#hogwarts house conversations
sunniandhonibee · 1 year
Hufflepuff: "Sly, bonk me. My brain is being mean to me again."
Slytherin: *bonks their head lightly then kisses it better*
Hufflepuff: *blushes a bit* "thanks-"
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Slytherin: What do you wanna do today?
Slytherin: Note to self: never ask you that question again
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ravenramble · 1 year
The Houses Sense of Style
-either the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen that somehow looks amazing or vintage/academia inspired. no in between.
-i’m talking gummy worm earrings, a flower bucket hat, and constellation shirts
-everyone tries to put a label of stuffy prep on us but may i remind you all that one of our house values is CREATIVITY
-either grunge/comfy clothes or soft aesthetic
-yes they will be the kindest people you have ever met, but my GOD they are hard workers. They don’t have time to always be picking out cute outfits
- if they’re not absolutely hounded with self prescribed work, they will be the vision of boy or girl next door
-sporty/prep style or literally could care less
-everyone makes them seem like the dumb jocks, but these guys have STYLE sometimes
-they wanna have fun and they are daring, they’re going to experiment with crazy trends but they’ll do so making it WORK (sometimes)
-the trend setters purely for their confidence.
-however will also be the people who wear dinosaur t-shirts because they don’t care about what people think (*cough cough* my gf *cough cough*
-either professional CEO or grunge
- some will want to fit the stereotype of evil , and look the part because they like to look powerful. Grunge is the easy solution
- HOWEVER, the CEO types will dress for the job they want. they are CLASSY
- please remember that slytherins aren’t evil or bad people. they are ambitious and traditional! they just KNOW THEIR WORTH AND SHOW IT OFF
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socialbenton · 1 year
justify your answer in tags
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multi-writer · 2 years
Ravenclaw x Gryffindor
Gryffindor waking up early to see the blue hour because it reminds them of Ravenclaw
And Ravenclaw going out to see the golden hour because it reminds them of Gryffindor
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just-an17archer · 1 year
Hogwarts Batfamily
So I thought I'd do my own take at sorting various members of the Batfamily into the Hogwarts Houses.
PART 1 (main)
Some of these characters seem like they'd be easy to sort but I spent a ridiculous amount of time going back on my choices, switching them and switching them again. This is the end result, tell me your thoughts :D
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Ravenclaw
Even though Batman has Gryffindor traits like courage and standing up for those who can't for themselves, Batman, and consequently Bruce Wayne, is mainly a Ravenclaw.
This is the World's Greatest detective, he has contingencies upon contingencies, even for his greateast allies. He prepares, has millions of plans and his mind is his greatest weapon. It's not by chance that there are so many debates over who would win- a super powered character or Batman with prep-time. He is that good.
Alfred Pennyworth: Hufflepuff
Alfred is the embodiment of a Hufflepuff. He stands by Bruce no matter what, his loyalty is one of his greatest characteristics. He is humble, hard-working and trustworthy, he'll always be there for his family and they know they can always count on him.
Also he does always make/have great snacks.
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: Hufflepuff
Dick was one of the hardest to sort. He has a lot of Gryffindor qualities like his leadership skills and courage but at the end I'd still put him on Hufflepuff.
He deeply cares for everyone around him, he is caring and attentive and he's one of the greatest support systems for his younger siblings especially when Bruce is being even more alergic to feelings.
Dick is someone you know will always be there for you and who you can count on to have your back.
Another point in the Hufflepuff board is his ability for the light, he is the original boy wonder, he took this great tragedy that happened to him and used it to fuel him, not as a way to get revenge but as a way to protect people and be there for them. He is the light in Batman's darkness, he's the one constantly surrounded by darkness but is the first to offer a kind word or smile to anyone who needs it.
Jason Todd/Red Hood: Ravenclaw
Another tough one and slightly more controversial. People usually put Jason in Slytherin (because he is the anti-hero, the sarcastic tough guy) or Gryffindor (for his impulsiveness and bluntness).
I disagree, I was torn between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor but Ravenclaw ended up winning. There's a lot of misconception around what is necessary to be in a specific Hogwarts house. Even though Jason has a different moral compass from the other Bats, that doesn't make him a Slytherin. Yes, he did a great deal of planning when he was returning to Gotham but I believe having this ability to thoroughly plan things is more a consequence of the bat-training than a Slytherin tendency.
About Gryffindor I agree that his bluntness, courage and stubborness could make him a strong candidate but going even further I reached the conclusion Ravenclaw is the house for him.
He is a book worm, and while I understand that is not the only condition to make someone a Ravenclaw (I am a bookworm and not a Ravenclaw), it all adds up. His thrist for knowledge even when he was Robin (it's canon that he loved school), his plans and preparedness as a Ravenclaw symbol instead of a Slytherin one, even his quips about classic literature. He has always shown a skill for learning (academically or otherwise) and what is more Ravenclaw than challenging the notions everyone else believes and using critical thinking to reach another conclusion and stand by it (the moral compass thing)?
Tim Drake/Red Robin: Slytherin
Here it was between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but Slytherin easily won.
It can be argued that Tim possesses the greatest mind in all of the Batfamily (even against Batman), he outwitted Ra's Al Ghul in this Red Robin run.
The first of many Slytherin traits, but if you want even more proof, here:
This is the person that staged a shooting against his public figure, commiting to months of physical therapy just so that no one could connect him to Red Robin;
He was the only one that believed that Bruce was alive and so he went on a solo journey to prove this, not looking over the means to achieve his end (including creating Red Robin to do what Robin couldn't and allying himself with Ra's Al Ghul). And thanks to him they were able to rescue Bruce from the time stream;
Like Batman he has contingencies and detailed plans to stop not only villains but heroes as well if necessary;
He prepared a plan so complex that, while Tim did nothing but watch it unfold, Captain Boomerang would be presented with various choices that would lead to his death (he did this as a way to avenge the death of his father);
And finally and most importantly, he was not chosen for Robin. He made Bruce make him Robin. He knew Batman needed a Robin, needed his light in the darkness and so, armed with the knowledge of Batman and the Robins' identity (which he figured out when he was 9) he made his case to Bruce and never gave up until he was made Robin.
Tim is determined, manipulative, driven, a perfectionist, well prepared and sometimes ruthless. If this doesn't make him a Slytherin, I don't know what will.
Damian Wayne: Hufflepuff
Most people would sort Damian into Slytherin, given his initial holier-than-thou attitude and the importance he gives to blood legacy.
These are clearly a product of his upbringing and as we continue to watch Damian grow we keep seeing new aspects of his true personality shine through.
His love for animals and all who belong to the animal kingdom is an obvious one, but also the protectiveness he shows towards those he holds dear, like his favorite sibling Dick or his best friend Jon Kent.
So, if you see past the hard exterior, I think you'd find an unconventional but true Hufflepuff.
(He'd also like to be in Hufflepuff to be closer to Dick, even if he world deny ever expressing such a feeling)
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selenepluto · 1 year
Is Draco Malfoy just a bad character?
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Draco Malfoy is an over glorified character in the Harry Potter series. People who have read books before watching the movie franchise will mostly agree with me. As he is a static character he lacks character depth and mostly passes mean comments about the golden trio or tries to bully the juniors. Draco is a coward just like his father, and it can clearly be seen in the books that he is jealous of Harry's fame. He tries to gain some popularity by buying his way into the Quidditch team in the second year of Hogwarts and when Hermione points it out he calls her a "Mudblood". There is even a part in the book where Lucius Malfoy demeans Draco by saying that "even a mudblood {Hermione} is better and smarter than you". Keeping all the canons and fanfics aside, there is clear rivalry between Harry and Draco.
Lastly I want to say that even if Tom Felton did a great job by playing Draco Malfoy, Draco shouldn't be glorified just because the actor is handsome.
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ravenclawreign · 2 years
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via Pinterest
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housefriendships · 2 years
*watching a YouTuber play a horror game about a stalker*
Hufflepuff: horror games always try to make some big thing with monsters and ghosts, but real life is terrifying on its own
Slytherin: seriously. I would take my chances with a fucking ghost over a human man any day
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cassiesdad-blog · 2 years
eddie munson is a hufflepuff argue with the wall
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Hufflepuff : *goes to the kitchen, wants to make their coffee*
Gryffindor: "You cant drink coffee today" *gulps*
Hufflepuff: *grumpy voice* "Why Not?"
Gryffindor : "uh i broke IT...."
Slytherin : *reads a Comic from Huff and laughs* "You should run~"
Hufflepuff : "You little **"
Gryffindor : *running away from am angry Hufflepuff, who wants to kill them *
Slytherin : "Keep Running!"
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sunniandhonibee · 1 year
Hufflepuff: Okay, I don't know how to flirt, and if I tried I'd probably make a fool of myself. But hey! Maybe someone will fall in love with me because I made them laugh!
Slytherin: *is staring at Hufflepuff, smiling adoringly as they listen* I'm sure they will...
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*Watching film*
Hufflepuff: I’m sat here watching being like ‘this scene is quite emotional’ and out of the corner of my eye I can just see you playing with playdoh
Slytherin: Leave my playdoh alone… it gives me something to fidget with
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trixter-god · 2 years
Umbrella academy Hogwarts houses
(From a slytherin)
Number 1 (Luther) griffindor or slytherin
Number 2 (Allison) slytherin or ravenclaw
Number 3 (Diego) hufflepuff
Number 4 (Klaus) griffindor or hufflepuff
Number 5 ravenclaw or slytherin
Number 6 (Ben) ravenclaw or griffindor
Number 7 (Viktor) ravenclaw
Umbrella academy oc Hogwarts house’s
Number 1 (Arron) griffindor or slytherin
Number 2 (tbd female) ravenclaw
Number 3 (McKenzie) slytherin
Number 4 (tbd female) hufflepuff or ravenclaw
Number 5 (tbd male) ravenclaw or slytherin
Number 6 (tbd female) hufflepuff
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pottah-head21 · 2 years
Hogwarts houses waking up...
Hufflepuff: Wake up, everyone. It's 06:30 AM and the sky is clear! Let's have breakfast outside!
Gryffindor: Five more minutes, please?
Slytherin: I was already awake and getting ready for the day. Does my hair look good?
Ravenclaw: Is it morning already?! Can you order me another cup of coffee?
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theoneandonlyphoenix · 10 months
Ravenclaw,probably drunk: stop doing start dreaming.
Slytherin,even more high: yeah that shit takes years of your life but dreams? They take a second.
Ravenclaw: hard work takes ages!
Slytherin: damn light-years-
Ravenclaw,suddenly goes back to function mode: the light years are used for distance in space you asshole
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