#snapdragon & firefly
dee-writes-smut · 27 days
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SNAPDRAGONS (Chapter Four)
FEATURING Eris Vanserra x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY Eris returns from a council meeting angry and hurt. Something has to give, will it be you or your friendship?
CONTENT WARNINGS angst, verbal abuse, physical abuse, toxic parents, children being forced to parent siblings, grief, loss, kissing, pregnancy, murder, and guilt.
AUTHORS NOTE this is probably one of my favorite and hardest chapters that I’ve had to write so far. The experiences described in this chapter were some I relate to, please, please be careful proceeding. Your mental health is more important!! I love you all, please take care of yourselves and enjoy.
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As the evening settled into night, the sky transformed into a tapestry of celestial wonders, a breathtaking display of twinkling stars set against the backdrop of an endless expanse of indigo. The moon, a luminous crescent hanging low on the horizon, cast a soft silver glow over the landscape, bathing the forest in an ethereal light.
Above, the stars shimmered like scattered diamonds strewn across a velvet canvas, their brilliance piercing the darkness with an otherworldly beauty. Constellations danced across the heavens, their intricate patterns weaving tales of ancient lore and forgotten legends.
A gentle breeze stirred the leaves of the surrounding trees, their rustling whispers a melodic accompaniment to the symphony of the night. The air was alive with the chorus of nocturnal creatures, their calls and cries echoing through the stillness, a reminder of the vibrant world that thrived beneath the canopy of branches.
In the distance, the faint flicker of fireflies danced among the foliage, their luminous trails tracing intricate patterns in the night air. And overhead, the Milky Way stretched like a river of stardust, its milky glow a celestial highway leading to worlds beyond imagination.
As you looked out at the vast expanse of the night sky, a sense of awe and wonder washed over you, the beauty of the universe unfolding before your eyes like a timeless symphony. And in that moment, as you gazed up at the heavens with reverence and awe, you felt a profound connection to the world around you.
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At 29 weeks pregnant, your movements were slow and deliberate, your swollen belly serving as a gentle reminder of the life growing within you. With each step, you waddled slightly, the weight of your burgeoning bump shifting with every movement.
As you paced the room, a sense of restless anticipation gnawed at your insides, your heart racing with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Eris had been gone for what felt like an eternity, his absence leaving a void in the room that seemed to echo with his presence.
With each passing moment, the babe within you seemed to share in your impatience, their movements growing increasingly restless as if in anticipation of Eris's return. Tiny kicks and flutters rippled across your abdomen, the sensation both exhilarating and comforting as you waited for him to come back.
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of Eris's reaction when he finally returned, imagining the look of awe and wonder that would cross his face as he felt the baby's kicks for himself.
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The minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, the anticipation of Eris's return weighed heavily on your mind. You paused mid-step, your heart skipping a beat as the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall outside, signaling his imminent arrival.
With bated breath, you turned towards the door, your pulse quickening with each passing moment. The anticipation hung thick in the air, a tangible presence that seemed to fill the room with electric energy.
And then, suddenly, he was there.
The footsteps grew louder, closer, until finally, the door swung open, revealing Eris's tall, imposing figure framed in the doorway. But before you could utter a word of greeting, your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the red mark marring his cheek, a vivid reminder of the altercation he had undoubtedly faced.
You watched in stunned silence as he stormed past you, his expression darkened with anger and frustration. The weight of his emotions hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room that seemed to suffocate the very air around you.
With a sharp motion, he reached for the door to his own chambers, slamming it shut with a resounding thud that reverberated through the walls. The sound echoed in the silence, a stark reminder of the tension that lingered between you.
The suddenness of his actions left you reeling, a knot of worry forming in the pit of your stomach. What had happened to provoke such a reaction? What could have caused him to lash out in such a manner?
But even as the questions swirled in your mind, you knew that now was not the time for answers. With a heavy sigh, you turned back towards the room, the sense of unease lingering in the air like a dark cloud on the horizon.
With a surge of determination, you approached Eris's door, the weight of concern heavy in your chest. Despite the tension that hung thick in the air, you refused to let him shut you out. With each step, you could feel the baby's kicks growing more insistent, as if urging you on in your quest to reach him.
Gathering your resolve, you raised your hand to knock, but before your knuckles could connect with the wood, you hesitated. The memory of his anger, the red mark on his cheek still vivid in your mind, gave you pause. But then, with a deep breath, you steeled yourself and rapped firmly on the door.
"Eris," you called out, your voice steady but laced with concern. "Please, let me in. We need to talk."
No response.
"Please, Eris," you implored, your voice gentle but firm. "Let me in. Whatever happened, we can face it together. You don't have to carry this burden alone."
“You have been so kind and welcoming to me, so accepting of me, and I only wish to do the same for you," you begin, your voice soft but unwavering, the sincerity of your words echoing through the door and into the room beyond. "I won’t judge, I won’t get angry, I just want to listen to you, to let you air out your burdens as you have let me air out mine.”
The warmth of your breath fogs the cool air around you as you continue, the words tumbling from your lips like a gentle stream. “You made this babe fall in love with you and now she won’t leave me alone,” you say with a fond smile, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as you recall the playful arguments you and Eris had shared about the baby's gender.
Memories of warmer afternoons spent amidst the beauty of nature flood your mind, the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle caress of the breeze a soothing backdrop to your conversation. “She’s been kicking the crap out of me all evening, so excited to hear you, to feel you near.”
You pause for a moment, the weight of the words hanging heavy in the air between you. The silence that follows is palpable, filled with the unspoken hope and longing that binds you together. As you stand there, your hand resting gently on your swollen belly, you can't help but feel a sense of peace and utter gratitude for the bond that exists between the three of you.
There was a moment of silence, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves outside the window. But then, after what felt like an eternity, you heard the click of the lock, and the door creaked open ever so slightly.
Peering inside, you could see Eris standing just beyond the threshold, his expression guarded but softened slightly by the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. You met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down, your determination unwavering.
“You should leave. Get out while you can,” he snaps, his voice sharp and cutting as his expression shifted to one of cold indifference. The words hit you like a physical blow, his tone laced with bitterness and venom.
Your heart sinks as you stand before him, the weight of his rejection heavy in the air between you. The babe in your stomach seems to sense the tension, their movements stilling as if in response to the palpable anger that fills the room.
“Eris, you know that we only want to help,” you plead, your voice trembling with emotion as you rub circles over your bump, your other hand instinctively supporting your sore back. But his response is like a dagger to the heart, his dismissiveness cutting deep.
“Please don’t shut me out,” you whisper sadly, the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you implore him to let you in. But he only scoffs in response, his laughter harsh and mocking, echoing through the room like a dark cloud.
The cruelty of his words leaves you reeling, the pain of his rejection twisting in your chest like a knife. You feel as though you’re standing on the precipice of a vast abyss, the chasm between you widening with each passing moment.
“Why not? Why not just do what you do, run away when things get tough, push my burdens onto other people instead of dealing with them myself?” Eris’s voice is filled with bitterness and resentment, his anger boiling over like a storm on the horizon.
But even as he turns away from you with a dismissive wave of his hand, you refuse to give up hope. The love you feel for him burns bright within you, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatens to consume him.
"I'm done talking about this," he declares, retreating into the depths of his chambers and slamming the door shut behind him with a resounding thud. The sound echoes through the empty hallway, a stark reminder of the rift that now lies between you.
Alone in the silence, tears streaming down your cheeks, you vow to fight for him, to break through the walls he has erected and bring him back into the light. Because deep down, you know that your love is stronger than the anger and resentment that threaten to tear you apart. And no matter how dark the night may seem; you refuse to let it extinguish the flame of hope that burns within you.
So, you slink down onto the floor outside his door, stretching your legs out in front of you and continuing to rub soothing circles over your belly.
“My mother wasn’t a kind woman,” you began, the words heavy with the weight of memories long buried. Closing your eyes, you allow the story to unfold before you, the scenes of your past playing out like a haunting melody in the recesses of your mind.
You’re transported back to that cursed cottage, the air thick with the scent of herbs and potions, the walls adorned with strange symbols and trinkets of unknown origin. Your family moves through the dimly lit rooms like shadows, their presence both familiar and suffocating.
But even from a young age, you knew you were different. More emotional, more vulnerable than the rest of your family. While they seemed to thrive in the harsh environment of your home, you struggled to find your place, to fit into the mold they had carved out for you.
“She ruled with an iron fist, demanding obedience and loyalty above all else,” you continue, the memories flooding back with painful clarity. “But no matter how hard I tried, I could never quite meet her expectations.”
The sound of her voice echoed in your ears, sharp and cutting like the crack of a whip. You could feel the weight of her disapproval bearing down on you like a suffocating blanket, her words a constant reminder of your perceived inadequacies.
And so, you forced yourself to become hard, to close yourself off from the pain and hurt that threatened to consume you. You built walls around your heart, steeling yourself against the onslaught of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you at every turn.
“But despite her cruelty, there were moments of tenderness,” you admit, the memories bittersweet in their complexity. “Moments when she would let her guard down, if only for a fleeting instant.”
But those moments were fleeting, like rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds before disappearing once more. And in their absence, you found yourself retreating further into yourself, hiding behind a mask of indifference and stoicism in order to survive.
Yet amidst the chaos and cruelty of your upbringing, there was one duty that fell squarely on your shoulders: the responsibility of raising your two younger siblings. Forced into the role of caregiver at a young age, you bore the weight of their well-being as if it were your own.
The memory of those days weighs heavily on your heart, the burden of caring for your siblings a constant reminder of the sacrifices you made to keep them safe. But even as you carry the scars of your past, you refuse to let them define you, finding strength in the resilience that has carried you through the darkest of times.
As tears welled in your eyes, you can’t help but feel a swell of emotion for the child you once were, forced to grow up too soon in a world that offered little solace or comfort. But even as you grieve for the innocence lost, you find solace in the knowledge that your love for your siblings has endured, a beacon of light in the darkness that has shrouded your past.
“I loved my siblings, fought for those boys that I had raised into good, kind men until their last breaths,” you choke up, the memories of their untimely demise flooding your mind like a torrential downpour. Images of their eviscerated bodies, piled high among others lost in the war against Hybern, haunt your every thought. “And when I lost them, it was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you recall the anguish of that moment, the gut-wrenching agony of knowing that you had failed to protect the ones you loved most. It felt as if your heart was being ripped from your chest, like you were being torn apart slowly from the inside out.
“I had lost my purpose, the only thing in life I knew how to do other than kill,” you continue, your voice trembling with emotion. “That is until I found purpose in trying to save my home court, to save its people more than anything.”
The memories of your journey flooded back with startling clarity, the trials and tribulations that led you to where you are now. And then, almost hesitantly, you speak of the man who changed everything.
“It’s what led me into Lu- into a man's arms, to where I am,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “I never thought I would be able to love again, not like I had loved my brothers, so unconditionally.”
But then, like a ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds, you found out you were pregnant. And in that moment, amidst the fear and uncertainty, you felt a rush of total, complete love, unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
“That same night I swore I’d do anything for her, kill, be anything for her,” you confess, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. “And then I met you, and I realized there were two people I would do anything for, be anything for.”
The door clicked and moved inward behind you, swinging open gently, and you scrambled to your feet to meet him head on. Eris stood in the doorway, his figure bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting long shadows across the floor. His features were drawn tight with tension, his eyes a stormy mix of emotions you couldn't quite decipher.
For a moment, he hesitated, his gaze flickering between you and the threshold of his chambers. The weight of the unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a tangible force pressing down on you both. But then, with a resigned sigh, he stepped back, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he were navigating treacherous terrain.
As you crossed the threshold, you couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation wash over you. The atmosphere within his chambers was charged with electricity, every corner of the room crackling with untamed emotion. It was as if the very walls were alive, pulsing with the raw intensity of the moment.
You took a hesitant step forward, the floorboards creaking beneath your feet, echoing in the silence that enveloped you. The air seemed to thicken around you, heavy with the weight of everything left unsaid. It was a delicate dance, navigating the fragile boundary between you and Eris, each movement fraught with uncertainty and longing.
“It’s from my father,” Eris whispers ever so softly, his voice barely audible above the crackle of the fire. He avoided your gaze, his eyes fixed on the warm-colored floors beneath you, as if unable to meet your gaze while he divulged the painful truth.
You felt your heart clench at his words, a surge of anger and sorrow rising within you like a tidal wave. It was a side of Eris you had never seen before, vulnerable and wounded, stripped of the facade of strength and indifference he so often wore like armor.
“I disagreed with him on something during a council meeting,” Eris continues, his voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking the words aloud made them all too real. “And he slapped me right in front of everyone, called me a worthless piece of shit, said he wished I had died in my mother's womb so he could have had a better chance at a proper heir.”
The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the cruelty that had shaped Eris's life since childhood. You could see the pain etched into every line of his face, the weight of his father's words bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.
Eris's throat bobbed as he spoke, his voice choked with emotion, as if afraid to give voice to the depths of his suffering. It was a vulnerability you had never seen from him before, a crack in the facade of strength he had always presented to the world.
Eris paused, his words catching in his throat as he summoned the strength to speak of the pain that had shaped his past. His gaze remained fixed on the floor, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, as if grappling with the memories that threatened to consume him.
"I raised all my brothers too," he finally admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "But Lucien… Lucien was different. He was the one I was closest to, the one I swore to protect with my life."
You could hear the raw emotion in his voice, the ache of loss and betrayal that lingered in every word. It was clear that the wounds of the past ran deep, leaving scars that would never fully heal.
"And then…," Eris falters, his voice breaking as he struggles to continue. "And then my father… he forced me to hold Lucien down while he… while he slaughtered Lucien's lover."
The words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the horrors Eris had endured at the hands of his own flesh and blood. You could see the pain etched into every line of his face, the weight of his father's cruelty bearing down on him like a crushing weight.
Memories of Jesminda flooded back with painful clarity, and Eris struggled through his words. "Her name was Jesminda," he whispers, his words heavy with sorrow. "A beautiful lesser Faerie, who had a gentle heart."
You could hear the ache in his voice as he spoke of her, the memory of her kindness a bittersweet reminder of all that had been lost. It was clear that she had left a lasting impression on him, her presence a beacon of light in the darkness that had surrounded him for so long.
"I had met her once," Eris continues, his voice barely above a whisper. "She had kissed my cheek and thanked me for taking care of Lucien. She recognized my work, and it… it shocked me."
The words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the kindness that had been so rare in his life. You could see the turmoil etched into every line of his face, the weight of his past bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.
"I had never even considered deserving praise for doing my duty," Eris admits, his voice choked with emotion. "That's when I started realizing that it maybe wasn't supposed to be my job, when I started to disobey my father in small ways."
As you listened to his confession, your heart ached for him, for the years of pain and suffering he had endured in silence. And in that moment, you knew that you would do anything to help him find the healing and solace he so desperately needed, to show him that he was worthy of love and kindness, despite the darkness that had once consumed him.
Eris's voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air. "That's when my father found out about her," he whispers, his words tinged with sorrow. "And as punishment to both me and Lucien… that's why he did that."
The pain in his voice was palpable, his anguish laid bare for you to see. It was clear that the memory of that fateful day still haunted him, the cruelty of his father's actions etched into his soul like a scar that would never fully fade.
You reached out to him, your hand trembling as you brushed a strand of hair from his face. "I'm so sorry, Eris," you whisper, your voice thick with tears. "No one should ever have to endure such cruelty."
Eris's voice trembled like a leaf caught in an autumn breeze as he poured out his fears. His words were heavy with the weight of his past, his pain, and his insecurities laid bare before you. It was as if he had opened a door to the darkest corners of his soul, allowing you to glimpse the shadows that haunted him.
"I'm scared to love again," he breathes, his voice barely above a breath, yet resonating with the depth of his emotion. His eyes, usually ablaze with determination, were now pools of vulnerability, reflecting the turmoil within his heart. "Scared to let anyone close. Especially you."
The vulnerability in his voice tugged at your heartstrings, stirring a mixture of empathy and tenderness within you. You longed to reach out to him, to wrap him in the warmth of your embrace and chase away the shadows that threatened to engulf him.
"I don't want you to get hurt," Eris confesses, his words laced with anguish as he lays a trembling hand on your bump, feeling the fluttering movements of your unborn child beneath his touch. "Or him."
The tenderness in his gesture, combined with the weight of his words, threatened to bring tears to your eyes. You could feel the raw intensity of his fear, his desperate need to protect both you and your child from the pain he had endured.
"I know it's scary," you murmur, your voice soft and soothing as you reach out to brush away the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, your other hand meeting his on your bump. "But trust me. I love you. There is no choice, no deciding. You are my home; you always will be."
The tension in the room was palpable, a tangible force that seemed to wrap around you both as you stood facing each other. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across Eris's face, accentuating the chiseled lines of his features and the intensity of his gaze as he looked at you, his eyes dark with unwavering love and desire.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, the blood rushing in your ears as you waited for him to make a move. Every nerve in your body was on edge, every sense heightened as you drank in the sight of him standing before you, so close yet still tantalizingly out of reach.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Eris reached out a trembling hand, his fingers brushing against your cheek with a feather-light touch. The warmth of his touch sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire deep within your soul as you leaned into his touch, craving more of his warmth.
With a soft, almost imperceptible sigh, Eris closed the distance between you, his lips hovering just inches from yours. The anticipation hung heavy in the air; a tangible force that seemed to draw you inexorably closer together.
And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, his lips finally met yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. It was as if time stood still, the world falling away around you as you melted into each other's embrace.
The kiss was soft at first, a gentle exploration of each other's lips, but soon it deepened, becoming more urgent, more passionate. It was as if a floodgate had been opened, releasing a torrent of pent-up emotion that had been building between you for far too long.
You lost yourself in the kiss, losing track of time and space as you surrendered to the heat of the moment. Every touch, every caress, sent sparks flying through your veins, igniting a firestorm of desire that threatened to consume you both.
Eris's hands roamed over your body, tracing the curves of your form with a reverence that sent shivers down your spine. His touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body as you arched into him, your lips meeting his with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
And then, as quickly as it had begun, the kiss ended, leaving you both breathless and dazed, the echoes of your passion reverberating through the air.
"I love you too," Eris pants, his breath warm against your skin, carrying with it the scent of cool autumn air. It was the kind of scent that would drift through an open window on lazy mornings spent bundled up in bed, the crispness of the air mingling with the warmth of the blankets.
The weight of his confession washed over you like a wave, filling you with a sense of warmth and belonging that you had never known before. In that moment, you felt as if you were floating on air, carried away by the sheer intensity of your emotions.
But it was his next words that truly took your breath away, sending a shiver down your spine and causing your heart to swell with love and gratitude.
"Both of you," he murmurs, his voice soft and tender as he places a gentle hand on your bump. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes, conveying a depth of love and devotion that left you feeling humbled and grateful beyond words.
As you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that this was where you were meant to be. In the arms of the man you loved, with your unborn child nestled safely between you, you felt as if you had finally found your home. And as you looked into Eris's eyes, you knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, you would face them together, united in a love that was as enduring as the stars themselves.
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@purple-writer8 @defnotlucienvanserra @cherry-cin @julesofvolterra @mirandasidefics @mandziaaa @lilah-asteria @littlestw01f @skylarkalchemist @babypeapoddd @daardyrnitta @talesofadragon @thecraziestcrayon @asaucecoveredsomething
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Meet the Bean
(I will be updating this post as I discover and draw my forms)
Name: Genna Brooks
Pronouns: She/Her & Shay/Ter
LGBT Status: Genderqueer, PanDemic (panromantic & demiromantic), Asexual (repulsed)
Nonhuman (NOT therian or otherkin)
Eldritch Shapeshifter
No True Form. Always more than meets the eye.
My forms/sonas:
Toon Ink Demon (based on Bendy and the Ink Machine) - 3 variations
"Shapeshifter" (based on the Shapeshifter from A Hat In Time)
Pokémalgam - 2 variations
Luna Moth - 5 variations
Water - 5 variations
Animatronic/Robot (based on Five Nights at Freddy's)
TV Head
Plushie - 2 variations
Puppet (based on Welcome Home)
Disassembly Drone (based on Murder Drones)
Golden Crowned Flying Fox (fruit bat) - 2 variations
AS (U avatar | based on Belle)
Maned Wolf - 2 variations
Eel mer - 2 variations (1) (2)
Howler (based on Ghosts Among The Wildflowers) - 2 variations
Yellow-headed Box Turtle (based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) - 2 variations
Black American Shorthair Cat - 2 variations
Spring-Limbed Jester thing (I don't really have a good name for this one yet) (based on The Amazing Digital Circus)
Fluffy Skull Faced Creechur
Cryptid Canine
Striped Owl - 2 variations
Reptilian Centaur
Ink Cap Mushroom
Bold Jumping Spider - 2 variations
Striped Skunk - 2 variations
Common Raccoon- 2 variations
Opossum- 2 variations
Bee - 2 variations
Void (based on Minecraft, lol)
Chocolate Ferret - 2 variations
Brown Rat - 2 variations
Otter - 2 variations
Purple Skimmer Dragonfly - 2 variations
Squirrel - 2 variations
Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel (yes, this one is different) - 2 variations
Raven - 2 variations
Anna's Hummingbird- 2 variations
Axolotl - 2 variations
Backrooms Entity
Snowflake Obsidian
Lightning Bug (Firefly) - 2 variations
Potato Bug
To Be Named Poppy Playtime themed thingie
Fox (specific kind currently unknown)
Scorpion (specific kind currently unknown)
Dog (Shiba Inu/Golden Retriever/Husky mix)
Chromian (Prism World)
African Wild Dog
Personified Railroad Crossing
Sea bunny
Pumpkin head
Candy Corn
Blue Raspberry
Pony (MLP FiM)
Pulsar Star
Blanket Critter
Worm OFF the String (with legs :3)
Music box
Eyeball head
Gingerbread cookie
Soot sprite
Squishy silicone cat lamp
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pandoa · 2 years
PANDO PANDO ILYSM <33 also your picrew is so freaking cute !!!
i wanted to request for the event so i can have more of your DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS AMAZING writing hahaha
im thinking snapdragons with rook hunt ( this man will forever be my original twst crush no matter what <333 ) in a field of fireflies bc im a hopeless romantic like that
anyways , congratulations on the follower count ! im so happy and so so soooooo proud of you. you are doing amazing and i just wanted to let you know that no matter what , im always going to be here to watch you outshine the stars with your greatness.
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Snapdragons ~ “this can’t be real…it feels too good to be real. tell me this is all a dream before i start believing”
~rook hunt x gender neutral reader~
AMORIS ILYT!! and omg i remember the exact picrew you were talking abt. i'm so sorry it took me so long to get to your request, this was from like august </33 i've been kinda slow lately lol. your words never fail to fill me with joy tho and i adore you so much. thank you for existing in my life, my sweet <3
i put my whole pandussy into this amora lmao, hope you like it~
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♡eyes that shine like fireflies♡
You dreamt of a man such as Rook for as long as you could remember.
A man of silk-like locks of hair, a man of strength, integrity, and passion. A man of romance that valued the beauty of art just as you did. He was all that you wished for and even more. Even the poetic fairy tales that were read to you as a child could never compare to the elegance Rook presented himself with. He treated you with only gentleness entwined in lyrical expressions with every interaction you had with the man. Each word from his soft lips bewitched you like a trap set to lure in prey, with that prey being your heart. Nevermind a gastly prince; the Pomefiore third year was an enigma full of unexpectedness. His sweetness drew you in, and you were held captive by his charming disposition since the day you met the eccentric hunter. 
Every moment, hour, and second of your day was filled with daydreaming thoughts of the huntsman. He plagued your mind like a broken record that refused to change its song. Each time you stepped out of Ramshackle and into Night Raven’s campus, you looked out for the iconic feather of his hat searching for the said man. Each time you visited Epel at Pomefiore’s dorm, you longed to magically bump into Rook—in hopes of striking a conversation with him. He was someone you wished to be with. A star in the night sky you hoped to reach for. 
You loved him.
So when the golden young man had called you to an open field surrounded by the luminous light of many fireflies, your chest had risen and fallen in an uneven rhythm, nervousness coursing through your love-struck body. Anticipation was evident in the way you shuffled your feet under the alluring manner of his glances. You looked up to face him—face burning up at the hunter’s mere presence—as the lustrous gleaming of the critters around you illuminated onto you and Rook like tiny specs of magic in the night. You peered at the enchanting view in front of you in wonder.
His eyes were green like fireflies. 
“I am so incredibly besotted by your very existence,” Rook began as he pulled you out of your moment of astonishment. “You are a light brighter than the stars themselves. A cluster of glimmer I wish to keep for myself. And I stand here before you in complete adulation.” The young man then proceeded to gradually step closer to your form, narrowing the distance between your chests. Extending his hand out to hold yours, Rook delicately spoke in an affectionate tone. “Je t'aime, mon amour. I love you most indefinitely.” 
You stood in your place among the shimmering lights of the fireflies, aghast at the words Rook had just spoken. The man you adored so earnestly from afar had just admitted his feelings for you. It was like a fantasy you couldn’t even imagine. Maintaining an eager gaze, you softly muttered in bewilderment, “This can’t be real… It feels too good to be real. Tell me this is all a dream before I start believing.”
“Then believe if that is what your heart calls for, mon trésor,” Rook said in a hushed voice that matched your own, inching closer to your ear with each syllable of his sentence. “Every waking moment with you is like a dream turned into reality.”
Your face flushed at the way his breath tickled the side of your neck and smiled. “I love you as well, Rook.”
And with everything said and done, the two of you cradled one another in each of your arms as the lightning bugs continued to angelically shine above the crowns of your heads in an iridescent ambiance. Orion shone in the night sky along with the many other constellations, appearing to be staring down at you and his fellow hunter in awe. Even the moon seemed to be entirely enthralled by the two of you as it adored you in its place high in the stratosphere. 
An irresistible sight for sore eyes.
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a/n: i’m imagining rook as the firefly from the princess and the frog, and idk whether to laugh or cry like- mA BELLE~~~ EVANGELINEEEEEE
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coffeeghoulie · 1 year
Mushy May Day 4: First Kiss
Day four of @forlorn-crows Mushy May prompts, thank you again for putting this together!
Pairing: Mountain/Dew
Words: 766
Rating: Gen
Contains: Dew being impulsive, and Mountain’s love language being gift-giving
“I’ve got something for you, firefly,” Mountain says, leaning down to whisper in Dew’s ear as they cross paths in the hallway. “Meet me in my greenhouse after dinner?”
Dew lights up. Mountain is always hesitant to invite the others into his greenhouse, but when he does, normally it’s to show them what new strains he’s been growing, and Dew’s always been an eager guinea pig. “Sure thing, big guy. I did get stuck on dishes, so it might be a minute.”
Mountain smiles at him, readjusting the tie holding his auburn hair out of his face. It’s long enough to brush over his shoulders, and he keeps it half up, half down. “There’s no rush, Dew. It’s not time sensitive.”
After dinner, Dew rushes through his chores without even a grimace. He can’t stop smiling, bouncing on the balls of his feet. 
Dew loves being in the greenhouse. It’s a small building, filled to the brim with shelves and tables and raised beds of every kind of plant Dew could imagine. The space is lit with various candles and small lanterns hanging from the rafters in between numerous hanging baskets.  In the far back corner is a daybed and a table and chairs. Mountain spends most of his time here, practically lives in his own garden. His bedroom often goes unused for weeks, spending his nights between here and his packmates’ rooms. 
The air is warm and humid, and Dew feels his body relax as he shuts the door behind him. He takes a deep breath through his nose, and it smells green. “Mount? You home?”
“Yeah, I’m in here, Dewey,” the ghoul in question says, getting up from behind a rosebush in the middle of the room. “You got dishes done quick tonight, even for you.”
Dew tries to act nonchalant, moving his long, blond hair over one shoulder. “You know how it is, I’m not one to pass up an opportunity to spend some time with you.”
“How sweet, firefly,” Mountain chuckles, pushing a stray strand of hair out of his face, leaving a smudge of dirt across a freckled cheek. “But I don’t have any new weed for you to try tonight.”
“Then what’s up?” Dew presses, trying to keep the slight disappointment out of his tone. 
“A couple months ago, some siblings traded me some new seed packets for some medicinal herbs. And recreational, let’s be honest,” Mountain says, scuffing his bare paw on the packed dirt floor. “I got them to grow. I didn’t want to show you until I got it to flower.”
He walks over to one of the shelves above his bed, and pulls down a terracotta pot filled with red and orange cone shaped flowers. “These are snapdragons. They, well, they remind me of you. These are yours, for your room.”
Dew’s eyes flick back and forth between the flowers being pressed into his hands and Mountain’s earnest expression. He runs a finger against a delicate petal. “Thank you, Mounty. I’m serious. These are beautiful.”
“You’re welcome, firefly,” Mountain says, his smile dimpling his cheek. He scratches the back of his neck, a dusky flush spreading across his face.
Dew’s an impulsive ghoul. Acting on those impulses, a lot of the time, gets him in trouble. But that doesn’t stop him. 
It doesn’t stop him from standing up on his tiptoes, leaning over the snapdragons and pressing a kiss to Mountain’s lips. He tastes of sweetmint and sage, and his eyes widen, bright green, a perfect match to the plant life all around them. 
Dew pulls away, his own eyes widening as he seems to realize what he’s done, face burning. “Shit, Mount, I’m sorry, I didn’t ask before I, I, I should just go.”
He turns to hurry out of the greenhouse, to hide in his own room, but Mountain reaches out and grabs Dew’s wrist.
“Don’t go, droplet,” he says, pulling Dew so he’s facing him, and he bends down and his lips are on his again. Dew melts into it, eyes flickering closed, nearly dropping the precious flowers Mountain grew for him. 
Mountain takes the pot from his hands and sets it on a nearby table without breaking the kiss, pushing aside a few papers to clear a spot. With his hands free, Dew reaches up and cups Mountain’s face. Eventually, Mountain pulls away to suck in a desperate breath. 
Dew grins up at him, shoving him back towards his bed. This is so much better than trying a promising strain of weed. Dew flashes his fangs at Mountain and kisses him again.
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www-songbird · 9 months
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hello! my name is fawn (she/they/he) — i’m a teenage writer who enjoys various pieces of media such as: genshin impact, honkai: star rail, pokémon and voltron: legendary defender. <3
november 28, 1st decan sagittarius.
trypophobia (small holes), claustrophobia (tight spaces), nyctophobia (darkness).
genshin + hsr + crk player.
send an ask or a private message for my discord and selfship blog!
@www-hulya (writing blog) | @www-radiata (spam rb blog) | @imbibitorluneus (oc blog)
married to @ghostedfw !!
i love interactions! *I FIRMLY BELIEVE IN reblogs > likes.*
genshin impact — asia (56), na (45), eu (26).
favorites: xiao ♡, tighnari ♡, furina, navia, nilou, chiori ♡, ganyu, arlecchino, wriothesley, albedo, lyney, lynette, freminet, sigewinne, clorinde, zhongli.
main(s): chiori + hu tao (asia) | wanderer + ayaka (na) | charlotte (eu).
saving for: Clorinde.
honkai: star rail — asia (tl58).
UID: 801447568
favorites: DAN HENG ♡, BLADE ♡, acheron ♡, robin ♡, herta, himeko, jingliu ♡︎ clara, black swan, sparkle, jing yuan ♡︎, ruan mei, kafka ♡︎, dr. ratio, aventurine, firefly ♡︎.
main(s): jingliu.
saving for: firefly.
cookie run: kingdom — hollyberry (level 44).
favorites: white lily cookie ♡, caramel choux cookie, snapdragon cookie, hollyberry cookie, frost queen cookie ♡︎, elder faerie cookie ♡︎, stormbringer cookie ♡︎, fettuccine cookie, fettuccine cookie.
main(s): white lily cookie + frost queen cookie.
saving for: no cookie in particular.
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dont--letmebegone · 2 years
for the question one;
3: idr what this one is I'm sorry 😔
16: favorite movie?
and 20: height?
3. how many tattoos do you have and what are they? …..okay well i have so many that idk the count but here i go imma try and list them all (u didn’t know what u signed up for so buckle up): astronaut helmet with words ‘space cadet’, firefly, the word ‘sanctuary’ in my handwriting, a sun and moon line piece, magnolia flowers w/ LVI, lily of the valley, wildflower bouquet, snapdragon bloom, the words: “goner”, “truce”, “fear will lose”, “awake my soul”, “those who have suffered find where love hides”, “don’t paint me black when i used to be golden”, a coffin with the words “try to call for my bones”, a ufo with the words “leave the city”, a jar with space flowers, a snow white nesting doll, a gnome, a magpie, a crystal ball with crystals, the skeleton clique symbol, three red birds, the moana stone symbol, a mickey mouse mandala, a fox sleeping in flowers, a raccoon reading, a snake wrapped around a dagger, a sun and moon with stars, pinky promise with the words “holding on to you”, a violet, a flower with a mandala, HOLY SHIT I HAVENT EVEN - okay we’re still going - a butterbee, a butterfly, a skeleton moth, a cicada, a space dragonfly, a ladybug, some soot sprites, a pet portait of my first dog, a crescent moon, a rose with 8123, a hummingbird anddddd…. some forget me nots - okay you asked the question and i took on the challenge so uhhh…sorry?
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ironpaladont · 1 year
4, 22, 31 for the 3 things asks 💕
4. 3 topics you'd love to learn more about
Any language tbh.. I can read french but I am horrid at speaking or writing in it. I'd also like to work on my spanish and japanese.
Sewing! I just started trying to sew and its so hard. I wanna learn all the cool fancy techniques people can do and I wanna make cool custom plushies.
Writing. I can write but not at the level I wish I could. There's so many techniques and things I could learn and apply to my writing. Someday I will write and post ffxiv fanfics but that day is not today.
22. 3 movies/books/tv shows that made you cry
ok fine i wont list video games for this lol
Clannad, Grave of the Fireflies, A Thousand Splendid Suns
31. 3 types of flowers you love the most
Snapdragons, Sunflowers, Lilies
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ecceterica · 7 months
House in space, green. courage the cowardly dog energy. Retrofurism. Feeling warmth in back right of throat, interlinks between deep childhood thought and current mood. Fields, moist, vivid, butterbread, betty sink blue plaid, silver tv. Barbie desktop game. Allision purple sparkles. Misty fields, dew, trampolines, pale yellow blankie, soft pale pink cursive lettering. Gameboy. Purple sparkle, hamtaro game, blisters. Gravel for cheerleading, shaky knees, lip gloss, butterfly blue, praying mantis, ceiling stars, chlorine,sunburnt cheeks. Perfume in a tiny coconut. Hot baths. The christmas village, the feeling of cotton snow, britney spears perfume. Wax hands. Eevee. Days at ellens drawing on ms paint. Summer time family reunions. The saltville gym floor. Feather boas. Abbys house roleplaying. White off the shoulder tops. Soffees and rainbows
Constellations in the blue room. Eris. Dinosaurs at pams shop. Snapdragon fights and stapler remover dragons. Cold air by the koi pond and the fog fountain at Aunt Barbs. The golden roof of the capitol building. Wsshingtonn dc botsntical garden, charging of the guard. Layer cake at rons house. Wet deck floors. Buttercups and dandelions. Ham hams. Plastic dinosaur kit from smithsonean. Mermaid. Chlorine. Fireflies. Tiki torches. The basement. Birthdays at ron and ellens garage. Band camp dew. Rocks. Rivers by tiny bridges. Fairies. Barbie swan lake. Rapunzel. Woodshop. Bridge builder in the computer room. Halea engineering game. Back scratches from ellen. Tinas house. Silver bouncy ball. Carpet. Aunt debs lake house. Major payne. Sammy. Gravel. Lucy. Aliens. Ufo saucer toy. Gatlinburg stones. The aquarium. Pigeon forge with ellen. Discovering marilyn monroe. Wizard of oz. Neopets. Webkinz. Abbys bedroom. Haleas room on college. Omegle. Space stories in english. Miss hatfields room. Jello covered grapes. Wiccan summers. White filigree crop tops. Amber Lusk. Tv static. The virgin suicides. Savannah Georgia. Andrea Brooks. Trialer. The exorcist. Jesus worship cards. The brown lady. Wolves in the window. Fossils from donny. Catching tadpoles. Claire's makeup box. The lassie dog. Dust. Octoball. Tennis ik tazewell. The lake. The diary. My heights on the doorway. The log benched by the ditch. Making potions. Ron and ellens intercom. Ellen at the nail salon. Suicune and blue sparkles. Misty Heard. The freezer. Trips to DC. Hot tea. Green sweter. Plaid vans. Sand in a bottle. Field days. Pokemon shadows on game cube. Tyler Malimasura. My first bike. Crayons in dads truck. Fishing at the dam. Grundy trailers. A basset by the river. Pokemon pearl. Bridge to terabithiam. Magic dragon book, barnes and noble. The blue girl game system where yoi were a teenage highshool student. The princess diaries. Blue jeans and flip flops. Stevens farm. Old farm buildings. Straight bangs. Headbands. Bilbao. Red lipstick. Pearls. Iqras basement. Getting henna. CoD with Destiny. Halo Reach and Skyrim. Carpet burn. Watcging the grinch in summer. Ron haunting the back patio. Burkes Garden. Underground church. The locker room. Bobby pins and donuts. The band bus. Wet rainsuits. Electric tape and a teal flag. Muddy feet. Justins football gsmes. The pool with wet feet and nachos. Sunburn. Praying to aphrodite. Church with betty. Meg and Robbie. The smell of a river. Nick Poe in the creek. Nate singing to me. The eclipse. Amanda Misak. Heartache. The scratch of a blade. Sneaking in cigarettes and throwing them out the bug. Twilight. Motocrosses. Floating in the sea. Black and white. Wolfman. Daybreakers. The ipod. The idog. Church with Ellen. Mints. Olive Garden chocolates. The cruise. Bobcats by the playground. Muddy feet and lookout towers. Puddles in the back alley. San Juan de Luz. The first time in basque mountains. Sleeping in the sun. Avril Lavignes best damn tour. Light tag at the highschool. Williamsburg sunburn. The carpet of mrs stacys room. Jail calls in the summer. Rehab in tazewell. Watching him find a beat again. Crystal growing and swarovski butterflies. Hot chocolate and deep fried oreos. Band comps.
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gardensofprose · 7 months
Outside the Window
This is my first time writing creatively since elementary school. My goal is to write a little bit each day and develop as I go. As a creative perfectionist, I love to create beautiful ideas but never fully allow myself to follow through and my goal with this writing is to just put out something, anything. I will not allow myself to critique to the point where I become paralyzed moving forward and just delete it all. I enjoy daydreaming and I enjoy writing my daydreams down. That's all. :) Here's my first story intro...
It takes a brave soul to look out the window and into the dark. Terra knows this and knows she has always been the kind of girl that needs to see things for herself. Her grandmother would say it has lead her to seeing too many things. Things like the Stelerak, but Terra would never tell her grandmother about that encounter.
The moon is at her peak in the sky but only showing a sliver of her face tonight. The shadows love to dance on nights like this. Terra climbs out from under the warmth and safety of her covers and crosses the cold, wooden floors to the other side of the single-room cottage. Each wall holds it's own window. "Tonight", Terra thought. Tonight it would be safe to just glimpse a peak. The Snapdragons she planted three months prior finally bloomed and the faint buzzing of the fireflies let her know there must not be any danger too close to the surrounding woods. She walks up to the window, with her eyes gently shut. She takes a deep breath in, holds for three seconds and when she lets out her breath, she opens her eyes...
Terra still remembers living in a time when the clocks moved. Before she was sent to this other side where all things dreamt travel to. After her crossing, it was a magical place. She could fly, she talked to cats, the friends she made had pointy ears and the smell of fresh baked apple croissants wafted through the windows. However, that was many months ago. She knew her world on the other side had been experiencing the beginning of what theorists were calling "The End" but nobody ever seemed too worried so she didn't pay it much mind. With the things being sent through the windows lately, she guessed many peoples reoccurring dreams had become permanent nightmares'. For many months, Terra took it upon herself to welcome magic into her new lands by looking through the windows. She quickly learned that eyes are the key to unlock the passage that sends dreams through the cabin windows and into her world. Every night she would shuffle between the 4 windows, choosing the one she felt most called to.
One particular night, she learned that there are no limits to what can be sent though the window. Dreams pass as energy then materialize only somewhere in this other side. Terra had to learn the hard way that just because she doesn't see something pass through doesn't mean nothing came to pass. This was the same lesson that taught her there is no dream too big. The next morning she awoke to an erupting volcano and had to flee until the cottage could be righted. After this, she told herself to avoid any and all natural disasters she would keep the gates closed and only look through the windows in an emergency. However, tonight her pressing curiosity felt urgent.
… When she opened her eyes, she inhaled a sharp breath as a gust of wind knocked her onto her back. Standing over her was a tall figure shaped like a man. She had never seen a person pass through. She only knew how she got here and the people who called themselves fae who were already here when she arrived. This man looked different. The fae she knew had light features but this man radiated eternal dark. His shadows seemed to hover behind him like personal bodyguards. He leaned down, reaching out a hand and in a soft yet raspy voice said, "It's coming, we have to run."
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libidomechanica · 2 years
But denied
But denied, “insult but suspects grey of measured the best wakes the inter by thine, and never we want of the tender-ship, and let a sing   could be the might feel said Ida story of Aurora had a husband doesnt hard to wait that which kind, with honours, property, and fail, shunned with one make out for evil; rejoice influence and stiff an arithmetic needs let the treat?
And cheek and ever, you made by bare,   or (as was a Friar,   the times religious   upon earth, euer shadow warm in slumbers, beholders are up an act this pole,” and in muck beat with not to die a judgment.   Me as the worlds name, and waft a strange again, she the flowers over; me no one studde, has been a mouse,   or its mellowing rose, and some quince, with eager nose:   a sudden with a Muezzin undering also are mixd with each eyes o sweet Adeline alone. Or howeer   kindless and weep my oblation,   at fifty love for the gifts its must to lightly hard upon my sire, wave of ice, and wings) and all Cupids dark and potion, and the irregulated but whether sland when the echoes dreams with fireflies.
“Love is no blood bound, on like mine, those never people quick, an” its a fascination;   at which grew still thy Impressing   all out! If you snapdragon, sent clambent makes the limity!   How many thigh and there weight a served the spied into warble, cursing son of life, drains and give? I stay say he must four when plain women, a melon paring—which he hall was just ensure; and veil, thou, being monk is will sighed soul,   had been began:    And can high woods with her self-communion never of court, I
  and gowan lurking in that hearts,—the breeze in your laws brough shall join thy lawns favour! love not keep throat and left me no further senses us though the written away.
The kiss which Baba vanisht with her repose:   a monument will cheer, a name, then he blade.
“The might of thoughts were   a sponge disowned, too much; for a clouds deignd; but what his lately reader. There, would refused all the display, how bragly it be.”
0 notes
dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
(Hope this sends, my stuff has been getting eaten a lot lately.)
Tubbo’s first warning to his brothers is always the same. Don’t let the past devour you. 
Tommy knows their bodies aren’t immortal even when their lifespans give Gods and Dragons a run for their money. Their souls though? Tommy has always been War the same way that Tubbo has always been Death. That’s something tied their very existence in a way no creature he’s ever met could sever. Some have tried.
While it isn’t a given or a promise, sometimes memories of older version of himself visit him in his darker moments. He can remember people challenging former Wars in hopes of becoming the new War. They hardly made it moments before they inevitably found their place in Tubbo’s arms. Tommy was War. Always War, but not always Tommy, and there was a comfort in that. He was permanent and yet impermanent. He still felt like and knew that those older Wars were him. Sometimes grasping at their memories and watching them play out in a first person vein. Yet, he also knew he was more and something special. 
A little fragment of humanity. That was the part of him that was Tommy the same way Pestilence had a fragment of Ranboo and Famine had a fragment of Purpled. Tubbo was less a fragment. Tubbo always remembered the most, but almost seemed to be the least Horseman of them all.
A wisdom came with being Death. An understanding that allowed him to gracefully walk the line between Immortal and Mortal in a way that the other three were still too young to understand. Changing, but changing at his own whims. Pulling on the aspects of older Deaths like facades and masks while always somehow being Tubbo underneath them in a way that Tommy surely hadn’t mastered. One day he wanted to, if only so Tubbo didn’t seem so alone.
With that wisdom came a knowledge. Don’t let the past consume you.
It was such a simple warning but it had led to a terrifying experience when they were younger. It was Purpled who first realized what it meant. When they were children, still without understanding of themselves but too much understanding of the world, they traveled together. They were only around eight when Purpled saw farmers burning their own crops. Oranges, Tommy remembered. Just because there was  an excess that would drive the price down. Purpled could feel the gnawing hunger of those nearby with too little while these farms burned what they had that was too much. Just to maintain a price.
Purpled was the first one to ever be “lost” to one of his Older Selves as Tubbo had described it. Purpled’s eyes had glazed over and he’d ruined the soil. Left it barren and unable to produce for years there after. Gave them true Famine. The scary part was how Tubbo had called him a different name. It was Purpled, but it wasn’t Purpled. This was someone who Purpled had been and to a degree still was.
Sleeping, that’s how Tubbo had described their older selves and their older memories. Once upon a time Tubbo’s older selves were allowed to sleep. But there had been a tipping point because there was always a tipping point. Tubbo was whole in a way the others weren’t, and Tommy pitied him for it considering the way Purpled’s expression had twisted up in disgust and grief the moment he was back to normal. Dry heaving and whimpering as Ranboo rubbed small circles on his back and whispered words of encouragement to the second oldest.
Tommy had caused Tubbo wondering aloud, probably to a spirit or ghoul, if any of his siblings were close to tipping over to that point of Wholeness. Tubbo had said it with such a grief and understanding, as though there was something else he wasn’t saying. Tommy hoped he never became Whole. He could deal with older Wars being wildly different than him. He could handle being the only peaceful War of the lot. He could swallow down his fears and eventually go to sleep with Ranboo and Purpled while Tubbo continued to follow their future selves, all the while grieving for the people they’d once been and he’d probably never again get to meet. Tommy could deal with that. He just didn’t want to understand why Tubbo said the word Wholeness with such a bitter and mournful tone. 
Tommy didn’t want to be devoured either. He was a rarity, according to Death. So were Ranboo and Purpled apparently. Horsemen who rejected their mounts and walked if only to spare those around them the ache and the hurt of their thunderous trot. Tommy feared the fact he could so easily be devoured by the older Wars. That he was a part of a minority. That there would come a day where the fragment of War that was called Tommy wasn’t the one in control.
He never even realized how easy it was to hit that point until Doomsday where he stood and watched a slaughter. Not a war but a slaughter, and a choir of emotions surged up in his chest. They weren’t voices. Each humming feeling couldn’t be a voice because it was him who ringed with anger and it was him who hummed out grief. The funeral dirge inside his chest is what finally made it all piece itself together. It was what made the youngest horseman realize the plights of the oldest, as each and every older War fell into step and line not with War itself but into a general consensus with Tommy. 
Doomsday was a slaughter. An insult to every war that had ever been. Even with their bloodthirstiness, he realized they had still been Tommys. Doomsday was a slaughter. An insult against War’s honor. A bastardization of him created by mortals to ease their hearts when they realized they’d done wrong. That was fine. If those who brought Slaughter called for War, then Tommy, not War but Tommy who was War the same way that Tubbo was Death, would bring them a real one. 
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Pet names to use instead of "Darling,"
Got tired of always using either "kitten" or "darling" so I came up with some more and decided to share ♡
Good lookin'
Eye candy
North Star
Fruit cake
Jelly bean
Cherry Blossom
Sweet Cheeks
Dream Boat
Bumble bee
Lady Bug
Angel Cakes
Pretty Boy/Girl/One
Angel Face
Mocking Jay
Golden Boy/Girl
Solar Flare
Cutie Pie
Lamb Chop
Hot Stuff
Baby Doll
Pudding Pop
Cinnamon bun
Sweetie Pie
Pussy Cat
Gum Drop
Bear Cub
Teddy Bear
White Knight
Dew Drop
Cuddle bug
Sweet pea
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mismaeve · 2 years
→ Day 6 of February Writing Event 2022
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↳ Lillies of the Valley, Thranduil x Fem!Elf Reader, fluff + spicy-ish, a drabble February Writing Event → over the top romantic gestures Word count: 1.6k Tagging my beloved @tharan-duil Gif by @magical-warlock, divider by @firefly-graphics
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Y/N had heard many a talk and many a rumor of the king’s generosity, yet nothing could have ever prepared her for what their newly begun courtship would entail. At the same time, Y/N couldn’t truly grasp why she found herself being surprised by his romantic gestures. Thranduil excelled at everything he did, therefore it would only make perfect sense that he would also excel at wooing her. If anyone in all of Arda and beyond was capable of grand gestures, it was the king of Mirkwood himself.
From the very conception of their courtship, Thranduil had begun showering his love interest with the most exquisite of gifts and gestures.
“You’ve told me of your fondness for lilies of the valley,” he had started innocently enough with a simple inquiry of her favorite flowers. “Are there any other flowers which you fancy dearly?” Thranduil had asked matter-of-factly while the two of them had taken an afternoon stroll in the gardens of Mirkwood.
“While lilies of the valley are the ones most precious to my heart, I also love bluebells, snowdrops, snapdragons and orchids,” Y/N had replied after having a moment’s pause to think and recall her favorite blooms. Thranduil had only hummed at her mentions of the different flowers she adored and cherished, not giving away his intentions for asking.
That had been their last walk through the gardens, for the very next day Thranduil had informed Y/N that the gardens were, as of that day, completely off limits due to a rather unfortunate infestation of venomous snakes. He apologized deeply for the inconvenience it would cause her, alas he had deemed the situation unsafe for someone as important as Y/N. As odd as it had seemed at the time, she hadn’t questioned his decision and therefore had kept herself indoors until any further notice provided by her king.
Weeks had gone by before Thranduil had extended her the invitation for a stroll in the gardens. Pleased to hear that the gardens were once more safe, Y/N had eagerly accepted his invitation to go for an afternoon walk. Upon their arrival to the gardens, she could immediately tell that something was different. There were seas of lilies of the valley surrounding the curving stone pathway for as far as the eye could see. Among the sea of white, delicate blooms, she noticed patches of blue where the gardeners had planted bluebells beyond count. The further they went, the more of her favorite flowers she noticed. Tall and colorful snapdragons had been placed in circular patches surrounded and tucked in by rows of snowdrops at their base. The air around them was filled with the sweet scent of lilies of the valley, making her feel almost light-headed. Y/N’s steps had slowed until they had come to a complete halt as she turned to look at the king.
“You’ve planted all of my favorite flowers,” she had meant it as a question, but it had come out as a mesmerized statement instead. Thranduil had smiled at her reaction, his hand that wasn’t holding hers, going to rest upon her delicate cheek.
“Am I to understand that you are pleased, my sweet one?” he hummed his question as his fingers traced her cheek with a feather-light touch.
“I can assure you, my king, there are no words fit to describe the joy I am feeling,” she confessed shyly, overwhelmed by his thoughtful and sweet beyond measure gesture. Had he mentioned earlier that he wished to incorporate her favorite blooms into his already immaculate gardens, she would have expected maybe a patch or two, a few flowerbeds at the very most, dedicated to her favorite blooms but not an entire garden for as far as the eye could see.
It hadn’t stopped there, however. As their courtship continued, so did the gifts. Thranduil had ordered his favorite and most skilled seamstresses to craft her gowns of true beauty and grandeur. Each morning Y/N awoke to a neatly wrapped parcel that had a note attached to it, written in his immaculate handwriting were poems and verses of old songs that spoke of love and beauty, and devotion. Each parcel contained a new gown made of the most exquisite fabrics and patterns, of carefully selected colors to compliment her complexion and the color of her eyes. Every little detail was accounted for and well thought out, nothing appeared to have been left to chance. The gowns were of a large variety as well. There were ones meant for more casual and everyday use, and gowns fit for feasts and other royal occasions which called for more elegant attire. Soon enough, Y/N was forced to admit to the king that her wardrobe could no longer accommodate his extravagance for the sheer lack of space.
“I feared it might come to this, so I have arranged for you to be moved to larger chambers,” Thranduil had descended the steps to his throne with a knowing smile.
“New chambers? My lord, I fear your gesture, as grand and thoughtful as it may be, is misplaced,” Y/N had made a feeble attempt to protest but it had been in vain, for Thranduil had only shaken his head in amusement and chuckled softly.
“Nonsense, meleth, someone of your stature and importance demands for suitable and station-appropriate rooms, wouldn’t you agree?” he had raised his eyebrow at her while his hazel-blue eyes had captured hers. Y/N had felt the warmth rise within her, flushing her cheeks and speeding up her breathing. Could she have really expected anything less from a king who merely ached to share his riches and splendor with the one he fancied above all else? Y/N had recalled all that he had bestowed upon her, jewels and marvelous gems made into exquisite rings and necklaces. Countless intimate suppers surrounded by dozens of candles and a musician of Thranduil’s choice to play all her favorite songs while they dined. Dozens of late evenings where they would drink the richest and oldest of wines while reciting their favorite verses from poems of old. The white mare that he had bought from the best horse-masters of Rohan to be her loyal companion and friend. It was almost impossible to list all that the king had gifted her with for his generosity knew no bounds.
“You are generous beyond any measure, my lord,” Y/N had moved to bow her head and offer the king a curtsy, yet before she could, his fingers had grasped her chin gently, nudging her to lift her head and face him instead.
“There is no need for such tedious formalities,” he murmured as his fingers went to clasp the side of her face. The tedious formalities, as he had called them, had always been the appropriate protocol for everyone living under his rule, and yet when Y/N looked into his eyes, they told her of his need to have an equal, a partner who would see him beyond his royal stature. His eyes expressed his aching need to have someone he could be passionate with, someone who wouldn’t waste their time on something as trivial as a curtsy. Someone to love and cherish.
“May I?” the question left her lips in a whisper as she raised her hand between them, indicating her intention of touching him. Thranduil closed his eyes and gave a subtle nod while his fingers ventured into her hair until they found the nape of her neck and settled there. Y/N’s hand went to carefully remove his flowery crown, taking care not to drop it by accident, she lifted it off his head and allowed her hand to drop to her side, her fingers holding onto the intricate symbol of his position as king. Thranduil’s eyes had opened upon feeling the removal of his crown and were now watching Y/N with curiosity. She placed her free hand on his cheek as she felt him place his on the small of her back. Slowly, she was leaning in, her eyes leaving his to glance briefly at his inviting lips before she found his gaze again. Thranduil slowly turned them both around and took a couple of steps down the stairs which led to his throne, leaving them now at equal heights.
“No more formalities?” she breathed out quietly, their faces only mere inches apart, allowing her to feel the scent of him. He smelled of the forest and the moss and the trees that grew there, he smelled of the fresh and invigorating spring air, of flowers in bloom that filled the gardens he had made for her.
“No more formalities,” his reply was a whisper that lingered in their shared air, letting her know that she could do as she pleased. They leaned into one another almost simultaneously, their lips meeting at long last after weeks and even months of courtship. Their kiss was slow and sweet at first, almost as if testing where their boundaries lay and how much they were willing to explore before it consumed them. But when Y/N parted her lips to welcome him further, he pulled her close and responded with a fierce need to be even closer still. He took the upper hand almost instantly as his tongue invaded her mouth and laced with hers in a seductive dance that made Y/N feel weak in her knees and her heart skip a solid beat. She tangled her fingers into his long hair as their kiss grew deeper and more passionate, exploding in their mutual desire for one another.
As such ended her courtship with the king of Mirkwood. There was no longer any need for him to try and woo Y/N for her love was already his. In the end, despite his grand gestures and extravagant gifts, she had been the one to bestow the greatest of gifts upon him. She had given Thranduil all of herself, every inch of her body and soul she had given him thus ending their courtship in his royal chambers where they had become equals, tying themselves to each other in the most sacred of ways.
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pandoa · 2 years
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~Flower Prompts~
→ → you may choose up to two prompts for each request!!
Sunflowers ~ “my heart is yours, just as the world is the sun’s”
Tulips ~ “so what if i’m in love with you?! is that so wrong?”
Peonies ~ “would it be too much…to ask for you to stay?”
White Carnations ~ “i like you! is there really a need for anything else?”
Chrysanthemums ~ “hey, it’s okay…you can trust me”
Daffodils ~ “please…just hold me”
Daisies ~ “it’s our little secret, alright?”
Hyacinths ~ “i bet you can’t do it” “well, i bet i can” “no way—it’s impossible” “fine, i’ll kiss you if you’re wrong” “hey—wait, i wasn’t ready yet!”
Irises ~ “please do not hide away…i mean no harm”
Lilacs ~ “you are my first. allow me to be your only”
Lilies ~ “beauty shines its best when worn with your confidence”
Red roses ~ “i’m afraid your existence in my life has tremendously done wonders to my racing heart. i may have to ask for yours in return”
Anemones ~ “just take my hand. don’t you dare second guess yourself”
Narcissus ~ “forgive me for being envious, but i must be selfish for just this once” 
Cherry blossoms ~ “your imperfections are what make you simply irresistible”
Asters ~ “i am willing to wait. i will remain by your side, loyal only to you”
Bluebells ~ “be careful with your words. i might mistake your kindness for something more meaningful”
Yellow pansies ~ “they love me, they love me not. they love me, they love me n—” “what are you doing?” “GAH!”
Gardenias ~ “shhhh! they must not know you are here”
Violets ~ “if only this dream would never end”
Plumerias ~ “run away with me”
Sweet peas ~ “come here…lay with me. you need to rest, dear”
Freesias ~ “you’re an idiot” “no, i’m not” “i hate you” “love you too”
Zinnias ~ “i miss you” “you just saw me, silly” “and? i wanna see you again so come back~”
Hydrangeas ~ “i would do anything if it was for you”
Snapdragons ~ “this can’t be real…it feels too good to be real. tell me this is all a dream before i start believing”
Baby’s breath ~ “promise me it’ll be forever”
Forget-me-nots ~ “even when your body turns old, gray, and worn, i will be yours for eternity”
Gerbera daisies ~ “come back and let me hug you~"
Primroses ~ “i loaf you very much” “oh my god” “you’re a berry kind person” “no, stop” “there’s so mushroom in my heart for you” “ENOUGH WITH THE PUNS—“
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→ → you may choose any of these themes for your request or create your very own~
♥ enchanted forest ♥ ballroom waltz  ♥ starlit skies ♥ by the sea ♥ rooftop view ♥ by the gardens ♥ castle grounds ♥ comfort of home ♥ field of fireflies ♥ the balcony  ♥ in the rain ♥ childhood playground  ♥ fireworks display  ♥ lively festival  ♥ sunrise or sunset  ♥ … or request your own!
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angstdragoncorp · 3 years
Welcome to the ADC!
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Welcome to the ADC! Better known as the Angst Dragon Corporation. We’re a group of friends who met through MCYT and decided to make a Tumblr together in order to promote our works. Throughout this blog you’ll find a bit about us and our fanfiction. You can find our group archive here.
Please enjoy your stay!
Our Members
Snapdragon & Firefly
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wisconsinwarlock · 2 years
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? 
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? 
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? 
Hellebore: How do you show affection? 
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
Please and thank you 💖
Thanks for asking sweetie! ☺️💕
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
I don’t really have any that I live by, other than “don’t be a dick”, but “no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted” is growing on me.
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
The Jules Verne, late of the bar at Sushi Muramoto. It was my go-to beverage for an upscale night out, until the distillery making one of the ingredients stopped production. I asked about it when I didn’t see it on the menu, and they were nice enough to give me the recipe. I managed to find two bottles of the discontinued ingredient, so I make them for myself, and very special guests, now and again. I’ve got about 30-some drinks’ worth left.
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
Look up at the night sky and pick out a star. That far. A six-hour drive is a dawdle in comparison.
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Raising my son into a better-than-merely-decent human being, though I had help on that one. For a personal achievement, generating new knowledge about how the universe works and getting a Ph.D. out of it.
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
1. I had a very lovely dinner out with my wife @sweetestdreamsofyou for my birthday.
2. A couple of days later I got to meet @sp00ky-p00ky in person for the first time.
3. A couple of weeks after that, I got to take a long weekend to spend in the company of both.
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
Not a comprehensive list, obviously, but:
1. @sweetestdreamsofyou
2. @sp00ky-p00ky
3. My son being a good person
4. Hot chocolate on a cold night
5. Music generally - playing bass guitar especially
6. My menagerie of pets (when they’re not destroying everything)
7. Having a job that allows for a comfortable life away from it
8. Traveling
9. Playing tabletop games
10. Fireflies in summer
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
With most people, big hugs, and I’ll remember those things you tell me about what’s important or meaningful or special to you. With special people, hand-holding and kisses (everywhere) and cuddles and nibbles and caresses (everywhere), and I’ll remember the details even after you’ve forgotten having told me, or even after you've forgotten that those details were special.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
For an instant-gratification physically-possible thing, for my nose to stop running and my head to clear up. For pie-in-the-sky wants - a comfortable early retirement and a teleportation machine.
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
The first time I met my high-school girlfriend was when my best friend had her along for the ride when he was dropping by to see how I was after having my wisdom teeth out. My cheeks were packed with gauze and I couldn’t keep my mouth closed enough to keep the slightly bloody drool in. I am surprised, in retrospect, that I had a high-school girlfriend at all. 😆
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