#sense of smell
perplexingluciddreams · 7 months
i had to use mum and dad's ensuite bathroom earlier, they have a new different soap bar.
already don't like soap bars, they give horrible waxy feel on hands, and irritate skin. but this one have the worst smell. i am very sensitive to smell, like can smell people before i see them, can smell things don't even register to other people's senses.
i touch my face absentmindedly a lot, and as part of stimming. i play with my lips a lot especially, and put hands in mouth.
every time i put my hands near my face, i smell the bad soap, and nearly gag. i even try wash hands with different soap (nice smell body wash) to cover the smell, but it is so strong that it is back!!
worst worst thing. bad orange soap bar. yuck.
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thisthat-ortheother · 4 months
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evilhorse · 1 year
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The only ones who can find me when I become invisible are dogs, because of their sense of smell!
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lloyddelvalle · 9 months
May I suggest an animatic or edit of Aziraphale and Crowley to the song "Animal" by Maroon 5?? 👀
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Sniffing Out Symptoms
A loss of taste and smell seems like a relatively innocuous symptom of COVID-19, but it can have lasting impacts on mental health, and is indicative of the virus’ capacity to infect our central nervous system. Researchers interested in the mechanism behind olfactory and neurological COVID consequences examined PHEV, a coronavirus that infects and affects suckling pigs in a similar way. They discovered that PHEV invaded a mouse central nervous system via direct infection of the olfactory nerves (linked to smell) and trigeminal nerves (which provide sensation to your face) in the nose. Through close observation (pictured, cells lining the nasal cavity of an infected mouse, with olfactory neurons in red and cells that bind to PHEV in green) they observed viral material travelling along nerve cells, found links between viral replication and the immune response, and highlighted the potential of this model for learning more about coronavirus infection
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Junchao Shi and Zi Li, and colleagues
State Key Laboratory for Zoonotic Diseases, Key Laboratory for Zoonosis Research of the Ministry of Education, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jilin University, Changchun, China
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Pathogens, June 2022
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tattoorue · 2 years
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samijami · 11 months
My body works in such strange ways,
Like, somedays if I don't eat half the day, it'll get me extremely sick and I'll get a headache then start throwing up.
Other times, I can skip every meal for a couple of days.
And rarely I can go a week only feeling starvation pains then passing out until I finally ate on the verge of fucking death.
And I can't feel hungry. I just literally do not feel hunger. I just know when I start to hurt abit, then I've gone too long and need to eat. Or, I need to just eat each meal I have or skip (if I'm being a bitch to myself).
And then, my sense of smell is basically nonexistent too. I can only smell really strong smells, or kind of stronger smells for about a second and then it goes away.
So, two of my damned senses are almost or basically nonexistent, and I have been dealing with it-
And I haven't a clue how.
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deadly-flowers · 2 years
The Shrieking Lover
The rotting rose woman first brought the overwhelming, pungent, metallic iron smell of blood. Its rusty tag almost, almost, overpowered the miasma of decaying flowers surrounding her. Almost. The smell of roses, of beauty gone wrong, of death, with the scent of blood, of injury, of infection, it left them choking, gasping. It wrapped around them, in a dizzying cloud, made their heart ache.
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teaboot · 4 months
When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week
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girlzoot · 17 days
Hellhounds do have an awesome sense of smell, and my nose is pretty refined even for a hellhound. I’m like the chief sniffer. The sniff leader. The supreme snifferoo. My nose is good. —Louisa Masters/Hijinks With A Hellhound
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ubuntu-village · 25 days
Unmasking the Medical Role of Body Odor Through Ages
The decomposition process of sweat by bacteria and yeast leads to body odor.
The sense of smell is often underestimated in its ability to convey vital information about our health and wellness. Body odor, a natural emanation from our skin, is composed of a complex mixture of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that can serve as a powerful indicator of our internal well-being. Throughout history, different cultures have recognized the significance of body odors in diagnosing…
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korokguy · 2 months
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How I lost my sense of smell.
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cyberr-v0id · 2 months
Good lady my sense of smell is god awful
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scentedluminarysoul · 3 months
Hey, can Covid change your sense of smell even months after recovery?
Likey I had it in December, and after being completely without a sense of smell for a couple of days, it came back fine. And I haven't been sick since
But the last two weeks I've noticed it a change. Things taste ever so slightly differently
And I can't identify the smell of sulfur anymore
It doesn't smell like sulfur anymore, but instead like onions
Freshly boiled eggs smell like onions
Ngl, I find it concerning not being able to really smell sulfur
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mmwm · 4 months
Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses. article: Amsonia for the Mid-Atlantic Region (Mt. Cuba Center). Report of their species trials, including pollinator visitations. newsletter rec: The Whippet (McKinley Valentine). This week’s is an example of why it’s, as someone in the comments…
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vizthedatum · 6 months
Food aversions and radical changes in preferences, as I’m currently living it
Written around 7:33 on a plane today.
Regardless of what’s happening, I will aim to describe my health as holistically (in a narrative way) as I can.
For the past 2 years or so, I’ve been consciously unmasking my autism and adhd as much as possible.
I am burnt out, and I’m tired of lying to myself while performing… life.
But that’s only a part of the puzzle for me.
Today I’m going on a solo trip for my mental health and self fulfillment. I’m also figuring out what’s going on with my body.
Usually on planes, I ask for “ginger ale, no ice.” Apart from Dr. Pepper - ginger ale is one of my other comfort pop drinks. And it’s my go to drink for flying .
And besides I’ve just been perpetually nauseated and while there is no proof really that ginger ale helps that much because of its sugar content, it helps mentally.
Today, ginger ale tasted like vomit. What the actual fuck??? I tried some from another can - disgusting. (Should I collect more data? Was it just these particular cans???)
Earlier today, when visiting with my brother, I asked him to order things I knew I would like - I ate out of a need to nourish my body in some way (including mental nourishment).
It was easier to eat with another person - harder to eat alone it seems.
It’s been so hard to eat since the beginning of this month. And the fatigue that happens is so cyclical with it (if I don’t eat, I’m fatigued; if I do eat, I’m fatigued - really high amounts)
I just started a course of antibiotics last night (X-safe antibiotics) - and like okay? I’ve been on and off antibiotics for MOST OF MY LIFE - I know what the nausea from that feels like - this is not that. This isn’t an allergy either.
Besides I have been feeling nauseated for weeks.
I’m so sad about this because I love food. I love eating.
It’s also weird because (only using this as a comparative example) when I was with my ex-spouse, I was nauseated in a very different way (I chronically threw up nearly daily for an extended period of time due to a mix of chronic pain and overdoing recreational and medical cannabis - it was a huge problem - I was perpetually stressed and manipulated and blah blah (see my other posts).)
I can smell things so much more acutely. Almost like a cursed superpower. I’m so glad I’m masking (physical face mask!) because it limits how much I smell.
All the while my breasts (so conflicted about them from a trans/dysphoric perspective) and lower abdomen ache and pound. (Also in a different way than the usual period/PCOS/IC/endo way… similar, very similar, but so different)
I’m also sad because I need to re-do AND intentionally figure out my entire nutrition plan. Sigh.
THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS I MUST DO. And I’m trying my best to ask for help but I do *feel* like a burden even though I know I’m not. If it were my friend, I would help - so I know that this is ok.
I haven’t looked this up but is there any guidebook for newly unmasked autistics who may or may not be dealing with an unplanned X (lol sorry I know it’s obvious - I won’t get direct confirmation until later) who already have multiple pelvic and reproductive chronic health issues?!?!
*laughcry* even with all my knowledge, even with me working at an institute specifically for reproductive health, even with everything… it’s like a fucking mystery.
And I wish my mom was actually the type of person who could help me out, because… I fucking need a familial mentor who has gone through this to help me EMOTIONALLY. But she barely has any empathy even though I love her. And we aren’t talking. I did see her, in all her beauty, today when she dropped my brother off… we didn’t speak according to my boundaries.
It smells so bad
I used to love the smell of coffee
*tries not to meltdown and visibly be a frazzled queer coded autistic on a full flight*
*goes to bathroom and breathes*
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