#ship snippets
cabezadeperro · 7 months
hi there! 💖 for Cody/Fox if you’re vibing with it
unfortunately i am always vibing with cody/fox (also sorry i don't think this was what you asked for ahdghkhghkdhkgh)
post order 66, fox lives au & purge trooper!cody.
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out
“I thought you were dead.”
The shuttle rattles—they’re leaving atmo. Fox shifts his weight and says nothing. Cody scoffs and shakes his head. He’s still wearing most of his shell: the black plates reflect the red emergency lights, and so do his eyes, shining like twin flames in the dark. His hair is the shortest that Fox has ever seen, buzzed close to the skin, and he looks—sharp. Too thin, all his edges out there for the world to see.
His wrists are shackled together, the heavy handcuffs resting on his lap where he’s buckled to one of the jump seats. He seems perfectly unconcerned about his situation, and Fox can’t quite decide if it’s real or just for show. 
“I know,” he finally says. “It was on purpose.”
Cody blinks. Fox wonders: did he grieve? Did Cody grieve for him? The chip allows it—that’s not what it’s for. Grief isn’t useful.
Fox shrugs. “Many people died in the last few days of the war,” he points out. 
“But not you,” Cody says. He sounds thoughtful. He’s not looking at Fox but at his own hands. 
The shuttle’s getting ready to jump. It’s an old model, with a boring transponder code. It has a crappy hyperdrive, a tiny fresher and a couple pull-down cots folded over the seats. The hold is full—mostly junk. Trinkets. Fox will find somewhere to sell them after he delivers Cody to the Rebellion.
He doubts he’ll see Cody again. Fox’s not welcome where they are going, and he dislikes spending time among birthers anyway.
Fox looks away. Six hours. These are the last six hours he’ll spend in Cody’s presence, and then he’ll—leave. He’ll leave Cody in his captain’s hands and then he’ll leave forever. 
It’s so strange. A lifetime in each other’s pockets, and then the war, and then this: sharing the relative quiet of a shitty, rattling old shuttle after the end of the world.
“Fox,” Cody says suddenly. Fox blinks and turns to look at him. Cody’s already staring at him: the dim light makes the bruises on his face look deeper, the blood on his chin seem black. “I think I fucking hate you.”
Fox snorts. It hurts, the laughing and the words. He leaves his place to the side, next to the door to the cockpit, and approaches his brother.
“You’re not the only one,” he tells Cody. Cody rolls his eyes, and it makes him look so—young, that for a beat Fox almost forgets himself.
“I’m glad you’re not dead,” he replies, and then leans back in his seat, a weird little smile on his face. Half smug smirk, half something else, both off and profoundly familiar.
He looks up at Fox, the lights sliding down his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, legs sprawled. His boot knocks against Fox’s foot, once, twice, then stays.
“You may be the only one,” Fox tells him. 
This is a mistake—Cody’s brilliant and Cody’s ruthless.
Fox leans forward, places his hands on the armrests of Cody’s seat. The shackles clink. They are heavy, cumbersome things. Cody smells of blood and sweat and blaster discharge and melted plastoid. Fox breathes him in: he wants to open his mouth and let it all rest on his tongue, filling his brain.
He still kisses like he used to. Fox feels himself moan into his mouth, Cody biting at his lips and sucking on his tongue, straining against the buckles and the weight of his handcuffs. Fox allows it for long, long seconds—Cody’s breath on his lips and on his chin, the taste of him, the way he sounds.
It takes him longer than Fox expected. He tries to go for Fox’s blaster, Fox steps away, and then it’s back to sleep, Cody’s head lolling against the seat. Fox wipes his wet mouth, still breathing hard, his lips tingling, and puts away the injector. 
His heart is beating hard inside his chest, and he feels—Fox finds he feels worse now. He sits down on the jumpseat next to Cody’s, and when Cody’s head ends up resting on his shoulder he allows it.
I’ll miss you.
Fox leans his cheek on Cody’s shaved head, his growing hair soft against his skin, and closes his eyes.
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novelconcepts · 8 days
hi! would you mind doing ❤️ for lottienat? thanks :)
❤️ first kiss / realization
"Do you remember that party at Mari's in tenth grade?" Lottie asks.
It's the first time either of them have spoken in hours. The rain has come on like a fever, trying to wash everything out, and they're hunkered together in the lean-to. Not sleeping. Natalie rarely sleeps anymore.
"Which one?" She tightens her arms around her bent knees, chin resting on bare skin. It's hot these days. She's glad for that.
Lottie gazes out into the dark. "The one where you saved me from Doug."
Natalie remembers. A game of Seven Minutes in Heaven for which Lottie had drawn the short straw. She smiles, zeroing in on the simple stretch of her own mouth against her arm.
"You did not want to make out with Doug."
"So you pushed him out of the way at the last second," Lottie recalls fondly. "And locked yourself in with me instead."
They'd been fifteen. A lifetime ago. Natalie doesn't remember much from that party--she'd been off her ass on something, can't recall what now, but even under the buzz, one thing had been clear. Lottie wasn't into it; Doug was. That would have made for a nasty combo. It hadn't even been a choice, really; just the way things needed to be.
"He was pissed," she says now, and her smile widens to a grin.
"You were my hero." Lottie's looking at her, dark eyes glimmering. "I hadn't even had my first kiss yet. You made sure it wouldn't be with someone gross."
Natalie raises her head, tipping a salute with two fingers. "Just doin' my job."
"It wasn't, though." There's a fire in Lottie's eyes, she realizes. Not the usual zeal. Something simpler. "It wasn't your job, and you did it anyway. Without me even asking."
"Maybe I read your mind," Natalie snips. Wrong thing to say, she realizes a beat later when Lottie's expression folds. She looks skyward again.
"I never thanked you. You gave me the chance to choose something that mattered to me. Or...could matter to me. Later. So. Thanks."
Natalie remembers the way Lottie had hugged herself tight, how they'd just stared at each other for the first full minute in that closet before bursting into laughter. How Lottie had sunk down into a crouch, still giggling, and they'd talked shit about the nasty spiked punch and the cheerleaders who showed up in hideous matching skirts.
It was easy, being with Lottie back then.
Now, it's...
"Who would you have chosen?" she blurts. "If you could have."
Lottie doesn't look at her. Embarrassment radiates off her, adding to the late spring heatwave. "I don't know. I didn't like anybody back then--like that."
"Now?" Natalie can feel her hackles rising. Lottie will say something stupid here, like Travis, or something worse about being married to the fucking woods or some shit. Lottie will say something here to make it all more difficult than it needs to be.
"Now," Lottie says softly, "I wish I'd done more than just laugh."
Natalie turns to her, startled. Lottie's still staring off into the dark. Smiling. Embarrassed.
"Makes you wish time travel was a thing, huh?" It's the best Natalie can think to say. It's so stupid. And, even so, Lottie laughs.
Laughs, and--without another word--kisses Natalie quick. It's a peck, really. Nothing compared to what she's shared with so many others. Just a peck, and she's grinning like an idiot.
She buries her face in her arms again, lost to the rain and to Lottie's gentle delight.
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shycorvid · 4 months
Damian being moronsexual and getting a crush on Danny Fenton against his will. Danny does something so fucking idiotic and he goes to Jason and says, “I have taken after my mother. Todd, as the only reasonable man in this family, it is now your duty to put me out of my misery.” And Jason’s all, “you had your chance the first time I shot you.”
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jasminesfury · 8 months
messy chaotic ‘we’re terrible for each other but can’t keep our hands off each other’ prompts
oh hello i am in fact alive
“do you ever actually think before speaking? like is your brain capable of processing a thought??” “yeah, it’s just immune to idiotic ones”
“take that back” “prove me wrong” (or; a cliché ‘make me’)
being in some sort of intense slightly pointless staring match (after an argument, preferably) and just saying “oh fuck it who cares” and pulling their neck down to kiss them
“do you the sex would be boring if we didn’t argue before it every time?” “i mean, we could always argue during”
^or, alt: doing it once when you’re not arguing instead kinda tipsy but not drunk, and it’s all giggles and laughter and sweet nothings and the next morning being like “oh fuck i actually like them”
“why does everything with you have to be so difficult!?” “it’s fun getting you all riled up”
“oh, if i had known that’s all it would take for you to shut up i would’ve done this ages ag-“ “only finish that sentence if you have a death wish”
“you’re doing it wrong” “jesus, would you just relax” “no because i’m wasting my tim- oh, oh my god-” the other character smirking, “don’t look so smug” “i think i’ve earned the right, now just trust me, okay? believe it or not, i want to make you feel good”
“so you’ll finally stop being an asshole and just sign the document?” “keep doing this and i’ll sell you my house”
getting jealous and the other character pretending that it’s unreasonable, but secretly character A is the only one they feel a spark with. the only one they feel excited to be around
“we should probably stop this” “yeah” … “we’re not going to though, right?” “oh absolutely not”
“nope no nada, no using sex to get me to do things you want, it’s not going to work anymore”
“you really are a fucking asshole aren’t you?” “yes, i believe that’s what’s on my resume”
“i hate you” “i know” “and that won’t change” “i know” “and you’re still okay with this?” no “yes”
“imagine a universe where we didn’t hate each other, that would be so-“ “boring?” “yeah! like imagine not bickering over tiny things, that’s no fun”
“she says we bicker like an old married couple”
talking with a friend; “you shouldn’t go there” “i know” “and you shouldn’t sleep with them” “i know” “it’s a bad idea” “i know” “well. will you?” “..yeah”
“i know we’re terrible for each other but every time i look at them it’s just like my brain flies out the window and my hormones take over”
“we’re broken up, it’s just two friends going out for drinks, okay?” ending up in one’s bed, but alright
“did you sleep together?” “noooo, i just-“ “tripped on a stone and accidentally dailed his number which magically led to you two meeting at a pub and you just magically teleported to your bedroom without your clothes on? yeah, thought so”
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kevindavidday · 2 months
neil, jean and jeremy all have such fanboy descriptions of kevin idek what a pov would sound like from the perspective of someone who isn't in love with him
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birrdies · 2 months
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you awake?
some art for a boat boys au im working on… its hard to describe what exactly it is, but its based on the show ‘WAYNE’ if any of you have seen it.
Joel lost count of the days once they passed D.C. He should’ve kept a book or something—hell, he could’ve found a sharpie and scrawled some tallies on his palm— but it was hard track of time when all you really wanted was to outrun it. But as the sun set, slivers of a dreary dusk streaming in the windows, Joel was trapped in it. But this time, he didn’t mind so much.
Etho’s head was a dead weight on his shoulder. The rumble of the car engine kept lulling the both of them to sleep, but Joel fought. Just in case. Just to count the breaths against his collarbone. Those, he could count. Passing days didn’t matter anymore— this did. Here and now, the road ahead of them, did.
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writersloveroe · 1 year
one bed trope dialogue prompts
•”wait- there’s seriously only one bed?”
•”no i insist, stay in bed with me,”
•”i didn’t mean to end up so close to you that night we were sharing the bed,”
•”it was so awkward- i woke up and we were cuddling like a couple,”
•”i hope you don’t snore,”
•”can you come a little closer? it’s cold in here,”
•”you know your head was resting on my shoulder as you slept right?”
•”you’re a cute sleeper,”
•”i know this is a bit weird, but can you hold me?”
•”stop hogging the covers!”
•”you kicked me seven times while sleeping,”
•”can you talk to me? i can’t sleep,”
•”there must’ve been some mistake there should be two beds,”
•”sharing a bed with you isn’t the worse thing that could happen, right?”
•”i’ll sleep on the couch- fine, i’ll sleep with you on the bed,”
•”you have cute bedhead,”
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wikiangela · 2 months
several sentence sunday
tagged by @hippolotamus
sooo bucktommy won me over, i couldn't resist anymore 🙈 so here's a bit of them after their date lol just to be clear, im still 10000% about buddie but im gonna enjoy this while it lasts bc I feel like this is exactly what buck needs rn lol I just wanna write him be giddy and stupid and flustered about a boy even if that's not eddie haha (also, I didn't get the Tommy hype before but after seeing him everywhere for two days... I get it now 🥵)
"(...) We should do this again.” Tommy says, turning fully towards Buck, and Buck’s eyes immediately find his lips. He can’t wait to kiss him again, and this would be the time, at the end of the date, wouldn’t it?
“We should.” Buck nods, licks his lips, eyes darting up to Tommy’s eyes. He’s smiling softly, just looking at Buck. “I-” he starts, and then thinks, fuck it, and this time he makes a move, as he leans across the console to grab Tommy’s chin, like he did Buck’s in his kitchen, and bring him in for a kiss. Tommy immediately reciprocates, and Buck melts against him, and then when Tommy’s calloused hand covers his cheek, it just feels so- so different, in the best way possible. This kiss lasts longer than the first one, each of them constantly coming back for more, but it’s as gentle and tender as that one. Buck loves it, and can’t help smiling into it. He wants more. “Hey.” Buck says, finally pulling away, licks his spit-covered lips nervously. “Do you- do you maybe wanna come in for a beer?” he asks shyly, and at Tommy’s surprised expression and raised eyebrow he realizes it might sound like he’s inviting him for more than a beer, and he panics again. “I- I- I mean, just a beer. And maybe- maybe more of this.” he pecks Tommy’s lips again, not able to resist a smile. “But just a beer. I don’t think I’m- But who knows, maybe-” he stumbles over his words, because the truth is, he wants Tommy, he wants… he wants so much, he wants to experience so much for the first time – it’s just that he’s not sure if it’s not too quick for this relationship, and for him.
“Evan.” Tommy interrupts, bringing his other hand up, now cradling Buck’s face in both, thumbs moving soothingly along Buck’s cheeks. “Your pace, remember? No pressure, no rush.”
“You’re really cool, you know that?” Buck whispers.
“So I keep hearing.” Tommy chuckles, and it’s adorable. He kisses Buck again, and the butterflies in Buck’s stomach go crazy. Fuck, he doesn't remember the last time he felt this giddy and excited and just light. “I’d love to come in for a beer.”
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @neverevan @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck @tizniz @your-catfish-friend
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presidentbungus · 3 months
“What are you looking at so intently?” says Engie like any good Texan boy would, all fluttering eyelashes and blushy grins despite the fact his eyes are behind half a centimeter of tinted glass. Medic puffs out his lips into a little pucker, then smooths back out, and Engie glints with satisfaction at just the lightest dusting of pink that rises to his cheeks.
He makes sure to be just a little extra slow and sultry when he leans over and plucks a beer from the case by his recliner-chair. “See somethin’ ya like?” By which he means: you're staring for a good reason, please, god, aren't you? But he’s too respectful and upstanding to say that, though he considers himself certainly talented at this whole implications thing, and the deep mauve Medic turns when he tosses just a slightly inflected look in his direction indicates he must get the general idea.
“Well—hoo, well.” He spends two seconds frankly adorably stumbling through his words and then that gloved hand darts out and there’s rubber around Engie’s wrist, two long, thick fingers barely touching thumb-to-pointer in a little ring. “I was—er…”
He rescinds the hand, temples his fingers under his chin, caught between sitting and standing and settling in a weird in-between as Engie watches, fascinated. “I was just… thinking… about your heart. And your lungs.” He tilts his head. “And, in a small measure, your brain, I suppose. Er, imagining your breathing, and your circulation, and the oxygen flowing in and out of your limbs, and… so on. Drawing your veins in my mind and, and such.”
… Huh. Maybe he misread the situation.
And he keeps just stumbling through, pushing up his glasses every few seconds, still perched on his heels with his arms wrapped around his knees. “You’re a—private man. I have not seen much of you besides what I have been able to—have the company require,” and his voice pushes up a few notes on the last word, and well he’ll be damned if it’s not the cutest thing he’s ever seen, “but I… think about you.”
He lowers his voice just a little for this one, reclining down onto his back. “Oh, you do.”
“You have a very impressive set of lungs. Even for all the, er, damage." Engie frowns and Medic puts his hands up. "That's a compliment."
"And your heart is a perfect specimen. Strong, and healthy… pulsing with vitality," and his eyes bug out just a little on the last line. "I was almost upset to have to cut it out of you… until, well…"
Ain't that interesting. "Until?"
He smiles sheepishly, wringing his hands together with a frankly disgusting sound of rubber against rubber. “… I may or may not have kept your original heart in a jar. With my other personal possessions.”
He mentally re-catalogues everything of interest in the lab, mentally travels to Medic’s big mahogany former-bookshelf, stacked top-to-bottom with preserved organs in jars, and sees a lot of hearts. A lot of hearts. But, then again, his mind is drawn back to a smallish mason jar near the front, suspiciously unlabeled, amidst rows and rows of perfectly organized bits and pieces.
Yeah, sure.
He's sure Medic is approaching this more from scientific curiosity than any particular angle he'd prefer, but heat's rising to his face before he knows it and frankly he doesn't really feel like putting in the effort to quell it.
And just to press the envelope that tiny bit further, he ventures: "Well I'll be darned if that's not the most romantic thing I've ever heard."
Medic turns the color of his tie. Engineer's sure he follows suit.
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lennsart · 5 months
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Most of the wips I write these days can be summarized by "Legend gets hurt in fucked-up ways, and then he gets hugs" :)
(I'm fine shhh)
But I had this sitting in my drafts, and it's like the comfort part to a hurt/comfort, except I didn't like the hurt part, so posting this probably doesn't make sense, but.. I just wanted the boys to hug
Context + snippet under the cut !
Basically, Legend has been abducted for ransom (I think it was inspired by a whumptober prompt) and he didn't have a stellar time there. The rest of the chain rescues him, but they're worried he'll wake up confused at night, so they decide to watch over him. And they're supposed to take turn, but they all kinda end up sleeping next to him :)
Have this little Four POV that I quite like and feels like it can be posted without context :
Four expected to see two people in the room. One awake, that he would be about to replace, and the other asleep, that he would watch.
He hadn't expected three sleeping dudes.
He had to pause and go back to the hallway to laugh, muffling his chuckles in his sleeve. Of course Sky would have wanted to hug Legend and would have fallen asleep. Of course Hyrule would have let them, and promptly fallen asleep as well.
When he came back in and carefully closed behind him, he noticed with fondness that Legend, at least, looked perfectly content. He was sleeping on his back, Sky hugging his right arm, and he held Hyrule's hand with his left.
The traveler was mostly on the ground, head and arms on the mattress. Four winced ; that couldn't be comfortable.
Alright, he gave up (as if he hadn't as soon as he noticed them). He'd watch them three sleep, if only to gush about how cute they were tomorrow.
(He hoped Wind would bring his pictobox for his turn of watch in the morning.)
He got on Hyrule's side, and gently nudged him. This one hummed sleepily.
" - Shh, don't wake them up. " Four whispered. " Hop in.
- What...? " the traveler asked in confusion.
Four bit back a laugh at how asleep he sounded.
" - Get in the bed. " he ordered.
Hyrule may not really understand what was happening, but he didn't need to be told twice. He climbed in, wincing when he moved his legs, and abandoned Legend's hand to hug his waist, resting his head on his stomach.
The veteran softly hummed, but didn't fully wake up.
Four sat on one of the scarce empty spots of the bed, giggling to himself. He was happy that this watch had taken such a sweet turn ; he had expected to get lost in his own mind, trying to understand how they could have let one member of their group go through that. 
Instead, he had three sleepyheads cuddling, and he would trade for nothing in the world.
The last free spot on the mattress, above Hyrule and next to Lege, was probably too small for someone to sleep there.
...Well. He was small too, and mostly slept curled up anyway.
But, no ! He had decided he'd stay awake. No matter how comfortable those three looked, no matter how much he'd like to hug the vet, too, he would fulfill his mission.
Legend's hand opened and closed in his sleep, and he extended it further. Four blinked, and reached with his left hand. 
In a second, he was trapped, Legend satisfied with the hand he found and holding tight onto it.
Alright, that wouldn't be comfortable to stay sitting in this condition. Plus Legend looked like he wanted the smith to stay, and his goal had always been to watch for him, right ?
He curled up in the little free spot, his hand still in Legend’s, and definitely did not fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
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prince-liest · 4 months
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I was outlining the next radiostatic fic when I got distracted by the fact that someone needs to put Lucifer into their lap and tell him he's a good boy, and now I'm 6.2k words deep into something that's turned out way more emotional than I thought it would.
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cabezadeperro · 7 months
helloooo 💜 codex
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss (+first kiss shhh)
Rex shifts his weight, and the sweaty skin of his back where his tank top ran up unsticks off the plastic with a too-loud, slightly ridiculous noise. At his side, Cody snorts and turns to look at him without moving from his sprawl on the floor. They’re almost close enough to touch, if not quite: if Rex twisted his right ankle that tiny bit, if he stretched his fingertips—but he doesn’t. Rex blinks and looks away, back at the ceiling.
It’s far enough into the night cycle they will really regret it come morning. The work out rooms have been empty for hours now, the wide expanse echoing with the noise of their breathing, with the hum and groan of the Venator’s engines. Rex breathes in, opens his mouth, exhales without saying anything. He should go to bed—he doesn’t want to. His cot in the cramped room he shares with Appo and the others doesn’t sound nearly as tempting as staying where he is, on his back on the harsh, unforgiving floors of the gym, sharing a crackling kind of silence with Cody. 
If he just—reached out. One hand, five fingers, his palm, Cody’s arm. His bare shoulder or the thin fabric of his tank top, his heart beating strong and steady in his chest. Rex clears his throat and doesn’t turn to look at Cody when he listens to him shifting: his ears feel hot. 
I should go to bed.
The words weigh down his tongue: Rex can feel them rolling up his throat, sticking on his palate, sticking to his teeth. I should go to bed: so should you.
But Rex says nothing, and neither does Cody, and isn’t that something. It’s so late it’s almost early, and Rex has two campaigns worth of a sleep debt, and here he is, wanting to reach out and touch, knowing himself wanted in turn.
Cody exhales. Rex blinks again, turns to look at him: the mat is cold and clammy under his cheek. Cody’s frowning, staring at the ceiling. He looks like shit, too thin, patchy stubble on his jaw and his curls too long, dark circles under his eyes. Rex wants him so badly it makes him feel self-conscious, so he looks away, ears so hot they seem to burn, and closes his eyes.
“I sh—”
A whisper of sweaty skin on rubbery mats and then: Cody’s smell, the weight of his attention, his mouth.
send me a prompt!!! (no more purple hearts tho lmao)
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novelconcepts · 9 days
💙 for taivan!
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy
"You weren't supposed to get drunk tonight," Van says woodenly. "What happened to not leaving me alone?"
"You don't look alone." Taissa's hand is routing a path up her thigh. Carefully, Van lifts it in her own, settles it on the arm of the couch. They're in public. In public, and Taissa's reaching for her.
"Thanks for proving my point."
"You're mad," Taissa guesses--correctly, though her syllables are sloshing around. Van grunts.
"You promised."
"I didn't promise. I heavily suggested. And then Scat--Scatorc--Natalie dared me to have what she was having."
Van grunts again, arms folded over her chest. Then they unfold, hurriedly moving to press against Taissa's shoulders to keep her from leaning in. They're in public, goddammit, and Tai knows better. These are Tai's rules.
"I don't like you being mad," Taissa says, pouting. "You know what it's like when Natalie sets a dare."
"Uh huh." She isn't impressed. She's not going to be impressed, or swayed, or won over. Taissa knows she didn't want to come tonight, that she's been having a shit week. She doesn't feel like being drunk, or being around drunk people. She's tired.
She's tired, and she wants Taissa to be on her fucking level. Tai, who is tipsy enough to ignore Van's inhalation of protest, nestling her head against Van's shoulder. Her hand rests again on Van's thigh, stroking down toward her knee.
"I don't like when you're mad at me," she says again, quietly. It's pretty rich. Van's never been mad at her before. Is having a hell of time being mad now, with Tai's breath dragging light fingers across her neck.
"Then you shouldn't have..." She gestures somewhat wildly. Her body's acclimating too nicely to the weight of Tai's head on her shoulder, the weight of her hand on Van's knee. It always makes her feel a special kind of nuts, when Tai's this close.
"Do you want a drink?" Taissa asks, like that's the point. She cranes her neck, looking up at Van with doe-dark eyes. Innocent.
Van shakes her head. Tai sighs.
"Do you want something else?"
They're in public--and still, some part of Van wants to say yes. To fold into her own desire. To let her hand curl around the back of Tai's neck, pulling her in.
"Just. Don't go anywhere, okay? At least pretend like you're here for me."
"I'm always here for you," Tai says, and though she's unmistakably tipsy, that sentence is rock-solid. Van feels it land, a kick to the center of her chest. She breathes in, covering Tai's hand with her own.
"This is a stupid party."
"Would have been stupider," Tai says, nuzzling back in, "if you hadn't come."
Van's mad at her. Van's mad at her.
Why else would her heart be thundering this way in her ears?
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shycorvid · 2 months
Dead Serious where the subplot is Batman investigating Vladco as Bruce Wayne being an obnoxious flirt to Vlad Masters.
Danny- *climbing into Damian's room through the window* Hey-*dodges knife* Chill, it's just me! Damian- *throws another knife* What are you doing here?! Danny- You were ignoring my notes! Damian- What notes? Danny- The ones I was passing to you during history. Damian- You were throwing balls of paper at the back of my head! Danny- Yeah, notes. Anyway, I thought if you didn't want to discuss this at school, I'd just drop by. Damian- Discuss what? Danny- Your dad... he's... he's... *waving one of Damian's knives around* FLIRTING. Attempting to canoodle with MY fruitloop. Damian- *weary sigh* What gave you the impression that I am capable of controlling Father's extracurricular activities? Danny- PLEASE don't say it like that!
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jasminesfury · 1 year
first kiss prompts <3
feel free to use! tag me if you do
“i’m so so sorry oh my god i should definitely not have done i’m so so sorry i-“ “name” “if you don’t even want to talk to me again i get i-“ “name” “i’m just so-” *pulls them by their shirt and kisses them again and the other character is like oh OH”
whispering “can i kiss you?” and the other character nodding vigorously
“that was..that was sudden” “yeah um..”
“i realise that i am clearly irresistible but..why did you choose to act on all the flirting now” “i…you look hot with that hair/your glasses on/ some other feature what can i say”
“wanna do it again?”
“should we like. talk about it” “aboutwhatnothingweirdhashappenedlatelywhathahaha- “ oh really? let me see if i can jog your memory”
“you’re..extremely red” “shut up” “like actually vermillion” “go to hell”
“are we about to kiss right now” as a joke, but then the other character actually leans in
“look since the events of last night i can safely say that i have discovered multiple new techniques to shut you up, and i am not afraid to use them”
hand placements jskwkhdjd
“this never happened” “consider it forgotten” proceeds to happen many times after
their friends being like “A and B sitting in a tre-“ “i swear to GOD-“
“i need to test out a theory” “..okay?” “i require your help” “how so” “you need to kiss me”
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b0nelessdoodles · 8 days
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i keep thinking im gonna like actually finish these but that ain't happening so have some gay people
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