#randy (slightly darkened)
kaleschmidt · 1 year
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GUYPHONE - when you're a phone but you're also a guy!
i was VERY surprised i found a lack of phone gender flags??? so i wanted to make this flag for myself n wanted to share :3 shout out fellow phoneys
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athanwritesthings · 29 days
Fall Out || Fem!Reader [Izabella Bardot] x Damian Priest, Pt. 2.
A/N: Guess who neglected the series? Me. Guess who kept wanting to get it done tho? Also me. If you wanna get added to the tag-list for this series, make sure to comment, so I can do just that! Part One here: Fall Out || Fem!Reader [Izabella Bardot] x Damian Priest - Pt. 1
Part Three here: coming soon, and will definitely be longer. Word Count: 2,400
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I never told the three of them about the interaction between Rhea, Damian, and I. The sinking dread of now dealing with going against Rhea for the first time settled in. Was I crazy for getting myself into this mess? Yeah, I definitely was. I had only gotten back from being out at ringside for Randy's match about ten minutes ago...
Yet whispers from other wrestlers snaked their way to my ears, my eyes grazing over them all, along with the people who stepped out of my way, stopping to stare at me, as if I was some sort of grotesque sight to see.
I could only pick up a few things of what people said as I passed by. "How much you want to bet it's because of them both..." "I heard she had been the reason they both got hurt..." Shaking my head slightly, a frown forms on my face, continuing on my way.
An uneasy knot formed in my stomach as I continued to walk. At this point in the night, I would've received a text or call from Kevin or Grayson for them to meet up with me, but I hadn't gotten anything yet. Paired with how wrestlers voices dropped to a whisper, and how others kept stopping and staring at me with a look on their face... My mind wandered to the possibility that Kevin and or Grayson had been hurt during their match.
"Izabella." My head swivels to see Adam Pearce walk up beside me. He was silent as he fully approached, his hands on his hips as he looks to the wrestlers who congregated, whispering and pointing, watching them scramble away upon seeing Pearce. "Before your match, I need to talk to you." That was his way of saying Follow me, please. I glance one last time to the wrestlers slowly dispersing after those who scrambled away, before I begin following Pearce.
I look to Pearce as his eyes are set straight in front of him. "What's going on?" The worry tinted in my voice caused him to look at me as we walked.
It took him a moment to actually respond as he articulated his response. "I have heard from a source that you... have apparently attacked two of your teammates." His gaze was unwavering as he continued to lead me, as I assumed, to medical.
A laugh left me at first, not believing Adam at all, but when a darkened look crossed his face. "Adam, I didn't attack anybody. I was with Randy during his match."
"What about before his match?" Adam asks, stopping in his tracks. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at me. "What were you doing, Izabella?"
I stare at him with a look of disbelief, a small scoff leaving me, as I rub my forehead for a moment. "You seriously don't believe me? I... I was at the Gorilla, waiting for Randy. He ran late, even though he was supposed to be there five to ten minutes early, so we could prepare for his entrance after Indi's match against Maxxine, I-..."
Adam puts his hand up as he sees me get more flustered and aggravated. "I only ask, because I'm trying to rule out every possibility, and make sure there is 100% transpa-"
"You attacked Grayson and Kevin, Izabella?" Randy voice bellowed, storming up into view. He was still in his wrestling gear. "They didn't even get to wrestle their match against Balor and Priest!"
I just stared at him in disbelief, uncertain of what to even say. "What...?" My own boyfriend blaming me... Did he just hear this by ear, or was he the one who found them and told officials? Did someone else say it was me?
Adam placed a hand on Randy's shoulder to get him to cool down. "Look, Randy. Right now is not the best time to be talking about this. We'll need to talk about this later. She's got a match to get to. I'm getting to the bottom of this, and will make sure the right actions are taken."
"No, no this gets talked about now." Randy's jaw was set, as he stared at me. "Figure out where your loyalty lands. Because if you can't be trusted to not turn on our teammates, then you can be trusted as my girlfriend."
Once he muttered that sentence, my face hardened. Did he truly believe I did this? My hands became cold and clammy feeling. “If you can’t trust in me or believe that I didn’t attack Kevin or Grayson, then keep up that same energy when Adam figures it out.”
"Stop it! Go, get out of here, Randy." Adam pointed for Randy to go, acting as a guard between Randy and I. In that moment, something in his eyes seemed to falter, as if he wasn't believing what he had said to me, what he had blamed me for. His behavior, his body language, it all seemed off.
But I knew better than to believe that. Rhea and Damian had given their threats, saying they'd take out all four of us. Better yet, I hadn't even told any of the guys about the interaction with Rhea and Damian.
Adam turned to lead me off, ushering me to the gorilla to enter for my match, Randy’s face turning to a scowl as he watched me walk off.
I was going to be alone this match, and there truly wasn't anything I could do about it. I didn't even get the opportunity to check in on Kevin and Grayson.
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Throughout this stupid match, my mind kept finding it's way to Kevin and Grayson, wondering if they were okay. In the midst of thinking about them and their status, I had somewhat managed to keep up with Rhea's momentum.
Even if I kept up with her and held onto my momentum, she'd manage to get a hit in, with little to no reaction time left for me. I sat in the corner of the ring, leaned against the bottom turnbuckle, arm wrapped around my torso, as Rhea showed off to the crowd, Dominik sitting on the mat and flexing with her, taking in the crowds boos. The ref was trying to usher Dominik off the ring.
Damian, smirk on his stupid face, walked over to talk to me as he watched from the outside, his hands settling on the mat. "Regretting your choice now?" A low chuckle left his lips before I used my free hand to shove his face away from me.
"Asshole." I breath out, through gritted teeth. My eyes look to Damian, shooting him ice cold daggers. Damian found this amusing, stupid smirk still painted on his stupid fucking face. "Attacking Grayson and Kevin before Finns' and yours match."
The smirk on Damian's face seemed to drop. "Watch it." He goes quiet for a moment, thinking about what I said. "And please. If we wanted to fulfill our promise on attacking and injuring them, we would've done so in our match tonight."
I watch as he walks back to Finn, who stood laughing and grinning. Was he lying? Playing mind games? Whatever it was, I didn't appreciate it. But his tone seemed actually genuine.
Dominik steps off the ringside mat, finally walking back to the three others, instinctively snapping my gaze back to see Rhea slowly walking back over to me, an almost Cheshire like grin crossing her face as she waves her fingers to me.
Right as she picked up pace to move to me and grab me, I kicked her hard in her stomach, knocking her back, the air whooshing out of her as she stumbled. I pull myself back up, yelling at her to turn around and face me.
Before I could even connect a super kick to her face, she landed a hard right to my torso, knocking me back slightly, before she pulled me into a Riptide. She stood there for a few moments, letting out a yell, before looking to the crowd.
Managing to get myself to refocus, I wrangle my wrist from her hand, climbing just right on her body to pull her into an Octopus Stretch, right in the middle of the ring.
"Tap out!" I screamed, pulling on her arm more. I hear Finn, Dominik and Damian all yelling at her to hold on. "Do it!" I was angry. I didn't care what mind games they played, they had to be the ones to attack Grayson and Kevin, trying to play it off, maybe even going as far as saying Randy and I did it to create some sort of tension.
As I put all of my anger into synching Rhea into this submission hold, put in all of the crowds cheers to hype me up, I continued to hold her in tight.
"Iz-a-bella!" The crowd chanted and cheered loudly. I could feel Rhea slowly falling to her knees, synching in the hold more on her, even among Damian yelling at me to stop if I knew what was best for me.
Rhea screams out a little at the pain of being synched in, but stood up and fell back onto me, knocking the air out of me. My eyes blink slowly, as I roll to my side, coughing for air.
"Get up now, Izabella!" Rhea yells back at me, wasting no time to pick me up and land a debilitating Riptide successfully.
"One... two... three! Ring the bell!" The referee calls, motioning to the Bell Ringer.
Rhea's theme begins to play, Samantha going to announce her as winner. I lay there on my side, holding my stomach still as it all happens, accepting Rhea had won. That was all it was, all of Judgement Day climbing into the ring.
I sat up on my elbow, taking in deep breaths through my teeth. "A real shame." Damian crouches by me, a smirk on his face, reaching to flick a piece of my hair out of my face. "It may be time to find yourself a family who shows up for you like..."
The crowd loudly popped, cheering as Randy's music cuts Rhea's off. "What the fuck!" Rhea screams at him, angered that he cut her victory off. Dominik and Finn stood by Rhea, just staring at the ramp. Damian had remained squatted by me as I shifted myself to see better.
As angry as Randy had made me, I was glad he had come out. And thankfully not alone. Sami and Cody of all people came out with him, yet it made sense. They all had issues with the Judgement Day, and wouldn't mind kicking their asses.
Just like that, the three of them ran down to the ring, sliding in, Rhea finding her way out. I quickly pull myself to the furthest corner, watching Randy, Cody and Sami tear into Damian, Dominik and Finn. Seeing Randy react with such great timing and execution, even after his surgery, always scared me, power bombing Damian in the midst of it all.
He sat on one knee and one foot, yet he didn't smack down on the mat like he usually did while Sami and Cody tore into Dominik and Finn. Randy wasn't keeping his attention on Damian.
Damian wasn't the "prey". Wasn't the main person Randy was interested in.
His body turned to me, licking his lips as he just stared, maintaining eye contact with me. My chest raised up and down heavily as a frown formed on my face. I lift myself up with the ropes, Randy following suite on my movements, standing up with me.
Damian, his face contorted in pain, moved his gaze from my face, seeing the concern and slight fear, to Randy, who was standing in such a way, it was as if he were planning to attack me.
"This is what you do when you are loyal to people, you hear me?" Randy yells as he moves forward to me. "You protect them. Not hurt them. You're lucky I even came out here."
The crowd was a mix of cheers and boo's, Cody and Sami had turned to stare in confusion from one another to Randy, as if he lost his mind. Dominik and Finn had managed to escape anymore attacks, Rhea pulling them out, Finn coming to get Damian out.
"I didn't need your help!" I yelled back, shoving Randy away before he stepped closer. "If I needed it, they would've all attacked me!"
"Hey! Hey! Let's not be doing this now!" Cody says, intervening the dispute, Sami coming to stand by me and guide me back from Randy. "Just get backstage and we can get this settled."
As much as the situation had been under control, I still felt angry at Randy, the appreciation I had for him escaping me. "Fuck you," was all I mouthed to Randy, before I rolled myself out of the ring, my arm holding my stomach again.
I ran my fingers through my hair with my free hand as I walked back, Sami following me, Cody and Randy were close behind, Cody keeping Randy distanced to avoid conflict until back stage.
"You know how disappointed I am in you?" Randy begins as soon as we get backstage, stopping me completely in my tracks when he says this. I turn to him, scoffing and smiling at him, just because I was that baffled. "You can't ever take things seriously can you?"
I poke a finger into Randy's chest. "I've taken this whole thing seriously. Matter of fact, I expected you to be on my side. Yet this whole time, you've pointed fingers at me. Not Damian. Not Finn. Not Dominik or Rhea. Me." I take a deep breath, wincing at the pain in my ribs. "Shit, half the wrestlers believe it was you and I that took them out. Probably because of how you are and the fact I'm dating you. If you can't see that there's an issue here, and that it wasn't me, then we're done."
"Hey! Seriously, quit this." I hear Adam pipe in, coming in behind me. "Izabella. I need you to come talk to me. Randy, I'll talk to you later."
I look to Randy, Sami and Cody, before turning and following Adam. I wasn't fully expecting what Adam was going to talk to me about when we stepped to his office.
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Just a little baby smut scene. This is set the same night as just a dance, so yeah. Hope it isn't horrible.
In a darkened room
"She's gonna kill me," sav stated, leading Rebel down the hall. He grimaced slightly as they passed Steve and phils room. They could hear the bed squeaking and thumping against the wall.
"No, she won't. That's the beauty of the whole thing," Rebel exclaimed. "She's so pissed off that Gem, and Phil disappeared together that she wont even notice that I didn't come back to the room. If it works, I'll have to thank Gemma for never growing out of her randy teenage stage"
"You say that like we aren't sneaking off to my room to do the same thing," sav chuckled, digging in his pocket for his room key.
"Yes, but we had the opportunity and took it. We probably won't get caught. Phils already on the butcher block because he couldn't keep it in his pants. " Rebel grinned. "We are using their unbridled horniness to get away with our own"
"You're a wicked thing, aren't you?" sav laughed, unlocking the door and letting her in.
Rebel just shrugged, kicking off her shoes before turning to sav. All the teasing and casual conversation was shoved to the side to be replaced with some unbridled horniness of their own as their tongues clashed battling for dominance and rebel backed the man agaisnt nearest wall. Hands everywhere. Rebels burried deep within the mass of curls, holding him against her. while savs trailed her body. Exploring her curvy physique. After kissing for what seemed to be forever, they broke apart, gasping for air. Everything was fast. They weren't here for anything but a good time.
Sav trailed his hands down over her ass before gripping the back of her thighs and lifting her up. She squealed slightly, wrapping her legs around his waist and locking her arms around his neck.
"I'm not going to drop you," he cooed, kissing her neck and walking them further into the room. He placed her gently on the bed, not bothering to turn on the lights. His shirt came off first, being tossed onto the floor as he struggled with the buttons of rebels shirt.
"Need some help?" She teased, watching the inner caveman appear in him as he tugged at the fabric.
"Oi don't tear it," she chastised, batting his hands away and undoing the last couple of buttons herself. She shrugged the garmet off her shoulders, leaving her bare from the waist up.
Sav didn't hesitate to drop his head to her breasts and teased her nipple with his tongue.  He gently pinched the other one, causing Rebel to moan his name.
He trailed kisses and nips from her breasts to her throat and back to her mouth. While his hand ventured south, he found her fly. He didn't struggle nearly as much with that button. But it was a bit of a challenge to get them off the lovely hips, but once he did, she was completely bare for him to enjoy and enjoy he did. "You're very beautiful"
"Thank you. You're not hard on the eyes yourself, " she whispered back, tugging on his hair slightly.
Sav groaned his hips, rolling forward against her core on their own accord.
Everything from that point forward was a blur. Savs jeans joining rebels. Condom secured, torn open, and rolled on.
Sav gripped her hip with one hand while lining his dick up with the other and pushing into her tight heat.
"Oh fuck" Rebel moaned loudly. As sav trusted into her hard enough to make the bed smack against the wall. She wondered for a second who they were sharing a wall with. Who ever it was was hopefully out because sav showed no signed of slowing down.
It was all the familiar sound of flesh on flesh and flesh in flesh as they indulged in one of the most instinct driven acts.
"Mmm, you feel so good," sav murmered, flattening himself against her so they were chest to chest. Their lips clashed in yet another heated kiss. Swallowing each other's moans as they rushed towards the finish line. They probably could have slowed it down a bit and drawn it out, but neither one really cared. Rebel cam first. Her orgasm hitting her like a truck, causing her eyes to roll back and her mouth open in a silent scream. Her body tensed and arched against him before going completely slack.
Sav joined her a handful thrusts later muttering her name.
"Well fuck me" rebel chuckled sitting up a few minutes later watching as sav tossed the condom in the direction of the trash can. She hoped for the cleaning persons sake that it hit its mark.
"I just did," sav stated, rolling over to burry his face against the pillow. That was all he said before dozing off.
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Cuck - Randy Meeks x Fem!AFAB!Reader. Part Two
currently 4 am and I finally finished the second part so everyone enjoy <3 im scheduling this for the am hehe
part one
WARNINGS: nsfw, thigh riding, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, recorded sex, voyeurism? kind of?, oral (male receiving), cumshot, dirty talk, randy is really trying to one up stu, just pure smut that i loved writing, not proofread lol
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Randy kisses you again, his movements hard. He wanted to prove to you that it was him you should be with, him that should be fucking you, not Stu. It wasn’t something that needed to be said or shown, but you weren’t going to deny the lesson Randy was about to teach you. “Lay down.” He says and a shiver goes down your spine as he pushes you onto your back. 
This was a far cry from the normal Randy, the one who took his time, who touched you as if you were porcelain and he was afraid you’d crack. Now he was rough, his hands were squeezing and digging into your flesh, his lips were on yours with a fervor and he was nipping at your bottom lip.
“Y’know, it seems like you’re a little jealous, Randy,” You tease, pulling away from him slightly breathless. He doesn’t say anything but you can see him smile, clearly not taking your words to heart. His clothing was still on and you tug at his shirt, urging him to take it off. “Show me how much better you are.”
His eyes darken slightly, sitting up and yanking his shirt off of himself. Your hands are placed on his chest, your nails raking across his freckled skin gently. “Oh don’t worry,” He whispers, dipping down and kissing you once more, his knee placed in between your still-open legs. The fabric of his jeans rub against your clit and you moan, the friction sending a shockwave of pleasure through you. “I plan on it.”
He’s kissing you again and you wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him in even closer. Another move of his thigh against your cunt and you moan into the kiss, involuntarily grinding yourself down on him. He grins against your mouth, pulling back and standing up, leaving you to whimper at the loss. 
“Look at the mess you made,” He says and you look, your face burning. There was a large wet spot on the knee of his jeans from just moments ago. He grabs his phone off of the bedside table and sits back down on the bed before looking at you and patting his thigh. “C’mon. Let’s show Stu what he’ll never get to experience.”
Biting back your smile you sit up, getting onto your knees and straddling him, your legs wrapped around his leg. You place your hands on his shoulders and lower yourself down onto him, spreading your cunt for him. “Fuck! Randy, god, this feels good.” You murmur, moving your hips back and forth slowly, your eyes fluttering shut. 
Randy was enjoying the sight of you completely bare, rutting against his thigh like a bitch in heat. He presses record, the camera aimed on your face only which was something out of a fucking painting. Your eyebrows were stitched together, beads of sweat dripping down your face, your bottom lip tucked into your mouth. He could watch you like this for hours. 
“Look at you, fucking yourself against me. Don’t even have my cock out and you’re already making a mess.” Your eyes pop open at his words. He loved dirty talk, sure, but there was something different this time. The camera focused on you made your pace falter and Randy tsks, moving his face to look at you. “Don’t be shy now. Come on, show him how much you want me.”
You watch as the camera moves down, showing off your cunt. The wet spot had grown a lot and if you weren’t already so close to cumming you would have been unable to ignore the embarrassment filling your chest. “God, Randy, it feels good. Don’t even need your cock to feel this good, just having you watching me is enough.” You whimper, picking your pace up, grinding down harder and faster against him. You can see the bulge growing under his jeans and you practically salivate at the thought of tasting him, of feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue.
“See, Stu, you can fuck her but she won’t ever feel this good. No, she needs me there, don’t you?”
“Yes! Fuck, Randy, please let me cum, I need you to tell me to. I want you to fuck me, I want you to shove your cock down my throat, please! Please, please let me cum baby,” You beg, your core pulsing, clenching around nothing. The friction of his jeans was almost painful now, your clit throbbing with each thrust of your hips. No matter how much you wanted to come, no matter how hard you would cum, you know it would never compare to when he finally slid into you.
Randy curses under his breath at your pleas’ and nods. “Come on then, show me how bad you want me to fuck you.” You cum hard, your body shaking with pleasure, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. His name is falling from your lips like a prayer and your nails are digging into his shoulder to keep you steady. “Fuck, you’re beautiful. Look at you,”
He kisses you, his free hand on your waist, and he maneuvers you off of his lap until you are back onto the bed. He places the phone back onto the bed, the video still going, and he stands, pulling his pants and underwear off. Grabbing the phone with one hand and his cock with the other, he moves in front of you. 
“Suck.” Your mouth opens instantaneously, taking him into your mouth fully. He’s watching you through his phone and he takes a shaky breath as your nose brushes against his pubes. “Look at how well she takes my cock, Stu. Her mouth was fucking made for me, isn’t it?” You pull off of him, bringing your hand up and stroking him. Staring straight up into the camera you nod.
“Only you, Randy. God, I love tasting you, feeling your cock in my mouth. I could let you fuck my mouth forever.” You lick a stripe up his cock, swirling your tongue around the head. You hum at the taste of his precum and you kiss his tip gently. “So big, you fill me up so good, y’know that? You know how to fuck me better than anyone. No one can make me feel as good as you.”
You take him into your mouth once more, bobbing your head quickly, your hand coming and massaging his balls. Your eyes never leave him the entire time, even when he starts moving his hips, thrusting shallowly into your mouth. He was still being gentle with you despite everything and it made your heart flutter, but you really wanted him to use you.
Somehow, maybe from the look in your eye or how you squeezed him just a bit harder, he understood you. His thrusts speed up and his free hand tangles into your hair, forcing your head further down onto his cock. You’re gagging, tears brimming in your eyes and spit falling down your chin, but even still you keep your eyes on him. 
“Want me to cum? Hm? Wanna get covered in me?” You hum around him and he curses, pulling out of your mouth and taking over with his hand. You open your mouth in anticipation, waiting for him to cum over your face. “Fuck! Fuck, I’m gonna-” He cums with a loud groan, his cum coating your face, a few drops landing onto your tongue which you swallow greedily. 
He uses his finger to collect some of his cum, slipping his finger into your mouth. “You taste so good, baby,” You say, completely and utterly serious. His thumb brushes along your chin and he smiles down at you, admiring his handiwork. Before he can say anything, you lay back and spread yourself for him, waiting. “Please fuck me, Randy. I want you to fill me.”
He grins, nearly laughing at the thought of how Stu would react to that line in particular. Positioning himself in between your legs, you wiggle your hips, eager for him to fuck you. Instead of his cock, his two fingers enter you, pumping in and out, scissoring and bending inside you. You moan, your back arching at the feeling. 
Slipping his fingers out you look down and see them coated in Stu’s cum and another wave of anger goes through you. Asshole. You grab Randy’s hand and wipe it on the bed sheet and he laughs at that. “You ready, sweetheart?” You nod and he pushes into you slowly, the camera focused on your cunt taking him completely. 
“God, Randy! You feel so good, fuck, please move, please fuck me, I need it.” You moan and he lets out a breathy groan, pulling out until his tip was all that remained, and slammed back in. Your yells of ecstacy spur him onwards, your body shaking with each and every thrust. His free hand grabs at one of your tits, pulling at your nipple harshly, kneading the flesh. “Yes! Yes, just like that!”
The coil was building inside you again, burning hot in your stomach, and all you can do is curse. As you come undone the edge of your vision begins to blur, black spots dancing in your vision as your orgasm rips through you. Calling his name, he fucks you through it, never slowing down once. He was breathing hard, his chest heaving with effort.
“Fuck, Randy, you fill me so good, you fuck me so well. I’ve never felt this good, god! Please, please don’t stop, I want you to fill me, want you to claim me.” The thought of Stu, the thought of the camera, leaves your mind as you focus solely on the feeling of Randy fucking you. Each thrust was purposeful and each one left you breathless. 
His hand leaves your nipple and moves to your clit. Rubbing circles over it with his thumb, he starts to falter in his pace, but you knew what he wanted. He wanted you to cum a third time for him, to show how he was the only one who could make you feel this way.
Knowing that Stu would watch this and see -- and hear -- the truth; that it was Randy who knew your body, who knew how to make you tick, how to fuck you until you forgot your fucking name, was fucking exhilarating to Randy. It wasn’t Stu who could. It was Randy. Sweet, innocent, nerdy Randy was making you cum right now. He was the one who was making you scream out and beg to cum again.
“S’close, Randy, baby! Don’t stop, don’t stop, please!” He wasn’t planning on stopping until he stuffed you. Pressing down onto your clit you cum once more, screaming his name. You were clenching around him, practically pulling him in further, and he curses. He was close. This orgasm tore through you, leaving you completely and utterly blissed out. If you died now, you’d die happy.
“You ready, Y/N? Want me to fill you, to show Stu who you belong to?”
“Yes, god, please! Please cum in me, Randy, I need you too. You fucking own me, you’re the only one who can fuck me this good, you’re the only one who deserves to cum in me. This pussy is yours, please! Please fill me!”
He does as you ask, pressing deep against you as he cums. You groan at the feel of him painting your insides with his seed, knowing that he was replacing Stu’s. He keeps thrusting shallowly, waiting until his breathing evens out before pulling out of you. You close your eyes, your face burning as he moves the camera to show your cunt and the cum leaking out of your hole.
“See Stu, that’s how you fuck her. And guess what? I’m not stopping until she can’t fucking remember you.” You laugh at how serious Randy was and he can’t stop his own from bubbling to the surface. The camera moves to show your face. “Any final words to him?”
“Yeah; Fuck you, you dickhead.” 
Randy laughs loudly now and you watch as he stops the video, sending it over to Stu through his texts. He drops the phone onto the bed and flops down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him. You kiss him slowly, savoring it, before pulling away. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”
You scoff, biting the inside of your cheek to stop from smiling. “So I’ve been told. Now, about the whole ‘fucking me until I forget he exists’ thing…”
“When are we gonna start?” Smiling, he kisses you, your leg coming to wrap around his waist, the both of you on your sides. You both stay like that for a few minutes, your hands roaming each others bodies slowly, getting the other worked up all over again. The sound of his ringtone pulls the two of you apart and you groan, your head falling back onto the bed as he grabs it. He shows you the screen and you grin.
It was Stu. Randy answers and puts it on speaker, but before he can say hello Stu starts talking. “Man, are you kidding me! You sent me your god damn reverse cuck sex tape?! I mean, it was hot and, not to be weird, but I’m definitely going to use it to jerk off too. But still, you guys didn’t have to be so mean in it! You’re lucky I’m into humiliation-”
“Bye Stu!” Randy says, hanging up. Tossing the phone off the bed onto the pile of his clothes, he faces you again, sitting up on his elbow. “I say we start now.”
Grinning, you nod and lean up to kiss him, your hand moving down to his dick. “Yeah, I agree.”
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flamingredanon · 3 years
SirRave: Terrence, Wilford, Randy, and little six year old Henry have a nice day in the park where Absolutely Nothing goes wrong :))
It was a nice spring day and Henry and his dads decided to go out to the nearby park. Randy was taking in the view, being able to see the trees again, the ducks waddling over by the park lake and Henry over at the playground playing on the swings while his other husbands had went for a jog.
Randy sat down on a nearby bench, being able to see Henry from where he was sitting. Though he was noticing that Henry was rubbing his eyes alot and trying to blink alot ever so often. Randy went to go check up on his son after awhile, because clearly something was wrong.
Randy himself noticed that things got slightly blurrier in his vision, ignoring that to ask his son if he was ok. Henry grabbed on to Randy and was shaking, explaining that there were black speckles in his vision and for some reason it was like he was looking into a tunnel. Randy picked up Henry, seeing that his pupils were clouding up, and started towards to where the jogging path was.
Randy found himself blinking abunch, the world getting blurrier no matter where he looked. Randy set Henry and grabbed his hand tightly, telling his son that they both might be in trouble if he can't find Terrence and Wilford soon.
Henry started calling out for his dads, that weird tunnel vision Henry was seeing was getting worse, and Randy was calling out for Wilford and Terrence, his vision now darkening. Eventually Wilford and Terrence come jogging towards them, seeing Randy and Henry scared.
Randy told his husbands that his vision was fading again, and he thinks Henry is going blind as well. Wilford hoists Randy over his shoulder and Terrence picks up Henry as they quickly made their way to their van, making sure Randy and Henry were buckled in before Wilford and Terrence got in, driving as fast as they could to the local hospital.
Henry held his pappy's hand as tears flooded down his face, Henry just whimpering that everything was dark now and he was scared. Randy let Henry know he was here, and that he was scared as well, just hoping that the hospital could help them before they lost their vision forever.
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
Praise You | Drew McIntyre *NSFW*
❛❛ So the idea I had was the reader is dating drew and is watching his match last night backstage and thinks he looks hot in that kilt. Drew knows and comes back to the locker room post match wearing the title. Basically it’s smut while he’s wearing the title. 😏❜❜- @shieldgirl18
Pairings: Drew McIntyre x Fem!Reader
Featuring: Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton, Y/n (Reader).
Summary: kilt kink and celebration sex while Drew is wearing the title.
WARNINGS: sex, smut, oral (male receiving), blowjob, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), celebration sex, sex while wearing a championship if that’s a warning, Drew’s kilt, errors I probably missed.
Word Count: 1562
A/N: popliteal fossa is the back of your knee. Got a Drew McIntyre or WWE request? Send it in. WANT TO BE TAGGED IN THE WWE TAGLIST? JUST MESSAGE ME! FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!
The dull ache in your core intensified, the more you watched the match. Ever since Drews entrance, all you felt was a dull ache between your thighs, Your underwear slick and wet with arousal.  You tried your best to push your arousal away and not think of Drew in a kilt, but it proved to be difficult. You tried your best to focus on the match that was happening in front of you on the tv monitor. Clenching your thighs together to try and create friction.
Your eyes were looking at the tv monitor intensely watching Drew and Randy’s match. Cheering for Drew throughout the match, while sitting on the edge of your seat at the close calls, your heart clenching with hope, then diminishing.
You held your hands together tightly. Heart clenching. Slightly forgetting your arousal down below. You sat on the edge of your seat as you watched Randy hit the mat fists clenched together, and his head on the mat then slamming one of his closed fists on the mat then the other one, arms extended, eyes fixated on Drew.
“Come on baby,” you muttered, as Randy got up. You brought your hands up to your mouth. As Randy went to RKO Drew. Your heart rate speeding up, letting out a gasp.
Drew counted the RKO by pushing Randy off of him, Randy turned around, bouncing on the ropes, and rushing over to Drew again,  only for Drew to claymore him, making Randy fall to the ground.
Drew quickly grabbed Randy’s popliteal fossa, rolling onto his back onto randy, pinning Randy.
The ref counted to three. As you held your breath. Signally for the bell to ring.
“Drew McIntyre has taken back the WWE title,” Tom announced.
“Here’s your winner and the new WWE champion, Drew McIntyre,” Mike Rome announced
You felt warm erupt in your belly. Feeling an intense amount of proudness for Drew. You quickly got up, rushing to the gorilla, nearly bumping into people on your way there.
When Drew walked through the curtain you quickly wrapped your arms around his sweaty torso.
“I’m so proud of you,” You beamed. Looking up at him. Drew looked down at you. Eyes welling up with tears. Leaning up on your tippy toes, you pressed a soft kiss against his lips, making Drew let out a sigh. Eyes fluttering closed, his arms snaking around you. His hands resting on the arch of your back.
You pulled away beaming at him with so much pride.
“Congratulations Drew,” Hunter spoke, interrupting Drew and you from the intense staring at each other.
You pulled away from Drew, as Hunter shook Drew’s hand, patting his shoulder proudly.
Other superstars swooped in congratulating Drew.
When all of the superstars and backstage workers finished congratulating Drew on his win, you grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards a door.
“We are we going, I have to go have a photoshoot,” He spoke, raising the WWE championship, while you opened the door, looking to see if it was occupied. Smirking as you found out it was unoccupied.
You pulled Drew into the room.
“Woah,” Drew spoke in surprise. As you locked the door. Turning around to face him. Taking your lower lip in between your teeth. And staring at him seductively.
“You can do that after I show you how proud I am of you.” You seductively spoke. Walking closer to him.
Drew smirked at you, as you stood in front of him. looking down at you as you looked up at him.
You took the WWE Championship off of him, undoing the straps, you wrapped the belt around his waist. Tightening the straps. All the while looking Drew in the eyes. His eyes darkening with lust.
Your hands went up to trail down his chest. Making Drew moan, a tent forming in his trunks. Your fingers slipped underneath the waistband of his trunks, slowly pulling them down, while you trailed kisses down his sweaty chest.
Drew let out a groan, as his cock sprung out of his trunks. The air hitting his throbbing cock. His squeezed his eyes shut.
You removed your lips from his chest. Lowering yourself onto your knees
He felt your warm hand wrap around his shaft. Making him let out a moan, slightly balling his fist.
You lowered your mouth down to his cock, tongue darting out, you swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock, making Drew let out a moan, his hands grabbed the side of your head. Finger entangling in your hair, as you continued to tease the tip of his cock with your tongue, slightly parting your lips, you put his tip in your mouth, sucking it for a while, before taking it out of your mouth. Drew’s head tilted back, mouth going a gap, as you licked his shaft up to the tip. Then putting his cock in your mouth. Hollowing your cheeks. Looking at Drew through your eyelashes.
Drew’s grip on your hair tightened, as you bobbed your head up and down, slightly gagging as his tip hit your uvula, eyes tearing up. Your hand gripping his shaft.
Salvia lubricating his cock.
“Yes,” Drew moaned, as you continued to blow him. Holding your head in place. Drew thrusted into your mouth a couple of times, making you gag.
You moaned against his shaft, making Drew let out a loud moan. His body trembling as his climax hit him. his cock convulsing in your mouth.
Drew tightening his grip on your hair. Moaning loudly, as he came in your mouth. His warm cum spilling down your throat. Emptying himself in your mouth. while you looked at him, as you swallowed his cum.
Drew yanked you up by your hair, making you take his cock out of your mouth with a pop, as he pulled you up.
His lips pressed against yours roughly. Kissing you feverishly. Your hand grabbed his erection again, jerking him off to get his dick hard again. Drew moaned into the kiss. His hands letting go of your hair.
He grabbed the hem of your shirt, tugging it roughly above your head breaking the kiss. His hands went to undo your bra strap, undoing it. You let go of his cock. Removing your bra and discarding it to the side.
Drew’s lips quickly found yours again, his fingers fiddling to undo the button on your jeans then unzipping the zip. You helped him out by pulling your jeans down stepping out of them.
You pushed him backwards, lips still locked with his. Breaking the kiss when he fell onto the couch on his bum.
You quickly took off your underwear. Looking at Drew with lust-filled eyes.
Drew stared up at you hungrily, as you lowered yourself down onto him. Your entrance hovering above his tip.
Drew tried to switch positions, so you were on the bottom. But you stopped him. Gripping his shoulder. While giving him a look.
“Ah, let me do all the work, let me please you,” You warned him. Making Drew bite his lower lip.
You grabbed his shaft again, aligning it up with your entrance. You slowly lowered yourself down on his length.
Both of you letting out a moan, your walls tightening around his cock. You then proceeded to thrust up and down. Your walls tightening around his cock. Drew's hands gripped your waist. While your hands rested on his chest.
Your boobs bouncing up and down with every thrust. An intense wave of pleasure coursing through your veins, as well as his. Drew removed his hands away from your waist and towards your boobs. Cupping them in his hands, and roughly groping them. Making you moan.
You fastened your pace, throwing your head back, and squeezing your eyes closed. Toes curling. Moans filling the room, as well as skin on skin.
Drew’s hands let go of your boobs, wandering down to your waist. One of his hands moved down to were him and you were connected. The pad of his thumb finding your clit and rubbing rough circles on your clit.
The both of you were in pure bliss, close to your orgasm, a familiar sensation forming in the pit of your stomach, you were closer to releasing but you wanted Drew to cum first. Drew was close to his second climax, the way your walls tightened around his cock made him closer to releasing again. His grip on your side tightening as you continued to ride his cock.
Drew let out a groan, toes curling, his grip on your waist tightening as he felt his cock convulsing, head falling onto the couch, tilting his head back, as his hot cum spilled inside of you. This was your release. With one last thrust, you come on his cock. Drew let out a groan.
You rode out your high, with one final thrust you collapsed onto him. Burying your head into the crook of his neck. peppering his neck in kisses. Drew's hand caressed your back. Both of you breathing heavily.
“I love you, Drew so much, I am so proud of you,” You breathlessly spoke. Looking up at him with loving eyes. Drew craned his neck to look at you. smiling softly at you. he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you too, baby.” He confessed, as his index finger drew random patterns on your back…
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fandom-puff · 4 years
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No26 on smut prompts
Gif creds to owner :)
“Arthur!” you giggled, looking over your shoulder at your husband, grinning like a schoolboy after smacking your arse. “Not here!” 
“Why not, love?” he smirked, still eyeing you up and down. Although you had been married for just over a year, and known each other years, it was safe to say the pair of you where still in some sort of honeymoon phase. 
Or as John so eloquently put it: ‘he’ll fuck you ‘til his balls drop off’.
“Because, Arthur, we’re here to work. The books need doing, and I don’t want all of your brothers and your mates hearing... oh, Christ shut up, everyone’s arriving,” 
You darted to the other end of the room, picking up one of the leather bound books and flicking to a random page. You heard the strike of a match and knew Arthur was smoking. Within seconds, the room filled with men, all chatting and calling greetings to one another. Esme soon joined you, and soon the gambling den settled into its normal rowdy routine. 
Around midday, at the den’s busiest hour, a note dropped onto your desk. 
‘office, ten minutes.’ You smirked at the familiar scrawl, and looked over your shoulder to see your husband, stood talking with Finn.
Ten minutes later, you slipped away from your desk, muttering something about getting some tea. “Arthur I swear to god,” you whispered as you entered his office. “This better be for good reason,” 
You knew exactly what the reason was. 
“Hello there, beautiful,” he hummed, gesturing you over. 
You walked over to the other side of the desk, shaking your head fondly. “You’re as randy as Finn and his mates,” you teased. He guffawed and placed his hands on your hips, stroking you with his thumbs gently. You smiled softly, shifting on the spot, edging closer to him, despite scolding him earlier. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you mumbled, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt his calloused fingers catching on your stockings. 
“What if someone catches us?” you whispered, tilting your head back as his moustache scratched your pulse point.
“I don’t think I’ve locked the d- ohhh” you sighed, feeling those wicked fingers pressing into your clothed heat. Any worries about being caught were quickly dissipated once your knickers were at your ankles. “Arthur...” you sighed, dragging him down by his tie for a bruising, heated kiss. 
That was all he needed, he tugged you down with him to straddle him on his big chair. You reached between your bodies, already writhing against one another for friction, and made quick work of his belt and buttons, tugging his cock out. You groaned at the sight (it never did disappoint, what with his length, girth, and angry weeping tip) and began stroking, before bringing your hand up to lick his precum from your palm. 
“Fuckin’ ‘ell woman, you’ll be the death of me,” he groaned, eyes darkened with desire and hair already falling into his face. “Come on love,” he said, grasping your hips. You nodded and wriggled, slowly impaling yourself on his cock. You whimpered slightly at the stretch, the delicious feeling already making your head spin. Arthur grunted and snapped his hips up, the rough movement causing you to yelp. He grinned and repeated the action, kissing you to keep you quiet. You groaned into his mouth, bouncing your hips, gripping his lapels tightly. he grunted, reaching to palm at your breasts through the thin fabric of your dress. 
Moaning, you began grinding your hips grasping fistfuls of his hair, your moaning going from soft, breathy gasps to sharp, lusty cries. “Arthur, fuck!” you whined into his ear, nipping the lobe as he speared your spot. “If we- ah!- get caught, I’m fucking blaming- ugh!- you!” you whimpered, tipping your head back to allow him to attack your throat with rough kisses. 
“Well, we won’t get fucking caught if you pipe. down.” he grunted, pressing your chest tight to his, pistoning his hips up to meet your increasingly sloppy thrusts. “Fuck,” he panted. “Close love,” he growled, flicking your clit the way he knew sent you crazy. 
“Arthur!” you cried out, waves of pleasure washing over your body, your tight walls pulsing around his cock as he spilt his hot seed into you. You carried on moving, still whimpering softly, not wanting the feeling to end. 
“Jesus Chr- lock the fucking doors!” 
Your eyes opened and you stiffened, looking desperately into your husband’s eyes, already close to cumming a second time. Arthur grunted, grabbing at a whiskey glass. “Fuck off, John!” he yelled, flinging the glass. you whimpered, burying your face into his shoulder as another spasm of pleasure shook you to the core. Over the haze of your orgasm, you heard John laughing as he retreated, the door banging shut. 
“Told you we’d get caught,” you mumbled after a while, slipping your underwear back on. 
“And I told you we wouldn’t if you’d just pipe down when you’re bouncing on my-”
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hlcreators · 4 years
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AUTHOR REC: louistomlinsons / @adoredontour 
Be sure to show some love by leaving kudos and comments!
this town’s just an ocean now (31k)
“I have really great friends. Do you remember Louis? You guys were always hanging out when you were growing up.” Harry remembers Louis. Harry remembers Louis. Suddenly, his throat feels way too dry, despite the ice cream he keeps licking at. He chokes a little on a chocolate chip before saying, “I, uh. I remember Louis.” Her face brightens. “We have dinner every Sunday. He owns the house now. His parents moved further north, and he wanted to stay here, so they just gave it over. Now if you want to worry about someone being lonely, that’s who I worry about.” inspired by watermelon sugar, featuring picnics on the beach and boys being dumb
daydream about me (21k)
“Anything else going on for you at the moment?” she asks, leaning forward on her elbows across the table, mindful of the radio equipment in front of her. “What about you and that Louis Tomlinson?” Harry sputters, mouth moving but no words coming out. She can feel her cheeks heat up, darkening with embarrassment. “It’s not, Louis and I, we don’t—” Harry can’t finish the sentence, tongue heavy in her mouth. She takes a deep breath, thankful they’re not being videoed, and tries again, “We’ve never even met, actually.” alternatively titled 'harry styles does not have a crush on louis tomlinson and other lies she tells liam payne'
robbers and cowards (33k)
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think that you’re enjoying yourself.” The familiar voice immediately gets Louis’ blood boiling, shoulders tensing as he calmly spins around, trying not to draw any suspicion to the pair. “You don’t know me at all,” Louis spits, managing to maintain the polite smile he’s been wearing all evening. “You’re just some asshole who always ruins my nights.” “If I keep ruining your nights, why do you keep going home with me?” Harry asks, taking a sip from his own wine glass. “I don’t go home with you by any choice of my own,” Louis says. “I think you’re annoying and I have no idea how I keep ending up in your bed.” “You end up in my bed because you knock on my apartment door at two in the morning.” Louis wants to punch the smirk right off of his face. “Maybe you should move,” is what he says instead. or a modern day robin hood au where louis and harry (don’t really) hate each other but they hate greedy billionaires more
I’m a Rocket Man (47k)
All he could hear were the faint sounds of Pina Colada coming from the radio and his own heart beating erratically against his chest.
“Oops,” he heard coming from the other side of the front window. He quickly pushed the grey rubber towards the back of the car, the rubber of the thing groaning and squeaking as he did so. Finally, after wrestling the thing away from him, Harry came into view, face pressed against the other side of the window.
“Hi.” Louis smiled, looking towards Harry, eyes curious. He almost got lost in the way Harry’s face was so cutely pinched, green eyes glowing in the sunlight. He was brought back to reality when Harry tried to move, causing the grey whatever it was to push against Louis again. “What the fuck is this?”
“Uhh... it’s Randy?”
or, Niall is an investigative journalist, Liam is his biggest fan, Zayn is just along for the ride, and Harry probably isn’t an alien. A roadtrip au no one asked for.
sip it slowly and pay attention (12k)
“So I’ve got a guy I think you might like,” Louis says. He’s standing in the doorway of Harry’s office, drinking from what is most definitely Harry’s mug. “You’re going to set me up?” Harry asks, rightfully wary. He can’t imagine that this could end well. “Don’t look so afraid.” Louis takes a sip from his mug, wincing as it burns him. Harry rolls his eyes. He’s always warning Louis to be more patient before he loses all his taste buds. “I know you better than anyone else. Who better to set you up on dates than me?” “I guess you’re right,” Harry says, still slightly hesitant. It’s not that he doesn’t trust Louis, but. He doesn’t trust Louis’ taste. Louis has about the same track record with men that Harry does, if not quite as extensive. or, harry is a guidance counselor, louis is an english teacher, and harry just wants to go on one successful date
i hope that you won’t slip away in the night (13k)
He turns back to Maybe Jessica. “Who’s going to be here?” “Harry Styles,” she says. “The one-” “I know who he is,” Louis snaps. “Who invited him?” “Uh, you did, sir.” Louis didn’t think that was serious. When he had responded to Harry’s cheeky tweet about the gala with his own cheeky ‘You should come - I’ll put you on the guest list’ he hadn’t expected anything to come of it. Least of all for Harry to show up. or the one where louis is a prince and harry is a popstar
feels like we’re finally free (13k)
louis just wants to write a breakup novel. falling in love was never part of the plan, but the cute barista at his favorite coffeeshop makes him think otherwise.
who’s that girl? (13k)
“So, do you want to tell us a little bit more about why you’re here?” “What do you mean?” Harry asks, furrowing his eyebrows together. “I’m here because I need a place to live and you guys need a roommate.” “I guess let me rephrase that,” Leo (or maybe Liam) says. He taps his pen twice against the notepad, drawing Harry’s attention away from a large hole in one of the walls. “Why do you need a place to live?” “Oh, that’s easy.” Harry sits up straighter in his seat. “I walked in on my boyfriend of four years banging my boss. I couldn’t very well keep living with them, could I?” harry is canadian, louis owns a bar, zayn comes and goes as he pleases, liam's just trying to keep everyone alive, and nobody knows what niall does. a new girl au.
we’re not who we used to be (30k)
“Harry…” Louis’ voice catches in his throat, thick with tears threatening to fall out, so he coughs to clear it before trying again. “Harry is Liam’s best man?” “You didn’t know?” Harry is standing at the entrance of the garage, mouth slightly open and face pulled together. He sets his bag on the ground and puts his hands on his hips. When he does that, he looks just like the Harry that Louis remembers (and loves, he thinks with an aching heart). “I’m sure I mentioned it,” Liam says, but Louis can tell he’s lying by the way he chews on his lower lip and twists his fingers together. “You’re all a bunch of dick heads, I’m getting in the car.” Louis isn’t sure if he’s being unreasonable. He has no idea what the protocol is when your ex-boyfriend shows up after three years and nobody bothered to give you a heads up. He’s pretty sure he’s allowed to be upset about it, even if it’s only for a bit. or an exes to lovers canadian roadtrip au
old macdonald had a farm (5.1k)
Louis is a hedgehog, Harry is a fish, Niall is a parrot, Liam is a golden retriever, and Zayn is Zayn. It’s a crazy twenty-four hours.
or are you giving it to someone else (3.3k)
“Dude, last night I couldn’t tell if he was being murdered or having the best sex of his life,” Louis said, taking a sip of his beer. He tried to say it as quietly as he could in the loud pub, worried about who may overhear him. “Is this your neighbor?” Liam asked. He was newer to the group, and therefore, newer to the situation. He had only heard a handful of the stories about the strange things Louis heard his neighbor doing, as opposed to the book Louis could most definitely write about the man. In the hallways, he seemed perfectly normal. He would smile at Louis and sometimes make polite conversation. He didn’t seem like the type to be having loud, kinky sex every night at the craziest hours of the day. But he was. or, louis hears his neighbor having loud sex through the walls and it's not a problem until it is
The F Word (23k)
When Louis finds himself at a party for the first time after his boyfriend cheated on him, the last person he expects to meet is Harry. They hit it off immediately, conversation flowing all night. Louis finally thinks he’s ready to jump back into the dating scene, when a wrench gets thrown in his plan.
Harry has a boyfriend.
Or, a movie AU based on the F word
tonight’s not over (come over and stay) (16k)
Zayn doesn’t say anything for a moment, pausing and worrying at his bottom lip. Finally, he asks, “Have you heard that Cox guy is coming out with a new song?” Louis freezes, fingers hovering over his keyboard where they had been typing his password. “No, I hadn’t,” Louis says truthfully. “Where did you hear that?” “Tell anyone this and I’ll kill you, but I’d consider myself a big fan,” Zayn says. His face doesn’t change in expression, completely serious as he admits this to Louis. “Big fan? Like run a blog and everything?” or, harry is a famous singer and louis is a student who just wants to write his novel
honey, honey (7k)
another sorority au that no one asked for - featuring squirt guns, copious talks of marriage, and more useless lesbians.
fall in love with the moon (and everything beautiful) (10k)
“It’s adorable that you think you can compromise with me on this,” Louis says. He places his hands on his hips and tries his best to look intimidating. “But I am not budging on this. Every book pun you say will result in one quarter in the jar.” “What jar?” Harry asks. He furrows his eyebrows together. Louis rolls his eyes. “Like a swear jar, but now I’m going to make yours ‘Harry’s dumbass pun jar.’ Maybe I’ll have you put a quarter in for every pun you say, not just the ones about books. Niall was right - you tell the worst jokes.” “One time Niall told me I’d never said a funny joke in my life,” Harry says casually. “Funny. He told me that too.” or, louis and harry work in a bookstore together and harry tells dumb jokes and they fall in love
get a little bit nervous (14k)
Liam goes to say something, probably something dumb, but he chokes on his spit, coughing loudly. The man in front of him is one of the prettiest people he’s ever seen in his life; he’s got thick eyelashes that fan out and frame his dark eyes and tanned unblemished skin. Liam forgets all of his previous thoughts. “You okay, mate?” he asks, concern filtering into his voice. “Yeah, yeah,” Liam says, still choking and coughing. “Sorry.” “We all reacted the same way we saw Zayn for the first time,” Niall says from next to him, laughter evident in his tone. “He’s a god, isn’t he?” or, ziam farmer's market au where liam, louis, and niall work at the produce stand, harry and zayn work at the bakery stand, and nobody's straight
i’ve heard it both ways (26k)
“I, uh.” Harry is scrambling, trying to think of something believable on the spot. He remembers the woman from reception and her phone call and says the only thing he can think of. “I’m a psychic.” Everyone stills. Zayn laughs, Detective Edwards looks confused, and the officer holding the door open looks mildly frightened. “A psychic?” Zayn gets out between his laughs. “I’ve heard it all. You’re definitely spending the night in the holding cell now. You’re wasting all of our time here.” an au based on the tv show psych where harry is shawn, louis is jules, liam is gus, niall is mcnabb, and zayn is lassie.
i just know you (got to taste like candy) (3.9k)
Harry seduces the cute cell phone repair girl with her phone's wallpaper.
i just want you to dance with me tonight (7.6k)
The sorority au no one asked for. Featuring a prank war, Lirry friendship, and useless lesbians.
beautiful wreck, colorful mess (4.4k)
Harry's been desperate to try out the toys she bought for her and Louis.
she says she doesn’t love me (don’t believe her) (17k)
Harry is a disaster gay who works in a coffee shop and Louis doesn't want to admit she's in love.
only you know me (4.5k)
“It’s just unfair.” Louis can’t help her complaining. “You always get these opportunities I would die for to throw parties. I’ve got, like, a billion siblings, so I never get the house to myself. You’re home alone at least three times a semester. Your parents wouldn’t even be mad or anything.” “That’s not even the point,” Harry says, calmly and evenly. Sometimes it’s frustrating to Louis just how easily Harry keeps her calm. “And what is?” Louis asks, throwing a goldfish cracker in Harry’s direction. It misses. “That I don’t want to.” - Based on the prompt, "Nothing really specific just a harry/Louis sleepover while Harry's parents are out of town involving sexy lady times? "
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Red Rose (2)
Jaebum mafia au 
one / three / four
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pairing: Jaebum x Reader  genre: mafia!au, romance, drama, angst, mature plot: your high school sweetheart, Im Jaebum, is the most feared criminal and you’re his one true love a/n: at this point, this is basically mafia crack - i’ll write another one that is all dangerous this one is wack right now lmao. Also in my opinion guns should never ever be used. i know this treats gun use lightly but it does not show my opinion or my views - gun use should be banned everywhere. i can go on a whole rant but i wont unless y’all want to hear it <3 but i hope y’all will enjoy this  not edit
Your palm pressed against his, as you lay your head on his shoulder. His hand wrapped around yours, the other held on your waist, as his cheek fell on your head. You softly swayed with the music playing from the boombox settled on his desk at the corner of his room.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Jaebum moved back, looking into your eyes. You let out a quiet snort at him for being so adorable.
“Sure, I do, Jaebum,” you rolled your eyes.
You had missed your ball in highschool, so here was your boyfriend making up for it in his room. You were in your yellow duck pjs, and Jaebum in a sweatshirt and pjs pants covered with Bart Simpson’s face.
“I mean it,” he kissed your forehead, and as you stared into his eyes you believed him.
Everything was magicial and beautiful. Nothing could compare to this, especially not a high school ball.
“Table number 5,” Randy woke you up from the memory you had lost yourself in.
You instantly moved walking towards the table as you pulled out your notebook and pen from your apron. You froze when you saw the group infront of you, but you pretended to keep your cool.
Jaebum wasn’t here with them, but it was the rest of the boys. They had been coming here a lot after that night. 
You don’t think Jaebum had recognised you, he ate the food, left a generous tip and walked out. He didn’t come to the diner again, but the others did. 
And they came very often. Atleast, once every two days.
“Hey, welcome back,” you cringed, but ignored it as you carried on. “What can I get y’all today?”
“Oh, howdy partner,” the pretty boy with the juicy lips said, as the others groaned in displeasure. He chuckled happily at the reaction before continuing, “I’ll have the waffles again, with two scoops of icecream and extra sauce.”  
“No problem,” you smiled, and took the orders for the rest of the group.
Your heart settled slightly as you placed their food in front of them. Jaebum was not coming again today. That made you feel relieved, but made your gut twist and heart sink all at once.
Even though he didn’t recognise you, it was nice seeing him again. It felt nice to be in his presence once again, even though things were not as they used to be.
Something about Jaebum had dulled down. Something heavy walked with him, step after step, it weighed him down. It darkened the world around him. 
Even his group of friends lessened their horsing around when he sat with them.
Something about him had changed and it broke your heart seeing him like that.
In the hour that he was here at the diner a week ago, he hadn’t laughed once. Even when his whole group was laughing and joking, he didn’t participate. Only commenting once or twice. and one rare smile that didn’t shine as bright as before. He wasn’t the Jaebum who held you in his private ball, and danced to old love songs with you.
He was someone else.
But it didn’t matter. You wanted to see him again, be around him once again. Just be in the same room, and breathe the same air as him. You missed him, and even this Jaebum was enough to warm your heart for the smallest moment.
The sky had gotten darker over your shift today. You looked at the old watch on your wrist and saw it was nearly midnight. You walked to the back, and told Randy you’ll finish after checking out table 5.
“Yeah alright, just bring the dishes in too,” he said, lost in the game of numbers as he started at his accounts book.
You nodded, even though he wouldn’t see it, and walked off. You waited twenty minutes, before the group finished.
“Was the food okay?” You asked, as you placed the check on the table.
“It was great,” one of them said pulling out his card.
“My shake wasn’t sweet enough,” the tall one, Yugyeom, said smiling sweetly.
“Yugyeom!” The one holding the card growled at him. And that’s how you knew his name. Every night Yugyeom would say something, and every night the card bearer would scrowl at him.
“You should try the double chocolate next time.” You smiled, as you took the card to the cashier.
The boys left within ten minutes, and twenty minutes later you finally left work.
Your sigh left you as a puff of white smoke, as you put on your gloves and exited from the back door into the alleyway. 
Jaebum hadn’t come today, again. You felt your heart sink, but you brushed it off.
There was no point dwelling on something that out of your control. All it did was give you sleepless nights filled with worry and a thousand scenarios of reunion of how you and Jaebum will get back together.
You shook your head, as another image of Jaebum walking into the diner missing you by a second entered your mind. He walks over to the counter, looking down at a shocked Randy.
“Where is she? Where is y/n?” Jaebum askes with agony and hope heavy in his voice. His eyes look around the diner with desperation, then back at Randy. 
Randy is taken aback by the tears shining in Jaebum’s eyes, as he tells him; “she just left.”
Jaebum curses under his breath as he rushes out the door, and runs to find you. He sees your shadow further down the road, at the crossing. The lights for the crossing turns green and you start walking.
“Y/n!” Jaebum yells. You turn around, and you freeze. Jaebum remains in his place and the traffic moves around us. His breath racing as he looks at you unable to look away. Finally, he had found you.
You’re standing there shocked; your chest heaving and your cheeks and nose painted rosy.
And its snowing!
Omg brilliant. 
And then a truck comes your way-
“Okay, stop.” You told yourself, sternly.  You closed your eyes embarrased by yourself. “What the fuck are you thinking?” “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING FUCKER?” Your eyes widened as you jumped in your place.
“What-” you whispered, holding your hands at your heart. You removed your beanie from over your ear, and stuck your head out to the left to hear better.
“You really think Marco will let you fuckers live after what you did?” You gasped as you couldn’t believe your ears.
“Omg, real gangsters.” You murmured suprised. You had never seen one, only in movies and tv shows. But they still sounded scary as they you thought they would.
Some guys laughed at that comment, and it was silent for a moment.
You wanted to take a peak around the corner and see what was going on, but you knew better.
“I do know better, right?” You bit your lip tempted. You wanted to look, just a small peak. They wouldn’t even notice you were there. You could get real close to the wall and crouch on the floor so- “No, I know better.”
You shook your head and started walking before you did something stupid.
“Yeah?” Someone chuckled making you freeze, you knew that voice. “Well, goodluck telling Marco what happened here today, fucker.”
It was Yugyeom.
You turned on your heels, walking close to the wall. You took a deep breath, and looked over the corner, and your jaw dropped.
There were about five guys on charging towards Yugyeom.
Yugyeom pulls out a gun, shoots two in their legs and is about to shoot another when gun is wacked from his hands as a punch lands on his stomach. The gun lands a few feet away from you. 
You cover your mouth to hold in the terrified gasp that was left you. The scene was straight from a movie.
Yugeyom smashed his head into the guy who had punched his stomach making him stumble back. He grabbed another one by their neck, kicking another in his balls and then knocking him out with a kick once he fell on his knees.
He twisted his arm loosening his grip, making the guy with the neck grip turn around. He pulls his back towards him, and wraps his arms around his throat. Yugyeom chokes the guy as he struggles for air, soon sliding down and Yugyeom lets him go.
The guy with the broken nose charges again, but Yugyeom right hooks before jumping and karate kicking his face. He falls to the ground, and in a matter of seconds Yugyeom has defeated five guys who were bigger than him.
You were impressed and terrified all at once. Your whole body was shaking with adrenaline as you took the scene in front of you.
This was the guy who wanted sweeter milkshake, and would laugh and smile so innocently. But this was also the guy, wiping the blood from the corner of his lips, his black shirt tore open from missing buttons revealing his chest.
Yugyeom chuckled cockily turning towards the guy who you thought was the boss because thats it goes. The minions fight and the boss sits back and watches, and then he steps in.
Before Yugyeom could turn to face him; the boss had jumped from the car infront of Yugyeom. He elbowed Yugyeom making him fall to the ground. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Yugyeom’s head.
Yugyeom chuckled, still being a cocky little shit.
The boss slammed the gun onto Yugyeom’s face making you wince as a cut formed on his forehead.
You couldn’t think properly. Yugyeom’s arms fell weakly by his side, as he looked up and closed his eyes. He opened them slowly staring down the barrel of the gun.
Had he given up?
The boss smirked down at Yugyeom.
“Sad that you can’t give this message to your boss yourself,” he sneered at Yugyeom, leaning in closer before standing tall over him. You started moving, your body having no control of your movements.
“But your dead body would do the trick.”
He unlocked the gun, and in a second, you picked up Yugyeom’s gun, unlocked it and shot it in their direction.
The silencer must have come off, because a loud bang made your ears ring. You dropped the gun, covering your ears.
You managed to regain some of your senses and looked towards Yugyeom.
His eyes closed tightly, and he didn’t move. You heart shrivelled in your chest as your blood ran cold.
Your ears rang loudly, as you fell to the floor. You gasped for air but nothing came into your lung. 
You stared at Yugyeom, as he remained still; not moving.
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t save him.
And then red fell on his face; little splatters and then bigger blobs.
Yugyeom opened one eye, peaking at the sight in front of him.
Both of your eyes widened as your jaws fell wide open. The boss in his black coat fell to the cold damp ground as red seeped out from him.
Yugyeom’s eyes met yours, and they widened even further.
You took in a deep breath, gasping once more. This time the frosty air filled your lungs. It burned your dry throat, and cooled your lungs as you collapsed on to the palms on your hand. Your knees bent, the grainy street digging into your leggings as you closed your eyes.
“Are you okay?” You called out, gulping.
Yugyeom didn’t answer. He stared at you for a moment before opening his mouth. But he couldn’t say anything, before he could another voice boomed from behind you.
You turned around only to be blinded by the bright light. You covered your eyes as your eyes adjusted to the light. You could make out four figures against the harsh lights.
“Where is your silencer, Yugyeom? Get up the cops will be here soon.” The same voice said, and this time you could tell who it was.
“We have a bigger problem,” Yugyeom got up and began walking towards you. “It wasn’t me.”
“Really? Who was it then?” The guy who always snapped at Yugyeom snapped once again.
“it was her,” Yugyeom pointed at you, as he stood a few inches away from you.
“The waitress?!” Someone gasped. “The hell?”
You looked up at the boys who surrounded you, and then at the body laying unmoving and blood spilling out from him. You left bile come up, as you turned to the side and vomitted.
You looked up one last time to see Jaebum stare at you in shock, and then darkness fell over you.
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nightwingshero · 3 years
“secrets get people killed” for Wren & John please??
Thank you, my dear!!! So...to clarify...this is the first time I've written for John and Wren in like...almost a year, I think. So this is sorta kinda their comeback...and this isn't particularly canon, but I could see it being a part of it. I just...went with the muse. I'm also sorry this is super late. I haven't been super inspired for them for a while and honestly, I almost cried writing it, because while it may be a bit rusty, I still love them so damn much. I hope you enjoy!
I had it under control. I was better. That was what I would tell myself, at least, and honestly it had become more of a mantra—something I would repeat like prayer for comfort as I tried to convince myself of the truth to it. The lie felt good, it gave me something to cling to, something that was at least a bit comforting.
But it was a lie. And for someone who held honesty above all else…well, we could just add that to the list of hypocrisy that I’ve committed since this began.
But my hands shake almost violently, skin and blood under my black nails as they dug into my palms. A clear indication that I was not in control, by far. My blood in my veins boiled in a fashion that I haven’t felt, almost as if I had shot up the strongest bourbon I owned instead of swallowing it whole, every ounce of me vibrating with the rage, the anger, the wrath of it.
“You son of a bitch.” I muttered, but I knew deep down that I was only to blame, and so did he. That didn’t stop his blue eyes flashing to mine, lightening quick, as he turned on the heels of his expensive boots. Only a piece of his hair falling into his face, rioting against the gel, gave any indication that he wasn’t put together—that his own rage was meeting mine.
“Oh, darlin’, you know better than that. We know who is to blame for this.” John sneered in defense, his tone dripping with sugary sweet malice with the very mouth that whispered sweet nothings, empty promises of delicious sanctuary. For each. And every. Confession.
“Yes, darling.” I mocked, my own burgundy painted lips twisting, accepting the challenge with retribution feeling like euphoria—a sweet, blissful high. “All my fault, isn’t it?”
I expected another outburst—I craved it—but he only tilted his head as he scrutinized me. My heart pounded at he stalked just a bit closer, taking the dirty black tank and ripped skinny jeans that was caked with blood and sweat—something that made the loose hairs also cling to my skin, making it crawl but I refused to cower in front of him. I didn’t fear the Baptist of Holland Valley.
“What did you think would happen, deputy?” he asked softly, his voice no longer the sharp edge of a weapon against me, and it was enough to make me blink. Suddenly it felt as if I had found my way onto unstable ground, everchanging and shifting beneath my boots as I tiptoed.
The lack of use of my name is a tell, and the hairs on the back of my neck manage to stand on end as I navigate the playing field. Ever so careful. “And what would your dear Father Joseph say, Johnny Boy?” I shot back. “My dear, you’re not looking very worthy.”
That made his face turn beet red with rage, his eyes a storm that promised a drowning if I dared ventured into its waters. And how many times have I dared and walked away free? Dare I try my luck once more? The answer came from him, however, as he stepped forward and wrapped a tattooed hand lovingly around my neck.
Which was met with my own knife pressed against his—a light kiss against his jugular with the blue of my blade.
It only made him smirk and laugh. “The last time you did this, you were drunk off your ass, straddling me with a fucking butter knife.”
“The last time I did this, I could have taken you. You got lucky.”
“Forgive me, darling, but I believe we got lucky.” I huffed at his crude joke, memories of us on the couch just weeks before. It felt like a lifetime ago, or even an out of body experience, as we somehow managed to end up wrapped around each other with bite and claw marks marring our skin and complementing the ink we had discovered on each other.
“John.” I pressed through gritted teeth as my hand shook, begging to open his throat to end the suffering of the people, but not being able to do it. Not having the strength to follow through, not when he was this close with his cologne intoxicating me in a way whiskey never could.
His brows furrowed as he leaned in closer, his thumb lightly rubbing over my pulse as he pursed his lips. “Secrets get people killed.” He whispered to me. “Wren, you know this. What did you expect of me? You knew what would come. The Confession is rather forward in that regard.”
“Maybe.” Tears pooled as my hand fell from his neck, the knife slipping from my numb fingers and clattering against the hard wood of his home. “But they died for mine.”
“Ours.” He corrected, his mood shifting ever so slightly. “I do believe I’m a willing participant.”
“This is wrong.” He only hummed, whether in agreement or not, I wasn’t sure. But he refused to move, his fingers still pressed against my flesh, running over dried blood. “You killed them—”
John clicked his tongue, sharp and clear, in disapproval. “And how many, pray tell, have you killed, my dear? I recall Jane bringing me Holly Pepper’s body rather recently. Is that because she knew or because she was jealous?”
“Because she tried to fucking kill me!” I snapped, my patience running thin as I glared up at him.
“And you don’t think your precious resistance wouldn’t do the same to me?” He hissed in my face. “Have no doubt that the blood on my own hands only mixes with what’s already on yours.”
Words were weapons, but that was more of a slap to the face, and while I want to fight, to say that my cause was better, that I was better, my words fall flat and bitter on my tongue—usually sharp and made of silver, but now dull and made of lead. I wanted to push away, but he wouldn’t let me, both hands coming to cradle my face instead, softly continuing.
“What do you think would have happened if I had let them live, darling?” His eyes darken as he looked down at me, my breath escaping me completely. “What do you think they would have done if they found out that you scream my name for far different reasons than most do behind these walls? What would they do to you then?”
“They would kill you, wouldn’t they?” He asked, cutting me off. “Like how they tortured Randy, after claiming he was a deserter…after swearing they were saving him. That is nothing compared to their precious deputy falling into the bed of the Baptist of Holland Valley.”
My face contorted as I fought against it, but I knew deep in my bones he was right. The faces of the people I had fought to save…only looking at me with disgust as they realized the truth, as they caught me sneaking from John…only to have their bodies found the next day with the sins carved into their skin, propped for all to see. “That doesn’t excuse what you did to them.”
“Secrets get people killed, my darling, but your truth…will destroy you.” My eyes widened as he tipped my head back, pressing his forehead firmly against mine. “And you wonder why I have their blood on my hands… I could make you my queen, I could protect you, and you would have a place by my side…but the secrets, Wren…you make me worthy…and until you’re ready to stand by me, I will keep your secret…and kill anyone who threatens your truth if I have to.” John’s eyes flashed dangerously to mine, dark and intense. “We’ll share the burden of their blood, my dear.”
And his lips crashed harshly against mine as my lip cut and the taste of blood bitter on both our tongues.
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stanskzseungmin · 5 years
SCB ~ Shifting Tides
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Mafia! + Gangster! AU
Gangster! Changbin x F! Gangster! Reader x Mentioned! Woojin x Mentioned! Chan x Mentioned! Lee Know
Genre: Angst
Trigger Warnings: Drugs, Alcohol, Non Graphic Sexual Content, Slightly Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death, Rape, Self Harm, Kidnapping, Torture
Word Count: 8.5k
A/N: #NotProofread #WeDyingLikeMEN
A/N 2: Also kinda slow burn, because I’m not good at pacing lmao.
A/N 3: Title kinda doesn’t relate, but if you know, you know. I can’t wait for the next season.
A/N 4 (I’ll shut up after this dw): I did not like how it turned out because I hella rushed the ending. I wanted to get this beefy boy done and over with so… sorry if it wasn’t that great.
In life, there are limits. There are boundaries, fine lines that should never be crossed. But in a selfish world, the selfish succeeds. They thrive within the blurred lines that have been smudged and smeared to a gray area between black and white. However, is black and white really so different? Is it simply one is good and one is bad?
The color black can produce feelings of emptiness, gloom, sadness and rebellion. The color black is also affiliated with animosity, malicious intent and evil. Black can also symbolize fear or the unknown. In mainstream media, the bad guy is usually depicted donning black clothing and the good guy is in white. But is white as virtuous as it seems?
White is a visually loud color. It is hard to miss. White can be blinding and can cause headaches. It is also affiliated with coldness and loneliness. White could also be an emotional detachment or a complete cleansing and purge.
But what they both have in common, is to never judge a book by its cover.
It was a typical Friday night for you. Dark nights, crowded rooms packed with people, blaring music and flashing lights. You were feeling particularly randy that night. Boosted with liquid confidence, you adjust your wayyyy too short body hugging white dress. The dress seemed to hang dangerously low on your bust and is riding high up your thighs, leaving your rack on full display and your undergarment is barely peeking out. Your dress was riddled with many gems, rhinestones and glitter that almost made it appear as if you were glowing under the many lights of the bustling club.
Giggling to yourself, you drank the amber color liquid from your glass. You hummed pleasantly from the strong sweet rambunctious flavor and the light burning down your throat. Your head was swimming from the light buzz you were feeling as you let yourself go on the dancefloor raising your glass. 
It was one of those nights where you could feel the pent up frustration residing over you like an elephant keeping you pinned down under its large foot. You needed release and what’s a better way to release pent up stress other than sex? As you were swaying your hips sensually to the flow of the song, your eyes were searching for a physically attractive man that could make you forget the maladies of your past week. Your heart swelled with pride from the several men eyeing you like a piece of candy with their bottom lip captured between their teeth. You recognized a select few, but you were sworn to only affiliating yourself to each man once. Commitment wasn’t your style, you had too much to lose. You’d rather let whatever drunken feelings dissipate by morning’s light.
You recognized a cute faced honey brown haired male. He sat in a booth by himself with distant eyes that glanced at different points of interests of the club. You couldn’t remember his name, Woo.. Woo-something, not that you cared enough to remember. Sex with him was pleasantly surprising. You were expecting a bashful innocent boy judging from his face, but he was a sex god that packed quite a punch below the belt. Your eyes nearly rolled out of your sockets seeing him in all his glory. He really fucked you dumb with his magnum dick.
Another person you recognized was a guy with crispy blond hair. Black seemed to be a natural color for him; the dark leather complimented his pale skin perfectly. You couldn’t really put a finger on anything remotely close to his name. You only remember the thick Australian accent he had. His doesn’t compare to the size of the first, but him being vocal in bed made up for it. He wasn’t much of a moaner, more of a power trip dirty talker. His accent made it all the more worth it. You could still hear his sultry “Babygirl” being whispered in your ear and it sent chills down your spine.
The last guy you recognized was the blue haired performer on the club stage. He wore a skimpy outfit: a long sleeved crop top and a matching black booty shorts. The way he danced around that pole was so fluid, you wondered if he even had any bones. You only remembered his name because of how dumb it was. What kind of name was Lee Know anyway? Initially, you absolutely refused to moan out his dumb name, but how he used his stick when he dicked you down was jaw dropping. It’s probably because of his damn dancer hips.
You were currently being courted by this much older guy who reeks of alcohol, but you had a much higher standard. Your eyes caught a glimpse of this dark guy. He sat next to the Aussie. His body was facing you on the stool. His legs were wide open practically inviting you in between them, but his upper body was twisted and turned to face the same direction as the Aussie who was sitting with his back facing towards you. You rebuffed the older man who had his hands on your hips and is licking your neck, walking out of his grasp without sparing him a second glance. You stood in between the man dressed in full black’s legs and leaned forward, resting your hands on his thighs making sure to show off your rack. The male quickly whipped his upper body to face you with wide eyes. 
“Damn, babygirl,” the Aussie noticed your presence as well and gave a quick slap on your ass.
“Not tonight, baby boy,” you smirked with your eyes still glued to the handsome man before you.
The Aussie huffed as turned away taking another swig of his drink. You eyed the man before you. His dark hair was delicately tucked under his black cap. He wore a tight black tee that accentuates his broad and tone chest. He also had a leather jacket slung over one of his legs.
“Do you have a weapons license? Because look at these guns,” you chuckled feeling his broad muscles on his thick arms. 
The man scoffed with a small smile obviously amused by your attempts at flirting. 
“Not bad,” he smirked. Your ears buzzed hearing his raspy and rough voice. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Changbin chuckled reaching behind and roughly grabbed your thighs and pulled you onto his lap. You teased him a bit by grinding your clothed heat against his thigh.
“So your place or mine, handsome?” you inquired, biting your lip and running a finger along his fly. 
“Mine, it’s closer,” he whispered kissing along your neck.
You hummed in delight. “Shall we be off then?”
Changbin nodded softly, putting his hands on your hips and lifted you up slowly. He slapped the Aussie’s shoulder to signify that he was leaving. In an act of chivalry, he led you out of the bustling club with a hand on the small of your back and pushing away any drunk guys who’s trying to grab at you. Once you both were outside and the door closed behind you. The loud music transitioned to muffled noise. You shivered when you felt the cool breeze. It seemed as if a storm was coming in. Changbin then decadently draped his leather jacket over your exposed shoulders.
“So chivalry isn’t dead,” you chuckled.
“I’m not as bad as I look,” Changbin smirked outstretching an arm, pointing the direction of his apartment.
“I haven’t seen you around. You new to this area?”
“No, I actually frequent the club every week. You’re there every time,” Changbin chuckled, pulling out a cigarette and placing it within his lips. He offered the box to you with a cig protruding out. 
“And you’ve done nothing about it? I’m not that alluring to you?” you smirked accepting his cigarette and placing it between your lips as well. You both leaned forward so the ends touch. Changbin covered the connection with his hand as he lit both cigs simultaneously. 
He took one long drag of the cig and exhaling out the smoke. “I don’t take advantage of women.”
“How quaint.”
Once the doors have closed, all bets were off. Changbin has pinned you against his door as lips are met in a heated kiss with clashing teeth. You immediately shrugged off your (his) jacket, letting the leather material fall to the floor. Your hands flew to his belt and began loosening the material as he hiked up your already too short dress to get full access to your bottom.
“Are you gonna lead me to a bed or are you going to fuck me on this doorway, handsome?” you smirked, pulling away momentarily to catch a breath. He let out a guttural growl before hoisting you in his arms with his hands supporting your knees.
You both collapsed on the sheets as he pulled up the cover to drape over both your sweaty bodies.
“I never did catch your name,” he turned to face you, resting his head in his hand.
“Y/N,” you spoke out. “What about you, handsome?”
“SpearB,” he spoke out pridefully.
“Oh, so you’re CB97’s guy?” you smirked looking deep into his eyes.
His expression fell as his gaze darkened.
“You…know about us?” Changbin growled out threateningly.
“Only by name, it’s nice to put a face to it though,” you giggled patting his cheek softly. You sat up, swinging your legs off the edge of the bed and stood up, exposing your naked back in all of its glory to him. You bent down to slide on your party dress.
“Well, I shall be off. Thanks for the wild night, B,” you winked at him and tossed him your lace panty. He effortlessly caught it with his free hand. “A gift for you.”
Needless to say, you’ve caught Changbin’s attention. You were a total enigma that he desperately wanted to solve. It was icing on the cake that you were easy on the eyes as well.
“Chan hyung, do you think you can find out who that girl is?” Changbin asked leaning over Chan’s shoulder.
“Who do you think I am? CB97 is the best hacker in the underground,” Chan chuckled running his fingers through his blond hair and taking a long drag of his blunt. “Was she a good fuck?”
Changbin chuckled, “you had her before. How could you hold back this valuable information?”
“I never knew you were interested! Here, I got her,” Chan gestured Changbin to gaze at his laptop screen.
“Ally or enemy?” Changbin’s lips quirked upward gazing at the stunning picture of you.
“Amicable,” Chan clarified. 
Changbin hummed in response. “I want her. There’s something about her that’s so alluring. She’s like a puzzle box that I desperately want to solve.”
“Careful, mate. Every lovely rose has its own thorns,” Chan warned.
“It’ll be fine. She has no fixed affiliation with a specific gang, she could join ours as my girl,” Changbin smirked, the air filled with his hubris.
“Alright. It seems her day cover is a barista job at Yellow Wood Cafe. You can take bus 4419 there.”
It had been almost 2 months since you last saw Changbin. Of course you knew who he was. His actual name, his face and who he was affiliated with, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you saw him around. CB97 was a true mystery though. As far as you knew, he was never seen in public and several other gangs and mafias in the area tried to gather as much info on the man, but couldn’t even get a face, not even a name. 
You pulled your long hair into a high ponytail as you tie on your apron over your modest white dress shirt and black pencil skirt. It was early morning and you were the only one running the morning shift. Your coworkers would usually trickle in one by one about an hour to half before noon. There was also not that many customers, just the usual regulars. The second you see them walk in, you would get straight to work fixing up their drinks. As you served an elderly man his coffee, the hanging door bell rang as you were pouring the elderly man milk in his coffee.
“Welcome to Yellow Wood Caf…e,” you trailed off seeing the man standing in the doorway. His dark locks was slicked up exposing his forehead and showed off his intricate face. He wore clothing similar to what he had on when you saw him in the club: tight black shirt tucked into his dark jeans with fingerless leather gloves. The only thing different is that he was a very loose and worn black cotton vest. With his smirking face, it was Seo “SpearB” Changbin himself.
“For one,” he stated with his sultry voice.
“Anywhere you like,” you smiled with a plastic smile as you gestured to all the empty seats. You followed him to a corner table in the sun as he sat down in the wooden chair. You placed a menu on the table in front of him.
“No need,” he waved at the menu. “I just want coffee as dark as my soul.”
“So coffee with extra cream and sugar and a hefty amount of milk?”
Changbin spluttered choking on his saliva. “I am dark.”
“Sure,” you smirked as you walked away to pour a glass of dark coffee. 
You delicately placed the glass cup before him as you took the seat in front of him.
“Why are you here?” you frowned.
“What’s wrong with going to a cafe for coffee?” he smiled innocently.
“I don’t think you’re here for coffee,” you crossed your arms at his remark.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he responded coyly.
“Of course not,” you remarked sarcastically.
“Alright, you got me,” he brought up his hands up in surrender. “I’m just here for the barista.”
“No,” you stated with finality as you left your seat.
Changbin however didn’t let that phase him. Everyday that week, Changbin frequented your cafe, coming in at the same time, ordering the same drink and sitting in the same corner table. Every single time, he wore black clothing. If you didn’t know better, you would assume he wore the exact same clothing every single time.
“You’re not going to give up, aren’t you?” you snapped, pouring him his drink.
“Please, just join my bed and lay by my side,” Changbin smirked darkly.
You huffed. “Straight to the point, huh? Fine. I’ll meet you at your apartment tonight.”
Changbin internally cheered and threw up an imaginary fist in victory. His heart and stomach did flips within him, but externally, he was calm and collected as he took another sip of his coffee.
As promised, you did show up to his apartment late at night. It was around 10 when you finally arrived. Changbin sat around anxious twiddling his thumbs fearing that you had stood him up. In reality, you were caught up in work because the café was understaffed. A few of your coworkers were feverish and never showed. You showed up still in uniform.
By the time you and Changbin had gone a couple of rounds, it was well past midnight and a storm was brewing. Lightning flashed as rain lightly pattered the window.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” Changbin offered. “A storm looks as if it’s going to come in.”
You sighed sitting up on his bed. Changbin tossed you one of his hoodies that was discarded on the ground. 
“Your hoodie smells like shit,” you laughed sliding it over your naked body. You weren’t necessarily lying. The material reeked of alcohol, drugs and sex.
Changbin snorted sliding on a pair of black boxers.
“Might as well. I’ve already broken many rules staying here,” you sighed jumping back on his bed.
“What do you mean?” Changbin asked. 
“I don’t sleep with guys twice and look at us now going for round 2.”
“I’m flattered. Settling with just one dick isn’t your style?” Changbin chuckled.
“Commitment isn’t my style. I don’t want to catch feelings,” you frowned looking off to the side, unable to face him.
“Why is that?” Changbin asked concerned. His voice was laced with worry and his tone suggested that he was genuinely interested. You internally rolled your eyes at your thoughts.
“You could only be betrayed if you trust. You could only be heartbroken if you love. To experience pain, you had to feel. I don’t want to go through that again…” you trailed off. 
“Is this why you’re not tied with any gangs?” Changbin asked softly.
“Yes. I don’t trust people. They always end up leaving one way or another or using me.”
“I won’t leave you,” Changbin blurted out without thinking. You glared at the man after hearing his words. Even though Changbin hadn’t meant to say it, he meant it. He genuinely wanted to get to know you better.
“How can I trust you? You’re just a gangster at the end of the day,” you spat.
“Have you ever heard the saying ‘there is more honor among thieves than diplomats?’” Changbin started. “You and I both know that it holds water.”
You scoffed. He wasn’t technically wrong. Many of the gangs run on social solidarity and a sense of a brotherhood. Many people thrive on the fact that you can do stuff with your “brothers”: drink with your brothers, do drugs with your brothers, etc. It’s a way of escaping life. You, however, favor the physical relationships that would disappear by morning’s light. You let out a loud groan, thinking long and hard about Changbin’s proposal. 
“Many people have hurt you. I won’t be one of them. I refuse to be a statistic.”
You stared deep within Changbin’s soul through his eyes. He seemed unphased and determined against your steel will. Not wanting to deal with his determination, you changed the subject.
“A drink isn’t going to cut it. You got any drugs?” You swung your legs over the edge of the bed as you waltzed out of his room with Changbin following suit. 
“Uhh..  yea. What are you hoping for?” Changbin asked pulling out ziplock bags of drugs and setting it on the table before you. “I have a fair bit of weed and a few that will definitely fuck you up.”
“You don’t really seem like the type to do drugs,” you chuckled.
“I’m not. Just mainly weed and only then, I don’t do it much. You’re not the type to do drugs either.”
“Got me there. I’m actually planning to grab and go,” you jested lightheartedly, eliciting a laugh from him.
“Wow [by 3RACHA]. Going to make some bank off of drugs that’s not even yours. Shady.”
You laughed wholeheartedly in return.
“So,” you started off.
“So?” Changbin called off heading towards his mini fridge and grabbing two beers, handing one towards you.
“So you’ve gotten your gain. What is mine?” you asked with a hint of mischievousness laced in your voice, taking a small sip of your beer.
“You know this all underground stuff with gangs, killings, alcohol, drugs and shit. You can’t leave once you’re caught up with this shit. It just… takes control of your life. Your life isn’t yours anymore. Ya feel me?”
“Yea… I feel you,” you nodded. “Is this why you’ve never given out your actual name?”
“It’s sacred to me. It’s the only part of me I have left.”
Being alone in these sorts of dealings is way less than ideal, especially when you’re basically flying solo. You had no gang to watch over you and no family or friends to rely on. A price to pay in order to protect yourself. You would rather die alone, than die heartbroken.
Your day job did little to support you. You never would’ve predicted you would even end up in the life you’re in now. You felt pressured by the world, ready to give up. You found a way to relieve those built up tensions by many many one night stands. However, this has caused you a bit  of trouble since you unintentionally riled up underground crime lords who are spoiled rotten that they can not take no for an answer and stuck with the “if I can’t have you, no one can” kind of schtick. So you learned to survive and bounce around various protections but without actually getting involved. 
You were currently commissioned by one of the resident local gangs who needed your aid to ensure a highly important deal is a success. You were never told the details, just that it had to be passed. All you were told is that you were to meet up with your client's… client and trade the briefcase you’re provided with with theirs with the instructions to never look inside either of the briefcases. Your payment? Protection from those who want you gone before, during and after the deal. Afterwards, you would basically be set free as vulnerable as a deer caught in headlights until you find another job to do.
You fiddled with the hem of your black skin tight leather dress as another finger twisted and curled a strand of your hair. The briefcase was rested snugly by your feet as you leaned your body against the wall.
“Y/N?” a voice whispered out to you in the shadows.
“SpearB? Are you… the client?" 
"No… I’m the messenger. I didn’t think you were one of them,” Changbin set down his briefcase and crossed his arms.
“I’m the same as you, a messenger as well. I was hired to make sure this…whatever this is, is a success.”
“… I see.” Changbin paused. “You don’t need to do this you know? Hopping from job to job. One day you’re going to run into a gang who will see your job hopping as disloyalty. And you know what happens to people who are disloyal. You could come with us, with me.”
“I already said no, SpearB. I only agreed to try out…whatever we are. Don’t make this any harder for me and give me your damn briefcase!” You outreached your hand suggesting Changbin to just hand over his briefcase.
He sighed. “On one condition.”
“What?” you growled out. 
“Do jobs for CB97.”
“Sure, I’m going to do jobs for an enigma,” you grumbled reaching for the briefcase with Changbin lifting it above his head out of your reach. 
“Please,” Changbin whispered softly.
“Fine,” you gave in after a pause and handed him your briefcase and he handed you his. 
“You’re going to go back to your client right? Let me come with you,” Changbin walked forward and grasping your wrist gently.  
“Please, I know who your guy is. He’s dangerous. I’m just a messenger, he probably won’t know who I am,” Changbin pressed. “I promised I wouldn’t leave you.”
You let out a loud defeated sigh.
“You were followed?” your client, growled out eyeing the dark male behind you.
“Hakuna your-tatas, babe. He’s with me,” you rolled your eyes, scoffing softly before proceeding to place your (Changbin’s) briefcase on the table.
“But you work alone…” your client eyed you warily, and carefully grabbed a hold of the briefcase with high precaution.
“You seem to know me. Clearly not well enough,” you waltzed over to Changbin with a slight swagger to your hips and grabbed his lower jaw. Your fingers pressed into the soft flesh of his cheeks and squishing them up. You chuckled internally at Changbin’s expression when you did that.
“He’s my baby boy, my boy toy. Surely, a pimp like you can understand,” you responded cheekily, yet carefully trying not to rile up your client. “Look at him being a good boy. Standing there silent, waiting for mommy to finish her job." 
You squished his cheeks even more until his lips scrunched up into an expression similar to a fish. You got up to your toes and gave him a light kiss to his lips. Needless to say, the glare Changbin shot towards you was priceless.
"Rigghhhttttt….” your client coughed out, feeling slightly awkward about the situation. He turned the briefcase towards him and began undoing the clasps. You slowly closed the gap between you and the client. You leaned forward slowly, the sounds of distress from your leather dress due to the stretch broke through the silence. Your pressed your palms onto the cool metal of the table and slowly spread your arms. Your client glanced up at you and down to your exposed cleavage. While he was distracted, Changbin circled around the room slowly, pretending to seem interested to the many dust unsettling from the ceiling. You eyed Changbin curiously. You confused glare burned through him. You were sure Changbin could feel your gaze boring into him due to him stiffing up momentarily.
“I did what you asked. I got your pretty briefcase. May I get going now? I promised my baby boy there a wild night,” you smirked, wanting nothing more to do with this man. You only cared about your payment for rent.
Your client snapped out of his daze of ogling over your cleavage. He cleared his throat and regained his composure.
“Of course, if this deal actually went through. You would get your payment,” he replied, carefully unclasping the briefcase. You hummed pleasantly in relief from him finally getting to the point.
“What the fuck?” your client seethed.
“Is something the matter, hand-” you were cut off by your client grasping your neck harshly. His large fingers wrapped around the delicate flesh most likely leaving bruises as he cut off your air supply.
“You bitch,” he spat at you. Flecks of saliva flew to your face as you attempted to pry his hand off of you. “You gave me a false briefcase, didn’t you. This shit is empty-”
“Let her go.” A soft click of a gun echoed through the air. Your client’s eyes widened at the realization that a gun was pressed to the back of his head. He slowly released your neck and raised his arms up. You stumbled backwards hacking and gasping for air.
“What?” your client’s voice was breathless. “Who?-”
“SpearB. Ring a bell? She didn’t swap your damn case. It was empty to begin with. Her orders were only to swap the case and bring it back and to never look at the contents.”
Your gaze darkened at Changbin’s words as you raised your head to glare at him. How did he know what your actual orders was?
Feeling a pair of eyes burning through him, Changbin glanced at you with an apologetic look.
“B? What the fuck?” You gritted out through clenched teeth.
A hesitation. A moment of weakness. That was all the client needed. Changbin eased up slightly to apologize. The client easily grabbed ahold of Changbin’s armed hand and twisted it behind his back trying wretch the weapon out of his hand. With hands quicker than the eye, the tables were quickly turned and it is now Changbin at gunpoint with his own gun. 
“SpearB? So you’re part of 3RACHA? I didn’t think 3RACHA cared about anyone other than yourselves? Only using everyone to benefit yourselves. Like that little lady over there-”
A shot. A singular shot rang out that had Changbin jumping in shock wide eyed. Ugly screams echoed throughout the small walls as red dripped down to the floor, splashing onto Changbin as well. The client quickly cowered back into the corner, dropping the gun in the process. His hands flew up to cup his now missing lower jaw, the mandible bouncing pathetically on the ground in between Changbin’s feet.
“Holy. Shit.” Changbin exasperated jumping away from the bloody jaw. He looked up to you shocked, yet in awe wielding a S&W revolver, a thin wispy smoke came from the barrel.
You quickly pointed your gun at Changbin who brought his hands up in surprise.
“Don’t shoot,” Changbin stated calmly yet alarmed. 
“Get out, B,” he nodded, bending down to grab his gun quickly and headed towards the door. 
“After you,” he gestured to the door politely.
The client’s howls of pain can be heard echoing down the alleyway once the door has been opened. Changbin quickly shut him up with a singular bullet in between his eyes and closing the door behind him. 
The second the door closes, you swung your leg backwards at an arn in an attempt to roundhouse kick him. Changbin reacts by blocking the hit with his forearm. His other hand instinctively grabbed at your ankle. You attempted to catch you balance by shifting your weight from your other foot to your palms pressing against the cold asphalt.
“Nice moves,” Changbin smirked, letting out a sultry chuckle. You huffed in annoyance.
“I was wondering where did you manage to hide that big boy?” He asked referring to the gun.
“Ever heard of a prison purse?” you retorted.
“Jesus Christ, that was a lot of heat woman.”
Changbin backed off with both hands in the air, dropping your leg in the process.
“Whatever,” you growled crawling forwards to jump back on your feet. “How did you know what’s my mission?”
“My mission was to basically off the guy, but you’ve already got that covered,” Changbin crossed his arms ignoring your question.
“So you were using me?”
“No I-” he tried to interject, but you didn’t give him the chance. 
“Just save it, B,” you stormed off, feeling betrayed and used.
It’s been a week after that incident. The both of you end up in the same club you’ve met, but never again frequented afterwards. On opposite sides of the club, you were drinking and partying on the dance floor, grinding on random men trying to ease the heavy feeling in your heart. Changbin was at the bar chugging down cup after cup of the hard liquor with a blunt between two fingers. Your mind was swimming in alcohol, but the only thing you can think of was how much you fucking missed Changbin and seeing his back turned to you at the bar only emphasized those feelings.
You slumped down next to him on the stool and he turned to look at you with wide eyes. You noticed the blunt in his hands and frowned and a pang of pain bubbled in your chest.
“I thought you didn’t do drugs…” you whispered out.
“It’s just weed,” Changbin scoffed.
You both turned away from each other, both suddenly finding their glass cups very interesting.
“I’m sorry,” the pair confessed simultaneously.
“Wait what?” Changbin breathed out looking at you bewildered.
“Why are you sorry?” You squeaked out, surprised.
“For using you…” Changbin confesses looking down and slumping his shoulders. “It wasn’t that I meant to use you, it was just the cards I was dealt. I hadn’t expected you to be the man’s hired bargainer. I was under the impression that he would show up himself due to the utmost importance of this trade.”
“Yes… I completely understand that. It wasn’t your fault, you were just doing your job. That’s why I wanted to apologize… I was being unfair to you…” you trailed off. “I missed you, Changbin-”
You tried to stop yourself, but it was already too late. The damage was done. Changbin visibly stiffened up. His drunken brain sobered up to the sound of his own name.
“W-Wait, B,” you stammered.
Suddenly, it is as if the world disappeared around Changbin. The blaring music and bass faded away to muffles in his ears. His heartbeat echoed loudly in his ears. He felt small and helpless. Alone in this dark world with a singular light shining directly at him.
“B?” you whimpered out, your fingers grazing his muscles lightly. “SpearB… I- I didn’t mean-”
Changbin swiftly backhands you without a second thought. Your eyes were wide as your head turned from the force of the impact. Your cheek was red and stinging but it was nothing compared to guilt eating away at your soul. He then storms off, leaving a heartbroken you behind.
“Han!” Changbin called out to his junior. Changbin’s booming voice tearing through the club bass made his junior jump and choke on the smoke from the bong he was ripping. “Give me some of the heavy shit.”
Han coughed, trying to catch his breath. “Are you sure, hyung? I thought you didn’t do drugs?”
“I just need to get blasted right now,” Changbin eyed the various items on the table: several bags of probably meth and cocaine as well as several syringes of heroin plus the bong sitting on his lap.
“I gave you a blunt earlier?”
“For fuck’s sake, Jisung, just give me some crack cocaine or some shit.” Changbin snapped sitting opposite of Han in the booth, and pulling out a credit card. Jisung sighed and slid a ziplock bag filled with white powder in front of him. Changbin grabbed a hold of the plastic and dumped a generous amount directly on the table. He used his credit card to separate the powder into several lines.
“You got a bill?”
“What happened to all your money?” his junior going at it again with his bong. 
“I drank it,” Changbin replied seriously.
“I don’t think you should be doing drugs with alcohol.”
“I don’t need a lecture, Han,” Changbin grumbled leaning forward, plugging up a nostril, snorting up a line. Changbin sighed in content. A euphoric feeling washed over his body, turning his brain into putty.
Everybody in this club probably have done drugs at least once, mainly weed, but it’s a drug nonetheless. Some kept at it. His junior, Han “J.One” Jisung, has prob hit every one at least once. Some didn’t like how the after effects outweighed the euphoric effects and dropped it entirely like his senior,  Bang “CB97” Chan. But besides this, everyone has their drug, the drug that will just click and consume their entire body and soul.
Unfortunately for Changbin. It was cocaine. His alcohol intake hastened effects of the drug and he found the feeling to be addicting and euphoric. He felt as if he was on Cloud 9 and in heaven. 
And he couldn’t stop.
“Hey,” a voice called out. “Hey!”
You jolted awake at the hand shaking your shoulder gently. You winced at the pounding headache you had. You looked up recognizing the pale man with crispy blond hair.
“Sorry to wake you up, but do you know where SpearB is?” he asked. You can pick out his ear candy Australian accent.
Right. You remember where you were. You tried to find Changbin after he stormed off at the club after him giving you a nasty blow on your cheek, but to no success. You lost him within the crowd of clubbers and there were too many men trying to lay their hands on you. So you went to his apartment and fell asleep at his door waiting for his return.
“Is SpearB not with you?” the blond asked.
“N-no?” you stuttered. “He never came home?”
“Shit,” the blond breathed out, running a hand through his hair. “That was not the answer I wanted to hear.”
“What is it…?” You tried to remember the Aussie’s name, but nothing came to mind.
“CB97,” he responded, leaning against the wall and throwing his head back. His skull bounced off the wall lightly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. You gasped, eyeing the blond in front of you.
CB97? THE CB97? An enigma in the underground and one of the most powerful men to top it off? And you’ve slept with him and then you’ve slept with one of his guys and deeply hurt him. Your mouth gaped open as all that ran in your mind was that you were thoroughly fucked and not by a dick.
“Relax. I have no quarrel with you,” he responded, smiling softly to show that he has no ill intentions. What he said next made your racing heart drop straight down to your stomach.
“SpearB is missing.”
Changbin awoke in a cold sweat. His head was throbbing. Everything felt cold. He felt cold, yet his body was burning up. Sweat was running down his temples and his back in streams causing his shirt to stick to his skin uncomfortably. Changbin was sobbing, tears were running down his face. It felt as if there were a million fire ants crawling beneath his skin, nipping and gnawing at his flesh as the symptoms of withdrawal hit him hard and fast.
Changbin squirmed and thrashed only to quickly realize that he was in a chair with his arms and legs bound and chained at the wrists and ankles. His heart was hammering in his chest not necessarily from the fear of being bound and imprisoned, more so from the side effects of his withdrawals as he screwed his eyes shut.
“Good morning, sunshine,” a voice called out. Changbin peeked at the figure in front of him. He was stood in the dark with a singular hanging light over Changbin. Changbin could barely make out the blurry figure; all he got was that he was dressed in all black with a hood, mask and sunglasses.
“What do you want?” Changbin rasped out, his throat was dry and it felt like he was swallowing pins and needles when he swallowed in attempt to moisturize his throat.
“You should know what I’m looking for,” the man chuckled. “Tell me who are the rest of 3RACHA.”
“No.” Changbin responded firmly without hesitation. A loud crack ran through the air not even a second later. Changbin’s head was thrown to the side, eyes wide and a split cheek.
“I’d suggest you make this easier on yourself and just give me the names,” the man growled sliding on black latex gloves.
It’s been a daze. Changbin had no idea how much time has passed. His face was battered and bruised and blood was running down his nose in streams staining his lips and teeth red as he has a constant metallic taste on his lips. He’s currently sitting in isolation alone in the dark with the light off. The room was soundproof with no windows so Changbin hadn’t the slightest what is going on outside or even where he was. His entire body was burning up and trembling profusely from his drug withdrawals and his stomach constricted painfully yearning for food.
Soon a door opened and the familiar man walked in closing the door behind him.
“Care to talk now?” 
“No,” the man’s response was a swift kick to Changbin’s torso causing him to double forward to cough and wheeze.
“So, how was it in isolation? Are you thirsty? Does your back hurt from being slouched over for too long?”
Changbin could only merely glare.
“Here, let me help.”
The man carefully unbounded the straps on Changbin’s wrists and ankles and proceeded to drag him out by his forearm. He didn’t take him very far, just the next room over. The next room was as bare as the one he was in, save for a singular table in the center along with hanging LED lights that were currently off.
“Get on,” the man commanded. Changbin reluctantly complied due to the piercing pain in his legs. Changbin lied flat on the cool metal table as the man strapped him down once more.
“Aren’t I so generous? You must be tired sitting in the dark all day long,” his tone was apathetic as he turned to leave and flicked the light switch on. Changbin winced at the harsh light shining directly to his face as he screwed his eyes shut. Suddenly, he heard a rattling of a chain and the sound of a metal trap door opening. Before he can fully comprehend what was happening, his nose and mouth were suddenly flooded with water. Changbin gasped and sputtered after the first wave. Before he could fully recover, a second wave came in and it kept coming. 
“Do you want to talk now?” the man’s voice played through an intercom.
“Fuck. You.” 
“Wrong answer.”
Changbin got waterboarded once more.
“I gotta say. You’re pretty impressive. Your resilience and determination would be awe inspiring if not annoying,” the man started, forcing a taser into Changbin’s chest. Changbin was now strapped back to his original chair after the man failed at breaking him with the use of waterboarding.
“Since you don’t want to talk about the other members of 3RACHA. Let’s talk about you,” the man started, walking circles around Changbin. 
“You’ve always been on your own. Taking control of your own life. Never bowing down to anyone or anything, but somehow the great SpearB was managed to be tamed and now you’re under the command of CB97. CB97,” the man chuckled speaking out that code name. “CB97. Ever the enigma. Managed to strap down one of the finest underground hitman, SpearB and one other. So much influence and power, yet no one can touch him. Not even a name or a face have come to light.”
Changbin eyed the man with pure hatred and disgust.
“But it seems CB97 isn’t the way to go here. How about that girl who has no affiliation in the underground?”
Changbin’s breath hitched. The man smiled wickedly. “Jackpot.”
“How long has it been since he’s been missing?” you asked pacing back and forth in the dark room. 
“A little over a week now. J.One is out there hustling for as much info as he can get,” CB97 informed. “A part of me was hoping he just went away for a little while and then reappear.”
“It’s all my fault,” you blurted out. “I always end up sleeping my way into a fucked up position.”
“I’m not blaming you and neither would SpearB.”
“What makes you say that for certain?”
“Because he loves you.”
Howls of pain ripped through Changbin’s throat, his throat now as red and raw and the pulsating flesh on his fingers.
“Did you really think she cared for you?” the man growled, wrenching off another fingernail with pliers.
“You don’t know anything about her,” Changbin growled out.
“Probably not, but she knows you. Seo Changbin is it not?”
“How did you-”
“What do you think?” the man smirked, turning away and pulling out an unknown syringe, giving it a light press and flicking it to get rid of oxygen bubbles.
“No. Not-” Changbin was cut off by the man injecting the strange liquid into his arm.
“Seo Changbin. August 11, 1999.”
“Shut up! Shut up!” Changbin’s vision was getting blurry as his head was turning to mush.
“Do you still believe that that girl is innocent? She only does what she does to benefit herself. Why do you think she has no affiliations? Why do you think she’s been keeping the fact that she knows your real name from you?”
Changbin’s head slumped forward in defeat.
“Now… tell me their names or I can bring her to you so you can watch her break.”
“You can’t be serious, Changbin? Even now you refuse to speak even with that drug I’ve injected and a knife deeply embedded in your thigh?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Changbin spat his blood at the man.
“I’ve had enough of you!”
“How ironic,” Changbin chuckled. “You’re trying to break me, but you’re the one breaking.”
Changbin couldn’t see the man’s face, but he could imagine the scowl he’s wearing and dilated eyes. The man growled and pulled out the knife. Changbin bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. He wouldn’t give his captor the final satisfaction of hearing his cry. The man brought the blade to Changbin’s neck, prompting him to bring his head up to glare at the man.
Before the man could do any damage, a muffled explosion went off in the background. The room shook slightly as dust unsettled from the ceiling. The door was busted open and in comes in CB97 and J.One, both wielding guns.
“Y/N,” CB97 called out. “SpearB out of here. We’ll take care of this mess.”
You appeared behind pair, nodding softly and rushed towards Changbin who passed out. His body finally shutting down after seeing the familiar faces, knowing that he was being saved.
Changbin wakes up some time later. His lips were chapped as he panted for air through his dry throat. Changbin’s eyes were bloodshot and heavy bags decorated his eyes. His head snapped up feeling a light pressure on his thigh.
“How are you feeling, B?” you asked softly, bandaging up his thigh.
“Did you think you can take advantage of me? Just use me for your own benefit?”
“SpearB, please-” 
Changbin cut you off by flipping both your positions.
“What’s wrong? You take advantage of men by sleeping with them and seducing them? Look, I’m in just my boxers.”
“SpearB, stop. You were drugged, just go to sleep and we’ll talk-”
Changbin shut you up with a harsh slap.
“Talk? Just like how you talked to that guy who kidnapped me?” Changbin growled pulling your shorts and panties in one fell swoop.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tried placing a hand on his chest to get him to slow down. Changbin very quickly pinned both your wrists above your head with a single hand, the other running up your (his) hoodie raking his fingers over your bare flesh. 
“Quiet and take it.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to obey him. You let out a shaky exhale when you felt a sharp pressure from down below. You winced once he began snapping his hips against yours without giving you any time to adjust.
“Did you really think you could take advantage of me like that? How does it feel now when the shoes on the other foot?”
“No, please. Just listen- Aah!” he cut you off with a particularly hard thrust. “P-please, that’s not how I truly feel about you. I meant what I said back at the club.” 
“Yeah? Then how do you feel?” he growled out.
“I would die for you.”
“Then perish.” Changbin’s eyes darkened as it bored into your soul. He pulled out of your throbbing heat as it pulsated lightly with pain. His sharp gaze looked at you expectantly as you sat up and curl into yourself feeling so exposed and little under his gaze.
You gasp out, nodding solemnly. You delicately pulled out a pocket knife from your discarded shorts you kept on you for self defense. You start just below your jawbone to the left and began slicing, blood is pouring out as the stainless steel blade sliced through skin, flesh and muscle like butter. The sight of the brilliant red liquid spewing out sobers up Changbin a bit. Changbin stops her by grabbing her wrist preventing further damage.
“Why did you stop me?” you seethed, tears pouring down your face.
“Because I didn’t think you were actually going to do it!” He snaps, gritting his teeth together. His breath fanned over your face, his eyes red and bloodshot.
“Let me go, Changbin,” you sniffled, forgetting why you were in this position in the first place.
The sound of his name escaping your lips fueled the burning rage within him. Memories of the club played through his mind like a broken record. The breathy sound of his name escaping your lips mixed in with the loud blaring bass of the club and the chatter of the surrounding clubbers. He finally realized the humiliation of having that last thing he held sacred been outed to the world, leaving him feeling small and vulnerable like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP,” he shouts like a mantra. “Don’t say that name like you OWN ME!”
You tried to back up and crawl away, but the throbbing pain in your nether regions and your putty legs made it difficult.
“B… SpearB, I’m sorry,” you sobbed out.
“JUST SHUT UP!” He very quickly overpowered you and bringing you down flush to the ground with his weight. 
“Just shut your whore mouth!” At this point, all Changbin saw was red. His large hands quickly wrapped around your small neck. Tears were dripping from his ducts, the droplets landing on your cheeks. You gasped and gurgled as you clawed his wrists to get him to let go. Crimson red began dotting at his wrists from where your nails broke skin as it slowly rolled down and joined the crimson fluid that was gushing through his fingers from your neck.
“Just shut up,” he sniffled, his voice cracking and breaking at the last word. Your eyes were blown out as tears free flowed down your temples soaking you messed locks. Drool was also dribbling out of the corner of your mouth.  
Suddenly black dots began appearing within both your visions for you from oxygen deprivation and for changbin from the side effects finally kicking in. Darkness finally enveloped the pair and Changbin slumped over your body as the light from your eyes faded and you took your final breath.
Daybreak broke, CB97 and J.One found their way into Changbin’s apartment.
CB97 very quickly notices a very naked Changbin and a semi naked you on the floor. He quickly rushed forward pulling Changbin off of you and attempted to shake him awake. J.One carefully pulled down the material of your (Changbin’s) hoodie to cover yourself and pressed his fingers against your neck hoping to find a pulse. He looked up at CB97 and shook his head.
Changbin wakes up in a slight daze, trying to get a footing of what happened last night. His head was throbbing as he blinked multiple times trying to get rid of the blurriness. What was discerning to him was how he could not for the life of him remember anything that happened after he passed out in that chair. Soon his vision focused on the blank stare of your body beside him.
“Y/N?” he whispered out. 
“Y/n? Y/N!” he struggled out of CB97’s grip and shoved J.One aside, sending his junior flying backwards straight on his ass.
Changbin tries waking Y/N up by shaking her shoulders vigorously but to no avail. Quickly Changbin pressed an ear to her chest.
“She isn’t breathing!” Changbin sobbed. “Save her!” 
CB97 and J.One attempt to pry him off you.
“Changbin stop! She’s gone.”
Changbin got out of their grip and rush over to you, cradling you softly in his arms as if you were made of glass.
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry Y/N…” 
All CB97 and J.One could do was watch their friend in pity.
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officerxwilliams · 4 years
. continued with @sardoniicxsouls
Randy grinned at the choice of words but did as the blond requested. He was seated on the couch, watching Danny. Randy’s legs parted now as he made room for Danny to slide between them. The Missourian’s hands immediately went up to the side of Danny’s face, fingers stroking the stubbly skin until he brought his thumb up to the other’s bottom lip. He let go after a few moments and smirked down at his partner. “It wasn’t really bad today. We did a session and my partner was new enough where he messed up some of the moves. We both got some scratches and bumps but nothin’ too bad.” As he was looking at him, Randy couldn’t help but reach up again, fingers tracing over Danny’s lips. He gently pushed a digit past the pink lips, eyes darkening slightly as he watched the blond.
Danny smiled sweetly up at Randy when he just went with it, sliding down to the floor and slipping between the other’s legs. Danny leaned into the touch, kissing Randy’s thumb when he touched it to his lip. Danny hummed quietly under his breath as Randy started to talk, leaning forward to brush his mouth against the bulge lightly. 
Danny pulled back again and replaced his mouth with his fingers, woking on getting Randy’s pants opened. “You sure?” He asked, a bit of worry slipping into his voice. “I can look at things if you’re hurt,” he offered, before turning his face to welcome Randy’s finger, sucking on the digit gently. 
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
In Need of New Boyfriends
Author’s Note: Hey! This is my first time writing an imagine for the slasher boys... so it’s kind of soft (like... too soft...). BUT! If you have any gory request, I would gladly write about spilling guts and cutting heads off!
Pairing: Randy x Reader, Stu x Reader x Billy
Warning: ... sadly none. Help me change that, please.
Word Count: 623 words.
Summary: Imagine Billy and Stu secretly being obsessed with you... and they learn that you’re going out with Randy.
This is Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
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“What did you just say?”
Randy loses his smile, the slightly angry tone in Billy’s voice making him feel like he shouldn’t have said anything.
“I-I said that (Y/N) is my girlfriend now.”
Stu laughs, thinking that the geek boy is stupidly joking again.
“Oh, you can’t be serious.” He stops laughing when he sees a hurting look in Randy’s eyes. “Wait, you’re really serious. How is that possible?”
“Huh? How is that possible? You’re kidding, right!? We went on a few dates, we kissed and now we’re together!”
“But you’re an idiot! You can’t be with (Y/N)! She-” Stu gets cut off by Billy’s hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, Stu.” The dark haired boy turns his crazy eyes to Randy. “They’re not gonna stay together for long.”
His words make Randy feels like a knife stabbed in his chest.
“Why would you say that!? She likes me!”
Stu giggles. “For now. Wait until she sees that we’re better than you.”
“You guys already have girlfriends!” Randy suddenly feels very frustrated and he for once doesn’t care what Billy might do to him. “(Y/N) is not your property, okay? She was single! And now, she’s my girlfriend! And you better accept that!”
Billy grabs Randy by his shirt, tilting his head in a threatening way as Stu grins like a maniac.
“For your own sake, you better tell us that this is temporary.” Randy hears Stu giggling again, fear taking over his own body. “Wouldn’t like your pretty boy’s face to get… scarred… right?”
Randy slowly gulps, before he slightly opens his mouth. His brain screams at him to listen to his “friends” since they really seem like perfect psychopaths lately. But… he really likes you and-
“Hey guys.” Your voice startles the three boys, making Billy release Randy instantly as you frown at the scene. “Is everything alright?”
“Hey (Y/N)!” Stu smiles wildly at you, laughing slightly to try to shake the awkwardness away. “Everything’s fine! Why? Did it look like we were fighting?”
“We’re just teaching Randy how to avoid problems, that’s all.” Billy brushes invisible dirt on Randy’s shirt, smiling sweetly in your direction.
You quirk an eyebrow at their response, the atmosphere and the scared look on Randy’s face not helping your friends’ case.
“Okay… if you say so…” You decide to turn your attention to Randy, a smile coming back to your lips. “You’re coming, babe?”
You don’t notice the boys’ expression darkening at your choice of words, but you do see your boyfriend instantly getting tensed and his knuckles turning white.
“W-what?” Randy feels his friends’ looks taunting him. “Going where?”
You roll your eyes. “To work, dummy. We’re both doing the evening shift, remember? You said we’ll drive there together.”
“O-oh… yeah..” His face turns red in embarrassment, making you giggle. “… sorry...”
“It’s alright, dummy. We gotta go now though, or else we’ll be late and you’ll get fired again.” You take his hand in yours, starting to drag him towards the school’s outside doors. “And then, when our shifts are gone, we can steal the popcorn and go watch that horror movie you’ve been talking about for the last two weeks.”
Stu and Billy watch you two leave in silence as Randy smiles wildly.
“That sounds perfect! Oh! Maybe we can steal some of the candy too?”
You share a sneaky smile with him, both of you extremely happy to have found each other. You couldn’t wait to spend more time with this dork, even though some of your friends wouldn’t agree to that…
“… I’m guessing we’re starting the murders early?”
Billy shares a dark and unreadable look with Stu, before he smiles creepily.
“Looks like (Y/N) is gonna need new boyfriends.”
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part One
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Alcohol and Drug Use, Language, Violence, Future Smut, Slow Burn, ANGST OUT THE ASS.  A/N: Since I have no inspiration to work on Forever, Sweetheart, this is what you get. His daughter will be mentioned, but not a character. Masterlist can be found at the bottom.
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“And look at this weird bitch right here.” Colson teased, looking up from his phone to smile brightly at the woman who’d just entered the room.
“Har har” Tiffany sneered back, rolling her eyes and flipping the man off before plopping herself down on the couch in between him and Slim, her wet hair shaking droplets of purple water onto both of them. “The fuck are you even doing here?” 
“Bitch, you really jus’ gonna leak all over the Jay like that?” Colson griped, jerking the freshly rolled joint from where it had been perched on his thigh to dramatically examine it before narrowing his eyes at her, “Got it lookin’ like Barney nutted on it or some shit.”
Slim chucked from his spot, shaking his head at the two’s banter. 
“Go fuck your self,” she deadpanned with another eye roll, throwing a lighter at him that he caught easily before flipping her wet hair in his direction again. Colson shoved her playfully into Slim’s side, who pushed her back into him with a suck of his gums and an annoyed, “Y’all stop that shit.” 
“Where’s your brother? I been tryna call his ass all day.” Colson asked, adjusting himself to lean forward so he could light the joint, the thick smoke billowing out of his mouth as the cherry brightened. 
“Last I seen, he was in his room passed out.” She shrugged, taking the spliff from Colson’s fingers as he leaned back, his arm stretching out around her shoulders across the back of the sofa. Slim watched Tiffany lean into Colson’s side as she took her drag from the joint, the man’s fingertips automatically wrapping around the wet ends of her hair. The gesture made the smirk adorning Slim’s face deepen, the man mentally rolling his eyes to keep himself from shaking his head again. It was like they were oblivious or something to their own actions.
“We’re supposed to be discussing all the last minute shit for tour,” Colson explained, continuing to finger the strands of purple hair brushing against his arm as she passed the weed to Slim, “We gotta get all this dumb shit done.” 
“Go wake him up,” she shrugged again, moving to stand in front of them before taking the joint from Colson again, inhaling the thick smoke before continuing, “I think he had some random over last night or something, though.” 
She once again passed it to Slim before turning towards the hallway she’d come from, heading in the direction of her room. Colson’s eyes instantly moved down her body without his permission, the sight of her ass peeking out from the bottom of the shorts she was wearing making his mouth dry. Colson received a sigh from his friend beside him, but ignored it, jumping up from his seat after snatching the jay for himself and following her down the hallway. 
Tiff had already made it to her room by the time Colson made it down the corridor, and he chanced a glance through the crack between her door and the frame as he moved passed it. Her elaborately tattooed back was facing him, bare and on display as she dug through one of her dresser drawers, presumably looking for a bra or a shirt to change into. Colson swallowed thickly as his eyes darted around her exposed skin, the contrast of the dark and colorful ink on her pale flesh made him bite his lip as he watched. He’d always harbored a lust for the woman, but she was one of his best friend’s big sisters, as well as his friend in her own right. He knew better than to fuck any of that up, as if she’d ever give him the time of day to begin with.
The sound of movement coming from Rook’s room finally dragged Colson’s attention to his original task, a mischievous smile sneaking across the blonde’s lips as he heard the unmistakable tone of a woman’s voice coming from the other side of the barrier. Colson wasted no time in barging into the room, earning him a screech from the naked girl as she pulled the sheet she’d been using to cover herself closer to her body. Rook sat on the edge of the bed in all his glory, fully nude with a peaceful, careful expression on his face as he stared up at his friend. 
“Where the fuck you been, Rook?” Colson chided, ignoring his drummer’s nudity in favor of eyeing the curves of the brunette woman currently searching for her clothes in front of him. A charming smile snuck across his face as he licked his lips, captivating the woman who’d just fucked his friend hours earlier instantly. His eyes never left her as he continued, flirtatiousness thick in his tone, “Been lookin’ for you all day.” 
JP leaned over the bed and grabbed a pair of his boxers, pulling them over his hips as he stood up and handed the girl her dress that she’d been looking for. He gave her a small smirk as she took the garment from him, his head nodding towards the door in silent instruction. The woman took the hint and left the room, bending over suggestively to grab her heels before giving Colson one more look and closing the door. 
Running a hand over his face to help wake him up, JP took the rest of the joint offered from Colson as he set about finding something to wear for the day. “Sorry, man, I had an alarm set but I guess my phone died.” 
“It’s cool, dog, I don’t blame you for needing a little rest after seeing that,” Colson teased, sitting on the edge of Rook’s bed, his lips pursed together to keep the giggles threatening to spill out inside. 
“Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up.” His friend retorted, pulling a cotton band tees over his shoulders. JP continued to move around the room, looking for pants, sifting through the various articles of clothing littering the floor. Finding a pair of jeans that seemed clean enough, the man turned back to face Colson, a knowing look in his eye as he asked, “You ask her yet?” 
“Nah,” Colson returned, taking a final drag before stomping the roach out in a nearby ashtray, “I only seen her for a minute.”
“Well, you might wanna hurry, before Dickface figures out something for her to do.” Rook replied, dragging a hand across his face again before exhaling deeply, “you go do that real quick while I take a shit and then I’ll be ready to go.” 
She was still in her room when Colson found her, a tight pair of yoga pants covering her thighs and accentuating the curve of her ass perfectly as she bent forward, her hair flipped over in front of her. The loud roar of a hair dryer came from underneath the thick violet tresses, little pieces of hair flying up as she shook it all around. 
Colson’s teeth found purchase in his lip once more as he leaned against the door frame and watched her, his gaze trailing up her thighs and ass to her waist and back when she finally stood up straight. The thick waves of her violet hair cascaded down to just above her hips, teasing Colson as fantasies of him carding his fingers through it flashed through his mind. Her eyes met his in the mirror, the expression she found on his face sending chills down her spine. Catching herself, she cocked a haughty eyebrow at the man observing her before saying, “Somethin’ I can help you with, Kels?”
Jerking himself from his thoughts, Colson pushed himself from the frame and took a step towards her, a goofy smile replacing the once hungry expression on his face, “Actually, yeah.”
He plopped himself down on the bed behind her, the springs squeaking as he bounced slightly. She shook her head with a snort as she picked up her makeup sponge and started blotting foundation on her face while she waited for him to explain. 
“So, I was wondering how your schedule looked for the next few months.” Colson started, leaning back on his elbows as he examined her in the reflection of the mirror. His eyes narrowed as he watched her smear the liquid into her neck, almost sure he saw a faint greenish color of a bruise disappear as she blended it all out. 
“For?” She inquired, her amber irises meeting his blue ones through the glass as she paused. 
“Wanted to know if you wanted to come help us out.” Colson explained, innocent yet pleading Look crossing his face as he looked up at her when she turned around to face him, “please?”
“Can’t, Kels, I’m sorry. Randy’s gonna have me booked up more than likely.” She sighed, raking a hand through her hair before turning back around, “I really wish I could though.” 
Colson internally growled at the mention of her dickface boyfriend-slash-manager. Quotations around manager. And boyfriend. Tiffany was one of the best photographers he knew of, was a bad ass makeup artist as well, and while Randy definitely kept her busy and their bills paid, he made sure that there was no room for advancement in the industry. He kept her working with clientele that he approved of, having her take gigs that she was well over qualified for. He had a deep fear of her finding out her worth and leaving him for someone better, and had let those insecurities lash out at her in the past. Colson’s eyes instantly darkened with rage as she swept her hair up off of her neck, revealing a mark left from what could only be those insecurities painted across her flesh.
“The fuck is that, Tiff?” Colson boomed suddenly, standing up and moving behind her. She instantly tensed and tried to side step him, but he caught her with both hands on her biceps and turned her back around. His fingers were gentle as he traced the angry purple fingerprint, not sure how he could have missed it before. 
“Don’t worry about it, Kels,” She deflected, attempting to step out of his grasp again, “it’s nothing.” 
“Am I interrupting something?” A deep voice suddenly was heard from the door, and the perpetrator himself stood in the frame with a curious expression on his face. Colson instinctively moved Tiffany behind him, his muscles taunt and ready to knock the ever living fuck out of the asshole in front of him. 
“You do that shit to her, dog?” Colson seethed, his hands balling into fists at his side as he started to shake. Randy crossed his arms in front of him as he stood there with a devious smirk on his face, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips as he shook his head 
“Don’t think that’s any of your business, dog.” Randy sneered, making a move closer to Colson as he stretched his hand out in Tiffany’s direction, “Come on babe, I needa talk to you.”
“Not happenin’, homie” Colson regarded with a shake of his head, shifting his body to keep Tiffany behind him. 
“It’s fine, Colson, really. I’m okay.” Tiffany pleaded as she once again tried to move away from him, only to be blocked. 
“Negative,” Colson stated simply as he narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him, “Gimme one good reason why I shouldn’t knock you the fuck out, dude.”
“Everything alright?” JP said from behind Randy, the shorter man entering the room slowly as he looked between the two taller men glaring at each other. 
“You seen your sisters neck, dog?” Colson asked, his eyes flicking to Rook for a second before he shifted Tiffany around, his hands delicately moving the woman’s hair again to expose the bruise. 
Rook didn’t even speak, just instantly lunged at the much larger man, spearing him into the bed before crawling on top of him. Colson immediately moved to pull him off of him, but a kick to the jaw from Randy ruined any chance he had of being saved. Tiffany was screaming and trying to pull everyone apart when Slim ran in, and the two of them were able to separate everyone finally after a bit of wrestling. 
“You stay the fuck away from my sister, bitch,” Rook spat, wiping the blood leaking from his lip as Colson held him back. Slim pushed Randy out of the room against his will, the man screaming slurs and insults through the house as he was escorted outside. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you two?” Tiffany screeched as her fists came in contact with Colson’s chests, punching and shoving him before turning the assault on her brother “I said everything was fuckin’ fine!”
“Shit obviously ain’t fine, Tiff!” Colson shouted back as he gripped her arms again, his reach pushing her back from him while still keeping her from running away, “Fuckin’ look at you, for fuck’s sake!” 
He turned her to face the mirror and she saw everything- her makeup streaked from the tears now pouring down her face, revealing the light green marks under her eye that she’d concealed, as well as the harsh purple and blue flesh around her neck and shoulders. She wiped the snot from her nose that threatened to run, sniffling as she shook her head at her reflection, her voice trembling as she repeated, “everything was fine.”
“Yeah, what the fuck ever.” JP sneered, taking his shirt off to finish wiping the blood from his face, “You ever so much as contact that bitch again and I’ll fucking gut him.”
“And what the fuck am I supposed to do for a job, Jay?” Tiffany spat back, shrugging Colson’s hands from her shoulders as she rounded on her brother “You two just beat the shit out of not just my boyfriend, but my fucking boss!” 
“I’m your boss now.” Colson stated simply with a shrug, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “you work for me.” 
“You’re out of your fucking mind, Colson.” She seethed, glaring at him.
“We’ve known this. Now make sure your shit is packed, we leave on Friday.” Colson replied, easily ignoring the daggers she was shooting him with her amber eyes. He beamed a bright, signature smile at her and watched her crumble, unable to say no. 
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Tags: @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs
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kiruuuuu · 6 years
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I’m not even ashamed to admit this hit me right in the thirst, @taleously! I adore these two, so thank you for this :) (Rating T, humour/fluff, ~1.5k words)
“- without even realising, I am holding the grenade all of a sudden and all I hear is this choir of dudes chanting ‘hot potato’ over and over -” Bandit breaks off as soon as he collides with Smoke who froze directly in the doorway to the workshop, so the two stumble inside, basically falling over each other and cursing under their breaths. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?!”
Since they attracted everyone’s attention except for two people who continue talking as if nothing happened, Smoke feels free to simply stare for a bit longer, feast his eyes on the human masterpiece illuminating the entire room with his dazzling appearance. Despite knowing nothing about art, Smoke is dead certain he’s witnessing a magnum opus which has come alive and somehow found its way to their base, a walking and talking sculpture currently engrossed in something technical and too high for him, utterly unaware of its own grace.
“Yo, Porter. Is someone else using your brain? Hello?”
He ignores Bandit a little longer in favour of basking in the presence of such ravishing beauty. He lacks the words to convey just how smitten he is, how pure and innocent his admiration, how deep the impression runs which has been left behind by the image before him, how permanent the imprint in his mind. It’s impossible to put into simple terms as nothing speech produces will ever adequately describe what he’s seeing but he makes the attempt nonetheless, scrapes together every last bit of wit and wisdom left over after his composure has been short-circuited, shattered upon entering to express his wonder.
Smoke blurts out: “He’s so fucking hot.”
Bandit looks at him weird and follows his gaze to the corner of the room where Twitch and Mute are working together on something resembling an engine. Probably due to the nature of their work today, they’ve both donned more casual clothes that are intended to get dirty, and dirty they did get. Mute’s sleeveless undershirt has long bidden farewell to its pristine white colour, making way for greasy handprints and a variety of smudges and yet it’s the most appealing thing Smoke has seen in his entire life. He’d give a foot to be allowed to wear it. Not only does it flatter Mute’s physique, it also draws attention to his upper arms which are usually maliciously hidden from the rest of the world – clearly with ill intent as the mere sight of them probably cures depression at one glance. It certainly does with Smoke. Mute’s hair is sweaty, dishevelled and falling into his eyes, and the fact that he looks like he just bit into a lemon doesn’t diminish Smoke’s urge to bite into him.
“We have to break the air conditioning”, Smoke adds and pictures it in his thoughts, fantasises about sweat dripping and white fabric turning transparent and -
“There’s no fucking air conditioning, you perv. Stop leering and move.”
“If I have to take my eyes off him for a single second, I’m literally going to drop dead.” He cranes his neck to keep watching Mute’s every move even as Bandit drags him to a table at the other end of the room. “Holy shit. Look at him. Where’s my guarantee that no one else is gonna flirt with him? What happened to the slightly arrogant but still totally fuckable nerd?”
“You mean the guy who has to be physically restrained so he doesn’t mount you immediately?”
“Yeah, that one”, Smoke agrees distractedly, his eyes steadfastly glued to Mute who’s pushing a few brown strands back but ends up smearing more soot onto his forehead which Smoke would lick off without hesitation were he allowed. “He so wants me, Dom, I’m telling you. Maybe he’s trying to flirt with me, maybe that’s what’s going on. Jesus Christ, this has to be on purpose. Do you think he sucks good dick?”
“Clearly, he chose to wear this for no reason other than to turn you into a randy ferret. And I don’t know, want me to ask him for a demonstration?”
“Keep your bloody hands off him. Not that it matters, he’s obsessed with me, but don’t even think about tainting him.” Smoke bites his lip as he watches Mute stretch, the muscles in his arms showing. “Oh man. He wants me so bad.”
“How come you’ve not asked him out then?”
“Because he’s so fucking far out of my league he might as well be playing a different sport entirely”, Smoke replies absent-mindedly and only realises what he’s just said when Bandit cocks an eyebrow at him. “I mean – that’s probably what he thinks. Or rather the image he has to uphold. You know, he’s this studious, serious, skilled teacher’s pet who shouldn’t get this turned on by an idiot like me, but there he is, dick rising as predictably as the morning sun whenever he sees me and nothing he can do about it.”
“So he’s currently consumed with desire, is that what you’re telling me?”
Both of them glance over to where Mute is fastening some screws while apparently joking around with Twitch, both of them visibly comfortable with each other and the sight feels like a stab to his heart. Like this, covered in grime and working with his hands, he’s painfully sexy and much more approachable than when he’s reading anything with a title which already flies over Smoke’s head – he looks like someone Smoke would actually chat up and that’s the whole problem. Because usually, everyone chats up the guys he likes. “Yeaaah”, he says very slowly.
The German opposite him snorts. “He’s pretty good at hiding it, isn’t he? What if he’s really a prude?”
“He can be a pillow princess for all I care, all he has to do is take it. I’d make his pretty body dance under my fingertips, you know? Play him like a fiddle, make him beg, make him scream, that sort of thing.”
“Is that so? Let him know, why don’t you?” And, much to Smoke’s horror, he turns to the person in question and yells: “Oi, Mark! Got a minute?”
“No no no, wait, wait”, he whispers and breathes a sigh of relief when Mute replies without even looking up: “I’m busy.”
“See, he’s busy, you best not disturb him, he gets cranky when -”
“Trust me, you’ll want to hear this. Porter is just telling me all the things he’d like to do to you.” This time, all conversation halts. Pairs of eyes slide over to Smoke who can feel blood rushing to his cheeks even as he tries to stay nonchalant and let none of his actual panic show on his face. He suspects he’s failing horribly, however, judging by Mute’s entirely unimpressed expression.
The young man says something to Twitch, making her laugh, and then walks over and if Smoke wasn’t dying inside already, now it’s much worse. Because not only does he have no idea what to say but also Mute’s so close all of a sudden, radiating heat and smelling like grease and heaven. “Shoot.” He’s looking down at Smoke expectantly and with a look of go on, I dare you to embarrass yourself.
“I uh”, Smoke responds and ignores Bandit’s wide grin, “how about – let’s go for some drinks? Later? If you have time? That’s, uh, I’d like to go for a few drinks. That’s it. I mean, that’s all. Don’t listen to Dom.”
“I’m not even saying anything”, Bandit murmurs, highly amused.
Mute examines him thoughtfully for a few seconds during which Smoke’s cheeks darken considerably. “I’m not deaf”, he announces, “and you’re a twat. You pay, but talk about me like that again and it’s cancelled. Deal?”
His face is burning by now because oh God Mute heard him and how much did he actually hear, so it takes a moment to register that he actually agreed. Stupidly, he babbles: “Yes, of course, thank you, I’m – yes. Deal. Let’s do it. Yes.” Mute just shakes his head again with an involuntary smile and returns to his previous task, leaving Smoke gaping and staring after him, marvelling at the back view of his body which is no less phenomenal than the front and he did it. He asked him out. He can panic later, for now he needs to contain the tremendous joy bubbling up in him.
“He likes you”, Bandit comments with a smirk, “fancy that.”
Oh I fancy him alright, Smoke’s brain provides helpfully while his mouth blurts: “I told you he’s thirsty for my cock.”
“Aaaand cancelled!”, Mute calls from the other side of the room.
Smoke can hear Bandit laugh the entire time he quietly pleads to his teammate, begging him to reconsider as Mute’s grin simply grows the longer he talks.
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Bravery and Bullets
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Reader has an awful week at work, a run-in with an ex, and an experience with the supernatural that she’ll never forget. Thankfully, the Winchester brothers are there to help.
Word Count: 7,848
Warnings: Angst (gasp! Ash writes angst? It’s light. Give me a break it’s my first time), language, violence, attempted (threat of) rape, death (not major characters), smut, dry humping, fingering, squirting, protected sex (I know you dirty ducks, some must be prepared!)
A/N: The commands given are German dog training commands, the meanings will be at the end of the fic. Thank you to my fantastic beta @wheresthekillswitch, your help is priceless. Hope you all enjoy this, it’s taken me over a year to finally finish it.
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This week has been the week from Hell.
To kick it all off, while driving the remote stretch of highway that you travel to work on every day, your car had decided to take a shit on you. And in the time it took for the tow truck driver to show up, load your car, and drop you off at the office, your sleazy coworker Randy had stolen the new account right out from under your nose. Then, while he was gloating, and you were battling the urge to clock him right in his pretty boy face, you got word that your boss wanted to see you, immediately. Sitting behind her big ass oak desk with you standing there like a teenager facing detention, Sue lectured you on how important it is to be prepared, in every way possible, for such a big project. She finished the meet letting you know just how disappointed she was with you.
The rest of the day, and week for that matter, was spent trying to redeem yourself while dick-face Randy strutted around the office like a goddamn preening peacock. Then, to top it all off, you find out this morning that your ex is engaged to some beautiful, successful small business owner. Your own mother had called to rub that one in your face. Not that she was upset with you still sitting it out from the dating game, oh no, not at all.
And that’s what led you here, drinking a beer as the hot, pulsating spray of your shower head beats down on your back. Thinking about where things all went downhill. Heaving a sigh, you chug down what's left in the bottle and set it aside to rinse the conditioner from your hair. Your life had been going so good, following your carefully laid out plans; a dream job in a field you loved, a loving boyfriend, and a quaint country home the two of you shared with your dog, Mac. But when you found out the loving boyfriend was actually a cheating dick, you kicked him out on his ass. Leaving you with a job that was starting to be less dream-like every day, a house payment you can barely cover every month, and the furry form of the only male you trust anymore. You hang your head, arms wrapped around your waist, letting the water beat down on you until your resentment clears and the water runs cold.
Tugging the shower curtain back, you realize you forgot to grab a towel. Of fucking course. As you feel your shitty attitude ramping back up, you decide the best remedy is another beer. You gingerly step out of the shower, stomping across the cold tile, no thoughts to the water puddles you’re leaving behind. You yank open the door to the linen closet and grab a towel, rubbing it over your hair quickly before wrapping it around your body as you head for your bedroom.
Rifling through your drawers, you notice Mac through your dresser mirror, laying on your bed just watching you with chocolate eyes full of love. You pull on a pair of cotton boyshort panties and your favorite worn out band tee, fingers brushing through your damp hair as you make your way to Mac. You sit beside him with a restless sigh, hands stroking over his soft fur. Never one to miss an opportunity to receive and give love, Mac lets out a happy yip and gives the daintiest of puppy kisses to the tip of your nose. You can’t help the laugh that tumbles out and you throw your arms around him, hugging him tightly to you. With your face buried in his neck, his content panting in your ear, you barely hear the faint noise from downstairs. But you can feel Mac tense in your arms and you definitely hear him growl.
Your head whips up, eyes on the door as you slowly stand from the bed and back up to your bedside table. You slide open the top drawer as quietly as you can and reach in to get a firm grip on the .45 Springfield XDS you keep in there. Drawing it out, you wrap both hands firmly around the grip, pointer finger resting alongside the trigger guard. You take a deep breath and tiptoe to the door, whispering ‘fuss’ to Mac so he stays close to your side.
You tread slowly out of your bedroom and down the hall. You know there’s a spot in the hall, just outside the spare bedroom, where the aged wood floor always creaks when walked over. You press yourself against the opposite wall, careful to stay close to the baseboard, creeping past the door. Mac watches you with curiosity and then just pads right next to you, making you slap your left hand over your mouth to stifle a gasp. Thankfully, the floorboards stay silent under his weight but you hold your breath anyway, ears straining to hear any sign that your invader heard your movements. A couple steps ahead of you, Mac turns to look at you and sits to wait, his training to listen to your commands taking over his instinct to protect.
With a shake of your head, your hand comes back to secure your grip on your pistol. Continuing down the hall, you make it to the staircase and glance around the corner, making sure the stairs are clear. You move to the top step and crouch down, peering through the spindles of the rail, scanning the front entrance. Seeing that the front door is still closed and locked, you slowly descend, your back to the wall, gun raised in front of you.
You try to make a mental run through of the list of all the little tricks your shooting instructor had taught you; keep your breathing even, don’t lock your elbows, squeeze the trigger instead of pulling back on it, keep both eyes open. But your heart is pounding so loud in your ears, your hands shaking so badly, you’re just lucky you haven’t dropped the gun. You’ve put in a lot of time at the range, with your instructor and by yourself. Hell, you’ve gotten really good at hitting that paper target right in the little bullseye circle. And yet, the thought that your target for the night could very likely be flesh and blood makes you blanch a little. But this is your home, damn it, and if needed you’ll protect it with bravery and bullets. And a big ass dog, you’re reminded, as Mac noses against your thigh.
You reach the bottom of the staircase, eyes constantly moving, searching for any movement in the dark, anything out of place. The only thing you notice as you move past the front door and sneak to the living room, is Mac’s food bowl in the hall down by the kitchen. You roll your eyes and turn to point a finger at Mac. You'll have to discuss with him, again, that he gets fed twice a day, not when he leaves his bowl laying around.
At the entrance to the living room, you give Mac the command to search the house, then peek your head around the corner, scanning for signs of life. You let out a silent, relieved sigh when you still don't see anything. Your home isn’t all that big, so if anyone’s here and you haven't seen them yet, that leaves only the kitchen and the dining area. Or the bathroom, but what weirdo would hide in there? You fight to block out images of all the movies you’ve seen where the psycho killers hide in showers, reminding yourself that the bathroom is small and definitely not the best hiding spot.
You creep past the living room, your back plastered to the wall so no one can sneak up behind you. When you reach the kitchen, you sweep the area, checking behind the counters and in the pantry. You crouch down to check under the table in the dining area across from the kitchen. Huh. Maybe it was just a branch scratching against the window? A girl can hope, right?
You glance nervously through the glass of the back door, eyes surveying your dark backyard and the trees beyond. You don’t know what you expect to see. The shadowy figure of someone skulking along the back porch? Or hightailing it from your home and heading for the trees? When you see absolutely nothing, you huff out a small laugh and shake your head at yourself. Your damn overactive imagination strikes yet again.
You shrug to yourself, thinking that since you’re down here you might as well grab another beer. But before you turn for the kitchen, you catch a movement behind you reflecting in the glass. You watch, eyes widening in horror, as you see the bathroom door swing open, light spilling into the dark hall. You tense, hands reflexively tightening around the pistol grip as you spin on your heel. You plant your feet shoulder width apart, slightly staggered, knees bent. Your trembling arms come up, pistol aimed and ready to defend yourself. You gasp when you see the intruder come strutting out into the hall, a sly smile on his handsome face.
“Justin?” Your arms drop as you stare dumbly at your ex, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Oh, come on, baby. You know you’ve missed me. I know I’ve missed you.” Justin opens his arms to you, like he’s waiting for you to rush into them and welcome him home.
Goddamn him. The lying, cheating, smug bastard, you rant to yourself as you walk over to the kitchen counter and set your pistol down with a clank of metal on laminate. You reach over to the opposite wall to flick on the kitchen light and turn to face Justin fully, arms crossed in irritation under your breasts.
“No, as a matter of fact, I haven't missed you.” You watch as Justin's grey eyes darken at your clipped tone, like summer storm clouds rolling in.
“Well, that's a damn shame.” Justin says as he stalks towards you. “Would've made this helluva lot easier if you did.”
You take a couple steps back as Justin closes in on you. You'd seen him angry plenty of times during the two years you were together but you've never seen this look of utter fury on his face before. You continue to retreat until you're stopped, forcefully, by a wall of solid muscle at your back.
Spinning in shock and fear, you come face to face with Randy, a feral smile on his pretty boy face. Shit! You stumble back in revulsion, head whipping around, eyes landing on your gun on the counter at the very moment that Justin picks it up. Fuck! With nimble fingers, Justin ejects the loaded magazine and empties it, the sound of the bullets hitting the floor ringing through your ears. Racking the slide, he ejects the single round that was chambered and your last hope of the pistol being of any use to you.
Justin laughs at the pure terror on your face. “Seriously, Y/N? This thing would've been useless anyways.” He waves the gun at you tauntingly before tucking it into the waistband of his pants.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, your breaths shallow and irregular as your mind races to figure out how to save yourself from whatever is about to go down. One thought leaps to the forefront. Mac! Your eyes frantically search the room around you. Where did he…? Your eyes snap back up to Justin, your heart clutching at the thought that Mac could've been hurt. Or worse.
As if sensing your worry, Justin smiles reassuringly at you “Don't worry, darlin’, your precious dog is fine. Just taking a little snooze.”
“Why?” You whisper as a single tear slides down your face, relief flooding through you that Mac is safe.
“Because I don't want you hating me.” Justin frowns at that. “Well. Anymore than you already do.”
You shake your head, causing a few more tears to track down your cheeks. “No. Why are you doing this?”
Justin closes the distance between you and brings his hand up to wipe away your tears. “I already told you, Y/N/N, I miss you.” The gentleness of his hand, of his voice, makes the wild look in his eyes all the more frightening.
“You're the one that cheated on me.” You scoff, wincing when his fingers grab your chin in a bruising grip. Damn it, Y/N, now is not the time for you to be pissy.
“You just can’t let shit go, can you?” Justin exhales sharply in exasperation. There’s an odd scent to his breath, something sharp and slightly putrid, something that makes your stomach heave. “Doesn’t matter. I get what I want. And I want you.”
Your gaze flicks back over to Randy, who's been standing still as stone during all this, arms crossed over his chest, ice blue eyes boring into you. It crosses your mind that he's watching your every move like a cat would watch a mouse. As if he's waiting for you to fuck up so he can pounce. Like he'd get some kind of morbid pleasure in watching you try to run from him.
Justin's fingers tighten on your chin, making your focus snap back to him as he snarls, “Don't worry ‘bout old Rando. He knows his place, he’ll wait his turn.”
Your eyes widen at the implications of his words, all thoughts of how Justin and Randy know each other wiped from your mind. The ingrained fear all women know had been merely a dull thump added to your heartbeat but now, with their intentions clear, your heart is fluttering in your chest like a bird trapped, beating desperately to escape its confines. Every instinct is screaming at you to fight, every muscle burning with the need to run.
You gather your courage and snap your head back, ripping your chin from Justin’s grasp. You cry out when his fingers lock around your throat before you take a single step, his speed surprising you. Your hands fly up, clutching at his wrist as his nails dig sharply into your flesh. You feel them easily pierce your skin, warm blood pooling at the surface before it trickles down your neck.
You catch a glimpse of Randy out of the corner of your eye, his eyes closed, nose up and sniffing the air. You gasp when his eyes flash open, the irises that were once a dreamy blue now a honeyed gold and locked on the blood painting your skin. You look back to your ex, confusion and dread flooding through you. Your question dies on your lips when Justin’s eyes, now the color of a fine brandy, stare back at you.
You feel fresh tears sliding down your cheeks when Justin smiles, his sharply fanged canines causing your terror to come pouring out. “Oh, God. Justin, please. Please.”
“See,” Justin says with a smirk, one nail scraping over the pounding pulse in your throat, “I knew I’d have you begging for me again.”
Before your brain has any chance of trying to fight through the fog of panic, the sound of a single gunshot rings through the air. Justin yanks you forward, spinning you so your back is pressed against his chest, one arm over your throat, one around your waist. Justin sidesteps, turning you both to face Randy, who has now dropped to his knees. Randy falls face first to the hardwood and you let out a sobbing scream, lucky to have Justin’s arms anchoring you as your knees go weak at the sight of the blood blossoming through the gunshot wound in his back.
“Fuck!” Justin snarls as you feel his arm tighten over your neck, the constriction on your windpipe drawing your attention away from the horror at your feet.
You look up, through the now marred glass of the back door and see two figures coming up the dark steps of the deck. Worry and hope fight inside of you as you watch them get closer. You catch the glint of moonlight on metal, their pistols, trained on you and Justin. Your eyes drop to the lifeless body of Randy, his blood pooling around him. You shudder at the sight, quick to look away. Your eyes are drawn back to your possible saviors, taking note of details through the shadows cast by the light through the windows. They're tall, taller than both Justin and Randy. Hell, they look taller than most men you've known. And they're big, with broad shoulders and beefy arms that you can see even in the dark and covered by their jackets. If they aren't here to help you, you're royally fucked. You watch, stunned, as the shorter of the two busts in the door with one kick. You feel Justin shift, arms still tight around you, his feet shuffling you slowly away from the men that are now entering your home.
The taller of the two moves so that he’s standing side by side with the other, both with pistols still pointed at you and Justin. His hazel eyes never leave yours as he asks kindly, “Have you been bitten?”
“What?” You ask, bewildered, eyes jumping between the two men.
The other barks at you, “Did he bite you?” His forest green eyes rake over your bare skin, you assume to look for bite marks, but even given the circumstances you feel your face heat up under his intense gaze.
You open your mouth to answer his strange question when you feel Justin’s low laugh vibrate through his chest and into you. With the arm that's over your neck, Justin grabs a handful of your hair and yanks your head to the side and down. You cry out at the sharp sting of pain in your scalp, your head awkwardly twisted, baring your throat to him. You can feel Justin's warm breath against your skin and an instinctual panic sets in. You struggle, arms fighting against his hold, body straining to get free.
The next thing you know the green eyed man is running at you, fire in his eyes. You have the chance to think that no one should look that sexy when they're pissed before he reaches you, tackling both you and Justin to the floor. Justin releases you with lightning fast reflexes, trying to lessen the impact by putting his arms out. He still lets out a quite “oomph” as both you and Green Eyes land on top of him. The man wraps his left arm around your waist, pulling you tight to his chest, as he lets his fist fly with a punch that makes Justin's head bounce off the hardwood when it connects with his nose.
You cling tightly to your savior as he pulls away but Justin's left arm snakes between you and the man, his right fist speeding by your face and landing squarely on the man’s chiseled jaw. They trade a few more blows, fists landing where they can on their opponent. You wriggle in Justin's hold, throwing elbows behind you, hoping one will connect enough to distract him into releasing you.  
The three of you roll and you end up with your face pressed to floor, the two struggling men on your back weighing you down, making it hard to breathe. Ahead of you, you see Mac’s heavy ceramic dog bowl. You reach for it, arm straining, fingers wiggling. It's so close, you just need a...little...more. Justin and Mr. Sexy rear back for a second, affording you the room you need to stretch that last little bit and get your fingers curled over the lip. You drag the bowl closer, the rough bottom scraping across the smooth hardwood. You get a good grip on it, and with no view of what's going on behind you, swing it solidly over your shoulder. You feel it connect before it shatters in your hands, shards of ceramic falling over you.
You hear a deep, rough voice bellow out “Son of a bitch!”
Shit. That wasn't Justin's voice. Which means that you missed your target and hit the man trying to help you. You hope to Hell you didn't hurt him too badly. But that hope, too, is soon dashed when you see droplets of blood splatter beside you on the floor. The injury must've just pissed him off even more because you soon see Justin thrown over you, skidding on his face across the wood. You scramble to your hands and knees when you're freed of the weight of both men, crawling back.
You bump into the man behind you and knock him back against the base of the kitchen cabinet. You keep moving back, trying to get as far away from Justin as possible. You feel strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you back into a firm chest. The man twists to the right, muscles rippling with the movement, sitting you beside him. He adjusts his body, moving in front of you so that he's blocking you from Justin, who's gotten back up and is stalking towards the two of you.
The man’s right hand slaps against his lower back, feeling along the waistband of his jeans. The angry huff that leaves him making it obvious that what he was looking for is not where it should be. “Fuckin’ shoot him, Sam!” Your green eyed hero yells at the taller man.
Before anything else can be said or any shots can be fired, you see a streak of furry fury run between Justin and the man that freed you from your psycho ex. With teeth bared and a low growl rumbling through his chest, Mac barrels straight for the tall man that's aiming at what was once his second favorite person.
“No!” You cry out. You're relieved to see Mac is alive and well, and you don't want him getting hurt by attacking someone that's trying to help. “Mac, anhalten! Lass es!”
You go to stand up, one hand pushing against the man’s green canvas jacketed back, your right hand falling to the floor beside you. As you move to stand, your fingers brush against cold metal. Your eyes drift to your fingers, widening when you see they're touching the beautifully etched silver barrel of a pistol. You wrap your hand around the ivory grip and raise to your knees behind your human shield. You’ve had enough, this horror show is going to end now. You see shock flicker in Justin's brandy colored eyes just before you squeeze the trigger.
The sound of a gunshot echoes through the room. The man in front of you ducks his head, his hand coming up to cover his right ear. “Jesus fuck!”
You don’t even watch, can’t really, as Justin stumbles, blood oozing out of the bullet wound in his chest. Heart shot. Your instructor would be so proud. You force yourself to your feet, tears streaming down your face when you see that Mac’s intently watching you, waiting for his next command. You rush over to him and once again throw your arms around him, face in his neck.
“Good boy, Mac. You’re such a good boy.” You mumble into his fur.
“Mac, huh?” The green eyed man asks, pointer finger trying to jiggle some hearing back into his ear. “That ‘cause he’s big as a fuckin’ truck?”
You pull back from your sweet companion with a sniffle. “It stands for Massive Ass Canine.”
“Well, that’s accurate. Was that German you were using?” The other man, Sam, you remind yourself, asks as Green Eyes just laughs.
“Uhhh, yeah...Look, I appreciate you saving my life and all,” You say, looking from stranger to stranger as you stand, swiping at your tears before gesturing to the dead bodies around you. “But what the hell?”
Not-Sam looks you dead in the eye and says with an admirably straight face, “Werewolves.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, dumbfounded. Now just doesn’t seem like the best time to be making jokes.
“Dean.” Sam scolds. So Mr. Gorgeous has a name. Dean...very fitting, you think to yourself as Sam sends him an impressive bitch face before turning back to you. “My name is Sam, that’s my brother Dean. We’re hunters. We track down and kill monsters. Justin and Randy? They were werewolves.”
These two are bat shit crazy. Werewolves aren’t real. But then you remember how Randy’s eyes, and then Justin’s, had changed colors. And Justin’s teeth...those weren’t normal. My, what big teeth you have, you think with a snort. You notice the brothers share a concerned look but you don’t care. You’re too busy coming to the life altering conclusion that they may not be crazy after all.
Fuck me. They had asked if you’d been bitten. You let your fingers play over the skin where Justin’s warm breath had been before he was going to bite you. “Why me? We haven’t seen each other in 6 months. What the fuck did he come back here for?”
“We’re not a hundred percent on that one, but we think it’s got something to do with the fact that his other woman is dead. Well, killed, really.” Dean says, one hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck.
“Killed?” You squeak out. “Killed how?”
Sam walks over to you, one hand guiding you by your elbow to a chair at the dinner table. “Maybe you should sit down for this, it’s going to be a lot to take in.”
“Right,” you reply sarcastically as you sit, “because werewolves being real isn’t enough.”
Sam and Dean each take a chair, flanking you. Sam folds his hands on the table in front of him and glances at his brother. They have what appears to be a silent conversation and you find yourself watching them, admiring the connection between them that they are able to speak without saying a word. After a few moments of eyebrows raising, corners of mouths pulling down, and heads tilting, Sam finally rolls his eyes with a huff and turns to face you.
“From what we’ve been able to gather, Justin and Randy are brothers from a second generation family. There aren’t many pure-blood werewolves around anymore so mating and procreating are...high on the list of priorities, we’ll say.” Sam’s fingers are fidgeting as he tells you this but his eyes stay steady on yours.
You shuffle this information around in your brain, “Procreating? But with another werewolf, right?”
“That’s the only way to get werewolf offspring.” Dean says. “But as there’s no other packs of pure-bloods around this area, sometimes they have to be resourceful and change someone in order to mate and continue their line.”
“And they have to bite someone to change them. Shit.” You scrub your hands over your face.
Dean and Sam share another silent conversation before Dean says, “Apparently they got carried away when trying to change the other woman. From the looks of it, they couldn’t decide who got to do the honors.”
“Shit.” You say again but this time with more feeling as you quickly push your chair back so you can pace. “Justin told me not to worry because Randy knew his place. They were going to change me, against my will, and just hope that after that I’d be cool with carrying the offspring of a man I hated? Or, fuck, can female werewolves get knocked up by multiple males like dogs can?”
You shudder at your question as the brothers look at each thoughtfully. You’re so wrapped up in your revulsion that you aren’t paying attention to your pacing and trip over Randy’s foot. You yelp in horror as you catch yourself from falling. You turn, finally looking at the dead bodies on your floor. Your hand once again goes to your neck as the full weight of what could have happened and what actually did happen starts to sink in. You can feel yourself start to shake but before you fall too far into the pit of despair, a firm chest blocks your view of the carnage. “Y/N?”
You look up to see Dean standing in front of you. His hands hesitantly reach out to grasp your arms, rubbing up and down in an offer of comfort when you don’t shy away from him. “Sam and I will clean this up. Why don’t you take your massive ass dog upstairs with you and put on some pants?”
“What?” You blink up at him. You suddenly have so many thoughts, so many emotions warring inside of you that you aren’t sure you heard him correctly. But when you notice those green eyes travel down your body, one eyebrow quirked, you quickly remember that you are indeed pantsless. “Right. Because of course I’d be half fucking naked when something like this happens.”
“It’s better than full naked.” Dean jokes, a small smile tugging at his mouth.
You huff out a laugh at that, which makes Dean break out in a full smile. Shaking your head you back away a bit but then the cut on his forehead stops you. You point at it, waggling your fingers in apology.  “Sorry about that. I have a first aid kit, I can clean it up for you.”
“Eh, I’ve had worse.” Dean reassures you as he reaches up to prod at it. It had quit bleeding but him poking at it makes it let loose a few dribbles of blood. He wipes it away like it’s a mere inconvenience and smirks at you, “But I wouldn’t say no to havin’ a beautiful woman play nurse for me.”
“Of course you wouldn’t. Why don’t you find me after…” You go to motion to the mess he and Sam are going to take care of for you and your teasing dies on your lips. You pale at all the blood that’s pooled on the floor. Dean takes a step towards you, hand again raised to offer support. You just force a small smile and skirt around the bodies and blood.
As you walk away, Mac right by your side, Sam’s lowered voice reaches you, “Better than full naked? Man, never thought I’d hear you say that.”
“Fuckin’ shut it.” You hear Dean say before you reach the stairs.
“You doin’ alright, sweetheart?” Dean asks from your doorway.
You look up from your hands with a slow blink, eyes dry and unfocused from staring for so long. “I mean, I’ve been better. But I’m alive so can’t really complain.”
“Doesn’t normally do any fuckin’ good anways,” Dean smiles softly as he walks to sit next to you on your bed, “But if you wanna try, I’m here.”
“Wouldn’t even know where to begin.” You say with a shake of your head.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. He’s sitting there, knees spread, forearms resting on his thighs, hands clasped. He’s not saying anything, not doing anything. Just giving you company and comfort. The silence and his warmth next to you makes your mind wander. You start to think of how badass he was when he was saving you. How his body felt against yours. And now you’re staring at his hands...those big hands.
Wow, y/n, that’s really where your mind’s at right now? You question yourself, though that doesn’t last long. I did almost just get turned into a fucking werewolf, so, yeah, my mind’s there.
“Alright, well...you got to play hero, now it’s my turn to play nurse.” You push yourself off your bed and head towards the bathroom, turning to Dean with a smile. “Come along, Dean.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean jumps up, happily trailing behind you.
Before you can open it, you catch a reflection of Dean in the mirror of the medicine cabinet. His eyes are glued to your still only panty-covered ass. A lot of shit went down, so what if I forgot to put some fucking pants on. Your heartbeat jack rabbits in your chest when his eyes lift to meet yours in the mirror.
Dean throws you a sideways smile, eyes never wavering from yours in the reflection, “Where do you want me?”
“Shit.” You can’t help the giggle that’s bubbling out of you. And damn if his smile didn’t just go a little sweeter, a little warmer. Oh boy, now there’s a swarm of butterflies in your belly to keep your rabbit heart company. “That’s a loaded question.”
“Yeah?” He siddles up beside you, turning around to lean on the counter and watch you.
You look down, avoiding his gaze. You can feel the blush creeping up your chest. “They say that near-death experiences often ramp up arousal.”
“Do they?” He hums in thought. You can feel his eyes on you, adding to the heat that’s now spreading up your neck and over your cheeks. “I wouldn’t necessarily call that near-death. Though the ar…”
“You don’t call that near-death! That, that...that monster was this fucking close to biting me!” You hold up your hand, fingers indicating the hairsbreadth that had been your saving grace of space from Justin’s teeth on your throat.
Dean reaches up, hands gentle as they cup your face. “It was close. But me and Sam? We had things under control. And you’re just fine now, aren’t you?”
“Thanks to you. And your brother.” You huff out a breath, slowly, working to calm down again. Dean’s hands are still holding you, warm against your skin, one thumb lightly stroking along your cheekbone. This close, this quiet, you can’t help but notice just how gorgeous he is. Freckles dusting his nose and cheek, scruff covering a strong jaw, lips that you are actually aching to feel against your own, and his eyes, green with touches of gold, like sunlight streaming through a dark forest. God, those eyes...and now you notice that they’re scanning your own face, studying you like you’d been studying him. Before you allow yourself to wonder what he sees, to allow yourself to lose your courage, you rush on. “I could be even better...with your help.”
“Sweetheart, I am here to help you any way I can.” Dean says softly as he relaxes back onto the counter, his smile reassuring you.
You sidestep, maneuvering yourself between his spread legs, one of Dean’s hands falling to your hip to help guide you. “Any way?”
“Any way.” Dean slides his arm around you, banding around your waist to pull you closer. “Use me however you wish.”
Words, words are nice. But they don’t compare to being pressed tight against Dean. They are useless with the way your breath is stuttering in your chest. They are as weak as your knees right now. So, screw it. Who needs words anyways?
You reach out, your hand landing on the back of his neck, and pull him to you. Dean grunts in surprise when you crash your lips to his. You kiss him, hard and fierce, like the need for him that’s raging to life inside of you. Dean’s not complaining. Oh, no, far from it. His hand is tangled in your hair now, tilting your head back so he can deepen the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours. Dean’s other hand has made its way down to your ass, his long fingers digging into the meat, pulling your panty covered mound closer so you can feel him, growing hard against you. You moan into his mouth at the sudden friction on your clit, heat blooming in your belly.
Dean pulls away, panting, dark eyes feasting on the slightly unfocused look in yours. “Fuck...that’s, uh, that’s a good wish.”
“Mmhmm. But there is more I’m wishing for.” You look up at him from under your lashes, smirking as you palm the substantial bulge in his jeans.
“Jesus,” Dean groans, his head falling back, “do tell.”
You hit your knees, your hands working to unbuckle his belt. “I’d rather show.”
“Wait, no. Nuh uh.” Dean grabs your hands, stilling your busy fingers before you can undo the button of his jeans.
“What?” Your brows scrunch up in confusion. “Seriously?”
Dean pulls you to your feet, his big hands falling to your hips, his fingers caressing whatever bare skin they can find. “Seriously. You wrap that pretty little mouth around my dick and I’ll be done for. And that just doesn’t bode well for my plans.”
“Your plans? I thought this was what I wanted? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, Dean, I really, really want to feel your cock in my mouth.” You’re teasing him now, teasing yourself too, as you run your hands over his body, whispering your dirty desires in his ear. “Hot and heavy on my tongue, soft as velvet against my lips. God, I want to taste you, Dean. Swallow it all when you come in my mouth.”
Dean growls, standing quickly, lifting you with ease, spinning to place you on the countertop. He steps between your spread thighs, lifting one to settle it at his waist, pressing close and softly grinding against you. “Later, Sweetheart. Right now I’m gonna fulfill both our wishes and make you come so hard, so many times, that you forget your own name.”
“Dean.” You’re already whimpering. Between the sweet friction he’s giving you and the honeyed whiskey of his voice, you’re on the verge of begging.
“So close for me already.” Dean leans forward and brushes his lips over yours. “Think you can come the first time just like this?”
You nod your head, gasping when Dean grabs your hips and tugs you forward, encouraging you to grind back against him. You rock your hips, quickly becoming frantic, the slow pace he set not near enough for the suddenly wild need to come. Now. You hang onto him, hands fisted in his shirt as you race towards your release. Needy, desperate little noises following each ragged breath. Dean groans low as he watches you, dark green eyes intent as you use him to get yourself off. And that single sound from him, the deep rumble of it that reverberates around in your head, is all that it takes to push you over. White flashes behind your eyes as the heat consumes you.
You’re still panting when your vision finally clears, his gorgeous smiling face the first thing you see. “I dunno ‘bout this plan of yours. I can still remember my name.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Dean’s smile turns smug as his fingers hook into the waistband of your panties, yanking them down your legs.
Dean trails his hands up your legs on the way back, calloused fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake. He detours when he reaches the crux of your thighs, fingertips moving to caress your hips, thumbs gently circling the soft skin of your inner thigh. Your hips are lifting off the counter, searching for his touch, begging for his attention. Dean takes pity, thumbs dipping down to open your folds to the cool air.
Dean slides a thumb over, toying with your opening, the sound of your arousal competing with your heavy breathes and Dean’s groan. “So fuckin’ wet for me.”
You don’t get the chance for a witty comeback before his thumb ascends and presses on your clit. You cry out, the noise ending in a whimper as Dean seals his lips to yours, his tongue dancing with yours. You buck against him as he circles the swollen bud, slow and steady. Your cunt is needy, the muscles fluttering, clenching around nothing.
“More.” You plead, lips leaving his only long enough to beg. “God, Dean...please”
Dean swallows your moan as he easily slides two fingers into your pussy, his thumb never leaving your clit. He sets a frenzied pace, as hungry for your next orgasm as you are. Dean crooks his fingers, the tips grazing along your front wall, stopping his search when you gasp, your voice high and tight. He adjusts his pressure, his hand now just rocking against you as he uses your sweet spot to build you higher.
The pressure in your pelvis is almost unbearable, the need to come urgent. You reach down, wrapping a hand around Dean’s wrist as you fuck yourself on his fingers. You buck against him as the pleasure drowns you, screaming his name as you come, your juices flooding Dean’s hand, dripping down his wrist.
You surface to Dean’s voice. His tone gravelly with need as he whispers praise against your skin, each word punctuated with a heated kiss. You release Dean’s wrist, confused when your hand comes away wet. He lifts his head to watch as the realization of what just happened hits you.
“That was fuckin’ hot.” Dean rasps, eyes near black with lust.
“Holy shit,” you shake your head in disbelief, “I’ve never…
Dean grins as you lose your train of thought, the memory sending a flash of heat through you. “You’re welcome.”
You look up at Dean, ready to tease him for his cocky attitude, never mind how well deserved it may be. But your brain goes blank at the sight of him. His lips are swollen and red, his shirts are rumpled, he’s got a wet spot on the front of his jeans thanks to you grinding on him, and there’s no way you can miss how he keeps palming his cock.
“Dean.” Your tone is insistent, you’re not begging anymore.
Dean’s smile turns predatory, his eyes narrow as he closes back in on you. His hands grab the hem of your t-shirt, tugging it up, a growl leaving his lips when he sees you’re not wearing a bra. Dean ducks his head, his destination clear.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling his head back up, eliciting another growl. “Later, Sweetheart. I’ve got one final wish.”
You release Dean’s hair, your hands shooting out to clasp the hem of his shirt, yanking both his t-shirt and his flannel up to his shoulders, jerking on it to get him to raise his arms. Dean reaches back, grabbing the material and pulling, tossing the shirts aside once they clear his head. Your hands are already busy with his jeans, finishing the job you started earlier. Dean shoves his jeans and underwear down his thighs, kicking them away.
Dean stands straight, gloriously naked in front of you. You’re staring, you know you are but...Goddamn, he’s built. His shoulders are even broader without the offending material of his shirts blocking your view and his shoulder to waist ratio is enough to make you salivate. You’re reminded of a line from a tv show when your eyes travel to lines of muscle inside his hips…”I don’t know what those are called but they make smart girls go stupid”...and it’s fucking true because right now you’re close to forgetting your name. Damn him. And his cock. Have mercy. He’s proportionate, that’s for damn sure. You are for sure getting your mouth on that later.
“See something you like?” Dean asks, humor battling with the desire in his voice.
You glance back up, eyes locking with his. You reach out, your hand wrapping around his cock, stroking him as he closes the distance between you. Dean dips his head to kiss you, his need a heady flavor on his tongue. He kisses you until your breathless, dizzy and lightheaded, not from the lack of air but from the taste of him.
You twist to reach behind you, opening the medicine cabinet to dig inside. You find what you’re looking for and turn back to Dean, foil packet in hand. Ripping open the package, you take the condom out and roll it down his hard cock, giving him a few pumps once it’s on. Dean swats your hand away, making you giggle at the impatient motion. Your laugh dies on your lips when Dean lines himself up and presses into you. Dean groans, long and drawn out, as he slowly sinks into your waiting pussy. The sweet burn of your walls stretching to accept him is almost too much to handle. You’re practically sobbing with joy as he buries himself to the hilt, his pelvis coming to rest flush against yours.
You’re both panting as Dean takes a second, “Jesus, fuck, you feel good.”
Once again, he’s reduced you to using only whimpers and moans to show your agreement. Dean reaches down, hands sliding under your ass, digging into the meat to get a good grip. You squeak in surprise as he lifts you off the vanity, turning around so that he can take your place sitting on the countertop. Dean plants his feet, legs spread wide for balance, hands resting on your hips.  
You settle yourself on top of him, knees resting on the counter beside him, hands on his shoulders. Dean’s hands on your hips flex tighter when you start moving above him. You rise up and drop back down, setting a slow pace. You can feel every ridge, every vein, and you want to savor the shivers it’s sending through you.
Dean leans forward, lowering his mouth to a nipple, sucking it into his mouth. Your steady motion stutters when his teeth sink into the sensitive skin, a high pitched whine bouncing off the tiled walls around you. Dean switches to your other breast, treating that nipple to the same delicious sting of his bite. You card your fingers through his hair, keeping his mouth on you. Dean’s lips travel up to your throat, laving your heated skin with his tongue as you start rocking against him. With him leaning forward, it’s putting the perfect pressure on your clit, sending you running headlong to your next orgasm.
“That’s it, Sweetheart, come for me.” Dean urges as he feels you tightening around him, his fingers digging into your flesh as he follows your movement, pushing and pulling on your hips.
You ride him, fast and furious. Rocking and grinding against him. Your moans have turned to sharp gasps, your chest heaving with each breath. You feel the coil in your belly reach breaking point and when Dean whispers in your ear for you to come, it snaps. And hard. You toss your head back, screaming his name, babbling incoherently as your orgasm consumes you. Dean crushes you to him as he fucks up into you, groaning your name into your neck as he follows you into the depths of pleasure.
You’re exhausted, muscles sore, lungs burning. Dean’s softly bucking beneath you, drawing out your orgasm, ringing out every ounce of pleasure for both of you. Your head drops to his shoulder, your breaths slowly returning to normal.
“So…” Dean rasps, taking a deep breath, “you still remember your name?”
You laugh, shaking your head, “Yep. Guess you’ll just have to try again.”
German Commands: fuss - heel, anhalten - stop, lass es - leave it
Punzel’s Crew Tag: @sis-tafics @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @salvachester @mrswhozeewhatsis @littlegreenplasticsoldier @sleep-silent-angel @demberly @aprofoundbondwithdean @heckyeahjensenackles @luckygrahams @feelmyroarrrr @silver-and-green @demondeansdomme @savingapplepie-eatingthings @wheresthekillswitch @highonpastries @awhiskeywithawinchester @oriona75 @manawhaat  @winchesterenthusiast @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @writingbeautifulmen @but-deans-back-tho @the-mrs-deanwinchester @supernatural-jackles @mrs-squirrel-chester @rizlow1 @misswhizzy @katnharper @kayteonline @nichelle-my-belle @kittenofdoomage @oriona75 @sammit-janet @callmesatansprincess @ccpita @emilywritesaboutdean @xalgaliareptx @msmeghansolo @love-me-some-pie21 @carrollmomx3 @deanbean-and-samsquatch @fandomismyspiritanimal @district-12-erudite  @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @untitled39887 @happy-bun-bun @captainfuzzygoateecollector @spnwoman
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