#no lance does not play the saxophone
shuujaye · 7 years
where is the voltron marching/concert band AU that i need someone pls scream with me.
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bwwfunfacts · 3 years
Do Leo, Emma, Balan, Lance, and the inhabitants have a favorite instrument?
Jose enjoys the banjo. It's got a classic country feel to it.
Fiona thinks castanets sound fun. They remind her of crab claws.
Yuri once learned the xylophone in elementary school for a play. But she didn't carry on with the talent.
Haoyu thinks that everything sounds better with an acoustic guitar. He wants to learn how to play it one day.
Sana loves the panflute. It sounds so woodsy and fun.
The sound of the bells always makes Cass feel happy. They're so elegant and proud.
Cal likes the sound of the trumpet. It's jazzy, empowering, and just all and all fun to play.
Pianos always have a place in Iben's heart. Her parents once played it, and she's practicing how to play it too.
Accordions are so much fun for Attilio. They sound playful and exciting to him.
Lucy adores the cello. It's relaxing and just has a pleasant sound to it.
Eis once went to the park to see a jazz band. The saxophone was always his favorite.
Bruce thinks the tuba is the best instrument you'll ever hear.
Leo is more of a remix kind of guy. So he doesn't really have a favorite.
Emma thinks your voice is the best instrument.
Does a whole orchestra count for Balan?
I've mentioned before that Lance likes anything being played by a flute. He finds it so gentle and calming.
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jetmode · 3 years
i was tagged by @danielthicciardo - thanks allie!! 💖
i feel like i’ve done this already but it might’ve been on my main or in my head who knows. so if you’ve seen this on my blog before no you haven’t <3
NICKNAMES: czech people usually go with kája (i don’t really like it but that’s just what you get when you have my name hdsbdhf) and the groupchat calls me karo which i love a lot! i’ve never heard it from anyone and i really like the sound of it and yeah just having a nice nickname is a really sweet feeling so this is my big emo thank you to whoever came up with it ❤️
ZODIAC: libra sun, scropio moon, leo rising (first two fit really well but i feel like nothing about me says leo so i’m a bit unsure about the whole risign sign business)
HEIGHT: 160 cm
HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff
LAST THING I GOOGLED: my teacher's name cause i know he’s famous somehow and i was trying to find out what the reason was. i think it was like an online show or a podcast or something? still don’t know btw, i lost my focus halfway through
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: el muchacho de los ojos tristes because i saw the sad cat video this morning and i literally haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since. it’s not even so much about the song being stuck in my head, it’s the whole video, it’s playing in my head on a loop and erasing any other thoughts. i honestly can’t get over it maybe this is my brain’s last signals before it just turns to goo
AMOUNT OF SLEEP: with online classes now i usually manage to get my ideal 8-9 hours, that’s pretty great!
NO. OF FOLLOWERS: 392 😳 how
Lucky number: 18 (shockingly it’s not because of lance, it’s cause my birthday is on the 18th and i’ve liked the number for as long as i can remember)
DREAM JOB: maybe organizational psychologist, maybe children’s psychologist, maybe a brooding poet stumbling from pub to pub under the veil of the night
WEARING: a big striped shirt (maybe it’s a sweater? idk it’s thick but not sweater material) and soft fake velvet trousers
FAV SONG: sad happy by circa waves and riding a wave by love fame tragedy. easily my top two songs of this year
FAV INSTRUMENT: saxophone or electric guitar
FAV AUTHOR: václav hrabě if we count poetry, otherwise it’s kurt vonnegut
FAV ANIMAL NOISES: when you pet a sleeping cat and it goes “mrrrp?”
RANDOM: whenever anything’s supposed to describe my personality i always come out as something like “the peacemaker” or “the diplomat” i’m not even joking it’s Every Single Time, my mbti, my enneagram, my zodiac sign, everything looks me in the eye and says “you’re a non-confrontational little bitch aren’t you” (i’m not really complaining though, i mean it does fit haha)
RECENT PIC: a pic of my notes from when my friend needed to know what happened in class while she was afk
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i like that the contents of it shall remain a mystery to anyone except perhaps the two (2) czech people i've met here
i’m tagging @shoeydaniel @slyther-intowords @brendonheartly @theyearninggay @1-800-honeybadger @lewixco​ @maxspeeds and @cheekydger but you’ve all probably done this already hsdhjsdjh
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abrosexual-legend · 5 years
Aaaaand here I go ( I have too much time on my hands lol) Note: at my school, students can join marching band in 7th grade, so I’ll refer to the youngest members/newbies as 7th graders. We also have winter guard and winter percussion!
Voltron Marching Band Stuff!
Space Dad:
-either drum major or low brass section leader
-maybe percussion
-if he’s drum major he gets super mad at people who don’t watch him (pay attention to the drum major, kids)
-but he tends to laser focus on one kid who’s not looking instead of the band as a whole
-actually might mess up his conducting
-the kind of person newbies are afraid of
-but is actually a sassy queen
-spends an hour on his eyeliner
-helps the guard with their makeup
-is honestly too sassy
-one time he legitimately told the football coach to get the football team off the marching band’s field
-got written up
-said “yolo”
-def cries at graduation after 30 min of trying to stay composed
-takes a break year bc he misses it too much
Pointy Chin
- I don’t care if it’s mainstream
-lance is the saxophone section leader
-he literally only plays meme songs
-*cue mii theme played on repeat*
-he’s also in color guard
-you think Shiro is sassy
-nvm that
- is legit that one person on the bus that airdrops memes to everyone (me and my friends)
-but only does it at 4:30 am and 1:00 am
-rifle is his favorite
-he names it Shakira
-prob sleeps with it in his arms
-expects all other guard members to be on his level of sass
-it’s impossible
-can easily do 9s-13s bc he tall af
-cries at his last show (marching and guard)
-actually doesn’t cry at graduation
Emo Boi
-trumpet -period end of sentence Me: *erases period*
-possibly percussion
-if he gets talked into joining guard, sabre will prob be a favorite
-I mean
-it’s a literal weapon
- what do you expect
-has a soft spot for swing flags and performances at football games
-has a shrine at his house dedicated to band/guard (my friend has a full bookshelf for this reason)
-unlike Lance, he has no patience with new people
- has hit people with a flag
-only on purpose
-loves trumpet, but can only play high notes
-he gets so mad about this that he spends an entire night trying to find reverse helium in hopes that he can play a friggin low C
-refuses to cry at graduation
Smol Pigeon
-clarinet and flute
-the first time she was looking at the instruments you could pick for marching band, she was instantly drawn to the small ones
- was glad that she didn’t have to carry a huge case around
-decided to not do guard after lance dropped a rifle on his foot and nearly broke it (his foot, not the rifle. I’m not that evil)
-almost got trampled on her first performance
-one time she got her period on a practice day and at one point simply screamed “I MUST BLEED”
-then she left
-came back five min later and everyone was terrified
- she didn’t get trampled next performance
-never chips a reed ALWAYS CHIPS A REED
-is the person who buys like 20 reeds and just goes through them like toilet paper
-doesn’t watch the drum major
-has entire piece memorized after looking at it once
-plays both instruments very well except for when she screws up
-then all hell goes loose
-I’m talking about “silence-Times-Square” type of screw up
-you get the idea
-is sad at graduation, but doesn’t cry
Cinnamon Roll
-baritone boy or tuba boy
-everyone’s favorite
-one time he made everyone cookies
-was worshipped for a solid week after
-loves the idea of playing music for people
- heck, if he can make people excited for a football game, he’s content
-loves everything about marching in general
-doesn’t even mind the field turf in his shoes
-is too pure for the stereotype of low brass land
-can circle breathe(look it up)
-takes him a while to memorize a piece -once he does he can play it flawlessly
-is honestly a blessing to the marching band
-the first time he got a scratch on his instrument he cried
-broke down in tears at graduation
Space Mom
-I feel like she would have played flute in normal band and then dropped it when color guard was an option
-absolute QUEEN
-is legit the only person who has a steady enough hand to do makeup on the band bus
-loves the weapons but is best with the flags
-comes up with most of the choreography for shows
-the one time she cut herself with a sabre she was more concerned about whether or not it was okay after she dropped it
-can actually do a perfect 13 on sabre AND rifle
-her posture is great
-but she can’t slide for the life of her
-can jazz run/walk
-but cannot slide
-her toe is so pointed it looks like she’s breaking it to do so
-it scared Keith to death the first time she pointed it
-hates most of the costumes, but loves the flowy, dressy ones
-kind of expects 7th graders to toss perfect quads on their first day on flag
-understands why they can’t but is still frustrated
-is a great teacher
-the marching band is more sad when she leaves than she is
Hope I represented all the things correctly! I only play trumpet and am in guard, so I don’t exactly know much about the other instruments.
- abrosexual-legend
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elitentomology · 5 years
✦ ;3c
Morty: Hey, you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?Aaron: What’s wrong with you? You’re a hazard to yourself.Aaron: And a coward. Do twenty.
Morty: I guess I’m just too tough to cry.Aaron: Just today, you were crying about Gastlies.Morty, crying: THEY DON’T HAVE ANY ARMS!
Morty: What time is it?Aaron: I dunno, pass me that saxophone and I’ll find out.Aaron: [plays saxophone loudly]Lance, in another room: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT 2AM?!Aaron: It’s 2am.
Aaron: I am Aaron Colbert and I speak for the bugs.Aaron: The bugs say shut the fuck up, Palmer.
Aaron: It’s called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.Morty: I KNOW WHAT I SAW
Drake: How does it feel to be so underrated?Aaron: Not great. I yearn for the day when I go from underrated...to rated.
Agatha: And no more conversations about what Breakfast Club character you'd be, I'd be the one that dies.Aaron: No one dies.Agatha: Well then what's the point?
Aaron: What is that?!Barry, holding a small plate with two slices of bread with ice cream in between: An ice cream sandwich.Aaron: *points at the door* I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.
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singing-surgeon · 6 years
📂 📂 📂!!!
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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//The order of which Viktor learned instruments is: Piano, Violin, Viola, Accordian, Cello, Acoustic Guitar, Ukulele, and Bass. Currently he’s learning to use Jamie’s Launchpad and Lance’s Saxophone!
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//Speaking of music, Vik’s first music box was given to him by his mother! She bought it for him when he was very young, like 2 or 3. It still works, playing a lullaby that Cordula used to sing to him), and it’s probably one of his most if not the most important music box to him
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//While he doesn’t have an actual album out (yet 83c), he does have a Spotify and a few singles you can listen to! They’re all instrumentals, and have done pretty well!! 
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thewickedsound · 3 years
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  This album was recorded 45 years ago but sound so fresh like a recent release from a young band. Previously unreleased Marcos Resende & Index self-titled debut album from 1976, contributing a crucial missing work from the glory days of progressive Brazilian instrumental music. Resende in 76 after touring Europe with his previous band returned home to Brazil as an established highly regarded keyboardist, composer, and innovative electronic musician. Inspired and invigorated by US jazz and British progressive rock he'd experienced while residing in Europe, Resende went all out acquiring a keyboard arsenal to be reckoned with, which included the Prophet 5, Yamaha CP-708 and Mini Moog. Determined to integrate his newfound inspirations with Brazilian rhythms and jazz traditions, he formed a new quartet with Rubão Sabino (bass), Claudio Caribé (drums) and the late great Oberdan Magalhães, of Banda Black Rio and Cry Babies fame. Marcos Resende & Index recorded their self-titled debut at Sonoviso Studios with the legendary sound engineer Toninho Barbosa, known as the 'Brazilian Rudy Van Gelder' whose impressive resumé includes the era defining classics Light As A Feather by Azymuth, Previsão Do Tempo by Marcos Valle, and Quem É Quem by João Donato. Marcos Resende & Index fits perfectly amongst these masterpieces, sharing both the timeless ethereal qualities as well as the progressive and futuristic ideals of Light As A Feather in particular. Marcos Resende & Index by Marcos Resende & Index   Mathias Modica's Sonic Rohstoff is the new album on Kryptox Music. Sonic Rohstoff is a journey through abstract downtempo vibes, lofi jazz and futuristic electronica. Most people might know Modica from his earlier works as a producer, keyboard player and founder/ creative mind behind Toy Tonics, Gomma and Kryptox. Over the past two decades he has made a name for himself by discovering and breaking new talent and styles of music. This is Modica's first album under his own name, following three albums under his monikers Kapote and Munk. All instruments are performed by Modica himself, embellished by guest musicians from the new Berlin Jazz scene. Sonic Rohstoff by Mathias Modica   Zurich-based musician Arthur Hnatek is one of a new breed of players who see their music as a continuum stretching between genres, always thinking in terms of links rather than boundaries, possibilities rather than limits. His time spent playing drums with similarly adventurous and unclassifiable artists Tigran Hamasyan and Shai Maestro opened his ears to the possibilities of rhythmic variation: his immersion in electronic music production and the motorik tradition of Jaki Liebzeit alerted him the possibilities of repetition. Now, with Static, he presents his first trio record: joined by his equally fearless bandmates Fabien Iannone on bass and Francesco Geminiani on tenor sax, this is music created by classic jazz line-up and steeped in an improvisational facility, yet simultaneously utterly unlike anything in the standard jazz tradition. Static by Arthur Hnatek Trio
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  Marcelo Monteiro, a saxophonist from Sao Paulo, Brazil, has played with various Brazilian and international artists and at the same time was developing his own authorial work. Has excelled in the jazz scene in São Paulo, currently, he has performed with his group, which may be in trio, quartet or quintet version. With his group plays compositions of his own. His music follows the style of groove, funk and modern jazz, simple but very creative themes, with a hint of Brazilian swing. On his new album, Deyeh, he experimented with arrangements with flutes and saxophones, exploring the sound combining contemporary jazz, Brazilian rhythms, in a modern concept. The album was recorded remotely with each musician recording from their own home studio. Deyeh by Marcelo Monteiro
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  Sankofa by Amaro Freitas   World-renowned drummer/composer, & producer/beatmaker, Myele Manzanza, has proved that he's an artist who continues to dissolve the borders between modern jazz and electronic beat production. Having released three solo albums, and racking up tours and collaborations with Jordan Rakei, Theo Parrish, Miguel Atwood-Ferguson, Recloose and Amp Fiddler amongst others. Myele is already developing a strong live presence in his new London base; his quartet has shared stages with the likes of Hiatus Kaiyote, The Bad Plus, Alfa Mist, and drawing packed houses to top venues such as The Jazz Café and Ronnie Scott's. Crisis & Opportunity Vol.1 - London features a top tier cast of young London based talent including Ashley Henry (piano), James Copus (trumpet), George Crowley (tenor saxophone), Benjamin Muralt (bass) and additional contributions from the legendary Mark de Clive-Lowe (synths), with Myele Manzanza (drums) captaining the ship.   Crisis & Opportunity Vol. 1 - London by Myele Manzanza   Kaidi Tatham is a legendary multi-instrumentalist. Once dubbed "the UK's Herbie Hancock" by Benji B, he's a virtuoso on the keys and a true innovator in sound production as one of the original creators of the Broken Beat sound. Over the years his musical prowess has blessed numerous projects, initially with the likes of Bugz In The Attic and The Herbaliser, and more recently with DJ Jazzy Jeff (through the PLAYlist projects), Andrew Ashong (on the acclaimed Sankofa Season EP last year) and with a longtime accomplice, Dego. This is in addition to session work for artists such as Mulatu Astatke, Slum Village or Amy Winehouse. An Insight To All Minds is Kaidi's 3rd solo album under his own name, following several EPs and two albums for First Word; 2018's acclaimed It's A World Before You and the re-press of his seminal 2008 sophomore album In Search Of Hope last year. An Insight To All Minds by Kaidi Tatham   JAUBI continue the Nafs journey, which commenced with the single Satanic Nafs (featuring the remix by legendary LA producers The Gaslamp Killer & Mophono) released in March 2021. Now JAUBI draw on the elements of North Indian classical music, Hip-Hop and modal/spiritual jazz in their debut LP entitled Nafs At Peace. The journey officially began back in April 2019 when London's multi-instrumentalist and 22a Record label boss Ed "Tenderlonious" Cawthorne and Polish pianist/composer Marek "Latarnik" Pędziwiatr of EABS/Błoto, visited the group to record in Lahore. Together they channeled their personal struggles at that time into the two recording sessions allowing the musicians to find a spiritual path through this musical purge.  Nafs at Peace by Jaubi   Australian 9-piece Spiritual Jazz group Menagerie announce their highly anticipated third album 'Many Worlds', released 15th January 2021 on esteemed U.K label Freestyle Records. Menagerie is the Melbourne-based Jazz ensemble founded by producer, songwriter, guitarist, DJ and recording artist Lance Ferguson, also the driving force behind The Bamboos, Lanu, Rare Groove Spectrum and Machines Always Win. Recorded at Union Street Studio by award-winning engineer John Castle, 'Many Worlds' features some of Australia's finest musicians, including pianist Mark Fitzgibbon (a regular performer at Gilles Peterson and Patrick Forge's original Dingwalls sessions), drummer Daniel Farrugia and renowned saxophonist Phil Noy (The Bamboos). Inspired by both the post-Coltrane generation of the 70's, labels like Strata-East, Impulse! and Tribe, along with the current 'New Wave Of Jazz', Menagerie aligns with the world of Kamasi Washington, Shabaka Hutchings and Nubya Garcia, whilst also bringing their own unique twist. Many Worlds by Menagerie Astonishing new work from the fertile creative mind of tenor saxophonist-composer James Brandon Lewis. Performed by the Red Lily Quintet (James Brandon Lewis, Kirk Knuffke, William Parker, Chris Hoffman, Chad Taylor), an exceptional & singular inter-generational ensemble, this album speaks to the forever-evolving continuum of the jazz tradition. Voted Rising Star Tenor Saxophonist in the 2020 DownBeat Magazine International Critic's Poll, James Brandon Lewis supercharges his remarkable evolution with Jesup Wagon, a brilliant and evocative appreciation of the life and legacy of turn-of-the-19th century African-American musician-painter-writer-scientist George Washington Carver.   Jesup Wagon by James Brandon Lewis / Red Lily Quintet
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  John Carroll Kirby's Septet album was recorded live in the studio with a range of talents playing keys, vibes, bass, percussion and drums. The composer and keyboardist leads the charge and approached the album wanting to play with the chaos of jazz fashion in the 70's/80's, bands like Weather Report and Miles Davis. He sure does that but there is beauty in the madness, with plenty of lush and golden keys dancing above lithe and ad hoc rhythms.  Septet by John Carroll Kirby     Matt Carmichael released his debut album on his own label, Porthole Music. He has already developed quite a profile and an impressive list of collaborations; he also reached the finals of BBC Young Jazz Musician 2020. His quartet, formed five years ago, consists of his contemporaries, award-winning Fergus McCreadie on piano, Ali Watson on bass and Tom Potter on drums. Like McCreadie, Carmichael creates music that feels highly personal, fusing an energetic yet sensitive modern jazz into a bedrock of Scottish traditional music. Where Will The River Flow by Matt Carmichael   Taking cues from Dorothy Ashby and Alice Coltrane at their most delicate, renowned Welsh harpist Amanda Whiting's mesmerizing Jazzman full-length LP After Dark arrives as soft as moonlight to gladden the soul and delight the ear-without forgetting to bring the swing. Summoning the nocturnal mood suggested by the album's title, Whiting's harp flows and cascades, dances and alights, broods and haunts, informed by a deep understanding of both classical and jazz music, ultimately revealing a top-drawer composer with rare melodic gifts at the top of her game. After Dark by Amanda Whiting   JD73's Electrio - Pyramid is a colourful & energetic live recording session presenting 8 incredible pieces of music. Dan 'JD73' Goldman is known the world over for his contributions to the world of Jazz & modern electronic soul music and is backed up on Pyramid by Hamlet Luton (Bass) and Gordon Kilroy (Drums) completing the ElecTrio. Dan's ability to construct these incredible melodic gems centered on the sound of the Rhodes Piano is something to behold. This is a real collectors album and if you're a fan of Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Bob James & George Duke you need this on your record shelf for sure. Pyramid by JD73's ElecTrio Read the full article
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eirenical · 6 years
sound for Grantaire, sight for Prouvaire, taste for Enjolras
FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO THESE.  *cheers*  Sorry it took so long!  
(If anyone else wants to send me any, here they are!)
Sound for Grantaire
What’s their taste in music? / (If applicable) What would their taste in music be in a here-and-now AU?
Eclectic.  If it has a good hard beat, he’s probably there.  If it has a raw, grunge kind of sound, he’s there, too.  If he can headbang to it, he’s definitely there.  (It should probably be noted that Grantaire can and has done this even with classical music.)  Lyrics, instrumental, traditional, barely music at all, it doesn’t really matter.  If it can drown out the nonsense in his head, that’s all he needs.
On the total opposite end of the scale, though, I also have a very soft spot for the idea Grantaire loving jazz music.  Because when he’s not trying to drown out the nonsense in his head, he’s desperate for any way he can find to lance and drain it… and jazz and the blues are perfect for that.
Can they sing? Do they sing? (Two different questions!)
Does he sing?  If he’s drunk enough… most definitely.  ;D  CAN he sing?  That depends on the fic ‘verse.  *eg*  Seriously, though, I generally picture him as having a serviceable enough voice; he can carry a tune, but he’s not going to win any singing competitions.  Odds are, it would have been a better voice, but he ruined it somewhat with booze and either cigarettes of his own or too much secondhand smoke from bars.  (In Muet ‘verse, though, because that’s a special case, he was a jazz singer/musician.  And, as you know, he, uh… isn’t anymore.  *eg*)
Can/do they play any instruments?
My headcanons on that one vary.  In the headcanons where he’s a jazz musician, he plays a few–blues guitar, harmonica, piano, maybe a little saxophone, too.  In other headcanons, I’d say he probably dabbled in quite a few; maybe he was seduced by the image of himself as a cool, suave guitar player or a piano man in a bar or a wild man drummer… but those were fantasies, not realities.  He learned enough of each to realize how much work he’d have to put in to actually BE good at them and just kind of… stopped.  No confidence.  But he will whip out that harmonica from time to time and surprise people with what he CAN do, or he’ll sit down at one of those pianos in the park and play a tune that’s maybe a little simple, but sounds anything but.
Well, canonically, yes, right?  ^_~  Seriously, though, I generally picture Grantaire as one of those people who is always VERY aware of where his body is.  He’s so used to thinking of himself as a clumsy, boorish oaf, that he goes out of his way to not BE in the way.  He makes himself small; he shrinks away from physical contact unless he knows it’s welcome.  But he hates it.  He hates feeling that self-conscious and alcohol makes him brave.  So, when he drinks he’s freer with his movements and that spatial awareness combined with that bit of bravery… dancing is one of those things he really is good at.  When he can bring himself to do it.
Sight for Prouvaire  (OK, so referring to him as “Prouvaire” usually sends me straight to a Muet place in my head, but I”m going to play this straight for a change.)
What’s their favorite color?
MULTICOLOR.  AS MANY AS HE CAN FIT IN ONE OUTFIT.  Really, though, he doesn’t have a preference.  He loves colors.  He loves bright colors and muted colors, neutrals and pastels, stark black and white.  He’s hardly ever met a color he doesn’t like.  But if he had to pick a favorite, he’d tell you ‘mauve.’  Not because he especially loves the color, but because he loves the name.  It feels dark and heavy and falls off his tongue like stone.  He can’t get enough of it.
Do they have any art on their bedroom walls?
…you could call it that, yes.
When he gets into a writing fever, especially one brought on by melancholy, he tends to fall off the paper he’s writing on.  He’ll end up writing on the desk, on his arms and legs, on his friends, on the walls–wherever it feels right to put the words.  And when he’s filled up his walls, he has Bahorel and Feuilly over for a painting party to cover them over, giving himself a fresh new canvas to write on.  The words are still there, though, and will be there long after he is gone–invisible and forgotten, but still there–and he takes comfort from that.
(If applicable) What would their fashion sense be like if they weren’t limited by money, uniform regulations, animation budget, etc.?
*slightly hysterical laughter*  I think… I think I’m going to answer you this way, because I have a feeling that it’s not only an apt description of how Prouvaire would dress, but that it’s one you’ll appreciate…  ;D
“Do you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek homeworld? ‘The Oncoming Storm’. You may have removed all your emotions, but I bet that deep down in your DNA there’s one spark left, and that’s fear. Doesn’t it just burn when you face me?”
Taste for Enjolras
What’s their favorite food?
This is one of my few actually consistent headcanons across fic ‘verses – Enjolras is a salty food junkie.  If it’s salty and greasy he’s there a million times over.  Fried pickles?  French fries?  Nachos? Grilled cheese?  Mozzarella sticks?  GIVE IT OVER.
How are they at cooking? Do they enjoy it?
He’s… passable.  -.-;;;  He’s not going to poison himself if he has to cook himself a meal, but he doesn’t really enjoy cooking for its own sake.  If Courfeyrac is preparing a meal, though, you can usually find Enjolras in the kitchen with him, helping out in whatever way Courfeyrac will direct him to, and looking on with awed admiration.  Secretly he loves those moments they spend together in the kitchen preparing food.  Partly it’s because he knows how much Courfeyrac enjoys cooking (and how much he specifically enjoys cooking for his friends), and partly it’s because it’s such a small thing he can do to make Courfeyrac happy, and partly it’s because he secretly loves having his friend all to himself like this.  This is their thing and it has been since they were young, and Enjolras wouldn’t change those quiet moments with Courfeyrac for anything.
What’s their coffee order?
Enjolras usually stops in at whatever random place he can get something quick and cheap, anything to get him that jolt of caffeine he needs to keep going when he has a million things on his plate.  As a result, he usually takes it black and strong enough to peel paint, drinking it down as quickly as he can–like medicine.  When he has time to actually drink coffee to enjoy it, on the other hand… he likes his coffee drinks as froufrou as they come, and he’s particularly fond of salted caramel flavored anything.
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sdd-blogs · 6 years
ive seen a couple marching band aus for voltron and being that i am actually in a marching band id like to put in my two cents based off experience -obviously its a high school marching band bc the majority of the team is high school age -shiro is the band director -lance, contrary to popular belief, is a drummer. the lead drummer. -i know he seems like a saxophonist but as one myself i can prove he doesn't fit all the criteria -hes the lead drummer and is really good at it but a mess in all other aspects -broke his ankle wrestling with keith in the band room after practice one night -pidge, a saxophonist, followed him as he limped out of the room screaming, yelling "YOURE SO STUPID" -keith plays flute (and piccolo). just look at his hands, he has flutist hands -hes also the band president and has to take over for shiro whenever hes gone (which is a lot) -keith broke lances ankle by tripping him with his flute -hunk plays trombone. hes very soft, brings hot cocoa to games, took everyone out for pie after the homecoming game -matt doesn't even play an instrument hes a cheerleader but he hangs out with the band when hes not cheering -allura is also a cheerleader but knows how to play electric guitar so she's in the pep band during basketball season -coran shows up for everything -football season is hell. the team sucks and the school is in the north so homecoming is only forty degrees. the next game, literally a week later, is thirty. -keith, holding his piccolo under his armpit: "i want to die" -lance, in the process of whapping a freshman drummer in the head with one of his sticks: "wow mood" -pidge has all the saxophone memes memorized and plays careless whisper whenever keith and lance interact -hunk is very sweet and innocent but also only became a trombonist so he could hit the back of the head of the person in front of him with his slide -lance, as shiro is organizing everyone into squads: "hunk, give me a beat........'i sTAYED UP TOO LATE--'" -pidge wraps keith up in her scarf at one point and just whispers "my little russian lady" with a russian accent -the field show on homecoming is literally just four pep band tunes smashed together (including excerpts from Uptown Funk and Bang Bang) with simple choreography that shiro made up two nights before the first rehearsal -the band discourse is about whether or not shiro is actually a licensed teacher or just a really tired kid who dropped out of college and decided to do something risky -it also consists of betting pools concerning lance and keiths current relationship status. are they dating? do they hate each other? is it somewhere in between? no one knows for sure but pidge started it -somehow pidge wins and collects a hundred bucks from the collective student body of the music program -rehearsals arent serious. something is always happening in the percussion section thats not related to the rehearsal at all -"lance i swear to god if you stick your stick in your eye again--" -some kids are so tired that their music logic stops working -"it says solo do i play alone" "...its a solo" "yeah but do i play by myself" "yes because its first tenor, first trombone, or first trumpet" "but--" "what does 'or' mean to you" "uh...trombone" -does pidge have an entire orange in the bell of her sax and that's why it's not playing? yes -the christmas parade is wild. allura is the drum major and accidentally stabs lance in the leg with her baton while passing by -somehow it draws blood without ripping through lances slacks -lance covers his snare in christmas lights and tries to duct tape a little fake tree to it. it keeps falling off and hes in tears -the music is a mashup of Crazy Train and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen with some Jingle Bells thrown in for the hell of it ("by Fallout Boy", pidge adds as soon as she gets the sheet music for it) anyway theres my two cents based off real life experiences. most of the experiences referenced are ones ive actually had so if you wanna hear more about them hmu ill gladly tell you (and yes the music i mentioned is music ive actually played)
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toosicktoocare · 7 years
Voltron Band Camp AU
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How about illness and injury?? [waggles brows]
Right, so, Lance is on color guard, Shiro plays snare drum, Keith plays tenor drums, Hunk plays tuba, Pidge alternates between flute and piccolo, and Matt plays saxophone. Coran is the band instructor, and Allura is the History teacher who also instructs color guard part time. 
All Lance has to do is spin his rifle up into the air and catch it, and then the drum line comes in to relieve color guard. His wrist gives a sharp twinge of pain when he flips the rifle up, but he keeps a smile plastered to his face as he holds the same hand up to catch the rifle. He can see the rifle quickly spinning back down to him, but the second it hits his hand, he lets out a gasping cry as hot pain shoots across his wrist. The rifle thumps against the grassy field, and Lance is quick to go down with it, falling to one knee while cradling his wrist to his chest. 
“Lance!” Keith shouts, already setting his tenor drums down as quickly and carefully as possible to get to the brunet. He reaches Lance’s side in seconds, and his heart jerks uncomfortably in his chest when he catches sight of the fear coloring Lance’s eyes.
“Let me see,” Keith says, voice firm, as he gently takes Lance’s hand within his own. 
Lance hisses and pulls his face into a wince when Keith presses and prods against his wrist, and tears pool in his eyes as Keith’s expression progressively shifts from serious to worried with each press on the wrist. 
“I just need to ice it,” Lance tries, voice wavering, He can feel every eye on him, and he wants to build back up his casual front to assure the others that he will be fine, but Keith isn’t having any of that. 
“You need your brace.” 
“The brace restricts my wrist movement.” 
“That’s the point.” 
“Lance,” Keith interrupts, voice colored with a deep concern. “Your wrist has only been getting worse. You keep this up, and you won’t be able to compete come September. You need to give your wrist a break.” 
Lance shakes his head and swallows against the panic in his throat. “I’ll sit out with my brace if you sit out.” 
Keith’s brows pull together at this, and he leans away from Lance slightly with a frown. “Why would I sit out?” 
“Your ankle-”
“Is fine,” Keith finishes sharply as he gets to his feet. Sure he took a bad tumble last week under the weight of heat exhaustion and twisted his ankle, but he’s fine now. There’s only a slight lingering pain that he can manage through well enough. He doesn’t need to rest, and he’s about to press this further, but a voice from off to the side cuts him off. 
“Your ankle isn’t fine, Keith. Just sit out with Lance.” 
Keith snaps a narrow gaze toward Shiro. “My ankle is fine.” 
“You were off time.” 
Keith scoffs. “I was not.” 
“Actually, Keith. You were.” 
Keith falls silent and drags a hesitant gaze toward Coran. He can’t argue with the instructor on this issue; he’s already toeing the thin line as it is by being back on the field so soon. He and Lance both are, and the only reason the two are able to get away with it is because of their needed skill. 
Defeat tastes sour on Keith’s tongue, but he mutters out a “fine” before crouching down to snake an arm around Lance’s waist, helping the brunet to his feet. 
“Go indoors,” Allura suggests with worry clear across her face. “Get cooled down, and Lance?” 
Lance reluctantly pulls his gaze toward his instructor. 
“Ice for a bit then put on your brace.”
Nodding, Lance drops his gaze back to the grassy field with sagging shoulders. He hates this; he hates feeling weak, injured, unable to do what he loves most. Keith must since his inner distress because the arm around his waist tightens, and despite the heat of the day, Lance leans into Keith. 
Keith turns his head, lips brushing against Lance’s hair. “It will be okay. You will be okay.” 
Lance can hear the hesitance in Keith’s tone, but he nods all the same, taking Keith’s comfort as its own form of remedy as the two enter the air conditioned classroom. 
“Let’s take five,” Coran calls out, doing his best to keep his voice light and cheerful despite stealing glances toward the classroom where two of his best try to ice injuries away. He turns toward Allura, and the two share a silent conversation before Allura starts swiftly toward the classroom, leaving the others to stumble toward the cooler for drinks. 
Shiro contemplates going after her to check on the two, but one quick glimpse at Pidge and Hunk downing water has him shrugging off his snare drum and starting toward the cooler, lips and mouth incredibly dry and in desperate need of water. 
He’s half way to the cooler when he suddenly stops, spotting Matt still standing in position with his saxophone clutched tightly in trembling hands. He spares one glance back to see Hunk dumping his remaining water over his head before he breathes out a soft sigh and starts toward the older Holt sibling. 
“Matt?” Shiro asks as he closes the distance between the two. “You coming to get some water.” 
Matt is slow to turn his head toward Shiro’s voice, but when he does, Shiro sucks in a sharp gasp. While everyone is hot and sweaty, Matt is thoroughly drenched in sweat, worryingly so, and Shiro knows the signs before he has to ask. He steps forward, taking Matt’s saxophone and placing it gently on the grass beside the two before he reaches out for Matt’s hand. He presses the tips of two fingers to the small indent of Matt’s wrist, cursing under his breath at the rapid pulse. 
“Matt,” Shiro starts slowly as he moves around until the two are facing. “Can you tell me how you feel?” 
Matt seems to consider this for an endless moment before he can find his voice. “Tired,” he says, opting to remain vague despite the borderline suffocating exhaustion weighing him down. “Head hurts,” he adds, shooting Shiro a knowing look. 
“Can you make it to the classroom?” 
Again, Matt takes a long time to consider, but ultimately, he shakes his head. He’s dizzy; his head feels incredibly heavy, and everything is spinning in a consistent loop. 
Shiro’s frown is deep set and prominent. He’s watched one too many friends drop from heat exhaustion over the last few weeks, and he doesn’t want to watch Matt drop as well. “I’ll carry you.” 
Matt can only nod, and the second Shiro has Matt safely cradled in his arms, he hears a panicked shout. 
It takes Pidge only seconds to cross the field toward her brother, and Hunk is hot on her heels. 
“What’s wrong? Shiro?” 
To Shiro’s surprise, Matt rolls his head over until he’s facing his sister and shoots the smaller girl a weak smile. “Heat exhaustion,” he tells her. “I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll take him to the classroom. Get him cooled down,” Shiro reassures Pidge before starting toward the classroom at a swift pace that Pidge matches with a struggle. 
“I’m coming with,” she says, voice firm but laced with concern. She’s jittery with panic, but Hunk’s large hand on her shoulder brings her calmly down. 
“You know Matt will be okay,” Hunk says with a wide smile as he matches Pidge’s pace. “He always is.” 
Pidge smiles and nods, eyes determined, just as the group marches into the classroom. 
Coran watches from the top of the tower, and he breathes out a loud sigh, draping himself half across the rails. This year’s band camp has certainly been rough, and he knows there’s only more to come; there’s always more to come.                                              
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Voltron Marching Band AU
I keep seeing marching band aus out there but I don’t agree with them so I have to make my own. Here goes!
Shiro: - dedicated tuba - somehow first chair even though he’s convinced that the rest of his section is better than him??? - he’s very modest - has lungs like a fucking blimp - *plays thirty-two 4/4 measures at a super slow tempo* - *still hasn’t taken a breath* - hYDRATION - always making sure the rookies are taking care of themselves - “did you eat breakfast today??” “are you drinking water???” “don’t strain yourself too much, but remember to practice! :)” - the band mom - has the music memorized the day after he gets it and no one understands - except pidge - the only one who doesn’t break a sweat during band camp and the others are so concerned - “shiro seriously are you dehydrated you’re supposed to sweat how are you not dead” - shiro: *shrugs* *does the entire routine* *isn’t exhausted yet* *still hasn’t sweated*
Hunk: - fourth chair saxophone - would play bass guitar during concert season but he loves his saxophone - can play alto, tenor, and bari, but alto is his favorite - “it’s so small omg I love it so much” - would die for anyone in his section - has memorized every alternate fingering ever and is happy to share his knowledge - he’s on the loading crew because he can carry a sousaphone in each hand and a bass drum on his back - not very good at sight reading - he has to hear the music before he can play it - but he plays great by ear - has never chipped a reed - ever - not even at band camp - pidge is jealous - just. sounds like an angel when he plays - takes such good care of his sax by killing literally anyone who touches it - “did you just dent my saxophone” - terrified rookie: um I’m sorry omg don’t hurt me I don’t wanna die I’m so sorry I’ll do anything - most of the younger kids are absolutely terrified of him and he’s okay with this
Keith: (I’ve seen a lot of “trumpet keith” aus but honestly?????) - keith is drum captain - he plays snare and he fuckin kills it - keith is not a good leader in most aspects of his life but when it comes to music he’s just so in tune to it and he knows exactly what everyone needs to do to make the music perfect - one of those people who can tell whether a note is in tune just by hearing it and he hates it - “pidge you’re out of tune” - “I just came from the tuner I’m perfectly in tune!!” - “okay but you’re not you’re a bit sharp actually” - doesn’t know how to dynamic - “okay keith that was great but you need to tone it down a bit. play a bit softer, your dynamic is piano” - “lol what does softer mean” - he just beats the drum as hard as he can all. the. time - never officially came out to the band, coran found him and lance making out in one of the practice rooms and afterward lance wrote “keith is gay and dating the color guard master” on the white board - everyone was confused because “why would he date allura if he’s gay” - lance was very bitter
Lance: - trombone during concert season - but in marching band he kills with a flag - so flexible omg - “keith look what I can do with my leg” - “please untie yourself you’re going to get stuck” - (he has gotten stuck before) - hips made of fucking. rubber or something idk how do they mOVE LIKE THAT - he and keith are not allowed to be within sight of each other in shows because keith gets so distracted by lance’s Hips From God™ - gives the rookie guard members makeup tutorials - has a large role in the costume designs for the year because in lance’s rookie year the outfits were clashy and not good and lance was horrified - he vowed to fix this abomination - has never dropped a flag. not once. - he has, however, lost grip of his rifle several times and accidentally nailed someone in the head - he is the reason all the rifles have grippers now
Pidge: - second chair clarinet and super salty - has a photographic memory so she memorizes music like that - doesn’t understand bass clef and will never try - “that’s an e” - “no pidge this is bass. that’s a g” - “that’s a fucking e fight me” - absolutely despises first chair clarinet - “he’s so cocky I hATE HIM SO MUCH” - really good with rhythms? - hunk doesn’t understand this - “hunk all you do is count it. look” - “can you just sing it for me i’m lost” - drinks 2948592859$-484 gallons of water per day - puts on so much sunscreen during band camp that she gets paler - “pidge why don’t you lay off on the sunscreen and try to get a tan” - “because, lance, not everyone wants to get fucking sKIN CANCER” - when she burns she burns bad - somehow still has a sock tan??? - “heh look pidge’s feet are DARKER than her legs. told you you were getting paler” - her reeds never last more than two weeks - they are always broken, usually because she refuses to buy a mouthpiece cap - “pidge this is why you’re second chair” - doesn’t do trills. ever. hates trills almost as much as she hates the first clarinet - coran tried to get her to play bass clarinet in concert once - her reaction was basically ??????? - “coran i’m three inches tall and have the muscle mass of a corn chip I can barely lift my regular clarinet” - absolutely lives by the “if you see a word you don’t know look at the director” rule - no knowledge of musical terms - “accelerando??? lol what’s that”
Allura: - baritone during concert season - color guard captain - the master of “spin a thousand times without getting dizzy” - perfect balance - has literally stood on three fingers and spun a flag with her foot and could do it again - very loud - she will always be heard - thinks the rookies are cute but she will not put up with their shit - “lance stop giving everyone makeovers we’re supposed to be learning the routine” - has made a flower crown for her flag - so graceful - has never fallen - has dropped the thing she was spinning (flags, rifles, sabres, etc) exactly once and that was because she threw a sabre at lance’s head - coran was not pleased but it was pretty funny - can do your hair 101 ways but only one of them is acceptable because we all have to look the same, goddammit lance stop with the braid trains - doesn’t take lance seriously at all and tbh he doesn’t blame her - took dance classes as a kid and found that she enjoyed it - but color guard is where she belongs - (even if some of her fellow guard members *cough*lance*cough* are assholes sometimes) - one time a toddler ran out onto the field during a show and hugged allura’s legs and she melted - “coran can we keep it” - “her parents are right there” - “but can we keep it” - pretends to be Mature and Serious but in reality she’s as much of a dork as the rest of the band - once she heard a cheerleader say “i’m glad we don’t have to work with the band like the color guard” and she decked them - has temper issues but is overall a great performer
Coran: - the wacky director - band camp stories take up half the class time - if someone doesn’t want to play this part again, or is tired of marching this set, all they have to do say “hey coran did ___ ever happen at your band camp” and coran will never shut up again - this is a risky move though because if he realizes what you’re doing you will never see the light of day again - the living embodiment of “one more time” *ten times later* “one more time” - “if you’re not perfect then we’re not competing” - was humiliated once by a rival school because of an immature band - will never let it happen again - tries (and fails) to reference modern pop culture - “i think you kids will like this song! it’s kind of like that one the kids sing now with the doors and the painting” - “the what now” - “you know, the one by those scared parties” - he means well - super chill but if you get on his bad side then you will see hell - jokes around a lot but he is serious when it comes to music - and if you’re not then coran will not hesitate in kicking you out - “if you can’t play your instrument then you wON’T PLAY YOUR INSTRUMENT HOW’S THAT BYE FIND A NEW 5TH PERIOD TEACHER” - a professional Student Roaster™
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I’ve finished writing all of the character backstories for my Sing AU, “Some Moral Support”!
I’m going to put all of this under the cut, so if you don’t want to be spoiled for my story, I wouldn’t recommend reading this. If you’re not planning on reading it anyways, they’ll all be under the cut! (This will also include my headcannons for their last/full names!)
(My OC) Jude Therna: Grew up in a reasonable house with their mother (Carol) and father (Anthony). The family was close friends with the Ini’s (Meena’s family) and the children of the two families were playmates growing up. Both of Jude’s parents worked at Whittleton Real Estate as accountants, not knowing the dark side of the company. When Jude was in 3rd grade, their parents succeeded in a risky deal, and Carol hosts a party for the employees, some of them even bringing fancy white wine. That night after drinking the wine, Carol dreams of flying and sleeping on the fluffiest clouds imaginable, and wishes to witness the dream again. So Carol went through the same process she went through to get that dream, but with each failed attempt, the more her desire grew, and the more wine she drank. This steadily led to an addiction, and Anthony only notices this when he witnesses his wife tear out all of Jude’s whiskers while singing, leading Jude to believe that their singing was poison for anybody who heard it. After Meena comforts Jude the next day, they realize that Meena is the only good thing left in their life, and must protect her by any means necessary, even going as far as to hospitalize three 5th grade bullies. The two friends then separate for a while after the incident, adding onto Jude’s expulsion from school. Then Anthony leaves one day, taking all of stuff and leaving Jude behind with their mother. With Carol out of a job, Jude joins several jobs throughout the city to pay rent and bills, buy food, and get wine for their mother all by themself, with the constant looming threat of being beaten, kicked out or worse hanging above their head. Jude does not tell Meena, as they do not want to burden her even more. After years of abuse and brainwashing, added on to losing her final job, Jude wonders if they can really do anything right, or make any difference in their life. All they wish is to make up their mistakes to Meena. Then, their wish is granted in the form of a golden flyer.
Meena Ini: Meena grew up with her mother, father, grandpa and grandma in an above average house. Their grandparents lived with them because not only did they strongly object to living in a retirement home, they loved their daughter and grandchild so much. She and Jude were playmates for a while, but after they suddenly sent three 5th graders to the hospital in 3rd grade, they separated out of fear. Because of Jude almost killing the bullies for her sake, many kids tried to stay away from her, worried that even speaking to her would cause them to “disappear.” A few years later, Meena’s father (a police officer) died on duty while chasing down the Bunnyhood Gang. With this combined with everybody’s constant fear of her at school, she grew to hate being in the spotlight, despite her lovely singing voice. With Jude and Meena barely talking anymore outside of their constant job encounters, Meena wonders if she’ll ever find out the truth behind Jude’s reasoning and sudden shift to violence. Her answers begin to come as an old friend knocks on the door on the day of her grandfather’s birthday.
Nancy Whittleton: Nancy was born into the rich Whittleton family with her father, mother, and brother. The Whittletons were head honchos of Whittleton Real Estate which, on the surface was a harmless real estate company, was strict, demanding, high priced and always gets whatever it wants. At a young age, Nancy quickly realized that her family was all toxic. Her brother cared only for himself, her mother was dumb as rocks and only a trophy wife to her husband, and her father used people as stepping stones to gain more money. None of them cared about her social life and instead kept her in solitude to learn the ropes of real estate so she could be next in line to inherit the business. But when Nancy refused, disgusted at the thought of treating people so cruel, she was kicked out into the streets. Thanks to high class “Pocket money” and help from friendly servants back at her old home, Nancy takes the simple road to life. She buys a small house outside of the city (Sized appropriately for larger servants that had joined her), gets a simple job and settles down. Meanwhile, Whittleton Real Estate is breaking at the seams. With nobody else next in line to take the business, Nancy’s brother takes the spot in her stead, sending the business tumbling down a path it could never return from. Their parents die of old age and after the company is utterly destroyed, the brother gets in a car crash. Guilting Nancy into giving money for the treatment, Nancy donates all that she can into the treatment, but it is still not enough. So she became the type of woman she hated the most: her mother. She went to clubs and casinos, flirted with those rich enough to pay the bills and swindled gullible fools who were too lovestruck to even realize it, all for the sake of her brother. But despite all this, it all seems hopeless and she wonders if she’ll ever have enough to save her brother. Then Nancy meets a saxophone playing mouse.
Ash Strix: Ash grew up in a reasonable household with her mother and father. In school, Ash was a respectable kid who always worked hard at what she did. In middle school, Ash and her friends began to form a band together for fun, getting gigs at parties arranged by other students, which Ash’s parents didn’t mind since her grades were still keeping up. But then Lance, one of the “cool kids” of the school, becomes interested in the band. Everybody in Ash’s school looked up to him and thought he was so cool and wanted to be like him, even though he was barely good at anything. Lance tricks Ash into an unhealthy, manipulative relationship, and Ash began her fall. Lance took over as lead of the band, knocking Ash down to bass, and began to call the band his own. Her friends and grades slowly drifted away, and Ash became irresponsible in her parents’ eyes, all the while Lance used the band to climb the social ladder, not caring for a second about her personal life. As Ash’s parents scolded her bad behavior, Lance’s grip around Ash became tighter, and he one day convinced Ash to run away with him, stealing some of her parents’ cash. The two got an apartment and tried living through gigs and side jobs as a backup, even though Lance was the only one doing these “side jobs” all late at night. Ash begins to wonder if this is the right choice, if she’s happy with this outcome and if she really is as bad as Lance says. Her answer comes in the form of a golden flyer.
Mike Muis: Mike grew up in poverty with his father alone. Mike never knew his mother, and his father cared little for him. The two mice grew up on the streets, swindling and hustling for money and food, but was constantly thrown into risky situations while dragging Mike along at every turn. Mike slowly grew a resentment against his father, and a stronger resentment at the world. After living his entire childhood on the streets, he believed that nobody can be trusted and that money meant everything in the real world. When Mike’s father died in a car crash, he felt little remorse. For years of his life, he became like his father; cruel, lying and untrustworthy by and to everyone. Mike never made friends or relied on others. He only cared about himself, his saxophone skills and his smooth singing voice, which he assumed was from his mother since his pa’ always sounded like he was smoking six packs every day. But deep down, he still wanted to feel loved, to be confirmed by somebody that he truly was good, and would love him unconditionally. So one day, after he gets replaced by a terrible rock duo for a gig, he wonders if there is anybody in town that would actually listen and care about him. His answer came in the form of a golden flyer.
Rosita Lerein: Rosita grew up in an above average house with her mother and father. Growing up, she always had a knack for tinkering with things, taking them apart to see how they work, then putting them back together. Sometimes she even invented things, like a machine that could wash and dry dishes all on its own! So with the help of her parents and through pure determination, Rosita pushed through high school and graduated from a prestigious college! She also met a nice boy named Norman, who was amazed at her engineering skills. But while she she was working for her degree, her parents died from natural causes before she could graduate, so she vowed to make sure that all of their hard work was not in vain! But even with her engineering degree, Rosita hard a hard time trying to find a company that would accept her invention designs. Wherever she went, nobody would accept her, since they thought that her designs were “impractical and irrelevant.” The final nail in the coffin for her future was when a coworker stole her plans for an invention and presented them as his own, getting great renown for it. Rosita, defeated, gave up and marries to Norman, becoming a housewife to her many children. She was at least thankful that Norman worked his hardest for the family, but she felt as if she was slowly being forgotten and fading away from the spotlight. Thinking back to her middle school days when it seemed like everybody wanted to be her, Rosita wonders if she’ll ever be in the spotlight, or even acknowledged, ever again. Then Rosita’s saving grace came in the form of a golden flyer.
Johnny Lona: Johnny grew up in chaotic conditions with his father, mother and crime gang all under one roof. Before Johnny was even born, his parents were partners in crime, ruling a powerful gang in Britain: The Bunnyhoods. Despite the laughable name, they were the richest, most successful gang in all of Britain. The gang stole from the richest businesses and gradually built up their criminal empire. When Johnny was born, they kept their “business” going, but also made sure to give Johnny a good childhood. They homeschooled him since the gang would bounce from place to place, stole bought him the best toys and gave him lots of love. But Johnny was not oblivious to the world around him as his parents thought; he knew of their “business,” but continued to pretend while questioning if all of this was okay. Then one day, Johnny’s mom is caught red handed during a risky heist, and the empire goes under. Filled with grief, the gang travels to America to start over. But with how tough real estate was, how often people swindled them of their cash and how little people were accepting of them just by appearance, they dived back into the life of crime with Johnny reluctantly in tow. Johnny is still unsure of the family business, but once one of the gang members accidentally shoots a police officer, Johnny’s decision is made. He tried to distance himself from crime by singing instead, since his parents said he sounded like an angel. His father, however, looked down on this and pressured his son to help more in their heists to help pay the bills. Johnny wondered if he’d be stuck in the life of crime forever, and if he’d ever live the life he wanted. A response came when a golden flyer slipped through his garage door.
Karen Crawley: Miss Crawley grew up in a decent home with her mother, father and two sisters. Growing up, the triplets all had decent grades and lived decent lives which one day during middle school, began to bore all of them So starting in 9th grade, the trio searched wherever they could for adventures! Some days the sisters explored old abandoned factories and active railroads, while other days they snuck into clubs and went snowboarding from the tallest, most dangerous courses! Crawley loved the adventures and chaos she got into with her sisters and loved the other two with all her heart! But her parents were quickly growing tired of the trouble their daughters were getting into. Through all of their adventures, the trio barely managed to pull through high school and managed to graduate together. Their parents thought that the three would calm down in college due to how much work they would all be getting, but adulthood led to new possibilities and new adventures! The trio pulled pranks on the headmaster and their classmates, went street racing with random strangers and even won big in casinos! Once the triplets graduated college, though, they slowly began to drift apart, going their separate ways to find their own adventures. To fill the void of loneliness, Crawley tried to find a husband that could keep up with her adventures and maybe even come along. But every eligible bachelor she met all turned her down in favor of a quiet life. In time, Crawley became too old and tired of adventures, not being able to keep up with her younger self. So she finally decided to settle down and find a quiet job. After searching for a while, she eventually stumbled upon an ambitious koala and his son.
Gunter Yolvski: Gunter grew up in a strict German household with his mother, father and brother. Compared to his brother, who was successful at almost everything he tried to do, he was good for nothing in his parents’ eyes. Gunter’s brother was a successful businessman and engineer, and did whatever he could to succeed, even going so far as to sabotage and steal from others. His parents knew this, but still loved how successful he was and tried to have Gunter go in his footsteps. They chose his classes for him, limited who he talked to and, if he was even considering doing something for himself, he would be punished. When the brothers reached 11th grade, their parents died of old age, but left in their will two tickets to America so they could be as successful as they wanted there. In America, Gunter’s brother went into an engineering business and, after stealing a coworker’s plans, rose to the top of the ladder. Gunter, meanwhile, was amazed at the free reign he was given and the seemingly infinite possibilities he could pursue. He ate what he wanted, got a job that he wanted (a dance instructor) and tried to make friends with everybody he could. His brother resented this and pretended that he did not exist, but Gunter was satisfied with this. He was just happy that he was free. As he reached adulthood, he was happy and satisfied with the life he had lived, but still wanted to try out new things and take risks. Then, a golden flyer invited him to the Moon Theater for a singing competition. 
Buster Moon: Buster grew up in a below average household with his mother and father. Buster’s mother, however, died due to an illness when Buster was only 2 years old. Buster’s father struggled by himself to pay the bills and raise his son decently alone. He took multiple jobs while Buster stayed with a babysitter, resorting to shameful tactics he was not proud of. To make up for not being around, his father took Buster to the theater one day when a play with Nana Noodleman was available. Buster instantly fell in love with the theater and his father noticed this as he began to take more school classes based around that. So, Buster’s father began to work 30 years washing cars so he could buy the theater when Buster graduated. Meanwhile in high school, Buster meets Eddie, not knowing of his family, and becomes good friends with him. Buster keeps working hard, in school and work alike, and graduates high school with Eddie, only then learning of Eddie’s family (Then promptly being amazed). Buster keeps working through college for a Theatre Arts degree while Buster’s dad finally finishes earning enough money for the theater. Buster earns his degree and buys the theater, but his father passes away less than a year later due to exhaustion and overwork. From then on, Buster vows to be as successful as he can be for his father’s sake!
Eddie Noodleman: Eddie was born into a family of rich prodigies with his bother and father. Since Eddie would be next in line to inherit the family fortune, great things were expected of him, which brought great pressure. He was sent to an ordinary school in which he was expected to always earn the highest grades. If, however, he earned anything less than a 100%, he would be scolded harshly and called a failure. Because people knew of his lineage, nobody talked to him since they expected him to be a stuck up snob. The only friend he had was Buster Moom, who did not know of his family until graduation, to which he was amazed to Eddie’s relief. But by then, Eddie had given up on being the best. He thought that since he was scolded for the slightest mistake, no matter how small, why should he even try anymore? So he became lazy and irresponsible, only doing things that he wanted to do, much to the dismay of his parents. When Buster bought Nana’s theater, he volunteered to help out from time to time, but silently envied Buster’s relationship with his dad, wishing that he too had supportive parents that were accepting of small mistakes. Refusing to do something with his life out of spite, he moved into his parents’ pool house, believing that the rest of his life would be no better than his childhood, and staying like a child for as long as he could.
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disneyphantomlover · 7 years
Joey Drew Studios/Sillyvision Studios Crew Headcanons: Sammy Lawrence
I am tired. And I’ll take suggestions on who to do next, but Sammy had to be first. 
His whole name is Samuel Wes Lawrence. He was originally just “Wes”, but he decided he wanted a full name and picked two names he liked. 
He grew up in a church-based orphanage. 
While he never became super religious, he does retain a lot of Catholic biblical knowledge and such. 
He never had an urge to look for his parents, but the area he was from was full of Italian immigrants, so he assumed he was of Italian descent on some side. 
His introduction into music was church music. He was the only child allowed to play on the piano in the church, and he learned by ear before the Sunday piano player took pity on him and started giving him lessons. He took to said lessons like a fish to water.
He started picking up other instruments when he was allowed outside. He’d sneak into speakeasies and “borrow” instruments when band members were on break. This resulted in him getting his nose broken at least twice in a six-month period. 
He never got adopted thanks to his rather blunt and harsh personality, and was kicked out once he’d turned 18. 
He got into a lot of fights that needed breaking up by police, so he has been in jail multiple times for violent behavior. After being hired by the studio, he never got in trouble with the law again. …Didn’t mean he still didn’t start fights. Because he did. A lot.
He worked in a car factory, a textile mill, a mechanic’s shop, and a bar before he was discovered by Joey. 
Joey Drew found him playing music on the street and was amazed at his music. He went to couple of “shows” before he approached Sammy with working in an up-and-coming studio. 
He is one of the founding members of the studio, along with Joey and Henry. They were nicknamed “The Army of Three”. 
He’s surprisingly physical. He was more prone to dragging Henry or Joey to places instead of asking. This got worse over his years at the studio, and it wasn’t uncommon seeing Joey Drew under his arm and carrying him to a recording booth. 
Despite popular opinion, Sammy actually did like Wally Franks. It just didn’t help their first meeting ended with Sammy picking Wally up and dumping him in a trashcan. Or Wally stealing Sammy’s cigarettes in retaliation. They eventually got on even footing when Sammy punched out an animator that was throwing racial slurs and beating on Wally. 
From then, it wasn’t uncommon seeing Sammy help Wally clean up or the two having smoke breaks together. 
Sammy got along with Norman Polk, who was hired on as assistant director when the studio was getting more popular. He did get flack for working so close with a black man, but Sammy always treated Norman as an equal. Even when the last year of the studio was getting to him and he would have the band stop so he could get into his sanctuary. Norman was the only one allowed to work with his original sheet music.
Sammy did have a crush on Susie at one point, but it faded away after a bit. The two remained good friends. He actually did end up dating a seamstress near the studio named Sarah before he came back to the studio. 
He had long hair the last year or so of when he worked at the studio. And as a few people noticed, he had very uneven bangs during that time. Mainly because he butchered his hair with a pair of scissors. 
He wore overalls during the first few years of the Studio. He only stopped wearing them after bribing Wally to wear some in his place. Just because he knew it’d piss off Henry and Joey (which it did!).
He did most of the background voices for Bendy and Friends for the first few episodes before they hired more voice actors. 
Because he got into so many fights as a kid and as an adult, he has broken two ribs, both arms, and has a knife scar in his leg. He’s lost count of how many black eyes he’s had, and how many times his nose has gotten broken.
His favorite instrument to play was a guitar. Followed very, very closely by a saxophone. 
He picked each of the members of the in-house band because they were street performers.
He likes lighting a match with his cheek. He learned it when he first started smoking, and loves showing it off (much to Joey’s chagrin). 
He actually sent letters to Henry during his deployment, and the two shared an apartment for a year once he’d come back. They stayed in contact up until Sammy went back to the studio. 
After he left the studio the first time, Sammy gave music lessons to kids and young adults. He made a pretty penny by teaching some upper-class children. He also did free-lance work, which ended up being used in other cartoon studios like Disney and Warner Brothers. 
Sammy did come close to punching Joey out when he had the pump switch installed in his office. They never talked about it afterward, but it did start a rift between the two. 
Sammy was usually the prankster of the studio. He and Wally are a force to be reckoned with on April Fools. 
After he left the studio, Sammy had to start wearing glasses. He ended up being really near-sighted in one eye. 
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garrettsthings · 7 years
Kamen Rider Lancer Bio
So a while back, I made a post about my result from the Kamen Rider Generator (special shoutout to @medixnight​ for giving me a link and thus allowing the madness you’re about to read to take hold in this world) which was a Rider named Kamen Rider Lancer, a rider whose motif was polearms. A few months later, I thought up an idea to make Kamen Rider Lancer a reality. I’ve decided to write up a bio on his Rider system and his base forms. If I feel like it, I’ll write up bios for his mid-season upgrades and final form, and then maybe I’ll write up a story and character bio. I hope you enjoy it!
Rider System
Kamen Rider Lancer transforms using a system composed of three parts: a belt buckle called the LancerDriver, a collapsible staff with a green jewel on one end called the LancerShaft, and one of many spearheads that appear to be missing their blades called the LancerHeads. The LancerDriver is wide and translucent. It is completely open at the top and left side, but has a round opening on the right side. To transform, Lancer must first slide his chosen LancerHead into the left hand side of the Driver so that the symbol on the Head is showing in the clear window in the center of the Driver. The LancerDriver will then glow that Head’s corresponding colour, announce the Head’s name, and play a transformation jingle. To finish the transformation, Lancer must then insert the end of the LancerShaft without the jewel into the right hand side of the Driver so that it connects to the base of the Head in the center of the Driver. After calling out “Henshin!” Lancer will then twist the LancerShaft towards him until he feels a click. The Shaft and the Head are now locked together into his form’s signature weapon. He must then slide his spear out of the top of the driver. As he does so, the Shaft will extend to its full length and the spear’s blade will form around the head. His armour will appear around him as well. His armour’s colour, appearance, and helmet will vary depending on his chosen form, with the helmet bearing a crest that resembles the spearhead of his form’s signature weapon. To activate his form’s finishing move, Lancer must insert the end of the Shaft with the jewel into the right hand side of the Driver before rotating the Shaft towards him until he feels a click. Once he removes the Shaft from the Driver, he will perform the move.
Monk Form
Colour: Gray
Specialty: None
Weapon: Bō Staff
LancerHead: None
Jingle: None
Finisher: None
This is what happens when Lancer tries to activate the LancerDriver without a LancerHead. The Shaft extends to its full length and acts as a simple staff. While better than nothing and able to defeat a monster in the right hands, the Monk Form is the weakest of Lancer’s forms and combat with it should be avoided.
Diarmuid Form
Colour: Lime
Specialty: Balance
Weapon: Celtic Spear
LancerHead: DiarmuidSpear
Jingle: Celtic music
Finisher: Lancer Kick
This is Lancer’s most commonly used form. It has no real strengths, but no weaknesses either, making it an excellent way to feel out his enemy’s strengths and choose a more specialized form. That being said, it is more than capable of vanquishing monsters on its own.
For the Lancer Kick finisher, Lancer hits the enemy with a powerful uppercut with his spear, knocking the enemy into the air. The jewel on the end of the LancerShaft then releases a jet of energy, propelling Lancer into the air after his enemy. He knocks the monster to the ground again and hurls his spear into his enemy and follows with a diving Rider Kick. His kick connects with the hilt of his spear, driving it further into the monster and causing it to explode.
Stallion Form
Colour: Cyan
Specialty: Speed
Weapon: Jousting Lance
LancerHead: StallionLance
Jingle: Fast-paced guitar
Finisher: Speed Trap
This is a highly specialized mode the focuses on fast stabbing attacks. The armour of this form has tiny rockets on the back allowing Lancer to make quick dashes and put extra force into his attacks.
For the Speed Trap finisher, Lancer summons a ring of lighting around him and his opponent. All of the rockets on Lancers armour and at the base of the StallionLance Head go into overdrive, turning Lancer into a living bullet. He charges through his opponent and bounces of the lightning so he can hit the monster again and again until it falls.
Raven Form
Colour: Violet
Specialty: Range
Weapon: Javelins
LancerHead: RavenJavelin
Jingle: Soaring saxophone
Finisher: Needle Vortex
The Shaft of this form only extends to half its full length, but Lancer dual wields two RavenJavelins at once. Not only that, but each time he throws one at his enemy, another appears in his hand. This form also boasts the highest jumping power of all of his forms, allowing Lancer to keep his distance from his enemy and continue to throw javelins at him or her.
For the Needle Vortex finisher, Lancer sprouts wings made of dozens of RavenJavelins. He flies in a circle around his opponent so fast that it creates a tornado, lifting the monster into the air. Lancer flaps his “wings” sending the javelins into the tornado. The javelins whirl around and continually pierce the monster until it explodes.
Titan Form
Colour: Orange
Specialty: Power
Weapon: War Hammer (yes, I think it counts as a polearm)
LancerHead: TitanHammer
Jingle: Heavy drums
Finisher: Earth-shatter Bazooka
This form is all about hitting the opponent with overwhelming force. It may move slow, and it can’t jump high, but with this form, Lancer is one hell of a guy. As in Hell is where he’ll send any monster who doesn’t dodge those heavy strikes. I’m very funny dontcha know.
For the Earth-shatter Bazooka finisher, Lancer strikes the ground, sending out a shockwave towards the enemy. When the shockwave hits, the opponent falls into the ground up to its waist, trapping it. While the enemy struggles, Lancer builds up energy in the TitanHammer head, causing it to glow orange. Once the Head is full of energy, Lancer launches it off of the Shaft and towards the trapped monster, obliterating it.
I hope you enjoyed my idea for Kamen Rider Lancer, my Kamen Rider persona. If enough people seem to enjoy this, I may post my ideas for his Rider machine next, and then possibly some more advanced forms, and eventually a story of some kind. Please let me know what you think through either reblogging or comments.
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mathgeek101 · 7 years
Voltron College Marching Band
ALSO CONCERT BAND, BECAUSE ONE IS NOT ENOUGH (and orchestra? and jazz band?) As my sister and I have devised and contemplated from other posts:
Shiro: Drum Major/Bassoon. probably volunteered to learn bassoon in high school because his band didn’t have any. Loves playing bassoon, but never thinks he’s good enough for the solos because he only started in high school (even though he’s always first bassoon?? like c’mon Shiro, you’re the best). Also plays piano in jazz band and is in a jazz trio with Hunk and Keith. Does a study abroad/foreign exchange type thing for a spring semester, and Hunk and Keith feel so betrayed. Always keeps his cool except when Slav gets onto him about his posture and how he needs to take better care of his arms (because he’s the drum major), and don’t get any tattoos because what if they don’t have clean needles and what if you get infected with something and you don’t want your arm to get amputated, Right? And Shiro loses it and tells him to go to his dot and count his hair follicles or something.
Slav: Clarinet. He’s that clarinet player. probably a composition major. kind of a genius, but always has the most ridiculous what-ifs. Would be section leader if he wasn’t afraid of a section mutiny that ends with him being impaled by clarinets. Will always be third clarinet (but the principle third clarinet, so he gets the cool solo parts), but doesn’t mind too much. You always need good third clarinet players.
Keith: Center Snare/ in concert band they rotate, but his fave/specialty is snare and keyboards - marimba in particular. Doesn’t shout at his snare line, but sometimes blows up because he already told you a million times about the stick height for that lick and yes we’re doing the stick flip visual, don’t drop your stick again!! Also plays drum set in jazz band. Loves to play Sing, Sing, Sing, funk tunes, and other loud drum charts, but his favorites are definitely the ballads. Shiro, Hunk, and Keith are a killer jazz trio. Has a ridiculously large (and growing) collection of cymbals, but really only ever uses one set, the rest just sit around.
Hunk: Baritone/Euphonium. Also plays Double Bass in jazz band (and orchestra??). Sweetest cinnamon roll around, brings cinnamon rolls (and other homemade treats) to sectionals. kind of loves Holst. Very passionate about spreading jazz and how it is important to music history and hates the fact that it is often glossed over, and considered a secondary/auxiliary/extracurricular kind of thing. He loves to play around town with the trio, and his favorite thing is old people coming up and saying hi and how much they love seeing young people play jazz. lost his folder once and Shay found it for him right before rehearsal. He acts like he has a life debt to pay to her now.
Allura: Color Guard captain/Flute&Piccolo. Mom of the band and loves her section. Soooo friendly and will take all the selfies before pregame, but once it’s time to run out onto the field she’s all business, and boy your phone better not be out during the game. Always carries sunscreen with her and reminds the freshman to stay hydrated. Arranges section lunches and invites other sections to join in an effort to get to know all the members in the band as well as she can. Drives a big van and hauls around the squad to go watch the trio’s gigs, and somehow is never ever late?? even though they never leave on time?? it’s like magic or something.
Lance: Trumpet. Tries really hard to butt into the trio, but Keith ain’t having any of that. Barely makes it into the jazz band, and is constantly trying to prove himself. Also tries playing piano, but only know likes three pop songs and plays them all the time, singing along loudly and out of tune, but has a good time. Everyone is always annoyed by it, but Hunk thinks it’s cute and tries to encourage him to learn more songs, and maybe ask Shiro for help? Keith just tells him to practice his trumpet because maybe he should try being good at one instrument, instead of okay at two. He gets really good at trumpet (thanks Keith), and ends up getting solos in marching band and a solo feature in the jazz band!!
Coran: Trombone. He’s been here FOREVER, and all the professors joke that he’s never gonna graduate. probably has two majors and three minors or something ridiculous, and just knows so much stuff. He can tell you some really detailed, obscure facts about some sea creature, but struggles with counting rests and identifying intervals. has been in every ensemble in the school for at least a full semester, yes even choir, he’s a decent singer. 3rd trombone in jazz band. makes tons of jokes that no one understands, but everyone laughs along anyway. Also references incidents that only the professors know about.
Pidge: Clarinet/Bass Clarinet. Hates reeds, but loves the clarinet (who doesn’t hate reeds though?). loves playing bass clarinet to get away from the rest of the clarinets. They’re her section, and she likes ‘em well enough, but sometimes all the clarinet stereotypes are just too accurate. looks up to the bassoons (Shiro, really) a lot, and loves being low-woodwinds together with them. Got tired of not knowing how to read bass clef so she taught herself. “it’s really not that hard, you guys, some people only read bass clef, you know” When she first started in grade school, she would always be fiddling around with the keys and screws on her clarinet and one day she decided to take all the keys off and freaks out when she can’t get them back on, cries to Matt about it, he just says “you’re smart, figure it out” and then she just figures it out and puts it back together. She never told her band teacher. From then on she got really interested in instrument repair and is now the go-to for quick fixes that the band director really doesn’t need to know about..
Matt: Mellophone/French Horn. Honestly, the whole “I know you love those peas, Dad” line is just such a French Horn line? That’s it, that’s the whole reason he plays french horn.
Shay: Bass 4/ again, percussionists rotate, but her fave/specialty is bass drum and timpani. Plays in the orchestra as the timpanist, and has a serious hate/love relationship with the last movement of Pines of Rome. Loves listening to jazz (and is supportive of her friends and goes to all of the jazz concerts and the trio’s gigs), but doesn’t play it. Her high school didn’t have a jazz band and her parents and brother never really liked it, so she never really got all that exposed to it until college - now has many friends in the jazz band. Obsessed with the saxophone.
Rax: not in marching band, amazing oboist, pretty good at english horn, but doesn’t love it as much as oboe. Thinks saxophone is a disgrace to music kind and isn’t a real instrument, but comes to love it eventually because Shay likes it. Maybe even starts to listen to some jazz and go to the Trio’s gigs with Shay
Nyma: Color Guard/dance team. doesn’t play an instrument. intentionally runs into and/or drops flags on freshmen to get free coffee on a date. The best she ever did was 5 coffee dates with Lance. Man, he didn’t catch on until Keith pointed it out. And even after he pointed it out Lance bought her another coffee, just to be sure.
Rolo: tenors(quints, quads, whatever you wanna call ‘em)/ *rotating* favors auxiliary perc: shakers, wood block, cymbals (esp. in marches), gong, etc. Knows the practice field like the back of his hand and can tell you where all the weird holes are and where the spots of grass that don’t grow evenly are. After meeting Shay, joins orchestra and loves it.
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beepy-sheep · 7 years
Voltron High School AU
Partially based off experiences from a Texas school system I've been working on this for while, but I'd like people's input, and questions might give me more ideas. Let me know what you think! Keith -sophomore -southern gay -in FFA -raises a goat named Mothman -favorite subjects are English and Science -accent gets more pronounced when he's angry or yelling -Looks skinny and weak but can carry a 50 pound bag of feed no problem -Seriously where is this strength coming from, he's like 115 pounds -Has glasses but refuses to wear them -Always sits at the front because he can't fucking see -draws in his free time -lots of goats and cryptids -likes to read Isaac Asimov and the novel versions of Doctor Who -has accidentally brought his knife to school multiple times -At this point the principal just calls in Shiro as his guardian because they don't want to bother Ms. Shirogane again -fixed up and drives a red 1997 honda rebel 250 -the rumor mill has huge debates over the mysterious Keith Kogane and whether he is the leather-clad bad boy or the awkward dork -he is in fact, both -“I swear to God Rebecca, I saw him wear glasses, total nerd frames too.” “I won't believe it until I get evidence Jackie.” Lance -sophomore -flaming bisexual -in band -plays saxophone -plays guitar in jazz band -favorite subject is Math -ADHD, hates English -calls Pidge anything that starts with a P other than Pidge -”Hey Parsnip” “What's up Panic! At The Computer Lab” “Sweet little Pineapple you gentle soul.” -”I got this guys I watched a tutorial on YouTube” -He does not got this -has a blue sphynx cat named Blue -loves pampering his baby -knits her sweaters Shiro -senior -pan with a plan -loves his small boyfriend and his memes -in ROTC -ROTC program is based off the Air Force -also in band -saxophone DI -Would probably be a drum major if he wasn't in ROTC -Saxophone Dad™ -”Lance please stop playing Careless Whisper… that's my song” -Only knows Japanese because he's a weeb -his mom can speak Japanese but he never bothered to learn until he realized he could watch anime without subs -A real overachiever, but once his work is done he's the laziest bitch ever -”Keith… Keith can you pick up my bag of chips I dropped them.” “On the floor right next to you, get ‘em yourself.” -AP and Tired™ -cries over Neon Genesis Evangelion Pidge -freshman -ace that likes space -taking some sophomore classes -skipped a grade -in Comp Sci club -”Guys look I made an app that shows you what you'd look like as a cat” -always brings coffee to school -wears a very oversized green hoodie with an alien on it Hunk -junior -in robotics club -in band -plays the trombone -terrified of doing trombone suicides -the rest of the section spoils him because they feel bad that the ray of sunshine has to deal with them. -you know how trombones are -loves the lunch ladies but despises the food Allura -senior -on the varsity football team -extremely popular, but very nice -can lift both Holt siblings above her head -friends with Shiro since 6th grade Matt -senior -really gay -loves his large strong boyfriend -library aide -the entire science department claims him as their son -ping pong enthusiast -Goes to all of Shiro’s marching competitions and screams “THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND” from the stands every time Coran -Allura’s godfather -sponsor for the Trivia Club -biology teacher Shay -junior -trans girl -friends with Keith through FFA -basically the frowny quiet and the smiley quiet being quiet together -raises rabbits -they always have matching names -Inky, Pinky, Blinky, Clyde, and Pac -Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior -hardcore believer of the circle of life Sam Holt -works in research and development at the Garrison -recommended Shiro to be a test subject for neurally linked prosthetics -He goes in once a month for a checkup -The scientists are ecstatic that Shiro plays sax, it’s wonderful for mobility testing -They all came to know each other through Trivia Club -Pidge and Keith met in the library -Keith saw the alien on their hoodie and they struck up a conversation K“Nice jacket.” P“Thanks.” K“...” P“...” K”So.. did you see the commercial for that new documentary?” P*slams hands on table* “Thank God you're not a fucking normie, and you bet your ass I did. Hit me with your opinions weirdo, I've been lacking fresh material.” K”One word, Atlantis.” P”...Go on.” -Flashforward to a week later and they commandeer the projector in the library and violently play one v one Kahoot trivia quizzes -”You think you know more useless facts than me?” “I know I know more useless facts than you.” “Bring it on bitch.” -Kahoot nicknames: Rat Sandwich and What In Gay Asian (they're a work in progress) -”Our friendship is like sharknado, it looks crazy, and makes no sense.” -Hunk and Pidge met through the tech clubs -The Robotics and Comp Sci clubs are small so they meet in the same room and help each other out -Pidge mentioned the trivia battles and Hunk thought it sounded fun -So Keith and Pidge formed the club -Coran felt honored the be considered for sponsorship -Hunk and Lance are childhood friends -Lance was dragged by Hunk to the first meeting -”You want me to stay after school, on a Friday, for trivia?” “Yes, Pidge is cool, it'll be fun.” “Fiiiiiiine” -Shiro wanted to support his brother and Matt is a dork -Allura wanted try something new -Keith invited Shay, who was excited to meet Keith's friends -”You are nice, so they must be nice too!” “Well I don't know 3 of them, but Pidge says they're cool.” H ”Oh hey Shiro I didn't know you heard about the club.” S “Well-” L “SAX DADDY” S “Hey Lance, I see you don't have your case with you.” L “I don't need to practice.” S “Sure buddy.” M “Sax Daddy?” S “Don't worry about it.” L”Oh my god, you're Matt! Shiro talks about you all the time.” M “Only good things I hope.” L “I've never heard someone describe the destruction of a science room so lovingly. So much destruction from such a small body.” M “You should meet my sister.” P*pops out from under a desk* “You accidentally make a bomb one time and they never let it go.” H “Hi Pidge!” L *startled by the floor gremlin * “Holy Crap!” --------- K “Shiro I'm going home with Pidge, we're having a movie night.” S “Are you spending the night?” K “Eh, probably.” M “Now that the kids are out of one of the houses I can make sweet, steamy love to my boyfriend.” S “Matt oh my god.” P “At least drop us off first.” M “It was a joke, kids these days… obviously we're going to 50 Shades and chill.” S “Just the chill part, I beg you, the literal definition.” M “if you insist.” -A rumor starts spreading that the Trivia Club is just a cover for a GSA because of how many queer people are in it -lots of out of context mentions of Mothman (the goat) for shits and giggles -”Hey Keith, how's Mothman?” -Pidge and Matt switched places the whole day for April Fools -Matt forgot there was a test that day and Pidge aced it for him -Keith and Shiro are half-brothers -Keith’s still an orphan, but he lives with Shiro and Shiro’s mom -Lance ripped his pants in middle school and Hunk made a pact to never forget about it, and mention it at graduation and Lance’s wedding. -”Hey guys remember the time Lance ripped his pants.” “Good times.”
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