#shinzen high
otherworldlyranse · 5 months
Underrated Haikyuu Teams on a Road Trip
Tsubakihara: All of them, closeted or not, are swifties. They blast Taylor Swift most of ride and scream the lyrics. At some point, Maruyama and Teradomari start arguing about Star Wars or Star Trek being the better franchise, but nobody listens. Kakugawa: Everyone gets hungry 10 minutes into the drive, and Komaki, the one in the driver's seat, is screaming at Asamushi for spilling Miso Soup in his car, while also screaming at other drivers because his road rage is bad when he's stressed. Ohgiminami: Oyasu and Towada are arguing over shotgun when Towada obviously called it, Akimiya's stressing out because he's driving while trying to keep things from going to hell in his car, Tazawa and Moritake are brawling over the aux cord, Natsuse is ugly crying for some unknown reason, Yokote started some beef with a trucker in another lane and is trying to jump out of the window, and Karamatsu is holding him back. Shinzen: Ōtaki decides to drive because she knows good and well that they'd end up in a ditch if she didn't, Ogano spots Ubugawa out the window and is screaming at Gōra from across the road, Shimafu is trying to pull Ogano away from the window, Naguri is screaming at Kodama for no reason, Kodama is crying because he doesn't like being yelled at, Chigaya is calling his boyfriend, who's team is screaming to Taylor Swift, and Akatani and Yoshikawa are controlling the aux cord and playing the Arctic Monkey's Humbug album, which Naguri is also screaming about. Ubugawa: Gōra nearly rear-ends a car in front of them while screaming at Ogano from across the road, Miyanoshita is climbing over everyone to wave at Ōtaki, Yukawa and Nanasawa are playing Nicki Minaj on the aux, Nakagawa is trying to calm Gōra down from the back seat, Ashiya and Isehara are sharing snacks, and Sengoku is listening to calming music through his headphones and ignoring everyone. Wakutani: Matsushima, who just got his driver's liscense, has taken the wheel and is freaking out, Hanayama is being a backseat driver, Nakashima is trying to keep Kawatabi from playing shitty rap on the aux, Naruko is badgering Nakashima about stopping to eat, Shiroishi is getting car sick and about to vomit all over Hanayama's new clothes, and Akiu is sleeping through the yelling and reckless driving.
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suw4 · 1 month
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Terushima Yuji from Haikyuu!!
an/tw: that one training camp arc in s2 except johzenji was apart of it too;just for the plot. in need of angst, request some angst kskwkwjsdjj
requested on wattpad
Masterlist | Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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"Oh my," Shirofuku, the reddish brown-haired Fukurodani manager, muttered. Clutching the big empty plate close to her chest. "Look at how he handles that knife," Suzumeda, the second manager added. The managers stood by the counter in the kitchen as they watched Johzenji's male manager sliced up the watermelon. He noticed the two and smiled softly at them, still handling the fruit. "Oh, are the plates ready? I'm finishing up soon. Give me a moment," he gently informed them, to which they nodded. Walking closer to where he stood, observing him.
The other Johzenji manager then walked into the kitchen. Wondering where her second year was. "Oh! [Name]-kun! There you are. I've been looking for you. Wow, where did these watermelons come from?" Misaki pondered. "The parents from Shinzen High gave us a few. They offered to cut them, but I volunteered instead. I didn’t want to trouble them," [Name] replied as he cut the last slice. After that, he asked the Fukurodani girls to plate them nicely. "Hey, [N/n]-kun. Don't you think you're helping us a lot already? You should take a break. We managers, need a break too, y'know?" his senior mumbled warily. Though, he only shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I'm actually trying to get away from the crowd a little,"
"Oh? Is it too much for you?" she tilted her head. The other managers listening in curiosity. "Not particularly. How do I put it?" he trailed off as he helped the girls to put the last piece onto the third plate. "Homesick? I don't know the exact term, but I can't really adjust here," he admitted embarrassingly, clearing his throat as the said symptom was acting up. Facing away from the others to wash his hands and the kitchen tools. "Is that foolish?" he continued. "Nope! It's a valid reason. There were a few players admitting to us about that before, it’s common," Suzumeda assured him, Shirofuku nodding as to agree with her. Chomping down a slice of watermelon. "If you're feeling unwell, you can always rely on us!" she beamed.
[Name] thanked the girls for the reassurance. They grinned and bid a short farewell before going out to the gymnasium to give out the fruits. Misaki then took the last plate and glanced over to the two who had walked out. She then heard the [h/c] haired sighed heavily. "[Name]-kun. Would you like me to call him over to check on you? I'm sure you'll feel better," she peeped closer to the male. Patting his back. "Nah. It's alright. I'll manage," he answered. The other exhaled. "Okay then. Don't overwork yourself!" she warned him before catching up with the other managers.
The three girls announced happily to the volleyball players about the fruits. Cheers erupted amongst the boys. Practice matches came to a stop, and everyone went outside to taste the heavenly juices of the watermelon. Freshly replenishing their thirst and hunger. Yuji then walked up to his manager, taking one slice for himself. "Hana-san. Where's [N/n]?" he asked, curious about the [h/c] head. "Oh. Hm... He's in the kitchen washing the bottles. You should go see him," she told him. This perked the wing spiker. "Why? Is he okay? Is he sick???" he blurted out, worried. Before Misaki could answer, he was already on the way to the kitchen. He wanted to see [Name] right away.
"[N/N]!!!!!!!!!!" Yuji yelled, rushing towards the kitchen area. Slamming the door open and jumping onto the male. Almost losing his balance. Luckily, he was able to react quickly. Dropping the bottles into the sink and caught him. "Yu?? Why are you here? Ow!" The volleyball player slapped a hand on [Name]'s forehead. "Do you feel good?!" he asked, close to yelling. "What?? Yeah, I am. Did Hana-senpai say something to you?" he felt the blond slipping from his grip, so he hopped to adjust the position. Supporting Yuji's weight under his butt. Letting the player sit comfortably on his arms. "Are you sick!?" The blond continued with his questions. [Name] stared at him for a few seconds and laughed. "Calm down, baby. I'm fine. I'm just a little nauseous. But overall, I'm doing okay," he grinned, kissing his boyfriend. Yuji huffed, getting off the [h/c] head while the said male carefully put him down. "What's wrong, huh? Did ya eat something funny?"
"No. I think I'm just homesick," [Name] shrugged. Yuji clicked his tongue and placed his hands onto his hips. "That's because you've been inside for too long!" he exclaimed. Sounding too confident with his statement. He then took his boyfriend's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen, and out of the building. "Wait, I have to do the--"
"Nope! You're coming with me!"
Yuji led his lover to the same hill that Karasuno did their running punishment. He was dragging the male forward. Bouncing about as he was excited being outside with the love of his life. He stopped at the top with [Name] following up behind. The volleyball player took a deep breath of the fresh air. Feeling refresh as ever. "You smell that, babe? Smells like paradise!"
"Smells like an average afternoon to me,"
"Don't be such a killjoy, [N/n]!" the blond groaned, snapping his head towards him. Earning a chuckle from him. Yuji then sat down on the green land. Tugging the other down. [Name] followed suit and sat beside him. Then the cold breeze brushes along their skin. Yuji shivered lightly, causing his boyfriend to glance over. He watched him lean back with his hands in the grass to support his weight. His blond locs flowing gracefully along with the wind. The smile that was plastered on his face made him unconsciously smile. It was honestly goofy.
Sensing the eyes on him, Yuji turn to look at its owner. The smile had turned into a toothy one. Making the [h/c] head smile further. Suddenly, he didn't feel nauseous anymore. "You're so cute, Yu. And annoyingly hot," he complimented. Yuji hummed cheekily. "Of course I am! I am the Terushima Yuji. The one and only,"
"Yeah..." [Name] uttered quietly. His loving gaze still fixated on his boyfriend. The blond raised his brows as he observed the manager's expression. He smirked. "You're so in love with me that you can't help it don't you? You want to kiss me so bad," he teased, sticking out his pierced tongue. [Name] scoffed and smirked. Leaning closer and placing his lips onto the other. It was short and sweet. Nothing more. As he parted from the kiss, he saw the baffled look on Yuji's face--which soon turned into disappointment. "That's it?!" he gaped. [Name] let out a laugh. "What? you can tease me, but I can't tease you, sweetheart?"
"Aw, c'mon, [N/n]!" Yuji whined as he shook his boyfriend. The two began to banter about. Pushing each other and laughing around like they were the only ones in the whole wide world. Once the chaos had finally calm down, Misaki came walking by to inform Yuji that practice has started. The male groaned in annoyance. He wanted to spend more time with his lover. So instead of separating, he forced the boy to watch him play. In that way, he could play at his top performance; he says. Instantly, he stood up and pulled the taller up. Dragging him once more, straight into the gym. Misaki watched them and sighed while shaking her head. "He looks better now... I'm glad," she mumbled to herself. Mentally thanking Johzenji's team captain.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Hiii!!! I haven’t really requested anything before so I hope I’m doing this right, but could I please request the training camp with manger reader, character of your choice bc I really couldn’t decide lmao😭😭😭
I really wasn’t sure what to do for this, so I just chose Bokuto because… well, because. XD
Title: Enamor
Pairings: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, manager! reader
Summary: Bokuto develops a crush on the Shinzen High manager.
be filled with a feeling of love for
Bokuto’s attention was easily won, but just as easily lost.
His attention was fleeting, bouncing from one person to another like a volleyball. Until it stopped.
On you.
Bokuto had already met Kyoko, but he had no real interest in her. She looked beautiful, sure, but she didn’t have much in the way of personality to hold his attention. You, on the other hand, were beautiful and energetic.
You were the manager of the Shinzen High Volleyball Club. You stood on the sidelines of every match and cheered your heart out for the team. Where other managers clapped or just watched silently, you jumped up and down and hollered out praise.
When each match was finished, you would fling yourself onto the group of boys- high fives if they won, hugs if they lost. Shinzen High wasn’t exactly the best team there (though they were no Karasuno), so there were quite a few losses and quite a few hugs.
Bokuto pouted every time you gave a round of hugs to them, eyes narrowing whenever you lingered a little too long. He found himself wishing he could be on the Shinzen High team, just to get a hug or high five from you.
Akaashi noticed something was wrong when Bokuto went into “emo mode” before the next match even started. His eyes surveyed the gym, surprised to notice where Bokuto’s attention was.
The broccoli-headed guy had an arm around your waist as the team talked. You didn’t seem bothered by it, merely talking casually as though it weren’t there. 
“Bokuto,” Akaashi warned, “We have to start the next match.”
“Just play without me, Akaashi,” Bokuto said dramatically, “I have a broken heart, I can’t play.”
Akaashi closed his eyes and tried to think what would cheer him up, “But, Bokuto, don’t you want to impress her with your volleyball skills?” Bokuto perked up, but only a little.
The next few matches were torture for Fukorodani. They were good at playing without Bokuto, but they needed him to get over his emo mode at least at some point in the match. Instead, he spent the entire time moping around- not trying to spike or receive and serving half-heartedly.
The coach was furious and, in the next match, he didn’t even put Bokuto in. “Deal with it or don’t play,” he had said.
Bokuto found himself walking up to you in a daze. You turned to him and gave him a polite smile, “Yes? Can I help you?”
“What’s your name?” Bokuto asked.
“Oh, it’s (Y/n),” you said, looking a little confused, “And you’re Bokuto, right?”
Bokuto’s emo mode disappeared instantly, “That’s me!” He puffed his chest out in pride.
“Why aren’t you playing?” you asked, confusedly looking over at his team.
“I wanted to talk to you!” Bokuto said, “I love you!”
You stared blankly at him, “You just learned my name, how do you love me? Or is that, like, an over exaggeration?”
Bokuto gave you a look like a kicked puppy. Didn’t you understand that he had fallen in love at first sight? That he was enamored with your very being?
Apparently you didn’t understand, because you turned back to your team, cheering as they made a point. You turned back, looking surprised that Bokuto was still there.
That was okay, he’d find a way to show you how much he loved you before training camp was over. Whether it was through bubbly praise or confronting you in the locker room, alone… he would have you.
He’d never been this enamored with anyone else before. 
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
literally have not stopped thinking about that nationals panel where fukurodani players have ppl to fucking MASSAGE them or whatever it was and i truly don't think we have realized the pure absurdity of how rich some of the schools are so here's some hcs let's goooo
every private/rich school team has at least one (1) token nonrich kid
i could list them all but like. that would take a while
shirabu and yahaba are each HORRIFIED to learn that the other is the token nonrich kid bc all this time their insults were based on "tch, bet he wouldn't even survive in PUBLIC SCHOOL"
karasuno🤝🏻dateko: determined to beat the shit out of private school teams
the real reason nekomata invited karasuno to the tokyo training camps was so that they could have another public school team just completely fuck up fukurodani, ubugawa, and shinzhen
(i know shinzen and ubugawa aren't exactly confirmed but it's SO much funnier this way)
also. nekoma will finally have other people to do The Eyeroll with whenever one of the students from the other schools say something COMPLETELY out of pocket
like okay yeah they love hanging out with each other but like. how the fuck else are you supposed to react when komi goes "haha yeah we just got a new tv it only cost like a million yen" and everyone else just starts nodding and comparing prices from these fuck-all brands
god and inarizaki . . .
look regardless of whether we're ever going to get confirmation if inarizaki is public or private. they're still rich as hell and we NEED to acknowledge that!!
like hello? you think a normal school would have the resources to recruit students from a whole other prefecture?? you think a normal public high school could afford to send THEIR ENTIRE BAND TO TOKYO??
suna gets to inarizaki and is immediately blown out of the fucking water by how nonchalant people are about . . . just pretty much everything that goes over his weekly budget
one of his classmates is like "yeah i broke the dorm washing machine once but it's okay my family just bought them a new one" and suna has never wanted to punch anyone more in his entire life
the only time you'll find nekoma and nohebi allied is when they want to trash talk the rich kids
shirabu: "yeah if you get the shiratorizawa uniform dirty you know we can sue right" futakuchi: "oh fuck off like the cops could ever catch me anyways"
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nerdiellers · 1 year
“Forgive me, baby. Please.” So the scenario is Kuroo from Haikyuu!! had scared his partner’s kitten. His partner had the kitten for a few weeks trying to get them used to their surroundings and feeling not good enough to be a pet owner. Partner has a breakdown.
Omgosh this is so cute! With how cocky Kuroo is just imagining this makes me so giddy!
Prompt # 4 “Forgive me, baby. Please” ft Kuroo Tetsuro
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“Baby, talk to me.” Kuroo softly spoke. His head leaned against your bedroom door, his eyes closed. You had shut him out and he could hear you crying in your room.
He didn’t mean to make you cry. He never wants you to cry and the fact that he was the cause of it tore into him. He thought back to what had made you cry in the first place.
Nekoma had finished their summer training along with other schools such as Fukurōdani, Ubugawa, Shinzen, and Karasuno, and today was the day that he came back from training. It was only a week but he missed you dearly even with the daily phone calls and texts. So as soon as all of the teams left and goodbyes were said to his teammates, he rushed to your home, where the two of you planned to be at so that he could meet your new kitten that you could swear looked like him.
Kuroo never had the chance to meet the new kitten because of how skittish it was due to it still getting used to your home, but the week he was gone, your kitten had started wandering around and stuck close to you, which Kuroo had forgotten as soon as he arrived at your home. He was so excited to see you that he forgot all about it as he opened your front door and loudly said ‘honey I’m home’.
You were sitting on the couch scrolling through your phone while you waited for him when he came in and it caused your poor cat to immediately run under the couch and hide.
“No wai-Tetsu!” You yelled as you gently got on your knees and tried to coax your kitten out from under the couch. What you didn’t expect is your kitten to swipe at you and scratch you.
When this happened, you immediately sat up and held your finger out. You were bleeding a little bit from the scratch and you shakily exhaled as tears filled your eyes. You had worked so hard to get your kitten comfortable and it had just finally started to settle in only to have it come undone in a moment.
Kuroo knelt beside you as he took a couple of giant steps to get to you as soon as possible. “Baby are you-“ his sentence cut off when you looked up at him, the tears that had filled up were now spilling out of your eyes. “I-I don’t.” You sobbed out before running to your room, closing the door behind you.
Kuroo had followed you only to have the door slammed in his face. Exhaling through his nose, he realized he had taken away all of your hard work and patience and he felt horrible. So here he was, leaning his forehead against your door trying to get you to come out so he could comfort you. He knew you were sensitive to the fact that you were a new pet owner. You talked about it with him, second guessing yourself, and Kuroo had always listened and reassured you.
“(Y/N), baby. Please.” He quietly begged. “Open the door.”
A high pitched mew could be heard by his feet. Looking down, he saw the pure black kitten that had come out of its hiding space under the couch. It looked back up at him before sitting down completely beside his feet.
Exhaling before he slowly crouched down to extend his hand to get the kitten used to his scent. The kitten jumped back and stared at him. As Kuroo silently stayed where he was, he could see why you said it resembled him.
Because Kuroo stayed absolutely still, the kitten made its way to him and sniffed his hand before licking his fingers, making him chuckle and pet the kitten, who accepted the attention with a purr before jumping in his arms.
Kuroo stood up and went back to the living room to take out the toy that he purchased on his way to your place, which was a ribbon attached to a stick. He set the kitten down and sat with his legs crisscrossed, waving the ribbon above it.
Taking out his phone, he recorded the kitten playing with the ribbon, doing ridiculous flips, head tilts, random jumps on its hind legs while it tries to grab the ribbon, and sends it to you, the message saying “Come out and give us attention ♡”
Shortly after, you had come out of the room, your eyes red from all of the crying you had done. When you looked up, your eyes widened a bit as you watched your boyfriend playing with your kitten, an impish grin on his face. You walked up to Kuroo and hugged him from behind, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
Chuckling as he felt you, he turned his head and kissed the side of yours as he raised his hand to pet the top.
“Forgive me, baby. Please.”
“You’re an idiot.” You said, your voice muffled by his neck. He let let out an airy laugh. You were right, after all. He might be smart with an affinity for science, but when it came to you, he was a complete moron.
And you still loved him for it.
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I hope this was ok! Thank you so much for taking a part of this event and for your support ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
Haikyuu!! is owned by Haruichi Furudate
©️nerdiel-has-no-braincells Please do not copy and post without approval. Reblogs and comments are ok with me!
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stardustintheabyss · 2 years
Soulmated To Sunshine Eyes
Haikyuu soulmate!au
Bokuto x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, lil angsty
Sum: One of your childhood best friends, Tetsuro Kuroo, begs you to be Nekomas team manager just in time for the summer training camp, you agreed not knowing who you'd find there
When you turn 17 a tattoo representing your soul mate appears. When they are near(2 mile radius)it tingles but both people have to have them first. It stops when you kiss.
A/n: this has been sitting in my wips for a year and I promised myself I'd get this done in time for my loves birthday and I finished with an hour and a half to spare (shout out to pressurized procrastination). Anyways happy birthday to my favorite beefy owl 😚
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"Y/nnnnn! C'mon it'll be fun! You come to all the games anyway and you're good at hyping up the team, even Kenma, and giving advice. And I've seen the statistics notebook you keep. Please, please, please!" Tetsuro begged.
You laughed and rolled your eyes at your best friend.  For a few weeks now, well more so since Kenma joined, he'd been trying to get you to be the Nekoma volleyball manager. And honestly he was starting to make a good argument. "If I say yes will you quit bugging me?" You joked as you lightly punched his shoulder.
"Yes ma'am!" He smiled.
"Fine then. You're lucky I love you and Kens." You laughed.
"Oh. By the way we have a week long training camp in a week." He grinned.
"What." That little shit, he KNOWS your 17th birthday is in a couple weeks. The same week as the training camp apparently. Maybe this was his way of trying to cheer you up... You let out a sigh.
He shoved some papers into your hands, hyena laughing before running for his life, "Here's the permission slip! Bye!"
"Tetsuro, I swear I'm gonna kick your ass next time I see you!" You yelled a half empty threat after him. After letting out a sigh you realized at least you'd be with your two best friends when you got your soul mate tattoo. You'd been watching Tetsuro and Kenma play for years. You let out a small smile, you really did love volleyball even though you weren't really good enough to be on a team but played well enough to practice with Tetsu when Kenma refused. Which was more often than not. So maybe being apart of the team as a manager would be fun.
And that was how you got where you are now, in one of the gyms at Shinzen high school. You were a little nervous about being the manager but the team made you feel welcome. Even Coach Nekomata seemed to like you. Probably because you didn't have a problem putting the boys in their place when they needed it. You weren't what he was expecting. This training camp gave you the chance to find your footing before a real game. And you were having a blast. It was the second to last day and you'd found a nice rhythm. You were writing down some stats and advice on the game the team just won when you heard a boisterous voice from the court next to yours. "Oh yeah! Nice one Akaashi!" You looked to see the Fukurodani captian praising his setter. If you remembered correctly his name was Bokuto Kotaro and he was one of the top 5 aces in the country. Who were you kidding, of course you remembered, you were borderline obsessed with picking out talented players and learning as much as you could about them. He wore his emotions on his sleeve and seemed like an amazing person in general. The kind of person people gravitate towards. And to be honest he wasn't bad looking either. "He's a great player isn't he?" Tetsuro said. You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You smacked his chest, your cheeks warm from getting caught staring. "God Tetsu clear your throat or something. You almost gave me a heart attack." Scowling at him you grabbed his water bottle and took a drink. "Yeah, he's pretty powerful but he also has a great setter to back him up and can read his moods too."
"Mmhm." He leaned in closer, taking in your reddened face. His eyes twinkled with knowing and mischief. "You think he's hot don't ya."
"What? No! Shut up!" You screeched, a little too loud. Loud enough to have number 4 look your way and give you a bright smile,  his eyes crinkled almost shut. You blushed, how could you not smile back at the sweet owl, so you returned an embarrassed small one. You turned glaring at your best friend as you shoved your notebook into Tetsuro's hands. Back at normal volume, more flustered than mad, "Fuck off Tetsu. What you need to work on is written in there. I need to go refill water bottles."
"Hey, later come by gym 3. Lev, I and a few other guys are having a 3 vs 3." He chuckled.
"Maybe, maybe not." You grumbled.
"Please Y/n, we could use your eyes." Tetsuro teased.
"Fine. But only cause I'm an awesome manager and you're hopeless without me." You mocked back before leaving to do your managerial duties.
"You know you shouldn't tease Y/n like that Tetsuro. Not with her 17th birthday tomorrow." Kenma said quietly as he came up next to him.
"Why? She knows I'm just kidding around." Kuroo told his boyfriend.
"Because she can still kick your ass if she feels like it." Kenma smirked before taking a drink of water.
"True but nah, she loves me too much." Kuroo couldn't wait for the little surprise he had for you later in gym 3....only a little afraid of what you might do to him. He was planning on asking you anyway but this development made things...interesting.
Bokuto had seen you around the training camp all week. Usually you were with Kuroo and Kenma. But this was the first time he'd heard you speak. He wondered what you were shouting at Kuroo about. He looked over giving you his biggest smile hoping it might brighten your mood, if just a little. In return you gave a soft but pretty one before shoving a notebook into Kuroo's hands and briskly walking away. "Hey, hey 'Kaashi, do you know who that is?" He nodded in your direction, you were gathering water bottles.
"The Nekoma manager I assume." Akaashi said disinterested.
Bokuto's cheeks rosied, "I know that! I meant do you know her name?"
"Huh uh." Akaashi smirked catching the color in Bokuto's face. "But earlier Kuroo mentioned he'd try and get their manager to come to the 3 vs 3. Something about 'she has a good eye', I don't know. So maybe you'll meet her tonight." That small smile you gave Bokuto lit up his eyes more than usual. It didn't take long for Akaashi to surmise that his best friend had a crush.
Your duties were done for the day and you decided to go run some laps around the track before heading to gym 3. You thought it might help to get rid of some nervous energy you had about tomorrow. In a few short hours you would have your soulmate tattoo. You didn't know why you were anxious about it, it's not like it mattered. It was bullshit, it wouldn't change anything. You shook your head changing your clothes. It was still pretty warm out so you'd changed into just a sports bra and leggings. Putting your ear buds in you cranked your favorite playlist and started running.
You didn't know how long you ran for but the sky was darker now and your leg muscles were twitching. You also weren't as anxious about tomorrow. Smiling you headed to gym 3 to go watch the game, wondering who the other 4 players were. Your mouth dropped open when you saw who Lev and Tetsuro were playing with. Two from Karasuno and two from Fukurodani. One of which was the ace you had been caught staring at. Briefly you wondered if Kenma would forgive you or help you murder Tetsu.
They were on their second set and you didn't want to interrupt anyone's momentum. You stayed in the doorway silently watching until there was a break in the play. "Oya?!" You shouted to get your best friends attention.
"Oya oya! Y/n, you made it! Bout time!" Kuroo yelled back before walking towards you. Everyone's head swiveled in your direction.
"Oya oya oya!" Bokuto added almost reflexively with a smile to yours and Kuroo's greeting followed by what looked like a scolding from his team mate.
You chuckled quietly to yourself before addressing Testu. "Yeah, I was just running some laps." Your eyes narrowed at him, letting him know he was in for it later for not specifying who he was practicing with.
"Nervous about tomorrow are we?" Tetsuro quietly asked you, for no one else to hear. He handed you a water, concern in his eyes. He may be a goofball and push your buttons but he's always been there when you needed him. Who knew the rooster-haired boy was such a mother hen at heart.
Blowing out a breath, "I'm fine Tets, thank you though." You gulped some water down as Tetsuro ushered you towards the other players. Not quite believing your words.
"Guys, this is Y/n L/n, the new Nekoma manager." Kuroo introduced you, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
Karasuno's number 10 walked over to you holding his hand out, " Hi! I'm Sho—."
You interrupted him, eyes sparkling and grabbed his hand to shake. Your volleyball geekiness was about to show. "You're Hinata Shoyo , Karasuno's Trojan whirlwind middle blocker!" Pointing, you named off the others, " Karasuno's Tsukishima Kei, the poker-faced perceptive bean pole middle blocker. Fukurodani's Akaashi Keiji, the analytical and supportive setter vice captian." You bit the inside of your cheek trying to not sound fangirly. "And last but not least, Fukurodani's Bokuto Kotaro, the powerful owl ace captian. Also one of Japans top 5 aces." Your eyes flicked over to Bokuto and lingered. A small shy smile forming on your lips and nervous laugh leaving your mouth. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a know it all. I just kinda have a knack for picking out talented and skilled players...and kind of obsessing. Oh and you all can just call me Y/n by the way."
"And boom. That's why Y/n is the best manager ever. Give her 10 minutes of a game and she'll pick out the specialties of a skilled players on any team!" Tetsuro praised.
"And she's nice when she helps me, she's patient unlike Yaku." Lev added.
"Oh, shut up Tetsuro." You blushed. "And you're welcome Lev. I just noticed you get less frustrated and play better when supported that way is all."
"Thanks Y/n! Well I am a pretty awesome player, right 'Kaashi?" Bokuto puffed his chest out. A faint red tint to his cheeks only Kuroo and Akaashi noticed.
Akaashi rolled his eyes, "Shut up Bo. No one likes someone who's full of themselves."
You could have sworn you saw Bokuto's hair deflate along with his happy attitude. You didn't like seeing him down. Before you could think you squeezed his arm comfortingly. "Hey, there is nothing wrong with being confident and believing in yourself." You gave him a wink, "Besides you're too sweet a guy to be an asshole about it."
Bokuto instantly perked up at your words. "You're so kind Y/n! Thanks, Akaashi means well but can be a little  blunt sometimes." Bokuto lifted you up into a hug, your feet leaving the floor.
"Y–you're welcome." Your face felt like it was on fire and sparks were shooting across where your bare skin met his. Gingerly you hugged him back as he twirled you both in a circle. He was so much bigger than you, you felt tiny in his muscle defined arms but oddly enough safe.
When Bokuto set you down Akaashi looked like he was about to scold him again. "Bo...we talked about boundaries."
Bokuto had an embarrassed red tint to his ears but still had his wide infections smile. "Sorry."
"It's okay." You patted Bokuto's chest and smiled up at him and Akaashi, "I get hugs like that from the guys all the time, especially Lev."
Suddenly Hinata was next to you jumping up and down.
"Ahh! You gave me a nickname! The Trojan Whirlwind, so cool! That's that sneaky greek horse right? That's way better than just 'decoy'! You're amazing Y/n!" Hinata exclaimed, wonder twinkled in his eyes.
"I don't know...you really think so?" Excitedly you started to geek out more, talking fast. "Actually I know Karasuno's starting line up. You guys have a pretty talented team! And you guys pick up some tricks from other teams too I noticed. You truly are crows, omnivorous. Kagayama has wicked pinpoint accurate sets, Sawamura's great recives, Nishin—."
"As enlightening as this conversation is we have a game to finish and I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." Tsukishima scoffed adjusting his glasses.
"You don't need to be so rude Tsukishima. Ignore him, he's just salty because he didn't get a cool nickname." Hinata assured you.
You laughed, "No worries. He's right though, I came to watch a game." You glanced at the score board."Hmm. Cats vs Owls and Cats are winning? Here I thought Tetsu's team would be at a disadvantage."
Akaashi stated jabbing his thumb at Hinata and Bokuto, "Why, I've got the shorty and this big baby."
"Because they have to deal with his annoying ass." You snickered and you swore you heard Tsukishima snort as you poked Tetsu in the side. Everyone failed holding in their chuckles.
"Rude, Y/n, rude." Tetsu said as he poked you back.
"You two seem awfully close, are you together?" Hinata questioned, his head tilted to the side.
Lev, Tetsuro and you erupted into a fit a laughter. Between wheezes of catching your breath you answered. "Ew, no. I've know Tets since we were kids, he's like the brother I never wanted. Kenma too infact,  except I actually like him. And besides Tetsuro and Kenma are soulmates, poor Kenma right?"
"Well we did kiss that one time." Kuroo fired back, bringing a finger to his cheek.
Everyone but Tsukishima had 'Huh? Excuse me?!' looks on their faces. It was hilarious.
Laughing rolling your eyes, "We were 13 and it was spin the bottle. You weren't the only one I kissed that night, you're not special. In fact it made my skin crawl."
"That hurts Y/n. But I still love you." Kuroo pouted, crushing you in a hug.
"Disgusting." You smiled up at him while pushing his head away,  "Yeah, yeah love you too idiot. Now get back to your game."
"Aye aye miss manager!" Kuroo called.
"Don't call me that you rooster haired hyena!" You snarked right back while smacking a loose volleyball towards his head, narrowly missing.
"Okay, I see the brother/sister relationship now." Hinata giggled.
You sat on a bench nearby to watch. It was a pretty close game, your leg was bouncing with excitement. You always got this antsy watching a good game. You were taking a drink of your water sideways still trying to watch the game. Maybe if you hadn't been you would've been able to dodge one of Bokuto's crazy strong cut shot spikes after it landed a point. Next thing you know you were on the ground, right side of your face stinging. You let out a low groan sitting up, rubbing your aching cheek.
"Oh my god Y/n! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The ace asked helping you up.
"Wow! That was a strong kill! It knocked me over even after it hit the floor!" You gushed, stars in your eyes.
Bokuto's face flushed and his golden eyes met yours. How had you not noticed how pretty they were, like the last brilliant rays of sunshine before the sun sets. They flickered with...you don't know what exactly. Like he was trying to remember something maybe? But it was gone as soon as it came. His hand still remaining on your arm. "But are you okay? You're not hurt?"
Shaking your head and giving him a warm smile, "Yeah, I'm fine owl boy. It wouldn't be the first time I took a ball to the face." Your eyes widend, realizing how that sounded. "V-volleyball, it wouldn't be the first time I was hit by a rogue volleyball!" Hopefully your injured cheek was covering up your embarrassment.
Kuroo smirked slapping Bokuto on the back, "Don't worry Bokuto, Y/n's a tough girl. Oh and that's our point, it was out."
You frowned at Tetsuro. "No it wasn't. It was in, barely. Really it was an amazing shot."
"This is favoritism." Tetsu whined.
"No, it's what happened." You pointedly glared at him, ignoring his implications. At least he didn't say anything about the embarrassing words you just said. "Ask Tsukishima then." Everybody turned to the blonde. Tsukishima shrugged, "She's got a good eye, I'll give her that."
You stuck your tongue out at Kuroo. "See. Now go get the point back."
The game continued for another 15 minutes before the Cats won. It was a close game. The long day had hit you as you leaned against Kuroo after helping clean up. You yawned, "Mmm. Good thing you won, otherwise I was gonna up your training regimen."
Kuroo laughed softly, ruffling your hair. "Oh ye of little faith."
Rubbing your tired eyes, "I have all the faith in you, you jerk." You waved to the other players, "Night guys. It was nice officially meeting you." Saying to no one in particular but subconsciously in your sleepy state your gaze landed on Bokuto. "Good luck in your games tomorrow, unless you play Nekoma of course." You were met with a chorus of goodnights and a couple thank yous from Hinata and Akaashi. Only you, Tetsuro, Akaashi and Bokuto remained.
"You able to make it to your room Y/n? You're practically asleep on your feet." Bokuto asked.
"Hm. Oh. Yeah, it'll just take me awhile. I'm slow when I'm sleepy." You replied as you shuffled towards the door, your eyes half closed. You couldn't wait to flop into bed.
Kuroo kneeled down in front of you. "C'mon and climb up. I don't feel like taking forever walking you back."
You snorted as you wrapped your arms around Kuroo's shoulders for a piggy back ride. "Thanks Tets." You murmured as you layed your head down and your eyes fluttered shut. Not fully awake you drifted between slumber and reality.
"She must be exhausted if she's being this openly nice to me." Kuroo chuckled lightly.
"Hey, can 'Kaashi and me walk with you?" Bokuto asked hopeful.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Kuroo said giving Akaashi a
questioning look. The fun loving ace seemed to have a thing for the insightful Nekoma manager. Akaashi being so intuitive of his best friends emotions gave Kuroo a small nod. This gave Kuroo an idea because you definitely had a crush on the owl captain. Hopefully you wouldn't kill him later if you remembered. "But be warned. When Y/n is super tired like this, she is a lot more loose with the truth." Kuroo talked as he started walking in the direction of the guest lodging.
"What do ya mean?" Bokuto's brows pinched together in confusion following.
"Hm, watch this. Hey, Y/n what'd think of Hinata?" Kuroo grinned.
"Mm, baby sunshine. To pure for this world, protect at all costs." You mumbled.
"Tsukishima?" Kuroo questioned.
"Fucking tsundere if I ever saw one but cool, I guess." They quietly snickered at your reply.
"How 'bout Akaashi?" Kuroo fired.
"Straightforward and calm. Kindhearted." You answered snuggling into Kuroo's back.
"And how do ya feel about Bokuto?" Kuroo questioned lastly. Suddenly butterflies found a home in Bokuto's stomach waiting for your answer.
"He's sweet and funny," you let out a contented sigh, "handsome too." Okay, Kuroo was glad you didn't say anything too embarrassing. Honestly he wouldn't have been surprised if you'd said 'beef cake' instead of handsome.
The otherwise outgoing male was quiet. You really thought that about him? Someone as smart and beautiful as you? A wide dopey smile made its way onto his face along with a dark blush. "Agaashi, Agaashi! Did you hear what she said! She thinks I'm sweet and funny and handsome!" Bokuto whispered excitedly, not wanting to disturb you.
"Yeah, Yeah I heard her Bo." Akaashi gave his friend a small smile before turning to Kuroo. "Isn't she gonna murder you for this?"
"Maybe....probably. If having Bokuto and Y/n realize they like each other is something that will make her happy in the long run, especially after tomorrow it'll be worth it." Kuroo looked up at the night sky, he knew you were secretly dreading tomorrow and how you really felt about the whole soulmate thing. No matter how hard you tried to hide it from him & Kenma.
"What's tomorrow?" Akaashi wondered.
Bokuto was still in a daze over what you said and something was nagging in the back of his mind. He'd only really met you today so why did you seem so familiar? Unconsciously his fingers drummed against his thigh, where his tattoo was. Lost in thought he didn't hear Kuroo's answer and lagged behind the two males. "It's her 17th birthday."
"You lost me, isn't that typically a good thing?" Akaashi noted.
"How do I word this? Well ya know how not everyone's lucky enough to find their soulmate? Y/n's parents are one of those couples. Don't get me wrong they absolutely love eachother and I think that's why Y/n thinks the tattoos don't really matter. If her parents can find love and happiness together it's like it's proof there isn't just one person in the universe just for you. And she probably thinks she's one of those people who won't be able to find their soulmate. She never said any of this to me directly but I've guessed as much and she once said 'the world is a vast place to find the one person you're meant to be with'." Kuroo looked over his shoulder at you, his eyes soft. "So if I can nudge her in the right direction to help her get what her parents have, to make her happy, I'll do it. I owe her that much."
"I see. It's poetic in a way. I mean you really can't help who you fall for, soulmate tattoo or not. You just might fall more for the one you were destined to be with. And what do you mean by 'you owe her'?" Akaashi shrugged, he could understand where you were coming from. He'd had his tattoo for almost half a year and never felt anything. He also knew Bokuto had never felt that tingle of a nearby soulmate and he had had his for almost 3 times that long. And he also knew it saddened Bokuto when he was asked about it, that's why he kept it covered most of the time. He thought as he fingered the tiny tattoo on the inside of his left elbow. A coffee mug and an open manga book.
"Oh that's a funny story actually. I wasn't as outgoing as a kid, barely talked to anyone. So one day this girl and boy come over to me, Y/n and Kenma. And she said 'I've seen you all by yourself every day and you shouldn't be sad and lonely...so we're all friends now kay?', just like that. Honestly she was so bright I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to. I don't think she would have let me either. Even at six she was a force to be reckoned with." Kuroo laughed softly. "So because of Y/n I was fortunate to have my soulmate so early on in my life and fall for him before I even got my tattoo."
Akaashi looked to Bokuto, "Yeah, I'd do the same thing for that goofy bastard."
Kuroo gave Akaashi a devilish grin, "So, you in for trying to get these two love birds together?"
Akaashi smirked back, "Bo's got a big heart but sometimes has trouble expressing it the way he wants to. I'm in."
They had made it to where the boys and girls rooms split off. "Night guys. See ya tomorrow." With a wry grin, "Y/n say goodnight to Akaashi and Bokuto."
"Mm 'night Akaashi." Your arms tightened around Kuroo's shoulders and you murmured still in your vulnerable half asleep state, "Goodnight Kotaro."
Both Kuroo and Akaashi's gaze darted to Bokuto. He was looking at you with such softness in his eyes that they might have thought he was already half in love with you. It was like Akaashi and Kuroo weren't even there. "Goodnight Y/n." Brushing a stray hair from your face he whispered with a gentle tone Akaashi had never heard from his captian. Yep he was definitely smitten.
"Night Kuroo, Y/n." Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's shirt tugging him in the direction of the boys rooms. "Come on you love sick owl."
"I-. Uh." Bokuto stuttered before saying goodnight to the Nekoma captian. As Bokuto was being dragged away Kuroo heard him say, "Hey wait! I'm not love sick!....am I?"
Kuroo laughed at Bokuto's words. If anyone knew if Bokuto was love sick, it'd be Akaashi. A few minutes later you were at your door for your room. Tetsuro carefully set you down making sure you wouldn't fall on your face. "Hey, Y/n we're at your room."
"Hmm. Thanks Tets. Ya know you're not completely annoying. I'm glad you and Kens have each other." You told him with your hand on the doorknob.
"Only cause of you." He bit his lip, he had one more question to ask while you were still painfully truthful. He wanted to make sure his and Akaashi's plans could work. "Can I ask ya something?"
"Mmhmm." You hummed crossing your arms and resting against the door.
"You like Bokuto, right?" Tetsu asked you.
A sad smile splayed on your lips. "Yeah but it doesn't matter. He seems like the 'wait for your soulmate' type so it's pointless hoping he could like me back." You opened the door.
"Y/n..." Kuroo heard the hurt in your voice.
"Goodnight Tetsuro." You whispered shutting the door before he could see the tears brimming in your eyes.
Kuroo blew out a breath. Fuck, he was an idiot for not realizing how deep the soulmate wound really went. But you were an idiot too. "You're really oblivious sometimes Y/n." He whispered to the closed door.
You didn't know if it was from being drained or because of tomorrow or some combo of both. But the moment you shut the door the tears that had been resting on your eyelashes fell down your cheeks. While you changed into pj's and washed your face they never stopped. You fell asleep with the glistening trails running onto the pillow and your heart aching for someone you knew you couldn't have.
The next morning you awoke to your whole back and part of your arms tingling. 'The fuck. Really my whole fucking back?' You didn't give to much thought that it was telling you your soulmate was near. You were in the middle of a huge city for fucks sake. You were more pissed at how big it was. You sighed, twisting your head you looked over your shoulder trying to get some idea of what it looked like. All you were able to see was black, grey and white feathers. Their tips reaching just past your shoulders and onto your arms. There's no way you'd be able to cover the whole thing in this heat. 'Oh well'. As you were getting dressed after taking a quick shower you received a couple texts in your group chat with the boys.
Kens 🐱❤🥺: happy birthday y/n, do you want your yearly bd hugs consecutively or throughout the day?
Tets 🐓❤😝: mornin birthday girl! Remind me again why you let kenma's presents be hugs and not mine?
You smiled before replying. They really just knew what to say to cheer you up.
Y/n 💜: thanks guys 😘 throughout the day pls 🥺and because unforced hugs from kenma are ✨special✨ yours not so much.
Tets 🐓❤😝: this is F A V O R I T I S M  😑
Y/n 💜: wbk but yes❤
Y/n 💜: the only good thing about this shit bd is that it means 17 KENMA HUGS! 🥺
Kens 🐱❤🥺: that's it. Omw rn for your first bd hug.
Tets 🐓❤😝: am I a joke to you?
Y/n 💜: okee kens 🥰. Bro you want the truth or nah?
Tets 🐓❤😝: I—. Babe you see this?
Kens🐱❤🥺: Jared, 19. ➖👅➖
Tets 🐓❤😝: I hate you both
Y/n 💜: no you don't
Kens🐱❤🥺: no you don't
Tets 🐓❤😝: your right 😔 see you two at breakfast 💛💜
Y/n 💜: 🖤💛
Kens 🐱❤🥺: 🖤💜
Five minutes later a knock sounded on your door. "Mornin Kenma!" You said brightly opening the door to one of your besties.
"Mornin." He mumbled wrapping his arms around you.
You didn't realize how bad you needed this. Your hands tightly clenched his shirt. After letting go you whispered, "Thanks Kens, I needed that."
Kenma pulled you in for another hug. "This one doesn't count. You still have 16 left."
You hugged the dual haired boy back, soaking up the extra special hug. A laugh escaping your lips, "You're the best."
Walking to the dining area you looped your arm through Kenma's. Of course he was playing a game but you didn't mind, you liked watching. You and Kenma had a different kind of friendship, you both didn't care about the long stretches of silence between the two of you. You just enjoyed eachothers company. That's why it surprised you when Kenma spoke. "So Tetsuro said you were at the gym last night with him and the others?"
Your hand brushed against your cheek where you were hit. The memory of Bokuto's hand on your arm and his golden gaze...flushed you answered, "Yeah. It was a good game."
Kenma's eyes flicked to yours before going back to his game. "You know Y/n, it's okay to like him. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way."
Goddammit. Between Kenma's perceptiveness and Tetsu's well intentioned blabbering mouth, nothing got past the setter when it came to you. "I—." You blew out a frustrated breath. "I know. I know. It's just... so fucking hard. My mind and my heart say two different things." You came to a stop at the doorway to the dining room. Your eyes easily found a white and grey haired boy laughing at something between bites. Without you knowing it a small grin spread across your lips and your heart beat a little faster.
Kenma noticed your smile and where you were looking. You looked happy, a light in your face he hadn’t seen since you all were innocent children in the ways of understanding what a soulmate was. "Maybe you should let your heart win this time."
"Maybe." You grabbed Kenma's hand and led him to the Nekoma table where everyone was sitting. Taking a seat next to Lev you asked, "Hey, where's Tets at?" They all had a look of mischief on their faces. "Wha—?" A pair of hands covered your eyes for a few seconds and then were gone. Sitting in front of you was a fancy cupcake with a single candle lit.
"Happy Birthday Y/n." Tetsuro hugged you from behind.
"Happy Birthday to the best manager!" The team shouted. Earning a few looks from the other teams.
"You guys didn't have to do anything for me..." Your heart warmed at their thoughtfulness.
"Nonsense, we're lucky to have you! You've done so much for us, this is the least we could do!" Tora gave you a thumbs up.
"How could we not do something for you, you take care of us." Lev nudge your shoulder gently.
"Yeah, you make my life easier by dealing with Lev." Yaku announced.
"Hey!" Lev yelled, insulted.
"Thanks guys. I'm only the best manager because I've got the best team to back it up." A wide happy smile split your face.
"Blow out your candle and make a wish." Tetsu suggested.
You closed your eyes making your wish as you blew out the candle. You dared to wish for something you wouldn't have if not for the conversation you just had with Kenma. You wished maybe, just maybe for a chance at love.
"What'da wish for?" Lev asked.
"For you guys to win all your practice games!" Bringing a finger to your lips, "But really I can't tell, or it won't come true." You gave him a wink.
A pair of flapping arms caught your attention. Of course they were attached to a certain owl boy. Once Bokuto realized he got your attention he gave you a big smile and waved. You let out a small giggle and gave a bright smile. You lifted your hand and returned the wave, your fingers wiggling in the air. Bokuto turned to say something to Akaashi, his face pink. But you didn't notice. Kuroo had playfully tugged on a piece of your hair.
"Oya?" Tetsu smirked at you.
"Oh hush." You said slyly but the smile on your face and blush on your cheeks lingered. "Go eat your breakfast, you have a lot of games to win today and need your strength."
Tetsuro stuck his tongue out. "Yes, miss manager."
You were so happy you'd almost forgotten the constant tingle on your back.
It was the end of the day and Nekomas last game was almost over. The other teams coach had called a time out to try and break Nekoma's momentum. All day you had been rolling your shoulders uselessly, trying to get rid of the ghost like feeling of someone's fingers dancing across the skin of your back. It was really starting to fucking irritate you.
"You okay Y/n? You've been doing that all day." Kenma had observed.
Tetsu came over and wrapped his arms around his soulmate, resting his chin on the crown of Kenma's head. God they were disgustingly cute sometimes. "Whatssup?"
You gave them a sour face. "My soulmate tattoo. It hasn't stopped prickling since I got the damn thing. Not to mention it's on my whole fuckin back and part of my arms." You pulled your sleeve up a little to reveal the tips of feathers. Kuroo was practically radiating excitement. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
"That's great! It means your soulmate is probably at this camp! RIGHT NOW!" Tets almost shouted.
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not that lucky. We're in the middle of a huge city. You know how many people live in a 2 mile radius of here?" Your eyes trailed to the other game you'd been keeping watch on. Or rather player. "...Besides, my hearts kinda already stuck on someone." You admitted out loud. Bokuto seemed more exuberant and carefree today. Even after getting blocked a couple times he was still glowing. Your lips twitched at the untroubled ace. His aura infectious. You were pulled out of your daydream when Tetsuro pulled at the back of your shirt, trying to look at your tattoo. You slapped his hand away. "What do you think your doing?!" You hissed.
He blinked at you innocently. "I just wanted to see."
"Tetsuro, if Y/n doesn't want to show us that's her business." Kenma scolded.
"It's not that, just not right now. You guys are in the middle of a  game...and Coach would kill me." Laughing at Tets getting reprimanded by Kenma.
"I don't know, could give us an edge and distract the other team." Tetsu joked.
You chuckled, "Yeah and probably incapacitate Tora, embarrass Lev to the point where he'd be useless, Yaku would yell at anyone who dared to look, and Inuoka would probably try and cover me up without looking."
Tetsuro tried holding in his cackling and Kenma had a rare wide grin on his face. "Okay, okay. You're right. Only we two are immune to your beauty and charm."
You snorted. "Whatever. Now go win this game and make my wish come true or else." You said as you pushed them towards the rest of the team.
The first thing Akaashi woke up to this morning was Bokuto screeching about how his tattoo was tingling. At first Akaashi wondered, today was your 17th birthday...maybe? No they were in a big city. Bokuto's soulmate probably just happened to be nearby today. But then he couldn't stop talking about how you waved and smiled at him at breakfast. So maybe his attitude wasn't due just to his tattoo. He was in the best mood Akaashi had ever seen. Even failed plays didn't bring him down. Akaashi really didn't put it all together until he saw his best friend rub at his thigh, right over his tattoo. "Bo, your leg good?"
"Yeah! It's great. It's just hasn't stopped prickling." Bokuto beamed. "My soulmate must live by the high school or something 'Kaashi!"
'Was this himbo so far gone in his daze last night he didn't hear Kuroo say your birthday was today? And didn't he see the whole Nekoma team wish you a happy birthday at breakfast?' Akaashi thought to himself. "Or something." Akaashi muttered. His eyes gleamed with knowing. He made it his mission to get you two oblivious fools to realize what exactly you were to eachother by the end of today.
After the last game all the coaches surprised everyone with a barbecue for everybodies hard work. You were waiting by the grill with Tetsu and Kenma, waiting for the food to be done. You were starving and the aroma of meat was only making your hunger worsen.
"Hey, here comes your man!" Tetsuro whispered in your ear while playfully nudging you.
Your stomach growled loudly as you swatted at Kuroo. "Food now. Man later."
"You're right. Priorities." Kuroo chuckled holding up his hands. "But that doesn't seem to be stopping Bokuto and Akaashi from coming over here."
You glanced at the Fukurodani duo. Hunger forgotten.  "Holy fuck." You whispered. Bokuto Kotaro was not wearing his long knee sleeves. Your face flushed, "No wonder he wears those things. He'd be too powerful otherwise, no one would pay attention to the ball." Your eyes snagging on the rather large tattoo on his left thigh. A  cats face, half normal with a y/c eye and half skeletal. And nestled behind the skeleton side was...your favorite flower? It was just a coincidence, lots of people have the same favorite flower and your eye color. Maybe you were biased but you thought it was pretty.
Tetsuro snapped you out of your thoughts with a snort. "Simp much? And is that drool from the bbq...or the cake headed this way."
"Oh, that was a mistake." Kenma commented while playing his game. "It's going to be mildly inconvenient to replace you but you will be missed."
Casually you answered back, "Shuddup. Takes one to know one. I seem to recall certain screenshots that would look great posted on Twitter."
At that moment the Fukurodani pair made it to where you were. "Hey hey hey! What would look great posted on Twitter?" Bokuto asked with a smile.
You smirked at Tetsu, opening your mouth, "Tets caught being—." Tetsuro smacked a hand over your mouth.
"Nothing!" Changing the subject, "Y/n was just about to show us her tattoo. Right?" You licked his hand. "Gross. You don't know where my hand has been, you know how many microbes could be on there!" He yelled wiping it off.
You shrugged, grinning. "I have an excellent immune system." Clearing your throat, "Hey Akaashi," Your cheeks rosied under Bokuto's golden gaze. "H-hey Bokuto."
"Your soulmate tattoo? Cool, usually I keep mine covered but I felt like letting loose today after practice." He smiled lifting his leg. Akaashi groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. How was his best friend this dense?
You crossed your arms to keep the urge to trace it with your fingertips in check. "Er, yeah. I don't even really know what it is. It's on my back and part of my arms. All I know is it has feathers. Yours is gorgeous and interesting though."
"Why don't you have Kuroo take a picture of it so you can see it?" Bokuto suggested.
"That is a great idea Bokuto!" Rubbing his hands together, "C'mere Y/n, let me see that tattoo."
You rolled your eyes. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a perv, Tets. I know I'm pretty but think of Kenma."
"Kenma is nothing more to me than a soulmate! I swear!" Kuroo joked.
"Back at ya babe." Kenma replied not looking away from his games. He had long become immune to yours and Kuroo's antics.
"You guys are strange but I'm used to weirdos." Akaashi smirked.
You poked your tongue out at Akaashi, "You say that like its a bad thing." You conceded. "Alright alright. I'll show you after we eat." You were curious about what was on your back.
"Y/nnnnnn. Why must you torture me?" Kuroo complained.
"I ain't ever seen two agreeable best friends, one of em always gotta be a whiney little bitch." You said to Tetsuro.
"So you admit I'm your bestie! Wait- I'm not whiney!" Kuroo exclaimed.
You cackled, "So you admit you're a little bitch?" Your eyes wandering, catching on a small girl holding an empty plate trembling in the middle of a bunch of boys. "I gotta do something, I'll be right back guys." You made your way over to the tiny girl.
"Oi!" Kuroo yelled after you.
"I mean she's not wrong." Akaashi snickered.
"Kenma, Y/n and Akaashi are being mean." Kuroo pouted.
"Show me the lie and I'll defend you." Kenma teased his soulmate.
"I hate it here." Kuroo crossed his arms.
Akaashi nudged him, talking lowly. "While Y/n's gone and Bo's distracted by the food. I found something out." Akaashi had a small impish grin, "I'm 99% sure Bokuto and Y/n are soulmates."
Kuroo's eyes widend. "No fuckin way! How?"
"Well Bo woke up this morning yelling about his tattoo tingling. It's the first time. And then during the last game I noticed he kept massaging his leg. I thought maybe he strained it but I asked and he said it hadn't stopped prickling all day. He thinks his soulmate must live by the high school. The himbo didn't hear it was her birthday today apparently." Akaashi explained.
Kuroo's mouth gaped open. "I think your right. Y/n said hers has been bugging her all day. But she also thinks it's someone out in the city." Kuroo looked to you then to Bokuto. "Holy fucking shit."
You pushed your way through the guys surrounding the girl, "Excuse me boys! Can't you see your frightening the poor thing?" You shooed them away. You knew they were just trying to be friendly but sometimes they didn't know how intimidating they can be. You gave a big smile to the blonde girl in front of you. "Hey, you're one of Karasuno's managers right? I'm Nekomas, my names Y/n. Are you okay? I know the guys can seem scary but most of em are just big softies." You punch one of your hands with the other, "And if they aren't you just have to seem scarier."
She returned a small smile. "H-hi. Yeah, I j-just joined. My names Y-yachi. Hinata mentioned you. He said you were nice. And t-that you gave him a nickname?"
"Really? I actually just joined a couple weeks ago but I've been watching my friends play forever." You blushed slightly at Hinata's compliment. "Er, yeah. I'm kinda a volleyball nerd and it seemed to fit him." You laughed.
"What did you mean by 'seem scarier'?" Yachi timidly asked.
"In my case I just use my scary face to keep Kuroo in line and mess with him...well and for jerks. Watch." You turned to face Tetsuro with dead eyes and your face emotionless except for the creepy grin plastered on. In a sing-song voice, "Kuroo Tetsuro!"
You only use his full name when he's in trouble trouble. Stepping behind Kenma for protection, "I didn't even do anything!"
"I know." You winked and softend your smile to a friendly one. Turning back to Yachi, "See, just pretend to be even more badass then you actually are. Give me your best scary face."
"I'm not badass, not like you..." Yachi murmured.
You snorted. "I don't know, taking on a rowdy buncha boys from Karasuno? Seems pretty badass to me."
Yachi gave you a small smile. "Ok." You could see the gears turning in her mind. Then she gave you her best scary-badass face.
"Perfect! No one will mess with you with that face!" You said excitedly. "It actually kinda reminds me of the look your setter gives Hinata if he messes up."
Yachi giggled. "Kageyama's angry face is the scariest thing I've seen."
"Ready to put your new skill to the test?" You raised an eyebrow.
With a determined nod she walked to the nearest grill and cleared her throat. "Excuse me."
A couple boys turned, "Hey, cu....tie." Their faces paled slightly and their words trailed off. As they stepped aside leaving their spots at the grill open, "Ah, nevermind." 
You chuckled lightly as Yachi turned around with a plate full of meat and veggies. Giving her a thumbs up as she walked back to you. "See I knew you could do it!"
"Thanks Y/n!" Yachi smiled.
"No prob-." Right then your stomach growled ferociously. Embarrassed you replied, "-lem. Um I better go and get some food before those heathens eat it all and my stomach decides to eat itself. Bye, Yachi!"
"See ya Y/n!" Yachi waved goodbye.
Making your way back to your little group your mouth watered. God you were starving and there was a juicy looking piece of meat in front of Tetsuro. Probably his but you have just as quick reflexes as him. With your chopsticks you grabbed it quickly while he was talking to Kenma. A second later another pair barely missing said BBQ. "Haha, too slow Tets!" You teased bringing the BBQ closer to your mouth. Except it wasn't Tetsuro.
"Damn Y/n, you're quick!" Bokuto laughed.
"Oh. Sorry, I assumed that was Tetsu's food. Here you take it." Your cheeks rosied as you set the food on his plate.
"No, it was his. I was just going to steal it. BBQ meats my favorite." Bokuto grinned, his eyes crinkling. "Do you want to share? I haven't seen you eat anything yet."
"Sure, us food pilferers gotta stick together!" You nudged his side playfully.
"Kenma, Akaashi!" Kuroo whispered fiercely. "You seein this shit?!"
"Wow." Kenmas eyes widened slightly.
"Whoa, Bo is sharing BBQ meat. That's big." Akaashi commented while turning to hand a cup of water to a choking Kageyama, completely unfazed.
"Y/n sharing food at all is...unnatural. You wouldn't want to get between her and her food, especially when she's hungry." Kuroo's eyes looked distant as he shivered remembering the one time he made such a mistake. "It's not pretty, trust me."
You turned to the three boys swallowing the mouthful you had. "My shit talkin radar is going off. You talkin smack, Tets?"
Tetsuro smirked, "No, just observing that you're actually sharing food with someone."
You puffed your cheeks out in embarrassment. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I share...sometimes."
"Random stray animals don't count." Kuroo laughed.
"They do too! They're just so cute and I want to give them all the love they deserve." You pouted.
"So does that make Bokuto a stray that needs all the love?" Akaashi teased.
"And that you think he's cute?" Kuroo questioned.
Bokuto's ears perked at the sound of his name and heard Akaashi and Kuroo's questions. It took everything in him to keep his face neutral and not look like he was eager waiting for what you would say.
He did not do a good a job as he thought he was doing.
Your mouth gaped open as your cheeks flushed. You glanced at Bokuto. His face was as flushed as yours felt and it looked like he wanted to take a step closer to you, he was leaning so close. Maybe you should take a chance. Besides the obvious dislike of today in general, you felt an air of hope also. Taking a sharp inhale through your nose you said quietly, "Well, you'd have to be a blind idiot to not think he's attractive. And I'm not blind nor an idiot so." You shrugged your shoulders while shoving a bite of food into your mouth. Akaashi and Kuroo had shocked expressions on their faces. They were not expecting you to admit it. Kenma had a small smile that said he was proud of you. Bokuto was practically glowing. You cleared your throat, changing subject. "So, we're done eating now yeah? I promised to show you my soulmate tattoo and I'm a woman of my word." You handed Tetsuro your phone. "Bokuto had the idea you take a picture so I can see the whole thing." In a small voice you asked, "Can you, please?"
That fear in your voice snapped Kuroo out of his shock. "Y/n, I know I've been giving you shit about it but really you don't have to." Tetsu spoke quietly pulling you into a gentle hug.
Kenma sensed your discomfort and wormed his way into your and Tetsu's hug, giving you your last birthday hug. "He's right. Don't force yourself if you don't want to."
You shook your head, squeezing tight your two best friends. "No, I want to. Curious even but...I know it's stupid but I'm scared."
"That's okay. We're here for you." Tets whispered.
"No matter what." Kenma replied.
"I love you guys, thanks." You nodded letting go. A wry smile gracing your lips. "How fitting my 17th birthday hug be right before the big reveal." You clapped your hands together, getting back to business. "Ight, let's see what this big badass bitch looks like." With that you twirled on your heel and pulled your shirt just over your head, leaving your arms in; your back facing the group of 4 boys. You did have some modesty being as you were surrounded by 150+ people.
"Oh damn! You weren't kidding Y/n. It really does take up your whole back." Kuroo said shocked as he took in the tattoo smiling.
You rolled your eyes. "Well not all of us can have cute little dainty ones like you and Kens." Testu had a little gaming controller on his inner bicep and Kens had the chemical formula for love on his ribcage. Lucky bastards.
You heard Kenmas quiet voice. "Y/n, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." You heard the click of your phone taking the picture.
"It's actually quite lovely too." Akaashi complimented as his theory was confirmed.
"Wow." You heard Bokuto murmur and before you could turn around you felt a finger delicately trace your back. You inhaled sharply as that sensation overrode the tingling of your tattoo. Was Tetsu being a creep? Or..? An awkward cough pulled you out of your thoughts and the finger gliding across your skin disappeared. Slipping your shirt back on you turned around. To be face to face with Bokuto. Was he the one touching you like that?! Your face turned a violent shade of red and your brain was glitching. Bokuto was staring at you intensely, his eyes zeroing in on yours.
Kuroo nudged your shoulder a wild grin on his face. "Here ya go Y/n." He sang song.
Breaking eye contact from Bokuto and looking at your phone you gasped. You were met with the same golden sunset eyes you'd recognize anywhere. The very same ones you were just staring into. Only it wasn't  Bokuto's face looking back at you. This time it was a grey, black and white owl with its wings spread in flight against a night sky filled with stars. And a handful of the stars were made into a constellation of a volleyball. No. No way was it possible. You looked up into the bright metallic eyes you had fell hard for. "You...?"
One of Bokuto's warm hands cupped your cheek tilting your head up. Leaning down he whispered, "I knew I remembered those eyes from somewhere."
His lips were on yours and stealing the breath from you. Eyes fluttering shut, your tattoo had finally stopped tingling and the knot in your heart loosened. Bokuto fucking Kotaro, the boy your heart had already started to fall for, was your soulmate. Suddenly you were lifted off the ground. Instinctively your legs wound their way around his waist and your arms twined around his shoulders, one hand in his hair. Bokuto lightly bit your lip making you gasp and open your mouth. His tongue darting inside to meet yours. A supernova of explosions were crackling in your veins. If he hadn't been holding you you would have fell due to the fact your legs becoming jelly. Your lungs were beginning to strain from lack of oxygen but you didn't care. You didn't need air when your nerves were buzzing alive from the contact with Bokuto. You didn't know how long you two had been kissing but Bokuto pulled away just enough. Both of you were breathing hard. "I promised myself that would be the first thing I did when I found my soulmate. When I found you."
A breathy laugh left you. "I'm gonna have to add kissing to the list of skills you have, Bokuto."
"Oh?" He smiled fondly at you. "Ya know Y/n you can call me Kotaro. Like last night."
Your brow furrowed. "I didn't—" Hazy memories of last night after the game came to you in flashes. You did use his given name. But more embarrassing is what you'd said about him in your frustratingly truthful state. A vulnerability only a few knew about. You were going to kill him. Or at least make him think so. "Hey Kotaro could you set me down for a sec please."
"Sure thing, baby owl." Kotaro set you down gently and kissed your cheek.
You blushed at the pet name and the soft kiss. Turning to the others you started to count silently on your fingers.
"What are you doing?" Akaashi questioned confusedly. He thought you would have been overjoyed at the fact you and Bo were soulmates.
"Oh I'm counting the ingredients  I need to buy for apple pie for Kenma. Kens how many pies do you think you'll need to get over Tets' death?" You smiled sunnily at Tetsuro.
"Hmmm. I think five would be good." Kenma replied.
"I am worth way more than 5! Wait, what?" Tetsuro panicked. "I promise Y/n I had the purest of intentions!"
You took a step towards Kuroo and he took one back. "Oh?"  You started chasing after Tetsu and he only made it a few feet before you tackled him.
"Y/n please don't kill me! Akaashi and I realized you and Bokuto liked eachother and we thought this would get the ball rolling, honest!" To say Kuroo was shocked when you hugged him would be an understatement. You weren't killing him?
Unwinding your arms from his neck you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thanks Tets, for making me join the team" you mumbled, "and for helping with Ko."
You rolled your eyes still smiling and pushed Tetsuro away. "And moments ruined." Once you made your way back to the group you snuggled yourself up against Kotaro's side and he wrapped his arm around you. Looking towards Akaashi you thanked him also. " Thank you for nudging us together so if you ever have a sweet tooth for a baked good, I'm your girl."
Kotaro kissed the top of your head. "My sweet girl."
"Oh you don't have to do that. I'm just happy Bo is happy, that's good enough for me." Keiji chuckled.
"Trust me Akaashi, you'll definitely want to take her up on her offer. Her apple pies are delicious and she makes mine and Tetsu's birthday cake every year too." Kenma added while still playing his game. You blushed at his compliment.
"Alright then, I will." Akaashi nodded.
"What about me?" Kotaro squeezed you & had a little bit of a pout.
You reached up on your toes and pulled him down to kiss his forehead. "For you, owl boy, I'll make a whole bakeries worth." You pecked him on the lips.
"Ew. Is this what me and Kenma are like?" Tetsu's face was all screwed up in disgust. "There is no way we are that bad. Right Kitten?" He declared as he was hugging Kenma from behind with his chin resting on Kenma's head. You've noticed that's his favorite way to be lovey.
"You are." Kens replied.
"Sorry bro but the love of your life is right." You giggled.
"I honestly don't know how I put up with you two. I deserve a medal." Tets said bewildered.
"Sure bestie. Sure you do." You ruffled his already messy hair.
"Don't patronize me." He pointed a finger at you.
You batted your eyelashes. "Me? Never."
Kuroo looked at Bokuto. "Y/n is your problem now. Good luck bro."
Incredulously you yelled. "HEY I'M NOT—"
Kotaro squeezed you tighter with one arm & with the other gently tilted your chin up, making you look at him. You could feel your heart go all soft looking into those golden eyes. "You're not a problem. Your my soulmate. I can't wait to get to know you and fall even more in love with you." He leaned in closer giving you another one of those earth shattering kisses.
This boy. This boy made your heart flutter, your stomach swirl... and your brain dumb. Thats why when he regretfully pulled away the only thing that came out of your stupid mouth was a whispered "Oh."
"Damn Bo way to make literally the whole camp feel single." Kuroo laughed. "Akaashi did you know that he was such a Casanova?"
Keiji nodded while eating a slice of watermelon & swallowed before answering. "I knew he was a romantic but not this intense."
A few hours later everyone was waiting to get on their busses to go home. You waved goodbye to the new friends you had made. However you and Kotaro were holding on to one another. You'd only just found eachother and now you had to say goodbye. You bit your lip. "I don't want to go yet." A few hours together had turned you into a mess.
"Hey, baby owl," His thumb traced your cheek, "its okay. We don't live that far from eachother. We'll see eachother all the time and talk on the phone yeah?"
You leaned into his warm touch. "You're right." You turned to kiss his palm. His cheeks flushed. He was also a mess. "So call me when you get home, to let me you got there okay, alright?"
At first his lips brushed yours then he deepened the kiss. Just as your lungs were about to scream he pulled away but just barely. Whispering "Looking forward to it."
That night you talked until the brightest of stars dimmed and the sun rose. Turning the sky a swath of pink, orange and a color that was quickly becoming your favorite. A color that reminded you of your soulmates sunshine eyes.
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datetechmanager · 2 years
WE'LL FIND MOONLIT NIGHTS (STRANGELY COMFORTING) | a tobio kageyama x reader smau
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SYNOPSIS: After getting lost in Shinzen high school, Nekoma's manager, Y/n, meets a threatening-looking, yet attractive, Kageyama. They start to become close, which leads to them learning about the slightly problematic habits the other (and their friends) have.
CW! fem!reader, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, weed, addiction, insomnia, substance abuse, underage use of drugs/alcohol, use of illegal (in some places) substances, some suggestive content but nothing nsfw
a/n: i created this on a whim. heavily inspired by Cigarettes out the Window by TV Girl. the topics in this are very uncharacteristic of the Haikyuu!! characters, but are very real things that people deal with all the time (myself included). i'd like to use this as a form of comfort for anything struggling with these issues. DON'T WORRY IT WON'T BE DARK ALL THE TIME! there is still plenty of fluff to balance it out! there will unfortunately be quite a lot of written parts because i'm more comfortable with that, and it's hard to convey certain things well in text form.
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TAGLIST (OPEN): @kuroaka @jjikyuu @skarlletthepig @l0diluvs @thechaosoflonging @je-an @ladle-things
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datetechmanager © 2022 | do not modify or repost.
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syana3101 · 10 months
Haikyuu x Bungou Stray Dogs AU - Runaway
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Summary : " The 13 Murders Streak has been shaking Japan non-stop. No one knows who was the perpetrator of this heinous murder; However, special people who work at special agencies speculate that the perpetrators are wild herds named Runaway. "
" However, who is Runaway? Runaways are those with supernatural powers, or a collection of ability users, who are acquainted without organization. They can be passive, or wild. Their one motto: They will be free no matter what."
The beginning of the story begins with 9 murder cases of members of the Yakuza Morimi Gang which shocked all of Japan.
1. [ October 8, 2012 ] — Kobayashi Issa, 49. Politician of the far-right Japanese party. Died after being hit with a blunt object found in his yard near Morikawa High (Hokkaido)
2. [ November 07, 2012 ] — Shintaro Ishihara, 65. A former right-hand man of the Yukikage yakuza gang. He was found dead after being stabbed multiple times in an alley near Karasuno Academy (Miyagi).
3. [ November 14, 2012 ] — Mineko Iwasaki, 63. An entertainment home owner. She was also the most popular woman of her time. Dying slowly from poisoning. Found in his home, near Aoba Johsai (Miyagi) Academy.
4. [November 16, 2012] - Kobayashi Issa, 54 years old. Former judge of a renowned private court. Died by strangulation to death. Found in the bathroom where he lived in his nursing home, near Shiratorizawa (Miyagi) Academy.
5. [December 2, 2012] - Ito Sachio, 54 years old. Former officer of the Saitama Police Department. Found dead by drowning, Shinzen Academy students find the body. It was found near the Shingashi River (Saitama).
6. [December 10, 2012] - Notorious Nobunaga. 50 years. A bartender would have been a spy for the Yukikage. He was found dead poisoned and vomited blood during dinner in front of his family. His house is near Morikawa High (Saitama)
7. [ Jan 3, 2013 ] – Matsuo Basho, 68. An entrepreneur of the XXX candy brand. The cause of death was high blood pressure, his hospital was near Wanaka Girls' High (Tokyo).
8. [January 13, 2013] - Tomohiko Morimi. 70 years old. A Yakuza leader who plays an important role in politics. Found dead without a head in his office, located in Tokyo, near the Itachiyama Institute.
9. [January 20, 2013] — Mootori Norinaga. 47 years. The cause of death was once stabbed and left to bleed. Found dead near Fukurodani Academy.
Which, aside from being a Yakuza gang member who was killed, this murder is not known who the killer besides those who are called "Runaway".
" However, who is Runaway? Runaways are those with supernatural powers, or an ability users, who are acquainted without organization. They can be passive, or wild. And their one motto: They will be free no matter what."
-> Ability User : is a special force possessed by many individuals throughout the world. An ability user may be conscious of and can control their ability, though in some cases, an ability may be uncontrollable and activated automatically. Moreover, a person may be an ability user since birth or could manifest such power in later life.
Obviously, this drew protests from Runaways who were not actually involved in this case. However, there are also those who remain silent and do not recognize themselves as Runaways; but they realized they were Runaways, and that one of them was named Lev Haiba.
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--> MAIN CHARACTER : Lev Haiba - 15 y.o
Ability: 「 The Lion's field 」
To summon the supernatural white lion named Lyon. Lev can control Lyon to attack other people, or whatever he commands.
Lev in the end is just an ordinary teenager who dreams of becoming Ace Nekoma. He didn't really care about this case and chose to ignore it; or, rather pretend not to know until then, this case happened near Nekoma.
Back to the big murder case, this case has a similar pattern, it happened near a school; Such as Karasuno school, Shiratorizawa, Aoba Johsai, Dateko, Itachiyama, and even up to Fukurodani. At that time, the local government made a statement that schools had to be closed; and the postponement of the Spring tournament ensued.
It didn't stop there, many things happened that harmed many people, including Lev. Where later, Lev was suddenly named a suspect exactly a week before the spring tournament by the Special Division based on the results of an investigation by Mr. Ango Sakaguchi with his abilities.
But it turns out again, it was just a trick. The perpetrators actually confused Ango's abilities with theirs; They framed Lev too so that Lev, who initially didn't care about this case, became involved as "still a suspect" and also a "victim". And it is known that the one who trapped Lev has a name as "Six".
Ability: 「 ??? 」
Temporary description : Manipulate the memory of an object
2. ARC 2
Taking another POV, Shinsuke Kita is a part of that Runaway.
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--> MAIN CHARACTER : Shinsuke Kita - 18 y.o
Ability: 「 Hollowness 」
To create a Doppelgangger with very much different of personality. Sometimes, the personality of those Doppelgangers can resemble characteristics of a psychopath.
Compared to Lev, Shinsuke really doesn't really care about the development of the case. He focused on himself in the moment. He had no reason to care about this case anyway.
However, what makes the principle collapse is when an incident occurs.
The 10th murder occurred in his rice field. By the way the victim was killed by being stabbed to death; Shinsuke witnessed it with his own eyes. There too, he meets someone who introduces himself as "One".
Sensing that Shinsuke will become a hindrance for them, One uses his ability on Shinsuke before Shinsuke can react.
Ability: 「 ??? 」
Temporary description : Moving from one place to another without seeing a certain distance.
Back to Lev's POV, after everything he's been through, Lev decides to cool off by going to the wharf in Yokohama. On the pier he vaguely recalls having a memory of someone he calls as "Sunset Man". However, he couldn't remember exactly who the man was.
However, while passing through one of the passages, he saw a person lying between two containers. And that person is Shinsuke who just "transmigrated" from Hyogo to Yokohama.
Lev obviously rashly approached Shinsuke. However, Shinsuke, who has a weapon with him, wakes up and immediately attacks Lev; even though Lev stops him with his ability. And there was a little battle between Lev and Shinsuke with each of their abilities. Until Lev, finally able to calm the atmosphere and help Shinsuke.
( Basically here Shinsuke loses, because Shinsuke is unable to control his Doppelganger, while Lev has full control over his abilities ).
Lev helps Shinsuke by inviting Shinsuke to his home, to talk of course. The two spoke as both of them are related to this incident. Basically, both of them are victims of the abomination of the perpetrator, where Lev is framed by them and Shinsuke is an eyewitness to this incident.
The two obviously didn't know each other, but because they were going through the same thing, they could feel connected to one another. It's not easy for Shinsuke to tell a bit about his abilities part, because of the fact that Shinsuke has always hated his abilities. And it's not easy for Lev to tell about his situation because he can't risk the team knowing that he was once a suspect in a case.
At the end of the day, Shinsuke was allowed to stay before tomorrow, Lev would take Shinsuke away to a safe place; based on his search results on Google, the Armed Detective Agency can help.
At the same time, the 10th murder case became the hottest news in Japan.
3. ARC 3
Another take on a different POV, now coming from Tadashi's POV.
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--> MAIN CHARACTER : Tadashi Yamaguchi - 15 y.o
Ability: 「 Trapped in the Remnant 」
Related to memory; he can read, and manipulate a memory. Good memory of humans, animals, even the memory of an object.
Tadashi was not a curious teenager. But since this case happened near Karasuno, Tadashi's astonishment arose; he secretly investigates the case and follows its developments.
However, from all the clues he got, he instead found that someone close to him was the character of the perpetrator based on the memory of several objects around the crime scene. And that close person is Akiteru Tsukishima.
Obviously, Tadashi didn't accept it and investigated further, but again what he got was nothing, Akiteru was still the perpetrator based on the memory of the existing objects. Tadashi's original intention was to messing with the memories of surrounding objects before being found out further by the authorities who are ability users, but he discouraged him and chose to remain silent.
Meanwhile, Akiteru had no choice. However, he felt very guilty and Akiteru chose to kill himself. He killed himself by shooting himself in the head with the gun he got from "One".
Flashback, Akiteru witnessed the murder of Shintaro Ishihara who was then killed by "One".
Where "One" itself is Runaway which describes itself as "Underground" or a group of organizations that want revenge for the atrocities of the Yakuza Morimi Gang.
Back to the situation, "One" didn't immediately kill Akiteru, but he took advantage of Akiteru's situation to become a ally in Runaway (in fact, Akiteru is not an ability user). And even "One" is also "Six" when it threatens to kill Kei Tsukishima and others in Karasuno volleyball club' if Akiteru refuses.
Akiteru here is forced to make plans to kill every member of the Yakuza which this burdens him with. Because he could not report to the police; or the authorities because "One" and "Six" keep watching over him.
Therefore, to leave this case hanging, Akiteru choose to end his sin and leave this world.
4. ARC 4
I'm going to fast-forward here;
After Akiteru's suicide, word spreads in Karasuno and this causes the Karasuno team to initially have difficulty getting into spring high— but luckily they are able to enter after some deliberation.
Returning to Lev and Shinsuke, Lev takes Shinsuke to the Armed Detective Agency the next day. Obviously, Lev's intentions were good and all went well until halfway, the two of them met Motoya Komori.
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Motoya Komori
Ability: 「 Ref;Rain 」
Allowing him to revive someone who has died within three days. However, he couldn't revive himself if he died; he can only heal himself with a maximum limit of moderate injuries.
Both of them knew who Motoya was; and at that time Motoya was seriously injured with a gunshot wound to the stomach. And there Levi and Shinsuke met other Underground members, namely "Eight"..
Ability: 「 ??? 」
Temporary description : To change his form into another person by eating candy.
When they tried to attack "Eight", "Eight" chose to run away and disguised himself as someone else with his abilities. Therefore the only option left for the two is to take Motoya to the hospital.
At the hospital, they will meet Kiyoomi.
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Kiyoomi Sakusa
Ability: 「 Dawn After The Night 」
To control his shadow into a shape he wants.
Kiyoomi didn't say anything but just nodded his head. Obviously, this made Shinsuke and Lev feel a little irritated; but they have to understand basically Kiyoomi probably still in shock after knowing his cousin was in danger.
This is where Lev and Shinsuke will meet Armed Detective Agency members named Kunikida Doppo and Yosano Akiko, and Atsushi Nakajima. Here Lev will explain all the existing situations; From the way he met Shinsuke, to how they could meet Komori in this situation. And little bit of scolding from Kunikida.
( And Shinsuke will return to Hyogo for various reasons which will be explained by Kunikida who accompanies him )
5. Arc 5
Two weeks after the incident, finally spring high can be held even if everyone has to be in alert if something happened. And if that happens, then the match will be immediately stopped right then and there.
From Shinsuke's POV, at first he was not allowed to go, but after persuading his parents and grandmother, Shinsuke went as captain of inarizaki.
Meanwhile from Lev's POV, he will meet Shinsuke again. And, of course, meet again with Kiyoomi.
However, Kiyoomi will talk to Lev before Lev meets Shinsuke again.
Their conversation is related to how far Lev feels suspicious about this case.
Lev himself will be honest with Kiyoomi because his instincts can believe that Kiyoomi is a good person. And it's true, Kiyoomi is actually kind, but he's stuck in a pretty complicated situation;
Kiyoomi is one of the perpetrators who escaped. And he was in the same position as Akiteru. In other words, Kiyoomi joined and left before Akiteru, which he also explained that he was the reason Akiteru committed suicide— Kiyoomi is the mastermind of all existing murder plans, and Akiteru was forced to take his place.
At that moment Lev contemplates whether he really believes Kiyoomi is a good person or not, but let's say Lev is naive, then he believes that Kiyoomi can be a good partner. At least they're in position which are equally unprofitable actually.
During those two weeks, Lev and Shinsuke kept in touch. Even with a short distance, they can talk well with each other. And you could say it's pretty close.
Lev told everything to Shinsuke before Shinsuke's match with Karasuno. At that time, Shinsuke could only remain silent and said that he could not really trust Kiyoomi. Lev couldn't enforce Shinsuke's principles and because of that, they agreed to keep their distance from Kiyoomi at that time.
On the other hand, Tadashi immediately approached Kiyoomi before the match. Tadashi is furious because from the evidence based on his abilities, Kiyoomi is the guilty one; Kiyoomi indirectly kills Akiteru because of his decision.
Kiyoomi admits he was wrong. However, before Tadashi returned to his rage... The match has started.
After the match was over, Shinsuke realized that Tadashi was an ability user because his own abilities told him so.
However, this did not make him directly approach Tadashi. But he was careful and chose to tell it to Lev who was really close to him. After listening to all the conclusions, Lev thought of one thing; namely team work to solve this case.
Shinsuke initially denied the idea, but after thinking about it, the same situation might make them have their own resolutions. As well as Lev who is not suspected of being a culprit again, nor would he be able to protect his team and family from harm by contacting the Armed Detective Agency.
Although this idea is also absurd, what Shinsuke suggests is for Lev to stick with this idea until he waits for the right moment.
6. Arc 6
There is a last letter from Akiteru explaining that he is hiding something. The last message was coded quite complicated, and only Tadashi noticed it because he uses ability to find out what that means.
Tadashi headed for a Shrine in Shibuya. His search yielded results in the form of seeing an old hut that Akiteru meant. In the old hut, Tadashi entered and opened a box that was also there. However, inside the box, there is a corpse's finger holding a... Flashdrive. Which flashdrive contains a plan that will be carried out by the Underground.
However, there is a new member named "River" there.
Ability : 「 Swindlers 」
To create a Doppelganger with water.
Obviously, a fight ensued between River and Tadashi. Tadashi, who at that time was really beaten back, was finally helped by Kiyoomi.
Kiyoomi who won the fight easily invited Tadashi to his residence for a moment to stop by. Tadashi insisted on refusing, but after a moment, he contemplated a decision and decided to accept it.
At the residence, Tadashi will meet Motoya ( Motoya is healthy, unfortunately he can't join the competition ). Where Motoya himself said that Tadashi was out of the plan, but it would be good if Tadashi was also included in this plan. Tadashi asks what Motoya means, simply, Motoya explains; If his plan is to gather the Runaways who are related to this case.
It was there that Tadashi also realized that Motoya's intention was to invite the two people whose photos were all over the place; Namely Lev and Shinsuke.
7. ARC 7
Here, the real plan begins.
Where Shinsuke and Lev were invited by Kiyoomi to his residence to just talk. This was done right at 11 pm where everyone was resting. There they talk and meet Tadashi too; At first the two of them were confused until Motoya explained what he meant.
It is clear to Shinsuke that he is adamant about refusing because he remembers that Motoya is part of the Morimi Yakuza; Where he was the grandson of Tomohiko Morimi— meanwhile, Lev fell silent and thought about all this.
This is an opportunity. Lev chose to agree. Tadashi is still confused and Kiyoomi chooses to follow the plot. It was decided that they agreed to this plan.
Lev afterwards gets scolded by Shinsuke for being careless. But, in the end Shinsuke decided to go with the flow. At least until spring high ends; he can not waste time too.
From the side of the criminals, they are now confused by what Tadashi and Kiyoomi is doing, and are planning a new plan.
They will decide to destroy all existing Runaways. At least, that's the result of what was done. However, this plan is considered too dangerous until "One" then has the idea to destroy the Runaways who are involved in a different way...
About a week later passed.
The Underground started with Shinsuke.
They sent an email containing a folder that Shinsuke actually almost made by his family as a kidnapping victim Yakuza Yukikage Gang. This made Shinsuke clearly not believe it at first, but after he searched for and confirmed the document existed, then he believed it.
Because of this, Shinsuke argues with Yumie until he is kicked out of Yumie's house. This made his pride tarnish so he did as Yumie asked him to do— At first he decided to kill himself, but remembering Lev—He fled to Tokyo from Hyogo.
On the train, Shinsuke entered a wagon that only had a few people. The destination to Tokyo was deserted from Hyogo at that time due to a rainstorm.
On the train, he bumps into... "Six". Which "Six" then offered Shinsuke to join the Underground and get revenge on Yumie and his family.
However, Shinsuke balked and chose not to seek revenge. There was a bit of a debate which, in the end, Shinsuke won the debate.
8. ARC 8
Meanwhile at Lev's residence, where at that time Lev was offered to move to Russia because he felt that Japan was no longer safe. However, Lev said that he would think about it first.
At the same time, he gets a call from Shinsuke who says that he just ran away from his house. It was raining heavily in Tokyo so Lev immediately went to pick up Shinsuke at the train station after a long journey from Hyogo.
On the same hand, Tadashi gets a second attack from River. But this time, the Armed Detective Agency is also involved, to be precise Junichiro who secretly disguises himself to help Tadashi.
It's safe to say that Motoya is working closely with ADA. With the guarantee that Morimi's Yakuza Gang will work well with the ADA without making any fuss in future later— this contract is black on white.
In this fight, the real "River" is... Koganegawa Kanji.
→ Koganegawa became a member of the Underground to take revenge for what Morimi did to his sister who was kidnapped by them.
The fight was stopped halfway due to an interruption from "One" who took away Koganegawa who was on the verge of losing.
Therefore, for the time being, Tadashi will stay in Yokohama to be well looked after by ADA members.
This was immediately reported by Tadashi to the concerned group. Where with this, they linked the existing theory.
1. Last letter from Akiteru
2. Contain in the flash drive
3. The date of the murder and its relation to the numbers
1. [ October 8, 2012 ] — Kobayashi Issa, 49. Politician of the far-right Japanese party. Died after being hit with a blunt object found in his yard near Morikawa High (Hokkaido)
2. [ November 07, 2012 ] — Shintaro Ishihara, 65. A former right-hand man of the Yukikage yakuza gang. He was found dead after being stabbed multiple times in an alley near Karasuno Academy (Miyagi).
3. [ November 15, 2012 ] — Mineko Iwasaki, 63. An entertainment home owner. She was also the most popular woman of her time. Dying slowly from poisoning. Found in his home, near Aoba Johsai (Miyagi) Academy —> Clues from the murder puzzle "+"
4. [November 18, 2012] - Kobayashi Issa, 54 years old. Former judge of a renowned private court. Died by strangulation to death. Found in the bathroom where he lived in his nursing home, near Shiratorizawa (Miyagi) Academy —> Clues from the murder puzzle " Last Number "
5. [December 2, 2012] - Ito Sachio, 54 years old. Former officer of the Saitama Police Department. Found dead by drowning, Shinzen Academy students find the body. It was found near the Shingashi River (Saitama).
6. [December 10, 2012] - Notorious Nobunaga. 50 years. A bartender would have been a spy for the Yukikage. He was found dead poisoned and vomited blood during dinner in front of his family. His house is near Morikawa High (Saitama)
7. [ Jan 3, 2013 ] – Matsuo Basho, 68. An entrepreneur of the XXX candy brand. The cause of death was high blood pressure, his hospital was near Wanaka Girls' High (Tokyo).
8. [January 13, 2013] - Tomohiko Morimi. 70 years old. A Yakuza leader who plays an important role in politics. Found dead without a head in his office, located in Tokyo, near the Itachiyama Institute.
9. [January 20, 2013] — Mootori Norinaga. 47 years old. The cause of death was once stabbed and left to bleed. Found dead near Fukurodani Academy.
10. [ January 27, 2013] — ???. 38 years old. The cause of death was once stabbed and left to bleed. Found dead in Rice Field, Hyogo.
11. [February 01, 2013 ] Akiteru Tsukishima. 22 years old. Ex-Karasuno Student. Suicide —> Hint "Kanto 20"; Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, Saitama, Tochigi, and Tokyo.
It is concluded that:
1. The codenames come from the date when they would commit the murders / their jersey numbers:
2. Clues in the murder:
- "One" One of the captains in one of the schools. However, based on the clues, it was found that the culprit was....
- " Eight " The only 8 here is the incident at Shiratorizawa academy. And it was...
- "Six" with the plus sign instructions, 1+5=6, and it happened in Aoba Johsai, then the number 6 obtained from that is...
9. ARC 9
After all the perpetrators were exposed, then it was time to prepare. Motoya has emailed ADA, in the meantime they will take care of the rest. However, the reality is not as easy as imagined and this makes everyone's hassles.
There will be a big battle against the Underground of those who are Runaway.
Bokuto will face off against Lev.
Bokuto's ability is to move from one room to another.
The reason he became evil was because he just felt drawn to having vicious thoughts. In other words, he is the manipulator of everything.
Goshiki will face off against Shinsuke.
With his abilities in the form of changing and disguising.
The reason he became so was revenge for his parents.
Yahaba would come face to face with Kiyoomi.
With his abilities in the form of copying other people's abilities.
And last, Koganegawa will face Tadashi...
Arc 11 - LAST ARC
A fierce battle ensued between everyone.
Shinsuke's fight against Goshiki not really an easy fight. Goshiki won both physically and in experience. Meanwhile Shinsuke is only experienced in Kendo which makes him have to use his abilities against Goshiki. In the end, both of them were in critical condition after fighting each other.
Kiyoomi's fight with Yahaba was quite intense where Kiyoomi was crushed; however, Kiyoomi used his last weapon to attack Yahaba who then Yahaba died at Kiyoomi's hands.
And Koganegawa is mentally exhausted when Tadashi uses his ability to manipulate Koganegawa's mind.
Meanwhile with Lev and Bokuto; the two of them fought even though Lev was devastated because of this fierce battle. Bokuto didn't give up there, he took Lev to a place with his ability which was in that place, there was a puzzle that Lev had to solve. Or not, Lev will pay the price; namely, losing all of Nekoma's members by way of Nekoma's school being bombed.
Lev solved the puzzle in his last seconds. Before Lev, finally got shot by Bokuto in the head.
But Lev then wakes up again.
Lev turns out to be revived by Komori's ability. Komori explains that Bokuto was the one who died because of Komori's use of his Ability which required a soul exchange; this made Lev panic a little, because Bokuto should be in trial alive, not dead. However Komori said it was his job to do. What Lev needs now is rest.
Meanwhile, Shinsuke also woke up after Lev, followed by Kiyoomi. The two of them were immediately hugged by Lev, not forgetting Tadashi who also hugged them after their long journey.
11. Arc 11 - Bonus Arc
Now is 2024.
Lev is still a model. However, he stayed in Russia after that incident because indeed, he had to follow his parents' advice like it or not. He parted ways with his four best friends; but this time, he came back for Japan for a while.
Shinsuke lives far away in Hokkaido as a farmer. Before graduation he had lived at a relative's house, and upon graduation he decided to move away. Also a little alienated from his team members.
Tadashi works for the ADA agency. He is on the same team as Atsushi and is still on good terms with the Karasuno team. Although, he kept his work a secret from them.
And Kiyoomi and Komori continue their journey as members of the Yakuza. Even though their main occupation is an athlete; does not deny that their goal at this time is to complete the affairs that Morimi made in the past.
Thanks for reading this far.
I'm very happy because in the end I can pour all my ideas.
But calm down, this is not the end, because this is the beginning of everything too.
If you have questions, you can ask me directly in the comments column, okay?
Once again, thanks for reading this story, see you!
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nnnyxie · 3 months
bokuto has piercings, tattoos, and likes rock & nu-metal
that’s all
(actually i’m going to elaborate.)
bokuto grew up with two older sisters and there is NO WAY neither of them aren’t alternative/went through an alternative ‘phase’. his second (older) sister is/was definitely the alternative one (it’s a pattern i’ve seen [i, myself, am part of said pattern]). so she definitely played rock and nu-metal around him. i think he really looks up to his sisters so he asks her about the bands she likes, the tattoos or piercings she has, etc. he’ll learn about the music and community/culture just cause he thinks his sister is so cool and wants to be cool like her— and he just genuinely enjoys the music, style, and hair— which is the inspiration for his own hair. when he was young, his sister styled it like a singer she likes, and he kept it.
he got his first piercing at 14— it was the standard ear lobe but, he absolutely loved it.
his second piercing was at 15. it was a present from his sister. he had gotten a tragus, which took a long time to heal, especially since he kept forgetting it was there. (it had been on his right side, so he often accidentally hit it or got it caught).
his third was at 16, which he was very excited about. he was finally able to get a lip piercing. he decided to get snake bites after a long battle between a vertical labret, spider bites, and snake bites.
he was able to keep these all under wraps thanks to summer break. it allowed them to heal properly. plus, no one saw him during it since he was always out of town visiting family.
it wasn’t until he had to stay for the training camp and his sister decided to visit, that everyone found out— the day after school officially got out, she took him straight to the shop— she wanted matching piercings.
they ended up landing on a double brow— which was perfect since she needed to even out her brows.
everyone found out about his abundance of jewelry a few days after his piercing.
it was when he entered the gates of shinzen high.
his friends looked at him with comically wide eyes— and he just shrugged, not understanding the abnormality of the situation.
then, when he turned 18, he brought his sister in— deciding to pay for her piercing of choice, and his own. actually— he let her pick out his piercing this time. she chose his left nostril.
finally, when bokuto turned 20, he got his first ever tattoo. of course, it was something related to his sisters— it was a sun and moon facing each other, with stars surrounding them. people would call it ‘feminine’ but, it symbolized the three of them. he was the sun, his eldest sister was the stars, and his second sister was the moon. it meant a lot to him.
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moonchild-things · 11 months
Chapter Thirty-Three: Future King
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 4618
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A/n: Another update let's goooooo!! This chapter is a bit short, but it's an original one and very, very angsty. Or at least I tried to make it angsty lol Hope ya'll like it.
JOJI ISN’T SURE HOW THE NEWS WAS going to go over well with his parents. Though no matter what they say, more like his father, he was going to go. It’s his final year at Karasuno, he’s going to do everything exciting with his friends. A Tokyo training camp? Yea, it will probably be tiring, but it’s an experience that Joji is more than happy with going through with his friends.
He has been to Tokyo plenty of times. Though to stay for a volleyball training camp was new. Not only that but the schools that he had heard from coach Ukai were some that he hadn’t heard of before. He couldn’t wait to see what kinds of guys went to those schools. After all, he quite liked Nekoma, who’s to say he won’t like Fukurōdani or Shinzen. The only downside would be that he couldn’t go around Tokyo and hang out there. What a bummer.
Getting home, his mother greeted him warmly and inquired about his day. They talked for a while over some tea before he went to his room to get some homework done. As he wrote out some of his math homework, his knee bounced under his desk. Joji might not admit it out loud but he was nervous. Talking to his family about the things he wants to do was always a toss up of emotions for him. On one hand, he was confident enough to do what he wanted, and wouldn’t be convinced to not do it. However, he was also insecure about what they would think about what he wanted. Things had been chosen for him for so long and making the decision for himself was usually a toss up. It wasn’t until recently that he was allowed to make them for himself. Even then he doesn’t do anything too drastic, really just staying in the volleyball club and going to Karasuno were the biggest ones that he had made. Perhaps he wasn’t given the chance to do it, but he didn’t make too many.
Soon enough, Joji found himself at the dining room table starting to eat his meal. As usual the dinner was more or less silent. Every once and a while, Eliza would attempt to make small talk but it never really led anywhere. Joji’s stomach was tied in a tight knot as he thought over how he was going to say that he was going to the camp. His mother would most likely be supportive to an extent, of course unless his father convinced her otherwise. Joji loves his mother dearly, but she can bend quite easily to the things her father wants. She could  be far too passive when up against her father, in Joji’s opinion.
The tense atmosphere wasn’t helping Joji with his plan to explain the camp to them. It really would only help contribute to his father’s disagreement to the idea. He knew that his father would not approve of the trip, but it wasn’t like Joji cared that he already knew what his father thought. The only way that he was going to get through this night was getting straight to the point. After all, even if Joji was going to make his own decision no matter what his father said, he still was allowed to know Joji’s plans.
“The team is heading to a training camp in Tokyo soon,” Endo started to say while munching on some dinner. His mother had made a wonderfully delicious plate of salmon for them tonight, and Joji loved it. Well, he loved anything that his mother cooked or baked, since she’s quite an artist in the kitchen, not just with her own art.
Eliza turned to him with a sweet smile, “Oh, really? That sounds like fun! They’ve never done a training camp that far away.”
Joji smiled at that, “everyone is really excited about it.”
Though through their happy moment, Hideaki himself had to cut through it with a knife. “I’m suspecting that you wish to go.” The room became chilly as they continued to eat. Eliza did her best to ignore the feeling that was wafting around the room, but that was hard with Joji starting to match the chilled atmosphere with his own slowly growing anger.
The normal anger that Joji got when his father made comments such as this was simmering under his skin. He hoped that tonight would be a night to get into another argument with his father, but he knew that he would be wrong. Joji held his father’s gaze with sharp eyes and didn’t waver, “Yes, I’m going.”
Eliza’s sunny disposition tried to break in between the two men, “How long is it?”
“A week.” Joji said monotony.
“I think it sounds wonderful, you could learn a lot-”
“You should not go,” Hideaki cut her off
Even though Joji wasn’t surprised with the denial, that didn’t mean he wasn’t any less angry and annoyed. He narrowed his eyes even further, “What?”
Hideaki knew that he was going to get “There’s no need to busy your time with a sports camp that will do little to benefit you in the future.”
Joji stared at him with a tight smile as he laughed humorlessly, “Why do you think you can control that, hm?”
“These… silly distractions from your future-”
“Distractions?” Joji scoffed in disbelief, “These aren’t distractions for anything.”
Hideaki shook his head, obviously becoming frustrated with this, “You chose to join this club in spite of what I want for you.” Why was his son being such a hassle? Over this club that he deemed unimportant. Hideaki is a practical man, and he didn’t deem it practical to be in a club that he didn’t see contributing to Joji’s future plans.
Joji just stared at him with a dumbfounded look. Was his father even hearing his own words? He blinked owlishly, “What you want for me? What about what I want?”
“Please,” Eliza said, trying to intervene before things got too out of hand, “let’s not fight about this.”
Though Hideaki wasn’t going to have any of that right now. After all this seemed to be a very important topic to talk through. “Eliza, it’s time we had this talk with him about any distractions that he has from what’s important.” He loves his wife, but from his point of view she babied their son far too much. Joji is becoming a man in the real world and he needs to face the facts. He stared down his son from across the table, “Do you even enjoy volleyball? What’s the point of busying precious time with silly things like playing a sport when you could be focusing on bettering your skills for your future in the company?”
Joji’s eyes twitched in annoyance, “A company that deals with the therapy and production of athletic prosthetics definitely has nothing to do with sports, huh?”
Hideaki sighed heavily, “What I mean is instead of going to a sports camp that will not have any benefit to you, why not stay home and study on medical practices to use during your time at the company. While having an understanding of the sport is a nice sentiment, the medical aspect of it is imperative to understand.” He could see his son’s reasoning about actually playing a sport, but that wasn’t necessary for their line of work. Even so, in Hideaki’s mind what’s more important research for the business would be to study medical techniques and practices not just playing one sport for years.
“And what if I want to have fun?” Joji asked, his teeth starting to grind, “Am I allowed to have fun?! I’m in high school, I should be having fun with my friends, right?!”
“Fun has nothing to do with your future-”
“MY FUTURE!?!” Joji exclaimed, his voice dripping in disbelief and bemusement. He had hit his boiling point it seemed. Sure, he’s put up with his father, and argued with him most of the time and all of it had finally hit its end. Joji started to seeth, “Stop trying to control every aspect of my life! I thought I would get to be left alone for the entirety of my high school career, that you wouldn’t interject yourself into every decision that I made, but it looks like I was wrong.”
Hideaki seemed slightly shaken at the shout and rant. Though he brushed it off, since he’s used to the angered exclamations from his dramatic son. He cleared his throat, “Well, I have to. You don’t look at the bigger picture.”
“I don’t want to look at the bigger picture, not now.” The boy scoffed, “Ever since you forced us to come to Japan, I was never allowed to be a kid, never allowed to have fun. Back in France, I could be a kid, I could play games, make mistakes, have fun. But the moment you dragged me here, you forced every decision you thought was best for me down my throat. The freedom that normal children have is something that I was never allowed.” 
Joji remembered all the times he was told ‘no’ to playing with the only friends he had, to going to places like zoos or parks, all because his father didn’t see it necessary. He didn’t have a childhood like a normal kid should have, he wasn’t allowed. All because of his father’s blinded view of his child’s life. It frustrated him to no end and while he did his best over the years to portray that frustration to his father, Joji always got nowhere with him.
“You were not a normal child. You were-”
The dining room was nearly silent except for the heavy breathing coming from Joji. He was nearly shaking as he glared down at his father, the man almost looking shocked at the outburst. He’s seen his son mad at him, but this was a rage that he hadn’t ever experienced. Eliza appeared to be extremely upset at the palpable anger brewing between the two men.
“Mon chéri…” Eliza started to say softly, more than worried with how things were going to go. This was more intense than any argument that she has bared witness to. It felt heavier than anything else. She hates this. Hates it so much.
Joji didn’t even look at her as he commanded, “Mum, please go.”
“This is between father and I.” He said sternly, still not looking at her. Whether that was because he didn’t want to or couldn’t work up the courage to, is clear. He let out a deep breath, “You don’t need to be dragged into it again.”
Hideaki also silently urged her to do it with a quick glance in her direction. He didn’t need to have her here since, in his mind, she wasn’t going to help either side with her indecisiveness. Even if she wanted to stay, Eliza could see from the hardened expression on their faces that they weren’t going to budge on the idea. Yes, she hates seeing her husband and son argue, but this felt heavier than the normal argument. So she left them to deal with whatever differences they needed to. She just hoped that it didn’t end up being a much bigger issue in the end.
After Eliza left quickly, all that remained was Hideaki and Joji in the dining room that was slowly becoming colder with each passing second. Neither man appeared as though they were really going to say anything. Hideaki didn’t seem to know what to say at all and Joji’s mind was racing so fast that he didn’t know where to start.
Hideaki sighed heavily while leaning back into his chair, “I never wanted this to upset your mother.”
Joji scoffed, “Well, we’re far beyond that point now. Years beyond that point. All because you wanted to dictate what I do in my life.”
“You don’t even know what you want in life.” Hideaki stated harshly, knowing that he was most certainly in the right about this. After all, he’s seen his son grow up not grasping onto anything to stick with it long. Though it’s not like he realized that it was due to anything he could have done while raising his son.
Joji bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from making any loud outburst again. “That’s because I was never given a chance to explore things about life. Things that could interest me or that I might like to do in the future!”
Hideaki stared at his son for a long moment. Taking in those words. He didn’t really think about it like that, though how could that be wrong? “All to make sure that you focus on the future.”
“A future that you can’t even be sure that I wanted!”
A beat of silence passed between them. This had to be the longest time that either of them had spoken to each other. Due to Joji avoiding his father and Hideaki being too busy to be home to talk with his son. So it was like they were finally coming to a new revelation with things about this. Joji never would think about what reasons his father would have with forcing his decisions down his throat were anything else than selfish. The idea that Hideaki would think of anything other than himself or his business would never cross Joji’s mind. Though staring down his father with a heated glare and seeing how Hideaki’s eyes were starting to soften caused Joji to pause slightly.
In his own mind, Hideaki was starting to realize just how far he has pushed his son away. After all these years, the effort that Hideaki thought he was putting into helping his son in the future was all for naught. Forcing Joji to lose something as precious as his childhood had affected him, hurt him so much. Hideaki should have realized this sooner. It shouldn’t take his son shouting and screaming at him for Hideaki to come to this conclusion. This was far too overdue, he realized.
“I know.” Hideaki finally said, his tone just being slightly softer than usual, “I know that I have made mistakes when raising you. I should have been there for you more. I said some things that have hurt you. I should have been a more attentive father. Though I did it all for you.” He did his best to try and stress this point to him, since that was the only reason in his eyes. After all, he values his son more than anything in this world. How had that been misconstrued at some point? “I want you to be successful and not have anything to jeopardize that. All I wish is for you to have the opportunities that I never had as a child. Doors were never opened and remained shut until I forced them open with my achievements in business. It was tough and difficult and I don’t want you to have to struggle for it. I can see now that I was going about this the wrong way.”
It took a moment for Joji to process this. It certainly wasn’t something that he would have thought about his father doing. Maybe when he was a child he believed that his father wanted what was best for him, but growing up he felt like that was not true. His father proved time and time again that he didn’t care all too much about Joji’s thoughts and his interests, so he didn’t care what he thought. Though to now hear that all this time his father thought he was doing what was best for him… It just made Joji even more annoyed.
“Why didn’t you realize this sooner?” Joji asked, close to shaking at his fathers admission, “After everything that I’ve told you, after what mum has told you, you’re only now seeing the issues?”
Hideaki had the decency to look even slightly ashamed for his words, “I’m sorry.”
“You could have saved us so many hurt feelings, especially for mum. She was always put in the middle of this and had to pick sides. Go with her teenage son who just wants some freedom in his own life, or go with her demanding husband who’s got his head so far up his ass that he can’t even realize that he’s the reason his family is so torn!” That had to be another thing that pissed Joji off quite a bit. His mother had been in the middle of all of this for years, and Joji didn’t like that things couldn’t have been better for her not to worry about them. Though that never was going to happen, was it? Joji stood up from his chair leaning across the table to stare his father in the eyes. The anger emanating from him seemed to be keeping Hideaki in his spot as he stared at his son. “I have spent years thinking that you thought of me as nothing but your replacement. As soon as I became of age you’d train me to take your spot in the company and nothing more. I was nothing but a tool for you to use once you could no longer work with your company. And I tried, I tried when I was younger to live up to your expectations but nothing was ever enough for you.” He harshly spat, “I wasn’t smart enough, I wasn't devoted enough, I wasn’t focusing enough. So yea, that discouraged me quite a bit. I wasn’t enough for my father, who I thought of as my hero!” Joji wasn’t sure, but he thought he could feel hot tears trailing down his cheeks, though he ignored that. “Then every time I tried to venture out to explore things on my own like art or volleyball or anything not related to the company I was scolded and told to forget it. Do you know what it does to a child to constantly be put down for trying new things, things that I was proud of for a time?” Hideaki’s face lost any semblance of it’s stoney expression as he took all those words in. If Joji really thought about it, his father started to look… broken. Though Joji continued to rant, “So I don’t think you should be surprised that I “rebelled” against you when I made that deal with you to attend Karasuno. So yes, I’m angry with you for your instance to constantly keep having your input in my decisions. I’m angry that I never felt like my life was my own. I’m angry that you never even seemed to love me!” He was breathing heavily, getting so much off of his chest was certainly draining. At this point, he knew that he was crying openly. The only ones who had really seen him cry was his mother and Asahi, being this vulnerable with his father was never a thought to him. How was that possible? Just how broken was their family? He swallowed thickly, “but I can’t hate you. You’re my father, I can’t hate you like I want to. I still love you but it’s… it’s hard to just forgive what happened.”
There was so much to take in there. So many emotions, so many regrets. Hideaki was having trouble processing it. How does he respond? How could he make up for this? These years of pushing his son away and forcing him to view him as a selfish father. How had things become so horrible for them. How were they going to fix this?
“I’m sorry for everything. I just…” Hideaki rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was unable to look his son in the eyes, unlike when he usually scolded his son for something like shouting and arguing. Though his avoidance of eye contact may be because of just how upset Joji appeared to be. Hideaki has never seen his son cry, he didn’t think his son was capable of it since he was a child. Hideaki himself wasn’t much of a cryer either. Though at this moment he nearly felt like crying, for how emotional things had become between them. He tried to continue on through some choked words, “I wished to give you a stable job once you were old enough, a comfortable lifestyle for when you grew up. So I wouldn’t have to worry about you being lost in life.”
Joji stared at his father through his blurry vision. This was something. An apology was a start, he thought. Though just how far was an apology going to get them? He sat back down in his chair and stared at his untouched meal. “I appreciate the apology. But if this is some… manipulation tactic to convince me not to go to Tokyo, it’s not going to work. I’m going.” He said stiffly, with no means of arguing with his decision. “You think that you know me, that I’m not interested in volleyball, but I am. I might not see it as something that I’ll do as a career or that I’ll do in college, but I enjoy it. I like it enough to stay on this team, to be a part of it for three years. I am dedicated to this team, whether you believe it or not. You don’t know what I want, I suggest working on learning how to find that out, like a normal father should.”
Even after all the ranting and revelations, Joji still wasn’t going to trust his father. The apology was nice, but Joji wouldn’t put it past his father to do something like this. After all, it would take more than just a long talk to undo all the years of neglect and hate. It would take a long time to make up for those years and for his father to learn how to do better.
Hideaki just nodded his head stiffly, agreeing with that idea. He had plenty to make up for and had to learn how to properly parent his son. Though what would that do now? After all, his son is almost an adult. He had missed out on so much.
Nothing more had to be said as Joji just climbed to his feet and swiftly made a beeline for the exit. He barely even glanced at his mother who was standing right outside the dining room. She obviously had been eavesdropping on the argument, though Joji didn’t care. He just wanted to go to his bedroom and reflect on how much he just dumped onto his father.
He climbed up the stairs and clumsily made his way into his bedroom. Joji instantly plopped down onto his bed, more than content with trapping himself in the comfy confines of his bed and sleeping through the night.
He wanted to be alone. Sure, there was a part of his mind that felt like it wasn’t the best idea. There was no need to be stuck in his thoughts all by himself. It would do him no good to end up going down a road of self-loathing and annoyance towards his father. Though he didn’t think it would be a good idea to unload all his emotions on someone again. It would be better if he just stayed like this for a while. To help him process everything properly.
Staring blankly at the ceiling, Joji didn’t know if he should cry or not. He felt like progress was most likely made with his father. That he probably could understand where Joji was coming from with how he was treated all his childhood. Though who knew if it went anywhere. His father was a stubborn man, which is where Joji got his stubbornness from. Joji could only hope that things got through to his father. It was better now or never.
Down in the dining room, Hideaki sat in his seat, having not moved an inch since his son left. It was taking much longer than he thought to calm down from everything that was said. He had wanted to talk to his son about what was going to come in the future, but Hideaki didn’t think it would end up like this.
Yes, revelations were made, but he didn’t think that they were all too good. He hadn’t even realized that it was that bad for his son. Joji had many grievances with how Hideaki wanted to get him ready for his future, but Hideaki didn’t think they had hurt him like this. Had he stolen his childhood from him? No. That couldn’t be right. 
Hideaki always told himself since he learned of Eliza’s pregnancy that he would be a good father. He would do everything he could to provide for his family. He missed out on a lot due to him being at work, but he was doing that to better the life for his family. He worked to get money, to secure the perfect life that he knew his wife and child deserved. Then while Joji was born he knew that he had to create the perfect path for his son. A straight pathway into a secure job that would help Joji live a life that he deemed luxurious and befitting of his pride and joy. How that ended up becoming something that Joji himself despised was not in Hideaki’s plans.
A gentle hand placed itself on his shoulder. It was a comforting touch that Hideaki had memorized years ago. It nearly broke him to have her comfort him as he sat in the dining room after that spat. A part of him loved that his wife was comforting him after such a jarring argument, but a part of him didn’t think he deserved it.
“I didn’t realize,” he said softly. He looked up to his wife, his eyes nearly brimming with tears. This had shaken him so much, Eliza could tell. Though she’s glad that it happened. 
She sighed heavily, “We tried to tell you. But you kept your plans at the forefront of your mind. Nothing could ever get through to you.” As much as she would like to comfort her husband to stop any pain that he might be feeling, she has to be truthful. Now with everything out in the open, she has to be a bit more harsh when it comes to going over this.
He looked up at his wife with a near broken expression, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” She got out, her own eyes tearing up, “I should have tried more to get you two to understand each other.”
He shook his head, taking her hand into his own, “No. No. This is my fault, you’re as much a victim as Joji.” He was able to recognize at least that. Which made him feel even worse that he had done this to his wife, one of the last things he would ever want to do. “There’s… a lot that I have overlooked, a lot that I need to learn.”
“And I’ll help you.”
All Hideaki wanted was to set his son up with a kingdom of his own. Though he has an understanding now that he didn’t do it in the right way. That was one step in the right direction. It might be progress in this family, all that could happen now is waiting to see just how Hideaki would make it up to his family for all these years. He wasn’t going to just abandon the idea of his son taking over the company, but he knows that he should be more considerate when it comes to Joji’s opinions. He just hoped that it wasn’t too late.
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A/n: So how was it? Was it angsty enough. I wanted to get to this point for a while. Like a crescendo to Joji and his father's relationship. It finally has bubbled over and Joji's yelled his mind at his father and hopefully his father has taken this as a wake up call. Realistically, it's not going to happen so fast, but who knows.
Let me know what you thought of the chapter! Until the next one, my friends~!
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otherworldlyranse · 5 months
Chigaya, showing Gōra a picture: Here's me and Ogano-san at the back of the school last month.
Gōra: Why is he closer to you in height?
Chigaya: Oh, we were on a slope.
Chigaya: He claims there's no slope, but it's obviously there.
Ogano, from a distance: THERE! IS! NO! SLOPE!
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zerogate · 1 year
The visualizations, mantras, and mudras are woven together into the framework of a ritual invocation. The traditional basic training (known as kegyo) involves doing three such invocations daily, with the abbot privately initiating you into how to do the ceremonies. The Shinto shamanic piece comes prior to each of the three ritual invocations, when the practitioner is required to do cold-water purification. You have to go to a cistern filled with half-frozen water, break the ice on top, fill a huge wooden bucket, and then squat and dump the bone-chilling liquid over your naked body. It’s so cold that the water freezes the moment it touches the floor, and your towel freezes in your hand, so you are sliding around barefoot on ice, trying to dry your body with a frozen hand towel.
For me, this cold-water purification was a horrific ordeal. Maybe being a thin-skinned Californian had something to do with it. I did notice, however, that if I stayed in a state of high concentration while I did it, my distress was noticeably lessened. On the other hand, as soon as my attention wandered, the suffering became unbearable. I could see that this whole training situation was a giant biofeedback device designed to keep a person in some degree of samadhi at all times.
On the third day of this training, as I was about to pour the water over myself, I had an epiphany. It hit me with crystal clarity. I was faced with a trichotomy; the future forked into three branches. I could spend the next ninety-seven days in a state of high concentration all my waking hours, spend them in abject misery, or give up and fail to complete my commitment. The choice was obvious.
When I completed the hundred-day training, it was the spring of a new year, and I had a new self. I had entered the crucible (or should I say cryostat?) of the traditional Shingon training and had come out a different person. From that time on, I was able to consciously experience the taste of high concentration whenever I wanted to. One hundred days subtracted from my life were really a very small price to pay in order to live a totally different kind of life.
-- Shinzen Young, The Science of Enlightenment
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becomehaikyuu · 2 years
Haikyuu Chapter 84: Their Respective Evolutions
The chapter starts with GU getting Hinata to work with different setters with from different colleges, schools, and even something called a junior high. He's gonna do the first tempo with all of them. GU gives him the advice to get a feel for the ball, since volleyball is a game where you can't hold the ball but only touch it in different, exciting ways. He has to treat it as an extension of his body.
MEANWHILE, Ukai explains the tempo thing to Kageyama. Then he brings up the idea of a "halted toss". A fucked-up screw ball thing that looks like it'll mess with opponents' heads. Remembering what Oikawa told him, Kageyama tells Ukai he'll try it out.
THE NEXT DAY, Hinata apologizes to Tanaka again about the fight. Turns out Tanaka had to drop both their punk asses with a double fist attack. Tanaka is chill about it and just chastises Hinata for fighting in front of Yaichi, which I unironically agree is the real issue. Hinata confirms to Yaichi that him and Kageyama are cool...despite me seeing no real evidence of that.
Sawamura goes to see Yui (the volleyball club girl from the season 1 tournament) to ask for the gym because literally the whole damn team is having a training arc. Asahi is mad over how weaksauce his spikes are compared to matches so Nishinoyo offers to toss to him to help him out. Later on, the team watches Shinzen fight another team to get the beginnings of an idea of how to form a synchronized attack. Kageyama does the water bottle training (from the eyecatches from the anime!) but fuck that, Hinata is doing tempo training with aunties who call him small fry! But fuck that, Yamaguchi is going off to train at Shimada's! But fuck that, Saeko asks Tanaka about Tsukishima for some weird reason!
Next time we see our idiots, it's summer. Before practice, Kiyoko, Yaichi and Takeda bring them onigiris. Ah, the humble jelly donuts. Great to eat before hard workout sessions.
Back at GU training, Hinata is doing so good at tempos that he upgrades from Small Fry to Short Stuff. But fuck that, Kageyama is still doing his water bottle exercises. The chapter ends with everyone getting ready to push it to the limit.
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loveai2 · 2 years
KnB ver.
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Miyagi: Karasuno, Seijoh, Date Tech, Shiratorizawa (and others)
Tokyo: Nekoma, Fukurōdani, Itachiyama, Nohebi
Saitama: Shinzen
Kanagawa: Ubugawa
Nagano: Kamomedai
(Fukui: Seiin from 2.43)
(Aichi: Suna's hometown)
Hyogo: Inarizaki
Ōita: Mujinazaka
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
hey all welcome to me rating hq schools based on how homophobic they are on completely arbitrary-not-arbitrary rules LET’S GET IT
(i feel like i need to clarify that high score = not at all homophobic and that low score = disgustingly homophobic hope that helps!!)
karasuno: 1000000/100000 i’m including BOTH teams in this to represent the whole school boys’ vbc i don’t even think i have to cite reasons BUT girls’ vbc i just know that poor little underclassman had a heart attack when michimiya grabbed her face like that
seijoh: i’m going to take off a point right off the bat bc i wanted to deck oikawa so bad the first time i saw him. 9/10 the day is saved because kyoutani and yahaba put so much yearning into that one panel and also because kindaichi has multiple breakdowns over what kageyama means to him every few days or so. kunimi would commit gay-on-gay crime but i’ll allow that he has the right to
date tech: i know for a fact we’ve all been kogane at some point in our lives and also i’m pretty sure all the first and second years were in love with moniwa at some point. onagawa’s nickname is pantalones. aone hyper focuses on the aces of rival teams. having nametsu as a manager is mlmwlw solidarity. 4/10 i took points away because futakuchi is a little bitch and isn’t afraid to show it and would accidentally come across as homophobic in the process when he isn’t
shiratorizawa: see this is tough bc tendou reads all that shounen and semi is SO gender and probably holes himself up in the dorm writing song lyrics about having the biggest crush on tendou and also goshiki and shirabu are obviously pining for their upperclassmen but ushijima has some SERIOUS repression going on and washijou looks like he’d say that being gay is a disease BUT i do think he’s open to learning so like. 6.5/10?
johzenji: they have cute nicknames for each other AND i think they’d kiss the homies good night. also terushima fell in love with daichi within the span of fifteen seconds. 7/10 i took away points because they think saying “no homo” while holding hands stops it from being homo
kakugawa: komaki, asamushi, and minamida all rotate the brain cell between them. they all look like middle schoolers next to hyakuzawa to the point where i keep forgetting they’re not. komaki does the glasses push so i’m giving extra for that. 7.5/10 because when hyakuzawa comes out to them they freak out (out of concern and trying to figure out how to best handle it!) and then freak hyakuzawa out so everyone is just freaking out for a full five minutes
wakunan: nakashima and tabi deserved SO MUCH MORE also i love tabi’s hair so 11/10 the extra 1 is for their break down
nekoma: 1000000.5/10 mostly because i’m biased but hello???? we have DIVERSITY here we can go rivals to lovers AND childhood friends to lovers AND friends to lovers all in one team. nekomata is self-explanatory. the .5 is because i already mentioned before that lev would be such a top tier ally if he wasn’t already swooning over kenma and yaku
fukurodani: akaashi will go on tangents about how historians will say they were just best friends. whenever yukie and kaori cuddle in front of everyone konoha makes gagging noises bc of how sickeningly sweet they are. it’s funny but i’ll be taking points off for that and also because bokuto once got the school computers infected with a virus trying to google “two guys making out”. 2/10
shinzen & ubugawa: i’m putting them together bc daiki and masaki are in love and eri and mako are in love. they go on double dates all the time and also chigaya is a bro he gets trusted with all the secret “dude i think i’m _____” talks and never tells a single soul about them 100/100
itachiyama: iizuna is the mlm awakening at itachiyama. iizuna was SAKUSA’S awakening. komori and sakusa fight because they say can’t both be the gay cousin. whenever iizuna interrupts their bickering they call him homophobic. 9/10 i subtracted a point because their uniforms make me want to claw my eyes out
nohebi: we all know daishou had a thing for kuroo way back when so like. also have you seen hiroo’s hair? those bangs are emo as hell what even is that. 8/10 because they’ll be homophobic against other teams in the middle of the goddamn game to bait them and the only reason they haven’t lost MORE points for that is bc i love kuguri
inarizaki: -117478492/10 i’ll fight miya atsumu myself. i don’t think he’s homophobic he just pisses me off sometimes
kamomedai: they get 475828929392/??? just because i love them so much
mujinazaka: usuri instills fear and admiration in me. also unann and mami are basically an old divorced couple who want to get back together but don’t know how to. honda probably gets shit on a lot for having his whole entire name sounding like car dealerships. ezo is the only one with a brain cell and for that i’ll give 8.5/10
niiyama: maiko doesn’t even know there are labels for it she just thinks girls are pretty and she’d kill for them 500/10
tsubakihara: the headbands are really cute and i like their motto 100/100
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