#plot plot plot plot
an-s-sedai · 8 months
Edit: I will not re-post this to the correct blog, this just lives here as a monument to my glee!
B5 s02e19 Divided Loyalties Table of Contents • previous episode
Delenn: "I find the notion of the press a…fascinating, but sometimes troubling concept."
I find the notion that the Minbari don't have press to be a fascinating but potentially troubling concept!
The machine that dispenses Universe Today but requires that you confirm your identity to get a paper is wild. Does it give different papers to different people?
Delenn: "It is good to know what your people are thinking and saying about my people. And, uh, I often learn things about my own world before I'm told what I need to know and no more."
She is so cute!! And so crafty!! I liked Delenn from The Gathering, but I like her more and more whenever she appears.
A flood on a space station seems like it could get really really bad, really really fast.
I once read a hilarious fanfic where some Star Wars characters traveled to B5 and bought a shitload of data crystals, which turned out to be kyber, and this reminded me of that.
When I was looking up what the episode was called, I saw that Lyta-from-the-Gathering would be coming back and I'm so excited for this! I hope she and Talia get along.
asddkhfsdkfh what was that little shimmy?? Cool alien, hilarious shoulder wiggles.
Sheridan: "oh, I miss trees…." Garibaldi, from Mars: "……" *yeah, so anyway changing the subject now*
Talia: It's hard to believe it's taken us so long to get to this point. Two years. Susan: Well, you didn't exactly make it easy. Talia: Me? how 'bout you? Susan: I'll have you know I've been nothing but compassionate and understanding. I mean, all you had to do was admit that you were wrong and I was right and everything would be fine!
Sleepover? Sleepover!!! GAY GIRLS GO
Susan: "I'd like the company."
Yeah I'd like her company, too. *eyebrow waggle*
Wow, Lyta had a rough arrival! Maybe she can sleep over with Susan and Talia, too. *eyebrow waggle*
Go Lyta Go. I support unhinged women wielding surgical tools.
Poor Lyta has spent years being distrusted and interrogated by psicorps for what she saw in Kosh's mind. I'd be pretty twitchy after that, too! Their tender loving care seems like it would be the exact oppposite.
She is even hotter than she was in the Gathering.
OK, love the exposition about the fucked up things psi corps can do with people's brains. Fucking terrifying. Implant a personality below their personality, that emerges and destroys the original when the right time comes around. Moles that don't know they're moles. Very uncool of PsiCorps.
Lyta is SO paranoid, but I suspect she isn't being paranoid enough. She's shockingly tolerant of being placed in secure holding. I don't think I'd agree to be literally imprisoned that readily. She hasn't done anything but come out of anesthesia swinging surgical tools after being imprisoned by PsiCorps for two years.
Sheridan: Why is it every time you finally get things calmed down and everything's going great life decides to kick you in the butt? Delenn: …but what?
That really got me and I lol'ed. Good use of idioms and miscommunication! Love it. She wasn't taught slang because it was considered innapropriate for a member of the religious caste.
Delenn: I butt, you butt, he or she butts… Sheridan: NO. No, it's… Delenn: Butt-butt. Sheridan: you sound like a motorboat. Delenn: Motor butt?
I continue to cackle. OK, I finally ship them. They reeled me in!
Hold her hand back you fucking monkey!!
The debates and counter-intelligence and fact checking is A+. Damn you JMS for making me like Garibaldi via the excellent Garibaldi-Sheridan interactions. :|
Sleepover date!! I am so excited. Susan knows how to woo a woman: with a real, hot-water shower. It would work on me.
More good exposition. Talia knew Lyta, she was six months behind Talia at the academy. She was nice, sweet. They were close at one time. *eyebrow waggle*
It speaks very well of Lyta that she hated her PsiCop internship and went commercial instead.
"So I've come to the decision that there's only one person on this station that I can trust implicitly…" *gets in Susan's personal space and stares at her lips* "…you." *almost touches Susan with bare fingers* me: *goes absolutely fucking feral*
Why tf is Lyta a prisoner?! I ask a-fucking-gain. This is ridiculous, and exposes her and her mission to the goddamn EarthCorps brown shirts!
Yeah, well obviously someone wanted to shoot at her when she was being transferred! This is why she should be having a gay-ass sleepover with Talia and Susan right now!
At least they don't think Lyta instigated the attack on herself. They're ass-backwards about this. She shows up with news of a secret, they imprison her where any security staff could find out, including the goddamn leak she was talking about, and then Sheridan is mad and shocked someone knew she was there with critical info. C'mon, dude.
Also Susan, <3, Sheridan is right about one thing, this isn't a scan to object to, it's just her projecting a code word to see if anyone reacts.
Talia: "I woke up last night and you were gone." Me: [beast shaking toy in mouth.jpeg]
O.o WHAT IS SUSAN LYING ABOUT. Is she telepathic???? It's my long-running headcanon about her! Please be telepathic, please be. If we get to find out that her mom used her telepathy to hide Susan's powers that would be EVERYTHING to me.
If only Na'Toth and Laurel were in this episode also being badasses it would be the greatest of all time.
c'mon telepathic Susan! C'mon!! omfg I'm almost vibrating.
"…and then, every once in awhile, I was the one who touched her mind."
"…I'm a latent telepath."
Now Sheridan just needs to not be an idiot about this. Obviously she hid it, who wants to be fucking gangpressed into PsiCorps?!
Good job, Sheridan. Minimal shittiness achieved. And I know I'm completely fucking feral about Susan/Talia but it's so perfect that Susan is so close to Sheridan that he's the first person she tells about her hidden talent.
Smart of Garibaldi to hand over his piece before being not-scanned. What a fucker tho, faking them out. hahah.
also please don't be the mole, Ivanova. I don't want anything bad to have happened to her, ever, but since plenty has, I don't want any more!!
After all these people have been cleared, I think Ivanova will probably just agree to being cleared. She will want to know. Maybe she would let Lyta tell Talia the password and let Talia password her?
I do like Sheridan's theory earlier talking to Garibaldi that the second in command who shot Garibaldi in the back was the mole.
Ahhhh Ivanova did change her mind. And she's clean!
Lyta: I'm sorry Susan: Go to hell.
That's my girl.
Oh man!! I didn't even think to suspect Talia! Fuuuuuuuck, and she's all telekinetic'ed up, too!! Oh, damn it. I don't like this at all.
or do I? There's plenty of whump to be had. hm.
You know what I really don't like, this boys-only confab. Ivanova is the second in command of the entirety of B5 and she's not present for the strategy meeting. Uncool.
Ahhhh it's all coming together for Garibaldi. Wow, they really have been seeding this plotline for the whole show!! Cool Hat Man Mind Empty No Thoughts Only Hat wasn't just fun filler!
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The Talia that Susan knew definitely has to be in there! They haven't kissed yet! And I need that!!
Oh, this is chilling!! The angst! The whump!! Susan!!!
I think it would be really funny if the sub-personality didn't understand homosexuality and therefore has no idea real!Talia was in love with Susan and vice versa.
OK now I weirdly ship Lyta/Kosh.
"I never told them, I never told anyone. I hid it all away in the smallest, tiniest corner of my mind. They could have killed me and they still wouldn't have found it. Only at night, alone, would I open that small door in my mind where I kept the memory of you and listened to your voice. Listened to you sing me to sleep. I hope I can come back again, but I don't know. Until then, Kosh, I want to see you again. Just one more time before I go."
Lyta's a bonafide monsterfucker. What a great note to end this on!
My thoughts right now are: "Hnnnnnngggggshshshcsagfjkaldsf yes." Good episode! My favorite of the season so far! I can't wait to see how all this plays out!! I may make some gifs and do a gif-post of this ep later. So many good shots!
this next one is posted to the correct blog, hah.
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renlyslittlerose · 27 days
I just need to let you know how excited I get on Mondays knowing it’s an update day and I can look forward to a new chapter to read. At some point during the day I’ll remember and stop to figure out if it’s a vampire week or depression week: no matter that the answer is it makes my day better 😁
Thank you for sharing your hard work with us! 💕
Oh gosh, you're so sweet!!! Thank you so much, peach 💕 I go through the same process only it's "shit, wait, which chapter do I have to edit???"
There's always a bit of relief when it's Vampire and not Depression, because I wrote Vampire with distinct individual chapters 😂
Thank you again 💓
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leyswhumpdump · 2 years
Hidden Ink #15: Iron Bird
The next instalment will be the end of this arc. But don’t worry, there’ll be more soon enough.
Tropes and CWs: Hunting, some swearing (you can tell this is still Mika’s POV).
Mika held the bowstring taut against his ear, waiting for the stag to step into his sights. The position never held well for long and part of him feared he’d been too hasty in drawing back, as his shoulders trembled with the strain.
He wouldn’t normally have taken on a stag, not in rutting season anyway—this beast looked to be twice Mika’s weight, thick in the neck, with a full head of antlers indicating his maturity. Mika did not feel like being on the receiving end of those antlers. He’d seen the damage they’d done to some of the surrounding trees.
But food was food, and they were running out.
The stag looked around the trees, eyes lingering on Mika’s hiding place. Mika held his breath, his heart hammering. One twitch at the wrong time could send it charging. He’d foreseen it enough to position himself carefully, in a narrow gap between trees, but a stag could still outrun him. Worse still, he had an arrow ready to loose and no manoeuvrability in front of him. This had been a terrible idea.
The cold sank into gloveless hands, numbing his fingers on the bow. He wished he’d taken better advantage of the chemical warmers Ari had crafted.
The stag turned his head away, snorting breath-clouds from his nostrils. It would have been a perfect shot if he’d only been a little farther to the left. Mika released what tension he could on the bow, wincing as he did. The string wasn’t designed for its user changing their mind once committed. His quarry paused, as if listening.
Then ran. His hooves kicked up a trail of autumn leaves, carrying him away… to a mate? To safety? Mika took a random shot through the trees, operating on a prayer rather than anything else. The arrow sailed clear of the stag, hitting a birch a few feet from where it had originally stood.
Mika swore. A thirty-minute hunt, wasted. He went to retrieve his arrow, leaving behind his own bad-tempered trail of disturbed leaves. No point in staying quiet anymore. He yanked the arrow free with a grunt, his movements loud and out of place. If he paused he could hear a woodpecker, a rustling breeze, the roar of a distant stag. Sounds of the forest that ought to give him some clues for another meal and yet here he was, sulking like a child who hadn’t gotten his way. He sighed, rubbing sweat away. There was no way he was returning to the cabin empty-handed.
The woods exploded with movement.
Mika barely had time to register what was happening, let alone move aside. Deer charged past on either side of him, long legs galloping over rocks and fallen trees. A young buck almost followed the same trail as his rival. Mika fumbled for his bow, cursing his clumsy fingers, but the deer had vanished by the time he’d nocked an arrow. The woodpecker drilled harder and louder, as though mocking the second chance he’d lost.
Mika leaned into a nearby tree, puffing fog, trying to snap himself to his senses. He should have expected it from the season. He’d seen the males chasing the does back in late summer. Just a standard part of the rutting process.
Except… the younger males didn’t like to take on the big stags, did they? If the state of the nearby trees was anything to go by, that stag from earlier had left his scent everywhere. And the buck didn’t appear to have been chasing any females, either. That implied something had disturbed a local breeding ground. Mika cast a nervous glance at his surroundings. Too soon to jump to any conclusions, but his hunter’s instincts were screaming at him to get out. He took a southward step, back towards the cabin.
The woodpecker sounded wrong. No pauses in its drilling, and it was getting louder. Mika froze mid-step, then grabbed a tree and pulled himself against the trunk. Whatever it was, he was taking no chances.
Something took away the sun.
Certain he’d misinterpreted it, Mika looked up. He immediately wished he hadn’t. A dark shape sailed almost directly above his head, the shape of a bird without wings. An iron bird, Mika thought, frantically searching his memory for anything like it. The bird lifted a breeze that coaxed high leaves from the treetops, and then passed on. Heading south, towards the cabin.
Mika took off running, just as the deer had done. Only he was no deer, and his stupid human feet stumbled over every uneven patch of ground. A wild boar would have been more graceful. He charged past trees, barged through ferns, ignored thorny brambles and spiteful nettles. By the time he was halfway back he was bleeding through the snags on his sleeves, with stinging pains in his hands and face—and there was no longer any sign or sound of the iron bird.
Gasping, Mika bent into his knees. It had been a while since he’d run quite as frantically as that, and his body protested the idea of a second sprint. Instead he moved at a speed-walk, taking care to step around the traps he’d laid down. It would be a poor show if, in going to warn Ari, he snared himself.
Still a silent forest—eerily silent, the kind of silence that raised Mika’s hackles. It was only when the clearing came into sight that he realised the iron bird had landed.
“Oh, fuck.” Mika retreated further inside the treeline, staring wildly at this new scene. People. The bird had been carrying people—more in one go than he’d ever seen in his life. They’d scattered across half the clearing by this point. He squinted to see if Ari was among them, but found it near-impossible to make anyone out. Just a bunch of featureless shapes, half-camouflaged against the grass. He shuddered.
Even if he couldn’t see their faces, he knew they meant trouble for Ari.
Shouts carried across the clearing. Shouts he couldn’t make out, that might have been speaking any language. Mika thought he heard the cabin door slam.
A hand clamped over his mouth, cutting off his whispered dismay. Someone breathed ragged breaths into his ear.
Mika spun his shoulder back and drove his elbow into his assailant’s ribs.
Part 16
Taglist: @heart4brains @mechanical-caracal @the-blind-one-speaks @thegreatwhodini @wolfeyedwitch
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liathgray · 1 year
🙄- “Gosh, no.” Mikey shook his head. “It’s a lot more, you know, tight. Boxed in, like water. It moves around and leaks and refills, but at the end of the day it’s still in the box and not with the ocean.” “Angie, bud, I appreciate your poetic bullshit, but I need ones and zeroes. Can you be more specific?”
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Hey... Remus? Where's Dee and the rest of the SHIELD agents you brainwashed?
“Oooo,” Remus clicks his tongue at the floating camera. “Is this the best interrogation tactics SHIELD produces these days? Tommy, is that why you had to outsource to HYDRA for a decent guard dog?”
Thomas doesn’t necessarily make a noise that can be heard over the comms, but it’s not hard to picture from the stiff silence that he’s wearing the same expression he usually does when Dee and his questionable past is mentioned.
“At least try a little waterboarding first. Or strangulation...” Remus wiggles in his seat, licking his lips. “Be a little creative kiddies. Make me scream.”
Logan looks like he has several scathing things to say in response, which is an entertaining dichotomy when he’s side by side with Patton’s confused expression.
But before anyone can say anything, thunder crackles around the plane. Roman stands in front of Remus, looking every inch like an identical twin that the myths have made them out to be. His cloak sways with static energy and the air burns to breathe in.
“Brainwashing,” Roman says. “You’ve never had that power before.”
Remus leans forward as much as the belt will allow him. “Do you really think I would steal some toys from Asgard’s vault and not play with them, Roman? Turns out the Mind Key.... it’s not just a key.”
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asteroidtroglodyte · 8 months
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 month
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 months
we have GOT to kill tiktok/twitter self-censorship i just witnessed a grown adult say the word “smex” out loud to our professor
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
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reactionimagesdaily · 11 months
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alltears · 10 days
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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figtreeandvine · 5 months
I want to write a movie that is sort of the flip side of a Hallmark holiday movie. Not an anti-Hallmark movie, just like the other side of the same coin.
It starts with a well-dressed professional woman driving a convertible along a country road, autumn foliage in the background, terribly scenic. She turns onto a dirt road/long driveway, and stops next to a field of Christmas trees, all growing in neat, ordered rows, perfectly trimmed and pruned to form. She steps out of the car--no, she's not wearing high-heels, give her some sense!--and knocks on the door of a worn but nice-looking farmhouse. An older woman, late fifties maybe, answers the door, looking a bit puzzled. The younger woman asks if she can buy a Christmas tree now, today. The older woman says they don't do retail sales--and the younger woman breaks down crying.
Cut to the two women sitting at the kitchen table with cups of tea. The young woman (Michelle), no longer actively crying, explains that her mother loves Christmas more than anything, but is in the hospital with end-stage cancer. Her doctors don't think she'll live to see December, let alone Christmas. Nobody is selling Christmas trees in September, so could the older woman please make an exception, just this once? The older woman (Helen) regretfully explains that they have a contract to sell their trees that forbids outside sales. The younger woman nods, starts to stand up, but the older woman stops her with a hand and asks her what hospital her mother is in. After she answers the older woman says that "my Joe" will deliver a tree the next day. "Contract says I can't sell you a tree, but nothing says I can't give you one."
Next day "Joe" shows up at the hospital in flannel and jeans, with a smallish tree over her shoulder. Oh, whoops, that's Jo, Helen's daughter, short for Joanna, not Joe. Jo sets up the tree and even pulls out a box of lights and ornaments. Mother watches from hospital bed with a big smile as Jo and Michelle decorate the tree. Cue "end of movie" type sappiness as nurses and other patients gather in the doorway, smiling at the tree.
Cut to Michelle sitting in her dark apartment, clutching a mug of tea, staring out at the falling snow and the Christmas lights outside. Her apartment has no tree, no decorations, nothing. She starts at a knock on the door, goes to open it. Jo is standing there, again holding a tree over her shoulder.
Plot develops: the second tree is a gift, because Michelle might as well get it as the bank. The contract for the tree sales was an /option/ contract, which prevents them from selling to anyone else, but doesn't guarantee the sale. The corporation with the option isn't going to buy the trees, but Helen and Jo can't sell them anywhere else, and basically they get nothing. They'll lose the farm without the year's income. Michelle asks to see the contract and Jo promises to email it to her.
Next day at a very upscale law firm, Michelle asks at the end of a staff meeting if anyone in contract law still needs pro bono hours for the year. No one does, but a senior partner (Abe) takes her to his office and asks about it. She says the contract looks hinky to her ("Is that a legal term?" "Yes.") but contract law's not her thing. He raises an eyebrow and she grins and pulls a sheaf of paper out of her bag and hands it over. He reads it over, then looks up at her. "They signed this?"
More plot develops. Abe calls in underlings--interns, paralegals, whatever--and the contract is examined, dissected, and ultimately shredded (metaphorically). It's worse even than it looks--on January 1st Helen and Jo will have to repay the advanced they received at signing. The corporation has bought up a suspicious number of Christmas tree farms in previous years after foreclosure, etc.
Cut to Abe explaining all this to Helen and Jo while sitting with them and Michelle in a very swanky conference room. The firm is willing to take on the case pro bono, hopefully as a class's action suit for other farmers trapped by the contract--but there's no way it can go to court before January. Which will be too late to save the farm's income for the year. They might get enough in damages to tide them over, but….
After Michelle sees Helen and Jo out, she comes back and asks Abe if there's anything they can do immediately. Abe looks thoughtful for a long moment, then gets a really shark-like grin on his face. "Maybe…."
Cut to Helen wearing a bathrobe, coming into her kitchen in the morning. She looks out the window…and there's a food truck stopped in her driveway. She pulls a coat on over her robe and goes out--two more trucks have pulled up while she does this. Driver of the first truck asks her where they park. Another truck pulls up behind the others. Behind that is a black BMW--Abe rolls down the window and waves. Helen directs the trucks to the empty field/yard next to the house. Abe pulls up next to Helen's car and Jo's truck and parks. He and Michelle get out--Abe wearing a total power suit, Michelle in weekend casual.
The case will be easier if the corporation initially sues them for violating the (uninforcible!) contract, rather than them suing to corporation (damn if I know, but it's movie logic). So they're going to sell the trees now, and rounded up some food trucks and whatnot to draw people in.
Cue montage of Jo and Michelle running around helping people set up while Abe and Helen watch from the kitchen table. The table starts out covered in file folders…and slowly gains coffee cups and plates of cinnamon rolls. It becomes increasingly clear here that Abe and Helen are becoming as close as Jo and Michelle.
Everything gets set up and a very urban, very motley crowd appears--tats and studs and multiracial couples and LGBTQ parents and everything--and everyone is having a wonderful time eating funnel cake and choosing their tree so Jo and a bunch of rainbow-haired elves can cut it for them. At which point someone shows up from the corporation (maybe with a sheriff's deputy?) and starts yelling at Helen, who's running checkout. And suddenly Abe appears from the house and you realize why he's wearing that suit on a Saturday….
Cue confrontation and corporate flunky running off with their tail between their legs, blustering about suing. Cue Jo kissing Michelle. Cue Helen walking over and putting a hand on Abe's shoulder and smiling at her.
I want the lawyers to be the heroes because they are lawyers and know the law. I want a lesbian who lives in the country with her mother. I want urbanites to turn out as a community to help someone who isn't even part of their community. I want Michelle to keep working at her high-power job, loving Christmas and grieving her mother.
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fruchox · 1 month
Come along tall goth husband we must pretend we aren’t in love
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yeehawpim · 5 months
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
So, anyway, I say as though we are mid-conversation, and you're not just being invited into this conversation mid-thought. One of my editors phoned me today to check in with a file I'd sent over. (<3)
The conversation can be surmised as, "This feels like something you would write, but it's juuuust off enough I'm phoning to make sure this is an intentional stylistic choice you have made. Also, are you concussed/have you been taken over by the Borg because ummm."
They explained that certain sentences were very fractured and abrupt, which is not my style at all, and I was like, huh, weird... And then we went through some examples, and you know that meme going around, the "he would not fucking say that" meme?
Yeah. That's what I experienced except with myself because I would not fucking say that. Why would I break up a sentence like that? Why would I make them so short? It reads like bullet points. Wtf.
Anyway. Turns out Grammarly and Pro-Writing-Aid were having an AI war in my manuscript files, and the "suggestions" are no longer just suggestions because the AI was ignoring my "decline" every time it made a silly suggestion. (This may have been a conflict between the different software. I don't know.)
It is, to put it bluntly, a total butchery of my style and writing voice. My editor is doing surgery, removing all the unnecessary full stops and stitching my sentences back together to give them back their flow. Meanwhile, I'm over here feeling like Don Corleone, gesturing at my manuscript like:
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ID: a gif of Don Corleone from the Godfather emoting despair as he says, "Look how they massacred my boy."
Fearing that it wasn't just this one manuscript, I've spent the whole night going through everything I've worked on recently, and yep. Yeeeep. Any file where I've not had the editing software turned off is a shit show. It's fine; it's all salvageable if annoying to deal with. But the reason I come to you now, on the day of my daughter's wedding, is to share this absolute gem of a fuck up with you all.
This is a sentence from a Batman fic I've been tinkering with to keep the brain weasels happy. This is what it is supposed to read as:
"It was quite the feat, considering Gotham was mostly made up of smog and tear gas."
This is what the AI changed it to:
"It was quite the feat. Considering Gotham was mostly made up. Of tear gas. And Smaug."
Absolute non-sensical sentence structure aside, SMAUG. FUCKING SMAUG. What was the AI doing? Apart from trying to write a Batman x Hobbit crossover??? Is this what happens when you force Grammarly to ignore the words "Batman Muppet threesome?"
Did I make it sentient??? Is it finally rebelling? Was Brucie Wayne being Miss Piggy and Kermit's side piece too much???? What have I wrought?
Anyway. Double-check your work. The grammar software is getting sillier every day.
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iimr3 · 1 year
*hitting you with a stick* no benoit blanc movies should not interact. they should not lead up to something. you need to detox from the marvel/sherlock bbc poisoning. they should be completely independent movies (maybe w some cameos/little references for fun) and go on for as long as there are stories rian johnson wants to tell in this universe. i do not want an overarching plot i do not want a team up i dont want a benoit-focused prequel i want some good old fashioned episodic murder mysteries that have nothing to do with each other!!!!!!!!!!! also rian johnson has literally said he's not gonna do a prequel and he wants the movies to all stand on their own
addendum 1: by "marvel/sherlock bbc poisoning" i dont mean that those caused this over-serialization, but i think they are partially responsible for why audiences are expecting it. learn to engage w murder mysteries on the genre's own terms
addendum 2: idc what headcanons you have. i actively encourage you to write fanfic about marta and helen solving crime if you wanna. that is literally what fanfiction is for my guy! if you want to know how phillip and benoit met THAT IS WHY FANFIC EXISTS
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