#oc: krampus cookie
Krampus Cookie ( @eggnogs-stupid-ideas ) VS Elderberry Dragon Cookie ( @starlight727 )
Read about Krampus Cookie here
Read about Elderberry Dragon here
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I did this for a cookie run art challenge, and this is as festive as i'm gonna get this year just sayin.
obligatory lore dump
PopZizz dragon is a Legendary cookie based on krampus. They used to be super destructive during the winter
But unfortunately, their fur started flaking off, making them susceptible to the cold,
so instead of stealing and terrifying cookies, he is now mellowed out trying to figure out where he is making him the only friendly dragon cookie.
Tho more begrudgingly than anything.
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lord-krampus · 6 months
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Christmas Eve Teatime!
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So im gonna just like, write out some thjngs that have changed about my ocs
Krampus is NOT EVIL and isnt shipped with ginger claus anymore, but theyre on good terms. Krampus is very baby. No I don't know how this happened but hes lil guy now.
Test cake doesn't live alone anymore, he lives with a mother gothel kinnie /hj
ill add onto this when i have more to add
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rebuilding-paradise · 2 years
"Happy holidays, everyone!"
"And remember to be good!"
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You'd think Spiced Ginger would be a bad mom? Hah! She's a great parent! She punishes the vile and cruel, much like Dia!
@kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @r0gu3f0rt-c00ki3-simp @stary-times @halloween-bat-king
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thecookietrash · 1 year
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Idk if ovenbreak has a krampus cookie yet or not, but I wanted to design one
I think we should have one
His dough is made with a burning coal and red goat hair probably
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midi-san · 1 year
So since I have a Toyhouse...
Note: You don’t get to see them first. Only vote based on the description given.
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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Happy Holidays, Riverdale fandom! What better way to kick off the season than by playing in all of these Reindeer Games?! Riverdale Reindeer Games - an all ship, all character inclusive event - will run from December 9th - December 31. We have 8 themes (one for each of Santa’s reindeer of course) to satisfy your every holiday or winter themed fandom desire. Don’t forget to tag #riverdaleevents in your first 5 tags!
DASHER: Decorations - Out/Inside, Lights, Mistletoe, Candy Cane Lane, Buying/Decorating Trees, Neighborhood Competitions, Christmas Light Tour, Tinsel and Garland, Making Paper Snowflakes, Special Ornaments, Wreaths, Hanging the Stockings, Arts and Crafts, Preparing the Home, etc 
DANCER: Presents - Shopping, Mall Elves, Mall Santa, Wrapping, Making Cards, Gift Exchanges, Secret Santa, White Elephant, Advent Calendar, etc 
PRANCER: Parties - Ugly Sweater Party, Balls, Galas, Office Party, Christmas Market, Pub Crawl, Pajama Party, Sleepover, Family Christmas Party, etc
VIXEN: Winter - Snowed In, Winter Sports, Snowmen, Blizzards, Ice Skating, Snowball Fight, Fireplace, Ice Storm, Power Outage, Shoveling Snow, Sledding, Snowangels, Making a Fire, Cold and Flu Season, etc 
COMET: Traditions - Elf on the Shelf, Movie Watches, Travel, Photos, Costumes, Unique Festivities, Charity, School Plays, Music, Caroling, etc
CUPID: Magic - Santa/Mrs Claus, Jack Frost, Elves, Time Travel, Krampus, The Christmas Carol, Spirits, The Grinch, North Pole, The Nutcracker, It’s A Wonderful Life, Reindeer, ‘Groundhog Day’ Time Loop, etc
DONNER: Tastes - Candies, Cookies, Dinners, Coffee Shop, Baking Competition, Hot Cocoa, Eggnog, Mulled wine, Gingerbread Houses, Cookies and Milk for Santa, Fruit Cake, Awkward Family Meals, etc
BLITZEN: Holidays - Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St. Nicholas Day, Winter Solstice, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Friendsmas, Yule, Boxing Day, Advent, etc 
We have listed a few suggestions next to each theme to help inspire ideas. It is by no means an extensive list as there are plenty more that apply. Any concept, idea, AU, or specific prompt, at any rating, that is applicable to a theme is accepted! You may double up (or more) on themes in your content, just let us know which theme it is for.
Remember!: Make sure to 1. tag your content on tumblr with #riverdaleevents - exactly as written, no spaces 2. indicate which theme your content is for 3. add your event fics to the RIVERDALE REINDEER GAMES collection on AO3. 4. send us an ask if we miss reblogging your content
Find out everything you need to know about this event in our FAQ below the cut! If you’ve got clarification questions, just ask us!
We will be accepting content for ANY Riverdale character or ship (including OCs)!
Solo, original character, reader insert, het, slash, and ot3s are all welcome!
Fanfic (oneshots, drabbles, or multi-chapters), Graphics, Gifsets, Fanart, Aesthetics, Fanvids, Edits, Playlists, Fic recs, etc
If it’s created content, you can submit it!
If your piece is a multichapter fic, you don’t have to complete it before the event ends. It is eligible as long as you start posting it during the event window. Make sure to keep tagging us on your chapter update posts!
M and E rated content is welcome for every theme!
To submit work, please tag us with #riverdaleevents in the first 5 tags of your work or at @riverdale-events​ on your piece. We will reblog every submission here at Riverdale-Events over the course of the event. If we miss reblogging your content, send us an ask!
Be sure to indicate which theme/prompt your content is for. You can put it in your tags or on your piece, just let us know so we can reblog appropriately.
We also have an AO3 collection. AO3 has a really great tutorial on how to post to a collection! Check it out for in-depth instructions. The easiest way to join is to go straight to the RIVERDALE REINDEER GAMES collection on AO3, and click the “Post to Collection” button. That will take you to a screen to upload your fic as normal! That button fills out the specific collection for you, so you know your work is going to the right place. Your fic will still show up under your works, and you will be listed as the author of your story.
Absolutely! We support all fandom events! If there is another fandom event, such as a Secret Santa, running at the same time as this one, and your content is applicable, feel free to submit it/include it in all of those available! Make sure you tag ALL applicable event tags in the first 5 tags of your post.
We will continue to reblog and accept Riverdale Reindeer Games content through DECEMBER 31st (with overflow until we post our masterlist).
We will post our masterlist on January 2nd.
If you have content that you’re almost done with and need more time, please contact us and let us know. We will do our best to accommodate.
Posts applicable to the event, like chapter updates, will continue to be reblogged after the event wraps. However, they will not be added to the masterlist.
Every piece of content we reblog will be appropriately tagged with ship/character tags. When you post your piece, make sure to use the correct ship tag so that we can reblog appropriately. If you aren’t sure what your ship tag is, check out our masterlist! [CLICK HERE FOR RIVERDALE SHIP TAGS]
If there is a trigger in your content, make sure to tag appropriately on your tumblr post and/or Ao3 post.
Other tags: #fanfic  #gif  #fanart  #edit  #fanvid #fic rec #fanmix
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to send us an ask, or reach out in direct messages to any of us running this event! Cat - @bettycooper Mila - @jughead-jones​​ Sarah - @theheavycrown
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Christmas 2019/300+ Followers Event Masterlist
Buggy the Clown: Druid
Crocodile: Druid, Candle
Killer: Wish
Nami: Scrooge
Sanji: Cookie, Wish
Shanks: Poinsettia
Skylar (OC): Tradition
Trafalgar Law: Krampus
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Meet Krampus Cookie!
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Belongs to @eggnogs-stupid-ideas
An ancient god of Black Magic and a Ex-Tyrant, sealed away for years before being unsealed by somebody of the name Nutmeg Cookie. Surprisingly very kind-hearted and easily to manipulate. Tyrant rule was aided by the witches and his own blind trust.
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42, 36, 31 of the oc asks for Tessa?
42. Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
Probably not. She might be susceptible to reblog bait that tugs on one’s social conscience, but not stuff of the “SEND THIS ALONG TO TEN PEOPLE YOU KNOW OR THE KRAMPUS WILL KNEECAP YOUR GRANDFATHER” variety.
36. What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Early on in her brief career as Edith’s governess and housekeeper when they first meet, Tessa fucks up toast. This is someone who can extract sugar from beetroot to make sugar cookies under rationing, and she fucks up toast.
31. What is your muse’s first memory?
Her and her brother Patrick jumping out of a tree and her sister Ashley catching them. Tessa was two or three, Patrick was a year older, Ashley was about eight.
50 oddly specific headcanon asks.
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readerwinterbarnes · 7 years
Christmas Spirit
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Adelaide(Ada)/OC (Platonic friendships)
Summary: Adelaide, being of German decent means her family took Christmas very seriously, including Krampus. Same as her. However, when Sam and Dean’s Christmas spirit is non-existent, she begins to worry.
Word Count: 2,319
Warnings: Language
A/N: This was a Christmas Fic I was challenged to do, I’m sorry if the translations are incorrect. I did research and watched the movie, so I tried to base it off of those. So sorry, if there are mistakes. Sorry also that it’s a bit late as well, time was not on my side.
Thanks @shes-a-little-weird-but-perfect for giving me this Christmas challenge! It was fun!!
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Aw Christmas, that time of year again. It’s not like you didn’t love this season, you did. You loved the freshly fallen snow. How it covered the ground and trees in a blanket of white. The crisp clean air that filled your lungs whenever you went outside. The Christmas carols you sang along to with the radio as you baked a variety of cookies, pies and sweet breads. However, you were always on edge more when it came around the corner every year.
You can’t help it, it’s not your fault, no one’s really. It was just out of habit. Your great-great grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents, well pretty much everyone was German. They always told you and did their best to make sure you were always on your best behavior. Helping you keep your Christmas spirit alive. It’s not like you don’t want to be scared of the half-goat, half-demon who comes along with bells, chains, and a bundle of birch sticks to swat naughty children; then takes them away. But it was in your blood. Your own family tradition of sorts, story you’d tell every year. Your parents called to wish you a Merry Christmas and to well, remind you that Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) was coming up. So you did your best to stay calm and cool about it. Not wanting to bring attention to yourself when the boys came entered the bunker.
“Adelaide? We’re back!” Sam’s voice carried down the stairs and into the library where you finished putting the last of the tree ornaments. You were nervous to see how they’d react to the decorations. But the last few hunts have been rough on both of them and Bobby said they needed something to lift their spirits. So having the bunker look more warm and welcoming was a good idea.
“In here!” You wiped your hands off on your pants and turned around to face the two men. Sam looked around in awe, taking it all in. Your heart lifts, when the corner of his lip twitches up in a small smile. But the mood changes as soon as you look at Dean. He just looks at you and turns to head off to his room.
“Sam, is Dean okay? Did I do something wrong?” He looks at you softly, setting his bag on the table, then made his way towards you.
“He’ll be fine Ada, it’s just…Christmas is always a rough for him. For me too, but it was never the same after mom died. Go talk to him, he’ll understand.” You nod sadly, hatting yourself for bringing up painful memories. “Hey Ada?”
“Thanks for this though, makes it feel like home.” He gives you one last smile, before you head off to talk to Dean.
Your closed fist hovers over his door, waiting to ask permission to enter. Taking a deep breath, you rap your knuckles against the wood twice. A deep, grunted reply responds.
“Come in Adelaide, I know it’s you.” Twisting the knob, you push the door open. Dean’s sitting on his bed, back facing you, as he’s cleaning his guns.
“I just wanted to say sorry for…I didn’t mean to bring pain for you. Just wanted to do something nice for the both of you.” You chose your words carefully, not wanting to upset him further. But when he didn’t respond, you accepted defeat. “Knew this was a stupid idea, not like it matters anyways. I’ll take the stuff down in the morning and come back after the holidays.” You turned to leave, but Dean’s voice stopped you.
“Why what?” You asked him. He stopped what he was doing and stood up to face you.
“Why do all of this? You know how I feel about Christmas, so why bother? Just because I don’t really have faith in all the Christmas mumbo jumbo, doesn’t mean, that whatcha macallit….”
“Krampus...” You say sternly, crossing your arms over your chest.
“It doesn’t mean he’ll come crashing in and dragging me off to hell. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been there and back again a few times. Wouldn’t make any difference now would it? Just because I don’t believe in that crap, doesn’t give you the right to force it on anyone else.” His words felt like salt on a fresh wound. Hit at your very core. Why couldn’t this man just enjoy it for once? Just one year. For you.
“Fick dich Dean.” (Fuck you) You spat at Dean, not giving a shit if he couldn’t understand you or not. You tried your best to stay calm and composed, but that action alone set your nerves on fire. “Fine, die for all I care. Have him drag you to hell, don’t expect me to come dragging you back.” Turning on the heal of your foot, you left his room, slamming the door behind you. You walked into the library, passing Sam while grabbing your coat, then heading to the door.
“Ada, you okay?” Sam called after you, but you didn’t even bother to stop, just tossing a reply over your shoulder.
“Es geht mir gut Sam. Just leave me alone.” (I’m fine Sam) The bunker echoed with the sound of the heavy door slamming into place.
“Dammit Dean, what the hell did you do?” I barge into my brother’s room with clear intention of getting an answer. He groaned and stood up from where he was previously laying on the bed.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do shit.” He tried to walk past me, but I blocked his path,
“Then why did Adalaide leave the bunker as if she was intended to kill someone? Is this all about this whole Krampus thing?” Dean groaned, running his hand down his face.
“Yeah, okay. That what you want to hear? I just don’t see the big deal about not believing in it.” I completely understood what he was saying, sure Christmas was never really something we celebrated, and Krampus might actually be a fictional creature, but we’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit. I crossed my arms and stared at Dean.
“You ever think about it from her point of view though?” I continued before he could say something. “She grew up with this Dean, her whole family grew up believing about Krampus and how you’d either get a shoe full of gifts or a stick. How he’d drag those who don’t believe down to wherever he lives. She grew up just like us Dean, grew up knowing about monsters and who knows, Krampus might even be real! Hell, we’ve faced several creatures others deemed didn’t exist and yet we did.” I sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Just….just go talk to her okay? Maybe start off by saying sorry?” I smile slightly when he puts his hands up in surrender.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go apologize.” He grabs his coat and makes his way to join her. I just hoped they work things out.
It didn’t take me long to find where Ada was. I found her sitting on the hill a bit away from the bunkers entrance, back facing towards me. A slight breeze caused her to pull her coat around her tighter. I frown at the sight and went back inside to grab a few blankets before making my way to her.
She jumps slightly when I wrap a fleece blanket across her shoulders, handing her a second one to put on her lap. You’d have to blind to not notice her tear stained face, eyes puffy clear evidence that she was.
“I’m sorry, Ada for talking shit about Christmas and all, it’s just…I never saw it as a big deal ya know?” Instantly start talking before she could get even one word out, I needed to get this out before I changed my mind. “Ever since my mom died, Christmas was….it usually ended up with just Sam and me. A piece of crap tree with pine car air fresheners hanging from it, and usually shitty stolen gifts under it. Dad was, well doing what he always did. Out hunting or some shit. We didn’t have the lights, cookies, didn’t even have a fucking real Christmas tree. Instead, it was always just me and Sammy….so sorry, if I give off all the whole Scrooge shit. It’s just not my favorite holiday, brings up too many things.” Ada sits quietly and lets Dean talk, she’s still pissed at him, but she understands his feeling for this holiday more. In fact she feels sorry for him and Sam, how they never had the chance to really have a nice Christmas.
“You still hurt me, Dean. I know it’s not your favorite holiday, but it’s important to me. My whole family is German and they had some pretty strong beliefs when it came to this time of year. Some kids believe in Santa Claus, a fat, jolly old man who comes down the chimney, fills the stockings, puts presents under the tree, eats cookies they leave out and all this happy ho ho ho shit. But not with my family, it’s the complete opposite. If you lose faith, like the Christmas Spirit, you better hope he doesn’t come to get you.” Ada pulls the blanket around her tighter, leaning her head on Deans shoulder. She was glad he didn’t say anything and just let her talk.
“I remember when my Oma (grandmother) talked harshly to my parents about me and my sibling’s behavior. How if we didn’t improve he would come take us away. The morning of Christmas, I remember watching as my older bruder (brother), and schwester (sister) opened the door hesitantly. Hoping we didn’t see a bundle of sticks on our doorsteps, but it was always shoes filled with gifts, trinkets and such. It was such a relief when we saw that, then the rest of the day went on normally. One year, when I was ten, rumor went around, that a fellow student in school, who was rough around the edges…” Dean looked over at Ada, when squeezed his hand tightly, a faraway look in her eyes.
“What happened Ada?” She looked at Dean, then back to the tree line.
“We tried to tell him he needed to do something or Krampus was going to come to get him, but…he never listened. Shortly after Christmas, he went missing. No one saw him leave the house or take anything. His belongings were still inside his room. ‘Course it could’ve been from a completely different reason, but everyone knew it was cause of Krampus.” She took a deep breath before looking back at Dean, thinking her next words carefully.
“I know you and Sam never had a great Christmas and I understand if you never believe in Christmas or Krampus or whatever. But, can…can you just this once? You and Sam are everything to me. You’re the only family I have here in the states, you both saved my ass more times than I can count and not only that, but you both deserve to be happy! Eat cookies, sing carols out of tune, decorate a tree, get hungover from spiked eggnog, eat all the pie you can eat, open gifts Christmas morning! I just want to give you and Sam the Christmas you never really got. You guys deserve that much.”
Dean just stares at Ada for a few seconds, then stares off to the side watching as the birds flew by. Letting the crisp air seep into his bones, getting lost in his own thoughts, taking in everything she said. He never knew how much Christmas actually meant to her, let alone her how much she really wanted him and Sam to get what they never really had. Making his decision, Dean stands up and reaches for her hand, helping her up.
“Come on, guess we better make a run.” Ada stares at him, eyes widely.
“You serious?” He smiles at her.
“Yeah, we need food to make Christmas dinner, right? Not to mention, we need to get gifts still.” She jumps up and down, squealing excitedly. Wrapping her arms around Dean tightly, he laughed and squeezed her back just as tightly. Loving the girl who became the sister that he always wanted.
“You’re the best Dean,” she smiles at Dean, “thank you for doing this.” Dean can’t help but smile softly at her, happy to see her usual smile back. He kisses her forehead, then walking back to the bunker with her.
“Anything for you, Adelaide. Now, let’s get Sam and get started. Yeah?”
“Yes, let’s.” Dean opens the door and calls out to Sam as you both head down the stairs.
“Sammy! Grab your coat, we’re making a Christmas run.” Not even thirty seconds pass, that Sam is walking down the hallway with a huge grin on his face. Knowing you managed to convince Dean, but most importantly that you and Dean were happy. This Christmas turned out to be the best one, the three of you had. It was filled with so many new happy memories, filled with joy, laughter and pie…so much pie. Ada’s belief in Krampus never left, but she knew her boys were safe and no longer had anything to worry about.
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look look look look
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baby krampus
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rebuilding-paradise · 2 years
"What do you mean my momma is a bad cookie..?"
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"The holidays are a special time of year..!"
Name: Ginger Molasses cookie
Pronouns: he/him
Rarity: unknown
Class: unknown
Skill: n/a
Skill quote: n/a
Soulstone: unknown
Spiced Ginger/Krampus cookie[Family]- "I love you momma!"
Eggnog cookie[friendly]- "You're as nice as momma tells me..!"
Chestnut cookie[friendly]- "wanna play after you deliver the newspapers?"
Pudding cookie[friendly]- "i hope you like the gift I got you!"
????[unknown]- "pretty dancer..!"
????[unknown]- "are you a soldier?"
"Every holiday has a dark side to it!~"
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"Beware how you behave, Grown-ups. . . I DON'T JUST TAKE HORRIBLE KIDS!~"
Name: Spiced Ginger/Krampus cookie
Pronouns: she/her
Rarity: legendary
Class: Charge
Skill: hellish holiday
Soulstone: This stone belongs to a feared cookie. Beware how you behave during the holidays.
Ginger Molasses cookie[family]- "My precious son. I will never let anyone ruin the holidays for you.."
Eggnog cookie[Friendly]- "I understand we don't see eye to eye but as long as everyone gets what they deserve."
Elder Custard cookie[tension]- "I'm coming for you. You can't hide from what you did!!"
Affogato cookie[Tension]- "Manipulation of a king then trying to take over his kingdom? HELL HAS A PLACE FOR YOU. . ."
@kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares @r0gu3f0rt-c00ki3-simp @stary-times @astrolotl-yeah
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im just gon a post this
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I told you krampus is canoniaclly a fursuiter
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eggnogs-stupid-ideas · 3 months
I have this weird habit of like. Predicting small parts of cookie run updates. /hj I had a fairy kingdom before the Faerie Kingdom, which is pretty small. Fairy kingdoms arent the most original idea. Though weird fact that my fairy king has a pretty similar color scheme ignoring clothes. Then this happened
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very similar ideas (grey skin, animal eyes, horned, sharp teeth, shackles, both were locked up due to their magic in some way) But one I never shared was This
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For context, the oc is Oil Slick, a older oc of mine who can take the (partial) form of a sea turtle. I made him in march of 2023, 2 months before pond dino.
Also shout out to me making Nutmeg, my oc father for eggnog, a teacher long before Eggnog being a teacher became a thing. I dont know whats happening but I feel like im doing something.
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