#scp 055
talefoundryshow · 8 months
We’re sure it’s nothing, but there’s something strangely familiar about this video. That’s impossible… we didn’t know it existed until moments ago…
Weirdness aside, we invite you to join us on a trip to the SCP Foundation’s Antimemetics division!
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anonauthorsworkshop · 7 months
so, since MC is immune to anomalous effects, how long until it dawns upon the foundation that they can learn the truth behind scp-055?
hmmmm hmmm
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zealthewhatever · 6 months
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Damn antimemes
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sunnpii · 6 months
to YOU scp-055 is an antimeme. i can remember what it is
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zal-cryptid · 2 years
[DAY 27 - Tactical Theology]
[DAY 28 - shadow]
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SCP-5709 and SCP-017
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Hello! This is a bit unusual, but as I am also going through pain (I am going to fight whoever came up with evolution), I decided to work on my own idea for a character! (don't worry, I haven't forgotten those in the inbox!)
SCP-055 and SCP-4205, the Self-Keeping Secret and "In the Eyes of the Beholder".
I know that many of you may not know what SCP-4205 is, and I encourage you to read the article!
"SCP-4205" by Woedenaz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4205. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
I looked through a list of potential suffixes for SCP-055, (I already found the prefix Fog sufficient, he puts a fog over the mind and a fog over the eyes), and I was able to find one that I think fits well!
Fogsnare! "Snare" commonly has one definition, but there's another one that I think fits well with them being one of the Broken Stars! "
"a length of wire, gut, or hide stretched across a drumhead to produce a rattling sound"
Sufficiently gory, right? And for 4205, we have Shadowglow! "Shadow" in reference to the recorded footage in his article, and "glow" in reference to his eyes!
For the story, I think Fogkit and Shadowkit were born in IceClan! Fogsnare's mother kept the father a secret, and was allowed to, but passed away during the birth. Shadowkit was born to a medicine cat and a warrior. The medicine cat refused to be near him, claiming that Shadowkit was "a kit born of the darkest hell", while the warrior cared somewhat, but wasn't really around. This caused some major issues, that by the time they were rectified by the deputy literally stepping in to act as a parent, gave Shadowkit some problems in life, and what we would call RAD (reactive attachment disorder).
I would like to take this time to say that even without his RAD, Shadowglow would've ended up the way he did. His best friend and crush's dad is the WC Scarlet King, and he has killing people powers. This disorder is not related to the murders, it manifests in other ways.
It was when the pair was apprentice aged that their powers struck. It was Fogpaw first, running into the snow after being terrified by how nobody seemed to remember them, and then it was Shadowpaw's turn!
6 dead and then he went missing. Fogpaw stumbled into Shadowpaw, who was confused about why looking in his eyes didn't kill this new cat that he had never seen before.
To answer his question and probably yours as well, Fogpaw was forgotten by Whisperpaw's powers too.
Meanwhile Fogpaw: ":'("
So, after a long conversation, they found shelter in a small crevice and slept there that night.
Fogpaw dreamt themself into the Dark Forest, meeting his father for the first time, and their siblings! His dear old dad (derogatory) offered them a deal, since Fogpaw didn't really want to cause the destruction of the clans.
If Fogpaw sided with him, he would assist Fogpaw in unlocking his full potential AND give Shadowpaw the same ability all cats of his blood have. Immunities to each others powers. (For example, if Wrathscale accidentally goes to a certain someone's section of the Dark Forest, his skin won't melt off and all he'll do is complain.)
Fogpaw took the deal, and their dad gathered their 5 siblings in the Dark Forest and gave him a name. Fogsnare.
While Shadowpaw woke up and went "my great great great uncle (Twistedmask is making himself the god of evil gay relationships istg) visited my dreams! he's really funny! hey, i remember you now!" And Fogsnare went "my dad is evil and i have a new name and im gonna have to destroy the world"
And then Shadowpaw went "new name? awesome! can i have a new name?"
And that's how Fogsnare and Shadowglow became a murder duo! Fogsnare's dad pops into their dreams from time to time, going "hey can you do this for me. not asking."
They live in the more treacherous and obscure parts of IceClan territory, staying away from any contact with the clans other than when they get voluntold to do something. Shadowglow goes along because Fogsnare is his closest and only friend and crush, and he doesn't exactly mind the death, due to MANY, many things, including Twistedmask.
To wrap it up, here are the designs!
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And Shadowglow! The patterning and scars are almost all from the Rooted Clans greatest dad......
That's all-....
What was I talking about again?
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brizzyb33 · 10 months
scp 55 is one of my favorite for the simple fact that no one knows what it is. it's great in conversations.
"my favorite scp is scp 055"
"what's that?"
"I have no idea!!"
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mymiraclebox · 11 months
Does Tyyto can create something like a self keeping secret? Like scp 055, that makes you forget anything about it if you get your eyes off it
I can't remember if she can or not. The only thing I can remember about her power is... is that it's not round.
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system-reset · 1 year
wait. they could just ask 3120-1 what 055 is.
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cipherdoesshit · 2 years
*creates an antimemetic field around me that only affects you so that only you cannot perceive me, and can only perceive me when I say the word "a", so I pop in and out of existence in front of your eyes*
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agnol117 · 10 months
Series I, Part X
SCP-051 - Japanese Obstetrical Model
This one actually creeps me the hell out. A miscarriage causing doll? No thank you.
SCP-052 - Time Travelling Train
I think I’d like this better without the last recovered passenger. I dunno. The idea is fun, but I feel like not enough is done with it. Could’ve been weirder.
SCP-053 - Young Girl
God I love this one.
A kid of approximately three, doesn’t age, and anyone over the age of three that’s around her pretty much immediately wants to kill her. That’s a story I want to know more about. But I love how little is given to you. You’re just left to imagine what’s going on here, and I love it.
SCP-054 - Water Nymph
This one makes me sad. It’s just like, a lady made of water, and the Foundation experimented on her. It’s so cruel. I hate it.
SCP-055 - [unknown]
I don’t really feel I can adequately rate this one.
Okay so actually I think this one is great. One of the creepier ones. I know I said I wouldn’t evaluate tales, but there’s one about this one that has always creeped me the hell out, with two agents on a bench being alternately mindwiped by it, and it’s just so fucked up. “Do you remember talking about something that isn’t round?” Chef’s kiss. Love it. This is one of my favorites, and the idea that it’s so dangerous just because we don’t have any idea what it is is perfect. I love it. I’m gonna take this opportunity to plug There Is No Antimemetics Division, because really all the antimemes are among my favorite SCPs. Highly recommend, cannot get enough of them.
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talefoundryshow · 8 months
What’s an antimeme? Why are people telling us they’re excited about a story we’ve never heard of before? Maybe this video will hold the answers…
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Could we get to know what scp 055 ( the one that's not a sphere is? Since we have the anomaly immunity then shouldn't we be able to see it?
thank you for the suggestion! i could write it in somewhere, but i think it'd be a bit challenging to do lol. 055 does not have a canonical identity, (besides it not being a sphere, etc.). its identity doesn't matter since no one is able to... well, know what it is. i have no basis of what i'd make it lol
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But is it a sphere? Episode six of the CreepyPodsta! It's really fun when a spooky thing isn't about what it could do to hurt you, but about what it can do at all.
Episode 06 – SCP-055 with Judd Madarang and Catie Versaggi – Weaponized Language
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doctor-963 · 7 months
Sorry we accidentally turned your boyfriend into scp-055.
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redheadedfailgirl · 2 months
These folks made a live action version of the Antimemetics division series and it's honestly everything I could ask for out of an indie project like this. Y'all should really check it out!
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