#or the blueprint
barnbridges · 29 days
im sorry if the only black rappers you know are ty dolla sign, lil uzi vert, drake, tyga, migos , tyler the creator, kodak black and wiz khalifa you dont know what rap is either
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letsgetmessi · 4 months
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Brown Skin & Gold Jewelry ✨
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datcravat · 3 months
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pe ru so na
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suiheisen · 4 months
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“you dropped your dead bear": a love story
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atomicradiogirl · 6 months
house and wilson in house md is the opposite of queerbaiting. they are the most canon tragic friends to lovers situationship in fiction history they literally move in together, EVERYONE thinks they’re a couple, house literally fakes his own death just so he can be alone with wilson in his last few months of life, the show ends with them riding off into the sunset together. they literally love each other. the only thing missing is they don’t kiss (on screen). dear GOD. and this show is from 2004. house and wilson invented 90% of modern day queer ship dynamics. just saying.
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balrog-slayer66 · 9 months
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The Addams Family home at 0001 Cemetery Lane — Blueprints
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cloverquil · 3 months
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everyone meet my mom and dad
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jarrows · 7 months
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recently i reread a bunch of my favorite sherlock holmes stories (norw my beloved) and felt compelled to create my own diagram for 221B
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jxitrash · 10 months
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Doodled some bunnies
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ibenology · 4 days
all fictional characters are someone’s oc, but it somehow becomes even clearer when it’s Neil Gaiman. like Hey this is my guy. he’s an edwardian schoolboy who is also a ghost. yes he’s gay. no he doesn’t talk about it. of course he’s in love with his best friend. got sick of rotating him in my head so I put him in hell canonically. twice. he has autism but he get’s all the bitches. his last name is Pain.
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hiveswap · 7 months
I love characters who are knights. Like they need a cause, a person, SOMETHING to fight for. Something they can bow to and defend. As leaders and servants and teammates.
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jewishcissiekj · 8 months
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Asajj Ventress/female Sith concept by Dermot Power
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thinkershipman · 1 year
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yellowjackets s1 / sue zhao
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I feel like this hasn’t been said enough, but the animation in across the spiderverse is so good because into the spiderverse was able to prove that it works. Like y’all need to understand the impact that into the spider verse had on the animation industry. It proved that animation styles can be diverse and people will enjoy it! If that movie didn’t come out we wouldn’t have gotten puss in boots last year or teenage mutant ninja turtles this year. We wouldn’t have gotten the Mitchell’s vs the machines, we wouldn’t be getting wish or migration. Into the spiderverse and it’s various animation styles were and continue to be revolutionary in the same way that Toy Story was revolutionary 30 years ago. They literally forced a change throughout the whole industry! And it gave the space for across the spiderverse to do even more!!
The bottom line is, across the spiderverse is only able to be so great because into the spidverse set the standard and paved the way for them too.
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
Recipe - Yandere!Sunday
Ingredients: A Fresh Sunday, Childhood Trauma, Crippling Anxiety, Bone-Crushing Loneliness, Political Power, Unpredictability, Intelligence, Empathy, Blessing of “Xipe”, A Darling, Salt
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First make sure that your Sunday is dry of any past romantic experiences. The moisture from romantic experience interferes with the frying process but, if you don't mind getting a few extra burns, feel free to keep it. Now, take a large bowl and start by putting a dash of Childhood Trauma. Close your eyes and pour as much Bone-Crushing Loneliness as you desire, add a good chunk of Unpredictability and Intelligence into the mix. Don't worry about the measurements, just use your feelings.
Now, put Political Power into the amalgam ; you can empty out the entire packet if you really like the feeling of powerlessness. Add the Blessing of “Xipe” for a twinge of spice and a healthy portion of Empathy so whenever your Sunday thinks of how wrong his actions are, he kills himself a little inside. Last but not least, a pinch of salt because no dish is complete without it. Mix everything evenly and regret not getting a bigger bowl.
So this time, get a sufficiently large pot and fill it to about halfway with Crippling Anxiety. Turn on the heat and bring it close to the boiling point. Take your Sunday and marinate him with the mixture, make sure there's no empty spot on his person. Now, gently throw him in the boiling pot of Crippling Anxiety and wait for about 10 minutes.
You might be questioning why we need to fry him in Crippling Anxiety out of everything? That is because hot Crippling Anxiety will convert Bone-Crushing Loneliness into Possessiveness. Which will then branch out to Jealousy upon meeting the necessary conditions, but trying to identify this Jealousy will be near-impossible due to Sunday's immaculate ability to act (this talent is a byproduct of adding too much Childhood Trauma and Bone-Crushing Loneliness, as such, you don't have to worry about getting it from the store). So, don't waste your time there. By now, some parts of Sunday's Childhood Trauma have probably transformed into Relationship linked Insecurities. Wait for five more minutes and your Yandere!Sunday is crisp and ready.
Feel free to serve him with A Darling anytime — yes, they're the sauce.
Be careful when you release Sunday into the boiling pot of Crippling Anxiety, you wouldn't want to splash yourself in that.
Don't be greedy and eat some of the Political Power when you're pouring it in the bowl, it tastes very, very bitter.
The Blessing of “Xipe” is a crucial ingredient because it'll give your Sunday that unsettling aura. Don't let the shadiness deter you and just buy it.
Don't be too generous with the Childhood Trauma, we don't want our Sunday to be way too dysfunctional.
Last Modified : May 9, 2024
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overtake · 2 months
i just know it kills the recent barrage of daniel-hating max fans that max wants to dick him down five ways to sunday in front of the rb20 and god. based on the fact that they post more about daniel than daniel fans do, i know they see the zendaya laughing and the world’s longest game of gay chicken that max verstappen refuses to lose. they have to constantly scroll by and see that their number one enemy has max’s jaw unhinged, open, and waiting like a snake ready to swallow an egg. you will be calling daniel a washed terrorist while max will be in front of the camera defending him with his actual wheel knowledge and a lust in his loins that hasn’t stopped burning since daniel made a special video to congratulate him on his super license and caused a sexual awakening so intense it registered on the richter scale.
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