#p101 privateer
allibug101 · 5 months
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A wanted poster for my Privateer, Clever Roberto
Full Name: Roberto Ferrari
Age: 17
Homeworld: Valencia
Artwork by tobincandraw on Instagram
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deathschool · 11 months
10, 23, and 34 for p101 meme?
*goes to sleep immediately after posting an ask game* Um. Hi guys good morning
10: what does your flag look like? what are your crew colors?
OK SO All of my pirates are different ocs and i give them all different flags. So ill send my 2 fav oc ones :P and describe what i would make MINE (checkerboard print, aqua/purple, that winged heart symbol in all black to look like the clandestine bartskull. teehee)
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1 is my oc mina's flag, her colors r teal and black! 2 is my oc catalina's flag, his colors r purple and yellow :]
23: show us your pirate and tell us a bit about them
Omg ok like i said theyre all ocs soo let me grab a screenshot of my like whole crew loading page.
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so jsyk NONE of their outfits are what theyd actually wear (excluding catalinas robe). I dont stitch in pirate HAHA
far left is an old oc some ppl may recognize, her name is hope loomis! Shes a (lvl 70) witchdoctor, blind, and captain of a pirate crew. shes no longer my main oc but i still love her and her crew :P
Since hes relevant to her ill go out of order and say him now: the one in the middle is lawrence nightingale, part of hope's crew, her best friend, a musketeer. (Hes my main pirate for playing, hes lvl 70) He has a bit of a sour disposition and he and hope argue a lot but they care for each other a lot. I also ship him with kane hehehe
Ok middle left is catalina, like i mentioned earlier. Actually ive posted him before, hes a catalan shapeshifter who likes to pretend to be a human amongst people to troll them mostly teehee :P hes a (lvl 46) witchdoctor in game but in his lore he just knows some magic.
Next to catalina is the aforementioned Mina mitchell, shes a (lvl 65) swashbuckler and an emo girl. I dont have much lore for her to be honest but shes just so cute and awesome. She has spiky short twin pigtails. I think ive posted a drawing of her on this blog before under her tag mina
Middle right (orange) is Maeve, shes part of my new main crew! (The other 2 arent in game) shes a (lvl 7, bc i KEEP REMAKING MY BUCKS) buccaneer. Shes also part fox and from marleybone! shes really cool and awesome and sweet and shes best friends with shannon (leader of her crew).
Right is Stormy Edwards, hes kinda new and also his character looks nothing like his actual design lol other than that hes green. Hes a privateer (lvl 7, again i keep remaking themmmm) and hes EVIL!<3 he also has a toxic gay thing going on with vito (witchdoctor with maeve and shannon) and hes just kinda fucked up :P
34: what are the hardest and easiest parts of the game for you?
OK SOOOOO I love the strategy of it all TBH. It was really hard at first but ive picked it up pretty well i think. The hardest part was figuring out how to do gear correctly and what stats to prioritize, which im probably still not perfect at but i think ive gotten it down now. I also hate ship fighting 😭 But yeah easiest is probably just combat i love it i love the battle system. And to be MORE specific ranged combat is easiest for me.
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griffinthorn · 2 years
tell me abt ur p101 OC(s) 👀
I have 5 currently.
Cecilia is my Privateer and is Rowan’s older sister. When their parents died, Cecilia took Rowan to an orphanage to have a better upbringing.
Octavio is my Witchdoctor. He was raised in Krokotopia and his parents were both successful witchdoctors as well. When his mother was arrested by the armada, Octavio made it his goal to avenge what happened to his mother.
Hazel is my Buccaneer. She says she is from Grizzleheim, but is actually from Ahwahnee, the same homeland as Jaki Whisperwind. Grizzleheim is actually where she learned her skills, and she left Ahwahnee to live out her own dream instead of her parents’.
Flint is my Musketeer. He is an orphan from Marleybone, and joined in the war effort at a young age. Once they realized he lied about his age, he was arrested. This only fueled his rambunctious attitude.
Timothy is my Swashbuckler. Like Flint, he joined the MooShu samoorai, but only because his father wanted him to. He left quickly, only to find his parents missing.
And there they are. The Nameless Crew. My sweet angel babies that I have obsessed over for years.
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Deals this week: Fossil Group, Metro Retail Stores, Velasca
Fossil Group Inc. and Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW) have agreed to develop and distribute BMW-branded watches and smartwatches worldwide through 2023.
BMW-branded watches and accessories will also be created by Fossil Group and released next year.
Over 4,000 BMW and Fossil Group key retailers around the world will carry the collection.
METRO Retail Stores Group Inc. plans to establish a joint venture (JV) to broaden its product offering.
The Philippines-based department store, hypermarket, and supermarket operator Metro Retail
Security Bank and MUFG Bank recently held a business matchmaking fair for Japanese and Philippine businesses, which the company recently attended.
In a round of funding led by P101 SGR, Velasca has raised €2.5 million ($2.9 million).
Milano Investment Partners and other private investors have also contributed to the funding round.
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Italy-based Velasca is a luxury shoe and accessory manufacturer for men.
The funds will be used for the company’s national and international expansion, with an emphasis on improving its Omnichannel model.
Through a series A round, Order Handler has received funding from DCM China.
The subsidizing round has likewise elaborate support from Meituan-Dianping.
“The new academy will strengthen its digitalization efforts in the business and improve the skills of its employees,” DCM China is a venture capital firm, while Order Handler is an e-commerce company.
China is the location of all of the businesses involved in the transaction.
In Surrey, British Columbia (BC), Walmart Canada intends to invest more than $175 million in the construction of a frozen grocery store.
The new 300,000 square foot facility will be built beginning in early 2021. Up to 200 jobs will be created by the facility, which is expected to open in early 2022.
A warehouse technology company and the retailer have also collaborated on the design of a cutting-edge building.
A women’s clothing collection was created by GP & J Baker and Hennes & Mauritz (H&M).
H&M is a Swedish clothing retailer, and GP & J Baker is a UK wallpaper and textile manufacturer.
H&M’s in-house design team created fashionable designs for the new collection of GP & J Baker archival prints, which include the classic Oriental Bird, Blossom, and Hydrangea Bird prints. Beginning on August 2, 2018, it will be available online and in select stores around the world.
Marks and Spencer (M&S) has collaborated with Decoded for the send off of another retail information foundation called M&S Information Institute.
The new academy will strengthen the business’s efforts to digitize and improve employees’ skills.
Through its Data Leadership program, M&S’s leadership team will also learn about new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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lenofauris · 1 year
✨ Moirag often plays with her hair when she is nervous or thinking about That Guy (you know who)
✨ After the events of Avalon, if she were to meet the Pirate and they asked her to join their crew she would actually consider it and may or may not join as a companion
✨ As continuation of the last point, if Moirag were a companion in p101 she would be a Privateer who focuses mainly on buffing and debuffing via music
✨ Had she not died, her magic would fall under that of the life school, which is why she holds a life mastery as a boss unit
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palaceunderthealps · 1 year
Isles of Scilly, Cornwall
Someone said that there was nothing wrong with Britain that couldn't be rectified by taking the whole country and towing it 500 miles south. Anyone looking at a map could be excused for wondering if the Scilly Isles hadn't taken him at his word. Strung out in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Cornwall, they give every appearance of trying to slip off the mainland in search of balmier climes. Remarkably, they seem to have achieved it. Although a scan 26 miles from mainland Britain, the Scillies enjoy a climate that is, thanks to a freak trough of the Golf Stream, decidedly un-British, with average winter temperatures warmer than even those of the French Riviera. Daffodils bloom in December and the islanders enjoy several weeks of private spring while the rest of Europe huddles in overcoats.
More than 100 islands constitute the Scillies chain, but only five of them are inhabited, and most of those only just. St. Mary's is the largest, and its modest capital, Hugh Town, is the chain’s principal port and community with 1,700 of the island’s 2,000 inhabitants. The Scillies’ compactness (all together they take up less than 4,500 acres of space) and almost complete absence of traffic make them a walker’s paradise. In fact, apart from taking boat excursions to the “off islands,” as they are known locally, or going out for a bit of sea fishing (sharks of speciality), there’s little to do but ramble along through the hedgerows of the islands’ narrow lanes and footpaths or seek out a secluded beach – never a difficult task.
Nightlife is to be found mostly in pint glasses in islands’ many pubs or hotel bars – at Hugh Town’s Star Castle Hotel, a former Elizabethan fort, you can drink in what were once the dungeons – or by wandering down to watch the fiery sunset over Samson Island.
For those who seek a slower pace still – if that's possible – the neighboring, privately owned and slightly smaller island of Tresco offers it. With just one hotel and one guesthouse, accommodations can be difficult if you don't book a head, but there's a fascinating little museum called Valhalla where you can see more than 70 restored figureheads salvaged from shipwrecks off the islands, plus other maritime artifacts, and the unique Abbey Gardens, which contain an astonishing abundance of palm trees and other plants not normally grown outside the tropics – some 5,000 species from all over the world, many of them brought home by Scillonian seamen.
Spring and fall are the best times for a trip to the islands, yet even in the height of summer they rarely get really crowded, thanks to the limited accommodations. For the same reason, however, I wouldn’t suggest making the crossing in July or August without securing a reservation first. The Scillies are not for those who like to keep busy, but for anyone seeking a few days of peace and relaxation and that rarest of all things in Britain, decent weather, they can't be beat.
Details: there are three ways to the Scillies – by ferry (2½ hours) or helicopter (20 minutes) from Penzance or by airplane from Plymouth, Newquay, or Exeter on Brymon Airways. The islands’ tourist office (Town Hall, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall) can provide a list of guesthouses and hotels. Rates for bed and breakfast range from about £6 for a simple guesthouse in low season to about £25 in the top-class Bell Rock Hotel in high season.
William Bryson, The Palace Under the Alps, p101-102
https://www.visitislesofscilly.com/ https://star-castle.co.uk/ https://www.tresco.co.uk/enjoying/abbey-garden
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mildlywarmafternoon · 3 years
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Currently working my way through Marleybone on my Privateer. I’m almost done but Privateer is definitely not my favorite class lol. Anyway, here’s an Armada Miku. 
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stormbreaker101 · 2 years
i will not stand for this egg shen slander wing chun is the one who got kicked out of his house for being annoying (love your blog btw)
i mixed them up
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gorgugplushie · 3 years
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P101 oc doodles bc i reinstalled it like yesterday. Couldnt be bothered to draw their hat and outfit bye.
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allibug101 · 30 days
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Zen is killing it in front of Rob!
Artwork by @nadohunter
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stormyykat · 3 years
ive seen a lot of posts abt how privateer soloing is hard. well im here to say not for me because im different. it was easy actually. id do it again.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Swashbucklers are purple, easily hidden in the darkness. Purple is the face of someone succumbing to a poison, purple is an entrancing, strange bloom, fragrant, intoxicating. Purple is exotic, royal, strange and expensive and flashy. Purple is glowing from their stabby weapons as they strike you down.
Privateers are a baby blue, bright and clear. Blue as the Skull Island skies, blue is their beacon, signifying home base, wether it is forever or for a moment to catch your breath. Blue is their decorated jackets, glittering with gold and silver medals, an accomplished leader. Blue is them taking the time to bandage a crew mate's wounds personally. Blue is the afterimage of their slashy weapon slicing through the air, towards you.
Buccaneers are red, like rage. Red is their blood, their enemie's blood, running in rivers across the battlefield, connecting to each other in a strange Delta, never emptying into the ocean. Red is their grunt as a hit slams into their body as they stood in front of a crew mate, a mortal shield. Red is the dull this that follows the heavy swing of a smashy weapon.
Musketeers are orange like citrus and sunsets. Orange is their friendly pats on the shoulders of their allies, orange is the heft of a large rifle. Orange is them staying back, following orders, with a discomfort knowing that only their eyes and trigger finger are what stands before life and death, a perpetual uneasiness. Orange is the dark, gut wrenching fear of knowing a shooty weapon is about to fire in your direction with an orange electric light.
Witchdoctors are green. Green is limes, bright concoctions, poison. Green is easy flashy deceptions, all other pirates chalking up their magic to one spirituality few actually even can practice- but the misleading leads to much more fun later. Green is a respect for the dead but not the sinful living, not for a monster to be put down. Green is a bright flash of strange magic you will never understand, because a staffy weapon, with bright lime colored sparks, is striking down at you.
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Lucky Jack Russell
Some appreciation for the lad, I was in a drawing mood so why not :)
I love his critical music and his character so much!
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sexy-swashbuckler · 2 years
i want to do p101 again as a privateer but i hate not playing as my swashbuckler
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duardius · 2 years
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eric gill on typography
gill’s philosophy of art & craft from his seminal An Essay on Typography, here set in digital reissue of monotype perpetua . perpetua was completed by eric gill august 1928 [uk monotype 239]; & first shown in a private printing of The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity — english translation by walter shewring of the latin hagiography Passio sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, «a journal recounting her [vibia perpetua’s] trial and imprisonment that was continued by a contemporary who described Perpetua’s death in the arena» [www.britannica.com]. «the roman was named ‘perpetua’, the italic cut later ‘felicity’» [stanley morison, A Tally of Types, cambridge university press, 1973, p101]. morison’s ultimate analysis: «They are creations. There never was anything of that kind before he [gill] did this, and never been anything since. And these things were not ad hoc designs, they were designs that he had been cutting on stone for a generation before it was ever proposed that he should design a type: with the result they are both very successful in terms of unselfconscious design. The capitals that he did, I think, will be immortal. They’ll be used as long as Roman alphabet is ever used anywhere. And probably those Perpetua capitals—the titling, so called—I suppose are the finest capitals ever done since Sixtus V—1589. They’re far better than  the classic Trajan and Augustus pattern—far better.» [Stanley Morison | 1889—1967 | A Radio Portrait, w.s. cowell, ipswich, 1969, p24]. first commercial showing of perpetua was gill’s Art Nonsense [cassell & co, london, 1929]—vide ‹belle sauvage›. 
An Essay on Typography [first edition: sheed & ward, london, 1931] was the first showing of gill’s joanna typeface, printed at hague & gill, printing office of gill & son-in-law rené hague. for more on the joanna face vide ‹life drawing›.
the illustration atop is Eye and Hand, wood engraving, gill’s device c. 1906. 
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extravalgant · 3 years
Well when KI dies and the servers for W10 and P101 dies, I'm writing their characters into a better video game.
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