the next morning, to apologize, to explain yourself.
it was unfair, he shouldn’t have told you, he kept you in the dark for god knows how long, and he’s going to be so confused when he wakes up, but you don’t love him.
jungkook doesn’t remember what he said, but he can only figure, through the headache that has now settled deep in the crevices of his skull affirms that it could not have been good. his head throbs with every movement he makes, and it feels like it’s a literal weight on top of his shoulders that he cannot loosen his grip on, and though he’d like to blame it all on the copious amounts of alcohol, he can’t help but wonder if it’s his body’s way of telling him how badly he’s fucked up.
but for the life of him, he cannot remember what he said.
he recalls faintly, the look on your face, and how it’d contorted into one of disbelief with just a tinge of pleasure from the thrums of your orgasm just running through you and fuck, if he remembers the nuances of every featyre of your face, he should be able to remember what he said but he just… can’t. he can’t even force himself to, and he thinks it’s a bit pathetic that this is his fate; racking his brain and trying to piece together what he could’ve possibly told the girl he loves —
that’s it.
he told you he loves you, and the regret settles in his mouth like warm whiskey and it has his stomach churning with something that he cannot attribute to his hangover.
he told you he loves you and he wonders why he does; why he came to that wretched conclusion even if all he ever had with you were drunken nights, some of which he can’t even recall correctly, wonders why he feels so safe with you, why he wanted to see your face so badly last night, and why he wants to call you right now.
he told you he loves you, and he should never fuck someone — you — missionary again, because this was a mistake, and as he runs his fingers through his unkempt hair, he wishes he would’ve kept it to himself because you left. and that can only mean that you heard, and that you don’t love him back.
the thing about jeon jungkook is that he needs to stop getting drunk.
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somber-sapphic · 7 months
Miss you! Hope you’re okay.
Hi lovely anon :) I miss you all too, and soon enough I’ll have something for you to read. I’ll be candid, it’s been a bit hard as of late and I don’t have a whole lot of energy to write.
This however doesn’t change the fact that I am still actively trying to and have been writing a fic with barely 400 words for a few weeks.
Hopefully I’ll have that done sometime this week, but I unfortunately can’t make any promises.
I love you all, take care of yourselves, drink some water and remember that you matter <3
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girlindelusionn · 2 years
i want them all, robin x you (finale!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
so this is it </3 im actually sad this is ending
im always open to more requests! school is starting again so they might take a while, but im running out of good ideas so any bit of inspiration will be deeply appreciated
hope yall like this ending, its a bit delusional, but i warned you since the beggining, this is just plotless fluff
part 4 here!
People usually hate the days before Christmas, right? The planning, the early cooking, the empty stores and the upgoing prices. It’s like you had a million things to do, and, at the same time, were only able to wait. So December 23th was hardly the best day of any of your years. 
But, 1987 turned out to be the clear exception.
Flying during the holidays was a bad idea. A really bad idea. But if the person you’re renting the apartment you're planning to stay on says she has an opening December 24th then you take it. No matter how chaotic or expensive. More if that person is your long lost aunt, who’s doing it practically for free. If that’s the case then you cry of happiness and promise to buy her a really nice gift.
And that’s why Robin and you —and both your parents, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan and even Mr Hauser— are in the middle of an airport on the busiest day of the year. December 23th. 
It still feels like a dream. Like at any moment your alarm clock is gonna run off and you’re gonna realize nothing of this is really happening. You’re not holding a bag almost as big as you in your hands, your Mom is not hugging you goodbye, crying her eyeballs out and you’re not about to accomplish one of your dreams with the love of your life by your side. There was no way.
“And don’t you forget to write. Imma be expecting at least three pages long letters, with pictures!” Says you mom, refusing to let you go just yet. You laugh, but leaving her embrace hurts you too. You’re gonna miss her like crazy. 
“A letter a week, I promise.” She holds your face between her hands and you give her a couple tears, even after you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. She deserves it. She laughs sadly and wipes them off for you. Then hugs you one last time, whispering “I love you” and “Be careful” in your ear.
You wait till Robin is done talking to Mr Hauser, (“You made it!” He says to her. “I did!” She replies as she hugs him) to say goodbye to Jonathan and Nancy, who wish you the best and promise to write as well. You wish them good luck during college to both of them, and hug them one last time. 
You move on to Steve, who’s trying his best not to cry, but it’s visible he’s just about to give in.
“Steve…” you laugh and he curses you when the tears start coming. “Come here, you dingus.” You pull him and Robin, who had just finished with her parents, into a hug. 
“I’M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH” he cries into your shoulders. 
“We too.” You three stay there for a second longer, but then you leave a kiss in his hair and pull back. He wipes the tears with his sleeve and smiles sadly. “Oh, c’mon, don’t cry. We’ll bring you a nice European girlfriend, Steve, we promise.”
He laughs, and while you say goodbye to Robin's parents, promising with honesty that you’ll take the best care of her, she does the same thing with your mom. 
And just like that you’re done. All that’s left to do is grab her hand and go into the only-passengers-allowed part of the airport. 
So you do, the smile on your faces contrasting with the tears. 
Three long hours later, –and two trips to the bathroom, one coffee, a fashion session at the free shop and a little make out session on a random bathroom stall– you find yourselves on your seats. Robin, after winning an intense rock-paper-scissors tournament, is on the window seat. You sit at her right, with her hand intertwined between yours. It's almost time to take off, and contrary to what you’d believe, Robin is awfully quiet.
“It’s everything okay?” You ask. And she looks at you with a mix of clear sadness and the most pure happiness you’ve seen. She’s crying, it's only a little but enough to make your stomach drop. You hate seeing her cry, no matter the context.
“I never thought I’d be sad to leave Hawkins…” she whispers and you chuckle.
“It’s a little weird” you admit, she is laying her head on your shoulder. “But it's your hometown, after all. And this is not a one way ticket.” 
“That also makes me sad! It’s only for six months and then we’re back!” 
“So you're sad we’re going away…” you try to resonate, she nods without her head leaving your shoulder. “And you're also already sad because we have to come back?”
“Yeah” she laughs in between cries. 
“God…” you sight, jokingly. 
“Oh, don’t act like me being insane is something new to you, Y/LN. You signed up for this.” 
You take a second to kiss her face and squeeze her hand three times, trying to tell her how much you loved her without having to verbalize it. 
“And I’ll do it over and over again.”
And with that statement the plane takes off and your dream materializes. Your running away conversations become true as you leave the Hawkins lights behind and you can’t help but cry too. Feeling like you’ve lived only for this moment to arrive.
Time starts to act weird after that, because the nine hour flight feels never ending, but from the moment you arrive at the airport, –seven am for you two, one pm for the rest of the country– time, ironically, seems to fly by.
You get your bags and call a taxi, leaving all the talking to your girlfriend, who was so excited to prove her abilities for real. And you see, Robin speaking anything but English usually turned you on back home. You thought once you were somewhere where they don’t speak English in general then it wouldn’t have the same wonderful but inconvenient effect on your body.
 Safe to say, your hypothesis was wrong. So wrong it is almost enough for you both to overcome your exhaustion. Key word being almost, because you end up passing out on your new apartment bed with half your clothes gone.
After a solid five hour nap you wake up with a squirming head over your chest. Her scent fills your nostrils and invades your head with the same unconditional love you’ve been feeling since that Christmas, almost five years ago. 
“Hey, there…” you whisper, to try and see if she’s awake. You feel her smile, your favorite feeling in the world. 
She responds a little “Hi…” with the softest voice you’ve ever heard. She has that guilty smile, the one that she uses when she’s afraid to ask for something. You try and tell her with your heart eyes that you would do everything for her, whatever she wants. You don't think she gets the whole message. You don't think she comprehends just how deep your love is. But she keeps talking, so at least she understood part of it. “Wanna grab some cheap dinner and have a picnic at seven pm?”
You smile and close your eyes, trying to make this moment last as long as possible.
“You know I can't say no to you” and with that she squeals in excitement and leaves the bed to go get ready. “But it’s also like forty degress so find some extra blankets and your biggest jacket!” you yell, because she’s already in the bathroom. 
You hear the shower being turned on and the water starting to run reminds you you haven’t peed since the airport, so you get up too.
“Okay, mom…” she jokes. You enter the bathroom and do your business. 
“Yeah you laugh now, but when i'm visiting beautiful museums and you’re in bed with a cold imma be the one laughing”
“Oh, you wouldn’t go without me” she says behind the curtain. Steam escaping and fogging the little window on the ceiling.
“Yeah, you’re right…” you accept as you strip down and join her under the water.
A wonderful hour later you’re being helped by a lovely guy who had offered to take your first picture in this adventure. He says an equivalent of “cheese!” you don't quite understand, but obey either way. Then he snaps the picture and returns both the camera and the little polaroid photo to Robin, who thanks him. First, wrongfully in English, and then, seeing the confused look on the guy's face, she repeats it in French.
“Merci pour l'aide!” 
“Êtes-vous nouveau ici?”
“Qu'est-ce qui l'a donné?” they both laugh, you still can’t understand a thing. But it’s still So. Fucking. Hot.
“Passez un merveilleux séjour!” he wishes and she smiles at him. What are they saying?
“Merci beaucoup! Bonne nuit”
“Bonne nuit!”
After that he waves you goodbye and goes away. Robin makes her way back to you and shows you the picture. You can see the Eiffel Tower, decorated for the holidays, behind you, but it doesn't shine nearly as much as your smiles, almost buried under scarves and clothing. It was freezing, but you don’t care. Life was almost too good to be true right now, so any simple discomfort didn't matter. How could it? You are here, walking under the stars next to the love of your life, staring at the place of your dreams, with nothing to do but enjoy this paradise. 
You get your dinner from the first food car you can find and eat it while discussing your plans for tomorrow. She’s even more enthusiastic than usual, which is a beautiful sight alone, but she’s also so cute trying to eat with her gigantic mittens on. Her pastrami sandwich kept on falling onto the blanket. When you’re done you clean everything up and lay down for a while, staring at the moon and the stars from a completely new perspective. She was actually telling you about some constellations you couldn’t see from home when you interrupted her:
“I'm sorry but can I give you your present?” you ask with an impatient smile. She nods, so you take out a wrapped package from your bag as she takes her mittens out.
The paper is full of stars too, and it has a note with the little drawing you had made on her shoe all those years ago. Instead now it said:
“Operation Croissant: 
Phase one officially completed.
Here’s something you might need for phase two!
Loves you, Y/N<3”
She tears the wrapper with all the care in the world, keeping the card in her pocket with the promise of putting it on her wallet. The paper reveals a dark green scrapbook, painted with doodles of you two in the most famous monuments. There's Robin and you sliding down the leaning tower of pisa, climbing the pyramids and sitting on the top of the colosseum. But in the middle of the cover, written in beautiful letters, it said: “Robin and Y/N discover the world.”
Astonished, she opens the book and goes through the first few pages. The first one is almost empty, except for the dedication in the middle. “For Robin. To always running away together, my dear. I love you forever and ever.” The next few pages are filled with the dates and destinations you have planned for this trip and you had left enough space for her to fill with pictures or whatever she wants to. The rest of the scrapbook is blank, ready to be filled with any other adventure you two have in the future.
She stares at it in awe, not believing you actually did all of this just for her.
“Do you like it?” she looks at you in disbelief. 
“Are you kidding? This is the best gift I’ve ever received, Y/N. This is beautiful.” she looks like she’s about to cry “I can’t believe this. Thank you so much” 
“You’re welcome, baby” you’re so glad she liked it.
She examines the gift for a little longer before bringing a pout to her face.
“Is everything okay?” 
“Everything is wonderful” she assures you “But now my gift seems a bit…”
“Robin, I will love your gift no matter what. You could give me your literal farts on a little glass bottle and I would still treasure them with my life, alright?” you even grab her hands to make your point. How could you care about material things when having her in your life was already the best present she could ever give you.
“Close your eyes” she demands and you follow through with it. She starts looking around in her bag “No peeking!” she says, putting a cold hand over your face.
“I'm not!” 
“Here it is!” she says to herself when she finds it. Then she takes her hand off you, but you don’t open your eyes just yet. Not until she says “Alright, now you can look…” you feel the nerves in her voice, so you’re just a little worried when you open your eyes.
And the last thing you expect to be waiting for you is your girlfriend, with a nervous smile, holding open a little purple box, containing a ring.
Your features must reflect your shock, cause she starts doing the thing when she anxiously over explains everything.
“It's not a proposal ring!” is the first thing she clarifies, you frown “I mean, it kinda is, but for a lot of reasons it's more of a promise ring.” she grabs your hand, holding up both her eyebrows, like asking for your permission. You, of course, nod ‘yes’. “With this…” she says as she slides the ring into your finger. “I promise you, right now right here, that I'm here to stay for the long haul, whatever that looks like in our future. Even if it's traveling across the globe, or growing old in some forgotten corner of the world, with eight kids and twenty five grandkids or twelve cats and the biggest book shelf to ever be made. I don't care how life turns out to be, but the only thing I can't ever be missing is you…”
After such revelation you can't do anything but hug her, trying to be discreet, because you are still in public, but also wanting to respond to all of those feelings. Tell her that every bit of her love was reciprocated. You stay in that embrace, her arms founding their usual place in your hips, as your body practically melted into hers. You were so lucky. 
“That sounds an awful lot like an engagement ring…” you say, tears holding desperately to your eyelashes as you grab your right hand and examine the ring closer. It’s nice and delicated, with an emerald instead of a diamond. You wonder how she managed to pay it, and suddenly remember all the shifts she had to ‘cover Steve’ for. “Robin, this is beautiful…” you add in whispers.
“I know, but it’s not like we can get married anyway…” she whispers back and it feels like a stab right in the middle of your chest.  
You technically, and legally, couldn’t. But when have the two of you done anything the traditional way?
“We don’t need papers for it to feel official, don’t we?” She shrugs, not getting the message. “Robin Buckley…” you call again and she looks up from your embrace, confused at the use of her full name. “Can I ask you a question?” 
She laughs, knowingly. She deserves that.
“Of course.”
“Would you marry me anyway?” 
Her features soften as she scans your eyes for any type of indicator this might be a joke. But you’re a hundred percent sure. You’ve never been more sure of anything in your whole life. Her eyes and mouth open, like she’d never even thought marrying you was a real possibility. Like she had just resigned to their rules and accepted she could never have the type of love songs and films were about. Like you had just given her the key to a completely new word. 
And, if you thought about it, you had. You had just offered her the most precious thing anyone could give; time. You had given her the key to every early morning of coffees and crazy hairs and every late night of secrets and nightmares, the chance to comfort you after every failure and celebrate with you every win, the opportunity to stick by your side on every step of the way. 
Instead of properly answering she grabs your face and kisses you in plain sight for the first time in your lives. Her lips are soft and cold and her face is slightly wet because of all the tears, but it’s still the best kiss you’ve ever had the honor to experience.
You pull away after a second and wait for her to actually answer, but she’s just staring at you with a loving smile.
“Is– is that a..?” 
“Right!” she remembers, you chuckle. Such a dork. “Yes, Y/N Y/LN, I will marry you.”
 You kiss her once again, pulling her in for a hug and letting silence invade you once more.
At some point she starts softly laughing. “Proposing in the city of love? That’s so cheesy!” you laugh too, but also tickle her on her right side, making her squirm on your arms.
“It was not my ring but yours!” you defend yourself. “Plus, you know the dork inside you secretly loved it.”
“Yeah she did.” she accepts with a chuckle “Merry Christmas, Y/N”
“Merry Christmas, Robin.”
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