#sir richard francis burton
luxsit · 2 months
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Sir Richard Francis Burton (1872-75)
Frederic Leighton (1830-1896)
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Book 353 & 354 & 355
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments (3-volume set)
Translated and Annotated by Richard F. Burton / illustrated by Valenti Angelo
The Heritage Press 1962
This three-volume set from The Heritage Press is a reprint of a six-volume set published by the Limited Editions Club in 1934, which was based on an edition of Burton’s complete translation published in 1885. While this is a handsome set and the 1,001 simple line drawings by Valenti Angelo have a certain kind of naive charm, I have to admit that I find Burton’s translation an incredibly clunky reading experience, although his notes are extensive and occasionally quite interesting.
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eyeoftheheart · 4 months
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“Cease, man, to mourn, to weep, to wail; Enjoy thy shining hour of sun; We dance along Death's icy brink, But is the dance less full of fun?”
~ Sir Richard Francis Burton (1880). “The Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî: A Lay of the Higher Law”
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Thought, Mathew Rhys (who I admittedly only know as Belos in The Owl House) would be really good as either Burton or Dee in an animated adaptation of CotIG. Dee more so…evil. Possibly. Probably other possibilities, but that’s the ones coming to mind. Such a good voice.
make of that what you will
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rhianna · 1 year
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And you have a pattimar in your mind’s eye.
Every one that has ever sailed in a pattimar can oblige you with a long list of pleasures peculiar to it. All know how by day your eyes are blinded with glare and heat, and how by night mosquitos, a trifle smaller than jack snipes, assault your defenceless limbs; how the musk rat defiles your property and provender; how the common rat and the cockchafer appear to relish the terminating leather of your fingers and toes; and, finally, how the impolite animal which the transatlantics delicately[4] designate a “chintz,” and its companion, the lesser abomination, do contribute to your general discomfort. Still these are transient evils, at least compared with the permanent satisfaction of having “passed the Medical Board”—a committee of ancient gentlemen who never will think you sufficiently near death to meet your wishes—of having escaped the endless doses of the garrison surgeon, who has probably, for six weeks, been bent upon trying the effects of the whole Materia Medica upon your internal and external man—of enduring the diurnal visitation of desperate duns who threaten the bailiff without remorse; and to crown the climax of your happiness, the delightful prospect of two quiet years, during which you may call life your own, lie in bed half or the whole day if you prefer it, and forget the very existence of such things as pipeclay and parade, the Court Martial and the Commander-in-chief. So if you are human, your heart bounds, and whatever its habits of grumbling may be, your tongue involuntarily owns that it is a joyful moment when you scramble over the side of your pattimar.  
Goa and the Blue Mountains: or, Six months of sick leave by Burton
Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890
Title    Goa and the Blue Mountains: or, Six months of sick leave
Original Publication   United Kingdom: Richard Bentley,1851.
CreditsEmmanuel Ackerman and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net
(This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)
Language     English
Category   Text
Release Date    Dec 9, 2022
Copyright Status    Public domain in the USA.
Books by Burton, Richard Francis, Sir (sorted by popularity)
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deadpresidents · 1 year
What are you currently reading?
I've been having trouble getting into just one book lately, so I've currently been reading parts of several books, hoping one of them hooks me. Guess what? That's literally never worked any time I've ever tried it, and yet, I still do it constantly. It always ends up taking me longer to read everything than if I just read the books one after the other.
Anyway, this is what I'm in the middle of right now, all of which are too interesting to keep me from focusing on just one at a time:
•Lady First: The World of First Lady Sarah Polk (BOOK | KINDLE) by Amy Greenberg •The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers (BOOK | KINDLE) by Tom Standage •King Faisal of Saudi Arabia: Personality, Faith and Times (BOOK | KINDLE) by Alexei Vassiliev
I'm also still on the Richard Francis Burton kick that I mentioned last year, so I've been reading these too: •Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: The Secret Agent Who Made the Pilgrimage to Mecca, Discovered the Kama Sutra, and Brought the Arabian Nights to the West by Edward Rice •The City of the Saints: Among the Mormons and Across the Rocky Mountains to California (BOOK/PUBLIC DOMAIN LINK) by Sir Richard Francis Burton
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
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Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of civilisation, man feels once more happy.
- Sir Richard Francis Burton, explorer and author
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homomenhommes · 3 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … March 19
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1821 – Richard Francis Burton, legendary British explorer, diplomat and author (d.1890); a swashbuckling English explorer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, ethnologist, linguist, poet, hypnotist, fencer and diplomat. If we left anything out it's hard to imagine what it might be . Burton was known for his far-flung and exotic travels and explorations within Asia and Africa as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian, and African languages.
Burton's best-known achievements include traveling in disguise to Mecca, making an unexpurgated translation of The Book of One Thousand Nights and A Night (more commonly called The Arabian Nights in English because of Andrew Lang's abridgment) and the Kama Sutra and journeying with John Hanning Speke as the first white men guided by the redoubtable Sidi Mubarak Bombay to discover the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile.
Burton's writings are unusually open and frank about his interest in sex and sexuality. His travel writing is often full of details about the sexual lives of the inhabitants of areas he travelled through. Burton's interest in sexuality led him to make measurements of the lengths of the sexual organs of male inhabitants of various regions which he includes in his travel books. He also describes sexual techniques common in the regions he visited, often hinting that he had participated, hence breaking both sexual and racial taboos of his day. Burton, together with Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot, created the Kama Shastra Society to print and circulate books that would be illegal to publish in public. Many people at the time considered his Kama Shastra Society and the books it published scandalous.
Allegations of homosexuality followed Burton throughout most of his life, at a time when it was a criminal offense in the UK. Biographers disagree on whether or not Burton ever experienced Gay sex (he never directly acknowledges it in his writing). These allegations began in his army days when General Sir Charles James Napier requested that Burton go undercover to investigate a male brothel reputed to be frequented by British soldiers. It has been suggested that Burton's detailed report on the workings of the brothel may have led some to believe he had been a customer.
Burton was a heavy drinker at various times in his life and also admitted to taking both hemp and opium. Friends of the poet Algernon Swinburne blamed Burton for leading him astray, holding Burton responsible for Swinburne's alcoholism and interest in the works of the Marquis de Sade.
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1850 – Octave Thanet, aka Alice French, American novelist, born (d.1934); One of the most popular novelists of the late 19th century, Octave Thanet is no longer read, and with good reason. Her stuff is irredeemably dreadful by any standard. (In one novel, for example, the heroine falls in love with a young woman and proceeds to tell her so, nonstop, for twenty-two pages, not counting heaves and maidenly emotion-laden sighs.) For 50 years, Thanet, a 200-pound, six-footer, lived together with petite Jane Crawford at their mansion "Thanford" (Thanet/Crawford).
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1925 – The Virginia Supreme Court reverses the sodomy conviction of a man who had been found drunk in bed with his head on another man's stomach and with the other man's penis in his hand.
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1930 – Charles Rowan Beye, born in Iowa, is a classical Greek scholar and author, noted for many texts on ancient Greece, including Odysseus: A Life. More recently he is known for his autobiography My Husband and My Wives: A Gay Man's Odyssey
Beye's budding homosexuality emerged when he was in junior high, enjoying a limited menu of sexual adventures with mostly straight boys. The local Episcopal priest informed Beye's mother that her son's name was scrawled, along with a sexual slur, on a men's room wall. Mother promptly dispatched her wayward son to a psychiatrist who — counter to almost every other psychiatrist in every work of gay literature ever written — turned out to be a compassionate man. The shrink simply counseled the 15-year-old Beye to be more discreet.
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My Husband and My Wives: A Gay's Man's Odyssey is the memoir Beye looking back over eight tumultuous decades at the complications of discovering at puberty that he is attracted to other men.
By age 21, he had never slept with a woman. Nevertheless he married his first wife, Mary, living happily, until Mary suddenly dies of a freak heart condition a few years later. Beye remarried and fathered four children — all along maintaining his core identity as a gay man and enjoying an abundant sex life with both gay and straight men, described in great fleshy detail in the autobiography.
The ordeal of remaining true to what his libido tells him is right, in the midst of a disapproving and sometimes hostile society, is one side of his story. Another was the impulsive decision he made as a young adult to marry a woman who fascinated him. This led him into entirely unanticipated territory. He found himself suddenly a husband, a widower, a groom for a second time, and, finally, the father of four children and grandfather of six, though throughout it all, he never abandoned his erotic involvement with men.
Perhaps most extraordinary is the story's happy conclusion: Charles Rowan Beye's wedding in 2008 to the man who had been his companion for the previous twenty years.
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1938 – Daniel Curzon, born Daniel Brown, is a novelist, playwright, educator, and writer of etiquette manuals for gay men.
He is the author of Something You Do in the Dark, first published in 1971 and which may be considered as one of the first gay protest novels. It is the story of a gay man's attempt to avenge his entrapment by a Detroit vice squad police officer by murdering him.
Curzon has written other novels, including The Misadventures of Tim McPick (original title: Queer Comedy), From Violent Men, Among the Carnivores, The World Can Break Your Heart, Curzon in Love, The Bubble Reputation, or Shakespeare Lives!, and What a Tangled Web. His non-fiction books include The Big Book of In-Your-Face Gay Etiquette and Dropping Names: The Delicious Memoirs of Daniel Curzon. This last was described by Ian Young in Torso as "ferociously honest and very funny" and by Philip Clark in Lambda Book Report as "a blunt, hilarious, page-turning ride that is...impossible to put down."
Curzon edited and published the early homophile magazine "Gay Literature: A New Journal" in 1975 and 1976. The magazine included poetry, fiction, literary reviews, essays, photography, and short plays. Curzon's own written work sometimes was included. Curzon contributed articles for other magazines such as "Gay Times" in 1976 and "Alternate" in 1978.
He is also a prolific writer of one-act plays. Seven volumes of his Collected Plays have been published as POD books through BookSurge. His plays have also been performed at such theaters as Theater Rhinoceros, New Conservatory Theater, New City Theater, Above Board Theater, as well as at the Fringe Festival in San Francisco and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Curzon, who is openly gay, is currently a retired professor of English.
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1963 – Gary Ferguson, a specialist of French Renaissance literature and culture, is the Douglas Huntly Gordon Distinguished Professor of French at the University of Virginia. From 1989, he taught at the University of Delaware, where he held the Elias Ahuja Professorship of French from 2012-2015. He graduated from St Chad's College, Durham University, receiving a BA with first-class honours in 1985 and a Ph.D. in 1989.
He is the author of Mirroring Belief: Marguerite de Navarre's Devotional Poetry, Queer (Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture, and Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome: Sexuality, Identity, and Community in Early Modern Europe, as well as of numerous articles dealing in particular with questions of gender and sexuality, women's writing, devotional literature and the cultural history of religion.
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1978 – Garth Greenwell, author, grew up in Louisville, graduated from high school in Michigan, did his undergraduate work at SUNY Purchase, got his masters from Harvard, and somewhere along the way was classically trained as an opera singer, which he credits with giving him "a sense of the physicality of language."
In 2009 he moved to Bulgaria where he teaches at the America College of Sofia and where he found gay cruising spots that reminded him of Kentucky in the 90s. Those places and the local men "were nearly identical in their expectations and mores" including "a secrecy and shame about them."
His life there is the basis of his novella Mitko. Describing a nameless American in a nameless foreign city and his creepingly complex relationship with a hustler named Mitko, it was a finalist for Publishing Triangle's debut fiction prize and for a Lammy. A perennial favorite, the book garnered multiple mentions on the queer lit polls in 2011 and 2012.
In its article, "Of LGBT, Life and Literature," the Sofia Echo credits Greenwell's publications with bringing much needed attention to the LGBT experience in Bulgaria and to other English-speaking audiences through various broadcasts, interviews, blog posts, and reviews.
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1991 – (Gary Michael) Garrett Clayton is an American actor and singer. He is known for portraying Tanner in the 2013 Disney Channel movie Teen Beach Movie and its 2015 sequel Teen Beach 2, and other film, television, and stage roles.
Clayton was born in Dearborn, Michigan. He began acting at Crestwood High School in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, performing in many of the drama club's productions. He later attended Oakland University, where he studied musical theater.
In 2010, he made appearances on Days of Our Lives and Shake It Up. In December 2012, he appeared in the Lifetime movie Holiday Spin, co-starring Ralph Macchio, as Blake, a rebellious teen forced to live with his father after his mother is killed in a car accident.
He was cast in 2013 in the role of Tanner in Disney's musical Teen Beach Movie, playing a cool but vacuous surfer who is "a mix between Frankie Avalon and Link from Hairspray". The film was directed by Jeffrey Hornaday and was filmed in Puerto Rico and was first broadcast in July 2013.He had a recurring role in the latter half of the first season of The Fosters. In 2016, he portrayed gay porn star Brent Corrigan in the film King Cobra, with James Franco and Christian Slater, and played the role of Link Larkin in the NBC television broadcast of Hairspray Live! He starred as Brady Mannion in the horror-thriller film Don't Hang Up, which was released in theaters in February 2017. Also in 2017, Clayton appeared on stage at the Pasadena Playhouse as Luke alongside Al Pacino and Judith Light in a six-week run of Dotson Rader's play God Looked Away, about the later life of Tennessee Williams.
In 2018, while speaking about why he chose to appear in the film Reach, Clayton revealed he has been in a long-term relationship with another man, Blake Knight. In January 2019, Clayton announced that he and Knight had become engaged a year prior.
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1988 – Freddie Smith is an American television actor. He is best known for his character Sonny Kiriakis, the first openly gay contract role on the daytime soap opera Days of Our Lives. He also briefly portrayed Marco Salazar in the new franchise of 90210 aired on The CW.
Freddie Smith was born in Ashtabula, Ohio. He grew up as an only child but is very close with two of his cousins. Smith "lived and breathed basketball" until his senior year in high school when a friend suggested he take a theater art class. After high school, Smith moved to Los Angeles, beginning his acting career in 2008 appearing a cameo role in the paranormal series Medium playing a senior boy.
On January 9, 2011 it was reported that he had joined the cast of The CW series 90210, in a recurring role as Marco, a gay soccer player who would become involved with Teddy Montgomery (Trevor Donovan). He appeared in 5 episodes of the third season including the season finale. On July 17, 2011 The CW announced that Marco would not return in season 4 as Teddy's boyfriend, having broken up with him over the summer.
Besides 90210, he took up the role of Jackson "Sonny" Kiriakis in Days of Our Lives, the first openly gay contracted character in the hit daytime soap opera (Ryan Scott had previously played the non-contract, openly gay role of Harold Wentworth between 2000 and 2003). Smith's character would become romantically involved with Will Horton, played by Chandler Massey, garnering immense popularity with fans and becoming the show's first same-sex supercouple (commonly referred to by the portmanteau "WilSon").
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2010 – Billy Merasty receives Manitoda's Order of the Buffalo Hunt. Merasty (born 1960), is an Aboriginal Canadian actor and writer of Cree descent.Merasty was born in Brochet, Manitoba, Canada. He is the ninth of fourteen siblings born to Viola and Pierre Merasty, and a grandson of Joe Highway, a famous caribou hunter and champion dogsled racer; and related to playwright Tomson Highway and dancer/choreographer/actor/director René Highway.
He moved to Toronto at the age of 18 in search of René Highway, who was then working for the Toronto Dance Theatre. At the age of 23, he launched his acting career after graduating from the Native Theatre School for aspiring First Nations artists. He then worked for the Native Earth Performing Arts for a long period.
Merasty has worked extensively on the stage and films as an actor and has written one play, Fireweed, produced in 1992. His second play, Godly's Divinia, is in development.
In 2010, Merasty received the Order of Manitoba (Order of the Buffalo Hunt) in recognition for his many years as an Aboriginal role model from Manitoba. At the time he was the lead actor in Where the Blood Mixes, winner of the 2009 Governor General's Award for drama.  The play tackles Canada's painful history of residential schools and "the '60s scoop", referring to the adoption of First Nation and Métis children in Canada between the years of 1960 and the mid-1980's, through the experiences of one family and their community.
His stage credits include appearances in Tomson Highway's The Sage, The Dancer and the Fool, Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing and The Rez Sisters, Daniel David Moses' The Indian Medicine Show, Lanford Wilson's Rain Dance, Marie Clements' Copper Thunderbird, Kevin Loring's Where the Blood Mixes, Steven Cole Hughes' Ghost Dance and David S. Craig's The Neverending Story.
In 2012, he performed the role of Gloucester in an all-aboriginal production of William Shakespeare's King Lear at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, alongside a cast that also included August Schellenberg as Lear, Tantoo Cardinal as Regan, Jani Lauzon in a dual role as Cordelia and the Fool, and Craig Lauzon as Kent.
Reflecting on his life, Merasty said, "I've always been open. Although a lot of people have told me not to be so gay if I want to be an actor, that it will limit me. I know that it has, but I'm not limiting myself, it's other people who limit me"
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weirdlookindog · 5 months
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Albert Letchford - Frontispiece for Sir Richard Francis Burton's 'Vikram and the Vampire, or, Tales of Hindu Devilry', 1893.
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j-femmescoli · 5 months
books i read in 2023
my goal was to read a book a week and while the timeline wasn't perfectly even, i did manage to get it to add up (and then some!). this year i focused on religion and philosophy as well as classics (of which im counting both as traditional "ancient or pre-modern famous and outstanding" types of books, but also famous more modern books). i also bolded some books that were really good in my opinion that have really stuck with me so if you are interested in the genre i'd suggest those
st joan by bernard shaw (play)
mary and your everyday life by bernard haring (theology)
theology of liberation by gustavo gutierrez (theology)
magnificat by elizabeth ruth obbard (theology)
piedras labradas by victor montejo (poetry)
the boy who was raised as a dog by bruce perry and maia szalavitz (psychology)
4 great plays by ibsen - the dollhouse, ghosts, the wild duck, and an enemy of the people by henry ibsen (plays obvi)
the night of the iguanas by tennessee williams (play)
being logical by dq mcinerny (idk sociology maybe? it was about recognizing and avoiding bad-faith arguments and logical fallacies)
the alchemist by paolo coelho (classics)
frankenstein by mary shelly (classics)
an american tragedy by theodore dreiser (classics)
is this wifi organic? by dave farina (idk how to classify this one either but it was also about recognizing bad-faith arguments, specifically when it comes to pseudoscience)
the nicaraguan church and the revolution by joseph muligan (theology, history)
catholic social teaching: our best kept secret by peter henriot, edward deberri, and michael schultheis (theology)
beowulf (classics)
sapiens by yuval noah harari (anthropology)
the church and the second sex by mary daly (theology)
mary in the new testament edited by raymond brown, karl donfried, joseph fitzmyer, and john reumann (theology)
a catholic devotion to mary by oscar lukefahr (theology)
1001 nights / arabian nights trans. sir richard burton (classics)
a house on mango street by sandra cisneros (poetry)
primary source readings in catholic church history edited by robert feduccia and nick wagner (theology)
doing faithjustice by fred kammer, sj (theology)
winds of change by isaac asimov (sci-fi)
the sound and the fury by william faulkner (classics)
una ciudad de la españa cristiana hace mil años by claudio sanchez-albornoz (history)
the glass menajerie by tennessee williams (play)
reinventing the enemy's language by joy harjo and gloria bird (indigenous women writers anthology)
the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald *reread* (classics)
the bell jar by sylvia plath (classics)
the kite runner by khaled hosseini (classics)
one nation, under gods by peter manseau (history)
development as freedom by amartya sen (economic / political philosophy)
women in ministry: four views edited by bonnidell and robert g clouse (practical theology)
mother of god: a history of the virgin mary by miri rubin (theology / history)
a study in scarlet and the sign of four by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
adventures of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the casebook of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the valley of fear by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the memoirs of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the return of sherlock holmes by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the hound of the baskervilles by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
his last bow by sir arthur conan doyle (classics)
the fundamentals of ethics, fourth edition by russ shafer landau (philosophy)
dracula by bram stoker (classics) (yes i'm counting dracula daily)
desde mi silencio by carmen gomez (poetry)
happiness in this life, excerpts from the homilies of pope francis (theology)
the vigilante / the snake / the chrysanthemums by john steinbeck (classics)
quest for the living god by sister beth johnson *reread* (theology)
the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain (classics)
the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain (classics)
the boys in the boat by daniel james brown (history)
and that's all folks, ending the year with some classics, plus my mom insisted i read the boys in the boat while im home for christmas because she wanted to see the movie lol. i got so many books for christmas so i'll be startin off strong next year too, and my goal is finishing my collection of john steinbeck, by which i mean obtaining as well as reading everything i can find by him. here's my list from 2022 and i'll see you next year
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myemuisemo · 3 months
Gorgeous wilderness description opens "The Avenging Angels," part 12 of Letters from Watson. I wonder how much was inspired by Sir Richard Francis Burton's The City of Saints, recounting his travels in the west and visit to Brigham Young.
Our fleeing party is initially in the Oquirrh Mountains west of Salt Lake City.
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The modern highway route skirts the Oquirrhs, in favor of a straight run across the salt flats.
If Ferrier, Lucy, and Jefferson Hope really made 30 miles in their first days, they reached the Cedar Mountains, which are less terrifyingly craggy but very much a desert. Deseret Peak is the pinnacle of this range, though any route across would look for a lower pass.
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Were they to make it into what's now Nevada -- with Carson City clear the other side of the state -- there'd be a lot more of this. It's not hospitable country even today.
The big horn sheep is exotically western! And genuine! I am distracted from Jefferson Hope's wasting much of his kill by the discovery that the Sierra Nevada mountains (California - Nevada border, nowhere near our fleeing party yet, but important to me IRL) have their own genetically distinct big horn population.
Hope's slaughtered big horn is likely a Rocky Mountain big horn.
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Of course, it's all a disaster. Everyone had to be doomed by the narrative in some way.
But we get an exact date: August 4, 1860.
Camp Floyd, the U.S. Army camp for the occupation of Utah following the Utah War of 1857-8, was right at the south end of the Oquirrh Mountains. Jefferson Hope had the option of hiding Ferrier and Lucy in the mountains and walking them right into the protection of the U.S. military. Maybe there were too many LDS settlers in the low spots in between (though I think Doyle didn't know or remember that the Utah War had happened).
Now comes the crucial moment that chafes me hard.
As the young fellow realized the certainty of her fate, and his own powerlessness to prevent it, he wished that he, too, was lying with the old farmer in his last silent resting-place. Again, however, his active spirit shook off the lethargy which springs from despair. If there was nothing else left to him, he could at least devote his life to revenge.
What about rescuing Lucy after she's married? Okay, Jefferson Hope can't get back to Salt Lake City in time to prevent a forced marriage. However, we're told later that she was a marriage prize primarily for control of her father's property. Once that's in the hands of her husband, would he bother pursuing her? In this period, marriage would make it his and eliminate her rights to it. (I'm assuming nobody is disputing the legality of polygamous marriages in this universe.)
Jefferson Hope really seems to buy in that once married (against her will), Lucy is legitimately another man's property. Admittedly, it's an era when pressuring an heiress into marriage was seen as fairly acceptable, if one's table manners were good. The burden was on the young woman to be too wise and firm to give in, and yet when Lucy shows fine judgment and takes action to avoid the match, she's taken by force. The system is so completely rigged against her; no wonder she can't find any hope to live for.
The schism that sends Drebber and Stangerson on their merry way appears to be fictional, as the Reorganized LDS under Joseph Smith III in the Midwest is too early (1861) and the Godbeites in SLC is too late (1869).
By the end of Jefferson Hope's epic pursuit from Russia to France to Denmark to England. we have now accounted for Drebber's existence in Cleveland, his employment of Stangerson, the gold ring, and the note about how Jefferson Hope is in Europe.
We have not accounted for why Drebber would go arm in arm with his enemy into a vacant house.
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stairnaheireann · 3 months
#OTD in Irish History | 19 March:
In the Liturgical calendar, today is the feast of St Joseph. According to legend, this is a lucky day to be born in the Highlands, where they say children born today cannot be killed in battle. 1642 – Charles I’s ‘Adventurers’ Act’ offers confiscated Irish land in return for investment in the reconquest. 1821 – Birth in Dublin of Sir Richard Francis Burton, adventurer, writer, swordsman, scholar…
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mrdirtybear · 11 months
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Soldier, explorer and anthropologist Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) a/k/a Ruffian Dick. I don't know how to view this man, he started out as the product of a prim Victorian culture, in which at home taboo mostly trumped sexual obsession, but men did not stop obsessing about sex. He found himself best when abroad where he travelled as a soldier and explorer, and he studied many cultures across the world. There he closely observed, and wrote down in detail, the raw hedonism and piety of the world around him that England wanted to rule over by ignoring how it worked. However much he learned about the world outside England, Victorian society made sure the core of it would not be passed on. When he died his wife burned most of his private papers. Get the proper story of him here.
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natalyelle · 7 months
If you ever thought that your OC is Mary/Marty Sue (ish), remember Mark Hodder and his sir Richard Francis Burton - he is linguist, translator, geographer, fencer, hypnotist and many more.
And then check the Wiki page of sir Richard (he was a real person) and see that he indeed was a linguist, translator, geographer, fencer, hypnotist and many more.
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deadpresidents · 2 years
I'm interested in hearing any new reading suggestions or updates on what you've been reading lately?
My reading tastes have been all over the place during the last two months, but here's what I've been reading since Labor Day or so:
•The Long Alliance: The Imperfect Union of Joe Biden and Barack Obama (BOOK | KINDLE) by Gabriel Debenedetti A fascinating look at one of the closest relationships between a President his Vice President in American history, why their dynamic was so successful, and how the Obama-Biden partnership was sometimes much more complicated than we realized.
•Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America (BOOK | KINDLE) by Maggie Haberman It's no surprise that Maggie Haberman was able to fashion her top-notch reporting and unparalleled access into one of the better overall biographies of who Donald Trump is and has been his entire life -- and how it has helped tear our country apart.
•The King: The Life of Charles III (BOOK | KINDLE) by Christopher Andersen
•United and Independent: John Quincy Adams on American Foreign Policy (BOOK | KINDLE) by Patrick J. Garrity & Ben Judge [Editors]
•The Last Folk Hero: The Life and Myth of Bo Jackson (BOOK | KINDLE) by Jeff Pearlman Pearlman's sports books are always difficult to put down, and it was easier to tackle the legendary Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl than it was to put down this in-depth biography about him.
•James K. Polk and His Time: Essays at the Conclusion of the Polk Project (BOOK | Kindle not available) by Michael David Cohen [Editor]
•War Songs [Library of Arabic Literature] (BOOK | KINDLE) by 'Antarah ibn Shaddad
•Salman's Legacy: The Dilemmas of a New Era in Saudi Arabia (BOOK | KINDLE) by Madawi Al-Rasheed [Editor]
•Nasser: The Last Arab (BOOK | KINDLE) by Saïd Aburish
•The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition: A Compendium of Knowledge from the Classical Islamic World (BOOK | KINDLE) by Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Nuwayri
•A Gift of Joy and Hope (BOOK | KINDLE) by Pope Francis
Beginning in July, I also decided to try to read as much of Sir Richard Francis Burton's complete works, in unabridged form, as I possibly could. Last year, I read the three-volume, unabridged edition of his Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah -- originally published in 1855 -- and it was pretty challenging, but also an extremely captivating account of his journeys and observations, and finishing the series felt like an accomplishment along the lines of climbing a mountain or something. So, I set out to try to read as many of his other (many, many, many) books. I've finished a couple of them over the past couple of months, but let's just say that the overall goal is a work-in-progress. As long as "progress" isn't defined as actually completing my goal anytime soon.
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Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of civilisation, man feels once more happy.
- Sir Richard Francis Burton, explorer and author
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