#moms spaghetti
catfindr · 8 months
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
the first and last time bakugou katsuki received a solid, heartfelt confession, he was twenty-three.
of course, people have certainly crushed on him—especially once he became a pro hero and made such a huge name for himself. it didn't help that he had the looks to rival a god's, his face and body all chiseled angles and features that pronounced the ruby glow of his eyes and ash-blond of his hair. anyone with eyes knew he was handsome as hell—the only problem was when he opened his dirty, dirty mouth.
that didn't stop people from coming up to him in an attempt to spill their feelings, though.
but katsuki was... well, katsuki. he wasn't fucking dumb—he might not know how to deal with his own emotions, but that didn't mean he was fucking oblivious. he could read a room—he was perceptive. he didn't have time for people's stupid feelings. he shut them down immediately—before they could even get out a single word—not paying them any attention as he scoffed and carried on with his thunderstorm of a life. he was a goddamn hero. he had people to save, villains to fight, battles to win.
all his fans liked him for his hero persona anyways—great explosion murder god dynamight, the one to call when the toughest villain wreaked havoc on the streets. the one who went into battle with a wicked grin on his smooth face. the one who emerged victorious every single time, fist raised in the air triumphantly.
they didn't like him for him—bakugou katsuki, the one who always sat quietly in a corner to observe the people around him. the one who loved to cook in the kitchen, carefully crafting meals with rough, calloused hands. the one who woke up at the dead of night, sweating, shaking, due to the ghosts that haunted his dreams—his nightmares.
katsuki ignored it all, powering through his life surefootedly as he focused on his job, his work. he didn't let anything distract him—throw him—from his course as he aimed high enough to brush against the clouds.
but when he got confessed to by someone he was close to—someone he hadn't realized he was harboring feelings for until they stood right before him—he found himself stumbling, tripping, for once in his life.
katsuki, with all his strengths and weaknesses, had never gotten a full, heartfelt confession before—not one told directly to his face, and certainly not one he wasn't able to quickly shut down before.
it came from you—pretty, little you—with your hands wringing together as you nervously spilled out everything you liked about him. his confidence, his consideration, his sarcasm—fuck, his dumbass humor. you liked him for him, for katsuki, flaws and all. for his scars, for his fears. for the stupid fucking laugh he made, all raspy and grating. you touched his heart. you touched his soul.
and katsuki didn't know how to react.
how could he? he had never allowed himself to be put in this kind of situation before. he was shocked into silence, a flush crawling up his neck as he stood there and stared at you. his brain felt like it was short-circuiting, his throat was parched, his hands felt sweaty.
he was an asshole, yes, but he wasn't so much of one to not feel how sincere you were being. how hopeful you were as you looked up at him and told him it was fine if he didn't reciprocate. it was fine if he broke your heart—because of course you were selfless like that.
but katsuki wanted so badly to open his mouth and tell you he felt the same. he wanted so badly to give you a confession in return that ripped open his heart for you to see all that it had within. but he couldn't. he couldn't.
katsuki cared. he cared and he cared and he cared so much on the inside that he couldn't find the words to express it. he couldn't let himself be so fucking vulnerable, too afraid of what would happen. for all the strength he had, he couldn't open his mouth to tell you the words you deserved to hear.
so he gripped you by the shoulders. and he kissed you like his life depended on it—like you were the only thing that could keep him from drowning in the emotions he had no idea how to deal with after so many years of denying others and ignoring anything other than his work, his duties.
and he could only hope that you wouldn't leave his heart bleeding at his feet.
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quite-vincible · 6 months
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Cecil be like “Does that include yourself?”
Meanwhile, Amanda be like “Wanna see how hard I can bite him?” 👺👺👺
Idk how popular the side characters are in Invincible aside from Atom Eve hahah but I like these guys.
I like to think of their dynamic as Rex and Amanda being chaotic siblings and Rudy is being pulled along with their antics.
Plz nothing bad happen to them, please nothing bad happen to them 😭🙏🙏🙏 u never know with this show!
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oh and AND Anastasia's bones still reside within the tomb! We know other lyctors/part-lyctors were capable of extreme acts of necromancy. Guys, they've been around ten thousand years. Pyrrha was literally suffering locked-in syndrome for (nearly) Ten! Thousand! YEARS! Who's to say what Anastasia experienced when she "misapprehended the process." Who's to say what sort of abilities/disabilities her ascension wrought upon her, and how powerful a necromancer she was.
What would you do with that, if you wanted to kill God? Maybe....become a revenent? And sit there in the tomb. and wait. for her one shot. to not miss her chance to blow. because opportunity comes once in a myriad
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chaos-in-deepspace · 6 days
For that Xavier fic
This is my thanks
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vacantseance · 1 year
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It's a no from me.
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theeeminemshow · 1 year
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nowpause · 1 month
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8 Mile (2002)
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nostalgia-archives · 1 year
Eminem for #MakeAWish Foundation.
Ben was able to meet Eminem at #MomsSpaghetti in Detroit.
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The individual, Ben, posted these today on a public profile. (See IG link below).
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Weird Flex, Benzino
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southernfriedsims-blog · 11 months
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Hollis was feeling himself a little too much during the photoshoot so Sunrise did a lil reality check for him.
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
mentions: tw for death, blood, and gore. no pronouns i think. demon slayer au. angst ofc, w a happy(?) end. unedited af. before u nag at me for bkg being ooc, let me just say y'all r in love ur honor. 3.6k+
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there was something wrong.
the village was quiet. the crunches of your careful steps in the layer of snow coating the ground was the only thing you could hear for what seemed like miles. you were tense, your hand clutching at the handle of the sword at your hip as you crept past deserted stalls and empty houses.
flurries descended from a grey sky that coated your hair and eyelashes. your breath was a misty fog that escaped your lips in slow bursts. you swallowed as your eyes darted from one side of the path you were on to the other. where was everyone? it was not like this village to be so silent, so... dead. it made a sense of dread start deep within your chest, slowly spreading throughout your body like a plague. you didn't like it.
you rounded a corner and froze, eyes narrowing as you spotted something in the snow. you crept closer to it and knelt down, your hand extending so you could prod two gloved fingers at the deep burgundy that tainted the snow's angel-white.
you stood up slowly, a new tension to your body that wasn't there before. you looked around raptly and spotted some more patches of blood in front of a house ahead of you. as you walked closer, you noticed that the door of the house was open, allowing the cold air of winter to seep inside. you took in a deep breath that chilled the interior of your lungs, then stepped in front of the open doorway to look into the house.
death coated every wall, every corner.
you grimaced and looked away, blinking away the sight of all the pools of ruby red and the desecrated bodies that had greeted you from within. it was gruesome. it was terrifying. it made you feel sick to your stomach. but you couldn't linger.
you started to jog around the village, keeping your steps as light as possible as you looked into house after house. the same thing welcomed you each and every time.
this... this had been a massacre of proportions you had never seen before.
not this, anything but this.
your jog increased steadily to a sprint as you headed down a path that you knew like the back of your hand. your breathing was borderline erratic, your heart pounding away as you hoped and prayed that this was all just some strange dream—strange nightmare. but as you skidded to a stop in front of what used to be a warm, welcoming home, you found yourself letting out a choked gasp at what lay before you.
the door looked like it had been wrenched open and sat crooked in its frame. blood coated the inside, from what you could see, and there were broken pieces of glass and wood that were scattered on the outside snow. though, what really made you clap a hand over your mouth, was the body that lay eerily still on the cold ground right in front of the open doorway.
"masaru!" you ran forward and collapsed on your knees at his side, hands shaking as you hovered over him. he was coated in blood, his chest covered in grotesque wounds that had no doubtfully been fatal. his glasses were cracked, his eyes wide and staring off to the side in a way that made your fists clench together. his blood had long soaked into the snow and surrounded him in a foreboding circle.
he was dead.
you cursed and passed your open palm over his face so you could close his eyes. then you stood, your hand going back to grip tautly at your sword handle. your mouth felt dry and you wanted so desperately to run away and hope this was all some fucked up illusion. but you pressed on, forcing yourself to walk further into the bakugou's house.
it was clear a fight had broken out as you crept quietly down the hall. there was blood smeared over the walls and on the floor. glass from shattered windows and picture frames crunched delicately under your thick-soled boots. you had to squint at times to see—the lights had been blown out, the bulbs nothing but open circuits and jagged edges. you couldn't tear your eyes away from all the destruction, all the ruin. and with every step you took, you only felt colder and colder.
until finally, you spotted another body leaned up against a wall, slumped over.
the sight of ash-blond hair made your heart practically leap up to your throat. but you soon realized you were looking at mitsuki. you couldn't help the sigh that escaped your lips—as terrible as it made you feel.
you knelt beside her and reached out to gently grasp at the bloodied hand resting on her lap. she was cold. it was the kind of cold that made you feel empty—she'd always radiated warmth every time you stopped by for dinner. the apron she was wearing was stained with deep burgundy and you noticed her leg had been cut off around her knee. your lips pressed together when you saw the gleam of a sharp knife resting near her other, outstretched hand. she'd always been one hell of a fighter.
you sniffed as you ran your thumbs along her cold, cold hand, then got up and looked down the hall you hadn't yet traversed through. the blood and destruction continued. you had to move on—had to check everywhere. if you didn't, the guilt would haunt you forever.
the silence of the house did nothing to soothe your frayed nerves. he wouldn't die, you thought to yourself as you peeked into room after room. empty. he couldn't. he was strong, almost ridiculously so. he wouldn't let himself fall to something like this, would he? you clung desperately onto the thought. there was no way... right?
but then, where was he? the question burned at your body, your soul, as you made your way up some stairs to check the second floor. here, there was less blood everywhere. but there were holes and deep gouges in the walls that told you the fight had continued in the area. your knees felt weak, your palms were sweaty. you pressed on.
you peeked into the empty master bedroom, then turned to stare hesitantly at an open door at the very end of the hall. it was the last room of the house that you hadn't checked yet. you almost didn't want to. but yet, you did—you wouldn't forgive yourself if you decided to turn away.
you paused just outside of the door and took a moment to brace yourself. get it together, you scolded yourself. you were a goddamn hashira, you needed to act like one. you entered the room.
he was laying on the floor in front of an open window, the curtains billowing inwards with the breeze.
still. lifeless.
"katsuki!" your voice broke as you stumbled forward and crashed to your knees by his side. he looked terrible dressed in all that red. all that blood that seeped into the floor and into your clothes. his black shirt was torn at the side, a vicious wound staring at you that made your stomach churn uneasily. no no no no no, this couldn't be happening. his sword was broken, half of it in his hand while the other half stuck out from his right thigh. impaled by his own sword—who could do such a thing?
you leaned forward and gathered as much of him as you could in your arms, tugging him onto your lap so you could cradle him close to your chest. he was so, so cold. one of your hands reached up to gently cup his bloodied cheek. his eyes—those brilliant, crimson eyes—were closed as he lay limply in your hold. he looked like he'd been bitten on his neck, a chunk of his flesh missing and oozing even more blood. you swallowed thickly.
there was an ache that ripped through your body, a devastation that made tears burn at your eyes and run hotly down your chilled cheeks. the whole world was crumbling before you, turning to dust in the wake of your horror and sorrow. who could do such a thing?
katsuki never lost a fight. what happened this time?
you knew, from the clear evidence that you'd followed throughout the bakugou household, that the battle that occurred here hadn't been a pretty one. katsuki's room itself looked akin to the aftermath of a devastating storm, all his books and neat little décor destroyed without remorse. there was no one else here but you and him. he had been left here to die, be it from his wounds or from the frigid air that invaded through his open window.
at least, you thought shakily as you spotted what looked like a grey severed hand just under his bed, he put up a goddamn good fight.
you pressed your forehead into his soft, ash-blond hair, took the time to inhale deeply and bathe yourself in the familiar, caramel scent he always carried with him. but it was tainted. it was tainted and you blamed nobody but yourself.
you should have gone with him when he said he was going to visit his parents. you should have questioned him more, should have held onto him just a bit tighter. you should have made an excuse. but you didn't.
you let out a shaky breath as you pressed your lips to his hair and buried yourself closer to him as though you could meld him to your body. and that was when you heard it.
the faintest, faintest breath of air.
you pulled back as though you'd been burned and looked at him with wide eyes. his chest made the tiniest motion. his parted lips released a stuttered, shallow breath.
he was alive, the bastard. you felt a small flicker of hope light itself in your chest, your heart.
you needed to get him help and you needed to do it fast.
it was like a switch had gone off. you immediately released him and tore at your cloak, ripping it into long strips so you could wrap his wounds as tightly as you could. you didn't dare remove the broken sword from his leg, too afraid that he would bleed out even more if you did. you patched him up with trembling hands that you needed to force to stay still, then heaved him onto your back and stood up. he was heavy, but you were strong.
you stumbled your way out of his house and down the path you'd come from. it was starting to snow heavier now, all the white that surrounded you made you squint to see properly. the cold bit at your exposed skin, your face. you gripped tightly at katsuki's knees as you huffed and practically jogged in the direction of the nearest village—one that hadn't experienced the vile wrath of a bloodthirsty demon.
you let out a sharp whistle as you moved, your eyes scanning the sky for a quick moment. you had to be careful to not let him slip right off your back—you didn’t want to exacerbate his injuries, after all. you could feel him pressed against you, his head leaning against your own as his arms dangled in front of your chest. you were on edge, your senses tuned to your surroundings and the man you were carrying. you'd be damned if you let him die on your watch, but still, it was nerve-wracking not being able to feel or hear him breathe when he was doing it so lightly.
you whistled again when nothing happened. after a few minutes, you heard a flapping sound before you felt two little feet dig themselves lightly onto your shoulder.
"kuro," you said as you glanced out of the corner of your eye to the little crow that sat on your shoulder. "tell the others i need assistance. i'm heading to musutafu village right now since it's the closest, but katsuki's injuries are severe. i'll need one of the best doctors we've got."
kuro let out a caw in affirmation then flew away, disappearing into the falling snow. you huffed out a breath of air and trudged on. musutafu was a few miles away from katsuki's home village. you could make it. you just needed to hurry.
there was something strange, something eerie, to the air that made you feel like you were on the edge of tipping over. you'd ventured into the woods at this point, following a path that was shrouded by snow. you were constantly checking the area around you, your eyes moving to analyze every little sound, little motion from beyond the bare trees. you knew there was a demon on the loose. while it was unlikely that it would linger in the aftermath of one of its killings, you were still wary. the overwhelming scent of blood would no doubtfully attract more to the village. it didn't help that you knew katsuki was still bleeding out on your back, soaking your clothes even further.
you were running out of time.
but then... something happened.
you felt the hair on the back of your neck prickle. there was a low sound that got louder and louder until you realized it was a vicious snarl. katsuki shifted on your back. and before you could react, the arms that had been dangling in front of your chest snapped up so their hands could grip tightly at your shoulders.
and then something bit you on the neck. hard.
you let out a scream and instinctively released katsuki's legs so you could jerk your elbow back into a hard abdomen and unsheathe your sword. whatever bit you thankfully let go and you spun rapidly around whilst swinging your sword down in a powerful slash.
the blade came in contact with something, so you quickly brought it back up and gave it another firm blow before you jumped back to gain distance. your mind was in overdrive, your fighting instincts kicking in as you panted out harsh gasps of air. your free hand clutched at your neck, feeling warm rivers of blood stream down your arm from the wound there. it hurt like a motherfucker and you cursed as you brought your gaze up to stare at whatever bit you.
it was katsuki.
except... it wasn't.
you felt frozen, shocked, as you stared at him. he was tense, lowered in a wide stance as he snarled dangerously in your direction. it made goosebumps erupt along your skin, caused a shiver to run down your spine. he had a nasty gash on his forearm that hadn't been there before and you winced at the sight of it, knowing you had caused it.
though, what really caught your attention were the long, sharp fangs that poked out from the watermelon pink of his gums. he had a mix of blood and drool coating his chapped lips and trailing down his chin to drip onto the ground. his ash-blond hair bristled atop his head. his eyes—his brilliant, crimson eyes—were almost animalistic as he glared at you. his irises were so vivid, so... unnatural. and they were surrounded by a deep, black sclera that made you suck in a sharp breath of air.
this... this wasn't your katsuki.
this was a demon.
you gripped tightly at your sword handle as you thought about what you could do. you were both locked in a stalemate, waiting. you were afraid of what would happen if you broke it. but you just felt so... numb, staring at him as he growled and bared his teeth at you. your eyes moved to look at his wounds that you'd patched up in his room. while the cloth was still stained in red, they didn't seem to be leaking anymore. you noticed the gash on his forearm had healed up by now as well. that did not mean well for you.
you licked your lips and made a motion to lower your sword just slightly. maybe you could talk to him, you dared to hope.
that was your first mistake.
katsuki lunged at you with an inhumane roar, sharp nails slashing at you with a ferocity you'd never seen from him before—especially one aimed at you. you sidestepped him and used your sword to block him. his nails made a clang as they came in contact with the flat end of your blade.
"katsuki!" you yelled as you deflected blow after blow. each impact was nearly enough to send sparks flying in the air. he only growled, practically frothing at the mouth. he was hungry, you realized, when he snapped his jaw close to your face before you managed to kick him away. he only stumbled back before he sprung towards you again, relentless. he hungered and this hunger was making him so unbelievably strong.
"katsuki!" you tried again, panting as you tried not to aggravate your neck even further with your movements. "katsuki! it's me! it's me!!"
he growled and slashed his sharp nails at you again, missing your chest by a hair's breadth. this close to him, you could see a sort of haze to his eyes—something that told you he wasn't entirely here, exactly. and that gave you the smallest flicker of hope. hope that you could somehow reach him if you tried hard enough. you had to.
"katsuki, please!" you nearly cried out when he continued his onslaught of attacks. your vision was getting blurry, impacted by the blood you'd lost to his bite. you ducked under one of his wider swings and gave him another kick to his back to send him stumbling forward into the snow. he landed on his knees and flipped around, ready to lunge at you again, only to stop when the tip of your sword pressed against his neck. even in this state, he could still sense danger. you didn't know if this was a good thing or not.
you exhaled a foggy breath of air and stared down at him. he snarled up at you some more, feral and unhinged. and that's when you noticed his eyes were twitching. his head occasionally jerked minutely to the side—like he was fighting against something. that same flicker of hope swelled in your chest, dangerously bright.
"katsuki," you breathed, "please. it's me." you said your name. "i'm here. you don't need to fight anymore. please." the faintest growl, the roughest jerk of his head. you didn't want to hurt him anymore, didn't want to have to use your technique on him in these conditions. your voice softened as you said his name again, your gaze focused on his expression, his face.
that was your second mistake.
you failed to notice the way the palms of his hands had ignited in a searing, tangerine color. they blazed with a heat like no other, melting the snow beneath them. and by the time you did realize something was happening, it was too late.
"what the—" an explosion erupted from katsuki's palms, so loud and destructive that it sent you sailing backwards like you'd been launched from your spot. you gasped as your back slammed into the rough trunk of a tree and you fell to the ground, unable to feel your limbs. everything felt so hazy—your head swam in a way that made you feel nauseous and there was a ringing sound that only exacerbated it. smoke filled the air, mixing with the snowflakes that still fell from the sky. blood from your head dropped down to stain the snow beneath you.
what was... you thought faintly as you attempted to move your legs. what the fuck was that? you'd never seen him do something like that. it made your heart drop, caused a chill to settle over your already numb body.
before you could even attempt to get up, something gripped at your shoulders and slammed you flat onto the ground. your head hurt. you blinked hazily as you stared up at the blurry face of katsuki, who snarled and dug his nails into your flesh. you'd dropped your sword somewhere as you'd gotten blasted away, though you found you couldn't exactly get your limbs to move. your head hurt.
"k... kat..." you choked out through frozen lips. your eyelids fluttered as you fought to stay awake. some hashira you were—though, to be fair, you never were able to beat him. and that was before he'd gained the ability to create explosions to use on you at point-blank range. "kat... suki..."
something wet landed on your cheek.
it startled you, so sudden and warm that your eyes blinked open. you did your best to focus on his face. his eyes, wide and with a haunted look to them, stared openly down at you. wet.
he was crying.
they were no longer that vibrant, glowing crimson. they no longer had that strange black sclera. they were his eyes—katsuki's eyes—and they watched you with such horror and recognition that you felt a burning sensation at your own. another one of his tears dripped down his nose to land on your other cheek.
"katsuki," you whispered, for that was all you could manage in this state. and his lips trembled like he wanted to say something. they opened, then closed, then opened again. but not a word left them. you lifted up a hand so you could cup his cheek, wipe the blood from his bottom lip with your thumb, and he closed his eyes.
the iron grip he had on your shoulders loosened as he brought you up to crush you against him in a hug. he buried his head in the uninjured side of your neck and just stayed there. his breaths trembled against your exposed skin. his lips mouthed words that you could not hear.
and as you hugged him back, you swore you would find a way to turn him back to normal—back to the katsuki you knew and loved.
or die trying.
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quite-vincible · 7 months
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To the writers of Invincible, ur doing a great job. But can we have some Rex and Amanda being peak sibling vibes plz? 🥺🙏
I’ll head canon this shit into existence if I have to 😤😭😂 but that means subjecting everyone to my shitty dialogue 😭😭😭
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lusciousmphoto · 1 year
Making spaghetti for dinner, what are you eating?
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despazito · 1 year
The way one of the most powerful fucked up scenes in the soul eater manga begins with crona and medusa about to enjoy a spaghetti dinner
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toruandmidori · 4 months
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What if you only had one shot? 
Do not miss your chance to blow (or be blown) this year - send them our cute, funny Eminem inspired Valentine’s day card!
Buy online here:
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