#my candy love headcanon
mysilaan · 14 days
The duality of the MCL and Touchstarved asks in my ask box
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yourlysander · 2 months
Lysander: Castiel, how would you define "boundaries" ? Castiel: It's something that you can't cross, but I can. Lysander: Thanks, noted!
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imintheyard · 5 months
hello to every excited player out there
i just finished the crossover episode and omg it’s actually so good 🫠 i can’t be more excited now…… i really loved the fact that we could discover the personality of each new crushes through real conversations instead of the 6 lines profile i’ve been reading a little thousand times now on the website
idk if you were there in mcl high school time (aka the golden era) but the headcanons on tumblr were like so trendy and ngl i LOVED them - it helped me relate more the characters yk
and after finishing the crossover episode i just wanted to put all my thoughts and feelings about the new crushes in making some, to represent kind of the vibe i got from the first impression
and here they areeeeee i see thomas as an orange cat/cuddly grumpy typpa boy, jason as the hot ceo he is, devon gives me the feeling of golden hours and happy smiles whereas roy gives off summer mornings at the beach and gym night sessions. last but not least, amanda is so girlhood, an affectionate person behind a stone face.
(none of the pics are from me)
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allmcl · 4 months
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MCL BOYS . . . and little things about being in a relationship with them + habits they would have.
pairing. ot5 x f!reader
genre. fluff, little bit suggestive.
settle. established relationship ofc, this situates in mcl hsl since they´re teenagers in here.
content warning. mentions of sex in nath´s part but is way too subtle, kissing and the boys being whipped for you.
author´s note. i tried to make this as accurate and long as i could!! i love them so much :(
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✧. - ̗̀ CASTIEL . . .
1. he would have such a SOFT spot for you, and it would be so obvious. you are basically the only one who can make him feel better when he is angry, and even though it may not seem like it, it is always very difficult for him to get angry with you. most of the fights you have are mostly in a joking way, mainly because he is way too patient with you, what makes it difficult for you to factually fight, and if it happens it has to be for a good reason. whenever he has a problem, or feels angry for some reason, he turns to you because he discovered that your presence calms him in some way, and he is more likely to take into account what you say about it than what other people say (literally does not care if someone tells him that something he´s doing is rude until you point it out). plus he can't help but give in to your attempts to make him smile when he's upset, which would bother him if it were someone else.
2. he would let you touch his electric guitar (which could result in homicide if someone else tried), he literally wouldn't care at all about trusting it to you. plus, I'm sure castiel would love to teach you how to play it, even if you understand absolutely nothing about music. from time to time he would teach you how to play easy melodies and tease you throughout the process, lovingly of course. it would be adorable to see him excitedly talking to you about something he likes, explaining in his own way how you should hold it, helping you by placing his hands on yours and smiling proudly when you achieve it. he wouldn't care if you couldn't do it, he'd really just enjoy spending time with you laughing when you hit the wrong note or when you forget what he was explaining to you. but it is true that he would be very excited to be able to share that with you.
3. so BOLD. i feel like all the time he would be saying the most out of pocket stuff that would make you blush intensely, and laugh about it because teasing YOU it´s his favorite thing to do. HE HAS NO SHAME, he wouldn't mind saying totally unexpected things in public or private just to see how your face immediately turns red. also would totally make dirty jokes just to watch your expression, also kissing you in public to fluster you would happen very often (i also feel like he wouldn´t do it in front of close friends, but would totally do it in front of strangers.) you could say that his main hobby is definitely embarrassing you.
4. SUCH A HEAVY SLEEPER, you could literally be shouting next to him but he would keep sleeping like a baby, not even MOVING the slightest. it´s funny because the only moment where he would actually wake up because of some movement, it would be when you pull away from his grip while cuddling for any reason. half awake he would simply mumble questions about why you moved, or just blink hard trying to see where you are so he can hug you again. his favorite way to cuddle would be spooning you, i don´t make the rules. he just loves feeling you snuggle against him and pull you closer. he woudn´t mind being spooned either if you liked it, but would prefer it the other way around.
5. he could be SO oblivious sometimes. like, for example, if you changed something in your looks he would take a good few minutes before noticing. or maybe with other things like you being mad. every time you would distance yourself from him because you´re angry, he wouldn´t notice. mainly because i feel like you two totally respect each other when needing space, but after you answering in a very sassy way he would just realize that maybe the reason of you distancing was something bothering you. he tries so hard tho to figure out these things 😭😭
6. used to dying his hair by himself since always, but it just takes a little insistence from you to let you help him. over time, it becomes a habit for both of you, so he always ask for your help whenever he´s about to start his hair treatment. it always ends up being a mess anyway, because he loves to get dye all over you whenever you do it just to annoy you a bit. (he also uses it as an excuse for you to massage his hair when washing it). and in case you would want to dye your hair he would gladly do it for you. but he just finds this moments so cute that he would do it so carefully and gently.
7. suddenly pull you into his lap to make you nervous, but actually enjoys a lot holding you. also loves to hold your waist, like, EVERYTIME. when you´re walking, hes already sliding his arm around ur waist. you two can be hugging and the first thing he would do is wrap his arms around your waist. the same when he´s kissing you, loves to pull you from the waist. would never admit how much he loves laying his head on your chest while cuddling, it soothes him.
8. for some reason i think castiel ignores EVERY message he gets. he´s just too lazy to answer, but only takes the time to answer yours. no matter the time, the place, or what he´s doing, he´ll type something back in response to whatever you sent. is also a huge hater on emojis, he would literally glare at the screen every time you send one. hate stickers too. ALSO HAS YOU AS HE WALLPAPER. would kill anyone who dares to tease about it. his phone has also a secret folder full of cute pictures of you. maybe sleeping, a blurry one walking, laughing, little videos of you two kissing, messing around, and he looks at every single one of them every time he misses you. he would be actually so shy if you ever saw it, he´s just so in love with you what can i say.
9. his kisses are the mos passionate thing ever. is just something about the way he makes you chase after him when he pulls away, the way even though he is normally unintentionally rough he completely changes when his lips are on yours. holding you so close to him by your waist, biting your lips from time to time, teasing you before actually kissing you, tracing the curves of your body while he deepens the kiss. he literally leaves you breathless every. single. time. the only way to fluster him is pulling him by his shirt and kissing him, he enjoys every time you do it even thought when you pull away you can see his blushing face.
✧. - ̗̀ NATHANIEL . . .
1. literally the most shy person at the start of your relationship. i think it would depend a lot when you two started dating. if it´s like in the game, he´ll probably won´t take long before actually being comfortable in the relationship. he´s been in one before, but the difference is that he never felt the way he does with you. i think he would anyway be so nervous to do almost anything. kissing, hugging, even expressing his love for you (which he does unconsciously anyways). he would wait for your consent before trying something like that until you literally have to explain to him that you´re totally fine with all of that.
2. he always find a way to help you anyway he can. it doesn´t matter what you´re struggling with, he will always be there to give you a hand. something i feel like something he always does for you, is remember the little things. i just think that nath is the kind of boyfriend who would be so attentive. he sometimes know you better than yourself, so he will always have your stuff prepared in case you need to go somewhere, he would bring you food he remembers you like, and would totally finish your homework for you when you´re too tired to do it yourself. he literally doesn´t care because he genuinely wants you to rest :(
3. SCARED of public pda. it´s not like a doesn´t want other people to know about your relationship or something, but he would never recover if someone saw you kissing, he´s just like that. anyway he´s totally fine with hand holding, you guys do it all the time. when he walks you home he always find a subtle way to graze his hand with yours until you get the hint (because he´s too nervous to ask you), and finally take his hand in yours. honestly, loves the intimacy it comes with it. loves to hold your hand under the table in a big group of people, while guiding you in crowds, while kissing, literally all. the. time. he takes hand holding even wen you´re both in bed, apart from the act itself, feels that holding your hand is a reminder that there are indeed feelings involved, gently intertwining fingers and gently pressing your hand from time to time in a loving gesture.
4. would love recommending books to you, and reading together. just laying in your lap while reading a book is all he needs to be happy. it´s okay tho if you don´t really enjoy reading, he just likes doing it in your company. in the case you like movies better, he would be fine watching anything you want, but secretly really likes romance movies. i strongly think that he randomly started reading to you at night whenever you stayed with him in his apartment. nath´s voice is so sweet and calm, that it lulls you to sleep almost instantly. also, he probably has the softest hands ever, and even softer every time he plays with your hair, so if you ever have trouble sleeping, you don´t have to worry about that anymore.
5. nath is mostly a light sleeper, and i think he is so prone to have nightmares. he sleeps better every time your next to him because you´re always ready to comfort him in case he wakes up scared. sometimes, when he´s alone and wakes up after having a horrible dream, he would think a lot about what to do since he just can´t sleep right away, the memories of the bad dream still livid. he would finally decide to text you something. if you´re up, he would like to call you and fall asleep while talking to you. if you´re not, he would just listen to your voice audios and try to regain sleep.
6. nath kisses are THE SWEETEST. he just adores kissing you when you´re alone. he always control himself when you´re in a public space, but in school would almost always wait for you both to be alone in the delegates room and would have a short make out sesh. he looks innocent, but he would be so passionate while kissing you. pressing you against the table, nibbling your lips, pulling you closer by the waist, the whole package. but the way he holds you is the purest thing i swear, so delicate and sweet that you get totally confused at the way he kisses you afterwards. he also loves staying there with you, simply hugging and pecking you in the lips form time to time.
7. loves back hugs. giving and receiving them. every time he´s stressed, you come up to him, and you just stay there, carefully squeezing his wait as you engulf him in a big hug. something about it makes him fell at ease, the closeness, the warmth, and the way your arms wrap around his torso and just stay there in complete silence, like you don´t need to say anything. when he´s upset, he does it a lot too and stays there like you´re some kind of charger. while sleeping is the exact same thing. i think we all remember that one episode in mcl where candy lays in nath´s bed and just hug him from behind. well, that´s exactly how i see them cuddling. no all the time tho, if you like being the little spoon is totally okay for him.
8. always sending you encouraging texts through the day: wishing you a good day, reminding you of something, sending some meme he finds funny, LOTS of stickers between texts, and stuff like that that totally brighten your day. also constantly likes to send you pics of his cat, calling you her mom all the time, which never fails to melt your heart. you´re the few people he trust enough to let you play with the little animal, hold her, feed her, and just petting it.
9. i feel like you two almost never really fight, just debate about stuff. but when something actually happens between i actually think nath would give you the silent treatment, in case you´re the one who messed up. also would give you that exasperated expression of him when he´s too stressed, and would be very petty. he would wait for you to come and apologize to him, which won´t long because he just can´t stay mad at you for too long. and if you´re the on who´s mad, in the first place he wouldn´t let you go, he would sit you down, wait till you´re not so angry, and talk about it while apologizing. he would try to understand you and give the time and space you need, still checking on you until you´re ready to forgive him.
✧. - ̗̀ LYSANDER . . .
1. the most romantic person in earth. he´s the kind of boyfriend who would LOVE to make handmade gifts for you. letters, crafts, and in general small details of things you like. dedicating love songs to you, most of the, written by him, leaving you notes throughout the day. i also feel like he would never forget to say good morning or good night to you, it's just part of his routine at this point. also has a lot of drawings of you in his note book, and is the most heartwarming thing ever. doodles of your face in his books, and some perfectly made drawings that would have him blushing if you ever saw one.
2. everything, but like, EVERYTHING reminds him of you. finds you in every single thing he looks at. it can be a cute picture, some object, a flower, a song. he always projects in the things he does, and mos of the time you´re the only thing he thinks about. i just feel like he he´s so whipped for you to a point where you won´t even understand. zones out all the time, mostly when he starts thinking of you (cough, cough, all day, cough).
2. castiel is TIRED. he talks his ear off all day about you, just ranting about every little thing you do for him. he literally knows so much about you two that he´s like the third one in the relationship at this point. he also notices how lysander always find a way to add something about you in every song. when it´s a song that they share, is very subtle, he just knows it because he probably mentioned it. but in the songs lys writes in his private notebook, they literally BASED on you.
3. LOVES to sing for you. his favorite moments are when you just lay your head in his lap and listen to his soothing voice whispering the lyrics of some song he wrote, which you instantly notice is about you. he doesn´t try to hide it anyway, but for some reason i feel like no matter how many songs he sang to you he just gets nervous every time. no because he thinks you won´t like it or something, is just that he talks about you in them in a way that is so disgustingly sweet and in love. also writes a lot of poems for you, and leaves them in your seat at the start of the day and loves watching your reaction while you read it.
4. stares a lot at you, in the most sweet way ever. actually so good at making eye contact (finds adorable how you´re always the first to look away blushing). his eyes literally shine the brightest when they´re focused on you, he doesn´t even blink for long seconds. his favorite past time is memorizing your features. this is why he know exactly how to read you. lys always know the exact face you make when you´re mad, the way you furrow your eyebrows when you´re confused or disagree with something, he know the exact color of your eyes, he literally knows your entire body language at this point, you don´t even have to talk because he already figured out what you´re thinking.
5. i feel like he´s the one normally initiating pda anywhere. he doesn´t really shows much affection in public, but would love having you sit on his lap while wrapping his arms around you and pressing his head against your back. lots of affection while passing by, just because he genuinely can´t keep his hands from himself. brushing his hand in your waist while passing, quick cheek kisses, lovesick smiles in the distance, instantly finding you in a crowded place and seeing him look at you with hearts in his eyes from afar, brief back hugs.
6. FOREHEAD KISSES. FOREHEAD KISSES. FOREHEAD KISSES. i think his main love language. he just finds forehead kisses something so sweet and intimate that he does it all the time. after a kiss he pulls away just to softly kiss your forehead. when he hugs you, he kisses your forehead or the top of your head because hes way more taller than you. while sleeping he does the same thing, since his favorite cuddle position is facing each other he kisses your forehead from time to time before dozing off.
7. his kisses are truly the most delicate thing ever. is just something about the way he pulls you closer, not even touching you, just placing his fingertips in your chin, tilting your face up to kiss you so slow, savoring the moment, tracing your jawline and carefully cupping your cheek after. and the way he pulls away makes you instantly chase after him. he´s so gentle, holding you like you´re made of glass, even sometimes biting so softly you just feel a little tingling sensation before he returns to kiss you sweetly.
8. loves taking care of you. every time you need help, just call, he´s there for you. you´re sick? he´s standing in front of your door with a bag full of food, your favorite snacks, and meds. you´re hungry? he doesn´t mind buying things for you, but prefers making the most delicious homemade meals (husband material fr). if you normally sleep late, he will totally scold you for not taking care of yourself and always makes sure you ate, drank enough water, and slept full 8 hours.
9. surprisingly good at giving advice, he just know how to say the right thing in the right moment, he doesn´t like arguments, so he normally hates fighting with you. he truly doesn´t mind who´s right and who´s wrong, all he wants is talk things out with you to fix everything. so he does the same thing when you fight to someone, he strongly believes the best way to make things up is giving each other and space and accepting your mistakes. also i totally know that it doesn´t matter how mad he is at you, he would never raise his voice or disrespect you. the way he still cares for you ad calls you cute names while subtly showing affection is the most heartwarming thing. he wouldn´t mess things up with you because of a temporary fight.
✧. - ̗̀ ARMIN . . .
1. can we all agree that armin and you are married, live together and raise your 4 children in sims? the moment you found about it was the literal most funny thing ever, he was casually showing you how he designed you two in his game and made a family in there, explaining everything with so much detail it actually seemed so real. YOU LITERALLY LOOK THE SAME IN THE GAME IT´S SURPRISING. he secretly wishes that his future with you looks exactly like that. it may seem like something he does for fun, but he literally aspires to have all of that with you.
2. gives you the most out of pocket petnames you can think of. both of you love to fight with each other who can come up with the most ridiculous pet names and just laugh your ass off while doing it. anyways it´s not so funny when he starts calling you his "pookie wookie bear" in public. he loves to do it tho because of how embarrassed you get. enjoys. every. second. hes totally unfazed when you do the same tho he genuinely finds it so hilarious. and if you call him an actually sweet petname, he´ll totally become a blushing mess so pls do it often, because he secretly screams internally every time you do.
3. you´re the only one who gets to touch his console. every time you two hang out in his house he lets you lay with him cuddling as you play together. so happy to share something he likes so much with you. he would also do things that he normally wouldn´t just to see your smile. he wants to share your hobbies just like you do with him, so all you have to do is say the word and he would do whatever you want, for example, going out. we all know he hates it but, for you, he would make an effort.
4. sucker for you playing with his hair. he finds it the most calming thing ever. it´s so funny how he randomly comes up to you, and lays his head in you thighs and you immediately know what he wants. literally vibrates from joy the moment your soft fingers start playing with his locks, softly scratching his scalp, and leaving kisses from time to time. also pls do it while you kiss him. his brain malfunctions every time you do it because he can´t take so much at the same time.i mean, your soft lips kissing his with so much love while you casually slide your hand through his hair, interlocking your fingers with it even pulling softly when he kisses you deeper? he melted. his kisses are so playful tho. loves to come up unexpectedly and steal kisses from you to make you flustered.
5. SO AWKWARD every time he comforts you. he tries so hard but even though he tries so hard to come up with something struggles so much to find the right words. it breaks him to see you cry, but sometimes its you who throws themselves in his arms before he clumsily wraps them around you and pats your back. he really wants to say something but he prefers to just hold you until you feel better. doesn´t pressures you to talk if you don´t want to, but is actually a very good listener and would silently stare at you while you rant about whatever is bothering you. also adds threats to whoever made you upset from time to time just to see your smile and chuckle about it.
6. he doesn´t mind about public affection. it´s not because he wants to make you nervous or anything, he literally doesn´t care who´s around. alexy for example doesn´t even care anymore because of how used he is to you two being affectionate. most of the time armin completely forgets where you two are, and just wrap his arms around you resting his head in top of yours, holding hands in front of everyone, unexpectedly kissing you whenever he feels like it. would GLARE if anyone dares to say something about it. i mean, he just loves affection, he hates staying away from you for too long so don´t expect him to be subtle. he also loves showing affection through little things like remembering little things about you.
7. LOVES horror movies. i just know it. normally uses them as an excuse to make you scared and snuggle against him every time something scary appears in the screen, and wrap his arms around you. anyway, he´s actually unfazed about everything he sees. i feel like it´s so hard to scare him. like, you have to pick a very good movie to make him at least flinch. definitely sleeps while watching 😭
8. loves to play silly jokes on you. can´t go a moment without making a joke, literally. loves to prank you every time he gets the chance, mostly scaring you for jumping out of nowhere because he finds the faces you make the funniest thing ever. also i feel like armin would sen you funny pics of him out of nowhere, a lot of memes, and random pictures he finds amusing.
9. SO unserious sometimes. this normally lead to both of you fighting a lot. i mean, you two would normally argue over a lot of stuff. not like actual fights most of the time, but the both of you are so petty that there is always someone who will be right and prove the other person wrong. worse when it's really something important and many times armin doesn't take it seriously, which usually happens because fighting stresses him out, and his way of dealing with it is by making jokes about it to lessen the tension. since this bothers you, you two end up fighting worse. in those cases, armin is initially convinced that he did nothing wrong and has no reason to apologize. it is almost always alexy who must intervene to explain to him that in fact, he is the one who is wrong and convince him (force him) to apologize, which he always does. anyway, over time, as he adapts more to the relationship and things get more serious, he learns to improve in that aspect, although you are almost always quite tolerant too.
✧. - ̗̀ KENTIN . . .
1. do i need to say that kentin is the most sweet boyfriend ever? i feel like hes the whole package. attentive, sweet, good listener, and SO PUPPY CODED. being with you literally makes him the happier person in earth, as cheesy as it sounds. he has no problem in telling you that all the time. he struggles a little but he out of nowhere starts ranting about how much he loves you, which you gladly listen to every time.
2. the most invested in physical contact. I think that kentin was always a loving person, but from the moment he discovered that specifically YOUR TOUCH is what makes him feel like he never had before, he also discovered that he hates being separated from you. he might even seem too clingy at times, since he literally sometimes feels his body ACHE from being separated from you for too long. he always seeks to touch you in some way, touching hands, hugs, kisses, anything that involves closeness.
3. kentin has no problem with affection in public, although generally you are the one who initiates it (in case you feel comfortable with that). however, the moment you show him in some way that it doesn't bother you at all, prepare to have him on top of you almost all the time. he doesn't really abuse it, but he does like to hold your hand and peck you from time to time, although he does blush if someone mentioned something about it. although he doesn't mind too much after getting used to it. his hold is literally the most soothing ever. its just something about the way his hands fit perfectly into yours, the way he gets lost in your eyes every time you two made eye contact, the blushing in his face when you´re the one kissing him first, and all the little gestures.
4. kentin kisses are literally the most breathtaking thing ever. he can never get enough of the taste of your lips in his. its just that he sometimes can believe the person he´s been dreaming about for so long is reciprocating his feeling, it sometimes gets too much for him. glossy eyes, faint touches, and loving caresses are the kind of things you can expect after kissing him (in private, of course). he just feels so vulnerable every time you cradle his face with your hands and get on your tiptoes to kiss him. i think he tries to be gentle, but ends up almost every time kissing you a little roughly, he just can´t help it sometimes. something he often does after kissing you, is pressing his forehead against yours just a moments before catching his breath and kissing you again.
5. he can be really insecure sometimes when it´s about you. he doesn´t find himself special to the point of deserving a partner so amazing like you, so, why would you even be with him while having so much other options? this thoughts get to him pretty regularly at the start of your relationship, because everything is so new to him and you´re just so important in his life that he needs a lot of reassurance during moments like this. he normally tells you about how he feels, but sometimes it gets a little hard for him to express himself. you know very well how to read him tho, he can be very transparent sometimes about his emotions. but after he gets more comfy in the relationship and starts maturing an realizing that you´re with him for a reason, this thoughts get almost inexistent.
6. can´t go a single day without cuddling with you. i think ken is actually very protective of you, which also shows in the way he likes to hold you. his favorite cuddling position his holding you securely against his chest, so he feels like protects you. and he totally does, because every time his strong arms wrap around you, pressing impossibly closer to each other is when you feel like nothing in the world can harm you as long as he´s there. but sometimes i think he wouldn´t mind AT ALL being held by you. there are those days where he feels like he´s just too tired and the only thing he needs is you, s he just lets himself relax in your embrace, calming himself by the sound of your heart beating.
7. loves hanging out with you. you guys see each other almost every single day. in high school, and then you both normally hang out a lot after that, normally going to the park, ken taking you on dates, taking a walk with cookie, making video call until late hours, and basically just coming out with any plan he can think of just to spend more time with you. you guys talk about a lot of stuff while chilling together anywhere you two decided would be a good place. talking about the future, where he always includes you.
8. LOVES making playlist for you and the sending them for you to listen to all the songs that reminds him of you. also, it normally ends with both of you blasting each one in your room while messily singing to the lyrics and laughing. i feel like he also loves to spend his time watching movies, and is totally the kind of person who wouldn´t shut up and would accidentally spoil you lol he always gets scolded by you.
9. kentin always does the impossible to avoid fights with you because he just can´t stand to know that helps the one upsetting you. if you guys fight over minor stuff he would apologize anyway, but he would be totally relieved you aren´t actually mad at him. but please never yell at him, or say something mean because kentin would literally cry. he actually does sometimes when the argument is serious and you just walk away out of anger. even if it hurts him he normally gives you space if you tell him (he would prefer not to because of his clingy ass but like, he gets it) but as soon as things cooled down, he would think of whatever he can do to fix things up (and just like lys, he doesn´t even care about who´s right). honestly, he just wants to make up as soon as possible.
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©allmcl !
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
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How many MCL New Gen posts in a row are too many... ?
I am so going to make more of these they're so fun 😭
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tryingonametaphor · 10 months
favourite headcanon right now is that 20 year old mike wheeler wrote a good omens fanfic in 1991 using one of his university computers after he read the book for the first time, and then 48 year old mike wheeler watched the tv adaptation with his partner of 29 years and finally posted that fic on ao3
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9miminana · 4 months
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new♡gen redesings!
so, this is the final result!
it's waayyy too early to be excited about the launching of the game (since there's no date for it yet), however i couldn't let go of this idea so i went w it lol
about the characters, i gave each of them some headcanons, like devon being the artistic one—the kind of boss who actually puts care into his workers. i've been imagining that genoveva (i think thats the name of the new MC) meets him in sucrette's coffee shop before her first day at job, so when she arrives to the office and meets him she's shocked not only he's her co-worker, but none other than the founder and boss of the company.
roy's a himbo. he's one of those guys who is so attractive you don't even realize he's actually pretty funny (lol). loves wearing crop-tops and defines his own style as 'genderless'. chaotic bisexual. cried watching JJK.
amanda is a cruel, hot mean lesbian who wont hesitate if you mess with her, but soft-spoken once you get to know her and realize that her interests are the cutest.
if you can count don't count on him—thomas is the youngest. trans and very likely aroace, he might be one of my favorite now. i loved drawing him on a skirt, which he wears as an accessory! he's all punk rock, messy hair, chipped nail polish and revolution.
jason takes care of a stray kitty, who won't be a stray much longer. pale, sickly looking man who knows just enough about you to make you suspect that he's been following you. the patch of white hair is a genetic condition.
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verystrxxwberry · 2 months
MY CANDY LOVE; “Could you hug me?”
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, MCL routes (all of them), comfort. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Well, as promised, here it is the last part with mcl! Sorry if it isn’t the best content, I’ve made this while being sick :’)
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❖ CASTIEL ;; His eyebrow rises the moment he hears you say that, and you see him hesitate for a few seconds about why you need such a hug. Still, with a neutral expression, he shrugs and says "sure, if you need it". His arm reaches out and invites you into his embrace. Castiel is not very good at comforting, but he cares about you and is worried. His hand rubs your side gently. His scent of strong deodorant, mixed with cologne and tobacco essence is somewhat comforting in a way; it reminds you that it's him. And that he is also allowing you to be in an embrace with him.
❖ NATHANIEL ;; A small smile breaks out on his face when you ask him, plus his cheeks painting in a reddish color. "Oh, does anyone need some cuddles?" He would say in a slightly teasing manner, coming over to wrap his arms around you. He loves having you close and being able to smell your scent. Nathaniel loves to feel the shape of your body against his, caressing your waist, back and shoulders. In fact, it would be on your shoulders where he would take the opportunity to leave some delicate kisses. "Better this way?" he would whisper, while only separating his face to look at you, probably sticking his forehead against yours, keeping his eyes closed and waiting for you to be the one to initiate the separation of the embrace.
❖ LYSANDER ;; Lysander's hugs feel like an event capable of renewing your life towards a better one. The moment you ask him, a concern shows through his eyes, and by a hand on your hip he draws you into his lap. Then he hugs you carefully not to squeeze you too tightly, as if you were a delicate flower. "Is there a specific reason for requesting a hug, my dear?" He would ask, but not even showing discomfort. One of his hands caresses your hair, while holding you close to him, he would even begin to sing some secret soft melody he has composed, trying to get you to relax.
❖ KENTIN ;; The things I would do to bury myself in those pecs.... The proposal makes him quite shy, but his gaze would soften and he would undoubtedly draw you in for a hug. "You don't even have to ask." His grip is firm and warm, while remaining static so you can enjoy every second of the moment. At some point his hand cups your cheek and he plants a small kiss on your lips. "Everything okay?" he would ask you, checking your face down to the smallest detail to see that you are really okay. 
❖ ARMIN ;; The hugs with Armin are spontaneous and crushing, just like those with Alexy. It is very common that while he or you are playing on the computer, he sits you on his lap and hugs you with one or two arms around your waist. But the moment you ask him for a hug while he is in the middle of a game, he doesn't bother to pause the game (unless it costs him sweat and tears) and holds you in his arms. "Do you want to pass me this isaac run?" he would ask you with a playful tone, as he pulls you to him to invite you into his lap. His way of comforting and cheer you up is to offer you his games for you to enjoy and play while he spreads caresses and kisses all over your back.
❖ RAYAN ;; He would close his book and patpat beside him for you to sit down, then he would put his arm around both your shoulders and draw you in to rest on his chest. "Close your eyes and rest, I'll be here" As he holds the book with one hand, with the other he strokes your head to relax you. He is worried about you, but he prefers give you enough time to organize your thoughts as long as you talk to him about it later. He likes to help you with any issues or overthinking. A pretty and smart brain like yours shouldn't be wasting time on other unnecessary stuff.
❖ HYUN ;; His heart skips a beat the moment you ask him that question, and he nervously starts to laugh. "Oh, how sweet! Of course yes, I couldn't say no to something so adorable." He says as he reaches over to squeeze you for several seconds. He'd mumble a few questions, but generally keep his smile full of love knowing that you've chosen to turn to him when you needed something as comforting as a hug. He loves them!
❖ PRIYA ;; Her presence is already enough to give comfort, imagine her hugs. In addition to the sweet scent of her perfume and the affection of her touch, her soft and low voice in accordance with the environment. Priya also often resorts to hugging you to release stress, asking you in the same way so she can spend a few good minutes cuddling with you. So in the same way, she would take you somewhere private if you are not already, and spend the necessary time snuggling you against her. "You're doing great, honey" she whispers to you from time to time, kissing the top of your head; whether something has happened or not, she wants you to know how proud she is of you.
✩; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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souvlakic · 5 months
armin headcanon: he's just like the rubius in japan 2014
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seirei-bh · 1 month
Jason Mendal headcanons
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I wrote these headcanons for fun, however, keep in mind that there is only a few episodes of MCL NG out by now, so I may be wrong about some ideas due to later revelations. (I've also added some NSFW headcanons under the cut!)
-He loves luxury restaurants, especially Italian food, and everything expensive and exotic that is the specialty of five-star chefs.
-He has a limousine and a driver, but he only uses them on special occasions, since he prefers to drive his own car.
-If he were an animal he'd identify with a panther, a wolf or a shark
-He likes to listen to jazz.
-He made an anonymous Twitter account that he uses to insult Devemenentiel members (later Thomas found it and hacked it to permanently ban it, lol)
-He usually wears cologne, his favorites are “Sauvage” by Dior, and “Eros” by Versace (obviously very expensive and brand name)
-He doesn't feel close to his family. Most of them are unbearable to him, with a few exceptions.
-He tends to think that stable romantic relationships are a waste of time. Most of his romantic relationships in the past didn't last very long, almost all of his former lovers complained that "he was married with his job" or that "he was a self-centered asshole". He never had enough time for them and he got bored of them because they were not intelligent or interesting enough to him (something that changes with newsucrette/Ysaline)
-He likes women with self-confidence, who know what they want and are capable of challenging him.
-His poliosis was a consecuence of his Waardenburg syndrome. That syndrome also causes on him to suffers from partial deafness and has vision problems. However, he hides all this by using a very discreet hearing aid and contact lenses. Almost no one knows this except a few people very close to him, Jason hides these problems from the people at his company and any competitors to avoid look weak.
-He's afraid of one day becoming completely deaf, so he learned to read lips and sign language.
-He doesn't want to have children, partly because he doesn't have time to raise them, but mostly because he fears they could inherit the physical problems he has, like a partial or complete deafness.
-Since he was little he was always very good at maths.
-Jason pretends he was always popular, but he was quite nerdy at school, something that he decided to change later in high school and college, he went from being the nerd boy who other made fun of to being the popular boy who insulted and bullied the others.
-During his childhood and teenage years he used to dye his hair so that other children would not mess with him, but as an adult he learned to leave his natural white streaks with self-confidence and to see them as an attractive and unique feature.
-He likes the beach, the pool and going on a yacht. He hates mountains and nature.
-He likes to go to the theater and museums. He knows a lot about the life and work of artists, but he doesn't know as much about art itself, although he pretends he does.
-He has the philosophy of “the end justifies the means” and also that money does give happiness, or at least it can help buy it.
-As a child he learned to play the piano, but as an adult he has thrown away most of his former hobbies from his little free time, because he no longer has time for any of that.
-He got that tattoo on his arm because he lost a big bet once, but since Jason never talks about his defeats, when someone asks him, he says that he got that tattoo just because he wanted to and without any reason or meaning beyond the aesthetic.
-Devon was one of the few true pals Jason really respected and appreciated in the past, before “something” happened between them and they became enemies. Each of them has a different version about what really happened in mind, so that hostility due to differences in povs became increasingly stronger as the years went by. (Probably in this case it is Jason who is not right, but he is too proud to admit that he was wrong.)
-He felt attracted to newsucrette/Ysaline from the first moment he saw her. At first it was just desire and he wanted to manipulate her, but over time that feeling grew stronger and turned into love. Something that he also tried to ignore and deceive himself, denying it until he realized about the truth. He knew that maybe she would hate him, that maybe he would hurt her, that everything could end very badly, but still he couldn't resist to try it.
NSFW headcanons
-He loves bondage, specially tying your hands with his tie.
-He enjoys giving you orders in bed and see you obeying them, but also he enjoys secretly even more when you're a "bad girl" and refuse to do what he orders.
-Praise kink (both give and receive)
-He absolutely adores when you claw your nails on his back, so he has more excuses to call you “kitten.”
-Also when you grab him by his tie to drag him to the bedroom and passionately tear off his clothes.
-His favorite place is in his house, although it can be in bed, against the wall or on a table.
-Too excited by the idea of f*king you in Goldreamz's office, on his desk table sometime.
-He almost always prefers to be the dominant one, but also loves when you fight for dominance and you get to be the queen in his bed who is able to doms him.
-He loves to tempt you beforehand, whispering sexy and dirty things in your ear, kissing you on the neck and caressing you softly and subtly, until you can't take yourself anymore.
-Hard. Savage. Passionate. Sometimes very fast for all the sexual tension you two can't handle, sometimes unbearably slow on purpose because he wants to hear you beg for more and praise him how good he is and how much you want him.
-You two always end on a bed after an argument. He's turned on by how beautiful you look when you're angry and how you fight back fierly. Sometimes he makes you angry on purpose because how much he enjoys the moment and what comes later.
-He loves when you tell him that you hate him. That turns him on too even more.
-Skilled with his fingers and proud of it *wink*
-Proud of his own body. Yeah, his size too.
-He loves to kiss your neck, caress your legs and grab your thighs and butt.
-He loves looking at you. His gaze is especially intense and challenging when you're riding him, and he likes to hear you gasp as he watches your beautiful face and body.
-Sometimes is a competition between the two to see who shows better skills in bed and how much you both can last (how many hours and poses). He'll give you his best sexy smirk and won't stop f*king you until you beg him, but you would never beg your enemy... right?
Extra! A few nsfw sweet headcanons too:
-If he notices that you feel too uncomfortable and nervous, he makes humorous comments to break the ice and make you laugh.
-Although he likes BDSM, he will always ask you if you feel comfortable or not with it and will stop if you ask him to do so.
-He's not very used to aftercare, but he knows that you need them, so he tries to give it to you. Plus, he likes it when you rest your head on his torso, close to his heart, and he thinks you look gorgeous while you sleep.
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Candy receiving a oral from the boys and candy doing a blowjob on the boys in hsl headcanons
NSFW : The HSL Boys receiving a BJ
N/A: So that's the first NSFW request on this blog. I had to cut the request in two part because first : it is exam season and I am in big trouble y'all and second, 2 headcanons topic in 1 request makes it too long to write.
Anyway, hope you like it (it’s not proofread, sorry if this sucks, no pun intended) In the meantime, I am going to horny jail and you guys are coming with me
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Firstly, unlike the other boys Castiel isn't new to blowjobs since he had a  kinda "long-term" girlfriend before (we won’t mention the snake’s name but she says it in the game that they had their little fun together. Anyway.)
Therefore, it’s not about wanting to see how it feels or anything because he already knows that he likes it a lot
He kinda likes the idea of Candy giving him one but he doesn’t want her to feel pressured to do so. However he might let slip some hints that it’s something he wouldn’t be against
Yet, he didn’t expect her to really catch on these until one day of they were just casually hanging out and Candy seemed to feel particularly bold with her kisses and touches that day
She'd be quite suggestive about what she had in mind but Castiel would think she’s just messing around. Only to find out that she’s not
He’s often the one teasing her and all but this time he's the one taken aback (in a good way tho)
He’d start to wonder if he should let her keep going but after all, who is he to stop her ? So, you can assume that he’ll let her get her way, his notorious smirk on his lips while looking at her going down on him
He wouldn’t shy away from her gaze as she looks up to him while she presses a soft kiss on his tip to begin with(even though this sight makes him scream internally) and as her mouth slowly sink on him, he wouldn’t be able to contain a curse 
He’d let slip a few curse words actually like « fuck » or « damn it »
If she’s okay with it, he’d pull her hair a little to guide her since he knows what works for him. He’d make sure to let her know that she’s doing well by saying things like « yes that’s it » or « fuck you’re doing amazing ». He’d struggle to not buck his hips and he’d try to keep them in place so it wouldn’t bother her
When he reaches his peak, it'd probably be a lot ‘cause blowjob are a big turn on for him. When he’s done, it would take him a few minutes to collect his thoughts and regain his composure. 
Then, he’d caress Candy’s cheek tenderly but wouldn’t miss an opportunity to tease her though (« Someone’s feeling bold I see. We should definitively do that again»)
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 : 
During sex Lysander does use his mouth a lot and always uses it to worship Candy’s body by covering it with kisses 
It’s not like he does it for Candy to imitate him despite the fact that he adores it when she returns the favour. Nothing feels better to him than the feeling of her mouth trailing kisses on his skin with such lust. 
He didn’t expect this feeling to be taken to a whole other level. Yet one time after he told her how much he loved and how sweet her lips felt on his skin, she replied that she could make this mouth do wonders somewhere else if he was down for it
Lysander, as the gentleman he is, did not even consider this idea until that night where they were laying in his bed at his place. The flat being empty if not for the both of them since his brother went out on a date with Rosalya
Therefore the situation seemed quite auspicious to this sort of experiment hence he wouldn’t show much opposition to it and would actually be quite curious to see where this might lead
He’d watch her peppering his chest with soft kisses that would gradually get closer to his pelvis while his breath would become more and more sharp in anticipation
He’d get aroused at this sight but a part of him feel slightly anxious about it since it all feels very new to him. So he’d let one of his hand wander through Candy’s hair, reassuring himself with this familiar gesture 
Unexpectedly, he wouldn’t take his eyes of her and as he’d feel her mouth finally reaching him and starting to move around his dick, a low moan would slip between his lips
He did not expect enjoying Candy worshipping him like this so much but as she kept alternating between kisses and greedy licks, the pleasure he got out of it almost felt overwhelming
Even though he doesn’t shy away from eye-contact, he’d be blushing the whole time and the knot in his stomach would keep growing tighter. Nonetheless, he’d let Candy hear this sweet voice of his by praising her and calling her sweet names as she goes on
He’d would prefer if Candy takes it slow, that way he gets to really focus on the sensations and it also allows to make the moment last longer
However, as it is the first time they’re doing this, it would be hard for him to actually last. Luckily, Candy would be able to tell when he’s close by the way his hand, that was previously caressing her hair, presses on her nape
By the end of it, he’d pull her close and kiss her with a loving look (« That was really nice, you were perfect dear »)
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
Armin is really open minded when he comes to sex and he’s not ashamed to make his attentions crystal clear
He actually searches up new things to experiment through PG18 websites and his historic would attest of the fact that blowjobs are a huge yes for him ( it might be the category Armin searches the most actually ‘cause I just know this guy watches porn and he’s not even a tad embarrassed about it because « hey, everyone does it » - Armin probably, when he was caught by Alexy who entered in his room without knocking)
He often jokes around about it with Candy but without ever expecting her to take him seriously 
When he invited her for a few games of LoL that day and kept tickling her to distract her to the point she kept loosing. Of course, she was a bit annoyed in the end
To which he only responded « C’mon, let me show you how it's done » and he sat at his desk launching a game as he would usually do 
But little did he know that Candy intended to get her sweet revenge on him so in the middle of it, as he was doing pretty good and was certain to win, he did not see her kneel in front of him, too focused on the screen
It only when she started to undo his belt and trousers that he realised what was happening and would then have to stop just to stare at her in complete disbelief 
She’d tell him to not mind her and simple keep on with his game. He would obliged with a nervous laugh, his hand now shaking on the keyboard
He’d have a hard time focusing on his game as he was obviously distracted by the feeling of her tongue against his cock. And he could feel that Candy had no intention to stop teasing him as she was changing the pace to keep him from getting used to it too quickly. Yet, he was certainly  not going to complain and would try to get little glimpses of the show that was happening under the desk to a point it became hard to keep his eyes on the screen
He wouldn’t last more than five minutes in these conditions and yet that’d be enough for him to loose his game (and he probably never did such a bad game lol), making Candy pretty satisfied with herself 
He’d pretend to be bothered by it but deep down that was better than what he had expected (« You’re not playing fair babe but fuck, that felt good »)
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Nathaniel would never admit it but he imagined Candy giving him a blowjob quite a few times already
I think this might be a kind of a "kink" to him because he was raised in a such strict environment (that he now despise from the bottom of his heart) and he was always expected to act in this ‘traditional’ way and everyone always viewed him as a goody-two-shoes. However, this lustful vision totally contradict this persona that was pressed upon him since basically forever (which is why he like this idea so much despite a part oh him being slightly ashamed about it)
(Am I slipping a bit too much into psychoanalysis for that ? Sorry lol)
His fantasies often takes place at school somehow (the adrenaline of getting caught especially with his Student Body President’s statut turns him on way more than he’d like to)
So there were some moment where he imagined Candy getting on her knees in front of him, while he was sat at his desk in the Student Council Room - or in the lockers’ room (chances are that he used these images to get off on his own from time to time)
But he’s afraid that Candy might get offended if as he’s not sure she’s into that kind of stuff
Well this was until one afternoon, when they both were at his place to (originally) study and before they both know it, a particularly heated make-out session started on his couch (they’re studying anatomy y’all don’t worry). After taking his shirt off, Candy started to kiss his torso while letting her kisses going lower and lower until reaching his lower abdomen
He started to blush instantly when he understood what she wanted to do and he probably never felt so hot in his life
He would consider stopping her but he can't say that he doesn't want this, so he'd ask her just in case "are you sure ?" and if she is, he would watch slowly getting on her knees, still in disbelief
He’d feel pretty exposed at first and wouldn't know where to look or where to put his hands. So, he'd just let his body sink into his couch, with his head leaned back and he’d look at the ceiling until she decides to start, letting her do things at her pace
When he finally feels her lips on his tip, carefully embracing him, he can’t help but gasp and shut his eyes. He’d try to completely focus on the sensations but the arousing thoughts he had before wouldn’t take long to resurface in his mind
He’d try really hard to keep his composure and would also try to keep his voice down, only letting out a few sighs however Candy’s mouth’s doing wonders, he almost forgot how to properly breathe. But at some point, he’d just be like « fuck it » and he’d gently grab Candy’s hair, guiding her to a pace that gets him off and making her taking more of him
It wouldn’t take him long to reach his climax because the fact that it is happening when he clearly thought this vision would stay a fantasy makes it hard for him to last (also would struggle to maintain eye contact because that would be the last straw for this boy)
When he ends up finishing in her mouth, he’d kinda be worried as he was so into it that he did not warn her so he’d immediately propose to go get some water and he’d keep ask her if she’s okay  
Then he wouldn't really know what to say so he'd thank her ‘cause, well, she really surprised him with that and he enjoyed all of it (« Thanks for that… You were so good… »)
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Even he’s trying to act though and chill about sex, it’s still something he’s still a bit shy about
Luckily for him, Candy’s often the one to take initiatives and he loves that about her 
He loves discovering her body with such intimacy and love
Therefore, each time they’re getting a little steamy together, the atmosphere always feels pretty romantic and he often craves it since it’s a bit hard for them to find a moment when they can be totally on their own (because it cannot happen at home with his parents or with Candy’s and almost always around)
Somehow, his girlfriend’s parents were gone for the night to attend a little dinner party at her aunt Agatha’s place. When she invited him to come over, he certainly didn’t make her ask him twice
They’d order pizza and make themselves comfortable in Candy’s room while watching a movie they spent half an hour choosing
And they’d be cuddling together under the sheets with the laptop playing the said movie. But after a little while, Kentin could feel Candy getting a little handsy. He wouldn't mind it at all since it had been a while since they had the chance to be alone together without risking to be interrupted
So he’d start catching up on her mood and he’d let his hands caress her body while she was eagerly placing kisses on his neck 
He’d feel her mouth going up and muttering against his ear that she wanted to try something new and when she told him what she meant by that, it was like he blushed like never before  
The idea never crossed his mind as he was always satisfied with the simplest things when he was with her. Now though, as he was seing her almost eager to taste him, he felt like him reconsidering his whole life and he would shyly accept her offer, aroused at the thought
She’d smile at him before going under the blanket, tracing kisses here and there on her way down
Kentin would be kind of relieved that the blanket was there because he’d probably finish before she reaches him if he could actually witness such a show
He has no idea of what he’s supposed to do with his hands so he’d just grab the sheets, his knuckles turning white from the grip as he feels her mouth taking him 
He’d completely forget about the movie that was keep playing and Candy would  be the only thing in his mind at this moment (she always is tho)
At some point, the feeling of her tongue swirling around his dick would be too much for him to handle and he couldn’t help but to buck his hips a little, feeling that he’s getting close to come undone in her mouth 
It would take him a little moment to process what just happened and to recollect his thoughts but afterwards he would lustfully kiss Candy, thinking about taking initiatives as well.
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And we're done ! (will I regret writing that instead of studying for my exam ? Maybe, but I'll have all the time in the world to regret my choice in the exam room), I really hope that this work (if not, well it is what it is I guess)
I'll go study to cleanse my soul but in the meantime, I hope you guys have a nice week !
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mysilaan · 7 days
Currently writing my two last headcanons before a short break IT'S COMING GUYS DON'T WORRY I DIDN'T FORGET YOU
There's one about Devon from MclNG and one about Ais, I'm giving my heart and soul 😔
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yourlysander · 1 year
Adult Lysander headcanons? But plz don't tell me that he still lives in this village...
Hi Anon! Sorry for the delay. Personally, I have a couple of headcanons. They completely change the whole alternate life storyline anyway.
-> Lysander and Leigh should have sold the farm. Josianne might live with them for a while or they could buy a little house on the suburbs for her. There was another possibility as well. ( They could sell the farm and buy a flat for Lysander. Josiane could stay with Leigh and Rosa).
-> Lys would choose a field of study related to his interests ( literature/library science or maybe history. Sometimes I also see him as an educationalist), but he would also have to make ends meet somehow.
-> He would probably work part-time (of course remotely) ,correcting books and texts, because he has trained it to perfection.
( My personal headcanon- Lysander has an autism spectrum disorder).
-> Perhaps after a longer period of time Castiel could convince Lysander to join the Crowstorm, but I doubt he would agree to perform regularly on the stage.
-> He could write lyrics for the band , but he would try to stay anonymous and hide it anyway .
-> It is possible that he would sing at charity concerts time to time. Because of his mysteriousness, he would become popular among the fans.
-> If Candy decided to stay in a relationship with him. - He doesn't mind earning for the livelihood of both of them. He would also gladly fulfill her whims.
-> Even while living in the city, he would love to help animals. Perhaps he would volunteer in a shelter or adopt ill or abandoned rabbits.
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madeby-meru · 12 days
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jason's real instagram he told me himself i swear we are besties
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allmcl · 6 months
WICKED GAME │ Castiel Veilmont.
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A quiet afternoon with your boyfriend couldn't seem like a better plan. But when two people are ridiculously in love, they always find something ridiculously more romantic to do.
pairing. castiel veilmont x f!reader
genre. fluff, suggestive.
setting. established relatonship, both are aged up.
content warning. kissing maybe? and castiel loves you too much :( (that needs to be a warning)
author’s note. im kinda nervous to post this 😭, pls tell me if you liked it, enjoy!!
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The day was horrible, and all I wanted was to return to the comfort of my room and never leave. But since I discovered the comfort of being with Castiel in his house, simply talking about everything, resting, or any relaxing activity, I understood that there was nothing better than that.
"Feel better?" Castiel asked in a raspy voice, as if he had just woken up.
His finger gently tracing the curve of my back under my shirt sends an electrifying spark through my body. "A lot." I snuggle a little closer to him.
"I'll beat whoever hurted you." Castiel murmured.
I laughed. "You won't."
"Well, not if you don't tell me what happened."
I grimace. "It's not that important, seriously."
"If it concerns you, it's important to me." I don't see his face but I'm sure he's already frowning.
I managed to lean on him and stretch out a little and get a better look. I moved a little closer and my fingers stayed busy untangling the strands that fell into his eyes gray eyes, shining under the sunlight. "You look very handsome." The compliment slips from my mouth before I can think.
Castiel pauses for a second. "Do not change the subject." I would have believed him right if it weren't for the way his ears reddened and his expression relaxed.
"I'm serious." With the golden light from the window illuminating his features, and giving an even brighter shine to the red of his hair, I dare to say that I have rarely seen him so angelic.
He complains. "I knew you were obsessed with me, but it's starting to get embarrassing." Finally his smile escaped.
I rolled my eyes. "Wathever you say..."
A few minutes of silence were enough for the fatigue to dissipate a little. Between talks, Castiel and I were fully up and we were talking about everything and nothing, as usual. At this point in the afternoon, the radiant glow of the sun indicated that it was about to set.
With his eyes still closed, Castiel spoke. "I think about you a lot when I listen to music."
The idea took me by surprise and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in surprise.
"Oh yeah?" I smiled.
"It's a slow song."
"I thought you only listened to rock bands."
I have shrugged. "Not since I've known you." He confessed and seemed to avoid looking at me for a couple of seconds.
I stretched a little closer to him. "Can I hear it?"
Castiel seemed to hesitate for a moment, but soon agreed. He shyly reached over to turn on a music player and the song began to play. I know it! If I remember correctly, I may have mentioned to him at some point that it was my favorite. "Wicked games" started playing, and I couldn't help but get carried away by the melody.
"Come on!" I said, and got up from the bed. "Dance with me!"
Castiel shot me a horrified look before starting to complain. I slowly started dancing, and I offered him my hand to take, but he seemed prettysure that he wasn't planning on dancing with me.
"Please.." I wishpered.
Castiel could never resist that, so I noticed how he sighed heavily and barely stood up from the bed to join me. Although at first his movements were a little reluctant, he began to play along when I took him by the hands. We intertwined our fingers and I noticed how his grip was so delicate, but still firm.
The now dimly lit room gave everything a comfortable, homely look, and I felt like the time was frozen, and, for a brief moment, it was just the two of us. Castiel didn't dare say anything, but I could tell he was enjoying it too from the way he was watching me. His eyes shine and I can't tell if it's because of the light or some other reason.
"I wouldn't do this if it weren't for you." He reproached with a red face. I smiled and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.
Although I expected the same gentleness with which he held me, Castiel caught me off guard and instead grabbed me by the waist tightly, pulling me against him. Our bodies continued to move to the music, only this time we were melted into each other. The strong smell of his cologne intoxicated me, and his body heat relaxed me. His lips kissed mine a little too roughly, but he always did it that way.
His hands caressed from the curve of my waist to my back and higher with constancy and softness, just like the gentle swaying of our bodies.
"It´s nice to have you close..." I quietly whisper, breaking the kiss for just a few seconds.
In response, I feel a warm kiss on the crown of my head. Being so tall, he always used to do that instead of kissing my cheek. My body gives up a little, and I lean against his chest. The song is still playing in the background, and I feel how his chest vibrates while he hums to the rymth of the song.
"This…is nice" He said softly. "Even if it's ridiculously romantic."
I smiled against him, and from the way he pulled me closer, I knew he had noticed. I always knew Castiel wasn't that good with words. But he made an effort for me.
And that was enough.
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©allmcl !
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cali-kabi · 1 month
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~ Star Rods💫🌟🍭
this idea came to my mind after playing paper Mario 64 I really loved the story so much and the star rod concept hehe I didn’t know the Mario series games also had it same with the starship from Kirby I found out till recently xD💫I have some headcanons about some events of Paper Mario 64 in mind read if you like to😆 after Bowser stole the star rod, all the stars, star spirits, including Geno (his real name is ♡♪!? ) everyone’s power in Star Road has weakened which explains why Geno wasn’t adventuring with Mario in 64 I wish he did join with Mario tho would’ve been so cool ;w; even though Bowser and Geno are friends in Mario RPG. Geno doesn’t even allow Bowser to even set foot in Shooting Star Summit (he’s still mad at Bowser for turning his star spirit friendos into playing cards. Bowser thinks this is funny tho xD)
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