#shit gets real when Kara curses
natalievoncatte · 1 year
CW: discussion of death and dying.
The gun was still on her hip when Lena walked into her penthouse. She probably should have gotten rid of it, just for the sake of disposing of evidence. It was far from the only one she owned, and she wouldn’t miss it. Then again, one does not discard lightly the weapon of fratricide. She’d decide what to do with the murder weapon later; right now, there was only one thought screaming in her head.
I killed Lex. I killed my brother.
It kept repeating in her brain on an endless loop.
I killed my brother for a liar. A betrayer. He was right and I was wrong. She only-
Lena was not alone. There was a figure seated on her sofa, staring straight ahead. Lena knew those blond curls, falling in a dark river like warm honey. Supergirl.
Supergirl, not Kara. Kara was good. Kara loved her, trusted her, watched out for her, had her back. Kara kept her secrets and gave her a shoulder to cry on always had her back. Kara was good, and Kara was a lie.
Lena walked around the couch, eyes wide and lips trembling, her features pulled into a mask of morose fury. How dare she just break in here and… sit there.
“I died.”
Lena froze.
“I died,” Supergirl said, again. “The clone of me that Lex had, she was a duplicate created by Harun-El somehow. She killed me. I died.”
Supergirl’s brilliant blue eyes flashed in the twilight of Lena’s dark apartment and locked on her.
“There was nothing. No warm light of Rao welcoming me home to live in peace with my people forever. No tunnel of light. There was just nothing. I was gone and then I wasn’t. Alex said the grass brought me back.”
Lena licked her lips. She was fixed to the spot.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I’m Kara.”
Those two little words, those treacherous words, hit Lena like a freight train. Her knees buckled and she sagged, catching herself by an end table.
Kara met her gaze.
“There were a million reasons why I never told you. They’re all stupid and pointless. When I woke up that was the first thing I thought of. I died and I never told you.”
Lena tried to speak, but her throat had gone so dry that it was like trying to breath through a mournful of sand. She sagged further, barely able to fall into a side chair.
“At first I just didn’t know you well enough. Then I screwed everything up by being a complete ass to you, and I never even said I was sorry. But I was sorry. So I was too scared to tell you because I didn’t want you to hate me. Then by the time I wanted to tell you again, all of this had happened and I was still afraid you’d hate me.”
Kara looked down at the floor.
“But then I was dead and none of it mattered anymore. None of the things that had been important to me mattered when I was dying. You know what I was thinking as she crushed the life out of me?”
“No,” Lena choked out.
“This is it?” said Kara. “All that… and this is it? Just like that? This is all I get?”
Silence ruled the dark apartment. The back edge of Lena’s gun dug uncomfortably into her flank. Kara just sat there, looking through the floor. Perhaps literally.
“Kara,” Lena said, without quite knowing why. “I’m sure… you weren’t…”
“No, Lena, I died. It wasn’t like when Reign beat me to a pulp and threw me off a building. That was different. This was different. I can’t even say how. I just know.”
When Reign…
Lena had been there that night. Reign had beaten Supergirl into a coma, thrown her off a building and left her broken and bloodied in the street. Lena thought she’d died that night.
That was Kara, too.
Sharp, rancid bile, harsh and acidic, burned the back of Lena’s throat. She choked it down, trembling.
Kara looked at her again.
“I have something else I have to tell you.”
Lena needed a drink. Now. She wobbled across the room to the kitchen and grabbed the nearest wine bottle, pouring herself a glass and downing half of it in one go. It was a dry red, harsh and sharp on her tongue.
“Kara,” Lena began. “Before you say anything else-“
“I’m in love with you.”
Lena wasn’t sure what she expected Kara to say, but not that. Not just… say it. She couldn’t say it. Not when Lena has been grasping that secret so hard that it always threatened to slip from her fingers, reedy to leap from her grip from being held so tight. The words simultaneously made her feel as if her heels would float from the floor and nearly drove her down to it. She leaned on the white marble countertop, trembling.
“None of the reasons I kept that secret matter anymore, either. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I’ll leave if you want me to. I just… I died,” Kara’s voice crumbled into a sob, barely intelligible, “and I didn’t tell you.”
Lena said nothing. She downed the rest of the wine.
“What do you want from me?” She finally choked out.
“I want to tell you about Krypton. I want movie nights and game nights and big belly burgers and brunches. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you so bad I don’t know how I never did. If you want that.”
Again, Lena went silent.
“I want to make up for the shit I’ve put you through. I want to show you how much I care for you, as often and as thoroughly as I can. Dying without you fucking sucked. I want to live with you instead.”
Lena’s breath quickened. Kara’s boots creaked as she stood up, her cape billowing slightly behind her as she crossed the room, keeping a respectful distance.
“I’ll go, if you want. I just had to say it.”
Lena pressed her fingers against the countertop until they went white and her palms trembled. She felt the weight of the gun on her hip.
“Stay,” she whispered.
There is no prompt for this one. The idea just came to me and I had to write it out.
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wlw-imagines · 1 year
Coffee Shop - Kara Danvers/Reader (Supergirl)
request: i found this prompt and was wondering if u could write it with kara danvers from supergirl pls?? "i started writing 'Supergirl' on your coffee cup as a joke because you kind of look like her but it actually turns out you are them oh shit - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed (jk it is hardly edited at all) !! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing
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Starting anywhere as a newbie was tough. Especially at this coffee shop... when you’d never made coffee before... and to be honest, you weren’t even really a coffee drinker. But, alas, you had rent to pay and a job opening had come through and you had been accepted for the job. More fool them.
The coffee shop was a busy one, constantly on the go. Your hands were already covered in burns and your new clean white apron was now covered in coffee drips and smears. Your shift had only started 45 minutes ago.
You let out a deep sigh and slouched, leaning on the serving desk to try and gather some energy before the next customer appeared. You really couldn’t bear some jackass in a fancy business suit complaining that you’d made their fancy coffee wrong again. Even though you had most definitely made it wrong.
As the next customer approached, you perked up slightly. Maybe the next 10 minutes of your life as a barista would be more bearable.
"Good morning, you must be new here! I'm Kara." She began and smiled cheerfully at you. She also added in an awkward wave before pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Uh, yes I am." You replied, letting your customer service smile develop into a real one. "Is it that obvious?" You laughed slightly, there was probably a 'newbie' aura about you (maybe it was the burnt hands?), it was fairly obvious how nervous you were, and you didn't need pretty girls making you even more flustered around boiling hot liquid.
"No, no! You're perfect- I mean, you know, you're great- doing great." She rambled, her cheeks reddening. "I pick up coffee from here every day before I go to work so I guess I just know everyone who works here pretty well."
“Morning Kara! The ususal?” Your co-worker, Liam, greeted her with a smile. He had been a slight godsend to you and had the patience of a saint. No matter how many times you had fucked it up.
“That would be great, but no rush!” She added, politely eying your resigned expression. You could hardly make 1 cup of coffee and now you had to make 6? For a pretty customer? Shit.
Liam nudged you, “Ready?” He smiled, his eyes slightly teasing as you took in a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.
“Yeah, sure, piece of cake.” You shrugged, taking the order note and looking to find the easiest first. Small steps.
On the first attempt of the first coffee you already found yourself once more cursing yourself for ever applying to work here in the first place. Your curses were interrupted by Kara looking at you with a worried look. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon." She gave you an encouraging smile and you shot her a weary look.
"God, I really hope so." You mumbled, running your burnt hand under the tap for a couple of seconds.
After a short pause (and two successful coffees in) Kara cleared her throat and nodded towards the coffee machine, “It’s like riding a bike, right?”
“Huh?” You glance up quickly, confusion etched on your face.
“Making coffee. Once you learn, you’ll be set.” She elaborated, fiddling with her fingers anxiously. 
You smiled slightly and gave an embarrased shrug, “I can’t ride a bike.” You admitted.
“You can’t?” She looked slightly crestfallen, hoping to have made you feel better rather than just make you feel worse about the situation. “Oh.” She faltered, annoyed with herself. Her brain searched for something else to say to make you feel better and to make you properly smile again. Before she could, you continued.
“I just never understood like, the pedalling? And the turning and also the gears?” You let out a soft laugh, “Although a bike makes more sense to me than this coffee machine so maybe I do have a chance.” You smiled up at her and her heart melted. That was the smile she was aiming for.
“I could teach you!” She burst out, without really thinking about what she was saying. Kara shook her head and tried again, “I mean, I like cycling. It’s easy once you get the pedalling and the turning and the gears down.”
You nodded, trying not to let her offer go to your head, “Do you also know how to make coffee by any chance?” You joked, standing up to properly face her and nodding your head over to the devil machine.
“Can’t help you there, sorry.” She put her hands out apologetically. You laugh and go to continue the conversation, but before you can Liam is nudging your shoulder and pointing to the coffee you were making.
“Y/N, the cup-” You turn around to see the coffee pouring out over the top of the cup, overfilling and spilling everywhere.
You leap towards the cup and let out a small, “Shit.”
9 cups of coffee later (3 of which were currently residing in the trash can), you carefully started to pass the cups into a holder, so she could carry all of them at the same time, and then hesitated.
"Which one is yours?" It’s your first shift and you're already trying to pick up girls. You decided to forgive yourself, you deserved it after the hell of this shift. Once it was pointed out (she had black coffee usually, which surprised you as it didn't seem to suit her sweet character), you wrote your number and drew a little picture of a superhero and labelled it 'Supergirl' - you were quite proud of yourself for making the art.
They didn't look identical or anything, but you had noticed that there were similarities from the moment she had stepped up to the counter. Once you were finished you slid the carrier of drinks and her black coffee over the counter.
She frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the doodle on her cup. You shrugged, suddenly feeling a little self concious. You weren’t sure what about - the drawing? Your flirting? Your bad coffee skills? You cleared your throat.
"Well, it's a joke." You smiled at her. "Just because, well y'know, you look a bit like Supergirl...” She looked up at you, eyes slightly wide, which you couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not, “If you just took away the glasses and added a cape-" You trailed off slightly when she started to look uncomfortable. You straightened up and cleared your throat feeling somewhat guilty that you seemed to have distressed your new (and favourite) customer. "Sorry, I meant it as a- it was supposed to be kind of like a compliment." You smiled gently, trying to show her that you didn't mean her any harm or discomfort. In the short space of time that you had met this women you couldn't help but feel completely distracted by her.
"Oh, right - Yes, of course... well, she is pretty strong and it must be kinda cool to be able to fly. Hypothetically speaking, of course. So, uh, yes. Thank you." She looked back at her cup then tilted her head to the side to read your writing. "Wait, what does that number mean?" Kara tilted her head, her eyes scanning her coffee cup. It's like she was deliberately trying to make your heart melt.
"That is my phone number." Blood rushed up to your cheeks. You don’t recall a time where you had to explain your pathetic attempts at flirting so much.
"Ah, right. Yes. Your phone number...” She nodded thoughtfully before her brows shot up and she looked back at you, a similar red creeping into her cheeks, “which I will phone you with." The realisation dawned on her face as it slowly sank in that you had just given her your number. 
You laughed and leaned towards her again. "Yes." You nodded, licking your lips. "Or you can text me. It's up to you, if you were to want to go out sometime, that is."
"No- I mean yeah, I'd love to. That, that would be great. I-" She grinned and she nervously pushed her glasses up her nose again. "I should go but I hope to see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, of course. As long as I haven't burnt the joint down, you'll definitely see me tomorrow." You joked and watched as she nodded slowly with a small smile in return and turned to leave.
As she walked out the door she looked back at you, giving you a little wave before walking out and away. You smiled and took a step back from the counter, mentally congratulating yourself on the win, until you knocked a cup of coffee from the side and it flew all over your feet. 
“Shit.” Maybe your job here wouldn't last as long as you thought.
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Some of my favourite lines/passages from my shitty Aidungeon Zosan fanfics Part 6
Fic 6: ‘Zoro stops to sit down at a nearby bench, deciding maybe if he tries hard enough he can just become one with it for the sake of doing something new.‘ - Zoro about being bored. ‘Feeling a bit ashamed, Zoro endeavours to help her out, first assessing if she got injured or anything,’ "Oi... you okay?" A real wordsmith, that's what he is.’ - Zoro to Kara (OC - one that’s not a dickhead for once, yay.) He has such a way with women. ‘Chopper looks over at the lady and the bench, seeing her holding a guilty look in her eyes, and also Zoro's clothes, swords and shoes.’ - Chopper about Kara. I refuse to stop making puns - sue me. ‘Chopper nods vehemently before letting out a quiet, "a." as Kara picks him up, sitting him atop her shoulders.’ - Chopper to Chopper. A. Fic 7: ‘Nami had gone and decided to fucking drown the crow's nest in cleaning products because apparently,’ “You've been stinking this place up for too long, Zoro. If you don't let me disinfect it right this second, the carpet hair remover is going down your throat and I won't be responsible for it getting lodged in there.” ‘Bitch.’ - Zoro about Nami. You know those fucking orange cuboid things with the fucking dots or spikes or some shit on em that you use on the carpet? That’s what I’m on about. ‘Let's see... Nami and Robin aren't even on the deck; Nami's up in the crow's nest trying to clean it down to the atom and Robin's in the library attempting to teach Franky why referring to Mihawk, a warlord of the sea, as 'Count Crotchula Von Pissferatu' does NOT in fact sound like he's calling Mihawk 'crotchety' or 'pissed' and is wrong and bad, actually.’ - Zoro about where Nami and Robin are. The count crotchula thing is a reference to I believe the pictionary Ten Minute Power Hour? One of them, if not. Idfk. The pissferatu thing I came up with myself. That’s why it’s so bad in comparison. ‘And boom! Everything's fine again, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. Yeah.’ - Zoro about a hypothetical. Yeah. ‘Sanji, meanwhile, is in the middle of a mental cacophony! Yay!’ - Sanji cursing himself for continuing to allow himself to have blood in his body when it just fucking falls out anyway. Woohoo.
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loumauve · 5 years
don't get me wrong - I'm as happy and encouraging as the next girl abt ppl writing any kinds of fanfic, but do we really need thirty+ (practically identical) stories of Yaz and 13 with a/b/o dynamics and heat cycles and all that hypersexualised, objectifying bs with unhealthy relationship dynamics?
where's the diversity and variety that fandom used to have? it's like wading through one big puddle of watery sex soup and I'm tired.
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flashfuture · 3 years
hello do you mind explaining all the amazons?
All of them????
Okay uh I'll break down the ones i at least know about anyone who's deeper into the WonderFam please jump in I don't really interact with them that much.
But we've got
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Our Golden Age Princess of the Amazons. During the Golden and Silver ages she came from Paradise Island. She was truly animated clay here and several hundred years old by the time of WWII. During the Golden Age Diana married Steve Trevor and they had a daughter named Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor. (My break down of Lyta would be an essay in itself and she's not really an Amazon so). Diana was a member of the JSA here.
During the Silver Age Diana also married Steve but no kids. She rescued Donna Troy from a fire and sent her to Paradise Island to be raised by Hippolyta making Donna and Diana sisters. This is the first timeline to mention Ares is her grandfather technically as he made Hippolyta. Diana lost her powers at some point. She got really really good at martial arts and then two years later got her powers back. She supposedly died during Infinite Crisis but then you know didn't. During Convergence she killed a vampire Joker. That was fun. In this timeline Diana was a founding member of the JLA.
Okay and post crisis New Earth Diana is the first one to say Diana is from Themyscira. It was still called Paradise Island sometimes. She was molded from clay. Diana in this time was not a founding member of the JLA but came to America after it was founded. (I think Infinite Crisis retconned her to be a founding member but idk) Diana has become a member of the Trinity alongside Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Superman (Clark Kent). 
The Prime Earth Diana is the one from Flashpoint and onwards. She’s now the daughter of Zeus. In New52 if I recall right she was made much much younger like in her 20s and explored mankind in the modern era. The Doomsday clock thing reestablished her WWII origins. She was also said again to have been born during probably the Hellenistic Period (they said classical antiquity and that’s you know just a few thousand years) She just helped out in Death Metals and is now doing something with Infinite Frontier unclear I don’t really know what Prime Earth Diana has been up to lately. 
So on Earth-Two, Earth-One, and New Earth Diana was the granddaughter of Ares and as such her life span was greatly extended. On Prime Earth as the direct daughter of Zeus she is immortal. 
Donna Troy: Troia/Wonder Girl 
Donna is a tricky one. She was introduced real quick to fill the girl role on the Teen Titans cause the boys were getting a little too gay. So started Silver Age Earth 1. Okay so basically her origin kept changing but the one that’s ‘canon’ is she was created to be a playmate for Diana but was abducted and kept being cursed to live tragic lives in New Cronus. Right around the Titans era okay Donna was rescued by Diana and brought back to Earth. Donna was the one to suggest the Teen Titans name. Donna is a member of the Fab Five along with Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Aqualad/Tempest (Garth of Shayaris), Kid Flash/Flash (Wally West), and Speedy/Arsenal (Roy Harper)
Donna married Terry Long when she was 19 and they had Robert, got divorced, they died in a car crash. 
After Crisis on Infinite Earth Donna sorta realized all those ‘lives’ she led were other version of her which she was all of now. And also Donna was believed to be the Goddess of the Moon. She had to stop a sun-eater or whatever but failed (Hal came in with a clutch it it’s cool)
Donna also had to fix some shit during Infinite Crisis and ended up on a Universe Hopping road trip with Kyle Rayner and Jason Todd to find Ray Palmer for Final Crisis or something. She was killed by a Superman Android during the Teen Titans/Young Justice Crossover. (Edit thanks to that anon for this I legit couldn’t remember how she died)
And Prime Earth Donna was made to destroy Diana. She you know didn’t. 
Look I’ll be real I know next to nothing about what the New52 tried to do with Donna. I just go by her original origins of being Diana’s sister. 
On Earth-One and New Earth Donna’s life span was greatly extended and on Prime Earth she is stated to be Immortal as on Prime Earth Amazonian’s on Themyscira were granted immortality. 
She is like Diana’s twin made from darker clay on Earth-One which is the silver age Earth. Nubia was actually slightly older than Diana but she was stolen as a baby by Ares who was going by Mars. Mars/Ares is Nubia’s grandfather and he wanted her help in taking down the Amazons. Nubia was raised on Floating Island (or slaughter island as Mars/Ares called it). Nubia fought Diana and hesitated to kill her leading to a draw. Nubia returned to Floating Island and at some point Supergirl had to save her life from poison of some sort. 
On New Earth she went by Nu’Bia and was just a random Amazon, her job was to guard the Doom’s Doorway which is an entrance to the River Styx. She was not Diana’s sister. 
On Prime Earth Nubia is the daughter of Hippolyta and the half-sister of Diana not her twin. Nubia went undercover pretending to work with Darkseid before Themyscira could recover and rally to fight. Nubia is currently the Queen of the Amazons. She was given the crown by her mother, Hippolyta during the Dark Metals event. 
As with Donna on Earth-One and New Earth Nubia had a greatly extended lifespan and on Prime Earth Amazons are immortal. 
Cassie Sandsmark: Wonder Girl 
She is a New Earth entry who was for the new Young Justice team. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dr. Helena Sandsmark. Here as Ares is Cassie’s half-brother and technically the father of the Amazon’s this means Cassie is Diana’s great-aunt. 
Cassie as a girl was able to request a Boon of Zeus who she didn’t know was her father at the time I believe and demanded real superpowers. Her mother Helena was able to turn off Cassie’s superpowers at the start as well. Cassie was trained by Artemis for awhile. Cassie became Wonder Girl in honor of Donna Troy who handed over her old suit. Cassie joined Young Justice as a teenager and would later be on the Teen Titans. Cassie has become a part of the Core Four for Young Justice alongside Robin/Red Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent), and Impulse (Bart Allen). 
Cassie’s best friends outside of the core four are Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) and Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette). Cassie and Conner Kent used to date as well and she was in love with him before he died during Infinite Crisis. 
On Prime Earth Cassie is the daughter of Lennox and the granddaughter of Zeus. In this version Diana is Cassie’s aunt not the other way around. Cassie is still a member of the Young Justice team here. I don’t exactly remember what was happening during the New52. She was still Cassie unlike Kon and Bart who’d been replaced. But during Rebirth she went with the other members of Young Justice to rescue Conner Kent from Gemworld. She is currently still a member of the Titans. 
On New Earth as the daughter of Zeus, Cassie is an immortal who would not age further once she reached her prime age (like 27 or so). On Prime Earth as the granddaughter of Zeus and the daughter of Lennox Cassie’s life is extremely extended. 
Artemis Grace:
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall comes from a separate group of Amazons not on Themyscira or Paradise Island. Bana-Mighdall is a tribe of Amazons in Egypt who left Greece millennia ago. 
On New Earth Artemis left her home at 14 and wound up working for Ra’s Al Ghul before returning to her home. There was a competition to see who would be the next Wonder Woman as Hippolyta foresaw Wonder Woman die and wished to spare her daughter the fate. Hippolyta ensured Artemis won the competition. Artemis was shunned by most of the world including the Justice League who refused to see her as the true Wonder Woman. Artemis was also thought to be too violent. Artemis would later die in a battle with a demon fulfilling the prophecy of Wonder Woman dying. 
Artemis got out of hell eventually and was given the job of training Cassie Sandsmark by Diana and would later train Supergirl in combat as well. 
On Prime Earth Artemis was raised being told she would be Queen of the Amazons. She was desperate to prove herself and wanted to be the Shim’Tar of the Bana Amazons. Artemis’ best friend and lover Akila was chosen instead. Without Akila by her side Artemis felt her home had nothing left to offer and set out on her own. She helped stop an invasion of Qurac into Bana as well. 
Artemis then joined the Outlaws and worked with Red Hood (Jason Todd) and Bizarro, a botched clone of Superman. 
On New Earth Artemis had a greatly extended life span. On Prime Earth he Amazons were gifted immortality but those who left for Bana-Mighdall lost this gift so it is most likely that Artemis has the same extended lifespan from New Earth. 
Grace Choi:
Grace on New Earth comes from the same group as Artemis in Bana-Mighdall. Grace’s mother is an Amazon but her father was a Korean American. Grace grew up in America in the foster care system. She ran away at 9 but was kidnapped and sold into a child prostitution ring. She managed to escape at age 12 after her powers kicked in. Grace began fightining both for pay and for fun and worked as a bouncer at a meta club in Metropolis. 
Grace worked for the Outsiders for awhile at the request of Roy Harper an ex-fling and good friend of hers. She helped rescue Lian from the same child protsition ring she was in as a child and generally had lots of adventures with the Outsiders. 
Later it was revealed she had Bana roots but Grace refused to join them as they were currently you know sieging down the US. Batman was briefly worried about her loyalties but Grace proved she had no loyalty or ties to the Bana Amazons. 
Grace has returned to the Prime Earth in Infinite Frontier and in Festival of Heroes and it seems like nothing has changed with her so far. 
Grace has increased longevity of her life. She is listed as half-amazon because only her mother is a Bana Amazon but all Amazons only have their mother who are Amazons so I don’t really see why she isn’t a full Amazon. Anyways increased life span. 
He is Diana’s twin on Prime Earth. He was sent away cause you know no men on Themyscira. Jason was raised by Glaucus who was a member of the Argonauts crew and worked under the original Jason of Greek Myth. Who Jason was named for. 
Jason was raised on the Aegean Coast by Glaucus and became a Fisherman. Jason was trained in his youth by his half-brother Hercules. 
Jason worked briefly with Diana but wasn’t sure how to be a hero. There was a period where Darksied’s daughter tricked him but Diana talked him down. And Jason saved Diana’s life during the Dark Metals event. 
He is currently in the Dark Mutliverse living with a boyfriend on the Aegean Coast. 
As the son of Zeus, Jason is an immortal. 
⚔️ Also for fun the Weapons:⚔️
Lasso of Truth: Wielded by Diana Prince
Originally imbued with it’s power by Aphrodite and Athena later after crisis forged by Hephaestus and powered by Hestia, this lasso forces the truth from whoever it has ensnared. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Persuasion: Wielded by Donna Troy
This Lasso forces someone to do what the wielder demands. This requires Donna’s or whoever wields the lasso to have a stronger will then who they’re using the lasso on. It is indestructible.
Lasso of Lightning: Wielded by Cassie Sandsmark 
This lasso was created by Ares and gifted to his half-sister Cassie Sandsmark on New Earth. This lasso channels Zeus’ lightning and can make someone experience intense rage if they are caught by the lasso. The power of the lasso is directly correlated to Cassie’s rage levels. 
Lasso of Submission: Wielded by Artemis Grace
Originally from Earth-3 this lasso has the ability to make someone obey any commands even those to inspire false love. After Superwoman (Lois Lane) of Earth-3 was killed Diana took the lasso and gifted it to Artemis. 
Bow of Ra: Wielded by Artemis Grace
The Bow of Ra was a gift from the Egyptian sun god, Ra to the Bana-Midghall Amazons. This bow goes to the Shim’Tar and forges a special bond with them. Those who are not the Shim’Tar cannot wield the bow and further if you are not a candidate to be a Shim’Tar the bow will harm or even kill you. The bow requires intense willpower to use or it can drive the wielder mad. Akila was driven mad with the power of the bow and had to be killed by Diana and Artemis. It is said to have the power to destroy stars so this bow is incredibly dangerous and powerful if not wielded by the right person. 
(Bonus Donna used to use a lasso that was golden but held no specific magical properties.) 
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finrelia · 4 years
Nothing, Nobody
Part 1
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Request: Nope! I wanted to indulge myself for my first fic back!
Summary: B!D tries to find her girlfriend, Lena, but instead finds the last person she wanted to run into, Kara, infected with red Kryptonite.
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Abuse, and a LOT of Angst.
Word Count: 1,432
A/N: Hey guys, long time no see! I wanted to start back up with something I really wanted to write. I’m incredibly rusty. It’s been well over a year since I last wrote, so please bare with me.
You let out a massive yawn, stretching your legs and rubbing your eyes slightly as the harsh blue light from your phone illuminates the entire room. You wince slightly as you squint, picking up your phone to see what all the commotion was about. Four missed calls from Alex, and six missed calls from Lena. You mumble obscenities under your breath as you get a rapid string of texts from Alex.
“Y/N It’s Kara. She got exposed to red kryptonite again, find Lena and get somewhere safe NOW.” You let out a soft gasp. You remember what happened the last time Kara had been exposed to red kryptonite… you still have nightmares. The first thing you do is call Lena. No answer.
“Come on, come on, come on.” You mutter as you try calling her another two times. “Dammit Luthor. Please be okay”
You throw on your clothes, grab your keys, and in a matter of minutes you were in your car flying down the road to LCorp. You were panicking, your mind racing at the thought of Lena being hurt by Kara. You trust your sister with your life, but when red kryptonite was involved, she just wasn't herself.
Your car peels into the parking garage, and you sprint to the elevator. You slam your finger onto the button marked “Labs” about a hundred times before the doors to the elevator even shut. You’re  bouncing on the balls of your feet, and shaking. It seems like ages pass as the elevator descends, eventually finally reaching your destination.
The sound of your boots against the cold polished cement floor resounds throughout the large open room, echoing across the steel and stone walls. “Lena??” You call out to what seems like an empty void. Before you could shout her name again, your phone vibrates in your pocket. It’s from Lena…
“Hey I’m almost to your apartment! Alex told me about Kara. Have a bag packed, we have to get to my safehouse. See you soon, okay?”
“Shit…” You said quietly to yourself.
You turn around, still looking at your messages, to start heading back to the elevator when you collide with someone, causing you to drop your phone as you start to type out your reply. It bounces slightly, landing near the elevator. You stare at the figure in front of you, and your heart sinks deep into your chest, forming a pit in your stomach. You see the unmistakable blue fibers of supergirl’s suit, and your eyes slowly move up, glancing over the ever famous insignia on her chest, finally resting at her face. You swallow hard when you see the red glow pulse through her neck and spread throughout her face.
“Hey… Kara!” You say, feigning a smile.
“Y/N you are the LAST person I wanted to see right now.” she says, her tone unfamiliar and cold. She places her hands on your shoulders, and shoves you to the ground, you let out a sharp intake of breath, realizing that you are truly alone, and unable to call for help.  I could say the same about you. You think to yourself, knowing its best not to provoke her when she’s in this state.
“Kara… I know this isn’t you. It's the red kryptonite…”
“Oh, please. Spare me.” Her words sting, laced with malice.
“I know you would never hurt me.” you say, slowly scooting away from her. “Come back to me, please.” You plead with her, trying desperately to get through to her, despite knowing that it’s a lost cause.
“God, you’re pathetic!” Kara scoffs, slowly descending to the floor, on one knee. She grabs your chin and yanks your face up, forcing you to lock eyes. Her face contorts into a look of disgust and pity. “You are nothing, nobody.” With every word, she gripped your chin harder. You tried to hide your pain, not wanting to antagonize her, but the words hurt just as much as her hold on your face. She stands up, and releases your chin, sauntering around you, still on the cold floor.
“You know what amazes me?” You swallow hard and hum in response.
“You and Lena…”
“Excuse me?” you say, your voice breaking slightly.
“Lena is… so unbelievably smart, and beautiful, and talented. She is actually worth something, unlike you.”
“K- Kara, please stop.”
“Now now, don’t beg.” She says in a cloyingly sweet voice, crawling with hate. “You aren’t even a real Danvers. Real Danvers have something going for them. You disgust me.” Her anger was almost tangible. You reached your limit, the last words broke you. You couldn’t hold back your tears any longer, you started to sob silently, looking to the ground.
“Crying, are you? This is pitiful.PITIFUL.” Her voice rose in volume, and she ran to you, rearing her leg back before kicking you almost full force in your ribcage, sending you flying along the floor and into a large metal cabinet, stacked high with glass displays of chemicals and samples. As your body collided with the metal, it created a large dent, and sent the displays above you crashing down, shattering as they landed on your body. The noise was immeasurably loud. You lay there briefly, a crumpled heap, entirely motionless as you began to bleed from numerous cuts from the glass all over the entire left side of your body. There was an especially large cut running from your neck to your collarbone, that was bleeding quite a bit more than the others, forming a small pool of blood on the floor as it dripped, from your semi-conscious body. You struggled with trying to breathe, letting out a small and slow groan. You can feel blood running down your eyebrow, and onto the floor. The pain is so intense, you feel like vomiting. You try to sit up, propping yourself up on your elbows, and you look up trying to see where Kara is.
“Kara… I forgive you.” you croak out, spitting out the blood that had pooled in your mouth. Right as you look up, Kara’s fist collides with the side of your face, knocking you unconscious.
“Y/N??” Lena asks to your empty apartment. “Darling? Did you pack your bag? It’s Kara we have to get somewhere safe…” “Y/N?” she asks again, as she opens the door to your room. “Oh no... “ she sees your keys, phone, and bag are all missing. A pit forms in her stomach as she realises what happened. She immediately pulls out her phone to call Alex.
“Did you get them?”
“No, Alex listen, Y/N went to my labs, they aren’t home. We need to get there, now.”
“On it. I’ll get a squad. Meet me outside.”
You get your hearing back first, you scowl at the ringing in your ears. When that clears up, you realize the pure chaos that had erupted around you.  There’s screaming coming from all directions, loud bangs, followed by even more screaming. You slip in and out of consciousness, slowly getting the rest of your senses back. Someone- Kara, is holding you up like a human shield. Before you can regain full consciousness, a bullet grazes your left arm, causing you to wince in pain. You can hear Kara laughing behind you, and a tear rolls down your cheek. You were shaking uncontrollably, feeling dizzy. Your eyes were unable to focus on anything. You could barely make out the lab around you, you could hear the shouts of your sister amongst the gunshots. She brought the DEO in. You are being rescued. Your eyes settle on the raven-haired woman hiding behind cover nearby. She was holding some sort of gun with a faint green glow emitting from the barrel. You gave her a confused look, unable to comprehend what was happening.
“Lena…?” you whisper, a slight smile appears at the corners of your mouth. Even now, she looked like an angel.
You feel yourself fall to the floor as Kara collapses behind you. You can barely make out a kryptonite laced dart protruding out from the side of Kara’s shoulder. Lena rushes over to you, putting her hands behind your neck, turning your head towards her. She’s crying, and it seems as if she's screaming your name. Lena cradles you in her arms. She’s panicking, not sure where to apply pressure. Blood flowed from so many different wounds all across your body, it was so much blood. Lena felt as if she was going to vomit. You lay motionless in her arms as the world goes dark around you.
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fortheboyzzz · 3 years
Teddy Bear
Winn x Male Reader
Request: can i send in a winn x m!R headcannon request for him having a bigger, muscled & tattooed boyfriend who has elemental manipulation abilities. he almost always looks pissed, can even imtimidate alex but is a total sweeheart to everyone and is completely in love with winn? thank u!
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“So when are we finally going to meet this boyfriend, you’ve been talking nonstop about?” Alex asked Winn as they and Kara got ready to leave the DEO.
“I don’t know guys.” he said, nervously smiling. Ever since Winn mentioned he was dating you, the whole group was curious to find out who you were and the more the  brought you up the more eager they got.
His hesitance wasn’t because he just didn’t want them to meet you, it was because he was just warry about how they would react to you. He knew you weren’t the type they would pair with him. Hell, he probably wouldn’t consider you his type before he got to know your personality.
“Come on!” Kara said, practically jumping up and down. “You can bring him to game night tomorrow night.”
“That’s a great idea.”
“Please Winn?”
Winn put his hands up. “Alright, I’ll talk to Y/N about it.”
Kara’s face lit up. “Wait, really?”
“Yes and now if you’ll excuse me, I have run home and get ready for our date tonight.”
. . .
After going out for a nice dinner, you agreed to go to game night which honestly didn’t take much convincing since you were also wondering when you could meet his friends. 
Finally it was game night and everyone was getting settled in around the coffee table when there was a knock at the door. 
“They’re here.”  Kara said with excitement as got up for the door with her sister.
She opened the door and her face immediately changed into something else as soon as she saw you. Next to sweet Winn was you who was quite the contrast. You were tall, burly, covered tattoos and had a resting face that made you look like you killed someone. Honestly, it was clear to see impression why Kara was a little taken aback.
“Hi...” Kara said, still trying to hold her smile to be friendly.
“Kara. This is Y/N.” Winn said as you two stepped inside. “Y/N. This Kara, her sister Alex, Maggie, Lena and James.”
You turned to Alex and handed her a pack of beer you were holding. “Uh. Thanks.” she said, flashing a nervous smile before carrying it over to the fridge.
You guys were going to sit down together when Kara pulled Winn to the side for sec, causing you to find a place to sit by yourself. You sat in one of the empty chairs and although the others tried their best not to appear rude, they couldn’t help but stare. You even notice James sit up straight and puff his chest a little.
“This is the guy you’ve been talking to us about?” Kara asked quietly.
“Yeah, I know, but trust me, Y/N is a total teddy bear. You’ll love him.” Winn said and they went to join the others.
Alex came around to pass the beers out to everyone. “Alright, the pizza is in the oven. I hope that’s okay with Y/N.”
“That’s fine. I love pizza.” you said with a soft smile, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend as he sat in your lap.
Everyone looked surprised to see you smile, but it did relax them a bit.
“So Y/N..” Lena began as Kara set up the board for Monopoly. “How did you and Winn meet?”
“It’s not that interesting really. We just met at a bar.” you said.
“Yeah and when he came up to me, I thought he was gonna beat me up until he asked to buy me a drink.” Winn said.
You blushed a bit with embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m not the best with first impressions. Did I scare you guys?”
The whole group frantically shook their heads at you. “No. You’re good.”
From there on you guys conversed some more and they soon realized that you really were all the sweet things Winn said about you.  As game night continued, you didn’t realize that the pizza was still in the oven until the fire alarm went off.
“Shit!” Alex cursed as you all jumped and ran over to the kitchen, coughing as some got closer to the smoke.
James quickly opened the stove and took the pizza out. Then you, without thinking, reached your hand and brought a gust of wind in from then opened window to get rid of the smoke. After, you noticed everyone was staring at you.
“Right..” Winn said. “Did I forget to mention he has powers?”
“Yes!” Kara said, being the most surprised.
“So you can control the wind?” Maggie asked, confused.
“And fire, water and earth. All the elements basically.” you corrected.
Winn smiled. “Oh, show them that one really cool trick you can do with the fire.”
“Let’s go get something else to eat first before we do show and tell. How about a real pizza place this time?” you said smiled back at him.
“I’m in.” Alex said, starting to grab her jacket and was soon followed by the rest.
“How could you not tell me your boyfriend has super powers??” Kara asked as everyone was leaving.
“I’m sorry, okay? But you like him right?”
“Yeah, of course. You should have introduce us to him sooner.”
“Babe, It’s pretty cool out. You want my jacket?” You called to Winn.
“Sure, thanks.” he answered as he followed you out to enjoy the rest of your night.
“See? I told you there was nothing to worry about.” You told him, putting your jacket over his shoulders.
“I know, you were right.”
You kissed his head and pulled him close as you continued walking. “I love you.”
Tags: @eliotsbambimargo​, @inhumanshadows​, @stewie-castle​
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cherryobx · 4 years
To letting go//JJ Maybank x reader
requested?: yessssss “hey! you're probably busy or whatever,, so just ignore this if you want, but if you could, can you do something where the pogues save the reader from a toxic friend group and show them how friends are supposed to be? kinda need a fake scenerio to comfort me haha. it can be w anyone or just a platonic,,, just need a happy ending :) ty”
summary: The pogues take you under their wing after your kook friends lie to you
warnings: angst, toxic friends, some curse words
WC: 1335
(not my pic!!!)
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Being a pogue and being friends with kooks was never easy. They got everything handed to them since birth. They were literally born rich.
Since your father worked for one of the kook families you started to go to work with him when you were little and that’s when you met your best friend Laurene. 
When you started hanging out with her daily, you met her other kook friends. Her ‘squad’ as she called it.
Everything was simple when you were kids, money and clothes didn’t really matter. But as you grew older, these things became more and more important.
And that’s when you started to feel out of place.
Laurene often bought you presents. But you knew they were out of pity because you could never afford the kind of clothes she wore all the time.
Laurene was understanding most of the time. She understood when you couldn’t go shopping with them or couldn’t hang out because you had to go to work. You felt like you disappointed them when you couldn’t go and that tore you down mentally. But you never admitted that to yourself.
One day, Laurene dragged you to go shopping with her friends. You agreed, of course, because you thought that if you said ‘no’, they wouldn’t really accept you in their friend group anymore. 
“What do you think about this one?” Laurene held a beautiful, and definitely very expensive, dress in front of her, showing you how it would on her body.
“It’s great! It would look so pretty on you,” you told her.
“Then I’ll buy it!” she happily exclaimed and practically ran to the register.
You and your friends walked out of the store. They all had a few shopping bags in their hands. Kooks were 100% the type of people who believed that money could buy happiness.
You walked behind them, hands in the pockets of your jean shorts that you ad found in a thrift store.
Sometimes you felt like they didn’t even notice you were there. You felt invisible beside them.
“Okay Y/N, we’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
You were confused. “Wasn’t Kara supposed to throw her birthday party today?”
“No, she canceled it. Right, Kara?” The blonde girl beside Laurene nodded.
“Oh, okay. Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye Y/N!” 
And then you were alone. You decided to go home since you had nothing to do anyway.
At home, you ate a bit and then laid on your bed, reading a book that Lauren had given you. You loved reading. It helped you escape reality and go to places you wouldn’t get to go to in real life.
When it was getting dark outside, you thought that you should go to the beach. You could see the stars there very well and it was always a beautiful sight.
When you arrived at the beach, you saw a group of people had set up a little fire pit there and were all sitting around it.
You knew those people. They were John B and his friends JJ, Pope, and Kiara. You had never really talked to them but they always seemed to have a lot of fun.
You sat a bit away from them and then laid down, so you could stargaze. 
“Hey! Y/n?” JJ came up to you.
You didn’t take your eyes away from the sky but you nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. What do you want?”
“Why aren’t you at Kara’s birthday party?”
“She canceled it.”
“No, she didn’t,” he said, making you sit up and look at him. “What are you talking about? I just talked to her today. She said she canceled it.”
“She didn’t cancel it. Basically everyone is there right now.” He pulled out his phone and showed you someone’s Instagram story, where you could clearly see that there was a huge party going on at Kara’s place.
“So they lied to me…” you felt your eyes get wet. You knew that you didn’t really fit in with them. But why would they lie to you?
“Hey! No, don’t cry.”
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“You did nothing wrong. Kooks just are like this. Bunch of selfish assholes.”
“But they’re my friends.”
“Y/N, news flash, they’re not your friends. Kooks and pogues can never be friends, they despise people like us. I don’t know how you survived being close to them for so long.”
“Yeah, thanks for making me feel like shit, JJ. Why the fuck are you here anyway?” Tears were rolling down your cheeks like two waterfalls. You were angry at your friends, you were angry at JJ, but mainly you were angry at yourself.
“You just seemed lonely, that’s all.”
“Yeah because I look like a loner, right? Well, you can leave now. I don’t need you to make me feel even worse.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad. Look, come hang out with me and my friends.” He stood up and gave you his hand to help you up too.
“Fine. But if you’re like some kind of weirdos, I’m leaving.” You wiped the tears from your face with the sleeve of your sweater,
“Wow, being with kooks sure has its after-effects,” he laughed.
“Shut up.”
You walked over to his friends and sat down beside him, making everyone’s heads turn to you.
“This is Y/N. Y/N, these are my friends John B, Pope, and Kiara,” he introduced them, although you already knew who they were.
“Aren’t you that pogue who always hangs out with the kooks?”
You sighed. “Not anymore.”
So you told them the whole story, almost starting to cry again but luckily you held back your tears.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. We’ll show you what real friends look like.”
And they did. You had found your people. You were accepted there. You felt like that was where you belonged. They made you feel loved and never left out.
A few weeks after ‘the incident’, Laurene came to your place. She knocked on the door and waited for you to come out.
You had blocked all of them on all platforms and even deleted their numbers. You didn’t need fake friends in your life.
“What do you want?” you asked when you opened the door, seeing her standing there.
“I wanted to know why you’re ignoring us all of a sudden.”
“You lied to me. You made me feel left out and worthless. You want more reasons? Your friends never liked me, neither did you. And I know that for a fact.”
You didn’t even wait for her to respond. You just slammed the door in her face and walked into your backyard, where all of the pogues were waiting for you, setting up a fire.
“You ready?” Kiara asked, handing you a bag full of the clothes, pictures and jewelry that Lauren had given you throughout the years of knowing her.
“More than ever.” You had a plan of burning it all. You didn’t want constant reminders of all the shitty years you had spent pleasing the kooks.
To be honest, you were a bit nervous too. You were throwing away a big part of your life. But that’s what you needed to to to let go of all the bad memories.
In the few weeks, you had known them, JJ had developed a crush on you.  A big one. You were broken, just like him and that made you two so similar. He didn’t want to fix you, neither did you want to fix him. But you felt like he was the one to make it all better. And you were absolutely right. Luckily you felt the same about him.
JJ grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it, looking into your eyes. “You got it.” He could sense the nervousness coming from you.
“To letting go,” Pope said.
“To letting go,” you repeated, throwing all the stuff into the fire, making it erupt in flames.
taglist: @teamnick​ @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @prejudic3 @afterglows7b-tch13 @tomhardybby @ad-infinitums @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @drewsephsmiles @allycat449-blog​ @abbiesthings @teenwaywardasgardian
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Anyone wants to hear about, uh...my in-universe National Anthem comic? No? Well, too bad, you're going to hear about it anyways!
Much like in canon, Mike Milligram has no real personality and whatever little backstory that does get mentioned is vague and sometimes even contradicts itself (although that's understandable because it has had at least 5 12-comic runs by the time the Fabulous Killjoys even take The Girl in);
By all means Milligram only exists to give the reader an outsider point of view on the world and the story, as well as an opportunity for the artist to draw a lot of alien guts;
Why he's being chased by aliens never gets explained, as the comic gets discontinued before the big reveal, but they do get to kick the absolute shit out of Dennis and Books on Tape during the last run ever published, so you win some, you lose some;
No trauma-based superpowers. Just really fun sci-fi tech like Max's TV jacket, and Kara's smart (3d) glasses, and this crazy fucking holographic harpoon gun thing this one bounty hunter had that totally fucked Mike up, and special gloves that interact in fun ways with bikes and blasters, and Maria and Sophia's bulletproof stunt gear with rocket boots, etc;
Briefly diverts into being a horror murder mystery for one run. Neither the source material nor the readers ever acknowledge the fact after said run is over;
It is canon that sometimes the killjoys pile up in the Trans Am's backseat and watch movies by draping Max's jacket over one of the front seats and using it as an actual TV. The idea was originally introduced in a fan zine, but then it got confirmed at the end of the 3rd run by Max proposing they have a celebratory movie night. Sadly, whether or not Mike is afflicted with the curse of always losing at rock paper scissors;
Jamie does appear in the comics, but he's older and completely unrelated to Mike and Maria, who are only involved with each other on a "i trust you with my life, but also i don't know shit about who you are as a person" level, which obviously changes in time and they all become proper friends, but there's no other relationship between them beyond that;
Kara and Jeffrey, though, are canonically engaged, but keep having to call off their wedding because of crazy shit happening to the point there is a whole fanzine about their wedding day and the strings Jeffery had to pull with BT International to make it happen. It is confirmed partially canon as the timeframe and a few details are wrong, but one of the creators did say it was their favourite fan-zine and honestly can you get higher confirmation than that?
The Trans Am 100% eats people, because it's what she deserves and everyone who was posting nat anthem theories when the comics first came out had such amazing ideas <3
Unrelated to the plot of comic or even filler issues, but the killjoys running these comics are 2 fairly large crews (5-7 people) bonded by multiple types of relationships such as adopted siblings, friendship and even romance. Needless to say, they are really close and the comic got passed around a lot both writing-wise and art-wise
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oreoambitions · 4 years
In Which Boobs Get Kara Into Trouble
There will come a time later, when Kara is standing on the roof of Spherical Industries with a gun to her head, when she will wonder how she ever got herself into such a mess. The rain will pour and the city will roar, oblivious, far below while Kara tries to piece it all together. And it will end as it began: with a pair of brilliant green eyes and a sad smile.
Kara spies her at the hotel bar and, if she's being honest, the first thing she notices are the boobs. I mean, can you blame her? The cut of that dress is scandalous at best and the woman wearing it is a vision, truly. Kara, lingering in the doorway in her slacks and buttondown, tired and a little unkempt from a long day on her first field assignment as a junior reporter, almost forgets for a moment that she's shy and awkward and Definitely Straight Thank You Very Much. She flashes her brightest smile almost before she realizes it and, to her surprise, the woman with the boobs looks up and smiles back.
The second thing Kara notices is the older gentleman leaning in across the bar, his hand lingering on that dress somewhere just north of inappropriate as he reasserts his position at the center of the boob woman's attention. The journalist in Kara says: I wonder what their relationship to one another is. The Definitely Straight Thank You Very Much side of Kara says: I should go rescue her.
There will come a time when Kara curses the fact that she's somehow inherited that trademark Danvers penchant for heroism and trouble, but this is not that time. This is the time when Kara strolls up, one hand in her pocket, heart pounding in her ears, to flash that million dollar smile one more time and adjust her glasses. She glances dismissively at Just North of Inappropriate as she inserts herself into the situation with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.
"Sorry I'm late," she says brightly. "Just a little bit of traffic on the bridge. Shall we get a table?"
The plan, if you can really call it that, has just about formed in Kara's mind by the time she finishes speaking. There are, she assumes, roughly two possible outcomes. Either the boob woman doesn't need rescuing after all and Kara is about to suffer an incredibly humiliating encounter, or she does need rescuing and they can head to the hotel restaurant together where Kara can see her delivered safely to wherever it is she'd like to be. What actually happens is neither of those things.
"Darling," the boob woman says, a sad smile on her lips. "I was just about to call. This is Jack, the gentleman I was telling you about. Jack, this is my wife..."
It is to Kara's credit that she only hesitates for a moment. She did take an improv class for half a semester in undergrad; she's about as well prepared for a curveball like this as anyone could reasonably expect. She extends her hand and says, "Kara. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Likewise," Jack replies, his eyebrows high. "Forgive me; Lena didn't mention you were coming."
Lena slides an arm around Kara's waist so casually that for one insane instant Kara wonders whether this woman has confused her for someone else. "You know how it is," Lena is saying. "Work doesn't always allow for travel; I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up."
Travel. So Kara, Wife of the Woman with the Boobs, is not supposed to be from here.
Jack fixes Kara with a smile that never quite reaches his eyes. "I hope the flight wasn't too difficult."
"Somehow it always feels shorter than I expect," Kara says, mind scrambling. Where is she supposed to have flown in from? Is this a test? Is there something she should know to say?
Jack chuckes. "Well, Metropolis to National City is a short trip compared to what you're used to, I'm sure. If you'll excuse me, I'll just let them know we'll be needing an extra place at the table."
Lena is hissing as soon as he's out of earshot. "It took you long enough, goddamnit. I called for backup an hour ago! I think he has the asset here, at the hotel. If we're lucky we can- shit. Hope!"
And just like that Lena is all smiles and warmth but for her white knuckled grip on Kara's hip. She waves to a woman lingering in the doorway and Kara finds herself tangled in pleasantries and small talk, playing the part as best she can.
Now the plan is: get out of this as soon as possible.
It becomes clear that 'as soon as possible' might be a while coming when Jack returns and the four of them are escorted not, as Kara had assumed, to the hotel restaurant, but into the elevator. Oh. They are dining at the private club on the top floor, and all at once Kara is conscious of the fact that her entire outfit is likely worth less than the average glass of wine here, that her hair is coming a little undone in the back, that she didn't put makeup on this morning because she was hoping that seeming a little more like 'one of the guys' might earn her a more favorable quote at the conference she was working this afternoon. This is trouble, and if Kara's gut is right, it's dangerous trouble at that.
The menu doesn't list prices but Kara navigates the social waters by ordering just about whatever Lena does - although she kips the salad appetizer in favor of egg rolls - and fumbles through conversation by saying as little as possible until the conversation drifts to the Kaznian refugee crisis and Kara begins to shift uncomfortably in her seat.
"Well, you know as they say in Kaznia," Jack is saying, "Without work, there is no desert."
He says the phrase in Kaznian so smoothly that it would have passed by perhaps anyone but an actual Kaznian refugee without comment. But Kara has never been the best when it comes to holding her tongue and so she corrects him almost without thinking about it. "Bez prace nejsou kolace. Without work there is no cake."
Jack raises his eyebrows, but it's Hope who comments, "Are you from Kaznia too? Is that how you two met?"
Kara is frozen, processing the implication that Lena may also be a Kaznian refugee, but Lena is already answering. "Our fathers knew one another, yes, but we actually met at a bar. It's a terribly mundane story. There I was, enduring the cumbersome attentions of some ape, and she simply swooped in for the rescue. The rest is history."
Kara almost laughs. "Really, it was love at first sight," she says. "Coming to the rescue was the least I could do. Even if I did turn out to get rather more than I'd bargained for."
Lena's smile is sugar sweet as she leans over to press a warm kiss to Kara's cheek. "I'm worth it," she promises and, mercifully, she changes the subject.
They make it most of the way through dessert before the conversation finally turns to business.
"How long are you in town?" Jack asks. "Not just for the conference, I hope."
Lena hums, noncommittal. "Maybe a few days longer. There are a few business meetings I'd like to take care of while we're here."
"Well I hope you'll save one of those meetings for me. Spherical Industries has made a breakthrough, I'm sure you've heard, and while I've obligations to the board to hear a few proposals the real prize would be a partnership with L-Corp.  We could do great things together, you and I."
A number of thoughts cross Kara's mind in quick succession.
The first: Jack's tone is so overtly predatory, so intensely suggestive, that Kara is absolutely shocked that he would speak to Lena in such a way in front of her (supposed) wife or in front of his own spouse.
The second: If Lena works for L-Corp, Kara has gotten herself into the middle of something very complicated indeed.
The third: Jack is, as Kara has suspected for the better part of an hour now, not just some rando putting his hands on a woman in a bar. He is, in fact, none other than Jack Speer, as in Spherical Industries, as in the man responsible for the conference where Kara has been working. The conference where she was hoping to hear something that might confirm a rumored breakthrough to which Jack just openly admitted. And, if Kara's sources are to be believed, Spherical Industries has gone to great length to keep the details of that breakthrough out of the hands of the authorities. Kara would give just about anything to find out why.
"You know I always have time for a few drinks with an old friend; I'm sure something can be arranged," Lena says. "It really is lovely to catch up with you both. And isn't your anniversary coming up soon?"
"One year on Sunday," Hope replies.
“Well then an early congratulations to you both.”
When dessert has been consumed, coffee sipped, and the check paid (by Spherical Industries, at Jack's insistence), it's time for the long walk to the elevator and down the hall to what is presumably Lena's room.  Jack and Hope walk them all the way, and the small talk lasts another excruciating handful of minutes while Lena fiddles with her key until, at last, Hope suggests that everyone must be tired.
Kara's mind is reeling. Jack and Hope aren't walking away and so, in order to keep up appearances, she follows Lena into the hotel room.
It's almost - almost - not a surprise when, as soon as the door shuts, Lena pulls a gun on Kara. There is still something a little inherently startling about finding herself on the wrong end of a firearm but, well, that's been looking like the almost inevitable end result of this evening for a little while here and Kara figures the best thing she can do is handle it as calmly as possible.
"Who the fuck are you," Lena demands, "and who the fuck do you work for?"
"I can ex-"
"You are definitely not the backup I called for. Are you with Edge? How did you find me?"
Kara raises her hands in the universal symbol for surrender. "I don't work for anyone," she explains. "Well, I work for CatCo, actually, but the point is, I think we might be on the same side."
Slowly, her eyes never leaving Kara's face, Lena lowers the gun and engages the safety. Kara's gaze drops to the boobs. If there has ever been a time not to be distracted by boobs it’s this moment but, well. Kara may be Definitely Straight Thank You Very Much but even she can appreciate the absolute goddess standing in front of her in a sinful dress with a loaded weapon in hand. She swallows and forces her attention back to Lena's face and to the knowing smirk that says her distraction has not gone unnoticed.
"I'm listening," Lena says.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 years
Your Lena/Supernatural AU finally got me to watch Supernatural. I hope you’re happy. Another chapter? Pretty please?
Kara’s attempts to disavow the revelation are met with unimpressed expressions.
“Doesn’t work that way, Supes,” Dean tells her, handing off his coffee. Lucy accepts hers with a thanks, while shooting Kara an apologetic grimace. 
“Get in,” comes the gruff invite as Dean yanks the driver’s door open. “Or don’t. That’s good too.”
Faced with two strangers potentially driving away with her secret identity, Kara crawls into the backseat with Lucy, and does her best not to stare. She’s promptly ignored as soon as Dean throws the engine in gear, and then the car falls into an uncomfortable silence.
Well, uncomfortable for Kara. None of the other three seem to mind it in the least.
It takes almost twenty minutes before she screws up enough courage to offer Lucy a question. “That’s not how what works?”
“Hmm?” Lena asks around a swallow of coffee.
“Dean said it doesn’t work that way. What was he talking about?”
“Oh.” Lucy’s cheeks flush slightly. “I have this… thing. Ability. I’m not sure how to describe it without sounding crazy.”
Kara huffs in frustration. “This whole thing is crazy. If someone doesn’t start talking I’m going to pick up this car and fling it into the sun!”
“Even think about touching my car and I’ll fling you into the sun!” Dean fires back.
Lucy bites back a grin at the exchange. “I’m not trying to keep you in the dark. It’s just… a lot of things about us defy explanation.” 
In spite of her words, Lucy’s features turn thoughtful. Kara waits, and is rewarded when the woman finally shrugs. 
“I guess you could say disguises don’t work on me.”
Kara waits another beat, but nothing is forthcoming. “Okay…”
“I have a knack for seeing things as they are,” Lucy tries to elaborate. Her hands gesture in the air, as though to illustrate what her words are failing to convey. “In our line of work, there’s a lot of… there’s a lot of people who aren’t what they seem to be. Whatever disguise they wear, it doesn’t work on me. You’re different, though.”
“How so?”
“Normally, I don’t see any disguise. But with you… I see both. It shifts, like a mirage. I see the symbol, the cape… but also the glasses, and the cardigan. It’s unusual.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re an alien,” Sam suggests from the front. “It could mean the rules apply differently.”
Kara tries not to flinch. She’s still Kara Danvers, Supergirl still carefully tucked away. It feels like she’s been outed, despite the lack of judgement from these odd, mysterious three.
“Hey, question,” Dean calls, turning briefly to catch Lucy’s eye. “What did Ca–” he seems to catch himself at the last minute. After a stilted moment, he waves vaguely towards the sky instead. “What did you-know-who look like to you?”
Lucy snorts. “Like a drunk.”
“Huh. So, no wings, no halo, nothing?”
“Just a dirty man in a dirtier trench coat.”
The car falls quiet for a while after that. Kara is grateful for it, but also feels the head of Lucy’s gaze as the woman studies her from her slouch against the far window.
“So, Supes…” Dean says conversationally. “Is Kara Danvers your real name, or was all that just to get in the car?”
He stares at her in the rear view mirror, but when Kara responds, she looks at Lucy. “Real enough. When I’m not Supergirl, I’m Kara Danvers.”
The smile Lucy grants her is soft and warm, and sends flutters through Kara’s chest. “Nice to meet you, Kara Danvers.”
In the full light of day, Kara can see further differences to set Lucy apart from Lena. Long scars scrape the left edge of her jaw and down to dip below the collar of her shirt. It looks rugged and knotted. Recent, but not quite fresh. The slashes almost look animalistic, and Kara can’t help but notice how close it is to her carotid artery. She swallows the sudden powerful urge to ask what happened.
“And you?” she asks instead.
Kara nods. “No last name?”
Lucy shakes her head. Now it’s Kara’s turn to study her. “Last night you said something bad happened in that warehouse,” she begins gently. Lucy nods. “To you?”
At that, Lucy looks away. Kara doesn’t think she’s going to get any response whatsoever, but then… “Dean and Sam found me there, almost two years ago. That’s when my life started.”
Kara shifts in her seat. “You mean your life with them?”
“No, I mean… I have no memory before meeting them. There’s nothing there. We think this cult, whoever these people are, have something to do with it.”
Apprehension crawls up Kara’s spine. She’d hoped to learn that Lucy and the Winchesters really were related somehow, or that Lucy grew up in Rhode Island. Anything to pull her further away from Lena in Kara’s mind, and make some sense out of all of it. Now new mysteries further unsettle her. 
As Lucy turns her attention to the book in her lap, Kara’s wheels start turning. Two years ago. It’s so recent, and yet feels a million years ago. Two years ago, Kara’s life was full of laughter. Full of Lena. Before she was taken. Before she came back changed.
“I think this might be a cipher of some kind,” Lucy announces. She reaches for the ragged backpack on the floor by her feet, and pulls out a pen and a marble notebook bent lengthwise down the middle.
Up front, Dean smirks. “Think you can crack it by the time we get to Bobby’s?”
“We’re about to find out.”
Sam chuckles, and fishes out a worn cassette tape from a shoe box under his seat. “Beatles it is.”
The volume goes up; the windows go down. The wind tousles Kara’s hair, and as she gazes out at the farmland flashing by, it almost feels like she’s flying.
Lucy doesn’t crack it by the time they reach Bobby’s. At least, Kara thinks it’s Bobby’s– it looks more like a junkyard, with old tires piled into tall hills and junkers sitting in rows across a fairly large property. The house they park in front of doesn’t do anything to disrupt the aesthetic. Still, Dean and Sam both grin as a bearded man in a truckers hat pushes out through the screen door.
“You boys kept yourselves out of trouble?”
The three trade rough hugs. Lucy exits the car more slowly, and when she hangs back, Kara realizes it’s because she hasn’t met this Bobby either. With the notebook in one hand and Kara at her side, she waits to be introduced. Bobby eyes them, not unkindly.
“Last I checked, you only had one lady tagging along.”
Dean shrugs. “Things have gotten a little more complicated.” He gives Lucy a nod of invitation. Lucy approaches, but her movements seem a little stiff even as she offers a congenial grin. “Bobby, this is Lucy.”
“Nice to meet you.” Lucy opts for a handshake. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I’m sure you have,” Bobby agrees with a grin. “And I’ve heard quite a bit about you as well.” His gaze turns to Kara. “And you are?”
“This is Kara,” Lucy answers for her. Kara steps in to offer a handshake of her own. “She’s a friend of mine visiting from Georgia. A violinist.”
The lie is so seamless Kara almost misses it entirely. But Dean and Sam react instantly over Bobby’s shoulder, snapping to attention before exchanging a look of alarm. When their hands drop to their respective weapons, Kara realizes something is very, very wrong.
Dean looks to the Impala, but doesn’t make a move towards it. Bobby stands in their way.
“Yeah, hey, Bobby,” Dean calls. “I hate to say it, but we’re kind of on a time crunch. We just need to take a look in the armory to see if you got anything that might take out a motta.”
Bobby’s brow wrinkles in consternation as he turns to face Dean. Kara quickly sidles up to Lucy, tension thrumming against her skin as energy coils in her muscles. “A motta? What in the hell’s a motta?”
“Gee, I don’t know… what’s a motta with you?”
Dean’s grin disappears in the next instant, as his fist slams into his friend’s jaw. Kara doesn’t have time to see what happens next before Lucy fills her vision, pressing the book into Kara’s chest. “Run!”
An invisible force tears Lucy away before she can finish, slamming into the side of the Impala. Kara sees Bobby with palm outstretched, eyes black as ink.
Kara blasts into the sky just as Bobby turns his gaze on her, clutching the book to her chest. She bursts through a layer of clouds and pauses, heart pounding, waiting to see if Bobby will follow. He doesn’t.
Relief pours over her, and her grip on the book turns to a hug as she sucks in a breath.
“Wait,” she snaps back into sudden awareness. “What am I doing?”
She releases the book, allowing it to plummet. By the time she snatches it again, she’s in her suit, wind snapping at her cape. She slams down in front of Bobby and pulls back one fist for a punch.
“Don’t hurt him!” Dean shouts, making her freeze.
Bobby grabs her by the throat and yanks. It pulls her off her feet and shakes her enough that she can barely hear Sam’s call. “Bobby’s still in there!”
“Hold him down!” Lucy cries, hauling herself to her feet and limping to the trunk of the Impala. “Don’t let him go!”
O-kay. Kara snaps back to Bobby’s grip on her throat and puffs a lungful of ice into his face. It’s enough to loosen his grip enough she doesn’t have to break bone to twist away. With a flick of her wrist she sweeps her cape over his head to blind him and slips behind him. She cages him in, clamping her arms around him to keep him immobile. Muffled by the cape, inhuman bellows issue from her prisoner, and his strength is unexpected.
He struggles and writhes with inhuman stamina, and Kara’s grip almost slips within seconds. Instead, she lets herself fall to the ground to keep her arms around him. “I can’t hold him!” 
“Shit!” Lucy curses, abandoning whatever she’d returned to the trunk for. She slides to her knees and breathlessly meets Kara’s gaze. “Give me as much time as you can.”
Before Kara has a chance to respond, Lucy plants her palm on Bobby’s growling chest, and begins to chant. 
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus…”
Her voice hums low in her chest, her eyes shut against the distraction of Kara’s struggle to keep a grip on the monster in her arms. Dean and Sam move quickly to help– Dean tackles Bobby’s kicking legs, and Sam dashes to the trunk of the Impala and comes back with a bag labeled as rock salt. He immediately begins to pour it in a circle around all three of them. 
Through it all, Lucy doesn’t falter. Her voice issues low and deep, the monotonous chant ancient and eerie.
“Ergo, draco maledicte.Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire…!”
Slowly, as the man’s thrashing heightens in desperation, Lucy’s voice starts to lift in pitch and power. As Kara watches, a glow begins to emanate between Lucy’s hand and the flannel of Bobby’s shirt. From the look on Dean’s face, this isn’t a normal feature of whatever exorcism is taking place. 
“Te rogamus!” 
An otherworldly roar grows in Kara’s ears, shaking the man in her arms and the ground around her. 
“Holy shit, it’s working,” Dean grunts, releasing his friend’s legs. “Let him go! Out of the circle, now!”
Kara obeys, carefully avoiding the circle Sam had taken precious time to create. She stands between the two men, and stares in shock as Lena opens her eyes, emitting the same unnatural glow concentrating beneath her palm.
“Audi nos!” 
Lucy finishes in a bellow, the sound extending into a cry of pain as the light flares bright. It pours from her hand into Bobby, whose black eyes fill with the same glow before it suddenly snaps away from both of them, leaving a vacuum of sound and sensation in its wake. 
Kara waits for the brothers’ next move, but they haven’t any more clue than she does. 
It’s Bobby who speaks up first, exhaustedly propping himself up on both elbows to stare between the four of them.
“What in the sam hell just happened?” he demands.
Lucy tries to stand, but her limbs quake like the earth is still trembling. Halfway to standing, she loses her battle for consciousness, and collapses back to the ground.
“Lena!” Kara’s at her side before the others can blink, lifting Lucy’s shoulders into her arms with gentle care. The thump of a steady heartbeat in her ears soon fills her with relief. “She’s alive. Thank Rao.”
Bobby stares at her, then at Dean. 
“I thought you said her name was Lucy.”
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supercorpkid · 3 years
You’re running on fear and Kryptonite.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 1696.
Supergirl has a lot of enemies, but Superkid doesn’t have any and that’s basically because no one knows who she is. Or, so you thought.
You left school at the usual time, but before going home, you decided to go to the donuts shop. There’s one close to your school that is also close to CatCo, so you thought you would buy a few more, and stop at your momma’s work to share with her.
You’re walking down the street when you hear a gunshot. You look around and you can’t see anyone with a gun, and you also don’t see anyone hurt. You’re about to take off your glasses to check into the buildings when you hear another one.
But you can’t take off your glasses, because next thing you know you’re falling on the street. You feel something burning inside of you, and your hand goes to the place where this feeling is coming from. You raise your hand and see blood. Shit. That’s not possible.
When you realize what’s going on, you are already crawling to an alley nearby, so that no one can see you. And you’re almost sure it worked.
So, you try to think. You got shot. You can’t get shot. You’re bulletproof. But you are now bleeding from your stomach and there is an agonizing pain filling your body. It’s like the bullet got in your bloodstream, but it’s not possible. It’s not possible! Think!
What do you do now? Who do you call? Where do you go? Why is it burning so much? Is this what being shot usually feels like?
You finally look at your wound, it’s green. Fuck. It’s kryptonite. That makes sense. You’re not usually this dumb, but you just got shot with kryptonite bullet, and this is basically the first time you’ve been exposed to it.
It hurts. Actually, it burns. It’s like venom cursing through your body and, oh dear Rao, you need to do something before whoever shot you, come. They’re not just going to shoot you. It’s kryptonite, they know it makes you weak, so they must want something else.
You take off your glasses and look around. You don’t see right, your vision is blurry and you don’t know if it’s only because you’re crying, or also because kryptonite makes that to you.
You’re about to press the emergency button on the watch, when you stop yourself. You can’t. They have kryptonite. If Supergirl comes, they’ll have both you and your momma. And is this a real emergency? You have to figure this out on your own. You can’t call Supergirl, but you want your momma. You want Kara to hold you and tell you that you’re going to be fine.
You don’t have time to dwell on this thought, because you can see a guy coming at your direction. He is still on the other side of the street, but you know he’s probably not alone. And even if he is, you don’t think you can fight your way out of this.
You feel dizzy, and weak. There’s an excruciating pain going up your body, slowly taking over you. You can feel the kryptonite taking the best of you, but you’re half human, and that half human part is going to do whatever it takes for you to survive.
You take your phone from your pocket. You can’t call Kara. You also can’t call Lena. She would only get desperate and she wouldn’t be able to help. You can only call your aunt. Alex picks up in the first ring.
“Hey kid, listen, I can’t ta-”
“DO NOT call Supergirl! They have kryptonite.” Is the first thing you say. “I just got shot, I need help.”
“Ok.” She then screams at someone to call J’onn. “Listen, you have to stand still and apply pressure. I’m sending help.”
“They’re coming. I can’t stand still. It also hurts like a bitch so I’m definitely not applying pressure.” It’s so painful, but you stand up and walk further into the alley. “Can you track me?”
“Yes. J’onn is on his way, but don’t hang up, I need you on the line.” You can hear Alex yelling directions at everyone. She goes back to the phone. “Where’s the wound?”
“Stomach.” You breathe the answer. You feel sweat coming from your forehead. This is horrible. Rao, you want your mommy. You want you mommy so bad you don’t care who knows it.
“Did you see who did it?” She keeps asking questions and you know it is not because she needs you on the line, but because she needs to know you’re still alive.
“No. Sniper at a building. My x-ray vision is blurry.” You try to breathe, it gets harder. You bend your body and the pain gets worse. Shit. You’re panting now. And your whole body feels like a bomb. You collapse on the floor. “Shit, shit. Don’t tell Lena.”
“Kid!” Alex yells. “Kid are you still with me? Please, keep talking. Oh my God.” Alex keeps yelling on the phone. You can hear her, you want to answer, but your voice doesn’t come out anymore.
There is a man coming your way and you’re just lying there waiting for whatever comes next. He’s probably going to kill you. Is this a ‘press the emergency button’ moment? Before you decide, you see J’onn flying in front of your body. It’s all a blur after that. You are trying your hardest to stay awake, but the images keep blurring in your head and you only have snippets of what’s happening. J’onn is flying with you. Alex’s face. You’re rolling into the DEO on a stretcher. Brainy is in the surgery room with Alex.
“You did great, kid.” She puts a mask on your face and you know you’re about to sleep, so before you do it, you remove the mask and whisper:
“Please, they can’t...” And you’re out.
When you wake up, there’s this strange feeling. You feel like shit. You’ve never felt like this before, that’s for sure. The place where the bullet went in is still burning, but in a different way. It doesn’t burn open in agony, in burns because it’s closing. It also burns because there’s a yellow sun lamp above you.
You look around you. Only Brainy is there, but he didn’t notice you yet. Your moms aren’t here. Did your aunt really didn’t tell them?
You’re somewhat relieved. You know that if they knew it would cause them so much worry. But at the same time, you’re sad. You wanted them to be there. You wanted Lena to hold you. You needed to see Kara’ smile when looking at you. You needed their comfort.
“Oh. The Superkid is awake.” Brainy finally notices you and comes closer. “How do you feel?”
“Like I just got shot.”
“Great, because you did!” He thinks about it for a second. “Not that is great, but… Well, I’m pleased to inform you that J’onn J’onzz captured the sniper, who is currently being interrogated by Director Danvers.”
“And also, that your moms just arrived.” With that Brainy leaves and the two of them walk in. Lena is fully sobbing and staring at you like you’re not awake and alive at the moment. Kara looks very confused.
“Hey.” You try.
“My baby!” Lena holds your hand, and with the other she cups your face. You smile shyly. She keeps crying while caressing your cheeks.
“Mom, I’m fine.”
“You are NOT fine. This…” She points at you. “Is not what fine means. I-I can’t.”
Lena closes her eyes and Kara comes from behind her to hug her in comfort. With her free hand, she puts on top of your now slightly smaller wound.
“You didn’t call me.” Kara says and you can feel the pain in her voice. It hurts you too.
“They had kryptonite, momma. They would have hurt you too.” You are not justifying. You did the right thing and you know it, but she doesn’t look happy with your choice.
“I’m supposed to protect you.” Her hand feels hot on your wounded skin, but it’s somehow comforting.
“I’m ok.” You look at them and their hurt expressions and your heart shrinks. You’ve never felt so human before. You get hurt, and the people that love you get scared and hurt like you. This is what being human feels like. “Hey. A couple more hours in the yellow sun and I’m as good as new.”
“Try a couple more days.” Alex says and your moms turn their faces to look at her walking in the room. “Your daughter is very lucky she is half human. The kryptonite took a while longer to hit, so she’s completely fine now that I removed the bullet. But, well, her half human part also delays the recovery.”
“What do we do now?” Kara asks. You want to tell her she’s been through this before innumerous times, but she looks scared and confused, so you don’t say a word.
“Take her home, let her rest under the sunlight for a couple days.” Alex goes to you and smiles. “I’ll come to check upon you tomorrow, but, um...” She chokes up a little. “You-you did amazing today. I’m very proud of you, ok?”
“Thanks, aunt Alex.”
Your moms take you home, and even though you can walk, Kara insists on carrying you everywhere. She also puts your bed in the backyard so you can soak up as much sunlight as you can, and Lena makes all of your favorite foods.
You’re feeling less shitty by the minute, and their constant presence around is actually helping a lot. It’s just when Kara puts your bed back in your bedroom at night, and they don’t leave, that their presence feels a little overwhelming.
“How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers?” You ask with a smile on your face so they know you’re joking. Lena scoffs and sits on the bed next to you.
“Oh, we’re not leaving at all.” Kara immediately grabs the chair nearby.
“Not now.” Lena says hugging you and Kara smiles putting her hand on top of your wound. “Not ever.”
I’m officially naming @hermen0404 my idea buddy. Thanks for another awesome prompt.
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finchbaggins · 4 years
Carrot Cake
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston AU / OFC
Authors note: For @redfoxwritesstuff 500 followers writing prompt challenge #Kitkats500 
Prompt: “Did you do something different with you hair?”
The curse left my lips in a frustrated hiss, and I threw the poppy red beret I’d been trying to style my hair under for the best part of half an hour to the floor. I stared at my reflection in the mirror above the dressing table.
My stupid reflection.
My hideous, god awful, embarrassing, reflection.
You’d think, when you were paying someone a decent amount of money, a professional no less, at a top salon, to restyle your hair, that they might have some idea what they were doing. I’d expected to come out of that salon feeling like a new woman, heaven knows I needed it after the month I’d had.
Work had been hell, what with two people handing in their notice and one of the team had just gone on maternity leave, which meant the number of FTE’s (Full time employees – junior management jargon) was down to just four on my team, and reallocating everyone’s workload’s had kept me tied to the office, sometimes late into the night.
This unusually busy period, and my unforeseen extended hours, had been seemingly the only excuse that Dan – the guy I’d been sort of seeing for almost a year to get bored and find someone else to do his laundry, cook his dinners, and suck his cock.
I wasn’t as upset as I ought to have been, if anything I was relieved. I’d known the guy was a leach and I was better off without him. But somehow being thirty-two and dating him seemed more appealing than being thirty-two and single, going home to an empty flat and microwave meals for one every night.
It had however, been the kick up the backside I needed to get my shit together. Work had finally sorted its self out. I booked a Friday off so I could enjoy a nice long weekend. I enjoyed finding any tiny possession that Dan had left in my little one bed flat, and putting it in a black sack, before hauling it all down to the communal dumpster. Then I’d cashed in on a voucher I’d found on Groupon – Colour and Restyle at Top London Salon – fifty pounds.
That probably should have been my red flag.
But money was tight, and I was determined to push forward with the whole, out with the old and in with the new.
I’d attended the appointment with several images saved on my phone with what I wanted. I wanted my dull light brown hair transformed to a vibrant copper, with choppy layers and a heavy fringe. What the stylist – or apparently blind, trainee stylist – managed to achieve was shade of orange which could be described as radioactive, and an uneven, long bob which made me look like I wanted to ‘talk to the manager’.
The worst part was, because I’d already had a voucher which meant the treatment had been greatly reduced, the salon could not issue me a refund. Although they did invite me back to try and ‘correct’ the colour. But I’d have to wait at least a fortnight, as putting more colour on it straight away could cause serious damage to my hair. Apparently.
So I was stuck with this horrific orange blob on my head for at least a fortnight. Probably longer, as there was no way I was setting foot back in that salon and letting any of their stylists lay a single finger on my hair again. So that meant waiting until my next pay day so I could go to a better salon. But pay day was three weeks away.
In the meantime I had to go to work, in an office full of people. Looking like Chucky.
Worse still. I had to face Tom. Tom, my annoying, shithead of a colleague. Tom who was in equal measure the bane of my existence and the closest thing to a real friend I actually had. Tom who was also devastatingly gorgeous and he knew it too.
I’d just about managed to twist and clip the fringe out of my face, and I’d attempted to do some type of vintage up-do that I could tuck under my beret and hope it just looked like a new style I was trying out. My fashion sense was normally a little off beat and loud so it was unlikely anyone would comment.
But no matter what I tried, I just couldn’t pull off the beret.
Eventually, another brainwave, I pulled out a pretty silk scarf. It would at least offer some cover from the embarrassment of my morning commute on the tube. I couldn’t see my boss standing for it though.
“Kara,” my eyes shot to my boss, who tapped his wrist and frowned at me from the doorway to his office, “Was there something more pressing for you to do this morning, than show up to work on time?”
“No, Nick, sorry, I missed my alarm,” I apologised hastily, as I passed, “I’ll take ten minutes off my lunch.”
“Whatever, Kara,” he chuckled, and shook his head. He wasn’t really mad, I’d worked for him for too many years for him to really care about the odd ten minutes here or there, “Get that stupid thing off your head, we’ve got clients in today.”
When I finally made it into my own office everyone was already there. The small team were quiet and hard at work, Tom was leaned up against the end of one of the newer team members desk, chatting away quietly, but didn’t miss the opportunity to roll his eyes at me as I hung my coat on the back of the door, and hurried over to my desk.
The next fifteen or so minutes were spent logging into my computer and putting an eye over my emails. Long enough for Tom to fetch our morning coffees and put one on the end of my desk and take his seat across from me.
Everyone worked in comfortable silence and I waited for Tom to settle into his work before I shifted and started removing the pins I’d used to hold my scarf in place, hoping to just slip it off and carry on and maybe no one would say anything. But the second I pulled it off my head I could feel the burning of Tom’s gaze on me.
I tried not to look at him, and fixed my stare on the screen in front of me, trying to focus on the monthly audit spreadsheet. But of course my eyes darted to the side and I caught him, sitting across from me, his eyes sparkling with delighted amusement. I looked away and tried hard to ignore him.
“Good weekend?” his voice drifted over the space between us, and I couldn’t bear to look at him.
“It was fine,” I muttered, “Yours.”
“It was good, got drunk with Pete on Saturday. That new bar on Green Street, with the cocktails that turn your tongue black.”
“So…” he trailed off, and I could hear in his voice that he was holding back laughter now.
“So?” I shot back abruptly.
“Did you do something different with your hair?”
I looked him dead on now. He was lounged back in his chair, arms folded across his chest. God, I wanted to smack the stupid fucking grin off his beautiful face.
“Obviously,” I hissed, looking away quickly, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of seeing how distressed I was. Made worse by how amused my misfortune was making him.
I tried to press on with my work.
“It’s very –”
“Don’t,” I snapped, quickly, cutting him off before he had a chance to finish.
He finished anyway.
I said nothing, and kept my eyes firmly fixed on my screen. Tom obviously realised he wasn’t going to get a rise out of me now, because it seemed his attention was also back on the job. So, when it seemed like I could finally settle into my working day and hope that was the last comment I’d get regarding the disaster on my head, I shot off a few emails and then looked at the internal audit from my superior.
Everyone worked in silence, which wasn’t always the case. Generally we were a lively office, but the mood was dampened by the clients due in. The office manager was strict on professionalism, and whenever we had visitors he insisted chitchat was kept to a minimum.
“Christ, Kara. What happened to you? I think you were better off with the head scarf on!”
I’d not heard my boss enter our office, and my eyes shot up in time to see Tom bark with laughter, and a collection of snickers rose from around the office.
“Sorry, Nick,” I mumbled.
“Not me you want to be apologising to. Poor Tom here needs sunglasses sitting opposite you,” Tom chuckled and greeted his bosses high five.
I huffed loudly, “Hilarious. Glad you’re all getting a good laugh at my expense.”
“Talking of expense,” Tom started, his eyes were bright and twinkled with humour, “How much did you sell your soul for, for that haircut?”
“Ha, fucking, ha, Tom, gingers don’t have souls, I get it. You’re a fine one to talk with the ginger Jokes, at least mine will grow out,” I groused, annoyed that now Nick had basically given permission for open season on the hair jokes, Tom was going all in.
“Mines auburn, the ladies love it.”
“Besides there’s ginger, and then there is that,” he waved a pointed finger in my direction, “It looks like you’ve fallen in a vat of chemicals.”
“Fuck off.”
“Language, Kara,” Nick said, suddenly more serious, “That’s quite enough. You can’t expect to turn up looking like that and not get a few jokes made at your expense.”
“Obviously it’s not meant to look like –”
I tried to argue, but my boss held up a hand to stop me.
“I just came in to let you know I’ll be showing our visitors around within the hour. If you could all just be on your best behavior. Tom, perhaps you can bring up some of the recent stats for them to have a look at, I’d like you to talk them through.”
“Nick, I completed last months internal, perhaps it would be better if I did that.”
“Given your vile mood this morning, Kara, you are the last person I want left alone with one of our highest paying clients.”
My lips parted in surprise. No, shock and humiliation.
I wouldn’t even be in such a foul mood if it wasn’t for his and Tom’s jibes at me. I wanted to walk out, but if I did that I’d only make it worse for myself. So I pressed my lips together and gave a short nod.
In his favour, Tom did give me a sympathetic look, as he picked up his laptop and followed the boss out of the office.
If I’d even hoped that might be the end of my ridicule, I was sorely mistaken.
When I arrived back to my desk after lunch, a bowl had appeared, full of fresh oranges, and a two litre bottle of Tango orange was there too. Tom had returned from his meeting with the visitors, and only glanced from his screen briefly, long enough for me to see the smirk on his lips, as I picked up both the bowl and the bottle and marched them to the shared staff canteen.
When I returned, he looked pretty pleased with himself.
“Chill out, Weasley.”
“Oh fuck off.”
Then not long later a tap on the office door. It was Barbara from the bakery down the street, carrying a small white box. The types they delivered their cakes in, because we always ordered from there on birthdays.
“Hi, Kara,” she chirped, placing the box on the end of my desk, “Special occasion?”
I looked at the box, with a post-it on top reading my name and office number. I frowned, then looked back at her.
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Oh, well… must have an admirer. Enjoy,” with that she skipped off.
I could feel all eyes on me as I pulled the box towards me. When I glanced across my desk, Tom looked about ready to implode.
“What? What did you do?”
“Me?” he exclaimed, holding a hand to his chest, having the gall to look insulted at the accusation.
So I flipped the lid of the box open, and there, inside was a small, but perfectly delicious looking carrot cake. Complete with cream cheese frosting and little decorative iced carrots.
“I…” The tears rolled down my cheeks and splashed onto the cake before I even realised I’d started crying, “I think…I think I’m not feeling too well. I’m going to go home.”
I closed the box quickly and dropped it into the bin under my desk. Then picked up my handbag. It was only when I strode across the room, and reached for my coat that Tom spoke up.
“Oh come on, Kara. Don’t be like that.”
“Tom, I think you should leave it, mate,” I heard Paul, the usually quieter member of the team, pipe up. But his warning went ignored.
“Kara, it’s just a bloody joke.”
“Yeah, well it’s not funny, Tom!” I shouted, spinning back to face him, “Do you think I wanted my hair like this? Do you think, if I could have done something to make it look less hideous, I wouldn’t have done it before having to come in and face you.”
“It was just a laugh.”
“For you, maybe. Not for me,” I sniffed, “You’re meant to be my friend. I know we wind each other up, but I can’t believe you’d go so far out of your way to get a laugh at my expense. It’s bad enough having to leave the house looking like this.”
“Kara, I didn’t…”
“Don’t even bother, Tom. I’m going. Tell Nick I’m ill.”
With that, I turned back and hurried from the office, leaving Tom, and the rest of the team in stunned silence. Not once, in all the years I’d worked there had I walked out like that, or out rightly shouted at Tom. We bickered, sure. All the time actually. We wound each other up, but we were never cruel.
I waited until I arrived home to completely lose it.
A text came through from Nick, saying Tom felt bad about how he’d behaved, and they both meant no harm, and hoped I was okay.
I cried. Tears streamed down my cheeks and my body wrecked with harsh sobs.
This was ridiculous. It was just hair, why did I care so much? Some people had it worse. My own mother had lost all hers when she’d undergone Chemotherapy, and she’d not cried about it once. Alright, she wasn’t okay with it, she hated it. But she got on with it.
So why was I so upset about my hair? It would grow out, eventually. And in a few weeks I’d be able to colour it and maybe get the cut sorted. It was fixable.
More so, why was I so bothered by what Tom said?
Oh yeah, right. Because the office banter and bickering had been my own, so far, successful way of staying in control of the stupid crush I’d been harbouring from the day we were assigned to work with one another.
It’s not like I’d ever stand a chance with him anyway, he’d never paid me the slightest bit of interest. I’d have known if he had, because Tom was a notorious ladies man and when he liked a woman he let her know very quickly. He always said it was because he had impeccable taste, so he didn’t like to hang around. If he didn’t get in there, another man would.
I called him a slut.
But only because I was jealous.
Jealous of every girl who was better than me.
And now I was heartbroken because I’d now made myself look repulsive, and stupid and I’d managed to bump myself further down Tom’s list. Not that I was even on it to start with.
The truth was, of the women Tom had dated, there had been a fair few red heads. These stunning women, with long, scarlet tresses. Usually tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and so very striking to look at. Women who were so extra, that next to them, I looked positively dull.
I bathed, and washed my hair. The stylist said after a few washes the colour would ‘settle down’. It wasn’t working, but I tried anyway. After blow drying it, it looked brighter than ever, and I shed a few more tears in front of the mirror. I couldn’t stay away from work until it was fixed.
It had just gone seven o’clock in the evening when my door buzzer went. I wasn’t expecting visitors, and my phone had been quiet since I’d ignored my bosses text. So I was a little nervous when I picked up the entry phone and asked who was there.
“Hey, Kar…It’s Tom,” I could heard the uncertainty in his voice. I’d already given him one dressing down today, was he expecting another one? “Can I come in?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’m not here to take the piss.”
“I hope not.”
“Well, can come in then?”
I glanced back into my little flat. It wasn’t too untidy. I looked down at myself. Old leggings, a band t-shirt which I’d cut the sleeves off of, and my fluffy bed socks. I suffered from cold feet. What the hell? He’d seen me in worse states.
“Sure,” I pressed the button and heard him push the door open.
Tom had only visited my flat once before, for a little gathering which I’d had for my thirtieth birthday. Whilst we were friends, it was usually reserved for work, and occasionally nights out. My place was small, and I wasn’t overly fond of having guests.
It only occurred to me when I heard the tap at my front door, that Tom lived the other side of the city. Coming to Croydon was well out of his way, considering his own place was in North West London. No closer to work, than me, really. Just in the complete opposite direction. The fact that he’d made the effort to come all the way to see me, gave me pause for thought.
When I opened the door, Tom was standing on the other side, clutching a bottle of white wine, and wearing a very sheepish smile.
“Sorry,” he said, the instant I beckoned him through the threshold of my doorway, and he thrust the bottle of wine into my hands. It was cold, and had clearly been picked up on his way over from a Newsagents with a chiller. The sudden cold in my hands took me by surprise and I bit back a gasp. Tom frowned at me, waiting for my response.
“Erm…okay,” I nodded slowly, closing the door behind him, “You didn’t have to come all the way here to say sorry. I probably over-reacted.”
Probably. I had definitely over-reacted. Most people would see the funny side. Hell…I’d have normally seen the funny side. Except, when it was at your expense, and the subject of the joke was actually something that was quite upsetting to you, it wasn’t very funny. But how could I expect Tom to understand why I was so upset over my hair. It was just hair.
Hair which he was now looking at with a renewed interest.
Of course. At work, it had been clipped up. But now, post blow dry. He could see the dodgy style in all its horrifying glory. Wonky fringe, and uneven layers, the lot.
“Wow… Kar… that hairdresser’s really did a number on you, didn’t they?”
“Tom, you’ve come here to apologise, but if you’re going to start on me again, I’d rather you just left,” I thrust the wine bottle back in his direction, and pointed at the door, “You can take your cheap bottle of plonk, and bugger off.”
“No, no, I’m not taking the piss, Kara. I promise,” Tom held up his hands, palms out, as if to show he wasn’t there to hurt me. “And I’ll have you know that wine just cost me ten quid.”
He looked sincere. His eyes were wide and full of concern. That’s what  set me off again. As if I hadn’t wasted enough tears over a stupid haircut already.  
“Oh, no…oh Kara, love. Please don’t cry,” he lunged forward, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. Completely forgetting the bottle of wine, which was now trapped between our bodies still in my grasp.
“It’s…so…stupid,” I sniffed and wiped my face on his jacket, “It’s just hair.”
“It’s not stupid.”
“It is though,” I hiccoughed, and pulled away from him, “Sorry, I’m crying all over you.”
“Listen, I’ve got a friend, he works for Toni and Guy, he’s a top level stylist. I’ve had a chat, and he says he can see you tomorrow. He’s based not far from work, and Nick has said you can take the morning off.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Because I told him I’d been a complete knob, and I wasn’t sure if you’d ever come back, if I didn’t try and help you put this right.”
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t afford it anyway, and the salon said I probably shouldn’t put anything on it for a few weeks, or it’ll all fall out or something,” I shrugged hopelessly.
“Well, that might an improvement,” I knew he was trying to lighten the mood, but his jibe cost him a harsh glare from me, “Sorry, I’m sorry,” he said quickly, “Anyway, I spoke to my friend, he said he can help, and he definitely knows more than those idiots that fucked it up in the first place. And as for the cost, it’s my treat. Don’t worry about it.”
“I can’t let you do that. It’ll cost a fortune.”
“Kara. I wasted money on a homemade cake, for a joke today. I can afford a haircut. Besides, I want to do this for you. I hate seeing you so upset. Especially when I’m the one whose fault it is.”
“You didn’t do this,” I gestured to my hair, “How is it your fault?”
“Well, I’m supposed to be your friend. Friends don’t kick each other when they’re down,” Tom shrugged, “Anyway, you’re seeing my friend tomorrow and he’ll fix it for you.”
“Well…that’s very nice. Thank you. Do you…want a glass of this?” I held up the bottle of wine.
“Why do you think I brought it?”
I went into the kitchen, Tom was hot on my heels, and hung behind me whilst I fetched two glasses from the cupboard and poured us each a glass of wine.
“Here,” I turned and put a glass in his hand. We went through to the living room, and sat together on my little sofa. We both sipped our wine quietly, and I wondered how long he would stay. It would take him well over an hour to get across London this time of the night. I couldn’t help but feel bad that he’d felt the need to make the effort, all because I couldn’t take a joke.
“I don’t mean this to come across the wrong way, but I’m not sure why you felt the need to change your hair anyway. It was fine as it was,” Tom said, somewhat out of the blue. I’d thought the topic of my hair catastrophe was done with.
“It wasn’t fine, it was boring, and dull.”
“It was lovely, and natural.”
“Since when do you have an opinion on my hair.”
“Since you felt the need to ruin something beautiful,” he shot back without a beat.
“Beautiful,” I scoffed, “Since when have you considered anything natural about a woman, as beautiful?”
“I beg your pardon?” Okay, maybe they was harsh, and I shouldn’t have been surprised by his insulted expression.
“I didn’t mean…I just…” I stammered trying to explain myself, “I’ve seen the women you date, Tom. We’ve worked together long enough. You can’t sit there trying to tell me I shouldn’t be changing my hair because it’s beautiful in its natural state, when I know for a fact that in your eyes, me and beautiful are two things which don’t go together.”
“Oh you know that for a fact do you?” Tom spat, looking surprisingly, more annoyed than I’d ever seen him. And I’d seen him lose a contract he’d worked on for over three months, “You think because I date a lot of women who bleach their hair and cake on make-up, that I don’t appreciate natural beauty. That I don’t think of you as beautiful?”
“You’ve never given me reason to think you do. But that’s fine, Tom, you’re allowed to have a type. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. It’s just…don’t judge my decision to try and change my appearance, in an attempt to appear more aesthetically pleasing, when you’re in no position to do so,” I exclaimed, truly exasperated. I didn’t expect him to sit there and lie to make me feel better. Or to try and justify his proclivities.
“I like all women, Kar… all shapes and sizes, it doesn’t bother me. I’m not picky.”
“You are a bit,” I muttered under my breath.
“Well, alright, yeah, I can be a bit picky, but it never has anything to do with looks.”
“Why are we even talking about this?” I wondered, finally. I didn’t want to talk about Tom’s dating catalog, it was literally the last thing I needed right now.
“Because, you seem to be under the impression that I don’t think you’re beautiful. Which I do, actually,” Tom stated, very matter of fact.
“Tom, please don’t do this. I know you think it’s making me feel better, but it’s not. I appreciate you coming here, and also sorting me out an appointment with your friend. But you don’t need to shower me with fake compliments. I don’t…what you think about me doesn’t matter. It’s fine,” the words were rushed, and Tom’s brow furrowed in frustration.
“You’re not listening to me, Kara. I’m not trying to make you feel better, and my compliments are not fake. I’m trying to tell you that I like you, that I have for a while. Which is why I feel so awful for upsetting you today. And I always think you’re beautiful,” he paused, taking a short breath, before adding, “Even with your god awful Toyah hair do.”
“What?” I asked, bluntly. Ignoring his comment about the hair.
“You heard me, Kara.”
“You like me? Like me, like me?” he nodded, “Since when?”
“Well… a while. I don’t know?”
“But… why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I was trying to be professional, we have to work together. Also, I didn’t want to make a move unless I knew you liked me too, because it would make things awkward,” Tom explained, as if it was the most obvious reasoning in the world, “And up until very recently you were still dating dickhead Dan.”
“But all you do is wind me up, and argue with me.”
“You argue with me too! Plus…I like it when we bicker. I like your fire, Kara. I purposely try to get a rise out of you, because…well… it’s sexy as hell.”
“Oh come on!” I scoffed, incredulous.
“You don’t believe me do you?” He set his wine down on the coffee table.
“I just… you date so many women, really stunning ones.”
“I date a lot of women, because I’m single and I like female company. Am I seeing any of them more than once or twice? Am I looking for anything more than dinner, and maybe sometimes sex? I’ve not had a proper relationship in almost two years Kar…because I’ve been too hung up on you.”
“I hated that I made you cry today. I never, ever want to hurt you. Although I didn’t plan on telling you quite like this –”
He didn’t get time to finish, because I cut him off, with my lips against his.
Tom froze momentarily, and I wondered for a second, if kissing him had been a mistake. Just because he apparently liked me, it didn’t mean he wanted to make a move. I went to pull back, parting our lips, but as I did so, I felt Tom’s hand grasp the back of my head, pulling back, and he  mumbled his disapproval of my intention to pull away.
He kissed me back this time, his lips insistently working against mine. I flung my arm out, the one still grasping my own wine glass, feeling for the table until I could set it down. Then once it was safely out my hands, I moved back into the kiss properly, maneuvering myself, until I could clamber up and push Tom against the back of the sofa, and straddle his lap.
“Fuck, Kara, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted you like this.”
“About as long as I’ve wanted you,” I responded, moving back to press little kisses along his jaw and neck.
“But…but you were with Dan?”
“Only because I couldn’t bear the thought of being single. It took him cheating on me, to make me realise that I’d rather be on my own, than with him. My self esteem isn’t great, but I know I’m better than that.”
“He cheated on you?” I hadn’t meant to let that lip, I’d not told anyone that part.
“What a fucking idiot,” Tom mumbled, tugging me back towards him and kissing me again. When his hand travelling from my hip to my right breast and squeezed trough the worn fabric of my t-shirt, I gasped. The second my lips parted, his tongue plunged into my mouth. He worked a nipple between his fingers, and I groaned loudly into his mouth, grinding myself down into his lap.
“Tom,” I whimpered his name, breaking the kiss, “I wanted you too. For a really long time. I thought… I never thought you could like someone like me.”
“What on earth, Kara?” his hand left my breast and settled back on my hip, he pulled back and his eyes searched mine, “Someone like you? You’re wonderful. You’re beautiful, smart, and incredibly sexy. I’m so incredibly lucky to even know you, to have you as a friend, let alone, on my lap, rubbing yourself on my cock like it’s your fucking job or something.”
I giggled, and ground down again, giving him a playful smile, “Like that?”
“Fucking minx, I always knew you’d be like this. Please tell me I don’t have to go home.”
“You don’t have to go home,” I answered, placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth, pleased that he was thinking the same as me. I couldn’t think of letting him leave now.
“Thank god,” he breathed, “Now… lets find you a suitable hat, to cover that monstrosity on your head, then I’m going to take you to bed and fuck you so good, that tomorrow you’ll go into work with a bad limp and a huge smile, and no one will have any doubt exactly what you’ve been up to.”
I didn’t even have time to formulate a suitable sassy response, before I found myself lifted off the sofa and marched across the flat, and thrown, unceremoniously onto my bed.  
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ravenforce · 5 years
Ta ta touch
Prompt: “Hi! If you feel like writing something. I have an idea: Lena x f!reader with a prompt: "Please stop petting the test subjects". Something cute and fluffy where the reader is visiting Lena's lab for the first time and wants to touch everything, press all the buttons since everything there is fascinating and exciting to her. Lena tries to keep her gf from causing problems to herself or L Corp.”
Requested by: @pentagoniablue
Pairing: Lena Luthor x Reader
Word Count: 2825
Warning/s: None.
A/N: I will go ahead and apologize for that ending. Was it intentional? Maybe. LOL. I hope you guys like it. If there are any mistakes that escape me, please forgive me. Let me know what you think!
You've been best friends with Alex Danvers since you were kids. You've been the honorary youngest Danvers since you moved next to their house in Midvale, and you just moved back to National City after living and working in your family business in France. You can hear multiple voices inside the address Alex gave you, you're not really nervous but you double checked yourself before you attempted to knock on the door. Before you can knock though, the door was almost ripped out of its hinges when Kara opened it in excitement.
"(Y/N)!" Kara squealed as she pulled you into a hug.
You laughed at her enthusiasm, at least that didn't change. Alex walked out of the kitchen and into your periphery looking like the broody big sister she has always been. You walked directly towards Alex for a hug after Kara released you. She wrapped her arms around you and you rubbed your face on her shoulder. She let out a laugh remembering how you used to always do that.
"Welcome home," Alex said against your hair. You pulled back when a girl with long hair cleared her throat. You peered over Alex's shoulder and fought the blush in your face at the number of people witnessing your moment with your sisters.
"Hi, I'm Nia. You must be (Y/N), we heard so much about you," she said with a warm smile.
You extricate yourself from Alex and moved around to shake everyone's hands. Everyone seems to be genuinely nice and warm, not that you're surprised; Alex and Kara are a good judge of characters. You're sitting next to Alex on the couch when you noticed someone in the balcony, Alex saw where you're looking.
"That's Lena. Lena Luthor," Alex said before drinking from her wine glass.
After finishing her call, Lena came back inside Kara's apartment and almost knocked you down when she walked in the kitchen. She would have fallen if you hadn't caught her wrist using your other hand that's not holding a fresh bottle of Moscato. She fought the urge to stare and shiver at the feel of your warm hand on her skin.
"Hi, are you okay?" You asked after letting go of her wrist. Lena immediately missed the contact.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at where I'm going," Lena said fighting to get her heartbeat in control.
"It's okay, no casualties," you said beaming at her. "I'm (Y/N) by the way."
Before Lena could respond, Kara came in at the kitchen looking weirdly at her best friend.
"What's going on here?" She asked. Shit, Lena cursed in her head. Kara might have heard her heart racing.
"Nothing," you said while exiting the kitchen. "Your friend is breathtaking," you whispered only loud enough for Kara to hear.
She let out a loud laugh that startled Lena. Both of them followed you in the living room to continue playing Pictionary. Winn suggested to change the game to Monopoly, which he only realized is a bad idea with two CEO in the room. At half past midnight, only you and Lena were playing and everyone else just broke off in various parts of the room to chat.
"How about we just say we're both winners?" you suggested.
Lena looked at you like it was a trick question. "Only if you buy me dinner sometime," she teased.
"Done," you said before you extended your hand for Lena to shake. She laughed before shaking it. When she came to game night today, she was stressed about work but meeting you certainly made her brain shut off anything work-related. All she can focus on really was the way you laugh, the crinkles on the side of your eyes when you smile, and how generally great you are.
It took two weeks before you saw Lena again. Lunch hour just passed, so the restaurant was blissfully empty except for a few others. You were looking for an empty seat when you saw black hair, pale skin, green eyes, and red lips sitting alone in the corner. The mere sight of her lifts your mood instantly.
"Is this seat taken?" You asked innocently. Lena was ready to tell the stranger off but when she looked up from her phone and saw you she instantly smiled.
"No," she answered.
Lena non-subtly looked at you from head to toe, taking in your tight-fitting trousers, loose white button up and black trench coat before she gestured for you to take a seat. You smiled warmly at her ignoring the fire in your gut ignited by the way she looks at you.
"Late lunch, Ms. Luthor?" you asked smiling. Lena can't help but return it. Something about you just makes her feel safe like Alex does, and warm like Kara does. At that moment, she realized why you're considered the youngest Danvers sister; you take on quite a few characteristics of the two. She's intrigued how different you are from both though.
"Yes, my assistant Jessica locked me out of my office," Lena said. Completely abandoning the email she was writing before you walked up to her.
"Ah! Yes! My secretary once had security drag me out of my office after I've failed to leave for 48 hours," you said as you look at the menu. Lena laughed.
Of course, she knows about your family business. Your an only child, hence the responsibility of continuing your parents legacy as one of the most successful real estate tycoons falls upon you. You're two years younger than her but also incredibly mature and intelligent. Also unbelievably beautiful and soft, which intrigues her how you survive in the industry without being eaten by sharks.
You ate and talked with Lena for almost two hours. It would have gone well to dinner if not for both your phones continuously alerting you of new messages. Both of you looked at your phones and knew it's time to go. You walked Lena back to L-Corp, secretly not wanting to end your time together.
Lena was walking to her elevator when you had the courage to speak. "Lena," you said aloud. She turned around to look at you.
"I still owe you dinner," you continued. She smiled at you.
"Sure, I'll clear my schedule for you," she said before entering her elevator.
Alex and Kara were hanging out at your new condo Friday night. It was apparent that something is on your mind, your sisters can see right through you. When you wiggled on the couch one more time, Alex had enough; she reached for the remote and paused the movie you're watching.
"Okay. What's wrong?" Alex asked, turning slightly on her seat to look at you. You're cuddled next to her. You nibbled your bottom lip and glanced at Kara before sighing heavily.
"It's about Lena, isn't it?" Kara asked. You tried to hide your surprise but with the smile on her face, you know you just gave yourself away.
"I hear the change in the rhythm of your heartbeat every time someone so much as mention her name," Kara teased. You sighed, there's no point lying to an alien with super hearing and a black ops.
"Yeah, I owe her dinner but I don't have her number so I don't know if tomorrow would work for her," you said. Kara laughed before she pulled out her phone, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
"Jeez, all you had to do was ask instead of interrupting my TV show," Alex said as she hit play on the remote, Kara dictated Lena's number.
Once sure that you got it correctly, you ran towards you balcony to call Lena. One ring, two rings before Lena picked up.
"Hey Lena, it's me (Y/N)," you greeted cheerfully hoping it'll hide the nerves.
"And here I thought I'll never hear from you," she can't help but tease. She's been waiting all week, she even contemplated asking Kara for your number.
"Sorry, I've been busy moving. Are you free tomorrow night?" You asked.
"For you, I will be," she answered. Is she flirting with you, you wonder.
"Great, I'll pick you up at 7?" You're bouncing at the sole of your feet.
"Sure, ask Kara for my address. See you tomorrow," Lena said smiling like a giddy teenager.
"Yes, see you. Wear something casual," you said before hanging up.
When you came back inside, Kara and Alex are smiling widely at you. You rolled your eyes at your sisters.
Saturday couldn't come fast enough. You swapped your black McLaren P1 with Alex's black Rubicon for the night, which she agreed to easily. You texted Lena that you have arrived and is waiting outside. Not a moment later, you looked up and nearly fell on your knees looking at how beautiful Lena is wearing dark skinny jeans, green blouse, and black boots. You felt completely underdress in your washout jeans, faded MCR shirt, black leather jacket, and yellow Adidas Gazelles.
"Is this the most casual you could go, Ms. Luthor?" you teased when she stood a foot away from you. Lena laughed, she always laughs when she's around you it seems.
"You look great," she said while running a hand on your chest over your leather jacket. You thank heaven you're still leaning on side of the car or your knees would have given out. You wonder how you're going to survive the night.
"Right," you said while opening the door for her.
"Is this Alex's car?" she asked when you sat on the driver's seat.
"Yeah, my car isn't built for where we're going," you said before reaching out at the back seat.
Lena was already secured by the seatbelt when you handed her a bundle of sunflowers. She gaped at you while you pulled out of the parking lot. She cleared her throat to hide her growing blush. It's been a while since she dated, the last one was James, and you're far more charming than him. Lena finds it very easy to talk to you about anything, she found you very smart and you showed genuine interest in her work and ideas. You don't flinch or doubt her intentions as she tells you some of her project that involves the Harun-El.
You listened to her intently while keeping your focus on the road. When you crossed the city limits, Lena wonders where you're going but not long after she saw fairy lights and soon a Ferris wheel is looming in front of you. You watch her take in your destination.
"I know I said dinner but I found this place while I was moving. Thought it's been forever since I've been in one, we can go if you hate it," you ranted. Lena looked at you and smiled.
"Hate it? I love it! I've never been in one," she admitted.
Without further ado, you jumped out of the car and waited for Lena to join you. The carnival is located in a huge clearing near the woods a little outside the city. It's huge enough not to feel cramped even though it's crawling with people. Out of reflex, you held Lena's hand all throughout the night. Lena didn't complain, wouldn't complain. She already loves the feel of your hand in hers.
Since she admitted to never being in a carnival, you made it your mission to give Lena the full experience. First, you made it through the parlor games; Lena absolutely sucked at shooting moving targets. Thankfully, Alex taught you a thing or two about guns since you arrived back in NC. She pouted when you won a dog plushie but she immediately smiled when you handed it to her. Second, you made her ride all your favorite carnival rides like the bump car, octopus, anchors away, Ferris wheel, and the horror train.
Two hours have passed before you both decided you're famished. Great thing there was a dedicated area for food trucks. You eyed her curiously as she surveyed her choices.
"Are you sure you want to eat here? We can leave and get food in a proper restaurant," you suggested.
"There are tacos over there," she said before she's dragging you to the said food truck. There's a small queue but Lena doesn't seem to mind, she looks so happy in that moment. Plus the tacos smells divine. Lena ordered one of each item on the menu, the trucker gave her a funny look.
"Is this too much?" She asked as she helps you carry her orders on a nearby picnic table.
"Maybe a little but I understand the logic," you said.
After finishing up on food, you carried your trash to the segregation bin. Both of you decided it's best to just walk around before heading home. If you're both being honest, you just didn't want to go home yet. You walked around the carnival holding hands, talking about everything and anything under the sun. You even shared cotton candy and took some photos together.
Eventually, you had to go home; by the time you decided that the sun is already rising. Both of you laughed at how time evades you when you're having fun. When you pulled up in front of her building it's already 7 in the morning.
"Thanks for last night, (Y/N). I had so much fun," she said before she kissed your cheeks.
"I had fun too Lee," you said unable to fight the blush that crept up your neck and face.
"When you're free next week, I'll give you a tour of my lab," she said before closing the door of the car and heading inside her building.
It's almost a week since you took Lena to the carnival and you want to see her already. You were watching the shadows on the ceiling of your new office when you heard your notification alert. You ignored it thinking it's probably just Alex and/or Kara. On the fifth unanswered message, whoever was texting decided to just call.
"Hey, are you ignoring me?" Lena's voice sounded on the receiver.
"Hey, no!" You defended quickly. "Well, I'm ignoring my whole phone. Sorry."
Lena chuckled. "How about that lab tour? Only if you're not busy," she said a little self-conscious.
"Be there soon," you said already grabbing your keys.
It took thirty agonizing minutes before you arrived in L-Corp with a bag of Chinese take-out on your hand. You were surprised to find Lena sitting at her assistant's table waiting for you.
"Took you long enough," she teased beckoning you to come closer. When you're at arm's length, she tugged you so she can kiss your cheeks. She took the take-out from your hand and left it at Jess's table. Then shes dragging you back to the elevator to go down to her lab.
“When we get there, don’t touch anything,” she warned. You just smiled at her.
When you entered her lab, you weren't surprised to find it sleek and modern just like her office. She watches you as you take in every detail of the lab. You asked her excitedly about anything that piqued your interest, and she answered you eagerly. Sometimes you'd forget you're not supposed to touch anything, and she'll be instantly beside you swatting your hand gently.
“(Y/N),” she whined when you picked up a petri dish. You smiled apologetically.
When you come around the part of the lab that houses the Harun-El, you were fascinated you tried to reach for its glass case but Lena stopped you.
In an instant, she's tugging you away from the space rock and you found yourself pinned against the opposite wall. She held your hand over your head.
"For the last time, no touching," she said with a low growl.
"Lee," you whispered but before you could apologize, she's surging forward and kissing you.
You've had your fair share of kisses before but nothing as intense as this. You lose your breath every time Lena moves her lips against yours, at every nip and tug you feel yourself getting wet. It doesn't help your cause when she let go of your hand in favor of running hers through your neck, to your shoulders and down your chest. Your breath hitched when you felt nimble fingers undoing the buttons of your oxford shirt. She slightly pulled away to look at your disheveled look, blushing cheeks, and kiss-swollen lips.
"God, you're beautiful," she said before she's kissing you again, her arms wrapping around your waist.
She walked you towards the nearest table without breaking the kiss, you're impressed and hella turned on. You felt her hand squeeze your ass before you felt your back hitting the table. She helped you sit up the table and guided your hand towards the edge.
"Hold on, (Y/N)," she said while looking at your eyes.
"You let go, and touch me I will stop. Do you understand?" She husked.
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overstimulatethis · 4 years
Naughty: Changes, Part 2 [Supercorp fanfic]
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Supercorp
Rating: E
Summary:  Nearly a month after Lena's physiology changed her into an Omega, she goes into her second heat at the most inopportune time.
Chapter: 1/1
Part: 2/? (Prev / Next)
Lena’s hand gripped Kara’s arm tightly, nails digging in—not as if it would hurt, obviously, but as a warning. Because, honestly, they’d talked about this; when in public, especially at L-Corp events and affairs, Kara was not her Alpha. Lena could not be an Omega. While they’d both agreed not to hide their relationship itself, if anyone caught so much as a hint at the sexual habits of the city’s hero and/or supposed villain, their public and private lives would be over for good.
So, in public, no growling or shoving Alpha pheromones down Lena’s throat, and Kara would get the highest of rewards behind closed doors. That was the deal. Hence the warning Lena was giving Kara, because she’d learned early on that Kara did not like being in the dog house. With a bit of warning, then, she would probably stop her antics.
But Kara didn’t seem to be listening.
The event was an annual fundraiser for her children’s hospital, no less, as if Kara had wanted to pick the most inappropriate place to be stubborn.
Lena could feel her underwear starting to soak through just from the smell of Kara’s pheromones and gripped harder onto Kara’s arm. As soon as the small group of sponsors she’d been attempting to chat up for donations had pledged and walked away, Lena turned and hissed, “You need to stop. Now.” Honestly, she wished there’d been more fire behind her words. Sometimes she wasn’t very fond of her new biology and the way it took over.
“I’m trying,” Kara replied. Her voice was a whisper forced out through gritted teeth. “You’re about to go into heat. You’re the one who needs to stop.”
Lena couldn’t deny the spark that shot through her body at the mention. Had it been a month since her first heat already? And… would it feel the same as before?
She couldn’t tell if she wished for the affirmative or the negative.
Nonetheless, they were still in public, and apparently Lena was causing them trouble. “How do you stop it? I’ve never tried before.”
“You just have to calm down,” Kara said, a bit more evenly even with the crinkle between her brows. “You can’t think about… what you want to think about. Focus on the fundraiser.”
That was much easier said than done, Lena thought, as it wasn’t actually much of an explanation. She thanked whatever powers may be that they were in a somewhat secluded corner now, because Kara was starting to sport a tent in the front of her pants. It twitched a bit, and Lena’s mouth watered. Her fingers squeezed around Kara’s arm subconsciously. It twitched again.
Kara huffed. “Maybe I should go,” she said, voice strained once more.
“No,” Lena let out in a near-whine before she could even think, clinging to the front of Kara’s dress shirt. “No, don’t go, I can… I can try.”
I can try to make it fit, but no promises. Lena suddenly remembered the first time she’d given Kara a blowjob, when she was half-hard after an orgasm a couple weeks ago. It had still been so wide that Lena’d been afraid it wouldn’t fit in her mouth. God, how good would Kara’s dick feel against the back of her throat when she was at full length during her heat?
Lena swallowed and cleared her throat before speaking again. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Damn right I am,” Kara said lowly, something the old Kara would have never said, in that tone that made Lena’s thighs tremble. So unfair, and she would chastise her for all of this later, she was sure. “I’m going to go back to my apartment and wait for you. I’ll expect you there when you’re done.” Kara stiffly leaned down to kiss Lena’s forehead. They both inhaled deeply before Kara pulled away and started walking to the exit.
Lena immediately felt the loss, her hands dropping back to her sides. It took her a few minutes before she felt steady enough to resume walking, carefully stepping from group to group to make sure the fundraiser was still a success. She  She’d be damned if she let her hormones get in the way of the hospital, but the rest of the night was honestly a blur. She assumed it went well, and even remembered getting a few more large donations, but if you asked her who she’d spoken to that night? The first thing out of her mouth would probably be “Kara.”
So, when she finally gave her closing speech and bid everyone a good night with safe travels, she raced to her office to grab her things so she could get home. Jess had been long gone for the night, so she unlocked the door and let herself in, starting to beeline for the purse on her desk—but she wasn’t alone.
There, she saw a naked Kara Danvers, slowly jacking off on her couch. Kara’s eyes met hers as soon as she walked through the door. Lena shivered, not able to keep from glancing down at the cock that was still growing harder and bigger in Kara’s hand. She vaguely registered the breeze coming through the open balcony doors and figured that must have been how Kara got in.
“I thought you were going back to your apartment,” Lena whispered, brain quickly going hazy as her hormones spiked again.
“I didn’t want to wait,” Kara replied, voice filled to the brim with her Alpha tenor. “Honestly, I wanted to fuck you downstairs in front of everyone, show them just how much you belong to me.”
Lena pictured being bent across the table in the board room, with Kara fucking her from behind and the board members staring right at them. Somehow, it thrilled her, and a part of her wished Kara had just done what she wanted in the first place.
“Now,” Kara said, picking up a throw pillow from the couch as she stood. She took a few steps toward Lena, back straight and chin strong. Her hard dick swayed with each step before she stopped in front of her, throwing the pillow down at Lena’s feet. “Get on your knees and let me fuck that pretty face of yours.”
Lena whimpered and immediately did as told. This was what she’d been thinking about all night, since Kara had left, and of course her Alpha was so kind, so considerate to cushion her knees while she serviced her. She could feel her mouth and pussy both watering immensely and had to swallow as she studied Kara’s dick. Now mere inches away, Lena could barely keep herself from grabbing it herself. However, she knew that Kara was always very particular about what she said during these scenes, so she sat still and looked up at her Alpha to await further instructions.
“Yes, Daddy,” she said, just slightly teasing even as she couldn’t hold back another whimper. She held her mouth open then, sticking her tongue out invitingly for Kara’s cock.
Her Alpha groaned and shoved a hand into Lena’s hair—she’d kept it down tonight, because she knew that was how Kara liked it—with a look that made Lena melt into the rough touch. “I like that. Keep that up. Such a good girl. I know this is what you want, with how you’ve been teasing me all night. Goading me on without even realizing what you were doing.”
Lena was legitimately panting, torn between watching Kara’s mouth as she talked and the leaking dick in front of her face. Everything had shifted from earlier that night; there was no longer any trace of the frustration she’d felt earlier. Instead, she wanted nothing more than this, for her Alpha to thoroughly take her. She was leaning forward before she realized what was happening, but Kara stopped her.
“What do you say, sweetheart?” Kara asked as she tightened her grip on Lena’s hair.
Lena bit her lip and looked up to meet her Alpha’s eyes again. “Please, Daddy, my Alpha,” she nearly breathed in desperation, “please fuck my face.”
She barely had time to open her mouth again before Kara’s cock pushed past her lips. It wasn’t slow, either; Lena gagged as the tip immediately hit the back of her throat. Her eyes watered up, but she took it in earnest, meeting Kara’s eyes in challenge as she sucked around the base of her cock.
“Fuck,” Kara groaned. It really was a pleasure to hear her curse in these moments. “You’re such—a good—girl,” she huffed out between thrusts. Lena moaned around her cock while her own pussy dripped and throbbed.
Lena let her body go slack, throat relaxing and giving in to Kara’s manhandling. Her thighs were starting to twitch, and her pussy clenched with each of Kara’s thrusts down her throat. When her Alpha realized that she had relinquished all control to her, Kara groaned again.
“You’ll do whatever I want, won’t you? Fuck,” she stared down into Lena’s wide, watery eyes, “you’re just my pretty little s-slut—” Kara seemed to cut herself off, freezing for just a moment as her own eyes widened. They hadn’t discussed dirty talk like this, and the concern Kara was showing only made Lena want her more.
So, she hollowed her cheeks around Kara’s dick and sucked.
Kara tossed her head back and hissed before fucking Lena’s throat again, holding her still by her hair. “Fuck, that’s right, princess, you’re gonna—you’re gonna swallow all my cum like the little slut you are, you got that?”
Lena whimpered, pressing her tongue to the underside of Kara’s cock and sucking again in response.
“Ah, fuck, Lena!” Kara’s gripped tightened almost to the point of real pain and pulled Lena until her nose pressed into Kara’s skin. Lena moaned around Kara’s cock as it filled and stretched her mouth; she could feel each pulse in the back of her throat and the accompanying streams of cum shooting into her stomach. She honestly didn’t realize that she couldn’t breathe until Kara pulled back in a panic.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” she rushed out, kneeling down in front of Lena and wiping the tears from her cheeks as she caught her breath.
All Lena could pay attention to, however, was the wet, still-hard cock bobbing between Kara’s legs. Mind in a haze, she didn’t realize she was reaching out until she already had Kara’s dick in her grasp. Kara hissed in response, so she squeezed the base tightly.
Kara growled lowly and shoved a hand into Lena’s hair once more, gripping harshly and pulling her close. “You’ll do exactly as I say, understand?”
Lena whimpered, clenching her thighs. “Yes, Daddy.”
Kara licked her lips at the title. “You’re going to stand up, undress, and step out onto the balcony.”
Lena froze, meeting Kara’s eye in shock. “I—you—” she tried to fight through the haze that came with her heat, but she couldn’t seem to find her words.
“Green, yellow, red?” Kara didn’t seem to be having any of the same kind of struggle, clear-minded eyes studying her with focus and concern and God, Lena loved Kara so much.
“Y-yellow,” Lena managed, and while normal, human Lena knew that needing to slow down shouldn’t and wouldn’t ruin what she and Kara had, her Omega biology was caught between her innate trust in Kara and a great fear of disappointing her Alpha.
But, of course, Lena had no reason to worry; Kara stroked her hair gently and spoke in the most soothing tone Lena’d ever heard.
“No one is able to see you out there unless they have super-sight, I promise. The only building that rivals yours in height is CatCo, and it faces the opposite side of the building. Plus,” one of Kara’s hands moved from her ear to Lena’s cheek, who immediately leaned into the touch, “I’ll be right there with you, as nekkid and vulnerable as you.” Kara grinned when she succeeded in getting a laugh out of Lena. “Regardless of all that, though, if you’re not comfortable, we don’t have to do it. I can certainly find other ways to give you a thrill.”
And while the mischievous spark in Kara’s eyes left no doubt in Lena’s mind that she could do exactly that, her Alpha had perfectly managed to sway her fears and give her proper reassurance.
“I love you,” Lena breathed out. She could feel the starry expression on her face as she looked at Kara, but she didn’t care one bit. As Kara’s grin widened to a happy smile, Lena continued, “Green.”
Kara’s eyebrows twitched up ever-so-slightly before Lena was suddenly engulfed in Alpha pheromones once more. She bit her lip as she—a bit reluctantly—left Kara’s grasp and rose from her knees. She didn’t move away from Kara before lowering the zipper of her dress and dropping it to the floor, so Kara was left directly in front of the results of her ministrations.
“Good girl,” Kara breathed as she stared, cold breath brushing over Lena’s clit and making her shiver. “Now…” she trailed off and looked up at Lena expectantly.
Lena bit her lip again before nodding. Kara smiled and stood, seemingly waiting for Lena to make the first move.
Lena put her hands behind her back like she knew Kara enjoyed and slowly walked out onto the balcony, making sure to put extra sway in her steps for the Alpha behind her. When she reached the railing, all the sounds of the city night hit her at once. Her nerves returned a bit, the cold of the wind and the metal railing not helping much, but then—
Of course, her Alpha was so good. Lena immediately relaxed, letting out a low moan as Kara stepped up behind her and pressed the full length of their bodies together. A living sun, Kara enveloped Lena in warmth on many levels, with her erect cock now sliding against Lena’s wet folds.
“Now, khuhpi’zhor,” Lena was still getting used to occasionally hearing the foreign language on her Alpha’s tongue, but the sound dripped down her spine like honey, “you’re going to bend over this railing and let me fuck you for the world to see.”
After what Kara had said to her just moments before, she knew her words were now just part of the show, but they still succeeded in making her gasp and arch back into her Alpha. Kara stepped back, pulling Lena’s hips with her. Lena rested her forearms on the railing as she bent over, not even feeling the cold with the tip of Kara’s cock teasing her entrance.
“You’re so good for me, Lena, such a good girl,” Kara whispered right in her ear, biting and tugging at the lobe to make Lena whimper.
Lena heard a rattling, like a plastic wrapper, from behind. Was that why Kara had sent her out first? She couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, not only at the momentary loss of Kara’s presence against her as she donned the condom, but at the different feeling as her Alpha’s cock returned to slide against her pussy. It didn’t help that she knew it would be difficult to be satisfied without feeling Kara come inside her, but—and she swallowed, grinding back against her Alpha at the memory—she hoped that Kara’s knot would be enough to bring her sudden heat to an end.
She hadn’t taken it since the last time, and Lena had to admit that she wanted to feel that good again.
The only warning she got was a hand on the small of her back before Kara pushed inside her, slowly filling her until Lena felt her hips against her ass. They both let out low groans. The sounds of the city suddenly hit Lena once more, and she forced her eyes open to look around her.
Kara’s breath was right by her ear again. “I know what you’re thinking. Can they see this?” Kara slowly, torturously started thrusting, drawing a continuous stream of gasps and whimpers from Lena’s mouth. “Can they see Lena Luthor getting absolutely ravaged by Supergirl, of all people?”
The hand moved from Lena’s back to her hair, where it grabbed and yanked her head backwards. Lena gasped and then moaned, legs spreading and chest digging into the railing. Kara’s pace quickened.
“I want them to see the face you make when you come,” Kara huffed out through her movements, voice getting louder and firmer. “I want them to hear you scream, calling me Daddy like the slut you are. Rao, I can’t wait to come inside you.”
“Oh, my God,” Lena gasped out as her orgasm took her completely by surprise. “Fuck, yes, Kara!”
When had her Alpha’s knot grown? She didn’t know, but it was now sliding into her with a pop, before Lena could feel the disappointment, and then Lena saw stars in addition to the ones in the sky as she was pushed immediately into another orgasm. She definitely screamed, and with the amount of attacks on her life, Lena briefly hoped no one truly got concerned—very briefly, though, because Kara’s knot stretched her and filled her so deliciously that she couldn’t focus on anything but her Alpha.
“Fuck, that’s it, Lena,” Kara growled as she rutted against Lena’s ass through her own orgasm, arm wrapped around her Omega’s waist. “Take it all, I love filling you up…” she trailed off, slipping into that beautiful language as she placed soft, soothing kisses along Lena’s cheek, neck, shoulders, and back. One distinct word Lena could hear repeatedly was zhrymin, but she had no idea what it actually meant.
“I love you so much,” Lena breathed, reaching back for her Alpha.
Her legs were suddenly very weak, but Kara knew just how to hold her so that she was comfortable and wouldn’t be jostled with the knot inside her. Within seconds, they were slowly floating over to the couch in Lena’s office, where Kara gently laid them down without causing Lena any pain. It was only then that Lena realized she’d been whispering, “My Alpha,” and variations of it almost constantly.
Kara’s arms wrapped warmly around her waist and chest, making her feel instantly secure. She pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and whispered, “I love you.”
As Lena’s heat crashed to an end, she couldn’t keep her eyes from drooping.
Lena was deliciously sore the next morning. Kara wasn’t in bed behind her (and she honestly didn’t remember getting dressed or coming home from the office), but she could smell cooking breakfast from downstairs. A smile instantly took over Lena’s face—Kara wasn’t just the perfect Alpha, but the perfect girlfriend, in general.
It almost made up for the fact that she’d now have to deal with her period, she thought to herself as she pushed the covers aside. With her first heat, when she’d gone over two weeks without even knowing where the torture was coming from, she hadn’t even realized the delay in her cycle. The day after Kara had ended it, though, it had arrived with full force.
Kara had explained that it was normal for Omegas; it was so Kryptonians could tell immediately whether a pregnancy had taken hold or not—in cruder terms, whether the Omega’s heat had been “successful.” Lena supposed it made evolutionary sense, along with everything else she’d learned so far.
On her way to the bathroom, she stopped at her dresser and picked out an older pair of underwear to change into, knowing the pair Kara had put her in would be stained dark red by now. She stepped into the bathroom and dropped her underwear to the floor… and they were clean.
Well, they weren’t clean, Lena surmised as she studied the piece of cloth. There was definitely some of her wetness holding slick to the underwear, but… not a spot of blood.
It was so far from what Lena had been expecting to see, based on the wetness she’d felt between her thighs, that it took her a moment to really process it.
That couldn’t…
Surely not…
It didn’t mean…
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Fictober Prompt #18: Secrets? I love secrets.” 
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: AgentReign (Alex x Sam)
Warnings: None
The birthday card is sitting on her nightstand when she wakes up that morning. Sam says nightstand because it’s sitting beside her bed, but it’s more of a table and her bed is more of a cot. The DEO has been lovely and accommodating but Sam desperately misses home. She misses cooking, Ruby, and having a daily routine that doesn’t revolve around her learning how to pick up things without breaking them. Kara has been a wonderful teacher. Thoughtful and caring as Sam had always known her to be, but it’s Alex who surprises her the most. Helping out with Ruby, attempting to cook meals and bringing them for Sam to try, and - best of all - being the first and only person who has hugged her in the past month. 
The card is big and the only thing it says on the front is "Happy Birthday to My Favorite Bitch". Sam laughs, thinking it’s some kind of prank, but when she opens it, she sees that everyone in the DEO has signed it with little comments like "we love you, Danvers" and "thanks for having my back" in the field and that’s when Sam realizes that it’s a card for Alex. 
Sam stares at it for a long time. She thinks about just how much Alex means to her. How much those feelings have grown and changed into something that Sam isn’t certain she recognizes. Signing a card doesn’t seem like enough but Sam doesn’t think she knows how to explain everything to Alex’s face. Stuck at an impasse and wasting far too much time, Sam drowns in inaction as she watches Kara enter the room and pick up the card. 
“Thirty, can you believe how elderly Alex is?”
“Kara, I’m thirty-one,” Sam deadpans earning a rightful look of embarrassment on Kara’s face. “I didn’t know it was Alex’s birthday. I wish someone had told me.”
“Oh, duh.” Kara shakes her head. “Alex wouldn’t say anything. She hates celebrating them anyway.” That doesn’t make Sam feel any better about the situation. She feels left out like always. “Can I tell you a secret?’
“Lena rented out Alex’s favorite restaurant for tonight. She’s going to love it! Food, family, friends…” Kara trails off, realizing the implications. “But seriously, she's very chill about all of this.” 
Kara leaves soon after, lying about needing to go to work, and Sam does what she always does on quiet mornings like this. She puts on clothes, which are basically nurses scrubs, and goes in search of coffee. She’s learned that the coffee they make in the break room is garbage and she’s much better off going to Winn or Vasquez’s desk for something better. On her way to find them, she sees that Vasquez has a box of doughnuts on her desk and immediately beelines it to her. “Heyyyy-.”
“Yes, you can have one,” Vasquez tells Sam without even looking up from her computer. “It’s Danvers’ birthday today. Did you know?” 
“Yeah.” Sam looks around as she takes a giant bite out of her doughnut. “Where is she?”
“Conference room, upstairs. I think she’s hiding away from all the birthday wishes. J’onn sang; you should’ve seen how red she got.” Sam would’ve paid to see that but for now, she walks down the long hallway that leads to the conference rooms. Alex isn’t hard to find. She’s tucked away in the corner, with her laptop sitting in her lap, and a mug sitting at a table nearby. She’s watching something intently. Sam nearly turns around and jogs away, but Alex catches her eye through the glass.
“Hey,” Alex presses a few buttons on her laptop, closes it, and waves Sam into the room. Sam immediately notices that Alex is wearing joggers, tennis shoes, and a purple hoodie with the strings unevenly dangling around her chest. Alex notices Sam noticing her and she laughs. “I get to dress down, it’s my special day.”
“Yeah, I heard.” Sam tries not to sound too disappointed, instead, she takes a few steps closer to Alex. “Your…” Sam motions for Alex to stand up. “This is bothering the hell out of me,” Sam says as she tugs at the strings on Alex’s hoodie to even them out. While Sam is busy trying to restore balance in the world, she can feel Alex’s eyes on her. “What?”
“Nothing, I…” Alex blushes and walks over to her backpack. She unzips it and pulls out a wrapped gift. “I got you something.”
“I don’t think you understand how birthdays work.”
“I do, trust me.” Alex hands the gift to Sam. “Open it.” Sam does, slowly, like it’s a bomb. She doesn’t know what it could be but it doesn’t feel right. Being trapped in the DEO, missing out on celebrating her friend's birthday, getting a gift from said friend out of the blue. 
A mug. 
Like one you’d get at an art fair. It’s richly purple with specks of turquoise on the handle. Sam looks up at Alex hoping she’ll say something. “Eliza took me to this pottery class as a pre-birthday thing. I made that. For you.” Alex rubs the back of her neck. “Well, you said your favorite color was purple and I…”
“Alex.” Sam wraps her arms around the agent to stall the rambling. “Thank you.” Those are the words Sam says but what she really wants to say is: you are the sweetest person I’ve ever met. Because that’s the truth and those are the words that Sam has been holding onto for weeks now. A mug might seem like a small gesture but it makes Sam want to cry. “Happy birthday, by the way.” Sam mumbles, pressed cheek to cheek to Alex. “You should’ve told me.” 
“It’s not a big deal,” Alex insists. She goes over to the fancy pour-over coffee set up they have in this room and begins the brewing process. 
Sam takes a seat at the large and very cold table. “It is a big deal. I would’ve gotten you something. Like...some free toilet paper. Or...Winn’s Tupperware.” Alex snorts out a laugh. Sam considers the possibility that she might be in love. “What were you doing up here all alone anyway?” 
“Oh.” Alex leaves the coffee to brew, grabs her laptop, and sits down next to Sam. “My mom sent me this.” Alex opens the laptop and clicks on a video file. What Sam sees nearly gives her a heart attack. It’s a video of Alex, no more than ten years old, surfing with a man - who Sam can only assume is her father. “This is at the beach near my house in Midvale. That’s my dad,” Alex explains. 
“You’re good,” Sam remarks honestly. 
“One of my many talents.”
“You sure you’ll still be able to surf, now that you’re certified geriatric?” 
“We’ll have to see when we go.” Sam turns to Alex. Now she’s worried. Had they talked about going surfing before? If they had, then Sam doesn’t remember, and if she doesn’t remember then she might not be fixed. “Ruby and I have been plotting.”
“I wonder what else you two have in store for me.”
“How about a new water filter in your fridge and a new ladder?” 
“What happened to the ladder?” Sam asks.
“I broke it. It’s wooden. Who gets a wooden ladder?” Sam ignores that and tries her best not to think about how much time Alex is spending with Ruby. Ruby talks about Alex a lot. Usually, if it’s just the two of them sitting in Sam’s ‘room’, Ruby perches on the end of her bed going on and on about how great Alex is. If Lena’s there, Ruby will try and sneak in some curse words and put the blame on Lena for being a bad influence. Sam always wants to ask: are you safe, are you happy? But she never can. “We’ll get you home soon.”
“I’m still learning how to turn on lights without breaking the entire wall. It’ll be a while.” 
“Sooner than you think. Though…” Alex tugs at the sleeve of Sam’s scrubs. “You look pretty cute in these.” Sam's heart warms in a way that can only be described as juvenile. “Shit. The coffee.” 
Alex grabs Sam’s new mug and fills it, putting in one creamer and two packs of sugar, which only makes Sam more enamored. She remembered what she likes in her coffee, the last person Sam dated barely remembered Ruby’s name. 
“You shouldn’t even be at work today. You should be enjoying your birthday out in the real world.”
“This is the real world too.” Alex pours herself a cup of coffee in a much less exciting white mug. “You’re here and you seem very real to me.” 
“I’m an alien.”
“You’re Sam,” Alex reminds her. “Don’t forget that.” It is easy to forget who she is sometimes. She’s been trapped in this place for so long. Not trapped. Rehabbing. The problem is that Sam doesn’t recognize herself anymore. Without her power suits and ‘normal’ routine, who is she? Barely a mother anymore. Barely even a person. The day flutters by in a blink of an eye and Sam has to watch everyone leave and pretend like she doesn’t know that they’re all going to celebrate Alex’s birthday. She finds that it’s surprisingly easy to squeal and laugh along with Kara while also staring at Alex across the room. She’s longing, genuinely, and it scares her. 
“Well…” Alex says with her bag slung over her shoulder. She’s standing at the threshold of Sam’s door. From what Sam remembers, Alex has never actually stepped foot into the room. I want you to feel like you have your own space, Alex had told her on day one at the DEO. “I should get going. I bet Kara has some kind of thing planned for tonight.” 
“Goodnight, Alex.” 
“Yeah…um…” Alex doesn’t leave the door. “Goodnight, and if...if you need anything, you can call me.”
“I should let you have your fun, birthday girl.” Alex smiles and toys with the strings of her hoodie. She starts to leave but then turns around. Her eyes find Sam’s. Alex doesn’t say anything but her nails digging into the frame make Sam think that she’s certainly laboring over something. “I’ll be fine here.” 
Alex nods and goes on her way. Sam spends the next hour racking her brain and trying to figure out if she’s ever felt like this before. Is this a crush? Is it because she’s been stuck here? If that’s the case, then surely she’d have crushes on Vasquez, Winn, and Kara too. Sam is determined to come to some kind of conclusion about her emotions and she’s also is determined to ignore it all. Alex is her friend. That’s all. 
So when she’s sweeping the floor, for the second time that day, and trying to kill time, she nearly jumps out of her skin when she spots Alex standing at her door. Alex has changed out of her casual outfit and gone for something nicer - dark jeans, a button-down, and a blue blazer. In Alex’s hand is a plate covered in foil. “I didn’t know if you’d still be up.”
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at your party.”
“You knew?” Alex, finally, steps into the room. She sets the plate down on an empty table. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“It’s called a surprise party for a reason.” Sam peaks under the foil and sees that it’s cake. Red velvet, Sam’s favorite. 
“Can I tell you something?” Alex asks suddenly. “It’s kinda something that’s been on my mind a lot recently. But you can’t tell anyone.”
“Oooh, a secret? I love secrets.” Alex gently places her blazer on the back of a chair and leans against Sam’s makeshift desk. Sam is not about to sit around and wait until it’s appropriate to eat cake, she digs right in and plans on blaming her Kryptonian genes if Alex says something about it. “What’s up?”
“There’s this girl. Woman.” Alex clears her throat and starts again. “Over the past few months, I’ve started to realize that I might have a crush on someone. She’s gorgeous and so funny. But every time I try and admit my feelings to her, I...clam up.” Alex looks at her feet. “I don’t know if she’s just not interested or maybe hasn’t noticed how much I always want to be around her.”
“She sounds like a dummy. Right up your alley,” Sam jokes. Alex looks more confused than ever. 
“Yeah, well...I don’t think she’d even notice if I left an important event just to come talk to her.” Sam tries not to feel jealous. If Alex is interested in someone else then surely that’s good. Sam can let this crush die before it builds into something she can’t control. 
“You should kiss her. Honestly. Sometimes words are just...blah.” Alex looks at Sam the same way she did earlier. Instead of lingering and leaving, Alex approaches Sam, who - at this point - has red velvet crumbs on her face. 
Alex kisses her so softly that she thinks it’s a dream. Sam keeps her eyes closed, too frightened of waking up. “Did I break you?”
“Did I scare you?”
“No.” Sam opens her eyes. “You...thank you.” 
“For?”“Trusting me not to hurt you.” Sam hands her fork to Alex. “Join me?”
“Yeah.” Alex eats a bite of cake and smiles at Sam. 
“Good birthday?” 
“Good birthday.” 
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