#mom!wandanat x fem!reader
upat4amwiththemoon · 2 months
Okay AN IDEA !
If you like it you can use it, if it's not something you wanna write that's perfectly fine too !!
So the request is for wandanat x daughter reader
R is secretly spider girl, only Tony stark knows because he's the one who got her the spider suit. R knows her moms would absolutely be against it, always telling her to stay away from that "spider girl" (not knowing it's actually their daughter. Yes like aunt May does in Spiderman : home coming :3)
So let's say R gets into trouble after trying to fight a villain way too strong compared to her and ends up being saved by wanda herself. Wanda finds out at this moment that the spider girl is her daughter and you can choose how the story goes from there
(your favorite mf who sent 8678 request)
Summary: Is it a plane? Is it the Friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl? Sort of, it’s a girl who doesn’t listen to her moms!
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: violence
Word count: 2111
a/n: there surely are words written down here
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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A video of the Spider-Girl stopping bank robbers is shown on the evening news. Y/N stares at the television screen as she eats with her moms, at times glancing at them to see if they’re paying attention to the news.
Natasha shuts off the television with a sigh, throwing the remote to the couch afterwards. Y/N turns to look at her scrunched brows and pursed lips. “If you ever see that Spider-Girl, stay away from her, okay? We don’t want you getting dragged into anything she does.” Her mother mumbles while eating.
Y/N rolls her eyes, though she hides it from her mom. “Mhm.”
“We’re serious about this, Y/N.” Wanda sets her cutlery down, looking at her daughter. “It’s dangerous and we don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I know,” she pushes her plate away, still half full, “you think I can’t handle myself.” Her voice is full of defiance as she mumbles.
The two women sigh as they glance at each other and their daughter, who is keeping her eyes away from them. This isn’t the first time conversations like this have come up.
“It’s not that we think you’re incapable,” Natasha raises her brows as Wanda starts speaking, which makes her wife give her a subtle slap to the arm, “we’re afraid that the bad guys will hit you twice as hard when they realize whose daughter you are.”
“Mhm.” Is all the answer her mothers get before she excuses herself from the dining table and makes her way to her bedroom.
As Y/N slams the door shut, she locks it and moves the curtains in front of her single window. Sitting down to her bed, she closes her eyes and takes some deep breath, calming down her mind. She is aware her mother would never read her mine without permission, unless absolutely necessary, but Y/N likes to make sure there are no loose ends.
Her mind clears from any unwanted thoughts—thanks to Natasha making her meditate with her since she was a kid—and a smile appears on her face. Y/N walks over to her wardrobe, her steps light as she opens it and starts digging through the mess of things inside. She finds the back wall of the wardrobe and moves it out of her way, taking her suit out of its hiding place.
She slips on her Spider-Girl suit, grinning from ear to ear at the empowering feeling the suit gives her. This is what she wants to do. This is her life.
Pressing her ear against the chilly wooden door, listening to the quiet sound of a laugh track coming from the television. Her mom won’t come bother her when they think she is upset. She has plenty of time to fight crime.
Y/N opens her window and climbs out of it, the palms of her suit sticking to the walls of her home as she makes her way to the roof. She shivers as the wind picks up, but she doesn’t let it bother her.
The homemade web shoots out of the web shooter and she flies towards the city centre, where the evening bustle is starting to wake up. She props herself on top of a building, it’s high enough to be hidden from the people, but still low enough to keep an eye on the streets.
After a few minutes of surveilling the area, a bright light flashes just outside the city, leaving a trail of smoke behind. Y/N grins and makes her way to the smoke, practically flying over the buildings as she glides in the air with the web wings of her suit.
It only takes her around 15 minutes to get near the site. She lands on top of an industrial building, staying low as her eyes adjust to the lack of bright city lights.
Y/N can quickly figure out where the light came from. There is a machine on an otherwise unoccupied patch of land between all the abandoned looking buildings. The machine is big, but it looks crude, handmade. She frowns, not feeling good about any of this. It’s still slightly smoking when two men wearing safety gear finally step onto her line of sight.
She tries to hear what they’re talking about, but they’re too quiet even with her heightened sense of hearing. Her eyes scan over the near area, trying to calculate how safe she’d be if she made herself known to them. Not seeing anything on top of the two men and the machine, she starts quietly crawling closer, keeping a close eye to the men’s hands.
Suddenly, a buzzing sensation fills her mind. She snaps her head to the direction her spidey senses guide her, and even though she is fast, it’s not enough. A third man has climbed onto the roof. He is holding a weapon Y/N doesn’t recognize and shoots it before she is able to react.
A bolt of electricity flies out of the gun-like weapon. It hits Y/N right on her side, making her lose her grip and fall down from the building, all the way to the ground. A small cloud of dust puffs out from the impact.
With a groan, Y/N opens her eyes, seeing the two men standing over her with grins on their faces. “Well, well, well,” one of them chuckles, “what do we have here?” His voice is low and raspy, the smoked a pack a day for years kind of voice.
She lets out a quiet growl-like noise, which clearly doesn’t intimidate the men. “What’s she supposed to be?” The other man mumbles, his head tilting from side to side as he studies Y/N’s suit. “Some kind of bug, eh?”
Using the moment to her advantage, she pushes herself on her feet with a move Natasha taught her, webbing one of the men to the face and kicking the other’s knee. The men let out surprised noises, stumbling away from Y/N, which gives her a slight advantage as she starts fighting them.
She does well for a while, at least when there’s only two of them fighting her, but slowly she starts hearing noises growing louder, like running.
Just as she knocks one of the men unconscious and stick the other to a wall with her web, a group of people with the man who shot her in front arrive. “Shit.” Y/N pants, already having used a lot of energy. The man raises his weapon, shooting an electric bolt again.
Y/N lets out a shout as the bolt of energy hits her square in the chest. She flies a few meters back, landing on her back with a grunt. Her hand flies up to her mask, quickly whispering, “SOS,” before she stands back up.
��The Avengers have been notified.” A robotic female voice speaks up.
Mumbling out a quiet thanks to her artificial intelligence helper, Y/N lunges towards the men again. She feels as if part of her strength is back, now that she knows Tony is coming, but reality hits her like a brick wall once an electric beam hits her.
“I’m getting tired of this.” Y/N grumbles, shooting webs to one of the weapons hitting her.
She webs herself into the air, using the altitude as an advantage against the men. While one of the men is still busy with getting the web out of his gun, Y/N swings down, feet first, on one man’s head.
The impact makes a nasty cracking sound, one that makes Y/N cringe. “Sorry!” She lands on the ground, on her feet, while the man falls on his back, unconscious, hopefully. Her spider senses active, and this time she has enough time to web away another weapon pointed at her. What she doesn’t notice is a new group of men on top of a building pushing down a cell tower.
“Take that!” Y/N mumbles to herself, making up sound effects as she shoots her webs, trapping a man to the ground.
A crashing sound gets her attention. She looks up into the sky, where the cell tower is falling down right towards her. She goes to shoot out a web, but nothing comes out of her suit. She lets out an ear shattering scream when the metallic tower drops right on top of her.
Tears are brimming her eyes as she heaves, trapped under the structure. Her vision is blurred and she can taste blood. The men around her look pleased, ready to end it, until one of them flies away.
The others start looking around, shooting at the smallest movements and noises, but one by one they get either flown away or shocked unconscious.
Y/N recognizes the familiar red wisps of magic in the air, and the small widow bites flying. She lets out quiet curses as she starts pushing herself up, using all of her strength to push the structure off of her.
“Let me help you with that.” Wanda lands in front of her, easily lifting the cell tower with her magic while Natasha punches the last man standing unconscious. “Are you alright?” She helps Y/N up, letting her lean on her for support.
Y/N nods, not daring to speak. She knows her mother would recognize her voice. “You got hurt pretty bad. We could help patch you up.” Natasha states as she walks over to them after letting Tony know someone could come collect the men now.
Y/N shakes her head, her eyes wide, though the two women can’t see it. She steps away from Wanda’s hold, giving them finger guns before going to web herself away from the situation. “Shit!” She grumbles as nothing happens.
Wanda frowns. She flicks her wrist, causing the mask on Y/N’s face to fly away. “Y/N!”
Gasping, Y/N looks at her moms with wide eyes. “I can explain! It’s not what it looks like.” She holds out her hands.
“It looks like you sneaked out to fight bad guys on your own,” Natasha’s hands are crossed over her chest, “and you didn’t tell us you’re Spider-Girl.”
“Well-“ Y/N opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, “that’s.. that’s it.” She mumbles, avoiding looking at her moms. They’re angry, so very angry.
“What in the world were you thinking?” Wanda scolds, though concern clearly slips through her angry tone. She walks over to Y/N and starts looking at the wounds she has. “This could’ve ended up so much worse. Do you understand that?”
“How long have you been doing this?” Natasha walks over as well, wrapping her arm around Y/N’s waist so she could lean on her.
Y/N has a sheepish smile on her face, “as long as you’ve seen Spider-Girl on the television.” They start walking towards Natasha’s car.
Letting out a quiet huff, Wanda shakes her head. “You’re so lucky I’m more worried about your health right now.” She gives Y/N a pointed look, a look that says you’re in so much trouble. “But you better believe we are going to take that suit away and ground you until you’re 30, do you hear me? You will never leave the house again.”
Natasha opens the back door for Y/N, helping her in before getting in herself, while Wanda gets into the driver’s seat. “Who gave you the suit?”
“Tony.” Y/N says quickly. She’ll happily put some of the blame on someone else than herself.
“Oh, I’m going to kill him.” Wanda states from the front of the car.
“I’ll help you.” Natasha mumbles, pulling Y/N closer as she starts to look over her wounds. “You know Wanda is right, yeah? Once you’ve healed up properly we will talk about consequences. And you can never do this again, never ever.” Her hands are on her daughter’s cheeks to hold eye contact, she wants to make sure Y/N is really hearing her.
She nods. She understands this was a close call, she has never gotten this hurt before, but Y/N doesn’t see it as a reason to completely stop. She can get better.
Natasha pulls her close, kissing the side of her head gently. “At least not before you train with us.” She whispers, giving her a small wink before going back to acting as if she never said anything.
Y/N can’t help but let a grin grow on her face. She looks down at her lap to hide it from Wanda, who keeps glancing at her from the rear view mirror.
She’ll never stop being Spider-Girl.
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wandanatsbaby · 7 months
The Little Rose - 1
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Series Masterlist | Intro
Warning: This series includes dark themes
Wanda looked in the mirror to the 5 year old girl that was sitting in the back seat. The girl was playing happily with two barbies she had brought while occasionally looking out the window.
Wanda looked back at the road just in time to see the big New Jersey Sign. Just as they had passed the state border the little girl got tired of playing with barbies.
"Where are we going?" She asked Wanda as she started pushing herself up as far as her seat belt would let her.
"Sit down Detka! You're going to get hurt" Wanda scolded. "We are going to Westview for vacation" the girl nods happily as she gets in a small bookbag and grabs a coloring book and crayons.
"How much longer til get there?"
"2 hours. Why don't you draw me a pretty picture? I'll turn on some music"
Wanda begins to mess with the radio looking for a good station until she pauses on a certain one
"A 5 year old girl named Rose Romanoff went missing today around 12:35pm. It is said the girl was last seen at a restaurant with her foster parents before she went to the bathroom. And didn't return. The girl was last seen wearing a sunflower dress with pigtails. She has red hair and Green eyes. if anyone sees her please report it to the authorities." Wanda looks back at the girl before turning the radio quickly and taking a deep breath.
As they get to their destination Wanda sighs and climbs out of the car before opening the back door and helping Rose out and picking her up, placing her on her hip and then grabbing her toys.
Wanda walks up the steps of the house and sets the girl down. Unlocking the door she let's Rose in and then looks around before stepping in herself.
Finally in the safety of her home Wanda gets a good look at the girl. Her red wavy hair had gotten longer since the last time she saw her. Her eyes are no longer as bright as they Once were in the compound and she had gotten a couple inches taller. The sunflower dress she wears has spots of dirt around the bottom and she wore a pair of flip flops that had some sort of cartoon character on them.
“Wandy?” Rose called for the women making her snap out of the memories.
“Yes, my little flower?”
“Why Amy an Mark no come? They alway come.” Wanda looked at Rose with a blank expression before squatting down to her level.
“Well Sweet girl your with me now. Mark and Amy are no longer going to be here. Just you and me.” Rose looked at Wanda confused. She doesn't understand what Wanda was saying. Amy and Mark had been with her since Natasha died. “Come on let me show you your room.”
Wanda stands back up and reaches her arm out for the girl to take.
Rose stops and looks at the room in awe. The walls were painted pastel pink roses and vines painted all over them. There was a small bed that had lots of pillows and stuffed animals on it with a glittery pink bedspread. A Toy box sat in the corner of the room next to a big doll house and finally there was a huge walk-in closet that already had multiple pieces of clothing in it.
“For me?” Rose asked Excitedly as she was already bouncing on her feet wanting to go inspect the toys.
“All for you. Why don’t you go play and look around while I start dinner. Does that sound okay Detka?” Rose nodded and then immediately ran over to the toy box pulling out dolls and furniture to start setting up her doll house. Wanda smiled before walking towards the kitchen where she started to prepare dinner.
She was so happy she finally had you again. You were home and Wanda was going to get to be your mom. She took a glance at the picture that was hanging on the living room wall. It was of Natasha and Wanda a couple months before she died. They had just started a relationship then and was getting ready to tell Rose about it before Natasha had- Wanda stops her thoughts and with a sad sigh continues to the kitchen.
Tags: @simpformelissa
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ravensinthedaylight · 2 years
Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience -Wanda Maximoff x Daughter!Reader
Whatever Means Necessary Masterlist
Summery: A mother and her daughter move to the sleepy town of Westview, and they both struggle to conceal their powers form Y/N’s new friend and her parents when they come for dinner.
Requests: Open
Age: Appears 15
Notes: In Wandavision episode one I’m aware that there’s no upstairs to the house, but in this story it’s different. The only reason I’ve changed this is because I didn’t realised until I had over five parts/paragraph things written with an upstairs being part of the house and I really don’t want to rewrite those parts lol.
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Wanda Maximoff hummed happily as her kitchen utensils floated gracefully around her new kitchen.
She was trying to find a place for each, wether it be plates, cups or saucers.
She was in the middle of moving a plate when her daughter walked quietly into the kitchen, letting out a small gasp as a saucer just barely missed her head thanks to her just barely dodging it.
Wanda put everything down using her magic, she too looked startled. “Oh! Y/N!”
You laughed.
Wanda smiled brightly, you had laughed, she had heard you laugh. For the first time in-
Her eyes were scanning your face for any sign of an injury. 
Had she seriously almost smashed a plate into your face after-
“My mother and her flying saucers!”
Laughing chorused in the background. Wanda blinked, getting back into character as quickly as she had left it.
“My daughter and her quick reflexes!”
Laughing again.
You walked over to your mother who was on the other side of the island and wrapped you arms around her briefly.
Wanda, who looked like your average 1950′s bombshell, accepted your embrace eagerly and pulled you closer.
“Quite the team we make.” You muttered into her shoulder. Wanda’s heart melted and she placed her hand on the back of your head.
You pulled back briefly, and with a quick flick of your fingers all the pieces of the broken plate came together and you levitated the object over to where Wanda had been leaving the rest of them, while you did so your Mama made her way over to the refrigerator. 
“What would you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice and black coffee?”
You smiled brightly. “I’d say sounds delicious!”
Wanda smiled widely as the metal door opened.
“And I’ll say the fridge is empty.” Her sweet-as-honey tone rang out.
You frowned playfully. 
“What, not even orange juice?”
“Sweetheart, not even milk.”
You smiled and walked over to the sink and poured yourself a glass of water, instead. The sound of a crowds laughter filled your ears the entire time, but something was telling you to ignore it, so that’s what you did.
“Mama?” You called as you walked closer to the wall.
“Is there something special about today?” You inspected the calendar on the wall closely, checking to see if there was anymore writing.
Wanda looked at you for a moment.
Of course there was, you were aliv-
You were here.
With her.
As you should be.
“Everyday is special when you’re here Y/N.”
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Thanks, but what does the little heart on the calendar mean? It’s drawn right above todays date, Did you draw it?” You drew back and gasped. “Is it your birthday!? Mama! I’m so sorry, I forgo-”
“No, no, no, no!” She interrupted you quickly as she plced her hands on your shoulders and you heard the laughing again. “Not my birthday, sweetheart!”
“Well... it’s not my birthday... my birthday isn’t for another... huh. When is my birthday, Mama? I can’t seem to re-”
“Do you not remember what today is?”
You looked at her, puzzled. But quickly decided differently. “Oh yes!” You lied. “Now I do, don’t tell me you have forgotten, Mama?”
Wanda’s grin faltered. “Sweetheart, how could I have been the one to forget if I had been the one to write it up?” She lied just as easily as you had.
Now you felt bad, but you were determined to find out what reason the day had for being special. 
Wanda felt bad too, but she was just as determined. Perhaps it was something in the genes.
“Well then tell me what’s so important about todays date.” You responded.
“I thought you already knew.”
“I’m simply just making sure you know.”
Your Mama halted for a second.
“I think you’ve forgotten it.” You accused, matter-of-factly. 
“Me? Heavens no! I’ve been... so looking forward to it!”
“So have I!” You exclaimed. “Today we are celebrating...”
Wanda came closer, hoping you’d finish. “You bet we are... it’s the first time we have celebrated...”
“... this occasion before.”
You nodded. “So it’s a special day!”
“Perhaps evening.” Wanda added.
“It’s not a Birthday, it’s not Valentine’s day, is it Valentine’s day? I mean no it’s not Valentines day.”
“I mean it’s not like either of us would actually have anyone to celebrate it with.” You remarked.
Laughing, but louder this time.
“Y/N.” Your mother pouted playfully.
You settled down, deciding to drop the topic of the small heart. Surely it wasn’t too big a deal if you had forgotten what it was about.
“I’m off for a walk!” You announced, summoning your coat. “You can tag along if you’d like?”
Wanda smiled.
Although she contemplated not letting you go. She contemplated making you stare right there with her.
She was glad that you were already beginning to get to know your new surroundings.
“I would love to, my darling, I really would, but I really must get these pesky boxes unpacked.” Wanda apologised. “They won’t unpack themselves!”
Laughing. You looked at her strangely as you went over to embrace her once more before setting off.
She loved it. It had been so long, she missed your hugs, she wondered if you had missed her those five years as she had missed you those five months. Although that was impossible.
She stroked your cheek, although this time it was soft, healthy and there was colour.
This time when she stroked your cheek you were alive.
“Have fun, be back within half an hour and don’t wander too far.” 
She didn’t want you to go, she had never wanted you to go.
She wanted to call after you, but you were already half way out the door calling your goodbyes to her.
The backdoor shut with a click.
“Now time for these boxes.” Your mother said to herself. 
“Miss Maximoff!” 
You swung around at your name being called.
You were currently in town, taking in the new scenery and your new home.
The voice struck you as a familiar one, you were sure you had heard it before. But you didn’t know where from.
You saw a girl who was around your age with black locks that were curled upwards slightly wearing a white blouse and a purple skirt. She was making her way over to you. 
Something in the back of your mind was screaming at you to run to her.
“Hi!” She grinned. 
“Hi.” You replied back, almost unsurely.
“Oh, Gracious me! You don’t know who I am, do you? Silly me, allow me to introduce myself!” She extended her hand. “My name’s Kate. Kate Hart.”
“Kate...” you trailed off. Kate sounded correct somehow, but another second name was on the tip of your tongue, as soon as you tried to think of it your mind went blank.
You took her hand. “I’m Y/N Maximoff!”
“I know!” She smiled. “Wait, that sounded creepy, Sorry.”
“It’s ok, don’t worry. But how do you know my name exactly?”
“Oh, well me and my grandparents are your neighbours to the left. Arthur and Debra Hart, I moved in with them just recently, wait! I keep getting off topic.” Kate as she rambled on. You thought it was really cute. “I just wanted to say I’m super excited for tonight because there’s barely not anyone else in this town who’s my age so-”
“Forgive me for the interruption, but what’s tonight?”
“Ohhhhh your Mom didn’t tell you yet, but that’s cool I get it, your mom invited me and my grandparents for dinner at your house tonight!”
The heart on the calendar... heart... Hart!!! That’s what tonight was!!!
“Ohhhhhh yeah I think I remember her mentioning it.” You lied, you didn’t want to offend Kate, she was clearly excited and trying to be nice, and plus upsetting her even in the smallest way seemed like the worst thing imaginable to you. 
You were always a nice girl, at least that’s what the voices in your head told you, you would never have wanted to upset anyone anyway. But somehow this thing with this girl was different. 
Kate grinned. “Well, ok, cool.” She looked down at her shoes, a slight hint of red forming on her cheeks. “I’ll see you then! Do you guys need any help or-”
“No thank you, I promise we have everything under control.” You smiled. 
Kate seemed nervous that she didn’t know how to keep the conversation going so you decided to put her out of her misery.
“I best get home, my mom wants me home soon, but I really enjoyed speaking with you, Kate.”
Kate smiled. She really was just a ray of sunshine. 
“Ok! Have a safe walk back! And I’m super excited for tonight by the way.”
“Me too.” You smiled. 
There was a feeling in your stomach that you didn’t quite understand. Were those butterflies?
Wanda had just completed unpacking when she heard a knock in the style of a little tune on her front door. 
She thought that maybe it was you who was home.
For that reason she walked quickly to the front door and pulled the knob.
She hid her disappointment well when she was greeted by the sight of a woman she had never once seen before in her life holding a flower vase in her arms.
“Oh! Hello there, dear, I’m Agnes, your neighbour to the right, my right not yours!” 
“Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block, my mother in-law was in town so I wasn’t.”
Laughs again.
Wanda laughed as she accepted the vase gratefully as it was handed to her.
“So what’s your name, where are you from, and most importantly how is your bridge game hon?” 
There was laugher as she winked.
“Oh and I’m Agnes.”
Wanda grinned, perhaps she could make friends in this town after all.
“Wanda.” She held out her hand.
Agnes seemed to take her reply in for a quick second. “Wanda... Charmed.”
Wanda paused. 
Why can’t I read you?
It didn’t take long for Agnes to notice the apparent speed of Wanda’s unpacking.
“Golly! You sure have settled in fast!” She exclaimed. “Did you use a moving company?”
Wanda set the vase down. “I sure did, those boxes don’t move themselves!”
Laughing once again.
“So what’s a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house all on your lonesome self? I don’’t see a wedding ring.” Agnes questioned as she looked around the living room.
“Oh I don’t live alone, my daughter lives her too, my Y/N. She’s gone to take a look around town at the moment.”
“Ohh? Y/N is such a beautiful name! What age is she?”
“Fifteen. Although the constant complaining of teenage mood swings doesn’t really apply to her.”
“Ah, so you’re the lucky one.” Agnus winked.
“Now Wanda tell me about your partner, surely a stunnin gal like yourself has someone special, considering your daughter and all!”
Wanda grimaced. 
She hadn’t thought about Natasha that much yet. 
There was too much excitement with you being back the move.
“My partner and I aren’t together anymore. There was just too much going on in our lives. Too much had happened and we both needed a fresh start.”
Agnes nodded. “I see...”
“It’s me and Y/N now.”
As it should be. How it always should have been. You should have never had to leave her side.
"Speaking of, she’ll be home quite shortly for a special occasion, just the two of us, a girls night if you will.”
Agnes’s face brightened. “Oh is it somebody’s birthday?”
“Not a birthday.” Wanda replied confidently.
“Well today isn’t a holiday of some sort is it?”
“No it’s not a holiday...” Wanda looked unsure.
“Perhaps her and a significant other’s anniversary?”
Wanda laughed. “If Y/N was seeing someone I’d know. So no not anniversary.”
“Well... you never know things like that could change quickly.”
Wanda almost glared at Agnes. She didn’t know wether or not she was joking, but she didn’t need thoughts like those going into her head. She had just gotten you back. She didn’t need anyone swooping in and disrupting your new lives together.
Another knock interrupted the current conversation. 
This time it had to be you.
Once the door opened your welcoming and calming presence filled the room. She wanted to just pull you closer to her and cuddle for as long as you’d let her. You and your mother’s relationship had always been one of pure affection, from cuddling to forehead kisses, she settled on the latter.
“How was your walk, sweetheart?” 
You ignored the stranger in the room for a brief moment so you could answer your mother.
“It was great, I’m really excited for tonight! Can we please bake cookies for it?” You grinned excitedly.
Wanda had always been overjoyed whenever you asked that question even as a child. She couldn’t refuse you now. Not after so many years of being apart 
“Nothing would make me happier my darling girl, but first you should meet Agnes, our neighbour to the... Agnes?”
“To the right, my right not yours!” Agnes replied gleefully. “It’s so very nice to meet you, your Mom’s told me a bit about you.”
“Only good things I hope,” You smiled as you mother guided you to the couch. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Agnes, but of course your mother already told you that.” 
You gave the two women a smile. 
“Mama, if you don’t mind I’m going to get ready for tonight and unpack my bedroom a bit more, it was nice meeting you Agnes.” You gave your Mom a kiss on the cheek as you made your way over to the staircase. “Oh and Mama where’s the floss?”
“Top of the cabinet honey, you’ll have to climb a bit to get it. Just don’t jump down instead of climbing down again, it’s bad for the muscle and I don’t want to have to nurse an injury tonight.”
Not that she wouldn’t mind doting on you. But she still hated to see you in pain or injured. Or Dead.
“Yes, jumping like that is a dirty habit, but you already know all about that, don’t you ,Y/N?” Agnes butt in.
You halted halfway up the stairs, something inside you was telling you that what she had just said held significance. 
Wanda stared at her neighbour. 
“What?” She questioned, there was a slight layer of venom in her voice.
Agnes looked at her confused as you still stood at the staircase baffled as to why her words affected you like they did. You found yourself feeling your head, although you didn’t know why.
“You said it as if she had done it before, I meant no harm, Wanda. Honestly.”
Wanda collected herself, she can’t be having herself snap like that. Agnes had done nothing wrong.
“Go on Y/N, I’ll be up soon to help you unpack if you’ll let me.” She urged.
You blinked and nodded and proceeded up the stairs.
“Oh! I think I left something on the stove! So sorry for keeping you, Wanda. You enjoy the rest of your evening, ooo and those cookies!”
You were aware of your mother’s footsteps ascending up the staircase. Her heals made it quite obvious.
“Sweet heart, you look beautiful. But why so fancy, may I ask?”
You shook your head and grinned. 
“So this was a surprise from you?” You questioned giddily.
Wanda frowned. “Huh?”
“Oh you can stop pretending like you don’t know! I ran into the Hart’s granddaughter, you knew how nervous I secretly was about making friends and you wanted to help! Thank you so much, Mama. I love you!”
You pulled her in for a hug, not noticing her clear confusion. 
“No problem my lovely girl...” You were still hugging her, and tight. 
Even after all those years she could see you still did that with people you love. It broke her heart that that hadn’t been her for so long.
She didn’t know what you were talking about. But she wished she did. She wanted to have been responsible for the joy you were feeling. She should have been responsible for the little joy you might have felt the previous five years. She was your mother. She should have been there.
The amount of overwhelming love she had for you was indescribable, tears sprung to her eyes because of that fact. She hated that you would never be able to know the true depth of how much she loved you. How much she treasured you. She couldn’t put it into words.
It broke her heart that she had missed five of your birthdays, five of your Christmas’s, five of your halloweens which had always been a special time for you both because you would both have the best duo costumes, five first days of school, your first day of high school. She had missed everyday of the past five years of your life, every one of those days was a day you would go without your Mama’s love. And where was she during all this? She was dust, most likely floating around that place in Wakanda where she had been turned into such.
“I love you so much. I would do anything for you. I would do anything just to see you smile, to hear you laugh, or even just to hear your sweet voice.” Including raising the dead, literally. “I have loved you since even before I first felt you kick. I have always loved you. You were always my girl, my baby, моја беба. Words will never be able to describe how much I treasure you, love you and will always protect you. I’m so sorry.”
Somehow the love filled moment paused for you, you pulled back slightly. “Sorry for what, Mama?”
Wanda raised her eyes to yours, a look of anguish in her eyes. 
Why did you say that? Stupid Wanda!
Your brain suddenly felt all foggy, like you couldn’t remember her last few words.
You cuddled in closer, ignoring the fuzziness of your head. What you were previously going to say forgotten.
A knock from the front door interrupted you and your Mother’s special moment. 
You pulled back and beamed up at her. “That must be the guests!”
Wanda looked at you as if you had two heads. “Guests?!”
“For the neighbours. You invited them over. You said-”
“Yes!!! Oh yes I’m aware honey!” Wanda was not aware. Wanda had only just remembered. Wanda wasn’t in the appropriate clothing. Wanda had no food in the fridge. Hence Wanda could not make a dinner. Wanda was fucked screwed.
Another knock came to the door. 
“You go get the door, sweetie. Mama’s gonna go check on the... turkey.”
Your face lit up even more, even though Wanda didn’t think that was possible.
“We’re having turkey?” You grinned.
Out of all the things why turkey? She cursed herself.
She nodded quickly. “Mhm. Quickly, quickly!” 
You both dashed down the stairs, although you didn’t quite understand the need for the rush. Wanda was in front of you, and the second her feet hit the living room flooring she made a dash for the kitchen.
She would remember to actually write up words next time instead of a stupid little drawing.
She had gotten to the kitchen before you had even gotten to the door.
The woman could work fast.
You opened the door with large smile, and was greeted by two others as well as a serious yet neutral looking face.
“Hi Y/N!” Kate exclaimed.
“Hello! It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Why thank you, dear.” Kate’s grandma replied, she seemed to be a gentle soul. “Lovely meeting you. My name is Debra, this is my husband Arthur, and of course you’ve already met our granddaughter Kate.”
“Is your mother home?” Arthur asked suddenly.
“Arthur! Greet the girl!”
“I was simply just-”
While the couple were arguing, your eyes turned to a cringing Kate. You struggled to see how the three could possibly be related. 
Kate had jet black hair, while Debra had a light chestnut brown, her grandfather had a shade of black but it looked only to be coloured as such due to becoming grey thanks to old age. 
Kate’s eyes were blue (authors note: they’re blue in the comics) but Mrs Hart had sage green ones while her husband had plain grey ones.
Perhaps Kate took after her other side of the family. 
“Would you like to come in? My mother’s just in the kitchen preparing dinner, but  she shouldn’t be too much longer.”
The three of your guests made their way through the door, Debra coming through first. 
The sound of pots and pans falling down came from the kitchen, causing all four pairs of eyes from the living room to turn focus to the closed shutters and door.
“One moment please!” 
You dashed to the kitchen door but for some reason it wouldn’t budge, the guests didn’t seem to notice yet, though.
“Just a second sweetie, don’t open the door... I’m getting changed.”
“You’re getting changed?” You asked in disbelief, but only so your mother could hear.
“Yep.” Wanda sounded nervous. 
“Into what?”
“My... cooking wear.”
“Mhm. Just gimmie a sec sweetheart.”
More pots panged.
Your three guests looked in your direction again.
“She forgot where she left the cutlery.” You laughed nervously.
Kate’s grandfather let out a gruff. While Kate just looked at you and smiled.
“Your home is beautiful!” She gushed, you smiled at her friendliness that was somehow familiar to you.
“Thank you, I love your shirt.”
Kate looked down to the button up shirt she was wearing and smiled. “Thank you! Gran tried to get me to wear a dress, but I refused, I don’t know how she got me in that skirt you saw me in this morning, but I can assure you, you won’t be seeing me in it again.”
You both laughed while Debra rolled her eyes. “I just think that you should be dressing more like a lady! You are one after all. I mean look at what Y/N’s wearing! Why can’t you dress as she does?”
You were wearing a yellow tea length dress, but you only ever wore it on special occasions.
“Yeah but-” Kate saw your momentary frown when your dress was mentioned, she saw you didn’t want to get involved. ”Gran, let’s not do this now.”
You gave Kate a smile.
Ten minutes later the Harts and you were all seated on the couch, all indulging in a boring conversation about the importance of the order of numbers or something like that that involved Mr Hart’s work.
He and Mrs Hart seemed entertained, while Kate was slumped on the couch and you had your hand supporting your head as you struggled to stay awake.
It wasn’t until the kitchen shutters flew open that you felt like your savour had finally arrived.
“Dinner is served.” She called out. 
Kate and yourself nearly jumped out of your seats while the Mr and Mrs Hard got up in a calm manner. 
Everyone stood and looked at the meal from the couch, poor Arthur looked confused. 
“Breakfast for dinner?” He asked unsurely.
“It’s European.” Wanda explained. Was is? “We’re Sokovian. I put on this accent, my natural one is a Sokovian one.”
“I see...”
“Breakfast or no breakfast I say we dig in.” Kate hurried and sat down, immediately picking up her knife and fork. Everyone else followed soon after.
“Let’s have a toast.” You spoke up. Although instead of you and Kate having wine like the adults there was sparkling water. “To my wonderful mother, and our esteemed guests.”
“Cheers.” Everyone chorused as they clinked glasses.
“Now let’s eat before our dinner gets cold.” Wanda smiled.
“Breakfast, you mean.” You wittingly replied.
Wanda gave you a smirk.
“So, where have the both of you moved from? What brought you here? And where is your father?”
Wanda let out a laugh, although there was a nervous undertone, and you immediately looked down at your plate with furrowed eyes.
“We moved from...” Everyone looked at you, expecting you to finish your answer, but in reality you didn’t even know the answer.
“What my daughter means to say is we moved from...” Wanda looked stuck, too.
“Yes! We moved from... er... We came here because we needed a fresh start.” You didn’t even know the meaning behind your own words, the latter part of the sentence having being drilled into your brain despite never hearing anything of the sort before. Where did you live before Westview? Why did you and you Mama need a fresh start? And most importantly- “And I don’t have a father.” 
But you had someone else, you knew that you did. But you didn’t know who. Why didn’t you know. You were so confused. You could see red and green splash into your view but before you could but such colours on a face your head went fuzzy. Your head was doing that a lot recently, but why?
“I think you should surely know where you moved from.” Came the voice of Arthur Hart. “Where? Hm? Dammit where?!” He slammed his hand on the table. Kate decided to intervine.
“Grandpa, calm yourse- Grandpa?” 
Mr Hart was holding his hands to his throat making a gagging sound. Heavens he was choking!
"Oh Arthur stop it!” Said Mrs Hart, but Mr Hart continued his series of convulsions. “Stop it.”
Kate and You both looked at each other, eyes worried.
“Stop it.” Mrs Hart repeated. You looked at your Mama who’s eyes were focused on Mr Hart.
“Stop it.” But this time it wasn’t said to her husband.
“Stop it.” It was said to your Mama.
You turned your attention to the two of them, not entirely sure what was going on.
“Stop it.” It sounded more eager this time, more desperate, Wanda turned her attention to the Hart woman also, while Kate was still focused on her grandfather.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it-” It continued on. You wanted it to stop too, and you also wanted her to stop saying it to your Mama.
Mr Hart fell to the floor. 
“Grandpa!!” Kate gasped, leaping up to help in any way she could.
He continued to choke, and you noticed a strange pattern between Mrs Hart and Wanda.
She looked to be crying whenever Wanda looked to Arthur, but looked happy whenever Wanda’s attention was on her.
“Mama help him.” You gasped.
Wanda got to the ground and before you knew it she had a piece of bacon in her hand, effectively stopping the choking.
“How did you...” Kate started.
Mrs Hart was still smiling, acting as if nothing happened, your Mama scanned your face, trying to see how you were mentally after that.
“Well, would you look at the time.” Mr Hart mused, shocking you. The man had almost just died and he was worried about the time.
Him and Kate stayed standing while Mrs Hart stood up.
“We better be going,”
“Are you both alright?” Your mother asked.
“We had such a lovely time.” Mrs Hart smiled.
“We should do this again!” Kate exclaimed, seeming to have already forgotten the recent events.
Mr and Mrs Hart looked at her like she was crazy. 
“Thanks so much for coming.” You smiled. Kind of getting over the events yourself.
“Thanks so much for having us, and for the dinner slash breakfast, too.” Kate replied.
Mrs Hart took Kate’s hand and the three rushed for the door.
And with that the door closed.
Wanda let out a sigh of relief.
“I can’t believe you forgot.” You laughed.
“Hey! I did not forget!” 
“Really? You  said you were getting changed, you’re in the exact same outfit you were in when you entered the kitchen, and also, really? Breakfast for dinner being a ‘European tradition’? Since when?” You laughed, she looked a bit embarrassed “Also I’m pretty sure I saw Agnes at one point sneaking in front of the house with a basket of what I assume to be food only to make a dash for the back of the house.”
Wanda laughed. “My smart girl.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Tell me, where did you get that from? Because it certainly wasn’t me.”
“It was you,” You insisted. “You know that, you’re just trying to be humble.” 
Wanda smiled, pulling you down on the couch beside her to cuddle you.
“I love you Y/N, so much.” And I missed you, so much.
“I love you too, Mama.”
(comment to be added)
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
(1) a classic get-together | I got a bad idea series
—> masterlist
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southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: mention of past animal death (horse), alcohol discussion and consumption (r), r gets drunk, messy family dynamics, R is an emotional drunk lmao (enjoy the embarrassment), introduction chapter (I’m sorry if it’s boring, but this sets up the story haha)
a/n: NOT proofread. I’m so sorry for the choppy writing and if there’s any grammar or spelling errors. I’m publishing this right after I had finished writing it. Please be patience with me, I’ll edit later tonight :)
The fields that stretch in for miles and fresh breeze brings a sense of nostalgia when you step out from the car. Small rocks grind together under your feet as you make your way up towards the door. You greet your grandparents with a smile, shrugging your bag further onto your back to hug them comfortably.
“Oh dear, let me grab that for you.”
Your grandpa reaches behind you to remove the weight from your back. You thank him and turn back to your grandma.
“It’s so good to see you,” she starts, “how’s the job doing?”
“Good, pretty good.”
Your mom comes up behind you, resting a hand on your shoulder, “my sister’s family is coming behind us. Can you help them bring their stuff inside?”
You nod at her request, kicking your shoes off and following them inside. Being in the city you’ve had a few dreams about their home. Now being back in town, it feels unreal.
“You can take the guest room upstairs, I have set some blankets out since our AC doesn’t work very well keeping the chill out.”
You thank her and walk behind your grandfather towards the stairway. Each step elicits a cracking sound from the old wooden stairs. He sets your stuff on the bed and pulls you into another hug.
“It’s so good to see you again, it’s been what, almost five years?”
“That’s too long,” you relax into the hug, “it’s good to see you too.”
“We got a new horse. We’d love for you to take him out sometime to get him used to another rider.”
“Well, I can try later in the week.”
He leaves you alone, giving you time to unload your stuff into the drawers. You’re tucking your duffel under the bed when excited voices from below float into the room. There were five more entering into the room, exchanging hugs with one another.
You wonder down the stairs, a smile on your face as you greet everyone you from across. Keeping true to your promise, you walk out to their car to carry any extra luggage they had during their drive down. Your aunt pulls you into probably the tenth hug you’ve had today, and definitely not the last.
“You’ve grown so much. Last I saw you was when you were a senior in high school.”
“And since then you’ve had another son,” you squeeze her hands to show your elation, “congrats.”
She laughs and waves you off, “thank you. How’s your job been treating you?”
“It’s good,” you almost wheeze from the weight of her suitcase. Trying to drag it up the stairs was impossible, she had to help you lift.
Each hour passed brought more people until almost fifty people were residing in the house. There weren’t enough rooms for everyone. Those who didn’t have a room had booked a hotel room not too far away.
It was a flurry of people back to back. The building wasn’t small, but it wasn’t the best space to host multiple family members.
A surprised noise sounds from you when your grandpa comes up behind you and drags you towards his bedroom.
“I’ve been re-fixing the fence out there after that storm a couple weeks ago, and I found this. I want to give it to you before I forget.”
He places a heavy object into your hands. You turn your wrist, flipping the item to look at it better.
“Is this the international coin I lost as a kid?”
He nods and you look at him crazy, “how?”
“You raved over that. Came and told me you were going to be an archeologist. Now here you are in corporate.”
You roll your eyes dramatically and put it in your back pocket, “life isn’t very fair. I would have done that if I could understand math.”
“That’s alright. I’m not good at math either, I leave that to my wife,” he says with a weird laugh, leading you back into the hallway.
The youngest in the family, a cousin of yours, comes barreling towards the two of you. You’re quick to pick him up and rest him on your hip. Though having three younger siblings was a mess in and of itself, it helped you and other’s when you were able to care for the kids during events like these.
“While the others finish setting everything up, would you be alright with watching him until then?”
“I don’t mind,” your answer brings a smile to his face.
You wondered back into your bedroom, reaching into the old closet to grab a few things before heading back downstairs. He squirmed in your arms, whining about being let go so he could find the horses.
It was a matter of time before him, and the three other little ones, spent their time outside with the animals. They believed it was a 24/7 petting zoo where they could slap their hands on an animal for hours and laugh at every movement they made.
For now since the sun was beginning to set, the entertainment had to be inside. That news was seemingly the worse thing to tell him.
“But why?”
“Because it’s dark, there could be a fox out there. They’re not like the horses, they’ll bite.”
“Horses bite.”
“Yes, but for a different reason. That’s because you’re giving them food.”
He has yet to understand that horses can be devils, but now isn’t the time to scare him of the one thing he enjoys seeing. Your aunt is happy to see you with him, and she tells you such.
“Oh it’s no problem.”
“Thank you still for watching him. Once everything is set I can take him.”
“All good. I’ve done this for most of my life it’s like second nature.”
With a squeeze to your shoulder, she’s left to head back to chatting with your parents.
Your grandfather brings you to sit on the couch, letting your cousin play on the almost uncomfortable rug.
“We now have a minute to talk. How’s New York?”
“It’s beautiful, definitely smells at times.”
“Ah, just like here. Your mom told me when you got here that you’re thinking of staying up there, is that right?”
“I think so,” you look down, watching your cousin, “I feel more at peace there.”
“You mean scooping up horse manure isn’t for you? Or hauling hay? Or driving an hour to the store to get more feed?”
“No, not anymore.”
He laughs, “and I was going to ask you to help around this week.”
“Oh,” you start to feel bad, “well I don’t mind—“
He jumps up from his seat, the action causing you to jerk back, “alrighty, thank you.”
He allows no do-overs as he wonders towards the front door. His hands come to grab a nearby person and he shoves them towards you.
“I watched you get roped into work.”
“I didn’t get roped in. I was going to help regardless, or else I’d be staying here for free.”
Your younger brother grins, “or maybe it’s because I’ve had to do all of it while you’ve been gone.”
“I know, you’ve told me this every day since I’ve gotten back.”
He shrugs, “it’s the truth.”
He reaches behind himself and reaches into the cooler, handing you a can. You go to move it out of your face, but he persists.
“I know you’re a lightweight, but one drink? Gonna turn down one?”
The door opens and another group you don’t recognize walks in, you’re taking it from his hands while he’s distracted. You crack the top off on the opener beside you.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be here, it’s that I don’t want to be here with so many people,” he tells you, jumping back when the bottle cap flings at him.
“That’s because you’re an introvert.”
“I can talk to people though.”
“Are you stupid? I’m not calling you awkward, I’m saying you don’t like crowds.”
“That’s the same thing.”
He watches you drink it with a wince, “you didn’t have to do all that to prove a point. You’re still a lightweight at the end of the night.”
“No, I did that because ma’s coming toward us.”
He gives you a faux pout as you get dragged off by your grandma. She brings you to the front of the house, past where a few people had gathered in random spots of the living room.
“I wanted to introduce you because I’m not sure if you remember who they are,” she begins, and her words hit a nerve. She acts like you have dementia after a five year break, but still you put your hand out.
“It’s nice to see you again.”
“You as well,” she responds, and it’s then you realize you don’t remember who they are. The room fades slightly as you wrack your already dizzy mind for something.
Your grandma looks at you funny, “have you had something to drink already?”
In the distance you swear you hear your brother laugh. The mood grows more awkward with each minute. You’re grateful for the people around giving a sense of community while you feel like strangers to those in front of you.
“Neighbors, right? I think we met just before I left for college.”
A short conversation later and the memories appear more clearly. The two talking with your grandparents just before they had driven you to the airport. It was short, but you’re thankful you remember as it allowed you to dodge your grandma’s last question.
Your grandma seats them in the sun room and promptly leaves the three of you, saying she needed to make sure her husband wasn’t ruining the labeling of food.
“How was college?”
You look to the one with a braid, the one whose hands were rough when they shook yours, “it was alright. I graduated.”
“Glad you did what you go to college for.”
Her delivery falls flat and it makes your heart race. Your eyes slightly water, the sight making her face squeeze into confusion.
“How much have you drank tonight?”
“One,” you say with a pitiful sniffle.
You nod and they look at you in amusement. Your eyes follow where they’re looking and they land on the half full bottle in your hands, “oh whoops my bad. Actually this is my second.”
You lift the bottle with a proud look and one has the audacity to clap. You smile silly at the affection and ramble into your city life, delving deep into the tea between you and your boss. The two stay seated, hands interwoven as they enjoy the show you’re giving them.
The wall against your bicep is cold. With the way your body was warming, your skin chased after the feeling. You find your face leaning into it before your whole body is on the ground, right by the doorway.
You were sure you were maintaining wonderful conversation with the two new faces, but everything you remember was becoming a blur. It felt like ten seconds, but it happened open the span of ten minutes. The embarrassment had completely disappeared as you laid there unsuspecting, growing incredibly wasted.
One of the women, the one you recognize as short braid, sits beside you. She puts a hand to your forehead but you try to push it off.
“No,” you cry, “you’re mean.”
“Her face is burning,” she relays the information to her wife. The two look at you in amusement as well as concern.
“I’m burning because a beautiful woman is touching me.”
Your sober self is grateful she chose to ignore what you said. Hands lift you off the ground until you’re lying down on a softer surface, and definitely colder. The pressure on your arm leaves and it spirals you downwards.
You can hear them talking in the back, a man’s voice between them. What they’re saying, you can understand but you’re not grasping anything. With your mind focused on how the cold hand left you, nothing else seems to be your focus. It’s the creaking of the door shutting that feels like you’re drowning.
“Don’t leave me,” you look blearily at the door, “please.”
You hear a laugh, but it doesn’t register as anything other than someone mocking you.
“Fine, then leave me here like to always do.”
“Nobody’s leaving you.”
“No it’s okay. You just hate me”
The expression and dramatic nature exuding from you is hilarious. Every small laugh coming from you throws them off when more tears glisten down your cheeks
“Nobody here is upset at you, angel,” wanda’s hand rubs gentle circles against your back. You find yourself leaning into it, the tears stopping as your mind clears. The floor creeks and you’re being sit up.
“I don’t feel super great,” you mumble to them, “I’m sorry for being annoying.”
“Not annoying,” wanda responds and tilts to your head back, “I have some water and I’d like you to drink some, okay?”
After you’re laying back on the bed immediately. The world had begun to feel dizzying, almost nauseating when she held you upright. Without her hand there, you’d surely pass out.
The room is suddenly too quiet. You had tried to see them but the overhead light took a stab at your already overwhelming headache.
“We’re still here. How’re you feeling?”
Wanda laughs softly and Natasha feels your forehead again, “you don’t feel as hot.“
Your mother enters in then, and you attempt to sit up but you wince. A cry spewing from you, “I can’t see anymore, mom.”
She clicks her teeth, “mom told me you drank too much. Should’ve known. Thank you for helping, I can deal with her from here.”
Natasha’s wrists are enclosed in a tight embrace, your hands squeezing the life out of them with as much strength as you had.
“Please don’t leave me with her,” you whine, “she’ll toss me around.”
The clock beside them reads 11:28PM. She looked to it and sighed, deciding it was too late to deal with anything. Wanda stood from the bed, crossing the room to stand by her.
“I love her but she’s as stubborn as a mule.”
“Completely up to you, but we could her stay on our mattress downstairs?”
“That’s fine. I don’t think she’ll allow any of us to help her, I mean look at her.”
You were half lying in Natasha’s lap, tangled with her body. Dried tear marks lined your cheeks, dust from the floor lining your jeans.
It was a journey trying to drag your body down the hallway. A moment collapsed where you tripped over the rug. The best plan of action was Natasha carrying you princess style. Your grandma got a glimpse from where she sat in the living room.
She rushed to your side, “you taking her back to your place?”
“Only if that’s alright with you. She starts to cry almost everytime we begun to leave.”
“Absolutely,” she pats her shoulder with a slight laugh, “she got wasted, I could tell right away. I’ll have to talk to her brother, he’s collapsed on her bed right now. I’m sure he’s initiating something.”
They wish you a goodnight, stepping back and letting them through. You tilt your head back once they’ve stepped outside.
“Feels nice.”
You back far enough that Wanda reaches a hand to cup your head. Natasha adjusts her hold on you while looking to Wanda.
“I’m betting she’s going to get sick. Our guest room is the closest to the bathroom?”
“I won’t get sick of you,” you tuck your head under her neck. The first minute of the breeze was wonderful, but since then and due to your lack of layers, you’re relying on her body heat.
It gets darker the further you walk from the house. Wanda takes out her phone, using the flashlight to help guide their steps.
The pond nearby holds a connection of small critters, their sounds echoing through the trees. The married couple makes small conversation. Every two minutes they’re trying to keep you awake, but it grew difficult.
“Hey, stay awake. We’re almost there, you can see the porch light.”
“I can’t see shit, I’m drunk.”
Natasha laughs at the quip, enjoying the look of annoyance on her wife’s face. Wanda walks up the porch first, the keys jingling in her hand as she searches for the right one. Their home smells like clean fabrics and floral perfume. Your eyes grow heavy, each step and soft sound luring you in deeper. The gentle nudge does nothing to stop you completely falling under this time.
masterlist | next chapter
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gingiesworld · 6 months
Let’s Go Home
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Stripper Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst. Smut. Fluff.
Summary: Wanda was a teen mom so she had to find a job to provide for the twins since their father disappeared from her life before they were born. So she did the only job she was qualified for. Although during one of her trips to the grocery store, she met a woman, someone who she never realised would become a constant in her life. Although she was afraid to reveal her career to Y/N, she finds out when she is dragged out to a strip club by her friends.
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad (if you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Word Count: 2.6k
Wanda Maximoff had struggled throughout the last years of her teens and her early twenties. The twins are now 7 years old and she manages to keep a small two bedroom apartment over their heads. She never received much financial help from her parents, other than her mom sneaking her some groceries or new clothes for the three of them.
What she never thought that her life would change the moment she stepped into her local grocery store, bumping into a woman, slightly taller than herself.
“I’m so sorry.” Wanda apologised as her cheeks flushed a deep red in embarrassment.
“It’s ok.” The mysterious woman smiled at her. “My eggs aren’t broken so my sister won’t have my head just yet.” She joked with a smirk.
“I.” Wanda was lost for words as she looked into the mysterious woman’s eyes, only just noticing that she wore dress pants, shirt and a leather jacket.
“I’ll see you around sweets.” She said as she walked past her, Wanda’s eyes followed her as she also picked out the box of mac n cheese and hot sauce before heading towards the check out. Once Y/N had left the building, Wanda let out a breath as she soon carried on with her own shopping before her brother dropped the twins off.
As the days went by, she couldn’t get the mysterious woman out of her mind. Her eyes had imprinted into her memory. It wasn’t until weeks later that she met her again, but at a family gathering to celebrate her brother’s engagement.
“Hey you.” She spoke as she stood beside Wanda at the buffet table. “I never thought I would see you again.”
“Well, I am a hard woman to find.” Wanda played along as Y/N smirked, pressing her lips together as she thought of a remark.
“Well, I never thought I would see you here at my colleague’s engagement.” She smirked as Wanda turned to face her.
“So, you work with my twin?” Wanda asked as Y/N nodded.
“Yes, we are currently working on a project together.” She leaned in before continuing. “It’s top secret.” Wanda’s hairs stood on the back of her neck as a blush started to creep up her face. “I’m Y/N Belova.”
“Wanda Maximoff.” She shook Y/N’s hand as the two soon started to fall into easy conversation. As the night soon came to a close and everyone started to disperse. Y/N congratulated the newly engaged couple before approaching Wanda.
“Is it too forward if I say you were the most stunning woman here tonight.” Y/N spoke as she brushed some of Wanda’s hair behind her ear, her twin and his fiancèe watching the whole interaction with smirks on their faces. “Can I maybe get your number, you know so we can maybe meet up again. Just us?”
“Yeah.” Wanda stuttered as she took Y/N’s phone from her, entering her number and saving it before Y/N kissed her cheek before bidding goodbye.
“So?” Pietro teased as Wanda swatted his arm.
“The guest room is set up for you Wanda.” Monica told her. “The twins are already asleep in their cots.” Wanda thanked the two before joining her two 7 year old boys. Smiling as they slept cuddling their plushies before she turned over herself.
The first date went by smoothly, her parents had the twins while Y/N had opted to take her to a chinese restaurant downtown.
“So, what about you?” Y/N asked Wanda. “You know a lot about me now, let me know who you are.”
“Well, I work in a bar.” Wanda spoke coyly, not really giving her real occupation. “I also have two 7 year old boys.”
“Really?” She asked her, with a shocked expression on her face.
“I understand if you don’t want to take this further.” Wanda started to gather her things before Y/N stopped her movements.
“I never said that.” She spoke sincerely. “I was shocked because we are the same age and you must have been 17 at the time of their birth.” Wanda sat playing with her fingers nervously. “All I am saying is I don’t care if you have children, I just want to be able to take you out, make you feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet, because well, you are.” Wanda chuckled lightly as Y/N smiled. “I want to see this through Wanda, maybe meet the twins when you’re ready of course.” Wanda nodded as the two finished the evening, with Wanda telling her about the twins, about how they’re polar opposites.
Their first kiss was shared on their third date, Y/N had opted to take Wanda on a pedal boat down the river, something which Wanda was weary about.
“I feel awful.” She whispered as Y/N looked at her curiously. “I can’t afford to treat you as you do me.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“I enjoy treating you Wanda.” She told her honestly. “I want to treat you how I believe a woman should be treated, and I don’t care if you can’t return the favor because you being here with me, is all I ever want from you.”
“How is this not a dream?” She whispered as Y/N smiled at her.
“Well, the moment you answer my question, you will understand that this isn’t a dream.” Y/N smiled tenderly as she held her hand out for Wanda, helping her out of the boat and onto the dock. “Wanda Maximoff, will you be mine?”
“Yes.” She breathed as she stepped forward, kissing Y/N passionately as she wrapped her hands around her neck. They broke the kiss as the smiles on their faces grew, pressing their foreheads together.
“You make me so happy Wanda Maximoff.” Y/N whispered before Wanda pressed her lips to Y/N’s once more.
As Wanda needed more money, she had to take on more shifts at the club, leaving the twins with Agatha, her neighbour, but she also had to cancel on some dates that she and Y/N had arranged, just so she could make ends meet.
As the months went on, the two grew closer and their feelings grew deeper. Y/N knew before Wanda that she was in love with her. She wanted to tell her but every chance she had, she chickened out.
“Come on Y/N.” Maria smirked as she wrapped her arm around her best friend’s arm. “It’s my night!”
“I know.” Y/N smirked as Maria dragged her into the club, Sharon and Daisy behind them. “You are marrying my sister.”
“And you are my maid of honour.” Maria smirked as Y/N nodded. Groaning as she realised the club they had entered. “Come on, I deserve this. I am going to be with Nat for the rest of our lives.” She pleaded as her eyes caught sight of one stripper walking by.
“Fine.” Y/N nodded as Maria dragged her to the bar, buying their drinks before taking a seat in front of the main stage.
“Now please welcome our very own Scarlet!” A voice sounded over the music, everyone’s eyes on the curtains as a woman in a red lace lingerie walked towards the pole in the center of the stage.
They watched as she moved to the music, doing her routine before Maria nudged Y/N’s arm.
“Is that?” She questioned as Y/N’s eyes met Wanda’s.
“Wanda.” She whispered as she moved away from the stage, taking her glass with her and downing it before heading towards the bar, taking a seat in a vacant stool.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t know she worked here.” Maria apologised as Y/N waved her off.
“Neither did I.” Y/N spoke bitterly as she spotted Wanda approaching her.
“Y/N, can we talk after my shift?” Wanda asked as Y/N clenched her jaw, watching how most of the men had their eyes on her half naked form.
“Sure.” She finished another drink before asking for a refill. “I’ll be here.”
“I think you should stop Y/N.” Maria told her as she took the drink away from her.
“What time do you get off?” Y/N asked her as Wanda looked at the clock behind the bar.
“Two hours.” She answered as Y/N nodded, pursing her lips as she stood up.
“I’ll be outside.” She told her before leaving the bar, Wanda’s eyes watching as she disappeared. Maria went back to the others as Wanda finished her shift before collecting her tips at the end. Heading out to see Y/N sat on the curb, the rain pouring down as Wanda approached her.
“Let’s get you home.” Wanda whispered as Y/N took her hand, the two headed towards Y/N’s apartment before Y/N let go of her hand, only five blocks away from her apartment.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re a stripper?” Y/N asked her, pain in her eyes. “Do you not trust me enough to tell me?”
“No.” Wanda told her. “Of course I trust you, I trust you with my life and Billy and Tommy’s lives.”
“Then why did you lie to me?” She asked her, the rain pouring down heavier as Wanda sighed.
“I was ashamed.” She answered her. “I thought that if you found out about my job, you would think less of me. You would think I’m a whore.” Y/N shook her head as Wanda chuckled, moving her hair out of her face. “It’s what everyone thinks, my father thinks that of me without the whole stripper job because I got pregnant and had the twins at 17. I never graduated high school, never went to college or even had a job while in high school. It was all I could get to be able to put a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs and clothes on our backs. I try to put money away for the twins' college funds and that isn’t working very well.”
“Wanda.” Y/N whispered as she stepped closer, her hands reaching out as Wanda slapped them away.
“Just say it.” Wanda spoke shakily. “Just say that it’s over and we can’t see each other. Just do it.”
“No.” Y/N shook her head as she took Wanda’s face in her hands. “I never want to say goodbye to you.” A small smile formed on her face. “I love you Wanda. I am so in love with you that not having you in my life hurts me. It physically hurts me.” Wanda listened as she spoke. “I think you are the strongest woman I have ever met in my life. You have raised two wonderful boys on your own. You have provided them with everything they need and more. You did all of that while working a job that not many people would take.” She gazed into Wanda’s eyes. “And that is pretty fucking amazing to me.”
Wanda pressed her lips to Y/N’s in a passionate kiss, her hands holding onto Y/N’s wrists as they pulled away. The two panting as Y/N spoke.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered as Wanda nodded, Y/N taking her hand as they practically ran to her apartment. Once the door was closed, Wanda started to remove her jacket before she pulled Y/N in for a searing kiss. Gripping onto the collar of Y/N’s jacket before she pushed off of her, leading her way towards Y/N’s bedroom. Pulling away completely as she pulled her own top over her head, revealing a different bra to what Y/N had witnessed her in, Y/N stepped closer as Wanda’s hands reached behind her back, unclasping her bra before Y/N’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against her.
Caressing her face as she brushed the wet hairs away from her face, soon moving her thumb to softly graze Wanda’s already swollen lips. Watching as Wanda opened her mouth to take Y/N’s thumb, sucking on it as she started to unbutton Y/N’s shirt. Slipping it off before she bit onto Y/N’s thumb.
Y/N watched as Wanda swapped places, pushing Y/N onto the bed, leaning up on her elbows as she watched Wanda finish stripping until she stood bare. Sighing as Wanda straddled her lap, her chest brushing against Y/N’s as she leaned in to kiss her fiercely. Y/N’s hands gripped into Wanda’s flesh, keeping her close to her as she pushed her tongue through Wanda’s lips, making her moan as their tongues danced together.
“Ride my face.” Y/N whispered as they pulled away slightly.
“What?” Wanda asked unsurly.
“I said.” Y/N husked out. “Ride. My. Face.”
Wanda didn’t hesitate in moving so her aching core was lined with Y/N’s face. Y/N’s hands holding onto Wanda’s thighs as she lowered herself down, sighing at the contact as Y/N’s tongue ran through her folds. Gasping as Y/N’s teeth grazed her clit before thrusting her tongue into her hole. Wanda gripped the headboard as she thrust her hips, Y/N’s nose hitting her clit the right way as Y/N pulled her down more.
“I’m so close.” Wanda whispered followed by a guttural moan as Y/N pulled her closer, her tongue going deeper than before, soon sending her over the edge. Her thighs clenching as Y/N lapped up every drop before Wanda moved from her. A sigh leaving her lips as she lay beside Y/N, watching as she moved to get something from her closet before stripping.
“Are you ok my love?” She asked Wanda as she hovered above her, their skin ghosting over Wanda’s.
“Yes.” She breathed out as she looked up into Y/N’s eyes. Her arms wrapped around Y/N’s neck, pulling her down and kissing her hard, their tongues dancing as Wanda gasped, feeling the strap run through her folds as Y/N rolled her hips.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” She reassured the woman beneath her. Slowly insert the silicone toy, inch by inch until it was all inside. Wanda’s legs wrapped around Y/N’s waist as she started to thrust her hips lightly. Swallowing Wanda’s moans as their kisses became none existent. Their hips moving together as Wanda kept Y/N’s body flush against her own.
“Fuck.” She gasped as Y/N lifted her legs, throwing them over her shoulder, hitting her at a different angle, making her mewl at the new position,clenching around the toy as she could feel herself getting closer. “I’m so close.” She screamed as Y/N moved to capture her lips in a rough kiss, the two moaning as their nipples brushed together. Wanda’s legs soon trembled as she came, screaming Y/N’s name as she slowed her movements, helping Wanda ride out her high.
“I love you.” Y/N whispered as she caressed Wanda’s cheek, a smile on her face as she admired the woman below her.
“I love you more.” Wanda whispered before kissing Y/N softly, both were finally happy with their lives, having confessed their feelings for the other, despite their fears and insecurities.
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
Party's Over
Pairing: Police Officers! WandaNat x Fem! Daughter! Reader, Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Summary: Sneaking out on a Thursday night to join your girlfriend at a party wasn’t what your mothers thought they’d be dealing with when one of them gate crashes the party.
Warnings: Angst, Some Fluff Mentions of underage drinking, Language Warning, mentions of drugs, Reader is 17, so is Kate, Slightly Overprotective Parents, Character Death ?? | 2.2K
AC: I hope you all enjoy this little idea I had x
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Music filled the house party full of teenagers from several different high schools, red cups full of beer in the hands of most, people scattered throughout the house, some in the pool and others in small groups of their own. You snuck out after hours ago to join your girlfriend, Kate, for a bit of rule breaking fun. 
Kate, wearing black jeans and her archery club dark purple t-shirt, could barely keep her hands off you, especially when you were wearing the leather jacket that she had gotten you for valentine's day, a plain black t-shirt underneath finished with black jeans and a pair of your mom's black combat boots. Kate placed a kiss on your neck while her warms were wrapped around you from behind as you poured another two beers for you both, "wanna go upstairs?" she whispered. 
A soft smirk tugged at your lips, you nodded, placing the beers on the table before following your girlfriend upstairs to an empty bedroom. Kate knew you weren't ready for anything physical, and she respected that, the furthest the two of you had got was a steamy make out session whenever you were home alone, tonight was no different. Kate gently brushed your hair out of the view of your neck, "may I?" she looked up at you, you knew what she was asking, "just small ones" you replied. 
Her lips pressed against the skin on your neck, lightly sucking to leave a faint but noticeable mark, she left a total of four hickeys on your neck before her lips were pressed against yours once more, your tongues exploring each other, too distracted to hear the loud yelling from downstairs over the music. 
"Yeah, yeah! Save it!" The police officer shook her head, "The party is over! Now I suggest you all get out of my sight before I take everybody down to the station and call your parents!" she added, grabbing a plastic red cup out of a party goers' hand, "and I am sure they won't be happy with the fine they'll get for underage drinking!" She went on. The house quickly went form a fun party to teenagers dropping their drinks and rushing to get out of the house. 
"I'll check upstairs" the red head's partner commented before walking up the stairs, "Who's house is this?" the officer looked around at those who didn't move, raising a brow when neither answered. 
"Alright kids, that's enough" A voice interrupted your make out session, Kate's hands all over your arse. "Parties over" the officer added when you pulled yourself away from your girlfriend, rolling your eyes at being caught. The officer followed you and Kate downstairs where you heard a familiar voice. Your heart skipped a beat when you came eye to eye with your mother, Natasha. 
"Y/n" she said your name sternly, full of disappointment, "Kate" she said in the same tone as her eyes shifted to Kates. You knew you were in deep shit, especially when you were supposed to be at home and studying for next week's history exam. Your mother looked back at you, her jaw clenching as she tried to keep from giving you a lecture in front of everybody, "Officer Hill, could you please take these two outside" she added without breaking the strong eye contact with you. 
"Mom, can we please just go home?" you asked while sitting on the seat by her desk, your arms crossed while your mother gave you the silent treatment. "The best thing you can do right now is keep quiet!" she replied, shooting a disappointed look your way. You rolled your eyes once more before looking across the room to your girlfriend and giving her a soft 'I'm sorry' type of smile. Just then, Nat rose from her seat and walked over to Kate, you watched from your seat but were unable to hear a word that was said. 
"Does Clint know you were out tonight?" Natasha asked the blue-eyed girl, she shook her head, "No Mrs Romanoff, I told him I was staying at your place tonight with Y/n to study" Kate replied with the honest truth, she knew better to lie to a cop, let alone Natasha Romanoff. 
"Right. I'm going to give him a call, I'll have one of the offices take you home" Natasha spoke sternly seeing how scared Kate was from getting into trouble with the red head. "Another thing" she paused, looking directly into Kate's eyes, "I know you and Y/n have been dating for a while but if I ever catch her with hickeys on her neck again, you won't be seeing her any longer, do you understand?" 
Kate nodded, "I understand, I'm really sorry Mrs Romanoff" she replied. 
"Good, Officer Hill will take you home, I'm going to call Clint now." 
You watched your mother wander back to her desk and pick up the phone, your eyes drifted over to take and mouthed "what did she say?" but Kate just shook her head, making you mad at your mother for whatever was said. 
"What did you say to Kate?!" you demanded as your mother opened the door to your home, "Go upstairs to your room!" Nat replied, ignoring your question as you stormed into the living room. Wanda paused her sitcom and looked at the two of you confused. 
"What's going on? Why are you dressed and why are you home so early?" she asked, standing up from the sofa. Natasha was set to knock off work at 2am but here she was at 11pm. 
"Do you want to tell her or should I?" Nat looked at you while her hands worked on taking off her gun holster belt. Full of frustration, you turned to your mom. "I snuck out, okay?! I snuck out and went to a party with Kate! I don't see what the big deal is! I am 17 for god's sake" you snapped. Wanda wasn't impressed with your actions but she was always the calmer parent when it came to conflict. "Now tell her about the marks on your neck" Natasha added. 
"Oh what?!" you moved your hair to the side, showing your mother the hickeys that Kate left behind, "these?! Just some fucking hickeys?!" you added. 
"That is enough! You do not speak to me like that! Do you understand how worried your mother and I would be if something happened to you?! Did you even stop to think about that? You are still a teenager!" Natasha's voice rose with anger, deep down her own fears were beginning to show. 
"Honey" Wanda walked up to her wife, "go take a shower and calm down, let me take this one" she added in her soft tone that always helped Natasha take a moment to breathe. 
"God!" you snapped once more, "you act like I am supposed to be this perfect child and do nothing wrong, all I ever do is do good by you and the one time I want to do something for myself you act like it's the end of the world!" you added, Wanda turned around and now both your parents were looking at you. "Do you know how fucking annoying and embarrassing it is to have the entire school know that my mothers are police officers" you went on just as Wanda opened her mouth to say something, "I never get invited to parties because nobody wants you two to show and up ruin it just like you did tonight! Now everybody is going to think it's my fault!" You finished before storming upstairs to your room, slamming the door shut. 
Of course, your mothers knew their job title would eventually cause an unspoken issue but after seeing your little outburst, they only just now saw how much their jobs were affecting your social life. 
After a while, Wanda came knocking on your door. "Honey, can we talk?" she asked, poking her head in. You tossed your phone to the other side of your bed and sat up as Wanda walked in and sat down on the edge of your bed. "Don't give me that lecture about mom loving me so much and she is only mad because she cares, please" you sighed. 
"But you're right on that sweetheart, she does love and care about you so much, you're our baby" your mother reached for your hand, "do you know what we see every single day on our job?" Wanda asked causing you to roll your eyes, "I know, I get it" you huffed. 
"Honey, please, listen to me" your mother tilted her head ever so slightly, "you're 17, you're young and you're going to do things that mom and I aren't going to agree with but at the end of the day, you're our little girl. No matter how tall you are, you'll be 50 and still our little girl, your safety is so important to us.
Mom told me what she said to Kate, she doesn't mean that. You're just growing up so fast and now you're dating, it worries us, but I know you're safe and Kate is a lovely woman and I hope she isn't to upset with your mom" Wanda couldn't help but brush a lock of hair behind your ear, "I know our jobs take a toll on you and I spoke to mom, she's going to drop the possession charges on the brothers who lived there but I can't let you sneaking out slide. You broke our trust a little tonight, so I am only doing this because I love you and I want you to really understand that" she went on. 
"Mom, please! it was one time" you sighed knowing that your punishment was coming. 
"Hopefully the last. You're grounded, no going to Kate's this weekend"
"Mom! You've gotta be kidding me!?" You snapped, pulling your hands away from your mother.
"I'm sorry love, but it's only fair" 
 The weekend went by slowly, not only were you not allowed to stay at your girlfriends for the weekend but Natasha and Wanda both agreed to confiscate your phone for the weekend. You spent the whole of Saturday in your room, ignoring your mothers whenever they came by, they knew you were upset but so were they. Come Monday morning and you were over the whole ideal. 
"Good morning" you smiled as you took a seat at the dinner table, Wanda made a quick eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast, all three of you were at school and work today. "Somebody seems happier today" Natasha replied as she looked up from the newspaper, Wanda pouring herself a mug of coffee while you took a sip of your orange juice. 
"Yeah, I did some thinking and I guess you guys were right to be worried and I am really sorry" you explained. Both your mothers looked at you, Wanda smiled softly, "I'm glad you see the situation from our shoes" she spoke.
"But" you looked to Nat, "mom, you can't talk to Kate like you did. I know you want to protect me from literally everything, but I trust Kate and she's always been so caring and respectful towards me. Thursday night was the first time she'd ever left marks on me, and I liked it and if the time comes and I want to sleep with her, I will" you added before taking a bite out of your toast, leaving Natasha speechless. You rose from your seat, your toast still between your lips.
"You're leaving already?" Wanda asked, slightly assumed. 
"Yeah, I have a test today and I want to get there early to see Kate" you replied, grabbing your backpack before wandering over to Nat and placing a kiss on her cheek, "I love you mom, have a good day" you spoke before doing the same to Wanda, grabbing your phone from her before leaving the house. 
"Love you too honey!" You mothers called out in sync. 
You knew you'd have the house to yourself after school, so it wasn't a surprise that you invited Kate over to make up for the lost time from the weekend. Upstairs in your bedroom, laying in Kates arms as she read you her English essay while her fingers ran through your hair, her voice calming you from the build-up of nerves that you had felt all day. 
"Mrs Potts is totally going to fail me on this" Kate chuckled as she threw her essay to the side once she finished reading it. "Don't say that! you'll pass! It covers everything the assessment said to cover" you replied, looking up at her. Kate frowned slightly, "what's going baby?" she asked seeing the uncertain look in your eyes. You sat up slowly and shook your head lightly, "I don't know, something feels off ever since lunch, I'm probably just stressed about todays test" you replied trying to brush off the uneasy feeling you were having. 
Just then, you heard the front door open, "Mom's home! I'm going to ask if you can stay for dinner" you smiled, leaving Kate in your bedroom as you wandered down the stairs. One look at your mother and that uneasy feeling suddenly made sense. 
"M-mom?" You questioned looking at her, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Mom, what happened?!" you asked, fearing the worst.
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Taglist: @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @romanoffs-widow | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | @music-4ever | 
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vlansy · 3 months
Run Away Baby Before I Put My Spell On You
Pairings: WandaNat! x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Natasha and Wanda is set on a mission to find out who the “new” super hero in town is.
Warning(s): Violence, Voyeurism, murder, use of gun, swearing- (MINORS DNI 18+ )
Reader’s POV
“Make a move and I'll blow this little shits head off!” the man holding the gun against the little girl's head said, voice trembling.
“You talk to much.” I roll my eyes as I raise my hand, wisps of white energy forming.
I blast him with it making him go flying across the room, breaking the walls as he cries in agony.
I look at the little girl. “Are you okay?” I said as I crouched down to her level and examined for any injuries.
She just stared at me while crying.
I look at her with a worried expression. I touched her head and she flinched. “Can you let me in?” I ask.
She was confused but nodded at me. I wiped her tears and creased her cheek to calm her down.
I close my eyes as I try to figure out what happened before I came to her rescue.I searched her mind for answers and when I got them I opened my eyes and smiled at her.
“Let's go get you to your mom, would you like that Gracie?” I ask.
I could see the shock on her face when I said her name but I felt that she trusted me so I took her hand and walked down the hallway.
I could sense people coming our way so I moved her to my back, and as I did the men turned the corner gun in hand and ready to attack us.
One of them tried to fire a gun but I took the gun in his hands without moving out of where I was standing and turned it to him.
But before I pulled the trigger I made sure to use my other hand to move the girl and create a shield-like energy around her so she wouldn't see or hear anything inside.
Once I was sure she wouldn't be traumatized I turned my attention to the men who were ready to attack.
I pulled the trigger of the gun that was still in the air. As the man I shot fell down all the other men started spraying bullets at me. I used my powers to stop the bullets coming my way and turned them around to where they came from.
Some of them got hit but not enough for them to die, so they tried to come close to me but before they could a force of magic held them in the air.
They struggle to get out but I won't let them. They turn bright red choking on their breath as I squeeze them tight with my powers.
I pull one of them close to me still in the air.
“What a pathetic man you are,” I said my eyes glowed golden as he took his last breath in front of me.
As soon as they all took their last breath they all fell to the ground.
I look back at the little girl, the force of magic surrounding her now gone.
I took her hand and by the time we were almost at the entrance of the building I stopped.
She looked back at me confused.
“It's okay you can go, your mommy is waiting for you outside,” I said smiling at her.
“Thank you,” she said shyly and ran out the glass doors.
It was there I heard the police cars wailing and the people in distress outside.
“Mommy! Mommy!” I heard the little girl.
“Oh, sweetheart! Thank God!” The woman the girl ran to said in relief while she hugged her little girl.
I heard the police entering the building so I made a wall of illusion to cover up that I wasn't there and ran up the stairs looking for a way out.
Once I made sure no one saw me I jumped out the window and flew away where it was safe.
Natasha’s POV
Wanda and I were cuddled up in bed when we were interrupted by J.A.R.V.I.S.
“Miss Maximoff and Miss Romanoff, Nick Fury wants all of you in the meeting room, for a meeting.” the A. I announced.
I rolled my eyes as I looked down at Wanda cuddled comfortably on my chest.
“I swear if Fury keeps interrupting us like this I'm going to kill him.”
Wanda giggled as she started getting up out of the bed. “Come on baby, it must be something important.”
I sighed as I got up from our bed, Wanda held my hand as we got out the door.
Wanda and I have been dating for well over a year now and we both are happy but we both know that something is missing, like our hearts combined aren't as complete.
We entered the meeting room and everyone else was already in there.
“What’s so important that you had to disturb us this late, Fury?” I asked as we sat down.
“Yeah, Mr. Nick Fury, I still have school tomorrow,” Peter said walking into the door with a blanket wrapped around him as he rubbed his eyes.
Everyone looked at him asking the same question in their head.
“As you all know there have been sightings of a woman dressed in white going around the city saving people, some call her the masked woman and some call her a goddess.” We all look at Thor at the mention of “Goddess”
“What?” He asked innocently.
Fury flashed an image on the screen of an entity flying out of a building. “This is one of the images taken just minutes ago by one of the people who were outside the building, The building was said to have been attacked by men of the mob boss Don Carlo.” He explained and moved on to the next slide.
It was a video of a man tied up in a chair, he looked like he'd been through shit.
“I-I’ll tell you anything just don't kill me!” the man pleaded. “What did you see in there?” someone asked in the background. “A woman s-she had a mask on s-she held me in the air without touching me, and then she threw me across the room,” he said clearly still traumatized.
“Well, shit looks like we have another weird one!” Tony joked and I glared at him making him shut up.
“So she has powers like Wanda?” Steve asked.
“Cool!” Peter exclaimed now seemingly awake.
“Telekinesis, yes. But that's not all.” Fury pressed the remote to the next video of a little girl.
“Gracie, can you tell us what happened?” the little girl nodded. “She knew my name even though I didn't tell her, and she can make people float in the air! And when there were a lot of bad men she made a cool bubble around me!” the child exclaimed with twinkling eyes.
“That was a statement of a little girl who didn't get out of the building quick enough and lost her mother inside because of the commotion.”
“If she's really a Goddess, then why is she here?” Wanda asked.
“That is what I need you and Romanoff to find out,” Fury said crossing his arms.
“Okay, but Thor do you not know her?” I ask.
“Sorry Lady Natasha but she doesn't look familiar to me.”
“I want you both to find out who she is and gather as much info as you can about her, I'm relying on you both is that clear?.” Fury asked.
“Yeah,” Wanda said and I nodded.
“You may all go back to your rooms.”
Wanda and I both looked at each other as we walked down the halls.
“Nat, I feel something is gonna happen,” Wanda said and I looked at her confused.
“What is it detka, are you okay?” We stopped down the hall and I looked at her worriedly.
“I don't know but when Fury showed the woman earlier I felt my powers more, I can't explain it.” she looked at me with a worried expression.
I held her face in my palms. “Hey, we'll figure it out, okay?”
She smiled at me. “Okay.”
We went to our room and I held her to sleep.
Reader’s POV
As I sat on the couch eating a bowl of ice cream I turned on the TV and watched the news.
“So who is this person who's been saving the people and why is she here? Is she another being from space or is she another God that will save us or potentially put us in danger?”
I scoffed, really? Do I look like an alien that they would think I'm from space?
I laughed at the thought. But my smile faded when I realized that they’re on to me now. Probably the FBI too, and The Avengers.
“Omg, the Avengers are on to me now?!”
(That's all for now but please tell me if it's bad or not lol, but I hope u guys like it)
(This is readers mood board btw)
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demontonic · 7 days
Could you possibly do a WandaNat x FEM daughter reader where reader comes home with bruises from being bullied and tries to hide them but fails? And also that the reader is being cyberbullied please? Thank you!
Mothers Know Best
WandaNat x GN!Reader Mothers Know Best
tw: bullying
word count: 845
The air seemed to still once you entered your home, your legs sore and beaten as well as your hair tangled and ratty. You make a feeble attempt to smooth your hair down in the mirror by the front door, anyone who knows you however could tell you were shaken. Your arms were scratched all the up to your elbows from when you shielded your face. Mama Nat always suggested that she teach you basic combat to which Mother Wanda always declined. They both wanted to give you a normal household, keeping their abilities to a minimum to ensure regular development. In hindsight as Wanda begins to feel your overwhelming emotions, she starts to doubt her decisions.
Quietly sitting in your room, changed into a shirt with long sleeves and pj shorts, you try to process everything. Why has it always been so hard? Why was it always you? What was wrong with you? When would you stop feeling like this? Would you stop feeling like this?
“Of course you will love.” That sweet voice that had always been there when the monsters felt too real, or when you fell and hurt your shins. Her red hair came into view and the smell of vanilla and everything sweet filled your senses. You’re old enough to know about their enhancements without babbling on to everyone. Of course sometimes you hated the mind reading, but when you couldn’t face up to reality like now, it was a godsend.
“Just mean kids, a bad day, long walk home… I’m okay.” Lying right in front of Wanda was a stupid decision for anyone who dared. So when her hands grabbed your wrist and pulled your sleeve back you simply trembled. No argument or excuses to be made once her eyes zeroed in on the damage done to her precious baby.
“Who the fuck layed hands on you?” A voice you grew to both fear and respect rang like alarms in your ears. Your eyes catching on Nat’s fierce emerald pair, dread filling your stomach.
“I fell on my shortcut thr-“
“Through the creek.”
“Through the creek.”
Clearly they were tired of you defending your assaulters, it was common now. You believed that if you stopped caring they’d pick on someone who would give a reaction. Now being halfway through the school year your Moms have decided otherwise.
“Is that why you cry after getting phone calls? Are they bothering you at home now?”
“I don’t know who makes the-“
“You know the group who’s capable, that’s enough for me.” Nat took a seat behind you, cleaning off the thin scratches with a warm damp towel. Wanda sat in silence, hearing your mind race a thousand miles an hour. Her fingers brushed over your legs as she began to notice bruises, both old and some still forming.
“Tell us what happened, you know I don’t like forcing this information out of you.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal.”
“I either hack into the accounts that contact you and find their addresses, Wanda reads your mind, or you can tell us what happened.” Nat’s voice was stern, you could hear it falter as she tried to remain gentle but she succumbed to her instincts.
“It was a group of people from my art class, the teacher really likes my art so everyone calls me a teacher's pet. It only got worse when they found out I’m adopted. Today was just out of nowhere, I didn’t know they were following me. They kicked at my legs and shoved me into the bushes. That's why there’s… so much.” You ended with a hushed voice, gesturing to the visible marks.
“Those children are just that, children. They’re far less intelligent than you, emotionally and intellectually, you are different and they don’t like that.” Wanda brushed hair out of your face in order to lock eyes with you, cementing every syllable that came out of her mouth.
“So don’t let them work you up this much kid, in a few years you’ll laugh at them because they’re stuck working in fast food places.” Nat rested her hand on your shoulder while offering you a kind smile. You loved these moments, relished in them to be exact. You felt safe within their presence because you knew they’d do anything to maintain your happiness.
“You’re right, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it like that before.”
“Sometimes you just get caught up in the moment, just know that we’re always here for you- and! We love you, always.”
“Always.” Nat added as she kissed your forehead before standing and heading towards the door.
“Now I made some really good cookies that should be ravished while they’re still warm.” The three of you smiled as you followed Nat into the kitchen, the evening following as normal. A snack, tv shows, dinner and a movie. Tonight however Natasha and Wanda spent a few minutes finding the parents of these kids to make sure you’d never have to deal with them again.
I know it’s really short however I thought it best to keep this as like a drabble/scenario. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this cute little work, I am hopeing to produce better pieces in the very near future! In the meantime please do not be afraid to send requests and look through my masterlist!
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Peace in the Silence
Hollowed Oak
Happy Reading 🥺❤️ | Welcome Home Angel
SoftDark!WandaNat x Fem!Reader
TW: Middle Child Syndrome, flashbacks of neglectful parents,
SMUT! 18+ !! Minors DNI!! (Blurb)
Oral/Face Riding (W receiving/N giving)
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Hollow—a state you're far too familiar with. Actually, it's one in which you've come to welcome with open arms.
To feel has brought you nothing but pain—letting someone in, and allowing them the opportunity to fill the hole in your heart—well that's just proven counterproductive. Always ending the same way, as you fall back into the same pattern of loneliness after getting a taste of what it's like to be wanted, to be cherished. Only ever gaining a new crack to be etched into your heart, usually followed by a few angry tears to be shed.
Sitting in your office chair, you reflexively type up the quarterly budget reports for your boss. Unchanging routines, as mundane as they were, brought you the sense of tranquility you needed to get by. In this moment though, your focus was elsewhere, and the anticipation of it was actually stressing you out.
This weekend you will be going on a solo camping trip, and you're feeling the smallest traces of excitement at the planned getaway. Camping is a cherished hobby of yours, being one of the only memories from your childhood that you'd held onto fondly, and it usually affords you a brief moment of pure happiness.
This weekend you will be going on a solo camping trip, and you're feeling the smallest traces of excitement at the planned getaway. Camping is a cherished hobby of yours, being one of the only memories from your childhood that you'd held onto fondly, and it usually affords you a brief moment of pure happiness.
"Y/N! Your dad will be here in less than thirty minutes, be ready or you're not going!" Your mother pointlessly barked up the stairs, as you'd already been ready to go since last night, and if she paid enough attention to you she'd have known.
Every summer—without fail, your father drives into town and swoops you and your younger brother off to take you on an excursion through the wilderness.
"I'm already ready mom." You shout back.
"Watch the attitude or you'll stay home." She irrationally seethes, and you blink in rapid succession as you try to see where your attitude had lied.
Luckily for you the doorbell ringing through the house had shifted your mothers attention, and your father's booming voice was soon followed by scuffling feet.
"Daddy!" Jack shouts as he runs into your father's arms.
"Hello my babies, we excited to sleep under the stars?" He beams, and you shyly nod while your brother giddily jumps around, and you catch sight of your mom rolling her eyes.
Your mother swiftly lifts your little brother up, pulling him in for a tight hug, then gently kisses his cheeks before returning him to the ground. Then she startles you by tightly gripping at your shoulders, shaking you—almost aggressively—while discussing Jack's schedule in detail with your dad.
The car ride to the campgrounds is usually full of tense silence on your end, while Jack talks your dad's ear off about his newest interest. Once he pulls up to the site you're flying out of the car, immediately working to pitch the tent, while Ric unloads the remainder of the gear.
"You're getting faster at that little one..." He coos, but the sincerity just isn't there, and you can already feel how disinterested in this trip he was.
"Thanks dad!" You enthusiastically reply, then get to scavenging the surrounding areas, collecting bark, twigs, and leaves to add to the firewood for dinnertime.
When you arrive back with an abundance of natural resources you're greeted by an empty lot. Grateful for the silence though, you set up your hammock and get to reading your book. Not long after getting settled do you hear your brother's shrill giggles, and you look over to see your dad carrying a bucket of fish.
"Y/N! We're back, and we caught so many fishies!" Your brother beams, and you jump down to greet his giddy form with a tight embrace.
"Did you catch them all by yourself?"
"Yes! I caught the biggest one, daddy show her!!" He shrieks, and tugs you over to the spot where your dad is currently preparing them.
"Thanks for collecting all the stuff Y/N/N."
"No problem dad." You reply with a gentle smile before doing whatever you can to help.
Every year he'd take you to the same grounds, and each day consisted of something different. From climbing the trees, to swimming in the lake after your hike, everyday was an adventure that taught you to appreciate the world around you.
In many ways though, it also taught you how to become comfortable with your own company, having found many a place to relax with a good book. Because, much like your mother, Ric also took a preference to Jack.
Family is a rather sore subject for you, since Eva—your mom—simply detested you, and Richard—your father—waited until you were well into your twenties to learn how to raise a family. Camping had been the only thing he'd had to offer you.
Eva never got over her first love—Jonathon, and their failed relationship had been directly tied into your conception. Granted, it was her choice to cheat on him, and her Catholic upbringing that left her to be stuck with you. She had prayed to God that you'd come out resembling her husband, and ensured she paid her repentance every Sunday without fail.
Once it was obvious Jon hadn't fathered you, the divorce papers were on her table upon arriving home from the hospital with you, and a custody battle ensued over your eldest sister Maria. It's almost as if Jonny boy was banking on the infidelity. Richard stepped up for all of three years, leaving him just enough time to see you out of diapers, before Jack was being placed within them. Funnily enough, your mom had found it within her heart to blame you for the end of that relationship as well.
Still, your mother looked at you as if Satan himself had been the one to father you...
Maria was your mother's prized possession, the golden child who could do no wrong, though you're certain that was all her father's doing. Your mother only got her for the summertime, and every other holiday break. Her father was a nice, hard working man, who'd even been generous in his offers to include you and your brother in his plans with Maria. Pettiness was your mother's favorite past time though, so you'd only experienced one trip with them.
You, well you were the area of overwhelming tension in her life. "I love you," was never a phrase you heard from her mouth, and you surely never felt it when her hardened eyes were all you'd ever been met with. Your existence was merely a test of her patience, and if it was her test for getting through the pearly gates of Heaven, she'd surely failed.
Jacky boy was your mother's final baby—her only son, and in turn he was her pride and joy. She'd never been able to keep a man's attention for long after two failed marriages, so she settled on corrupting her son into providing her with that love. She'd coddled the poor boy, you're almost certain he never heard the word 'no' before his adult years, and now she's sort of paying for it in her retirement.
Still, some broken part of you is feening for their love, and affection, so you do your best to make a living that's accommodating to supporting them as well. Maria separated herself from your mother just as soon as she had a taste of freedom, and outside of well wishes on your birthday, she's done the same with you. Jacky boy can barely manage a checkbook, let alone hold down a job, so in some twist of fate the burdens fallen to you. Allowances sent weekly help to keep them fed, and cover the collection of bills that her SSI, and his "Twitch Streams" can't.
Richard, you now know, was the definition of an absent father. The one who felt two weeks a year was suffice, as long as it was followed up by a monthly check. Once you reached your teens though he'd just completely disappeared. Adulthood was interesting—painfully so, finding that out the hard way once you met his demon of a partner at the wedding you'd humorlessly received an invite for. Somewhere along the way—in your teens, she'd somehow shaped him up; now you watch as your baby siblings grow up with a present father through maliciously tagged photos on Facebook.
A few more mindless clicks on your keyboard, followed by a painful sigh is your reminder that your taste of freedom is just around the corner. This camping trip is your chance at an escape, where you get to use your measly week of PTO to forget the obligations that surround you, ignore the restraints of the world and the expectations— to truly be free.
"Natasha, today's the day!" Wanda giggles out while pulling the thin sheet back up over her bare chest, arching her back as Natasha's tongue continues to work wonders on her.
"Detka... As excited as I also am, you're spoiling the mood." The assassin grumbles, having now pulled back much to the witches dismay as she lightly scoffs.
"How could talking about our incoming angel spoil anything?" She dreamily questions, twirling her hairs around her fingers while gently biting her lip, as she's dreaming of you.
"Moment ruined." She groans, crawling back up to hover over her lover, lowering her lips to hers for a chaste kiss, but then reveling in the intensity she's suddenly met with.
Wanda holds tightly to her shirt, then once she's got her right where she wants her, she uses her firm grip to flip their positions.
"The moments just beginning my dearest one." She relays with a playful tap to her nose, and a subtle wink before lowering her drenched core down over her lovers face, and moaning loudly as she aggressively rides her tongue until her previously built up release floods out of her.
Wanda falls back onto the mattress in a state of bliss, allowing a nap to consume her before she had to get up and work strategically to bring you into your new life—the one you were always destined to live.
Wanda might be overtly smitten, but it was actually Natasha who was the first to notice you in the forest two years ago. Immense longing was easily readable in your eyes, and she just knew that you'd be the perfect fit for them. Once she'd convinced Wanda to come and take a look at you though, she'd found your camping spot emptied. Wanda had thought her lover was finally losing it after the abundance of years they'd spent in 'forced' solitude.
They've been living under the blanket of Wanda's magic in the forest, after their many failed attempts at finding the perfect, final piece to their relationship. While working as full time superheroes, the women had been—unbeknownst to their friends—participating in some less than savory extracurriculars.
After getting married the two of them moved into their own house in the city of Westview, having no real need to explain away why they hadn't wanted to live in a tower full of men. Truthfully, they'd chosen the run down town to quietly begin their search for their missing piece; a beautiful woman that would one day provide them with a family, love them wholeheartedly, and be their perfect angel.
Their plans, though seemingly pure on the surface, had been anything but. Their crimes left them to live a life in exile, and ended up earning them some pretty colorful nicknames. "Wicked Witch of Westview" was Wanda's given title, having been found to be utilizing her powers in an attempt to mind control various women into playing the submissive part. Granted, she could've continuously done it, but it was entirely too draining, and in the end she just wanted the love to be real, not fueled by her tendrils.
Natasha "Widow Maker" Romanoff was a bit on the nose given her previous Avenger title, but nonetheless it fit the crime. While Wanda's focus was on their 'angel,' her's was on their partners. Surely they could've found single women, but in the moment, there was something about the thrill of the chase that kept her going while Wanda worked her magic. She'd hold them captive in her basement, forcing them to watch as they made love to their wife before subsequently ending their life.
Two years, six women, and countless dead partners and the couple began to feel like there was no hope left. The failed 'angels' had their memories completely wiped, and were left without even a semblance of who they were when they were dropped off in a random state. The final woman they'd attempted to mold into the perfect 'angel' had played along, so well in fact that she even had the privilege of spending time outside. Little miss Susie pulled a fast one over on the women, and her escape led to their eventual demise.
Wanda had a choice to make, she could warp the minds of everyone around, thus exhausting herself even further, or she could just live a life on the run with her lover. In the end, they decided a life of solitude together wouldn't be too bad, so that's how they ended up in their hidden cabin, and how they'd eventually found you. Once Wanda had finally looked into her lovers mind, she could clearly see their dreamed up future in your distant eyes.
After an unknown amount of hours she'd eventually woken up, getting out of bed to find her lover putting on her rain boots, and the necessary items for today's plan were already lined up.
"Ah-ha! You're just as excited as me!" Wanda teases, before wrapping her arms around her wife's shoulders, teasing smile gracing her face as she leans forward to gently kiss her.
Wanda then yelps at the feeling of Natasha biting into her lower lip until theirs a drop of blood, and she releases her lip with a pop. Pulling back with a smirk, she can't stave off the dark chuckle once she sees her scowl, and the trail of crimson that's fallen upon her chin.
"Oh dorogoy... Looks like you've made a mess." She laughs out before leaning forward to lick the fallen blood off of her chin.
"Now, to respond to your earlier accusations, yes moya lyubov', I'm just as excited as you. We've waited a decade to find the perfect fit, and it seems we've finally found her."
"Shall we get started then?" Wanda cheerfully questions her wife, as the both of them pick up on your truck's loud engine being shut off.
They might've missed their chance with you last year, but the women were dead set on finally making you theirs this year, and if there's a chase then so be it—it might even make it that much more fun.
2,479 Words.
This fic was loosely inspired by my feelings on being a middle child, and more so my recent camping trip in Oregon.
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This is a photo from the campsite, and I found it funny because it sorta looked like the widow symbol.
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Also, please enjoy this photo of a chipmunk stealing my bagel.
Lastly, in true mommy/daddy issues fashion, I might've dropped my parents actual names into this story, but the trauma of the reader isn't exactly my story so don't read too much into that. Personally, I detest my dad, I'd never ever give him even this much glory.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 24 days
Family of two
Summary: …may become a family of three.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x daughter!reader, WandaNat
Warnings: none
Word count: 1230
a/n: might become a series/its own au, might not, it depends so I haven’t decided yet. Let me know what you think!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Wanda hums to herself as she cooks Sokovian food. She is wearing a flowy dress, a neat one but not too fancy. There’s a smile on her face. Her two favourite people are meeting each other today.
“Y/N!” Wanda calls out, mixing the sauce in the pan. “She’ll be here in an hour, hun.”
Y/N, who is pacing around her room, frowns at the muffled words coming through the closed door of her bedroom. The dress she is wearing per Wanda’s request flows in the air as she turns around. It’s a sundress, baby pink with small forget-me-nots printed on it.
She isn’t excited for this dinner. In her thirteen-year-old mind, their family is already complete enough for the two of them. Of course she wants her mother to be happy, but they’ve been this way since she was born, and change is difficult.
Not answering, she huffs and sits down on her bed. The smell of the food is making her mood slightly better, it’s comforting to smell the Sokovian food that she grew up eating, as it’s usually reserved for special occasions nowadays.
For the remaining hour, Y/N stays in her room playing video games while she waits for the inevitable.
A knock comes from the front door of the house at six o’clock on the dot. Wanda sets down the food on the dining table, washing her hands quickly before going to open the door.
Outside the door stands Natasha Romanoff with the widest smile on her face. “Hi, babe.” She kisses her before being led inside. “I brought some gifts for Y/N, or bribes,” she shrugs, “whichever word fits better.”
Wanda giggles, “she’ll like you, don’t worry.” She takes out three plates from a cabinet, setting two of them on one side and the third one to the opposite side. “Y/N! Natasha is here.”
Letting out a breath, Y/N stands up and makes her way out of her room. She has a straight face as she stops in front of her mom and Natasha. “Hi.” Her voice is quiet and her gaze keeps moving.
“Hey.” Natasha keeps looking at Y/N, almost unnaturally much. “Here,” she hands her a bag, “gifts for you.”
“Oh.” Y/N takes it and looks inside. There’s a soft looking teddy bear, some chocolates, and a book she has wanted for a while. She’s bribing me, is her first thought, though she doesn’t say it out loud in front of Wanda.
Her mother is looking at her with her brows raised.
“Thanks.” She murmurs, setting the bag down on the couch before sitting down on her seat around the dinner table.
Wanda gives Natasha an apologetic look before the two women do the same. The atmosphere is treading towards uncomfortable as they all put food on their plates.
Clearing her throat, Natasha glances at Y/N. “So, your mom told me that you like theatre.” Her statement makes Y/N glance at Wanda before she nods. “Are you..in a theatre group? Or do you just prefer watching them?”
“I’m not in a group.”
“Y/N has a hard time meeting new people.” Wanda pipes in once she realizes Y/N is going to be giving short answers today.
“It’s okay,” Natasha says quickly, not wanting the girl to feel embarrassed, “I do too. It’s stressful to meet new people.”
Y/N huffs, her gaze locked on her full plate as she moves the food around with her fork. “How long have you two been together?” She decides to change the subject. She doesn’t want the conversation to be about her.
“Nine months, honey.”
She nods, looking at her mom. “So, is it serious then?”
“Y/N.” Wanda gives her a warning look. “Yes, we are in a serious relationship. And I really love her.”
Her gaze move from Wanda to Natasha, her eyes squinted the slightest. “I really love your mom too.” Natasha says quickly, feeling just a bit threatened.
Y/N hums, going back to playing with her food. She doesn’t know what to think of the situation. Slowly, the table goes back to tense silence. Wanda taps her fingers against the table, her eyes hopping from her daughter to her girlfriend and back.
Biting her lip, she quickly blurts out, “Natasha owns a motorcycle.”
Natasha furrows her brows as she looks at Wanda, who is giving her a look to start talking. “Uhm, yeah? I have a motorcycle.” She mumbles, unsure about where Wanda was going with this.
Squinting her eyes, Y/N lifts her head to look at Wanda. “You think that motorcycles are death machines.”
“Yes..but you think they’re cool.”
“You do?” Natasha smiles when Y/N nods. “That’s great. Maybe you can test ride it someday?”
Her eyes widen in subtle excitement, though Wanda squashes it down right away. “Absolutely not!” She sends a warning look to both Y/N and Natasha.
“When she’s older, I mean.” Natasha corrects herself quickly.
Y/N rolls her eyes, but she has a small smile on her face as she finally starts to eat the food in front of her. For the rest of the dinner, Wanda and Natasha keep most of the conversation going.
“What did you think about Natasha?” Wanda picks out a book from Y/N’s bookshelf before sitting next to her on the bed.
Y/N shrugs, laying her head on Wanda’s lap. “She’s okay, I guess.” There’s a small pause while Wanda looks for the page they last left on. They both enjoy those routine, Wanda reading for Y/N before she goes to bed, even though she thinks of herself a bit too old to have bedtime stories read to her. “I didn’t like it when you said it’s difficult for me to meet new people. It made me uncomfortable.” She mumbles.
Wanda sighs, setting the book down momentarily. “I know, baby, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I was just nervous and it slipped out.”
“You don’t like..talk about my personal stuff with her, do you?”
“No, of course not.” Her hand goes to Y/N’s hair, combing through it softly. “I would never tell anything personal about you without your permission, okay? It was an honest mistake.”
“Okay. I trust you.”
Wanda’s eyes are locked on Y/N’s profile, she can see the slight apprehension on her face. “Are you scared?” She whispers, her fingers moving to Y/N’s cheek, moving around with feather light touches.
“Scared of what?”
“Things changing.”
“Yeah.” Y/N swallows. She fiddles with her hands under the cover. “I’m scared you’ll love me less.”
“I could never love you less, baby.” Her hand moves Y/N’s head to a position where they can hold eye contact. “You love your friends right?And you tell them you love them.” Y/N nods.” “Does that make you love me less?”
“Does saying I love you more make you mean those words less.”
Wanda smiles softly, “exactly.” Her fingertips move from Y/N’s cheek to her forehead, and down her nose. “You’re still my number one priority, and always will be.”
Smiling back, Y/N nods softly, moving around so she is in the most comfortable position. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” Wanda picks the book back up, and starts reading the next chapter.
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wandanatsbaby · 2 years
Ember Leaves au | filler chapter (before the meeting)
Warnings: slight mention of abuse
Series masterlist
You woke up with your back throbbing. You groaned as you rolled over and started to stand up. Once you were up you bent down and let out a little cry as your back popped and the scratches on your stomach rubbed up against your skin.
Walking up the stairs to the heavy door you closed your eyes as it opened knowing that the light would hurt your eyes. Slowly opening your eyes you walked into the room and up another set of stairs to get to your room. The rooms weren't much. They really only had a bed and a small dresser with a window above it.
Heading to the dresser you picked out some clothes and headed to the shower.
Walking past miss Lee you kept your head down.
"Y/n you are to come back straight after school. You know the drill." Was all she said before she walked away to help some of the younger girls.
After your shower you rushed to school and once you saw Peter and MJ you immediately smiled.
"Hey y/n!" Peter said as you come to stand at his side.
"Hey y/n you should go with Peter to see Tony stark. He wanted me to go by I'm busy tonight and he doesn't want to be embarrassed."MJ Laughs as Peter starts arguing with her.
"Fine fine yes. Please come with me y/n." Looking at him nervously you remember miss Lees words from earlier. But not wanting to let Peter down you agree.
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
Welcome To My Blog
I’m Astara / I’m 21 years old / She/Her / Lesbian / I write Marvel fics / I am neurodivergent and struggle with dyslexia.
See my masterlist and request info bellow<3
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Mommy’s got you now (Little/Kid Reader x Mama Natasha)
Fireworks (Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader)
Tiny Dancer (Daughter Reader x Mama Natasha)
Hoodie (Little/Kid Reader x Mama Natasha , Little/Kid Reader x Clint Barton)
Babble (Daughter Reader x Mama Natasha)
The Ice Cream Is Too Hot (Autistic!Reader x Natasha Romanoff)
We Saved Each Other (Natasha Romanoff x Kid!Reader
Autumn Air (Natasha Romanoff x Autistic!Reader)
7 Laps Round The Sun (Mom!Natasha x Daughter!Reader)
Sleepy Bear (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
I’m Not Pinocchio (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Christmas Lies (Mom!Natasha x Daughter!reader)
Best Friend Crush (Kate Bishop x Reader)
Little Devil (Kate x Yelena x Daughter!Reader)
Anchor (Ex!Hydra!Reader x Natasha Romanoff)
Three In The Bed… (Wandanat x Teen!Reader)
Baby Bear (Nat x Sick!Reader)
Mama Bear Mode (Nat x Teen!Reader)
We Can Try (WandaNat x Teen!Reader)
Missing In Action (WandaNat x Autistic!Reader)
Press (Nat x Daughter!Reader)
Math Test (Mom!Scarlett x Daughter!Reader)
First Moments (WandaNat x Daughter!Reader)
Mine All Mine (Mom!Scarlett x Daughter!Reader)
Mamas Girl (Scarlett x Daughter!Reader)
Safe With Her (Scarlett x Teen!Reader)
Send Out An Army (Nat x Daughter!Reader)
For You (Wandanat x Daughter!Reader)
Paparazzi (Mom!Scarlett x Daughter!Reader)
The Dance Recital (Mom!Scarlett x Daughter!Reader)
Birthday Girl (Natasha x Daughter!Reader)
Who I write for-
Natasha Romanoff / Scarlett Johansson / Elizabeth Olsen / Clint Barton / Yelena Belova / Wanda Maximoff / Steve Rogers / Kate Bishop / Tony Stark / Pepper Potts / Morgan Stark / YN x characters listed /
What I write-
Female reader only / fluff / angst / hurt / comfort / mentions of smut / little/kid reader(non sexual) /mental health / Neurodivergent reader /
What I don’t write-
Male reader / detailed smut / homophobia / pedophiloa / darkfics
If I haven’t mentioned anything you had in mind feel free to request it! If I find anything uncomfortable I’ll inbox you privately🤍
My requests/asks are ALWAYS open, you can also PM me about anything! This is a safe place for EVERYONE!
- Astara🩷
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Poor Baby Hope
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CEO!Wandanat x Assistant!Mom!Fem!Reader
BestFriend!MariaHill x Reader
A/N: It’s finally posted!!! Yay 😁 Thank you to all of you for wait patiently. I’m sorry it has taken so long and I will try to write and post whenever I can 🫣
Something Amazing Masterlist
Words: 3233
Genre: Fluff and a little Hurt/Comfort
Warning: Sick People, Cuss Word?
Summary: After a month of dating, on your fifth date, including the family date, Hope gets sick and you decide to stay home with her. Natasha and Wanda understand and decide to make a surprise visit and help.
When I got up and changed, I made my way to Hope’s room. When I got there, I got all her things together to make it easier to get ready for daycare. As I make my way over to Hope’s bed, I can tell some things off. Her face is scrunched up in discomfort and curled up in the fetal position. I put my hand on her forehead and realized she was burning up.
I took her blanket off and turned on the A.C. Next, I changed her into more breathable clothing, a tank top, and shorts. Then, I go to the kitchen to get the thermometer. When I get back to Hope and check her temperature, it’s 101. I place the water on her bedside table and go back to the kitchen.
I start to make soup for Hope, and as I’m preparing the ingredients, I get on the phone to call Hope’s daycare. I start by shaving the carrots' skin and setting the oven to 350. “Hello, this is ‘Happy Trails Daycare’, and you are speaking with Sophie. How may I help you?” I get out a knife and cutting board, placing the shaved carrots on the board, I start cutting them into bite-sized pieces. “Hi, this is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m calling about Hope Y/L/N. She’s come down with a fever, so she won’t be coming to daycare today.”
I move on to cutting the celery, onion, and garlic. “Oh really. The poor thing. Well, I hope she gets better soon. Goodbye.” “Goodbye.” When I hang up, the next person I call is Natasha and Wanda. As the phone is ringing, I prepare the chicken. “Detka, is everything okay?” I put the chicken in the oven and set a timer for 45 minutes, then continued cutting the garlic. “No, I’m sorry, Nat, I can’t come to work today. Is that okay?”
I bring out a pot, drizzle a little olive oil inside, and wait for it to heat up a little before putting in the carrots, celery, and onions inside as well. “Yeah, that’s fine. Can we ask why?” Wanda sounded a little worried. “It’s fine. It’s just that Hope is sick. Her temperature is at 101.” “Oh, is there anything we can do to help?”
My heart flutters at the fact that they sound genuinely worried about Hope. They even want to help. “As much as I’d love the help, both of you have work. So I will take care of Hope, and the two of you don’t have to worry about it.” The vegetables are now soft, so I add the garlic. “Are you sure you don’t want any help?” “No, I don’t need any help. I got it all taken care of. I’m going to hang up now, so both of you get back to work.” I say in my ‘mom voice’. I hear Wanda and Natasha let out a chuckle on the other side of the phone, bringing a small smile to my face.
When I hang up, I take the chicken out of the oven since the timer went off. I added the chicken broth as well as the spices to the pot. I put the fire on low, so it only keeps everything inside warm. Then, I shred the chicken and put it off to the side, covering the chicken and the soup with a lid.
I go upstairs to wake up Hope. When she wakes up, her eyes are watering, showing she’s close to crying. She instantly puts herself in my arms. Whenever she’s sick, she becomes clingy, so it doesn’t come as a surprise. I take her to the bath and start the water, making it warm but keeping it on the colder side. While I wait for the water to fill up, I get her another change of clothes. It’s a long flowing pink dress that’s soft to the touch.
I help her clean her soap up and even do her hair. When she’s out, I help her brush her teeth and hair. Then, I go back downstairs with Hope on my hip and her face tucked into my neck. I turn the fire for the pot up to medium and wait for it to come to a gentle boil. Once it comes to its boil, I add the egg noodles. I then go to the medicine cabinet to get Hope medicine, but the doorbell rings, and Hope lets out a whine since the doorbell is making her headache worse.
On my way to the door, they keep ringing the doorbell, and since it’s hurting Hope, I start to get mad. “I’m coming. Calm down.” When I get to the door, they ring again as I open the door, a bit agitated, I say. “I have a sick child, and your ringing the-” I pause when I see Natasha and Wanda, and my agitation subsides.
I was thoroughly confused since I could have sworn I told them they should stay at work. I raised an eyebrow and moved my arm that wasn’t holding Hope to rest on my hip. “Sorry, we didn’t know Hope’s head was hurting. If we did, we would’ve just knocked.” “I know, Wanda. I’m just trying to figure out what the two of you are doing here.” Hope took a little peek out of my neck to see Natasha and Wanda’s faces. They both gave her a little smile. “We asked if you wanted help.” Natasha shifted her attention from Hope to me. “And I told you I don’t need help.”
Wanda came closer and stroked Hope's head to give her some relief. It obviously was working since she was leaning into her hand. “Exactly, you said need. But we asked you if you wanted help.” Natasha said, putting emphasis on the words need and wanted.
I gave in and stepped to the side, letting them inside. We all went into the kitchen, where I tried to get back to cooking. Keyword tried, but Wanda was pretty adamant that she would do it while I held Hope. I’m not really used to all this help. I mean, I know I have Maria, but she’s too busy doing things to help most of the time. Leaving me to do everything by myself with Hope clinging to my side. So having someone try to lighten my load feels foreign, let alone two. Reluctantly I let Wanda finish making the soup.
I get out the medicine, and as soon as Hope sees it, she starts to whine. “No, mommy. I don’t want it.” She starts squirming, so I put her down and crouch to her level. “I know, it tastes nasty, but it will make you feel all better.” I get out a cup and apple juice from the fridge to fill the cup with. I turn around to face Hope. “How about right after you drink the yucky medicine, you can drink the juice. Then you won’t even know you drank the medicine.”
Hope asks to be picked up, so I place her on the counter. I give her the medicine and hold onto the juice waiting for her to take her medicine. When she drinks it, her face scrunches in disgust and immediately goes for the juice. She chugged it all down like she hadn’t had anything to drink in days. “I can still taste it, mommy, and it’s yucky.” I let out a little chuckle and picked up Hope with the cup in her hands. “How about you drink some water?” I take Hope’s cup from her and put it in the sink.
“But can I just have more juice?” I give her a laugh. “That’s cute but know I think you’ve had enough juice for a sick girl.” I kiss her on the forehead and make a cup of water, and she drinks most of it. “All better, little love?” She nods and hides her head in my neck again. Before the rest of her water can spill, I take it from her hands and place it on the counter.
“The soups done.” Wanda says in a quiet voice so as to not hurt Hope’s head any more than she already had. I look over at her, and she’s making two bowls. Natasha comes up to me and places her hand on my lower back. “Why don’t I feed Hope while you eat, detka.” I’m about to decline Wanda speaks up. “It wasn’t a request, moya lyubov’.” “But-” As soon as I let that out of my mouth, Wanda’s head tilts to the side, so I know I’m not winning this one.
“Little love.” She looks up at me, looking a little tired and weak, which breaks my heart a little. “Can Natasha feed you while mommy eats?” She just nods and reaches for Natasha. Natasha has a smile on her face that reaches her eyes when Hope reaches for her. I’ve only ever seen that smile when she’s with Wanda and, as of recently me. It truly warms my heart, and I feel my heart skip a beat.
Natasha takes Hope’s bowl from Wanda and goes to the table, where Natasha lets Hope sit on her lap. When I go to reach for my bowl, I remember that they need to eat as well. “What’s the matter, moya lyubov’?” “What are you and Natasha going to eat?” She gives me a smile and a kiss on the head. “We already ate before you called. It’s okay. You can eat.” Satisfied, I take the bowl and a seat next to Natasha. Wanda follows me and takes the other seat next to mine.
When Hope and I finish eating, I take our bowls to the sink while Natasha takes Hope to the living room. When I get to the living, the first thing I see is Hope cuddled into Natasha’s chest and Natasha stroking her head. Wanda comes up from behind and puts her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder.
“She’s always loved children and wanted one. But we never could.” I turned my head to Wanda, looking toward Natasha and Hope with a sad expression, and her eyes were watering a little.
I turned in her hold and cupped her face having her face me. “What happened?” She had a fond smile on her face. “Natasha was told that she could never have a child. So we decided I would carry them.” A tear rolled down her face as I could feel my eyes start to water. “We had twins. Billy and Tommy.” Her fond smile turned into a sad frown. “But they had defects that could be helped, and eventually, they both succumbed to them.”
The tears were now coming out of Wanda’s eyes like a waterfall. I wiped away the ones I could, and eventually, she stopped. When she looked into my eyes, she looked so broken, and I didn’t know what to do. So I grabbed the back of her neck with both my hands and kissed her. Wanda brought me in closer by my waist. I felt her lips form a small smile. When I pulled away, she still looked sad, but she looked happier.
Wanda took one of my hands from behind her neck and brought the back of it up to her lips and gave it a peck. We went up to Hope and Natasha hand in hand. “Hey, Hope, how do you feel about watching a movie? Your choice, of course.” Hope took her face out of Natasha’s face and gave Wanda a nod and smile. Hope decided that she wanted to watch an ocean documentary because the animals are pretty. Her words, not mine.
That didn’t stay on too long because the animals were killing other animals, and Hope didn’t like that. So instead, we just watched Clifford (because Hope is an educated child and knows good cartoons.) Hope spent the rest of the day going between the three of us, and when it was nap time, she slept in Wanda’s arms.
At the end of the day, at Hope's bedtime, I started to lull her to sleep. I walked around with her head on my shoulder. I also rubbed her lower back to soothe her. Hope fell asleep after only a half-hour, it would have taken a shorter time, but since she was sick, it didn’t help.
After I tucked her into bed, I went to my room where Natasha and Wanda were. They are in some of my pajamas, sitting against the headboard with space between them. When I go onto the bed, I place my head on Natasha’s lap and my feet on Wanda’s.
Natasha stroked my head gently while smiling down at me. “Hi, detka.” I gave Natasha a hum of acknowledgment. Wanda started massaging my feet, and I let out a groan of relief. “Moya lyubov’?” “Yes.” I turn my face, so I can look at Wanda.
“Will you be our girlfriend?” I give them a smile that reaches my ears. “My goodness, Wanda. I knew you were brave, but I thought you’d have Natasha ask.” Wanda gave me a light slap on the leg, and we all laughed.
“So, is that a yes or a no.” I sit up, grab Natasha by the neck, and kiss her. When I pull back, her eyes are still closed. ”So is that a yes.” I laugh and hit Natasha’s shoulder, then I kiss Wanda.
“Yes, that’s a yes.”
When we go to sleep, Natasha is hugging me from behind, and I face Wanda’s direction and lay my head on her chest. In the morning, when we woke up, Hope was feeling like herself again.
But as happy as I am that Hope is all better, that didn’t last long.
Third Person POV
Hope had just gotten up and was feeling much better than she was the day before, so she ran to her mom's room. When she got inside, Y/N was in the middle of the bed with Wanda and Natasha on either side of her. Hope jumped onto the bed, crawling onto Wanda to get to Y/N. Safe to say, that woke Wanda up pretty quickly. Hope started to bounce on Y/N, effectively waking her and Natasha up as well.
“Mommy, mommy, you have to get up. I have to go to daycare. Y/N let out a groan, and when she did, she felt something coming up from her stomach. As fast as she could, she moved Hope off of her, jumped over Wanda, and made a b-line for the bathroom. When she got there, she started throwing up into the toilet.
Hope came in after Y/N and sat next to her. “Do you want me to call Aunty? I would ask the other two, but they don’t look any better than you.” Hope was on her knees with her hand in her lap. Wanda came in right after Hope had said that. Y/N looked like Wanda was about to seconds from falling face-first onto the floor. Y/N shifted her sight from Wanda to Hope.
“Little love, why don’t you call Aunty and tell her you’re going to be staying with her until mommy’s all better.” Hope got excited and shouted okay a little too loud, causing the newly sick people to flinch. Hope followed by saying sorry in a much softer voice and ran off.
Y/N went into the room and crashed on the bed. “You look like crap.” Y/N lifted her face from the bed to look at Natasha. “Haha. Well, you’re not looking any better, hot stuff.” Y/N groaned again and hid her face in the bed.
As all the adults were having a terrible time with their fever, Hope was in her room calling Maria with Y/N’s phone. “Sup asshole, whatcha calling for?” Hope was very confused as to what that word meant, so she asked. “Aunty, what’s an asshole?”
On the other end of the line, Maria’s eyes went wide. “Hope! What are you doing with your mom's phone?” “Mommy and the other girls here are sick, so she said to call you. I need you to take me to daycare.”
Maria waited for her heartbeat to slow down before she responded. That’s when she realized Hope said ‘other girls’. That meant that Wanda and Natasha were there. And Maria being Maria, assumed that something 18+ happened. So with a smile on her face, she said. “Okay, I’ll be right over.”
When Maria hung up, Hope ran to Y/N’s room and jumped onto the bed. “Aunty Maria said she’s on her way, mommy.” Y/N gave her hum and stroked her head.
When Maria got there, she let herself in and went straight to Y/N’s room. Maria leaned against the open door with a smirk. Natasha was lying down with her arm covering her eyes. Y/N had her feet tangled with Natasha’s and her hands covering her face. And Wanda was in the bathroom hunched over the toilet.
“Wow, the three of you look like crap.” Maria laughed but refused to enter the room with the sick people. Y/N just sticks her hand up and to give her the middle finger. Natasha and Wanda feel too much like crap to care that someone they barely know is seeing them at their weakest.
Hope came out of the bathroom where she tried helping Wanda by rubbing her back, saying, ‘mommy rubs my back when I get sick. Hope ran into Maria’s arms, and Maria lifted her up. “Hey there, pretty girl. How are you?”
“I’m okay, but mommy and her friends aren’t.” Hope tilted her head with doe eyes. “Yeah, well, with all the se-“ Maria looked at Hope in the eyes, and Hope looked at her confused. “Fun adult stuff they were no doubt doing if one of them were sick, it would make sense that all of them are now.”
“What fun adult stuff?” Hope brows were furrowed, looking between her mom and Maria. “Maria, we didn't do anything like that. Hope was sick, and they came over to help.” With a huff, Hope crossed her arms and made a pouting face. Then a face of remembrance crossed her face. “Mommy, what’s an asshole?” Y/N shot up and looked at her daughter. Maria's eyes went wide, but Y/N assumed it was because she was surprised. “Hope, where did you hear that word?”
“Aunty Maria. When I called you, she said, ‘Sup asshole’” Maria covers Hope's mouth to try to get her to stay quiet. Y/N gave Maria a death glare. “MARIA HILL, I SWEAR!” Maria started to run downstairs.
”MARIA HILL! DAMN YOU, AT LEAST DON’T FORGET HOPE’S BAG!” Maria got Hope's bag and left as fast as she could. She could deal with Y/N rath some other time.
Natasha was trying hard not to laugh, but eventually, she couldn’t hold it. Y/N gave Natasha a death glare. Wanda came out from the bathroom and put her hands on her shoulder. “Why don’t we all take a nap and calm down.”
Y/N took a breath and lay on Wanda’s chest. Y/N decided she’d give Maria a piece of her mind when she was better.
@sweetmissnothing, @anartistsmuseinlondon, @mrswidowjohansson, @ho0ope-maximo0off, @marvelwomen-simp, @natashaswife4125, @xinied,
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Gingie's Kinktoberfest
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Hey awesome people, this is my first ever Kinktober event and I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store with a range of characters from Lizzie with appearances of Nat and Maria too. The list and dates they will be released are as below.
1st: MILF Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: It has been a while since Wanda has had an orgasm so she asks her best friend for a helping had.
3rd: Natasha Romanoff x Porn Star Avenger (Amab! R) Summary: Reader is a porn star and Natasha is a secret fan, especially when she learns that the masked crusader on the hub is indeed her fellow Avenger
5th: Therese Raquin x Fem Reader Summary: Therese is unhappily married to Camille and she has always had feelings for reader who was also part owner of the pub. So one night when Therese decides to let loose and have some fun, she finally takes what she wants.
7th: Gerri Fields x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Gerri Fields still goes to college a virgin where she meets an old school friend she used to admire before graduation. The two soon start to date and Gerri asks them to be her first.
9th: Maria Hill x Lower Level Agent Reader(Amab! R) Summary: Maria is on a mission with reader who makes one tiny mistake and she is fast enough to berate them on the way back to headquarters. But Reader stands up for themselves which soon turns into something more ;)
11th: Step sister Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda visits her step sibling in the city and they offer to take her to a club. The two soon get drunk and Wanda finds herself dancing seductively which doesn't help with the tension that was between them before ;)
13th: Jane Banner x Mob Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Jane Banner was always the one who wore the trousers but that was until she met Y/N. The mob boss who she was trying to take down. Soon finding herself tied to their bed as they used her for their pleasure.
15th: Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Readers favourite place to be is between the Infamous Black Widow's legs. Pleasing her until she squirts.
17th: Step mom Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda overheard Y/N screaming her name only to walk in on them jerking themselves off to the sinful thoughts of their step mom.
21st: Innocent Wanda x Step Parent GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda comes home after being dumped by her boyfriend since high school in search of comfort. Soon receiving more than she never knew she needed from Reader
23rd: Maria Hill x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: At one of Tony's parties, exes bump into each other and soon fall into old habits.
25th: Assistant Wanda x CEO Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Reader requests a little bit more off of their assistant and she is more than ready to comply as they bend her over the desk.
27th: Bratty Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Natasha decides to be blunt and abrupt with reader who doesn't care for it, especially when she is cocky and disrepectful in front of their friends.
29th: Wanda Maximoff x Stripper Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda hires Reader claiming it is for a Bachelorette party which turns out to be sex party for all of her friends.
31st: WandaNat x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Both Wanda and Nat are persuing reader thinking they are clueless but they are loving the attention a little too much.
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romanoffscottage · 3 years
thank you to everyone who sent in a request! the requests for flufftober are now CLOSED as all the spots are full. my regular requests are still open just keep in mind it may take me longer to write them <3
october 1st: natasha romanoff x reader confession of love + "you're hugging me too tight"
october 2nd: natasha romanoff x reader + wedding
october 3rd: natasha romanoff x reader + “you’ve always felt like home”
october 4th: natasha romanoff x reader + “i didn’t know you [insert hobby]” + making halloween costumes
october 5th: natasha romanoff x reader + giving nat one of those reversible octopus’s
october 6th: natasha romanoff x villain!reader + enemies to lovers + “is that drawing of me?”
october 7th: natasha romanoff x reader + baking
october 8th: natasha romanoff x reader + honeymoon
october 9th: natasha romanoff x reader + shy about asking for cuddles 
october 10th: natasha romanoff x reader + “can we stay in bed today” + watching a scary movie 
october 11th: natasha romanoff x reader + sleep talking 
october 12th: natasha romanoff x reader + rainy day cuddles 
october 13th: natasha romanoff x reader + looking after you when you have a concussion 
october 14th: blackhill + haunted house 
october 15th: natasha romanoff x reader + “can i hug you?”
october 19th: mom!nat x daughter!reader + pumpkin carving 
october 22nd: natasha romanoff x reader + taking care of each other when sick
october 23th: natasha romanoff x reader + picnic
october 25th: natasha romanoff x reader + stargazing + “you remind me of the moon”
october 28th: natasha romanoff x reader + “we should get a puppy!”
october 30th: natasha romanoff x reader + yelena giving reader the shovel talk
october 31st: mom!nat x daughter!reader + dressing up as the black widow for Halloween
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Between the Lines || Part XV
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PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: none for this chapter.
Note: Regular posting? We don't know her but still be kind to me and don't let this flop LOL I think this chapter was just hard to write with certain parts which took so long </3 the next few ones have been easier to write!
Please remember taglists are gone but you can follow my library blog for notifs! <3
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Library Blog
Count: ~7.6K
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Everything feels numb as you move through the motions.
You feel something's ringing in your ears, blocking out any other sounds. People are speaking to you, but you can't hear anything.
You quickly look up when you feel David's hand on your shoulder. His face is filled with worry, brows furrowed together as he looks at you. You feel something burning in the back of your throat from his look alone.
"Shit," David only says before he pulls you into a tight hug, maybe even too tight, but it feels good. "I'm so sorry that happened. I'm so fucking sorry." You don't say anything. He's not apologizing like it's his fault, but he can see the devastation on your face even if you don't show it.
"Are you ready for this?" David asks as he pulls back, looking behind you.
Everyone was there, but you couldn't even bring yourself to look at Natasha since she showed up. She had tried to approach you when they arrived at the scene, but you had sharply turned away. It didn't take too much to figure out what happened, but Wanda was the one who explained anyway.
You couldn't look at Wanda either.
Liam was the first to speak when silence fell, planning what they needed to do. He was the furthest removed from this situation; it was easy for him.
They called for Tony right away, who arrived on the scene shortly after to handle the body. He had looked at you, and it was like he recognized something behind your eyes. He slapped you on the shoulder and told you it would be okay before he left.
You stared at the small apartment, a police car at the front, and a confused babysitter at the door along with Allison.
God, Allison looked tired but confused.
You felt something constrict in your heart so painfully, squeezing the life out of you, threatening to break your ribs next. You could see the news being broken to them. The babysitter's hand flew to her mouth, and Allison stood there with her eyes wide, unsure how to take the information.
"No," you croak. "I'll never be ready but if I don't go there, I'll only be a coward along with a murderer."
David looked ready to protest, but you had started walking off, approaching the policemen.
"Lainey!" Allison cries, breaking out of the babysitter's grasp as the young girl flies into your legs, wrapping her arms around them as she buried her face into you. "The policemen are saying mom is gone! Tell them that's not true! She's just working!"
You feel a sting hit the back of your throat. Your hands balled into fists tightly for one moment before you released them, wrapping your arms around Allison.
"Allison, sweet pea," you pick her up and kiss the side of her head, and it was something in your voice that Allison picked up that she began wailing. "I know, I know," you whisper as you bounce her in your arms to comfort her. She was so young still, growing bigger every day but not even nine yet.
The policemen could see that you were close with the family as they looked at each other.
"Does Allison have any other immediate family who can look after her? Her father, perhaps?"
You shook your head. "Her father passed away just after she was born. It's just been the two of them for a long time. I believe she has an aunt in Santa Barbara. Her contact details should be somewhere in the house, let me go grab it."
The babysitter steps aside for you to walk into the house, and Allison is still crying as you rub her back. You find the contact information on the fridge and pass it to the police officer, and they take it but continue to look at Allison.
"We should be taking her down to the station with us until her aunt can come grab her," one of them said.
Allison wailed louder at the words. "No!" She screamed. "I want to stay with Elaine! You can't take me away! Tell them, Elaine!"
You shushed her softly as you patted her back, and she wrapped her arms around you tighter.
"I'm listed as one of Allison's approved guardians to pick her up from school," you tell the policemen. "That should be enough for her to stay with me while her aunt makes a flight in."
The policemen noted what you said down, and you were sure it would be so he could check. They grabbed your information before you left.
Silence fell upon the house once more after, save for Allison's soft crying.
"I can't believe it..." the babysitter said, shaking her head.
"You should go home for the night," you tell the babysitter. "Did Deborah pay you beforehand?"
The babysitter shook her head. "She was supposed to when she got home..."
"What's your Venmo?" You pulled out your phone. You give the sitter extra pay for the distressing night and send her off.
"C'mon," you whisper to Allison. "Do you want to stay here or do you want to come over to my place?"
"Your place," Allison whispers, and you nod.
You manage to grab a few of Allison's things from the place before you walk out of the apartment. You notice David, Natasha, and Wanda standing across the street. You place Allison down, and she makes a noise of dissent at it, but you tell her she needs to put on a coat.
"Where are you going to take her?" David asks, the words only making it to your ear.
"To the compound," you say quietly. "I can't take her back to my place. It could be compromised because of Tatyana, and Tony's security system is better than mine. I'll have someone pick up Allison's aunt at the airport for them to meet at Stark Tower after."
"Alright, we'll meet you there," David says softly. "Natasha is asking if she can ride with you and Allison."
You purse your lip, but when you look at Allison, you find the little girl with wet eyes staring at Natasha across the street.
You sigh. "Fine."
Natasha quickly makes her way over to you and Allison when David gives her a nod.
"Hey, sweetheart," Natasha says softly to Allison. The little girl's eyes well up again at Natasha's gentle tone—honestly, yours does too. "It's going to be okay."
Allison nods but doesn't say anything as Natasha offers her hand for the young girl to take. The three of you walk to your car silently, and Natasha sits in the back with Allison. The young girl lays her head in Natasha's lap, and you look once in the rearview mirror, eyes connecting with green ones before you quickly look away and begin the quiet car ride back.
The night passed quickly, and Allison was tuckered out for the most part. But she wouldn't sleep, insisting she wanted to talk to Steve, like Captain America could somehow make it all better.
"I'm sorry, Steve, I know it's late—"
"Don't ever apologize for that," Steve cuts you off. "Shit, we're trying to pack up our things right now for the next flight out. If Tony's jet wasn't being fixed right now, I would be home already."
"No, god, you don't have to—Bucky—"
"Isn't going anywhere. We've lost track of him and don't have a lead. You need me."
Your heart fills up with something that you can't form into words.
"Okay," you relent. "Come home soon."
"Already on my way. Pass the phone to Allison."
You hum before you turn and give your phone to the young girl.
"Steve?" She says in her tiny voice.
"Hey, it's my best girl," You hear Steve say.
You leave them to have their conversation. You step out of the room but lean against the wall, idly listening. Allison looked so young and so tired. She sounds so heartbroken, and Captain America's voice is the only thing holding her together.
God, you did that.
You bite your tongue as Allison finally falls asleep, and Steve mutters a gentle goodnight before he hangs up. You quietly re-enter the room, putting the phone away before you tuck Allison in.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper as you kiss her forehead.
"I need some fresh air," you mutter to the group as you pass them and head down to the main floor. The air is brisk, the moon reaching its peak for the night, and you take off into the trees. You head deep in, hearing the water by the stream.
When you reach the clearing, you stop.
You swallow a rather large lump in your throat. Like a newborn, the emotions stir inside you, threatening to rage and spillover. You take a shaky breath in an attempt to control it—to reign it back in.
But when you think about what you'll have to return to, what will come in the morning, you feel yourself stifle a sob. Fuck, it was all falling apart.
This was a mistake—all of this was a fucking mistake. You should've sent Steve on his way after giving him those books that day you met him.
You should've never invited Natasha to the park date with Allison.
You should've never made promises you didn't know how to keep.
You hear something rustle behind you, and you whip around immediately only to find Natasha coming out from behind a tree. You relax from your defensive posture and turn back around.
"You shouldn't be out here," you say hoarsely. "It's cold and late."
"I could say the same thing to you," Natasha returns at you, and you could practically see her brow raised while she said it.
"Vampires don't feel the cold like you do," you tell her softly. "Our body adjusts."
"It's still late."
"I told you I needed fresh air," you still don't turn around to face her. "Go back inside, Natasha."
"Are you going to look at me when you come back inside?"
"If you aren't, I'm going to stay here until you look at me."
You close your eyes and grit your teeth. "Natasha, please—"
"No, I need to you look—"
"I CAN'T!" You scream as you whip around, eyes flooded with tears.
Natasha's mouth remains agape as she looks at you. Fuck, she's never seen you cry before. Even when you had talked about your life, you hadn't shed a tear.
And now? You were on the brink of drowning in your own tears.
"I can't look at you without feeling the absolute worst about myself!" You sobbed, anguish laced in your voice.
Natasha thinks then she can feel something breaking inside her at the sound of devastation in your cries. Your throat feels raw, burning with shame and wreckage. Your emotions are heightened; you're nearly overcome with hysterics.
"I told you!" You gritted. "I told you that my vows to love and protect mean nothing. I can't even keep one girl's only parent alive—how the hell am I supposed to protect you?"
"That wasn't your fault," Natasha tells you determinedly as she takes a step closer.
"I don't want to hear it, Natasha," you sneered. "I can place the blame all I want on Tatyana, but it doesn't change that I'm the reason Deborah was a target in the first place."
Natasha clenches her teeth because maybe now isn't the time to tell you it's not your fault when you obviously don't want to hear it, not ready to accept it.
"I don't need you to protect me," Natasha says instead.
You let out a snort with a shake of your head. "Right," your voice is despondent. "Because you're Natasha Romanoff, Avenger, ready to clear her ledger." You wipe at your face as you begin to make your way back in.
Natasha grabs your wrist to stop you from passing her. Her eyes are lined red, and you know you're the worst scum to live on this earth for hurting her like you are now.
But you're broken, and you are so, so tired.
Neither of you looks at each other, continuing to stare forward.
"Don't you get tired, Romanoff?" You uttered. "Don't you ever get tired of broken promises?"
Natasha grips your wrist tighter.
"I do," you muttered. "I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not, just so I deserve to love the hero. Everything I love breaks, Romanoff. You're no exception."
With that, you rip your wrist from Natasha's grasp and keep walking, clenching your jaw when you hear a choked sob.
The hand-off of Allison is emotional. The young girl is obviously close with her aunt but not as close as she was with you. She cries, begging you to keep her, and you hate your existence at that moment.
You hate being a vampire, destined to never grow old—unable to keep Allison.
"I'll write," you promise Allison. "I'll write, and we'll video chat often. You can call me whenever you want to."
The promises seem to subdue Allison, but she's still weeping. You stand up, looking at Allison's aunt, Lisette.
"Please don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything. I've set up a trust fund for Allison for school, so you don't have to worry about that."
The woman gives you a kind smile. "You were really close to them, huh?"
You nodded. "I love Allison. Her mother was sweet as well. I'm so sorry for your loss."
"I'm sorry for yours as well," Lisette tells you before she gives you one last forlorn smile.
And then they're gone.
Natasha watches you.
Days have passed since that night in the clearing, and you haven't looked at her once. She notices that you don't seek out Wanda either.
Something stirs painfully inside of Natasha. You were avoiding her, and that was breaking Natasha's heart. She could see you. She could always see you.
Natasha loved you like the sun rising and falling, loved you like a quiet sonnet. So, to watch you loathe yourself—to blame yourself was like watching your flame go out.
Broken promises or not on your end, Natasha's vows to you meant that she was invested in keeping your flame going when you could not.
This is it, Wanda thinks. This is where the line was drawn, and Natasha's patience runs out. She would finally be berated, a well-deserved scolding from the redhead. After all, Wanda can't fathom why Natasha would seek her out otherwise.
They sit in silence for a long time before Natasha opens her mouth.
"Honestly, when I first realized Elaine was developing feelings for you, I didn't know if I had it in me to share her with you," the redhead confessed. "It was hard. You're beautiful, and when you're not being a complete bitch, you're witty, sarcastic, and funny. Although, I will admit there's a certain charm when you're an asshole too."
Wanda doesn't know what to say. She doesn't know why her mouth won't open and tell Natasha that she's beautiful too. So insanely beautiful that it sometimes drives Wanda mad with insecurity. And on top of that, Natasha was also witty, sarcastic, and funny, but also clearly more mature and gracious than Wanda.
"I think a part of me knew right away that you were always going to be something more to her. There's history between the two of you that I can't get involved in," Natasha doesn't even look at Wanda as she says all of this. "And in the end—because I love her—I told her to let herself love you too. I thought that you would love and protect her in ways I couldn't."
The ending words sting Wanda. The implication of them burns.
Natasha finally looks over at Wanda. "But you don't do what you're doing to people you love."
"Are you telling me to stop loving her then?" Wanda asks harshly.
"No, I'm telling you to do better," Natasha deadpans. "I told you there's history between you and her that I can't come in between—and I'm okay with that. Because just like you, there's history between her and me that you can't come in between. You need to learn how to be okay with that."
Wanda closes her eyes because these are things she already knows. God, doesn't she know it, but she can't seem to make her brain listen to her.
"So, despite everything we may do to her, she'll never give up on us. She can get tired and be past the brink of nothing, and she will still find it in her to keep us," Natasha says softly, and Wanda can feel the back of her eyes watering.
Wand knows this; she knows this of you. She knows your kind and forgiving heart, and that's what makes her cry because—
"But I don't want us to be the people that keep pushing her past nothing because we know she loves us and will keep loving us."
The urge to snap at Natasha springs forth like a mousetrap. The impulse to tell Natasha that she has no idea what she's talking about and whatever was happening between you and Wanda was none of her business.
And it takes everything within Wanda to suppress it, and she feels a little more rational when she does.
They sit in silence again, but Wanda feels a little closer, and she wonders if Natasha does too.
"Does it bother you when you see me with her?" Natasha asks quietly. "Do you wish that I weren't around?"
Wanda supposes it's a fair question, that perhaps Natasha was looking for a reason why Wanda was the way she was around her.
But this was also one of those things Wanda couldn't quite explain with coherence. And it might only be because she feels closer to Natasha in this moment with rationality that she's able to admit what she's about to say.
When she says it, Wanda doesn't look at Natasha, staring intently at the ground instead.
"It does but not always for the same reasons. It feels safe to keep you at a distance, but I also want you closer."
Hours—days pass you like nothing.
As a vampire, time was so fleeting. But the numbness? It kept you in a melancholy daze.
This feeling reminds you of the days right after you had lost Tatyana. The despair of being unable to keep your own promises, feeling villainized by your own guilt, and lashing at others.
You want more than anything to deserve Natasha. And while you understand that it's Natasha's decision whether or not you deserve her, you know you don't. But you still love her achingly and pitifully. You yearn for her deeply, wanting to bite her and keep her close. You don't think there's ever been enough lifetimes for how long you could love Natasha.
You wonder if Natasha would tell you that you deserved her if you had told her those words—about how you really felt. But all you do is hide, and you hide from her and hide from Wanda.
It's easy to see what everyone is wondering.
Did you blame Wanda?
But that was something you couldn't answer. There were parts of the situation you blamed her for, but there were parts that you blame yourself for, and there were parts that you didn't blame anyone for.
You blamed Wanda for her recklessness and eagerness to rush after Tatyana. You blamed her for not listening to you.
You blamed yourself for not realizing that Tatyana had always been close by because you had gotten close with humans and were unwilling to use your powers on them. If you had not insisted on the gloves, perhaps you would've known much earlier on.
But the parts that you don't blame anyone for were the parts you hated yourself for the most. They were the parts that made you hide from Natasha, and what you knew were the reasons you didn't deserve her.
Because despite killing Deborah, being the reason why Allison had no mother anymore, you would do it again if you had to. You would choose to save Wanda in nearly any situation, and you would choose to save Natasha in the same. And if you were ever put in a position where you had to choose between them, you would prefer to end your own life.
Leo was wrong. You were not a good person.
Perhaps you weren't a bad one, but you were no hero.
And you wonder if this was what Tatyana meant to do all along—show you what you were capable of to keep what you loved safe. And if it was, had that meant you didn't love Tatyana the way she wanted you to—the way you did now—and that was why you broke your vows to her.
The thoughts made you ill.
A sudden noise makes you nearly break your neck while looking over. You had been hiding on the roof, drinking a bottle of whiskey by yourself even though it did nothing to soothe your pain.
You see who it is and turn your head away disinterestedly. You know you shouldn't, but you feel ambushed.
"I don't want company," you say as you take a swig from the bottle.
"I don't care."
You sigh as you stand up, walking briskly to leave when you're stopped. You look down at your arm and see your wrist being gripped.
You look back up. "Wanda, I'm tired. I don't want to chat or whatever it is you want to provoke me into tonight."
Wanda bristles at the words, gripping your wrist momentarily harder before she relaxes but doesn't let you go. She takes a deep breath before she exhales.
"We need to talk about it," Wanda's jaw clenches uncomfortably as she gets the words out.
"Why?" You demand. "What exactly is there to talk about? Whatever happened, happened. We can't change it and for once, I don't want to do a rehash of it to understand."
You keep your voice steady and calm, which only serves to make Wanda more upset.
"Because you blame me!" Wanda angrily fumes. "You blame me and you can't even say that! All you do is forgive me and because you can't this time, you hide!"
You rip your wrist away from Wanda, dropping the nearly empty whiskey bottle on the ground. It shatters, but you can't even hear it over the blood pumping in your ears.
"I know it wasn't intentional," you retort back at her. "But even if it wasn't intentional, I don't want to talk about it. What exactly do you want from me, Wanda? Do you want me to say it's okay? Do you want forgiveness for what happened? Then, fine, I forgive you and it's okay." You let out a tired sigh. "Are we done?"
You try to push past her and walk for the door, but Wanda blocks your way and pushes you back heatedly.
"We are not done!" Wanda tells you hotly, her face flushed.
She was all sharp edges that pressed uncomfortable against you, threatening to pierce you, and you knew whatever came out would be horrid.
But Wanda seems to always be like that. When the time came, she pushed and pushed and pushed until you were hurtling over the cliff, watching as she jumped after you.
It was something you hated and loved about her because past the edge was something between the lines—what you truly felt.
"For christ's sake! Even if it wasn't intentional, I'm the one who made you lose control. I was reckless, and I made you protect me. You killed that woman for me!" Wanda ran her hand through her hair before swinging her hand back in front of her.
"What do you want me to say?" You bit out, turning away from her.
"Just admit you're fucking angry with me!"
You whipped back around at Wanda, glaring at her.
"You don't think I am?!" You yelled at her, your jaw clenching, eyes ushered with tears. "Allison lost her mother because of me—because of what I chose to do to save you because you wouldn't fucking listen to me!"
"Everything has been so fucking hard, and you've yet to endeavor to make it any easier!" You hissed at her.
"Do you enjoy breaking my heart—breaking Natasha's? Do you like watching when I have to pretend that I don't see Natasha's heart breaking when I love her." You stood close to Wanda's face as you spoke, putting your hands on her shoulders as you gripped her desperately. Wanda's eyes are lining with tears as she looks at you.
"Why do you put me in situations where I become the worst version of myself when I fucking love you too!" The emotion in your throat is raw as your lips tremble.
"Then let's break up!" Wanda screams.
"We will not!"
Wanda sucks in a painful breath between her lips at your vehement refusal. The painful beating of her heart thuds against her ribs, slow and steady.
Your lips press into a stubborn line as your hands drag down to her elbows. "You do not get to run away when things are hard," you grit at her. "I don't know how the fuck to fix what's wrong with us but I love you."
It feels like Wanda's stomach dropped. Her limbs are going numb.
"I love you," you repeat, your tone heated with passion behind the words. "And I know you love me too. You wouldn't be standing here crying like that if you didn't."
The words surprise Wanda, but she realizes her cheeks are wet, and her throat feels raw for other reasons. You lift your hand to wipe away her tears, and Wanda chokes on a sob.
"I'm sorry," Wanda crumbles against you, face into your shoulder as her own wracks from her cries. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
You hold her close, pressing kisses into the side of her head. You can't tell her it's okay because it's really not, but you appreciate her apology.
"I know, I know," you whisper. "We're gonna figure it out. You, me, Natasha—we're gonna figure it out. Even though we're tired, we're gonna keep going until we get it."
And Wanda vows at that moment that she's going to do whatever it takes to fix it with you and with Natasha. If she can make it right, perhaps all three of them can finally be happy.
The headache seems to come and go more often lately, Wanda finds. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or rhythm, and Wanda can only deduce that it's the stress.
Things have been slowly returning to normal, or whatever they were before their confrontation with Tatyana. Your grief still lingers in the air, but you no longer avoid them.
Wanda had found you yesterday with Natasha, sitting outside on the steps. Your head was in her lap as she stroked your head, and tears fell from your eyes as you kept them closed.
Wanda had thought it was ironic. She seems to always be apologizing to you, and you seem to be always apologizing to Natasha. And Natasha? Well, she was the stern but gracious one to you and to her.
And when she watched you sit up, pulling on Natasha's shirt desperately as you pressed your lips sorrowfully against the redhead, Wanda's head hurt like screws drilling into her temples, but she couldn't look away.
"I don't know, I don't think we can rely on just waiting for Wanda to have a vision of where Tatyana to be. I'm not even sure if that was something that Tatyana had just wanted her to see."
Wanda's eyes refocus as she looks at David stroking his chin. They've been in a meeting for the last hour, trying to dig up anything that could find Tatyana again.
They've tried digging through all the street cameras, meeting up with anyone you've befriended in your life to investigate, and Liam and Wanda had tried the ritual locating spell once more.
Everything came up dry.
You were just about to say something when your phone began to ring. Your brow furrowed.
You picked it up and placed it on speaker. "Stacey?"
"Hello?" It was a frighteningly quiet whisper, filled with panic and urgency.
"Stacey, is that you? Why are you whispering?" You ask with a frown.
"Please, please come get me," Stacey desperately whispers back, and you can hear her on the verge of tears, which was unusual for the office gossiper.
"Why? What's wrong—where are you?" You ask immediately, lowering your own voice when you realize you could pose more risk to her if you were speaking too loudly through the phone.
"Josh invited me out. He said it was a small get together. He told me to meet him at the rooftop at work but—but—" Stacey's voice shuttered, and you could hear her holding back the sob. "When I came here, he was dead!"
You immediately stood up, Wanda and Nat along with you. You started walking out of the room quickly while Natasha prepared the car keys.
"Where are you?" You asked. "Work still?"
It was silent for a moment, and you wondered if Stacey nodded instead of actually speaking.
"Yes," she finally whispered. "There's something else in the building."
"Other people?"
"I don't know...monsters. Other coworkers came here tonight too."
"Are they okay?"
"I think so. I ran, and now I'm hiding. I have to be quiet. They hear so well."
You paused.
"Stacey," you said slowly. "Why did you call me? Why haven't you called 911?" You asked warily.
"I heard them talking. They're trying to be quiet too—they're scared of you coming."
"We're going to try to find where the hybrids are taking the humans," David volunteers as he drags Liam off with him.
"You said there could be more than one, right?" Tony begins to levitate off the ground. "My heat scanners are picking up a lot of bodies in the building. I'm going to get the hostages."
Tony bursts off, leaving you with Wanda and Natasha.
"We need to find whatever hybrids are in the building and take them out," you decide. "Stacey said she was hiding on the roof. Tony's making his way up, so let's get to the roof first and make our way down and meet him in the middle."
The two women nod at you. The ground floor is eerily quiet, and you determine the humans are too far up the building for you to hear them. It's almost painful having to wait for the elevator to take the three of you up to the roof.
You open the door quietly, and you can hear someone's muffled breathing in the distance.
The sound of your voice has Stacey popping her head out from what she was hiding behind. Her eyes were watering, and her face was blotchy as she stumbled onto her feet to start running to you. Just as she was a few feet away from you, something blurs past you, coming right behind Stacey as they grip her tightly and hand around her neck.
The scene is both familiar and new to you.
You're brought back to the time Leo took you to see what Tatyana had created in that decimated village and when you were at Liam's home.
This thing in front of you looked like a normal human being until it could bring forth those sickly dark veins under its eyes.
It seemed much more coherent, and that was new.
"Please, please, please..." Stacey began crying. "Don't kill me, Gerard."
One of the missing people.
Except he wasn't missing anymore—he'd been changed.
You try not to make any sudden movements in case it's not as coherent as you thought and gets spooked into killing Stacey.
"Let the girl go," you tell it calmly. The hybrid being has shifty eyes and starts to move slowly, holding Stacey threateningly close. Its plan seemed to be using Stacey to escape unharmed.
"Move, and I'll kill her." His voice was raspy.
The three of you don't move, letting him near you to walk past. All of your minds are racing on how you'll save Stacey.
Natasha is the one to notice and take action first.
Stacey's trembling so hard that she stumbles when she accidentally steps on Gerard's foot. The distraction causes Gerard's attention to look away for just a moment, but Natasha pounces at the opportunity.
Natasha shoots a widow bite out, landing it straight on Gerard's hand, the electric shocks activating immediately. The second Gerard lets go, Natasha moves forward to grab Stacey and push her out of his reach. Stacey's head hits the floor, and she's unmoving.
Gerard lets out a rabid scream at the pain, still forcing through it to leap forward and into Natasha. They tussle and roll on the ground before Gerard bares his fangs at her, shocking Natasha into thinking he's going to bite her.
But he doesn't. He wraps his arms around Natasha so tightly it threatens to crush her windpipe, stumbling back up with his new hostage to get out of this situation. He rips the widow bite off of him as he stares menacingly at you.
Wanda had moved to check on Stacey, who seemed to be okay, just unconscious.
You were frozen in your spot.
You should've been the one to go after Gerard when he stumbled. What use was vampire speed when Natasha's brain seemed to work faster than yours?
The situation turns precarious with the threat still clear in the air.
Move, and the hybrid would kill Natasha by ripping her throat out.
Wanda's eyes trail the hybrid closely. He's desperate as he holds Natasha tightly to him, claws at her throat. Too many things are happening, and Wanda finds it difficult to remain focused. She can hear you thinking rapid-fire thoughts on how to save Natasha. She can hear Natasha's thoughts on how to get out of the situation unharmed. She can hear the deranged hybrid's thoughts on how to escape.
But most importantly, Wanda can hear her own thoughts. And the desperation of the situation has the quiet voice in her screaming finally.
This is your chance—leave her!
Despite how cold Wanda has been towards Natasha, the thought of abandoning her was unfathomable.
Leave her, and we won't need to share!
The voice was so vehement, so unlike her. Wanda's eyes drift over to you for only a second.
She's mine to love, and I'll never let anyone have her.
The words hit Wanda like a cold bucket of water.
That was not her.
All those headaches, the quiet voice in her head, the raging jealousy—that hadn't been her. Those times that she and Liam did the ritual circles and thought they didn't work. They had, and they hadn't realized because Tatyana was in the room with them every time—inside Wanda.
The notion of it makes Wanda's stomach twist so painfully she has to fight the feeling of her limbs going numb.
Time ticks faster than Wanda wants, but it only takes looking at Natasha once to decide what she needs to do. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Willing every ounce of mental fortitude it takes to make up for the lack of knowledge by sheer raw power, Wanda locks Tatyana in.
There's resistance immediately, but Wanda holds steady.
Wanda's eyes lock with Natasha. The explicit trust in Natasha's eyes dredges up a fiery emotion so powerful inside Wanda that she almost laughs.
Jealous of Natasha? Disliking her? Wanting to keep her distance?
It's so absurd, Wanda thinks. There's nothing more Wanda wishes than to have more time to close the distance between them.
A moment passes, but it feels like a million things are being said between them.
It's the only way.
Don't you fucking dare.
I'm sorry.
"We only have one chance to get this right," Wanda says quietly enough for you to hear. "So, you better catch her if you don't want her to break both her legs."
You only get to be confused for two seconds before Wanda conjures up the red wisps of her powers, bending her back before whipping forward. The wisps surround the hybrid and Natasha, forcibly separating the two as Wanda uses one hand to hurl Natasha into your direction.
You brace yourself at the impact, catching Natasha safely, but the blow causes you to fly back into the stone ledge. Your breath hitches painfully as a result, but Natasha is safe from having her legs broken, as Wanda said.
The next moment happens so quickly you feel your heart drop into your stomach.
Wanda uses her powers to propel herself into the hybrid at break-neck speed, tumbling them right over the edge. It happens in slow motion then—she turns her head back slightly, looking at the two of you with sorrowful acceptance. She looks like she wants to say something, but too many words are left and not enough time.
So, Wanda doesn't say anything at all. She merely gives the two of you a minuscule upward quirk of her lips, and it's devastatingly heartbreaking. She turns her head away, and just like that—they disappear from view.
"Wanda!" Natasha screams as she takes advantage of your grip that has loosened from shock.
Next thing you know, you're watching Natasha leap and dive headfirst after Wanda.
"Fuck!" You curse, panic, and adrenaline coursing through your veins.
You blur to the edge, but they're falling too fast down a 700ft story building. You can't jump after them and save them even if you caught them. The impact of the colliding into the ground from this height would kill them regardless.
You turn, forcing every ounce of your body to go as fast as supernaturally possible back into the building, using the stairs to go one level lower. You pry the elevator doors open, looking up briefly to see the car above you. Grabbing the guiding rails, you leap.
Wanda feels the wind whipping into her face as she falls. The hybrid tries to claw at her, and Wanda doesn't have enough control to keep Tatyana inside her and conjure up more magic. All she can do is use just enough to enhance her hand before using it to force the hybrid's heart out like she had with Ultron.
Unlike Ultron, who was made of metal, this hybrid was made from flesh. The consequence was uncomfortably warm and messy, but the body goes limp, and Wanda lets go without another thought.
The view opens up, and Wanda feels the unwanted terror at seeing herself fall, but she doesn't attempt to save herself. Instead, she lets her body turn over so she can face the sky. Maybe if she's lucky, she'll see a glimpse of you and Nat leaning over the edge and looking at her.
But instead, the sight of Natasha only a few feet away from her greets her.
"What the fuck!" Wanda shrieks, and a different kind of terror fills her. She immediately reaches her hand out, and Natasha uses it to firmly close the distance between them.
Natasha wraps her arm around Wanda, flipping them around, so she's underneath with the younger girl on top. As she looks around, she thinks about shooting her grappling hook through the glass of the building and hopes it takes. But if it did, there was a chance they could snap something or die from the impact of the collision. But they were going to die if they didn't do anything at all.
As they get closer to the ground, Natasha is about to try her luck when Wanda suddenly flips them over, so she's protecting Natasha from the impact of hitting the ground.
Wanda knows she needs more power to save them but using enough of her powers would mean she wouldn't have enough to keep Tatyana locked in. It doesn't even take half a second for Wanda to decide. She forces Tatyana out, blocking her from coming back in as she closes her eyes and surrounds her powers around them.
The air around them begins to slow, their bodies jerking slightly at the force of it. Natasha can see the ground now and sees everyone gathered at the bottom. She sees Tony flying with all of his boosters at max to make it to them, trying to force himself to go faster when he realizes it still won't be fast enough. Wanda pushes more of her powers out to save them, even though she's exhausted, and doing so physically feels like the first layer of skin is being ripped off.
Still, using her powers at the last possible second didn't do them any favors as they crashed into you and David into the ground. The two vampires break their fall but at the cost of their own ankles, legs, and back-breaking upon collision.
They hear agonizing gasps, and they scramble off, ignoring their own pain. Your ankle is bent at an unnatural angle when David doesn't move at all.
They call your name along with David's in distress. But just as quick as it happened, the venom in your body takes over and mends everything.
"Oh, god," David bemoans while Liam kneels next to him, checking him over. "That hurt so bad—I think I'm going to have ghost pains from that for a while."
You merely grunt before you sit up, rotating your ankle. "I'm okay," you groan.
Tony lands and takes his helmet off as he runs up towards Natasha. "Are you okay?" He asks before he snaps. "What the fuck is wrong with the two of you?"
Natasha is sitting with her legs spread and Wanda in between them. They look relatively unharmed save for some nasty bruises and cuts.
Wanda looks like she's on the verge of hyperventilating.
"Why would you do that!" Wanda screams at Natasha. "You could've died—are you fucking stupid?"
"You were the one to jump off first with that stupid look on your face that said acceptance all over it!" Natasha shouted back at her. "What the hell was I supposed to do?"
"Let me die!" Wanda shrieks. "I had Tatyana trapped in my consciousness, and if I died, I could've taken her right along with me, and this would've been over. But because your stupid ass came after me, I had to cut her out and save us."
Wanda's words clear up the situation for everyone, and it's like it clicks differently for multiple people about the situation lately.
"Yeah, it would've been really, really over for you," Natasha berates anyway. "That's not what an acceptable outcome is when we haven't exhausted all other options."
"You're the one who told me to stop being that person who keeps dragging you guys past nothing. I was fixing what I've done!" Wanda sneers at her in her asshole way that drives Natasha crazy.
"I said to do better, not go fucking die! Do you know what kind of heart attack you gave me?" Natasha snaps back.
Wanda merely screws her face up in annoyance before she falls into a slightly abashed expression. Her head feels clear for the first time since Ultron, and Wanda wonders distantly how long Tatyana had been inching into her mind.
But more importantly, with a clear mind, looking back on everything suddenly makes sense, like a thundering waterfall.
While she had felt like an outsider between you and Natasha, it wasn't because Wanda wanted you without Natasha.
Wanda had wanted to be included between you and Natasha. All those looks of jealousy and irritation that she couldn't place were partly because of Tatyana influencing her but also because Wanda had been jealous of you as well.
You were someone who got to touch and be loved by Natasha—something that Wanda had been curious about and desired deep down, locked away by Tatyana.
"I'm sorry," Wanda mutters, cheeks red at the realization of it. Just mortifying. She had been in love with Natasha and was just horrid to the other woman the entire time. Yes, partly because of the mind control, but Wanda couldn't imagine how she would reconcile with Natasha after months of hostility. "Thank you for jumping after me and saving me."
She'd be lucky to even have a close friendship with the redhead, never mind trying anything romantic.
Natasha is stunned into silence at the easy apology and gratitude. She looks at Wanda's abashed yet solemn face and can't help but be charmed by it.
Wanda is endearing and even more so that the other girl doesn't even realize she's still holding onto Natasha's hand.
And just like that, it clicks into place. Natasha only has a few seconds to wonder if it clicks into place so easily when Wanda allows herself to be open like she had that night and now.
"I finally figured out what it is about you that bothers me so fucking much," Natasha says after a moment.
Wanda looks at her with pursed lips and confusion. It hadn't really occurred to Wanda that Natasha would be bothered by her—aggravated, yes, in response to how Wanda treated her. But not bothered.
"I want you closer too," Natasha breathes, slamming her lips into Wanda's, gripping the girl's neck to pull her closer. When Natasha pulls back, Wanda is staring at her, breathless, flushed, and shocked. But then tears well up to her eyes, and Wanda starts crying from happiness.
You sigh loudly and dramatically. Your heart is slowly returning to its normal rate. Jesus Christ, these two. But you can't control the relief and utter bliss that's flooding your system.
"You two are going to be the fucking death of me," you mutter, smiling, and everyone laughs.
In a dimly lit room, eyes suddenly open.
"Huh," Tatyana scoffs. "That little witch broke the connection. How dull."
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