#phycology questions
toxicslimemoth · 6 months
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tonnerreblanc · 9 months
Ramble Incoming!⚠️
I'm usually not one to talk much about fandoms or franchises. I'm not even in all that many. Because, to me, they're too much like politics in regards to drama. (Yes, I said it). And I don't feel the need to deal with that. The most I find myself doing in fandoms is showing off my art, and swiftly going back to my corner.
But, I'mma open the can of worms that are my educated opinions. Thus, I might step on some toes. Just… don't take anything personally. Hahah, I'm not out to start beef with anyone. I'm just doing this for fun and to see what others think. I'm 100% up to having some friendly debates! So, feel free to Ask me if you want. :)
Today, Transformers is going to be my victim: I've been watching this fandom for a while… And boy, is it funny to watch y'all chase your own tails. Especially in regards to how y'all treat new content. (All fandoms with continuities do this, not just us).
People always complain that the new show/movie isn't good because and-I-quote. "It's not loyal to the original!"
Of course, creators can't copy-paste the old stuff. With new people, things will change. And that's okay.
Yes, some things—such as the themes and characters' cores, extra—should stay similar. Y'all forget that the new stuff is basically just professional fanfiction that's at this rate. *cough* And that G1 was a slapstick comedy, but I digress. But, give it 10 years, people like the older stuff that… for lack of a better term, everyone hated. It's suddenly much better compared to the new releases.
With that said, I can't really give my opinions on All Spark or Rise Of The Beasts. I haven't seen them yet. So I don’t feel very comfortable talking about them without context.
But what I can give my opinions on are the characters. Specifically how the fandom treats them.
I'm going to use Optimus Prime (the strong one) and Bumblebee (the golden child) as my main examples here.
Starting with the one and only leader of the Autobots:
One of the most common things I see people comment on is. "Optimus is too [insert reason]!" Then go on some tangent. (Which is normally valid, no hate). And the most common statement is that he's 'too' violent… but let me break it to ya… he's not. He deserves to be darker.
Now, hear me out!
This trend started with Bayverse, which yes, I'm not saying those movies are perfect or the best out there. A better part of the writing sucked! (I don't blame them for it, writers kept and still are going on strike). But… they're not as bad as most fans painted them to be. So let me play the Devil's advocate here, please.
The Optimus in the blockbuster films was brutal, yes. But that's not all he was.
Out of all the Primes in most of the movies and shows (I'm not including the IDW comics, I haven't read them yet), he is the most traumatized. Don't believe me? Just think about it.
He not only had what reality he knew torn out from underneath him once, but twi—wait no… three times! Once with the fall of Cybertron (his home), second with Sentinel's betrayal (his father figure), and third with humanity (a race he swore to protect). He has had it rough! Geez…
Not only did he already have very poor coping skills from the beginning. And what support system he did have ended up getting killed, for gosh sake. And now all he has left is Bumblebee and… a load of jerks. I would talk more about this but, Transformers and support systems are a completely different ramble for another time.
No wonder he's mad! I would be too.
Optimus is very obviously grasping at straws here. Yet he still tries his best with the resources he's given. Guys… he tried to give Cade relatable reassurance about his parenting struggles! And that was after humanity started to hunt him down and all the nonsense that ensued afterward.
Another thing that is implied in the movies—that much like Bumblebee—he was a CHILD SOLDIER. (Most of them were if you look at it). He obviously started fighting quite young. So it makes sense, that first and foremost as a soldier he would learn the best and fastest ways to defeat his enemies. Regardless of whether it was seen as brutal or dirty. He would get versed in those techniques after thousands of years of fighting. He gets the job done, that's all that matters.
Y'all also forget that most of the time his opponents were three-plus heads taller than him… ya do what ya gotta keep your loved ones safe, folks.
I love the fact that he has character flaws.
But, he's the strong one, the example child. So the fandom has hung a special set of standards that he must uphold.
Which brings me to Bumblebee, the golden child. Y'all complain to High Heaven about Bayverse. But the Bumblebee movie? Not a peep.
Do NOT get me wrong folks. I adore the Bumblebee movie (and Bee as a character) as much as anyone! But, y'all completely overlooked the fact that… It has some of the most brutal fights in the franchise. Are y'all going to really ignore the fact that Bee shredded Dropkick with a chain? That is on par with how Bayverse Starscream died. Which was just a slower version of Dropkick's death. Speaking of whom, Optimus didn't kill him. N.E.S.T did. And it's by far the most violent death in the blockbuster films. Along with poor Ravage (R.I.P) who… surprise, surprise! Bumblebee killed. Almost no one talks about that…
*Thinks for a moment* Jazz too. Megatron killed him. And no one really commented on how brutal that was either, because it was expected. It's Megatron, he's been shown to be brutal for ages. Ol’ Bucket Head is also very violent in the blockbuster films, big whoop. What am I getting at here? So it makes sense that Prime and everyone else has to keep up with him. I'm afraid G1's 'carefree' passive Optimus wasn't very realistic when you look at the facts of things…
If people are going to talk about how out of character Optimus taking a Decepticon head off is. What about Ironhide? Hound? Bumblebee? He's ripped bots spines out! That is definitely out of character for the OG Bee. Please, keep them all to the same realistic standards!
Which brings me to my next point.
Things tend to be heavily rooted in bias. And with continuities like Transformers, that bias is nostalgia. None of the shows, movies, or comics are going to be perfect, or ever have been perfect. Not only is the notion of perfection impossible but… It's HASBRO. Why do you expect so much from them? They can’t keep jack-squat consistent for anything they own. We all know they have a nasty habit of dropping the coolest lore and never talking about it again… this franchise deserves so much better. It deserves to be shown exactly as it is; a story about a civil war. *sigh* Such a shame.
Anywho… I should probably stop talking now. XD, This is three Google Docs pages long. So apologies! I hope my thoughts (if you made it this far) were interesting at least. I don't know if I made the best of points but, oh well…
Till we meet again, Shalom,
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Should I make a digital version of my phycology herbarium at some point? Would anyone want to see that?
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
I feel like 13 should have gotten to force the master to listen to Daddy Cool as return warfare for the rasputin thing. 
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hdawg1995 · 2 years
Its D&D day wonder if the very predictable twist of the local sculpture artist is actually a medusa will be revealed.
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steampoweredwerehog · 8 months
A follow up question to someone asking about the Skip Button in NSYM!AU -
In an early comic, there's the Narrator asking the Curator when he'd want to be seen, and we see the Skip Button Ending then. And iirc, you mentioned that Stanley remembers all the Endings, but the Narrator doesnt remember that one.
Is this...does it happen multiple times? Or was he unknowingly peering into the future? Or something...else? I'm just very curious, heh.
So before the NYSM ‘timeline’, the Skip Ending happened. Once. Stanley, who remembers it, swore to never do it again. And while The Narrator may not consciously remember it, phycological scars remain. In the game, after having done the Skip Ending, one of the monitors in the office has ‘THE END IS NEVER THE END’ over the whole screen, the text overlapping & distorted:
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I interpret this as a sign of that trauma manifesting in the Parable. The scars are still there, which in turn triggers The Narrator’s new visibility. :3
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piecanl · 7 months
Something about qTubbo not just going on a silent killing spree, but making sure it's equal and fair to his opponents sends chills down my spine.
This feeling of seeing someone devolve from hopeless diplomacy to mindless slaughter in just one day and STILL seeing remnants of that fairness yesterday's person so desperately hoped for just. Haunts me
This whole time he could've went for every single kill, could've struck and maimed, could've been showered in a bloodbath day after day
But he chose to farm impossible resources instead, nerfing his whole team to make everything fair.
It haunts me.
It makes me think about what put Tubbo in that ice prison in the first place, just how much is he capable of?
If pushed far enough what would he do?
I mean we saw a glimpse of the lengths he'd go to with Quackity, and even THEN he didn't lay a single finger on the duck.
He could've killed him over and over and over and overandoverandoverandover, but he didn't. He phycologically fucked with his mind.
Just who is Tubbo really?
An engineer, the youngest of the server, kind, slightly naive to a fault, trusting, selfless.
A better question might be "who WAS Tubbo".
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Monster!Reader (Part 4)
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Manipulation, Phycological Horror, Forced Amnesia, Light Gore, Dismemberment, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Broken Limbs, Poorly translated Russian, Character Death (background), Mentions of eating people (not technically cannibalism since the reader isn’t a human), Traditionally female monsters but reader is kept GN.
A/N: I uh, got a little bit darker with this one. And I’ll give credit where credit is do. @ghouljams I didn’t do it on purpose but when I was proofreading Roach’s part I realized it sounded a lot like Threat. It was a complete fucking accident 🖐.
König - Pixie
The heat around him was suffocating him, especially with his mask on. The sweat soaking through the fabric and making it stick to his face. Troublesome, making him unable to focus on the target through the scope of the rifle. So he opted to simply tear it off, careful to keep it within reach should he need it. But he hadn’t realized that in doing so, he left himself vulnerable to the many bugs surrounding him. Mosquitoes especially, annoying little things that he had to keep smushing.
And when he felt something soft and light brush against his cheek, he didn’t even think before he smacked it, startled by the crunch of something and a cry of pain. Loud in his ear but quiet when he pulled his hand away to see….you. Clutching your bent leg, one of your shimmering wings at an odd angle, sobbing your heart out in the palm of his hand, clearly in quite a bit of pain. He panicked, forgetting the fact that this was a very weird situation and that five minutes ago he didn’t even know that pixies existed, just cooing to you and gently trying to examine you, jumping when you screamed as he brushes his fingertip against your wing.
“*Tut mir leid!” He cried, probably a bit too loudly considering the way you jumped in fear, curling in on yourself the best you could. A scared little injured mouse in the paw of the fierce lion. “It’s okay. Shh, I will help you, *Kleines Glühwürmchen. Don’t be afraid. *Es tut mir so leid.”
He pulled you close to his chest, shushing you even as you beat at his fingers with your tiny body, kicking with your good leg, biting, and scratching at him as he placed you in a pocket of his vest, clicking it shut so you couldn’t fall out when he moved. He still had a job to do, but he promises he’ll take care of you afterwards! Bandage you up and get you back to perfect health again. He hoped those pretty wings of yours weren’t as fragile as they looked, hoped that they would heal so you could fly around again.
If not, well, he’d just have to keep taking care of you.
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Roach - Jorōgumo
How you two met was kind of a mystery to Roach, like a haze had taken over his mind. He remembered soft lips, music, flashing lights. Did he drink? He must have. It was the only thing that could rationalize the pure confusion that night brought up. All he knew was that he woke up to you lazily stroking at his head, and it felt like coming home. Like safety and love. So fuzzy with the feeling that he doesn’t even question when you stay in his home, when you crawl into his bed at night and kiss at his neck. Just giggle when he slurs out how much he loves you, how he can’t live without you. The feeling so overpowering that nothing began to feel real except for the touch of you.
He doesn’t remember his friends anymore, his brothers in arms. Their names forgotten somewhere in the back of his mind. Sometimes the thought of them itches at him, scratches at his skull like a rat in a jar. Incessantly, loudly, painfully. He’ll ask you, voice softened by a headache that pounds in his frontal lobe, if you know what he’s forgotten. But all you do is smile and kiss his cheek, and suddenly all those worries and the pain just fade away, putting him right back into that place of cotton candy sweet happiness and love.
He doesn’t notice the near invisible strings that wrap tighter and tighter around him everyday, cinching around his neck like a noose but never really biting into him. And your eyes always sparkling with poorly hidden mirth as he scratched at his neck, asking if you saw a hair that he couldn’t get. He believes you when you say no, doesn’t question you when you lick along that same line that night.
Ignorance is bliss, and he’d do anything to stay in your arms.
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Rudy - Witch
Rudy didn’t encounter you first hand for a long time but he found traces of you everywhere for months on end. Short curly hairs in his food, strange animals watching him from behind buildings and trees, and the ever present feeling of eyes watching him. Always the eyes, daggers digging into his back, reminding him of how he was never alone. Always watched. It was unnerving but also….comforting. On his loneliest nights, on his most dangerous missions, those eyes were always watching him. Keeping him company.
Some days he woke up swearing he felt the warmth of you at his side. The shape of your body denting his mattress, the weight of your arm tossed over his waist, the feel of your legs tangling with his. It was maddening as much as it was exhilarating and he couldn’t stop the wave of pure lust that rolled through him, needing to stroke his heavy and aching cock while those feelings still remained. Eyes rolling back in his head when he felt a phantom tongue lick the cum off his belly after he’d finished himself off.
But of course not everything can be so hot for Rudy. There are things that start to scare him. Nightmares of creatures looming over his bed, the vague shape of people in the dark corners of his room, sleep paralysis, and of course the sudden death or dismemberment of the people around him.
A too aggressive superior grabs his shoulder hard enough to leave bruises, and he loses that same hand in a freak accident with a shredder. A kind recruit bumps shoulders with him in the hallway and has half of her body burned during a mission. A man in a bar flirts with him and ends up dead in an alleyway, his own cock ripped off and shoved down his throat, eyes gouged out of his head, and his heart missing from his chest cavity.
That last one might be what scares Rudy most. As he’d woken up to a box on his bedside table, the vital organ still beating in the pretty red paper around it. But most horrifying was that he….wasn’t upset by it. Found his own heart swelling with affection as he reached out to touch it, feeling cold fingers creep along the back of his neck, leaving bloody trails. It felt like love sinking into his very soul.
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Nikto - Rusalka
Nikto couldn’t remember how he got to the lake. Couldn’t remember why he wanted to be at the lake. But here he stood, at the water’s edge, peering into the dark depths of it, moonlight shining on the surface. Soft slow waves lapping at the tips of his boots like a dog welcoming him home. Was this home? Nothing felt like it anymore. Nothing made him feel safe and warm and comforted, all the things people described as home. Nothing but that big moon, staring down at him. The chill of the breeze nipping at his cheeks through his mask, and the gentle touch of a hand reaching out to stroke at the small patch of skin on his ankle not covered by his pants or socks.
“I’ve missed you.” He heard you whisper, and he couldn’t even bring himself to listen to the voices in his head whispering that it was a lie. Your voice somehow overpowered them. It was the only thing that did. “*Мой сладкий ягненок. Step a little closer.” You beg, voice soft and pleading, ringing in his head like the wind chimes his Babushka used to hang around her house. He couldn’t deny you.
Slowly, carefully, he stepped deeper into the water, your approving hum vibrating through his bones. Deeper and deeper he waded, but never seemed to reach you. Not until the water was at his neck, your unnaturally sharp teeth glinting just below the surface of the waves.
“*хороший мальчик.” You whispered, the words making his heart pound despite the cold’s best attempts at making his blood slow. He sighed as you cupped his cheeks, pulling him forward until his face was nestled in the crook of your neck, humming a soft lullaby in his ear. He never understood why you didn’t kill him. Why didn’t drag him down into the watery depths like so many men before him but….he was glad for it. Glad to spend another day cradled in your arms, fingers slipping under his mask to tenderly trace his scars.
And if one day you changed your mind, then he’d be just as glad to be in his watery grave. His bones lining your nest, his flesh nourishing you, his very soul haunting you for the rest of your life, your guardian forevermore. Oh, what bliss.
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*Tut mir leid! = I’m sorry!
*Kleines Glühwürmchen. = Little Firefly. (Also can mean Glowworm but the intention is Firefly.)
*Es tut mir so leid. = I’m so sorry
*Мой сладкий ягненок. = My sweet lamb.
*хороший мальчик. = Good boy.
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bibibbon · 5 months
UA teachers suck and UA sucks as a school
UA literally just sucks. Honestly this school has failed so many people especially izuku in particular.
Maybe it wouldn't of actually earned this title if we got more academia arcs but from the canon stuff we have so far it sucks!
No bullying policy?
So you see a student outright bullying another student and you decide to do nothing?!?!?! The student then doesn't even get any concequences for his actions?!!!!?!?!
Exposing students to the whole world after a villain attack?
So right after usj you have the sports festival and you don't even decide to delay it because UA's security measures have to look like their on top and apparently that's the logic behind it. Also, reminder that the UA sports festival is MORE POPULAR THAN THE OLYMPICS. So watching 15-18 year olds use their quirks to harm eachother is alright???! Like aren't you basically using minors for other people's entertainment?!?!
I mean realistically speaking you could of tried to delay the festival or just make the first years not do it that year. Just have them do tournaments with only heros present so you actually protect students safety and don't have people and villains watching/witnessing their weakness
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Lying to the public about students being psychologically fine?
We never saw the phycological evaluation that the students did after the training camp incident and saying all students were psychologically fine was such A big lie considering you had a GROUP of students go and try and rescue another student because they couldn't trust the teachers enough to handle the situation which idk about you but that says A LOT.
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Chaining up bakugo?
Look I hate bakugo I really really do but muzzling a whole student and making him a whole public disgrace has to be illegal? ...Right. like if bakugo wasn't going to cooperate then just disqualify him and make todoroki the winner and save yourself from attracting villains to kidnapping the kid.
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Acknowledging that your entrance exams are badly done but then not changing them?
Seriously, we get aizawa talking and talking about how useless and illogical the entrance exams are but then nedzu does nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT. aizawa had a point about the exams favouring people with offensive quirks but can he really talk about that when all he does to teach his class is just play sick and twisted logical ruses on them? Also shouldn't the exams focus on different aspects of heroism instead of defeating villains?
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Aizawa and his teachings being accepted?
I don't know about you but aizawa being a teacher is wild to me. Like this is the guy who actively does NOTHING to help his students but trains a student that's not even in his OWN CLASS!! He then goes on to not even read his students files which contain some very important information that could explain some or majority of his students behaviours that he isn't bothered to understand!!!! Also the amount of expulsions he has even if they are on paper they are literally a death sentence to students as it permanently destroys their records and ruins their chances in finding any normal job let alone becoming heros. He also only points out the problems with his students and then does nothing to help LITERALLY NOTHING!!
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Is therapy a thing in UA?
No like this is actually a serious question because if you're telling me that hound dog is a therapist then I might as well leave because how is he a therapist when he offers nothing and is cannonically seen as threatening by all the students?!?!? Also were 1A or 1B even offered therapy after what they went through?!?! Like some of 1A literally showed some clear trauma responses and UA does nothing about it. Oh and this isn't even mentioning what hound dog done to izuku ( izuku is a gag and so is his pain) oh and what about mirio did he get any support after nighteyes death
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Midnight in the anime?
We all have our own problems with midnight but her in the anime is totally different then the midnight in the manga. In the anime she continually flirts with students and you get it she does stuff she isn't supposed to. In the manga its a bit different but there are some scenes like the final exam arc where it's a bit weird
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rocketyship · 19 days
The future of the love au
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So I’m just gonna rip this bandaid off. Once the fanfiction is finished, whilst I will still be answering questions and doing IHNMAIMS and love au art every now and then, I actually plan to re-write/re-work many of the characters into a different project I have in mind loosely inspired by IHNMAIMS. There are a number of reasons on why I am doing this, but what I do want to say is that I really enjoy and like this little corner of the internet and the support for this over the top fanfiction has been wonderful.
As to what the plan is exactly is very out in the open, currently I’ve storyboarded the first couple pages for a comic based upon my new idea and plans that I’ll be dropping the roughs as a test once complete just to look for feedback and stuff.
The idea for the story is pretty similar to the love au and has many of its idea. However the basic premise is that there was a war ran by an ai but before it had the chance to completely decimate the world a different one was created that essentially shut that one down. Now because of that ai has been outlawed and the world’s population is substantially smaller, most people living within these large bubble pockets as a good chunk of the surface is inhabitable. These pockets are ran by “angels” who most are under the impression are controlled by people but they might not actually be. Needless to say there is frequent conflicts over these little life pockets and areas, so because of it one group in particular is attempting to create machines that could potentially get into the pockets and dismantle the angels which led them down a route of creating these organic-machine creatures (they are technically ais but not really), all of which had a different experiment and idea around them (not gonna go into detail here) . Which circulating back to the lovely illustration above, the story focuses on these three darling as they try to escape this group and love their own lives. The trio includes Harlen, Bea, and Autumn as they go on the run and deal with regular day to day issues of living in this near dead world and the greater phycological horrors of their situation. (Feel free to ask questions if you have them)
Again I will be finishing the fanfiction in the next two weeks and further more, than you for your support and interest in this little project of mine
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
hey this might be kinda weird but i just got out of the psych ward and i’m really not doing great post discharge and need something to cope
i was wondering if you knew of any psych ward/mental health hospitalization au ineffable husbands fics?
thank you for these lovely fics you share <3
Here are a few fics along these lines, but please mind the tags on most of these!...
Asylum AU by ZiraD (M)
Crowley was closed in this asylum for ages after his parents sold him in a need of money with a mad doctor who did experiments on humans. This asylum wasn't like the normal ones...this was an old abandoned building. Big enough to get lost in it if you didn't pay attention and memorize your way around. One day Crowley managed to run away from his room and from that day on he's been hiding from the doctor and killing anyone who dared coming closer to him. One day a new boy was added to doctors collection which Crowley didn't know about he had a beautiful blue eyes and a pale skin with cherubic features...he looked like an angel...but one day the doctor wanted his beautiful eyes... wanted to take them out and keep them in a jar for himself and maybe use them later. But what will happen next? Is there a way for them to survive? We shall find out and see
Doubtful Hysteria by Lord_O_Googoo (T)
Is madness a divine punishment? Is wanting the vote as mad as Victorian doctors would have you believe? Aziraphale becomes invested in these questions, especially as they pertain to her new friend, Emily. Meanwhile, Crowley attempts to tempt Aziraphale to leave the wretched place behind.
I Want To Break Free by TakeItEezy (M)
Anthony Crowley, a drug addict, doesn’t like being put in a box, especially if that box included doctors and psychologists. However, Solomon Aziraphale makes him realize that this could be his chance to break free from the life he had before. But, will Aziraphale be stuck in his old life forever? Would he ever allow himself to get better?
The Protector and The Prophet by ranguvar82 (M)
Ever since he can remember, Anthony Crowley has been plagued by horrific nightmares of the world ending. His twin Anathema tries to help him, but when they are sixteen, their fanatically religious parents have him committed. Sixteen years later, a severely traumatized Crowley returns home with Ana, still plagued by the nightmare. Then a man shows up, claiming to be an angel, and Crowley's life will never be the same. Aziraphale had a deal with Heaven. Leave him alone unless it's important, and well, a True Prophet is important. The angel's not fully sure what to expect, but the brilliant, beautiful, and traumatized Crowley is definitely not it. Damn these pesky feelings.
The Secretary by tuddles (E)
Fresh out of a phycological institution, a tormented Anthony Crowley tries to deal with his issues of self abuse as he looks for his place in the world. Things take an interesting turn when he sees a vacant job opportunity to be a secretary for a local bookstore.
- Mod D
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msp9 · 16 days
WHATS HAPPENING IN CASA DE CHAOS #part 1: YAZ/Yasmina (mostly her ptsd, analyzing screenshots)
This is gonna be my series of me yapping about each character, for example what have they been up to, hopes, speculations, theories... etc. (from the info we have from the clips and ep 1)
So Yaz, or should i call her doctor Yaz? Get it? Bc she's a phycology student.... Career: Never mind so as i said apparently, Yaz is studying psychology in college, for what i assume like around 3 years depending when she started. This is such a big step for her character's growth. After everything she's been through, including her mental health struggles and internal conflicts, she's switched gears and is now pursuing a degree in psychology to help others who may have experienced similar traumas. Also in the clip, she seems excited to show Sammy her new project, which suggests that she's genuinely enjoying her studies and feels passionate about the field. She went from a she's-a-runner-she's-a-track-star to a mature phycology student. Overall, this shows that Yaz is now dedicated to making a positive impact on others through her education and future career. I'm so happy for her. It makes sm sense for her character to pursue this specific career. Overall, looks like shes been fine on the island. (not) .
Ptsd: So Yaz seems to have moved to a non-dinosaur island of some kind. Personally i assume that is for her trauma and struggles when the dinosaurs got to the main land. (and obviously safety) She is obviously the most effected one from jwcc.
Now in trailer 3 we can see 1 moment that could possibly be connected to her Ptsd:
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Here we see Yaz on the ground, she obviously looks scared but i wanted to point out the lights hitting her. They dont really look that "connected" to the scene? Im not sure how to axplain this... Just the way it shines on her clothes and hair and the fact that we cant see the backround clearly, looks like it could be some kind of illusion, or one of her dreams. To stand with my point is the exact next scene:
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We see, a what I'm 99% sure is a dinosaur, attacking her. The coloring and environment is similar so we can assume this is from the same scene. It ofc cuts off before we can see anything else, to me it looks as if the camera shows Yas's point of view. Which makes me believe this is in fact a nightmares of hers. Another point i want to make is just how much darker this whole dream is. Just look at it!!! Its super darker compared to the season 4 ones. Plus in another clip they showed blood. So i wouldn't question if the nightmare were a lot worse then they used to. And the way the Dino attacks its dark yk? you don't even have time to react.
Basically where i want to get to is that, she is not done with ptsd yall.
3) Yaz and Sammy :Okay even if the clips don't showcase much. They have definitely not lost contact as Yasmina states "this is the project I've been talking to you abt". So obviously she has been talking abt it a lot. When it comes to why Sammy was acting out of character when Yaz was showing her project . My personal theory is that Sammy is just trying to make Yaz come with them and leave the island. and from what i speculate here we will probably get a yasammy argument. Overall they are probably together and from what we've seen we might get some tension between them. I'm all in for that. (As long as they don't breakup)
Thank you for reading my big Yaz rant, am i going to make more of these with the other characters? We'll see. Probably yes.
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conniesanchor · 1 year
graham lansing x fem!reader
summary: you were helping graham study for his ap phycology test and you fell asleep... in his bed.
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graham was sitting in the rolly chair next to his bed. he was shooting crumbled up pieces of paper into a trashcan. "memory for automatic activities, such as bike riding and handwriting, is known as what?" you asked him from your position on his bed.
he thought about it for a moment, looking off into space. "semantic memory?" he answered but it was more of a question. it looked as if a light bulb went off in his head, "wait, no! procedural." he looked over at you with a big smile on his face, waiting for you to confirm his answer.
you laughed, "that is correct."
he threw one last paper ball before throwing his head back and sighing. "look, y/n. if i spend one more minute talking about ap phycology i might just die. so, its my turn to ask you a question." graham spoke but looked over at you first as a way of asking for permission. when you nodded in his direction he smiled, "where do you feel safest?" he questioned, tilting his head a bit.
you thought about it for a minute, and you wanted to say with him. instead, you said "my bedroom. where do you feel safest?"
he rolled his eyes, "nuh-uh. you've asked me enough questions. why are you so quiet all the time?" he asked you.
before you answered, you repositioned yourself with your head lying up against his pillow, and your socked feet on top of his covers. "i don't have much to say." you mumbled.
"see, that is a lie. when you're around me, you never stop talking." he spoke, rolling his eyes playfully.
"oh, im so sorry im so annoying." you mocked, your eyes fluttering open and closed. the sleepiness slowly taking over your body. the next questions he asked you were all a blur, you weren't even entirely sure that you had answered him. after a few minutes, you were fully asleep.
you woke up slowly. you had slept better than you had in a while. then it hit you. you fell asleep in graham lansings bed. panic coursed through your veins as you practically jumped out of bed.
graham walked out of the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom, "im sorry, did i wake you up?" he questioned, concern lacing his tone. when he noticed your distressed look he walked over to you, "hey? y/n? you okay?" he asked.
"im sorry, i didn't mean to fall asleep. i just- im sorry- did we?" the words all rushed out.
"woah, hey. it's okay. i already texted your mom and told her you were okay and that you had just fallen asleep. you're good. just relax. and, dont worry. i slept on the couch. believe if he did, you would know." he chuckled, but you also knew that there was seriousness to his voice. "we still have a little over an hour before school, go take a shower and then we can swing by your house to grab some clothes."
you nodded in response, a smile on your face. when you went to go into his bathroom he mumbled "and y/n?" you looked back, "thank you... for.. helping he study."
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a/n: no one has written for graham and it is CRIMINAL. i don't like this but i wanted you guys fed because no one else is doing it.
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I forgot I had some old agents OC's until I saw their names in my fic notes.
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Frank is a thick-headed tough guy, he shoots first and asks questions later. He's closeted and in denial about it.
Fojan is nonbinary and a tech wiz who can hack anything but really hates doing anything physical.
Franics is, Francis.
Faith love phycology and playing mind games. She's gaslight gatekeep girlboss all in one.
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halosdiary · 9 months
Ryomen Sukuna x Reader Anime: Jujustu Kaisen Word Length: 1.1k CONTAINS: Manipulation, NONCON, Phycological abuse
"So many ideas, so little time."
This is a whole new world for you, you were in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people. Everything was so grim and gritty, this was something you'd have to get use to.
How could such a sweet boy, be a vessel to something so disgusting, unruly and monstrous? You look at the boy you once called a friend with fear and disgust. You didn't have a archive, you had to get use to him.
You loved Itadori, you want what's best for him. But his "friend", his friend was a completely different story. You could feel him grab your wrist. You hissed and tried going for a strike on his cheek to snap him out.
Unfortunately, the demon looked at you in the eyes as he caught your other hand. He just smiled, wickedly.
"You poor thing, you." He taunted.
"You should know by know. We're a surprise. Deal with him, deal with me. Simple as that."
You wanted to back away. You wanted to, but for some reason you couldn't move. It was like he had a string to you. Teasing you, indirectly making you feel like you're choking. Yanking you, trying to pull you closer to him by force. He beckoned you to come to him, and with that you started walking, but not on your free will.
The closer you got to him, the wider his smile was. Your look of fear, you practically begging him to let you go was giving him such a delightful time.
The curse squeezed his own hand and at an instant you passed out, and fell to the floor. Your body feel numb, but at the same time it felt like it was being used, tossed around, violated.
You could hear faint screaming, they sounded panicked, angry and even remorseful. You still couldn't open your eyes, but you could feel your body be lifted up. And taken away.
"Are they going to be okay?" A voice wa lingering in your head. It felt familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it. 
"We need to let them rest. You can talk to them later on." 
"Hey, has anyone seen...Y̶̨͌ȕ̸̡j̷̡̑i̷͙̐?̵͙̚" 
"Y̶̨͌ȕ̸̡j̷̡̑i̷͙̐?̵͙̚ I haven't seen him for days now. He just brought back [Y/N] here and he just left." 
Everything was pitch black. But you were coming to, you could somewhat if yourself wake back up. 
Y̶̨͌ȕ̸̡j̷̡̑i̷͙̐?̵͙̚ Y̶̨͌ȕ̸̡j̷̡̑i̷͙̐?̵͙̚
Why was that name so fuzzy to you? My eyes were starting to part open and you looked around the brightness of the room. You slowly sat up, and suddenly felt a sharp pain down your lower body. You winced and groaned from the pain. You felt a warm liquid drip down from you. Your heart was beating very fast and you rip the blankets from under you. 
You were bleeding. 
It was almost as if..someone was there before.  
You didn't want to believe that, that had happened to you. All you can remember was that you and a friend were hanging out, but you noticed he was acting weird, like he was fighting off something or someone. You then heard a bellowing chuckle, it startled you. You looked around to see who was making the noise. You didn't see anyone.
You assumed you were hearing things since you just woke up. Your body was in no way to move at the moment, but you did not want to stay in bed all day. So you tried again and stood out of bed for a few second before having to hold onto something for support. You struggled a bit just to the bathroom. As soon as you made, you heard the laughter again. 
You glared and look around, nothing. You sighed and limped over to the mirror.
"You felt so great. At some point, I'm just going to keep using you until you break completely." 
You gasped as you feel a part of your skin split apart and a mouth was formed. It was talking to you. HE was talking to you. You backed away in horror, only to be met with a sharp pain from down below. 
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" You screamed at the mysterious mouth. 
"The real question is, what did YOU do?" It spoke once more. "The boy hasn't been himself as of lately. Wonder why?" 
"D-did you have something to do with this?" You stared at the mirror as you see that hideous thing form a smirk. "Who the hell even are you." 
"...Ryomen Sukuna." He spoke in a menacing tone. "And you're my newest toy." 
"Like hell I am!" You protested.
You wanted to move again but you couldn't. It was like he said you were his newest toy. The curse wasn't going to let you go away easy like that. With all this new knowledge you were trying to process, you were starting to put two and two together. Your eyes widened at the sudden shock, and you lied your hands on the counter of the bathroom. The mixture of what looked like semen and blood trailikg down your legs and then you could heat the cursed mouth just laugh at you.You could feel tears starting to well up. 
He violated you. You knew something wasn't right about your best friend. Why he was so distant, so withdrawn, very hesitant. Oh Yuji. If only you were here. Droplets of tears were falling from your cheek. All the curse could do was laugh at how broken your spirit was. 
"..Where's Yuji?" You asked. 
"Hmm? The Itadori brat? He's gone." Sukuna bluntly stated. 
A hand covered your mouth, you couldn't help but cry to yourself. You then could hear Sukuna's tongue click. 
"He's still here. He's a broken spirit." Sukuna boasted. "Couldn't save the one person he wanted, and now that I've marked you he won't talk or come out." 
"Dear God, was this..was this my fault?" You asked yourself through your sobs and tears. 
"Oh most definitely." The mouth answered for you. "You're absolutely the most worst thing to ever happen to him. All he ever did was talk about you. It was disgusting." 
The irises in your eyes were shaking from processing all of this. You balled your hands up in a fist. You were being berated and even gaslit into thinking this was your fault. You were angry, in pain and you just wanted your favorite best friend back. The fact that this was what Yuji had to deal with. Sukuna continued to berate you, but all you did was shut down and back away from the mirror as you couldn't even feel the atmosphere engulf you into the darkness. 
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
Whats up with the coffins????
OKAY. So the question is apparently being a reference to the phycological horror game "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley". The plot seems pretty messed up.
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