#mood: suppressed attraction
egsreactions · 1 year
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sadtonight · 1 year
Summary: people know you as a short-spoken, stone faced perfect, appearing completely apathetic and emotionless. But even with those circumstances he managed to fall in love with you. One simple message asking you out on your first date... turned out to be too much for you to handle;
Characters: dorm leaders;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, reader is Ramshackle perfect with Grim, newly established romantic relationships;
Side notes: guess who remembered about Grim? This work is sponsored by "internal screaming" gang (and me 🍃)
— at last he was relatively free: there was no unbirthday party to be held, all the homework was complete and equestrian club activities concluded. Although one thought in particular still seemed to be somewhat daunting: Riddle wanted to progress with the romantic relationship you two had started some time ago. It was "about time" to arrange....a romantic date with you...
— it wasn't Riddle's idea per say, he was clueless about how relationships fared since his parents, well, weren't the perfect image of what love looked like. Ace was, on the other hand, aware how everything worked to everyone's surprise (and to his annoyance), so he boldly suggested his dorm leader to just ask you out via simple text message;
— the suggestion didn't sit right with the red haired boy — you didn't show your emotions that much, which sometimes left Riddle with the sense of fear looming behind, afraid of making mistakes when it came to relationships. You were understanding and kind, always reassuring him that everything was alright. All of the sudden Riddle got a rush of anxiety that he stubbornly suppressed: one short greetings and an invitation, that's it;
— however, your lack of quick response only fueled his worries. He knew it, he should've had a proper meeting! The boy headed from the stables straight to the Ramshackle dorm, when suddenly he was yanked out from his thoughts by a scream which erupted not too far. Riddle picked up the pace, rushing to the source with newfound seriousness until....
"IT CAN'T BE REAL. RIDDLE ASKED ME ON A DATE, I'M FINALLY GOING ON A DATE WITH RIDDLEEEEE!!!" you breathlessly yelled and spinned few times around the nearby bushes that happened to be rose ones. You craned you head to smell the tea rose — it's sugary smell already setting you into the romantic mood: delicious tea and desserts shared with Riddle! You couldn't contain your excitement!
— all previous concern evaporated, leaving Riddle wordlessly stand there after what he had witnessed. Normally, the red haired would scold you for rising your voice in public, but this time he forgave you. Because, now Riddle wanted to scream along with you: he was very happy that the two of you were going on a date, too!
— when guys from Savanaclaw saw you first time around they stupidly believed you to be as cleaver as a domestic cattle. But unlike them, Leona saw you being a few steps higher than the idiots, since you were mostly silent because of the brains that you actually possessed. Same brains that rested in a adorable head of yours;
— that's right: obviously not out loud but the thing was, Leona was in love with you. The person who was as emotional as a brick. The beastman tried so many times to get any reaction of you with little results thus far — the only time you properly showed something was when he had to confess his feelings, doubting you would have guts to do that first;
—although you were showing the signs of mutual attraction, soon Leona got bored from the cat-mouse game and just spilled the beans one day. Ever since that, you two were officially a pair, though you weren't constantly attached to his hip for better or worse. Ruggie quickly refused the searching chore, so the dorm leader had to use his phone more often to notify you of his whereabouts;
— currently he was resting on a soft grass in the empty greenhouse, one arm supporting his head and the other holding his phone. A thought about calling you briefly came to his mind. Nah, Leona yawned: a message asking you on a date would do just fine. When the beastman was done he closed his eyes for a moment, only for his ear to pick up a sound which he recognised very well. It was a notification sound, not from his device, after a second of which an abrupt scream echoed in a vacant greenhouse;
—"YEESSSS. HAHAHAHAHAHA NO FREAKING WAY, LEONAAA KINGSCOLAAAARRR I LOVE YOUUUUU" followed by the sounds of shoes hitting the ground, which were akin to someone jumping at one place. Still clad in white coat you dashed out of the botanical garden back to the lab where Grim was, completely engrossed in your rejoicing that you didn't notice a pair of green eyes following your form, concealed behind the tropical trees and plants;
— tch, you could be really damn loud. It was annoying, so annoying that Leona didn't make any attempts at shaking off the soft look and genuine smile that appeared on his face. That bastard Ruggie teased him the whole evening about how mushy the lion was, but it didn't matter. Leona had a date with you, that's where the real fun would begin;
— no-one could imagine that someone as talkative as Octavinelle dorm leader would date someone with few words to spare. And certainly, your terse replies did bewilder Azul even to this day, however, he quickly accepted that part of you but not without kindly advising you to add more words to your speech. What's more, he adjusted to your strange-- ah he meant, fascinating communication style as best as he could;
— though it wasn't necessary since you fell in love with Azul the way he was. On the other side of things octomer had hard time recognising just what exactly he felt towards you. You nor Grim were barely of any value — even as workers both of you were easily replaceable. Additionally you were frankly put, poor, and rarely came without Ace and Deuce duo to dine in the Mostro Lounge;
— and yet Azul liked your company the most: it was refreshing to be listened for once with no judgement following afterwards. Although this way, he accidentally confirmed that he indeed harboured romantic feelings towards you. It wasn't the smoothest love confession, the one Azul deeply regrets making, yet it happened so he had to live with it for the rest of his life;
— next step would be frequent meetings, which he couldn't arrange due to his busy schedule. But it didn't prevent Azul from wanting to go on dates! Thus he settled for a laconic text message due to how packed the restaurant was when a generous discount was offered that day, he physically couldn't send anyone nor himself to deliver the invitation. Octomer was in office discussing with Jade what were the plans for the rest of the evening until their conversation halted upon hearing the sounds of commotion slipping from the main dinning hall;
— "OH MY GOD????? AZUUUUUULLL, GRIM AZUL-- I CAN'T BELIEVE ITTTT. HE ASKING ME OUT ON A-- ON A DATE!!!!"— your cried out, startling grey monster and others who were present in the restaurant. Poor Grim even dropped the piece of fish he had on a fork right on the floor, not that it stopped him from picking it up later, but he still whined for you to keep eating in silence;
— ....this.... energetic reaction from you surely was a great surprise to Azul. Equally astonished Jade turned to face his dorm leader, but the later only folded his glasses on the desk and layed his face into his palms. Azul could feel just how his face was burning from the embarrassment through the white gloves. It was amused Floyd who entered the office, with no filter repeating what just happened that forced octomer to tear his face away and order him to be quite in an unusually flustered high tone.
— Scarabia dorm leader was tasked with something that was harder even than the homework teachers assigned: Kalim desperately wanted to ask you on a date! But....how would he do it? A word from Jamil, a surprise party, firework show— just how must he go about this whole thing? He was completely clueless!
— you were beautiful and wonderful and awesome and much more stuff he could name but you weren't talkative enough for him to understand you fully. At first, Kalim believed you were just shy: so he tried to ease the "tension" but often times he made things worse. Oh he forgot to mention that you were also extremely patient with white haired boy. That's why he fell even more in love with you than at the first sight ha ha!
— honestly Jamil found the whole situation to be needlessly tedious and decided to step in just this one time. First and foremost, Kalim had homework to do and prepare for exams so getting rid of disturbances was top priority. If Kalim had troubles choosing the way to ask you out, then he should just do the simplest thing in the book. Text you in Magicam;
— fortunately the vice dorm leader's proposal sounded good enough for Kalim, who gingerly pulled out his phone from the sand-coloured coat and shoot you a quick message. If the two of them didn't stay in the library to study, Kalim would let out a loud sign of exhaustion. Romance seemed to be so easy in the fairytales, like the one in particular from back home, he recalled. That's when all of the sudden someone let out a yelp that almost made Kalim fall off his chair;
— "WHAT?? A DATE WITH KALIM??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! WOOOOOOOOO YEEEAAAAHHH, LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" you let go of the books you were holding, which fell right on top of Grim's head, and squeezed the phone with both of your hands while staring at the text. The monster was about to angrily tell you off when the librarian came over to you and demanded to be quiet in the reading room;
— Kalim's wide crimson eyes stared directly at wide-eyed Jamil. The later was signalling for the white haired boy to be quiet too and not to make any sounds. But given what Kalim just heard, he couldn't help drumming a little happy beat with his hands against the wooden surface of the table from sheer excitement. He finally saw it, your unrestricted elation!!
— Vil wasn't the impatient type of person per say. Yet him constantly flicking his eyes back at the clock, which was hanging in the Pomefiore gymnasium that he and other members of the club were currently occupying, would prove otherwise. It wasn't like him — and so it bothered Vil to no end;
— the truth was that beautiful male had too much on his hands recently, which normally wouldn't mean anything if it wasn't for you becoming his partner just a while ago. And by whims of fate, Vil couldn't even partake in the relationship. How ridiculous was that?
— that's not the only reason Vil's attention was drawn to the clock: the weather forecast showed that later today would be raining. And judging by how fast the clock went and his club members — not, the male wouldn't be able to even properly ask you on a date he started planning long time ago;
— Vil wished not to come to this, but it seemed like sending you a messenger via phone would be the best set of actions. The practice was basically over, so the troupe dissolved, each member doing their own thing. That included Epel, who wasn't in the club yet was supposed to do some chore for his dorm leader. The lavender boy hastily dialed your number — he was supposed to give you the history hometasks because Grim didn't note anything down as per usual;
— now just as impatiently awaiting for your reply, Vil looked around the room until he spotted Epel talking to someone on the phone. That's when from the other end he heard a distinct shouting: "I'M DEFINITELY DREAMING, VIL IS ASKING ME ON A DATE AHHHHHHHHHH!! I'M GONNA CRY FROM HAPPINESS, OH GODDD" — which without a doubt belonged to you;
— while first year winced from your loud celebrations, third year had to turn his face to the side and cover his mouth with a hand. Weren't you full of surprises, Vil thought out loud in a half whisper. The male then straighten out, pushing partially blond hair back, and made his way to Epel: he would very much like to speak to you now.
— Ortho was truly glad to see his brother change for better: despite still prioritizing himself above all, Idia had made tiny changes to improve himself in ways he could. The reason being not solely for himself or his little brother, but also to you, a stranger, a person outside of his circle;
— even the slightest reminder of the two of you being in a romantic relationship made Idia's palms excessively sweaty. With how low Idia's charisma stat was, he continuously speculated how this was all a set up. You were a real life kuudere and he was a socially inept weirdo, and yet with his incoherent rumblings, simultaneously self-deprecating and arrogant way of speaking flamed haired male somehow won your heart over;
— well anyways, what was important is that it didn't feel like he was talking to himself since you actually listened: asking him questions and stuff. Man, Idia really wanted to see you now — he recently found something that would definitely pique your interest. The male ordered Ortho to shoot you a text to come over to his room real quick. Who knows, maybe your eyes would widen and you would go "kyaa" or something, that would be a super rare sight indeed whehehe;
— as on a cue, just outside the door to his room the strangest noises have resounded. "HFSUHSHSUFJGGJGJ, IDIA YES YES I WILL GOOOOOO, I WILL GO ON A DATE WITH YOUUU" screamed a suspiciously familiar voice. The smaller Shroud checked the screen and happily declared that it seems that you were in a close proximity when the text had been sent;
— just what did Ortho typed you?? And THAT was your response?? Why it was so inhumane??? K.O., instantly in a pink blaze, just bury Idia in the ground already. For a second his little brother became really worried about his older brother well-being. Idia would probably die if he was drinking soda at that time. You didn't even know what was going on behind the closed doors, and maybe, that's for the best.
— people were always a puzzling creatures, yet you proved to be even more enigmatic than those Malleus was fortunate enough to interact with. With little to no emotion and no unimportant word ever spoken you seemed cold and distant, just like his beloved gargoyles up on the roofs;
— for that reason he took a liking to you: meeting after meeting, Malleus came to see if you would show him anything, any smallest signs of emotion. He has become rather greedy with this, with constant need for your presence. However, how could briar prince be around you without any specific reason? And so the reason was created — you were his partner from at some point on;
— while it meant that his visits were now justified, Malleus did not know just what exactly romantic relationship carried with themselves. Undeniably, he felt his heart ache with adoration but what could he do to show you that? That's when his fae guardian came in for the rescue: Lilia, who took it upon to himself to teach everything he knows about dating;
— while Lilia had good intentions, the tale about "romantic dates" that humans practiced intrigued Malleus so much so he immediately wanted to hold one, which wasn't the initial plan. It took time to convince young prince to not disturb you at midnight, when you could possibly be already fast asleep, and instead send you a text message which you would read later. Not completely convinced, Malleus caved in, agreeing to go though the other fae's suggestions and under his guidance sending a bit too formal, awkward invitation for a date;
— not being sure what to do now, the dragon fae stared at the screen when the pop up window about the video call appeared. Confused, Lilia instructed him to press the green button, and just when Malleus's fingers came into contact with his phone it erupted in shouts;
—"GRIIIIIIIIM, LOOK. MALLEUS ASKED ME OUT ON THE DATE, HE WROTE ME A MESSAGE IN MAGICAM. IT'S REAL, GRIMMMMMM!!" your face wasn't visible, yet the voice undeniably belonged to you. You must have accidentally pushed the video call button, Lilia guessed as he chuckled, muting the microphone not to ruin the moment;
— Malleus had hard time understanding technologies, but what was crystal clear to him is your feelings. Now he had a better grasp of what was going on in your head. Truly, the fae was more than satisfied: to witness such a boisterous reaction just from a mere messege. Malleus couldn't wait to see what else you could reveal to him....
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aphroditelovesu · 2 months
The Lost Queen - XIII
— summary: You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn’t understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren’t safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won’t let you go so easily.
— genre: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: time travel, obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, angst, fluffy (very rarely), dub-con, possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader, yandere!generals x female!reader.
— word count: 3,325.
— tag list: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog, @silmawensgarden.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
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Chapter 13
Time turned into an indistinct blur, while your breath seemed to freeze in the air. Before you, the man emanated an intimidating aura, his presence filling the small space of the tent with palpable tension. Every detail of his face, sculpted by shadow and dancing light, seemed like a macabre work of art, a mixture of mystery and imminent danger. His dark eyes, deep and penetrating, held yours as if they had the power to probe your soul. And you, paralyzed in front of this spectrum of strength and mystery, could barely utter a single word.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckled, watching you with interest shining in his dark eyes. Those words, tinged with a touch of humor, echoed in your ears like a distant echo of a distorted reality. Was he mocking you?
"It's because I'm seeing one." You scoffed, your tone laced with disdain as you stared at him firmly, barely able to contain the fear from spreading through your body. He clicked his tongue in disgust at your tone.
The man looked inside the tent, his interest piqued by the surrounding environment. "You look good." He commented, his voice carrying a casual tone, but his expression still enigmatic and impenetrable.
"Why did you bring me here?" You finally asked, your fists clenching as you stared at the man with disgust and a slight fear shining in your gaze.
"All in good time, my dear." He hummed in response, his relaxed tone contrasting with the tension that hovered between you. He approached you, his imposing presence filling the space between you as you struggled to maintain your composure in the face of the uncertainty of what would come next.
"Do not play with me." You spat, your voice filled with suspicion and a hint of suppressed anger.
He arched an eyebrow, a subtle smile dancing on his lips.
"I'm not." He replied seriously, his dark eyes boring into yours with piercing intensity, "I'm not messing with you, sweet girl. Everything I've done has a purpose." His voice echoed in the tent, filled with a conviction you struggled to understand, as the mystery around you seemed to deepen even further.
You felt even more suspicious and uncomfortable with the man's words.
Who was he? Or rather, what was he?
"Who are you?" You finally asked, your jaw clenched in a mix of nervousness and defiance.
"I have several names." He purred in response, a chilling sensation running down your spine as he circled around you like a wary predator, "But you can call me Aslan for now."
Aslan? For now? The name echoed in your mind, loaded with a meaning that you could barely begin to understand.
"What do you want with me?" You frowned, your voice thick with tension and distrust.
“What I want doesn't matter, but what you want does.” He replied calmly, his eyes fixed on yours with an intensity that made you uncomfortable.
What do you want?
"Are you mocking me?" You rolled your eyes, frustrated with his evasive answers, "I'm not in the mood for jokes, Aslan." Your words were spoken firmly, a mixture of irritation and determination evident in your voice. You were going to get answers one way or another.
He laughed darkly, and involuntarily, a chill ran down your spine at the laugh that escaped the man's lips.
"Be patient, my dear. I'll explain everything to you, but for now..." He stopped talking when he heard a commotion outside your tent.
''Finish speaking.'' You ordered, your voice firm and determined, demanding answers in the face of the growing intrigue and urgency of the situation.
He smiled, a mysterious gleam dancing in his eyes, "You're learning to act like a Queen."
You looked him straight into his dark eyes, ''I am one.'' Your statement was delivered with unwavering confidence, your identity and position clearly defined, even amidst the confusion and uncertainty that surrounded you.
You were a Queen. You were the Queen of Macedonia, and as strange as that title still sounded in your ears, it felt right when it left your lips.
Aslan smiled widely, his features softening with the confidence of your words, ''You are.'' He confirmed, his voice filled with respect and recognition, as he slowly headed towards the flap of the tent.
''Where are you going? We're not done talking!'' Your words came out in a rush, your gaze narrowing with each step he took towards the exit.
''Duty calls me.'' He sang, his voice filled with mystery and promise, ''But I'll be back soon. We have plenty of time to talk, (Y/N).'' Aslan bowed slightly and left before you could utter another word.
''Aslan...'' You uttered his name, or one of his names in this case, and was strangely pleased with the sweet way it fell from your lips. Why did he look so familiar? Your fingers gripped the hem of your traditional Persian dress, your nails digging into the soft fabric.
You would have the answers soon, you were sure of that. But for now, there was something more pressing to deal with. You needed to meet Darius in person, a meeting that promised to be crucial to your future.
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Darius's tent was exactly as you expected it to be: extravagant. Even in the middle of a war camp, the Persian King did not give up his luxuries and comforts.
As you observed the opulence around him, you couldn't help but reflect on how that very extravagance may have been one of the reasons for Darius' downfall. His excessive indulgence and disconnection from the reality of the challenges he faced as a leader may have weakened his rule and undermined his authority among his people and his armies. Vanity and ostentation can be double-edged weapons, especially in times of conflict and political instability.
As you carefully observed Darius and a man who resembled him, your eyes wandered to the king, whose luxurious attire made it clear that he was Darius. You took in every feature of his features: his dark skin glowing in the golden light of the fire, his long black beard that complemented his face firmly. A faint smile curved his lips as you bowed respectfully before him, and his dark eyes softened slightly.
The similarity between Darius' imposing presence and Alexander's was remarkable, and you couldn't help but find it intriguing. Both possessed an enviable charisma, capable of attracting loyal followers and soldiers, even in the face of defeat and adversity. It was as if an aura of authority and leadership surrounded them, inspiring admiration and respect wherever they went. They were similar in that way.
Perhaps it was this magnetic charisma that allowed Darius to maintain a large number of loyal followers and soldiers, even after suffering defeats in battle. His commanding presence and ability to inspire confidence may have been crucial factors in maintaining his power and influence despite the challenges he faced. That was something admirable, and even though he was technically your enemy, you couldn't help but admire those traits.
''It's a pleasure to meet you in person.'' Darius's deep, calming voice sounded in your ears and you nodded slowly, hiding any possible nervousness. He seemed to know how to speak greek and that made you calmer.
"I say the same," You replied calmly, following Darius' lead and settling into a chair reserved for you, "Though it was unpleasant circumstances we found ourselves in." You couldn't help but poke him lightly, after all, he had kidnapped you. The tension between you was palpable, but you were determined to maintain diplomatic composure. You needed to ensure your safety above all else, especially now that you were pregnant.
Instinctively, your hand found its way to your belly, as if trying to protect the baby growing inside you. Darius's gaze followed the movement and rested on your belly, understanding the source of your apprehension.
"Nothing will happen to you or your child." He assured you calmly, his words filled with sincerity and empathy. A feeling of relief spread through you at his assurance, even though tension still permeated the air around you.
The presence of the man who resembled Darius, with malice shining in his eyes, further heightened your sense of unease. As Darius cleared his throat and called a name in Persian that you vaguely recognized as Bagoas, you knew you were looking at an intriguing historical character.
You knew Bagoas's name from contemporary records, which described him as a eunuch who had been the lover of both Darius and Alexander after the conquest of Persia. Your frown at this information was inevitable, and you stared at him as he entered the tent, carrying a jug of wine. Your eyes followed his every movement as he poured the liquid into three cups, and you couldn't help but notice the subtle glance he threw your way before disappearing with silent steps.
Darius took a sip of his wine and the other man did the same. Meanwhile, the wine in front of you remained untouched, as you knew that drinking alcohol during pregnancy was not recommended at all.
The other man finally decided to speak, his rough voice echoing in the tent. The greek that came from his lips was a little difficult to understand, but his words were clear, "We brought you here to negotiate."
Darius stared at the man disapprovingly and sighed, ''That's Bessus.''
Bessus. Uh-huh. This was bad. You knew this man and didn't trust him at all and it seemed like even Darius didn't trust him.
''To negotiate what?'' You raised your eyebrows.
''In exchange for your safety and life, Alexander must abandon the war and return home.'' Bessus replied, drinking his wine with great enthusiasm. You looked at him with disdain evident in your eyes. Did they really think Alexander would give up so easily? They will be fools then.
The idea that Alexander would give up so easily was absurd, and those who believed it were mistaken. Alexander was a formidable leader, determined to pursue his goals with fierce determination, and you knew he would never abandon the war without fighting until his last breath. He would rather die fighting than return as a coward.
"Alexander won't give up." You replied firmly, your voice thick with conviction, "He never will."
Bessus's expression was disdainful as he arched his eyebrow, "Not even for his beloved pregnant wife?"
You fought the urge to punch Bessus at his taunts and replied dryly, "Alexander will destroy the world for me, and you made a huge mistake by bringing me here."
There was a certain arrogance in your voice, but it was the truth. You knew the destructive power Alexander was capable of inflicting when provoked, and those who dared to defy him were playing with fire.
You remembered the stories about what he did to his enemies, to those who dared to cross his path or take what was his. His revenge was swift and merciless, sending a clear message to all those who dared defy him: there was no mercy for traitors and invaders. Darius and Bessus were in hot water when they decided to kidnap you.
''Let's talk, shall we?'' Darius interrupted the conversation between you and Bessus, sensing the animosity between you.
You nodded, even though you knew this conversation wouldn't get you anywhere. Their situation was complicated, and it seemed like they were about to face the consequences of their actions.
Every action has a reaction, right?
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"My wife is not here?" Alexander's voice was low, but his fury resonated clearly in every word, his clenched fists denoting his intense emotion.
The generals present, Hephaestion and Ptolemy, seemed worried and fearful of the king's wrath. Finally, Hephaestion decided to take the lead, his expression carefully controlled to avoid further provoking Alexander's explosive reaction.
"She is not here." He said with the greatest caution he could have at that moment, his words chosen precisely to convey the truth without triggering an even more violent reaction from the King. The tension in the air was palpable, as everyone awaited Alexander's next response and the consequences that could follow.
"She's not here.'' Alexander repeated, his voice sounding louder, reverberating through the room. Ptolemy swallowed hard, feeling the weight of responsibility in deciding to speak,
"(Y/N)'s guards said they didn't find her in her tent when they woke up.'' He stated, holding Alexander's menacing gaze as long as he could, his expression showing both concern and determination.
Finally, the King snapped. His fists hit the poor makeshift table hard, causing it to fall with a deafening crash. Hephaestion fought the urge to shudder at Alexander's display of fury.
"So where is she?" Alexander asked, his voice filled with anger and despair, staring intensely at his two friends, "WHERE IS SHE?" The last question was shouted, echoing off the walls of the room and reverberating in the minds of everyone present. The tension reached its peak, as everyone awaited the answer with a mixture of apprehension and fear for what could happen next.
"W-We don't know!" Ptolemy was quick to say, fearing for his life, his words flowing in a torrent of fear. "We've done a thorough search of the entire camp and surrounding area, but there's no trace of her. It's as if she's disappeared."
"People don't disappear out of thin air." Alexander sneered, his penetrating and suspicious gaze scanning every detail of his generals' faces. His blue eye narrowed, emanating an intensity that made it clear he would not accept evasive answers or excuses.
Hephaestion decided to speak to try to help calm his friend, aware of the urgency of providing any information that could help or worsen the situation.
"According to the guards stationed at her tent, they were knocked out and the Queen was gone." He reported, his voice firm but filled with concern.
Alexander looked his friend in the eyes, his expression a mixture of anger and grim determination, "Who took her?" His question was uttered with increasing urgency, indicating that he would not rest until he found answers and brought his wife back safely.
Ptolemy and Hephaestion exchanged a heavy look of mutual significance. They knew Alexander wouldn't take this information very well. Betrayal was never something he dealt with easily, especially when it came from such a dear friend.
Taking a deep breath and mentally preparing himself for the coming storm, Hephaestion took the lead once again.
"Perdiccas." He said, his voice heavy with the weight of revelation as he faced Alexander's furious gaze. The words hung in the air, loaded with inevitable consequences, while everyone awaited the King's explosive reaction to the betrayal of one of his closest confidants.
"Perdiccas.'' Alexander repeated the name carefully, feeling a bitter taste of betrayal in his mouth.
His childhood friend, his trusted general, now revealed himself as the traitor who had kidnapped his wife. The reality of the situation hit Alexander with devastating force, a mixture of disbelief and fury boiling inside him. How could someone he trusted so deeply betray like this?
The feeling of betrayal pierced his heart like a sharp blade, leaving him furious and determined to carry out the worst punishment, torture known to man.
The fury building inside Alexander was like an uncontrolled hurricane, a primal force that threatened to devour everything in its path. His vision turned red, his mind flooded with images of violence and revenge. All he could see was a pool of blood and a cruelly mutilated body in the middle of it. Perdiccas' body.
He wanted revenge, revenge as brutal and painful as the betrayal he had experienced. The pain of being betrayed like that tore him apart, consuming him with an overwhelming rage that threatened to swallow him whole.
The idea of killing Perdiccas slowly and painfully took root in his mind like an obsession. He imagined every macabre detail, every torment he would inflict on the traitor, fueled by the relentless thirst to recover what belonged to him and the unbearable pain of betrayal.
With a herculean effort to contain his burning fury, Alexander finally managed to muster the strength to ask, "Where did he take her?"
"We don't know yet." Ptolemy replied, his eyes fixed on Alexander as he carefully assessed the King's reaction.
The answer seemed to echo in the room, filled with tension and uncertainty. Alexander was strangely restrained, his expression too controlled for the tastes of those present. This was worrying. Ptolemy and Hephaestion exchanged a quick glance, sharing their silent apprehension at what might come next. The approaching storm was invisible, but the tension in the air was palpable, foreshadowing a series of events that could change the course of history.
With palpable determination, Alexander finally made a decision. He stared at the broken table, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and resolve.
"Send all available men to search for any possible information." He ordered firmly, "Spread the news and whoever brings me information about my wife's whereabouts will receive a generous reward."
Ptolemy nodded in understanding and hurriedly left the tent, leaving Hephaestion and Alexander alone in the silent wreckage. The tension in the air was almost palpable, but beneath this layer of anger and worry, there was an unwavering determination that guided Alexander's every action. He was determined to find his wife, no matter the cost.
Hephaestion carefully approached Alexander, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Alexander did not react immediately, his mind still absorbed in turbulent and bloody thoughts.
"Alexander?" Hephaestion's voice sounded gentle and calming, seeking to draw his friend's attention to the present.
"Hephaestion," Alexander replied carefully, his voice filled with determination and a focused intensity, "I want Perdiccas to be brought to me alive."
Hephaestion nodded silently, even though he knew Alexander wasn't looking directly at him. He perfectly understood the implicit meaning behind the order to bring Perdiccas alive.
Even without being asked, Alexander continued, his voice filled with determination and a calculated coldness, "I want to interrogate him personally, ask him why he betrayed me and stole my wife. And then, personally, I will torture him and kill him." The words were delivered with icy calm, but there was no doubt that each one carried a deadly weight.
Alexander's determination was unwavering, his mind focused on just one goal: getting his wife back, no matter the cost. He was willing to throw all of his power and destructive force against any obstacle that he dared to stand in his way.
Cities would fall, armies would be torn to pieces, and populations would be subjugated. Men would be killed, while women and children would be taken into slavery, all in the name of desperately searching for his beloved Queen. Alexander did not care about the human or moral cost of his actions; his fiery fury eclipsed any consideration of compassion or mercy.
The entire world would tremble at Alexander's wrath, for he was determined to leave a trail of destruction in his wake towards those who dared to defy him and take away what was most precious to him. His journey would be marked by blood, pain and suffering, but he would not rest until his wife was safe in his arms again, no matter what the cost.
He would recover his Lost Queen.
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— lady l: And things get more and more complicated for the Persians, don't they? Poor things, they thought it was a good idea to steal a yandere's wife. There wasn't one to warn you, right?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I changed my writing style a little and I hope this pleases you. Feel free to send your feedback and I'll see you in the next chapter! Love you all!! ❤️
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yoyoyokii · 3 months
Zoro x Reader
was meant to be fluff, became angst kind to comfort to fluff?
Originally wrote this @mazzieboohoo in my notes app (a girls best friend) instead of sleeping BUT I workshopped it a bit more so here TAKE IT
I don't care if it doesn't make sense that's not my problem
2.5k words
༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。༻
That’s the best, and probably the only, way to describe your boyfriend right now. He seems to spend every waking moment prioritising his training, and while you aren't all that mad at having the opportunity to watch your EXTREMELY attractive lover show off his muscles as his sweat glistens deliciously beneath the harsh rays of the sun, you couldn’t help but worry about him. Okay… you were also beginning to get kind of - well, more than kind of - jealous at the way a stack of metal was getting more attention from Zoro than you were… no! You are a good girlfriend! So- Mainly you are worried. 
Stress and conflicted feelings are gnawing at his heart, it's so obvious, even to Luffy, Mr Oblivious himself! It doesn't help that, in typical Zoro fashion, his choice of resolution is to suppress these emotions at all costs. This was probably the least desirable trait of his, apart from his shocking navigation skills obviously, and you just wish he wouldn't be so difficult when it came to things like this. The whole crew feels like they have to walk on eggshells around him, it's just tiring at this point. His attitude has been hard on everyone, especially for poor Chopper, who sees your boyfriend more-or-less as a father figure and is now convinced that Zoro hates him. 
He isn’t himself when it comes to the nighttime either, in fact, this is now the part of the day that you dread the most. He has been making an unhealthy habit of clambering into your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, absolutely reeking of sake. He then becomes completely restless and spends those minimal hours of rest stirring about, keeping you awake while he's at it. Every night you beg him to talk to you about it, and every night he plainly tells you it’s nothing, and goes back to borderline ignoring you. You aren't quite sure what hurts more, the fact that he is ignoring you, or the fact that he is just straight-up lying to you.
“Hey, I’m sure he’ll be fine, you’re worrying too much” Nami manages to pull you out of your thoughts, smiling at you before sitting at your side. She joins you in enjoying the pleasantry of the summer breeze and you can’t help but pout a little at her words. She is right. She is always right.
“I’m not worried, just making sure he doesn’t hurt himself.” you lie, squinting your eyes as you look out at the sun setting beyond the horizon. The afternoon glare makes your head ache a little and you are sure that you're falling victim to, what is going to be, a painful sunburn. Oh well, that's a problem for your future self. 
Nami huffs at your pathetic attempt at a lie, before swiftly changing the topic. She begins to talk about how perfect the upcoming weather is going to be for your travels to the next island or something. You know she is just trying to lighten the mood, but you can't really focus. Honestly, you feel nauseous, and there is now a growing pit of anxiety bubbling in the depths of your stomach. You begin to question if it's all your fault, that maybe you are the root cause of Zoro’s distress. This uneasiness spurs in your gut and becomes more unbearable, bile threatening to rise beyond its threshold. You begin to think about how the both of you had only really become official recently, after flirting back and forth for months, and how it had only been since then that he had been acting so… off-
“HEY- are you even listening to me?!?!" Nami yells as she nudges your shoulder. You pretend to draw back in pain, attempting to pull off some sort of comedic relief. It's more for yourself rather than to distract Nami from the fact that you didn’t hear a single thing she said (not paying her attention can be fatal...). BUT LUCKILY FOR YOU- 
She just stands, grabbing at your arm to pull you up with her. She now holds your hand and leads the two of you back to everyone else. She utters something about dinner almost being ready and you can't help but to laugh as she enthusiastically declares that it is gonna be the most delicious thing you’re ever going to taste because she ever-so-kindly requested the dish herself. Yeah, she has definitely just used Sanji again to feed her cravings like the girlboss she is🤷 
You couldn’t stomach dinner, no matter how delicious it was, and to sweet dear Sanji’s dismay you had to excuse yourself from the table. Unfortunately, the ease you previously felt from Nami’s presence disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and so you now find yourself sitting on the floor of the soldier deck. 
The stars are abnormally bright tonight, the full moon stares back at you with a sort of glare that makes it feel as if it's empathising with you. You lean back against the Thousand-Sunny's railing and curl your legs up, hugging them against your stomach. As the breeze toys with the fallen strands of your hair and you gaze upwards into the night, you can’t help but wonder if the myth of cosmic love was true. You can’t help but wonder if you and Zoro shared this connection, or if it was all just a love of convenience for him.
It’s these strings of thought that bring you right back to the day that he had finally confessed to you. You reminisce on how you went to bed that night kicking your feet and smiling like an idiot to yourself. You remember thinking about your future with him, and how, when your heart finally began to calm and you dozed to sleep, you found yourself dreaming of everlasting love. Yes, it was embarrassing and childish, even you’ll admit it, but it was nice to finally feel wanted romantically, especially by someone as stoic and stone-faced as Zoro.
You can’t help but smile fondly, albeit a little sadly, at this memory. If only there was to be a shooting star, so that you can wish to go back in time to this moment, to relish in that feeling of giddiness for just a little longer. 
Scouring the night sky for any glimmer of hope, or just for something to distract you from the heaviness adorning your chest, someone’s presence disturbs your failing attempt at finding peace.
He moves to sit with you. A weird sort of tension begins to hang so thickly in the air that you believe you might suffocate. You aren’t prepared for this sudden confrontation, for him to so casually approach you as if he hasn't been avoiding you for god knows how long. Before you can muster up the courage to finally break the silence and say something, he does it for you.
“I’m sorry.” His voice is firm and unwavering, almost intimidating yet somehow soft at the same time. It's as if he never actually intended to hurt you. You should be mad- no more than mad, borderline ready to fight him! After all this stress he caused you, he can only say sorry??? But no. You force yourself to be the bigger person.
“It’s alright.” You pause your thought, now turning your head to look at him. But before you can continue, he interrupts.
“No… it’s not alright” his brows furrow and he returns your graze, staring so deeply into your soul that it almost burns.
“Before you say anything. I need you to know that my shitty actions were not a result of anything you’ve said or done. okay? I know how you tend to overthink.” He breaks his intense eye contact to look down at his lap, almost like he’s hesitant, seemingly taking his time to formulate his next string of words in a way that wouldn’t make you feel guilty. Before he can continue to explain, he pauses. You know that he's expecting your usual snappy reply that's fueled with some snarky remark or joke. That's how you usually respond when a situation gets too serious for your liking. He knows what to expect from you, so when this awaited response never comes, he realises that you must be gathering your thoughts. And so, he decides to give you a few minutes. 
He said he knows you. And it’s true, he knows you like no one else does. You really were just overthinking to the point that it was making you a complete mess. A tear of relief slips from your eye as you fight the urge to fully break down. You quickly go to wipe the tear away, but this action doesn’t go unnoticed by Zoro, of course it doesn’t.
“What? Is something wrong with your eye?” God he’s so daft sometimes. His question is so ridiculous that it almost makes you laugh. However, you just can’t control it anymore and more tears continue to flow.
 “Hey- are you okay? Why are you crying?”
You feel too stupid and selfish to admit that he was the root cause of your tears, so of course, you lie. Again.
“Well… do you ever look at something so beautiful that it makes you want to cry? That’s how a full moon makes me feel, and it’s extra beautiful tonight…” you attempt to steady your breathing as you fake a smile towards him. 
The warmth of his hand moves to sit against the side of your face as he uses his thumb to wipe away a new stream that's spilled over the curve of your cheek. The familiar feeling of his skin against yours is so comforting that it is his touch alone that begins to heal the uneasiness plaguing your heart. And so you lean further into him, welcoming this newfound sense of solace. 
“Of course I do, that's how I feel whenever I look at you.”  
It's this statement that constricts your throat to the point of no return and forces you to choke out the most pathetic sob. At first Zoro’s visibly confused by this, not understanding why you’ve had such a visceral reaction to his words, after all, he was simply telling the truth. If he feels uncomfortable by your emotional outburst he doesn’t show it. He instead wraps his burly arms around your shuddering frame and holds you so securely that you’re sure you are going to suffocate. But come on, we all know you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Now. It’s a common misconception that Roronoa Zoro is too much of a ‘tough guy’ to be affectionate, that he is always too stern for his own good. But this isn't true, especially when it comes to you. Yes, he’s straightforward, overly suspicious at times, and generally a serious guy. But, he’s also loyal, caring, and would die for his crew. Just because he doesn't like to publicly display his gratitude for everyone, it was always there, and his little acts of love for the crew never went unnoticed by you. He knows this about you, that you always take notice of others, it’s part of the reason as to why he loves you so much. 
Your body crumples against his torso, weeping into his chest. You can’t help but to apologise, suddenly feeling guilty for interrupting such a rare confession.
“I’m sorry, I’m so selfish for crying…” you say in between stuttering breaths as you attempt to stabilise your emotions. “I thought you hated me. I’m just so relieved!” 
He stays quiet, listening intently to you as he runs his fingers through your hair.
“Zoro, please talk to me. I’m sorry for interrupting, please tell me what’s bothering you, I hate that you’ve been struggling alone.” You’re rambling now and your words are being muffled by the material clinging between his torso and your lips. You don’t care. You only pray that he listens to you.
“You care too much about me,” he chuckles softly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “The reason I’ve been such an asshole is because I’ve never loved someone like I’ve loved you. I don’t usually worry about this kind of stuff, but I think I'm a bit shit scared of my own feelings.”. 
You cradle your head upwards, looking up at him with your now puffy, red eyes. Now you listen.
A deep sigh escapes from his taut lips, “It’s just… the last time I cared for someone. Well, you know how that ended.”.
He doesn’t have to say anything else. The point has been made, and you nod in a sympathetic understanding. His eyes grow glassy, tears threatening to spill through his eyelashes. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable. You don’t want to pry, and you know that words of comfort don’t work on someone like Zoro, so you stay silent, instead opting to reach up to cradle his head into your chest. This change in dynamics is definitely not something he is usually comfortable with, but it’s what he needs right now. This loving action pushes him over the edge, and funnily enough, he’s now the one sobbing into your arms instead.
You both sit like this for a while, with you sitting patiently, drawing imaginary soothing circles on Zoro’s upper back. His tears dried a while ago and you aren’t sure how long it’s been since anyone last spoke, but you’re willing to wait until the end of time if it meant that he could feel a moment of comfort within your arms. 
Your reassuring touches do make him feel better. He’s never felt so loved. So cared for. He’s never been the one on the receiving end of a hold so intimate and full of empathy. The idea that someone will willingly listen to him without judgment, that someone can accept his words without forcing a solution.
“This must have been hard, I'm proud of you. Thank you for talking to me.” You finally say, in the softest voice you can muster. He breaks away from your hold so gently, as if he’s afraid that moving too hastily will break you (you are his most precious possession after all). 
You both now sit in a weird and quite awkward entanglement of limbs, staring at each other in a newfound sense of mutual agreement of understanding. Everything makes sense to you, and Zoro finds comfort in knowing that his worries have been heard. A win-win some would say. 
Neither of you say anything, it's pointless. Words can’t show how grateful you are for one another. It’s like they always say, actions speak louder than words, right?
And so he kisses you. 
It definitely isn’t the first time you’ve kissed, but it’s the first time you’ve kissed like this. It’s all-consuming, so filled with love that it’s almost overwhelming, you believe his mouth is heaven; his tongue the eternal paradise. There’s a certain kind of bliss that can only be found in the tenderness of Zoro’s arms, and you wish more people understood saw his soft side, but maybe it's just meant to be your secret to keep. He never meant to be cruel. He just loves you. He always will.
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astrojulia · 11 months
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Opposition in the Natal Chart: Part II
~ Outer Planets
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Jupiter ☍ Saturn: The Jupiter-Saturn opposition creates a conflict between expansion and limitation in your life. You often struggle to find a balance between control and trust, discipline and spontaneity. This internal conflict leads you to gravitate towards one extreme or the other, causing rigidity or a lack of responsibility. You may yearn for more joy and freedom but feel trapped in a structured mindset. It's important to overcome this tension by embracing both polarities, finding a harmony between spontaneity and order, effort and grace. Balancing these opposites will lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Jupiter ☍ Uranus: The Jupiter-Uranus opposition represents a conflict between progress and understanding in your life. Jupiter symbolizes conventional growth within societal boundaries, while Uranus represents radical change and a departure from social norms. This opposition creates internal conflict regarding individual freedom and social responsibility. You may lean towards individualism and reject conformity or adopt a defender-of-society stance, suppressing your own eccentric traits. In terms of understanding, Jupiter seeks a grand design that aligns with established paradigms, while Uranus challenges those paradigms with revolutionary insights. This opposition also impacts your concept of well-being and philanthropy, leading to conflicts between merit-based and equitable approaches. Finding balance between these opposing forces is crucial for personal fulfillment and harmony.
Jupiter ☍ Neptune: The opposition of Jupiter and Neptune requires you to find a balance between conflicting forces. Jupiter represents tangible growth and understanding, while Neptune symbolizes expansion into the ethereal and dissolution of formed structures. These opposing forces create a sense of uncertainty and impermanence, leading to increased insecurity and potential neuroticism. You may distrust established systems, craving absolute truth amidst compromises. The key to resolving these conflicts lies in embracing ambiguity, recognizing its positive role in understanding and organizational dynamics. It is important to deflate excess and incorporate boundaries to navigate both the manifested and unmanifested realms. Balancing form and void allows for harmonious functioning in both domains.
Jupiter ☍ Pluto: The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto creates a conflict between the known and the unknown aspects of your psyche. Your stable worldview clashes with your subconscious, destructive, and power-seeking tendencies. This internal tension can manifest as hidden anxiety or be externalized in destructive behavior. Feelings of paranoia, insecurity, and mood swings may arise. Externally, events like death, abuse, financial crises, or powerful opposition can threaten your well-being. The challenge lies in restoring equilibrium and well-being after such crises, aiming for personal growth and a higher level of understanding.
Jupiter ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition of Jupiter and the Part of Fortune initially suggests a conflict between taking risks and seeking growth versus experiencing good fortune. Choices may seem unfortunate, and desired affluence may be blocked. This aspect also indicates a struggle between pursuing fortune and personal growth. However, by recognizing the commonalities and reconciling opposites, this opposition can be resolved. Understanding that both fortune and growth can complement each other allows for the enjoyment and development of both aspects in life. Ultimately, this opposition presents an opportunity to find fortune and well-being through a balanced approach.
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Jupiter ☍ Ascendant: With Jupiter opposed Rising, you exhibit a polished and refined demeanor, but others may question your motives. You prefer confident associates and have a talent for attracting fortunate individuals. Commitments are only made if there is a future benefit, and you handle people's resources, focusing on their potential and accomplishments. Although you pride yourself on common sense, you tend to be more of a taker than a giver, except when it aligns with your long-term goals. Rootedness is challenging for you as you prioritize seizing opportunities. As an idea-oriented person, you excel in uplifting conversations and strive for achievement due to unsatisfactory home circumstances.
Jupiter ☍ Imum Coeli: With Jupiter opposed Imum Coeli (4th house), your childhood was marked by positive attention and benefits from one or both parents, who are esteemed individuals in society. Your talents were nurtured, and you had opportunities to explore various paths in life. As you grow, you feel a strong urge to explore the world through travel, education, or meaningful work that contributes to your growth and leads to a fulfilling career. You receive blessings from benefactors and recognition for your abilities. If you choose early parenthood, you'll find a supportive partner who enriches your life. Despite setbacks, new opportunities come easily. Practice restraint and discernment with your good fortune and seek ways to share it for the benefit of others.
Jupiter ☍ Descendant: With Jupiter opposed Descendant, caution is advised in partnerships, particularly in commercial agreements. You may attract individuals who appear optimistic and have long-term business visions, but their intentions may be misleading or focused solely on substantial profits. Romantic relationships may be numerous, as commitment may not come easily. Challenging life lessons can lead to maturity and the potential for a deep connection with a spiritually enriching partner. Your spouse or marriage partner may exhibit impulsiveness and eccentricity, eventually appearing moralistic, dull, and fanatical about certain causes within the relationship. Vanity may blind you to the true factors contributing to your well-being. Disputes and misunderstandings can harm partnerships, potentially resulting in legal issues. Deceit and lies should be recognized and guarded against. Traveling offers an opportunity for self-reflection on existing partnerships and future prospects. Remember that happiness is not solely dependent on money or pleasure.
Jupiter ☍ Midheaven: When Jupiter opposes the Midheaven in a birth chart, it creates tension between personal growth and societal expectations in terms of the individual's public image and career aspirations. This aspect highlights conflicting desires and values, as Jupiter represents expansion and exploration while the Midheaven symbolizes reputation and professional goals. Balancing personal fulfillment with societal standards can be a challenge, but it also offers an opportunity for growth and integration. By aligning career aspirations with personal values and embracing both the adventurous nature of Jupiter and the practical realities of the professional world, individuals can find a fulfilling path that combines personal growth with professional success and recognition.
Jupiter ☍ Chiron: When Jupiter opposes Chiron, you may experience a sense of incompetence and inferiority, driving you to overcome these feelings. Success provides relief but can lead to detachment from reality, while failure prompts reflection on life principles. You possess foresight, vitality, and insight into others' actions and motivations, excelling in observation and teaching. Disappointment arises when people don't meet your high ideals, causing emotional pain. You may grapple with religion or become a fanatic, but the lesson is to seek answers within yourself and find balance through dedication to a meaningful cause. Reflecting on experiences can lead to wisdom, though beliefs may be adjusted based on individual needs rather than ideals.
Jupiter ☍ Vesta: When Jupiter opposes Vesta, you may face a conflict between your core beliefs and the desire for exploration and progress. Sexual confusion could arise, as your personal beliefs may differ from societal or familial traditions. You might oscillate between indulgence and asceticism, or explore this dichotomy within a relationship. Fanaticism, either in yourself or mirrored by others, can emerge, often involving issues of self-sacrifice. Your perception of a higher power may be excessively negative, requiring moderation to see universal truth and find inspiration for fulfilling your life's purpose. By cultivating self-awareness and conscious effort, you can achieve a balanced approach to sexuality and faith, incorporating both devotion and adventure in your life.
Jupiter ☍ Pallas: When Jupiter opposes Pallas, there is a conflict between your artistic and intellectual inclinations and the teachings or beliefs of those around you. Your traditional side may suppress your creative freedom and risk-taking nature. Choices arise regarding challenging conformity, urging you to examine your belief system and its origins. A desire for power, whether spiritual or sexual, can manifest negatively if exaggerated. Finding a balance between tradition and creativity is crucial. Projecting an attribute onto a close relationship can reconcile the dichotomy. With effort, you can cultivate a balanced approach to sexual expression and faith. This aspect offers an opportunity for personal growth and wisdom.
Jupiter ☍ Juno: When Jupiter opposes Juno, you tend to attract an overly optimistic partner who relies on your "stroke of luck" to improve their circumstances. Conflicts may arise over religious or philosophical differences, and there could be a tendency towards extramarital affairs. It is important to regularly review joint finances to avoid excessive indulgence, debt, and household difficulties. You seek a deep connection with a partner who shares your core values and spirituality, but obstacles may hinder this connection. Feeling spiritually aligned is crucial for a lasting bond; otherwise, you may become disillusioned or seek solace elsewhere. Taking these factors into consideration can lead to healthier relationships.
Jupiter ☍ Ceres: When Jupiter opposes Ceres, you may face a conflict between independence and caring for others, as well as between adventure and safety. There is a recurring theme of letting go and finding a balance between nourishing yourself and nurturing those around you. Experiences of separation and loss shape your beliefs, and finding a tradition that supports your spiritual exploration is beneficial. Resolving this dilemma requires recognizing and meeting both needs within yourself to avoid turbulent relationships and power struggles. Be mindful of overfeeding others or indulging in excessive eating as coping mechanisms. Finding a fulfilling work commitment that allows for self-expression and nourishment can turn this conflict into a strength. Embracing a belief system can provide nourishment and self-expression.
Jupiter ☍ Vertex: When Jupiter opposes the Vertex, you may face opposition to your plans for education, travel, or expanding your horizons. Compromises might be necessary, and it's crucial to listen to others' ideas, especially when your judgment is questionable or emotions cloud your perspective. Legal matters could also encounter objections. You're drawn to global narratives that inspire philosophical thoughts, but relying solely on abstract ideals may hinder progress and escalate crises. Defending your beliefs can be challenging if you're uncertain, unless you have clarity about your spiritual purpose. Seek balance between exploration and practicality to navigate this aspect effectively.
Jupiter ☍ Lilith: When Jupiter opposes Lilith, hidden forces can hinder your happiness and make it challenging to accept affection or allow others to bring joy into your life. Despite this, you still maintain an interest in social interactions. Your desire for power can be intense, driving you towards new ventures and ideas. However, it's important to exercise caution and avoid becoming carried away by abstract and illusory goals. Impulsive actions may lead to spiritual and financial difficulties. Prioritize thoughtful planning and utilize your intellectual power to create something meaningful. Managing unpredictability and embracing careful planning will help you navigate this aspect successfully.
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Saturn ☍ Uranus: When Saturn opposes Uranus, you experience a conflict between the energies symbolized by these planets. This conflict manifests as a struggle between established ways of life and the changing times or new ideas. You may feel that your principles and standards are being threatened by rebellious forces or the established institutions. The conflict between change and stability may seem irreconcilable, leading to a dilemma of loyalty and a desire for personal ideals. Finding a balance is important, recognizing the need for stability within change and for change within stability. You may have a strong vision for the future but encounter resistance, both internally and externally. By embracing change while maintaining stability, you can resolve this conflict and avoid fueling negative forces.
Saturn ☍ Neptune: When Saturn opposes Neptune, the conflicting forces of structure and transcendence come into play. Saturn represents stability and discipline, while Neptune represents chaos and escapism. This opposition can lead to feelings of insecurity and a fear of collapse. You may question the solidity of your life and experience a blurring of reality and illusion. There is a tension between aligning with the transcendent qualities of Neptune and facing self-criticism from the Saturnian side. The opposition can also manifest as a desire for control or difficulty fitting into practical realities. Balancing structure with flexibility and recognizing the interdependencies between the two is important for harmony. Mindfulness of limitations and consequences is necessary in exploring the unknown.
Saturn ☍ Pluto: When Saturn opposes Pluto, the inherent conflicts between Saturn and Pluto intensify. You face challenges in maintaining a rigid status quo while subconscious forces seek to dismantle your psychological foundations. There is a clash between external discipline and your desire for power and sexual drive. You feel torn between rationality and irrational urges, restraint and breaking free from constraints. These conflicts can be painful and lead to destructive behaviors. You face choices between rules and indulgence, self-control and dominance, and the tangible world and intense emotions. Regardless of the choice, the unchosen option continues to haunt you. This tension can drive you towards transformation or destructive outcomes.
Saturn ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Saturn and the Part of Fortune presents a challenge in finding a balance between seeking happiness and enjoyment, and the need for hard work and self-discipline. It can feel impossible to have both simultaneously, leading to guilt and a sense of continuous obstacles. Good fortune may seem elusive, and even when achieved, its meaning and adequacy may be questioned. To find peace and happiness, it is important to recognize and appreciate the good fortune in your life while embracing the need for planning and effort. Finding satisfaction in the process of pursuing goals is key to cultivating positive qualities.
Saturn ☍ Ascendant: The opposition between Saturn and the Ascendant reflects a defensive nature in your interactions with others. You often feel the need to exert pressure to elicit a response but question its worth. Prioritizing others' concerns is challenging as you're absorbed in your own affairs. Paradoxically, you accuse others of indifference while projecting a secretive and superior demeanor that keeps them at a distance. Doubting your talents, you hesitate to offer services and fear competitive situations. Seeking approval, you cautiously gauge reactions, often drawing conclusions prematurely. Modest beginnings and a lack of praise contribute to self-doubt, hindering your exploration of ideas and desire for positive feedback.
Saturn ☍ Imun Coeli: In the opposition with Saturn, you exhibit a determined and ambitious nature, evident from a young age. Popularity is not your priority; instead, you value respect and strive for expertise in your chosen practical and concrete profession. Fields like construction, engineering, accounting, or computer development suit you well. Though setbacks may arise during your apprenticeship, you persevere, eventually making progress and earning the respect of others. As you advance, you may have the opportunity to mentor and train others in your area of expertise. Your diligence and responsibility contribute to your success.
Saturn ☍ Descendant: When Saturn is opposed to the Descendant in your love life, you are likely to face significant challenges in your relationships. Restrictions and complications may arise, such as your partner having another family or dealing with legal issues. There can be a lack of flexibility in marriage or partnerships, leading to fragile friendships and social agreements. The immaturity of your partner may hinder personal growth and the development of strong relationships. Your spouse may be overly serious and conventional, stifling your creativity. Impulsiveness and reckless actions may lead to distance and coldness between you both, potentially even leading to divorce. It is important to minimize the restrictive effects and burdens within the relationship.
Saturn ☍ Midheaven: When Saturn opposes the Midheaven it creates a significant dynamic impacting career, public image, and authority. This aspect brings challenges and lessons related to professional goals and how one is perceived. It signifies a tension between structure and discipline (Saturn) and success and ambition (Midheaven), leading to pressure and conflict in the career realm. Setbacks, criticism, and self-doubt may arise. Balancing personal aspirations with societal expectations is a struggle. However, with determination and hard work, individuals can overcome obstacles, develop professionalism, and earn respect. This aspect offers growth, maturity, and the potential for long-term success in one's chosen field.
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Saturn ☍ Chiron: When Saturn opposes Chiron it reflects a diligent search for a stable and discomfort-free life, but conflicts arise between expectations and reality, leading to confusion. Moral principles may differ from societal norms, resulting in challenging circumstances and a price for success. The subconscious drive for compensation and insecurity can lead to disregarding contradictory information and viewing others as enemies. Struggles with authority and restrictions may stem from a challenging childhood. Confronting emotional pain is crucial for finding personal authority and wisdom. This aspect can manifest as alchemical wisdom or advocacy for humanitarian causes, while conservatism often characterizes beliefs.
Saturn ☍ Vesta: When Saturn opposes Vesta there is a deep-seated conflict between personal beliefs and cultural traditions or authorities. Striking a balance between practical concerns and spirituality becomes challenging. One may struggle to apply beliefs consistently due to a lack of discipline. These beliefs can involve denying or restricting sexual activity, causing difficulty in living within those limits. On the other hand, one's beliefs may challenge traditional boundaries, leading to conflicts with authorities. Desiring others to share these commitments can create tension, as acceptance of their lack of responsibility becomes conflicting. Finding harmony between personal beliefs and societal expectations becomes a focal point.
Saturn ☍ Pallas: Saturn opposed Pallas creates a dichotomy in your life between your creative intellect and cultural ideals on one side, and practical concerns and material/social success on the other. Balancing your personal and social responsibilities with your creative interests is challenging, as obligations can hinder your creativity and involvement in social matters may lead to authority conflicts. However, it's crucial to realize that you don't have to choose between them; instead, make room for both aspects in your life. Facing fears and seeking therapy can help overcome conflicts and manage day-to-day practical issues. Exploring chiropractic as a potential option may help you find balance.
Saturn ☍ Juno: Saturn opposed Juno creates difficulties for you in finding a serious and committed relationship. Despite your efforts and love for others, it's challenging to establish the stable connection you desire. Settling for a lesser commitment in the hope of future happiness can complicate matters, especially if you enter into a marriage prematurely or without the necessary emotional maturity. It's possible that you're surrounded by people interested in casual flings, but it may also be a matter of timing or searching in the wrong places. Pushing for commitment prematurely can hinder relationship growth. Instead, allow things to unfold naturally, embracing and learning from romantic experiences. Love will come when the time is right.
Saturn ☍ Ceres: Saturn opposed Ceres creates a conflict between nourishment and fulfillment in your life. This may stem from contrasting dynamics between a nurturing mother and a demanding father or experiences of loss and reunion in parental relationships. The fear of loss and abandonment can make you hesitant to form intimate bonds. In pursuing your dreams, you may resort to unrealistic strategies such as authoritarianism or emotional detachment. Balancing achievements and emotional well-being becomes a challenge. Even with privilege, your parents' emotional distance or strict discipline can shape your adult life. Effective time management and creating plans for self-care and relationships are crucial. Balancing both experiences can make you a source of wisdom and strength for others while fostering enduring relationships for yourself.
Saturn ☍ Vertex: Saturn opposed Vertex places you in a role that may not align with your true self, with others opposing your efforts. Avoid excessive desires for power, authority, and social status, as they can lead to conflicts with authority figures. Childhood experiences with a demanding father may resurface through encounters with similar figures. Your sense of responsibility helps maintain balance and diffuse tension. However, navigating sexual desires and connections can be challenging, especially when not seeking a meaningful connection. When in love, you possess the qualities to be a responsible and steadfast partner, supporting mutual fulfillment even if it takes time.
Saturn ☍ Lilith: Saturn opposed Lilith reflects a strong denial or rejection of authority, revealing your rebellious and insubmissive nature. This behavior can lead to moral disorder, depression, but also moments of exceptional awareness. You tend to dominate others, particularly those perceived as fragile, but be cautious not to underestimate them or incite unnecessary conflicts. Desiring control and authority, you often face resistance, especially from authority figures or your father, triggering anger and physical ailments like depression. Letting go of grudges is crucial for cultivating positive energy and achieving goals. It's important to moderate and balance excessive ambition and the thirst for power.
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Uranus ☍ Neptune: The Uranus opposed Neptune aspect occurred from 1904 to 1912, impacting a generation that reached adulthood in the 1920s and 1930s. Only a few individuals today have this aspect in their natal charts (and probably none of you). Sensitivity to outer planets and personal planets in aspect to Uranus or Neptune intensify its effects. The aspect brings conflicts between hopes and disappointments, individuality and a longing to be part of something greater. While having a positive vision of the future, it can crumble in the face of a confusing and uncertain reality, shattering faith in progress. Struggling to regain optimism, a desire for transcendence and maintaining individuality arise. Balancing individuation and surrender becomes a spiritual conflict.
Uranus ☍ Pluto: The Uranus opposed Pluto aspect occurred from 1900 to 1904, affecting a generation that reached adulthood in the aftermath of World War I and the early 1920s. Few individuals from this cohort are still alive today. It won't happen again until 2043. Sensitivity to outer planets and personal planets in aspect to Uranus or Pluto intensify the effects. The aspect brings conflicts between a desire for visible and open change and a resistance to overt change. You may lean towards private transformation or resistance rooted in fear and attachment to outdated forms.
Uranus ☍ Part of Fortune: The Uranus opposed Part of Fortune aspect reveals a perception of change and good fortune as incompatible, despite their complementary nature. Nonconformity and individuality are seen as threats to good fortune, creating resistance to change. However, you encounter change through individuals and groups embodying nonconformity, triggering fear and a defensive reaction. A hidden desire for change and individuality may conflict with the pursuit of good fortune. Negative influences can diminish hopes for good fortune. Internal tension arises between embracing stability and convention versus expressing individuality and embracing change. Externalized conflict may lead to sudden changes or loss of well-being. Balancing comfort with change is key for a fulfilling life.
Uranus ☍ Ascendant: The Uranus opposed Rising aspect indicates a need for unconventional relationships and prioritizing freedom over commitment. You seek a unique life partnership with a partner involved in unusual occupations or possessing genius in their field. Freedom to pursue independent activities is crucial. Engaging in lively and unconventional business partnerships or projects is beneficial. Conflicts and unmet needs may arise if a partnership restricts freedom. Caution is advised to ensure a compatible need for freedom in a partner. Relationships that hinder freedom can be bothersome. You attract individuals who prioritize their own freedom, and you admire those who challenge authority. Your ingenuity and creative talents are appreciated by peers.
Uranus ☍ Imun Coeli: The Uranus opposed 4th house aspect emphasizes the significance of freedom in your life. You believe in contributing something unique to society, whether through work or parenting. Your mother's influence ideally fosters independence and a strong mindset. However, clashes with your mother or her family may lead to rebellion and a sense of being lost. Nevertheless, these experiences provide valuable lessons that shape your professional life. As you mature, you desire the freedom to express your unique ideas and make a meaningful societal contribution. You embrace change, seek variety, and may undergo sudden career transitions. Science, innovation, and technology are likely to feature in your career. Authority is met with rebellion, as you strive to carve your own path and avoid conformity.
Uranus ☍ Descendant: The Uranus opposed 7th house aspect reveals your inclination towards unconventional relationships that allow for independence and avoid rigid commitments. This preference has presented challenges in matters of love from a young age. You are attracted to the new and eccentric, surrounding yourself with independent individuals who either support or discourage your own independence. Marriages may encounter problems if rushed or lacking careful planning, as you prioritize individuality over deep partnership. Conflicts with friends are also possible, as you navigate platonic attractions or friends proposing romantic involvement. Your magnetic nature attracts people effortlessly, desiring constant change and an independent, creative love partnership. You may even consider a non-traditional, fictitious marriage arrangement. Exploring new technologies online appeals more than traditional romantic activities.
Uranus ☍ Midheaven: The Uranus opposition to the Midheaven aspect impacts your career, public image, and life direction. It creates a tension between your need for individuality, freedom, and unconventional approaches, and the desire for stability, recognition, and conformity. You resist traditional career paths, seeking independence and expressing your unique ideas and talents. Restlessness and frequent career changes are common as you align your work with personal freedom. Your public image is unconventional, attracting both inspiration and resistance. Balancing freedom and stability is essential. Embrace change, combine innovation with practicality, and navigate risks for success. This aspect invites you to forge a unique path integrating individuality and creativity into your professional life.
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Uranus ☍ Chiron: The Uranus opposition to Chiron aspect creates a conflict in your life, leading you to choose challenging paths or face conflicting principles. In relationships, you struggle with commitment and may vacillate between staying or ending them. Personal space is essential for you, providing freedom without consequences. This aspect enhances your activity and curiosity, making it ideal for an astrologer. You strongly desire voluntary freedom and make sudden changes when hindered. Unresolved emotional wounds contribute to your longing for freedom. Honoring intuition, finding creative outlets, and exploring esoteric matters are important for you. You reject societal norms and seek alternative frameworks for true freedom and belonging.
Uranus ☍ Vesta: The Uranus opposition to Vesta reveals a conflict between your need for freedom and exploration, and your spiritual ideals. This creates a dichotomy within you, where traditional beliefs clash with the value you place on individuality. Sexuality becomes a focal point, as sacrifice and celibacy contradict your desire for radical freedom. You may become a fanatic opposing spiritual traditions or zealously trying to convert others. Your intellect, devotion, and longing for freedom are polarized, creating tension. Finding balance through meaningful work or dedicated commitments is crucial to avoid projecting this dynamic onto relationships. Strive for harmony between freedom and spiritual ideals.
Uranus ☍ Pallas: The Uranus opposition to Pallas indicates a struggle between social and cultural sensitivities and a desire for radical revolution. You feel torn between traditional societal norms and your strong urge for significant change. Feminist ideals inspire you, and you challenge gender roles that restrict personal freedom. Your social engagement often leads to opposition and tension in relationships. It's important to honor both your desire for change and the need for social harmony, finding a compromise between the two. While you aspire to create something new and exciting, you may face resistance from within yourself, as well as from society, friends, or the community.
Uranus ☍ Juno: The Uranus opposition to Juno creates a conflict between the need for freedom and the need for intimacy in your relationships. You fear that commitment might hinder your spiritual exploration or the expression of your highest ideals. On the other hand, if you do commit, you may feel trapped by traditional roles and constraints. Conflicts arise when one partner desires a traditional bond while the other seeks independence. Finding a compromise is key instead of choosing between these opposing needs. You attract partners who challenge your desire for freedom, and your existing relationship may experience ups and downs. The question of commitment is always present, challenging your desire for personal fulfillment and partnership.
Uranus ☍ Ceres: The Uranus opposition to Ceres creates a conflict between your need for freedom and individuality and your need for attachment and intimacy. You may see close relationships as obstacles to personal liberation or spiritual growth, while feeling threatened when others seek independence. This can lead to a sense of detachment in loving partnerships and difficulty in nurturing and expressing care. In childhood, you may have experienced inconsistent nurturing, impacting your ability to provide support as an adult. Balancing both needs is essential, embracing personal growth while maintaining intimacy. Finding compromises and reconciling this dichotomy will help you establish meaningful connections and contribute to society.
Uranus ☍ Vertex: The Uranus opposition to Vertex highlights your need for freedom and individuality, leading to rebellion when your autonomy is restricted. However, finding a balance between your needs and the expectations of others is more productive. This aspect offers the opportunity to connect with new and exciting friends, particularly in astrology groups. Learning to effectively work in groups is important, as you tend to do things your own way. Cultivating tolerance for those with different perspectives is crucial, as opposition and conflicts may arise. Once you become more flexible and tolerant, you can actively engage in community groups and harness the power of teamwork for learning, innovation, and creation.
Uranus ☍ Lilith: The Uranus opposition to Lilith in your life brings continual dramatic changes and a struggle to find your place. Inner peace eludes you as you constantly commit to various things, making it hard to relax and live in the present moment. Your talent for keeping yourself in constant motion creates imbalance. However, as you heal your darker aspects, you can gain the freedom to revolutionize your life without necessarily needing external changes. A recurring theme is your tendency to reject or ignore danger, often feeling invulnerable. This may lead to a higher exposure to failed actions. Acknowledging and addressing this pattern is important for your growth.
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Neptune ☍ Pluto: The opposition between Neptune and Pluto creates a conflict between your spirituality and idealism on one hand, and the need for transformative inner work on the other. Pluto pushes you to confront and discard outdated emotional material, while Neptune prefers to avoid delving into the darker aspects of your nature. This inner dichotomy can be painful for your sensitive disposition. Failing to recognize and accept both needs can lead to projecting this conflict onto your relationships, causing tensions. Finding a balance that honors and embraces both aspects of your being is crucial to avoid further discord.
Neptune ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Neptune and the Part of Fortune presents challenges if you strongly attach your sense of good fortune to material manifestations. You may fear the loss or instability of your perceived blessings. Your perception of good fortune differs from Neptune's qualities, as you prefer the concrete and predictable. However, subconsciously, you recognize life's unpredictable and intangible nature. This fear and preference for the tangible may lead to a dislike of the spiritual and fluid aspects of life. By embracing the intangible, developing sensitivity and intuition, you can expand your concept of good fortune and experience a deeper sense of abundance and fulfillment.
Neptune ☍ Ascendant: When Neptune opposes your Rising sign, you may struggle to distinguish between genuine friends and those who may take advantage of your sensitivity. This vulnerability to emotional manipulation can lead to disappointment and a sense of obligation. It is important to prioritize self-protection when offering help, ensuring that it is genuinely needed. Your caring nature can overwhelm you with concern for others, stemming from a desire to fill a void of loneliness. Channeling your imaginative and creative talents into pursuits like writing or the arts can provide purpose and personal growth. Challenge self-limiting beliefs, seek guidance, and cultivate your independence to shape your own destiny and pursue happiness.
Neptune ☍ Imun Coeli: When Neptune opposes your 4th house, you yearn for a career that aligns with your soul and allows you to pursue your true passion. Your imagination plays a crucial role in shaping your chosen path. While daydreaming about unconventional professions like being at sea or working in remote locations, practicality may require you to make sacrifices and seek more conventional sources of income. Regardless, focus on serving others and contributing to the community to find meaning in your work. Nurture your imagination and infuse creativity into your profession, thinking outside the box and embracing opportunities that allow you to express your unique gifts and talents.
Neptune ☍ Descendant: When Neptune opposes your 7th house, your hypersensitive nature makes you vulnerable to deception in matters of the heart and forming partnerships. You attract manipulative individuals due to a dreamlike state that hinders your perception of reality. It's important to exercise caution and discernment, as you may overlook genuine love while encountering those who bring turmoil into your life. Be vigilant against deceit and manipulation, nurturing your intuition to identify unworthy partners. Trust your instincts and develop discernment to avoid relationships detrimental to your well-being. Take time to recognize and appreciate those who deserve a genuine and fulfilling connection in your life.
Neptune ☍ Midheaven: When Neptune opposes the Midheaven in your astrological chart, it creates tension between dreams, illusions, and spirituality (Neptune) and career, reputation, and public image (Midheaven). This aspect influences your professional path and public standing, causing ambiguity and confusion regarding your true calling. You may yearn for creative or spiritual work but struggle with practicality and maintaining a clear direction. Blurred boundaries between personal and professional life and vulnerability to external opinions are common. To navigate these challenges, find a balance between imagination and practicality, trust your intuition, and integrate dreams and spirituality into your career. Strive for a fulfilling path that aligns with your purpose and benefits society.
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Neptune ☍ Chiron: When Neptune opposes Chiron in your chart, you face the challenge of navigating the real world and may seek to escape its perils. This inclination can lead to drug or alcohol use and various forms of escapism. Health issues may also arise. Your lesson is to express your sensitivity and caring nature in a spiritually constructive way. You have conflicting needs: to confront your wounds and reclaim spiritual power, and to avoid the darker aspects of life and focus on ethereal realities. Nurturing kindness and compassion is important, but avoiding challenges can lead to destructive behavior. Recognize that these needs can coexist and make choices accordingly.
Neptune ☍ Vesta: When Neptune opposes Vesta in your chart, you may experience conflicting emotions and beliefs regarding spirituality and sexuality. The tension between the desire for physical relationships and the pursuit of spiritual development can lead to disappointment and disillusionment within a religious context. It's important to honor your need for transcendent experiences while recognizing the sacredness in all aspects of existence, including the physical realm. Focus on spiritual connections and integrate both spirituality and sexuality into a harmonious approach to life. Transcend limiting beliefs, stay true to yourself, and seek like-minded individuals to navigate this dichotomy and find fulfillment on your spiritual path.
Neptune ☍ Pallas: When Neptune opposes Pallas in your chart, you navigate a dichotomy between intellectual and social sensibilities, and spiritual conscience and intuitive knowledge. Challenges may arise in validating spiritual experiences within intellectual or political contexts. You feel a constant call to develop a skill that recognizes unity in people and things. Your sensitivity can lead you to become a spiritual mentor if your intuitive understanding remains clear. However, you may struggle with balancing your yearning for transcendence and mysticism with social engagement and activism. Finding a middle ground that honors both can integrate intellect and intuition, unlocking creativity and artistic expression in your life.
Neptune ☍ Juno: When Neptune opposes Juno in your chart, you experience a profound dichotomy between spirituality and committed relationships. This creates a conflict between the demands of marriage and the desires of your artistic, romantic, or spiritual nature. Infidelity may be a temptation as you seek to discern what is real. You may rush into relationships, attaching intense emotions and expectations to potentially unworthy partners. Alternatively, you may choose to prioritize your inner life over committed relationships or marry someone who doesn't support your artistic or spiritual side, leading to incompatibility. Navigating this requires introspection, open communication, and finding partners who appreciate and support your unique inclinations. Balancing your spiritual journey with relational commitments can lead to fulfilling connections.
Neptune ☍ Ceres: When Neptune opposes Ceres in your chart, you experience a significant polarity between your nurturing and spiritual sensitivity and your longing for heightened awareness. Those who play a nurturing role may feel threatened by your sensitivity and spiritual quest. You may struggle to validate your subtle perceptions and artistic expressions. Nurturing your soul through imagination is important, but beware of detachment from reality. Spending time near water can provide solace. Imbalances arise from a lack of emotional support, leading to feelings of helplessness. To overcome this, nurture your sensitivities while establishing emotional foundations and harness your intuition practically. Strive for a harmonious integration of nurturing and spiritual growth.
Neptune ☍ Vertex: When Neptune opposes the Vertex in your chart, you possess a hidden aspect that may not be immediately evident to others. You exhibit traits of indecision and compassion, which can lead to misunderstandings. You may attract individuals struggling with substance abuse, requiring strength to avoid getting entangled in their problems. Your true energy shines in spirituality and artistry. You have a strong urge to help others, but it's important to recognize your limitations and seek clarity through spiritual contemplation. Seeking support from Neptune or Pisces individuals can be beneficial. Embrace your hidden nature, navigate spirituality and artistry, and unlock your full potential by exercising discernment and embracing growth opportunities.
Neptune ☍ Lilith: When Neptune opposes Lilith in your chart, you are deeply influenced by the darker aspects of your emotions, often becoming absorbed in them. It is crucial to reflect on how your emotions may affect others and consider if you are neglecting your own feelings. Self-reflection reveals valuable insights. Despite any disbelief, your heightened sensitivity leads you to navigate life through emotions, sometimes overlooking rational thought. Embrace the present moment and fully experience your emotions. Differentiate between reality and imagination, seeking clarity amidst the shadows. By acknowledging the power of your emotions while staying grounded, you can gain profound insights and find inner harmony.
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Pluto ☍ Part of Fortune: When Pluto opposes the Part of Fortune in your chart, you approach relationships with seriousness and prefer waiting for a committed connection. Shyness and difficulty in establishing rapport contribute to this approach. Family dynamics and past experiences may impact your ability to accept and build a loving relationship and start a family of your own. Avoid nurturing fears and resentments, focusing instead on personal power and pursuing happiness. Embrace self-discovery, letting go of lingering fears. Cultivate inner strength and resilience to attract and maintain a fulfilling partnership. Approach relationships with an open heart while maintaining self-worth and boundaries.
Pluto ☍ Ascendant: When Pluto opposes the Rising (Ascendant) in your chart, you tend to attract individuals with powerful egos and strong tempers, craving deep connections. However, be cautious of those who mold themselves to please you. You may also exhibit the same behavior. You place demands on others but resent when the same is asked of you. Your strength lies in shaping people, making fields like public relations ideal. Your expressive nature captivates others, but be mindful of power struggles and maintain healthy boundaries. Seek balanced and respectful relationships, honoring autonomy and fostering growth. Navigate complexities for harmonious connections.
Pluto ☍ Imun Coeli: When Pluto opposes the 4th house in your chart, you possess a natural inclination towards power and resourcefulness in your chosen career. Leadership roles suit you best, as you have a transformative impact on others. You excel in delving deep into the core of matters, whether in practical fields like plumbing or in exploring human behavior through psychology. Your intuition and analytical mindset allow you to uncover hidden truths and navigate complex situations, making meaningful contributions in your field. Embrace your leadership qualities and curiosity, pursuing a career that aligns with your passions and analytical skills. Leave a lasting imprint on your professional sphere and the lives you touch.
Pluto ☍ Descendant: When Pluto opposes the 7th house in your chart, you have a natural inclination towards taking the lead and maintaining control in your romantic relationships or business partnerships. However, it is important to recognize that complete control may not always be attainable, especially in intimate partnerships. Transformative relationships are likely to shape your life, attracting individuals with enigmatic and unconventional qualities. Be cautious of excessive control, as it can lead to powerful adversaries and aggression. Taboo concepts and power struggles may arise in your relationships, and you may be drawn to unconventional and risky connections. Strive for a healthy balance, respecting boundaries and fostering stable and fulfilling connections that allow for growth and mutual support.
Pluto ☍ Midheaven: When Pluto opposes the Midheaven in a natal chart, it brings profound transformations to one's career, public image, and life direction. Power struggles and personal growth are common, leading to significant shifts in the individual's professional path. This aspect signifies a strong desire for power and control in the chosen field, but it can also result in conflicts and challenges with authority figures. The individual may experience radical changes in their career, letting go of outdated ambitions and embracing a new sense of purpose. Authenticity and integrity in the public image are crucial, as hidden agendas can be exposed. Navigating this aspect with self-awareness and integrity allows for personal growth and a lasting impact on the professional path and public image.
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Pluto ☍ Chiron: Individuals with Pluto opposed Chiron possess a strong and introverted nature, often plagued by self-doubt and subconscious insecurity. Childhood experiences and conflicts with parents intensify these inner uncertainties. They exhibit a fierce competitive spirit and an unwavering desire for success, driven by a need to prove their intrinsic worth. Intense emotions such as envy, greed, lust, and jealousy overwhelm them, and attempts to suppress these feelings only amplify them. To embark on a journey of personal growth and healing, they must confront their past, acknowledge past rejections, and transform their understanding into positive attributes. By embracing their emotions and engaging in self-reflection and healing, they can emerge as resilient forces for themselves and others.
Pluto ☍ Vesta: Individuals with Pluto opposed Vesta navigate between rugged individualism and fear of decision-making, often developing an aversion to authority. Harmonizing these energies and applying self-discipline unlocks their immense abilities for the greater good. They intuitively recognize transformative power within destructive forces, transforming inner demons into allies. This process clears unconscious patterns and beliefs that separate them from the divine. They are then prepared to embrace their true calling, providing solace to others in personal crises, illness, or loss. Triumphing over inner demons grants them balance and influence, enabling them to impact many lives through business, politics, or art. Their journey of self-discovery empowers them to inspire and uplift others with strength and empathy.
Pluto ☍ Pallas: Individuals with Pluto opposed Pallas may face challenges in expressing their creative side due to a lack of discipline or confidence. They yearn for transformative experiences and may explore taboo and psychological realms, which can clash with societal norms. This may create adversarial dynamics unless they integrate their yearning with cultural context. Embracing their creative nature, valuing their unique perspective, and finding a balance between personal exploration and societal expectations allows them to navigate this dichotomy authentically. Trusting their creative instincts, exploring passions, and expressing their artistic self aligns them with their true essence and brings harmony and fulfillment.
Pluto ☍ Juno: Individuals with Pluto opposed Juno possess great personal power potential, yet a lack of emotional security influences their behavior. They may exhibit dictatorial tendencies due to a conflict between their desire for security and the power they can wield. In committed relationships, power dynamics become a significant issue, leading to destructive patterns, sexual obsessions, possessiveness, and abuses of power. Addressing these dynamics openly and honestly is crucial for fostering a healthy relationship. Cultivating emotional security, open communication, trust, and mutual respect allows for a balanced expression of power, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth, empowerment, and deeper connection.
Pluto ☍ Ceres: Individuals with Pluto opposed Ceres face a significant polarity in their lives, balancing their creative and emotional bonds with their transformative journey of self-empowerment. Loyalties may feel divided between their mother and spouse, as care and closeness can require compromising power. Inner negativity and a lack of confidence in love hinder their expression of emotional care, leading others to control and withhold support. Striking a balance is crucial to avoid constant power struggles that hinder personal growth. They have a need for sexual nourishment but must maintain a healthy balance of power and avoid seeking it solely for personal gratification. Asserting personal power, setting boundaries, and open communication can navigate these complexities and foster fulfilling relationships.
Pluto ☍ Vertex: Individuals experiencing Pluto opposed Vertex are undergoing a purging process, releasing what is no longer necessary for personal growth. Power struggles and opposition arise, leading to regeneration and transformation. Challenges in sexuality, taxes, and insurance may emerge, but integrity and moral values help overcome them. There is a tendency to stay in the comfort zone for personal safety, yet supporting fragile individuals and advocating for spiritual practices becomes important. Emotional fluctuations between love and hatred require understanding and resolution in relationships. Embracing these challenges fosters personal transformation and creates a moderately happy life that integrates material and spiritual aspects. Prioritizing integrity and well-being is key.
Pluto ☍ Lilith: Individuals with Pluto opposed Lilith have a deep fear of control and react strongly to perceived threats to their freedom. This fear can lead to secrecy, manipulation, and hostility as defensive measures. They also experience shame, guilt, and fear, and may take pleasure in others' suffering. Their taboo desires, particularly in sexuality, feel uncontrollable. While driven by individuality and liberation, this obsession ironically impairs personal freedom. To find a healthier path, addressing these fears is crucial. Self-acceptance, self-compassion, open communication, and therapy can help develop healthier coping mechanisms. Releasing the need for constant defense allows for greater inner peace and authentic individuality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
hear me out... CNC with mansk, lyle or quaritch??? or all three??? hcs plz??? take this as payment 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
-🍔mm chezburger
Thank you for the idea and the pizza <3
Forced Miles Quaritch Smut
x recom Y/N
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WARNINGS: This is a forced CNC scenario, Smut, Angst, bad language, I’ll do HC (hurt/comfort) to not make it super brutal lmao
This is not for everyone! Don’t read it if you are sure you don’t like this. 
Word count: 4799
This is my fanfiction and my fantasy and it’s kinda fucked up but I’m into it.
Click here for Masterlist
Authors Note: I was going to do Mansk/Quaritch/Lyle again but for this scenario, it definitely doesn’t fit all the characters. 
I’m leaving Lyle out of this one because this is not like him at all. He would never do this because he is a softie, no matter how angry or worked up he is. 
I hesitated with Mansk because he would never dare to do this to a human or recom y/n. However, he has beef with real Na’vi. If he’s having a bad day or a mission went really sideways, he would probably have no mercy on Y/N if she’s Na’vi too. Literally would take out his anger on her. (giving racist white American vibes so he would despise Na’vi in certain scenarios) (100% degrading Y/N)
Quaritch might do this to human or Na’vi Y/N if they are really pissing him off or he’s in a really really bad mood. Recom him is morally better off than human him, but his character still stays. 
For example, after Spider rejected his offer to come with him and Quaritch left on his Ikran, he would be fuming for the next few days. If he were to come across a real female Na’vi, the man will take out all his anger on Y/N with no hesitation. 
Human or recom Y/N would have to be purposefully messing up his missions or doing everything he hates, then the man would lose it. 
(In general, I don’t think any of their characters would actually ever do this, this is just fanfiction displaying an extreme situation) 
Finee I’ll add fluff to the end
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The missions we’ve been on have been going to shit lately. I saw that it was agitating the Colonel. Nothing was going as planned. Each time we went out there we were attacked and outnumbered; someone always ended up injured or almost killed. 
That didn’t stop me from showing my disagreement and dissatisfaction. He was the Colonel for a reason after all, wasn’t he? He’s responsible for these missions and for his soldiers. I don’t understand how he can be failing his job so badly. 
Seeing the state of my other fellow soldiers just fueled my anger. Lyle had an injured shoulder and couldn’t move his arm. Ja had his leg wrapped in bandages. The team was suffering and basically useless in this state, yet he kept sending us out there. 
I noticed he would start catching my glares and I could see that he hated them. 
He hated that it wasn’t working out for him but he hated that you weren’t staying loyal to him. As a marine, you should listen to him because he was your superior. Picking up on your bad attitude had him enraged. The fact that he felt some type of sexual attraction to you since he laid eyes on your recom self made him more hateful. He resented you because of the way you behaved to him now. Before, he thought of you as his top soldier. 
Perhaps you had forgotten your place and were in need of a reminder. 
Every time now, when he would give orders you would doubt them or mumble some rude comment. Once you even snapped at him when he called you out for your behaviour. 
Miles was suffering himself. He was unable to take care of his everyday increasing arousal. This was discovered when he realised masturbation didn’t do it for the Na’vi body. So he tried to suppress it, thinking it would go away but it just started building up and was now on the verge of collapsing down on him. He felt that he couldn’t go on like this much longer. 
First, he lost Spider. That had him upset. Then, his mission started going sideways. But on top of all that, the main thing having him this riled up, was you. 
Little did he know, I was dealing with my own problems. The more team members were injured, the more work I was assigned to do. At the base and during a mission, I would have to cover more ground than usual to keep things running and it was overwhelming. 
On top of that, my body had started acting up and like Quaritch’s, I quickly found out that trying to solve the problem alone did not help. In fact, it probably made my needs worse. 
Another thing neither Quaritch nor Y/N directly knew, was that their scents grew stronger. Luckily, Y/N was not required to work with that many other recom’s because they were mostly injured, but she had to see the Colonel on a daily basis. And every time she entered the room, her scent filled his sense and worsened his critical state. The same thing happened to her, but the female scent had more power than the male musk. 
Miles’ tail would hint at his feelings, flicking around excitedly without him noticing. He was too entranced by you. But you just understood his body language as him being irritated again. What you didn’t see was the way his pupils would dilate when he smelled you. It awakened something primal in him and he couldn’t be around you for too long otherwise he might lose control over himself. 
Seeing him in all his sculpted glory made things more difficult for you too, but you could still think clearly. 
It was late in the evening. The clock just passed 10 pm and I had tended to Lyle. He had his weird little requests like wanting to eat something specific but he couldn’t get it with his injury or he would insist on working out so I had to assist him while lifting weights.
I was walking to my room which was down the hall and to the right. Opposite me, on the other end of the hall, Quaritch appeared and was heading to his own room that I had just passed. I refused to acknowledge his existence, keeping my head down and fiddling with my bracelet. 
Quaritch spotted me the second I spotted him and he cursed himself for bumping into you now. He had just isolated himself in a room for the past hour to get his senses under control. Once he had calmed down, he left to go get some sleep, but apparently, the universe wouldn’t let him because he had to walk past you. And he was in a critical state, which he managed to hide with his confident walk and long strides. 
He wondered whether you would greet him and watched you intently as he neared. 
Once he reached you and you both walked past each other, your scent hit him again. It was so sweet to him now, even more so than before and it made his body tense. The fact that you were wearing only a sports bra and shorts from your workout with Lyle didn’t help him at all.  You did in fact not greet him and he had enough of your bratty behaviour. 
I made sure to avoid eye contact and was about to let out a small sigh of relief after passing him but suddenly I felt something tug me back by my braid. 
I gasped, wanting to scream when a hand wrapped itself around my hair but another hand was firmly clasped over my mouth. My body was pulled back against what I assumed was Quaritch’s chest and he held me in a firm lock while I struggled against him. With my eyes blown wide, I gripped his arm, trying to release myself from him. Eventually, my wriggling calmed down and he walked back to which I could only stumble with him. 
The light of the hallway faded out as I realised I was being dragged into a room. It also just happened to be Miles’ room. I could tell by the coat on the doorknob and the smell. 
He turned me away from the door and I heard him lock it behind him before he released me. I stumbled forward and gasped for air, turning around and facing him. The light was off and we could only see each other through the specs of light on our skin. I never properly saw his patterns before. They always showed one’s strong facial features. 
He stood still and I noticed that he seemed taller than ever. I gulped, immediately feeling intimidated and trapped by him. I was too tired to argue with him or fight him. 
My fear reached the same level of presence as my arousal and I wrapped my tail around my leg for comfort while I hugged my waist with my arms, taking a step back from him. I heard him growl and then he leaned down and turned on a desk lamp, which lit most of the room up. 
His eyes met mine before they started to shamelessly roam my body. I turned away, trying to hide myself with my arms. 
I didn’t think I would meet anyone on my way to my room. 
Miles seemed to hate how I hid from him and with a few swift steps, he was around me again. 
His hand wrapped around my neck, making me look up at him. I gasped again, my ears straining back, showing my fear and anger. 
“You’re gonna pay for your attitude.” he snarled, his own ears tilting back showing his emotions. My heart was racing and I felt his pulse on his palm as well. He was just as aroused as me and it made me hate and resent him more. Him thinking he could solve this through whatever this was made me angry and I scratched his arm. 
Miles pulled away, seeming taken aback by my reaction and I hissed at him, trying to desperately create some distance between us. 
This riles him up to his limit. His hand grasps my wrist, pulling me back to him so quickly I don’t have time to move it out of the way. He turns me around, pinning both my arms behind my back before pushing me onto the bed. I fall face-first into the mattress and he scoops me up and arranges my position so that I’m not hanging off the edge anymore. 
I cry out and struggle but he just scoffs. 
“No one’s gonna hear ya, sweetheart, it's just you and me.” 
“You asshole.” I swear at him, trying to kick him off. 
“Watch it, or else I really won’t hold back.” he warns me, harshly squeezing my wrists to emphasize his point. 
“Your mine to deal with.“ he snarls close to my ear before his hand is running down my back, feeling my hot skin. He stops at my shorts and when I feel his fingers linger at the waistband and tug at it I protest. 
He wasn’t allowed to find out I was in heat. That would be the end of me. 
But I was helpless and could only wait for time to pass while I felt his hands almost rip my shorts down my legs. 
Quaritch audibly groaned seeing me in my very revealing underwear and delivered a stinging slap to my ass. I yelped out in pain and when the second one came, I buried my face into the sheets to try and cope with it. 
He then pulled my panties off and I heard him sigh. 
“Fuck- look at you. So ready for me.”  he mumbles, his hostile tone slipping up. 
My cheeks heat up and I feel how not only the rest of my clothes are stripped from me, but my pride with them. I let out a muffled sob which Quaritch instantly picks up on. 
But he couldn’t care less right now. Seeing the state you were in and feeling the need in his body flood his senses, he could only act on his instincts. 
“It’s not… for you.” I manage to say, struggling to breathe properly. 
He cocks an eyebrow and my snarky remark and I hear a breathy chuckle. 
“Really?” he asks, sarcastically. “This here, isn’t f’ere me?” His hands trace down the skin of my inner thighs and rubs over it with his thumb, nearing my heat. Immediately, goosebumps erupt on my skin and I shiver in anticipation. Next, another slap is delivered to my ass which has a red mark on it. 
“Quit lyin’. You’re mine.” Quaritch snarls.
His hand grips my jaw, forcing it open and stuffing it with my panties. I comply, knowing I can’t fight him and he taps my cheek in praise before focusing on what he was doing before.
My hips were pulled off the bed while my upper body stayed pressed into the mattress by his firm grip, holding my arms behind my back and pushing me down. I tried maintaining stability so that I wouldn’t fall over and spread my knees apart a little. What a mistake that was. 
My scent was stronger than ever now and my bare pussy was on full display. His free hand rested on my ass, while he just stared. My tail was throwing a tantrum of its own, flicking around and showing my impatience, so he didn’t even have to move it out of the way. 
His hand then drifted down slowly and I tensed up when I felt his fingertips run through my folds. I bit my lip and clenched my eyes closed, trying to resist the feeling of pleasure. 
Quaritch noticed me tense up and grinned. 
“Bitch in heat.” he chuckles. “Looks like I’m not the only one suffering.”  
Suddenly I feel him push a finger all the way into me and my eyes shoot open and I whine out, involuntarily arching my back. 
No matter how hard I try to suppress my desires, Quaritch knows how badly I need him. He’s seen my state and it reflects his, except that he has control over this situation. 
“No need to hide it, baby,” he growls, moving down to whisper it seductively in my ear. “your body’s betraying you.” 
And with that, he starts to move his finger in and out of me before adding a second. 
I bite my lip to the point where my fangs are threatening to penetrate my skin. He was right, I knew he was. I also knew I couldn’t hide it any longer or keep up my streak of fighting and arguing with him. So I gave in. 
My hips pressed up against his fingers and the second that happened, his ears perked up and his eyes shot to my face. He saw my flushed cheeks, glossy half-lidded eyes and needy expression and that was all the confirmation of submission he needed. 
“That’s it, be good f’ere me.” 
I let out a small sob because the heat in my groin was becoming unbearable and while his fingers felt so fucking good, they made me crave more and thereby made my desires go through the roof. 
Miles was also becoming more desperate for any type of relief. His dick was straining his pants and he was painfully hard because he hasn’t been tending to his needs in the slightest for weeks. 
Quaritch removed his fingers from my dripping pussy, licking them clean in two strokes of his tongue and humming at the taste. It made him feral and he was sure that if anyone were to walk in on you, he would be unfazed because he was so lust-driven and you were lust-drunk. He would also definitely fight anyone who would try and take you away from him. The Colonel needed to claim you as his. No matter whether it influenced your relationship as colleagues, at this moment in time, neither of you could think straight. All professionalism was long gone.
He continued to hold your wrists behind your back while one of his hands was hastily trying to open his belt and free his aching cock from its restraints. 
The shuffling made me keep still and listen, my ears no longer pulled back. My tail slowed its movements and eventually stilled in anticipation. 
Miles groaned once he had finally managed to push his pants down but it didn’t stop there. His skin felt as hot as yours and all his clothes suddenly felt like an obstacle in his way to claim you. They seemed to restrict his movements so everything had to go. 
He let my wrists go for a split second, swiftly pulling his tank top over his head after discarding his cammies. 
His hands are back on my body in an instant and my wrists are released. I look up at him but then I feel him tug my sports bra over my head. 
I sigh at the feeling and he bites down on his lip, letting his hands roam over every bit of exposed skin, making me moan lightly. The noise makes his ears twitch and he focuses on our needs once again. My arms are pulled back behind my back once again and the mattress dips as Quaritch positions himself behind me.
Quaritch notices one of his fingers twitching from how needy he feels and it surprises him because this is unlike his character. Then again, his body also happens to be unlike him. 
He adjusts his weight evenly on both knees behind you and places his free hand on your hip while the other isn’t giving you any indication of letting your wrists go. 
Suddenly, my hips are pulled back and my ass is gently pressed against the Colonel’s lower abdomen. I can feel his throbbing dick against my skin and I gasp while he just lets his ears relax a little and sighs. Finally, you both can solve your torturing feelings. 
He grinds himself against your hot, wet skin and groans. 
Feeling him rubbing up against me makes my eyes flutter closed again. 
Suddenly, his hand lets go of my hip and I feel my braid get picked up from my shoulder. I try to turn my head and follow his movements but he pulls it behind me, so I can only rely on my other senses to figure out what he was doing. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen. But if he would bond us, it would be permanent and that didn’t seem like such a good idea if I still have to work with him in the future. I struggle again, whimpering out protests and warning ‘no’s’ but Miles wasn’t listening. His full attention was focused on our queues. He pushed my back down and pinned my hips down with his body weight, before his other hand reach for his own queue. He brought it forward and pinched the base of mine which made my eyes go wide. He watched the tsaheylu for a few seconds before pinching his own queue. Eyes wide, he brought them together and watched how the strands reached out for one another, before binding and becoming one. The bond shot through both our bodies, reaching every nerve at every spot on the body. Suddenly, I felt all of Miles and I knew he felt all of me. It was something completely humanly indescribable. It just felt right to Miles. He took a few deep breaths to steady himself and relish in the new feeling.
Without further ado, he pulls away and thrusts his hips forward. He didn’t even line himself up with my pussy, this man was so hard it just worked straight away. He didn’t manage to push all the way in the first time though. 
I moan, arching my back into him again and he closes his eyes. It hurt a little, but I tried to ignore it. 
“Fuck- so tight.” Miles groans, his hands gripping onto me to keep him grounded in reality. He picked up on my tension and pain, but nothing was going to stop him now. He felt it too, but his body's needs were stronger. 
His hips retreated before thrusting forward once more, eliciting a slight squelching sound from the swift movement. I whine, feeling how much he is stretching me. I’d never felt anything like this and I needed a few minutes to get used to it. 
A few minutes were way too long for Quaritch. The man was flooded with pure primal instincts and no common sense anymore. As I said, Quaritch was lust-driven. His ears were strained back, his body muscles flexed, his tail either flicking around or stretched, and his fangs slightly bared. Occasional growls were heard from him that I haven’t heard before but they made him that much more attractive. 
He started to find a steady pace and kept on forcing himself deeper into me. My ears were tipped back too, my tail caressing his torso. 
The pain was starting to fade and both of us could sense that. Which is why Quaritch let his thrusts get rougher and soon his hips were relentlessly drilling his cock deep into me. I felt him in my lower stomach but I couldn’t look or feel for it. He held me in place, not letting me move a limb. 
“Goddamn, sweet’eart…” he mumbled, losing himself inside you. “Ya feel so fuckin’ good.” 
I cry out when his tip hits what I think is my cervix and realise he is balls deep inside me. 
Suddenly, he stops and pulls out. Within seconds I’m laying on my back and he pulls my legs apart, blocking them from closing with his hips. Then before I can think a single thought, he’s back deep inside me. I throw my head back and grab the sheets next to me with one hand while the other holds onto my braid which is flung over my shoulder. 
“Oh my god-” I mutter out, unable to keep still. 
Quaritch leans down closer to me, resting his elbows and forearms on either side of my shoulders. His rutting against me doesn’t falter for even a second. 
He reaches out and wraps his right hand around my throat again. I look up at him through half-lidded fucked out eyes and he swears under his breath. 
Just seeing you look at him like that could make him spill himself into you already now. But he wanted to feel this pleasure for as long as possible with you. 
Our breaths mix and our eyes lock. 
“You goin’ to quit being a brat now?” he asks, his cocky side still very much present. 
“Miles- I’m so close…” I whine, having to close my eyes and break eye contact. His hand releases my neck and he slaps my face. Not harshly, but just enough to get my attention and have tears stinging in the corners of my eyes. He raises his eyebrow and I realise my mistake.
“Sorry, sir.” I breathily answer but he doesn’t react. 
“Answer.” Quaritch demands. I frantically nod. 
“Yes, sir. I’ll stop.” I reply in a more desperate tone than I would have wished. He seems to like that, a grin forming on his face but his teeth are still clenched together and his jaw is tensed. 
“Good girl.” he coos, rubbing his hand over the cheek he slapped before returning it to my throat. The praise and pet name have me clenching around him and he curses again. 
“Fuckin’ hell. You like that, huh? Little slut.” he snarls, still grinning and I moan. Everything was becoming too much. 
“Please-  I’m gonna-” I say, unable to form words because of how harshly his hips were slapping mine and how deeply he was drilling into me. Yet somehow, it felt amazingly good. 
“Only if you scream my name, baby.” he grins, leaning down to my ear to say that. “Let everyone know who’s fuckin’ ya this good.” 
I moan again just from his words. “You- so good.” I mumble in bliss. 
He squeezes my neck, unsatisfied with my noise level. 
“You, Colonel Miles fucking- nghh, Quaritch!” I scream, throwing my head back and he chuckles. 
“Who’s fuckin’ pussy is this?” he asks, clearly demanding an answer and I just spill the first words that come to mind. 
“Yours, sir!” I cry out and he grins even more. 
“You’re goddamn right.” He says, somehow managing to pick up his pace again. I arch my back off the bed, my hands holding onto his shoulders and my legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him even further into me. 
This turns Quaritch on to the point he knows, he can’t hold it much longer. 
He takes one look at my teary eyes and he can feel how close I am. 
“Please, sir I’m so close…” I mumble. “Can I cum?” 
Quaritch is not just pleased but almost proud that you asked. To him it meant you learned your lesson and he trained you properly. How could he say no?
“Whenever you’re ready, baby.” he mumbled, lowering his head and resting it in the crook of your neck, while his hips continued to rock you back and forth. 
With his permission, you finally came undone, repeatedly crying out his name which he loved. All the pressure you have felt for the past week or two was finally being resolved and you felt your orgasm rip through you, making your entire body quiver and shake. 
You squeezed around Quaritch and he cursed under his breath again before thrusting into you one last time as deeply and hardly as he could. He stilled his hips and his muscles flexed once again as he released himself deep inside you, stuffing your pussy full of his cum. His fangs slightly bit down on the skin of your neck as he felt his own wave of pleasure hit and drown him for a few great seconds. 
I had come down from my high and cradled his head with one hand, while he regained his breath. Our chests were heaving and the room was quieter now. I traced down his neck, fumbling around with his dog tag. I felt him smile against my skin before he lifted himself off of me and just stared down at me. 
I wondered whether he felt regret because he wasn’t showing any emotions right now. Maybe the reality of the situation just hit him now and he could be disgusted that he was in a bed with me. But then his gaze softened, in a way I’ve never seen. I didn’t feel like I had the Colonel infront of me, but just Miles if that makes sense. He didn’t seem as intimidating all of a sudden and I just watched him wide eyed. 
He pulled out and I closed my legs, still unsure of how he felt. He seemed to be trying to read my own emotions which made me feel very observed and I tried retreating in myself, hugging my body with my arms, trying to perhaps cover anything even though he’s seen it. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N…” he whispers, seeming almost sad. 
Miles was disappointed in himself. He knew he had crossed a line and he wasn’t sure whether you even wanted that. You were his soldier after all and his responsibility. It wasn’t fair that he would ever even put you in a position like that, but he did. And he felt guilty, seeing how beautifully you looked up at him, even after all he had done. As if you were awaiting further instructions. 
What he hated was that he took advantage of your loyalty and obedience. 
My ears perk up at his words and I tilt my head to the side. It genuinely took me a few good long seconds to figure out what he meant. He saw my confusion. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” he says and I feel my heart drop. 
“Oh…” I whisper, looking down at myself. He did regret it. 
Now Miles had his head tilted, wondering why I reacted like that. Then, it made sense to him. 
“No, Y/N I mean I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.” he says and I look up at him again, my tail hugging my knees. 
“But I feel better now.” I say, trying to help him understand that he did infact help me with my body crisis. His ears perk forwards. 
“Do you regret it…?” I ask him. He thinks about his answer. 
“Only if I hurt you.” 
“You didn’t…” 
“Then I don’t.” 
I smile up at him and his posture relaxes a little in relief. 
“I wanted it as much as you did.” I force myself to say, putting my already gone pride to the side. My cheeks form a blush again and he takes it to heart. 
He nods, smiling to himself and we both just sit on the bed, staring at each other. 
“Would you like me to leave?” Quaritch asks, ready to give you space even if he preferred not to. He wanted you to feel safe, even if it wasn’t with him around. Then again, he asked because he would feel just as bad if he were to leave you alone after using you to his liking. 
Even though it was his room, he felt as though he had intruded in your space. 
“Can you stay?” I ask him, knotting my fingers together and letting my tail swish down on the mattress. His eyes light up and he smiles. 
Quaritch then leans over and turns the light off but his room still isn’t fully dark. He lays down next to me, pulling his blanket over us, tucking me in a bit before covering himself. I smile at his actions. 
This was a new side to him and I liked it a lot. 
The bond we formed was permanent and it had created a new sense of closeness between us. I felt safer with him now. Our queue’s had already disconnected but his energy was much more present to me now. We both knew we were connected together in some way for the rest of our lives now. It was deeper and more meaningful than our jobs, so we ignored that side and just focused on each other. He pulled my body against his and rested his arm on my waist, cradling me to him. 
Before falling asleep, Quaritch placed a soft kiss on my cheek and I wanted to throw myself on him and cuddle. Luckily, my self-control was back, so instead, I hugged his arm and we fell asleep.
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nentypoly · 29 days
My small headcanons about A.B.A. and Paracelsus
°A.B.A. doesn't know how to cook, but she really wants to try making something tasty, so she roasted a pigeon once, only she didn't pluck its feathers.
°When Paracelsus got a body, he took a long time to adjust to various nuances like walking and fine motor skills.
°Having acquired a human body, Paracelsus also developed physical desires, which he tried to suppress.
°!HIGH SCHOOL AU! Paracelsus often goes to the school rooftop (which is prohibited) to smoke without attracting undue attention, but due to certain circumstances, he started going there with A.B.A.
°Previously, A.B.A. dreamed of having a child with Paracelsus, but upon learning how children are born, she changed her mind.
°!HIGH SCHOOL AU! Once, bullies pushed A.B.A. into the boys' restroom to scare her, but Paracelsus quickly got her out.
It is so hard for me to think today, I just lose the mood to do anything at all.
I want to die
I want to die
I want to die
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meafortuna · 1 year
Mambo number 5. 😁 Take what resonates and enjoy it! 🫶
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• I have never met a stronger person than one with Sun square Saturn/Pluto. There is nothing that this individual cannot overcome and trust me in their life it’s always something that they have to deal with. All of their life is full with challenges and obstacles that are really hard to handle, but these people… ❤️ They have to fight with something or someone all the time, there is no chance for rest. And the saddest thing is they don’t even realise how strong are they, instead of that they always criticise and underestimate themselves and never let themselves to doing what they want. Most of times this aspect has something to deal with problematic male figures in the life of the person. Sometimes can be a father, but i have noticed more often it’s about spouse/partner. They just attract abusive people who try to control them, because of their lack of self esteem. Incredible inner strength and I admire them. Hats off! 👏
• Venus in 5th house and their love for children. 🚸 I mean if i have to pick a teacher for my child it will be someone with this placement. The way they communicate with kids is so unpretended, they can make the child to feel like they are equal. They just have that joyful and childish personality, which perfectly match with the energy of the kids. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they want kids (especially if it’s in the sign of ♒️ ♍️ ♑️ ♈️), let’s not forget that 5th house it’s also about what are the things that brings joy to us. Venus in this house can sometimes indulge too much in the pleasures of life and not want to take responsibilities like children. 🍬
• If you searching for a long lasting friendship, you should look for someone with Saturn in 11th house. These people have only a few friends, and most of them are from their early years. They look at a friendships as a responsibilities, so they will put much effort in you, but once they see you don’t do the same, they will cut you out of their life. Their group of friends often is small, because deep down they are insecure and don’t think they fit with anyone, or just because of their high expextations. Often times their friends are older then them. The bad news are the access to that circle of close friends it’s not that easy to get. So if you are already in there, stay there, these guys will be, no matter what, always there for you. 👫 * There is one quote that reminds me of Saturn in 11th house - “Friendship’s serious. Maybe more than love.” 🪐
• I found it funny how Moon in 1st house thinks they are good with hiding their emotions.🙈 Yes, they can control them or suppress them, they even won’t say if anything is wrong, because they don’t want to bother you with their problems, but their facial expressions will scream everything that’s inside of them. Except they wear their heart on their sleeve, their mood is entirely subject to how their environment reacts to them. People pleasers who need to stand for themselves more often. And also, stop using other people's problems to forget your own, that’s not good coping mechanism, ok? This applies to all Moon signs, doesn’t matter if is in ♑️ or ♏️, which are generally more secretive and private. *Sometimes if they suppress something that upsets them, their facial skin may get irritated. 🌗
• Mars in 8th house and their s*xual desire 24/7?! What’s that? 😅 Yes, they are pretty good when it comes to that part, but does anyone else have noticed how they can stand without having s*x for a really long time. ♾️ 8th house also represent taboos, and Mars in here can feel some sort of restrictions when it comes to s*x. Especially if Mars aspecting Moon or in Cancer, will seek emotional connection first, or their s*xuality strongly will depend on what’s going on in their inner world. They are not that type who just sit there and think “hm, i feel down today, i should have some s*x”, no quite the opposite. Just because this is Mars, doesn’t mean these people are only primal creatures. In this house Mars will crave for deep intimacy with their partner, there must be passion, something sacred, otherwise they don’t want it. ❤️‍🔥
• Mercury in Aries it’s the most blunt and energetic sign. Did they ever sit when they talk about something that it’s important for them? Sometimes it’s hard to listen to them, because they use all of their body in the conversation - hands, legs, head and I don’t know do i have to listen or watch them?! 🤸‍♂️But on the other hand if they are not interested in the topic of the talk, they won’t even look at you, while you explain something, they just don’t care to listen. And I guess because of their energetic nature, they also learning new things faster than the others. 🐏
• I think Mercury in 7th house is the planet that want relationship more than others. When it comes to seventh house people would say that Venus or Moon represent the most our desire for relationship, but i would say that will be Mercury. Mercury it’s about what are our thoughts, how we learn, what kind of themes we like to talk about, how we think, how communicate… do you get my point? 🗣️ Natives with Mercury in this house are the one who truly desires for relationships with another people, not only because they need to communicate with others, but because that will put their mind at ease. Think about it - if something it’s on your mind daily, than isn't this thing of primary importance to you? Yes, Mercury here also represents that the individual will seek someone who is intelligent or communication will be really important for them in one relationship. 🔭
• I hate saying things that have been said hundreds of times, but Cancers are so damn manipulative and use your weakest spot to hurt you, especially women. 👩🏻‍🦰 What’s wrong with them? They are not over emotional, they just pretend to be like that so can make you do whatever they want. I have seen many, many Cancers that have such a narcissistic behaviour. I still love them, but I can’t justify that sh*t. ♋️
~meafortuna 💙
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Garden of Secrets [5] - Tulips
A.N: Thank you so much for your amazing feedback and support my loves!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter!
Summary: Affection finds a way to crack the ice.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of anxiety attack and past trauma.
Word Count: 5500
Series Masterlist
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This wasn’t the first time you had woken up incredibly tense because of a nightmare, nor would it be the last but that knowledge did nothing to fix your mood. You had stepped outside to tend to your garden with the first light of the morning, and it was only when your aunt sent a maid outside to call you back home that you realized it was nearly noon. You cracked your back, making a face and made your way back into the house.
“…And I’m telling you, I’ve seen how he looks at her,” your aunt’s voice carried outside when you reached the hallway and you pulled your brows together, tilting your head to the side.
“My dear,” your uncle sighed. “I believe you but don’t you think they would make an unlikely couple?”
This could only be about you and—
No. You refused to even think about his name.
“She pretends to hate him, but I think she has a soft spot for him already,” your aunt said and you grimaced.
You? A soft spot for Benedict Bridgerton?
“Our Clover?” your uncle said as if he could hear your thoughts. “Having a soft spot for him?”
You repressed a small smile, your uncle knew you too well.
“If you think he’s an unlikely suitor because he’s a second son, that hardly means anything considering his family.”
“That’s not why I think he’s an unlikely suitor,” your uncle said. “I just think if you and Lady Bridgerton attempt to push those two together it could backfire, they’re too different.”
Well yes. Benedict was a naïve romantic fool and you were not, that was your main difference.
“You know what they say, opposites attract.”
“He’s an artist,” your uncle reminded her. “He has all the privileges of a first son and none of the responsibilities. Considering his family, he’s very used to getting whatever he wants, not to mention how in demand his attention is— he is spoiled in every aspect of life. Clover would eat him alive.”
“Or he could soften her,” your aunt said and heaved a sigh. “I don’t know Howard. I am worried about her, I don’t want her to marry someone whom she will only tolerate and not love.”
You swallowed thickly, barely aware of the fact that you were rubbing at your wrist -a nervous habit of yours that you couldn’t get rid of- and threw your shoulders back, then made sure to make some noise in the hallway before walking into the drawing room.
“Good morning,” you said and made your way to your uncle to kiss his cheek, then your aunt’s. “Oh I’m so tired and in need of a bath—Paula, could you please draw me a bath?”
Your maid curtsied and walked out of the drawing room.
“You’re working too hard on that garden, dearest.”
“I like it,” you said as the latest issue of Whistledown in your aunt’s hand caught your interest. “Anything interesting?”
“Yes actually, now that you mention it.”
“I already heard about Daphne courting with Duke Hastings,” you waved a hand in the air. “It makes perfect sense if you ask me—”
“There’s something about you in there.”
Your head shot up and you blinked a couple of times.
“I’m sorry?”
Your uncle suppressed a small smile, sipping his tea.
“Look at you, making it to Whistledown’s lines,” he taunted you as you sat up straighter. “Only took you what, two weeks?”
“Please tell me you’re jesting,” you managed to say and your aunt shook her head.
“Not at all.”
“May I?” you asked her and she handed you the paper.
“The last paragraph,” she said helpfully and you opened the paper in a haste, your heart beating in your throat as you skimmed the lines.
Speaking of unlikely couples this season seems to have brought us, it appears that there is a new recipient of Benedict Bridgerton’s attention. Almost every guest at the Brewer Ball could see how he was in such a hurry to talk to Miss Y/N, and if the rumors are true, that seems to have become a habit of his nowadays. Though we do not know how Miss Charlotte feels about it, this author cannot wait to see whether our favorite artist can in fact melt the cold demeanor of this season’s ice queen.
Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers.
“Clover?” your uncle felt the need to check as you stared at the lines in complete silence and you clenched your jaw, then lifted your head from the paper.
“Just in case this is not a bad dream and in fact is happening,” you pointed out as you stood up, putting the paper back on the coffee table. “If Teddy asks where I am, I’ve gone outside to scream.”
“You can do that after you return home,” your aunt said and you pulled your brows together.
“I am home?”
“Not for long you’re not,” she said. “We’re taking Teddy to meet Lady Bridgerton’s youngest boy after you have your bath and get ready.”
Your eyes widened. “What? No!”
“Yes. She invited us.”
“I’m not coming,” you protested immediately. “Tell her I’ve been sick with grief over today’s Whistledown and can’t leave my room.”
“I will say no such a thing and you’re alright,” she said. “Off you go.”
You shook your head fervently. “I don’t think it’s a good idea auntie,” you said and turned to shoot your uncle a pleading look. “Tell her.”
“Tell her what, dearest?”
“That it’s a terrible idea!”
“It’s merely a house visit.”
“No it’s not!” you insisted as you sat back down, making him smile slightly and steal a look at your aunt.
“What do you say Caroline?” he asked. “Should we let her sulk in her room all day or go see her secret suitor?”
“He’s not my suitor.”
“We should let her see her secret suitor,” your aunt played along and you let out a whine, slipping a little in the sofa.
“I’m not coming if he’s there,” you said. “My decision is final.”
Your aunt heaved a sigh. “He’s probably not there Y/N, I hear he likes going out with his brothers this time of the day.”
“But you’re not sure?”
“Well I didn’t ask Lady Bridgerton when she sent me an invitation for tea, no,” your aunt said and you ran a hand over your face before sitting up straight.
“Auntie,” you said. “You know what the ton will think if they see us even talking after this Lady Whistledown piece.”
“I doubt Lady Whistledown visits them in their home,” she pointed out. “She wouldn’t be seeing you, would she? And if you happen to have a conversation with him, that would be completely normal.”
“I will not be having a conversation with that—with that—” you stammered, furiously motioning at the gossip paper on the coffee table. “With that Lothario!”
“Lothario?” your uncle repressed a chuckle. “Dearest…”
“No, if I’m titled The Ice Queen by Lady Whistledown, it’s only fair she calls him by a fitting title as well!”
“I will let her know if I ever get to meet her,” your aunt stated and you licked your lips.
“You were there when he asked me for a dance beforehand,” you reminded her. “And he didn’t appear at the ball until it was nearly finished, and you’re still trying to push us together?”
“If I remember correctly, you were adamant on disliking him even before that ball.”
You scoffed a bitter laugh. “That’s not…” you trailed off. “That’s not relevant.”
“Is it not?”
“It was disrespectful when he didn’t keep his promise,” you insisted. “Do you not think so?”
“It was not ideal, yet not a grave mistake as you seem convinced it to be,” she said. “I think he just happened to accidentally point you in the direction of the closest runaway route by being late, that’s all.”
You gritted your teeth, your frown deepening before you heaved a sigh.
“I shall stay in their drawing room,” you said. “And I cannot promise to be nice to him.”
“Never thought you would be,” your aunt said with a smile after exchanging glances with your uncle and you huffed out, then pushed yourself off the sofa to make your way to your room.                                        
Fine, perhaps this wasn’t as terrible as you had assumed it would be.
Lady Bridgerton was very nice to you, Benedict was outside with his brothers -watching some sort of a boxing match as his mother had informed you and your aunt- and spending time with Eloise and Daphne was more entertainment than you’d had for a very long time. Even after Eloise excused herself to meet with Penelope, you and Daphne kept your conversation going and you had almost forgotten how long you had been there with the amount of fun you were having.
“Anthony does not like it,” Daphne said. “But I’d say my courtship with Duke Hastings is going quite well.”
You nodded your head.
“Well I’m glad you are happy,” you said. “If anyone should be a duchess it should be you.”
“…Do you really believe that?”
“Absolutely,” you said. “Are you jesting? You’re the diamond.”
“And do you think—” Daphne paused. “Do you think we would have a love marriage then? At the end of this courtship?”
You pulled back slightly and shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t think I’m the right person to comment on matters of love,” you said and Daphne frowned.
“Why not?”
“I do not believe it exists.”
“At all?”
You shook your head. “At all.”
A slight smile curled Daphne’s lips.
“Well…” she said. “I do. And so do most of my family members. Benedict, for example.”
You could feel your heart starting to pace in your chest and you scoffed, sitting up straight.
“Good for him,” you said. “I hear he’s an artist, it’s no wonder he is under that delusion.”
“I do not believe it’s a delusion,” Daphne said. “But if you do not believe in love, what do you believe in?”
You paused for a moment, then pressed your lips together.
“Solitude,” you ended up saying. “I believe in solitude.”
A silence fell upon you and you looked around upon suddenly realizing Teddy was not in the room, nor could you hear him.
“Where’s Teddy?” you asked and Daphne waved a hand in the air.
“With Gregory and Hyacinth, I’m sure they’re playing somewhere in the house.”
“I’d better see where he is,” you said. “I will be right back.”
“Alright I will be here,” she said. “And perhaps when you come back you might let me hear you play the piano?”
“God forbid,” you said, making her let out a laugh and you shot her a small smile, then walked past your aunt and Lady Bridgerton and got out of the room. You walked through the hallway, pricking your ears up for any noise. When you heard the cheerful giggles and the sound of your brother, Gregory and Hyacinth running around, you smiled to yourself and walked past a room, the half open door catching your eye for a moment, making you stop dead in your tracks. You eyed the door and looked over your shoulder to see whether anyone was around, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip before you took a step to the room, raising your hand to slowly push the door open further.
This had to be the art room.
If the covered canvas perched on the wooden easel that was lit by sunlight wasn’t a clue, the overall mess of the room would still have made it clear. There were scrunched up papers all over the room, the palette on the small coffee table with paint all over it. By the corner of the room there looked to be a drawing desk with pieces of coal and pencils.
You weren’t supposed to be here.
One’s art was private unless it was shared with you and you knew that very well, but you were nearly enchanted by the room itself. It somehow made you feel like he was there, traces of him all over the room yet the lack of his presence meant you did not have to frown and be on guard all the time, just in case he peeked into something about you that you did not want him to see.
You lingered there for a moment in the middle of the room, then took a step towards the covered canvas, reaching out to graze your fingertips against the white cloth.
You were just going to take a quick peek at it and cover it again and walk away, no one had to know you’d seen it.
You swallowed thickly and pulled at the silk cover but as soon as it slipped off the canvas and allowed you to see the painting, a gasp got caught in your throat and you took a step back, staring at the painting.
Staring at yourself.
It was a painting of the flower exhibition you and Benedict had attended the other day and even if you could see the other people as well, the whole focus of the painting was you. It was as if your side of the painting was illuminated by the sunlight coming from the huge window while the rest of the crowd was a blur, so were the flowers except for the one you were inspecting—
Venus Flytrap.
He had told you, on the night of the ball. How he had been lacking inspiration for so long but that he could paint when he returned from the flower exhibition…
He was talking about you. He had been late because he was painting you.
You let out a breath, your hand covering your mouth as you blinked back the tears without even knowing why you were tearing up. It felt impossible to drag your gaze away from the painting and you were beginning to think you could just stay there forever, gazing at the art piece in front of you. You were in such a haze that you hadn’t even noticed the approaching footsteps in the hallway until someone cleared their throat, making you recoil and whirl around on your heels.
Benedict was leaning against the doorframe, a slightly abashed look crossed his face and he nodded at the painting.
“You know, I’m quite certain I left that covered.”
That right there was more than enough to make the memories rush through your mind.
Back when you were still living in that hellhole your parents called home, there were certain rules and it was crucial not to cross them. Sneaking around was one of them, you weren’t supposed to be anywhere they didn’t want you to be, otherwise your father would get angry and—
That never ended well.
You could feel the panic rising from your heaving chest before it took over you and the cloth slipped from your hand as you rushed out of the door, ignoring him saying your name. You could swear you were as fast as a bolt as you ran downstairs to get yourself out of the house, trying to breathe but it felt impossible. Fear was already growing bigger and bigger in your throat and you were quite familiar with the feeling, but somehow it did nothing to put you at ease as you reached the garden.
You could feel your legs shaking as you let yourself fall on your knees, then laid your trembling hand flat on the grass, grasping your wrist with your other hand to squeeze it.
He was away. Both your father and your mother were away from you, miles and miles away and they couldn’t get to you anymore so this fear, though it was no stranger to you, did not make any sense.
They were not here.
You wiped at your eyes that were burning with tears before pressing your palm back on the grass again, letting out a shaky breath.
You really needed to pull yourself together, and you were going to as soon as your heartbeat stopped being so deafening, pacing in your chest with such speed that you could swear it hurt.
Oh, great.
You couldn’t even answer him if you wanted. You were too busy trying to get enough air into your lungs, as hard as it felt, and Benedict entered your sight before he crouched down to look at you better.
“Are you alright?” he asked. “What’s wrong? Should I get someone? The doctor?”
You shook your head, your gaze fixed on the grass as you tried to get your breathing under control.
“But you—” he reached out as if he wanted to hold you and you flinched, your jaw locking in place.
“Do not touch me,” the growl that spilled through your clenched teeth sounded nearly inhuman and he pulled his hand back immediately as if he just got burned.
“Alright,” he said, his voice soft. “I will not. Can I sit here with you?”
You shrugged your shoulders, focusing on the feeling of soft soil under your palm and he sat down beside you as you sniffled.
“I’m fine,” you answered before he could ask anything, still staring at the grass and he nodded.
“Yeah I know,” he said. “I wanted to sit here that’s all, you just happened to be here.”
You scoffed a bitter laugh, still rubbing at your wrist before you took a deep breath.
“I wasn’t trying to…” you trailed off. “I was just curious.”
“The cover does arise curiosity now that you mentioned it.”
“And you were supposed to be outside.”
“I was, I just got back,” he paused for a moment. “I wasn’t aware you’d be here.”
“Your mother invited my aunt for tea so that my little brother could make friends with yours.”
“Oh Greg will get along well with Teddy,” he said. “Probably Hyacinth too.”
You nodded slowly, rubbing at your eye with the back of your hand and a fond smile crossed his lips.
“You didn’t tell me you…” you trailed off. “You didn’t tell me that was what you were painting.”
The tips of his ears went pink and he dragged his gaze away from you, ripping a piece of grass to wrap it around his finger in a nervous manner.
“It’s not finished yet,” he said. “And I did not mean to scare you, please accept my apologies.”
You gawked at him. “It’s your house,” you reminded him. “I was the one sneaking around.”
“That has no relevance to the situation.”
You bit back a smile, then pursed your lips and cleared your throat.
“I was wrong,” you said and he turned to look at you.
“I’m sorry?”
“Before I saw your painting, I just assumed that you didn’t have much of a talent and that all the ton claimed you did because those ladies liked the way you look, not your works,” you said. “I was wrong, you do have talent. A lot of it, it seems.”
That mischievous smile lifted the corner of his lip.
“Is that a compliment I hear, Miss Y/N?”
“I have better things to do than complimenting you,” you spat almost too quickly. “I’m just sharing an observation, that’s all.”
Benedict’s smile widened and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“The way I look?”
You rolled your eyes. “Go find someone else to boost your arrogance, it’s not as if there’s a lack of volunteers.”
He held up his hands, gesturing surrender and you wiped at your nose again, taking a shaky breath. His eyes flickered over your face, then he cleared his throat and motioned at the garden.
“What does that do?”
“That flower, do you know what it is?”
You pulled your brows together to look at what he was pointing at, and scoffed.
“Yes, I know what a tulip is and so do you.”
“But what does it do?” he insisted. “Does it do anything interesting?”
“No, it just looks pretty,” you said. “It used to be extremely popular though.”
“It still is.”
“Well yes but in 17th century there was this period called tulip mania,” you said. “People used to sell Semper Augustus tulips for extremely high prices, and even if one could afford it, it was so difficult to find.”
He hummed. “What’s Semper Augustus?”
“Well it’s a type of tulip, it’s white with…” you didn’t even notice you had pulled your hand off the grass to motion at the petals, “There are red flares through white, it’s admittedly beautiful or so people say. I think the only really beautiful tulip is The Queen of the Night Tulip though, it’s this deep purple flower and—” you stopped yourself when you noticed him listening to you with a soft smile. “What are you doing?”
“Learning new things about tulips,” he said and you blinked a couple of times, then bit inside your cheek, frowning slightly.
“I’m curious.”
Something told you he wasn’t talking about tulips anymore and you scoffed, rolling your shoulders back.
“Have you had the chance to read Whistledown today?”
He nodded. “My mother and sisters are avid readers, it’s a bit hard to avoid it.”
“So you’ve seen it.”
“The last paragraph, yes,” he said. “Ice Queen has a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you say?”
You let out an unladylike groan. “Don’t look so satisfied with yourself.”
He had the audacity to feign innocence. “I have no idea what you speak of.”
“You’re smiling.”
That roguish smile of his widened. “Don’t be jealous just because you have a sickness that prevents you from smiling.”
You raised your brows. “Oh you talked to Kitty?”
“She talked to me the other night.”
You narrowed your eyes, tilting your head to the side and an exaggerated scandalous expression took over his face.
“In the ballroom, Miss Y/N,” he said. “I will not have you question my virtue.”
You couldn’t help the laughter escaping from your lips, the sound making him smile as well.
“Right,” you said as you tried to adapt a solemn expression, biting at your lip. “Your nonexistent virtue you mean.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Who’s to say?”
“Fine, other than you who’s to say?”
“Lady Whistledown.”
“Now wait a second—”
“The ton.”
“Alright, but—”
“Anyone I could stop on the street.”
“I feel like that’s a bit of a—”
“That tree over there,” you pointed at the direction of the tree you were referring to and he chuckled.
“Even so,” he said. “Assuming Miss Kitty and I could be anything but acquaintances might just be the worst insult you have thrown at me.”
“So far,” you stated. “It’s only noon.”
He watched you with a soft smile on his lips, that gentle light shining in his blue eyes for a moment before you averted your gaze from him and forced yourself to frown.
“Well I’d better…” you motioned at the house. “Daphne will wonder where I am.”
“Right,” he said after a moment as if he had forgotten there were other people in the house, then he stood up to offer you his hand. You paused only for a moment before you placed your hand in his, letting him pull you upright but as soon as you did, a warmth spread from your hand to your whole body. He seemed to have felt the small surge of lightning you did, because his grip tightened over your hand, the close proximity letting his pleasant scent fill your lungs and you swallowed thickly, pulling your hand out of his and forcing yourself to take a step back.
“This changes nothing by the way,” you said in a haste, motioning between you. “I still think you’re incredibly annoying.”
He put his hands into his pockets, shooting you a smile.
“Oh don’t worry,” he said. “I still think you’re cold as ice.”
“And your assumptions about me at the ballroom were arrogant at best, unacceptable at worst,” you added, sticking your nose up in the air. “Make sure not to express them again.”
“Do you always order people around or am I just special?”
“Do you always lack the capability of following the simplest instructions or am I just special?” you asked back and he gave you a playful look.
“You are just special.”
You made a face, “I know the whole ton has nothing better to do than feed your arrogance, but you’re not half as charming as you think you are.”
He shrugged his shoulders, feigning innocence. “You on the other hand are adorable when you’re frustrated.”
You could feel a fire spreading over your cheeks but you forced yourself to focus, frowning at him.
“I—you—” you stammered and scoffed. “Just do as I say.”
The mischievous glimmer in his blue gaze was impossible to miss. “As my lady wishes.”
Your lips pulled into an annoyed pout, making him bow his head in an attempt to hide his smile and you narrowed your eyes at him, then walked past him to go back into the house, your heart still pacing in your chest.
After you and your aunt had left the Bridgerton house, your aunt had told you it was too lovely of a weather to spend time indoors, so after dropping by the house to change your gown, you and she had gone outside for a picnic.
The issue was that the whole ton seemed to have the exact same idea with your aunt.
Daphne was promenading with Duke Hastings as usual, and Eloise and Penelope were in a deep discussion by the lake, not paying attention to anyone else. A couple of minutes after arriving in the park, your aunt had gone to join Lady Featherington, Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton under the big umbrella, which was obviously some sort of an encouragement for some of the gentlemen to try to make small talk with you.
Needless to say, it was absolute torture.
You slipped past the Copper family and made your way to the gazebo a bit far away from the crowd with only a lady who was sitting in it, but she seemed very interested in her book and as soon as you got close enough to recognize who it was, you stopped dead in your tracks.
Oh. Charlotte.
She must have caught your sudden pause from the corner of her eye because she turned her head and instantly gave you a bright smile.
“Y/N!” she said. “Hello!”
“Uh hello,” you lingered in your spot. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I’m just avoiding my suitors and this seemed far enough.”
She let out a giggle and placed her book beside her.
“Nonsense, come!” she said and you bit inside your cheek.
“No no, never mind. I’ll just go somewhere else—”
“Oh don’t be silly!” she said and grabbed the small paper bag beside her. “I even have snacks.”
You eyed the paper bag and stole a look at her. “Really?”
“Yeah!” she said and patted the spot next to her. “Come sit!”
You heaved a sigh and went to sit beside her and she offered you the paper bag, letting you reach inside and get some walnuts into your palm.
“Thanks,” you muttered, popping one into your mouth. “What are you doing here away from the crowd?”
“I like reading outside,” she said. “I find it very relaxing. Are your suitors bothering you that much?”
You heaved a sigh and slipped a little on the bench. “You’d think I eliminated most of them by glaring but some of them are more stubborn than I thought.”
“It’s probably because of the diamond in the rough thing.”
You pulled your brows together and turned to look at her better. “What?”
“That’s what they call you,” she said. “Because the queen considered making you a diamond—”
“She didn’t consider that.”
“And you’re not as—well, nice to people as Daph,” she said almost apologetically. “And some people say you grew up poor until your uncle adopted you so…Diamond in the rough.”
You clicked your tongue. “Interesting,” you said. “I seem to be getting a lot of titles nowadays.”
“Well, Daphne and Duke Hastings will probably get married,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Most of the lords know they have no chance with her anymore, aside from some really rich and confident ones.”
“And the others are beginning to flock to me like sheep down a hill?”
“Seems that way,” she said. “And you’re very beautiful.”
You made a face. “No, that’s not the reason.”
She raised her brows. “No?” she asked. “Then what is?”
“My uncle is rich with no heir other than my little brother,” you said. “And in case of his death, God forbid, my little brother will need guidance until he comes of age to control the wealth of the family. Who would be a better prospect than my future husband with direct access to said wealth?”
She scrunched up her nose.
“I don’t believe money is of any importance when it comes to marriage,” she said. “The only thing that matters is love.”
“Is there something in the water they serve in the Bridgerton House?” you asked, making her let out a giggle. “No seriously, first the whole family and now you…”
“Benedict mentioned you don’t believe in love,” she said. “I think you’re wrong.”
“The feeling is mutual Charlotte.”
“Lottie,” she corrected you and you nodded.
“Lottie,” you repeated and paused before stealing a look at her. “So you and Ben—uh, Mr. Bridgerton? Are the rumors true?”
“Mm, he mentioned that too,” she said and scoffed a laugh, then shook her head. “I do not understand why everyone assumes that. We’re close friends.”
Your heart skipped a beat, making you frown and you sat up straighter.
“Anyone else then?”
“I don’t have as many suitors,” she said and shrugged her shoulders, making your stomach flip, guilt seeping through you.
“I swear to you, you’re not missing out on anything,” you tried to console her. “Aside from a terrible headache, because—”
You stopped talking as soon as your eyes caught the sight of Kitty seeming to be in a deep conversation with Benedict. She let out a clear laugh, batting her lashes at him and you narrowed your eyes, a strange, bitter taste appearing at your throat.
“She has been trying to get his attention for weeks now,” Charlotte’s voice made you turn your head and you gritted your teeth, then cleared your throat.
"Oh I didn’t…” you trailed off. “I wasn’t looking at them.”
“No?” she asked and you shook your head vehemently.
“I don’t care who tries to get whose attention,” you said. “Godspeed. Or whatever they say.”
Charlotte gave you a bright smile and opened her mouth but before she could say anything, another voice cut through hers.
“Miss Y/N, good afternoon.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, then took a deep breath and turned to the man who was standing by the gazebo’s entrance.
“My lord?” you greeted him like a question and he bowed.
“Lord Shaw,” he introduced himself. “I was wondering if you would like to promenade with me.”
You would have liked nothing more than saying no, but you knew you could not. You were a debutante and any direct rude comment would affect your uncle and aunt so you took a deep breath and nodded.
“Of course,” you said and shot Charlotte a smile. “Thank you for the snacks and entertaining conversation Lottie.”
“Anytime,” she said sweetly and you stood up from the bench, Benedict’s head whipping around immediately as if he had just realized you were in fact in the park, which considering how hard you had been trying to get away from the crowd, wouldn’t have been a shock. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Kitty frowning upon the sudden disruption in their conversation but you forced yourself to keep your gaze on Lord Shaw.
“After you my lady,” he said as he took a step back and you bit inside your cheek.
“Thank you,” you said and walked out of the gazebo with Lord Shaw beside you, still feeling Benedict’s gaze on you.
“Are you alright my lady?”
Your head snapped up and you let out a breath, then nodded.
“Yes,” you said. “I’m not good with warm weather, that’s all.”
He shot you a grin. “I would not expect anything less from the ice queen.”
You had to remind yourself not to make a face even if it felt nearly painful to keep yourself from doing so, then you cleared your throat before taking a deep breath.
“Yes,” you murmured. “Yes, neither would I.”
Chapter 6
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johnnys-breastmilk · 1 year
guilty by association | jacob custos x male!reader
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a/n — i was overtaken by the hag's spirit and wrote this in a day. . . I've never done that before- meant to be posted before new year's but now it's like 1 am, so happy new year!
words — 1.8k
summary — Jacob can't sleep thanks to his situation with Emma and gets some help with it.
warnings — oral sex (jacob receiving), face-fucking, unrequited feelings, himbo says dumb things alert, plus cheesy dialogue
“Silas. . .”
A haunting old woman’s voice crept into your ear and urged you to wake. You flinched away from the direction the voice slinked from, careful not to jolt too far up and accidentally hit your head on the rickety wooden planks above. They weren't easy to see in the dark, but every time it happened, never missing a single night, you were able to suppress the reaction a little more.
It was something about this place—the name had never come to you before until you entered the campgrounds, and they likely would continue until you left. Mr.Hackett would never believe your stories about the voice, or he might send you home early with a case of heat exhaustion. You couldn’t tell your bunk-mate either as he would laugh at you and insist that even he’s not that stupid. But, maybe that was one of the good things about him underneath the very, very dense pile of stupidity behind that pretty face; reassuring your total insanity made you feel a little less hysterical. 
As for your bunk-make, Hackett's Quarry brought him nothing but positivity. He succeeded in getting a summer hookup, maintained the body of his dreams, and persuaded everyone—but mostly you—with his charm to do most of his responsibilities to sneak away with Emma. It was a hard pill to swallow, but Jacob's cluelessness to any hint you dropped his way, whether that was the eagerness to do his after-hour cleanup chores or asking him on more than one occasion to take a late-night swim, only made him more attractive. It was hard to tell if he was stunned at the thought of someone else liking him or if he was just that big of an asshole.
You assumed it was the latter after the first day of camp with him. Jacob was pretty unabashed about the fact that he snored, flatly stating that you would have to put up with it for the summer with a stupid smirk. You hoped a bear would wipe it off within the first week, but Emma kept it alive and well for him. He had to have known it was simply a thing for the summer, right? 
It was almost every night, just like the whispers in your ear, that he would come back before you woke up and be passed out until dawn. With a leg dangling off the side of the bed, he would lazily stretch himself over the small twin bunk, snores filling the cabin. This time, he wasn’t snoring.
You hesitated for a moment in realization. The worst thing to happen was that he wouldn't answer or was still out on a thrill ride with Emma. “Jacob?”
A silence-impacted moment passed, then his voice came from above you. "Yeah?"
"You're awake?"
"Tell me something I don't know," Jacob pouted. He sounded defeated, but you weren't about to point that out. His voice came down muffled as if he buried his face in a mound of squishy pillow.
You held your breath for a moment before blurting out the first thought that came to mind. "Abby likes Nick?"
"Wow, I did not know that," Jacob's voice became notably more clear.
"Is everything good?"
"Me and Emma. . . broke up," he reluctantly admitted.
"She said you guys weren't ever dating," you reminded him, much to your own annoyance. Her persistence about the two of them not being an item while keeping him mentally tunneled to her, and only her, was tiring.
"I know," he sighed, "but she was, like, baseballs to a pitcher. I was the pitcher, and I don't have balls anymore." 
His allegory barely made any sense, but you knew the last part was the perfect opportunity to lighten the mood. "You don't have what?"
"Shut up! What are you doing up?"
"Can't sleep." A simple lie was better than the complicated truth, you figured.
“Me too.” Jacob fully twisted around, though you weren't sure in which direction. The planks above you creaked, and his movements making the sheets whir together were enough of a clue.
“Why not?” It was redundant to ask, but what else could you say at the moment?
"I’m kinda pent up here, dude. You know, no Emma,” he stated.
“Use a sock,” you casually suggested, even if there was something that you were willing to give him. Your only reasoning as to why you didn't immediately jump on the opportunity when it reared its ugly head was that it was late, and old women waking you up in the middle of the night wasn't exactly nubile.
“Nah, I learned my lesson the last time. Jakey’s hurricane has a splash zone,” he somehow more offhandedly replied, veering into the territory of boastful about his previous climaxes.
"Gross!" You blurted out with a chime of laughs after.
"I'm just being honest. But, fuck, dude. This sucks." Just like that, he was back to sounding defeated, finding no resolution to his self-proclaimed problem.
It was hard to resist offering to help him, but it was also hard to discern if he would go for it. Jacob seemed like the kind of guy to take any hole he could get because that's all it is: a hole. So, you took the risk. You piped up to ask, "I'll help you out?"
"Wait, really? Dude, that would be amazing. Uh—how?"
"Like, how—," you paused, "—how Emma would do it."
“So, like, a bro-job?” Fuck. He was never going to get it. You might as well take what you can get. 
“Yeah,” you sighed. Jacob hopped down from his level, and you got a good look at him in the faint light of the cabin. He wore a cropped shirt, and you could make out the numbers of a jersey being part of the design, barely visible. His dark happy trail led to a loose pair of plaid boxers handing on his hips, the fly of which bulged out from his eagerness. His hair was spiky and tousled, which was odd since he lacked his signature backward-facing baseball cap that usually the mess atop his head. 
“Cool. Where do I stick my dick in?” An eager angel’s smile spread over his face. Whatever blessed him with his confidence was sorely mistaken to give it to someone like him.
You sat up, turning and swinging your legs over the bed. “Tell me you're joking?”
He didn't have anything witty to defend his ego with, opting instead to skip the path of foreplay and run right along to letting his dick bob freely. The trunk's waistband was pushed past his lightly hairy thighs and down to his knees. You got a moment to look at him underneath everything, the importance of it flying over your head. It was hard to care that this was your first impression of him underneath his controlled appearance. Not that Jacob was one to hide his defined physique, but this was more than a shirtless dive in the lake. You were seeing without barriers, both emotionally and physically.
As for his package—the thing that must have kept Emma around for longer than she would have been—he fulfilled every thought you had about it. The length was a little shorter than you expected, but the girth felt like something you could get drunk off, the true root of a brewing addiction. You wanted to feel it stretch your throat and test your limits when it came to him, and unlike what you teased him for earlier, he did, in fact, have a hefty and hairy pair of balls that looked to be a mouthful.
"Are you just going to look? Open wide, dude."
The tip brushed your lips and slipped past quickly with Jacob's guide. He wanted this bad, and you could have sworn that there was a twinge of blue coming from his balls. Weirder shit had already happened this summer, so it wouldn't surprise you if that became literal. Just a few inches deep and Jacob was already causing your jaw to feel stretched to its limit with his girth. That didn't stop him from continuing.
Seconds later, the tip swept the back of your throat, provoking an appropriately-timed gag. Jacob didn't stop for that either, pulling his lips apart to unleash a moan when you finally let him invade your throat. The moment to adjust passed quickly, and he had total control over your throat with his pulsing heat. Like a hot blade effortlessly cutting its way through foam, Jacob made himself fit with ease.
"Holy fucking shit, you're way better than Emma," he remarked with praise and astonishment. The walls were fully down.
By the time his pubic bone pressed against your nose, giving it a slight scrunch back as all you could smell was him, Jacob was getting needy. You felt the warmth of him and the presence of his trimmed hair slip away from your face, your throat growing empty for a few seconds until he crammed it all back in. Your throat wanted to convulse, to swallow the hunk of musky meat partway down it, but that was the hard part. You tried to apply pressure with your lips to make up for the lack of it, wrapping them around him and greedily sucking him down.
Sure enough, Jacob couldn't tell much of what he was shorted on at the moment, consistently uttering soft fucks and that's its as he fell into a rhythm of movement. Some more stuff about how you were "better than Emma" escaped his thoughts and formed into half-coherent sentences that you barely processed, too hung up on him to give your attention to that.
He kept at it until he couldn't. His weight shifted, and his pace slowed, and it a few ah—ahs, Jacob spilled himself into your mouth without even asking. He didn't even pull out. Jacob just let himself sit there and pump ropes into your mouth as it drizzled from the corners of your lips, expecting you to swallow what you could. He was right, after all. He was nothing if not a hydrant for release. 
Jacob settled himself over you, leaning forward as the last few sloppy thrusts drug himself over your tongue and smeared the mess in your mouth. 
Jacob reeled himself out of you and took a step back, shucking off his boxers and using them to wipe his dick clean of his release. He threw them somewhere into the dark of the room and turned to admire you. "Damn, wish I could take a picture. This is something that needs to last forever."
You were still grappling from swallowing his come, just muttering a quick and quiet, "No problem."
He patted your shoulder, "Thanks, bro. Making a fucking s'more out of your mouth was insane." 
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teamplasmaofficial · 5 months
The Plasma Grunt grips her uniform tightly, sweat already building on her forehead. Just minutes before she was in the pokémon rehabilitation centre, preparing liberated pokemon to be released, when her supervisor broke the news.
"Sam, Lord Ghetsis requires your company. Report to his office immedietly,"
And now here she is, wondering down the mostly barren halls, the sound of her well polished boots clacking against the floor being the only sound.
The door to his office was surprisingly unguarded (especially since there is a concerningly large dent in the centre of it), she reaches forward to knock-
A gentle hand suddenly grasped her wrist, evoking a terrified gasp. She slaps her other hand over her mouth, muffling the sound. Only inches from her face, silent, silver eyes judging each curve of her face.
‘They must be a Shadow,’ she thinks to herself, uncertain if she could break the surprisingly gentle grip on her wrist if she tried. She’d never seen them in person, but heard from the higher ups that they were Lord Ghetsis’ personal servants, capable of anything and everything he commanded of them.
As soon as they had appeared, the Shadow was gone. “Lord Ghetsis will see you now,” a quiet, disembodied voice whispered from behind her, and the door gently swings open.
That’s when she starts to worry.
Only 17, Sam had dropped out of school a month prior to fully dedicate herself to freeing poor, abused pokémon alongside Team Plasma. She spends most of her time tending to the liberated pokémon, though yesterday morning she’d received a scolding from her supervisor. In her month as a part of the infamous team, she was yet to liberate a single pokémon.
Was she going to be fired? Can you fire someone if they aren’t being paid? Her time with Team Plasma is completely voluntary, so why were they mad? Why did it concern Ghetsis?
“Come in,” a deep, booming voice demanded, the tone of authority causing her to jump slightly. She did as she was told, slowly making her way into the ornate office, until she stood in the centre of it, before the mighty cedar wood desk.
She’d seen her leader before, obviously. He often preached in towns across the region, it was one of his speeches which convinced her to join Team Plasma to begin with. But this, it was different. He sat upon a chair so delicate it could be considered a throne, his golden collar hung off his shoulders with pride.
Ghetsis raises an unimpressed eyebrow, and Sam immediately drops to her knees.
“You called me, my Lord?” her voice is shaking almost uncontrollably. Arc, was he always this tall?
“Indeed I did,” Ghetsis stands, lifting the lid of some kind of ancient laptop. It was thicker than a novel, good Arc. “Come here,” he demands, and Sam obliges. Ghetsis turns the screen around, and on it Sam is faced with… A Rotomblr post?
“Read.” he huffs, and she does so immediately.
It’s an anonymous message, filled with usual anti-plasma statements, but then her eyes graze over the last sentence. Once again she slaps her hand over her mouth, this time muffling laughter.
“What’s so funny?!” Ghetsis slams his hands down on the table, the sudden action frightening the poor grunt. She trips backward, only just retaining her footing. “All these people laugh at it, just like this, and refuse to explain!” He’s fuming, teeth gritted in anger. If it were someone else within striking distance from the old man, Sam doubts she would be able to control herself from doubling over in hysteric laughter.
“You’re young,” he deadpans, “the youngest amongst our ranks. Explain this to me; what are they saying?”
Oh good Arceus no.
Sam gulps, her voice now quivering with suppressed laughter, “I uh.. My Lord I believe they’re saying they find you… attractive,” she silently begs, please don’t make me say it out loud.
“I don’t believe you,” he snarls, clearly in a downright rotten mood. “If that were the case, it wouldn’t have received this reaction. Tell me what this means,” he demands, his finger shoved directly below the word ‘dilf’.
“Uhhh..” You know what, this is worse than being fired. She’d rather Arceus strike her down in this office than explain that to her boss. Though, he was clearly growing more restless, and the scars she could now see littering his face reinforced the impression that you should Not make him mad.
“Well you see… It’s an acronym,” she winces, staring directly past Ghetsis, “it’s an acronym, yes… Uh…”
“Say it!” He snaps, “I’ve had enough of this tomfoolery, tell me what a dilf is!”
Sam squeezes her eyes shut, opens her mouth, and, “Dilf is an acronym for ‘Dad I’d Like to Fuck’!”
“I’m sorry, it means what?”
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sunboki · 2 years
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including; bangchan, han jisung, seo changbin, lee felix, hwang hyunjin, lee minho, kim seungmin, yang jeongin
genre; fluff:)
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BANGCHAN had you cuddled in his lap, typing away on the keyboard and carefully testing out rhythms with an effortlessly attractive focused expression. however it seemed he took hint of your watchful eyes, filled with adoration as you spent the extra seconds soaking in this type of chan. “was i zoning out?” he voiced, brows knitting worriedly as he hugged you closer—placing a feather-light kiss on your cheek. at this moment the mischievous opportunity overtook you, wiping off the peck he landed. chan almost immediately placed another, than another until your face was absolutely bombarded with his kisses. “now you’ll have to scrub your face if you want to rub them off, don’t resist my love~” he sang, chin resting atop your head; carrying a pouty expression. “don’t be upset channie, i was joking..” you giggled, turning around to cup his falsetto sad face. surprisingly, he gave each of your cheeks a last kiss. “for good luck.” — “c’mon..chan..”
HAN throws a fit when you use the back of your hand to brush off his kiss to your lips. “heyyyyyy, don’t do that… do you not want my kisses?” he slurs, making it hard not to laugh. if anything, quokka looked betrayed. his chubby cheeks puff out defiantly, crossing his arms taut to his chest while he deeply sighed—silence overtaking the room. “does my breath smell?” han randomly proposed, unable to contain his bubbling chuckle. “was it my lunch? AH. i need to go brush my teeth.” he rose up, beginning to hurriedly walk to the bathroom. you grasped his shirt in a quick manner. “i’m joking i’m joking, it was all a prank.” you eased, han releasing a breathless whine before collapsing on top of you. “jisungie.. get off..” you struggled, squirming beneath his in-denial frame. “that’s so mean y/nnie.. you’re paying for dinner.” he huffed. “okay fine dinner’s on me.” the struggle continued, han finally getting off. “don’t do that, let me love you.” he whispered softly, big brown eyes carrying so much emotion. “i promise baby.” you hugged him, smiling to yourself at just how precious he was. the nickname you used making his face ache red. “never can get used to that.” this time you both laughed.
CHANGBIN would huff, eyeing your fingers reaching to brush off his affection. you were halfway through the newest godzilla movie ( that changbin had thoughtfully asked to watch ), and as boredom set in, you took it upon yourself to pester the man of principles. his disregarded kisses happened a few more times before he grabbed your wrists, using his strength to push you back on the couch till he was hovering over you. “you’re ruining the movie for me, now hold still while i finish what was started.” nonetheless, he kept his promise, littering every inch of skin he could find in his kisses. yet no matter how hot the muscular man looked above you in that moment, he was still your dwaekki and you couldn’t take a single thing he did seriously for a set amount of time. so now you were literally cracking up as he kissed your neck, the man smiling against your skin. “ticklish much?” he mused. “please! oh my god i’m gonna pee my pants.” you chest shook, changbin relieving his efforts. “ruining the mood.” he playfully grinned, turning off the tv—hovering over you once again. “but didn’t you want to watch the-“let’s focus on not killing the mood, what do you say?” wow. hot.
FELIX gasped dramatically, eyes narrowing to gaze at you in dismay. “do you not love me anymore?” his face crinkled as he fake cried on your shoulder, quietly interlocking his fingers with yours. meanwhile, the silence that followed resulted in a stubborn felix to take the reins. his breath ghosted your neck as he landed a soft kiss, yet he didn’t separate. instead, suppressing his deep burst of laughter. “if i don’t let go, can you wipe it off?” he smiled cheekily, the movement tickling your skin. “ah! i can’t do it anymore you’re freaking me out.” you shivered, rolling your eyes at the satisfied bbokari lifting his brows. the smell of burning overtaking the situation. he shot you from his position. “the brownies! they’re gonna burnnn.” he sang with a panicked lilt, placing the nearly burnt batch on the counter. taking a testing bite, his eyes narrowed. “try one.” he handed you a brownie, carefully watching your expression. “they don’t taste burnt, pretty yummy if you ask me.” you licked your lips, felix leaning forwards to thumb a stray crumb from your face. “messy eater.” he taunted, resting his chin atop his hand. “be quiet.” your reaction stirring a soft giggle.
HYUNJIN, as usual, was working on a choreo. after a bit of time he took a break, sweat dappling his forehead as you handed him a water bottle to cool off. his small kiss of thanks was a response, to which you wiped it off easily—finding the opportunity to pull a little stunt. “huh?” he blinked up at you, lips still attached to the water bottle’s edge. “what was that for?” he gave you a no-nonsense look, genuinely confused as to why you wouldn’t accept his peck. “what?” you tilted your head innocently, acting as if nothing had happened. “you wiped off. my kiss.” he pouted, rising up to squish both of your cheeks in his hand, squinting accusingly. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you shrugged, his downright confused face almost making your facade crack. you could see the gears turning in his mind. he shook his head fervently, returned to practicing and a few minutes later sat on the floor. “jinnie?” you asked, quirking your brow at his behavior. “i lost motivation. my love has been rejected.” he dramatically sighed, now fully laying on his back. “now who ever said that?” you hunkered down to straddle him, leaning down to land a deep kiss. “woah woah woah woahhh..” he gaped, his brown eyes blown with amazement. “it was a prank jinnie.” — “then i’ll need repayment to get back my motivation.”
MINHO kissed back. he enjoyed being the one to receive rather than give, just to see how needy you’d become if you hadn’t been given attention in a bit. leaving the scenario as the perfect time to tease( a key lee know habit ). so if anything he’d be the one to wipe off your kisses. but today was your day for revenge, after all this pain and suffering due to minho’s cruel way of getting what he wanted, you were taking control. “min… can i get a kiss?” he glanced up from his phone to where you were typing on your desk. “now you’re asking, well how could i say no?“ maneuvering his head to softly kiss your lips, eyeing you as you used the back of your hand to discard his kiss. fueling a realization that it had never been this hard to maintain composure until this moment. “what is this?” he used his foot to swivel the chair back to where he sat on a spare stool. “acting like a brat? is this your way of getting back at me?” his stunning eyes read you like a book. every time. “i had an itch.” your excuse proving more pitiful than you’d anticipated in your head. “on your lips, then please, let me help you.” bewildered, you shrunk against the chair with a squeak—minho advancing into you at an alarming pace. pulling away with heavy breath. “not fair.” you huffed, minho looked too pleased with himself.
SEUNGMIN was far too innocent for this trend, his kind gestures and ever patient sincerity left no room for mean pranks. but nonetheless, the chance to test it lay bare and it looked pretty tempting. of course, you knew you’d fold unbelievably quick since seungmin was too adorable to resist. he’d just taken you on a date, and your last stopped was now checked off the list. the stop in question being an old family-run restaurant you both frequently visited in your early dating years. it held a special place on your heart. with full stomachs and dazed smiles, puppym’s kiss to your forehead reminded you of the horrible prank. it was even painful to reach up and wipe it off, and even more so painful to watch his reaction alter. he almost looked worried. “was there something on my lips?” he touched his bottom lip, you immediately folded—hand holding onto his wrist. being too guilty to confess, you leaned upon a harmless white lie. “i think it was some kimchi.” you sheepishly smiled, earning a wholesome beam from the literal puppy. guilt. it hit hard.
JEONGIN being similar to seungmin seemed too much of a sweetheart to pull into this situation, but you really wanted to see what he’d do next. so, you waited as he planted a kiss to your nose—sharing this tender moment whilst watching a newly released series on the couch to occupy empty time. however he wasn’t even effected. in fact, he helped you wipe your nose off. “the popcorn i made was pretty buttery, be sure to get it all off so you don’t get oils on your skin.” you couldn’t even respond, there was no room to respond. “i wouldn’t want my popcorn to ruin your face.” his eyes crinkled happily, holding your face in his hands. giving up, you melted into this act of sentiment. yes. how could you even think of doing this to your cupcake jeongin? wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him into a hug. “im such a bad person innie, im sorryyy~” you mumbled into his shirt, the boy unable to make out what you’d said. “what was that y/nie?” thank god he didn’t look further n to the topic. “nothing baby, this episodes really good by the way.” you nonchalantly chomped a piece of his popcorn. buttery indeed.
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all rights for this work are owned by @sunboki
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demoniccomplex · 7 months
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A fire that attracts.
Angry reader x yan(?) jouno wc - 907 also more accidental late night posting!!! also fun fact this was supposed to be fluff but then i read about how there isnt enough angry readers.
Being pissed off was your specialty, negativistic and disgruntled. A ticking bomb ready to go off but still trying to be something normal. You weren't one to let all that anger lose in the moment, no matter how much you wished. Suppressing then running off to go finally temporarily letting loose the anger swelling inside. A certain person noticed this habit of yours, always admiring from the sidelines. Jouno, Jouno and you only sometimes met briefly. Your job was somewhat connected to the hunting dogs, so run-ins with members was somewhat common. Sometimes after cooling down from your volcano exploding heart, Jouno would show up.
 A calm yet threatening tone he spoke in, while you bit back with sarcasm dripping from your mouth. He admired it deeply, knowing you weren't afraid to speak your mind towards authority more powerful than yourself. Yet, it filled him with frustrations. He got attached to your sense of being unbreakable, he wanted to see if he could smash you, make you dependable on him. While he believes your anger can keep you alive mostly, it will ultimately be your downfall. The possibility of losing something as fascinating as you were, scared Jouno to a degree. Stalking told him all he needed to know about your weaknesses. 
It started off calm, meeting you with ease, talking with high regard, bonding indefinitely. Even if your teeth were ready to dig into the hand trying to show it wasn't a threat. Still, Jouno was trying to keep his patience intact. Your pissed off tone and clenching and unclenching fists were just part of the process. The fire in your heart challenged his entire being and it has him racing. Enjoying every bickering that he manages to drag on from you. Loving the way your heart goes ecstatic with your anger, yet it holds back from exploding.  
Sometimes when you two bicker, his possessive tendencies show. Either from comments directed at you, or anyone around you. Jouno is thankful your job is just as disclosed like his. Making it easier to keep you safe from your coworkers who hate the rage that makes you. However, despite being more of an authority figure than you, he can't tell what your district will suddenly ask of you. 
When your job takes over, a mission being complete, but at the cost of some your bones breaking. This sent Jouno over the edge. Your anger will be your ruination and this was proof of such was made final in Jouno’s mind. Jouno visited you in the hospital, a frown on his face refusing to leave. You're tired, burnout, and pissed. Jouno’s stubbornness makes it impossible to convince him to leave. You cant throw him out and hes scolding you. "Can't you see? You're reckless and anger almost got you killed!" 
The fire in your eyes didn't leave, his words only kept it burning brighter. You snapped and started to yell at him. He was finally silent. Jouno was still and silent, something you wanted him to be from the beginning. Yet, it irked you, this mood shift was the water to make the fire weak. "You just don't get it do you?, I want to protect you, but you'll get yourself killed if you keep going."
His voice was cold, a scowl on his face as he continued. 
"You're not strong as I am, so much weaker than me, I could put you down in an instant. Your anger is admirable but it's just what is needed to break you. I could let you go off, go off and get provoked, letting the anger consume you till you've lost track of yourself, letting the enemy win due to your irritability." 
What Jouno speaks, you know is the truth, to get so blindsighted by your anger that it gets you killed. It's the truth and you hate it. Finally in your hospital bed, you turn around and tune him out, the fire cooling down. Yet it sticks, gnawing gently on your mind, repeating like a broken record. You finally let his tricks win. Exhausted and giving in, you fall asleep easily. no longer paying attention to the man who still is there, both in person and in your mind.
Jouno finally got you, a smile appears on his face. Weaking you to the point where you're his, he gets up from the chair.
Within the next few minutes, he carefully goes over to your figure, sleeping gently. Getting you softly from the hospital bed in his arms successfully. Picking you up and walking out with you, no dares to stop him and face the consequences. The moment you wake up next, you're panicked, this isn't the hospital bed, this wasn't your house. The pain of your injuries holds you back, making you stay put. A familiar chuckle catches your attention, your hate filled eyes turn to look at him.
Jouno sits there, his leg crossed on the other, leaning forward, and his hand tucked underneath his chin. His smile teasing you but letting you know, you're under him and will continue to be his. The mockery makes your rage clear, but everything else is a chain keeping you leashed. Jouno is only there to make it more clear to you, he won't let you ruin yourself, far too precious to him to let you get killed. He's only trying to protect you from yourself.
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libbee · 1 year
Are water placements (cancer, scorpio, pisces) the best ones to have?
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Emotions are so important but no other elements are in tune with their emotions, complexes, fantasies, highs and lows and spiritual side like the water placements.
Suppressed emotions can cause physical diseases. Cancer is said to be caused by suppressed anger. Carl Jung used to treat tuberculosis in his patients with analytical psychology. For example, when patients complain of body pain, it is sometimes repressed memory or painful trauma that is causing it, and when they deal with that trauma, it is resolved on its own.
Repressed memories, trauma, events can cause irritation of mood, neuroticism, obsessive compulsion and various kinds of addictions. it can also lead to violence and abusive tendencies.
A person who cannot do self reflection will keep bumping into the similar problems again and again, keep meeting problematic people again and again. What keeps them from self reflecting is the shame and fear of emotions - of what they might find out if they sit down to reflect.
When life story is so difficult that the native does not have time and willingness to face their emotions, the emotions pile up and exert on the near ones, they come out in form of diseases and evil fantasies. For eg, when a native is so caught up in job, earning, saving money that they never gets time to self care, deal with their emotions and confront their traumas, it shows up in form of sudden misfortunes in real life.
The state of life literally depends on your mood and emotions. Water placements are the only ones who can deal with their emotions (fear, anger, shame, insecurities) and not run away from them in means of temporary gratification.
Those who are blessed with water placements are natural healers and they heal themselves, work on themselves, work on their emotions, they are able to form authentic connections, they are able to self care and be in tune with their energy. They are able to look into their emotions and not fear what might come up - and since they show emotional vulnerability, they attract fellow healers in their lives. Water placements are the ones to know the emotional needs of everyone, from a poor boy to a rich hotshot, from a pet dog to wild beast in the jungle, from their loved ones to the strangers in the streets, they are the only ones who know that every sentient being has emotions, it feels pain, fear, anger, anxiety and hurt. They are the only ones who can look deep down into their depths, so deep that perhaps only they know the essence of life, meaning of life, magic of life, secrets of life. Nature is biased with its children and gives its best gifts to the chosen ones. Water placements are the only ones who know God because they know themselves.
I have seen natives with inner planets in air/fire signs in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th houses. They might lead a normal life in appearance but there is no authenticity in them, they are self aware but no willingness to change their vices, there is no emotional connection to anyone, they are like tricksters playing mind games, tricking, lying, manipulating; they will do anything to keep running from themselves, even if that means to cheat on their partner just so they can feel powerful, confident and not have to look into their void. I personally do not have my inner planets in water signs but I have moon and venus in 8th house (water house, house of transformation, death and rebirth) and so I was forced to change my ego attitude, change my previous personality, change my habit of masking my emotions with humor and playfulness and get down to doing the real dirty messy work of healing, being in tune with my emotions, being self aware, being calm and peaceful, to live with the flow of life, to live with the tao. On the other hand, my brother has pisces moon and sun in cancer, he was always a calm and emotionally attuned boy. There is a maturity, humility, stability, depth and understanding in him which is contrary to the noise and chaos the world lives in.
Now that I look back at my previous life, I can see the difference in this life and that life, the quality of life is so drastic, life satisfaction is so much more, i am confident and secure in my abilities, i am self actualizing and know the importance of emotions. I would not want to go back to that place, but I also dread if I did not have water house placements, I would never enlighten, progress, grow, heal, mature, develop. Air placements can intellectually understand what it means to heal, what it means to confront their shadow, what it means to accept their weaknesses and insecurities but this intellectual understanding does not translate into action, actual work, actual healing. Mere reading books on healing is not enough, you have to actually get your hands dirty and drown into your emotions before you learn to swim. Air/fire/earth placements just sit on the shore, looking at the ocean, wondering what is in there, reading encyclopedia, talking about it with others, making documentaries about the ocean but never step into it, never get their hands wet and never learn to swim. No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life - Friedrich Nietzsche.
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byghostface · 3 months
Nika + family members headcanons
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↑Some notes and my HCs about Nika & Her family's appearance I drew/wrote back in 2022
Regret about his past.
Doted on both granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart".
With his wife, don't weird out and scared by Nika's obsession with death, and indulge her behavior (they think Nika is just curious and feisty).
Bedridden when Nika was around 7-8 years old, rarely interacted with her since then. Especially when he needs to be at the hospital to monitor his health often.
Over time Nika grew more distant from her grandfather, only having some vague memory of the moments they had spent together.
Use to patch up Nika's destroyed plushies and toys.
Having natural dark Hair.
Doted on granddaughters and called them "sweetie /sweetheart" the same as her husband, and called Nika "My little victory", Mila "My dearest" (sometimes their mom called them that too)
Passed away when Nika was 7 years old (Mila around age 9-10).
Nika has good memories of her but it's becoming vague as she grew up.
Loves to gifted candies and homemade sweets to granddaughters.
Both girls got the dark hair atavistic inheritance from their grandmother, and Nika had inherited some of the facial features as well.
-Elder sister: Mila (hc age- 2~3 years older than Nika)
Think Nika is annoying and attention-seeking most of the time.
Disgust by Nika's obsession with death since they were little. Blame her little sister's obsession with death for the reason that attracts/brings bad luck into the house (their grandparents dying).
Often verbally belittle/disapprove of Nika and her behaviors.
Exclude Nika when she is playing with her friends (her friends don't like Nika too).
Give up her toys to Nika to make her less pestering but failed.
Looks more like her father and mother.
Worried about things and gets anxious easily like her mother.
Emotionally affected by things, incidents, and surroundings more easily than Nika (cried when grandpa died, "She was always a bit more on the… soft side. Naive"-Nika's description of Mila in Batman & Robin 2023 #7).
Getting frustrated with how their mother would change the house rules to fit Nika's needs.
Prideful and hard work in her school studies, likes to gain approval from her parents and seniors elders.
Try to be a responsible big sister (oftentimes depending on her mood and situation).
Like to sing and go to the choir with Nika. Because they both get praised a lot for being earnest and good singers.
Really upset about losing her grandparents.
Terrified of the idea of not living/being not existing. Like to know her importance in living.
(She may have connected with death like Nika but is actually repressed/terrified by it, and seeing Nika so obsessed with it makes Mila feel really repulsive thus taking it out on Nika, making death associated with her little sister more instead of herself.)
Tried to share her interests with her sister but always got rejected (aside from music-related topics).
She is resilient about it (sharing her obsession with death to her sister) for a long period of her childhood.
Love to "kill" her plushies and toys, then learn to patch them up by herself after grandpa is not in the house to do it for her anymore.
Later on realized her sister's distaste towards her, and her parents' disagreements about her. She was becoming closed off and less responsive to her family, and taking more interest in drawing to distract herself.
Keeping herself busy with the things she likes (hobbies— death theme, drawing, singing) to avoid/suppress negative emotions in life.
Feeling the pressure the grandfather's hospital condition has put on the family, sometimes thinking he's better off dead (peacefully).
Despite her obsession with death, she doesn't like the idea of suicide. She may have some suicidal thoughts or fake imagined scenarios but never commits them, because that's not what she wants her life and death to be (passive suicidal ideation). These hidden passive thoughts change greatly after meeting Damian on Lazarus Island.
Looks more like her grandmother and her mother, and looks really similar to Mila when she was little.
Most of the day is at work, rarely at home.
Think Nika is nothing but a troubled kid, unlike his good-manner elder daughter.
Often at the hospital take care of his father, and let his wife take charge of the kids.
Impact by his mother's passing, and later his father's condition. His mood is not very stable.
The source of living income of the household. Manage all the finances in the house and inheritance of his parent's property (under a lot of financial stress).
Housewife, spends a lot of time with her children.
Love to nurture her garden and teach the plants and flowers knowledge to Nika who is interested in making her little playground graveyard in the yard pretty.
Worried about Nika's obsession with death and scared for Nika as the obsession progresses as she grows up.
Setting the house rules for the girls, so it would be fair and easy to discipline them. But it's really difficult with Nika, because she is more "adventurous" compared to the elder daughter.
Struggling to get Mila and Nika to make peace/behave toward each other, and it gets worse as the two sisters grow older(her husband is not helping by favoring Mila more).
Need to do some part-time jobs in later years to support the family and father-in-law's hospital bills.
Nika + family members hcs.Nika + family (dynamic) hcs
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
TH Characters as Your Partner Visiting a Lingerie Store with You
TH Masterlist
Tag List: @buttercupsandboys @zablife @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @alikaheroes @vir-tual @dreamlandcreations @liliac-dreamer @elijahssuit @rose-like-the-phoenix
Forrest Bondurant
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Normally, he’d never step inside a lingerie shop since it’s a woman’s domain. However, one day the mood strikes him and leaves him thinking he has to prove himself capable. So, instead of waiting outside as he usually does, he tags along.
Now, Forrest is not one for shopping at all. He even leaves groceries fully to you (unless you’re too busy, he’ll get them himself then). However, the way he acts in the lingerie shop has you rethink your assumptions about your stoic grumpy husband.
He passively aggressively hands you bras he thinks look good on you but refuses to say why exactly. Most of them are white or the colour of sand and have botanical embroidery or lace. In the fitting room, it’s hard to tell his opinion on stuff because, being a man of few words and a lot of grunts, the best you can get out of him is a sound you’ll have to interpret yourself.
Though there are varying degrees of approval in his noises, he thinks you look marvellous regardless of what you’re wearing. However, he might lose it if you show him a garter.
Leo Demidov
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His usual stern though calm demeanour crumbles the moment you point out a lingerie shop you want to visit. Nevertheless, not wanting to deny you anything, he lets you pull him along. His discomfort is noticeable in the way he’s even more quiet than usual and refuses to let go of your hand. Also, he avoids your eyes, especially when you ask him what he thinks about the item in your hand.
In a low voice like he’s embarrassed to be heard, he points out bras and briefs that make him think of things at home, like the strawberry patch in your garden.
Leo loves pastel colours on you, but especially blueberry blue because it was over a cup of tea and blueberry scone he first fell for you.
Alfie Solomons
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He has the time of his life and that is not an exaggeration. In fact, he probably enjoys shopping for lingerie more than you do. Then again, can you blame him? Alfie loves to dress you up (especially in silk) and spoil you rotten.
The employees can’t help but gawk as he hands you one item after another, soon leaving you blindly tagging after him because you’re too busy balancing the load in your arms. Neither do they stop him when he accompanies you to the fitting rooms because they know who they’re dealing with and know it’s less than advisable to go against the King of Camden. Nevertheless, he suppresses his urges until you’re home because he doesn’t want to let them have to deal with the aftermath just because he had to have his Queen.
But once you’re home, oh dear. Save to say, you won’t be getting out of bed after you’ve shown him all your new pretty outfits.
Eddie Brock
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He’s shy at first because it’s already embarrassing to him he’s in a lingerie shop. Doesn’t matter you’re his girlfriend (soon to be fiancée), it feels like trespassing into uncharted territory. What’s more, rather than a bloke accompanying his girl, he’s one who occasionally talks to himself and so attracts unwanted attention. Well, you know he’s actually talking to Venom, but others don’t.
Speaking of Venom, the symbiote and Eddie are at odds when it comes to what they think looks good on you. Venom is a firm advocate for anything black, especially loving it if there are moonstone accents and intricate patterns. Eddie, on the other hand, is a firm believer in red and pink as well as simplistic design.
Nonetheless, you give him a look of utter disbelief when he points out a rosy brief with a fluffy pompom attached to the back. Venom agrees with Eddie’s opinion it makes you look like a bunny, an adorable prey. However, you and it are of one mind in that it’s surprising he likes this kind of thing.
Bob Saginowski
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You could not even move him with a truck. Bob is hellbent on staying outside while you shop. The one time he went in he immediately regretted it. His ears were already tinged pink when his gaze fell on the store’s contents. However, they became a bright crimson when an image of you in the mint green set with an intricate lace pattern the mannequin in front of him wore popped into his head.
The flush crept to his cheeks when you started asking him his opinion on the items you picked, holding up bras to your chest or dangling briefs in front of him. Not a single word could be wrenched out of him, his short-circuited brain having left him an absolute disaster.
Bob insisted it was fine to try on some stuff, weakly gesturing to the fitting rooms and sticking up a thumb to show it was alright. You, on the other hand, wanted to put him out of his misery. After all, though funny at first, you could tell how uncomfortable he was. So you made your way to the till instead and went home.
Not that wearing lingerie there affects him any differently.
James Delaney
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Is it you doing the shopping or him? James, despite his stoicism, is almost extremely critical when it comes to lingerie. He’ll have a comment ready about every piece you pick and isn’t at least entirely black. Yes, entirely because God forbid you pick something with even a smidge of colour. This is not a joke, by the way. Either it’s black or it’s a no. After all, he’s the one who’s paying.
Look, you tried to pay yourself in the past but either always found yourself cut off at the pin machine or the amount miraculously transferred back to your account via a bank account held by J.K. Delaney. Though he won’t admit it outright, James likes having financial control. Be it the bills, your expenses on wants (things you technically don’t seriously need but are nice to have, like clothes), the groceries, the mortgage, new furniture, he pays. You don’t know where he gets the money from because to you his antiquarian business seems fairly quiet, generating enough income to get by. The same goes for the articles he writes for academic publications. You’ve given up on asking, though, because each time you merely got a slightly displeased grunt and an off-handed comment not to worry. On the bright side, you at least get to finally pay your health insurance yourself!
Unlike Alfie, James doesn’t care about making a mess of the fitting rooms. If he wants his girl, he’ll have her on the spot. Bonus points if she looks especially marvellous in the set he picked for her (and which will definitely be bought). The staff just keep their fingers crossed and hope for the best each time you two drop by.
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