#sage hall
randomestfandoms-ocs · 8 months
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Halloween 2023 ✤ Genre Bends
Avery Stiles, Kirsty Gilmore, Sage Hall, Sophie Dugray, Vicki St James in a Horror Fantasy ( The Craft ): Nothing makes everything all better again
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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simonh · 1 month
Everybody's Getting Old by Thomas Hawk
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princetonarchives · 1 year
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This ca. 1910 photo is labeled “Sage Tower,” but virtually all Princeton University students today know this as Holder Tower. It has been renamed for Christopher Holder, a 17th-century ancestor of Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage (who donated the money to build the dormitories that make up Rockefeller College today--the building was originally named to honor her husband, Russel Sage). Holder was an early Quaker who endured religious persecution in Massachusetts Bay Colony and returned to England to escape execution. 
Historical Photograph Collection, Grounds and Buildings Series (AC111), Box MP51, Image No. 1788.
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sea-talk · 2 years
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photographed by Sage Adams for her album CTRL
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mossytrashcan · 11 months
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quick doodle of ty’s canon compliant sobh look (plus a super baby mode below)
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theflashzoom · 10 months
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personal-breeze · 9 months
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anyways since i'm pretty much switching here full time art dump 👍
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kicktwine · 11 months
started dark knight bc I hit the level cap and already I can see why everyone is like the writing for DRK is the best
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magpiesbones · 2 years
I’ve just done a mass reread of witch hat and like. It Gets Me that olrugio is apparently SO well known for being brilliant at magic that he worries about being spotted in the cafeteria at lunch time (and then does get spotted and accosted by Hiehart who is fabulous but. Exactly how Much of an outlier is his behaviour?) and Qifrey is infamous enough that On Sight he is the subject of gossip.
like olruggio is really That famous? That good at magic? And then he makes friends with Qifrey who is really kind of a troublemaker and a pariah and then Leaves. there’s only ever that One panel of Peoples’ Opinions On Qifrey but. based on Qifrey Backstory and what can reasonably be inferred about witch society from admittably Everything Else witch society was probably Shocked that Olruggio left the hall to go hang out with Qifrey
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ofkithandmckinney · 9 months
A little video Mark did for the organisation Spark UK, who raise awareness and funds for youth mental health in the UK.
The message was for day 18 of their 'All-Star Advent Calendar' 2022.
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Fic Recs! DC:
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, Young Justice, The Flash (Comics) (note: this section is combined with Halbarry fics), Miscellaneous 
Character/Character = Romantic Relationship
character & Character = Platonic Relationship
MCD = major character death 
GDOV = graphic depiction of violence 
Fics under cut
Young Justice: 
“In Case of Emergency” by Deranged Black Kitten - Fanfic.net, one-shot (though its really long), Roy Harper & Dick Grayson & Wally West, teen and up audiences.
It had started as a joke, contingency plans made for various hypothetical circumstances, but then the world falls under mind-control, their mentors turning against them, and those rules made up in jest become something to survive by.
“A Flashlight to See in the Dark” by Kazyre - Ao3, 21/? chapters, unfinished, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen.
When Iris dies suddenly, leaving Barry to raise their three-year-old nephew by himself, Hal Jordan steps up to help out his best friend. Years pass, friendship grows into something much more, and somehow the three of them become a family. Story will span Wally's life from age three all the way to the formation of the Team - will be mostly humor and fluff.
Justice League & Justice League Unlimited:
“Remembering normal” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Teen And Up Audiences.
“Batman’s satellite cameras had clocked the Flash at an average of four point five six seconds per cycle. Four point five six seconds. To circumnavigate the entire globe. John can see why everyone freaked.” [Oneshot, spoilers for “Divided We Fall”].
“Conspiracies” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Don Hall, Wally West & Vic Sage, general audience.
There’s a new rule in the League that The Question and Flash aren’t allowed to be alone together on the same mission. Post "Divided We Fall". Oneshot. Flash, Question, Dove.
“Mask” by SmallInsect - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera Hol, general audience.
Her real name is Shayera Hol. That much is true, at least
“Keeping Your Appointments” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally West, MCD (non-graphic and doesn’t happen within the story), general audience.
bruce wayne is known for his impeccable sense of timing. death, however, runs by his own clock/on anniversaries
“Pretzels, trust and evil twins” by incense-whiskers - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Bruce Wayne & Wally west, drabble, general audience.
flash is impulsive and lively, it's his nature. it's not something batman holds against him, rather, it is something he tries to protect./drabble, relationship study via Crisis on Two Earths.
“Homework” by onlyanorthernsong - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, general audience.
Wally has homework due tomorrow. He, Gl, and Bats are on monitoring duty. Oneshot.
“Angle Of Death” by xffan-2000 - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Shayera & The League, general audiences. 
A drabble series. It's an unspoken truth that Shayera is the resident killer in the League...
“Atomic Time” by Constance Eilonwy - Fanfic.net, one shot, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Wally West & The League, general audiences.
Bruce is only thinking of the good of the team. Really.
“A Hero’s Heart” by Everhere - Fanfic.net, one-shot, Wally West & Shayera Hol, CW: Alzheimer Disease, general audiences.
Years in the future, Wally has contracted Alzheimer's Disease, and the only person he still remembers is Shayera.
“These Small Hours (Still Remain)” by CluelessKitten - Ao3, two chapters, completed, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, Diana Prince & Wally West, general audiences. 
"Do I want to know?" Diana asked.
And Superman, who could hear more clearly than the rest of them, shook his head. "Nope."
Behind her, J'onn said, probably to Flash, "I do not understand why we had to do this in front of a burning warehouse."
“Sharing Food is a Human Friendship Ritual” by those_painted_wings - Ao3, one-shot, J’onn J’onzz & Wally West, general audiences. 
After the events of the Justice League animated episode Warworld, Flash notices J’onn being even more reserved than usual.
“Snapshot Collection” by Belphegor - Ao3, 8/12 chapters, on-going, Linda Park / Wally West, The League, general audiences.
Snapshot: 1. A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a sudden moment of opportunity. 2. A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time.
08 - When Batman hears that a member of Flash’s “Rogue Gallery” was killed, he shows up in Central to check on the kid.
“Walking on the Moon” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, James Jesse & Wally West, CW: mental health issues, teen and up audiences. 
The Trickster was sitting on the top of a building, thinking of trying out his air-walker shoes for the first time. And then the Flash stopped by for a chat.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Wife” by Belphegor - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues & Wally West, Wally West & Snart’s Wife, general audiences. 
Sure, being the wife of a supervillain was supposed to have perks, but having his colleagues show up on your doorstep with grim faces and bad news was not one of them. When the Flash - of all people - did, it was a nasty surprise. DCAU Rogues.
(reposting from FFnet)
“Territorial” by KingWatney - Ao3, one-shot, The Rogues, general audiences. 
When Flash is away, the Rogues step up to defend Central City. Because we can't have a bunch of outsiders wrecking the shopping mall, can we?
“You Ain’t Nothing But Gone” by Thistlerose - Ao3, one-shot, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, John Stewart & Wally West, general audiences.
Set during Part 2 of "Starcrossed." Wally tries to reach out to Green Lantern.
“Practice” by Tomboy13 - fanfic.net, nine chapters, completed, Wally West & Kara Danvers & Don Hall, teen and up audiences.
First JLU fic. A mistake puts Flash's life on the line. Now the others must make things right, before Cadmus gets a hold of him. NEW CHAPTER UP!
“Onions and Cakes” by Alba Aulbath - fanfic.net, five chapters, completed, Wally West & Vic Sage, Wally West & J’onn j’onzz, teen and up audiences.  
When the League grew in size after the Thanagar invasion, the Flash took a temporary leave. Which might prove to be a mistake if the Question has anything to say about it.
“Gut Feeling” by Super Chocolate Bear - Fanfic.net, ten chapters, completed, Wally West & Carter Hall, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally West & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, Teen and up audiences.
Dark events start unfolding in Central City, and Flash is the prime suspect. Just how far will blind faith and friendship go?
“Ouch” by Onlyanorthernsong - fanfic.net, four chapters, completed, Wally West & The League, Wally West & Lex Luthor, Wally West & Shayera Hol, Wally Wst & John Stewart, Wally West & Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol / John Stewart, general audiences. 
He gave a sharp, uneasy sigh. "I don't know who I am, but apparently, I hang out covered in blood in tight spaces with a mask on. What kind of a freak am I, seriously!"
“Perceptions of non gods” by SmallInsect - fanfic.net, JLU cast, MCD, GDOV (?), Justice Lords Universe, general audiences. 
A year after the death of President Luthor, revolution rises against the Justice Lords. [A oneshot of many ficlets. Set in the Lords Universe. Spoilers for A Better World.]
The Flash (comics) / Halbarry: 
“Radio Free Keystone” by Liviapenn - Ao3, one-shot, Hartely Rathaway & Barry Allen, Hartley Rathaway / Earl Povich, MCD, teen and up audiences. 
When Superman died, it happened on Main Street in Metropolis, live and in color, from five different angles, on five hundred different channels. There was nothing like that for the Flash. He just... disappeared.
“Rewind, Press Play” by TheObsidianSun12 - Ao3, four chapters, completed, Barry Allen & Hal Jordan, Barry Allen & Jay Garrick, Barry Allen & The League, teen and up audiences.
The Justice League. Protectors of Earth, they have beat back invasion after invasion without fail. Even the mighty Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips, fell to them on their first attempt. How, you may ask? Well, all it takes is one speedster to turn back the clock and transform a devastating loss into a victory. But while the rest of the League isn’t aware of their world-ending defeats, the Flash remembers each and every one in vivid detail. He may be the fastest man alive, but there are some things even he can’t outrun.
“with shortness of breath (you explained the infinite)” by LostOnMyRoad - Ao3, 1/2 chapters, unfinished (on-going?), Barry Allen & The Justice League, Barry Allen & Leonard Snart, general audiences.
“Daydreaming, Flash?” someone asks. He turns to see Superman watching him intently. The man may be built like a Greek God, but he’s got an inside like marshmallows. He smiles, shaking his head. “Just thinking,” he grins. The shadow of the Speed-Force wavers in the corner of his vision. “Think we could convince Bats to get us an official Justice League minivan?”
Superman sighs. “I suppose you’re calling shotgun?”
Barry grins.
Barry struggles to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to effectively disappear while simultaneously trying not to let anyone know about said disappearance.
(It starts, like it often does, with the dreams.
Fire and heat, over and over again every night until Barry starts taking a bottle of sleeping pills before going to bed, in the hopes of staving off the visions for a few seconds, maybe a minute, when he’s sleeping.
The Speedforce has always been rather volatile, but never like this.)
“Acrophobia” by Orphan_Account - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
Barry becomes a blue lantern, and Hal is thrilled at the fact that they can fly together. But Barry's been avoiding doing just that, and Hal wants to know why.
“fooled around and fell in love” by finalfrontierpioneer - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Teen and up audiences. 
The first time is an accident. The other times after that? Not at all accidental.
Or: Hal starts calling Barry pet names and finds that he doesn't actually want to stop.
Or: Instead of revealing Barry's civilian identity to Batman and Superman, Hal calls him "babe." And then proceeds to call him a lot of other things.
“I died a sinner, you died a saint (a look from you and i would fall from grace)” by DynamicDuo (XylB) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Halbarry, teen and up audiences. 
Will-they-won't-they-should-they-shouldn't-they, could-they-would-they-will-they, the five times Hal and Barry almost and the one time they did.
It goes like this: Hal can't stop looking in broken mirrors, and Barry can't stop with the what-ifs, and together they can overcome death but somehow intimacy draws them up short.
(5+1 fic!)
“Yellow Butterflies” by ChocolateTeapots - ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, Hal Jordan & Thaal Sinestro, teen and up audiences.
Much as Hal doesn’t want to admit it, Sinestro’s right. Barry does represent Hal’s fears, though not in the way Sinestro means.
From his smile, Sinestro’s unconcerned with the distinction.
“I Second That Emotion” by CapedCommissioner (smittenbritain) - Ao3, one-shot, Barry Allen / Hal Jordan, teen and up audiences. 
Hal’s report is simple. The Guardians tried to make some upgrades to the Central Power Battery, and they went awry. All Green Lanterns are, currently, at the mercy of their emotions - ones that are, in fact, amplified by that fuck-up with the Power Battery, and perfectly visible through the rings.
Barry decides to keep him company while he's under lockdown, and Hal's ring decides to force his heart onto his sleeve.
“Five Times Hal Complains and One He Shuts The Hell Up” - ChocolateTeapots - ao3, 9 chapters, completed, Hal Jordan / Barry Allen, Hal Jordan & Oliver Queen, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan & Dinah Lance, Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen, teen and up audiences. 
The world’s ridiculous, and Hal’s going to tell Barry all about it. Oh, and hopefully they'll get together at some point.
It’s not like Hal really has a plan, but that's never stopped him before. Let the whining and dining commence!
“Split” by Wolfsbanesparks - Ao3, 43/50 chapters, on-going, Billy Batson & Captain Marvel, Billy Batson & The League, Billy Batson & Damian Wayne & Jon Kent, Captain Marvel & The League, teen and up audiences. 
After a fight with Black Adam goes horribly wrong, Billy Batson and Captain Marvel are forced to navigate the world as two beings instead of one. But such a separation comes at a cost and they must race against the clock to fix what's happened to them before it's too late.
Unfortunately the Justice League is all too eager to help their trusted colleague and his 'son'.
“Small Favors” by susiecarter - Ao3, one-shot, Bruce Wayne / Clark Kent, teen and up audiences. 
Bruce doesn't exactly intend to start doing nice things for Clark. But once he has, he can't stop—and maybe Clark doesn't want him to try.
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Happy Birthday Sage Hall! (June 8th)
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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simonh · 1 month
Before You Crumble Up Inside by Thomas Hawk
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majjiktricks · 8 months
since being told i am probably autistic ive started referring to the foods i ate all the time while living in a dorm as my autism foods. oops...
just shit i had in the dorm in case i didnt wanna go out to the dining hall (which i rarely did. because it was awful food. there was a cafe that took the uni meal plan across the street but you can only eat so many oven-reheated sandwiches) and i knew it would always be fine to eat.
so when i eat them now at home i go :3
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orchidbreezefc · 9 months
at NDK and i gotta say we've gotten reeeal intense about the scavenger hunt. i hope it works on a system of you get a number of entries into the raffle based on your number of points because im not in cosplay but we have turned this place pretty much upside down and i deserve a chance
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gt-icons · 2 years
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Random Actress icons
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