#positive pessimism
thatsbelievable · 1 month
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
Sorry but if you say you're "being realistic" or "seeing the world as it is" and then only spout of the negatives then you're not being realistic and your worldview will devour you whole. Pessimism is not realistic. There is no world void of joy and to believe that is to ignore the goodness in the world and only see things in an unrealistic, cynical perspective that is not and never will be how things are. Find some joy in the smallest of things or perish.
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felineandhustle · 2 months
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68spidey · 11 months
Reminder that I read every single reply and every single reblog tag and it makes my fucking day to see stuff there. You guys give me that little boost I need to keep creating when I'm feeling like shit. Especially if it's just nonsensical screaming at something angsty lol
Love yall <3
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thisthat-ortheother · 2 months
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ursulaklegay · 2 years
If you were a teen in the 2010s and have internalized that it’s somehow cool to be mentally ill / speak only in sarcasm / joke about suicide / say self-deprecating stuff all the time / treat your life as a joke / make being a nihilist your whole personality: maybe try to unlearn that
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ezraphobicsoup · 4 months
when there are bad evil people there are also good lovely people. and everything will be ok
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electricpurrs · 1 year
your post about the labels introvert and extrovert hit really close to home for me, cuz lately i've been thinking a lot about that exact thing and how it probably played a huge part in stunting my ability to socialize for a few years. was always saying stuff like "i don't like people" or that i was scared of people, and considered myself to be just an introvert that had bad anxiety(found out about my autism much later). thought i could never learn to be good at or to enjoy interacting with others. and that therefore i shouldn't put effort into trying, plus being "introverted" was normal so why try to change it right. but yeah pretty much just like you said, after some therapy, learning coping skills and forcing myself outside my comfort zones- i realized i like talking to people!! i like connecting with others and having experiences and not living in my room afraid of the outside world. so.. yeah! sorry for the long ask i guess all that was just to say you are so so right, you put it into words very nicely and i appreciated it so thank you aaaa
of course! im glad i was able to put how you feel into words and im glad youre doing better now. but yeah finding someone else with a similar experience to mine just makes me think im more right on being wary of the effects of introvert as a label.
i think a lot of people who have anxiety, depression, autism etc may end up latching to introvert because its the closest of an explanation they can find for their struggles, and the closest to a socially acceptable one. no one takes "i dont like going to parties because the music is too loud" seriously, but "i dont like parties because im an introvert" might be let slide. what is sad i think is when youre never given an alternative explanation and never given any kind of support with your struggles or even the idea that you can get better. because being introvert is just the way you are, its your innate personality trait, then thats never going to change right? your anxiety never gets better your depression never gets better you never find coping mechanisms and will just internalize all that and use it as an excuse to isolate yourself forever because youre sad and alone and dont know what to do.
in general we probably just as always need to offer more help + more support + less stigmatization for people with mental illness and neurodivergence and convince people that they CAN get better and dont have to be miserable forever just because theyre struggling now, even if it requires putting a little effort into it
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
everyone and they mama says sae x nice girl FUCK that I wanna see him be down bad for a girl as cold as him to the point he loses his cool
i respect ur wishes i just cant picture this dynamic w him to write it i suppose
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astrxealis · 1 year
hi ... sorry for disappearing for a bit, will likely stay that way for a bit longer 😞 life & school kinda busy and overwhelming (i'll be okay though <3)
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maiteo · 4 months
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bxdtime-ceai · 1 year
I'm fat. I'm neurodivergent. I'm queer. I'm ugly. I have bad acne. I'm introverted. I'm anxious. I'm terrified half of the time. I'm annoying. I'm cynical and pessimistic. I deserve good things.
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emergingghost · 11 months
i will constantly be sad about all the things bad in my life but simultaneously still assume everything will work out fine without any proactive intervention
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marxism-lelouchism · 1 year
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time to read this article by the author of ornamentalism surely this will be fine
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erm. the end of the pandemic? in march 2022? right after the biggest spike in cases in the us in january 2022? ok.
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nonblack asian americans stop “borrowing” from afro-pessimism and keep it out of our mouths challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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zarophod · 1 year
might have to spend my day reading ted lasso fanfiction because s3 is giving us nothing
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androidemotions · 1 year
It just feels like the people in my life dont really have that much sympathy for all the changes and struggles in my life until I'm stressed out of my mind about it. And part of that is i have a long history of not knowing how to express myself but it just feels like I always have to get to my wits end before someone says hey I can help with that we can work on this. Its always like i have to break down before my effort and my pain gets recognized...
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