#monsters til midnight
hardcoregamer · 7 months
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Steam Bullet Heaven Fest Kicks Off with Firepower Overload
There are endless dozens of shooters wreaking havoc in the Bullet Heaven playground right now, and today Steam started a gaming fest to highlight them plus a few other games that can just barely fit within the definition.  Demos, upcoming games, Early Access titles and even a few fully-released games all populate the festival, not to mention a good number of sales.
Check them out!
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Oxfam fam
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i'm happy to report a terrible injussstice has been rectified Rowling: oxfam made a video in sssupport of pride month Rowling: but we sssoon put a ssstop to that! Poe: King: Koontz: Barker: Barker: oh man i bet this story is a real fuckin doozy
Rowling: sssseee this video included a caricature of me Rowling: and that is illegal Poe: caricatures are illegal? Rowling: in england, yesss Rowling: but only in regardsss  to me Rowling: we've written sssome new lawsss recently you ssee
Barker: so they had a caricature of you Rowling: yesss Barker: you mean the demon terf with the glowing red monster eyes? Rowling: yesss Barker: and you were all oh that's obviously me Poe: clive Barker: bah bah bah i'm not done edgar
Barker: so you see those glowing red monster eyes and you're all like that's me, that's totally me Barker: no doubt in your mind Barker: when you see a cartoon demon with glowing red monster eyes Barker: that that is you Rowling:
Rowling: the point wasssn't jussst the monssster eyesss! Rowling: you know who else draws caricaturesss? Rowling: the nazisss Rowling: who are bad! Rowling: except when they show up to our terf deatheater ralliesss Rowling: then they are very very good!
Barker: so wait Barker: are nazis good or bad Rowling: oh don't be ridiculousss of coursse i'm not sssaying naziss are good Barker: Barker: Poe: clive Barker: wait for it Rowling: i'm jusst ssaying they have ssome good ideass Barker: there it is
Rowling: anyway we yelled online at oxfam til they took it down Barker: huh thats weird, you seem to get real big mad when trans people yell online Rowling: no no it'sss different when we do it Barker: how so Rowling: we also do bomb threatsss
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ficbrish · 4 months
Stay A While
Rating: Explicit 18+ only!
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[AO3 Link]
[Kinktober 2023 prompt thanks to @absurdthirst! October 21st - Hair Pulling, Masturbation]
[[TW/CW: Cptsd, blood]]
Summary: Astarion wants to linger the morning after one of their initial trysts.
Takes place in Act I.
[Click here for my other Kinktober one-shots]
“Where do you think you’re going?” Astarion’s droll tone harbored a tinge of excitement.
Vistri froze in her tracks, but answered with her back still to him, “Surely the others are waiting.”
He clicked his tongue with a slow shake of his head. “Back to camp,” he observed dryly, drawing out the word camp, then giggled, “How droll!”
She turned to face him; not an agreement to stay, just to hear him out. His pointy-toothed grin charmed her more than she’d like to admit.
“What’s the rush, darling?” he asked mischievously.
The only rush she felt was her pulse, but she couldn’t say that even if he already sensed it. Admittances such as those were for late nights spent together—Well… They said those sweet things all the time, and to anyone, but it was different when they actually meant it. Truth belonged to the midnight hours and their illusions, where it could hide in the dark. But it was simply out of place under the sun.
Vistri crossed her arms, suppressing a creeping smile, “I’m guessing you have other ideas?”
Admittedly, Astarion was curious. The tadpole gave him freedom, a new lease on undeath, but Vistri opened up entirely new pathways of pleasure. He woke up feeling the best he’d ever felt after drinking her blood. Only to be topped when they added a fuck into the mix. In a bit over a tenday, Astarion had a few of the best mornings of his life. He didn’t think it was possible to feel any better. Unless…
Light filtered through the trees, adorning him in spotty shadows. Rays of sunlight hit the side of his face, making one of his eyes sparkle like a rich ruby as the other was cast into darkness. He held up his hands innocently and made a show of looking side to side, “I don’t see any search parties.”
Ah, to never be found. Oh, to stay in this little grove and fuck ‘til death.
Vistri raised her brow, tentatively interested, “Say there were. Just how disappointed would you be?”
That was his cue to walk towards her, “Be careful of the way you talk to devils, girl. You might entice one. The sun may be high in the sky, but you’re never safe alone with a monster.”
The word, monster, stuck itself in Vistri’s mind like mud on a boot. She tried to scrape it off and put it on Astarion, but she couldn’t. She looked into his scheming, slanted eyes and said, “I’m not afraid of you under the moon either.”
He uncrossed her arms and wrapped them around his waist, “You little fool.”
His mouth was so close to hers, Vistri felt dizzy, “I’m no fool.”
They were nearer to each other now than they’d been all morning. Vistri always fell into her trance on his chest and came back to the present with her face against dirt. He never held her after the sun rose, never kissed her good morning or farewell. It wasn’t like he’d set a clear boundary; he just never did any of those things, and she wasn’t going to be the first to do them. Whatever this was existed for the sole purpose of trading themselves for a bit of ecstasy, and they were simply each other’s catalyst. And that was fine. It’s the way she wanted it to be. It’s the way things always were. There was nothing special about this time, about him.
Astarion smirked. She tried to move away but he held her forearms against his sides in a firm grip.
“You’ve only survived thus far because I chose it.”
She continued fearlessly to meet his gaze. It was a misplaced confidence, like she had no concept of a reality where he’d actually ruin her. So much trust she laid on his unworthy shoulders, if it wasn’t foolishness, it had to be self-destructive.
She laughed at him. A real bitchy, mocking laugh, “Oh, you chose it?”
He grabbed her throat, tilting her head back with his thumb, “Yes. I chose not to rip you apart. Every. Time.”
“No, not a pity,” he purred dangerously, “You’ve been so worth it.”
Vistri fought herself and lost. Swept up by a sudden rough current, she immediately gave over to drowning. She just let go, let it happen, and took a terrifying leap at his kiss.
Astarion moaned in pleasant surprise. He had a few more moves queued up before going there himself, but he didn’t mind the way she leapt in first. Her tongue was otherworldly, like it had been spilled out of Sune’s gossip at Loviatar’s tea party, salacious and indecently lush.
Nothing in the world compared to the way he felt. Like the sun, he colored all the greys in Vistri’s world. He felt like everything fascinating, and thought she was worth keeping alive. Someone, who felt as good as he did, deemed her worthy of life.
He was so grateful to himself for obeying his impulses. Astarion didn’t know whether she’d deign to touch him like this in the daylight. Come to think of it, she was the very first person he’d touched in 200 years under the sun. Yes, he’d pulled a blade on her then, but she was still the very first. And his first true drink. And the first fu—
“Oh, shit!” Vistri pushed him away, remembering herself and their unwritten rules made of habit, Sorry!”
Their kisses were only meant for teasing, their touches only meant for petting. She wasn’t supposed to love him at the end of her lips. Unless it was for pretending.
“Don’t be sorry,” he muttered, bringing her mouth back to his.
She felt her knees grow weak. Stupid knees. Backstabbing cunts.
“I kissed you,” she protested.
“And I kissed you back,” he went in for more.
Vistri eventually broke away again, “But we don’t kiss in the mornings.”
“And I usually don’t drink in the mornings,” he spoke into her neck, “But I think… I think we can do whatever we want. Don’t you, darling?”
He could take her blood, “I want you to drink me.”
He could take her body, “And ravish me.”
He could even take her heart, “Just make it hurt for me, lover. Would you?”
He grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled it until she cried out. His voice dripped with a bright, shiny toxin, “Oh, I can make it hurt, if that’s what you like.”
She tried to nod, but his grip was too tight on her scalp, so she just begged, “Please.”
Astarion licked her neck from base to chin, then crashed into her mouth after whining, “Gods but you make a mess of me!”
Lines like that were usually bullshit, it’s why he said them so readily. But as it tumbled out of him now, it felt real. Maybe he was just that good of an actor, and he’d really begun to believe his part. That would be so much more convenient if it was. He picked her up, overcome with a desire to possess her. He didn’t own her, didn’t belong to her, but he could steal her away from gravity. She wrapped her legs around him, and he moaned deeply; tangled in her lips, in her hair.
The others were definitely going to have to wait. That or just start the day without them.
Vistri felt her back press into a tree, just like on the first night. She kissed him and felt every star she’d ever seen. That night, she thought it had to be a fluke, a trick of the bad wine. But Gods! It was still there. It was screaming. Her heart broke whenever he pulled away, and mended only when his lips were back on hers.
He chuckled, “I’ve got you right where I want you, little pet.”
“Where’s that?”
“At my mercy.”
“You did try to warn me.”
“I’m not a nice man to be alone with.”
Her smile messed up the kiss. He was so adorable. And he was right. So right. Vistri shivered as he nibbled at her ear. It felt a lot like love, but it wasn’t. Great fucks pierced the soul like great works of art. But that wasn’t care, it was an appreciation for expertise. Sure, Astarion felt indescribably right, but that didn’t make him her god. She’d just finally met her match.
He unbuttoned her corset to fondle her breasts. She twitched whenever he brushed her nipples delicately with his fingertips, and he giggled like a naughty fey each time. The line between reaction and performance was beginning to blur. She didn’t know anymore whether she twitched on cue because he touched her or because he liked it.
“I don’t want you to be nice. I want it to hurt.”
He pulled her hair again, smirking as she let out a sound that was something between a moan and a yelp. The harder he pulled, the more she felt like his. She didn’t want to want that, and yet it possessed her, like a sob forcing itself out.
“More,” she pleaded.
“Aren’t you a bad man? And I a fool alone in the woods?”
He let go of her hair and spoke onto her lips, “Oh, you’re not alone, darling. You’re very much not alone.”
His hand took hers and brought it to the front of his trousers. Grasping and gasping, she felt him. How hard he was; thick enough to break her. The anticipation made her shiver as he kissed her again.
“Use me,” she sighed, “However you’d like.” It was the only way for her to say, I’m yours.
She gave herself so willingly, it was intoxicating. Not like it was anything he wasn’t used to, but it was new, startlingly so. He melted into the feeling of being wanted by someone who knew what he was, of being wanted by her. The world grew smaller, more manageable. All he had to be was the salve to her desires. Hers wasn’t an itch; it was a death wish.
Astarion felt something pull on him, and for a moment froze, thinking of Cazador’s compulsions. Noting his twitch of fear, Vistri took her words for the cause. Fuck. Simultaneously, they asked the same question through their eyes; Have I been found out?
“Touch yourself,” he commanded, saving them both any need to explain.
“Will you watch?”
“As I hold you tight,” he offered.
It was overwhelming. Astarion didn’t want a performance, not the kind she was used to, but something candid, completely her. He wasn’t asking her to curate his pleasure, he demanded she create her own. She never showed anything like it to anyone before. Accustomed to one type of role, she stepped into something unfamiliar. And not even a role, but the actor in their bed alone at night.
Vistri’s hand travelled between her legs. She felt Astarion spread them further apart, holding her steady with a grip on each thigh. She was close to him again, held and admired; the only thing he wanted in the moment. Her fingers traced his lustful expression onto her soul, encircling herself in his web with every stroke. Determined to trade her life for a little death, she exposed her aching need to be coated in his poisons.
She closed her eyes.
“Open them, darling. I want you to watch me, as I watch you.”
Her breath skipped with her choking heart as she met his gaze. Astarion looked as raw and exposed as she felt. His eager fangs rested on pouting lips. She leaned forward to lick them.
“No, no, dear. You’ve got to earn that,” he cooed, “With your ecstasy.”
She moaned stupidly, “Okay.”
Vistri was everything his hand had been slapped away from these past 200 years. She ran through his thoughts entirely on her own. His body forced him to comply instead of the other way around. Sure, he was using her at the end of everything. She was by no means the first to surrender, but there was something sweeter about hers, and not just because she was his to savor. This time he was actually having fun.
“Does it feel good, dear?” he grinned.
She tossed her neck and sighed. Her eyes closed for just a moment before snapping open again to obey him, “Yes.”
Astarion kissed her neck, and she moaned, leaning into it. He whispered into her ear, “You think you’re in control, but I’ve got you tangled up.”
“You do,” she panted, “You do. All yours.”
“My, but you put on a show,” his warm tongue wrapped around her lobe. His breath gently broke over her skin.
It was like watching her layers peel back in a way he hadn’t seen before. Reading her eyes, Astarion watched them become saturated with the whole of her. The void in them brightened from her dim presence, and the light grew with her gratification. Shy at first, she stepped and then stomped into herself. Until there it was in those violet depths, the core of her on a silver platter, ready for him to devour.
 Vistri let his name slip lazily from her lips.
“Do you call out my name when you’re alone?” he chastised.
“S-Sometimes. Once. Accidently.”
Astarion licked her throat, desperate to eat her up, “I’ve yet to call out yours. But I’ve thought of you.”
Her free arm tightened around the back of his neck. Her breathing got faster.
“That’s it, my darling. You’re so close. Now give it to me. Be a good pet and cum for me.”
Astarion could feel his own blood throbbing as she fulfilled his wish. His eyes were open, greedily watching, but seeing nothing. There was just a great feeling, like when their tadpoles bent reality to the other’s experience. Her eyes were shut tight as if in begging prayer, and all he could do was stare blindly into her abandon.
Her cries, only loud for being close to his ear, pierced his heart. At the end of them, he finally allowed himself to kiss her. It was his turn to let her name slip slowly out of his lips.
“I earned it?” she asked happily.
He nodded, chuckling, “Yes, I think you’ve earned it.”
Vistri closed her eyes and kissed him again. She felt him undo his laces, then helped him pull down his trousers. Alone in the woods with the naughty rake indecently arrayed; she knew she was wiser than that. Giving herself to Astarion was a decidedly stupid thing to do, and that only made her want to disappear further inside him.
He nestled himself against her soaking, warm, soft, “Oh gods…”
“Astarion!” she cried out as he tore through her with a hard stroke. Her lips trembled from the sanctity of his name. It was a spell that brought everything out of her chest, even the dust tucked between her ribs.
He cracked her open.
The more they took, the less they were sated. He wasn’t near enough. He wasn’t in her skin.
Maybe they’d never go back to camp. The others would have to carry on themselves while the two of them stayed here, tangled up in each other until they inevitably sprouted tentacles, out of the artifact’s reach. And what would that matter? Astarion never wanted to be anything other than buried inside Vistri ever again. That was his new identity now, just his pulsing cock deep between her thighs.
“Drink me.”
“In a moment, love,” he said, then tousled a little with her tongue, and spoke again, “I quite like this as it is. Feeling you.”
It was more the desperate growl in his voice than the words themselves that made her tremble. It sounded like she meant something to him, even though she didn’t. Pretending it was real made her eyes roll back. Or no… it had to be the devilish thrusting of his hips. It had to be—
“Astarion!” she shouted so suddenly; birds took off in terror from their branches. Her staccato cries and their warning calls formed a cacophonic duet, like ritual music for the purchase of her soul.
He sunk his fangs into her neck, just below her ear, as the squeezing and pulsing around him coaxed his throbbing self to bursting. He rolled deeply into her as he let himself go, overtaken by a blinding wave of ecstasy. It felt like it would never stop, stunning them both, wave after wave. Even after it stilled, Astarion tenderly moved himself in and out of her. The mess he made dripped between them. Regardless of any overstimulated shiver, he savored the feel of his spill in her.  
“You’re my little slut, aren’t you?”
She nodded emphatically, panting as her breath fought to settle her pulse. He rested his forehead against hers, and they lingered there, head pressing into head. They were both so dizzy, they had to get hold of their bearings, remember who they were.
How long could they stay there like that until the other had something to say about it?
It didn’t matter that his arms grew tired. They could fall off before he let her go. Astarion shut his eyes against welling tears. His disobedient forehead softly nuzzled hers; subtle enough to sneak passed his own notice. Catching himself, he cleared his throat.
“Time to go back?” she asked, tone heavy with a sense of sorrow.
Astarion reached for one more kiss. Saying goodbye until their next, inevitable tryst, they clung so vehemently to each other it couldn’t be paid attention to; couldn’t even be muttered about.
Arms wobbling, he finally set her down.
She immediately started to collapse under her weight. He stopped her fall.
“Easy now!”
“I’m all right.”
“You can’t even stand.”
She smiled dazedly, “Bloodless times two.”
“Gods, you’ve gone all silly. Look at you! You’re barely alive!”
“No, you’re barely alive.”
“Ha-Ha. Very funny,” he huffed, scooping her into a bridal carry.
He couldn’t stop himself laughing. It wasn’t even funny.
“You’re ridiculous—Stop squirming! I’ll drop you, and if I drop you, I’m leaving you.”
“Arsehole!” she pouted, “You’d leave me behind?”
“I’m sure Karlach or someone would come get you, but I’m tired. We can only do our best, darling.”
“You’ve had two separate helpings of my blood, you’re not tired.”
Vistri closed her eyes for a moment, just to savor this rare occasion of him holding her after. His arms felt as solid as she was wibbly. His chest felt like the stars as a pillow.
“You put me to work just now. I’m exhausted, and on top of that, now I’m carrying you all the way back to camp.”
“Whose fault is that Mr. Fangs?”
“You turned back ‘round when you should have marched on.”
“You asked me to!”
“Darling, I’m a villain!” he chuckled, “You’re supposed to say no. Right my wily ways.”
“I quite like your wily ways.”
He couldn’t remember the last time someone looked at him the way she did now, with lackadaisical joy in their eyes.
“You’ve stopped.”
“What?—Oh, right. There was a stick.”
“A stick?”
“Had to maneuver around it.”
“Took a while.”
He blushed, “Sounds like somebody wants to get dropped.”
“No! Please! Don’t drop me,” she giggled.
“Drop you?”
“No! Don’t drop me.”
“But you said please so nicely.”
“No!” she laughed, “Don’t drop me!”
“Shush! I have to pay attention to our surroundings, my dear. I want to give a good description for the others to find you.”
Vistri squealed, hysteric. Astarion crushed her tight against him.
“Silence, girl!” he teased in a booming voice, “Otherwise I’ll observe no great detail, and the only landmark the others will know to look for is ‘somewhere by a tree that has leaves on it.’ And then they’ll never find you, and then I’ll never get to shag you again. Would you like that tragedy to come to pass?”
She blushed in his arms, “…No.”
“Good. Then leave me to my concentration.”
She nodded her agreement and didn’t utter a sound.
“Oh, never mind that! Please say something. I grow bored so easily.”
Vistri chattered away as Astarion brought them out of the woods. Totally wrapped up in conversation, they forgot what a sight they made when they eventually showed up midday.
“Where the hells were you?!” Karlach growled. She’d be happier to see him if Vistri was walking vibrantly by his side rather than carried like a ragdoll with two big bite marks on her neck.
“Don’t light your pants on fire,” Astarion said, “Where’s Shadowheart?”
The cleric tore out of her tent, “What have you done to her?!”
A huge smile broke over Vistri’s face, “Shadowheart! Come give Mummy a kiss.”
In a fury, she grabbed hold of Astarion’s tunic, even with Vistri limp in his arms, “I will repeat myself only once, Spawn. What have you done to my best friend?” Her voice was lethal.
Vistri’s was not, “Bloodless times two!”
Shadowheart let go of his shirtfront to bury her face in her hands and sigh deeply, “Just put her on the ground.”
“That’s a good cleric,” Astarion smirked.
She glared up at him, kneeling to treat Vistri’s condition, “Good clerics stake vampires.”
“Then let’s call you… a good, nuanced cleric!”
Vistri sat up like a galvanized corpse once Shadowheart muttered her spell.
“Wow! Thanks, Shadow. Owe you one.”
“Owe me plenty.”
Vistri chose to ignore her and smirked at Astarion, “My, my… You look more powerful than ever before. My blood suits you so well.”
He gave a little turn, “Doesn’t it?”
“Very,” she confirmed, surveying his form. She lost her train of thought until Shadowheart elbowed her side.
“Right!” Vistri said, addressing everyone, “Let’s go slay a hag or something!”
[Click here for my other Kinktober one-shots]
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; MIDNIGHTS by Taylor Swift (Part I)
"Meet me at midnight."
"You don't ever say too much."
"You don't really read into my melancholia."
"You handled it beautifully."
"All this shit is new to me."
"I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me."
"I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say."
"I just wanna stay in that lavender haze."
"All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride."
"The only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife."
"I find it dizzying."
"You weren't even listening."
"Talk your talk and go viral."
"I just need this love spiral."
"Get it off your chest."
"Get it off my desk."
"I just wanna stay."
"We lost track of time again."
"You were my closest friend."
"How'd we end up on the floor anyway?"
"I see you every day now."
"I chose you."
"So scarlet, it was maroon."
"How the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"Ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us."
"I feel you, no matter what."
"I lost you."
"Looked up at the sky and it was maroon."
"I wake with your memory over me."
"That's a real fuckin' legacy to leave."
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser."
"Midnights become my afternoons."
"My depression works the graveyard shift."
"All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room."
"I should not be left to my own devices."
"They come with prices and vices."
"I end up in crisis."
"Tale as old as time."
"I wake up screaming from dreaming."
"I'm the problem."
"I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror."
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero."
"I'm a monster on the hill."
"Pierced through the heart, but never killed."
"Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?"
"I've realized all this time."
"Life will lose all its meaning."
"She's laughing up at us from hell!"
"It's me, I'm the problem, it's me."
"I saw flecks of what could've been lights."
"It might just have been you."
"Life is emotionally abusive."
"Time can't stop me quite like you did."
"My flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"It's like snow at the beach."
"Weird but fuckin' beautiful."
"This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen."
"I've never seen someone lit from within."
"To hide that would be so dishonest."
"It's fine to fake it 'til you make it."
"I can't speak, afraid to jinx it."
"I don't even dare to wish it."
"Your eyes are flying saucers from another planet."
"Can this be a real thing, can it?"
"It's comin' down."
"Summer went away, still the yearning stays."
"I play it cool with the best of them."
"He's gonna notice me."
"We're the best of friends anyway."
"You're smoking with your boys."
"I didn't choose this town."
"I dream of getting out."
"There's just one who could make me stay all my days."
"I waited ages to see you there."
"I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that you never cared."
"You're on your own, kid."
"You always have been."
"I picked the petals, he loves me not."
"Something different bloomed."
"I'll run away."
"I called a taxi to take me there."
"My dreams aren't rare."
"I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this."
"The jokes weren't funny."
"I took the money."
"My friends from home don't know what to say."
"I saw something they can't take away."
"There were pages turned with the bridges burned."
"Everything you lose is a step you take."
"You've got no reason to be afraid."
"Yeah, you can face this."
"You're on your own, kid. You always have been."
"He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain."
"He wanted a bride, I was making my own name."
"He stayed the same."
"All of me changed like midnight."
"My town was a wasteland."
"But for some, it was paradise."
"My boy was a montage."
"I broke his heart 'cause he was nice."
"He was sunshine, I was midnight rain."
"But for him, it's every day."
"All the love we unravel."
"The life I gave away."
"I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"He never thinks of me except for when I'm on TV."
"I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted."
"I never think of him except on midnights like this."
"I remember."
"We had one thing goin' on."
"I swear that it was somethin'."
I don't remember who I was before you."
"You painted all my nights a color I've searched for since."
"One thing after another."
"Fuckin' situations, circumstances, miscommunications."
"I just may like some explanations."
"Can I ask you a question?
"Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?"
"Then what did you do?"
"Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night?"
"Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"She said it was too much."
"Do you wish you could still touch her?"
"It's just a question."
"Did you realize out of time?"
"She was on your mind with some dickhead guy."
"It was one drink after another."
"Fuckin' politics and gender roles."
"You're not sure and I don't know."
"I just may like to have a conversation."
"Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"What's that that I heard?"
"That you're still with her?"
"That's nice, I'm sure that's what's suitable."
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atydregulus · 4 months
can someone who knows how to make edits (i.e. not me) PLEASE make a marauders edit for best day of my life? like that is the absolute ANTHEM for the marauders and i can't find a single edit on yt :(
specific lines to back up this opinion:
- we danced with monsters through the night
- i howled at the moon with friends
- no limits, just epiphanies
- the stars were burning so bright
- the sun was out 'til midnight
if that does not actually encapsulate the marauders and full moon shenanigans idk what does
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assigning each of the bad kids a taylor swift era because i am feeling deprived of tswift content now that she's on break from the eras tour
Kristen: Fearless. I can't even explain why, but to me that album is just so sunny and in my mind it fits Kristen perfectly. I think maybe it's because Fearless was one of the first album I ever really loved, then when I was older the rerecording is what got me back into tswift and I can totally see Kristen going through a similar journey with it where maybe she loves it as a kid but then stops listening to it as she distances herself from her childhood/family, only to fall in love with it again later on. Also I feel like the country vibes fit her well. (She would also LOVE betty but she would pretend it's a lesbian anthem)
Gorgug: Ok this feels controversial but he's a Lover stan. I just fully belive that to his core Gorgug is a lover not a hater and he would un ironically love Lover. Like to me that album is all about having gone through some bad shit and choosing to only carry forward the best of it? And that fits with my perception of Gorgug. ALSO the end of afterglow 'I want to be defined by the things that I love, not the things that I hate, or the things that haunt me in the middle of the night' just feels very Gorgug coded to me dont ask me why. However if you've seen any of my other posts about music and the bad kids you know that I wholeheartedly believe Gorgug loves all music so I think he'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite album.
Riz: Midnights. And not just because this kid never sleeps. Bassically I really couldn't decide which album he would listen to because none of them really fit, but then I started thinking about specific lyrics and I think Midnights has the most that he could relate to. I mean 'no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since' is about him. You can't change my mind. I do think though that Riz is definitely more invested in all the easter eggs and firguring out which album is coming next over actually listening to her music. Like he would for sure be among the first to figure out all her clues.
Fabian: 1989 and Folklore. I fully to the bottom of my heart belive that until his sophmore year Fabian would exclusivly be listening to pop music, sea shanties, and weird elven music. So obviously he would love the greatest pop album ever made. He wouldn't listen to Folklore until post sophmore character development. Also he would For Sure learn the choreography for the dance in the background of Dress on the Rep tour and recreat it perfectly using his sheet.
Fig: Speak Now. I mean do I even need to explain this? It's the perfect album for Fig. It's the kind of thing she would have loved when she was in her Preppy Cheerleader phase, but it has just enough of that pop punk influence that I feel like she could still appreciate it when she's older. I feel like she would definitly take issue with some of the misogynistic lyrics used in some of the songs, and would be all for the lyric change in Better Than Revenge. Also as I've mentioned many times before, Fig would love Paramore, and would LOVE Castles Crumbling. Like you're going to sit here and tell me that lines like 'They used to cheer when they saw my face, Now I fear I have fallen from grace' + 'Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far, I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart' + 'Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off, And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret' + 'People look at me like I'm a monster, Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name, Now they're screaming that they hate me, Never wanted you to hate me' weren't written by Figueroth Faeth? I also just think songs like Never Grow Up and Long Live would perfectly fit with her not so secret sentimental streak.
Adaine: Evermore and Folklore. I think theres just a sort of elegence to these albums that really reminds me of Adaine. I also think theres so much vulnerability in them and a lot of the songs touch on feelings of not being good enough for others (mirrorball, tolerate it, this is me trying, right where you left me) that I think she could relate to not from a romantic relationship standpoint but from all the expectations placed on her by her parents. I also think that although these are probably the most low key of tswifts albums, they have some good angry songs (no body no crime, illicit affairs, mad woman) that she would definitly love. But yeah this is mostly based on aesthetics. Evermore and Folklore were albums written with a quill and Adaine is the kind of girl to appreciate this.
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nixotinix · 7 months
I've been looking forward to this holiday for so long on MH Tumblr, y'all have no idea guys. So, I figured, why not get an insight into how our fave monsters are spending the holiday? This is... a lot less polished than my usual work, but I like how it turned out and I didn't start it til it was basically midnight so uh yeah here :3
(PLEASE click Tumblr crumpled my poor dears)
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And some close-ups for you because ily
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Plus some wips I guess??
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Hope you guys like the art, and I wish you all a very happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃
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mooncaps · 1 year
Watching and Crying
I don’t know how this show can top the impact of everything it’s already done and I’m sure there will be a lot more I wish they could’ve done, but let’s go!
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Okay, just straight in, picking up immediately where it left off. Kind of jarring.
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Okay, I guess this is the Titan from the in between.
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Ooh, the heart. I was wondering if there was something more to be done with that.
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Um, what? Is she the Emperor? The Golden Guard? To quote Hooty from last episode: What’s happening?!
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That’s different stained glass, right? I feel like they’re trying to tell me something significant, but it’s not clicking.
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Thanks, I hate it.
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Ominous vibes from Amity. I don’t think I’m ready for this.
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I’m definitely not ready for this!
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Okay, so it’s everyone’s worst nightmare. I’m catching up.
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Eyyy, callbacks. It’s like an inversion of Covention.
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Okay, they keep knocking that hat off and putting it back on. I feel like they’re trying to set up something, but I’m not quite sure what.
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Let’s go, Amity!
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Yes! More of the certified bop that is The Collector’s Theme. ♫ ♪
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Okay, more callbacks.
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I can dig it.
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Well, uh, mad respect for the attempt, little dude, but I will be shocked if that works.
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That’s probably not good.
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And there goes the hat again. Tell me your secrets, hat!
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Now we’re doing callbacks to Agony of a Witch. I see you.
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Okay, but like, they’re not actually killing off the main character at the end of a Disney Channel show. I’m sad for the characters presumably thinking it, but I can’t pull myself out of the meta perspective.
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Oh, whoa, it’s a Hooty eye. I didn’t even spot that before.
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Oh, that is a look!
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Yes! This is a callback I was fully expecting and I’m thrilled to see it.
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Bookends in finales are one of my favorite tropes.
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Yooo! Titan Luz looks sick!
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Loving the new remix of the theme. ♪ ♫
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Ooh! Okay, that rings a bell.
Y’all know I’ve been thinking about the hat. Ever since Camila picked it up in 3x01 it’s been on my mind. And when I was passing the time between 3x02 and 3x03, I watched reactors do 1x01 and the thought occurred to me that if the writers wanted to do a full circle moment, then maybe they’d throw back to...
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And so this isn’t exactly what I was thinking and doesn’t really involve the hat like I thought it would, but I’m noticing the visual similarity.
(Hang on, let me from the next morning grab a better screencap and...)
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Bookending with Titans getting their crowns. What they deserve.
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Eeeee! These baby gays always give me life.
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Awww, Hooty, you’re adorable!
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Oh my heart’s not ready for this.
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Of course she chose all of them. Oh, and she’s wearing Amity’s necklace!
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Ooh, new door. Finally accomplished what Luz wanted when she tried to find The Collector in the first place.
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Ahhhh! There he is carving palismen! I’m so happy for him!
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And Dell gets to teach the trade to someone new. Oh, and Hunter’s got a new palisman.
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Whoa. Alright, Amity. Get it, queen.
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Eyyyy, Harpy Lilith. I was wondering if we’d ever get to see this.
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Rainestorm looking fabulous.
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Am I sensing chemistry? (And I’m not just talking about abominations.)
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This looks neat, but it’s hard to get a good screenshot with the credits going.
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Eda, also looking fabulous.
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That’s a good shot. Even Boscha showed up. And I’m glad to see Tiny Nose survived the thorny situation she was in when Belos was taking over.
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Same energy.
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Oh, I’m just noticing Bat Queen’s kids growing up. Such precious little monsters.
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Ooh, a new glyph.
Woop, Youtube shrunk the final image off to the corner. Me from the next morning has to step in again with a better screencap.
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And there we have it.
So, yeah, I’ve watched this twice now. Remind me not to stay up til after midnight waiting for an episode of a show in the future. The second time hit way better when I was well-rested. Er, well, rested anyway.
There were definitely some spots where it felt kind of rushed, and I understand why they had to pack as much as they could into a short space of time, but it still leaves me wishing for more. The nightmares alone could’ve been an episode or two if we’d had a full season 3. But I suppose we can’t dwell too much on what could’ve been.
They did a lot with what they had and made something very meaningful and impactful in my life and I’m sure in the lives of many others. There’s also definitely plenty of room for them to expand into comics or spinoffs, should those opportunities ever arise.
I kind of wish The Collector hadn’t left. For one thing, that last screenshot will always be lacking one character that I would want in a full group shot. And I guess it’s implied that they helped build the new portal door at some point, but I would’ve like too see more of The Collector helping out with the rebuilding efforts. And now I’m quite curious about the Archivists and whatever else is going on in the stars. More potential left open for the future, I suppose.
Gotta say I’m surprised they killed Belos. Not that I’m mourning for him, but I was thinking Luz would probably use the last of her Titan power to imprison him between the realms. I figured that would be a fitting punishment, but maybe killing him was more merciful. And dead to rights, he’d already lived way past his natural lifespan by stealing the lives of others. I’m a little bit surprised that he even could be killed, stubbornly as he clung to life. And I would’ve been afraid to touch that goop for fear of getting possessed, but I guess maybe Luz was still exuding enough Titan power to prevent him from doing that. Anyway, I’m rambling on a tangent now.
Definitely quite a ride. I’m sure I’ll always wish there could’ve been more, but I’m equally sure I’ll always love what we got. And we got so much. Even if we never get anything else, I know this show will continue to spark fond memories in me.
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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FIRST DATE FIC REC: Below are fics that feature first dates. 
📖 Take A Chance On Me by @peachypetalhazz (39k)
When Harry receives two tickets to see one of his favourite bands, he'd expected that his best mate would accompany him. However, it is soon learned that the intentions behind this so-called gift were far more wondrous than he initially thought.
📖 under your bed in new york. by @the28thofseptemberr (33k)
au; spilling coffee onto an ex, being set up on dates, and having a nosy puppy might be all louis needs to find love again
📖 A Hungry Heart by @jacaranda-bloom (27k)
Harry Styles, florist and Great British Bake Off contestant, loves many things. He loves his flower shop, he loves baking, and there’s also that little crush he has on pop star Louis Tomlinson.
But when Louis arrives on set as the surprise guest judge, Harry’s worlds collide. Throw in a cup of cuteness, a teaspoon of teasing, and a pinch of pining, and there’s all the ingredients for an epic love story, or absolute chaos.
Or the one where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot, and it’s got nothing to do with what’s in the ovens.
📖 You be Stunning, Baby, I'll be Stunned by @crinkle-eyed-boo (14k)
Harry and Louis go on their first date.
📖 Butterflies and Delight by @sunshineandthemoonlight  (13k)
The one where Louis is new to Grindr, Harry loves wearing fun, quirky outfits, and Ziam are always around to convince Louis to take a chance at life. Featuring Harry’s terrible jokes, Louis as a single parent, and glittery drawings of swamp monsters.
📖 In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (13k)
It's one of those nights there's nothing on the telly that Louis absently scrolls through Tinder. After swiping left on a bunch of profiles he comes face to face with a picture that stops him in his tracks. The picture is..almost sweet. It’s a boy with brown curly hair, wearing a very low cut yellow blouse, paired with a black jacket. He’s got a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out, but it’s not in any way lewd or suggestive. He just looks like he’s having a good time, and something about the innocence of it has him swiping right rather than left.
📖 Crystal Ball on the Table by @becomeawendybird (12k)
Harry Styles is just an ordinary witch from an old-fashioned Boston family trying to survive in her regular job as the fiction manager at a local bookstore and café. Her magic isn't exactly something she advertises when looking for potential new girlfriends, so when Louis Tomlinson arrives in her life like a breath of fresh air, she tries her best to hide how strongly her magic is reacting to Louis' presence.
📖 You come in waves (we crash and we roll) by @rainbowsandlovehl (11k)
Three times Louis makes a fool of himself in front of Harry and one time he doesn't.
📖 Just the Start by @littleroverlouis (9k)
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
📖 We Might'a Took the Long Way by @evilovesyou (8k)
The story of a perfect first date, a mind-blowing first kiss, an interfering lawsuit, a lopsided bowl, flutes of champagne, a little bit of heartbreak, a fated tiktok, and lots and lots of art.
📖 I Roll 'til I Change My Luck by @larry-hiatus (8k)
Dating is hard enough when you're gay. When Louis reveals to his Tinder matches that he uses a wheelchair and has a service dog, things tend to get even more complicated. Too bad the guys on dating apps aren't as sweet and understanding as his best friend Harry...
📖 I want your midnights by @guccistrawberries (7k)
or It all starts with a harmless round of the name game
📖 As Time Goes By by @1diamondinthesun (6k)
Wow. Louis needed to get a grip. They hadn’t even opened the wine yet, and Louis was already fantasizing about cuddling Harry.
📖 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (5k)
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
📖 sweaty palms and racing hearts by @onlythebravest (1k)
A short story of two shy, nervous and blushing boys on a date at the cinema.
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tearascal · 8 months
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A selection of sprites that I designed and animated for Monsters 'til Midnight. The panic-stricken Scrollio character cracks me up every time :P
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evolutionsvoid · 1 year
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The desert is a cruel place, the dried bones scattered across the dunes is a testament to this. A blazing sun hanging high, blistering sands burning you from below. It seems there is no escape from the ceaseless heat. Many would avoid this wasteland like the plague, but fate is not kind to all of us. Sooner or later, a poor fool is cast into this scorching land and forced to walk its endless dunes. No shade, no water, no reprieve. The death march seems impossible to escape, as the sands stretch on forever in all directions. Even waiting til night grants the victim no mercy, as the blistering heat is replaced with a bitter cold. All day is spent wishing for the coolness of night, while the midnight hours are filled with prayers for the warmth to return. Regardless of the temperature, the one desire above all is water. The throat is as dry as the sand, and the lips crack and bleed. The body tries to desperately slog on in this wasteland, as the brain is fried in its own juices. Is there no escape from this horrible fate?
But wait! What lies beyond this sizzling dune? What does thy shriveled eyes spy? A fresh spring! An oasis! A massive pool of clear freshwater, just waiting for one to claim its great bounty! At last! Water! Salvation! Oh how it beckons to those poor desiccated souls on death's door! What was once a pained crawl through the desert becomes an ecstatic sprint, as they scramble to this paradise. Oh how it sparkles! How it glistens! And is that someone else enjoying this heavenly spring? A fair maiden swimming and playing in this crystalline lake? There is no time to pause, no time to hesitate. Thy fair lady desires company, and the waters look so refreshing! The dying souls rush to this spring and waste not a second before plunging into its blue depths. Oh how good this will feel, after so long baking in the heat!
The moment they make contact with the water, though, they will know something is wrong. At first, their worst fear was that this was just a mirage, an illusion dreamed up by a boiling brain. But there is indeed something there, some fluid they have dived into, but its not water. There is no cool relief in its embrace, no refreshing waves to wash away the sand and pain. No, it is sticky, thick and cloying. A disgusting warmth lies within, like snot fresh from a fevered patient. What they once ran to in joy they now struggle to escape, as the "waters" cling to them and drag them down. As they claw to the surface, they find no escape. The fluid covers every inch of them, and each attempt to wipe it away only globs on more. The mouth and nose are sealed shut, and their lungs cry out for air. They seek the shoreline, hoping to pull themselves out of this nightmare, but it is impossibly far. The liquid slows their movements and traps their limbs, turning them into a pathetic fly caught on sticky paper. As their air runs out and their brain begins to fade, they look desperately to the fair maiden in hope of salvation. The last thing they see is her true form, still dancing and swimming amongst a sea of melting corpses. The desert is a cruel place indeed.... --------------------------------------------------------------
“Siren of the Desert”
Wanted to design a butterwort plant monster and was pondering ideas. One that mimicked a pool of water seemed like a good one, but for the size I wanted it to be, seemed impractical for an actual species. But then again, it seemed too fun to pass up, so here is the concept just blatantly applied. Also, while I was coming up with this, I was like "someone mistaking a sticky pool of death for water? Why, it's like that scene from Land Before Time III!" which then of course was followed up by "wait, why do I remember that?"
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duel-king · 5 months
// HNY everyone!!! :D
Pls heed the cw tags before reading past the cut.
*dumps this monster whump on the dash and runs away* //
"...The dragon flaps its mighty wings, and then..." Seto glances over his shoulder and sees that Mokuba is sound asleep, before he could even finish the story. He smiles as he quietly folds the book shut and slowly rises from where he was sitting on the bed. He gently shuts the door behind him and heads down the hall.
"Seto!! My BOY!! C'mere!!" Gozaburo beckons him over boisterously. It's New Year's Eve and he's been entertaining and drinking with coworkers and colleagues and the like. Seto feels his mouth run dry as he gets a look at everyone in the room, red-faced and grinning stupidly at him. He greets them silently with a bow and hurries to Gozaburo's side before he has to tell him a second time.
"Yes, father?" He asks sullenly, still feeling all the eyes in the room on him.
"Why so grim, Seto? Always so serious..." He grips Seto's shoulder and practically forces him down onto the seat next to his. "Sit."
"It's almost a new year, son..." He begins, putting on a pantomime of paternal affection for his idiot drunk friends. He reaches over to grab a carafe of dark amber liquor, fills a glass about halfway and hands it to his stepson.
"...Which makes you a year closer to manhood. Cheers." Seto clenches his jaw. I'm fucking 12... he wants to say, but his mouth remains shut tight.
Gozaburo clinks his own glass to Seto's before downing it like it's water. The boy hesitantly raises his glass to his lips. The whiskey smells strong and sickly bittersweet, and his blank expression involuntarily twists into a grimace. He can hear snickering from the other men in the room.
"Oh for Christ's sake Seto, DRINK." His stepfather commands, and Seto empties the glass with a single gulp so he can hopefully retreat to his room. He shuts his eyes tightly as the alcohol burns going down his throat. It tastes as bad as it smells. A tremor runs through his body as the warmth settles in his chest, and he coughs into his free hand. He can feel his face grow hot. The snickering around him evolves into hooting and cheering.
"'Atta boy!! That'll put a little hair on your chest, eh?" Gozaburo remarks with a hearty chuckle and, without hesitation, refills Seto's glass along with his own.
"Father, I--" he begins to object hoarsely, but Gozaburo won't hear it.
"This is an expensive vintage, son. Don't waste it," he scolds. "Consider this a reward for all of your hard work this year," He says this with a smile, but there's a challenge in his eyes. "Before you know it, you'll be drinking with us after a long day of work, and you're gonna need to keep up!! As a Kaiba, you have a reputation to uphold." He continues to lecture him as he rises from his seat.
Seto obediently takes another swig of whiskey. It's slightly less unpleasant going down this time, but not much. When he finishes this glass several minutes later, he rises from his seat, preparing to excuse himself as his stepfather is distracted handing out cigars to his guests.
"Gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Happy New Year to you all, and get home safely," Seto courteously bows again and feels the blood rush to his head. He was moving a little too hastily and he barely got that farewell out without stumbling over his words.
"I didn't excuse you!!" Gozaburo shouts through the cigar clenched between his teeth. "You can AT LEAST make it til midnight. Then maybe papa will read you a bedtime story," he mocks as he strides over to Seto, carafe in hand, and pours him a third glass.
"...Apologies, father." He replies stiffly. Normally he would have snapped back at an insult like that, but he can't bear the thought of getting smacked in front of a room full of people.
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to our guests!" His stepfather chastises, prolonging Seto's embarrassment.
"...Beg your pardon, sirs. That was rude of me." The apology earns him a placated grin from his stepfather as he lights his cigar; a few of the guests merely nod in acknowledgment, and the room nearly falls silent as cigars are being lit and puffed on.
Time passes at an agonizingly slow pace--this horrible year just refuses to end. Some of Gozaburo's associates take interest in Seto and start questioning him about his studies and his ambitions as the heir to the Kaiba Corporation. The air in the room becomes thick with cigar smoke and it makes his stomach turn and head ache, but the liquor makes it easier for him to fake a smile and lie through his teeth. He just parrots the responses he knows Gozaburo and his sycophants would like to hear, and it seems to go over fairly well.
The antique grandfather clock finally tolls Midnight, and the room explodes with cheers. Gozaburo's booming voice cuts through the din as he raises his glass in the air.
"A toast-- to Seto and the future of KaibaCorp!!" His toast is returned with an enthusiastic, collective "Hear! Hear!" and everyone raises their glass to join Gozaburo's before drinking again. No sooner than Seto taking that last sip does his gut churn, deciding that everything must go. He immediately turns and makes a bee-line for the door, setting his glass on the nearest surface and covering his mouth with one hand.
But it's too late. His body forces the whiskey out, violently. The room erupts into raucous laughter as Seto is keeled over, heaving and retching. Gozaburo, the loudest of them all, makes his way past his guests and over to his inebriated stepson.
"What did I tell you about wasting this booze?!" He slaps Seto on the back so hard that he falls over face-first into his own vomit.
"Mhahahaha!! Better luck next year, son!!" Gozaburo is the only one left laughing. Seto lays motionless on the floor for a moment, stupefied and completely humiliated. His eyes well up with tears.
No. no no no no nonononono...!! He scolds himself. He's able to pull himself up to his hands and knees, but seeing his mess on the floor and all over his clothes makes him ill all over again. Gozaburo shouts for one of the maids, and two come running.
"Get the boy cleaned up and put to bed." He orders with a sneer. One of the maids hurries to the nearby linen closet to find something to wipe up the floor while the other gingerly helps Seto to his feet and walks him down the hall, slowly but surely. "It's alright, Master Seto..." she coos once they're out of earshot. What little energy he has left is spent focusing on keeping one foot in front of the other and he just stares blankly ahead, saying nothing.
A while later, Seto is still kneeled over the toilet in his bathroom, his breath ragged and hair stuck to his face with sweat. He hears his bedroom door creak open, but doesn't look up.
"Big brother? ...Are you okay?" Mokuba whispers fretfully as he approaches.
"...'m fine, Moki... Jus sick..." He rasps. "Sorry for waking you..." He whimpers and his shoulders rack with silent sobs, but he's so dehydrated he can't cry even if he wanted to. He looks awful, Mokuba worries. He's pale and sweaty, breathing heavily, slurring his words. His eyes are bloodshot from all the strain of dry heaving for god knows how long.
"Don't be sorry!!" Mokuba kneels down by his brother's side and pats and rubs his back, like Seto does for him when his tummy hurts. His hair isn't long enough for Mokuba to need to hold it back for him, though. He's not quite sure what to do. Then, the little one has an idea. "I'll be right back!"
A few minutes later, Mokuba returns with a glass of iced water and a pack of crackers.
"Hope this helps," Mokuba says, doing his best to smile reassuringly. Seto smiles back lazily, gratefully accepting the help and taking the glass of water in hand. Mokuba unwraps the crackers and hands them to him as he eagerly gulps the water down.
"...Thanks Moki.... you're... the best."
// 2023 has been an absolute shitshow for me, ngl lol. So, to relieve myself of all this angst, I give you... this. Hope you... uhh... enjoyed...??
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May 2024 bring us all better days. <3 //
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
I’m absolutely crying over the Midnight Club. There are things I’m unhappy with, plot threads that either weren’t resolved well or weren’t utilized fully. But the central message of the story really spoke to me, as a nurse. I have sent many people to hospice, have told them that it’s okay to not want more invasive treatments and to just enjoy what time they had left.
The kids of the club imbued themselves into their stories. They opened their hearts and their broken parts to each other through whispered stories told at midnight in the place they would one day die. Ilonka’s final story at the end really got to me because after all her struggling and fighting and anger at her situation, she finally understood that some battles cannot be overcome. She realized there was value in peace. So much of our narrative in modern society is to fight til the last breath, to rage, rage against the dying of the light. Watching her accept her impending death and to find the space to enjoy putting herself out there for her friends to love and remember. It brings be peace and joy.
Death is often taboo, only spoken of in whispers and only as some horrible monster. It could be argued there was nothing supernatural going on at the hospice. That the real monster was not death but the childrens’ fear of it. But death is an inevitability for all, some sooner than others, and seeing it depicted as something scary, yes, but also something we can gently approach meant so much to me. It feels less like giving up and more on placing our priorities less on the depth of life than the length of it. On telling scary stories to friends in the dark while waiting for their ride to whatever comes next.
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batfamgalore · 2 years
Batfam as lyrics from the new Midnights album
Bruce: “And the touch of a hand lit the fuse of a chain reaction of countermoves, to asses the equation of you, checkmate, I couldn’t lose.” (Mastermind)
Alfred: “You know there’s many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough.” (High Infidelity)
Dick: “Best believe I’m still bejeweled when I walk in the room I can still make the whole place shimmer.” (Bejeweled)
“Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned everything you lose is a step you take. So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it you’ve got no reason to be afraid.” (You’re on your own, kid)
“And I keep my side of the street clean, you wouldn’t know what I mean. Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma’s a relaxing thought, aren’t you envious that for you it’s not? Flexing like a goddamn acrobat, me and karma vibe like that.” (Karma)
Jason: “Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby, and I’m a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city, pierced through the heart, but never killed.” (Anti-Hero)
“My town was a wasteland full of cages, full of fences pageant queens and big pretenders but for some, it was paradise.” ( Midnight Rain)
Tim: “My smile is like I won a contest and to hide that would be so dishonest, and it’s fine to fake it ‘til you make it, ‘til you do, ‘til it’s true.” (Snow on the Beach)
Damian: “You said I have to trust more freely, but diesel is desire, you were playing with fire.” (The Great War)
“They said the end is coming’, everyone’s up to somethin’, I find myself runnin’ home to your sweet nothings.” (Sweet Nothing)
Why is Alfred’s so sad.
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zbulletz2 · 2 months
nah cause I fr drank a monster energy at like midnight so I could stay up reading this (amazing) book (Eragon) and I am so hecking slow. I had been reading for a little over 2 hours and I had only read 58 pages. There’s like 325 more pages til I’m done, and at my speed, it’ll take hourrsssss. It’s currently 04:30, I’ll be pulling an all nighter cause I got too much energy to sleep now. I have to finish these 325 pages before school, which starts at eight.
Am I fucked? Slightly. Will it be okay ? YES I HAVE A CHILL TEACHER WHOOPIOOOOOPO
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dearsnow · 2 years
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Aemond Targaryen
Monster - fic (angst, barely fluff). fem!reader. the tragic happenings surrounding lucerys valeryon spark conflict between you and your dear husband.
Relationship headcanons - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what he’s like in a relationship.
How they cuddle - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how they cuddle/sleep at night.
Duly noted - series (link will take you to masterlist). college is hard enough without feelings involved, and you’d like to keep it that way.
Swan upon leda - fic (angst). you have been given a precious gift by your love, but it is soon ripped away from you.
Dragonbreath mountain - series (link will take you to masterlist). when you decided to become a camp counselor with your best friend, jacaerys velaryon, you never knew exactly what the trip would entail.
Aegon Targaryen
How they cuddle - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how they cuddle/sleep at night.
Work in progress - fic (angst/fluff). gn!reader. aegon believes he is not worthy of a love as great as yours, despite his recent improvements.
Jace’s girl - fic (angst). fem!reader. aegon wishes you were his.
Enough for you - fic (angst). gn!reader. jace’s girl part 2: aegon finally spills his guts to the person he has loved for years, and you don’t know how to handle it.
Duly noted - series (link will take you to masterlist). college is hard enough without feelings involved, and you’d like to keep it that way.
Relationship headcanons - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what he’s like in a relationship.
Orange juice - fic (angst). you’ve been invited to a party by your ex’s mother.
Dragonbreath mountain - series (link will take you to masterlist). when you decided to become a camp counselor with your best friend, jacaerys velaryon, you never knew exactly what the trip would entail.
Daemon Targaryen
How they cuddle - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how they cuddle/sleep at night.
I swear it - fic (angst to fluff). fem!reader. daemon’s harsh words almost break the one thing he wishes to remain intact.
Alicent Hightower
How they cuddle - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how they cuddle/sleep at night.
Relationship headcanons - hc (fluff). what she’s like in a relationship.
Flawed - fic (reassuring fluff). an argument with ser criston cole reveals your inner flaws.
Jacaerys Velaryon
How they cuddle - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how they cuddle/sleep at night.
Jace’s girl - fic (angst). fem!reader. aegon wishes you were his. aegon finally spills his guts to the person he has loved for years, and you don’t know how to handle it.
Enough for you - fic (angst). gn!reqder. jace’s girl part 2: aegon finally spills his guts to the person he has loved for years, and you don’t know how to handle it.
Cuddles and confessions - fic (pining to fluff). gn!reader. jacaerys has hidden his feelings for you, his childhood friend, but everything unravels during a midnight confession.
Duly noted - series (link will take you to masterlist). college is hard enough without feelings involved, and you’d like to keep it that way.
The day the sun met the sea - fic (fluff). fem!reader. jace finally gets to meet the mermaid he has been chasing since he was a child.
Rings of gold - fic (fluff). gn!reader. the pressure of being a noble fails to affect you when you are in the presence of your dear betrothed.
Relationship headcanons - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what he’s like in a relationship.
Dragonbreath mountain - series (link will take you to masterlist). when you decided to become a camp counselor with your best friend, jacaerys velaryon, you never knew exactly what the trip would entail.
Won’t stop running (‘til we reach the sun) - fic (fluff). gn!reader. it’s just you, your best friend, the sunset, and a heap of buried feelings in a big grass field.
Helaena Targaryen
Duly noted - series (link will take you to masterlist). college is hard enough without feelings involved, and you’d like to keep it that way.
Soon - fic (angst). life has never been kind to your sweet helaena, so you can only hope death will be more pleasant.
Baela Targaryen
Duly noted - series (link will take you to masterlist). college is hard enough without feelings involved, and you’d like to keep it that way.
Lucerys Velaryon
Salt fare, north sea - fic (angst to fluff). when a dragon falls from the sky, decimating your ship and bringing a strange boy along for the ride, you begin to question if the some of the targaryens are really as bad as they seem.
Mixtape 1: hozier: expanded edition (songfic compilation, multiple characters)
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