#ravenclaw with hufflepuff traits
Hogwarts houses not as your defining trait but the way you survived your childhood — the way you coped with your trauma.
Ravenclaw is the book you buried your nose in as you put one foot in front of the other. They are the children who stayed under the bed with flashlights to catch the monster under the bed. They are the children who came to believe themselves to be monsters. Ravenclaw is a room where you store all the things you try to forget. It’s spending years trying to think your way out of that room. Its knowing the world is a vicious place and finding wonder in it anyways.
Slytherin is keeping your head down and your eyes open. It’s blood in your mouth and venom on your tongue. Slytherin is being sharp and precise and deadly as a snake because there’s no other way to survive. It’s knowing there’s no space for you in this world unless you’re willing to carve it out. They are the children who learned to bide their time. To wait for the perfect moment to strike. To go in for the kill. Slytherin is knowing there is no justice in this world unless you make it.
Gryffindor is a tightly clenched fist to keep your hands from shaking. Its children who used to hide under the bed. Children who swore they’d never let anyone make them afraid again. Gryffindor is raised eyebrows and hackles. It’s children who know fear like a second skin. They wrap themselves in it like a home. Gryffindor is digging your toes into the earth and widening your stance. It’s matching the lions predatory gaze with a challenge of your own and clenching your jaw so it doesn’t tremble.
Hufflepuff is a pair of trembling hands that hold on tight. It’s knowing that caring leads to betrayal and deciding to care anyways. It’s tear stains and heart strings boldly on display. It’s knowing life isn’t fair but choosing to try anyway. They are the children that know the world is cruel. They are the children that love it anyway.
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melitadala · 3 months
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selenepluto · 1 year
Is Draco Malfoy just a bad character?
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Draco Malfoy is an over glorified character in the Harry Potter series. People who have read books before watching the movie franchise will mostly agree with me. As he is a static character he lacks character depth and mostly passes mean comments about the golden trio or tries to bully the juniors. Draco is a coward just like his father, and it can clearly be seen in the books that he is jealous of Harry's fame. He tries to gain some popularity by buying his way into the Quidditch team in the second year of Hogwarts and when Hermione points it out he calls her a "Mudblood". There is even a part in the book where Lucius Malfoy demeans Draco by saying that "even a mudblood {Hermione} is better and smarter than you". Keeping all the canons and fanfics aside, there is clear rivalry between Harry and Draco.
Lastly I want to say that even if Tom Felton did a great job by playing Draco Malfoy, Draco shouldn't be glorified just because the actor is handsome.
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caerparavaill · 1 year
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Hogwarts (Taylor's Version) a combination of playlists
Gryffindor - Ravenclaw Slytherin - Hufflepuff
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stefivare · 2 years
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Hogwarts Memories on Wattpad by stefivare
Students began to Apparate there either with family members or alone, others arrived on their brooms or preferred to travel with less eye-catching means, such as horses or chariots, especially Muggleborns and Halfbloods opted for these last ones.
This is a snippet from my other fanfic, the continuation of the Vikings one. This one sees Freya entering an entire different world to the one she knew, the Wizarding World. She learns that she’s the only Complete Metaformagus to ever exist and she meets the Four Founders of Hogwarts just before they built the school and her being at the school and protecting the Wizarding World becomes imperative.
Freya lives for more than a thousand years, she meets every Headmaster and Headmistresses of Hogwarts and the other European schools, every Council members, all the ancestors of the pure blood houses, all the Ministers for Magic and every witch and wizard that have made a name for themselves - she meets everyone up until the second Wizarding War. She is behind every decision, every move, she knows most of what goes on even before it happens.
This is a Wizarding World like you have never seen, canon and fanon, with dates, history, magic, wars, disputes, beloved characters looked more in depth, new students and teachers in the old ages, facts that don’t make much sense explained … everything!
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whatastrangewriter · 2 years
The Burdens of Ravenclaws
Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows
For every young Ravenclaw entering Hogwarts for the first time, there is a gentle haze that shimmers in the air, an enchantment that caresses their souls gently and whispers quiet promises in their ears. It promises them belonging. It promises a home. It promises them a place where they will never again be judged for who they are.
It is a beautiful promise. It is a lie that they fool themselves into believing.
(Who said Ravenclaws can't be fools at times?)
At times, though, the enchantment drops, and then they see the truth of their surroundings. They see how they are shunned by the other houses, how they are defined by only their smarts instead of all their other traits, traits that matter just as much as intelligence. They see the shadows that the enchantment hides.
Most of the time, they ignore it, preferring to return to the blissful land of enchantment rather than face the shadows that surround them. It's easier that way. Less painful.
Follow Sweet Children I'll Show Thee the Way Through All The Pain And The Sorrow Weep Not Poor Children For Life Is This Way Murdering Beauty And Passions
But by their third year, no matter how hard they try to cling to what they were promised upon arriving at Hogwarts, the enchantment fades into nothingness, and they are left with the truth. They will never again be able to ignore the whispers of the other houses. They will never again not feel the pressure heaped upon them.
They will never again not feel the need to be smart, for they know now that is all they are thought to be. Smart. Intelligent.
And yet, it is not all bad. For while the enchantment has vanished, and they are left to drown the expectations of the other houses in Hogwarts, they have also discovered that not all that was promised to them, all those years ago, was a lie.
For, while they are shunned by the other houses, their own house accepts them with open arms, regardless of how intelligent they are or what grades they get. In their house, there is competition, that is true, but there are no expectations.
In Ravenclaw, they can be smart, but they can also be creative. Because Ravenclaws know that intelligence is more than a person's marks in school, and they know that there is more to their house than what everyone else thinks.
Sometimes, intelligence is creativity. Sometimes, intelligence is knowing how to treat people based on their behavior. Sometimes, intelligence is anything and everything that a person enjoys.
But outside of Ravenclaw, no one sees that. No one understands the true meaning of intelligence. And so, Ravenclaws are burdened, their passions and interests murdered as they are deemed to be merely 'smart'.
Hush Now Dear Children It Must Be This Way Too Weary Of Life And Deceptions
Rest Now My Children For Soon We'll Away Into The Calm And The Quiet
There are times when, no matter how much their house tries to make up for the pressures of the outside world, a Ravenclaw decides that they have had enough. It isn't so rare anymore, not since the expectations have become higher than they ever were before.
It isn't so rare, which makes it even more tragic.
Because there are some days when, at breakfast, someone doesn't show up. And no matter who it is, the Ravenclaws spend the rest of the day searching for them, hoping desperately that the missing person will be found in the library or elsewhere in the castle, having forgotten all about classes and food.
Sometimes, the Ravenclaws will be lucky, and the person will be found, safe and alive. Other times, they will not be so lucky. Other times, they will stumble across a broken body at the bottom of the Astronomy tower, and they will know that one of the number will never again take a breath.
And when they hold the funeral, there are a few more Ravenclaws who wonder if it is quieter, in the place after Death. They wonder if it is calmer, if perhaps, there are no expectations in that mysterious, little known place.
They wonder if living is truly worth the pain.
Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows
No one ever said it was easy, being smart. No one ever said that being a Ravenclaw was fun, or painless.
No one speaks of the Ravenclaws, of the burdens that were laid upon them by the rest of the world. No one ever spoke of the effect that those burdens have.
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ksenivya · 1 year
What Hogwarts houses would mtp character be in? This is totally not for a fanfic that I'll never write in the future. I'm just very curious of other people's opinions
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 years
"By Gryffindor, the bravest were prized far beyond the rest; For Ravenclaw, the cleverest would always be the best; For Hufflepuff, hard workers were most worthy of admission; And power-hungry Slytherin loved those of great ambition," - The Sorting Hat. All Harry Potter fans know their Hogwarts House, and it's finally time to show it off! Choose a handmade necklace of your Hogwarts House and show some House pride!
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No, but hear me out. Hogwarts Houses as the time of day:
Gryffindor is the sunrise — the oranges and reds smeared across the sky like God ran his hand through a painting of flames. Sunrises are a rebirth of sorts. Light bathes the earth like a second chance. Sunrise is quieter than one might expect. The air is filled with anticipation — the moment before the lion pounces. This is Gryffindor: the moment just before the world is set aflame in oil paints and watercolors.
Ravenclaw is a starry night. Stars evoke thought — scientific, philosophical, astronomical thought. Stars, like knowledge, light the way through the dark. They are the light in the dark. When they cannot be seen, you must search for them — you must reach for a telescope. Ravenclaw is drowning in books like a never ending sea of stars and welcoming the waves. You turn to the sky. They’re beautiful — the stars.
Hufflepuff is the early afternoon sunshine — the light of day warming the earth. It’s the heat of friendship deep in your chest. It’s knowing the earth has shadows and turning your face upwards. The sun warms the skin of your face. The wind blows though your hair. The sun can burn you but you love it anyways. And the sun? It loves you back.
Slytherin is dusk. Snakes are creatures of dusk — of the place where light and dark collide. It’s place of children with an affinity for shadows. Dusk lends itself to shadows. They thrive there. Shadows take over the earth as dusk rises. Dusk itself is a sort of consumption. Like ambition, it will swallow you whole, and you will have no choice but to let it. Slytherin is dusk swallowing the earth.
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i just took that enneagram test and found out im a 4 and i took the meyers briggs test again and found out right now im an ISFP and wow, it’s just so sad. especially the enneagram description of 4 because it described me exactly (it said stuff about key motivations and one of the key motivations was to attract a rescurer and it sucked all the life out of me because it was so spot on, i really want to get better at stuff and become a better self and person but im so scared to do it on my own and it was talking about stuff like how 4′s feel uniquely different from other people and feel like they don’t belong anywhere and how they have low self-esteem because nobody understands them and they want someone so badly to understand them which is basically me)
and while i took the meyers briggs first i was looking at the famous people who have ISFP personality traits and i saw frida kahlo and then i took the enneagram test and saw that frida kahlo was also a 4 which i was like “that cannot be a coincidence” and then i saw a post about someone on here who was a ISFP and a 4 and i was like “welp that just proves my point” and idk, i just wanted to rant because man, are 4′s really just destined to be unhappy? i want to be happy but am i destined to just not be? 
(also if you haven’t taken an enneagram test please take one, it’ll destroy your whole psyche and sense of self it is so good and exactly what you need if you need to better yourself. i hardly see anyone talk about enneagrams so take it. i took a good test but it was hidden behind a pay wall so if you run into that just take whatever result you got and put it into google and do research yourself)
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Opposites Attract | Bada Lee Imagine
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pairings: slytherin!bada lee x gryffindor!fem!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, hp universe, idk
~part 2~
Y/N sighed in frustration as Professor McGonagall explained the theory behind transfiguration. She truly loved her professor and the subject, but today just wasn't her day.
Y/N whispered to her best friend Eli, who was sitting next to her. "I can't focus,"
Eli nodded in agreement. "Me neither," she said. "I just want to go to my common room and get some rest."
"I can't wait for next week's match," Y/N exclaimed rather loudly, catching the professor's attention but going unnoticed.
Eli smirked. "We will beat your asses," she said.
"In your dreams," Y/N said, rolling her eyes. "How long has it been- two years maybe? Three? That's how long it's been since slytherins defeated us."
"That's because Heesung was captain. You know how bad he was. Now it's Bada, so- "
"Don't mention her"
"We will 100% win," Eli smirked, poking her shoulder, as if attempting to get a reaction from Y/N. "Did I hit a nerve?" Eli asked.
"I will hex you," Y/N threatened, jokingly grabbing her wand. However, seeing Eli's face change to fear, Y/N slowly turned around.
"I don't remember teaching hexes, Miss Y/N," Professor McGonagall said firmly.
"Of course not, professor," the younger girl smiled sweetly. "I was just joking."
"I heard you got in trouble today." Y/N immediately gulped at the mention of today's incident , knowing full well that she was in trouble.
"Minnie- Professor Sprout wasn't being fair," she stated quickly, attempting to defend herself.
"I argued with a Hufflepuff. I might have thrown in some insults- I can't remember," she finished weakly. "That's all I swear."
Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "That's all?" she asked in shock. "Yes," Y/N replied.
"Huh, that's new," Professor McGonagall mumbled. "You two. I don't want to see you talking in class anymore. Focus on the notes." Y/N and Eli looked at each other in defeat.
"She's so scary"
"I know"
After an hour of taking notes and practicing transfiguration, class ended. With their different class schedules, Y/N and Eli had to part ways at this point. Y/N was off to Divination, while Eli was heading to History of Magic.
Y/N arrived at the North Tower and immediately spotted Mars, a Ravenclaw that she had grown very close with this year.
"Can I sit with you?" she asked, earning a nod of approval from Mars.
"Yes, of course," Mars replied enthusiastically.
As soon as Y/N sat down, a crystal ball appeared on their desk, much to their surprise.
"Your Jupiter planet seems to be bothered, that means you'll die next year," Mars said, mimicking Professor Trelawny's voice.
"Oh no," Y/N gasped "What a shame," she said sarcastically. "I can't wait though."
Y/N started waving her hands around the crystal ball with a serious expression on her face.
"Damn it," she said. "Ravenclaw will lose to Gryffindor."
Mars pushed Y/N playfully. "Shove off," he continued playfully.
"You don't need to be an expert in Divination to know what happens next," a high-pitched voice said, causing both of them to freeze.
"We both get Outstandings- nevermind we won't," Mars started to say, only to immediately stop as he saw the furious look on the professor's face.
"What's with these professors sneaking up on me today?" Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
Y/N strongly disliked Professor Trelawney. Not just because she was unable to excel in Divination, but also because the professor irritated her in many ways. These ways include Trelawney's annoying trait of speaking nonsense
"Miss Y/N, change seats," The professor glanced around, suddenly noticing two Slytherins enter the classroom. "You can sit with Miss Lee,"
The two girls' faces turned into horror the second their eyes met.
"Hell no"
"Either change seats, or you both get detention," the professor threatened solemnly.
"Why do I get detention when it's her fault?" Bada rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at the situation.
"You're late, Miss Lee. Don't act so innocent," the professor said.
Hearing this made Bada snap back into her seat, realizing that protesting further would not do any good.
"It's not looking good for me," Bada mumbled to Mika, who only snickered in reply.
"It's only one class, don't complain," Mika replied.
In response, Bada let out a scoff "With her? It feels like a week."
On the other side of class, Y/N was quietly grabbing her book and muttering curses.
"It can't be that bad"
In response, Y/N whined, pointing at Bada. "It is," she said. "We're talking about her.
"Forgot about your little rivalry," Mars said with a chuckle.
"Pray for me, no actually, pray for her," Y/N muttered to Mars as she got up from her seat and headed to the new spot the professor had assigned for her.
On her way there, she shot Mika a dark look, only to receive a smug smirk in response from the Slytherin girl.
Stupid Slytherins
Without looking at the tall girl, Y/N sat down on the chair and scooted it away from Bada. Almost instantly, a strong, familiar smell wafted in front of Y/N's nose, filling her nostrils with the musky scent mixed with hints of vanilla.
Bada looked up and noticed that Y/N had scooted the chair away from her. Rolling her eyes, she looked away and went back to her work, clearly not caring about Y/N's discomfort.
Bada noticed that Y/N had scooted the chair away from her. Without saying a word, she rolled her eyes at the other girl's obvious discomfort.
She tried, she really did but Bada was simply incapable of keeping quiet in this situation. She simply couldn't sit there without throwing in a word toward the Gryffindor girl.
Since the first time the two of them had met, they had been constantly arguing. This was something that was deeply ingrained in Bada's memory.
Smirking, Bada scooted closer, eager to poke at Y/N's nerves.
"Afraid of me, Y/N?" she asked with a smirk on her face.
Noticing Bada's smirk, Y/N simply pressed her teeth together in annoyance "You wish"
"Then why are you sitting so far away then?" Bada asked, her voice dripping with sass. She then proceeded to grab the chair that Y/N was sitting on and scoot it closer to her table.
Y/N gasped in surprise, turning to face the Slytherin girl. "Are you crazy?"
Putting a finger on her chin, Bada pretended to mull over the question, her thoughts running wild in her head.
"I wouldn't say 'crazy,' per se," Bada said, her words dripping with sass.
"But I would certainly say that I am a little out of touch with the concept of 'personal space' when it comes to you," she continued, her smirk growing wider at that subtle dig.
"I'll bring you back to reality," Y/N hissed as she fully glared at Bada.
"You're nothing but an arrogant bitch who only cares about yourself-"
Bada's face changed just as Y/N's words reached their end. Her smirk from earlier now fell, turning into a scowl as she listened to what Y/N had to say.
"If you looked around more, you'd see that the world doesn't revolve around you and your little friends," Y/N continued.
Both girls were completely focused on their argument, and seemingly didn't notice that their faces were incredibly close together.
Neither Bada or Y/N made a single move. The rest of the class did not break their gazes, as they had become accustomed to the girls' bickers and just waited for things to calm down.
"Girls" the professor repeated and they both turned to glare at the professor
"What" they both said
"Pay attention" the professor said now sitting on the armchair near the fire "Alright my dear children now..."
She lifted her wand, her eyes glowing with a wild intensity. She pointed it towards the table and a tea cup rose into the air. With a flick of her wrist, it flew across the room towards her. "Beware the trap set before you, my dear," she uttered in a low and serious tone, her eyes locking with Y/N's.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze filling with sudden fear as she processed the professor's words.
"She's insane," she muttered under her breath, her expression turning from confusion to outright dread.
Bada found herself nodding along in agreement, but she quickly shook her head - she couldn't agree with her
"Collect a tea cup from the shelf, come to me and I'll fill it up" the professor continued "then drink it until only the dregs remain, swill the cup three times and give it to your partner to read it"
Bada and Y/N glared at each other after the professor said 'partners'
After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the girls finally got to the part where their tea leaves would be interpreted. As they swirled the contents of their cups and waited for the professor's words, their glares were still firmly locked on each other
"I'll read yours first," Y/N mumbled as she grabbed Bada's cup with a little force
As she looked into the cup of tea, Y/N felt herself slowly regretting her decision to not skip class. As her eyes tried to make out any figures or forms within the cup of tea leaves, she was met with nothing but disappointment.
"Huh, I don't see-" Y/N stops abruptly, her eyes suddenly catching a glimpse of something among the tea leaves.
Leaning in closer, she tries to make out the shape or image of whatever it might be.
"Oh wait, I see an acorn!" Y/N exclaims as she finally recognizes the shape in the tea leaves.
"It says you'll have a good change in life," she adds, her tone of voice full of surprise and curiosity "Im good at this"
Bada snorted "You suck"
"Alright, let's see you do it then." Y/N raises her brows expectantly, handing Bada the tea cup.
The slytherin takes the tea cup and looks into its contents, her expression suddenly changing.
"What the fuck"
Y/N looks at her with a slight concern. "What?"
"Falcon," Bada suddenly says, her tone of voice full of shock and horror.
"It means death," she adds, her words hanging in the air as Y/N's heart dropped.
Y/N didn't necessarily believe in the meaning of tea leaf readings and other forms of divination, but she had to admit that some of the interpretations of the tea leaves held some truth to them.
"Where do you see that?" she asks worriedly leaning over Bada
Bada couldn't help but hide a laugh as she saw Y/N's worried face.
"Look" Y/N bit her lip, still looking for the falcon among the tea leaves.
"Now I see a wolf," Bada continued
"A wolf?" Y/N repeated, her words filled with a mixture of confusion and fear. She grabbed ber book trying to find the wolf symbol. After the sighting of the falcon in her tea leaves, Y/she expects nothing but bad news.
"It means that the hottest and most intelligent girl in Hogwarts is sitting next to you," Bada laughed, her words causing Y/N to drop her book making the desk shake
As Y/N slowly tilted her head to look at Bada, her expression slowly turned to a grimace, which caused Bada to break into further laughter.
"You bitch, give me that" Y/N snapped at Bada, quickly picking up her tea cup from Bada's hands.
"Avada kedavra yourself,"
"Girls, be quiet," the professor said, as she walked up behind both Bada and Y/N. Both girls flinched at her presence, their eyes widening in surprise "Give me your cup"
"Oh my dear, you have the anchor," the seer broke into a grin
Y/N turned to Bada, her eyes narrowing at her.
"What does that mean?"
"How the fuck would I know?" Bada replied with a slight frown, her voice full of annoyance.
"It means you'll find love," the professor finally replied, her tone still somewhat vague as she handed Y/N the cup.
Y/N stared at her cup, her eyes widening in surprise as she suddenly realized that she could see the anchor. And that made her smile
Bada kept a close eye on Y/N, with every passing second she felt herself growing more and more amused by the sight of Y/N
"Are they smiling?" Mika asked, looking back and forth between Bada and Y/N, their expressions both filled with disbelief.
"I wish I had a camera," Mars said quietly to Mika, unable to contain the laughter that was slowly building up inside of them.
"Ouch!" Bada yelped when Y/N suddenly pinched her.
"What was that for?" she asked with a slight frown
"That was for lying and scaring me." Y/N replied but Bada reached out and tightened her tie
"Y/N stop it!"
"Stop kicking my shin"
"Let me-
"Bada sto-"
Their eyes widened slightly as they heard that shattering sound, their gazes slowly shifting down to the ground.
As they realized that the crystal ball had fallen, Y/N gasped while Bada merely huffed in response.
Professor Trelawney moved closer to the two girls, her expression becoming more and more furious as she looked directly at Y/N and Bada.
"I can see potions class, that means we have detention," Y/N said quickly, taking Bada's cup and speaking as if she had just made the most obvious deduction in the world.
Professor Trelawney's expression shifted to one of annoyance as she heard Y/N's words, her anger slowly starting to fester.
"Detention for you two at 5!" she finally said, her words laced with a slight hint of disdain.
"Amazing," Bada groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "This is all your fault," she continued, turning to Y/N with a slightly frustrated tone.
"My fault?" Y/N scoffed, her tone shifting from casual to defensive as she looked up at Y/N.
"You started this"
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Bada rubbed her neck as she entered the Great Hall, her step slowing slightly as she looked around at the various student's filling the space around her.
It wasn't like she had many classes this day, but the divination class had left her feeling drained and tired
Professor Trelawney could often leave Bada feeling this way, and she found herself wanting to avoid that class at all costs.
"Why do I put myself through this?" she asked herself quietly
"You look like you ran a marathon," Dani suddenly popped up alongside Bada as they made their way towards the Slytherin table.
Bada let out a tired sigh "I wish I did that instead."
"She made her sit with Y/n" Mika exclaims, catching Dani by surprise.
"Are you serious?" Dani laughs and replies with disbelief. "She's got something against Bada, for sure."
"I got detention because of her," Bada explains with a frown
"Well, it's not like you were innocent either," Mika retorts "You were the one who pushed the crystal ball"
"Yoo you did what"
"I don't even care," Bada grumbled, pushing her food away.
"You're obsessed with her" Eli's voice spoke in front of her.
"Of course you would say that." Bada replied, facing Eli. "You're her best friend"
"I'm just telling you the truth." Eli shrugged, keeping her arms crossed in front of her.
"Stop that smirk, I know what goes on in your mind." Bada pointed her fork in Eli's direction.
"Yeah, whatever," Eli waved a hand dismissively. "I just came to talk about practice.
At the mention of quidditch Bada's eyes lit up "Tomorrow after classes, I talked to Snape he got us the pitch"
"Oh, so he is useful," Eli rolled her eyes.
Bada nodded, understanding that most Slytherins, including herself, weren't the biggest fans of Professor Snape. As the head of their house, though, he could grant special favors like the Quidditch pitch for practice or never taking points
"I'm kinda stressed about the game next week," Lila confided.
"Pff, why?" Bada smirked and waved a hand dismissively, clearly not understanding Lila's stress. "It's Gryffindor, come on," she replied.
Lila narrowed her eyes at Bada. "It's Gryffindor, You and I both know that they have excellent players. Especially with Y/N being captain. We can't underestimate them and go in with a cocky attitude."
"What's so special about Y/N being a captain?" Bada hissed. Y/N this Y/N that, Bada was tired of jer
"I thought you'd know by now," Eli remarked with a shrug. "You're always watching Y/N play," she added with a smirk.
"That's not true"
Lila spoke up, "It's true"
Bada turned to Dani, frowning. "Dani? I might need a little help here."
Dani didn't hesitate to turn the tables on Bada, giving her a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, I'm with them on this one," she replied.
Bada let out a frustrated sigh as she spoke. "Fine, okay, but it was only because I wanted to see the strategies she uses," she said.
She took a treacle tart from the table, her friends' eyes watching her closely. As she raised her head and saw their eyes staring straight at her, she felt herself freeze. "What?"
"Did yall hear that"
"Pfft strategies"
"It's 5:12"
"Is she really trying to lie to us"
"Five-twelve, Professor Trelawney is going to kill me," she mumbled as she tried her best to devour the entire tart in a single bite. "I- go- bye," she added, waving a hand dismissively and running off to try to get to the dungeons
She wasn't the type of person to worry about getting detention, but now that she was captain and a prefect, she hated the fact that she had to be on her best behavior. Upon seeing the dark door at the end of the hall, Bads took a deep breath and gave herself a moment to prepare before entering.
As the strong scent of potions hit Bada's nose, she had to try her best to keep herself from gagging. She noticed with dread the familiar Gryffindor sitting across from Professor Trelawney, upon hearing the cracking sound of the door, the two heads turned to face her
"You're late, Miss Bada," Professor Trelawney exclaimed, her hands on her hips.
"Sorry, Professor," Bada replied with a sweet smile. "I got held up talking to Prof Snape."
A loud sound was heard and Snape stepped away from the shelves in the corner of the room, holding some potions. His expression remained impassive, as always.
"Oh really?"
The slytherin girl quickly corrected herself, her eyes darting around the office. "What I meant to say was that I was trying to find Professor Snape, which was unsuccessful, as you can see," she continued, speaking quickly before the professor could interrupt. "That's- why I was late."
Y/N's eyes narrowed as she heard Bada's feeble excuse, but she remained silent. A low snort escaped her lips before she turned her attention back to Professor Trelawney
"You have an hour detention," Professor Trelawney stated "I want you to clean this class and also rearrange the potions according to their correct labels."
Bada's eyes widened as the seer continued. "Professor Snape will check with me later to make sure that you didn't use any wands"
"That's not fair!" Y/N spoke up, her tone whiny.
"At least make it 30 minutes," she continued, sounding desperate.
Professor Trelawney gave her a disapproving look before replying, "Wanna make it two hours?"
Bada quickly grabbed a broom, her expression sullen as she tried to hide her frustration. "Let's get it over with," she muttered, and began the tedious-sounding task.
The two girls handed over their wands to Snape, and the two professors left the class.
With Professor Trelawney and Professor Snape out of sight, Y/N turned to Bada "Unbelievable," she grumbled.
"I know," Bada replied.
Y/N heard a crack at the sharp turn of her head, and turned her eyes to face Bada. "Stop agreeing with me,"
With a huff of annoyance, Bada began cleaning the floor. "Fine, I wish she gave us two hours then,"
No one spoke as they cleaned the room. The only sounds that could be heard were the broom sweeping across the floor and the soft sound of cauldrons being handled in the distance.
Y/N was gently cleaning the cauldrons, glancing with curiosity at Bada's appearance.
The Slytherin's hair was tied up in a low ponytail, her bangs in a slightly messy state. She rarely wore the uniform correctly, but today, it felt different to Y/N.
Bada's shirt hung low around her frame, and the green tie laid loose. The Slytherin's appearance caught Y/N's eye for a moment, as if she found Bads attractive. Though she would never have said it out loud,
Y/N was the opposite of her, with her uniform always put together and looking proper.
She wasn't used to being alone with the Slytherin girl, and as a result, she felt somewhat uncomfortable with the silence. In an attempt to lessen her nerves, she cleared her throat and asked, "What's your favorite color?"
"Are you for real?" Bada's face turned up towards Y/N as she spoke.
The Gryffindor gave her an annoyed glance, "Well, it's a simple question," she explained. "Mine is red."
Bads smirked slightly, one eyebrow raising in amusement. "Very Gryffindor of you," she repeated, a slight edge to her voice as she turned back to sweeping the floor.
"So...?" Y/N trailed off as she continued to sweep. Her eyes were fixed on the floor, but she listened carefully as Bads answered the question.
The Slytherin's voice was quiet, but her tone was confident as she replied, "Green."
Y/N smiled, repeating Bada's words "Very Slytherin of you," she teased, making the other girl smile slightly in response.
"Your turn"
Bada's face was full of annoyance as her eyes went to Y/N. She let out a loud sigh as she spoke, her frustration already running high. "What are your strategies for the next game?"
Y/N dropped the cauldron. "Hey, simple questions," she replied, her voice a bit higher than usual.
"Your favorite professor?"
"Your strategies for the next game?"
"To beat you," Y/N replied, moving over to the various tools that had been left out.
Bada dropped the broom, feeling a bit frustrated with the detention. She was now seated in front of Y/N, watching the Gryffindor in close proximity. "Hey, I tried," she shrugged
"What are you doing?" Y/N looked up at Bada, her expression revealing her disbelief.
Bads narrowed her eyes, looking irritated as she responded, "Staring."
Y/N couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Oh, thank you for your clear answer," she said sarcastically. "I never would have known that on my own. Why aren't you cleaning?"
"Oh, come on, Y/N," Bada huffed. "I'm not gonna clean the entire class," she complained as she looked around the classroom. "Look how big it is,"
"I don't care," Y/N responded quickly, putting the tools and rag in front of her. "You won't get in trouble with Snape, but I will, so start."
"Or what" Bada challenged waiting for her reaction
"You might regret it" her mouth turned into a playful grin
Without waiting for an answer, Y/N headed towards the small storeroom in the corner, struggling to carry five different potions. Bada, however, was too busy admiring Y/N to bother helping her.
The Slytherin's eyes roamed Y/N's entire body, taking in the way her skirts hugged her hips and the length of her legs. There was something enticing about the way she carried herself, something that made her want to keep staring. Bads even wondered how her body would feel against hers, what it would be like to touch her skin and run her fingers over her curves
Bada's eyes travelled to Y/N's face, unable to deny that she was one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts. Even though they had a bit of a competition going on, Bada couldn't help but notice how captivating Y/N was. The shorter girl's facial features were beyond compare, with sharp eyes that cut through the air and high cheekbones that added a touch of elegance to her appearance. Bada thought to herself: If anyone was the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts, it had to be Y/N.
"Are you even listening to me?" Y/N's voice snapped Bada back into reality.
"Well, yeah," she replied, sounding a bit unsure of whether or not she was actually being truthful.
"Doesn't seem like it," Y/N repeated with a mischievous smile. "Come help me hold the door. Just don't let it close otherwise can't go out"
The Gryffindor rolled her eyes at the charm that Professor Snape had put in place. In case the door locks no one from inside can open it. While it was annoying, it was also smart.
With a heavy sigh, Bada moved towards the small closet, stomping along the way. She walked past Y/N and held the doors open, determined not to talk to the Gryffindor any more than necessary.
Y/N stood now inside the closet, on top of a chair putting various potions away. She had to wonder just how long it would take them to clean up the whole of Potions class. At least now they had each other's help.
"Work faster," Bada grumbled, leaning against the door. Her eyes were fixed on Y/N
"I'm sorry, I'm the one doing everything here," Y/N answered, turning to look at tall girl. She was surprised by the Slytherin's attitude, but wasn't about to back down from a fight.
"Excuse me?"
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Bada, she wasn't paying attention to where she was placing the potion. With a quick motion, the Gryffindor moved the vial towards the shelf, accidentally missing and knocking it over. The fall caused her to lose her balance, and Bada's eyes widened as she saw the incident happen.
"Fuck- DON'T"
Bada quickly left her place, seeing Y/N lose her balance. She didn't hesitate to reach out to catch the Gryffindor before she fell, but the moment she did, the door of the closet unexpectedly closed. The darkness felt stiflingly close and Bads felt a twinge of panic
Y/N's heart felt like it was about to burst inside her chest. She couldn't decide which part of the situation was causing her heart to pound: the fact that they were now stuck in the closet, the fall itself, or the feeling of Bada holding her bridal style.
The darkness wasn't overwhelming, but thanks to a crack in the door, there was just enough light for Y/N to see Bada's face clearly.
"Um," Y/N started, and Bada's eyes went to hers in an instant.
In a sheer panic, the Slytherin hadn't realized just how close their faces were until it was too late. Y/N had her arms wrapped around the older girl's neck and Bada was holding her tightly.
Both of them found themselves rooted to the spot, their eyes locked on the other. Neither one could find the strength or energy to pull away from the close proximity they found themselves in, both feeling trapped in the moment.
Y/N's gaze darted to Bada's parted lips for a quick second, and for that split moment, a surge of heat travelled through her body. She quickly looked back up, her eyes focused on Bada's face.
Why did she like the feeling of being this close to her
Bada felt like she was going crazy as well. Her stomach was in knots and her knees were weak. She could feel the warmth of Y/N's breath on her face, a closeness she was starting to find herself enjoying. She was sure she was losing her mind because she knew Y/N hated her, just like Bada hated Y/N
If they hated each other so much, why did she find herself imagining what it would be like to taste the girl she despited so much ? Bada was sure she was going insane, the mere thought of being intimate with Y/N ridiculous and unthinkable. And yet, there she was, imagining what Y/N's lips would be like against her own.
"What the hell!" the taller girl yelled, dropping Y/N to the ground without even warning her.
"Why the fuck did you just drop me?"
"Why'd you pinch me?"
The girls immediately reverted back to their previous hostile and combative state, looking at each other with daggers in their eyes. It didn't take much to get them worked up and pissed off at one another, especially when it came to the tiniest of infractions.
Y/N got up, dusting off her now-dirty skirt while trying to salvage whatever dignity she had left "It's all your fault"
Laughter filled the room as Bada held up her hands in defense. "Me? Who decided to twirl on the chair, hmm?"
Y/N was furious. "Because you wouldn't help," she snapped at Bada.
Bada scoffed and shook her head. "Don't put it on me now, when it's clearly your fault," she said.
Y/N balled her hands into fists. "I'm not doing this with you," she said, frustrated. "Just forget it. Whatever, it doesn't matter."
"It does matter," Bada muttered, leaning back against the wooden wall. Despite the distance between them, her body was still close to Y/N's. "We are stuck here until Snape comes"
Y/N hated small spaces, but she had no choice but to suck it up. There was no way she was going to let Bada know about her claustrophobia. She knew she'd never hear the end of it. Even now, as she squeezed herself into a tiny space, she could almost feel Bada's mocking gaze on her.
"So what's your favorite number"
"Don't even start"
Y/N sighed and looked away. "I'm trying to make this less boring," she said, trying to hide her frustration.
"Well, don't," Bada replied, her tone still cold. "You're making it worse."
"You're such a bitch," Y/N said and Bada only smirked in response.
"Im honored," Bada replied with a small curtsey, her sarcasm apparent.
"You look like an idiot"
"You are one"
"Jump off a cliff"
"You're such a sad case"
"You jerk"
"Snooty bitch"
The two girls' mouths never stopped throwing curses at each other. Y/N was so caught up in her anger that she didn't realize how close she now was to Bada.
Bada was feeling the same anger, even if she wasn't showing it. Her eyes were flashing with defiance as she continued to hurl invective at Y/N. They were both consumed by the moment, completely caught up in their emotions.
Suddenly, Bada stepped closer, pressing up against Y/N.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she suddenly realized how close she was to Bada. She had been so caught up in the moment that she hadn't noticed their proximity until now. Despite her shock, she didn't move away.
Bada didn't notice how she had pinned Y/N against the wall. Despite her frustration, she found herself taking in every moment of Y/N's features. The full lips, sharp eyes, and plush hair - everything was so enticing.
They stood inches apart, pressed together by Bada's arms. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she remained transfixed by Y/N's beauty.
She didn't move, she didn't want to move
No words were spoken, but every look spoke a thousand emotions. Just a week ago, Y/N would've laughed at the idea of this position - trapped under the one she hated the most.
But now, she wasn't sure. Could she still call it hate?
"Bada..?" Bada felt her knees threatening to give out as Y/N's gaze settled on her.
Y/N's lips were slightly parted, her breath coming out in short, sharp inhales. Her eyes were wide, like those of a deer caught in the headlights, completely enthralled by her.
They were leaning closer, both wanting this so much to their own surprise. Their noses touched, and the air between them was suddenly alive with a tingling energy.
This is it, Y/N thought to herself, this is where she loses her sanity
She closed her eyes, trying to focus on slowing down her pounding heart. But it was useless; her heart continued to race, and every thought she tried to control went out the window as she gave in to her feelings.
Y/N's heart was racing as their lips brushed, but she couldn't contain her excitement for long. She almost whined at the older girl's teasing.
"What in the world are you two doing?"
Y/N and Bada quickly separated from each other when a piercing voice interrupted their moment. Bada's eyes darted to the potions professor who was glaring at them. Y/N stepped back in dismay, her face red with embarrassment.
This was going just great
Y/N gulped as her mind went blank. She had no idea what to say, and she hoped that the girl in front of her took the lead
She looked over at Bada who was avoiding her gaze. "We got stuck..." Bada said, trailing off. She seemed to be searching for words but had none to say.
"I can see that," the professor said slowly, his voice clipped and sharp. He took a few steps backward but continued to glare at them.
"I suggest you two leave," he added with a cold glance.
The professor didn't need to say any more. Y/N and Bada quickly exited the closet, their heads hung low in shame. Y/N grabbed her bag and took off, running away from the awkward situation. She didn't want to face Bada, and she had no idea what to say to her.
Y/N only wished that the next few days would pass without any mention of what had happened. She wanted to forget, to pretend that everything was the same as it was before.
But that might be a pipe dream, as her mind kept going back to that moment. And the thought of seeing Bada again made her heart flutter, reminding her that she couldn't ignore her new feelings so easily.
Bada was still sitting in class when the professor told her to wait. She was shaking, filled with anxiety and nerves. She knew that the professor wasn't dumb, and he must have known what was going on
"Miss Lee"
Bada snapped her attention to the professor who hadn't lost his stern glare. "Yes, Professor," she responded, making sure her voice didn't shake in fear.
The professor remained silent for a moment, his gaze piercing and critical. Finally, he said, "I hope you know that whatever you two were about to do isn't right"
Bada gulped, but she was determined not to back down. "We weren't doing anything, sir," she said, her voice shaky yet defiant. "The closet is small as you can see, so we had to squish in a little closer."
The professor's eyes narrowed, and he took a step towards her. "If you say so, Miss Lee." he said in a cold tone. "I only need to send an owl for your parents to be here."
Bada felt a chill run down her spine as she realized how vulnerable she was in this situation.
"Like I said," she repeated with an equally firm glare. "It was nothing."
"Good, you can leave now"
Bada didn't hesitate. She grabbed her bag and rushed out. Her fingers were shaking. Telling her parents? Hell no, she thought to herself.
She had already gone through hell and back at home, and she didn't need much more of that stress on her plate. Her parents would lose their minds if they found out that she almost kissed a girl. They would kill her
Kissing Y/N... She wasn't about to kiss her right...?
Bada's mind was racing with excuses to convince herself that what had happened between her and Y/N meant nothing. But every excuse fell flat.
She hated Y/N. Y/N hated her. That's how it always was... Even those excuses no longer made sense. She couldn't stop thinking about Y/N; she couldn't stop longing for Y/N's lips on hers again.
But was it hate that she felt all these years towards Y/N?
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝
Like I did with the moral alignments, I thought I would make a post about why and how I sort characters into Hogwarts Houses! There are also quizzes so you can figure it out for yourself as well. I go into detail about each House, what they represent, their background and what it means to be sorted into a certain House. 
I hope you enjoy!
*just because I’m talking about Harry Potter doesn’t mean I align with the transphobic views of J.K. Rowling. There is no room for transphobia on my page, and I support the trans and LGBTQIA+ community*
Figuring out which Hogwarts House you belong to has been around since the HP series came out. But I think there’s more to it than simply choosing to be in ‘the brave house’ or ‘the smart house.’ I think it reveals a lot about a person - or rather, a large aspect. 
Here are a few tests for you to try, comment below what you got!
Test 1 (the ‘official’ Wizarding World quiz)
Test 2 (from IDRlabs, they have other personality quizzes as well!)
Test 3 (Here’s the full Pottermore quiz. The 1st quiz will only have a few questions, so that’s why I don’t think it’s fully accurate to take)
Test 4 (A really good one from Quotev, the questions/answers aren’t obvious)
Gryffindor: Do what is right. Hufflepuff: Do what is kind.  Ravenclaw: Do what is wise. Slytherin: Do what is necessary.
“ Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Fire
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor’, Godric Gryffindor. 
Dwelled at Godric’s Hollow
Was an accomplished dueller
A fair man, he believed that any child who displayed magical abilities before their 11th birthday should be able to attend Hogwarts.
Gryffindor was the original owner of the Sorting Hat
Gryffindor also had a sword made, which would present itself to any true Gryffindor in a moment of need.
He was allegedly the best friend of Slytherin before he left Hogwarts
Godric will always be known for his accomplished skills in battle, and his fight against Muggle discrimination in the wizarding world.
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Standing up for what you believe in - even if your voice shakes. 
Caring about the greater good 
Having a deep need to do the right thing 
Standing out from the crowd
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Lucy Pevensie
Katniss Everdeen
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Buffy Summers
Chandler Bing
“ You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true. And unafraid of toil. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Earth
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From valley broad,’ Helga Hufflepuff
A kind and warm woman who believed in loyalty, patience and hard-work as the best abilities a person can possess
Was a brilliant cook and had remarkable skills for preparing food. Her recipes are still used in Hogwarts to this day.
She brought the house-elves to Hogwarts
Owner of Hufflepuff’s Cup
She was the best friend of Rowena Ravenclaw
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
A need for justice. A lot of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor traits are intertwined, but the difference is that Gryffindors don’t need to know a person to feel the need to look out for them. 
Believe in fairness and equality (Helga Hufflepuff was the only founder who believed everyone should have a fair chance in being taught)
Thinks about other people more than themselves
Would do anything at all, for family 
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Edmund Pevensie
Jay Gatsby
Samwise Gamgee
Michael Scott
Alfred Pennyworth
Joey Tribbiani
Phoebe Buffay
“ Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Air
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Glen,’ Rowena Ravenclaw
A sharp and intelligent woman
She wanted to make Hogwarts the finest wizarding school in the world, teaching only those with the highest intelligence 
Rowena wore a diadem that was said to grant wisdom to the wearer, however, Rowena’s own daughter grew jealous of her mother’s incredible intelligence. Helena Ravenclaw stole her mother’s diadem and ran away, a fact that Rowena kept hidden from her fellow founders even when she fell ill.
Wanting to see Helena before she died, Rowena sent a man to bring Helena home. Unfortunately, that man was the Bloody Baron, who was in love with Helena, and stabbed her in a rage when she refused to come home.
 After Helena was tragically killed, legend tells us that Rowena Ravenclaw died of a broken heart. 
She was the best friend of Helga Hufflepuff
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Open-minded - don’t mix well with traditional, close-minded people. Ravenclaws see the big picture, they think about what things could be, rather than what things are. 
They think outside of the box, they don’t like being confined by rules or traditions. 
Actually very intuitive
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Susan Pevensie
Sherlock Holmes
Bruce Banner
James Bond
Annabeth Chase
Mary Poppins
Monica Geller
Ross Geller
“ Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends. These cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. “
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𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡: Water
𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦: ‘From Fen’, Salazar Slytherin
He believed strongly that only wizards of pure blood 
This belief caused a big rift between the founders, especially Gryffindor, which led to the depature of Salazar 
Despite his flaws, Salazar was a talented wizard, skilled in Legilemency and Parseltongue
Before he left, however, he created the Chamber of Secrets
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎���𝑙𝑖𝑠𝘩𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠:
Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals; even using others for their gain. 
Not all Slytherins use these traits for personal gain, however, because the founder was evil - doesn’t mean every Slytherin is. 
Family means a lot to them
Desires respect
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒:
Peter Pevensie
Natasha Romanoff
Daenerys Targaryen
Lady MacBeth
Wednesday Addams
Selina Kyle/Catwoman 
Rachel Green
Harley Quinn
531 notes · View notes
daegutowns · 3 months
your enhypen hogwarts boyfriend 
tags: hogwarts au, gn!reader, this is the grind rn
gryffindor: heeseung, niki 
heeseung: quidditch team chaser 
secretly (not so secretly) an attention seeker
please expect to hype him up and fawn over him on quidditch match days -- especially on matches with slytherin (he always has a bet with jay) 
“babe i need you to boo jay if he ever comes near you.” 
and he is so serious about this 
mcgonagall claims she doesn’t like him but he’s just lucky that he’s actually really good at quidditch (bc his transfiguration grades are not sexy) 
excels in defense against the dark arts AND potions but snape hates him 
he swears up and down he didn’t do anything this time to get detention but you know better. and he’s always begging the captain to not kick him off
“please, you know snape wants my left buttcheek!” 
talks shit before the match (especially to jay) and then feigns innocence if he’s asked about it 
this is the result of years of watching quidditch matches with his dad (their favorite team is the montrose magpies -- and he WILL badmouth puddlemere united if that team is mentioned) 
likes to sleep next to you in the library after practice while you study 
riki: quidditch team beater  
rebellious, passionate, and playful -- riki is a gryffindor through and through
always getting caught up in pranks. denies ever being inside zonko’s even though that’s the first place he goes in hogsmeade 
like okay ????
claims mrs. norris (filch’s cat) is best friends with him, but he has no real way of proving this 
shy about pda because of his friends, so he likes meeting up with you in secret and passing you notes in class 
…until he gets caught and has to read them out loud
then he decides that fuck it! it’s better to just air it out anyways. not his problem what they find disgusting! 
straight up livin’ that thug life y’all #getrekt
lowkey getting brainwashed by heeseung (go magpies!) 
makes up all his dreams for his divination dream journal but always makes it about you so he can pretend to be offended if someone says it’s fake
hufflepuff: sunghoon, jungwon 
sunghoon: prefect (head boy) 
this hard-working and kind-hearted boy is a true hufflepuff through and through
everyone thought by his looks that he’d either be in slytherin or ravenclaw, but it’s more obvious when he opens his mouth 
he’s kind of like cedric diggory -- super well-liked, popular, good-looking, and smart
he’s got all the hufflepuff girls and gays giggling around him n shit 
“first years follow me to the common room” and the new hufflepuffs are tripping over their feet trying to ask him questions 
it’s okay because he only has eyes for you <3 
haha jk sometimes he’ll tease you and say “are you jealous? you look jealous~” and then backtrack and say nevermind that he’s sorry and he doesn’t actually know what other people look like. in fact he only knows one name and it’s yours. 
he doesn’t really need to be doing all that but it’s fun messing with him 
goes around humbly (not so humbly) bragging about you until he gets smacked by snape for messing around during (but that doesn’t stop him) 
he likes taking you to cheesy date spots, like madam puddifoot’s tea shop or the covered walkway near spintwitches sporting needs where everyone else had their first kisses 
jungwon: quidditch team seeker   
well-rounded, responsible, and dependable -- these are all traits of a hufflepuff that describe jungwon perfectly 
to be honest, he’s really just here for the vibes
his favorite pastime is collecting chocolate frog cards 
(he is specifically looking for the gold and silver albus dumbledore cards that have been out of circulation for years)
he’s a very talented seeker, but everyone else’s praise doesnt mean anything. he needs YOUR praise specifically and will pretend to not like it just so he can hear it more (but you know better!) 
please help him study… he is definitely getting that quidditch scouting from a professional team but jungwon said he might get a T (troll) in history of magic 
he has a black cat named dooly that terrorizes him before he sleeps
you like dragging him to the kitchens to eat chocolate snacks with him before bed, but he gets nervous sneaking out sometimes
likes sitting underneath the big willow tree near the black lake with his head in your lap. please run your hands through his hair! 
ravenclaw: jake 
jake: quidditch team beater  
everyone really would’ve expected that he would’ve been in either gryffindor or hufflepuff just based on personality alone 
the sorting gave him a choice, and he just went with the house that had more of his friends that he made on the train 
he loves it when you show up to practice because now it’s even more awesome! now even more of his favorite people are in the same place
“babe look at this!” while he does a flip ??? 
if he falls off, now both you AND the rest of his team can laugh at him 
loves it even more if you show up to his games fully decked out (beyond his imagination) in his house colors, even if that’s not your house
he never expects this from you but he’s soooo happy when it happens that it motivates you to keep doing it 
self-declared next quidditch captain (and flitwick will give it to him) 
he’ll even tutor you in transfigurations (his best subject) for kisses, because despite being an athlete, he’s also got good grades???? sometimes god has favorites 
“if you think i’m a cool boyfriend, give me a kiss” 
his favorite type of date is sneaking out to the kitchens with you and sharing a pudding cake
slytherin: jay, sunoo
jay: quidditch team keeper  
unsurprisingly, jay comes from a long line of other slytherins
he’s pretty laidback compared to the rest of his family, but always insists that you go with him to family functions (because “baby they’re too boring without you!”) 
you two always end up at the snacks table gossiping with his cool cousins anyways 
flexes by buying you all your snacks on the train + of course covers all the dates 
pretty popular within slytherin house, but only because he’s good at quidditch and also has pretty good grades (in everything except herbology) 
hates the keeper pickup lines and jokes but likes 
lined up to be the next captain! 
claims he wants to work for the ministry of magic’s department of mysteries
“i got an image to keep”
whatever you say babygirl ^^
expects to be holding hands whenever you’re walking the halls with him
requires a good luck kiss before every quidditch match
sunoo: prefect 
a lot of people expected sunoo to get into hufflepuff! he defies expectations 
seriously, he made a name for himself within the house
with as ambitious as he is, it’s not that surprising to see that someone has confident and charming as him is in slytherin 
he’s someone with friends in every house, probably in every year too
he’s got an “in” with every club on hogwarts campus, so take your pick bae. the world’s your oyster! 
he flexes like jay, but instead of galleons, he takes you to restricted areas of campus using his prefect badge 
would actually help you break the rules if you wanted to
“you want to break in where?! okay, wait, let me get--” 
likes it when you compliment his thoughtfulness or talent in these areas 
his best subject is charms ;) 
his favorite pastime is watching quidditch practices with you, but all you do is yap together
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ghostwritermia · 3 months
Ok here’s a no pressure oneshot request if it inspires you:
Your class is allowed to pick their own partners for a paired project and James Potter *insists* he’s yours and you argue with him a bit because you don’t trust him to take it seriously.
But then you end up partnering with him and he ends up making it fun and he actually knows what he’s doing!
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Pairing ~ James Potter x hufflepuff!reader, platonic!remus x hufflepuff!reader
Word Count ~ 1, 032
Summary ~ You're not the biggest fan of the idea, but you get a new partner in Herbology, your favorite class
Warnings ~ Beginner writing skills, fluff, unedited because I'm lazy...banter?
Note From Mia ~ I hope you enjoy, but I'm not very confident in my writing yet, so, we'll see where this goes, I guess, I also wasn't 100% sure how to end it, so I hope it was okay. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, I LOVE YOU! <3
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Herbology has always been your favorite class. And however stereotypical it sounds, it just was. You grew up in a household where your father had been a Ravenclaw and your mother, a Hufflepuff. That being said, you grew up with your nose stuck in a book, playing games of wizarding chess with your father, and gardening and baking sweets with your mum.
Naturally, out of all the classes, you were drawn to Herbology. It was one of the subjects that just clicked into place. And it didn’t seem to hurt that Professor Sprout had always been fond of you, and you of her.
You enjoyed the smell of the various plants and soil, and the sun and warmth emitting in the Greenhouses. Everything to do with it was simply second nature to you, having helped your mum open up her own floral shop.
You were currently on your way to the Greenhouses for Herbology when Remus caught up to you. Remus and you had bonded in your Third Year when he had asked for assistance in the very class you both were on your way to. 
The two of you had always had a quiet, relaxed bond. You were comfortable sitting in silence, but liked to lean on each other when it was needed. You also made him homemade chocolate every full moon, so that was a plus for him.
Remus had always tried to introduce you to James and Sirius, but even though a Hufflepuff, you tended to be more introverted. That trait came from your father. You liked to stick to your inner circle of friends: Remus, Regulus, and Pandora.
“Rem, what am I going to do?” You broke the silence, seeing the Greenhouses appear in the horizon.
“About what?” He asks, tilting his head, looking down at you. 
You sigh before responding, “I don’t have a partner this year.” You look down. “Ember, decided that she would ditch me and find a group of Ravenclaws to be her friends, instead. But did she really not realize that I’m just as smart as them? I was raised by a Ravenclaw!”
At the end of last year, your friend of three years had decided that she wanted to branch out and make new friends; which you completely supported, well, until she decided to leave you completely.
Remus came to a halt and grabbed your shoulders, stopping you and turning you to face him. “You don’t need her. She clearly wasn’t a good friend and you are better off without her.” He drops his hands from your shoulders before continuing. “Plus, I know the perfect person to be your partner,” The fawn-haired boy smirks before striding away, leaving you to catch up.
“Remus,” You grumble, sprinting to catch up to his long strides. When you're finally back to his side, he glances at you, smirking.
“Your hair is messed up now.”
You simply ignore him, flipping him off before walking into the Greenhouse, shutting the door in his face. You hear him laugh and roll your eyes before heading over to your workbench.
Professor Sprout makes her presence known by telling everyone to pull out their textbooks, and to find a partner. 
You ignore the latter and grab your book from the bottom shelf of your bench, wanting to leave worrying about the partner situation until last. However, someone seems to have other plans because when you look up it seems that you already have a partner. Or at least someone thinks so. You disagree completely; and you show that perfectly with the glare you send Remus’s way.
You sigh, “What do you want, James?”
“Why to be your partner of course.” He quips, not leaving room for much discussion.
However, you have different plans. “Yeah, sorry, but not happening.”
“James. I like this class. I take it seriously. Do you?” You question, while flipping open your textbook to the chapter that introduces everything that needs to be known about the Deadly Nightshade: Belladonna, which everyone was instructed to do so by Sprout.
“I take all my classes seriously.” He answers, pushing his glasses up from where they had slipped. You give him an unsure glance, but don’t argue any further.
“An easy week, this time around, students,” Sprout starts. “You’ll simply be reading and taking notes on Belladonna. If you haven’t already flipped your books open to page eighty-four.” She waves her hand in dismissal for students to start.
“Would you like to take notes, or read the text?” James asks politely.
“I really don’t mind either,” You answer politely. A trait from your mother? Indecisiveness and people pleasing. The latter being a trait you were unaware of James sharing with you.
“How about I read a page and you take notes on it, and then we switch?” He compromises. 
“Sounds like a plan,” You smile, pulling out a parchment and quill.
James reads the first page out loud easily, while you scribble out information that sounds both important and then intriguing. 
After that you switch, and that continues until the last page of the chapter where it landed with you reading. You slowed down to make sure you weren’t going too fast and glanced over to James who was writing neatly and at a speed of which you didn’t know how he managed.
His glasses slipped down his nose in the process and you giggled, causing him to snap his head up. “What?” He asks obliviously.
“Nothing,” You assure, fixing his glasses for him before he even realizes it happened himself. 
A blush spreads across his face and he looks back down at the parchment, continuing writing, mumbling, “I was wondering why the words were getting blurry.”
You laugh before continuing reading.
Across the class Remus has a smug smile and Sirius notices his pause in reading and looks up curiously. “Moony. You stopped reading.”
Remus looked down, then to Sirius. “Oh I know, but I also just played matchmaker.” He responded smugly, subtly pointing to the pair directly across from them.
Sirius looked over to see his best friend with a blush across his cheeks and you, laughing in between your words, your head resting on James’s shoulder.
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oxydiane · 2 years
headcanon of the day: both harry and hermione have the absolute, literal worst resting bitch face known to mankind.
for harry it was one of the many things that made the dursleys extremely angry at him and one of the numerous reason other kids just didn’t really flock his way.
for hermione it was one of the traits that always gave her an air of superiority. looking like she is judging everything you do paired with her extensive knowledge on certain things and the fact that she is not oblivious of this knowledge always made her to be seen as a know-it-all, more or less.
ron, on the other hand, is all smiles and strong expressions and funny faces. he’s always cracking jokes and making all those around him laugh. he looks sweet and approachable, but being constantly attached at the hip with the two single most intimidating eleven year olds in the castle does not help his cause at all.
everybody knows the golden trio is tight knit. by the end of their first year everyone knows that if you need to know where granger is on a thursday evening she’ll probably be writing up notes at the quidditch pitch with weasley as they watch harry potter train with the gryffindor team. everybody knows that you will never find the boy who lived walking out and about without “his ginger” loudly talking about whatever by his side.
despite wanting to be friends with the saviour, a lot of students don’t even dare approach.
ron is completely oblivious of the way his two friends look to others. he doesn’t really get why some gryffindors and hufflepuffs seem nervous after wishing harry goodluck before a game or why the ravenclaws kind of hesitate before asking hermione to borrow her notes. to him, that’s just how his best friends look.
after all, he really can’t see how anybody would be intimidated by the harry potter who had bought a whole trolley of candy to split with him upon first meeting, or the hermione granger who would get thoroughly upset whenever he beat her at chess.
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