#old married couple!steddie
hitlikehammers · 3 months
take the call
rating: t ♥️ cw: off-screen car accident (but EVERYTHING IS FINE), hurt/comfort, softness ♥️ tags: established relationship, married steddie, hurt/comfort, rockstar Eddie/teacher Steve, Steve's heart of gold is very possibly going to be Eddie's undoing one of these days, well-worn-soul-deep love
for @steddielovemonth day eighteen: Love is terrifying (@starryeyedjanai)
set in the 00s, with Steve and Eddie having two decades of loving under their belts, now ♥️
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Eddie isn’t expecting a call, any call, really; he’s in the studio, like, if he gets a call someone takes a message or whatever.
And in fairness, Eddie doesn’t get the call.
He gets a message.
He rolls his eyes kinda automatically, kinda thoughtlessly at the cut of the audio track to let the mic system override from outside the booth.
“Okay, so, like, don’t freak out.”
He’s not thoughtless at all about the way he clocks the tension in Jeff’s voice even across the speaker system; it’s entirely automatic how he freezes, how he looks up and locks eyes with his friend through the glass and sucks in a sharp breath for the look on his face: pained.
Maybe, maybe scared.
Eddie’s heart drops somewhere near his knees, but beats there so fucking hard.
“This lady called, and she said she found Lainie’s card inside the case of a phone she picked up,” and okay, okay, that’s…that’s random but maybe it’s about their assistance manger, who just got her contract confirmed and got fancy new business cards for it and has been handing them out to everybody she sees, even gave Eddie extras to pass on to Steve, maybe he can share them at the school as if anyone at even a hoity-toity private 6-through-12 school would have a reason for a card from a record label but she’s excited, and Eddie’s excited for her, and Steve loves the people Eddie works with, and not just because they’re attached to Eddie and he loves the things that come with Eddie as a given—but that’s also true, and always has been, but—
“She, um,” Jeff’s voice is filtering through again, and Eddie clocks that there’s…there’s something more to it, more than his brain’s willing to grasp just yet but his body’s apparently picked up on because he thinks the slightest breeze would knock him over and shatter him into pieces, for the tightness in his body; he’s not focused enough to count the separate beats of his pulse but he can tell it’s quick enough already, still weighed down near his feet, that counting would be kinda hard, would take effort:
“She found the phone at a car crash?”
So: the more-to-it. The thing his body already knew.
Eddie…Eddie doesn’t even need to know what comes next to know he cannot fucking breathe.
“Sounded kinda like, uh, like it could have been Steve’s phone,” Jeff is trying to tell him, and part of Eddie hears it, part of him does but most of him is white noise, is pins-and-needles, is underwater and drowning and not even fucking thinking of fighting the pull because he can’t, he’s heavy at the legs and his lungs are seizing and there’s, he’s—
“Because it, umm, she found the card because the case was broken?” and just last night Eddie’d watched Steve pop off the case and slide the cards behind with a laugh and a promise to take them with him not today—because it’s one of those federal holidays that only schools notice happening, like the post office is still open—but definitely tomorrow, never knew which of the kiddos at the Rich People School might be a budding metalhead underneath their uniforms—
“And she said the case was, um, like bright—“
Electric lime neon fuckin’ green because after three times of Eddie taking Steve’s phone by accident he’d come home with that endearing eyesore, and a kiss to the bridge of Eddie’s nose and a soft hard to confuse that, babe nuzzled against him and—
“It could maybe have just been a coincide—“ Jeff’s talking but Eddie can’t fucking hear it, not really, not when he’s letting the door slam behind him and ripping off his headphones to drop to the groundnut when he’s gasping hard enough to crack a rib, not when the floor’s gone out from underneath him and his vision’s tunneled and nothing seems real, and everything feels too real, every world ending possibility shuddering through his foggy mind alongside every heartbreakingly perfect memory blossoming up unbidden just to serve as a reminder, an underscoring of what he stands to lose, what maybe he’s already fucking lost—
He meets Jeff’s eyes without the glass between them as he grabs his keys from his jacket on the couch and makes himself take the breath that’ll fuel the voice, that’ll give him words, just one word, he needs, he fucking needs—
Eddie shouldn’t have driven himself, he knows that.
Like, on some other plane of existing, he’s sure he knows that.
But on this plane, he rips past his bandmates, all the extra people with them for recording, jams the close-door button before anyone can follow him into the elevator because he happens to know this one’s quicker than the stairs even on a good day, and this—
Eddie’s shaking so goddamn hard he can barely get one foot in front of the other, he really doesn’t think he can manage ten fucking flights of steps.
He burns rubber on the way out of the parking lot, and the nearest hospital to where Steve would have been—on his day off, because holiday, he’d have bene close to home, he mentioned food shopping, he thought he might make stir-fry but he wasn’t sure, they hadn’t made a vegetable haul from the Asian market downtown in a couple weeks and they need to, they need to but Steve wasn’t feeling like going on his own, because he might not say it out loud but they both know he enjoys Eddie’s excitability when new items hit the shelves and he can’t read the language they’re labelled in so he guesses frantically until the man who owns the place takes pity, only laughs a little and explains what this spice is for, or that that crazy looking thing’s a fruit, and they ultimately buy whatever it is because Eddie wants to try it now, because he got invested and—
Eddie should pull off the fucking road; his head’s a mess, he can’t see for the way his eyes are welling, streaming, the way he’s shaking with sobs that don’t exactly burst forth, just leak from his lashes as he trembles horrifically because…
Because they were maybe gonna have stir-fry, tonight. Even without the good vegetables.
They were—
Eddie thinks it’s fucking cruel, kind of unbearably so, that his brain’s dead-set on still processing the mundane little perfections of his life as if every single one of them might be dashed to pieces, might be hanging by a thread, might be entirely fucking gone, and he, he…
He can’t. He just, he fucking can’t.
Because that the thing, isn’t it: the scenarios he’s imagining aren’t hypothetical—they’re all memories, too. Steve bloodied, Steve bruised, Steve’s bones broken and flesh torn. Steve still, too still; Steve’s skin under Eddie’s hands when he can’t find a pulse because Eddie’s shaking, same as now how Eddie is fucking shaking—
Eddie knows all those things. They’re so long ago, now, so distant but his fucking cells will never forget every single moment he saw the man he loves bigger than his own goddamn life hurt like that; be risked like that. Be lost like—
And that’s the difference. That’s what is unravelling him as he speeds through the streets quicker than he should, probably breaking more laws than he could count and definitely more than he gives a shit to notice: it’s the losing.
Because the first times, even the times that came after Steve was his: they didn’t come with the loss of so much time, so much of themselves, so much glorious life that they’d built between them, the struggles and the triumphs, the hard choices and the easy things that weren’t choices at all: everything hand-in-hand, every night spent curled around each other, all of them, all of him, inside that chest since he was twenty fucking year old, and Eddie doesn’t just not know how to be outside of what he shares with Steve.
Eddie doesn’t think his own heart can survive, if if Steve’s isn’t next to him.
Eddie’s damn fucking sure no part of him would want to.
It takes him a minute to steady himself enough to get out of the car, once he finally reaches the ER. Steady his body, but more his fucking soul because the whole of him is shaking, is crying out, is wailing unfettered and breaking because he’s terrified, he is goddamn terrified of what he’s going to find when he walks in but he has to, he has to because whatever awaits him, that’s his husband, that is the love of his whole goddamn life and if the worst is going to come for him he’ll face it like he’s faced everything else: at Steve Harrington’s side.
If the worst comes for one of them, then it came for them both.
So he’s stumbling, shuddering, but resolute in his chest when he flies through the sliding doors, eyes still swimming, unfocused but he makes himself take a deep breath—it takes a few tries, and he doesn’t quite succeed, it’s still a tremorous thing and his lungs are still in revolt, but it’s something, and he’ll take something; he has to to take something—
He almost doesn’t register it, the voice from the sick-spiral of his memories, all the love on the table to be forfeit—
He almost doesn’t register that his name’s not coming from inside his head.
“Oh my god, what happened?” There’s a flurry over motion in front of him, and he blinks rapidly to try and pin it down because it looks familiar, it smells familiar, it aches familiar in his chest but:
“What is it, what’s wrong?” and fuck, it feels familiar when a hand reaches for his cheek where it’s still damp, tacky for the tears; when another hand slides itself into Eddie’s and draws him in, a hand that fits like no other hand in this world or any other, ever—
“Are you okay?”
And the hand on his cheek turns him and follows his eyes and it takes that long for him to clear his vision properly, but now he’s just blinking so much because that, that can’t be, even if it feels in every goddamn way like it really is, but it can’t…
It can’t be Steve here, whole and on his feet and looking at Eddie with so much worry, so much heart as he tilts Eddie’s chin a little this way, that way, squints to try and see…something.
Eddie’s breath tears out of him in a wet fucking gasp;
“Am I okay?”
Because Eddie’s really not the one to fucking worry about here, Steve had—
“You’re in a hospital, Eds, that’s not usually where you go when you’re okay,” Steve’s eyes widen as he he slides both hands now to Steve’s head, holding him still and assessing…something, maybe, Jesus: Eddie doesn’t know, but he does know that the touch on him now makes his…makes his heart feel safe and he’d been fucking terrified he’d never feel that again.
“Fuck, what happened, baby, did you hit your,” and fingers are dancing gentle across points on Eddie’s skull, so delicate and careful and he can’t fucking help it—
“Are you real?”
Because he needs to know, he needs to know with words because this feels…this feels right and warm and impossible but also true, so.
He needs to know. “Am I…?” Steve’s lips part and his brow furrows before his jaw clenches in that dependable way he has of squaring up to the monster at hand, no matter the kind.
“Shit,” he breathes out slow but then he nods: resolved; “shit, okay. Okay, let’s find—“
“You are real,” and it turns out Eddie didn’t actually need him to say it. He just needed to see the flash in Steve’s eyes when he was ready to take on the world for the sake of love, the way he positions himself a little different in front of Eddie as he keeps one hand at Eddie’s cheek but then slides to brace more at his neck, purposeful, like he’s splinting a wound or something, and then a hand grabs for Eddie’s own again and: oh.
Oh yes. That is Steve Harrington, living and breathing and solid and real, because no one else protects like this.
No one.
Eddie’s heart stumbles, jackrabbits around a little, almost like a reset: like it knows as the implications sink in to Eddie’s mind that it’s not destined to break anymore.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees too easily, distracted as he tugs the gentlest bit at Eddie’s hand, toward the nurse’s station; “yeah, and we should—“
“And you’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” Steve shrugs it off, but Eddie…Eddie’s vision is clearing. His pulse is settling. He can hear above the static and his limbs are getting lighter.
“You’re one-hundred-percent okay, not a scratch on you, not a single thing wrong,” he needs to make sure, like, so fucking sure.
“I am fine, Eddie,” Steve turns to look him straight on, exasperated and anxious and vibrant with it, so alive in it; “but you’re—“
Eddie’s hand moves almost without his conscious consent, definitely without a plan to grab at Steve’s arm and pinch his skin because Eddie was vaguely toying with the idea of pinches himself, and maybe with poking Steve a few extra times to make sure he didn’t disappear, but apparently his brain landed on: pinch Steve, avoid confirmation bias if your head wants to lie enough to make him real just you you, because you need him that bad.
Steve startles, and turns those beautiful brilliant bronze eyes on Eddie, stretches wide as he gapes a little at his husband.
Eddie…Eddie is here, in front of his living-breathing-gorgeously-aghast husband.
“Okay, oww,” Steve drops Eddie’s hand and pulls back, leaving Eddie’s head to its own devices as he looks a little shocked, shooting just shy of a glare Eddie’s way: full of questions.
Eddie—now that the biggest one’s solved, and solved so perfect, so gentle and sure and he doesn’t have to bury the soul of him; he doesn’t have to bury his soul—but now?
Eddie also has some fucking questions.
“Where’s your phone?” seems the most relevant to start with.
Steve blinks, frowns a little:
“It got lost in the crash—“
“Crash?” Eddie’s tone pitches up to squeak a little because: Steve’s here and whole in from of him, yes. But fuck, there was still a crash? He was—
“Not mine, my car’s still parked at fucking Jiffy Lube,” Steve adds with a huff; “I saw it happen so I stopped and—“
And Eddie knows his husband. He knows his husband better than he knows himself, and Eddie’s kinda made it a point of pride for how self-aware he’s grown to be these days, in living this life and loving Steve beyond the bounds of living at all. But he knows his Steve, and so he knows damn well what happened.
Car runs into car. Steve sees it and jumps out to help. Because Steve Harrington is a protector. Steve Harrington is a helper. Steve Harrington is the best man Eddie’s ever known.
Soon as he jumped into the fray, he wouldn’t have thought once about a fucking phone.
And Eddie, Eddie just, he needs to—
He grabs Steve’s hands and wraps them around his own waist, lets them go and then pulls Steve tight to his chest and buries his face in Steve’s shoulder as Eddie winds his way around his husband, feels him breathing, feels the tickle of his hair.
“You’re gonna kill me, Stevie,” Eddie whimpers, that going tight now all over again:
“You’ve got the biggest heart of fucking gold the world’s ever seen,” he moans into Steve’s collar; “and you’re going to fucking kill me.”
Steve doesn’t say anything, but his hands move up to rub Eddie’s back, rote and learned and he might not wholly get, yet, what Eddie’s putting together, and where Eddie’s head’s been, what his heart’s been through, but the first thing he knows, and does like clockwork, is to love of his partner, to soothe him even if he doesn’t know what for.
“Someone found your phone, and they, umm,” Eddie licks his lips, takes a suffering breath and tries to straighten but he’s not ready, not yet: he slumps right back onto Steve’s shoulder:
“They called the studio.”
“Shit,” Steve hisses, bunches his hands in Eddie’s shirt and draws him tighter to his chest: “shit, they interrupted,” and oh, fuck no, fuck regretting the interruption—
“They told me they found it at a crash site,” Eddie grits out, the hurt of it still raw, like just saying the words no matter where they landed in trust, just recalling those minutes that felt like full nightmarish lifetimes, reopens the tender wounds it’d left in hims; “they found it with the case broken,” and Steve leans back, then, eyes saucers as he meets Eddie’s gaze, breath catches harsh.
“Oh,” Steve whispers, eyes darting back and forth between Eddie’s, taking the whole of him in and then he exhales so heavy:
“Oh, babe,” he murmurs, fucking mournful before he takes his hands and links them behind the base of Eddies’ skull and draws him in to the center of his chest, envelopes him there whole: “come here.”
And Eddie falls into that chest—rising-falling-living—he falls into Steve so fucking fast
“I am totally fine, I promise you,” Steve breathes again Eddie’s ear, close and dear and real: “car’s fine—“
“I don’t fucking care about the car—“ Eddie tenses up, appalled at the implication that he gave one single goddamn thought to the car— “No, like, as proof,” Steve’s quick to correct him, to ease the hackles on him; “I wasn’t in the crash, but it was pretty bad and,” Steve shrugs a little then adds soft: “I keep my first aid certs up to date for a reason, I figure, right?”
Jesus; yes, okay. Steve’s savior complex had largely mellowed to a non-interdimensional-threat level with time but he’s meticulous about keeping every skillset he’d gone out of his way to learn from professionals before they’d gone up against the Upside Down for the last time sharp and at the ready for anything: even now.
Fuck, but this beautiful, brilliant, impossible man.
“I was helping, best I could, until the EMTs got there,” Steve tells him softly, fills in the gaps because he knows Eddie’s mind, all the pictures it paints for itself, and in times like these it’s always the worst possible pictures—he knows Eddie needs the slate wiped clean with the truths, blessedly softer, in this:
“Police wanted me to stick around for a statement but the girl who was driving the first car, she was so panicked and she didn’t want to go alone so, umm,” Steve huffs a little, shifts against Eddie gentle and solid and here: “she said she knew me, she was pretty desperate I think, so I rode here with her,” and of course he did, of course he did because he’s Steve; “now I’m just waiting to make sure she gets out of surgery okay,” he squeezes Eddie then, like a punctuation, and it feels so, so fucking good; “also still have to give the goddamn statement, but fuck knows that’s just hurry-up-and-wait,” he turns, and he kisses Eddie’s hair then and Eddie feels something snap in him, give way and the lingering tension spill from his frame as he gasp a little on a breathy exhale:
“I love you so much,” and he does, god: god, but how much he loves this man.
“I love you too, baby,” Steve mouths against his head and Eddie closes his eyes and nuzzles his a little closer as he puts it into words, because it feels like he needs to, it feels like in Steve’s arms like this, pressed up close to him to feel this undeniable life in him: it feels like the coast is clear enough to risk it, to confess:
“I was so fucking scared,” and the words only break a little, and that’s more than Eddie honestly expected.
“I am so sorry,” Steve bows his chin down to graze lips against Eddie’s hairline, delicate and intimate and shivery, trembly down Eddie’s spin for the best of reasons, now.
“Not your fault,” Eddie’s quite to counter, to make clear, because: “shit, you didn’t do anything, I just…”
Eddie makes himself pull back and meet Steve’s eyes, reaches out to frame his face, dear and desperate:
“I can’t lose you,” he moans a little, begs a little, says it with a bare line of something primal echoing in it, scraped straight from his bones: “I cannot ever lose you.”
“I know,” Steve turns and kisses one of his palms, and those two words hold the promise of five more they’ve said so many times, and held so true between them for so many year, through so fucking much:
It’s the same for me.
And to be loved the same as he loves is a fucking privilege; it’s heady and it’s wonderful and Eddie needs it, needs Steve, more than goddamn air.
“Sit with me?” Steve covers Eddie’s hands with his at his cheeks, and nods a little toward the blessedly-quiet collection of chairs by the windows; “while I wait?”
“Nowhere else I’d go,” Eddie says it like the given that it is, and pulls Steve close to kiss him full, to press his lips to Steve’s and drink his warmth, his breath, to feel it sink int past his heart and pump through his veins:
“Not ever, Stevie,” he speaks against Steve’s lips, all of him in it, every vow inside it:
“Not ever.”
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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mimixmunson · 3 months
Steve “can we listen to music to help me sleep?” Harrington and Eddie “Sure thing” *plays the most hardcore rock song ever* Munson<3
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genyasglockk · 2 years
steve and eddie calling each other steven and edward even though neither of their names is actually short for anything.
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sundaynightlive · 10 months
Soft (Steddie + Platonic Stobin)
Hey Steve?”
“Can I say something? And can you promise not to get mad at me?”
Steve looks over at her curiously. He can hardly imagine what she could say that would really upset him, or why she’d feel the need to preface anything she had on her mind with a question like that. Usually, she’s all gung-ho about pissing him off—it’s just how they are, constantly bickering like an old married couple. Steve really doesn’t blame anyone for thinking they’re together—they sure act like it, in a roundabout sort of way.
“Say you promise.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“Seriously, Rob, I’m not gonna—”
“Say you promise.”
That actually slightly unnerves him. He keeps his eyebrows raised, but relents.
“Alright, I promise.” She shifts in her seat, glances up at Eddie and the kids on stage, all chattering about something he doesn’t understand—attack rolls? Natural 20s? Owlbears?
“He makes you soft,” she says. Steve follows her gaze.
Oh. She noticed.
Steve tends to be oblivious, but he had noticed this, mostly because it was so… new. Irregular. Confusing. Around Eddie he just… softens. That’s about the best way to describe it—he’s glad Robin said so, because now he can put a name to the feeling. His brain seems to stop its mile-a-minute, mamma-bear rampage and just… quiet. He can’t put a finger on why—well he can, but it’s… a lot. He’s spent many a night staring up at the ceiling, trying to discern whether he really is romantically attracted to Eddie, or if he’s projecting. Maybe he’s been alone so long he just can’t tell anymore. Maybe his and Nancy’s little dance around each other is just confusing to the point of insanity.
But Robin noticed. And they should talk.
“Can we move back a few rows?”
They stand and none of the kids nor Eddie take notice. Their voices are getting progressively louder, and Ed is perched in his chair like he could spring up on to the table at any moment, hands motioning excitedly in all sorts of ways. He talks with his hands, just like Nance and Robin.
“Are you mad?”
“No,” Steve says as they take seats in the mid-section, a little farther towards the back of the auditorium. He settles in, both to the seat and his own uncomfortability, not sure how to start the things he needs to say. He has questions, answers, concerns—but where to begin?
The beginning, probably.
“Do you remember that night the three of us were hanging and then Vickie came and picked you up and I told you I left right after?”
“I didn’t.”
He looks over to make eye-contact with her, and finds just Rob, gazing at him. A little curiosity, a little surprise at his blatant lie—but he hadn’t known how to talk to her about it. Or how to explain himself. He had thought it easier just to hide that he and Eddie could ever get along without her, because she felt like an essential intermediary. A reason that it isn’t what it actually is.
He can’t really explain himself. He doesn’t really get why he lied, either.
“Liar,” Rob accuses, but there’s no bite.
“I stayed,” Steve confirms, breaking their shared gaze to look back out toward Ed. He’s got this feeling in his guts like he’s about to get into trouble, like he’s broken one of his mom’s nice antiques and is about to lose his swimming pool privileges—
“We talked for the entire night. Until six in the morning. And then I went home, and I wanted to call him. And I… I’ve been having these thoughts like maybe I like him? And I don’t get it because—” Robin takes his hand “—I like girls, you know? I know I do, you know I do—”
“Can I interrupt? Just a two second thought.” Steve nods, “Some people like boys and girls, it’s called being bisexual. I just want you to have that in mind for the rest of this conversation.” Steve blinks at her. Nods slowly.
Maybe he should’ve gone to her sooner.
Not maybe. Definitely.
“Okay… right. So… I’m fucking stupid,” Steve breathes. Robin shakes her head vigorously, adding a second hand to the mix.
“No no no,” she insists quickly, “But I want you to—“
“No, I like him,” Steve realizes, a million—maybe a billion—thoughts and feelings invading him all at once. Fear, uncertainty, excitement, relief, anxiety—he can’t even latch on to one of those. He doesn't know how to feel or think or anything except for this stark, pervasive understanding— “Holy shit, Robin.”
“Steve, you’re getting ahead of yourself—”
“No, I’m not,” Steve shakes his head, kind of probably in shock, “No, I… I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks. I should’ve just… Oh my god.”
He puts his free hand over his face, absolutely mortified. Not about liking Eddie, of course, but because he had stupidly never considered that liking girls didn’t automatically make him unable to like guys.
Jesus, he's an idiot.
“I’m sorry,” Robin says, and for what, Steve has no idea. She’s just fixed his whole problem—or at least, half the problem. Now he has a crush he has to deal with, and of course Nancy, but at least— “It’s not a bad thing, though. I know it’s a lot to deal with and if you need anything I’m here. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“Rob, I’m fine,” Steve assures her, “Other than having a fucking pathetic crush on Eddie.”
“So… you’re good with liking guys?” Steve looks up at her, sighing again for what feels like the hundredth time in this conversation.
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s just I totally could’ve been doing something about it if I had just asked you sooner.”
Robin stares at him.
He stares back.
What, is he supposed to have some sort of breakdown? He’s had all sorts of thoughts about Billy and Tommy and Harrison Ford—of course he likes guys. Of course that’s not a “straight person” thing, he’s not stupid. But if he’d just applied a tiny bit of critical thinking—
“Are you serious right now?”
“Of course I’m serious,” Steve scoffs, “I could’ve already had, like, eight boyfriends if I had just thought about it. But I’m a fucking meathead.”
The unintentional hilarity of that statement doesn’t miss either of them, but now’s probably not the time.
She stares.
He stares back.
“You astound me, Harrington.”
“Do you think Eddie likes guys?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Of course I’m—seriously, do you think he likes dudes?”
“I hate that you just said dudes.”
“How many times has he suggested we watch Rocky Horror?”
“Enough for us to shorten the name.”
“There’s your answer,” she says, still sounding flabbergasted at his nonchalance, “Man, I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I cried for forty-eight hours after I realized I liked girls.”
“Do you want me to cry?”
Robin grimaces, “You’re right, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought.”
She shakes her head, clearly done with him. It’s uniquely comforting how quickly she can go from a supportive shoulder to a hateful best-friend. He admires that about her, the many facets of her personality that make her, her. He truly doesn’t know what he’d do without her. He wishes they had talked in high school, that he could’ve been someone else in those days, especially seeing where being the “coolest guy in town” has really gotten him.
Nowhere, that’s where.
“I love you,” he says. She’s still holding his hand, and she stays holding it.
“I love you, too.”
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Steddie going to bed when hellfire sleepover are like an old married couple. Both of them sat up in the double bed, Steve has a roller in his hair and doing the crossword, Eddie with glasses perched on his nose reading up on new dnd concepts. Eddie shouting through the walls when he can hear to kids up late ‘KEEP IT DOWN! YOUR MOM HAS WORK IN THE MORNING’
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tboygareth · 8 months
89 and Steddie 😌
hiiii baby!!! i love this prompt thank you sooooo much!!
89. “YOU SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED WHILE I WAS IN A WORK MEETING!” word count: 941 tags: modern au, nsfw, mastubation, references to Dom/sub dynamics
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After pressing send, Eddie just… waited. He knew he would be waiting for a while, because he knew that Steve was in a meeting right now, but… oh, the reaction he was going to get from that was going to be heavenly. 
Eddie didn’t usually take nudes. Not because he thought they were tacky or anything, he just… he didn’t really care to take the time to set up anything special, and sending Steve a picture of his hard cock in his fist just seemed like twenty somethings shit. They were above that. They were married for fuck’s sake. Who sends their husband a bad picture of their hard dick in their fist at thirty five years old, y’know?
This one was good, though. Eddie had just gotten out of the shower after knocking out a couple chapters of the new novel he was writing, and his skin was glistening with water droplets. The sunlight that was coming through the bedroom window was hitting Eddie’s skin just so, and so he stood in front of their full length mirror and snapped a few pictures on his phone. His cock and balls looked terrific, if Eddie could be so fucking bold - wet and heavy and half hard after spending his entire shower thinking about Steve.
Maybe later, when Steve got home from work, he would be in such a frenzy over the pictures that he would just have to rip all of his husband’s clothes off and have his wicked way with him.
Laying back on the bed, Eddie tugged at himself a few times at the thought, bringing himself to full hardness in a few short strokes. He could picture it now, Steve getting out of his meeting and seeing the photos, his face turning that lovely shade of red it so often did when he was turned on in public. He would call Eddie, compliment the picture, promise things for when he gets home.
Eddie was fully hard now, precome leaking from his slit as he really got into it. With his head thrown back, fucking into his fist, Eddie groaned. He thought of Steve again, how Steve’s been having a hard time keeping his hands off of Eddie for weeks now, how he would get home from work every day recently wanting to lay Eddie out on the bed and fuck him till dinnertime.
Eddie wasn’t exactly gonna complain. He loved Steve, he loved sleeping with Steve. The things they did together was like nothing Eddie had ever done before with a lover. 
When he thought about their sex life, Eddie was reminded of all the firsts he’d shared with Steve; the first time Steve tied him up, the first time Steve choked him, the first time Steve bent him over his lap and spanked him. Eddie had called Steve Daddy more than he ever even called his own father that as a child and y’know what? Good. 
Eddie was starting to get into it now, thinking about Steve fucking into him from behind, from above him, from below him while Eddie ride his cock. He was pumping his fist, stroking himself, the sound of it wet in the quiet of their bedroom. His chest was hot with sweat, the sensation of his approaching release beginning to build in his balls and his gut, and just when Eddie was almost there, his phone rang.
“Hey, baby,” he panted into the phone. “Thinkin’ about you right now.”
Steve’s tone brought Eddie up short. He sounded accusatory. He sounded mad.
“Uh, yeah? Why, did you not like them?”
Steve sighed. “No. Babe. I loved them. Obviously. But you know who didn’t like them? Human fucking Resources. The founding goddamn partners of the firm. I could have lost my fucking job just now, Eddie.”
Oh. Oh shit.
“Oh, shit, sweetheart, what happened?”
Eddie’s stomach dropped and he was… soft. Eddie was laying there, butt ass naked on their bed with his flaccid dick in his hand, his heart pounding at the idea of Steve’s bosses - whom Eddie had alreadt met several times at the office holiday parties - seeing pictures of Eddie’s cock. How the fuck would that even happen?
“So you know my MacBook is attached to my phone, right? That’s kinda the whole thing with Apple products?”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh, shit. I was fucking presenting my proposal, Eds. It’s the end of the fucking quarter. We’re making numbers, thanks to me, and this proposal… goddammit, Eddie. We had to call a stop to the meeting. The pictures, they…”
“Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah. They were cropped… not well.” Steve sighed again. “I hope you’re embarrassed and I hope you know you’re going to be hearing about it at the Christmas party this year.”
“Jesus Christ. Did anyone see my dick?”
“Yeah!” Steve laughed, but there was no humor in it. “Everyone saw your dick. God, at least it’s a nice dick. One of the women on my team congratulated me.”
Eddie groaned. “Was it Sandra?”
“How long’s it gonna be till people at work can laugh about it?”
“Oh, Eds, I’m pretty sure they’re already laughing about it. I did have to meet with HR, though. You can’t be doing that shit.”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighed. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Other than that, how’d the meeting go?”
And Steve laughed. It was a beautiful sound, that laugh. It was like music. And Eddie has always loved music. Almost as much as he loved Steve.
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starrystevie · 1 year
hi can I request the valentine prompt for steddie with: I could marry you right now
thank you :)
"i could marry you right now."
steve freezes, his fork halfway to his mouth, and looks at eddie over the candlelight. he has his eyes closed while he comically over-chews to show how much he loves the pasta with his curls bouncing around every time he turns his head for dramatic flair. eddie grins and opens his eyes, flashing a wink over to his boyfriend before taking another bite.
he knows his own eyes must be as big as the dinner plates on the table with eddie's words bouncing around in his now empty head. the ring box that's felt heavy in his pocket through the whole evening feels even heavier now.
"i take it it's good?" is all steve can come up with, muttering out the question before shoving his own forkful of fettucine into his mouth. it is good, he knows it is, he's been working on perfecting the recipe for weeks now. this whole valentine's day has been in the works for the last 4 months, starting with the dinner plans and ending with finally paying off the silver band that's currently burning a hole through his slacks.
"good? steve, i would have your babies if i could and tell them as soon as they're old enough that they are only here because of this pasta."
eddie slurps up a noodle and steve chokes on his own. something burns bright and fierce in his chest, like his last bite held a star that found a home in his heart.
he can see it, is what it is. he can see them with a couple of kids running around their too-small house, eddie chasing after them, curls of all different colors flying in the wind. he can see eddie shushing a tiny little thing in his arms while steve helps another with math homework at their kitchen table, something bubbling over on the stove. he can see all of them piling into their bed one stormy night, someone tucked under his arm and another curled up on his chest with eddie telling tall tales to scared faces in an attempt to distract them from the thunder booming outside. he can see it, and it's all he could ever possibly want.
"i love you," steve blurts out, suddenly a bit more teary than he expects. eddie looks up, his teasing face smoothing into something softer, something lovely.
"i love you too, baby."
steve's fork drops onto the plate with a loud crash as he fumbles to stand up on his hopefully still functioning legs. eddie startles and flinches but steve's there just like he always will be, a hand on his shoulder to sooth him back down. he bends down and places the smallest of kisses to eddie's lips, thumb stroking over the bit of skin at his collarbone that he can reach.
"i hope it's not just the pasta or the wine talking," he starts as he lowers himself to one knee, his free hand tugging out the velvety box from his pocket. it's now eddie who's eyes grow big and beautiful and god, steve could stay on his knees like this and look at him everyday for the rest of his life if eddie would just keep looking at him like that-
"steve," eddie breathes out, watery smile and all.
"you said you could marry me, so i hope the offer still stands."
the band is small, shiny silver with a few miniscule diamonds for eddie and alexandrites for steve inlayed in the vine going though the center of it. the candle light gleams off the gems sending broken specks of shimmering light to dance over eddie's flushed cheeks. the ring shakes in his hand as he pulls it out, holding it up for the love of this and every life to see.
the small but there nod eddie gives steve is the only answer he needs as he grabs eddie's hand, slipping the band onto the only finger it could ever fit, sealing it with a kiss that starts the rest of their lives.
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angelynmoon · 11 months
Steddie prompt that I want to read but don't think I could write at the moment. (If it inspires you feel free to write, just do an inspired by thing)
Steve is a prince who would sneak out of the palace to mingle with commoners.
Along the way he meets Dustin and his friends, whose parents had been called away to other countries to make money for their families, leaving their children to the care of family or friends that had since died or abandoned the children.
Steve couldn't take them home but he could keep them provided for.
Anyway, at one point the kids meet Eddie and introduce him to Steve, they fall in love and when Eddie tells him that he's going to take the kids off to find out what happened to their parents, Steve decides to run away with them.
Cue epic quest, where at one point a ritual happens that marries Steve to Eddie to save his life and Steve's has to reassure Eddie he's never been happier.
After finding most of the parents, or finding that they died at one point over time, they begin making their way back to their home kingdom.
Then they hear the their king and queen have died, (finally, most of them think) only Steve now has to tell his friends that he has to stop by the palace, he intends to abdicate in favor of an old friend that he was once betrothed to (Nancy, because he knows she'd be ghost ruling anyway) but he's perfectly happy going on adventures with his husband and the kids they adopted, he doesn't want to be king.
Eddie never lets the king/prince thing go.
Years later on the edge of a kingdom lives an odd couple who sell honey, flowers and trinkets at market, and the elder of the married couple calls his husband your majesty or highness to eyerolls and fond smiles.
The villages find it sweet and endearing and they never know that the younger gave up a kingdom for one silly man who entertains the children with stories or playful quests to pick flowers or some other gift for their king who, by chance, is always played by their leader's husband.
And it may not be a conventional happy ever after that most people think princes get, but it's a happy ever after nonetheless.
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finntheehumaneater · 3 months
Hello hello I'm here to ask about domestic steddie bcs omg I love them. And like the little marriage proposal fic let was adorable!! Was wondering if you had any ideas how eddie/Steve would actually propose. Also also they're so silly and in love I feel like they'd be the kind of couple to play silly pranks on each other and be so goofy and just so so so in love
hallo hallo! I’m so glad you liked it, I wrote it sitting on the bathroom floor half-asleep while trying not to pass out from cramps, so I’m surprised it has coherent sentences and isn’t just words lmao 🩵
Eddie was the one to propose because Steve had already decided that they were married, and he wanted to be the one to actually do something about it.
In comparison to all of the proposals that have ever happened in the history of time, it was kind of lame—but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t also super fucking sweet and personal.
He, Steve, and Wayne went back to Hawkins on a trip to go see one of Wayne’s old friends at the holidays, and Eddie took Steve out for dinner (not a super fancy place, it was probably Enzo’s lmao) and then they went out for a walk while Wayne and his friends talked, and that’s when Eddie proposed.
Steve’s reaction was kind of just “yeah…sure. Yes.” At first and Eddie thought that was kind of weird—but also not really because Steve knew he was going to propose soon anyways—but as soon as they got back to their room (Wayne was staying with the friend and they were at a hotel because the trailer was too small for all three of them to stay over) Steve fell onto the bed and just stated sobbing because he was so fucking happy.
Eddie went and showered and just let Steve cry for a while and then they went to bed. They didn’t tell Wayne about it until like…two weeks later, because Steve thought that Eddie had already told him, and he didn’t want to be annoying about the fact that he and Eddie were getting married.
also yes, Steve once used the “find and replace” function on Eddie’s laptop to change the words around in his novel (and changed them back after Eddie found out, he’s not evil), he loves to fuck with him.
DSAU MasterList
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strawberryspence · 2 years
i thought my steddie brainrot is dying but i guess not. i was watching this modern family episode where the state of california finally legalizes gay marriage. cam and mitch try to one up each other on proposing to each other and my mind just went THIS BUT WITH STEDDIE.
They wake up just like any other day before Steve's iphone (damn) is ringing annoyingly and it's Max screaming on the other line that it's finally legalized! Eddie and Steve don't immediately jump to the "yay we can get married!" but more to the "yay people are finally truly seeing us!"
Eddie leaves to open the store and Steve goes to the daycare he works in. It's a normal day.
But Steve already has a plan. It's already been laid out, it's been planned for years now and all he needs to do is to execute it. He tasks Robin and Max to help him. Asks Eddie out for dinner that night before he leaves.
On the other hand, Eddie's just having the best day. The pride flag hung outside his record shop seems more vibrant than ever, when Nancy comes stalking in the shop, asking him about his plans.
"Come on! You told me Steve's been saying he wants you to be more romantic! This is your chance, Eds!" And Nancy is right, because well, when was she ever wrong? Anyway, Eddie tasks Nancy and Dustin to help him plan the proposal that same night.
Eddie calls Steve, asking him to go get lunch with him at the same place where they first ate when they first moved to California. It's a dingy little diner but it's been their favorite restaurant. Steve smells the proposal as soon as he parks his car on the parking lot and sees Nancy's car parked in the back alley. He calls Eddie with some excuse, saying he can't come.
Steve tells him to just meet him at their favorite formal restaurant, it's a place overlooking a cliff, it's the same place they eat at for every big milestone. Opening the store, getting promoted, the kids having kids, Wayne finally getting together with Claudia, those kinds of stuff. Eddie clocks the proposal right away when he sees Steve wearing a buttondown and his best pair of pants. Eddie feigns nausea and says he might actually vomit from the heights.
Steve calls Robin and launches Plan B. The backup plan was Robin and Max will put two rocking chairs in front of their old fireplace with two beers and a vinyl. Robin asks why, Steve tells her why. He was only 20, 5 months fresh out of the hospital when they need to fight Vecna again. The night before that, they have a big sleepover. While everyone was asleep Steve and Eddie slipped out to get a smoke.
He remembers the fear, the way Eddie's hand shook as they share a cigarette, the way the pale moon lit his face.
"Hey, if we ever get out of here alive, what do you want to do?" Steve asks, Eddie shrugs.
"Dunno know. I don't even plan on going past 23." It breaks Steve's heart, breaks it into a million pieces and suddenly, he wants to fight for Eddie.
"Come on. Just imagine. You're 50. What do you want to do?" Steve prods, making Eddie look back at him. His eyes search Steve's face, his eyes twinkling from the stars.
"I don't know. Maybe have a couple of beers with you. In front of a fire place. In a rocking chair. Playing an old vinyl I stole from Wayne."
It's so specific, so special. It's just for the two of them. Steve wants to be courageous, so he grabs Eddie by the lapels of his leather jacket and kisses him like the world is ending.
That's Plan B.
Eddie calls Nancy and Dustin for Plan B. Of course, there's a Plan B. Eddie asked Nancy Wheeler and Dustin Henderson for help. Eddie instructs her to go into their shared bedroom and bombard it with stick on glow in the dark stars.
When Nancy asks why, Eddie tells her why. He remembers being 21, just 5 months fresh from the hospital and having to go into hell again to fight this monster that brought him to his family.
The world is ending tomorrow and Steve Harrington is kissing him under the bright stars. When they pull away, the stars doesn't even compare to the way Steve lights up, the way his eyes shone in the dark and the way he just looked at Eddie like he was the stars.
That's Plan B.
Nancy, Robin, Dustin and Max all die of laughing when they all bump into each other in the Harrington-Munson house. They talk about how this two idiots have loved each other for so long, survived the world ending together just so they can kiss each other under fake glow in the dark stars or rock on a rocking chair in front of a fire place, and realizes that no one deserved this more than those two.
All plans go out of the window when they get a flat tire. Steve's useless in automobile so Eddie does it, but he accidentally pushes it too far off the edge and it falls down a steep cliff. They laugh, falling in their asses on the road as they wait for help.
They share a single cigarette, they don't usually smoke that much anymore but they had nothing else to do, so they smoke one. The stars above them are shining and twinkling as it looks down at them, the moon smiling along.
"This reminds me of the night before we finally killed Vecna." Steve says, smiling through the smoke.
"You mean, the first time you kissed me?" Eddie smirks, elbowing his boyfriend.
Steve leans down to kiss him and it still feels exactly like the first time they kissed, the only difference is that there's no fear anymore. Just familiarity and comfort and that tenderness that Eddie always has for him.
They break apart, take one look at each other and understand. Steve pulls out a ring as Eddie pulls out his. They laugh and kiss again before slipping each of their ring into each other's finger.
It's a proposal that doesn't need words, doesn't need big gestures because no matter what happens, they've always been meant to be. Ring or without a ring, they've always belonged to each other since that night under those stars.
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corvus-splendens · 2 years
Whatever 85 yr old married couple possesses Steve and Eddie every single time Dustin says something is doing god's work
"It's his tone, right?" is just Steddie for "kids these days"
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tediousdelusion · 2 years
the absolutely most chaotic modern steddy hands au i can imagine is established couple ed and izzy with recently out divorce attorney stede.
like, izzy and ed got married young. maybe because they were drunk in vegas. maybe for the spousal immunity since they are and always have been involved in some less than reputable dealings. but they aren't exactly a "real" married couple in their own minds even tho they live together and their lives are needlessly intermingled.
ed is going through his midlife crisis. he's unhappy, wants to find out that there's more to life. and izzy is done with his shit after the most recent flight of fancy. because i love irony, i think that he buys a boat and comes up with some flimsy justification for why he needs it for "business purposes."
and so izzy threatens divorce, like he has a million times. and ed doesn't buy it because izzy is all talk. but izzy is serious this time - or at least he wants ed to think he's serious - and so he goes and hires a lawyer. not some bus stop lawyer either, no. he wants the real deal and his name is on the joint account, dammit, so ed's money can pay for it too.
enter stede bonnet, divorce attorney at law.
stede is from one of those old legal families. his father was a lawyer and his grandfather was a lawyer and his great-grandfather was... well, you get it. and stede doesn't really want to be a lawyer, but he doesn't have much choice in the matter. his biggest rebellion is practicing family law instead of becoming in house counsel for an investment bank.
for forty-odd years he plays the part of the good son, well after his father is dead. marries the girl he is supposed to, has two kids, a nice house, a steady job. and sure, he's never really happy happy, but he's a divorce attorney! every day he sees marriages so much worse than his own that he figures what he and mary have must be the best a person could hope for.
until woops! actually, no! his marriage is just as bad as half his clients' and now he's going through this whole process himself and oh, yes, on top of it all, he just realized that he's gay!
so between chauffeuring the kids, reading about all the gay culture he's missed in the past four decades, and catching up on his other cases, he ends up meeting one izzy hands. sad case, stede hates to see the end of a long marriage, but it seems easy enough.
except things aren't easy at all because 1) izzy and ed don't actually want to get divorced and 2) stede is starting to fall for ed, izzy's enigmatic and charming husband.
ed is falling for stede, too. of course he is! stede is interesting and new - he comes from this old family tradition that ed's never seen before, but he's also creative and witty and fascinated by ed. and so ed takes it upon himself to help introduce stede to gay culture, preferably by a hands on demonstration.
izzy knows what's going on. of course he does. he's seen ed take interest in someone before, knows what it looks like. but what he doesn't like is that stede is starting to return his interest. stede is izzy's fucking lawyer. if anyone should get to fuck him, it should be izzy.
cue a series of rom-com style hijinks where ed and izzy are both trying to seduce stede, stede is trying to save izzy and ed's marriage, and all three of them think they know what the others want. for more angst and more comedy, you can throw in some actual ethical rules, like how lawyers aren't supposed to start fucking their clients. (there's also a lot of conflict of interest here but shhhhhhhh)
of course, this ends in a throuple. exactly how could go a few ways. maybe izzy walks in on ed and stede and stede is waiting to be fired, but izzy just loosens his tie and joins them in bed. maybe they make it all the way to the first court appearance and when the judge asks if they really want the divorce they're like, nah. he's shagging the lawyer but i guess i want to be fucking him too. maybe stede forces them all to go to lucius sponsored couples counseling and they get perma-banned when they start making out on the couch.
anyway, no matter how it happens, i think stede quits divorce work to become izzy and ed's criminal defense attorney and they all have a long and morally bankrupt good time together
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fictionplumis · 2 years
Here's a fun little idea that's bound to rife with conflict and hijinks, one which I was not planning on writing this much on but I did. If anyone wants to write an actual Steddy Hands thing about this, fucking go for it my dude, but here's my rambling.
A modern AU, maybe a college thing, where Ed and Izzy are roommates, nothing more. But they've known each other for so long they might as well be married, y'know? Ed isn't a very touchy guy, but he's comfortable enough with Izzy to toss himself over Izzy's lap and annoy the shit out of him, and Izzy does the bare minimum of fussing because it's Ed and Ed can do whatever the hell he wants in Izzy's eyes. Izzy does Ed's taxes and makes sure the registration of his motorcycle is updated every year. He knows all of Ed's obscure passwords and makes sure the bills are paid on time. Ed knows Izzy's usual order from every takeout place in a twelve mile radius and then some and goes to most of Izzy's fencing competitions and listens to him rant about his day. 
Izzy is obviously in love, in love, right? Yeah. Everyone knows that. Except Izzy has no idea how to function in that state and truthfully, he's pretty content with things. Does he have sad, rough wanks whenever Edward isn't home? Oh yeah. Does he have sad, rough wanks whenever Edward is home? Of course. Would he be happier and better adjusted if Ed fucked him on the living room floor twice a day? --Why am I even bothering answering these, we know the answer is yes. But even without that, he has Ed, so it's like, fine or whatever. 
And Ed loves Izzy. That's his little shithead. His comfort problematic dickhead. He finds Izzy's dry wit and sarcasm amusing, enjoys mildly inconveniencing him to see him scowl, and just in the most basic forms, loves Izzy. 
Why aren't they a couple then? 
Because, like, they're dumb. Obviously. 
Izzy is an angsty little shit that doesn't think Edward is interested in him like that and is desperate to keep things exactly as they are so he doesn't risk losing Ed. Ed is just content and chill to keep things how they are and doesn't think Izzy is interested in him that way. He's just a sexually repressed little dude in general and Ed isn't going to take advantage of that, not to his best friend, so while he absolutely notices how often Izzy stares at his lips when they get into a heated spat over something, it doesn't mean anything. 
(It absolutely means something.)
Enter Stede Bonnet, the funky dude that shows up one day at one of Jack's parties, IDK. He's all dressed up and just really excited to be a part of the action, guys! Now usually Ed has taken to spending these parties scrolling on his phone, laying on the couch with his head in Izzy's lap because getting wasted and puking over the balcony of Jack's dorm has gotten old. But then he sees this blond angel in a salmon colored blazer and slacks and is like, "Izzy, holy shit," and the next five hours of Izzy's life consists of sitting there between the two of them, nursing a rum and coke that isn't strong enough while those two prattle on about their lives. 
They hit it off instantly. Izzy isn't jealous at first. It's just his usual amount of malice and whenever it rubs Stede the wrong way, Ed just waves it off because that's Izzy, mate, he's always like that. Stede is wary but accepting. Izzy is bored and assumes Edward's infatuation will eventually wear off and things will go back to normal.
For a little bit there's this awkward space where sometimes just Stede and Ed hang out, or a mash of their two friend groups, but it's often the three of them, and Izzy is pretty much just there, off to the side, not really interested in participating, and Edward is mostly focused on Stede, which isn't too much of a problem because he's seen Ed get like that before. They'll fuck or something, and then Edward will lose interest, no biggie.
Now from Stede's perspective, these two are a thing. Which is a shame, because he's really become very attached to Ed, and for a couple they don't really have great communication skills. Izzy always seems jealous and annoyed that his boyfriend is paying so much attention to someone else, and Ed never seems to notice. Usually in a situation like that, Stede might try to draw Izzy into the conversation, or draw Ed's attention to Izzy but-- 
But Izzy's kind of a bitch. 
So really, it's Izzy's own fault that Ed wants to pay attention to someone who isn't a bitch. Like let your boyfriend have friends, Izzy, damn. Ed's at least making an effort to make sure Izzy is around, watching movies with them, dragging him out places and such. Surely a good boyfriend would try to engage. So that's on Izzy. 
But then during a movie night a week and a half in or something, Ed kisses him. In front of Izzy. And Stede's brain kind of short-circuits, meanwhile Izzy hardly bats an eye. He'd been kind of assuming Stede and Edward had been macking on each other anyway, just not around him, and when Stede gets all flustered and it looks like Edward is interested in taking things a bit further, Izzy just stands himself up, says, "Yeah, you two have fun, I'm out," and heads for his room because fucking finally. Now Edward can get this out of his system and things can go back to being normal.
Stede's whole concept of things suddenly shifts. 
Clearly, Stede is now in a throuple. 
Which he's down with! It's just... Even if this is more of a Stede/Ed and Ed/Izzy dynamic, he really should learn more about his partner's partner, right? It's polite. So while Izzy spends the next week warily eyeing Stede and Ed, waiting for the attraction to wear off, Stede is spending his alone time with Ed asking about Izzy, and spending their time as the three of them trying to get to know Izzy.
It's... Not easy. Because Izzy suddenly seems more bristly now that Stede is officially part of the dynamic, more resentful that Edward is spending so much time with the new guy, and Stede gets it! Ed doesn't mean to, he's sure, it's clear whenever Ed talks about Izzy that there's a lot of love there and he's used to Izzy's eccentricities and doesn't have a problem with Izzy's standoffish attitude--and the way Ed talks about Izzy, he's someone Stede could easily come to like himself! Stede has no problem with a bit of attitude directed his way, just... Maybe a bit less purposely biting? And maybe not constantly. He'd like to have actual conversations with Izzy, like Ed does, and some comfortable but companionable silences, a bit of dry yet playful bantering and such. Surely Ed really doesn't mean to spend more of his time with Stede than Izzy, it's just that Ed is pretty easily distracted and these two really aren't the best at communication. 
Now, did Stede ever ask if Ed and Izzy were a thing? No. Did he ask if he  was now involved in a throuple? Also no. Did he ask if Izzy was okay with Stede being involved with Edward? Yeah, actually. He asked Ed first, specifically, "Are you sure Izzy is okay with this?" to which Ed was like, "Pssh, yeah, 'course, why wouldn't he be?" and then he later asked Izzy, "Hey, are you actually okay with... This?" and Izzy gave him a nasty look and said, "I don't fucking care what Edward gets up to." You know, like a liar. And Stede just assumed they knew exactly what he meant.
All this to say that Stede is equally fucking terrible with communication.
However! Stede assumes he's great at it and clearly these two need some help, so he decides he's going to help them become better for each other, and maybe that would make Izzy less unbearable to be around. 
So Stede starts kindly suggesting that maybe Edward make some more time to spend with Izzy one on one, so as to not make him feel left out. He doesn't understand Ed's initial confusion, nor he does he see the resulting fight when Edward confronts Izzy to ask if he said anything bitchy to Stede, because dude, stay the fuck out of my relationship, you've been acting like a dick to him from the beginning. And Izzy says some shit because he's angry and jealous and then he storms out and spends the next three days sleeping on Jackie's couch. 
Stede feels awful, because Ed is all upset about what Izzy said, and while no, it wasn't fair, and Stede is pretty upset about it too, it is kind of his fault. He admits that Izzy didn't say anything to him, he just thought Izzy seemed a little... Jilted. And Stede doesn't want to get in between them like that. It wouldn't hurt to make more of an effort to show Izzy he was cared about, would it? 
And Ed's like, "Well... No. Guess it wouldn't. Guess I haven't really been good at that, just took it for granted that he knew."
They brainstorm some ideas, like having more nights where it's just Ed and Izzy, maybe have a nice dinner in, try to cook for him or order something a little nicer. Make it a weekly thing. And Ed mentions Izzy's competitions and goes to look up when the next one is only to see in it's a couple days and Izzy didn't mention that. He always mentions that. Why didn't he mention that? Shit, fuck, had he really been neglecting Izzy so much that Izzy didn't even think it was worth mentioning his competition? It's a big one, too. Now Ed's all sad again and Stede is like, "This is okay, it's fixable. You know about it now, you can show up and surprise him!" 
So Stede helps Ed make a big sparkly sign that says GIVE 'EM HELL, IZZY! Ed's shown up to most of Izzy's competitions for support, cheers him on, but he's never made a big deal of it like this. The sign is huge, florescent, embarrassing as hell in a way that Ed loves and knew Izzy secretly didn't mind. Stede declines to come, because it really should be about them. 
Stede is so happy he's able to help Ed find ways of being a better boyfriend. 
Ed's so lucky that Stede is willing to help him be a better friend. 
Izzy is... Embarrassed. And flattered. And he's so distracted by Ed showing up with his big sparkly sign that he gets second place when he deserved first but fuck it, it doesn't even matter. 
Ed explains that it was Stede's idea, and that Stede helped him make the sign, and that he's going to try to be a better friend and be there for Izzy more. And that he thinks Izzy should talk about his feelings more, and Ed plans on doing the same, because it's good for them! He cares and he doesn't want Izzy to feel like they never have time to themselves, and this is all Stede's suggestion, he really knows what he's doing, Iz, and he doesn't want our friendship to be strained because of him.
Which Izzy finds so fucking stupid and suspicious and clearly this is Bonnet's way of making himself look better and make Izzy look like the irrational asshole. Or he's just pitying Izzy, and that's just as bad. 
So despite all of Stede's good intentions and Edward's willingness to make time and be more considerate of Izzy's feelings, things do not get better. 
Then we have Lucius!
Now Lucius and Pete are an official thing, but they're open. Pete's not interested in anyone else, but he's supportive of Lucius and when Lucius starts up a somewhat consistent thing with Fang, they talk it out to make sure it's okay, and then they let Fang know that they've talked it out and it's cool. And Fang's talked about it with his platonic partner Ivan to make sure it's okay, and yeah, everyone's cool all around. 
Lucius has been hearing about Stede's relationship off and on in dreary sighs and he's occasionally offered bits of advice that's been mostly ignored and really, he just doesn't want to get involved, because he's met Ed, and Ed is kind of intimidating honestly, and it's just like, absolutely not his business. 
But then he's over at Fang and Ivan's to work on an art assignment when Izzy slams his way in making a fuss over something, and Lucius hears Stede's name a couple times mixed up with curses and shit, and Izzy is an absolute dick to him, and a dick to Fang and Ivan, and when it becomes clear they're too busy to indulge in his bullshit, Izzy goes stomping away muttering about useless fucking shitheads too busy drawing dicks to be of any help. Lucius is like, "What the fuck was that all about?" 
And Ivan rolls his eyes and is like, "Izzy's been going through some shit with his best friend dating this guy..." 
So now Lucius has two wildly inconsistent and dubiously accurate descriptions on what the fuck is going on with Stede. In his brief interaction with Izzy, Lucius has determined that this is a man who's only orgasms come from sad, furtive wanks in his room and it's probably been that way for YEARS now, like Izzy Hands is so sexually frustrated and repressed it's not even funny except for the fact it's actually HILARIOUS, and he's so glad that he never really go involved in this mess, because it means he can get involved now and wreck Izzy's entire life in a way that's very much needed for him. Gonna get that fucker laid.
Lucius becomes an agent of pure chaos on a mission. 
So the next time Stede looks all dour and is sighing a lot, Lucius is like, "Okay, lay it all out for me, what's going on Stede? I want to help." 
And Stede, like... Sort of, vaguely lays it out with the most recent problem and Lucius nods sagely and goes, "You know, maybe you're going about this the wrong way. Maybe instead of trying to keep your life with Ed and Ed's life with Izzy separate, you should be trying to bridge the gap between you and Izzy." And Stede makes a face and Lucius is like, "No, no, hear me out for a second. You said things were a little tense but mostly fine when the three of you were casually hanging out, right? And then it got a little tenser once you and Ed starting spending more time together. It's even worse now that you're giving Ed more time to spend with him away from you. Maybe he doesn't feel left out from Ed, maybe he feels left out from you and Ed. Some people aren't meant to have a boyfriend who has a boyfriend. Some people are meant to have two boyfriends." 
Which makes perfect sense to Stede for some reason. 
So he brings it up to Ed, that maybe they should all three hang out more, like they used to. 
And Ed is like... Tired. 
Because Izzy has been so fucking frustrating, and he doesn't know what the fuck is going on with him anymore, and he's not really sure this is a good idea because Izzy had straight up become hostile and unhinged at this point. Little do they know it's only because Izzy is so fucking confused as to what Stede's GAME is. There has to be a game, right? This has to be some kind of trick. Pity. SOMETHING. And he hates it, he hates not knowing what Stede's intention is, and hates that his suspicions are only making Ed pull away more because Ed doesn't see that something is fucking wrong here, he doesn't see that Stede is probably a conniving little shit that's plotting something and thinks he's so much better than Izzy, but Izzy sees it, he SEES IT DAMMIT.
At least with the three of them hanging out more, maybe Ed will start catching on. 
Stede puts himself in the middle this time, between the two of them. Tries to reach out more Izzy, rope him into the conversation, tries to be friendlier. Is met with nothing but suspicion, confusion, and reluctance because for the life of him, Izzy can't figure out this NEW game. More pity, probably. He doesn't like it. He'd rather it be Ed, but Ed is usually silent and sullen and uncomfortable on the other side of Stede, because he lowkey hates listening to Stede try only for Izzy to continue to be a dick.
A few uncomfortably tense hangouts later, and Stede, in a desperate attempt to bridge the gap, realizes he has spent the entire movie night holding Edward's hand, so he reaches out to take Izzy's too. 
He feels Izzy go completely rigid and chances a glance over at him to see him staring back in absolute bewilderment. Stede gives him a soft smile, equal parts reassuring and imploring, and rubs his thumb over the back of Izzy's hand. 
And all hell breaks loose. 
Izzy's on his feet yelling at Stede. Then Ed is on his feet yelling at Izzy. And Stede isn't even sure what either of them are saying with how they're yelling over each other but he wedges his way between them, tells them to stop, and Ed stops, but Izzy is still livid, still yelling, only this time Stede can hear something about not wanting your fucking pity so he just. Does the stupid thing. And shuts Izzy up with a kiss. 
And it works! 
Izzy is thoroughly shut the fuck up enough that Stede can now go, "I don't pity you, you stupid, stubborn man! I just want us all to get along, for Ed's sake if nothing else! He deserve that, doesn't he?" 
Izzy just stares at him in some mix of horror and shock. So Stede hesitantly glances to Edward to silently ask if this was a normal thing, only to see Edward looking just as bewildered as Izzy had looked over the whole hand holding thing, and Stede realizes, well shit, he might have just crossed a line. Because he knew Izzy was more... Conservative when it comes to PDA. After all, Stede had never see Ed and Izzy so much as kiss in public. They're liberal with touches, or WERE anyway, but even hand holding never happened. 
And he's just like, shit, I crossed a line, didn't I?
Izzy is still processing. Edward is like, "Uh... Maybe? Dunno. I should say yeah. Most people would say yeah. I always thought it would be a line of mine. If you would have asked me where my line was, I would have said yeah man, right the fuck here. Definitely a line. Like. Seeing my boyfriend kiss my best friend should probably be a fucking line but it's not? It's not. Nope. Actually. Pretty chill with that. Maybe not chill, chill probably isn't the right word, I'm not chill right now, but I think if it happened a lot more often I could be chill with it. No, but right now I'm just... Wow, Stede, you really just fucking did that, just went in there and-- Damn. That was kind of hot." 
And Stede is relieved and flattered and like, "Well, I mean... I just thought-- Wait. Wait, hang on. Friend?" 
And Ed's like. "Uh. What?" 
"Friend. You called Izzy your friend." 
And by that point Izzy's brain has started to work again, vaguely, and he mutters a hoarse, "Best friend, he said best friend." 
And Stede is just. Confused at first. And then he thinks about it, about all of it, and the mortification starts seeping in until he wails, "I thought we were both dating Ed!" And when they look confused he flails around a bit and goes, "I thought the three of us were in a relationship! I thought you and Ed were together but open, and then Ed started dating me, and-- and--!" 
Ed catches on first and starts laughing. Izzy catches on and shoves Stede, not hard but Stede lets himself fall back onto the couch as Izzy starts chewing him out for being an idiot and what the fuck made you think something like that, you imbecile!
And Stede's only defense is, "You two acted like a couple who had been together a long time!" 
And Ed's like, "Yeah, 'cause we've been friends forever! But Iz doesn't feel that way about me."
And Izzy's like, "Don't fucking put words in my mouth, you're an imbecile too!" 
Which of course leads to them actually sitting down to have a frank and serious conversation about what the past few months have all been about, and about Ed and Izzy's relationship before that. There's apologies made, heartfelt from Ed and reluctant from Izzy. And when the conversation peters out and Ed mutters, "Okay, so... What now?" Stede looks between the two of them. Ed, with a pinch of guilt in his brows. Izzy, looking away, shoulders set miserably but his jaw clenched in expectation of a blow, and Stede just says, "Why don't we start over? Try this from the top, but this time do it the way I thought we were in the first place. The three of us. I think, now that we all know what's going on... I think maybe we can figure it out this time around."
(Spoiler: They do.)
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sometimes i think about deuxmoi existing in the st universe and people keep trying to get gossip on steve and eddie bc eddie's famous and that's what people do. questions wondering if they've ever cheated or had open relationships etc keep being sent and ppl just come forward speaking about how they were invited to a part steddie was at or ran into them at a restaurant and they can back up that steve and eddie are incredibly in love with one another and are really soulmates.
Oh boy I love this
Had to Google what that was and now I love it
Like every time steve and Eddie get an email from Eddie’s publicist that there’s a new blind item about the two of them going around they get little heart attacks- and it’s not because they don’t trust each other, they’re just neurotic old men.
And then low and behold it’s some restaurant hostess talking about how generously they tip, and how polite and humble they are to staff. Or someone who sat beside them on a place recounting how cuddly they looked, and how when Steve when to the bathroom someone very young and attractive tried to make a move on eddie and how Eddie very calmly, quietly, and politely shit them down with no room for misinterpretation. That he “is not, never will be, and never has been interested in anyone who was not his beloved husband”. How someone was a tour bus driver for coffin and how polite, clean and friendly all the guys and their families were. Someone who was at a Halloween party steddie was at, and how they caught them on numerous occasions watching young women’s drinks for them, escorting people to their cars, and even worrying over and taking care of crying drunk folks. Another person goes to the same gym as them, and recounted how they talk to each others, laugh together pretty much their entire workout, swapping quick pecks and words of praise and affirmation. Someone working at a department store noted how they were locked pinky’s the entire time they shopped, so engaged with eachother and what the other might like.
Occasionally they’re bad. Like someone who swears they saw Steve kissing someone else outside a restaurant. Steve posts a photo of him and Eddie, the same photo at a different angle, where it becomes evident that bun of hair was Eddie’s long locks, up for a rare occasion.
Or that “mystery red head” Eddie was pictured with is an old friend of both of theirs- a married lesbian never the less. Someone, who although five years younger then them, Steve calls his daughter. Or the time steve and Eddie took one of their nieces back to school shopping and Eveyone was convinced eddie had a illegitimate affair love child when there was a photo of just Eddie and the teen while Steve was in the bathroom.
And theyres always the rumor about Steve and Robin. Fuck, that isn’t going anywhere.
Just every story confirms they are the sweetest, most in love couple ever.
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rocknrollsalad · 5 months
💍 steddie holiday drabbles - proposal (ft. buckingham)
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👰 Eddie and Steve think they're fine not getting married, who needs that piece of paper to prove anything? Maybe them a little bit.
💍 content/trigger warnings: period typical homophobia
💒 word count: 1231
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Glass cases greet them long before any person does. Wrapping from display window to display window and lined with soft, gray rows glittering in what little sun the clouds allowed to squeeze through. It’s unreasonably bright for this time of year and that has to be a good omen.
Not that there needed to be omens of any kind. This was a day Steve thought would never come. A day they all convinced themselves they didn’t care about. The conformity, the thousands of dollars, and from what their friends said, a miserable day. No part of it sounded necessary.
Steve liked the way they didn’t have to hide anymore. He didn’t have a roommate, he was dating Eddie. Half the population could handle hearing that and Steve tended to surround himself with that half.
They weren’t from a very progressive state so that was the best they were going to get and they were okay with it. Not just Steve and Eddie but Chrissy and Robin stood in solidarity with them. Or they supported each other when the rally cries weren’t enough. In those moments of “weakness” where they wanted to be like everyone else.
Canada was a choice, not that far away, but it added to the show of it all. Why travel that far to get a piece of paper? Steve had committed to Eddie and Eddie to Steve. A commitment they’d both held since before they could legally drink. Never once did they stray. Saying “I do” seemed unnecessary.
The four of them looked at each other through tear-stained eyes when it became a legal thing they could do in their own state, no traveling, no domestic partnership, and said it was silly. They were thrilled for the younger generations but they didn’t need the ceremony.
The next day Chrissy and Robin were at the courthouse with the masses of other people. They didn’t even bother to invite Eddie and Steve, a random couple plucked from the line got to be their witness and they returned the favor. Which stung a little but they were so happy it was impossible to stay mad.
Still, Eddie and Steve held strong. They didn’t need a wedding or any of those trappings. They had each other and that was enough. Plus, if they were going to get married, they’d do better than standing at city hall with strangers. Not that they were going to but if they did.
If they did, they’d take Steve’s last name because nothing good ever came from being a Munson. Something Steve wanted to argue with but he was just old fashioned enough to want to keep his name. However, they were happy being the Munson-Harrington household. It had a nice ring to it. Better sounding than Eddie Harrington.
But if they did want to get married, Eddie could pick their kids up from school without a call to Steve first. One was nearly graduated, the other on their way to a driver's license, so being checked out of school by a parent was only really needed for the youngest. It was a lot of money to spend just to easily get one kid out of school for a couple of years more.
As dumb as it all sounded, Steve was raised to think marriage was important. He’d find a nice wife, get a good job, and have a few kids. The keys to happiness. And, sure, he got all of those things and more. A nice house, a loyal dog, amazing friends, fun hobbies, and they even got to travel. So his wife was a husband, somehow that felt more right. Steve was incredibly lucky so he didn’t need to get married.
He did want it. A little bit. He wanted to stand in front of all those amazing friends and cry about how much he loved Eddie, gross their kids out, and walk away from a preacher as husband and husband. For so long he had to stuff that down and be okay without but now it could happen.
And when it came out late one night, exhausted from a day of kids' sports and a dance recital, Eddie admitted he wanted it to. Even as a kid, before he’d met Steve, Eddie was sure marriage would never happen for him but meeting Steve both gave him hope and dashed it. They’d gone through a lot of changes in what they were allowed to show and who they were allowed to be, why not this one?
After decades of explaining why they’d never get married, Steve and Eddie were looking at the very real possibility of making that commitment. Or making a show of a commitment they already made.
The one thing Steve knew was he was going to do it “right”. In all the cliche ways. None of this justice of the peace stuff, that worked great for Robin, Chrissy, and so many other couples (who went on to have lavish ceremonies later…Eddie and Steve were invited to plenty) but not them. Eddie was the master of giant spectacles so they were going to put on a show.
Which was why Steve was walking slowly around so many glass cases, the third store they’d gone to, because he was going to get down on one knee and ask Eddie Munson to be his husband. And endure jokes from everyone about needing help backup.
Eddie was going to gasp and giggle and say “yes, yes! A thousand times yes!” because he was an idiot. Steve was ready. Hell, he wanted it. To watch Eddie pretend to cry and fawn over the ring. To tell him and Chrissy to go get manicures and not let him know why. More importantly, make some grand plan only to have it all go wrong. They were going to get everything!
So Steve stood there and told yet another clerk Robin wasn’t the lucky lady, she was the best man, and brace for impact. This store seemed understanding. Not just of the husbands aspect but who Steve’s future husband was. Eddie wasn’t looking for a princess cut or the biggest rock, he needed something that fit his day-to-day aesthetic.
Something between what the twenty-somethings who wished they could get married would want and what the months away from fifty-year-old man Eddie was now. It was a weird line to skirt and Robin didn’t help matters by putting the choices on and ranting about how kids today don’t know real struggles in her best Eddie voice. Apparently, it was to give Steve an idea of how it’d look on Eddie but mostly it put him at ease. This had become something major and Steve couldn’t mess it up. They were only doing this once.
When the clerk brought out a black band, lines twisting around the whole thing cut out to reveal a deep red underneath, Steve knew he’d found it. He shared a gasp with Robin and she didn’t even try this one on. They knew. They knew who it was for.
In two weeks it’d be the right size and Steve would be one step closer. Now he had to figure out how to not rush home and tell Eddie. They weren’t great with secrets, many birthdays had been ruined by this, but Steve knew he could do it.
Plus, he had to figure out how to propose.
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the-ace-with-spades · 8 months
Charlie's Master List
incomplete because I'm a mess
My AO3: charlie_mou
All my original posts are under the tag of #op
All my writing (fics/fic ideas/prompts/etc) are under the tag #charlie writes
Fandom-specific master lists under the cut
All my fic ideas/prompts for all fandoms are for grabs! Please if you like one and want to write a fic/do anything else based on it, do it!
every link in this list leads either to my tagged posts or to my ao3
Fandoms I'm currently interested in:
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (original + reboot series)
Fandoms I have a slight interest in (mostly fandoms I used to be in):
Merlin (merthur, Merlin-centric stuff)
Strangers Things (harringrove, steddie, Steve&Robin, Steve-centric stuff)
One Piece (marcoace, lawlu, zosan, Sanji-centric stuff)
Harry Potter (drarry, wolfstar, grammander, Remus-centric stuff)
The Raven Cycle (pynch, bluesey, Adam Parrish-centric stuff)
MCU and Marvel Comics (under one tag - #MCU; stony, spideypool, Hawkey or Spidey-centric stuff)
DC Comics (comics and cartoons mostly, I don't like the TV shows; Wally- or Barry-centric)
Alex Rider (Alex-centric, yalex)
Detroit: Become Human (hannor)
Pacific Rim
Law&Order and Law&Order: SVU
(tumblr doesn't allow me to post so many links in one post so I've separated a couple of fandoms off)
📃✨ List of Works-In-Progress I'm still intending to write/actively writing
✈️ Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
🚒 9-1-1 Fox ABC Master List
🔪Call of Duty Mini Master List (TBA)
Other AO3 fics (most are very old):
❌- unfinished
fire of the name - soulmates AU marcoace - One Piece
future of the name ❌ - soulmates AU lawlu + Strawhat Crew - One Piece
close your eyes and do the countdown - marcoace, narcopletic Ace One Piece
(fire) my one desire - marcoace, they sleep with each other before Ace joins the crew - One Piece
think once, feel twice - marcoace, soulmates AU, Ace has issues - One Piece
no such thing as a stupid question - marcoace proposal - One Piece
I could be your baby tonight - marcoace age difference 5+1 - One Piece
mark your memory ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
borrow or lend (for a second or for a life) ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
the best is yet to be - 5+1 pynch being basically married - The Raven Cycle
using your dark magic on me ❌ - pynch Harry Potter AU with werewolf Adam - The Raven Cycle
lord knows how hard we tried ❌ - pynch parents AU with kidnapped baby - The Raven Cycle
shout (let it all out) - Adam in skirts, pynch - The Raven Cycle
face the music ❌ - harringrove, deaf!Steve - Stranger Thing
yes, I'm back (in black) ❌ - harringrove, metalhead!Steve - Stranger Things
holding a torch (or a lantern) - halbarry, female Barry - I wrote this when I was sixteen, it's bad - DC Comics
Other blog tags:
#resources, #trans topics, #interiors, #fic recs, #cow posts
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