#queer board games
moderndaycassandra · 8 months
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I didn't expect to be called out like this today, but here we are. Courtesy of my friend.
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weepylucifer · 9 months
steban: "please i need advice from a Queer Elder™. how do i get ulixes to open up around me more? his shirt specifically"
harry who had not known he was a Queer Elder™ but will make that his whole personality for the next 3 weeks once he's done internalizing that thought: "look, unbutton your own shirt more and see if he mimics you. you know, since he's the echo maker"
steban: "he's the what"
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The Duffer Brothers rushing to put The Last Of Us on the ST5 inspo board after Ep 3
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limonjarritos · 5 months
Do you guys know how insane it is that Rody is biphobic and bi just casually in this story. Like imagine if there was less cannibalism (boo) and the whole game was just Rody fighting his bisexual demons.
(actually he probably kinda lowkey was with how much his mind strays back to Manon when speaking to Vincent, though he's also perhaps that down bad. But still, you know how people will subconsciously play up their opposite gender attraction when trying to fight the same sex attraction thoughts)
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queenqunari · 8 months
tbh I find the terminally online “lesbian vs bi sapphics” discourse sooooo funny after existing in irl sapphic/lesbian spaces for a few years now. Like I’ve never once had a lesbian irl care about me being bisexual (even when I’ve had a partner who is a guy). It’s such a nonissue. We all love women and have shared experiences with queerness (and lots of different ones! Which is also normal and fine) and that’s all that really matters
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waitineedaname · 2 months
apparently someone in my friend's program thinks I'm cute. this is doing insane things to my ego
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ringo-stalin · 4 months
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Apologies for the personal post/shameless plus but big things are happening! My new place of employment The Arcanist's Tavern is opening soon, in Shoreditch, London!
We aim to create the ultimate immersive destination for tabletop and roleplaying games, allowing you to roll dice in the candlelit halls of a real rustic fantasy tavern.
The venue is shaping up to be something truly incredible and a place that I hope gamers will embrace as somewhere they're welcome and wanted.
Please follow our accounts and if you can, please contribute to our Kickstarter, which is live now!
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femgineerasolution · 9 months
I love my local board game group so much - yesterday there were 9 of us, with 4 men (who I think are all cishet but I could be wrong) and 5 women (who I know are all various flavours of queer) and I just love that we can meet up in a local pub once a week and play board games together and no one really cares. The worst harassment we ever get from the other punters is someone asking if we're playing monopoly
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taviokapudding · 1 year
I have a question for Genshin side of tumblr, especially the multilinguals and translators because I am on board with Alhaitham and Kaveh them being platonic or romantic but it just hit me after seeing user & artist eannagram bring it up on Twitter
Alhaitham says he has a house and even threatens to kick out Kaveh out- yet in all the English translations they use the word “roommates”. Kaveh is literally an architect so even if the place is small, it makes no sense for them to share a room based off their dynamic. And even if it was a dorm or apartment, roommates is still the incorrect phrase because housemates, dorm mates, & flat mates would all be a more accurate translations
Are they genuinely gay coded and this is how the EN team is getting the CN censorship across without explicitly saying it or is it a mistranslation and the EN team accidentally implied they’re a couple?
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
sometimes i see absolutely insane blanket statements spoken as if they're common knowledge like "obviously trans men/trans masculine people don't face as much oppression as trans women/trans feminine people but-" and i just know it's all over. pack it up & move it out, we've lost the plot, we've lost the point, we've said disgustingly over simplified and harmful statements, and there is no hope for us.
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hergan416 · 1 year
Hey guys!
So, I know I don't really talk about my work on here because honestly, working in the toy/game industry and spending my free time on *gestures wildly at my blog* feels like a thing I should not mix very often.
But right now I do really want to talk about something.
Because there is an awesome local (to me) gay Asian game creator who makes hilarious light strategy games and who had a game on Kickstarter right now.
And apparently internet trolls have found it and are making fun of it for being too gay.
During pride month of all things.
The game is called "Conquest Princess" and is a cooperative fashion game that the kickstarter is describing as Sailor Moon meets Star Trek.
I am dry and humorless compared to Seppy, so I would honestly just look at the kickstarter for more information, because even if the game isn't for you, I do think that reading the game's full description is a blast.
There are very few strategy games that make me feel like laughing while playing, and a lot of Seppy's previous titles have been ones I enjoy because they have outlandish themes that add laughter to more serious game mechanics.
TLDR: please at least check out Conquest Princess' kickstarter, the creator is a wonderful man and does not deserve this kind of hate.
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queerinspiringfear · 5 months
Welcome to my replacement blog! I lost access to my previous one so fuck it starting from scratch. I have a lot of creative pursuits and like an idiot I want to make a go at it professionally, Tumblr is the only social media I really vibe with so if you like my content your support is seen and appreciated!
If you're into card games check out my blog See creatures and keep an eye out for posts about my next games!
I'm also into every kind of art, some of weird. Will provide updates.
Spent 15 years getting good at creative writing so hopefully you'll like what I've got on that too!
One of my life dreams is to visit every sex shop in Britain, while this blog will not PG it also won't be explicit, check out my queerinspiringfear18+ blog for my reviews on the places I visit!
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pokiespout · 11 months
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CSI: CANDYLAND, acrylic on canvas. Taking a bite out of crime.
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robohaven · 1 year
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It's been about 3.5 years since I published the first publicly available iteration of Affection Game (the Print and Play PDF) to itch, and I have FINALLY edited it!
This is also the last edit I'm ever making to Affection Game.
Between the first time I published the game and now, I learned a lot about myself and what I want this game to be through my ongoing relationship with someone I care about deeply.
In 2017, this game was a prototype on little ripped-up pieces of paper to prompt discussion between my partner and me when we decided to start dating. I knew I'd historically been horrible at sharing my feelings and fears, and if I wanted this relationship to last long... I'd need to start speaking up more.
I care about my partner enough to not only try making a tool for me to overcome my anxiety but to also change my motivation overall from "I am afraid of conflict and will withhold my needs so I'm not annoying" to "I am willing to share my insecurities and feelings so our relationship can navigate them and thrive."
Took me about 5 years, but hey. Better late than never!
This final edit to Affection Game contains minor updates to some prompts and complete revisions to others.
The Level 3 cards are now a "Relationship Maintenance" tier. One where I try to encourage openness about needs and insecurities not only for myself but for everyone else who will play this game.
It is never easy to begin difficult discussions, but my hope is that you can take the Level 3 cards and use them to reflect on your situation and speak honestly and kindly with those you care about most. 
May your affection help you overcome your fear, so you and your companion(s) can win together with vulnerability.
If you want this game in other formats:
Get the virtual tabletop module to play online on Roll20!
Buy the physical card game (with a fun box I designed) on TheGameCrafter!
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queer-for-science · 10 months
Okay so you all should play the game The Adventure Challenge because it has led me to the light of my polycule's lives- our handsome little Beatus Auf (its a Swiss name meaning blessed).
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This is our beautiful brick baby and the product of 5 transmascs being left to their devices for a night
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kermitscavern · 6 months
New Video :DD
I talk about volunteering at an oyster restoration thing, and some performances from my international boarding school's open day! I also went to the Hong Kong Gay Games concert! very fun times. very cultural exchange. very dance. You should check it out!
my sibling said the sound effects are too loud so jumpscare warning ig :( sorry about that
You should check it out! Any and all feedback is appreciated :)) hope you're having a good day!!
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