#selma rambles
naetles · 2 months
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nyaskitten · 3 months
I wonder why Ninjago has SUCH a severe problem of just having kings of places and not thinking about queens... like Khanjikhan, Vangelis, Trimaar, and Levo all ruled over their respective kingdom with no s/o in sight, not even mentioned, and sure other rulers like Selma and the Empress of Ninjago break this pattern up but... it's still weird right?
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gregmarriage · 8 months
watching simpsons and mama bouvier is so real.
marge: “mom! you made it! how are you?”
mama bouvier: “i have Laryngitis. it hurts to talk. so, i’ll only say one thing…..you never do anything right.”
selma: “it obviously comes from our side from the side of the family, huh, mom?”
mama bouvier: “leave me alone.”
mama bouvier: “at the risk of losing my voice, i’ll just say one thing. i’m sorry i came”
mama bouvier: “i’d say something comforting… but my voice…”
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rynekins · 9 months
Once again my mind is plagued with Sideshow Bob brainrot and I must infodump about him for a bit to clear it. This is a sorta continuation of this post where I ramble about how prison warped Bob’s personality. While I often consider doing a more structured series of Sideshow Bob reviews, I have nothing concrete planned at the moment, so posts like these will remain sporadic. However, I am rather open for more discussion with those who dare ask.
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The focus today is on Sideshow Bob’s defining character trait.
There are many popular labels used for Sideshow Bob that fail to paint a full picture because the very opposites of those aspects are also true to his character. Highly educated with a great capacity for idiocy. Sophisticated with bouts of unhinged rage. A mastermind whose plans never work. A murderous psychopath who’s never actually murdered anyone and has attempted to reform. A villain who has saved the day, more than once. A failure that never gives up. All of these apply but I feel he has a more comprehensive character trait. One that remains true in every appearance, exemplified in all of his actions and downfalls. Above everything else, and I say this with the utmost affection, Bob is an attention whore.
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Bob needs an audience like he needs air to breathe. All the world’s a stage and he lives to perform. He's pathetically desperate for your reaction, whether it’s praise, scorn, fear, or a laugh. He’ll sing, act, tell jokes, contort his body, or share the details of his cunning scheme with you, even if it jeopardizes everything he’s worked for, in exchange for a fleeting moment of recognition.
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He wants to be seen, heard, known, understood, celebrated. Don’t we all. But his craving for validation can never be satisfied, which led him down this road of suffering. In the flashback in “Brother from Another Series”, during the sidekick audition, Bob looks a bit more composed than usual.
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This is the earliest moment in his life that we witness. He’s hiding all his iconic hair in a hat and presents himself with dignity and poise; is this where he gets bit by the acting bug and everything changes for him? Doubtful, since his mother is a famous actress and he probably grew up in a home that valued the arts. I think he might have been repressing a lot of his more comical tendencies at this point, then unleashed them due to an unexpected pie to the face. Bob is angry at first, but within seconds relishes having an audience’s approval. All it took was Krusty calling him a “genius” and Bob’s fate was sealed. In “Krusty Gets Busted,” it’s up to interpretation if Bob genuinely wanted to solve Bart’s problem out of the goodness in his heart, or if his ego demanded that he prove to his audience what a good role model and host he can be. In” Sideshow Bob Roberts,” he charms everyone in town with his silver tongue, but is still so insecure about how he’s perceived that he feels he has to cheat to win the election. In “Cape Feare,” Bart compliments his voice and he’s all too eager to boast his musical talent. In “Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming,” being called “smart” is enough to let his guard down.
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He needs constant reassurance that he’s smart, talented, and loved. I believe that in “Black Widower”, Bob’s courting of Selma wasn’t a ruse, at least not at first. They probably had nothing in common (certainly wouldn’t bond over media taste) except that both were painfully lonely. They fell fast in what they thought was love because they showed each other the slightest bit of affection, then opened the floodgates of built up feelings that had nowhere else to go. But realizing there would always be another man in her life more important than him, MacGyver, any love Bob felt towards Selma evaporated.
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Combine this pettiness with his freshly warped sense of morality courtesy of Springfield Penitentiary, and he would find this sudden violent hatred justifiable. But everything has to be a spectacle with Bob, so of course he would end things with a heckin’ fiery explosion. As we have established, Bob is prone to self-sabotage. He can be unbearably pretentious, so he struggles finding others that share his passions. But Bob isn’t a gatekeeper for these interests. He would love nothing more than to discuss art, music, literature and theater and convince others to appreciate them as well. He has a desire to teach, and finds fulfillment when he helms his own educational program with an audience willing to listen and cheer him on. He doesn’t have such luck with his peers, who tend to throw his books back at him. In the episode “The Man Who Grew Too Much”, Homer mentions Mozart’s name and you can tell Bob is ready to drop everything and gush about a special interest, but Homer then reveals that he doesn’t really care. So imagine being in an incredibly niche fandom with no one but the void to hear your headcanons or fan favorites. That’s Bob's predicament, but he’s persistent (and maniacal).
Little brother Cecil is similar, but he’s more likely to back down when the audience doesn’t indulge him.
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It is left to our imagination what their childhood was like. Their mother might have encouraged them both to pursue theater, but did either of them ever feel pride in their accomplishments? Is there a reason Cecil gives up and Bob can’t be stopped? Perhaps Bob leans into the villain role because he’s convinced himself he was born for it (give him credit, he does play it cartoonishly well), but when the tables turn he’s equally as enthusiastic playing the part of a noble hero. He seems unable to turn off the dramatics either way. There have been a few moments when he admits he does not want to commit to a violent act, and you could argue it’s because deep down he knows he’s playing a character that he's taken too far and that it isn’t his true self, or maybe he's horrified his true self is a monster and he’d rather play a different character as a means to contain it (I am not referring to moments from “Day of the Jackanapes” or “The Great Louse Detective”, moreso “The Man Who Grew Too Much”, “Gone Boy”, and “Bobby It’s Cold Outside”). His instincts during these moments seem to be to run away.
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But Bob can’t live secluded in his lil lighthouse forever, even if it means no one gets hurt and he would be free. Prison made him crazy. Isolation would destroy him.
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soulmatesinc-if · 4 months
I just found the demo and it's really neat! I can guess where the other half of my briefing went. 👀 I did run into a possible inconsistency, though, and I wanted to ask about it. Early on MC and the others can have a reputation for what kind of matchmaker they are (for elaborate stories, or high ethics, etc.) ... but how is it possible to achieve a reputation if everything is supposed to be confidential, and if the matchmaker's own memories of everything they did for a case will be wiped each time they finish? And how does that affect Wyatt? How do we take credit or blame for how cases turn out if we can't remember them? Sorry for the rambling - I'm just trying to puzzle out how the process works.
Hey, thank you! Glad to answer the questions.
but how is it possible to achieve a reputation if everything is supposed to be confidential, and if the matchmaker's own memories of everything they did for a case will be wiped each time they finish?
The only things that get wiped entirely are the identifying information about the souls (names, appearances, socials) and the visions. The professional experience that a soul-link builds up is altered in their memory to disconnect it from two particular souls but to still keep it since it's useful. Let's say that for their plan, a soul-link used Empathy to sneak inside a club without being on the invite list to talk to someone. After the case is done, they would still recall this experience, although maybe in the form of "eh, snuck into some rooftop party" or "spoke to some person that was quite tipsy".
Another way to think of it is to imagine them as memories that went through natural absorption and distortion, just much faster and, well, unnaturally.
And how does that affect Wyatt?
I'm assuming you mean the shared case? It was the same for Wyatt. MC has the option to worry about their shared memories if they want to be friends or beyond with Wyatt, but you quickly learn that those were kept intact. They just don't recall each other using the names Selma and Vivian and everything in that orbit.
Hope this clears it up for you!
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
Thanks for sharing a little about Ellison! I loooove the Deathbird (namesake short story in Deathbird Stories) but couldn’t find anything else by him I didn’t kinda hate. I do like the AI who hates everything in I Have No Mouth but not the whole story
He was a wildly prolific writer but hasn't managed to stay in print much. Your best bet is used bookstores if you feel like looking, and it's worth snapping up any stuff of his you can find just because it's usually got at least one ferocious story. Also if you ever see either Dangerous Visions anthology, they're difficult to find and a part of science fiction history. Besides the actual stories (which vary but at least a few are still intensely transgressive and beautiful) there's also Ellison's introductions and the author's afterwords making both anthologies insightful into the era as well as the writing and editing process. Really cool stuff.
If I'm lucky my copies are still intact along with an equally rare print of his non-genre stories. He's got television and media criticism essays in collected works out there which, again, coming from the perspective of both a talented author and working screenwriter, are interesting reading. Plus he rambles on about his history so you hear some tales from his past that would seem unbelievable if most of em weren't confirmed by third parties.
Yes he got fired from Disney for mimicking a Mickey/Goofy porn in the lunch room. Yes he compared the intelligence of the head of Paramount studios to an artichoke. He mailed that one publisher a dead gopher. He was part of the march in Selma, protested Vietnam, and so on and on. So, interesting stuff if you can get your hands on it.
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pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
Get to Know Me Tag
Hey, hi, hello! Thanks for the tag @emelkae!
Relationship Status: single :) Favorite Color(s): uhhh ... pink, purple, orange, yellow? Favorite Food: hate this question!! what is food? ummm. bread, honestly, but you can never go wrong with tacos. xP Song Stuck in My Head: Gentleman Soldier (& the drums they go ratatatat & the fifes still loudly play, say, fare thee well polly my dear I must be going away) Last Thing You Googled: ...amphetamine salts vs dextroamphetamine salts bc ADHD meds! my starting dose was useless but I swear I felt more of an effect from those than I am from my new dosage & I'm half convinced it's bc I got a different kind of pill this time for some reason >.> Time: 9:05pm Dream Trip: ummm.... Ireland, Scotland ... oh! someone told me about a thing in Greece (real life River Styx, hell yeah) so I wanna check that out. xP Last Thing You Read: like, finished reading? shit, I think that was You've Reached Sam (I was very disappointed). Unfinished ... um. Mean Baby by Selma Blair (memoir, have only stopped reading bc book is Too Big for my bag xP) The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab (enjoying a lot, but it's also too big for my bag) & I'm currently reading Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu (on page 109/156, totally meant to finish it tonight & start another book tomorrow but I took a 'nap' instead, whoops.) Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: again, finished? bc I'm enjoying Addie LaRue, but for a finished book .... Loveless by Alice Oseman! I swear I have at least half the book underlined bc it made me laugh, or bc I related so hard... I was maybe 50 pages in & raving to my sister just like 'if you still don't really understand asexuality after hearing me talk about it for 4 years, read this book omg'. It's so good, y'all. Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: ummm.... I ... don't cook. >.> & I haven't baked in a minute. grilled cheese, maybe? Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: .....I'm saying um a lot, but. ummmm. I ... don't? Like, I got into knitting for a hot second, but all that's been in a drawer/box/on a shelf for at least a year and 3/4 at this point. (Oh no, longer! I was still in AZ when we did the knitting thing! It's been 3 years!) I tried crochet but couldn't get the hook to do the thing. I honestly can't think of any other crafty thing I've tried, sooo. Yeah, no. I don't. Dx Most Niche Dislike: ummm. okay, actually? the zebra printer on my desk at work. I am the only one that hears the high-pitched whine/hum it makes all day but my god I hate it. Opinion on Circuses: I misread that as 'citruses' earlier. xP Um. I wanna go to one - I think I maybe have a vague memory of going to one? But all I really remember is noise & cotton candy & that it was nighttime, so maybe it was a very vivid dream or just a fair. I dunno. Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: Nope! None! Do not ask me where I am or how to get anywhere bc I don't know!
xP Okay, soooo. Open tag! bc I dunno who to tag for this. it has been days since I was tagged & I know I saw a few people do it & now I can't remember who. so! If this shows up on your dash & you wanna play, have at it! (Do it. @ me; you read my rambling, I'll read yours xP)
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concerthopperblog · 9 days
Review: Will Kimbrough- For the Life of Me
We live in a time of near unprecedented division; political, racial, social, and economic. Many of us even spent a year physically divided from many of our loved ones due to a global pandemic. Division of all kinds is a theme on Will Kimbrough's new album For the Life of Me.
The album's highlight is the mid-tempo ramble “I Don't Want to Start a War.” It's the tale of an '80s Deadhead who fast-forwards to 2021 and finds himself a part of the insurrectionist mob at the Capitol. That may seem like a far jump for one man, but Kimbrough deftly connects the two extremes via a feeling of community. The same feel of community the song's '80s teen felt down on Shakedown Street is the one a more cynical and jaded 50-year-old gets in a MAGA crowd. “Tie-dyed peace sign / flying by a pillared mansion white /Then you swapped that rag / for a MAGA flag in the thick-aired Selma night,” Kimbrough recites as his song's subject falls deeper into his new community. “He says love fell out of style,” Kimbrough laments.
“The Other Side” is another song about political divisions. A jangle-pop guitar anthem that reminds me a bit of Kimbrough's '80s band Will and the Bushmen, it's a call for peace in a time when no one seems much interested in it. “Everything ain't black and white / There's a hundred million shades of grey,” Kimbrough notes, before ripping into a guitar solo that will remind you why he's been one of Nashville's most in-demand session guitarists for decades and has been one of Emmylou Harris' Red Dirt Boys for years.
The album's most searing track is “Clotilda's on Fire.” Originally written for Shemekia Copeland (whose own version is excellent) for the Kimbrough-produced Uncivil War. It's the story of The Clotilda, widely considered to be the last slave ship to land on American shores, in Kimbrough's home of Mobile, AL. The burned wreckage of The Clotilda was recently found and sparked much discussion in and about the community of Africatown that rose from the survivors of The Clotilda. It's a tale of the ultimate division and resilience in the face of that division.
If you're willing to step back from the divide and engage in discourse with someone on the opposite side of the political/social/wealth/racial aisle than you, you're Will Kimbrough's kind of person. Throughout For the Life of Me (especially the album's title track), he pleas for understanding, civility, and a place at the table for everyone. As he says in his John Lewis ode “Rivers of Roses,” “we've got a long way to go / but we've come a long way too.”
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thatpunkmaximoff · 2 months
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[Book One of...]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 0.5 out of 5
This short and spicy witchy novella is everything I didn’t know I needed!
The characters are fun, the bickering is highly amusing, and the teeny bit of angst makes your heart ache for the female lead.
If you want some fluff, with just a dash of angst, some heated chemistry, spice, and lots of magic… then this book is most definitely for you.
There were times when I was chuckling out loud at some of the scenes in this book. You will not regret reading about this witch and her gargoyle.
Now here are my rambling thoughts...
* Damn. Cast out of the coven by her own Tia? Harsh.
* Gotta love smart familiars.
* I love her friendship with Elizabeth and Andrew. They seem so protective of her.
* Wow. Her tia is a dick. How could she deny her access to the Ball with her friends?!
* I hate Ibis’s cousin Mona. What a bitch.
* Lmao. She wrote her initials into the wing. Ong is it gonna be a tattoo when he’s still human?
* I love how this is so modern- two witches talking about book boyfriends and annotating books lol.
* Oh to be able to bring forward a book boyfriend. The fun I would have with that spell lol.
* Now I wanna know what the gargoyle did with his tail lmao
* Aww. I was hopeful her spell would work right away. She was so excited.
* Ohhhh. “Oliver” is in exile? Just what did he do to become a gargoyle and who turned him into one? If it was the tia, all hell is about to break loose when he’s freed.
* “His little Ibis.” — omg I want a gargoyle lol.
* So the spell worked… and Elizabeth’s book boyfriend came alive..? How?!
* Oh fuck that. They cursed him to steal his strength for the Veil Force?! But now that he’s awake, what happens to the strength they were zapping from him?
* Can I slap Elton? Please!
* And Oliver swoops in for the save!
* Lmao. I can’t get over Andrew calling Oliver “Charlie”.
* Sooty for the win! Knocking out Elton with the watering can again lmao
* Oohhhh. Selma knows now 😬
* I love a possessive gargoyle and his name is Oliver lol
* So Oliver doesn’t want a mate from his birth colony, huh. He’s got Ibis now.
* Oliver arguing with an owl about not eating the butterflies is fucking adorable.
* Damn. He really told her to show him how to pleasure herself while there were still people in the library. Holy shit 🥵
* They banged! I swear to God, if they make him go away… I’m gonna be pissed!
* Tia Isa is a bitch.
* Oh no. Don’t tell me Isa is the one who cursed him 🤦🏻‍♀️
* “My little Ibis, I would rather stay here and be stoned for another century and listen to your voice in darkness than to be sent back to another world where I could never hear you again.” — omg 😭
* Oh no. He wasn’t summoned from another universe, he was summoned from a book so long ago. Poor Oliver.
* Another? Another what? Oliver! Use your words!
* Who the fuck is this new gargoyle?! And he better not hurt the familiars.
* Lol. Andrew named the new gargoyle Charlie 😂
* And poor Oliver is just done with Sooty the owl trying to eat the butterflies 😂😂
* “You’re my magical ever after.”
* Ugh. Tia Isa knows. And she brought along Elton and Mona… and UGH! Sooty needs to water can all three of them.
* Oh. Oh no. My heart hurts.
* HE’s BACK!
* Holy shit… the High Priestess is Ibis’s grandma?! And she had Tia Isa taken away! Yes!
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hondacivictrucknuts · 2 years
The ultimate 90s protest song
I followed in your footsteps once, back in my traveling days Somewhere I failed to find your trail Now I'm stumbling through the haze But there's killers on the highway now, and a man can't get around So I sold my soul for wheels that roll Now I'm stuck here in this town
I remember being at an anti-war protest ca. 2002, where a boomer with a guitar complained that all the protest songs he knew were 30 years old, and thinking that I knew more recent protest songs and maybe the problem was with him. The best ones were by Steve Earle, whose most famous protest song is now pushing 30 itself.
It used to strike me as weird that Christmas in Washington, a song set at eve of the second Clinton inauguration and calling for the reincarnation of Woody Guthrie to address the problems of that time, always remained more popular than songs like Jerusalem and Home to Houston that dealt more directly with the war(s) that we were in the streets protesting.
Now, though, I see that it was the ultimate 90s protest song, and is more relevant than ever in 2022! The second verse, quoted above, protests growing up and having responsibilities. From there, the song really captures the zeitgeist—of then and now—with the last verse, which protests no particular material condition but rather the lack of any cool leftist movements or leaders to follow:
There's foxes in the henhouse Cows out in the corn The unions have been busted Their proud red banners torn To listen to the radio You'd think that all was well But you and me and Cisco know It's going straight to hell
So come back, Emma Goldman Rise up, old Joe Hill The barricades are going up They cannot break our will Come back to us, Malcolm X And Martin Luther King We're marching into Selma As the bells of freedom ring
So come back, Woody Guthrie Come back to us now Tear your eyes from paradise And rise again somehow
It could be seen as an insult to whoever the major labor/civil rights activist leaders were in the mid-90s. But Earle himself was one of the top left-wing folk singers at the time, and the chorus is his own plea of insufficiency. Was he just too busy with alcohol, divorces, and other country music shit? By the early 2000s his live shows started with a rambling monologue about how he was a recovering folk singer.
In the 90s, three decades ago was the 60s, what with the Civil RIghts, labor, and anti-war movements. Three decades ago from now was the 90s.
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naetles · 3 months
starting to experience withdrawal symptoms because it's been nearly seven years since we have last seen kunikidazai interact
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turkitty5 · 2 years
commentating selmers poems
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day 1; very cute, very good. reminds me of frankie cosmos (good). simple. i like the made up words for the sake of rhyming; a repeated tool used in her works. solid!
day 2; again, made up words. love it... very short and simple. could expand on this "octember", i wanna know how that affects her bad feelings or why it helps her to not sink or whatnot . good for her tho!
day 3; one of my fave selmers poems. very simple and good, no made up words, but no need for them really. shes just having a good time. i like this theme in her poems. this is a feeling that id like to experience.
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day 4; she fucked w this one for sure... she knows whats up w cold pizza, i agree. i love the 'd that is used lol. i feel like you could stretch and try to find a deeper meaning to this one? or just leave it as is. and i like that.
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day 1; simple. if you choose to pry, she does tell you what "crimes" she alludes to. (i think it was arson during october or SMTH like that)
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poetry society; you can choose to listen in on this poem during the library scene with bea, and you stumble upon her and the other poets of town. obv this one isnt like her others, it seems she saves her deeper poems for the poet society and tells mae her silly short ones. i think that this poem alone could explain a huge plot of nitw itsself, i love how raw it is and i love how shes just. talking. shes not making up words or rhyming shes just really Real and even Mae comments on how "weird" it is. idk its good very good. not my fave but i do so wish she made more poems like this.
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day 2; lol. also i love the Rhyme but Not rly. good poem. short and gets the point across. important!
day 3; this one gives me mixed feelings!! good feelings. i like the devolve from rhymes to none, i like how it also kind of fits the nitw theme of "shits so fucked. lets have fun" yk?? this poem is a bit scattered, thats never bad ofc. i like this one alot. even if stuff is hard, stuff is fun, take advantage of that or whatever.
day 4; good. simple. cute. just saying about the longest night holiday in the game. i like this one alot. her poems are so feel good imo
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So I made some picrew gijinkas (I hope I'm spelling that right) for the team I beat my um nuzlocke with
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A calm and serious archer who was emotionally destroyed by the deaths of his friends, he tries to not get close to any of his new teammates but they keep worming their way into his heart
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Faith-alolan raichu
A sweet, kind-hearted raichu who tries to help her teammates through any tough times. She was very close to draco and was the one who let cuddles onto the team. Probably the only morally sound character
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A rash and hot-headed vaporeon who got a troublemaking streak from her adopted brother flame. She takes pride in her ability to fight and is the most (physically) scarred of the team, having lost an entire leg during a particularly intense battle
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Selma- arbok
A feisty arbok (also anna's girlfriend) who's basically the team assassin. If you want someone dead she'll do it (for a price of course). Her eye was taken out by a ribombee and her earring is her quick claw which lets her move faster than the average arbok
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The youngest of the team who is also probably the smartest of the team, he dislikes fighting for the most part and is close to faith
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An amnesiac the team picked up on the side of the road who also might be a god. They're a gentle giant who tries to get along with the rest of the team. He's currently trying to regain his memories (but at what cost)
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Cuddles-ultra necrozma
During the heat of battle cuddles transforms into this. It seems to be their true form. His personality seems to become more sadistic in this form
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selcluded · 5 years
Steve Harrington mother of 6 and lesbian ally...who woulda thought man
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drayton-at-arbys · 5 years
I have a confession, my love for Drayton has increased since I made this blog and well I’ve been battling on the idea of actually rping him. If I ever get time.
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purplexflamingo · 5 years
I haven’t even decided how I want Selma to meet Bubba
but I just can’t help but see them both being startled
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