#miss you spiky boy
niallthebadboi · 8 months
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Really missing my spiky boy today, he was an absolutely jackass of a hedgehog but he was mine💔
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lxkexbxss · 2 years
Hello my Fall/Winter Curse, you decided to start rearing your ugly head once again this year. For anyone wondering, winter is rolling up and usually when that happens I get what I can only describe as ‘Winter Brain’. It’s nothing to worry about, just know I might be very very slow (more than normal) answering things or might have low activity on here and other places.
I also have a cold I feel coming on, so that ain’t helping my activity right now. I will hopefully be back up and rearing to go...but for now don’t expect much from me.
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azzo0 · 4 months
See You Later
Inspired by this song: see you later (ten years)
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
tw's: angst with happy ending, manga spoilers, bad writing?? (idk bro lmk more in tags)
Summary: In middle school, you see a red string on your finger. It leads you to Bakugo Katsuki, a boy with fire and anger, less than pleased to see you as his soulmate. After several attempts of befriending and getting to know him, he shuns all your efforts to break through. Letting him go, you drift apart.
But the red string of fate hasn't broken yet. Ten years later, you cross paths again.
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It had been a week since you moved into the fancy new neighbourhood. Your father had gotten a better job offer here in Musutafu. Of course, that meant a new middle school and new friends. You weren't sure what to expect on your first day of school, but it definitely wasn't seeing a red string on your little finger. 
You were just looking for your class in the early hours of the morning, feeling extremely lost. You frowned, the only one in the hallway, looking sideways for your class. Why was the school so big? Giving up, for the time being, you went down to the little pond with fish you spotted on your way here. You'd just ask someone to help you find your class once there were more students around. 
You kneeled, watching fish of different colours idly swim in the little pond. Were it not for the slight tug you felt on your pinky, you'd probably have stayed there wasting your time. You looked down at your hand, eyes widening, when you saw a crimson string attached to your little finger. Your lips parted in surprise.
You knew your soulmate was somewhere around.
Along with quirks, some people had the gift of recognising their soulmate. You'd heard countless stories of people with tattoos of their soulmate's first words on their bodies or a marking of where their soulmate first touched them. Sure, you had a quirk, but no soulmate marking. 
You slowly stood up, gulping. Who was the person on the other end of the string? Letting out a shaky breath, you followed the string to the school garden. Was your soulmate in the garden? You heard footsteps coming in your direction and then suddenly stopping. You nervously bit your lip, daring to look up.
There he was. A boy with spiky ash-blond hair that pointed in every direction, his eyes just as red as the string connecting you two together, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at you. You noticed he had two coat and shirt buttons unbuttoned and his tie missing. He was the most handsome guy you met, were it not for the fact that he looked like he was going to murder you and hide your body. 
"Are ya going to gape at me all day or say something?" He snapped, making you jump back, his voice deep and raspy.
"Umm- looks like we're soulmates?!" You cringed when your voice came out squeaky. 
"No shit." 
The red string slowly disappeared after having led you two to each other. You twiddled your thumb nervously, wondering what to say to him. You were surprised when he walked past you like he hadn't just found out you were his soulmate but a random stranger he bumped into. You jogged after him, tightening your grip around your school bag. 
"Hey, wait up! What's your name?"
"Fuck off, shitty extra." 
You stopped in your tracks, taken aback by his snarky reply. Why would he say that when you asked something so simple? Was he unhappy to find out you were his soulmate? Did he not like the idea of you being his soulmate? You opened your mouth to say something but then decided against it. You sadly turned around, walking in the opposite direction.
Unbeknown to you, none of these were the reasons why he brushed you off. Truth was, he couldn't believe he had a soulmate. Whenever the topic of soulmates came up, everyone had mutually agreed that Bakugo Katsuki could never have a soulmate. He was too proud and angry to have one. 
Maybe they were right. 
He was surprised that someone as pretty as you was his soulmate. You wanted to know his name, and he couldn't even give you a proper reply. He wasn't sure how to react to you. Maybe everyone was right. He was too proud and angry to have a soulmate. 
He glanced back to see that the girl with h/c hair had already left. 
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Much to your horror, you were placed in the same class as your soulmate. You took a fistful of your skirt as you sat behind him. Was he always going to be mean to you? Was he even going to bother talking to you? He didn't even bat an eye when you passed him to sit in your assigned seat. 
Blinking tears, you flung thoughts of him aside. So what if your shitty soulmate didn't want to talk to you? It wasn't like he was the last person on earth. You decided to leave him be for the time being and try to make new friends.
By the end of the day, you had befriended the shy greenette from your class. He chatted with you animatedly as you packed your bag to leave class. It was difficult to hold a decent conversation with him at first since he kept blushing and turning away, flustered, but you managed to get him to be comfortable. 
And that irked Bakugo to no end.
You tried over and over for that damn Deku hut you couldn't bother even talking to him again? Maybe if you asked his name again, he would have replied. But now you were making him furious. On his way out of the class, he dumped the contents of Deku's pencil case on the floor and stormed off, making sure to at least crack a pen or two under his shoes before leaving. 
"What's with him?!" You scoffed, helping Midoriya pick up his stationery. 
"He's always been like that..." he mumbled. Your fists clenched at your sides, your nails digging into your palm. 
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yeah, it's just that," you looked down at your shoes, confused with the whole soulmate deal, "he's my soulmate."
Midoriya's pencil case fell from his hand, his stationery clattering everywhere. You gave him a deadpan look when he gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "KACCHAN? YOU? SOULMATES?"
"Announce that in a loudspeaker next time." 
"I can't believe this. Y/n, maybe you can change him!"
"Don't be silly. We can't change anyone."
"But- maybe you're the one that will bring out Kacchan's nicer side!"
"Totally." You rolled your eyes.
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In a month, you learned to ignore Bakugo's presence. You regularly hung out with Midoriya, much to bakugo's annoyance. He never talked to you, but I made sure you knew he hated you talking to Midoriya. Either way, you ignored Bakugo and managed to steer away from him and his so-called friends.
That was until Midoriya called in sick one day.
Brooding, you left the school building alone. You heard footsteps and snickering behind you and glanced back to see Bakugo's friends. Your eye twitched in annoyance, and you continued walking ahead. But his friends had other plans. They pulled you back by your backpack, almost making you fall. 
"Hey, you're the one always hanging out with that sore loser." One of them snickered, taking your bag and unzipping it. "Got any cash? Oh, look, candy." 
"Put it back, zip the bag, and hand it over." You said firmly. 
"Or what?" 
You hesitated, unsure of what to do. They tossed your school bag amongst each other as you tried getting it back. Annoyed, you opened your water bottle, manipulating the water to come out and splash them all. They glared at you, their uniforms wet, rolling up their sleeves. You backed away into a pillar, feeling intimidated. 
"What do you fuckers think you're doing?" Bakugo's voice boomed, pushing his 'friends' away from you, stepping in front of you almost protectively. 
"Really Bakugo? You're standing up for that quirkless runt's friend?" One of them said.
"You're not laying a hand on my soulmate." He hissed. Realization dawned on their faces, and they stepped back, apologizing.
"Now screw off." Bakugo barked at them. 
Sure, you and Bakugo never talked, but when he stood up for you, your chest warmed, and the slightest grain of hope was planted in your heart. You had to put some sort of effort for your relationship to work. 
"Uh... Thanks." You mumbled. 
"Whatever." He looked away from you, pretending to be uninterested, but stayed put. You gathered your belongings and faced him, scratching your cheek awkwardly. He glanced at you once and made a move to leave, stopping when you held his sleeve.
"Do you want to hang out sometime?" You asked shyly. He stared at you blankly, eyebrows knitted together. You let go of his sleeve, stepping back a little. "We're soulmates, so I thought it would be a good idea to get to know each other a little bit..." you trailed off. 
I'm so stupid. What made me think he'd want to get to know me? I'm just another extra in his way. He doesn't care that we're soulmates, so why do I?
"Give me your number." He demanded, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Are you deaf? Give me your number so we can decide where to meet over the weekend." He grumbled, handing you his phone. 
"O-oh." You took the phone from him with shaky hands, adding your number to his contacts, internally cursing yourself for being this excited. 
But this was progress, right?
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You sighed, glancing down at your phone for the millionth time that afternoon, waiting in the café he told you he'd meet you. He was thirty minutes late. You allowed yourself to wait for fifteen minutes more, before getting up from your seat, tears pooling in your eyes.
What made you think he wanted to get to know you? He probably agreed to a meetup so you would get off his nerves for some time.
"I hate this." You mumbled to yourself, walking out of the café. 
"Hate what?" A familiar voice asked. You glanced back with a frown, freezing when you saw Bakugo. 
"I get caught up in the rush hour, and you decide to ditch my ass?" He rolled his eyes, voice sarcastic.
"Can you blame me?" You grumbled, looking away.
"Klutz." He clicked his tongue. You followed him back into the café, sitting across from him. He stared outside the giant glass panes, elbow on the table, chin in his palm. The sun cast a soft glow in his hair, his maroon eyes almost glowing. His gaze turned to you again, a frown replacing his once neutral features.
"Done orderin' yet?"
I was supposed to order? You picked up the menu, feeling flustered. You ordered your favourite drink while he ordered a cup of cinnamon tea. 
"So what's yer quirk?" He asked. 
"Water manipulation," you replied. "I can basically make the water do what I want it to. Pretty lame." You pointed your finger at a glass of water, having drops of water dance around your finger.
"It's not lame. Can you make weapons?" He asked a hint of amusement in his eyes. You nodded, making a small needle. 
"It's perfect for a hero."
"You want to be a hero, right?" You asked, smiling. "Your quirk is really strong."
"Damn right." He crossed his arms across his chest, sporting a devilish grin. "What about you?"
"I don't know, to be honest. I don't think hero-ing is my thing, so I'm just going to see where life takes me." 
Bakugo snorted, and the little confidence you gained to talk to him went crashing down again. You looked down at your hands, wondering why fate had to put two completely opposite people together. You two would never get along. You felt like he was sitting there across from you solely because he felt obliged to since you were soulmates. 
You silently sipped on your drink once it arrived. Bakugo's eye twitched in annoyance as he watched your glum expression. His jaw clenched as he took in your hairstyle and that stupidly cute white colour sundress you wore, a weird feeling surging in his stomach. What irritated him the most was that you barely looked up at him as if you were scared of him. 
"Do I scare you, Y/n?" He asked, his voice surprisingly calm. You almost jumped when he used your name.
"Er- a little bit, I suppose?" You replied honestly.
He let out a 'tch', taking a sip of his tea. "It's not like 'm gonna kill you."
"It's not just that... are we going to be like this forever?"
"Like what?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Ignoring each other, you being unnecessarily rude to me and many other obvious things."
"First of all, you're the one that doesn't bother even looking at me," Bakugo growled. "Stop making it sound like it's my fault."
"Because the first time I asked for your name you snapped at me!" You reminded, glaring at him. He bared his teeth at you in a scowl. You shook your head, leaning back in your chair, looking out of the window. 
"Look," He ruffled his hair, averting his eyes from you, "this is new to me. I don't know how to go on about this soulmate shit, so give me some time to get used to it."
Your eyes shifted up to him, your gaze softening. He was right. You two were suddenly forced together. Two completely opposite strangers. It was going to take some time for both of you to get used to this. 
"Looks like we both need some time to get used to this." 
Bakugo's breath hitched at your smile. He grumbled, looking away with the faintest pink dusting his cheeks. Maybe you weren't that shitty of a soulmate.
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He was slowly warming up to you. Slowly, but surely. When you greeted him in the morning, he at least looked at you and grumbled back an incoherent response. He was getting used to your blabbing during free periods and found himself, God forbid, enjoying your voice. 
One random day, he decided to walk home with you, much to your surprise. You walked beside him in silence, stealing happy glances at him now and then. You were finally getting somewhere with him. "Where do you live?" he asked, stopping in front of a modern Japanese-style house. 
"Just around the corner." You replied. "You?"
"Right here, dumbass." He replied, opening the residency gates. 
"Oh. Looks like we live really close." You grinned. His heart almost leapt out of his chest at that stupidly cute grin. 
"Whatever..." He stepped on the other side, slamming the gates shut and disappearing into his house. 
"Sometimes he acts really strange..." you muttered.
Over the months, you two grew even closer. He respected you enough to let you step into his abode, also known as his room. You two would game or do homework together and then laze around together. If it got too late, he'd walk you home. He made sure to flick your forehead and tease you in greeting every morning. 
Even Midoriya noticed. 
His jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw you talking to him, your hands making exaggerated gestures as you told him something. The Kacchan he knew would usually yell a 'shut up!' and move on with his day.
It seemed to be going perfectly fine until there were ten months left for Bakugo's entrance exam. 
Today, you guys would be filling out forms for the high school you wanted to attend after this academic year was over. Of course, almost everyone in your class wanted to attend hero schools and courses. 
"Oi, where are ya going to be attending?" He asked. You held your form up for him to read the name of the high school. It was a regular high school where students who didn't want to pursue hero careers studied. 
"It's obviously U.A. for you?" 
Midoriya hopped over to you with his form in hand. The class was almost empty now since the lessons were over. "Y/n! Where are you applying?" He peeked at your form, giving you a beaming smile. "You said wanted to run a business after high school, right?"
Bakugo glared at Midoriya, a vein popping on his forehead. That damn Deku knew you wanted to attend a business course, but he didn't. Why didn't you ever tell him? Were you scared he'd belittle you? Bakugo stood up, snatching Deku's form. As if on cue, his little minions gathered around him, snickering at Midoriya. 
"Look who's applying to U.A. Did you really think a quirkless fuck like you could get into U.A.?" Bakugo cocked his head at Deku, daring him to speak back.
"Kacchan, please give me my form back."
"You want it back? Beg."
"Katsuki, give it back." You said sternly. Ignoring you, he burnt Midoriya's form to ash.
"You'll never be a hero," One of Bakugo's minions cackled.
"If you want to be a hero so badly, take a swan dive off the roof. Maybe you'll be born with a quirk in your next life." Bakugo snickered as he left, glancing back to give Midoriya a smirk. Your eyes widened at Bakugo's words. Deku glared at Bakugo, the angriest you ever saw your green-haired friend. 
You never intervened in Bakugo's vendetta against Midoriya before. But when Bakugo spat such venomous words, you couldn't hold it back anymore. You marched out of the class, catching up to him. You put a hand on his shoulder, making him glance back questioningly. You took his hand, pulling him away from his friends.
"Oi, what are you doing?" He asked in confusion as you led him to the staircase. You shoved him against the wall, taking him by surprise. 
"What the fuck-" Before he could finish, your palm crashed into his cheek.
"What's wrong with you?!" You screamed. "What would you do if he actually killed himself?!" Bakugo held his cheek in shock, guilt washing over now that he repeated his words to Midoriya in his head. Then rage clouded his senses. You were standing up for Deku instead of him.
"You always do that." He scowled. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "You're always standing up for that fucking Deku! What do you even like about him?! He's just a quirkless nobody!"
"He's my friend!" 
"Well, you clearly care for your damn friend more than your soulmate!" Bakugo yelled. 
"What- where did that come from?!"
"Hah, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. That damn Deku knew you wanted to go in the business course, but you didn't bother telling me?" He took an intimidating step towards you. "Is it because you think I'm so shitty I would have made fun of you for choosing the business course?"
"It's nothing like that." You replied, unfazed by the steps he took towards you. "I never told you because you never asked since you were too busy flaunting your quirk."
"Just tell me how much you fucking hate me at this point." He scowled.
"You're right. I do hate you and your pride you can't put aside for one minute."
He held his head in his hands, pacing back and forth. He glanced at you, dropping his hands to his sides. "This is why I hate soulmates."
"Don't worry. I'm not very happy about being bound to you for the rest of my life either." You snapped. You turned away from him to descend the stairs, glancing behind your shoulder for the last time. "Good luck being a hero with that mindset of yours. Heroes are meant to protect the weak. Not bully them to death."
Bakugo seethed in his place, his fists fuming. "You know what? I wish I had a scissor the day I found you were my soulmate so I could cut that damn string that made me meet you."
Wordlessly, you left him on the staircase.
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When you weren't there in class the next day, Bakugo assumed you called in sick. But when the teacher told him you were moving to another school, his blood chilled. Were you transferring schools because of him? 
After school, he found Deku leaving the school building. He ran up to him, stopping the boy. "Why is Y/n changing schools?"
"Umm..." Deku knew the reason you changed schools was Bakugo, but he couldn't say it to his face unless he wanted a fracture in his skull, "she said she found a better school."
Bakugo let Deku go, his eyebrows knitted deep in thought. Were you seriously going to transfer schools without saying a word to him after your fight? Was he a little too harsh? When he paid attention to his surroundings, he realized his feet had taken him to your house. He brought his finger to the doorbell, hesitating. What would he say after the door opened?
I do hate you and your pride you can't put aside for one minute, your voice echoed in his head. He gulped and pressed the doorbell. 
An older woman with the same h/c hair as yours opened the door, "Hello. You are...?"
"I'm Y/n's-" Y/n's what? Friend? Clearly, you guys weren't friends anymore. Soulmate? You both expressed you didn't want each other. "I'm Y/n's classmate."
The woman nodded and called for you. He heard you reply, 'I'm coming!' in the background. You appeared behind your mother, peeking over her shoulder to see who it was, freezing when you saw it was Bakugo. You stepped outside, closing the door behind you so you two could have some privacy. You sat on the porch beside Bakugo, playing with a thread on your pants. 
"Changing schools, huh?" He was the first one to speak, looking anywhere but at you.
"Yeah," you replied, "it's better this way."
There was thick silence between you two, followed by the buzz of the hot afternoon. Bakugo broke the silence first. "Is it because of me?"
You looked up at the deep blue sky, shielding your eyes from the sun. "I don't know," you admitted. "I want to spend the rest of my months in junior high stress-free. This seems like the only appropriate solution to me." 
You met his crimson eyes, giving him a smile, "I want to end this one on a good note. So forgive me for my sharp words yesterday."
Bakugo wished you'd slap him again instead of being so nice to him. He did not deserve this. He did not deserve your kindness. He bit his tongue, trying to ease the surging emotions inside his chest. He wanted to apologise. He really did. But he couldn't.
"Is this goodbye?" He asked. He watched you get up and walk back to your door. He got up, facing you, waiting for a reply. 
"See you later." You smiled as you closed the door. 
That day was the last time you talked to each other.
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Bakugo magnificently failed his provisional licence test. He was curled up in his bed, buried under a blanket, his entire body aching after confronting Midoriya earlier. There was too much running in his mind. It was overwhelming. His hunch of Deku getting All Might's quirk proved to be right, and then there was the fact that he was slowly going to rebuild his friendship with Midoriya. There was also you.
He was fixing his mistakes, working towards being a better version of himself, but he never got to fix his relationship with you. It had been so long since he last saw you he was starting to forget what you looked like. The bond between you two was still there. He knew because every time he held his hand up and closed his eyes, he could still see the red string. 
Bakugo got out from under the blanket. After the house arrest, he'd visit his neighbourhood and talk to you again. He wanted you to give him another chance. This time, he wasn't going to let you go.
As soon as his house arrest was lifted, he took the bus and stopped by his neighbourhood. He ran past his house and turned to the corner where your house was. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing outside with a guy your guys' age. Your hair had grown longer, and your facial features seemed to have matured from the last time he saw you. You smiled at the mysterious boy standing next to you. Your smile was still pretty as it was before. 
Bakugo's jaw clenched when the boy leaned in and grabbed your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. His heart fell to his stomach. Who was he kidding? Did he really expect you to wait for him all this time? 
He slowly turned back to where he came from, cursing the tears that formed in his eyes. He wiped them away, convincing himself that you deserved someone better than him anyway.
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Schools all over Japan shut down due to the war. You were lazing on the couch, re-reading a novel. Every now and then, you tuned in with the news. You found out Katsuki and many other hero students would be on the frontlines. 
If you were being honest, you missed him. Or it was more like you missed the idea of what it would be like if you two remained by each other's side instead of drifting apart. In your freshman year, you got into a relationship with a guy you thought was your type. But you couldn't seem to let your soulmate go, and your ex didn't seem to like the idea of you already having a soulmate. That was the end of your relationship.
You sighed, putting the novel over your face. You suddenly felt a sharp, piercing pain in the left side of your chest. You sat up straight, cupping your breast, trying to breathe the pain away. Unexpectedly, the red string on your little finger appeared again. Your eyes widened, and you stood up. 
This time, you did not have the chance to follow it. Because the red string of fate snapped in two.
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You picked up the tray with coffee and cake, setting it on your customer's table with a smile. It had been a few months since you opened this café, and business was booming. 
Ten years had passed since the incident with the red string snapping in two. After the war was over, you found out that Bakugo died for a short period of time due to the rupture in his heart. It was fixed by the Ninja hero, edgeshot. Bakugo was okay. When you closed your eyes, you could still see the red string. It gave you some sort of comfort knowing he was alive.
At the end of the day, you closed the café, dropping the shutters and securing the lock. You yawned, bringing a hand to your mouth to cover it. You were closing awfully late today. You pulled your long coat tighter around your body, shivering in the cold midnight breeze. 
You walked the empty streets, hands in your pockets to keep them warm. You let out a long exhale, watching your breath condense. You felt a slight tug on your little finger and slid your hand out. You stopped breathing when you saw a red colour string around your finger. 
You stood there, staring at your hand. After a few seconds of trying to calm your dancing heart, you looked up, your breath hitching. There he was. Standing a few feet across from you, watching you through his ash-blonde bangs, was Bakugo Katsuki.
Tears pooled in your eyes as you took in your soulmate. He'd grown so tall since the last time you saw him. You were just teenagers then. He had gained more muscle, the streetlamps highlighting his gains hiding behind his winter hero suit. He looked ethereal. 
He gaped at you in disbelief. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw the red string appear again. He took a step towards you, admiring the beautiful woman you blossomed into. How long had it been? Ten years?
You ran up to him, putting all your uncertainty aside and throwing your arms around him. Bakugo put his hands up in surprise, unsure where to put his hands. 
"I missed you, Katsuki." You whispered, your ear on his chest, eyes closed. You felt strong arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. 
"I missed you too, Y/n" He breathed, his voice reverberating in his chest.
You pulled away, admiring his vermillion eyes shining in the streetlight. He looked so different yet the same. You put some distance between you two, clearing your throat. 
"What're you doing out here so late?"
"Patrol. What about you?"
"Just closed the café. I got busy with the transactions and lost track of time." You finished with a small laugh. Bakugo's chest warmed at that sound.
"Opened your own café, huh?" He smirked. 
"Yeah," You smiled. 
You guys stood across from each other with so much to say, yet no words would form. You shifted on your feet, putting a hand behind your neck, averting your gaze. "I thought... I'd never see you again. When you almost died in the war... it scared me, Katsuki."
"Sorry..." He mumbled.
You shook your head, taking his hands. "I'm sorry, Katsuki. I never gave you a chance. I- I left after saying some pretty mean things. I'm so sorry."
"Shh," His big, calloused hands cupped your cheek, wiping the tear under your eye before it rolled down. He wanted you to know he was a changed man. Sure, he was still a little quick to temper, but his rage had calmed down over the years. 
"I'm sorry too, Y/n," He murmured, bringing his forehead to yours. "I said some pretty messed up shit too. I never got a chance to apologize. I'm sorry. Im sorry I pushed you away."
"It's alright, Katsuki," you said, holding the hand cupping your cheek, "we were both immature teenagers. It's okay."
"Will you... will you give me another chance?" He asked, watching your expressions carefully. "Unless you're still with that guy."
"Eh?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Which guy?"
Bakugo's face went beet red, and he stepped back from you, coughing. "You know... that guy you kissed."
Your mouth formed an 'O' in realization. You burst out laughing, making Bakugo sweatdrop. "I didn't even last a week with that guy!" You wheezed, wiping a tear from your eye.
"Whatever..." He blushed, scratching his cheek.
"How did you find out though?"
Bakugo huffed, a small pout on his lips. "I wanted to apologize, but when I saw him kiss you, I wasn't sure you wanted me anymore."
You smiled up at him, your eyes softening. "I'll give you another chance, Katsuki. So please give me a chance, too. Let's fix this together."
He brushed the hair away from your face, tucking some away behind your ears. His index and thumb came down to your chin, tilting your head, eyes drifting down to your lips. You leaned closer to him, your eyelashes fluttering shut. He pressed his lips to yours, his heart racing at the feeling of your soft and warm lips on his. 
You went on tiptoes, finding it difficult to crane your neck for him. He smiled against your lips, lowering his back so it would be easier for you. You pulled back for a few seconds, your hands on his shoulders, your cheeks flushed. He dived in for another kiss, this time with more passion. Your back arched when you felt his tongue in your mouth, your hand travelling up to his hair to gently tug on it, his hand behind your neck. 
Time might have not been your favour previously, but time doesn't stay the same forever. Both of you were willing to redo everything and close the decade-long gap away from each other. It wasn't too late yet. 
Your intimate moment with Bakugo was broken when his pager cracked to life. He almost jumped, pulling away from the kiss. "Dynamight, are you still in the area?" A voice asked, "We need backup."
"I'm comin'" He replied. 
He looked down at you, his cheeks red. It was cute. "So, uh- Looks like I gotta go."
"It's alright." You replied, breathless from the kiss. 
"Give me your number." He unlocked his phone, handing it to you. You took it from him, saving your contact number. 
"See you later, Katsuki." You smiled, handing him his phone. 
Bakugo took his phone, feeling content. He pressed another quick kiss to your lips before taking off with explosions, his heart thrumming in his chest. He finally felt at ease after years of wanting to chase you. 'See you later.' You said that ten years ago as well. Bakugo knew it wasn't goodbye this time. Because you would be there with him every day from here on.
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sttm99 · 6 months
Bakugo finding out he has a daughter with his ex....
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Trigger warning: Mentions of pregnancy, abortion....
Part 2 of this
Bakugo sees the kid a few months after the meeting in the supermarket. This time, he's out with his daughter. She's just like him too, loud and brash and obnoxious, and takes after his looks; a spitting image of Katsuki Bakugo.
They're at the mall doing some shopping together. It's some father-daughter bonding time cause he's been so busy with work, and he misses her. So they're at a store and she sees something she likes and begs her dad to pay for it for her.
So he does, and she wanders off while he's at the counter paying for her stuff. And he's just finished picking up the bag when he hears her excited squeals and yells.
"Daddy! Daddy!" And he turns around to see yer dragging some poor boy by the forearm, pulling at him and bringing him to Bakugo. "Daddy! This boy looks just like me! See!"
And Bakugo's already rolling his eyes and mentally preparing an apology to the kid's parents. But then his eyes lock on the kid, and he sees it. Clear as day.
The boy looks like his daughter, a few years older, but they look like siblings. The harsh red eyes and spiky blonde hair. It's there.
"See? You see it, don't you, daddy?" His daughter is asking, squealing and giggling and jumping, and the boy is nervously trying to pry away the hyperactive girl.
"My mom's gonna be looking for me," he says. "I have to go back to my mom."
And Bakugo is quiet because he can see how much the boy resembles him, and how much he resembles you too.
It almost aches his heart. The lips are his own, but the nose and the brows are yours. The gait is yours, too- it's obvious.
And the final straw is when he hears your obvious (he could never mistake it) calling out what he assumes is the boy's name.
He looks up at you. Your eyes are wide, and you look frantic as you quickly approach your son, still in the clutches of Bakugo's daughter. Her grip is still tight.
"That's my kid, isn't it?" He asks you, his voice shaky even as he speaks.
You don't even answer him, softly prying away his daughter's fingers from your son's arms and soothing both of them as they whine and whine. You're gentle, he thinks, so so gentle with his kid.
"YN..." He repeats, "That's my kid, isn't it? Why aren't you answering me?"
You look up at him with tired, unamused eyes. "You're yelling. Can you stop yelling, Bakugo?" You tell him.
It's like a punch to the gut. His daughter has quickly run up to his side, holding on to him and gushing over the stuff he bought for her. But all Bakugo can pay attention to is you.
All he's looking at is how you're pampering your son, caressing his cheeks, and asking if he's okay and all that.
"YN... please... just answer me. Isn't that my kid?" He asks again, his voice soft, almost pleading.
It's hard enough to think about how he left you. It's worse to think he left you with a child by yourself.
"Do you know his name?" You asked him calmly, your voice as he's come to know it, showing no emotion. "His birthday? Do you know it?" You stand up, holding on to your son's palm.
He's looking between Bakugo and his daughter and touching his own hair because he can see the obvious resemblance.
"You didn't tell me. You didn't tell me anything!"
He's getting agitated, and you can tell, so you ask to go somewhere a bit more private and without the kids too. And luckily there's a small playground/daycare like place where you drop them, and then go over to the food court nearby.
So now Bakugo's just staring intensely at you as you look down at the table, performing all your little nervous ticks- cracking the joints in your fingers, thumbing your palm, whatever.
He can tell that you're nervous to speak to him about it, despite how scarily calm your face looks.
"He's my kid, isn't he?" He asks slowly.
You nod. And it's another punch to the gut. His vision blurs for a moment. His whole world spins on its axis. He leans back in the chair, head hung low and eyes downcast.
"Fuck- why didn't you tell me?"
"Would you have raised him with me back then?" You reply quickly, putting your elbows on the table as you lean over. "Hmm? You leave me just as you begin to get successful, make money, and find some other pretty girl to fawn over, and I should tell you I'm pregnant with your kid?"
He looks up at you as your voice begins to grow bitter, and for a moment he can see just how bad he'd hurt you.
"Think, Bakugo? How would that go? I'd tell you what? I can't raise a kid on my own and fight you for child support? Or you'd fight me for an abortion-"
"I'd never have asked for an abortion, YN." He swiftly intersects.
"How was I to know that? You didn't care about me then. Why would I think you'd care about my child?"
The words make him clench his fists. "I did care about you."
"No, you didn't, Bakugo." You say, and you look so tired. "You really didn't. I don't even mean love, I mean care. If you cared even the slightest bit about me, things would be different now."
He can't even disagree with that. Things would be different. If he'd gone about it better, maybe you two could have remained friends or distant acquaintances. Maybe he'd have been in his daughter's life.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
"I don't need it."
And there's a heavy silence hanging in the air for several minutes.
Then you sigh and relax back into your seat, looking down at your phone for a moment before you look back up at him. "So? What do you want now?"
He glances up at you. "I just.... My son- what's his name?"
"Miko." You tell him.
He nods. "He's seven?" That's how long it's been since the breakup.
"He turns eight in two months."
Another round of tense silence.
"I want to be in his life... if that's okay. Please." He leans forward. "He doesn't even have to call me 'dad' or anything if you're not comfortable with that. I can be 'Uncle', or - or just 'Bakugo'. Please, just let me be in his life."
You tell him you'll speak to your fiance about it, and you'll get back in touch with him. And his heart hammers as he offers his number, it hammers even harder when you accept and give him yours.
It's like starting all over again.
It's about a week or two later, when he's just finished speaking to his wife about it, and he's relieved that she's fine with it all.
"It's your kid," she tells him. "I would never stop you from seeing your kid. And I know you've always wanted a son."
And soon after, you call him, saying he should set up a time and place for you to formally introduce him to your son. He's ecstatic, and he's nervous, but he's happy.
Because for the first time in a long while, it feels like things are falling into place.
@nishinishshou7 , Now I feel I want to make this into a series 😔
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dark-night-hero · 7 months
Imagine as you walked into the grocery store, pushing the cart in one hand and the other holding on into the little boy you are to look after for the day, your phone rings causing you to look at the little guy before he gives a nod, letting go of your hand and holding on into the cart as the two of you pushes it forward as you grab your phone with your empty hand.
"What's the matter?" You spoke as soon as you answered the call from Shoko. "You with Megumi?" "Yeah, Gojo left him with me, he and his lover was sent into different mission and there was no one to look after him. Why did you call?" "Just checking up on you.."
Imagine in the middle of your call, you realize something was missing. Megumi is missing. Where is Megumi? "Hey, I got to go." "Alright. Take care... Suguru was last spotted in there, that's what I actually wanted to say." "..." Then the call ended and you took a dep breath. So what if Suguru was last spotted in here? What's important is that you LOST Megumi. You're fucked. Though it would be refreshing seeing Gojo's reaction over this. Such a same he was out on a mission you couldn't even call him.
Imagine, the funny thing is that in the process of making your way into the customer service, you spotted a child, a little girl in the corner looking lost and guarded up. Looking left and right, making sure that you had it right that she was lost as a couple of adults passed by her with a care. You decided to approach the child. "Hello little one, are you lost?" As you get down on your knees to be on the same level as her, she backed down a bit, looking at you with trembling almost scared gaze that was soon filled with familiarity? Curiosity. "...Yes." She utter as she kept looking at you. "Well do you mind coming with me? I'm looking for my child too, lets go to the customer service together and wait for your parents to come and get you, hmm? How about that?" "... Okay." "Oh, I forgot to ask but you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable. What's your name?" "Mimiko..." "You have a beautiful name." You said with a smile and tap her in the head before offering a hand.
Imagine by the time you manage to make it to the customer service, cart on one hand full of grocery bags while the other was holding on into Mimiko, you spotted a little boy with a bored look in his face. It was Megumi. "Oh goodness, Megumi. I'm glad you're safe." You said with a smile on your face as you let go of the cart, keeping one hand into holding Mimiko while the other reach out to mess up Megumi's spiky styled hair. "You picked up another child on your way here?" "Darling, you are a child too, just where did you wander around to get lost?"
Imagine in the middle of giving information about the lost little girl with the people in the customer service. "Mimiko!" A familiar, a very familiar voice made you halt for a moment then you continue despite the fact that he just utter the name of the girl who was lost. For a moment, anger, rage filled your veins but you took a deep breath to calm yourself as you look at the two child close to you, Megumi holding the hem of your pants and Mimiko holding close to you like she was embarrassed.
"Mimiko! I told you strictly to stay by my side! Do you know how worried I a-!" "Mister, mind your tone, you're scaring the child." As much as you want to walk away, as much as you want to hold Megumi by his hand and pretend all of this isn't happening, the way the little girl, Mimiko was holding into your pants makes your heart ache. Funny a few moments ago, you were kind of resentful of her knowing this girl, this child was one of the reason, the breaking point of everything in which he end up turning his back to all of you, leaving you all alone.
"Who-- (Yo-Your name)." The words he was about to say as you turn around to face him. How long was it since he have seen you in person. No, wait. Is this a dream? It should be for there is no way on earth you are actually right in front of him. But you are, and he was aware of this, all of his senses were telling him you are in fact right in front of him, face to face, just within his reach. And as much as he want to pull you in his arms. He couldn't do that. He can't. Oh god. Oh god how much he was forcing himself to stay still, resisting ever muscle in his body to prevent himself from launching himself at you. It's been so long. It's only been months since he have left but damn, fuck, he missed you. And the fact that you are right in front of him and that he couldn't do a thing physically hurts him.
Imagine ignoring him, (eye color) iris looking down on the other looking similat to the girl on your side but with a different hair color. You gave her a smile before once again kneeling down next to the little girl on your side, Mimiko. "Darling? Why don't you go over Mister?" "..." "He didn't mean to get mad okay? He was just worried about you, it is also your mistake just like Megu over here that you stray away from your guardian okay?" "... really?" "Yes darling, really. Go over there to Mister, okay? I promise you, he's a good person, he's not going to get mad at you just because of a simple mistake."
Imagine, Suguru doesn't know what hurts him even more. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge him or the fact that you said he was a good person when he knows he's not. Not when it comes to the people he killed, not to those friends he have left and disappointed, and not to you whom he left with nothing, not even a word, he left and ever looked back even after all the things both of you have been through, even after all the love that was given. How could he still be a good person to you?
Imagine as Mimiko finally gain the courage to make it back to stay by his side. He watch you tap the two girl by his side, completely ignoring him or so he thought when his purple iris meeting a pair of (eye color) ones. The world around the two of you seems to stop as so much was said into the unsaid. Then you turn around, you turn around like you did not just ask him by the looks of your eyes which says 'You're not going to chase after me, will you?'
Imagine as you walked away, hand holding on into Megumi's little hands and the other still pishing the cart out of rhe grocery. You stop but did not turn around. "Suguru." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He almost replied back to you by mistake. "This day never happened." Funny as it may sound, he too agreed this day never happened. But it already happened. "Also." This time you glance back slightly. "That's a nice twin girls you got there, take a good care of them. Okay?" "I think I'm doing a great job actually." "Good." He basically choses them over you, that should be the right answer for both of you but why does it hurt?
"Are you okay?" The little hand tried squeeze your big ones causing you to chuckle. "I'm okay." "..." "I'm okay Megu." You gave his little hand a squeeze back. But you're crying is what Megumi wants to stay but could only shut his mouth, hoping his little yet gentle presence might be enough for you to calm down. It did help, and you're very much appreciative of it. But knowing you aren't enough to make him stay and that once again you were hoping he would chase after you but never did. Hurts. It hurts like shit.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: honestly super close into making an actual series of Geto x Reader but im fucking busy at the moment, fuck college. Also I got reslly inspired bu this TIKTOK fanart so I decided to make this.
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megalony · 10 days
It Means Hero
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine I had an idea for, which involves a deaf! Reader and kids. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
(And I'm so happy to be writing about the Medal Scene and have more requests like this lined up)
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: Tommy brings his wife and their kids down to the 118 for the award ceremony. And it seems to be going great, until they bump into his former Captain, Gerrard.
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The end of Tommy's nose crinkled and lines appeared in his cheeks when he smiled. He opened the back door and leaned his hip against it, grinning at the boys when they all got ready to clamber out the car.
He watched them scurry down and move over to (Y/n) before he reached in the back to where Daisy was waiting, impatiently kicking her legs with her arms stretched out, waiting to be unbuckled from her car seat.
Once Tommy unbuckled her, he scooped her up into his arms and when she clung to his neck, he rolled his eyes playfully but obliged and sat her on his hip. His eyes were enamoured by Daisy as she pressed her hand to her chin before pulling it away and giggling a quiet "Thank you," along with the sign, for getting her out of the car.
He shut the door with his hip and moved to stand next to (Y/n) while his eyes dragged up and down the station he hadn't been to in a long while.
It had been over five years since Tommy had worked in this station and it had been a long time since he had been here in his uniform. Usually if ever he came to the 118 fire house, it was to see Eddie or Buck and head out with them after shift. He couldn't remember the last time he had come to this station and stayed longer than five minutes.
His eyes dragged over Daisy's frame again, smiling at the red and black polka dot dress she was wearing. And he reached out to flick one of the blood red bows tied in her hair. She had her hair done into two plaits with bows at the top making her look very cute.
Now she was three, her hair was starting to thicken and grow long and Tommy missed how thin and spiky her hair had been when she was a bit younger. He used to love tying her hair up in thousands of bobbles and making her look like Cindy Lou from The Grinch.
He felt (Y/n) lean her head on his arm and cosy up to his side while the boys walked in front of them.
But Jake turned on his heels and slowed down so he could look up at Tommy who rose a brow, waiting for him to speak.
"Why aren't we going to your station?"
Tommy's expression softened while he smoothed his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back.
The boys had never been to this station before. They had gone to the 227 quite a few times to see Tommy on shift and meet his team, all of whom loved the boys and Daisy. They had been down to Harbour quite a few times too and Tyler had gone in the helicopter with Tommy for a ride a few months back, something he really enjoyed. But none of them had ever been to another station before.
"Because everyone else who get's a medal works here, buddy." It wouldn't be fair to hold the ceremony anywhere else but here at the 118 when the four other people who played a part in the cruise ship rescue came from this house. It was only right that they held the celebration here and Tommy came over here for the event.
Part of him didn't want to be here, he didn't like the spotlight being on him, but sharing the stage with the 118 gang made it bearable. And Buck and Chimney had not stopped bugging Tommy until he had no choice but to turn up.
And when all the kids said they wanted to see him get a medal, how could he refuse?
He felt (Y/n) press up into his side when they walked through the doors. She had never been here before either, although she knew all of the 118 who had quickly become Tommy's close friends.
Her face nuzzled into his arm and she curled both her hands around his bicep, dragging her fingers over the creases and groves in his uniform that she had spent so much time staring at this morning when they were getting ready. The hustle and bustle inside the station made her heart leap. There were a lot of people here, most of whom (Y/n) didn't know. And the only people she would know were the ones who would be stood up on stage so it wasn't as if (Y/n) could sit and converse with them until the ceremony was over.
(Y/n) stopped walking when Tommy did and they stood to the side, all three boys surrounding them as they waited for Tommy to make a move.
Tilting her head up, (Y/n) perched her chin on her husband's shoulder and smiled sweetly at him while she moved her index finger in a circle around them to signal their little group.
She then uncurled her hands from his arms so she could hold out her index and middle finger in front of her like a straight line. And on her left hand, she stuck her index and middle finger up like crooked bunny ears and brought them down, curling them over her right hand. The sign for sit.
"Who do we sit with?" She tried to keep her voice quiet but still loud and clear enough for Tommy to hear.
(Y/n)'s hearing was impaired, it had been the same since she was born and therefore she couldn't hear her own voice properly or hear sounds around her. She could speak but her pronouncing wasn't the best. It had taken her a long while to gather confidence to talk to people using her voice rather than sign language. But she felt safer talking in sign when in public, only with Tommy would she laugh and speak freely and not worry about how she sounded.
And with all three boys being hearing impaired, they combined speech and sign language every day. Daisy was the only one who had almost perfect hearing, but she was brought up to use sign language to communicate with her mum and brothers.
"Karen, Hen's wife?" Tommy didn't sound sure, but when he pointed to one of the front tables near the stage, (Y/n) nodded. She could see Hen sat with another woman and two young children and she knew Hen, she was lovely. They could sit there and try to make small talk with Hen's family, while being close enough to watch and be proud of Tommy.
When they reached the table, (Y/n) curled her hands back around Tommy's arm while he gripped the back of the chair in front of him and smiled widely causing creases in his cheeks.
"Are these seats free?"
"Of course, sit, sit." Hen beckoned them to sit down while she stood behind Karen's chair, her hands lovingly on her wife's shoulders. "This is Karen, and our kids Denny and Mara."
(Y/n) held her arms out when she sat down and gently took Daisy when Tommy handed her over. She sat her daughter on her lap and wrapped her arms around her waist, smiling against the top of her head. Her eyes filtered to check on the boys, watching as the twins sat down on her right and Tyler sat on her left between her and Karen. While Tommy stood behind them since he and Hen would have to go on stage in a minute.
"This is (Y/n), Tyler, the twins Jake and James, and this is Daisy." Tommy ruffled each of their heads when he said their names, pointing between the twins since they were identical.
Not many people could tell the difference between the boys upon first meeting them, but they would soon learn that Jake was the more outgoing twin. Whereas James was reserved and nervous. Plus, Jake wore dark blue hearing aids whereas James wore green ones.
Once they'd all said their hellos, Tommy crouched down between (Y/n) and Tyler's seats and faced their eldest.
He grinned softly and held his hand out in front of him, curling his pinky and ring finger into his palm before he twisted his hand back and forth. And then he curled all his fingers against his thumb and made a grabbing motion before he pointed to the cochlear implant on the side of Tyler's head.
Turn it on.
Tyler had the most affected hearing out of them all and normal hearing aids didn't work for him. Cochlear implants turned soundwaves into vibrations and noises directly in his ear canal using magnets and it helped him to pick up and work out speech because he wasn't the best at lip reading. And since very few people knew sign language, he had to communicate somehow.
He could speak, but like (Y/n), his speech was slurred and he didn't pronounce very well.
His implants had a microphone for soundwaves and a volume tuner on the back so depending on what situation he was in, he could turn it up or down. And Tommy knew the eight year old had a tendency to turn it down since his family always used sign language with him.
But not many people would know sign language here and if he wanted to make sense of the speeches, he needed it turning up.
A shy grin spread across Tyler's lips and he nodded, reaching up to turn the dial to the right. He listened to the conversations floating around the table until it sounded loud enough for him to distinguish and he looked back at his dad who nodded and moved his hand from his chin outwards.
Thank you.
Tommy kissed the top of his head before he pushed up so he was standing tall again and he took a moment to peck (Y/n)'s cheek.
His eyes flitted across to Hen when she asked if he was ready and he nodded. He wasn't altogether sure he was ready for this. He didn't want to go up there, he would rather be the one applauding the team and sitting down here, blending in with the crowd.
But he felt (Y/n)'s hand on his lower back giving him a polite nudge towards the stage. He started walking and tilted his head down, smirking to himself when he felt (Y/n) hit his bum on the way.
Once Tommy was on stage, stood next to Buck with Chimney in front of him, he looked to relax a little. (Y/n) grinned sweetly at him while Daisy waved her arms madly in his direction until Tommy was grinning from ear to ear. He had his hands clasped together in front of him but he rolled his eyes playfully and waved back at Daisy.
She was giggling and smiling at him as if she hadn't seen him in days and was desperate for his attention. When really, she had been attached to his hip all morning.
"She's a cutie," Buck murmured quietly, leaning to the left to talk to Tommy before Chief Simpson would get up and start his speech.
He watched Tommy nod with one of the softest smiles Buck had ever seen. He was used to Tommy being stoic and laid back and kind of a hard person to get a good read on. But seeing him stood here looking like he was melting at the sight of his daughter and would do anything for his family, it was a different side to him that Buck loved to see.
He glanced between them before he realised the little girl was signing something. She had her small hand curled in a claw motion and she was moving her hand away from her face and back again and when Buck glanced back at Tommy, he realised the pilot was blushing and shaking his head.
A quiet chuckle escaped Tommy's lips when he watched (Y/n) repeat the same sign, and then the boys copied. Until all five of them were moving their hands back and forth away from their faces and pointing across at all five firefighters stood up on stage.
"Wh- what does that sign mean?"
Buck had met (Y/n) on a few occasions and he had seen the kids a few times so he knew all of them used sign language. He had learned a few signs from them. He knew the basics, hello, good bye, thank you, morning, coffee- an important one for Buck- and a few others. But he was still learning and he was more than happy for them to teach him so he could communicate with them.
It also helped for when they had hearing impaired people on calls so the team could effectively talk and communicate with them too.
"It means hero. They're calling us all heroes."
"Huh, I like it."
Of course he did. Tommy could see Buck grinning out the corner of his eye and he took a deep breath, keeping his gaze focused on his family while he clasped his hands back in front of him.
(Y/n) smiled as she tightened her arms around Daisy and pulled her back into her chest, giving her a cuddle. She leaned her cheek on top of Daisy's head and turned to the left so she was facing the stage so they could both see Tommy better. She moved one hand out to run up and down Tyler's back and darted her eyes across to the twins just to check they were okay.
Both of them were knelt up on their seats, elbows leant on the table while Jake immediately struck up a conversation with Mara. And James had his eyes locked on Tommy, not looking one inch away from his dad who was smiling softly and holding his gaze.
Tyler tilted his head back and turned to look up at (Y/n). He stretched his hand out like a high five and pressed the tip of his thumb against his temple, pulling his hand away twice. Before he stuck his thumbs and pinkies out and shook his hands up and down.
'Does dad get an award?'
She knew Tyler wasn't going to speak in front of people he didn't know. He had only just started to mutter when he was around Buck who had quickly become a friend to him.
When they were at home, Tyler would talk whilst he signed because he wasn't ashamed or embarrassed in front of his family. Being in public was a different matter.
"No trophy, he gets a medal." (Y/n) pressed her index finger and thumbs together into a circle in front of Daisy's chest. Tommy would get a medal and a plaque for this, along with the rest of the group. Although she had a feeling that Tommy wouldn't be wearing the medal for long. One of the kids would end up with it and the plaque would end up in (Y/n)'s bag.
It would be up to (Y/n) to find somewhere in the house to put the plaque, most likely in the living room with the other pictures of Tommy from when he first got into firefighting and then when he switched back to being a pilot. There was a section in the living room with photos of Tommy when he was a lot younger when he first joined the army. Tyler seemed to think that when Tommy was younger, when he had been rather thin, it made him look taller.
"You're a sweetheart, how old are you?" Karen leaned across the table to look at Daisy who started to giggle and held out three fingers.
When Tyler tapped (Y/n)'s arm and curled his index fingers in the sign for picture, (Y/n) fished her phone out her bag and handed it over. She had a feeling Tyler would take a video of the ceremony rather than a picture since there was already a photographer here.
Later on after all the comotion died down, (Y/n) was hoping to get a picture of Tommy in his suit with all the kids. It had been a while since she got a recent photo of them all together.
A smile lit up Karen's face when she realised Mara and Jake seemed to be getting along well. And she noticed that Jake was absentmindedly signing along with his speech and Mara was copying the signs with her hands on her lap. Taking in all the signs he was doing to see if she could remember some for future reference.
And Denny was leaning forward, trying to take note of what Daisy was doing. All the kids were half-listening to the speech Chief Simpson was giving out, they weren't interested until their respective parents were going to be commemorated.
He watched Daisy smile as she curled her hands on her shoulders and then pulled her arms away before she pressed her thumb to her forehead with her fingers stretched out.
"What does that mean?" Denny asked politely while he leaned forward against the table and nudged his drink of lemonade with his elbow.
"Brave daddy."
(Y/n) kissed the top of her head and smiled, thankful when all the kids seemed to settle down once the awards were finally being given out. She swayed her and Daisy from left to right while Hen went up first for her medal and her award.
By the time it was Tommy's turn, all the kids were buzzing and jumping up and down, tapping their hands against the table in excitement.
And (Y/n) loved the way that Tommy's eyes barely left his family. He didn't seem to take in what the Chief was saying and his eyes were focused on them while the medal was looped around his neck. When his eyes locked with hers, his lips curved up at one side into a dark smirk and he winked as he straightened up, standing taller than the chief.
She could see in Tommy's eyes that he was desperate for the attention to be taken away from him. He was glad to switch places with Buck and he was even happier when the awards came to a close and all they had to do was stand for a few more promotional pictures.
As soon as the pictures were finished, the five of them climbed down off the stand.
Tommy let out a shaky breath and hung his head down, looking at the medal hanging around his neck.
He didn't want a medal. He would of been happier if the chief just said he was proud they had all taken initiative and done something risky but brave. This was lovely but a bit too uncomfortable for Tommy. The only bright side to this was seeing the love and adoration on his family's face and the pride they all had for him. That made this worth while.
He barely stepped off the stand behind Buck before he looked ahead and saw his troop aiming for him.
The four of them weaved around the tables to get to him and Tommy crouched down just in time to have them all barrell into his arms.
The twins hit his chest and collided with his knees, Tyler wormed beneath his right arm and Daisy latched her arms around his neck and jumped until Tommy lifted her off her feet. He sat her down on his hip and lifted James to sit on his other hip while Tyler and Jake stood on either side, bouncing like springs they were so happy and hyper.
He felt Hen give his shoulder a squeeze as she walked past him, something fond bubbling over in her eyes. And he noticed the cheesy grin on Chimney's face as he turned round to see who all the kids belonged to.
"Jeez Tommy, I forgot you had a football team." His joke was well intended and he laughed fondly before he went to see his own family of two.
He felt the boys hover round his sides while they made their way back towards the table and Tommy gently eased James and Daisy back down to their feet in front of him. The four of them flitted around the table, hovering rather than sitting down because everyone else was up and about going from person to person and towards the buffet table that was now open.
While he had a second, Tommy moved over to where (Y/n) was sat and when he noticed her place her phone down on the table, he grinned. She'd snapped a few pictures of him and the kids then. Tommy had a thing for photo albums and photography.
He had books from each time (Y/n) was pregnant, full of all their scan photos, pictures of (Y/n) at different stages in each pregnancy and then thousands of the kids when they had all been born. Tommy loved savouring the moment, especially when it came to the kids.
The first photo that had been taken of each of the kids when they had been born were all now blown up on canvases in the dining room.
"Hi," He murmured softly while he wormed his way in between (Y/n)'s legs until his knees bumped her inner thighs. He leaned forward, resting his left hand on the table and his right hand behind her arm on the back of her chair. He was hovering over her, close enough that their noses brushed and he could feel each breath (Y/n) took which started to become lighter and lighter.
"Hey hero." (Y/n) moved her curled hand from her chin up towards Tommy, the sign for hero, before she cupped her hands on either side of his neck.
Her thumbs brushed over his pulse that was starting to quicken and throb beneath her touch. And when she tilted her head back and bit down on her lip, that was all the encouragement Tommy needed to devour her lips.
His wet lips felt electrified against hers and Tommy all but growled into her mouth when he felt her nails graze down his neck towards his collar. (Y/n) felt the growl vibrate through his chest and along his neck and when she dragged her hands down to touch the red velvet ribbon hanging around his neck, Tommy finally released her lips. She loved the blushing red taint to his lips and the way he panted, keeping so close that they were almost kissing again.
"You like it?" He spoke slowly and quietly, punctuating his words so (Y/n) could read his lips properly and his eyes darted down to the ribbon around his neck. He could see her fingertips gliding along the medal that weighed heavy against his chest but suddenly felt like a comforting weight when his wife stared at him like that.
One hand stayed pressed into Tommy's chest while (Y/n) tilted her head back to lock eyes with him. She moved her left hand in front of her face and curled her fingers into a palm, making a circle movement down towards her neck.
"Alright, come on lovebirds. Time to eat." Buck clapped his hands down on Tommy's shoulders from behind and gave him a little shake before he moved ahead towards the buffet.
(Y/n) moved to stand up when Tommy leaned back so he was no longer caging her in her seat.
She spoke a quiet "Any good?" when pointing towards the buffet, grinning and tilting her head back when Tommy stood behind her. He was slightly leant down to the left so he could hold Daisy's hand while the boys walked in front of them. The boys followed Buck like he was their mother hen leading them towards the food.
"Really good." Tommy responded before he lifted Daisy up and settled her on his hip so she could see what was on the table.
He leaned his cheek on top of her head and cuddled her close, reaching out to grab a paper plate for her. He knew she wouldn't eat most of the food on the table, she was very fussy, but he would try and get her to eat something even if it was a few crisps and sausage rolls.
His eyes flitted across to (Y/n) stood just in front of him, adding a few things to the twin's plates to help them. They had to check whatever the twins tried to eat when they were out like this because both of them were allergic to milk.
He muttered and pointed to a few things, his lips mostly staying glued to the top of Daisy's head. She pointed to a few things and Tommy nodded, placing them on the paper plate for her and smiling when he noticed Chimney behind him at the buffet.
"Okay, think you can take this back to the table with mummy?"
Daisy nodded and reached her hands out for the plate once Tommy set her down and kissed the top of her head. He watched her for a few seconds until she was stood next to James, following (Y/n) and the twins back to the table.
There was something extremely cute in the way that Daisy held her plate up high like she was balancing a heavy weight in front of her. She was doing her best to keep her arms out straight so she wouldn't drop the plate and as she walked, her hair swished behind her and the bows in her hair bounced up and down as she moved.
Tommy smiled and leaned over Chimney to grab another plate for himself this time and started adding a few things. He knew one of the kids would end up sitting with him and taking the food from his plate rather than their own so he needed to stock up. He didn't fancy making two trips to the buffet table.
He bumped shoulders with Buck who smiled before he rose a brow and looked down at Tommy's plate.
"You got enough there?"
Tommy's eyes darted between their two plates with a raised brow, noticing that Buck seemed to have quite a lot on his own plate to be saying that.
"I've got four kids that steal from my plate. What's your excuse?" He popped a sausage roll in his mouth as if to prove his point before he, Buck and Chimney all turned and looked around the room. They were trying to remember where each of them were sat.
It looked like Maddie and Jee were on the table next to (Y/n) and the kids which is what they all wanted so they could be close together. And when Tommy scanned the table, he figured he was going to have to lift one of the kids and sit them on his lap so he could actually have a seat at the table. He wasn't sure where Buck would sit.
Buck seemed to want to be with the kids and chat and be with them but there was limited seating at the table. He might end up sitting with Maddie and Chimney while they all had something to eat. Tommy had no doubt that all of them would be up and dancing to the music in half an hour or so.
The smile started to fade from Tommy's face and a dark shiver rolled from his shoulders down to the base of his spine when he looked to the left.
Captain Gerrard.
Tommy hadn't seen his old captain in over six years.
This was the captain that Tommy had never let his wife meet in fear of what Gerrard would say or do around (Y/n). He wasn't the type of person Tommy trusted because Gerrard would very easily say something inconsiderate or derogative and his views on women were very misogynistic.
He always had a bad feeling that (Y/n) might one day come by the station for something while Tommy was out on a call and Gerrard would be there and insult her. Tommy always told (Y/n) not to go by the station unless it was a dire emergency, and he barely introduced her to any of the old team when he was at the 118 because they followed Gerrard.
Tommy had never stood up to the old captain, he agreed and went along with anything because it was easier than being singled out.
The only time Tommy went against Gerrard was at the end when he put in at least ten different complaints for how he treated everyone.
"Kinard, Han. It's been a while." His gritty voice and the twist in his accent had Tommy's nose crinkling in disgust and it was hard to keep his expression stoic rather than let his displeasure be seen.
He could feel his shoulders rising and his back tensing up and Tommy knew if he had been a bird, all of his feather would have been ruffled and out of place. It didn't help that he could feel Buck's unease radiating off of him from behind and he could see Chimney try his level best to hold his head high and continue smiling. When really, all of them would of loved to throw a plate of food at Gerrard or push past him or clock him with a fist to the gut.
But they couldn't cause a scene, none of them. It wouldn't be fair when this was a celebration and all their families were here.
"Sure has." Chimney took a look around the station, clearly trying to find something to use as a distraction to get them all out of this awkward situation.
"Well, the floor looks spotless Han, good job."
The usual pale blue in Tommy's eyes swirled into something darker like a whirlwind had taken over his pupils. How dare he just walk in here and talk to Chimney like he knew him and like he still thought and valued him as little as he had back then. He had no idea what Chimney had done these last six years or how far he had come or what achievements he'd done in the job. This medal was just the tip of the iceberg.
Gerrard couldn't walk in here throwing insults around and expect them to sit down and take it or put up with this behaviour without a fight. Each of them had changed from who they had been all those years ago.
"You taught me well. Now, whenever I see some filth, I always think of you." The sickly sweet smile on Chimney's face made Tommy's shoulders relax a little and he held his chin high, wishing for Gerrard to blow a fuse or say something snotty to that.
But he couldn't. Gerrard was quick to throw the insults out, but he was never good when someone stood up to him. He would get angry very quickly and he wasn't the best at comebacks which made it easier to embarrass him.
Tommy took one step forward, about to follow after Chimney until Gerrard spoke up again. Clearly, this conversation wasn't over like they all wished it would be.
"I see you brought your soccer team, Kinard." He had his hat held under his arm and his head tilted to one side.
Beneath the pure white moustache, his lips were curved into a baiting smirk that made Tommy feel uneasy. There was an insult hiding behind those words but Tommy brushed them off. He didn't want to rise to the bait Gerrard was dangling in front of him.
Tommy wasn't ashamed of having four kids and nobody else here cared or commented on it so he wouldn't let Gerrard get a rise out of him for that.
"My family's here, yes."
The paper plate in Tommy's hand scrunched up in his grip until the food was tilting towards the dip in the centre of the plate and his thumb was close to breaking a hole in the edge. He wanted to go and sit down now. He didn't want to stand here and have a pretend conversation or have a row.
As if to take his mind from this conversation, Tommy glanced back towards the table. Even one little glance at his family had his heart calming down and a softer look crossed his eyes and melted his stoic expression.
It took him a moment to scout round the table until his eyes landed on his eldest. Tyler was running back towards the table, looking like he had just been with Bobby since Tyler now had a plastic cup in one hand and Bobby was near the drinks table.
When their eyes locked, Tommy lifted his head and straightened his shoulders. He crossed one arm over the other like a large X before uncrossing them and holding out his free hand. He curled his fingers to his palm, leaving his thumb and index finger out and started bending them while he moved his hand out.
"Don't run." He mouthed quietly along with the sign because he knew there was no way Tyler would hear him from this distance, but he would be able to read his lips.
Tyler curled his free hand into a fist and rubbed it in circles around his sternum as he stopped running immediately and shifted to walk the last few steps to the table. 'Sorry.'
Tommy's attention was quickly drawn back to Gerrard just as Chimney walked past him to aim for the tables. His eyes narrowed on his former Captain who snickered and huffed, but it was his eyes locked on Tommy's family that had his blood boiling and made Tommy taking a daring step closer.
"Hm, I heard your wife was one of those deaf and dumb girls, didn't realise your kids were too."
The plate in Tommy's hand crumpled into his palm, the contents spilling over the sides before Tommy let go. He didn't notice, hear or feel the contents fluttering down to the floor like feathers that got trampled beneath his boots when he lunged.
His hands latched around the collar of Gerrard's blazer and he used it to yank him closer, pulling him off balance and causing the Captain's boots to scuff against the polished floor. His hat fell from beneath his arm and both hands moved to lock onto Tommy's shoulders, trying in vain to give him a shove but Tommy didn't move an inch. He was a mountain that couldn't be moved.
Fury was evident in his eyes and rage flooded his face that went from pastel cream to a violent shade of red which crept up his neck and tainted his cheeks. The artery in Tommy's neck started to thunder beneath his skin while he pulled Gerrard so close that the Captain had to tilt his head back to look up at him properly.
He spun them both to the side and pushed until Gerrard's lower back and hips were pinned against the buffet table that must have given him bruises from the force he was pushed against it.
"How fucking dare you!" Each word spat past Tommy's lips in a low, dark hiss and his hands began to shake against Gerrard's shoulders, unsure whether to punch him or throw him down to the floor.
He could feel Buck's hands on his shoulders trying to wrench him back, but Tommy didn't move. He shook his shoulders and jabbed an elbow into Buck's abdomen to make him let go. Tommy didn't want to be dragged away. He didn't want to be stopped or calmed down or told this wasn't worth it. He wanted to ram his fists into Gerrard's chest and break his ribs. He wanted to throw him to the floor and see how he liked the feeling of Tommy's boot breaking into his bones.
He wanted to make Gerrard eat those words and feel what it was like to get comuppence for what he went round saying. He couldn't insult people and get away with it. He couldn't insult Tommy's wife and children and not come out of this unscathed.
"I should have decked you a long time ago." Maybe trying to punch his Captain a few years ago might have ended Tommy's career and gotten him fired or in the least, suspended, but it would have been a wise move. It would have shown Gerrard back then that he couldn't go round saying this kind of thing. It would of shown him that Tommy was fiercely protective over his family and Gerrard wouldn't have riled any of them up here on their day of celebration if he had been taught a lesson a few years ago.
"Tommy, Tommy hey, that's enough. Don't to this here." Buck wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulders and grabbed his arm, yanking him back as much as he could while he looked around for help.
Chimney spun on his heels and made his way back over to them. He barely got five feet away before Gerrard caused a scene and riled Tommy up. He thrust his plate onto the buffet table and scurried forward, trying to worm his way between Tommy and the Captain. Chimney banged his forearms down on Tommy's elbows to break his steel grip and so he and Buck could move him away.
Buck pulled him back while Chimney pushed him, both of them holding onto Tommy for dear life when he fought against them to push forward.
"Jesus, take a joke Kinard-"
"Disrespecting my wife and kids isn't a joke." His voice dropped two octaves until he was at the point of growling.
What he said was not a joke, it was discrimination and Tommy wouldn't stand and let him do that. He would rather knock Gerrard out and get told to leave the station than stand and let Gerrard walk all over him like he used to. Not when it involved his family. Not when Gerrard was talking about the people Tommy loved to the end of the world.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides and he writhed, trying to push Chimney out of his way but it didn't work. Especially not when Bobby hurried over and pressed a firm hand down on Tommy's shoulder to keep him at bay.
As much as Bobby would agree and sympathise, the Chief was here and he would always side with a Captain rather than one of the team. Bobby didn't want Tommy to get into trouble no matter how justified his cause was.
"Alright, whatever this is, it stops now."
"Cap, this prick just-"
"Buck, don't. Tommy, go back to your family and you two go sit down and have something to eat as well." Bobby looked between the three of them and gave a nudge in the right direction before he turned to face Gerrard. "I've heard rumours of what you were like in this station house, and I won't have that happening again under my watch. The ceremony's over for you, it's time you left."
Bobby didn't know what had happened and he didn't need to know either. All he needed to know was Gerrard had clearly provoked Tommy and upset the team and Bobby wouldn't have that. He wouldn't allow anyone to cause arguments or be disrespectful. Especially not today when they were supposed to be celebrating the team.
With a deep breath, Tommy shrugged himself out of Buck and Chimney's hold while his eyes still burned through Gerrard's body. Wishing he had the ability to kill him with just one look.
"Stay the Hell away from me and my family." Tommy's chest heaved against his shirt and blazer that suddenly felt constricting and suffocating. And the medal hanging around his neck weighed him down and burned through his chest.
He turned around and stormed back towards the table, slowing his steps down so he could take a few deep breaths before he reached his family.
All eyes were on him. Tyler was following his every movement while he fiddled with his implant, trying to turn the volume up so he could work out what was going on. But he couldn't differentiate between the different voices or work out what his dad had been arguing about.
Both twins were knelt up on their chairs, trying to see why their dad was fighting and James had his hands over his ears. Tommy knew if he had thrown a punch, James would of ripped out his hearing aids so he wouldn't have to listen to the drama that always frightened him.
And Daisy was cuddled up in (Y/n)'s arms, frowning to the point of crying because she didn't understand.
She had seen her dad fight someone in the street and that had been enough to send her into fits of tears. All someone had to do was raise their voice near Daisy and she got intimidated. Tommy hated that he was the reason she was now shaking and almost crying. He hadn't meant to frighten her.
Turning to the left, (Y/n) gently eased Daisy onto James's chair so she could sit with him and not feel too panicked. She pushed up from the table and moved to stand in front of Tommy, running her hands up and down his arms that were taut and at the point of breaking through his blazer.
"Who was that?" She looked up but her eyes widened when Tommy's hands found her hips and he kissed her temple, breathing against her skin in short puffs.
"Gerrard." He muttered quietly, tilting his head down so (Y/n) could read his lips because Tommy didn't want to spell out his name or talk about him any more than necessary.
His hands let go of (Y/n)'s hips so he could weave his arms around her waist and pull her closer. Keeping her back towards the station doors so she didn't catch sight of Gerrard leaving. He didn't want to risk Gerrard looking over and trying to mutter something or point or make any kind of gesture in their direction.
Her fingertips grazed up and down Tommy's arms but she paused for a moment when Tommy turned. Her eyes followed his movements as he sat down in her seat and pulled her along with him. Her breath caught in her lungs when Tommy's arms tugged until she sat down on his lap.
It allowed him to tuck his face into her neck and press his lips against her skin while his arms bound tight around her middle. And he pulled her so her back was flush against his chest that was hard and heaving behind her.
(Y/n) twisted to the side so her left side was pressed into his chest and both arms were looped around his neck. She dragged her fingertips up and down the back of his neck and curved her lips into a smile when Daisy clambered off her chair and onto (Y/n)'s lap.
She wriggled under Tommy's arm and sat on (Y/n)'s knee, cuddling into Tommy's chest until he pecked the top of her head.
Tommy couldn't help the smile that spread across his face when both twins decided to push a chair close until it bumped into Tommy's thigh and touched his own chair. The pair of them clambered up onto the chair and leaned over until they could wrap themselves around whatever part of Tommy they could reach, causing him to groan playfully.
And when Tyler shuffled his chair closer to his dad's other side, pinning Tommy between his family, the pilot grinned. He felt Tyler wriggle under his right arm and both arms suddenly felt impossibly full, holding all of his family close to his chest.
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chososchalupa · 3 months
Thank you sm <3 ! I wrote this super quickly so im so sorry if its not the best! I've had the worst writers block lately. Hope you like it!
Training / Megumi Fushiguro
No warnings, Megumi is jealous bc Toge exists basically. not proofread + wrote this when i was half asleep but i had the urge to write after not having any interest for like a week so here it is
WC - 595
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Seven minutes until class was over and you hadn’t heard from your boyfriend, Megumi, since 9:00 this morning. 
You had tried catching up with him after training was over but he had mumbled something about being busy and left. Your friends Toge and Maki watched as he gave you a small smile before turning and heading back toward the school.
“What was that about?” Maki asked as you walked back over to them
“Yeah, he’s usually attached to you after training?” Toge laughed, “Wonder if he’s going to check on Yuji, It’s not normal for him to miss training”
You nodded, it was unusual for Yuji to miss training but you remembered him talking about a mission Gojo had assigned him for today. You racked your brain for reasons Megumi could be acting odd today. You met up for breakfast as usual and he was fine, the two of you walked onto the field and everything was fine. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 
“Still haven't heard from Megs?” Nobara asked as the two of you walked out of your classroom
“Nothing. He hasn't even responded to my tex-” you stopped mid-sentence when you saw the spiky haired boy walk into the cafeteria. You said a quick apology to Nobara and ran towards Megumi.
“Megs! Wait up!” you called as you caught up to him, “What is your deal today? You haven't talked to me at all since training this morning”
“I’m fine” he responded, not looking up from his phone as he continued walking
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked
Megumi took a quick glance at you before responding with a simple, “No.”
You sighed in defeat, choosing to continue walking in silence beside him.
The two of you sat at a table alone, not speaking until Toge, Maki and Nobara sat down with you. 
You noticed the quick glare Megumi threw towards Toge and then it hit you, the mornings training was different. You were usually paired with Nobara but since she skipped, Gojo had decided to pair you up with Toge and Megumi with Maki. You didn’t see the change as a big deal but Megumi must have felt otherwise.
You made small talk with your group of friends before excusing yourself and grabbing Megumi by the arm, forcing him to follow you out of the cafeteria. 
“Is this about me being paired with Toge this morning? You know I didn't choose to be partners with him!” You crossed your arms as you looked up at Megumi.
He sighed before nodding, “I know, it's stupid. You just looked like you were having a lot of fun training with him. You guys spent more time joking around than you did actually training.”
You rolled your eyes before wrapping your arms around his waist, “So you’re saying you're jealous?”
Megumi returned the favor by wrapping his arms around you, “Shut up” he mumbled, kissing the top of your head.
“You have nothing to worry about, Megumi. Toge is a great friend but I love you and only you. Nobody could ever compare, especially not Inumaki” you giggled
Megumi pulled away after giving your head one last kiss, “I love you. I’m sorry for getting jealous, maybe I could make it up to you?”
You giggled at his question, “And how would you do that?”
“Let’s skip the rest of classes today and watch movies and cuddle in my room?”
You smiled brightly up at the dark haired boy before grabbing his hand, “What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!”
366 notes · View notes
plutogist · 8 months
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i. part one: your first meet with these characters. (part two here)
ii. gender neutral. reader | not proofread (lmk if I used any gendered terms!)
iii. characters: gon freecs, killua zoldyck, kurapika kurta, chrollo lucilfer, feitan portor.
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You and your family just recently relocated to Whale Island, primarily due to financial problems. You weren't particularly against the notion of relocating to the countryside, but you'll miss the city life in YorkNew. In order to become accustomed with the town, you first wanted to explore it.
While you were exploring, some of the locals approached you due to your new demeanor. Speaking with so many new individuals was a little challenging for you, but it was also quite a bit of enjoyment. You were strolling after shopping for new clothes in a store when you stumbled into a person and fell.
"I'm so sorry!" exclaimed an optimistic voice. You looked up and noticed a boy that seems to be in your age with green spiky hair and hazel eyes. He extended his hand, and you grabbed it.
"It's fine, don't worry," you said with a smile on your face.
"Are you new here? I don't recognize your face; by the way, my name is Gon Freecs!" He introduced himself to you.
"Yeah, I just moved here yesterday. My name is Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, Gon," you introduced yourself, and the two of you have been acquainted since then.
You're Gon's cousin, who also stays on Whale Island. You agreed to accompany him to the 287th hunting exam after learning of his objectives. You were concerned that Gon's negligent conduct may bring him a lot of suffering or, worse, death because he can be rather impetuous when making judgments.
You met Kurapika and Leorio since you were on the same ship as them. During the first phase, you and Gon met a boy your age who had silvery locks and stunning blue eyes that captivated you.
"So, you two are cousins?" Killua asked while the three of you were running. Some of the participants were falling like dominoes due to how exhausted they were, but you chose to ignore them. This is just an endurance test, but they're already failing.
"Yup! Actually, we're like siblings with how close we are and we also grew up together," Gon explained and his smile grew wider. Killua just hummed as a response, while the three of you simultaneously ran together.
Killua is considerably closer to Gon, yet the two of you interact and converse every now and then. Nonetheless, you wished to be more connected to the boy.
You grew up in Lukso Province along with your grandparents (mother side). Ever since your parents were assassinated by an elite assassin when you were 8 years old, your grandparents have taken care of you and ever since that day, you have pledged to seek vengeance on the assassin that killed your parents.
Your grandparents live in the Lukso Province predominantly because it is isolated from the rest of the world, which your grandparents prefer. Your mother moved to Zaban City, where your father dwells, after marrying your father, and shortly thereafter gave birth to you.
You spend your free time keeping an eye on your grandparents' nearby fruit and vegetable shop and entertaining the customers who stop by. A boy with grey eyes and medium golden locks appeared one day. He was a kind customer. He would stop by sometimes and you find him to be quite intriguing.
You later learned his name and that he is a member of the Kurta clan. You two grew closer to one another, and you also met Pairo, his other friend. But the day where he stopped visiting you came and the day turned into months. It was a normal day for you until you heard about the tragedy that was brought upon the Kurta clan. You were substantially devastated by his murder and the death of his clan once the word of their assassination spread throughout the neighborhood and worldwide. But you never knew that he wasn't killed and is the sole survivor of the clan.
You are a resident of Meteor City, a forsaken city where citizens are not listed in the official records. You have no recollection of your parents or how you ended yourself in the city. You had no idea how you'd survive on your own as a child.
And you're completely aware that you'll die within a week. You're famished, and struggling to move. Your clothes are filthy and coated in dust spots. You witnessed a church while wandering around looking for food and approaching it carefully, utilizing your residual stamina.
The church's doors were closed, but not locked, thus you were able to open them by pushing them. The church was not equally huge as cathedrals, but it was vast and expansive for a city that had been abandoned. The walls have been coated white and are immaculate, but the ceiling was embellished with various fresco paintings pertaining to Christianity - quite reminiscent of Michelangelo's masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. The windows were shut down, so the sole source of illumination was coming from outside the door.
You sat on the long wooden pew bench, gazing at the hardened asphalt surface, absorbing the misery and starvation that had been devouring your body for days. Your eyes were gradually giving up until you felt a tap on your shoulder that made you flinch. When you turned around, you saw a boy with medium-length black hair and grey eyes, who was looking at you with a smile.
"Hello. My name is Chrollo. Who are you?" he sought out directly, an inquisitive expression on his face. You didn't respond promptly because you were considering all of the possibilities, but you concluded that he might be able to help you. "I'm Y/N...Nice to meet you, Chrollo...," you sloppily said, your hunger returning, and Chrollo appeared to notice.
He reached deep into his pocket and offered you an edible treat. "I'm sorry, this is all I have," he responded nervously, chuckling. While glancing at the snack on his palm, your eyes gleamed. You took it away and opened the treat, but before you bit through it, you smiled at the boy. "Thank you, Chrollo," you said as you devoured the snack. Unbeknownst to you, a pink hue was prominent in his cheeks, but you were too busy eating the food to notice it.
You work as a clerk in a game store at YorkNew City's Saloma Mall. Even though working as a clerk isn't really your thing or something you'd enjoy performing, you don't want to rely excessively on your parents when it comes to buying the items you need and paying for your tuition as a college student. You opted to work as a cashier at a game store in order to make money because you are completely aware of how much they are paying and it makes you ashamed to ask them for something you desire.
However, it is a minimal wage. You work for a full 14 hours without ceasing to sleep or even take a break, but periodically you take a nap if there isn't a customer or if your friend Aki is there. You earn 1000 jenny every hour. (I based this on the currency of Japan [yen] + I also searched on Google abt this, so I'm sorry if it's inaccurate.)
It's Thursday, and it's 10:45 p.m. You yawned as you flipped through the pages of the novel you're reading, rereading the lines because all you've been doing for the past few seconds is reading the sentences and not processing or understanding them. "I'm so exhausted..." you whispered to yourself as you flipped over the pages of the book.
But your lackadaisical manner was shattered when a bell on above of the doors chimed, indicating that someone had entered. You noticed two persons enter the shop: a guy with blond hair and two green eyes, and a boy wearing baggy clothes and a skull-embroidered scarf concealing his mouth. He's also much shorter than the guy he's with.
You noticed the two walking around the aisles, looking for a game that piqued their interest. However, based on your insights, the boy with black hair appears to be apathetic in anything, as he simply follows the other person about, sporadically examining something but quickly leaving it, in contrast to the other, who seemed to be extremely thrilled skimming at various videogames.
"Hello, this is what we're getting," you didn't realize that they'd already arrived at the counter. You simply nodded and scanned the three objects he set on the counter.
"Your total is 3500 jenny," you said and placed the three items in a bag. He placed his money on the counter while you gave him the bag, and you began to count the money that he gave. "Oh, but before we leave, my friend here thinks you're attractive; my name is Shalnark, and his name is Feitan! See you later, Miss!" The person dashed away, while the other gazed at you for a brief time before chasing him down.
You're still perplexed by what just occurred while your hand is still occupied with the coins. And it turns out that as Feitan was sitting on the seats inside Saloma Mall waiting for the rest of the troupe, he noticed you wandering about in your uniform. And we'll...he's been watching you ever that particular day, but he's reluctant to approach you.
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Here are your ages:
Gon - 12
You - 12
Killua & You ^
Kurapika (when you first meet) - 13
You - 13
Chrollo (when you first meet) - 11
You - 11
Feitan - 25
You - 21
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day twenty-one: impact play kink
>>> this right here is my girl dinner. i need him so so so so so so so so so so so so bad like PLEASE bakugou when you see this baby come home the kids miss you 😢
>>> starring: katsuki bakugou x curvy!f!reader >>>cw: fwb to lovers, impact play through spankings, choking, holding your head down, multiple rounds, breeding, one pregnancy comment, jealous katsuki, degradation, praise. >>>wc: 3k >>> event masterlist
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you were the most annoying person he’s ever met, and that’s saying something. he would willingly dethrone even himself to crown you the biggest bitch in the entire world. maybe it was because you were a foreign exchange pro-hero sent to mingle and visit for relations between japan and your home country—though you’ve far overstayed your welcome. maybe it was because your quirk seemed to give you some air of importance like you were just as good if not better than everyone else, but either way, you were intolerable—at least he tried to pretend you were.
everyone else was eating you up though, as always. kirishima was dumb enough to follow you around with heart eyes, shouto knew how to play it cool enough—but bakugou knew he was vying for your attention. even shinsou and monoma gathered around to gawk at the way your hero uniform clings to your body like a second skin. they should all be embarrassed. you’re assigned to work at his agency anyway—there was no point in sweet talking you. you belong to him. at least, at work—and he hated it.
it was a special layer of hell to have you at his side. you were bossy, bubbly, and absolutely brilliant. your body was irritatingly perfect. his suit was tight too, you know, and raging boners as he carts around his guest was hardly his ideal patrol. you’re unafraid of getting your hands dirty and you’re even less afraid of him—which he lov—enjoys very much. you match his mouth and have never once backed down, which is probably why he’s so perplexed and fascinated and for the lack of better word—or maybe just the right one—obsessed with you.
you’re smart enough to know it, too. you smile extra big when you bring him breakfast every morning and you perch at the edge of his desk just to hear him grumble at you. you let him kiss you and feel your body, but you don’t let him call you his. you aggravate him on purpose, enjoying the way his eye twitches and his nose scrunches before he starts tearing you a new one. you know very well the effect you have on katsuki bakugou, so why do you toy with him like this instead of just ending his suffering?? why do you let your fan club follow you around in his agency when you could be sitting in his lap making out with him in between mountains of paperwork like usual—but no, you’re being way too flirty with kirishima for his liking.
all well and good, they know better than to touch you—at least he thought they did. but clearly monoma has no idea what lengths bakugou will go to to prove that despite your airy behavior—you’re his and his alone.
as soon as he sees monoma’s arm wrap around your waist, he’s standing in front of you, arms folded over his broad chest and arched eyebrow nearly lost between the spiky tufts of ash blonde hanging over his forehead. he’s waiting for you to denounce the behavior—not because he needs you to, but because he wants to see just how far your brattiness goes. you smile at him with those heart eyes, but ultimately choose to say, “hi dynamight. did you need something?”
oh goddamn, he’s fuming. apparently your brattiness knows no bounds. he can feel the steam pouring out of his ears as he grabs onto your wrist, nodding. “yeah—need my bratty little skank in my office right now.”
“ooh somebody’s madddd.” you giggle, though the other heroes seem surprised that he spoke to you that way. all it does is make your pussy tingle—you’re truly shameless and just as annoying as he claims you are. “don’t worry boys, it’s a loving pet name, i promise.”
he doesn’t let you explain further, deciding he isn’t going to chance you misbehaving. he lifts you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of laundry. the gesture gives you butterflies—by no means are you petite, yet he throws you around like you weigh next to nothing.
you dangle over his back, waving goodbye to all the hopeful toys you’ve used as a means to this end—to drive him so crazy he just has to claim you in front of everyone. and thank god this worked.
see katsuki may act like you’re the problem, but he’s no saint. he has women bowing at his feet now that he’s a six foot four two hundred and fifty pound top of the leaderboards pro-hero—not that he gives them the time of day. the problem is, he wants to be private, or in other words, a secret. you’re not down with that. the paparazzi follow you regardless, what difference does it make if the world knows? it only gives you the right to crush those rude bitches that went to school with bakugou that try to sing their praises now. fans are fans—you hate the other sidekicks and heroes and friends that eye him right in front of you—all because no one knows that you’re a thing.
so if that’s how he wanted to play, you’d make sure you won.
though winning is subjective, and bakugou clearly thinks he’s coming out on top. he stomps to the elevators with you hanging off of him like an accessory, but his anger still bubbles over his face. he grimaces at his peers, his firm grip on your ass should be enough to send a message but he won’t be done there. no, he won’t stop until your screaming is bouncing off every wall of his agency or until he has to pay fines for noise violations and workplace harassment. he won’t stop until you’re broken of your behavior.
the elevator doors aren’t open all the way before he’s sliding out of them, grumbling about your behavior.
“are ya fuckin’ dumb, princess?” he shakes his head, palming your ass. “wh’kinda man ya think i am? just gonna let my bitch flirt with some fuckin’ extras in front of my face? you must not know me very well.”
“big talk, hot shot.” you huff, your voice vibrating a little with each heavy step he took towards his office. you repress your giddiness. “finally change your mind? you want people to know i’m yours now, huh?”
you’re clever. he’ll have to give you that. in his rage, he hadn’t noticed that he all but confirmed those workplace rumors—that this will leak to tmz in a few hours anyway and all his moping and sneaking and stewing over you was pointless. because in the end he is a beast of nature, and can’t handle anyone having even a fraction of what’s his. this is as close as they’ll ever get, he thinks to himself as he shoves you over his desk—not patient enough to fiddle with the zipper of your hero costume. he is a strong enough man to pull it apart though, shredding it to pieces and grunting in approval of your nakedness before him.
“yeah smartass, i changed my mind. gonna make sure everyone knows yer mine.” he groans, so many ideas of how to get you wailing and declaring your love for him rush to his mind. you’re biting your lip already, hoping he has you bent over like this for a reason. you hear his gauntlets clank together on the ground, and you wiggle your behind in the air excitedly.
“don’t threaten me with a good time, daddy..” you giggle, throwing that out to help your case. he knows you’re still bratty, not nearly worn down enough to be his babbling baby girl just yet. he smirks anyways, clever all on his own. his eyes focus on those perfect globes of your ass jiggling before him. you love his hands on you, warmed with his quirk with just enough spark and pressure to turn you to mush in just a few minutes. coincidentally enough he loves turning your ass into a custom painting of his own doing—and you get so noisy when he spanks you, that it’s clearly the best option.
“i’m not threatening, skank.” he pops your ass once, just a touch of warmth to your skin. you jolt forward, humming at the pleasant buzz. “tryin’ to get me all worked up in front of my friends?”
“oh they’re your friends now? i thought they were just extras.” you taunt, stretching your arms out in front of you to lay your face against the cool wood of his desk. his hand grows warmer and a little harder as it hits your ass in the same spot as before, a matching one falling to your other cheek within a second. it makes you squeal out a bit in glee, the sting was addictive.
“both, depending on how i feel—mouthy brat.” he huffs, though he is admittedly amused. he relishes your sweet little moans as he smacks your skin in rapid succession, his hands steadying their heat with each collision. as he smacks harder, your skin broken and bruised in the shape of his hand—you still moan in pleasure, getting louder the harsher he got. “this is all my little whore wanted hah? not’ta be able to sid’down all day?” he chuffs happily, giving you three more harsh smacks in a row, all to the same spot. you’re whining at the top of your lungs, making him smile successfully.
“mhm! yes daddy—jus’ wanted your attention~” you purr, his ownership of you bouncing off the walls and hopefully echoing downstairs to those shitty betas who put their hands all over you—kirishima would be dealt with separately.
his hands are so hot and blistering, the force enough to physically ripple your fat cheeks. it makes tears spring to your eyes and you shake your head in submission, throwing in the towel as your skin welts up before his lidded eyes. he slides warm fingers between your legs, swiping at your cunt. he cackles at the slick dribbling down his fingers when he pulls away.
“soaked. geezus, just from fuckin’ whoopin’ ya.” he licks his teeth, thinking of all the ways he could take you against his desk, but decides to start with a little reprieve for you. his suit is peeled back effortlessly, curved hard on gathering all the slick that littered your thighs and dripped from your pretty hole. “ain’t even gotta finger ya open, bet my greedy princess has been plannin’ this all day, hah?”
you can’t restrain your confirming giggle, your head already in the clouds just from his handling. it was moderately embarrassing how easy it was for him to work you up, but he supposed that was some sort of payback for how easily you consume his every waking thought—and some of the sleeping ones too.
he chuckles, kicking your legs a little wider so he can take you just like this. you gasp in excitement, smiling greedily as his tip catches on your clit before dipping to your entrance and back again. he played your game, so you could play his and beg like he wants you to.
“stop teasin’ me daddy.” you pout, tossing him that soft stare over your shoulder—the very same one that makes his heart stop each and every time. it will never get old, clearly. “please…been wet for you all day.” you bat your lashes.
fuck, you’re getting it. he puts his hand on the back of your neck and pushes your face to the desk, slipping his girth in your puckering hole without any ceremony. his other hand wraps under your hip to keep you from collapsing as you squeeze down and adjust to him like it’s the first time you’ve ever experienced his length splitting you open. you gasp for breath, straight hot fire melting into a tingling warmth requiring all your concentration.
“oh what’s a matter brat? goin’ quiet on me.” he grins his satisfaction, drilling into you without remorse. you feel him bumping against your womb, tearing at that entrance that he shouldn’t have access to. it hurts, he’s drilling you into jelly and you can only grab at the desk in a vain effort to ground yourself.
on command, your voice returns to you. you cry out your pained pleasure, nails scraping at the desk as every drag of his cockhead against your cervix had you tearing up. you can’t form words, and he doesn’t care. it’s too delicious—you’re too fucking tight for him to control himself, there’s just no way he could hold himself back when you’re so loud and absolutely drenched just to make all this easier on him. he angles one of your legs up on the desk, turning his curved shaft towards your spongy relief. your moans are even sweeter, heat flooding every sense in a mixture of something natural and something influenced by your lover’s quirk.
“yes! yesyesyes ohmygod yes daddy!” you scream, your throat ached from the sheer power behind it, your pretty little pussy kept fluttering around him as it stretches to fit him.
“better not cum. yer gonna hold it.” he commands, smacking some of that tender skin from earlier. you nearly fold at the impact, you whimper at the outrageous demand, shaking your head quickly to tell him you couldn’t possibly hold this back—the way he abuses your cunt was too intense to control your response. “if you cum—“
you can’t listen. it was all his fault anyway—fucking you like that and expecting you to be able to do anything but cream all over him.
“dumb brat.” he sighs, eyes fixated on your drooling hole leaving a pretty white ring of your essence along his shaft and coating his dark pubes. he shoves some of the extra shit off his desk, shoving you all the way on it once it’s barren. he puts you on your back like you’re a doll to position—holding your legs straight in his massive hands. you wince when your ass contacts the cold wood, “ya coulda got off easy—you just keep makin’ it hard on yerself.”
you mewl as he pins your hips to the surface below, his palms splayed across your abdomen—making every poke of his rod feel that much more intense. you grip his forearms; you were nearly crying already—then katsuki moves his hand to your clit, using the heel of his palm to send you into overstimulated jerks. “now you better learn to fuckin’ listen ‘r i’m cummin’ in that trashcan beside ya.” he snorts.
you cry out at the threat, nodding your understanding. what an evil thing to say—he knows you feel that much more complete after getting his load—like he’s giving you all his love and trust without him having to say a thing at all. you can’t let him take away your favorite part, so you clench your thighs and try to think about anything other than the beautiful ridges of his cock sliding in you like you’re nothing but a sleeve for him to use. you try, but his raspy grunts and groans in your ear keep you wailing and clawing at him desperately.
“can’t hold it daddy—too good! too much, pleasepleaseplease~” you cry, eyes screwed shut tight in pleasure as your body bounces around him with every devious pump of his cock. you feel so good to him, every clamp of your walls has him wondering how he hadn’t busted all up in your shit anyway.
“fine. now.” he orders, feeling the rush of your release and his control over you all in the same moment. it’s exhilarating, and you’re so picture perfect that he’s filling you up seconds later, his threat earlier as empty as they come. this was his pussy, and he would fuck it stupid and full and then send you back downstairs to your stupid fan club.
he stays hard, fucking into you relentlessly. hearing your sopping wet cunt squelch from being so full of his load combined with your elicit high pitched moans kept him thrusting like he hadn’t just reached one end.
“think you were getting off that easy, my little skank princess?” he mocks, dragging your limp body to the edge of the desk to give him full control of your hips. “i wanna hear how loud you can go. gonna fill this greedy little cunt up again.”
you nod, feeling his length shove everything deeper—cum so far down you’re sure you’re pregnant already. you wail your sensitivity, a mess of babbles and broken sobs. even as spent as you are, your gorgeous face twisted with satisfaction and your lips still called for him so perfectly. his hand finds it’s way to your throat, curses rolling past his own curved lips at the sputtering breaths you take as your moans turn to squeals. it doesn’t take much more than that, his second spurt just as heavy as his first. he uses his grip on your hips to hold you still, your legs a shaking mess as you went numb a while ago. he stills in you, chest heaving from all his hard work, but he watches you with a satisfied grin.
“gotta set a clothes you can wear. can’t clean up that pussy though—gotta show that off before we go home for round three.” he grunts, kissing your jawline roughly—saving your lips for last. he’s tender here, holding your face in his hands like he’s holding a delicate flower. “want them to see ya all fucked out. ‘s the only way they ever will. ‘m feelin’ generous.”
you struggle for your breath, rolling your eyes at him. you don’t mind the notion—you don’t care if pictures show up in the magazines the next day. all you care about is being his—and winning. though, it’s plenty safe to say you did
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bloodynereid · 3 months
Navy Blue Ink Part 2
part 1
pairing: major john 'bucky' egan x fem! reader
tw: swearing, kissing, fluff, mentions of war and death, historical/military inaccuracies, yh not much else it's pretty sweet
description: john makes it back home to his angel.
a/n: first off, i wanted to say thank you for how nice and incredible this fandom has been and the response to the first part just made me heart burst. i hope this still does john justice and that you enjoy this little reunion fic. once again this is solely based on the show's characters and not the real people!
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You stood anxiously at the side of the airfield. A letter clutched in your left hand and a leash in your right. Ghost nudged his head against your pant covered leg, making you look down at your companion.
“I’m alright, boy. Just a bit nervous.” He barked in response and an easy smile fell on your face. After the announcement that war had ended a heavy weight that had been placed on your shoulders seemed to disappear. You had beat those German bastards and now your best friend was coming home.
It was a few weeks before the end of the war that a letter arrived for you. Its date was a few days old but a feeling of euphoria washed through your body when you noticed John’s spiky handwriting.
He was alive.
Dear Y/N,
I don’t think you understand how happy I was to hear from you. I do not know if this letter will reach you or if you will ever read it but I needed to write this. I’m also sorry for not writing for so long and for not getting back to you.
I am alive, somehow. I made it out of a POW camp and I’m back at base. I can’t write about the specifics yet but I needed you to know that I miss you terribly. You were the one light while I was there. You gave me hope when everything was starting to dull to gray, and I don’t know if I can ever repay you.
I don’t know when I’ll be back but you should know that I will be back. God I miss you. I wrote that already didn’t I?
Buck’s fine. A little scraped up, but we all are. He can’t wait to meet you, says I talk too much about you that he basically knows you already. I hope to see you soon again, angel. You better introduce me to the love of your life too, I might need to officiate the wedding… or maybe Ghost needs a best man huh?
John Egan
That letter restored a feeling of hope that encompassed your entire body. He was alive. John Egan was alive.
You held onto that feeling for a long while. Keeping the letter tucked into the pocket of your jacket so you could carress the paper when everything was feeling like too much. Until that fateful day when a short telegram was handed to you at work. It was filled with a few words that made your heart beat even faster than you thought it could.
Coming soon. Meet. Airfield. 16.00
So there you stood, at the airfield waiting for your best friend to come back, for the love of your life to come back (sorry Ghost).
You scratched behind Ghost’s ear when a distant noise made you perk up. An airplane. Squinting in the late afternoon soon a distinct shape appeared in the sky. He surely had to be on that plane.
Checking your watch confirmed it, it was 16:05 and he was right on time. Albeit a little late but that was John alright.
You watched with nervous excitement as the plane touched down and stopped near the tower. A group of families were all standing beside you, anxiously awaiting a glimpse of the people they had missed beyond belief.
Standing and waiting as everyone got to hug their loved ones was a special kind of torture. That was until you saw a glimpse of those beautiful brown curls and the face that you had missed so dearly.
“John? John!” The face turned towards you and a delighted grin overtook your face as you started to run towards him, with Ghost right on your heels.
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John was beyond tired. The past few weeks had been a time for recovery and yet he didn’t feel like himself quite yet. Who knew if he would ever feel like that again? The plane ride back made him feel like a whole other set of nerves had taken control of his body.
He was about to see his girl, his angel and he had no idea what he would do, or rather if he could control his reaction to her. The photograph she first sent to him in those precious letters was carefully tucked into his jacket pocket and he was itching to get it out and just look at her once again.
Maybe she wasn’t even waiting for him. Maybe she hadn’t gotten his telegram. The one he quickly had someone send out for him after he had said his goodbyes to Buck in Florida. God what if she was busy and he didn’t have her address to find her and-
His barrage of thoughts was cut off when he felt the plane hit the runway. Fuck, it’s time. Once he was given the all clear, he quickly gathered his full belongings and started to set out of the plane.
John felt the familiar smell of Wisconsin fill his nose. Home. It smelt like home. The airfield was lit in the glow of the sun and John felt alright for the first time in a while. He was safe.
“John? John!” The sweet sound of a voice so familiar was calling to him. Just as he turned John felt arms encase him and you were suddenly all around him.
He let himself just feel for a few moments before he dropped his bags and hugged you right back just as strongly. What he wouldn’t do to stay in your arms for the rest of his life. To feel your warmth surrounding him and never letting him go.
“Angel? God, I think I might be in heaven.” John whispered into your ear, making a tearful laugh come from your mouth as you let your arms drop from around him. Finally getting a proper look at your Bucky.
“Heaven? Nah, you’re in good old Wisconsin, Bucky.”
“I think that’s my version of heaven right now, darling.”
“I missed you John.” You whispered as you looked at him. You noticed how he had changed, how he had hardened but he was still the man you fell in love with, even if he didn’t know it.
“I guarantee that I missed you more.”
“Oh really?” John hummed back in agreement as he also took his time to take you in. Take in the little changes in your face, the way your eyes shined as you looked at him and the smile on your face. The most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
“I really love you.” John whispered, pouring his entire being, his entire soul into those words. Your eyes widened, this felt different from all those times when he had uttered it drunk into your ears as kids. This felt like something more. Something you had waited to hear for far too long.
John felt something in him shatter as he watched different emotions flash over your face. He made a mistake. He should have stayed quiet and just hugged you. Just been there for you.
“I love you too, John Egan. I love you more than you can imagine.” 
That thing that shattered within John seemed to remake itself. Like a wound stitching itself back together. He stepped impossibly closer to you and brushed his lips hesitantly over yours, warmth blooming in both of your chests as the hesitant pressure became more stronger and more assured.
What you both didn’t account for was the loud bark that came from behind you. The two of you broke apart and John looked over to Ghost with a chuckle. The damn dog he wished to be all those months ago was standing before him looking mighty pleased with himself.
“So the famous love of your life?”
“Shut up, John. You know there is only one man worthy of that title.”
“And who would that be?”
“You, you stupid, beautiful man.”
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and... that's the end wow. i'll probably write some more stuff for mota so look out for that <3
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riostwsty · 1 year
>> "love comes from the most unexpected of places" <<
Summary: animals can lift up spirits with such ease when one's feeling down, don't you think? After an accident with shape shifting magic, some of the students found themselves transformed into the cutest little creatures, and unbeknownst to you, attemped to use that form to brighten a particularly cloudy day by your side
Key words:  headcanons; fluff; romance; g/n reader (they/them, you/yours); relationship not established; reader not explicitly Yuu/MC; accidentally became a princess and the frog plot trope
Characters: Riddle, Jack, Jamil - x reader (separately)
CWs: animals mentioned include hedgehogs, dogs and cats!
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>> Riddle Rosehearts, as one anxious hedgehog [900+ words]
- he knew pairing up with Floyd for potions class was a grave mistake of professor Crewel's. "No need to worry Mr Roseharts" he said. "This exercise is far too simple to have any sort of complications occur" he said...
- and well, now Riddle was being chased by an overly enthusiastic Floyd Leech. An even taller version of the twin, as you see, it appeared to not be enough for the cruel universe to make the potion's effects turn Riddle smaller, no. It had to transform him into a itty bitty tiny hedgehog, of all creatures, and a super cute one at that. So cute in fact, his lab partner couldn't resist the urge to tease it, or rather, threaten to squeeze the hell out of such an adorable pet.
- Riddle surprised himself on how fast those tiny legs could carry him. Running through corridors, rolling down stairs and dodging steps of unaware passing students until Floyd was left too far behind, out of his sight.
- In the courtyard, hedgehog Riddle frantically spun around, seeking for a good hiding spot, but instead found something much more curious. A certain student he knew too well, or so he thought, because no matter how much time he had spent admiring them from afar, he never before had witnessed them crying as they were at that moment.
- You sat there, under a tree's shade, hoping no one would approach, fearing the tears and hiccups would only worsen with concerned looks and curious questionnaire. And Riddle feared too, to chose between simply walking away, pretending not to see his beloved's suffering; or choosing to approach, but not being able to comfort them in any helpful way.
- But he had a realization. He didn't have to talk. Where words lacked, another option could come to play. And in that hedgehog form, coincidentally, was perfect for such a task.
- You felt a sudden gentle bump on your ankle, looking down, you were surprised to see a spiky red colored creature studying you back. Strange. These little guys were supposed to be at Heartslabyul's care. How in the world did it get in the school's courtyard?
- a weak giggle was all you could muster as a greeting to the hedgehog, standing a hand for it to climb, and petting it the way Heartslabyul's dorm leader had taught you before.
- —"Riddle must be worried sick about you. He always notices when someone is missing."— you said, unaware the boy in question was now resting at the palm of your hand. —"I can get us back home, how does that sound?"—
- He squeaked in response, and still getting used to the hedgehog legs, climbed your arm all the way up your shoulder. Doing his best to communicate worry without words, pressed the tip of his nose tracing where the tears had fallen. —"what? I'm fine, really!"— you simply replied.
- If Riddle could pout he would. Even to a hedgehog you lied about your feelings. He expected you to open up with a creature who wouldn't judge, much less understand a word you said, but apparently he had to put up a fight to get any results on that.
- the walk went quietly until you both reached the hall of mirrors, where the dorm leader had grown impatient, jumping from the safe spot by your shoulder to the cold marble floors, running and slipping side to side as he reached Heartslabyul's respective mirror, and jumped through it without warning.
- you followed behind with urgency. It's dangerous to be so tiny, roaming around all alone! Catching quick glances of the red colored spikes just before turning around the corners, the chase eventually led you to the parts of the garden where all dormitory pets resided.
- Before you could reach for the runaway creature, a horde of other colorful ones approached all at once, clinging to your shoes, happily circling around as if greeting a beloved visitor. The light nibbling of the hedgehogs tickled, and you crouched down to return the greetings. Though, the energy of your companions was so high you felt obligated to eventually sit down to properly enjoy the playtime altogether.
- It was a dispute to who was going to take a place on your lap, spiky friends playfully pushing one another or climbing over eachother's heads, all for a moment of your attention. It's difficult not to smile amongst such cute bantering, and just like that, the sad tears fallen from earlier that day were long forgotten, back under the shade of the courtyard's tree.
- One particular creature managed to climb all the way up your arms, resting on the same spot on your shoulder that it was before, the red colored urchin snuffled near your ear to call for your attention.
- —"was it you who called all your friends to play? Them seem unusually enthusiastic!"— you laughed, holding him close to your face —"you just made my day. Thank you little one, I needed that"—
- Riddle has never been so close to you as he now was in animal form, curiously, he even began to think the shape-shifting potion incident didn't feel as bad as he thought it would, after all. It isn't an everyday occurrence his crush would hold him so dearly as they were at that moment.
- "They don't even know it's me" he thought. And for a blissful moment he gave in, leaned closer, pressing a quick kiss or rather, the closest he could make from one in that form, before a sparkling magical cloud suddenly took over the place with a "poof!"
—"what..... RIDDLE?"—
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>> Jack Howl, as one fluffy little dog [1.2k+ words]
- Yeah, Jack's already a wolf beastman. His unique magic allows him to fully transform at will. Shape shifting magic was no unusual experience, but the problem here lies on the fact that after drinking that potion, he found himself not being able to change back on command, and to make matters worse, he was no wolf. He was a white furred pomeranian.
- Ace had been laughing nonstop for about five minutes straight after the potion had its quick effect. Every once in a while he would manage to hardly breathe in and exclaim one of his meticulous and very helpful observations, varying along the lines of "DUDE NO WAY" or "YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY GRANDMA'S DOG??", and believe it or not, Jack have had enough by the time this second comment left his lab partner's mouth.
- Epel took responsability and offered him a stay on pomefiore for the time being, to keep an eye on him, while Ace looked for a viable solution with a now furious professor Crewel.
- Simply put, Jack had a significant rise in popularity during his short time stay at pomefiore. A giant wolf might not have been the dorm's favorite animal, but a petite walking furball? It was much more like them. Though Epel made sure every single witness would promise not share a word with their dorm leader, as to not risk getting scolded or having Jack quicked out all by himself in such form.
- It was amogst the tumultuous gathering of students that the pomeranian heard a familiar set of footsteps approaching from far away, along with a voice that never failed from making his heart skip a beat. Epel seemed to notice too, and widened his eyes. —"Is that [name] I hear? ...but if they're here they must be accompanied by-!"—
- The lilac haired boy let go of the small dog, and quickly gestured for him to run and hide before Vil suspected of his presence. And run he did. Making sure to avoid getting stomped by passersby students, until he reached the flawlessly trimmed backyard gardens of pomefiore. With plenty of spots to hide and no company around, Jack made himself comfortable in one of the gazebo's chairs, planning on staying still, unbothered, until Ace would get back soon enough with an antidote.
- Though it did not take long enough for his peace to get disturbed once more. —"Hey buddy! What are you doing here?"— a voice spoke from behind him.
- Jack jumped in place, startled, provoking a short giggle from the one who called, you, who smiled oh so softly at his adorable new form. But how could you not? Besides Grim, such cute creatures were not often seen wandering around school grounds. Jack's current presentation was an unusual but very welcomed break from the ordinary NRC life. Although the wolf himself couldn't disagree more. To even look like that was too much of an embarrassing thought. However, in a more positive note, at least his crush didn't know it was him the pomeranian in question!
- —"You think I haven't seen you running away from me and Vil?"— you asked, extending a hand near Jack's nose as a way to say hello —"Don't worry, I won't let him kick you out of the dorm. Somebody needs to take care of you, after all. Do you have an owner?"—
- His ears twitched in response. Your tone was so gentle, he began to wonder if he should keep up with the pet dog act just for a liiittle while longer. It certainly did not feel bad to have his crush's attention solely on him for once, and in this train of thought, he leaned closer to your offered hand to greet you back.
- In a matter of minutes, you and puppy Jack had turned best pals for the very second time in your NRC lives. Playing around the garden until the sun began to set, no one came to bother or to take the fluffy intruder away. Seemed like Ace was having a hard time trying to find a cure, but again, staying in this form for just some moments more certainly wouldn't hurt, right?
- You asked for a second to rest on a nearby bench, and Jack followed behind, sitting by your side with his tail wagging frantically as you two admired the golden hues of the sunset rays. A moment of silence turned into minutes, that turned into what felt like an hour. The sky turned dark and stars began to shine through the clouds. Pomeranian Jack tried to start a conversation topic but only letting out a whimper instead, immediately catching your attention back to him. You sighed. —"you appeared just in the right time, you know? I needed this break from my responsibilities"— you pat his head in thanks, and he eyed you in curiosity.
- Your expression seemed lonely this time, almost distant as you gazed up the crescent moon. He then finally noticed, by looking more attentively into your features, there was a distinguishable layer of concealer covering some unusual dark circles under your eyes. You looked tired. Not from the time you spent playing together that evening, no... something else. Jack traced back that day's events. You were almost never wandering around pomefiore, let alone with Vil of all people. Was the makeup perhaps courtesy of the dorm leader's? You seemed to be wearing products that strangely resembled his, after all.
- Upon noticing your companion's curious and concerned stare, you smiled and as if reading his mind, explained —"Vil seemed worried about me too, that's how I got here."— you chuckled lightly at the situation, a bit funny how a lost puppy got you to open up about your feelings so easily —" it's nothing serious. Just so many things happening lately... it was draining my energy out"—
- Without many ideas on how to comfort you without words, Jack rested his head on your lap with a soft sigh. He then felt a hand on top of his head again, followed by a stifled laugh: —"But it doesn't matter now. I made a new friend today! So thanks for that.."—
- He looked up as you leaned in closer, playfully blowing a kiss from a distance. But that little action was enough to make him panic flustered beyond words. So much so that he incidentally got up too fast and suddenly enough to bump the top of his head into your face, right near your lips. A glittery magical cloud emerged with a "poof!"
- Meanwhile Vil, who was watching the garden by the far away window, nearly choked on his tea with the sight of Jack transforming back into his original form, appearing out of nowhere from that cloud, just to fall on top of a very confused and startled you.
- —"See, Vil? I told you! It was Jack all along!"— Epel beamed by the dorm leader's side, but only getting an exasperated sigh from him in return:
- —"Regardless. You and your little friends still got some explaining to do."— he got up from his seat, heading to the garden's main gates —"And tell that Trappola boy he's going to help you clean all the dog fur from the lounge's coutch today still"—
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>> Jamil Viper, as the meanest cat ever [1.4k+ words]
- Jamil was convinced he'd had to wait a million years before he could ever catch a break from easily avoidable, headache-inducing misfortunes taken place on that cursed magical college.
- —"Aw, come on! Don't look at me like that... It could have been much, much worse than this"— scarabia's dorm leader flashed an apologetic smile, as if it was going to fix the shape shifting problem at hand. —"Not saying this scenario is particularly good, but- I mean, what if you were to become a snake instead? I'd lose sight of you in no time and you could be taken away by a hungry bird! Oh, I don't mean to say you'd become a snake specifically because of your original appearance or personality or past actions or morals or-"—
- The black furred feline could only roll his eyes at the incessant rambling of his housewarden. If Jamil could talk, he'd interrupt Kalim before he'd burst out more painfully honest and indirect call outs aimed at him, that the oblivious boy would surely regret from letting out once he realized that maybe, some truths were best kept inside his head. But that's what usually happens anyway. Jamil was too sick and tired at that point to feel offended by them at all.
- But oh well. Simply another nuisance to get on his way of boring daily tasks. Nothing that haven't already happened before. It's just that being transformed into a cat was a more extreme case, and he wasn't so sure of how to even work on "babysitting" duties with paws intead of hands. Kalim took notice, and offered himself to spend the day with the alchemy professor until he found a viable solution to the problem. Jamil only nodded in boredom as the housewarden turned to rambling all distracted again, this time with a very much annoyed professor Crewel.
- As that went on in the backgroud, something suddenly caught the vice housewarden's attention from outside of the classroom: a desperate Ace Trappola walking in anxious circles around the corridor, staring at the floor below his feet, and mumbling something under his breath that only the sensitive ears of a cat could clearly pick up on: apparently you have gone missing. And it visibly made the first year unspeakably worried.
- Jamil approached Ace, careful enough not to be stomped by him unaware. The red haired boy only took a half glance at his direction, and let out a stressed grunt: —"Not now, Grim. I'm trying to think where to look for [name]. Please don't bother if all you're gonna do is ask for tuna!"— the red haired sat by the corridor's bench in defeat —"Was it something I said? Probably was. They wouldn't be avoiding me otherwise..."—
- Quickly the feline made sense of the situation, and annoyed, agressively tapped him on the ankle as a way to say "idiot" , getting a startled "HEY!" from the boy in response, and then immediatelly took off to search for his misssing friend. Yes, you spent a lot of time with the rest of the first years, but Jamil knew you better than anyone else around. He already had an idea of where you could have possibly ran off to.
- And surely enough, there you were. In one of the less frequented classrooms in school grounds, hidden comfortably in the corner where no one could bother, or even see you at first glance. A nice place to stay for some alone time.
- However, before stepping in and calling for your attetion, he hesitated. Jamil had been so irritated over the possibility of Ace upsetting you, he hadn't even considered maybe all you needed at that moment was to be given some space to breathe. A pang of guilt hit him right away. What was he thinking? Assuming he could comfort you at any given situation just like that? he wished that was even a possibility.
- As a servant, he had the skills and knowledge to do almost anything his work could ever ask of him. Nothing was too much of a challenge, he always solved eventual difficulties in one way or another. But adding his secret crush to the equation was a recipe to near disaster, at least in his head. A hundred possibilities ran through him, none of which he was minimally satisfied with, and it was scary. Scary to think his near perfect problem solving skills were finally failing to meet expectations, no less expectations from the only person he truly, deeply cared about, not due to obligation this time, but to the only thing in his life that strayed away from such word.
- "If I have nothing helpful to say, better not even try" he thought to himself, and turned on his heels to leave, mentally frowing over this unwelcomed feeling of weakness taking over any last bit of logical thinking he still held at that point. But not until he heard a "hello? who's there?" coming from you that he figuratively slapped himself in the face. He got too caught up in uncertainty. It was too late to run away.
- The cat meowed from behind the desk, and you widened your eyes upon hearing it. Grim doesn't meow. What in the world was a kitty doing inside the classroom? Maybe it was professor Trein's pet companion? But when it showed up from its hiding spot, you could tell it was a cat of an unfamiliar appearance. It blinked at you and you blinked at him, both unsure of what to do at that moment.
- —"kitty.."— you mumbled in awe, face lighting up in interest. You silently extended a hand on its direction, waiting patiently for the creature to approach.
- "So they like cats, huh?" Jamil wondered for a few seconds before taking the risky decision to approach, placing his head under your offered palm, and watched your eyes sparkle in glee "they don't know it's me anyway. what harm could this do?"
- The silent classroom was now filled with light laughter. In that form, anything Jamil did earned a fit of giggles from you. He was just too cute! And to be fair, usually stray cats weren't nearly half as caring or approachable as he was being, so having one so cuddly play with the cloth of your uniform and constantly ask for more caressing was almost the best thing to ever happen to you in that school.
- The vice housewarden couldn't lie, he enjoyed all the attention he was getting from you, and better yet the fact of how easy his goal of cheering you up really had been, even if all he could provide was a mere passing distraction from your actual troubles. At least you were smiling, genuinely.
- —"cats are good at reading people's energies, or so I've heard."— you spoke up, taking the purring furball in your arms —"is this how you found me?"—
- Jamil slowy closed his eyes as a response, and you took it as a yes, smiling brigthly in return —"thank you"—
- But as all good things do, they tend to pass in a blink of an eye. The room's door slammed open, making both of you jump in place, the feline huddled closer to your arms with his ears down and fur standing up at the sight of the people who came into view. Ace and Kalim. The last people on earth he'd want to see ruining that moment between you two.
- —"There he is!"— the first year shouted, pointing at the cat, and then later widening his eyes in realization of who was holding it. —"and [name]... man, I've been looking everywhere for you! why did you--"—
- Jamil hissed as the two boys approached, and tried to back away as much as he could from Kalim's hands, desperately wanting to hide in your arms and getting back to being alone with you again. There wasn't much space left to withdraw though, in the corner of the room, Jamil drew back until he accidentally went head first into yours, and then a thick magical mist quickly took over the scene, blocking everyone's sight for a moment before the clouds dispersed enough to reveal Jamil back into his original form, sitting on your lap, hugging you tighly with a furious expression aimed at the intruders. He opened his mouth expecting a hiss or meow to come out of it, but instead was surprised with his own voice blurting an "Ah--"
- He could feel the heat rising up to his face, and for a moment he wished Kalim would drop another shape shifting potion to get him back into a form he could so freely ask for your hugs without any judgement or flustered overthinking.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
hi bb, could you do a sad/fluff between 2023tom and his old school crush please but make it happy at the end? (but he's not with Heidi, just him and Bill are doing something like met gala or red carpet)
I know I haven't really given a great explication but you can write fucking amazingly so I don't think you'll struggle
love ya
okay this is such a cute idea! literally in love so ofc I'll do it!
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
Meant to meet again...
warnings- none
words- 1.2k
(also I am so so so so sorry Gustav and Georg aren't in this I couldn't think how to incorporate them but they're mentioned!)
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Y/n stood on the carpet watching actors, actresses, models, musicians be snapped thousands of times, she'd interviewed over 20 people by this point but just kept getting the same old boring replies "oh were so lucky to be here" and the fake laughs, it's what you get being a interviewer- fakes
the sea of photographers seemed to switch direction, facing down to the entrance, Y/n walked forward from her place peering down the carpet and two tall, shaggy haired men stood there but she couldn't figure out who it was "BILL BILL! THIS WAY- TOM TURN THIS WAY TOM" it clicked- Bill and Tom Kaulitz. she'd forgotten about the twins from when they left school, she knew the twins so well back then, best friends really, sharing lessons together and always laughing and skipping lessons they didn't like, hiding in cupboards when teachers called their names down the halls
Y/n straightened her dress while seeing the twins climb the stairs and she couldn't help but get a giddy feeling as they walked towards her, they both looked so different to how she remembered- Bill had black spiky hair and Tom had dreads that he'd constantly mess with when he was bored in class "Hi!" Bill started coming into shot of the camera so that her team could start filming
"hey! How are you two?" she asked grabbing the pair microphones
"good good, you?" Tom had a look across his face the girl couldn't really understand but she smiled to him none the less
"very well- enjoying the night and speaking to everyone! so if you wouldn't mind I'll introduce you and ask only a few questions then let you go because I don't doubt theirs about 100 more people who'll want you after me!" she laughed to the two now men, not boys she used to know
"I've herd that a few times" Tom joked getting a shove from his brother "what! it was funny"
"okay ready to start?" she asked turning back to the two who nodded "okay- roll... Good evening everyone, I'm Y/n Y/l/n from CBQ News and tonight I'm here with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, how are you-"
"Oh my god! I knew it was you!" Tom had wide eyes and mouth agape looking to the girl, he knew he recognised her, her eyes, her nose, her smile, her everything he knew he knew it from somewhere
"holy sh- Y/n!" Bill covered his mouth as the girl laughed nodding "you look beautiful oh- I'm sorry were ruining the interview but we haven't seen you in like nearly 20 years!" he spoke to the camera then looking back to the girl
"I know you left school when I think- yeah I was 15 and you two had just turned 16" they nodded still staring at her, Tom couldn't help but remember what he thought of her all those years ago- Y/n was his school crush from when they were 7 to 17 years old, yes 17- though he never saw her when they left he still thought about her all the time and looked back on the picture the two took the day they we're leaving, she was smiling with her arms around his neck, hugging him. Sometimes he missed school- not the bullying or the stares but the times in class were they'd just burst out laughing until they felt sick "so- back onto the interview" she laughed "who're you two wearing tonight?"
the boys gave their answers, making remarks and laughing as they all watched someone fall up the stairs but Tom still couldn't get over Y/n, she looked even more gorgeous, her hair perfectly fitted to her face, her dress looked so good on her though it had been so long- his feeling were trickling back in "can I say, you look great Y/n- not even great, amazing tonight" a blush painted her face and Bill looked toward his brother, the memories came back of the nights him and Tom would be sat talking about if he was going to finally ask out Y/n but every year he made an excuse, he was planning on asking her to prom but they left before it happened and she ended up going alone, thats what Tom's friends said anways-but god does he wish he just took the plunge
"aw thank you! you two the first to actually say something about me tonight" a smile came across her face
"we'll they're arseholes, you're one of the best dressed here!" Bill laughed
"god you two stop its giving me an ego!, anyways thank you so much for this- its great seeing you again after so long" she and Bill met in a hug, he'd missed these, giving her a kiss on her cheek before Tom pulled her away into his arms, her hands went around his neck, his head resting on her shoulder and hers lay in his chest- just like the photo "thank you- its been amazing seeing you" she spoke to Tom quiet enough for the mic's not to pick it up, pulling away from the hug they still kept their arms on each other. Bill knew that Tom was probably going to be talking about this hug for the next week but he didn't mind- he knew what It meant to him
"I've missed you Y/n..." she nodded trying to hold the tears back, she didn't realise how nice it felt to be with them again and just being in their arms- especially Toms- would make her so emotional
"me too..." she breathed
"god you're going to make me cry- stop Y/n" Bill chuckled blinking up trying to discard the tears, Tom still stood with the girl unable to pull from her
"okay- hm, well you two- I hope you have an amazing night and maybe I'll see you in another 20 years?" the three laughed, but Tom wasn't about to wait another 20 years to see her again, he couldn't
"hope so!"
"aaannnd cut-" the camera man called and the three breathed, she took the mics back and thanked the pair again, when other interviewers realised that they'd finished Bill and Tom's name bounced around again
"have a good night guys, I wont hold you up anymore" she sadly grinned rubbing Bills shoulder feeling a weird pain in her chest- like she was saying good bye again
"ugh I'd much rather stay with you but, we both know what these things are like" Bill gave her one last hug, squeezing her tightly and saying thanks once more before he was dragged by someone she didn't even see but he was gone and only her and Tom stood there
"guess I need to say bye to you too hm?" the two shared a laugh
"yeah.. yeah" Tom couldn't let his nervousness get the best of him this time, he knew if he didn't say anything he'd regret if for how many more years went by before he saw her again "I- I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna grab drinks one of the nights? or even tonight if you can do you want to sit with us- Gustav and Georg will be at the after party thing- it's fine if not of course I'm guessing you've already got a table with some people and-" the guitarist rambled on making the girl infront of him giggle
"I'd love to go get drinks with you Tom- and also sit with you all tonight" he felt like he had gone back to being 16 for a second as the words left her mouth "so I'll meet you by the doors at say, 9?"
"Yeah 9 works, okay!- I better go so" he hugged her again pressing a kiss to the top of her head "bye!" she waved to the man who was smiling so widely it hurt
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rosekeu · 10 months
soft like a bunny : r. sukuna
this is part 4!
a/n: highschool au, fem!reader, reader has braces, shy+nerdy+sensitive reader! [if you don't like that then leave ig lol] soft spot for reader ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ this part too me all day to write wtf. this chapter drained the fuck out of me. its 2.1k words.
sypnosis: assigned to a project together you have no other choice but to get sukuna's number.
【 playlist 】
[ part 1 ] [part 2] [ part 3 ] [ part 5 coming soon! ]
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sukuna walked to his house after leaving you at yours, though he wasn't too happy knowing he'd be scolded by his parents for his two-day suspension. as he approached his house, sukuna couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. 
 “itadori sukuna! you got suspended! again?!” kaori, his mother, scolded her as she walked over to the pink-haired teen and pinched his ear. yuji stood at the corner, trying not to laugh. sukuna winced in pain but couldn't help but smirk at yuji's amusement. despite the ear-pinching, he knew deep down that his parents only wanted what was best for him. 
“at least it was for a good cause this time,” his twin brother commented, making their mother raise her brow in confusion. “he helped a girl.” yuuji said, trying to convince their mother.
"yeah, it was supposed to be a one-week suspension. but she saved my ass," sukuna said, as the grip on his ear tightened. kaori looked at him with an unconvinced face and asked, "who's this lucky girl then?"
l/n, y/n," he replied, annoyed by his mother's antics. "i heard she's a second-year!" yuuji exclaimed.
"mhm... alright. but you're still grounded, young man!" she said this while lightly slapping sukuna's upper arm. he hissed. "fine." sukuna reluctantly agreed, knowing that his punishment could have been much worse. he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that your name wasn't brought up anymore.
the next day rolled around, and while in chemistry class, you couldn't help but miss sukuna's annoying pestering. you found yourself glancing over at his empty seat, realizing that his absence made the class feel strangely quiet. the teacher's voice seemed to echo in the room without sukuna's occasional snarky remarks. 
as you left the classroom, you remembered you still had a project to complete, with your partner being sukuna. knowing he had a two day suspension made it difficult to get started. you met up with mai and maki and asked them what to do. "you could just ask for his number, idiot," maki said nonchalantly. and you squealed in surprise. 
"no! i can't do that! he barely talks to me, plus he's not going to be here for two days." you sighed in frustration. mai groaned in response. 
"y/n, just ask one of his friends? or doesn't he have a twin brother?" .
you knew they were right and decided to ask his brother for sukuna's phone number. you hurried to the first year hall, feeling a sense of déjà vu from the first time you met sukuna. but this time was different; everything seemed more peaceful. calm.
as you looked through the two classrooms, one said, "class 1-a," and the other said, "class 1-b."
your eyes quickly scanned over class 1-a and found someone that looked quite familiar—the same shade of pink hair; he wore the school uniform more complete; and when you saw his face, it was almost identical to a sukuna, though this one seemed softer and more approachable. his eyes weren't red like rubies; instead, they were hazel, with bits of green, yellow, and brown scattered throughout them. 
the boy wasn't far away, but he sat with a few other friends, including a boy with dark spiky hair and a short girl with short brown hair. you approached them with nervousness.
"hello." you gulped, and the group had heard your voice, turning their attention towards you. the pink haired boy's eyes widened as he looked to recognize you. "you're l/n? right?" 
you froze and nodded quickly, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "yes, that's me," you replied, wondering what he knew about you. "i'm itadori yuuji!" he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face.
"my brother mentioned you! you're super pretty!" he admitted it truthfully, making you blush and feel a rush of flattery. "these are my friends, fushiguro megumi, and..." the spiky haired boy waved silently.
'kugisaki nobara!" the girl smiled. "it's unbelievable that the name sukuna is associated with someone as adorable as you!" she continued.
you smiled nervously and nodded, feeling a warmth spread through your cheeks. 
"did you need something?" yuuji asked, curiosity evident in his voice. "well, i have a project with sukuna, and i was wondering if you could pass me his phone number." 
"sure, i can give you his phone number." yuuji said, reaching for his phone as you did. megumi and nobara exchanged puzzled looks; they both knew yuuji didn't give out his brother's phone number casually. sukuna was adamant about his personal information remaining private, even for school projects. however, as you exchanged phone numbers, you couldn't help but notice a small smile on your lips. 
'i have his number!!'
"thank you, yuuji," you said, walking out of the classroom. "yeah, of course!"
"why did you give her suku's number?" megumi asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"yeah, didn't you say he was grounded and without his phone?" nobara added, looking puzzled.
"oh, yeah! i completely forgot about that!" yuuji exclaimed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
you had been looking forward to going home to text sukuna since you received his phone number. once you did, you were frozen on your bed, staring at the screen anxiously.
time passed quickly. you had dinner and finished your homework. and it was already 6 p.m. you grabbed your phone and clicked on sukuna's number to text him. as you typed out a message, you couldn't help but wonder if sukuna would even reply. the anticipation and anxiety grew as you hit the send button, hoping for a response.
???: "hey! this is y/n from chem class. i was wondering when we were going to start our project (✿◠‿◠) [sent-6:23pm]
you stared at the screen as minutes passed by without any response. the silence made you question if you had said something wrong or if sukuna was simply busy. doubts started to creep in, and you couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. 
you turned off your phone, and a frown formed on your face. maybe sukuna wasn't interested in working on the project with you after all. you showered and changed into your cute teddy bear pjs, hoping that a good night's sleep would help clear your mind, but your mind still lingered on your message.
'was it too long? or was the emoticon too much?'
you hid under your covers and tried to distract yourself, but your thoughts kept drifting back to sukuna and the unanswered message. as you lay there, you couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty and wondered if you had done something wrong. 
i'm just overthinking this, you reassured yourself.
"you gave her what?" sukuna whispered and yelled in disbelief at his twins words. yeah, i gave her your number because she said you guys had a project together."
"it's not that part! i don't have my phone, dumbass!" sukuna groaned from the bottom bunk of their beds. yes, the itadori twins were turning 16, and they still had bunk beds.
sukuna sighed, heavily annoyed at yuuji. " i mean, you can grab your phone from mom's special cabinet." "but you know how she gets if we touch her stuff," yuuji replied sheepishly. "besides, i thought it would be easier if she just called you directly." sukuna rolled his eyes, realizing that yuuji's intentions were good, but his execution was always questionable. 
he lazily gets up from his bed and walks over to their mom's special cabinet, careful not to disturb anything. as he opens the cabinet, he notices the familiar blood red phone case. sukuna takes it rapidly, going back to bed quickly. 
he turns on his phone and finds one text message from an unknown number. he read it and thought it was cute.
🐰: hey! this is y/n from chem class. i was wondering when we were going to start our project (✿◠‿◠)  [sent-6:23pm][read-10:55pm]
he edits the contact so it's a bunny emoji. he smirks to himself.
🐯:  come over tomorrw. we can work on it together. [sent-10:56pm]
he impatiently awaits a response: "yuuji, are you fucking pranking me with a fake number?"
"what? no way!" 
as he was about to curse out his brother, his phone chimed.
🐰: okay :) i was worried you weren't going to respond lol [sent-11:00pm] [read-11:00pm]
🐯:  i'm fucking grounded. i'm talking to you in secrecy 😈 [sent-11:01pm][read-11:01pm]
🐰: don't get in trouble because of me:(( [sent-11:00pm] [read-11:00pm]
🐯:  you're totally worth it, sweetheart. [sent-11:01pm] [read-11:01pm]
as you read the message, warmth spreads through your cheeks, making you grip your phone even tighter. sukuna smirked; seeing as you hadn't responded right away, he imagined your flustered expression. he became impatient again.
🐯:  respond, brat. [sent-11:06pm][read-11:06pm]
you gathered yourself as your shaking fingers mustered a reply.
🐰: sorry (〃▽〃) that just caught me off guard, is all [sent-11:07pm] [read-11:07pm]
🐯:  i didn't know i made you so nervous. you're probably blushing, aren't you? [sent-11:07pm][read-11:07pm]
🐰: nope! not at all! [sent-11:07pm] [read-11:07pm]
🐯:  prove it, then. [sent-11:07pm][read-11:08pm]
🐰: what? [sent-11:08pm] [read-11:08pm]
🐯:  show me that you're not blushing.  [sent-11:08pm] [read-11:08pm]
your eyes widened, and your stomach began to churn. was he asking for a picture of your face right now? you wouldn't, but if you did, he'd be right. you were blushing profusely, and your heart was racing. you became even more flustered at the thought of proving it to him. 
as you were about to type your response, your phone rang with a sudden call. sukuna. he was calling you out of the blue. you quickly answered, not knowing it was a facetime call. 
"eek!" you moved your phone rapidly as you saw your reflection at the corner of your screen, but bigger than that was the face of sukuna staring back at you; he was visible, but his surroundings were pitch black.
"let me see your face; i didn't call you for nothing." he said it with a sly smirk. you were excited and nervous at the same time as you paused for a moment before adjusting the camera to show your face and half of your shirt. the first thing he noticed were your red cheeks and slightly messy hair.  "so you are blushing; how adorable."
"s-shut up-"
"were getting bolder, i see." sukuna chuckled, his smile growing wider.
"i'm learning how to stand up for myself, so...y'know"
he hummed in response, looking closer at you. sukuna furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes to better see your shirt. small teddy bears scurried throughout the fabric, making him smile.
cute, he thought. "nice shirt," he remarked. and you quickly adjusted the camera so it would only show your face. "ignore that!"
he laughed at your reaction. "ugh, y/n, you're so fun to toy with."
"that's so mean..." you pouted, a tiny frown on your face. his heart squeezed as if it was about to leap out of his chest.
'she is going to kill me...'
"it's late. why did you call?" you asked, fidgeting with a strand of hair. "i wanted to see if you were flustered, and you are."
you laughed, covering your smile, knowing if you showed it, he'd probably make fun of you or stop talking to you. "why are you covering your smile? let me see, brat." he remarked that he was a bit annoyed.
your eyes widened as you grabbed your phone, now only showing half of your face. "no, it's okay. you probably won't like it anyway."
"c'mon, stop being an idiot." he insisted, and you thought about it for a minute before deciding to trust him. "alright, just don't be mean. i'm insecure enough." you whispered the last part, but he still caught on to it.
"just get on with it, dumbass."
you smiled at the screen, revealing your pink-banded metal braces. and waited for his disgusted reaction, but it never came.
"that's hot."
"you heard me." he said this, maintaining an unexpected calmness.
"yeah, right," you murmured as you lay on your side in bed. "i'm serious; they're hot as hell."
you couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and relief. "next time you should get red, i think that would look good too."
you giggled, happy knowing that one of the most insecure parts of you was adored by such an attractive guy like suku.
"i have to go. it's late, sukuna." it was the first time he'd heard his name fall from your lips. he smiled softly, savoring the sound of his name on your lips. "alright, take care and sleep well," he replied, his voice filled with a hint of longing. as you ended the call, a warm feeling settled in your chest, leaving you eager for the next conversation with sukuna as you received one last text.
🐯:  goodnight, qt [sent-11:32pm][read-11:32pm]
🐰: goodnight <33 [sent-11:33pm] [read-11:33pm]
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if you want to be tagged let me know!
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8aji · 2 years
it only takes one day and i'll run straight into your arms. // f.t.
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pairing: husband!toji fushiguro x reader, ft. megumi
wc: 1k
synopsis: despite the initial fear, who says blackouts can't be used as a bonding moment.—or, toji tries his best to open up while holding the both of you in his arms
tags/cw: fluff, dad!toji along with husband!toji, mentions of past child neglect (towards toji).— let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: with a readability score of 73/10 (Ik) here's a fic i started writing in march of this year and finished yesterday bc we had a blackout and that's quite literally the theme of this one. i missed writing for jjk but its been a long ass while since i checked the manga so the characterisation is definitely off mwah!
m.list ˖ tags ˖ byi/dni
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A loud yelp filled could be heard, followed by the pitter-patter of little feet running to the living room.
Megumi dropped his toys as soon as it happened, flinching like a cat scared by a loud noise. Tears pooled his green eyes as he ran towards the living in search of you.
“Are you alright?” you asked, kneeling in front of him. As soon as he heard your voice, he flung himself into your embrace with his eyes closed tightly. He was lucky enough to have met you halfway down the hall; the pitch black prevented him from looking too far ahead. 
Megumi wasn’t scared of many things, but he was terrified of the dark. It was a common fear in children, the way common household items turned into eerie monsters once the lights went out could for sure be scary, the inherent absence of light presented itself as a threat. You would’ve never imagined his fear actually stemmed from all those horror stories Gojo had insisted on sharing that one time he babysat Megumi, lights off and all, just a torch which made his piercing blue eyes even scarier. 
Regardless of where he was, once lights went out he’d go after you or Toji for reassurance, 
His spiky hair tickled as he nuzzled his face against your neck, holding onto your shoulders for dear life. Any movement you made his grip stronger, forcing you to sit on the floor instead of moving to the couch like you planned, crossing your legs so he could easily cuddle up to you. Despite the little sniffles, you could feel his heartbeat calm down the more you continued to softly rock him in your embrace.
“Sorry I took so long,” Toji spoke, making his way from the garden through the sliding doors to where you sat. “Thought I could fix it but the whole neighbourhood’s out.”
As soon as he heard his voice, Megumi perked up a little, pulling away from your chest to look up at his dad, extending his arms and doing grabby hands at him. Toji picked him up effortlessly from your hold, kissing his hair before following you to the couch. 
“You okay?” your husband asked. He raked his fingers through Megumi’s soft strands, the same way you did with his, hoping to calm him down; despite both your efforts he was still a little shaken. He took a minute to think of a response, hesitating whether to nod or shake his head, before he decided to nod, not without nuzzling his cheek against Toji, who hummed at his response. “And you?” he turned to you.
“’m fine,” you mumble, you hadn’t realised it had gotten this late, though it wasn’t surprising considering you spent all this time worrying over Megumi. “A little sleepy though.”
Toji stretched his left arm, beckoning you to come closer and of course, you caved in, there was nothing compared to the feeling of laying close to your two favourite boys. You sighed in satisfaction at his warmth, chuckling at the way Megumi easily crawled between the both of you yawning before stretching and closing his eyes; fear can really tire one out. That L-shaped couch was truly a great investment, it fit the three of you quite perfectly.
“He rubs his face against us like cats do,” Toji whispered, careful not to wake his son up. 
“He’s also tiny,” you mention, brushing away a few strands of hair away from his face. “Like a kitten.”
“You think he’ll be short?”
“Toji you’re almost 6 feet tall.” You looked at him in confusion, brows furrowed in amusement as if your statement was explanation enough, but just in case it wasn’t, you continued. “No, he won’t be short.”
It was his turn to chuckle, looking fondly at the kid between the both of you, still unable to believe that someone as messed up as him was able to create something so pure and beautiful.
“’ don’t wan’ him to grow up,” He muttered, feeling a little vulnerable at the weight of his words. “’ think I’m scared of it.”
You knew he felt weird telling you this; even if he shouldn’t, being uncomfortable was almost a reflex to him. After years of neglect, Toji couldn’t help but struggle to properly communicate, keeping his walls up no matter how much he wanted to tear them all down for you. 
But that was okay, he didn’t need to talk all the time, not when the both of you managed to feel each other just by locking gazes. 
You cupped his cheek with your free hand, smiling as he nuzzled against your skin just like Megumi did; the apple doesn’t fall far away from the tree, after all. 
“‘don't want him to not need us,” he continued, now feeling more comfortable because of your touch. “‘don't want him to leave us behind.”
“He won’t,” you tried reassuring him, even if you knew that little voice in his head would tell him otherwise. “He won't stop loving you, I promise.”
To think someone could love him. The thought still made him want to cry. 
The bittersweet feeling stuck with him even after the lights came back on; it made the two of you jump in surprise, waking little Megumi in the process. You stayed on the couch for a couple of seconds before you managed to find the strength to get up, walking behind Toji as he carried Megumi to his bedroom. 
“See? You're okay,” he whispered against his son’s hairline, who was hesitant to be left alone once again. “And whatever you need we’re just next door, it's okay to be scared as well.” He said goodbye with one last kiss and waited next to you for Megumi to cuddle up against his sheets to leave, smiling at the small I love you daddy his son mumbled between yawns. 
No matter what or when or where, Megumi will always look out for your's or Toji’s warmth to reassure himself that everything’s going to be alright. 
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© 2022 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work. affiliated with @tokyometronetwork
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kaulitzhotel · 11 months
HEY!! I have a request, could you make Tokio Hotel x self-destruct fem!reader? I mean, she knows she's hurting herself but she doesn't care? doesn't sleep (and even if she does, she goes to bed very late and then gets up very late, so she's usually restless, tired and barely alive/ barely in touch with reality), barely eats (and even if she eats little, I drink too much energy drinks and takes tranquilizer pills), probably does sh and takes drugs (cigarettes, alcohol and drugs) and it all makes her look practically zombie but she likes this lifestyle?
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Synopsis: You have a zombie lifestyle and could care less about your health. Nothing matters at all. But Tokio Hotel is there to turn that around. (2008)
Content: Angst and fluff.
Notes: I'm not sure what you wanted at the end but I put a good ending. Lowkey emotional. Enjoy though!
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Read my mind and help me...
I sat there on my bed looking out the glass window. The clouds overwhelm the sky. I couldn't think. Everything was a blur and there seemed to be no emotion I could feel. I could only feel the bags underneath my eyes, the sounds of my stomach begging for food, and the migraines I get throughout the day. I continued to watch outside as it was bewildering me.
“Y/N?...” I heard the door open a little. I could see the spiky black hair from the corner of my eye.
“Hello, Bill.” I breathed. My mouth was too tired to let words come out.
“You've been in your room for weeks. Let's go somewhere with the guys.” He sat next to me giving me a squeeze on the top of my hand.
“Do you understand?”
“What?” Bill said confused.
“Don't you see, I can't move? I'm hungry but I just want to starve. I'm getting no sleep, I see no point in life. I see no point in me living.”
Bill stayed quiet and when I turn my head to look at him his mascara was running down his cheeks. “I'm sorry Bill,” I whispered.
“Don't be!” He smiled and wiped it away quickly, “I'm not going to let this happen to you. We love you Y/N.” It was my turn to weekly squeeze his hand back, “I love you guys too but I think it's time.”
“You got a whole life to live. I'm not letting you give up.”
I sighed at his response, “Tomorrow.” “I'll go out tomorrow.” I continued.
Bill gave one last squeeze and left the room. I got up after a few minutes of walking to my dresser. Underneath my clothes was a pack of cigarettes. I walk to the chair that was right by the window. I felt my bones wobble as I walked. I was getting weak by the second. I missed dancing and running on the sand at the beach. Those happy memories fade. I lit the cigarette and lifted it to my mouth. I paused for a second, “What am I doing to myself?” But I smoked the cigarette anyways.
The next day
Again a restless night. I walk to the bathroom and change my clothes into shorts and a tank top. My shorts seemed to ride down a bit. I missed my belly. I stared at the mirror all I saw was me. But was it me?
I went back to the room to put a sweater over my tank top. I opened the curtains and it was bright. The clouds disappeared and the sun was overtaking the city.
I go straight to the kitchen after and get out whiskey with a shot glass. Before I could pour it a voice stopped me, “Don't you think it's too early to drink? It's only 8:30 AM.”
“Nothing is over too early Georg.”
“Just for one day, try?”
I tighten my grip on the whiskey bottle and put it back in the cabinet. I'll drink later. I go to the fridge and get out a rockstar energy drink. Georg came over to side hug me. “Where are the others?”
“They are coming right now. We planned something for you today.” He smiled. “Great,” I said sarcastically.
That's when the boys enter the kitchen. “Good morning!” Bill singed. Tom walked up to me and gave me a big hug lifting me from the ground, “How's my girl?”
“Making it I guess.”
He put me down and his eyes stared at mine, “We brought food.”
“Thanks, but I'm not hungry.” Till my stomach replied by gurgling.
“Lies!” Gustav laughed at my stomach. Everyone laughed and I cracked up a bit myself.
“You laughed,” Bill said making everyone pause. “Well yeah?” Bill just looked down and everyone started setting up my dining room table.
We all sat on the table and I picked on my food. What happens if I throw up? I was scared. My hands started shaking and I was blubbering up.
“What's wrong?” Bill cautioned. That's when I lost it. The tears were streaming down my face and Bill hugged me trying to quiet me down.
“You don't have to eat, we understand,” Georg reassured. I wiped my tears with my sleeves calming down a bit.
“It's okay I'm just freaking myself out right now.”
“How about some chicken noodle soup?” Gustav asked, “I told you guys not to get Mcdonald's.”
Bill gasped as he held his Mcgrittle like a baby. “I'll make you some,” Gustav said. Tom went with him to help. “How do you open this thing?” Tom struggled as he tried to open the can of soup. “Use a can opener dumbass.” Gustav holding it up to his face. I laughed at them. It's been a while since I saw something this funny.
After a few minutes of struggling to cook soup
Gustav came to me with the bowl. I looked at it and thanked him. They all continued eating and I grab a spoonful of chicken, carrots, and broth. I blew on it carefully and swallowed it. I was starving.
“Chew it Y/N.” Georg chuckled. “Sorry, it's just so good,” I said taking another spoonful. They all seemed to enjoy watching me eat my food for once. My brain was functioning to not finish it all but I forced myself to eat it all. I am going it for the guys, and I guess me too.
“Let's get on the road now!” Bill exclaimed.
“Where are we going?” “Don't worry.” Gustav winked at me.
I rolled my eyes and we get in the car after cleaning up. The car was small but had enough space for all of us. I looked out the window and smelled the addicting aroma of smoke. My eyes looked around and Tom was smoking a cigarette.
“Can I have one?” I put my hand out. He shook his head but I grab onto the box and pulled the box. He pulled back. We were going back and forth. “Give me one!” “No!”
“HEY! No smoking. No one smokes today.” Georg yelled at us and snatched the box from our hands and threw it out the window.
“You're getting mad at us for smoking but you are over here littering.” Tom complained.
Georg looked at the both of us as we threw a fit. “Sit the fuck back.” And he sped up his driving.
At the destination
We had finally made it and before I could get out the door my eyes were covered by cold hands. “What's going on guys?”
They didn't say anything but guided me to walk. “Take off your sandals,” Tom spoke. “Okay?”
I took them off and my feet were touching something warm making the tip of my toes burn. we continued walking and I smelled the saltiness of fresh air. My legs trembled and I just wanted to be home drinking. The hands were removed from my eyes and it took me a while to see everything. It was mindblowing. The ocean came to my ankles.
I turned around and from a few feet away there were chairs, umbrellas, coolers everywhere, and water guns. Just like the good old days.
“Wow...” I said to myself. “What do you think Y/N?” Bill said with a big smile. “I have no words but thank you, guys it feels great to be here.”
But not everything was perfect. My legs couldn't hold in longer and my body fell to the ground my arms catching myself.
“Woah you okay?” Goerg rushed to help me get back up. “Yeah, just tired.” He helped me sit down in the shade.
“We will help you swim if you want.” Tom suggested.
“It's fine I love the view. And besides you just want to hold me.” I poked fun at him.
“Glad your back.” Tom laughed.
Gustav got out some drinks and handed it to all of us. We talked and played around in the sand till the sun went down.
Then I watched them play in the water fighting as always. I know things have to change and I couldn't tell them what else I've been doing without them here. They would be disappointed. But who knows if I will go back to my old habits. I put my head back on the chair and breathed the cold air out of my mouth.
“Y/N! Come join us!” Bill screamed as they kept flipping each other in the water.
I took off my sweater and walk to the water. This is my home.
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kagecage · 6 months
Kai Smith x Reader
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A stranger keeps beating your high-score, until one day you find out who.
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Entering the old arcade, you felt an immense power of nostalgia overcome you.
Hearing the kids laughter and the sounds of beeping from the machines, you smiled to yourself knowing how much you missed this place. You wonder to yourself if anyone has yet to beat your high-score in any of the games, you chuckle remembering the old times when kids tried to surpass you, but failed.
Walking up to the counter, you ordered a few coins with a grin, knowing you wont be here for long.
‘Space invaders’ One of your many favourites, you tapped a button, making the screen light up in different pixelated colours, you darted your eyes over the names on the leaderboard.
You were in second.
You looked at the name above yours and smirked, ‘Kai’ is his name, you loaded up a coin in the slot and sat comfortably in the plastic chair. Automatically you pressed start and the game begun.
You felt bad for the little kid, that ‘kai’ is probably crying knowing his high score was beat. It was the next day and you walked through the glass doors of the entrance to the arcade, some employees even greeted you, considering you’re a regular. Passing the shooting game you made a small glance over, seeing a guy about your age with spiked up brown hair. You paid no mind to it and continued to the counter to purchase some coins.
Once you got to the Space game, coins in hand, you realized the boy left, shrugging it off you sat in the seat once more with a flick of your finger on the big red button, the screen showed the leaderboard and your mouth agape.
Your high score was beaten once more by that ‘Kai’ guy.
You grumbled to yourself then with a smirk you started to chuckle, whoever this ‘Kai’ person was, you knew you were rivals. You decided to stop playing around and actually try your best in this game, your hand moving around the joystick, fingers pressing to eagerly shoot the targets, eyes darting across the big screen.
Left, right, right, left, up, left, down.
Moving your spaceship and shooting the targets.
The next day, you came back to the arcade, once you entered the door you heard someone yelling to themselves. In curiosity you followed the voice which lead to the same game you’ve been playing the past few days. Seeing the same boy with spiky hair and a red hoodie on, he couldn’t seem to beat your high-score, he would either be 100 points off or lower, mostly 100. Reading the screen that announced game over, he dug his hand into his pocket but paused. Checking his other pockets frantically he realized he ran out of coins, giving up he entered his name onto the leaderboard.
Your eyes widened and you felt your lips tugging up with a small chuckle, he tapped the enter button and saw his name in second place, getting up from his seat in defeat, he turned and saw you watching while leaning on a claw machine with your arms crossed. He tilted his head in confusion but then saw you walking up to him, being a few feet away from each other, you held your hand up for him to shake.
“Good game” You spoke out with a smug grin, his eyes widened in realization and he smiled with a fiery look in his eyes. “Good game indeed, you were quite the challenge” taking your hand in his, you both shook your hands and released from each other’s touch, chuckling with closed eyes you nodded towards him.
“Many years of experience I guess?” You shrugged with the same smile on your face.
After chatting with the hot head for a few hours along with a small hangout, it was quite fun going around the arcade and beating little kids.
But you knew you had a new rival and a new friend to compete with, or maybe a player 2.
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Thank you for reading!
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