#not actually a photographer
cracks-in-the-asphalt · 10 months
I took these photos in college last semester, just walking to and from class before even thinking about becoming the architecture major I am now. No real thought or purpose behind them, I just captured scenes that my brain liked when I started looking up instead of down. I don’t even know what class or style of photo you would call this.
There’s not many, but maybe when I’m able I can take more.
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o--sweet-pea--o · 3 months
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C h e r r y
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tangledinink · 1 month
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50's diner vibes...
vote for swanatello, pretty please. it would make me happy.
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My handmade alien diner girl doll! She has working rollerskates and magnets in her hands to hold her delivery 👽💞 Order up!
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themagictophat · 7 months
Found this with no context on my phone
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Just "photo taken on April 19, 2022 at 8:22 PM." No clues from any of the surrounding pictures. The previous one is me documenting the existence of my grandfather's stuffed pheasant before we get rid of it when we move and the one after it is a 13 second clip of me dumping a bag down our apartment's trash-chute and listening to it fall down all eight floors into the basement.
So I text the number and...
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This made my 3-in-the-morning, thank you Squid Fact Hotline, I didn't actually know that second fact about how tiny pygmy squids are.
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 month
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Spock looking for whales at the Cetacean Institute!
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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fuck “ugly” photos and “flattering” angles and look at this picture of me and my dog right now
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lesbiantahani · 1 year
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simon deadmans australia gothic my beloved
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chubs-deuce · 2 years
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low quality shitpost bc fatigue go brr
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canisalbus · 7 months
Love your art so much. Will you show us cool nature pics from your country? I'm literally so stoned I forgot where you live sorry.
Sure anon, why not. I'm not a photographer so the quality of these is kind of slushy at best. I like nature and wander around a little bit, but I rarely hike properly, so I don't go to that many scenic places. These are mostly from regular walks. Long post warning.
Summers are short but very green, and since we're at the arctic circle we get sunlight around the clock. Some of these were taken at midnight or early morning small hours. Most of Finland is very sparsely populated and covered in boreal forests.
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Finland is a very watery country, lots of lakes in particular.
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Sometimes you get intense sunsets
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And winters are very cold, snowy and last about six months. In summer we have midnight sun and in winter there's the polar night to counter it. Around late December sun only rises for about two hours per day where I live so it's very dark for many, many weeks on end (which is wonderful if you get seasonal depression like I do). But sometimes the weather and lighting are just right and you get this ethereal pastel effect that I love.
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thimbleb3rries · 7 months
In a similar style to this post of mine, more sketches/doodles!
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I mostly do these in class or at home while watching YouTube lmao
I love sketching in that blue colored pencil so muchhhh hfhffb I like how it's both textured but also fun to look at when flipping through my sketchbook
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bryverros · 2 months
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zukka sketches because whos going to stop me
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aiweirdness · 1 year
It's not just that Google's Bard returned a wrong but plausible-sounding answer; it's that this is what all these chat-based "search" engines do.
If that error made it into one of Google's own ads, imagine how common the errors must be.
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seabeck · 5 months
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Little orange “mushrooms”
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ghcstao3 · 6 months
street photographer ghost who has mastered taking the perfect candid photos without ever getting caught. he just has an eye for subjects, both mundane and unique in style, and he enjoys his work. it's just that simple.
soap is one of those subjects. there's something naturally captivating about him, the way he carries himself and seemingly bends the world to his will all around him, and ghost wastes no second doing what he does best—candids that frame their subject like they're the centre of the universe even when any other passerby might blink and miss those singular moments.
except—as ghost snaps a few more photos and briefly glances at the raw images, he sees that the man he'd been taking pictures of is looking directly down the barrel of the lens by the end of the set of photos, a grin on his face, hand blurred in a wave in the frozen frames ghost had captured.
when he puts the camera down, he sees the man still waving at him from across the street before he's quickly glancing both ways and jogging across to meet ghost.
"almost didn't see you," he breathes.
ghost bites back a that's the point, instead focusing on carefully tucking his camera back into its bag.
"i'm sorry," ghost eventually apologizes. "i'll delete them if—"
"the opposite, actually," the man cuts in. "i wanted to see them."
ghost tenses. the rare times he's been caught out usually don't... result in this. "really?"
"mhm." another bright grin. "i'm soap, by the way. or—john, if you're lookin' to be all formal like."
pulling his camera back out, ghost cocks an eyebrow. "soap?"
soap shakes his head. "don't worry about it." he winks. "unless we meet again."
ghost snorts. captivating had certainly been the right word to describe soap.
"why don't we see if you even like the photos first, yeah?"
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formulaaone · 2 months
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logansargeant: Tourin’ Tokyo
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