#ons 125
lilaclaly · 1 year
it is just me or this panels are quite similar to each other? 
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rev3rb · 1 year
Hey, I read the new chapter! And um, was The First… a good… dad?!?! Lol I am a bit surprised to see him care for Mika like that. Even with him talking about how naming someone is a curse, it seems like he does really love Mika, even if he thinks of it as a burden (which makes me wonder if it was rare for ppl/angels to have individual identities back then?). Even though it wouldn’t excuse his actions, it would be kinda wild if all this started just bc he wanted to save Mika, bc bitch same! I also want Mika to live lmao. Although this is just one memory so The First may still have ulterior motives.
I am a little confused about the emphasis of Angel Mika acting like both Yu/Mika. Like it could’ve been them just joking around, or it could be seriously hinting that something altered or maybe even split Mika’s personality?? Idk maybe I’m looking into things too much. We just get so little info at a time that I’m grasping for straws here a bit lol.
Also, I’m glad we got to see what Yu looked like. Plus the gender neutral pronouns to refer to Yu 👌
Honestly, I'm not that surprised that The First was a good dad. He's trying to bring Mika back, regardless of the costs, and if Owari no Seraph has taught us anything, it's that that kind of drive is borne out of love. Every single character that has been successful in any regard has had some sort of love driving them, and when they didn't, they were far less successful in their goals. There are only a few examples example I can think of where this isn't really the case. Kureto is one, and even then, Kureto does care. He just buries it because, while caring gives you strength, it also gives you a weakness, something that is a bit of a running theme in Catastrophe at 16. I guess there's also a case for Rigr, but again I'd argue that he cares for Urd in his own possibly backward way. The best case is probably Ferid? However, I digress. I think it makes perfect sense that The First's mission is one borne out of love. It's possible The First has ulterior motives, but I don't really think that's the case. I do think it's as simple as The First not being willing to let Mika go.
I'm glad you brought that up because I think that was the most interesting part of the chapter. There are so many reasons this could be the case, and I like your idea! It'd be an interesting path to take and I wonder what would have caused that.
I have a couple running ideas right now. First is that angel Mika did exactly what The First warned of and "cursed" that homunculus with a soul, and that IS Yu. This homunculus Yu then just proceeded to copy Mika's personality here as that's what they were familiar with. Plus, they say that you tend to copy the behaviors of those you like right? Another idea is that Yu and Mika actually somehow switched places/roles, but I'm less confident about that one. It doesn't make a lot of sense as we've seen Yu's memories of a time Mika shouldn't remember as he was dead at the time, but who knows. Wild stuff has already happened. The last idea is that when the first was trying to revive Mika, his failed experiments were Yu, which explains their similar personalities. What it fails to account for is why the Mika we know's personality is different then.
Yeah! It's interesting that Yu was just this "homunculus" that was apparently a companion/guardian for Mika. I guess it would make a sort of sense, and could tie back to the whole idea I had earlier about Yu being sort of manufactured to feel protective of Mika. However, I have a feeling that while Yu's role played into their proximity, Mika probably won over Yu on his own? I dunno. Hard to say without knowing how sentient these homunculi are.
Overall, I actually really enjoyed this chapter, and I get the feeling you did too. It's nice to finally get some notable forward progress and interactions here after so long.
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christakisbang · 8 months
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chan's room + comforting words
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badlydrawnjohn · 5 months
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settling their differences maturely and responsibly
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capn-twitchery · 2 months
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legs update. hit The Number, what do i win
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laze-art · 8 months
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For the Ride
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clovermoonspell · 6 months
Edit: 465 usd in tips 🙈
This fandom is EXTRA horny
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 9 months
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“Stab wound? You mean extra pocket.”
- Kai 125 at some point
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every-god-usopp · 20 days
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damianbugs · 2 years
Batman #125 will forever haunt me, for multiple reasons, but mainly because these six panels have shown such a horrific and tragic side of Bruce Wayne's mission that is so often overlooked — and presents an important take on what this mission actually is.
Writers, and readers, have become increasingly desensitised to the concept of Bruce's children dying, simply because it (unfortunately) happens so often. Even I'll admit, simply having a passing thought about what Bruce had to have done to prepare his dead son's body for the police to find post-'Death In The Family' is not as horrible as having to see him do it.
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It is such a... raw action. As if knowing you were just too late, your son's body still warm, the rigor mortis still not present, the fire and smoke of an explosion still around you wasn't bad enough — you now have no time to mourn, because to protect the very thing your son died for, you need to strip him of his uniform and set up a death you know isn't true.
Bruce realises the same with Tim, who tells him, blood pouring out of his wound, that Bruce has to change him out of his uniform before they reach the hospital. All to protect this damned mission that his children are willing to die for.
Bruce has no time to process the death of his son at all, because quickly, Robin becomes Jason Todd. Bruce Wayne shouldn't be anywhere near here, Batman even less so, and everything about this is wrong but you know that this whole mission would amount to nothing if you don't do what you have to. Your son would have died for nothing. You would have lost him for nothing.
Unlike Jason, Tim is still alive when he's literally bleeding out in Bruce's arms and yet, with what little breath he has left, Tim insists they need to uphold their secret identities. Call it training, or responsibility, or the want to protect a legacy — whatever it is, Bruce Wayne is once again exposed to this all encompassing tragedy of his mission.
The mission that, he notes, he's failing. Again.
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Bruce Wayne is a person who is constantly surrounded by death, but I think it is important to note that all this death is physical. One can know about death, hear about it in their family, visit the bodies and graves of people who were once alive — but it is an entirely different motivation to be constantly reminded of death right because it's literally in your hands.
Bruce watched them get shot and sat next to his parents dead bodies. He held his son, and immediately had to position Jason's body after he passed. He held Damian as he died. Heard Tim when he was killed. Listened and watched Stephanie flat line. He is constantly left to physically handle grief in its most exposing forms.
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But again, the mission. The damned mission.
Isn't it too cruel? Almost? Yet, Bruce constantly finds himself in this cycle of repeating the same grief, the same actions, again and again. After every death he faces, he learns to handle it in a new way, and incorporates that into a lesson in this mission.
I wonder if one day he'll realise he's simply compensating for the guilt he feels. He blames himself for his parents death, thus the seed that would one day grow into batman is planted. He blames himself for Jason's death, and thus closes himself off to any future family, stopping himself from ever forming a bond with a child like he had before he lost his son. A piece of him is always deconstructed after death, but he rebuilds it in a way that is entirely unrecognisable.
This mission to protect Gotham, to protect the innocent, is only half of what he's actually achieving. The rest of it is his own, selfish punishment, for failing the mission.
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yourlocalgrass · 4 months
Ok woah so the new Nightmare exchange system is pretty good, well, better compared to previous one
So here in simple terms the new Exchange ticket system: For each summon, you get an exchange ticket in return. Which you’ll be able to spend at the Exchange.
If your aiming for a specific UR+ card, and you’re relying on pity system you’d have to Summon 100 times instead of 125 or 150 which saves more DV (demon vouchers).
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If you’ve already exchanged 100 on one UR+ card, to exchange another you would then need 50, then 30, then 20, and stays there.
So real quick math calculation if you want Skill level 5 UR+ you’d have to exchange 220, or in other words summon 220 times. Compared to previous system more decent I guess.
Here’s the part that I actually picked up on the most:
If your not able to or planing to reach 100 summons you’re also able to spend it on other helpful items:
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Anyways this is a very simple f2p player’s opinion who’s pretty much content with this, better than the last one at the very least and not much detail on explaining it fully but :))
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pelgraine · 3 months
Is there a Halo TV series Discord?
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nightmareinfloral · 2 years
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a valiant effort mr. jimenez, but you will not make me simp for bruce wayne
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distort-opia · 1 year
kinda sick how Joker saying things like" darling, love, starcrossed soulbound second half of me, puddingpie-sweetpea-buttercup" is casual, while him saying " Bruce" is the most intimate shit ever
So true. And also the fact that when Joker says "Bruce", you just know shit is about to go down. It tends to signal that Joker is done playing around, that he's actually being serious... which is still intimate, but in a rather terrifying way. Historically, it hasn't spelled out good things for Bruce:
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-- Batman: Endgame
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-- Batman: Joker War
Hah. You can feel Bruce going "Fuck, why do I hear boss music playing."
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mokneydloaf · 6 months
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