#she uses a lot of different avatars these are just a FEW of them
pixiecaps · 9 months
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Ironmouse or Mousey for short is a Puerto Rican American VTuber who is a singer and twitch streamer! She is known for her energetic and chaotic personality. Mousey speaks English & Spanish fluently and knows a bit of Japanese and Korean. Her VTuber avatar is a demon queen who seeks to make friends and live life to the fullest. She frequently does Just Chatting streams and plays a varied amount of games. She is friends with Foolish and has done streams with him in the past. She is apart of the VShojo agency and in 2022 held a 31 day long subathon. During this subathon she became the most-subscribed to female streamer on Twitch. By the end having around 172k subscribers. Now during June of this year she held another subathon which broke that previous subscriber record and reached around 205k subs. This time a portion of the money raised was donated to the The Immune Deficiency Foundation.
Some important background on her is that she originally wanted to be an opera singer but was diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) which left her bedridden and isolated. Due to this she began streaming as a way to socialize and have something to do. Because of her disease and she has a distinctive high pitched voice so if anyone here hasn’t heard her speak before please do not be an asshole or judgmental. She is a full grown adult, treat her like one. Because of the Covid pandemic and her disease it made her unable to go outside for three years. It wasn’t until February of this year she spoke on stream about her experience going outside for the first time in years for a doctors appointment. Heres the clip of her talking about it. However during those three years her friend Connor (CDawgva) would do irl streams for Mousey showing her around places like Disneyland and all around Japan. Very heartwarming streams I recommend watching as they’ve made me tear up on multiple occasions.
So in short, Mousey is pretty damn cool and I’m pleasantly surprised to see her on the QSMP!!
Mousey Singing in Spanish<3
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zukosdualdao · 13 days
just… the absolute trust between zutara in the finale is unreal. after zuko’s impromptu training attack session, yes, katara is surprised and even somewhat angry as she confronts him, but when she says “you could have hurt aang!” all it reminds me of is the fact that just a few episodes ago, she literally threatened to kill him if he ever gave her a reason to think he might so something to hurt aang. but here, now, even as she’s confronting him, she just… waits for him to explain, and she actually sees and agrees with his point once zuko tells the gaang about ozai’s plan.
there is also the absolutely, 100% synchronized way they fight during the simulated training session, something that calls back to their synchronization and teamwork in the southern raiders, and that inherently shows a lot of trust and understanding between them.
katara is the one who initially asks zuko what they should do after aang disappears. everyone else agrees, but it's katara who trusts him enough to position him, not just to herself but to everyone else, as someone they should listen to because of his history, skill, and experience, especially noteworthy because the reason she gives—“you are sort of the expert at tracking the avatar”—is what used to make him untrustworthy in their eyes. they’ve come such a long way.
then katara notices zuko freeze and sit in front of iroh’s tent, and when she asks if he’s okay, he just… completely trusts her with exactly what he’s feeling, and if he’s even a little worried that what he’s saying might cause her to act derisively, because what he’s referencing here is also what katara was angry and hurt about, he doesn’t show it. he just so completely trusts her with it, and her insistence that iroh will forgive him is born from her own trust of zuko, and she's able to tell him what he needs to hear because she was once in iroh's position and zuko proved his genuine remorse and care to her.
then, of course, we've got zuko not missing a beat as he asks katara to be the one to come with him to confront azula, and her ready acceptance. they make a good team, and they know it.
but when they get there and azula challenges zuko to an agni kai - though she initially has misgivings, katara ultimately trusts zuko when he says he can handle it and understands that he doesn't want her to get hurt if she doesn't have to. (an aspect of zuko's "i can't explain it, but she's slipping" line that i think gets underexamined, btw, is that that's not an inherently good thing for them. yes, maybe that means zuko will be able to take her, particularly because he knows azula and her fighting style well. but someone who is "slipping" is also, in this case, desperate, and more prone to being reckless with people's lives. zuko tries to mitigate that by fighting her alone, but it doesn't work because azula can't follow the terms she sets when she realizes she's losing.)
the lightning scene is a really interesting example of trust as it relates to zuko and katara, because to me, the emphasis there isn't quite so much on zuko and katara trusting each other. there's barely time for katara to think through what will happen to as azula aims for her or wonder what zuko will do, after all, and zuko is probably in too much pain and too out of it to think about katara coming to try to heal him. (though if they did have the time and mental faculties to think it through, i think they would both 120 percent trust the other to help them.)
instead, the emphasis is on the audience trusting the characters. from the moment zuko sees where azula's aiming, he doesn't hesitate, doesn't even think about, just. immediately jumps in front of the lightning before it can reach katara. i've said this before, but as soon as he understood what was happening, there was just no chance of that lightning ever getting to katara and that's the point. we've seen what zuko looks like when he's hesitating or conflicted, and the difference is stark. the show never wants you to question exactly what zuko will do, that he refuses to let katara get heart, that he'll save her.
and for her part, katara immediately runs to try and save zuko despite azula still being around and attacking, and tries again before realizing she needs to defeat azula in order to do so. but the entire scene of katara's defeating her, while obviously heroic and emblematic of katara's power and the culmination of her arc as a girl whose culture and identity was nearly stripped away from her to being a master waterbender, is also framed as katara defeating azula so she can get to zuko. she would have done it anyways, yes, but in this context, right now, she is fighting azula so she can get to zuko to heal him.
here, in the narrative culmination of their arcs together, it shows not just that they trust each other, but asks the audience to not doubt the development of the dynamic that’s been built, to trust that they will take care of each other. and they do.
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byunpum · 11 months
Ghost girl | part 2
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, injured, neytiri being the mom we all need, teyam is a shy babygurl, soft & crush moments.
Note:I am taking this story as I am feeling it. I don't have an ending written, so I'm going to let it all just flow. I hope you like this chapter. You know that all opinions are welcome. BTW… I'll keep answering requests. I have a lot of them in my inbox, so please be patient. <3 Thank you for helping me in the last post.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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1 year ago…
"Auyat, I must accept my destiny, it's the right thing to do" you speak, adjusting a few pieces of your hair. "But…you don't love him" the girl is sitting weaving a berry basket. Berry picking season was approaching. "You're right, I don't love him…but I don't plan to disobey my father" you look at your friend, who is looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You let go of what you're doing… and settle closer to your friend's side. "I have no choice, it's the right way, you know Dad wants the lineage to continue…and according to him, Seyey is the perfect man for me" your voice sounds almost lazy, as you feel your friend stroking your hair. "So what happened about that dream…about the boy?" she asks you.
You laugh a little, remembering the vision you had had months ago. The dream was simple…a bright lake, in front of you was a man. You could recognize some of his features…but you couldn't see his whole face. You could feel more the sensation of being with him. He was holding your hand, and you could feel the love he felt for you. How you laughed, and spent time together, until you woke up quickly…damn, you were in love with a dream.
"That's just a dream!!!" you laugh, pulling away from her. "It's a vision…lately your talents are at their peak" she is excited, getting up to spin around. You both laugh, she was cheerful and awkward…but she was your best friend. Almost your sister. The girl sits down smack next to you, hugging you. "You know I'll always be here for you…no matter what you choose" your friend speaks, as you turn to look at her. "Me too…me too" returning the hug. You feel the hug grow colder, turning to look at your friend. Noticing her body fade over your hands…until there is nothing left. There is nothing left of her.
You open your eyes suddenly, where were you? What had happened? The last thing you remember is the face of that woman…your baby!!!. Where the hell is your baby? You sit up suddenly, but the pain in your leg reminds you of the reason why you had fainted. You get more comfortable on the sheets you were lying on. And you start to look at the bands on your body. It was different from what you had seen before, 'new medicine' you think. You also notice how much warmer it was than in your village. Everything was dry, and hot. This was not good for you… your body was used to the cold temperatures. Looking at the decorations that adorned the hut, you laugh a little. Somehow it reminded you of your mother. You see how the curtains of the hut open, and by instinct you try to wrap your body. But the pain gets the better of you and you let out a moan.
"Oh…you're awake," says mo'at. Carefully approaching, seeing how you had your ears pinned to your head, and your eyes dilated. "Wow…you sure have a lot of hair" mo'at reaches over and strokes the side of your hair a little. The snow na'vi were very different, not only because of their skin. But because of their physical appearance, white and abundant hair. Perfect to protect them from the dangerous cold. His eyes were brown, perfect for camouflage among the cold trees. Besides, everyone knows that brown is the color of choice for the cold seasons. "Where is my baby… I" you start to speak, but you see how the woman hands you a container, which contained a liquid. "He is with my daughter…the woman who rescued you, he is safe" she speaks, watching as your body relaxes a little. "But he is not hurt?" you ask, mo'at shakes her head. Trying to calm you down. "You need to take that drink…it will help you stay strong" mo'at says. You are looking at the drink, as you begin to sip it a little at a time. "The best thing would be for you to rest…your son is in good hands." Mo'at speaks.
The truth is that you were still tired, and having a baby in your care while feeling so tired was not recommended, and something inside you told you that he was in good hands. After taking your drink, you lay down on your side. Mo'at watches you, you were hugging your body in a ball position. You were heartbroken, it wasn't easy to be here… after all you had been through. Maybe you were the only survivor of your clan… you were alone. Mo'at, in a very motherly moment, kneels down next to you, places your hand in your hair. She says nothing, just feels you sigh, and can hear some whimpering. She settles down next to you, to comfort you. You had been through so much.
On the other side of the village, neytiri held the baby in her arms. She had spent day and night caring for him. She had to admit she was tired, jake was out hunting with lo'ak. Kiri was taking care of tuk, she was out for a walk with her sister. And she only had neteyam with her, her eldest son was helping her prepare the afternoon meal. "teyam…will you help me with something?" says neytiri, watching as her son gets up from the floor, and drops the pots he was holding. "What am I good at mother" neteyam comes to her side. Neytiri in a smooth but quick movement, stretches out her arms to hand the baby to neteyam. Clumsily he tries to hold him. "M-mama what," stammers neteyam. "I want to walk for a while…plus I'll go get what's missing for dinner" says neytiri, watching as neteyam takes the baby in his arms. Before the boy could protest, neytiri got up, grabbed a basket and hurried out of the family hut. She knew that neteyam would do a good job.
"And now what do I do with you…ahhh?" says neteyam, this was making him nervous. The last time he had held a baby in his arms was tuk, but he was still an infant. Now everything was strange… noticing how the baby moved his nose, and raised his little hands. He placed his hand, so that the baby would hold his finger. "Wow…you are small…and very white" neteyam laughs, now he was sitting on the floor. Stroking the baby's hair, nuzzling it more on his chest. "What would your name be?" neteyam touches the baby's nose, causing the baby to make a little vague smile on his little mouth. Neteyam felt herself growing tender, this baby was so tender and beautiful to his eyes. Lifting his arms, to give him a little kiss on his cheek. "You are precious!!!" neteyam speaks in a higher pitched voice.
After a while, about 1 hour or so. Neteyam had placed the baby in the small hammock his mother had made for him. While he was preparing some hunting tools, sharpening his knives and arrows. Until he hears the baby start to cry, he gets up and runs to the baby. Taking him in his arms. "Hey…what's wrong? Are you dirty?" says neteyam, examining if the baby had done any of its needs. The baby's clothes were strange, compared to the clothes of the omaticaya babies. This one was more covered, a type of cloth…that seemed to be the skin of some animal. "mmm are you clean…ahhh does anything hurt?" says neteyam, as he holds the baby in his arms, lifting him up to place his ears on the small stomach. "oh!!! You seem to be hungry" neteyam closes his eyes a little, when he hears how the baby starts to cry louder. "calm down!!!" neteyam tries to soothe him, but he doesn't even know what to feed him. I mean…this baby is supposed to be drinking breast milk. Taking some time to think, as he paces back and forth around the hut.
'Mo'at' thinks neteyam. His grandmother would help him, of course…he couldn't go to where the baby's mother was, because she was hurt. But his grandmother would help. He quickly leaves the hut, and makes his way to the mo'at hut. Entering, he sees that all is quiet. The baby had calmed down a bit, neteyam found that as long as he was moving the baby was quiet. Entering and examining the area. There was no one, until he saw a figure on one of the beds. It seemed to be a girl…and he knew immediately that you were the mother. Because it was very obvious, because of your skin and hair color. The boy approaches carefully, but a crying sound is heard throughout the hut. This causes you to wake up.
"What's going on?" you speak, carefully getting up. You still had your eyes half closed, as you tried to see what was happening. When you finally open your eyes, you see a man. Holding your baby, and your baby crying. "I'm sorry, I" neteyam speaks, but suddenly goes quiet. You both make eye contact for a couple of seconds, before you look down. "Is that my baby? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BABY?" you yell a little, raising your arms. Signaling, to hand him over to you. Neteyam without hesitation, rushes over. With his tail tucked between his legs, handing you the baby. Watching as you quickly embrace him. A smile comes across your face, as you sniff at your baby's hair. "Mama's here… now,now," you cuddle the baby. He is crying, but his fury has diminished as he hears and smells your scent.
"He's hungry…so I brought him with mo'at…I swear I didn't want to get you up" neteyam tries to apologize. But see how you are ignoring him, all your attention was now placed on your baby. He sits up, he wasn't too far away from you. But he was at the perfect distance to respect your space. He stays quiet, watching you cuddle your baby. Moving your top, to breastfeed your child. Giving him a little kiss on his forehead, "I think it was a woman who was taking care of my child" you look up, still annoyed. But you feel your breath catch, when you finally make eye contact with neteyam.
His eyes…his bright eyes. The shape of his nose…and how his hair fell to his shoulders. Your pupils dilate…it couldn't be him, it was almost impossible. Your gazes never leave each other's side, it seems as if the two of you have met at some point. You feel him so familiar…his gaze is so familiar. "Neteyam" you speak softly, noticing how the man's ears perk up. "Do we know each other?" neteyam asks, still making eye contact with you. You feel that same pressure in your chest that you felt when you had that…dream. "No…I don't think so" you speak, shifting your gaze. You hear a chuckle, neteyam was laughing to himself. "Sure…I've never seen anyone like you" neteyam's eyes scan your whole body. Then he looks at your face again.
"Yes" you felt a little embarrassed, out of nowhere you were embarrassed and you swear you were blushing. It couldn't be him…it could be something else. 'eywa stop doing your thing..no, no ,no ,no' you think. How could it be him, you don't even know him. "Hey are you okay?" neteyam asks, reaching over to touch your shoulder a little, but just before he touched you. You startle, pulling away a little. "Ohh sorry honey" you speak, the movement had knocked your baby off your boob. You try to get comfortable, but with the wraps and your clothes it was very difficult. Neteyam reaches over, and takes a piece of clothing that was covering your breast. Holding it up, so you could better fit your baby. "Thank you" you speak, seeing how he gives you a smile. "You're welcome…hey, why are you turning red?" asks Neteyam. And yes, you were turning very red.
The tips of your ears were red and your nose. So were your cheeks. You shake your head to the other side. "Ahhh it's nothing…I think it's the heat. It's VERY hot in here" you yell a little. Neteyam falls silent, you had surprised him. "Yeah…you're not used to this weather. My mother told us where you came from" you watch as he settles more in his seat. And gives the 'I see you' sign. "I know it must have been awful what you've been through… but you're welcome to this clan" speaks neteyam. Damn…he had to be so nice and kind. "Thank you I…" just as you were about to thank him, you hear someone enter the hut. It was three people to be more precise. Neytiri, Kiri and Mo'at. The three women are a bit surprised, when they see neteyam next to you and the baby.
"You were supposed to be taking care of him," says neytiri, approaching you. "Yes…he just got hungry. I came to see if grandma was here so she could help me…but look" neteyam points his arms at you. " His mom was awake" neteyam says. "You woke me up" you speak, seeing how neytiri gave him a dirty look. Neteyam curls into a ball, hugging his knees. Neytiri turns to look at you, smiling tenderly. "And how are you?" she asks, noticing how you cuddle your baby. "I'm fine…I wanted to thank you for not leaving me there, I'm thankful…. for everything" you speak, looking up to look at mo'at as well. Neytiri caresses your face. "You're welcome… I had to do it, I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something had happened to you" neytiri speaks, sitting down closer to your side.
"What's the baby's name?" asks Kiri, the girl is already in front of you. You are a little surprised, but you laugh. You lift the baby in your arms. "His name is herwì" you speak. Neytiri smiles a little, taking the baby's foot in her hands. "That is a beautiful name" kiri moves closer to the baby. Neytiri looks up, to see neteyam looking at you. The look seemed to be calm, while his tail wagged in fast taps. It could be curiosity, the woman thought. "Well…I see you met my oldest son…sorry I left the baby for him. I had to get things for dinner," neytiri says, apologizing to you. You wave your hands. "Don't worry he is" you give a quick glance at neteyam, who looks down at the floor when he notices that you caught him looking at you. "He's very funny" you speak. Kiri laughs, and taps neteyam. "Wow…someone says you're funny" kiri teases her brother. The latter rolls his eyes, turning to look at another spot in the hut.
After half an hour, everyone was still there in the hut. Neytiri was doing her best to make you feel comfortable in your new home. Because it was. Neytiri had a very long conversation with Jake, she wanted him to agree to let the girl stay in the clan. The only thing you were asking for was shelter, you had lost everything. Jake was quick to agree, first he couldn't say no to his mate. And second… he understood what you were going through AND he wasn't going to leave a young mother abandoned. This made Neytiri happy, she felt a responsibility to you. The only thing she was curious about was what had really happened…and where was your family? She didn't want to be disrespectful…but she was very curious.
Neteyam had moved closer to you, listening as you and Kiri talked. Kiri kept talking about how you were going to like everything in this clan. How she was going to help you. He was just giving you a few glances, praying you wouldn't notice he was looking at you every 4 seconds. At that, you hear some noises coming from the entrance of the hut. Some na'vi were carrying a man. You could see that his leg was very bad. All this noise made the baby get up and start crying. Mo'at got up and led the men to place the wounded man on one of the beds. Mo'at received the injured of the clan, took care of them. So this hut, it was almost like a hospital.
You try to calm the baby, but he was very upset. He wouldn't stop crying, he woke up scared. "May I?" asks neteyam, signaling for you to hand over the baby. You, without complaint, hand him the baby. Watching as he lays him on his chest and gets up. To now walk back and forth. You laugh, but you are surprised. "wow…look at that" says kiri, herwi had calmed down. Falling asleep on neteyam's chest. "neteyam, you have a talent with babies," says neytiri, laughing a little. She thought it was adorable to see her son, comforting the baby. Meanwhile neytiri had gotten up and was now walking towards her mother. Mo'ate was busy, helping the man. "mom… y/n is she better?" asks neytiri.
"Yes…but she needs help and supervision, in a week she will be as good as new" Mo'at speaks, still working. Neytiri takes another look, she saw how kiri and neteyam were already getting along with you. As if they had known you all their lives… you gave off such a beautiful vibe. She felt that this place was not right for a wounded mother and her baby to be. "There an empty hut?" mo'at looks at neytiri. "No…not at the moment" mo'at continues to treat the man. "Mother…I think it is right that I take y/n to rest in my hut. We will take care of her…besides this is not a safe place for a baby" says neytiri. "I find it fine…you just have to ask her" says mo'at, she was deep in her work, ignoring her daughter a bit. Neytiri gets up, and walks to your side.
You look up, watching as the woman sits down next to you. Placing her hand on your back. "Y/n…have a question" neytiri speaks, you give her your full attention. "mmm I was wondering…would you like to sleep in our hut?" neytiri speaks, this gets neteyam and kiri's attention. "yesssss say yes" kiri says, hugging your arm. Neteyam was still holding the baby in his arms. This question makes him a little anxious, he kept quiet waiting for your answer. "Ahh mmm I don't know, I don't want to disturb" you say. "No honey… it would be my pleasure. I want you to be more comfortable, besides…I think you want to be in a better place" says Neytiri. "You're right…I accept" you speak, watching as a smile forms on neytiri's face. You swear you almost started to cry…she was so much like your mom. You missed her so much.
Neytiri got up from the floor, ready to leave. "I think I'll need help" you look at your thigh, the wound was still very fresh. Neytiri analyzes the situation. "Neteyam…why don't you help me carry her" Neytiri orders. Neteyam hands the baby to her mother, approaching you. Kneeling down, "If you allow me…" says neteyam, bringing one of his hands to your waist. And another under your thigh. Lifting you carefully, in bridal mode. Out of instinct, and to keep your thigh from stretching so much. You bring your arms around neteyam's neck, you were afraid of falling and hurting yourself. Neteyam tightens his grip, and holds you tighter. Neteyam held you very close, your face was inches away from his. He swear he could smell the scent of pine and something sweet, he loved it. "Ok…we are ready" says Neteyam. Neytiri says goodbye to mo'at and they all leave the hut. Not if before hearing how mo'at shouted. "Be very careful with her…I will come later to give you all the medicines". Everyone in the group continues walking towards the family hut. Neytiri was happy…stroking the baby's tiny head. But the movement of her son's tail caught her attention, it was very fast. And it was up… Neytiri chuckled to herself.
That same night…
Arriving at the hut, neytiri set everything up. You couldn't stay in a hammock, so she set up a nice trundle bed. Perfect for you and the baby to be comfortable. "And as I was saying… the thanator are the most dangerous" lo'ak speaks, the boy had introduced himself the first minute he arrived at the hut. He had been impressed with you, asking why you were so white and why your hair was like that. Neytiri had to tap him to get him to calm down and not bother you. On the other hand, you felt very comfortable, seeing that they had received you so kindly. Meanwhile neteyam was sitting somewhere on the side of the hut, watching you.
"Ma jake… thank you for accepting" says neytiri, Jake and neytiri were outside the hut talking. "Ma neytiri..don't worry. You know I don't mind helping…that's what we're here for. Besides," jake glances inside the hut, "She gives off a good vibe," says Jake. Neytiri places a hand on his arm, somewhat excited. "Exactly…I thought I was the one who felt that" neytiri laughs a little. Jake just stood there for a moment, watching how all the young people were getting along so well. Lo'ak and you were talking, kiri and tuk were playing with the herwi, well kiri was holding the baby and tuk was showing him her new toys. Even though the baby didn't understand anything. Until he noticed how your ears were turning red and you looked a little uncomfortable. "The girl looks a little strange…I think there's something wrong with her" jake speaks, neytiri looks at you and notices the same thing. Entering the hut quickly.
"Y/n…are you ok?" neytiri asks, noticing the same thing jake saw. "Ahh yes" you speak, somewhat shyly. You didn't want to intrude, this family was completely welcoming you. The least you could do was complain. "You're getting a little red…are you sure?" says neytiri, coming towards you. "Well…I'm a little hot" you say. And of course you were hot. Your clothes were not the same as what they were wearing. While the sully family wore lighter clothing, you had a fur top that covered your breasts. And your loincloth was made of a strong, somewhat furry fabric. "Baby… I think your clothes are making you hot," Jake says, coming towards you. "I think so" you giggle a little. "Well…I think I have a few pieces of clothing that would fit you" says neytiri. You nod your head, accepting the woman's proposal.
Jake takes the men of the family with him, so that Neytiri will have more confidence to help you change. With the excuse that they would help him look for what was missing for the dinner. Neytiri looked for one of the clothes that she had kept, which were decorated with feathers and some precious stones. They matched the loincloth. Kiri and Neytiri help you, you couldn't move much. But this felt so comfortable…they were treating you like part of their family, and you barely knew them. Or so you thought…you swear you knew them, it was a feeling you couldn't understand. "thank you" you speak watching as neytiri adjusts the last knot of your loincloth. "It looks great on you…you look beautiful" says Kiri. You felt a little strange…but this relieved the heat. After a while, jake came in accompanied by his son. "oh, wow…you look better now" says jake, holding a basket full of cooked fish. Neteyam felt that now he was the one feeling hot, as he came in he saw you sitting there. Seeing you looking very beautiful in the clothes of his people.
He could notice how you give him a quick glance giving him a smile, making him change his. He quickly ran to where his father was to help him. "ok… family today we are going to eat near Y/N" says jake, motioning for everyone to settle around you. Everyone takes a seat around you. Grabbing the utensils they needed to start eating. Dinner was going very well, everyone was having a great time. But something was bothering neytiri, she wanted to know more about you. "Y/n…sorry to ask this…but could you tell us what happened…and where is your partner? Mo'at told us a little about your clan…but she couldn't say what happened" speaks jake, making neytiri turn around in surprise. "No…y/n you don't have to" neytiri tries to apologize.
"Don't worry…I'll tell you" you let go of the pot you were holding. "One year ago… they came to our village. The humans came saying they needed a mineral…that only grows in our lands. Dad refused, and you know what happened." You take a breath, seeing how everyone was giving you their full attention. "The attacks and landings became more frequent, until what I never thought would happen occurred…I had seen it in one of my visions. But I thought no…it wasn't possible. But they attacked with everything they had" your eyes began to fill with tears. "Dad stayed fighting, while my mother helped me get out of the village, she told me to come here. Everyone…there was no one left alive. The families, the children…everything. "You lower your face, as the tears came down. You feel someone hug you, and that was Neytiri. Holding you by the shoulders, so that you were closer to her.
There was a short silence, until someone begins to speak. "And your partner?" kiri asks. You raise your head, wiping your eyes a little. "He died in battle when I was three months pregnant" you speak, neytiri could sense a bit of coldness when you talk about your mate. This caused her another question, this was a forced pairing…that had to be it, neytiri thought to herself. "And about the visions…" lo'ak is so interested in your story, all of you seemed interesting to him. "ooh…I am a seer, well an apprentice…my skill is not fully developed, I am still very young. I have visions of people and future events, I myself don't understand what happens to me sometimes" you laugh a little. This made sense now, that's what mo'at was talking about.
"In our clan we are very close with eywa, much more so than all the other clans. Eywa guides us and speaks directly to us." You speak, this makes neytiri raise her ears and look at jake with fascination. "But…that's not possible" says neteyam, you look at him and laugh a little at him. "Well, yes… it's a calling. It's a unique feeling" you speak, looking now at kiri, who is watching you. Understanding every word. "Well…it's all very impressive…and I understand what you've been through" jake says, touching your shoulder. "I'm glad you found our clan…I promise you'll be safe" jake gives you a smile. Oh, you could feel that…he wasn't quite a full-blooded na'vi. He was a mixture, you almost saw jake's whole life up to this moment. You stay quiet, and smile back. You get annoyed with yourself, your ability to see events, it wasn't something you could control. Jake started talking about something else, he wanted to change the subject. He knew this was a difficult topic to talk about.
After dinner…everyone got ready for bed. You were settling your herwin next to you. You felt strange, but happy to have peace of mind. As you tucked your baby in, with a blanket. You saw neytiri come up to you. "Are you feeling all right? Don't you need anything?" neytiri asks you. You smile and let her know you are comfortable, watching her say goodbye to you. You stand there, looking at the home decor, numbering the differences. You had so much to learn… you were beginning to feel melancholy. "Hey" neteyam speaks, you turn to look at him. "Did something happen?" you ask, watching as he bends down on his knee. "I didn't introduce myself properly… my name is neteyam" the boy extends his hand to you, you timidly but confidently hold his hand. And you finally recognize him… it's him. He is the boy from the lagoon. Your heart races a million times, and again you feel yourself blushing.
"I'm Y/N" you say, seeing how her face is drawing a nice smile. "Thank you for trusting us…I hope you feel comfortable" speaks Neteyam. You barely speak, nodding your head 'yes'. Neteyam laughs, as he adjusts your hair a little. "Rest," says Neteyam, getting up from the floor. But not before stopping and looking at you. "And yes…I think we've met before" he laughs…and walks back to his hammock.
It couldn't be…it could be, it was him.
p.s: I tried to explain as much as I could in this part, but I think the Y/N story is more complicated and longer than I thought. I think it's better if I tell it little by little. Tell me what did you think about this part?
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, butterfly-ibuki
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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seetangus · 6 months
How about azula realizing she really likes the reader after they take a life-threatening injury for her?? Love me some angst
Fiery Care - Azula x Reader os
Azula x gn reader, tw: blood, heavy injury
1.340 words, please tell me if you find any mistakes!
I hope I got the request right, enjoy :)
No-one had prepared you for this. Rocks were being thrown at you by an earthbender, accompanied by the combined magic of a waterbender, the treacherous, disgraced prince, some incompetent boy with a sword and the Avatar himself.
You had trained firebending a lot, because, even considering that you were born into them, one only got accepted in the upper circles of the fire nation if one was a good fighter, but normally you were kept far away from any actual, real fights by your family, as they valued you - or rather your appearance; they wouldn't want their "little prodigy" to enter the service under the fire lord with any "flaws" that originated from missteps in battles.
However, you had insisted on taking part in this battle for a very special reason.
< • ◇ • >
A few hours earlier:
Azula walked, or rather marched, through the courtyard, straight towards you. That was a very rare sight and an unnerving one too, as you had long been plagued by strong unrequited feelings towards the princess. You quickly arranged your armour to look even more orderly and clean than it already was, acting with a nervousness and anticipation that would have told anyone who saw you that it was not just, like with anyone else, fear, that Azula ignited in you, but also some much warmer feelings.
Well, it might have told anyone, but Azula wasn't anyone, was she?
Her two friends who always escorted her probably knew, but that was no matter to worry about as they seemed pretty reasonable and pitied you, because of your feelings, to a degree at which they didn't feel the need to worsen your emotional state anymore by telling Azula about your feelings.
Now Azula stopped pretty close in front of you - she could probably feel the heat your reddened face emitted, but she did not seem to care.
"Y/N. Our scouts have tracked down the Avatar. We will leave in a few minutes to confront him and his companions. Father says it would be a good first fight for you, but honestly I don't care wether you accompany us as it likely won't make any difference. So you can stay here if you want to."
With much more energy than fitting you immediately responded that there could be nothing more delightful for you than joining her in battle. Ty Lee grinned at you from behind Azula, making you blush even harder.
Azula seemed unimpressed at your enthusiasm, but you didn't care. What mattered was that you would be close to her - or at least closer to her than normally - for a little while.
Also, you should be able to convince your parents to let you go if you mentioned that the fire lord himself thought that it was a good idea.
< • ◇ • >
Well, maybe the reason you took part in the battle wasn't even that special. You wanted to impress Azula, that was about it. A pretty dumb thought, if you thought about it - she was more or less infallible, how was one, especially you, to impress her?
However, there was not much time to think about such matters, as the attacks coming from the people you were facing seemed to become faster by the second.
You dodged a fire bolt the filthy traitor prince sent towards you and melted a stone that flew towards you mid air, freeing you up for just one moment of looking around the battlefield.
The first thing you noticed was dramatic. A whip made from sharpened, magical water made its way to Azula and she, who was in any other moment completely aware of her surroundings, was just preparing to defend against an attack from the Avatar-boy - she could get killed by that whiplash!
From one moment to another, your brain was deactivated and your protection-instincts, and maybe a bit of love, took over: in an enormous leap you rushed over to Azula - for one moment, everything was red and pain, but soon relieving darkness enclosed you.
With an enormous wave of wind, the Avatar ripped two small trees out of the earth, throwing them at Azula. She laughed at that pathetic attempt to seize her, igniting the wood with such fire that only a drizzle of ashes arrived at her position. But that ominous rain not only consisted of the remains of the burned trees, but also of blood.
She quickly looked around herself to see from where the scarlet liquid could originate - the first thing she found was the origin of the terrible act: the waterbender-girl was retrieving a thread of water she had been bending for it to become sharp and deadly into the bottle she always carried around.
Continuing her search, she found, or rather stumbled upon you. You laid unconciously besides her feet, your shoulder bleeding furiously. Considering that you hadn't stood there a few moments ago and in which direction the whip had been flying, it did not take long for Azula to realise the whiplash had been meant for her.
Driven back by a continuously growing amount of fire nation soldiers, the Avatar and his partners fled the battlefield, giving Azula an oppertunity to lean down to you and inspect your barely breathing body further. The more she realised what had happened, the more irrational feelings rushed through her head.
Naturally, everyone would sacrifice themselves for her, right? She was Azula. She really should not feel bad for you, it had been your duty to save her. In fights, things like these happened. You had to live (or not, in some cases) with it.
Yet, she could not help telling the healers who soon arrived to be extra careful with you if they did not want to experience her wrath.
She also couldn't keep herself from waiting outside the healer's tent, anxiously expecting the moment you would leave it. You would leave it, after all. She demanded you did. There was simply no way you couldn't.
And, what was maybe the worst of all, your face did not want to leave her mind. The face she had seen so many times on the courtyard and that she had always taken for granted - and that had not lost any of its beauty even when tainted through your own dark blood.
Given the size of your wound the process of healing was a long and exhausting one, but each day Azulas hope of seeing you again grew with the increasingly positive reports of the healers she ordered them to bring her.
Quite a few times had Ty Lee told Azula, in a very subtle manner, that it was quite unusual for her to think about someone this much. To care about them, even. That it almost seemed as if she liked you.
Naturally, Azula refused to give such assumptions any credit. Romantic fantasies like this were for children, and she was the very confident princess of the fire nation, not some toddler, wasn't she?
Of course she had to admit that she valued your wellbeing a little bit more than everyone elses, but her liking you? How absurd. Ridiculous, even.
Anyways, the only thing she seemed to do the following days beside worrying about you was to emphasize that she did not in any way worry about you at all. Oh, she couldn't wait for the day you left the hospital so that she could ask you some serious questions about what you did to make her think about you.
When the day of your releasememt from the hospital came, though, any questions were quickly forgot. Alone the sight of your face made her see everything she could have ever asked for.
You too could not believe your luck when Azula was the first person to greet you after leaving the hospital; her inviting you to sit beside her at the royal dinner that evening exceeded all your dreams.
She stepped closer towards you, and your heart fluttered when you saw the same look in her eyes that you had been giving her for a long time.
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onskepa · 1 year
Na'vi mating with humans headcanons [Poly].
Hello everyone, so I must confess, I have been looking at some Avatar [NOT THE LAST AIRBENDER] 1 and 2 "the way of water" stuff. From fics, to fanart, headcanons, all that good stuff. So here I am reading all this amazing stuff and I thought, "why not put my 2 cents in it?" so while I dont have any fics, I thought I share some headcanons of my own.
Most I have noticed is using either Na'vi reader, or Human reader. And/or both if the author has their person of interesting be an avatar, being in a poly relationship with our two lovely couples: Jake & Neytiri, and/or Tonorwari & Ronal.
And, if it is not a poly relationship, it be a normal two person relationship, that being with either [Tsu-tey, Ronal, Tonowar, Jake, Neytiri, Norm, etc]. Reading all those stories I have begun to list a few things.
In this first headcanon, its going to be as the title suggest, Na'vi with human. If you guy's wish to use some of this stuff as inspiration or ideas for your future fic's, I am cool with it, but please credit me. Anywho, lets start.
Olo'eyktan & Tsahik
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(btw this is for any Na'vi tribe in general not just for Tonowari and Ronal)
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I feel as the two top leaders of the tribe, having a human as their third mate can mean many things.
Such as: Having a human for a mate shows their rank of status in the tribe. If being leaders weren't enough.
After a long day of doing their duties, they go home happy knowing their little mate is waiting for them to relieve their stress. In more ways than one. {use your imagination I aint going that deep]
Having a human mate will influence how they view the world. The Na'vi seeing their world as its ecosystem as normal as it can get, while the humans see it so different and something so beautiful. The humans may see the same thing every single day but sees it as it was something new to them over and over.
Have a change of paste in life. Talking and sharing things with their human mate is something the leaders look forward to at the end of the day.
The leaders being excited or happy with their human mate wants to know more of something or ask them questions. The leaders seeing it as a sign they their mate relies on them for information.
Speaking of, they enjoy it when their human mate searches for them, having their small eyes only on the leaders and no one else. They can get very protective and if not, a bit possessive should another Na'vi get too comfy with their human mate.
would hiss or give the other Na'vi a warning before shooing them away. Might get a scolding from their human mate but will shrug it off and lead their little human somewhere else.
Should the Tsahik get pregnant, the Olo'eyktan wouldn't be as stressed or worried that their Tsahik is in a vulnerable state. Having their human mate near the Tsahik calms the Olo'eyktan a bit. Since the Tsahik wont be alone.
And if the human is trained in the ways of healing, then the human mate would help the Tsahik if she were to feel morning sickness or dizziness. Giving the Tsahik comfort and a sense of peace.
Assist the Tsahik in duties in which she cannot anymore due to her belly growing. Things that require bending down, gathering plants, and herbs, grinding them, or anything that require lots of energy.
Once the newborn Na'vi is born, automatically, the human mate will be their second parent. Cherishing and nurturing the new born.
when the Tsahik is busing once again with her duties. The human mate will make sure the baby has their needs met, make sure they are clean, fed, and overall comfy with, hopefully, little crying as possible.
Having soft skin brings great benefit for Na'vi baby as they will cling more so the softer and warmer texture. Showing big trust and love to their third parent.
As the Na'vi baby grows, they become attached to all three parents, but will secretly favor their human parent. Since they bring a type of comfort that is different from their other two parents.
Since being the child of the two leaders, they wont have much time to play with their child as much as they want to. So the human mate comes in and plays while teaching showing around the Na'vi baby. Will continue to as the baby grows.
Being a human mate/parent to the Na'vi is something refreshing and somehow brings great comfort to all. Being so small yet have a massive mind and spirit.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that is it. I might add more or change of few things. I am ok with what I put but I know I can do better. If ya'll want more or something else, I don't mind. Thank you for reading this!
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roses-for-readers · 6 months
Hello, this is my first time requesting something and i was kinda nervous and i have a few ideas in mind.
But i was wondering if you can write an avatar x maleficent readeri don’t see many of these and i would like something different, and love your writing (if you can’t thats totally fine) thx
This was such a cute idea that I had immediately started it once I got this request! I kinda did a style of the movies still exists and it's not just a random occurrence in the universe. I cut this off to have a nice and fluff type ending but with the opportunity to do a part 2 with heavy angst. And if you want one with the second movie, like it's a growth from this one, just let me know.
Finding Home ~Avatar x Maleficent! Reader
Warnings: Small injuries and a miscommunication that almost causes a fight (Tsu'tey doesn't understand human friendship dynamics)
Being born with wings was definitely a surprise when everyone in the delivery room when I was born. Especially when I later began to grow horns with each passing month. I could only imagine everyone's surprise when they all found out I was exactly like the Disney character Maleficent. That the story wasn't as fictional as everyone had once thought.
Growing up I had idolized the movies of her, ecstatic that I was unique just like she was. Though their were difficulties with my uniqueness as I got older. It was harder to breathe normally compared to someone that had regular problems when I had come to be about 6.
Mom worked with the RDA as a researcher, so they were willing to take a look at me to see what might be wrong. They finally came to the conclusion it was because of the lack of natural forests with fresh air. This caused me to have to use a special inhaler at least 3 times a day. But it was also a discovery that changed my life because I got to meet Grace.
"You know, I'm going to a special place. A different planet that's supposed to have a lot of trees and all kinds of animals and flowers. I think it's just the place you need to truly thrive. Do you like that idea?"
That's what led me here 21 tear years later, technically 15 if cryosleep isn't counted. A botanical expert that would be working alongside Grace and the other members of the Avatar program.
During the safety briefing, I could feel everyone staring at me. But I had become used to it and just focused on the information that was being given to us. Feeling anxious to see Grace again after so long since I first and last saw her.
After the meeting was over, I got ushered along with a Norm and Jake to go and meet up with Grace. I had a small bounce in my step as I walked along with them, not even noticing the weird looks.
"I just gotta ask. What's with the wings and horn things? You like dressing up in them or something?"
I chuckled softly at the question, casually looked over at the both of them as Jake just waits for an answer as Norm looks absolutely mortified. Stretching my back slightly, I lift one wing up to hang over his had for a second. Smirking at the look of pure awe on both of their faces. "That good enough for you?"
"Holy shit," Jake softly laughed out as he stared at them for a few more seconds before shaking his head. "Now I've seen it all."
"No, I don't think you have yet." I look ahead as we get to the control center of the Avatar program. A smile spreading across my face as I take in all the technology around us, focusing mostly on the screens that were playing overhead.
The sound of one of the pods opening drew my attention away to across the room. A genuine smile coming across my face as I saw her sitting up from the machine, Dr. Grace Augustine.
Grace spoke to some of the other researchers before she turned to look at all of us. I had to keep myself from jumping in to hug her when she turned her focus to me.
Taking in my appearance, she had a small grin as she reached out and affectionately cupped my chin. "Look at how much you've grown. I don't even recognize that little kid that used to carry around a stuffed Maleficent toy like it was a part of you. I'm glad you got to join the program, (Y/n)."
"Thank you, Dr. Augustine," I bashfully reply, feeling ecstatic that she even remembered my name from one interaction years ago. "I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here and working alongside you."
"Always the modest one. That's one of the things I admired about you." She playfully shook my head before finally letting go. Her face becoming a little more stern as she looked at Jake and Norm. Speaking a little more firmly with them.
Letting her words fade into the background, I look back over at all monitors that sit in the center of the room. Marveling at the images that were showing up along with the graphs and how quickly they changed every few seconds.
"They update in real time, you know." I turn my head over to see a guy with glasses standing there with a smile. Pointing up at one of the screens, he continues, "The graphs and the numbers. They help us monitor the vitals of everyone while they are in the pods."
I let out a small 'oh' in understanding as I look back at the monitors for a couple more moment before looking back at him. Holding my hand out, I begin to introduce myself, "I'm (Y/n)."
"I heard," he chuckled out as he took hold of my hand. "My name's Max. I help track the vitals of everyone. And I'm sure everyone heard your name earlier. Grace has never been that nice to anyone before, except for the children."
"Children?" I give him a questioning look as I drop his hand. "They have children here on the base?"
"No, the Na'vi children. Oh, I bet that they are going to love you when they get a look at you." Max's eyes widen when he realized what he had said. Opening and closing his mouth as he tries to find something else to say.
"(Y/n), follow me. Time for a little academic show around." Grace calls out as she begins to head out the door with the men close behind.
Turning back to look at Max one last time, I raise my hand with another smile as I walk away. "I hope your right about that."
I lightly jog to catch up with the group as Grace leads us through the series of hallways until she pushes open a set of doors. When we enter, the first thing I noticed was the dim lighting and blue tint that almost glowed around us. The second thing was the glass tubes that held our Avatars.
Grace placed a hand on my shoulder before leading me to a specific pod off towards the back of the room. Speaking softly when we get closer, "It will take a little longer for you to get your Avatar than the others. It decided to pick up a few extra strands in your DNA that we used."
I stare in awe as I stand in front of the tank, noticing what she had meant. There laid a Na'vi body with features just like mine. Along with a small set of horns and wings that were still developing to fit the rest of the body. Stepping closer, I set my hand on the glass as I smile down at the body. "It's beautiful."
Grace stood beside me with one arm around my shoulders as she put her other hand on the glass with me. "Just like you."
While I didn't have the Avatar body, Grace still let me tag along during the research expeditions. Just as long as I promised to keep my inhaler on my person and my mask stayed on at all times if I didn't need to use it. Just because she wanted to test out the theory of me potentially being able to breathe the air here slowly and in a controlled environment.
We were carefully walking through the forest to a spot where Grace had decided to get some new samples from earlier. There wasn't much talk as we took in the sight of living plants in front of us. Or at least me and Norm were mostly focused on them.
"So, are you able to fly with your wing? Or do they not work for that?" I turn my head up to see Jake staring back at with a confused look on his face.
"I can, but not very well. There weren't many places that I could do something like that back on Earth," I casually explain to him before looking around back around at the area around us.
Grace kneels to the ground around some roots in a tree as she begins to get the equipment ready with Norm as she guides him on what to look for with the images that showed on the screen. I tried to pay attention as I looked down, but I saw Jake walk away out of the corner of my eye.
Following after him, I see him interacting with a different kind of plant. The moment he touched it, it retracted towards the ground as a defense mechanism. I smiled as I watched him do it again with the same result. We both laughed slightly until all of them went to the ground to reveal a small group of the native animals.
We both hold our breaths as one of them gets closer to us. Grace comes running over with Norm as she calls out to Jake. "Don't move. It's only a defense tactic. Just stand your ground."
I watched as he stared down the creature until I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Slowly turning my head around and up, I saw a different animal with sharp fangs staring down at me. I held my breath out of fear as it looked over at Jake and let out a low growl. Jumping over the both of us, it stared down at Jake as he took a step back.
"What do I do with this one?" Jake called over to Grace as he locked eyes with the predator in front of us.
It let out another low growl when Grace called back, "Definitely run!"
I barely processed the fact that Jake had turned around to start running. I let out a small scream as he lifted me over his shoulder. I held onto his shoulder as I helplessly watched as the creature chase after us through the dense forest.
Suddenly Jake came to a halt which caused me to look over to see we had gotten to a cliff edge near a waterfall. "What are you doing?! Go!"
"Can you swim?!"
"Fucking jump!" I apparently didn't have to tell him a second time when a deafening roar sounded through the trees. He pulled me down to his chest and jumped down as he stiffened his body. I wrapped my wings tightly around us right before we hit the surface.
Water rushed past us for a few seconds before Jake began to swim upward. Pushing away from him to start swimming myself, we raise our heads over the surface. Jake gasped for air as we both look to see the creature slowly walk back into the forest.
I let out a small sigh as we swim over to the shore and check for any injuries. I glare at Jake after making sure I was fine from the fall. My voice laced with a subtle anger when I say, "'Can you swim'?"
Jake looks at him as he raises a hand as he backs away. "I was trying to make sure you would be safe if we-"
"Can you swim!? Can you fucking swim!? That's the first thing you thought of!? Not, 'is your mask waterproof' or 'is the thing catching up'! You could have thrown me and I would have flown down while you jumped if you were that worried! But 'can you swim' was all you could think of!?"
"You know," Jake began talking as he turned around and started to walk through the forest, "you are very angry for someone that looks like a Disney character."
"She was a villain to begin with anyways. Maybe you should watch your back Sully." I continue to glare at his back as I walk behind him deeper into the forest.
He looks over his shoulder with a smile as he takes in my disheveled appearance. Trying his hardest to hold in his laughter as he shrugged. "Grace wouldn't let you."
"Grace isn't here," I whisper to myself as we continue to walk. I hear noises of unknown animals from deep in the forest. Despite being mad at Jake, I quicken my pace to be walking beside him. Looking up at the trees, a strange feeling coming over my body as I scan the leaves overhead. "Jake..."
"I know," he mumbled as he carefully scans the trees as well. Reaching a hand out, he gently takes hold of my arm and pulls me to his side. "I feel the eyes too."
"Where are they? What are they?" I hold onto his arm as I start to breathe a little erratically. Using my free hand to rub at my chest as I begin to cough.
"Hey, hey. Calm down there. We'll be okay." Jake looks down at me as he stops walking. Kneeling down a little as his hand goes to my soaked bag. "You need your inhaler 3 times a day, right? You haven't used it since breakfast. Let's get it out and take a deep breath. Can you get it out?"
I nod my head as I let him take the bag off my shoulder. Trying to take a few shaky breaths as I begin to rummage through everything that I had packed. Quickly grabbing hold of the inhaler the moment I uncover it from under everything else. Pulling it out as I shake it lightly as I look at Jake. He gives a small nod, which help my nerves as I bring my free hand to my mask. Pulling it up just enough, I bring my inhaler up to my mouth and take a deep breath. Pulling it away almost immediately to secure my mask back into place with a deep breath.
Jake rubs my shoulder as he waits for me to catch my breath. Giving me an encouraging nod as holds my bag open as I put my inhaler back inside. "There we go. Come one, we need to keep moving. It's going to be night in a few hours and we need to find a place to spend the night."
I nod my head again as I look back at the trees above. Taking my bag back from him and securing it on my shoulder before we began to get on our way once again.
The sun had went down just a little over an hour ago. The sounds of multiple animals circling around us was all that I could hear as Jake began to sharpen a stick. I anxiously look around the trees to try and find where the animals might come from, but they just kept circling around just past our line of sight.
"(Y/n), look at me," Jake speaks in a slightly stern voice as he grabs my arm. As I look at him, I see the fear in his eyes at the situation. But he keeps his composure as he keeps talking as if he wasn't to begin with. "If anything happens, if I tell you to run, you forget about me and get out of here. You fly up and get into a tree until morning when Grace will come back and find you. You look after yourself and I know that you'll be fine. Do you understand?"
I quickly nod my head to show that I understood. I was going to say something to him, something about how it wouldn't have to come to that, but the words stopped short as the bushes right beside us rustle. I can't even fully comprehend it before Jake began to push me away in the opposite direction as we started running again.
We didn't run for long until the animals began to circle us in. I ended up with my back pressed against a tree as the dog like creatures snapped their teeth at Jake. I shut my eyes as soon as he begins to fight off the creatures. I didn't want to watch if he potentially had to kill a few of them before they hopefully ran off somewhere else.
Just as soon as everything got crazy, everything went quiet. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see Jake on the ground as a Na'vi woman kneels down to one of the creatures. Though I couldn't quite make out what she was saying, I could tell she was mumbling a prayer for the creature. That act alone made me look down and away from her, remembering how Grace told us of how sacred life was to the people.
Jake apparently wasn't informed of that or didn't remember as he tried to get closer to her, reaching out and touching her shoulder as he repeatedly tried to thank her. I had to keep from laughing as she swung her bow and hit Jake right in the face. I didn't do that good of a job as she looked over at me with a small hiss before turning around and running into the forest.
Jake quickly got off the ground and followed after her. I didn't even have the chance to protest as he called out from over his shoulder. "Come on (Y/n)."
I quickly made sure my bag was still closed, I ran after the both of them. Though it was a little harder considering that they were larger and more physically equipped to be jumping around the limbs of the trees.
"Hey, wait up!" Jake called out to the Na'vi as we got to a tree that was decently high up from the ground. He had just caught up to her when she turned around to face him.
"Away. Both of you," she spoke in a quiet tone, but the disdain was evident as she looked between the both of us. Getting so close in Jake's space that he took a step back and almost slipped. I held my breath as I watched Jake try to reason with her, even blocking me from her view by steeping to the side just slightly.
I tried to keep focused on the situation, but something moved closer to us out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head out of fear that another creature had followed us. But to my surprise there were small plant like things floating in the air. Slowly getting closer to us before most of them began to land on Jake. A hand full of them remained floating in the air nearby. Hesitantly, I reach a hand out to them, watching in awe as it slowly landed on my open palm. I laughed softly as it gently tickled my skin while the others continued to float around us.
After a few moments, they began to float away from us. I turned towards Jake with a huge grin at what had just happened. My gaze quickly turns curious as I see the Na'vi looking at us both in awe as well.
She looked between me and Jake before she beckoned us with a wave of her hand. "Follow me. Come now."
Jake looked like he wanted to protest her sudden change in heart, but I lightly pushed against his back to get him to follow her. With a sigh, Jake quickly began to chase after her with me following close behind.
We continue running across the tree limbs that seem to stretch on for eternity. Anxiety and anticipation coursing through my veins as the three of us go deeper into the forest.
"Where are we even-" Jake stops in the middle of his question as something comes in contact with his legs. I watch in horror as he violently falls down to the forest floor.
"Jake!" I call out as I lean over to see if he was injured. But I was forced to stop short as something wrapped around my chest. Throwing me off balance as I fall down to the ground as well, landing just a few feet from Jake. The impact leaves me disoriented as my head hits just lightly against a rock that was barely uncovered from the dirt.
I blink away the blur that comes into my vision as yelling sounds from almost every direction. A pair of hands lifts me up before one removes itself. My body tensing up entirely as I feel a sharp, cold blade carefully press right in between my shoulder blades.
Glancing over at Jake, I see he was in a similar situation with a knife pressed against his neck as they held him by his queue. But my attention quickly shifts again when the Na'vi who seems to be the leader of our ambush committee comes forward. He jumped down from his mount as he began to stalk over to Jake.
When he got just a few feet from Jake, the woman jumped down from the branch. Effectively blocking his path as the two of them began to argue between the two of them. I wasn't able to catch most of what they were saying due to how my head was throbbing due to the fall. What I could tell was that he wasn't happy with our presence and she mentioned something that involved their Tsahik.
The conversation came to a quick halt as the leader got back onto the horse like creature. He gave a short order to the rest of the group, which caused the Na'vi that were holding us to pull us to our feet. The sudden movement caused my head to spin so much that my stomach churned. I kneeled back to the ground before lifting up my mask, throwing up what little content I had in my stomach. Barely having enough time to secure my mask back on before the Na'vi begin to force me to my feet once again.
"Kehe!" The tugging on my arms stops when the woman calls out to them. They quickly let go of me when she pushes them away. She gently grabs my face with a small frown as she turns it to the side. Her voice is soft as she ghosts her fingers over a spot on the side of my head. "You are hurt. Let me help you to Hometree. You will get treated once we are there."
I don't stop her when she awkwardly wraps her arms around my body. Being tentative not to touch at the base of my wings too much as she lifts me up. I close my eyes with a small sigh as I slowly grasp at her words. My voice hardly a whisper when I ask, "We're going to Hometree?"
She shushes me as she begins to run with the rest of the group. I hold onto her with a small whine from the motions, even if I wasn't seeing the sights that were passing us by.
Before long, the movements came to a stop as soft murmuring echoed around us. I open my eyes to see that we had finally made it to the Hometree of the Omatikayan people. Many of them gathered around as the group came to the center.
I gently get set down near Jake, leaning into his side as I sway just slightly on my feet. I take another breath as I hear a conversation happening between the woman and another member of the clan. Making out just bits of what each of them were saying in the broken haze of focus that I had.
"What is he saying?" Jake's voice sounds out like a sore thumb when he asks the question. Though I couldn't tell if he was asking me solely or if it extended to the woman as well.
"My father is deciding on whether to kill you both or not." I frown at the blunt explanation she gave at the question. I barely even had time to register that information when I felt Jake move slightly before yelling sounded and I got jostled around.
My eyes immediately shot open at the motion as my wings stretched out in a defensive manner. This had caused more yelling as Jake pulled me closer to his side. But all the noise stopped when another voice calls out for silence. Everyone shifts their gaze over to see the Tsahik stepping into the center of the circle.
I blink away at the dizziness that I feel when she stands in front of us. Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up to my forehead as I do my best to greet her without messing up the pronunciation.
When I lifted my gaze back up to her, she had a small grin on her face. "I see you were taught some of our ways. Though I see that you might not know the language."
I look at her confused at what she had just said. Looking up at Jake, I speak in a soft voice, "I swear that I pronounced it right."
"You didn't say anything," Jake told me with a concerned expression.
I blink at him a couple of times before I pointed at him with a serious look. "I believe I have a concussion."
"You believe? What gave you that impression?" The sarcasm dripped from his voice as he looked back up at the Tsahik. My face scrunched up slightly before I looked back at her as well.
She slowly took out a knife that had been resting in her neckwear. She quickly stepped towards Jake as she stabbed into his chest. I cringed as she licked away the small bit of blood that was on it. She looked at Jake with a curious expression before she looked down at me again.
She was about to do the same thing until the younger Na'vi, presumably her daughter with what I was gathering, stopped her before the knife hit my chest. She gently took my hand and pointed to the center of my palm. "One touched here."
The Tsahik seemed slightly intrigued by the statement, but she didn't say anything. She gently poked her knife just enough to collect a small bit of blood on the tip before licking it way with a thoughtful look. She looked between us once more before she addressed the crowd. "The Dreamwalker and the... human, shall stay with us. They will learn of our ways and what it means to be Na'vi. We shall all watch them as they learn."
Multiple reactions sound through the crowd at the choice their Tsahik had made, but she didn't pay them any mind. Instead, she turned to her daughter while saying, "Take him to get out of his demon clothes. I will tend to the child."
"I'm in my 20s. I'm not a child," I spoke up at the comment about my age. I knew that compared to their size I probably wouldn't been seen as a full adult to them. But I had been expecting to be acknowledged as more than an adolescent.
Jake gave me a light pat on the shoulder before he reached into my bag and started rummaging around. "Let's get your head working right first before you argue how old you are. But you're going to use your inhaler first before you get out of my sight again."
I let out a sigh as he pulled my inhaler out and placed it in my hand. Nodding my head at his statement, I took a deep breath before lifting my mask back up and taking a couple of puffs of the medicine. I blink back my dizziness when I put my mask back into place.
Jake takes my inhaler from my hand and puts it back in my bag for me. He tilts my head up slightly so I look him in the eyes as he speaks again. "You do what she says so you get better. And don't fall asleep for at least a couple of hours so we make sure your actually okay."
"Yes, mother," I snark at him as the Tsahik gently grabbed my arm and began pulling me up the steps that they had for the tree. I was mostly nudged up the tree by her until she guided me into a small platform that was suspended between the branches. She guided me to sit down on what seemed to be a woven blanket. She moved around and collected a few plants and a small bowl before she began to grind them into a paste.
She never looked up from her task as she spoke to me in a soft tone. "You are not entirely human."
I shake my head with a bashful grin as I watch her mix the plants together. Leaning forward slightly as I try to get a better look at her process. "Everyone thinks that I have fairy blood or something. None of the scientists could really agree on one theory about my condition. Just that I had a mutation somewhere in my family tree or such."
"You used a human thing earlier. What is its purpose to you?" She continued speaking as she grabbed my chin to turn my head. Gently rubbing the paste against where I had hit my head.
I closed my eyes with a small sigh, enjoying the cool feeling on my skin. Humming softly as I think of how to explain it to her. "It's a medicine thing. I use it so I can breathe normal enough to go on day to day. A lot of humans have the same thing. I just have an extra special condition."
"You can't breathe your own air." Based on her tone, I knew she was making a statement and not asking. I opened my eyes as she removed her hands from my body. Watching as she went over to grab a few bandages and a small bowl like container.
I shook my head as she sat down next to me again. Watching as she applied a bit more of the paste to the bandages. "No. That's part of why I'm here. Grace had thought I could maybe breath the air here with the forests. But that was before everyone knew the air here was toxic to humans. But she still wants to see if I can handle. Grace wants to do a few test before we fully see if I can."
As I finished my explanation, she began to carefully wrap the bandages around my head. When she was done with that, she then grabbed the container and held it out to me. "Drink this. It will help with the pain and let you rest well through the night."
I wanted to argue that I shouldn't go to sleep anytime soon, but I stopped myself when she gave me a stern look. I took a few quick drinks as I repeatedly took my mask off so I could drink however much she saw fit. When all the liquid was gone, she finally took it from me with a small nod. Almost immediately after I put my mask back on for the last time, she began to guide me to lay down on the blanket.
I watch her walk around he area, organizing things as she went. My eyes started to flutter shut with passing second that I watched her before speaking up just slightly in the quiet space, "My name's (Y/n)."
I thought I saw her smile a little as she continued to move things around on a shelf. I heard her voice speak out one last time before I went to sleep. "You may call me Mo'at, (Y/n)."
I begin to wake up to sound of hushed giggles filtering in and out of my consciousness. With a small groan, I opened my eyes to see a group of children standing over me. As soon as they see me wake up, they let out small shrieks before running off towards the bottom of the tree. Effectively dodging Mo'at as she comes into the area with a small basket.
She smiles as the children run by before she comes back over to me and sits down. Immediately lifting me up into an upright position as she begins to undo the bandages on my head. "I see the children have already taken an interest in you."
I smile at her before glancing over at the stairs that lead down. "I guess they do. I'm just glad they aren't terrified of how I look."
"They are young. Your world makes them curious and they have never seen one of your people with your... characteristics."
I laugh softly at the last part of what she said. Looking back at Mo'at, I saw she had set aside the bandages that she put on my head last night. My gaze becoming a bit more serious as I noticed a small bit of blood had soaked into it.
"You are fine. The worst that might happen is a small scar," her voice was firm but gentle when she reassured me. Taking a few new bandages from her basket before rewrapping my head in a slightly more snug way than last night. When she was done, she gave my head a small pat before pushing the basket towards me. I noticed that it had a small arrangement of foods in it as she stood back up and moved over to a shelf. "Take the mask off so you eat. It's not of use to you if you can breathe the air."
"But we don't know if I can breathe the air. Grace hasn't done the test to see if I could." I quickly try to remind her that it was only a theory that I could live without the mask on Pandora. That I couldn't know for certain if it would possibly to even do it for even a short period of time.
"You seemed to do just fine with it being broken while you slept." My breath caught in my throat as I took in her sudden revelation.
I frantically grabbed the small oxygen tank to see that the capacity was at zero. Frantically taking off the mask, my gaze immediately fell on a small bit of glass that had broken off and leaving a small, but still noticeable, hole. I take a few small breaths to see if anything seemed off, but it all was normal as I kept taking deep breaths.
"I'm not dead," I utter in disbelief as I look back at her in confusion. My mouth hanging open as I try to piece together how that could have worked. "But... how?"
"I believe you had said something about 'fairy blood' last night. Or did you not really mean that when you told me?" Mo'at had a playful grin on her face as she glanced back over at me.
"I'm going to be perfectly honest here, after I fell off that branch last night, I don't remember much of anything. It's all a blur besides from getting here, your daughter Neytiri, and a very grumpy man who shouted a lot."
"Tsu'tey. That is the man you remember. Now eat," she spoke firmly once again before taking a few bottles from the shelf and setting down not to far from me.
I shuffled a little closer to the basket and pick out some of the fruit that was there. Taking small bites as I watch her work on refilling the herbs that she had begun to get low on. We just sat together in silence as she did her work. Occasionally, I would interrupt her work to offer her a piece of fruit that she would take with a ghost of a smile.
Our attention is soon drawn to the entrance when Jake and Neytiri come walking in. I bit back a laugh as I take in the sight of Jake, dressed in the traditional clothing and covered in mud with a few cuts here and there.
Jake immediately stops in his tracks when he looks at me with wide eyes. "Where's your mask at?!"
"It's broken." I give him a small shrug before I look over at Neytiri. Watching as she went over to her mother and motioned for Jake to come closer and sit.
"What do you mean it's broken?! How are you not dead?!" He continued standing there in disbelief. Completely ignoring the small glare Neytiri was giving him.
"I'm special or something like that." I grab another few pieces of fruit from the basket and hold my hand out for Mo'at and Neytiri. Mo'at takes a piece before Neytiri does the same with a small nod of her head.
Jake just continues to stare in disbelief as he moves over to sit down. I pass him a piece of fruit before giving him a small pat on his shoulder.
"I see he is learning well," Mo'at comments as she passes some herbs over to Neytiri.
"He's a skxawng," she responded before she crushed the leaves into small flakes before moving to rub it into his cuts.
"What does that mean?" Jake looks at Neytiri, hoping she would explain. When she ignored him, Jake looked over to me with a confused look.
"It means you're an idiot." I give Jake a smug grin when I answer his question. Eating another piece of fruit before I glance over at the entrance. Tensing up when I see the Olo'eyktan and the man known as Tsu'tey walking towards us. Lowering my gaze, I lean towards Jake and whisper to him, "Now, try not to be an idiot and keep your mouth shut when they walk in."
Jake rolls his eyes before looking at the two warriors as they walked into the area. I glance up at the two with a small frown on my face. They both look at me and Jake for a second with guarded looks on their face. The Olo'eyktan soon shifts his gaze over to Mo'at with a knowing look on his face as he tilts his head slightly towards the entrance. She nods her head in return before standing up. Mo'at affectionately brushes some hair out of Neytiri's face with a smile. Then she turned to me and softly pats my head before walking down the tree with her mate.
Once they leave, I look back at Tsu'tey to see him already giving me a small glare. I give him an awkward smile which only makes him scowl even more. "Demon," was all he said before looking back at Jake with an even deeper scowl.
"Hey there buddy boy," Jake playfully quips back as he begins trying to wipe off some of the mud on his chest with his bare hands. Though he didn't do much other than just smear the mud around as he smiled like an idiot.
"Accident," he continued to scowl as he looked Jake over. Clearly unammused by Jake's joking attitude.
"Aw. I think he likes you Jake. You should give him a big hug to become friends." I have a grin on my face as I look between the two men. Taking notice of how Neytiri looked shocked by my suggestion one time as I glanced towards Jake.
"He raises a hand towards me, I will cut him," Tsu'tey speaks in a menacing way as he glared at me.
"I know," I laugh a little as I stare straight back at him. Biting my lip as I try not to grin like an idiot at the shocked look on Tsu'tey's face.
"Okay, (Y/n). Reel in the manic for a minute. I think you're freaking them out with your humanly sense of humor." Jake slightly pushes my head in order to bring me back to the moment.
I roll my eyes with a small pout before picking up another piece of fruit from the forgotten basket. Popping it in my mouth and slowly chewing. Looking at the woven floor as I finally mumble something pointed towards Jake, "Virgin."
"What did it call me?!" My eyes widen as Tsu'tey reaches down and grabbed ahold of the front of my shirt. A small scream coming out of my mouth as Jake and Neytiri both shoot up from their spots. Both trying their hardest to get between us and remove me from his grasp.
It had been a little over a month since Jake and I had gotten to Hometree. He had been training hard as a warrior while I learned more about the plant life from the clan healers. Everything was going well for us as time went on, despite the bad start that I had with Tsu'tey. Though he seemed to be convinced that I was in fact talking about Jake and not him after I explained a few human customs that were common among friends.
Jake even had enough approval within the clan that he was able to get Grace to be able to visit. She was shocked about the fact that I hadn't been wearing my mask since we had gotten there. But she was very happy that I was thriving in the environment like she had always wanted for me. She even told me that in another month, I might finally have a viable Avatar to use if I still wanted it even though I apparently could live without it.
But living amongst the Na'vi didn't mean that everything from my life before them stopped. Especially with my unique genetic makeup.
I went over to Jake as he ate breakfast with Neytiri and Tsu'tey. He looked over at me with a smile as I nervously sat down near the group. "Well good morning. You normally don't come and join our group until it's around time for lunch."
I fidget with my fingers as I look at the group, glancing at everyone until I focus on Jake again. "I need your help with something. And I'm only asking because your a good friend and I have to do this today."
Jake's expression becomes serious as he looks over at Neytiri and Tsu'tey. They both appear confused as well when they look at me for an explanation.
I look down at the ground as I bite my lip. My face heating up as I quickly tell them what was wrong. "I'm molting."
"That's it?" Jake seems in disbelief at what I told him. He even laughed a little as he leaned closer to try and get me to look at him again. "That's not too big of a deal. I'm sure you'll be okay."
I glare up at him as I stare him down. Taking a deep breath as I begin to further explain to him the situation. "It is a big deal. I can molt for multiple days sometimes, but I need to get as much taken care of the first day. If not, I could get infections and intense back pains that could last for months. And that's on top of the pain I can normally feel due to having wings."
The smile on his face faded away as I kept talking. His eyes becoming apologetic as he let's out a sigh. "I didn't know it was that big of a deal. Are you sure it has to be today?"
"I'm very sure. Once when I was in high school, I waited two days because I had to focus on studying for some stupid geometry final. When I finally got it taken care of, over half my feathers were gone, molted and perfectly healthy ones. It took months for them all to grow back and I couldn't even sit up in my bed without having someone help me for weeks."
Jake nods his head a little with a serious look in his eyes. "Tell me what you need help with."
"Thank you," I softly mumble as I sit with my back facing him. Slightly spreading my wings for him to have an easier time with helping me. I take a deep breath as I begin to lightly guide my fingers through the feathers. "You just basically brush them with your fingers and let the bad ones fall out. If there are any that are loose but not coming out yet, leave them be. They probably just need a little time to be ready."
It took a few moments, but I finally felt Jake start to work on the back of my wings. I could tell he was hesitant to do it because he didn't want to cause me any pain. As the time went on and I didn't tell him that it was hurting, he began to get a little more confident with each movement.
There was a decent amount of feathers laying around me when I took a small break to look around. Stopping my gaze when I noticed a group of children looking over at me from around a corner a little ways from us. Most of them a little older with what seemed to be their younger siblings. They kept pointing as they whispered to one another. But one little girl stood out as she just stared in awe while looking between the pile of feather and my face.
I smiled a little as I reached my hand out, gesturing for her to come closer. She seemed a little taken aback by my action, but soon smiled as she quickly walked over. She immediately sat down beside me, leaning against my body as she excitedly reached a hand up to touch one of my horns.
"Aen'ya!" Neytiri trys to scold the girl, but I raise my hand to let her know it was fine. Neytiri looked at me with a sympathetic like look. "She is very trusting. But she also still needs to learn to keep her space."
"She's okay. Kids back on Earth would do the same thing. I'm just glad one of the children is doing something other than just pointing from a distance." I smile at Aen'ya as I speak, happy to be a part of her child like excitement. I gently take her hand and she looks spooked by the contact. But she keeps smiling as I move her to sit on one of my legs and hand her some of my discarded feathers.
As she takes them out of my hand, I look back at the small group to see them all looking back in awe. I wave my hand at them to come join as Aen'ya starts to randomly place feathers into my hair. A few of them start to laugh as the excitedly push each other closer as a couple others run off in the opposite direction.
Soon the group comes and sits down closer by as they lightly reach out and touch my wings. They are extra gentle as they laugh with each little handful of fluff they managed to pull out. By the time they have their own little piles, the others that had run off return with their arms full of strings and a couple of baskets full of other little supplies to do whatever they had planned. Passing everything around as a few of them began to hold up a combination of beads they had to my skin with little giggles.
"Wow. You look like you got dragged into a second grade art class," Jake lightly snickered as he leaned back into his original spot once the kids took over for him to get a couple more feathers.
I make a face at him which causes the children to start laughing. But the seem to take his words as an invitation, because a couple of them grab his arms and pull him to sit on the ground. A couple even go the extra mile and do the same thing with Neytiri and Tsu'tey. Neytiri seemed happy with it as she began to help them with what they each were making. Tsu'tey most just sat there with a soft scowl on his face, but he would pay attention to any of the children if they held up something for him to look over.
We all just sit there laughing with one another as the children continue to work on their projects. But soon one of the boys grabs my arm to hold it still as two girls begin tying something around my bicep. I look at it confused until I realized that they had made me an accessory with beads and a couple of my feathers hanging down. Then a few others do the same thing as they tie an anklet on me with wide grins.
I take a look at both pieces of jewelry to see just how uniquely beautiful they were. Smiling as I open my arms out to pull each of them into a hug as a thank you. They all laugh as they begin to lean into my arms for one big hug.
A warm feeling came into my chest as I just held all the children close to me. Staring at each of them as a sense of peace washes over me. Similar to the feeling I had when I watched the movies when I was young. The feeling that I had finally found the place that I truly belong.
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this little installment. I'm glad for my first request and I'm going to start working on a few other add ons for Silent Treatment and Aggressive Caregiver (I need a masterlist at some point). But have a good day and remember; We are bad bitches, and bad bitches follow boycotting to the fullest. Don't actively give any money to Disney for anything. We're smart and kind people who were raised on revolutions that Disney wrote. I'm sure we can pirate movies from someplace or have the DVDs for the movies. Do your part as best you can. I love you all and stay happy for the year to come.
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
When are we going to talk about how gen z and alpha growing up with lifelong access to tech didn't make them good with technology, it made them bad with people.
A lot of people, when Leave the World Behind was released, related to the youngest character. The daughter who's only priority and desire was to watch the Friends finale as the adults around her were crippled with anxiety about politics, current events, and the very real possibility a war was happening.
One of her most hard-hitting lines was about wanting nothing but the smallest of comforts in a world that guaranteed you none. So if she was gonna die, she was gonna die watching Friends.
She had little to no empathy for her parents or the rest world, which is key to her character's behavior throughout the movie.
"yes, okay the internet is out and there's a blackout and flamingos are in the pool in the USA, and you're terrified, but can you just please fix the TV for me?"
And yeah, I do think it was the damn phones. Because what she's doing isn't all that different from what a LOT of Americans and Gen Z are doing right now while genocides happen.
It's not that different from what a lot of us do. See something awful on our phone and at some point put the phone down like we didn't. Instead we make dinner, do laundry, go to work.
It's our routine.
But gen z and alpha were born into that climate, unlike the rest of us. They didn't grow up seeing the internet be built. They didn't grow up with friends who created forums or sites or were constantly finding new ones. All that already existed. The internet doesn't have secret corners to hide in anymore. Just shadowy ones you really shouldn't wander into.
The work that needed to be done was already done or being done by someone else. Markets and sites were already saturated. If I want to Google something right now, I know for a fact that someone already posted sources and a webpage for it, too.
So much was simply Provided to them. They're so used to the idea of Unknown Others solving problems for them.
Why would they make the effort to solve anything themselves when experience has shown they just have to Google it. Or that it probably already exists. And what difference would They make anyway?
Afterall they themselves are just another Unknown Other in someone else's life, aren't they? Someone nobody thinks about again after their avatar scrolls by.
Is it really that far of a stretch to say that doing this everyday or even just seeing it happen everyday has had material and tangible effects on us as a society?
That it's resulted in a generation of kids who not only undervalue themselves but the impact they are capable of having on their society. Who have resigned to simply Existing within the world instead of trying to thrive in it?
Can we talk about how millennials saying "the next generation will handle it" was nothing but entitlement? We wanted to stop fighting and tried to pass the torch onto a generation that hadn't even graduated high school yet.
And we made things worse by doing that. If we can refuse to fight for them, why would they fight for anyone else? And when parents hand their kids an iPad and send them off to occupy themselves why would they look for human connections?
We taught them not to.
The internet was and is the only consistent thing Gen Z and alpha has had that did not expect anything of them.
And now most of us would be content to doomscroll in the apocalypse in the name of our "mental health"
We've all seen the memes and jokes about it, don't backpedal now. Like I said, a lot of people saw Rose in that movie and made #me & #same posts.
Few would get up and try to cause the change to change anything. Which, in that movie and IRL is how change is made. Real people getting up and working together. Someone doing the work nobody else wants to because someone has to.
But what happens when you grew up thinking someone else was always gonna do it for you anyway?
And that if they didn't, that you were the least qualified because the internet is Full of people more capable than you, right?
The world is full of people more capable than you. Your phone told you that, didn't it? So there's no point in you doing anything.
Is there?
People need people, in case you forgot. People need you, in case you forgot.
You're not an Unknown Other in my phone. You are person, in case you forgot.
My tribe has this saying that I know is shared with other natives "be a good ancestor"
A reminder that not only are we the product of the people who came before us, but the people after us will be products of us and our choices, too. That time is linear and goes forward and that how we spend that time matters. Not just for us, but for every single person who will come after us.
A reminder that even though we may be one person in a very long line, we are never ever without the power to change our future. That we have a responsibility to our community and family to use the time we are given for good. A reminder that the life I have isnt just for me. It's for a we.
That I am not just some Unknown Other. I'm a community member, I'm a person, and as such I owe it to my community to be better and demand better for them.
I think a lot of people need that lesson.
You're not an Unknown Other that nobody thinks about. Youre a community member and I actually think about you all the time.
I think about everyone who has resigned to doomerism all the time and I wish y'all would wake up. You're like the depressed cousin on the couch who naps too much and this is me trying to snap you out of it again.
Wake up.
You're loved and valued and people need you. Get up. Be a good ancestor.
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lovelaurs · 2 months
my own silly mystreet characters headcanon list!
has the worst "hear me out" takes you'll ever hear. like seriously. she can very much point to a yield sign and say "would" to everyone's dismay.
knows every line in moulin rouge as she is OBSESSED with the film. she and laurance preform the elephant medley as dramaticly as possible whenever they watch it for movie night.
obsessed with pre-endgame marvel movies.
ao3 writer! she writes fics for the nichest of fandoms, so she doesn't get that many reads.
one of the few reliable booktok users you can TRUST will give you a good recommendation to read!
obsessed with the movie megamind. like seriously. will talk to you for hours on and WILL defend the "sequel movie" and show because, in fact, they are NOT that bad.
can infodump about a topic he's interested in for hours on end.
actually really smart and kind, but ever since he found out he made zane insecure he tries to tone it down. he used to show off a lot but wants to make sure his brother shines as well.
carries stress balls on him so he doesn't use his strength unnecessarily.
always organizes group movie nights with all his friends.
loves to listen to and read AITA (am i the asshole?) reddit posts when bored.
an amazing listener, will listen to someone for hours on end and provide insight when needed (perfect for having a conversation with garroth).
loves gossiping. he has really good hearing so he tends to hear others share secrets nearby. he's like the wine aunt you just KNOW has the most interesting stories to tell.
likes to go on vacations a lot, explaining why he is absent sometimes during big group events.
he sometimes returns home to his family farm to take care of it when his parents are out of town.
he often voluntarily babysits caleb to impress aphmau and garroth with his caretaker skills (he's a showoff).
she loves the show big time rush and watches it in her freetime.
OBSESSED with musical theatre and visits broadway shows often. if the friends she brought along even DARE to suggest skipping the stagedoor? they receive a glare that could kill thousands.
adores singing and often sings in her room when the others aren't home.
continues to play volleyball with her friends after a long day of work (she's a freelance writer).
her music taste can range from alternative music like waterparks to kpop groups like red velvet!
an ao3 writer as well! she and Aphmau gift eachother fics from time to time! she mostly writes x reader fics for tumblr sexyman.
has taken a liking to cooking outside of baking! she especially likes to grill! she even wears an apron that says "kiss the cook" as well as a hat that says "fish fear me women love me".
watches any and all trending animated shows like tangled the series, adventure time, avatar, etc.
has her own tumblr blog where she writes reviews on shows and posts art! her page is quite popular.
dresses in mainly lolita fashion! she has a flare for the beauty of style and loves to recommend people styles and outfits whenever they go out shopping!
calls katelyn, zane, and dante hot nonchalantly
has attempted.
loves to bake and nana teaches him all kinds of recipes to make. he supplies the snacks at movie night.
takes taekwondo lessons. "can never be too careful" he says while living in a pretty standard upper middle class neighborhood. why is he like this.
works at a pet shelter and takes care of the dogs and cats left behind. he adopts any that have been there for years, thus making his house full of many different pets.
the designated driver for whenever they go out to clubs. he doesn't like to drink so he usually takes everyone home by the end of the night.
travis (the actual headcanons):
actually respects others and doesn't harass them like he did early on (that was a weird trope and i HATED it). he's just a flirt and if someone he flirts with flirts back he gets all flustered.
the group gamer. spends hours grinding on all sorts of games just to brag about it on his steam profile. specifically a fan of the spider-man games on playstation.
loves to cosplay! he, aphmau, and nana go to lots of conventions together in group cosplay. their last one was the powerpuff girls! they dragged garroth along and made him mojo jojo.
can recite everything and anything about the ninjago lore. this man is obsessed with any lego product or franchise and has many sets built in his room.
practices talking to himself in the mirror every morning to give him confidence. he has very low self esteem.
dream stan.
probably friends with dream.
uhhhh idk probably streams the song "mask" by dream.
minecraft streamer.
those are all my headcanons! i hope you enjoyed! (slandering mystreet aaron is a passion of mine i'm sorry)
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Picasso II: Dad!JakeSully
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 1.4k
Request: Part Two of Picasso Part I, about how after they leave and arrive at the reefs. Like how would they react when they see Y/n's style and dyed hair? How they start living, adapting, and how both chiefs are with them and stuff. Just everything, let your imagination run wild!
A/N: This was supposed to be Ao'nung x reader, but I could help but think about what if Daughter reader fell in love with an original character from the Metkayina clan who loved her for how different she was.
OC: Äeka Te Veha Toi'itan
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After nearly weeks of traveling on their ikrans, y/n's family had finally arrived in Awa'atlu, desperately seeking Uturu to get away from war. With an inaudible sigh, she shuffled closer to her twin, his heavy arm immediately coming to wrap around her tense shoulders, effectively grounding her as she wondered what was going to happen here. As she listened to her parents trying to plead for their sanctuary when her eyes landed on a boy about her age staring at you and your family. Y/n had to admit he was very pretty, he offered her a small smile as she smile back at him before turning back towards her family, hoping she would get to see more of him soon.
"These children aren't even true Na'vi." The Tsahìk said harshly as she held one of Lo'ak's hands in the air making y/n and Neteyam glare at her.
The following weeks had been a struggle for the whole family, but especially you and your siblings as some of the clan kids liked giving you guys a hard time for being different from them but not Tsierya she had become your best friend and the beautiful boy that y/n saw during their arrival was named Äeka he was a warrior in training like Neyetmam and he was so kind to them especially her. He would often seek her out during chores, or after training loving to sit and talk with her while she painted or drew, he has a lot of her artwork.
Speaking of her artistic abilities, y/n more often than not was in the artist's tent working on her drawings or learning about their styles and how they do the tattoos that they have. One day y/n had been in there after her chores roughly sketching a tattoo when Ronal saw it.
"That is very good my child, would you have any interest in learning how to do the tattoos on the skin?" She asked the young girl.
"I would love to actually." Y/n said as Ronal motioned for her to follow her over to her station where she already had a client.
A few days later Äeka had been searching all over for y/n, the young warrior had grown quite fond of the girl since her and her family arrived and not to mention how pretty she was and how different she was from the other Na'vi. He finally found her playing on the beach with her younger sister Tuk, who was building a sandcastle with a bucket of shells sitting by you two and as he got closer to you guys, he noticed that the pink was missing from your hair which made him frown.
"Hi y/n, hi Tuk. What are you girls up to this evening?" He asked as you looked up at him with a smile.
"Hi Äeka, we're just working on building a sandcastle and we're gonna decorate with these shells. Would you like to join us?" You asked him as he nodded his head taking a seat next to you.
"No pink today?" He asked you as you guys worked on the sandcastle.
"Uh no, I took it out. Not many people here are fond of it, as they like to remind me." You said quietly as Äeka frowned wondering who dared to say anything to you about your hair because he loved it.
"That's a shame, I always thought it made you the prettiest girl here." He said as y/n felt her cheeks warm at his word making her lower her head.
"Really?" Y/n asked him.
"Really, don't listen to what others say. They fear what they don't understand." He said brushing some of her hair out her face.
"You know my dad said the same thing to me." Y/n said.
"Well, he's right, so please consider putting the color back in your hair." He said as y/n nodded her head.
They spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Tuk and talking with each other until the eclipse started to happen and the two girls had to head home much to their dismays but Äeka offered to walk them home just to squeeze in a few more minutes with y/n.
Meanwhile, Jake had been outside the Mauri waiting for his kids to return when he saw y/n and Äeka laughing and talking while they walked home with Tuk a few steps in front of them, while it made him happy to see his baby girl smiling...it also stressed him a bit to think about her dating already.
"So you and Äeka?" Jake asked y/n not so subtly making Neytiri shake her head at him.
"Relax Dad, we're just friends nothing more. So please calm down." Y/n said making her mom laugh as she entered the Mauri.
"Hey, Mom?" Y/n asked her mother as they cleaned up from dinner while her dad was out of the home.
"Yes, sweetheart?" She asked.
"I was wondering if maybe tonight or tomorrow you could help me put the pink back in my hair? If you don't mind." She asked.
"Of course dear, we can work on it tonight while your dad is asleep, so it just stays between us and we don't have to hear how right he is." Your mom said making you laugh.
That night after her dad went to sleep, her mom helped her put the pink back in her hair promising not to out to let her dad know that he was right and that  Äeka may or may not have played a hand in it as well. Y/n woke up that morning and ate her breakfast feeling her father’s eyes on her as she ate. 
“Babygirl, I’m glad to see you put the pink back in your hair.” He said. 
“Thanks dad. I just missed having it there and plus it’s kinda annoying how many times people have thought I was Nete.” She said as she finished up.
“So this had nothing to do with what I said?” He asked her as her and her siblings shared a look. 
“Umm not really no! Look at the time, I got chores to do! Bye mom, bye dad!” She said running out laughing as Jake shook his head in disblief. 
“Nice try! You know I was right about your hair!” He yelled after her making her laugh.
"Y/n." Tonowari said causing the young girl to turn and look at Chief and bow her head at him.
"Tonowari, how may I help you?" She asked wondering what the chief wanted from her.
"Your father and  Äeka  have both come and told me about your artistic skills and I was coming over here to see if you would have any interest in becoming one of the clan's artists?" He asked shocking y/n.
"You want me to do the tattoos and everything?" She asked making sure she was understanding him right.
"Yes in addition to your father and Akea, my wife has always told me about how you have been studying the art of our clans and learning how to tattoo. I think you would excel in this area if you wish." He said.
"I would love to. Thank you so much for this opportunity!" Y/n said shaking his hand.
"Of course. Tomorrow morning just head to the artist's tent and they will get you all set up." He said before leaving.
Äeka had been finishing up his daily chores when he heard footsteps approaching making him look up and see y/n approaching him making him smile as he greeted her.
"You put the pink back in your hair." He said with a smile.
"Yeah I did...turns out you and my dad were right..but don't tell him I said that." She said making him laugh as he agreed.
"So Tonowari offered me a job today." She said making him listen with interest as he had been speaking highly of her art skills to the Olo'eyktan.
"He did? What kind of job did he offer you?" He asked her softly holding her hand.
"He offered me a job as an artist for the clan, thanks to recommendations from you, Ronal, and my dad about my art." She said with that smile that he swore he never get tired of seeing on her face.
"That's amazing sweetheart! Congratulations, I know that you are going to do so well." He said hugging her.
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low-budget-korra · 3 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 6
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warnings- swearing, drinking, flirting, dirty talk to the max, Degrading but not in a mean way?
words- 3.3k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well
(also would you guys want me to do smut for this? I don't have to if you don't want it but... I could write some good pieces for the next few chapters?????)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
Everyone arrived by 8:50 and were all seated around a extremely large table, each family sat drinking and laughing over different things, on our side of the table (meaning me, Tom, Gustav, Gustav's grandpa, Georg and Bill) we all chatted about random ideas we had for the next shows
"good evening, could we get you all started on food?" a man around my mothers age smiled pulling a note pad out and a pen
"yes can we have-" Stefan schafer, Gustav's dad began pointing to things on the menu and pointing to the people who wanted it "-perfect thank you" the man nodded collecting all the menus in and the chatter began again, me and Tom sat across from our grandmas who were on about something they'd watched on tv
"I'm bored" Tom whispered in my ear causing me to roll my eyes
"we've been here 20 minuets" he sighed falling back into his chair and his grandma seemed to notice turning to him
"Tom- whats wrong darling?" the boy sat properly again and took a swig of his drink
"nothing just hungry" he spoke watching the old women tilt her head "...I'm bored" Catrina nodded looking to me
"you have Y/n/n for company, she's a lot of fun aren't you?" I nodded my head looking to the boy who just laughed "oh actually me and Josie were just saying- we watched your interview! with that hunky man Karter, you two looked delightful, well all of you did" she grinned rubbing my hand over the table
"yeah.." Tom trailed getting comfy again, reaching arm the back of my seat and playing with the ends of my hair "we wont be going back to him in a rush"
"why not?" my gran asked "he's a handsome man"
"nothing to worry about Nanna" I spoke smiling to her, she can become a very angry women if she found out someone did anything bad to us, she'd personally hunt them down if she could.
Time passed slowly but the smell of food only made us hungrier, Toms hand had moved from my hair to my shoulder drawing a circle over and over
"and here we are-" the same waiter came over with two others holding trays of food, there was 21 of us.. we all sat straight and the small laughter of my sister caused us all to laugh, I had the pesto tortellini with Parmesan, and many also copied me
"thank you" we all said starting our meal, I dug my fork in and bought the steamy pasta to my mouth "oh wow thats amazing" I hummed putting more onto the fork, Tom looked over then to the bowl and back to me "you chose to have the chicken Schnitzel, I said about this"
"oh please!" he moaned "one bite- you can have some chips" he quickly stabbed his fork into the fries and brought them to me "come on"
"fine" I gave into his ways and took the chips and past him my fork with the pasta on the end, he hummed a quick thank you and smiled tasting the food "good right?" Tom nodded swallowing the pasta, I turned back to eating and listening to the different conversations around the table
"you know I was thinking about something" Bill began looking down to us on the table "a tv show, like filming while in rehearsals and we could go round during tours and trying things... Felix said about it" The idea of being filmed 24/7 didn't sound fantastic, I enjoy my privacy but.. if that means we get to do fun stuff..
"who'd wanna watch us though, outside of music were just boring" Gustav added "you could do a documentary about every girl Toms fucked" Gustav's mom slammed his hand making us all laugh
"at least they'd say they came unlike the girls you've done" Tom hit back making the drummer huff "but I like the idea-" Georg nodded as well but I still sat undecided
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(okay I cba to write about the restaurant but lets say, lovely meal hugs kisses etc)
"Oh why don't we go to that bar" Simone pointed out, the bars name was naughty lad and music was booming through the walls, the boys seemed intrigued looking through the steamed windows
"I think we'll head back with the grandparents, Stella is nearly asleep so could you bring Y/n back?" my mom asked passing my sister to my dad
"sure, we'll keep her safe don't worry" David, Georg's dad spoke wrapping an arm around me "you get home and relax" with a quick hug my parents got into the car and drove away leaving me with the boys and their parents which wasn't unusual, having a younger sister makes life harder to always enjoy. Together we all walked into the bar and 'hot in here' by Nelly was blasting through the speakers
"drinks?" Bill asked pulling his wallet out "Guessing a vodka coke for you?" I laughed seeing Bill roll his eyes "you need to try more- I'm getting you something else"
"Get me whatever she has!" Tom shouted to his brother who nodded walking to the rest of the group who found themselves sat at a booth "wanna smoke quickly?" I agreed feeling his hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back out the door, he went into his pocket pulling his cigarets out and handing me one with his lighter
"thank you" I chirped lighting the end and then his "I can't get over you tonight" I spoke catching myself at the end
"its alright babe, you can take it off me later" his voice turned suggestive and a smirk plastered his face "aww turning red aren't you?" his free hand cupped my jaw and I felt my knees go weak at his touch- what was he doing
"shut up-" I groaned pushing him away jokingly "I was trying to be nice and say you look good" Toms face softened and nodded along to my words
"I know, but I just love making you all red for me" he cooed putting a hand on my waist "it makes you even more beautiful" Tom leaned in, my heart started pounding in my chest, is this what he meant by being 'worse' I knew I wanted to kiss him again as he closed the distance between us, our lips just inches apart, he hesitated. With a sly grin, he pulled back, leaving the me confused "don't want to be caught do we?" I narrowed my eyes seeing him chuckle "aw did you want me to kiss you Y/n?"
"its okay, I'll find someone in there who will" his face dropped and his grip on my only tightened "maybe I'll bring them home with us?"
"mhm... I don't think so-" The boy was cut by the long haired bassist peaking his head around the door "what?"
"drinks are here" he pulled the door open wider and the two let me in first, I pushed past people dancing along to the music and trying not to get any type of liquid on my dress, finally the booth came into view and Bill sat smiling reaching for my hand I took it and he pulled me next to him
"okay drink this first then I'll tell you what it is" he shouted over the music, I turned to the drink and saw it was a radioactive green with a yellow hue, I picked up the champagne coup and brought it to my lips taking a sip
"Ugh What the fuck is that!" I called nearly heaving at the taste of something like black liquorish
"Death In The Afternoon! I thought you'd like it!" a smile creeped onto his face as he took the glass and finished it "let me get you another one!" The boy pleaded
"come on Y/n don't be boring!" Gustav laughed swigging his arm around me
"fine but I don't want that shit ever again" soon I watched the tallest twin wonder to the bar and point to something on the menu clapping his hands as the bar man turned away "oh- whats that?" I asked seeing the black haired boy smirking holding a small glass fully yellow but with some red falling into the glass, speaking of the glass it had a slice of lemon and mint dotted on top
"this is a Mai Tai" Bill said handing me the drink and watched me as I sipped at the liquid, I hummed at the taste of Malibu and orange running down my throat
"wow this is good" I drank more seeing the singer do a small dance knowing he'd defeated my 'vodka coke' love
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I sat in the booth wedged between Simone and Bill who were laughing about something stupid and I was on my 5th mai tai giggling when something funny was mentioned, I wasn't drunk but I was tipsy, I saw Simone leave the conversation and look to the dance floor "OH MY GOD!" She got up running to the floor pulling me along with her
"SIMO-" I began but then I herd it 'don't stop the music' by Rihanna start to play, ever since the song came out earlier in the year me and her loved it, we danced around with large smiles painted across our faces "I wanna take you away Let's escape into the music DJ, let it play I just can't refuse it" Simone grabbed my hand spinning me around while still belting out the lyrics "Please don't stop the music!" we finished laughing loudly and sweat running down our foreheads I looked to the booth to see them all clapping at our stupidness we took a bow and Simone went to sit down next to her boyfriend who she wrapped her arms around and kissed making her sons cringe and I decided id go sit next to Tom- we'd barley spoke since we had that smoke out side, he was sat holding a glass of clear liquid and rolling his eyes over at his brother
"hey!" I called sliding myself next to him in the booth
"hi- you okay?" I nodded my head grabbing my drink of the table and In a quick swig finishing It off "you might wanna slow down on them" the boy laughed pulling my empty glass from me but I couldn't understand a word as the music got louder around me
"what? I didn't hear you!" he rolled his eyes but quickly moved closer, the arm around my shoulder moved to hold my bare thigh as he leaned into my ear
"I said, you might wanna slow down on the mai tai" his fingers tapped on my skin causing a odd sensation I'd never felt before shiver up my body, they danced on my leg edging to go just slightly under my skirt but he stopped everytime
"oh-oh yeah... well wanna go to the bar and help me chose something different?" Tom nodded and the two of us stood back up, he grabbed my hand, closing his fingers tightly around mine and pulled me through the crowd, yanking me when I stopped, as we got to the bar he pulled me a bar stool out making me sit in front of him while he stood close behind, his stomach on my back and his one hand on my waist
"you like the fruitier cocktails right?" I nodded my head looking at the menu and something caught my eye- The Blue Hawaii, rum, vodka Blue curacao, pineapple juice and Lemon juice
"I think I want the blue Hawaii!" I looked back to the dreaded boy who nodded his head pulling his wallet out "no Tom, let me pay!" I hurried into my purse to grab the €10 I needed
"Y/n fuck off, I'm buying me and drink and you one- put the money away" he huffed grabbing my money and shoving it back into the bag "let me treat you babe" my heart ached at the words and so I let him do what he wanted and I just leaned back on him and waited to be served. The bartender finally turned to us and grabbed a bottle of something "erm can we have a blue Hawaii and a vodka cranberry, thanks" Tom handed the money over me, his chest pressing on me and his other hand back on my thighs for support
"be 5 mins" the man behind the counter said before walking off to the other side of the bar
"I need a piss, stay here don't move alright?" Tom commanded, quickly patting my head like I was some kind of dog and running to the bathroom, I sat kicking my legs watching others conversations and giggling to who ever they're with
"hey.. anyone sitting here?" I turned to a voice I'd never herd before and saw a man stood there holding a empty glass
"no! you can sit don't worry" a small laugh left him and he perched onto the chair and I finally got to see his face, He's very good looking, I couldn't help but admire his features. something about him that made him stand out from the rest, his black hair and brown eyes. His hair is perfectly styled in little waves along his head, and it shines in the light. I found myself staring to his smile. It's warm and inviting, i can't help but smile back. It's infectious.
"thanks, I'm Brandon- thought I'd introduce myself so I'm not creepy" I laugh at him as I turn to speak to him better
"oh I'm Y/n, my seat will be free soon once me and my mate have our drinks" I spoke still just admiring him, it might've been the alcohol but he was gorgeous
"shame, I'm enjoying this- little old me speaking to a beautiful girl.. I say old- I'm not I'm 19, you?"" I blushed to his words
"oh 17 but I get mixed up with being either 23 or 13 most days" he chuckled at my comment
"where you from anyways?"
"Leipzig, you?" he nodded his head
"Dresden" we kept speaking till mine and Tom's drinks arrived and I quickly grabbed them "so who are you here with?"
"just my friends and some family- celebrating coming home- actually my friend should be here soon" I looked back and I saw Tom staring at me with a scowl across his face "oh erm, he's over there so I might see you later?" I smiled grabbing the drinks off the table
"yeah sure, maybe I can get your number and we could go out for drinks?" he sounded so sweet and eyes bright with hope, but I knew I had to be careful giving my number out for security reasons and also I think Tom would kill me
"maybe yeah!" I laughed it off as I walked over to he boy who looked through me to Brandon, crossing his arms "how long were you stood watching me?" I asked passing him his drink
"long enough" his seriousness scared me, what was his issue "he really liked you didn't he? eyes wondered you like a fucking map" he spat gulping his drink basically in one
"Tom I think you're being a bit dramatic, he didn't even flirt with me" it was a partial lie as he did ask for my number...
"still-" I saw the guitarist sulk a little sipping the last of his drink and staring into the distance and that when I realised it
"are... are you jealous?" his eyes shot up to me but he didn't fight my words, and I wanted to keep pushing him "come on, you can tell me" I fluttered my eyelashes at the boy who just looked away, without thinking my hand reached for his jaw and brought his gaze back to me, I was shocked with myself but I couldn't lose my control now "look at me when I'm talking to you" I spoke closer to him in a low whisper, his eyes seemed deeper and narrower, I was doing it "you don't like it when I speak to other guys hm? don't like them looking at me, thinking of me...touching me" I let the last words roll of my tongue and I could see behind his stare he was getting angrier "talk to me pretty boy"
My hand was swatted from his face as Tom pulled me by my wrist back into the cubicles, each small individual rooms with a crappy dim light glaring into the room, hurriedly we went to the first unlocked block and slammed the door closed and he locked it with a click, my back pressed against the cold tile wall and Tom stood over me I close my eyes as his lips press against mine. His hands moved around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he wrapped his arms around me. His lips soft and perfect, his breath warm on my skin. I can feel my heart racing as we move together, our bodies intertwined. His hands move higher, caressing my back as we kiss. I can feel my skin tingling with anticipation as I move my hands up his chest, exploring his body. I can feel the electricity between us, the passion rising.
"You- you are a little cunt sometimes" I feel him smile into my cheek pressing kisses into my skin "but.. fuck we both know you'd never want them...as much as you want me" I hold my breath at the feeling of him humming into my ear, my arms tangle around his neck pulling him back to my lips "god you are so desperate for me" I pull back slightly opening my eyes and seeing a smirk plastering his face
"who's the one that dragged me into here?" he tilted his head in agreement but I could wait any longer, our lips smashed back together and our bodies collided once again, hungrily I moved down to his jaw peppering the line with kisses and edged down to his neck, my lips danced around until I reached just below his ear and his grip on me tightened and a noise threatened to escape his throat, I dove back into the spot sucking and pecking at it, hearing him struggle and try pry me off
"fuck Y/n- please" he begged "shit... I-I" his stuttering made my heart swell and I pulled away to see small beads of sweat forming, I looked to his eyes and they were full of glazed tears of lust
"aw- I'm sorry, didn't you like it?" I played with a strand of his hair as he shook his head no
"I fucking loved it" his lips landed back on me as he groaned into the kiss, I smiled feeling his hands go under my thighs and lift me onto his hips, my dress pushing up revealing the red panties I put on earlier "shit you are so hot" the boy whined kissing my chest, nibbling lightly at the skin
"ah- Tom" His eyes caught mine again and smile only spread further, my hands grabbed his shoulders pushing myself up and he only toyed with me more, licking my skin that was sore from being between his teeth and small noises seeped from my mouth only pushing him further "shit... Fuck Tommy- I..." his nickname came out so naturally but in the sluttiest moan I'd ever done
" God Y/n, I don't what the first place we fuck to be in a bathroom baby, so keep that pretty little mouth quiet because you're making it so hard to keep that from happening" my heart nearly exploded out my chest, I went like putty, foreheads knocking together at his words, Tom caught my lips In one last sweet kiss and put me back onto the floor "so beautiful-" Tom whispered into my ear one last time before pulling away still holding my waist
"only for you" I smiled kissing him once more again before we stood there holding each other panting and puffy lipped
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byunpum · 1 year
Hi!! I'm not sure if your requests are open but if they are could you write some angst to fluff with neteyam x lo'ak x human reader? It can be about anything you want, maybe some love confession after an argument? Idk i just need more of those two😩 btw i LOVE your work!! I just spend like 2hs reading your whole masterlist. 🙌🏻🙌🏻😍
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Pair: Neteyam x Human-mix reader x Lo'ak
Warning: none, jealousy, teasing, softness
Note: I wanted to use my reader, which is a mix of human and navi, so that it could breathe without any problem in pandora. If you want to know more about it "HERE". Also @rosaliedepp thanks for stopping by my blog, I love to know that you like my work. Even if I'm not updating much. <3
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"Are you sure Y/N is around here?" speaks neteyam, walking beside his younger brother. "Of course I am, kiri told me she was on this beach" says lo'ak, tapping his brother on the shoulder to calm him down. Lo'ak and neteyam have always been close, they have a very strong relationship. But they have always had different tastes, and this sometimes made their relationship not very good. But they did have one interest that they shared and that was you. Both of them continued walking along the coast, they had planned to take you for a walk along some lagoons they had found some days ago. In the distance they could see your figure, but were surprised when they saw another larger figure next to you.
As they got closer they saw that it was you and Rotxo. Rotxo was sitting on the sand and you were in front of him. The boy was tying a rope around your waist, both of you were laughing. Talking about the things of the day. Lo'ak and neteyam gave each other a look. What was going on? Since when were you and rotxo so close? They hurried over, already a little agitated. But they tried to control their discomfort. When they got completely close, neteyam held his younger brother's hand. He knew that lo'ak could be a bit impulsive. You look up to see your two boys. "Hello" you speak, your tone seemed happy. Rotxo waves as well, as he continues to work on the knot of the clothing you had created.
Rotxo had invited you to create some new sets of clothing. You had told him some time ago that you wanted to learn how to create clothes in the metkayina style. And Rotxo didn't hesitate to invite you, and you two had become very close lately. It wasn't romantic at all, you had become best friends. You shared a lot in common, interests, hobbies. You didn't think that you and Roxo could create a strong bond, but you did. Lately you were always with him, you wanted to learn everything about the Metkayina clan, and Rotxo was prepared to teach you. Many talked about your relationship with rotxo, and the comments had reached the ears of both boys. "hello?ahhh y/n what are you doing?" asks neteyam, approaching your side. You look up, and give neteyam a smile. Lo'ak approaches rotxo, looking at where the man's hands were placed.
"Roxto is helping me adjust this skirt…we made it together" you speak, you looked so happy. "Yes…you look very pretty" rotxo speaks. Lo'ak and neteyam give each other a few looks. "Y/n…weren't we going to the lagoon?" says lo'ak, feeling neteyam punch him in the arm. You looked so comfortable next to rotxo, smiling and joking with your friend. "Ahhh that's right, rotxo do you want to come?" you look at rotxo, but as you start to speak but lo'ak interrupts you. "It was just the three of us?" says lo'ak. There was an awkward silence, until you hear rotxo let out a small smile. "Y/n don't worry," rotxo says, stroking your hands. He could see your face suddenly change to one of sadness. "I have to go with ao'nung….I think I have to do something" rotxo gets up from the sand, cleaning himself a little. You walk over to him, and give him a hug. Letting your head lay on his stomach. "See you later!!!" you speak. Neteyam was getting cranky, since when did you have so much trust with rotxo.
You say goodbye to Rotxo as you watch the boy walk away. You feel someone put their hand on the crown of your hair. "Babe… are we leaving?" asks neteyam. "Yeah sure" you speak, taking his hand. "Come on come on…the lagoon has to be empty now" says lo'ak bending to give you a kiss on the cheek. You laugh a little, and push lo'ak away. They all run towards the ilus, traveling towards the beautiful lagoon. It was inside the jungle of one of the islands. It was a remote place, and not many people used to go there. So it was the perfect place to stay and spend some time together. You arrive at the shore, leaving your illus playing. Running to where the water was clearer and warmer. Some time passed, after swimming and playing until you felt very tired, you sat down on the shore. You were sitting between lo'ak's legs, leaning your back against his chest. As you watched neteyam approach your feet. And playfully bites your toes. "Hey…that hurts" you giggle, neteyam slides down your body. He unloads his body on top of yours, settling his head on your chest. You start playing with some braids, while enjoying the quiet.
"Y/n" says lo'ak. You continue to play with neteyam's hair, replying with a 'mmm?'.
"You and rotxo… have become very close" says lo'ak with a hint of sarcasm, you notice the difference in the tone of voice. Neteyam raises his head a little, he was also interested in your answer. "mmm yes, we are very good friends. I can say he is my best friend" you speak. You hear how lo'ak laughs, you look up to look at the boy from above. "What are you laughing about? He is my friend" you say a little angry. "So what are we to you?" asks neteyam. You remain silent, settling yourself more into lo'ak's chest, while now placing your hands on the sides of neteyam's face. "You are different…you are" just as you were about to speak, noises began to be heard coming from the undergrowth. You settled down, separating yourselves from each other, sitting down quickly. You watched as Kiri came out of the brush, you felt more relaxed. After all it was Kiri, she knew what was going on between the three of you.
"Mom is looking for you guys…it's getting late," says Kiri. You started to get up from the ground. "Kiri, who told you we were here?" asks Neteyam. "Rotxo…I thought y/n was with him, so I went and asked him where she was" speaks Kiri. Neteyam scoffs a little, and starts walking towards his ilu. You noticed that he was a bit annoyed, lo'ak on the other hand stays by your side. Placing his hand on your high back to guide you towards your ilu. "Come on…I don't want any trouble with dad" says lo'ak. As the foursome begin their journey home. …. …. The next morning, you wake up later than the others. You could hear the voices of the other family members as you wiped your eyes and shifted uncomfortably in your hammock. As soon as you moved your head you got a horrible headache. You began to complain, attracting the attention of neytiri, who was already approaching your hammock. You had left with the sully's when they moved out of the clan. It was a difficult thing for you, norm was your foster father and moving away from him was painful. But it was for the best, both you and the sully family were in danger. For your good fortune, you had grown up with the Sully family, you were practically a daughter to Neytiri. Your eyes were still closed, and you felt the woman touch your forehead. "Y/n does your head hurt a lot?" speaks Neytiri. "Yes," you wince. "Honey…come down from the hammock, sit down and eat something….I will try to find you some remedy for that headache" says neytiri holding your hand helping you down. She bends a little, and kisses the top of your head. You sit down next to neteyam. "Baby what's wrong with you?" says neteyam softly, watching as you slowly rest your head in his lap. He laughs a little, and begins to stroke your head. "My head…it hurts" you settle more into his lap.
"aww "neteyam scoffs a little, but settles more into where he was sitting to make you more comfortable. Lo'ak arrives at the marui, he was out for a morning walk. As he enters he sees you on neteyam's lap and approaches. "Y/n what's wrong? Are you all right?" speaks lo'ak. " She has a pain in her head" says neteyam. Lo'ak sits down in front of you, and comes over to give you a kiss on the cheek. "Do you want something to eat?" asks the concerned boy, you had your eyes closed. "No…it's okay. I'm waiting for neytiri and kiri" you speak, you could hear that you were in a lot of pain. Kiri and Neytiri had gone out to get help from Ronal, if they were in the jungle they would know where to look for the ingredients for the remedy. But now they were in an unknown place, so they were going to ask for help. While neteyam comforted you, lo'ak took your hand to massage it. Jake entered the Marui, just as lo'ak himself had gone for a walk. But he was taken by surprise by the scene in front of him. His two sons, surrounding you and comforting you.
Hey…he was no fool, and he knew that this behavior was not sibling behavior. His sons used to be very close with their sisters, but with you…they were so in love with you. And this made Jake laugh. His two sons in love with the same girl. "Hey…what's going on with y/n?" says jake, coming over to where the three of you were. " She's got a bit of a headache…that's all" says neteyam. Jake reaches over and pokes the cheeks of your face a little. "A little? Can't you see she's dying in pain" says lo'ak, nudging his brother a little. Neteyam laughs, and ignores his brother. He knew that sometimes you could be a bit dramatic. Some time later, neytiri and kiri arrive with someone's company.
"Y/N!!!!" hums rotxo entering the marui, with the company of the two women. Lo'ak turns away in annoyance, and neteyam makes a grumpy face. "And what is rotxo doing here?" asks lo'ak. "We were on our way to see ronal and we ran into rotxo, luckily he can help us" says kiri, happy that rotxo knows about medicine. You open your eyes a little, and raise your arm a little to greet him. "Rotxo….I'm dying" you complain. The boy comes over to you, kneeling down to sit in front of you. Lo'ak slides down a little to make more room, and neteyam places one of his hands on your hip, to keep you closer to him. "You're not going to die…you'll be fine. Look, look, I have something to help you," says rotxo, as he pulls things out of a basket. One thing no one knew about rotxo is that the boy had been practicing with ronal and Tsireya on medicinal treatments.
Rotxo had prepared some kind of drink, which had literally relieved your headache in a matter of 5 minutes. Now you were sitting, talking with Rotxo. Neytiri had invited the boy to breakfast as a thank you. While neteyam and lo'ak were in the corner of marui, watching you laugh and play with your friend. "This is unbelievable��he comes along, gives her a nasty drink and now he's her savior" says lo'ak crossing his arms. "I know…" says neteyam, looking grudgingly at rotxo. After a while, rotxo says goodbye to you. You get up from the ground, and go to look for something you had near your hammock. "Lo'ak you haven't seen that paste that kiri had prepared for my skin" you ask lo'ak, who was lying in his hammock next to you. You see how he is still with his eyes closed, you approach him and tap him on the shoulder. "Lo'ak you're ignoring me" you complain, and see how his tail slaps you on your thigh. "Ahhh ok, forget it" you speak, backing away from him. Leaving in search of neteyam, surely he knew where the lotion was. You exit the marui, and take a look around. And in the distance you see neteyam with the tuk's company. You run to where they are. "Nete…. have you seen the skin cream that kiri prepared for me?" you ask, but you see how the boy is still looking for something in the sand.
Tuk looks at neteyam, and taps him on the shoulder. "Nete…y/n is talking to you" the girl, tries to get her brother to pay attention to you. "mmm tuk look at this shell..isn't it cute" says neteyam, looking at the girl. She makes a confused face, and gives you a look. You walk over, and kneel down next to neteyam. You push him a little, but he still ignores you. "Nete…don't ignore me!!!" you complain, but you still don't get his attention. This annoys you, and you get up abruptly. Tuk approaches you. "What's wrong with neteyam?" the girl asks you, you raise your shoulders. "Tuk see you later…I have to go see ROTXO" you shout, You can see how neteyam's tail tensed up when you said that name, you already knew this was one of the reasons why your boys were upset with you. After a rather long day of anxiety and worry, It was time for bed.
Everyone was lying in their hammocks. Neytiri and Jake were in a corner away from the other family members. While kiri and tuk had their hammocks placed in another corner. And the best corner of all was where you, lo'ak and neteyam stayed. Both men had not talked to you all afternoon and it was driving you crazy. They weren't like that with you, you had to set the facts straight.
Everyone was lying down, you look to your side and see neteyam settling into his hammock. Slowly and quietly you take one leg out of your hammock, to tap neteyam's thigh. "hey!!!" you whisper, not wanting anyone to get up. The boy continues to ignore you, so you tap him harder. "Please…talk to me. What's wrong with you? And why won't lo'ak talk to me too?" you whisper, but it's almost a whine. "you and rotxo…that's the problem" you turn quickly, seeing how lo'ak had gotten up from his hammock, and was walking to yours. Climbing up, to settle in next to you. The hammocks weren't big, so he literally hugged you completely. "What's wrong with rotxo he hasn't done anything" you complain, nudging lo'ak.
"Everything is him…everything" finally speaks neteyam raising his head, to now look at you. You were talking in a low voice. "But…wait" you speak, looking at neteyam and then at lo'ak who was lying next to you. "You guys are jealous!!!" you raise your voice a little, causing lo'ak to place his hand over your mouth. It literally covers your entire face. "Lo'ak…I can't breathe" you grab lo'ak's hand pushing him away. "Sorry" the boy laughs, pulling his hand away from your face. There was silence, until you start talking again. " Rotxo…he's my friend…just that." You speak feeling lo'ak hug you tighter. You turn your gaze to see neteyam looking up at the ceiling, he hadn't said anything. Neteyam could be harder to convince. "You….you are different "you speak. "Different?" says neteyam, now you watch as the boy makes eye contact with you.
You both stare at each other for a while, nete knew what you meant. "Promise me that you will spend more time with us" neteyam speaks, watching you raise your arm and make a sign of promise. "I promise" you speak. "Will you sleep with me?" you speak. And you feel lo'ak pinch you. "With us' says lo'ak, laughing as you try to control your laughter. Neteyam rises from his hammock, climbing into yours. Adjusting himself so that you are lying on his chest, while lo'ak hugs you from behind. "I love you guys so much" you whisper letting the sleep consume you. "We love you too" says lo'ak, while hugging you.
"Brother…mission accomplished" neteyam says softly, touching his brother's arm. "'Yessssss" lo'ak shouts under his breath. Both boys laugh. "If you don't shut up…. I'm going to pull you out of the Marui" says jake on the other side of the marui, the three of you open your eyes quickly. They all just listened to your whole coversation?
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Legend of Korra team Avatar with a mute or deaf partner
Request by @ultravioletqueen
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- Loves to make you laugh, whether it's a loud laugh or just an exhale of breath she loves to do it as much as possible. She thinks your laugh is adorable. - Korra knows a lot of sign language but is working at becoming fluent because she wants to be able to communicate with you to the fullest extent. She also finds it extremely useful in her Avatar duty as it opens her up to the non-verbal and non-hearing community. - Arguments are really funny because Korra loves to provoke people and verbally argue when angry but you don't take the bait and can easily block her out. You can also non-verbally argue much better than she can so get your way most of the time. - You balance each other out well as Korra is always pretty rash, loud and aggressive whereas you take more time to process words and behaviour. As a result Korra has learned to be calmer from you but will also react on your behalf if someone is ever being rude. - You communicate a lot through your bending. Korra is pretty much an expert at bending forms and you both get a lot from sparring together. - Gets you to read all her Avatar speeches because you're a lot better at communicating than her. - Loves showing off her Avatar powers to impress you. You used to do weights together but that turned out to be a bad idea because Korra would get too distracted trying to get you to check her out. - You're very close to Tenzin and Korra's Republic City family as the air nation is the most inclusive nation and they understand your lifestyle. You love having game nights over at Air Temple island because 1. you and Korra crush it every time and 2. they all know sign language and so all night use your language rather than you having to adapt for them.
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- Very talkative, definitely talks enough for the both of you but importantly always looks for responses whether that's signing, nods, smiles or any preferred form of communication. He never talks at you but has a conversation with you - Loves to learn more about your experience and the first time he met you he definitely bored all his friends with random facts he'd learnt for like a month. - Refuses to ever let you apologise or feel odd for being different. He's always the first person to tell you you're beautiful and valid no matter if you're deaf or mute - Will literally do anything if you ask him to. At first, Bolin would need a few helpful hints at how he can change his behaviour to be more inclusive but he'd always be receptive to any suggestion you gave him. - Bolin really struggles to use sign language but attends classes and practices every day. You actually really love helping him learn because Bolin never gets frustrated or annoyed. He just tries again and his reaction when he gets it is wonderful. - The only thing that annoys him is Pabu listens to you more than him. He can be calling him for ages but all you have to do is gently stamp your foot and he comes running. - Always notices you. You met when he was a pro-bender and there could be hundreds of fans screaming his name but his eyes will always go straight to you and a smile from you is enough to put him in a good mood for hours.
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- Extremely attentive, to the extent you just have to make a face or look at her and she can guess from the situation what you need. - Would probably invent you tons of cool contraptions just to make your life easier e.g. a bed that shakes when your alarm goes off or a machine that communicates for you in public. - Asami learned sign language in like a week after she met you, she's just that good. - She never presumes to answer for you just because you're mute/deaf. She always lets you answer when someone asks a question and only jumps in if you ask her to. She knows you are capable and never patronises you. - Teaches you how to play pai sho and instantly regrets it. While she can usually read you well there's no deciphering your poker face and her cries of protest just make you smirk. - Loves treating you to gifts and surprises. Asami is rich af and so you receive amazing personalised presents at every special occasion. - She seems really strong on the outside but is more vulnerable and soft with you. You're her support system and she comes to you whenever she's stressed or nervous about something. You're an excellent shoulder to cry on and she values your advice over anyone else's. - Similarly you also feel you can show your weaknesses around Asami. Being different you often felt like you had to always prove you were just as good as a non-deaf/non-mute person to be worthy. With Asami it's not like that, she makes you realise you're already perfect which helps you laugh more when you do make mistakes. For example one day Asami got a call from your neighbours because you were blasting music without realising how loud it was. When she rushed home to tell you, you both found it hilarious and it became a running joke between you.
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- Protective, when you go out in public he makes you walk on the inside of the street in case a car comes too close and you can't hear it/don't realise. - Isn't a naturally noisy or talkative person so really likes the quiet and doesn't struggle adjusting at all. He actually gets overwhelmed when he leaves your home at how noisy people are. - Decides the non-verbal and non-hearing community need better treatment so meets with Beifong about having all officers learn sign language. Mako himself is of course fluent in sign language and the two of you have tons of shortcuts and signs the two of you invented yourself. - Finds it easier to open up to you than other people. Mako has never been good with words and so he finds a freedom in communicating with you. You know more about him than anyone else does. - Only introduces you to his friends after you've been dating a while not because he's nervous for them to meet you but because he's nervous for you to meet them! He considers himself pretty lucky to have met you and doesn't want them to scare you off. So he's overly cautious but when you do meet them of course you all get along great. Mako was worried for nothing. - Learns to read the micro-expressions and body language you convey. According to Mako you have ten different types of smiles, he loves your really big smile but his favourite is your small embarrassed smile when he catches you doing something cute and he loves complimenting you on it. - Mako has never been an animal person but you convince him to get a cat and he loves the thing! You name her Sheddy Shin because she sheds so much hair which Mako finds hilarious (you call her shed for short).
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drpoisonoaky · 5 months
When you realize you have a new weapon to make fun of your sister, you have to use it even though for you it isn't a weapon. At least that's how Zuko thinks about it.
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Azula: I’m going to kill your friends and my brother.
Katara: Your brother is also my friend.
Azula: But it’s a different crime. And is that what you are worried about in the whole sentence?
Katara: You want to kill them a lot. Nothing new. But don’t.
Azula: Ugh.
Azula: At least you could ask why.
Katara: Fine. Why do you want to kill them this time sweetheart?
Azula: I’m going to ignore your tone. They discovered the “Lala”.
Katara: Is another weird tradition of the Fire Nation or..?
Azula: It’s Zuko’s Zuzu.
Katara: Oh that Lala. I think it is cute. But isn’t new, right? Zuko calls you that a lot.
Azula: To them it is. And Zuko is enjoying it.
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Sokka: When you come back to the Southern Water Tribe I’m going to force you to do penguin sledding.
Azula: Why would I eve-
Zuko: Hey buddies.
Azula: Don’t call me buddy ever again.
Zuko: Ok Lala.
Sokka: We were-
Sokka: Wait what, Lala? What is a Lala?
Zuko: You know Zuzu?
Sokka: Are you asking me if I know you? Did you hit your head or something?
Zuko: Not dumbass, the nickname. Azula calls me that all of the time.
Azula: We know, Zuzu. So penguin sledding?
Sokka: Forget that. Did he just call you Lala? Can I call you Lala? Oh god the mighty Azula, princess of the Fire Nation…AND WE CAN CALL YOU LALA.
[Azula proceeds to electrocute Sokka]
Zuko: That was unnecessary.
Azula, getting ready to throw another lightning:
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Aang: Azula really did a great job in the meeting.
Zuko: She’s actually really good but she’s really mean.
Aang: Yeah, although I was thankful when she made all of those councilors shut up.
Azula: My pleasure Avatar. I always love to make a grown up man cry. Ask Zuzu.
Zuko: She certainly does. Especially when I’m in that group.
Aang: Anyway thanks for today. Right?
Zuko: Yes, thanks to Lala now we only have like 5 boring meetings to go.
Aang: Wait.
Zuko: There’s more?!
Azula: Oh no.
Aang, grinning: Did he just call you Lala? That’s so cute.
Zuko: See Azula, that's so cute. You should appreciate it.
Azula: I will deal with Zuzu later but if you want to use that word again Avatar let me remind you I already killed you once.
Zuko: If you kill him now Katara would break up with you.
Azula: SHUT UP DUMB DUMB *goes away*
Zuko: That’s worse than Lala. But at least she’s angry for the next meeting.
Aang: The next meeting it’s going to be awesome.
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Suki: All of my warriors are spread inside the festival so we are protected.
Zuko: Great. All set then.
Azula: Wait, what about the harbor?
Suki: We are protecting a festival inside the city.
Azula: If I want to attack a festival I would do it through the harbor cause nobody would be there. You bring a few water benders or a Katara and break it all in like 5 minutes.
Suki: I hate to say this but you’re right. Let’s relocate some of the girls.
Zuko: Good job Lala.
Azula: I’m honestly more angry by the fact you just praise me like a dog than the nickname.
Suki: Yeah Zuko. We’re grown ups.
Zuko: But-
Zuko: Suki, I am giving you a chance to laugh at Azula’s expenses.
Azula: And she’s a grown woman who is doing her job. Shush.
Suki: Yeah Zuko I’m busy now. When I finish I can laugh and use the Lala.
Zuko: It doesn’t feel like a victory.
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[After sparring time with Azula]
Toph: I needed that. Being police is awful.
Azula: Well you are a gun for the government.
Toph: You are part of the government.
Azula: Not the government that has you as chief.
Toph: You and I? In the same government? We will have to stop a coup like every day.
Zuko: But unfortunately you both will stop them.
Azula: Of course we will, Zuzu.
Toph: What are you doing here, Zuzu?
Zuko: Came to see why we were hearing two people fight to death on a Wednesday afternoon.
Toph: I was beating a princess’ ass.
Zuko: And also Lala, can you look at these scrolls? I need a second opinion.
Azula: Sure let’s me clea-
Toph: LALA.
Azula: Shit.
[Toph is rolling while she’s laughing]
Zuko: For once, I didn’t say it to bother you.
Azula: For once, I believe you.
Zuko: I think she can’t breathe.
Azula: Whether she dies because she can’t breathe or she feels more relaxed after a good laugh, she deserves it.
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Azula: I swear to Agni.
Mai: Don’t be dramatic.
Ty lee: Why are you so angry? It never bothered you so much before, Zuko has been calling you Lala for years. It’s cute.
Azula: I mean it doesn’t bother me if Zuko calls me that. But them. Feels like I’m a joke.
Mai: Lala sounds like a joke.
Ty lee: I think what’s bothering you so much is the exclusivity.
Azula: Explain yourself.
Ty lee: When he calls you Lala it comes from your “bond”. When any other person calls you Lala they are probably trying to laugh at your cost.
Mai: That’s deeply complicated with only having 2 lines of information.
Ty lee: I manage all the feelings in this group. I’m well trained.
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(many years ago)
Zuko: Why can’t you stop calling me that stupid name?!
Azula: Zuzu, it's cute. Nobody calls you Zuzu. I’m the only one who does it.
Zuko: Oh. That’s…okay you can call me Zuzu but
Azula: What?
Zuko, grinning: I’m calling you Lala cause nobody would call you that.
Azula: WHAT! NO! ZUZU.
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thewalkingwillowtree · 11 months
Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 5 - Poker Face 
“That was a bit…better,” Neteyam said, trying not to crack a smile. “Try again. Com-pu-tor. Computer.”
“Kum-po-tuh,” Xilä mimicked, trying her best to enunciate. 
“Better. What is a computer?”
“A device used to store or share or create information- day-ta.” Xi frowned. “Wait so if it does that then is it not the same thing as the tahbleet? How do they look so different yet do the same thing?” she asked, confused looking at the strange device he’d shown her not even five minutes ago. 
“The tablet. And yeah, you’re right…Think of it like a leaf and a bowl- we use them both to eat but yet they are very different. See? Both devices can do the same yet they are different…”
She grinned up at him with a little tilt of her head and he found himself returning the gesture. He realized she did that a lot more now. Smile. She laughed and giggled a lot too and he seemed to want to hear it all the time. It was his favourite sound and her nose would scrunch up in the cutest way too. 
“Is that funny to you?” he grinned, poking her side and getting a giggle in response. 
“A little,” she said- her nose scrunching up just the way he liked it. 
As they strolled further into the empty lab, she ran forward, in awe. With rapt attention at each new thing she saw, she asked him question after question. 
Spotting Grace, Xi moved to peer through the machine housing the floating Na’vi. “Kiri’s mother,” she said softly. “Hi Grace,” she whispered.
Neteyam observed Xilä fixated, “She told you?”
“Yes, she said she wanted to introduce us…Grace is so beautiful. Kiri looks just like her,” she murmured, pressing her palms against the glass.
“You two getting on okay?” asked Norm who walked in, in his Avatar body. 
Xi clammed up and shuffled closer to Neteyam as the man drew nearer. Neteyam fought an amused smirk when she suddenly turned shy, reaching out to fiddle with a loose thread on the side of his warrior belt to avoid the newcomer. 
“Yeah, Norm we’re good. We’re exploring the labs today. Hey since you’re here, can you show her what you worked on? The research on Li’ona?”  
“Hell yeah! It’s Xi right? Well, welcome to my world,” he said with his arms stretched out as he turned to walk to the other side of the room. “If you’ll follow me-” 
A small hand clutched his fingers and Neyetam almost stumbled when he realized it was Xilä. His head snapped to hers and she looked him right in the eyes with a little smile- she was nervous. 
He squeezed her fingers in response and gave her an encouraging expression. “You got this,” he mouthed silently. 
If Norm thought it was weird they held hands, he didn’t show it. 
“So this is a map of Pandora.” He typed into a computer and a holographic map appeared. “And this…is Li’ona.”
“Wow,” Xi whispered in awe of the amazing technology, taking a step forward. 
Neteyam immediately felt the loss when she released his hand to have a closer look, he wanted to snatch it right back up.
Norm pointed out a few things to her on the map then went on a long winded rave about “climate change” and “precipitation”, “droughts” and something called, “atmospheric conditions.” 
Suffice to say it all went right over her head. 
She did perk up once more when he started speaking normally again. 
“-so yeah we’re basically stumped. I did talk to some of the Omatikaya elders to see if anything like this ever happened in their time but they all say the same thing.”
“And what is that?” she asked intrigued, her ears twitching as she stared at the oldly dressed Avatar. 
“They say Li’ona’s been abandoned by Eywa. They think the people have dishonoured her in some way- and I mean, I’m kinda willing to bet on that at this point. There’s literally no other scientific explanation for the cease of rains. Over twenty fives years of no rain? That sounds like Eywa’s doing to me,” he shrugged helplessly. 
“Oh….Well, thank you for showing me Norm and thank you for all your hard work.” 
He lit up from her thanks. “Oh, yeah. Anytime. It’s no prob-lemo,” he winked. 
Momentarily distracted, he turned back to the monitor to type something. 
Xi pursed her lips in contemplation, there was a guilty feeling bubbling in her chest. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Neteyam asked quietly as he stood beside her. His hand crept under her hair to cup her neck gently, thumb brushing below her ear. 
She turned and stared up at him with those brilliant orbs of hers. “I just realized something ‘Teyam and I feel guilty about it,” she whispered, clutching his wrist. “You will think I am terrible.”
He frowned. “I could never think that Xilä. Never, alright?” 
“I do not care.”
“Hm?” His frown deepened- not understanding. 
“About Li’ona I mean. I do not care about them anymore. I do not care what will happen to the people left. I do not care if Eywa has deserted them. I do not care if their lands never flourish once more. There is nothing in here,” she said, laying her free palm against her heart. “I should care, but I don’t.”
“Then don’t,” Neteyam said, seriously. “And don’t feel guilty about it either, okay? You don’t have to care if you don’t want to. This is your home now anyway.” 
Touched by his words, she stepped forward and hugged him in response- her forehead slotting into the space between his pec and shoulder blade, slim arms wrapping around his waist. 
Norm, catching their sweet moment, grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at Neteyam over Xi’s head. 
Neteyam simply rolled his eyes at him and hugged Xi closer without care, leaning down to hide his smile in her hair. She felt perfect in his arms.
The rest of their visit was eventful. Norm cracked jokes with Xilä and got her to open up, he showed her how the Avatar bodies worked, then introduced himself to her in his human form. They even managed to practise some English together. 
“That was fun actually,” she chirped as Neteyam walked her back to Salveen and Jxo’s. “Heh-lo how ah ew,” she practised, curling her index finger around his pinky so she could swing their arms together as they strolled.  
“I am fine, thank you. How are you?” he smirked, enjoying her little giggle. 
“I am ha-peee too-nite,” she grinned, looking around in wonderment at the woodspirits  littered in the air. 
He stared at her as she twirled away, reaching her hands up for a woodspirit to land in her palms. 
There was no one else but the two of them in that moment- she was all he saw. 
“......I am happy too,” he admitted. And it was the truth. 
Neteyam was completely content. 
He was happy. 
Xi grinned as she checked out the cards in her hands. 
“You’ve got a terrible poker face Xilä,” Lo’ak said with a smirk, and Spider snorted in response. 
“I can’t help it! Don’t look at me then.”
“That’s not how it works, Xi,” he grinned, “you have to pay attention to your opponent’s tells.” 
“Okay, well pretend I am not grinning then,” she said, raising the cards to try and hide her face without success- she was having fun, how could she possibly not smile? 
Both boys cackled at her antics. 
Her and Neteyam’s lessons were on hold for the day because he had been called in for an important meeting with the council. 
Although he did still come over that morning and ate breakfast with her, which made her quite happy. But admittedly- she truly missed him. She already didn’t like whenever they had to part ways every afternoon after her lessons ended. 
“Can we play Go Fish instead?” Tuk pouted, pushing her hand of cards away. “I don’t like poker.” 
“After this round Tuk, we’re teaching Xi a very important life lesson here.” 
Spider nodded solemnly in agreement. “Exactly. Bluffing is the key to a successful life…the winnings are pretty great also,” he said with a grin from ear to ear as he slammed his cards on the table then proceeded to pull the pile of takings towards him. 
Those winnings included a mismatched collection of a small whittled figurine, a few of Salveen’s famous sari cakes and some pretty colourful glass stones from the river.  
Lo’ak sighed at his loss, tossing his losing cards down too. “Alright. One more round. All or nothing.” 
The guys had a day off and so they decided to pop in on her for a while before they went off to do their exploring. They came armed ready with a pilfered deck of cards they said they “borrowed from Norm,” and one very excited Tuktirey who had followed her brother all the way here. 
Tuk had finally grown bored enough it seemed. She wandered closer to Xilä, and began playing in her hair, twisting and braiding the strands with clumsy but determined little fingers- a tiny tongue poking out of her mouth in concentration. 
“Is my brother still being a hard-ass with you?” Lo’ak asked, as he shuffled the deck. “He’s tough as heck when he runs our drills. Half the team usually hates him by the time we’re done.”
“Sometimes,” Xi responded, careful to keep her head still for Tuk, “but I know he means well. He’s a great teacher really, I enjoy our lessons.”
He and Spider shared a look. “Yeah okay I’ll take that as a no then.” 
“What do you mean?” she frowned as she accepted her dished out cards, fanning them out the way Spider taught her to. 
“Nothing,” he sang with a knowing grin. 
Spider snickered, “Ignore him Xi, he’s just trying to stir up something he has no business trying to. Alright you’re up.” He nodded at her to start the game. 
One more round turned into two, which turned to four and soon they had practically spent almost all morning sitting around Salveen and Jxo’s table as they bickered and joked with each other. 
Tuk ran off a few minutes ago to raid her stash of beads at home so that she could make Xi’s hair “extra beautiful” which made Xi laugh. She’d truly grown fond of the six year old and her silliness. 
Although they had gotten off to a rocky start, she and Lo’ak became fast friends, much to Neteyam’s dismay at times. Lo’ak could be rebellious and wild and in true Lo’ak fashion, he was always trying to find a way to include her in his hijinks. 
One time last month he had taken her along with him and Spider to practise their shots. Shots, she soon realized, meant using a human invention called a machine gun, and not her silly little practice bow and arrows. 
To say Neteyam was livid about the entire ordeal was a joke. When he found them in the clearing they'd snuck off too, he immediately grabbed the gun Lo’ak had been teaching her to hold and shoved it back into his brother's chest. He all but snarled at Lo’ak and Spider, followed by a slew of very creative curses. 
With one last, “what the hell is wrong with you two?” he entwined his fingers with hers and dragged her out of there with a disappointed, “seriously sweetheart? What were you thinking going along with those skxawngs?” 
Lo’ak and Spider, took Neteyam’s vexation in stride, calling out a series of, “You’re no fun bro!” and “Don’t worry Xi, you’ll get a turn next time!”
Before she knew it five months had flown by. Her circle of friends and acquaintances had widened, she no longer felt uncomfortable around the crowds at dinnertime, or nervous to walk through Home Camp. People would stop her to engage in conversation, or invite her to events. 
She even went to her third communion for one of Salveen’s friends' grandsons just last week.
On an afternoon after Neteyam usually dropped her off, if she wasn’t at Salveen’s side helping to prepare the dinner feast with the other cooks, she was at the healer tents, unofficially studying under Mo’at’s wing. 
The two women had quickly become the mother figures she had always wanted while Jxo, the gruff but sweet elderly man became the father figure she never knew existed. 
One day Kiri had expressed to her that she too never had many girl friends- if any. Pretty much after that they’d usually have a weekly sleepover or two, which involved a lot of giggling and gossiping which Kiri described as “girl talk”.
Neteyam usually got chastised for trying to worm his way into Kiri’s sectioned off room, under the pretence of “just checking in” to which Kiri would sass back, “You had her all day, she’s mine now. Get out.”
Jake and Neytiri were another story entirely. They were both intimidating to say the least, yet they treated her as if she were already one of their own- as if their son wasn’t still training her to learn their ways. 
Jake had her laughing so hard one night, tears leaked from her eyes as he told her stories about his own experience learning the Omatikaya ways- about his own clumsiness and accidents. Even about his “strict teacher” who seemed to have the motto “learn trying or die.” 
Neytiri had simply rolled her eyes fondly at her husband and responded by saying, “he is exaggerating Xi.” 
In those following months Xilä had only seen her father from afar a handful of times. Not once had he come to visit and she found that didn’t care. 
Because life was good and she was happy. 
Xilä was at peace. 
She had found her home. 
The Omatikaya’s forest echoed with the sounds of life……and grunts.  
Xi growled as she tried to punch another blow at her attacker, failing from a clumsy trip and falling to the forest floor with an, “Umpf!”
Neteyam flicked his hair back- braids swaying dramatically as he shot her a disappointed look. “You’re moving too erratically, brisk deliberate moments remember? Stop second guessing yourself.”
She scowled, as she panted. They’d been at it for hours now. How hadn't he broken a sweat yet? He wasn’t even out of breath! 
“You’re sloppy today. Are you practising your breathing exercises? Because it sure doesn’t sound like it. You’re not even trying at this point Xilä.”
“I am trying!” she snapped, “but you keep blocking my hits.”
Hands on his hips, he pursed his lips unimpressed. “Xilä-”
“I know I know, my attacker wouldn’t care. Can’t we go back to archery? I like that better than when we do hand to hand combat.” 
“No. Now get up, let’s go again.” 
“But I'm good at that one! You said it yourself…natural talent.”
“Xilä.” His tone was firm. “Can we get this done already?”
She frowned up at him, from her sprawled position on the ground. “Why are you so prickly today?”
He huffed. “Prickly?” 
“Yes! All day you have been prickly! Practically since you picked me up this morning! You were rude to Salveen when she asked you to stay for breakfast, you keep muttering strange things under your breath when you think I can’t hear, you’ve got a permanent scowl on your face- hence I say prickly. You are brooding Neteyam…and not very nice at all if you ask me.”
“Good, I'm glad you are finally learning that I am not nice. I never claimed to be,” he hissed. “Now get up…please.”
She obeyed, dusting her hands off as she shot him a concerned look. “Are you alright ‘Teyam? Has- has something happened?” she asked, shuffling closer to him. 
“No. I’m fine,” he said shortly. “Assume position, we will try the same sequence again.”
“Xilä! For Eywa sake will you just- !” 
“You want me to complete this lesson?”
“Yes!” he hissed impatiently.  
“And aren’t we friends?”
“Wha- God Xi. Yes okay?!” 
“Then be my friend and just tell me if something is bothering you. We will get nowhere with you being like this.”
Neteyam slumped his shoulders and hung his head with a snicker. He couldn’t help shooting her a proud look. Gone was the timid little Na’vi who would flinch at every move he made. Despite the situation, he was quite pleased that she was comfortable enough to stand up to him like this- to say no. 
“Yes Xi. Something is bothering me, alright? I didn’t realize I was taking it out on others. I’ll stop now.”
She squinted at him with the tilt of a head. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“No…..maybe,” he said indecisively. 
“Well I want to talk about it,” she decided. 
“……Fine. I tell you and then we finish this lesson, agreed?”
“Agreed,” she echoed, biting down on her smile of success.  
He walked over and casually leaned his side against a tall, thick plant, brushing off specs of wet moss from the front of his loincloth. 
She followed him and did the same, fighting hard to not glance at the hard panes of muscle on his abdomen. She did that a lot lately- she didn’t need him catching on.  
“I’m sorry if I’ve been prickly,” he said sincerely before continuing, “I didn’t like what the council had to say in my meeting yesterday.” 
“Oh. Are they upset with something you’ve done?” she asked, concerned. 
“Mmm, more like something I haven’t done yet,” he said, reaching out to remove a small twig that was tangled in her braid. Her hair had gotten longer, he noticed. 
“Well that’s not cryptic at all,” she sassed. 
He scoffed at her response, sending a flick to her thigh with his tail. “Your friendship with Spider and my brother keeps worrying me more and more every day.”
She grinned. “Sorry. Okay, okay, continue.”
“I have an important decision to make soon,” he said, turning serious again. “It’s impending and I’m unsure what to do about it. There are a lot of expectations riding on this and… depending on the choice I make, I will either please many people and make myself unhappy… or make myself happy but disappoint many.”
Her face softened and she reached out to hook her index finger around his large pinky in comfort. “That sucks. I’m sorry, ‘Teyam.”
He shrugged, with a sad smile. “Well it’s to be expected. I am the chief’s son after all,” he joked self deprecatingly. 
“It must be tough, having all that responsibility…it seems like a lot of pressure if you ask me.” She reached up with her other hand to smooth a finger against the frown on his face. “You get a little crinkle right here every time you worry. I don’t like it,” she murmured. 
He grinned at that. 
“Now see…so much better already,” she said, lighting up at his expression. 
He let out a breathy laugh and she found herself liking it much more than she probably should. As her eyes traced over his now relaxed features, she felt a little swoop in her tummy and she found that she could not look away. 
“Thank you. I needed that,” he said, holding her gaze. 
“Needed what?” she asked distractedly. 
His attention flickered down to her lips fleetingly when he heard her change in tone. He blinked just realizing how close they were standing together, how easy it would be for him to-
He shook his head, as if that would erase the sudden thought in his mind. “You know, to talk about it, get it out- what I was feeling…A good laugh always helps too,” his speech slowed as he continued to stare.  
Their locked gazes turned heated and the air was charged- both feeling the same thing. 
Neteyam kept flickering between her pouty lips and brilliant eyes while she stared up at him as if he hung the moon itself. 
“Well you know the saying… ” she murmured, and he nearly groaned out loud at the sound of her voice, it had turned low, almost husky. 
“What saying?” he asked vaguely, unaware he was leaning in. 
“What are friends for?…Spider taught it to me,” she said, in near whisper. 
“Mhm, friends are the best…” he replied, his tone matching hers- he wasn’t sure he was even aware of what he was saying anymore. 
Neteyam tried. He truly did. 
Yet he couldn’t help himself could he? 
Because the next thing he knew, he was shuffling closer, caging her against the massive stem of the plant with a hand above her head. She inhaled deeply and her heartbeat sped up as he tilted downward- their faces a mere inches apart. 
“Neteyam,” she whispered almost inaudibly, wetting her lips in anticipation. 
The moment he brushed a featherlight kiss against her lips, her eyes fluttered shut. He cupped her cheek and kissed her tenderly, as if she were delicate- breakable. 
It was over before she knew it and the soft expression he shot her as he pulled away caused the little swoop in her tummy to somersault.
He cleared his throat as he straightened up, eyes diverted. Awkwardly scratching the back of his head he gestured to the clearing. “We should um- are you ready to finish the lesson?”
She grinned, and followed him with a little spring in her step. “If we must.”
It was later that week after a long morning on the trails and while they munched on the meal he packed for them that he finally broached a topic he knew she was daunting. 
“The next Iknimaya ceremony is in the next two moons,” he stated simply, after he had his final bite of food.
She froze mid chew, cheeks a bit puffy, from the food in her mouth, tail slowed from its happy little wag. “So?” 
He held a laugh- her new found sass was too much for him sometimes. “We’re almost getting closer to the end of your lessons, Xi.”
Xilä didn’t like where he was going with this already. 
“Look I know you don’t like flying, but I don’t think you should rule out all your opportunit-”
“Your mother said I didn’t need to perform the ceremony to complete my lessons and secure my place,” she said panicked. 
“And you don’t, that’s still a factor,” he soothed, his tail circling her outstretched ankle in comfort.
“Then why do you want me to do it?”
“Because I think you can. I want to help you face your fears.”
She contemplated his words. “I don’t mind never having to fly again and in any case, don’t only warriors and hunters have ikrans? Isn’t Iknimaya only for-”
“Not necessarily no. Many others went through the rites for various reasons. Whether to prove it to themselves or- look it doesn’t matter. Kiri’s got one,” he pointed out. “…but then again she is a special case.” 
Trying to derail the topic she asked, “How is she a special case?”
“Because she did not have to struggle like anyone else. My sister simply walked into a nest of ikrans and asked one to claim her.”
Xi gaped, impressed. “Is that because of her special connection with Eywa?”
Neteyam nodded. “Now come on Xi, tell me what you think?”
Xi swallowed another bite and cleared her throat. “I don’t know ‘Teyam, can’t you just let me complete my lessons without it? I definitely know I won’t choose warrior or hunter and I don’t mind having a fear of flying…. So we can skip it. Please?”
Neteyam snorted, and released her ankle. “Nope,” he said, popping the P with a devilish smirk as he took a swig of water from their shared water pouch. He stretched out on his back against the forest floor, one hand propped behind his head.
“Why not?” she whined. 
“Because Xi, I already told you. I think you have it in you,” he shrugged, closing his eyes contentedly. “I’m pushing you. Deal with it.”
Abandoning her leaf wrapped meal, she crept closer to him. “Neteyam.” 
He was ignoring her, but the hint of a smirk and the twitch of an ear told her he was enjoying himself. 
“Neteyam,” she called again, kneeling at his side, peering closer as if it would make him open his eyes. She huffed at his attics, hiding her own smile. He could be silly when he was ready, and seeing him like this in these little moments made her feel giddy. 
With a serge of courage tinged with curiosity, she leaned in- balanced with a palm to his chest and pressed her lips to his. His eyes shot open in shock but he did not move away. If anything he closed his eyes again and kissed her right back, one large palm anchoring in her hair. 
This kiss, unlike their first unspoken one, was exploratory. 
She paid attention to what he did, how he moved, trying to mimic his actions with her own lips. Xi sighed against him when he tugged her closer, tilting his head to the right while she moved to the left. 
Neteyam hummed against her lips, she could feel his smile against hers. When she pulled back she licked her lips- slightly dazed. The full blown heated gazed he laid on her caused the stirring between her legs to pulse. 
“What are you trying to do sweetheart?” he taunted, squinting up at her suspiciously. “Are you trying to bribe me?”
“What? N- wait…is it working?” she asked hopefully. 
Tossing his head back, he cracked up loudly. “Not even a little Xi. We’ll start training next week. Now come on, you're supposed to be practising your English.” 
She pouted petulantly. “I do not like you today,” she said in perfect English.
Neteyam grinned. “Well I like you,” he teased as he sat up, reaching out to pull her close by the nape of her neck. And even though he knew he shouldn’t have, even though he knew it should have never happened before in the first place, he kissed her. 
They ended up not getting any English lessons done that afternoon. They sat and made out until it was way past the time for them to get back. 
He had to stifle his amusement when he swiped his tongue against her lips for the first time, she was shocked to say the least, judging by her little surprised squeak. 
Then when he licked into her mouth- his tongue tangling with hers, she had pulled away looking completely scandalized by what he had done. Her facial expression alone had caused him to exhale a laugh as he grinned into her cheek. 
And although she was momentarily shocked, she was quickly leaning in for more- gasping when he began to bite and suck on her bottom lip.
She was fucking adicting he thought- all sweet and delicious, it was difficult for him to stop. So he didn’t. 
When they finally arrived back at her tent, that afternoon, Salveen had made him bend so she could reach to smack him upside the head like a naughty little Na’vi. 
She scolded him for not only his rudeness towards her that morning but also for bringing Xilä back home so late. 
He hid his smirk behind a cough when she asked, “What in Eywa’s name were you two doing for so long? Xilä and I have plans.”
Thank goodness for the elder’s terrible attention span. She moved to throw on a beaded shawl the exact moment Xi had turned a pretty shade of purple, unable to conceal her reaction like him. 
He pressed a quick kiss against her cheek in goodbye while the elder’s back was still turned, loving the way her blush deepened. 
As he made a dash out the exit, he could hear Salveen’s concerned fussing over Xilä. “Xi, darling are you unwell? You look quite flushed.”
Neteyam went easy on his trainee students that evening for the first time ever. 
I'm here I made it! I apologize for my tardiness and any errors I missed in my haste to post this.
But you guyssss. They kissed! Eeeeep!
Okay as usual, lemme know what you think.
@jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde
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atpsnty · 1 year
┊'𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞'
neteyam te suli tsyeyk’itan ; avatar: the way of water
pairing: neteyam x omaticaya!gn!reader 
warnings: light fluff, budding romance, a lot of commas (not even a warning but it’s bugging me how I used so many)
request: n/a
summary: inspired by ‘yes to heaven’ - lana del rey
a/n: I heard this song and immediately wanted to do a fic with it, but then I saw the footage of the deleted dance scene from avatar 1 (lmk if you want a link or something) and knew it had to be done,, takes place some time before the sullys leave the forest
character credit: avatar movie series
w/c: 1.7k
part 2: ‘and if you don’t, i’ll dance anyway’
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As you approach the Omaticaya’s kelutral, you cannot help but immediately smile in the festive ambiance.
The clan is currently hosting a celebration for the success of one of the war parties. Ey’tey jahmka hiru’tayas – tree drums made of holes within the Hometree – are being struck in various different locations; the vibrations of the melodies sending happy tingles throughout your body.
Around you, your people are in various states of enjoyment. Warriors are reunited with their families, thanking Eywa for letting them live to see their loved ones again. Many have dressed in their best garments, littering their hair with beads and their bodies with jewelry. 
This was a time to not only appreciate the survivors, but to give final thanks to your sisters and brother who have returned back to All-Mother after their great fight.
You tried to put a little extra effort in your appearance this morning, adorning your braids with a few colorful wooden beads and your loincloth with a few accented pieces.
Walking through the Hometree, you grin at recognized faces, making sure to welcome the returned and give gentle smiles to those experiencing loss. As you weave through the crowds, you catch sight of the eldest son of Toruk Makto, sitting around one of the many fires with his family.
You would like to say Neteyam is one of your best friends. 
Ever since you were young and his siblings had found you exploring the forest, you’ve joined them on their many wanderings and activities. The only thing is, Neteyam is always too busy that he never actually gets to join and enjoy himself. He’s always off training with his dad or out on a hunt; he never allows himself to relax and actually be a child.
You hate it.
There have been many nights where you have caught Neteyam returning from training, long after his father has returned; forcing himself to perfect his stances and study his problem areas – not that he has many.
He has engulfed his life in expectations: following them, achieving them, perfecting them, then exceeding them. The pressure he has had since a young boy due to his status as the next olo’eyktan has taken over his childhood, and he no longer allows himself to simply exist.
Due to this, you try to help Neteyam loosen up whenever you get the chance, and right now was the perfect opportunity. 
You stroll over to the area where he and his family reside. He’s currently conversing with Lo’ak, though he does not seem to be enjoying himself. His toothy smile – which you have bare witness to on several occasions – is not in appearance and a small, almost sad looking grin has taken its place.
“Hi, Y/N!” Tuk rushes out of her mom’s arms and darts in your direction, holding her own arms out when she nears. 
“”Hey, Tuk,” you playfully scrunch your nose as you pick up her small frame. You twirl her around whilst lifting her high above your head before placing her on your hip. “How is my favorite Sully sibling doing today?” You tickle her stomach lightly while speaking loud enough for the rest of the family to hear.
“Nah that’s just cold,” Lo’ak puts his hand over his heart and shakes his head in a hurt manner, “all the years we’ve been together and this cry baby comes along and suddenly I mean nothing to you.”
Tuk sticks her tongue out from the place on your side, making a small hum before placing her arms around your neck and resting her head on your shoulder. 
“What can I say Lo’ak?” You lightly shrug your shoulders before sitting in the empty space next to Neteyam and placing Tuk on your lap.. “You’ve been slacking in the favorites department and a demotion was long overdue.” 
You nudge the elder brother’s shoulder and inquire in a light tone, “and how is the family’s best tsamsiyu doing today?” 
It almost seems as though his mood has already lightened from the way his smile brightens.
“I am good Y/N. Thank you for asking.”
You carry light conversation with the Sully kids, complimenting Neytiri on her beautiful jewelry and greeting Jake when he stops by after mingling with his people. In this time, Neteyam only makes light jokes and adds very little to the conversation, even as Lo’ak repeatedly pushes his buttons in hopes of him pushing back.
You softly sigh, stopping the moves you’re currently doing with Tuk: you swinging and twirling her in correspondence to the music from your position on the log. You turn Tuk around and point towards a few kids who are dancing together and watch her run off to join them.
As you turn to ask Neteyam what is wrong, the drummers start to play one of your favorite songs and you cannot help but smile. You quickly hop up and wave the kids to come join you. Lo’ak gets up immediately, happy to move around and do basically anything. Kiri, though reluctant, slowly rises and you take her hands, quickly spinning her in a circle before you both move to the beat. 
You close your eyes and let the music consume you: swaying to the rhythm, gliding on your feet, moving your arms in accordance. Music was always one of the main ways you felt your connection to Great Mother deepen. Whether it be remembering the verses that accompany your clan’s various songcords, learning the ways of the drums, or joining in on any events that had dances involved; music always moved through you in a spiritual manner.
The song shifts, changing into a partner dance that every Na’vi is taught from a young age.
Immediately, you open your eyes and meet Neteyam’s gaze. 
You tilt your head in a “come here” gesture, but he scrunches his nose and shakes his head, his braids jostling due to the movement. You giddily walk over to him, a slight skip in your step, and grab his hands, attempting to pull him up from his sitting position and towards the dance circle.
“Y/N, I am not much of a dancer.”
“You must dance,” you say as you manage to pull him up, “it is the way.”
As you drag him away, you glance back and see Neytiri smiling at you and her son. You bow your head back at her before proceeding into your necessary positions.
“Y/N, I really do not know what I am doing.” 
The boy almost seems…nervous? Whether it was because of his so-called “lacking” dance skills or simply because he was dancing with you, you did not know.
“You learned dance when you were younger, yes?” You rock on your heels and bounce on the balls of your feet once he nods, “then you are fine, ma Neteyam.”
As the music starts to pick up, you hold your forearms vertical in front of your face, your palms facing you. Although he is opposed at first, Neteyam slowly does the same, and you can’t fight the giant smile that appears on your face. 
You slowly start to twinkle your fingers as your arms raise above your head. When your hand brushes against his, you can’t help but blush. You look him directly in the eyes to make sure he is doing okay.
You find he is doing more than that.
His smile seems to be growing by the second. His shoulders lose their tension, his eyes fluttering like he is finally letting go of his mind and taking in his environment. 
Once your arms straighten above your head, your turn your hands over and slowly bring them back down with the same twinkling fingers. As your tips gently tap against his, you can’t help the way your heartbeat picks up. 
You’ve never felt this close to Neteyam before. 
Whenever the two of you spent time together previously, it was always in light of his siblings: you joining him and Lo’ak on an ikran ride, you aiding Kiri when she patched him up after injury, you babysitting Tuk when Jake and Neytiri went out hunting while the others were busy. It’s come to your realization that the “moments” you’ve had with Neteyam were never really yours.
Now, even though you guys were not technically alone, felt different than the other times. This was between you guys; you and him alone.
Even though your mind was pacing a million thoughts a minute, you noticed that your partner had stopped the gentle taps against your fingers. 
This sent your brain into overdrive.
‘Why am I thinking like this?’
‘Has he ever thought like this?’
‘Oh Eywa, did I really just force him to dance with me?’
‘He was so reluctant at first. Is he only giving in because I wanted to dance? 
‘Have I made him uncomfortable?’
You startle a bit at the sudden voice so close to you and start to pull your hands away.
“I am so sorry, Neteyam. I did not mean to force you to dance with me. You just seemed so out of it today, more than usual at least, and I wanted to help you relax a bit. Wait, not that I notice when you are out of it. I mean it is kind of obvious that you would be – you are the son of the olo’eyktan after all. Wait, I am supposed to be helping you forget that right now…”
Neteyam grabs your hands back and gently intertwines his fingers with yours. Your eyes pop back up to his face. The confusion must be present on your face because he actually chuckles when you meet his eyes.
“Thank you, Y/N. Truly I…I needed this.”
You cannot stop the warmth that spreads across your skin at his soft words.
“Oh…It is no problem.” Your eyes pop down to your locked hands and you softly grin before looking back at him.
What happens next actually surprises you.
Neteyam pushes you back a bit before twirling you around and continuing the dance. It catches you off guard at first, but you quickly recover and nudge his shoulder once you’re reeled back back in.
“What has happened to not being able to dance, hm?”
“A big part of dancing is who your partner is,” he says with the slight tilt of his head and a shrug, “if you dance Y/N, I’ll dance.”
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Okay I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make this a oneshot or divide it, but I haven’t posted in so long and this was already a decent size by itself so yeah
Also, I’ve organized all the requests and stuff I’ve been sent for various shows/movies/books, so I’ll get to everything when I can !!
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