#so all my favorites missing only thea
dayurno · 2 months
the amazing showstopping life-changing beautiful lovely and talented @alcego tagged me in the writing game where you post all your first sentences from already posted fics (and also the just as amazing showstopping life changing beautiful lovely AND talented roisin, thank you!) but i don't really care much for those lately so here's the first lines of several WIPs at the moment as a compromise :)
Kevin knows he’s being watched. (with @knickknacksandallthat <3)
“Riko? Are you awake?”
In the morning when Jean is supposed to be sent to his death, he takes five minutes out of his schedule to braid Kevin’s hair. (with @jaywalkers :)<3)
Not for the first time, they are in the infirmary. 
“Coach says you don’t talk anymore,” Aaron mumbles, looking out the window awkwardly. 
Christmas dinner with the Gordons is perfect.
Some people ride the crazy train. Jeremy drives it. 
Neil knows the gray does something to people.
what this tells me is that i am bad at writing first lines HAHA :3 i am tagging um everyone who wants to do this. thank you!
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luvly-writer · 5 months
Ch. 14 A broken heart is fixed by another
Author’s note: I am so so sorry for the delay, i really took my vacations to relax and enjoy the time i had with my family and friends. I finally got to sit down and make this chapter. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Fighting and yelling
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @granstrangerphanthom @1lellykins @cangosleepnow @dreamspectrum @its-maemain @tamimemo @nightw-izhu @trasshy-artist @gabriiiiiiii
To admit that my father had shaken me up a little would tear apart a bit of my ego. I mean, all my life I have been going head to head with the man yet not once had I gone as far as I had now. I had sent a text to Tim, telling him that I would be spending Christmas Eve having dinner with my family to which he responded worriedly that if anything went wrong, the doors to the Wayne manor were always open. I finish getting ready for the dinner and call Donnie. Oh Donnie, he has been my driver ever since I was a child and constantly took me under his wing. I grab the bag that holds the presents I had bought the day I met Tim and take out Donnie’s. It was my small tradition with my family’s staff, every year on Christmas Eve, I would buy them a present as gratitude for the year of service. I had begun it when I was 13 and hadn’t stopped ever since. I see him waiting for me once I gather everything I need and open the door. He steps out of the car and opens the door for me showing me a small bouquet of my favorite flowers waiting for me next to where I usually sit.
“Oh Donnie, you are a sweetheart! Thank you so much!” I say and hug him once I stash all of my families presents in the trunk. I give him his present and smile as he gasps of joy. Long time ago, Donnie had told him that he had exchanged his silver harmonica for a watch for his wife. Unbeknownst to him, his wife had done the same thing and exchanged her locket for a case for his harmonica. In front of him sat a beautiful silver harmonica and a gorgeous golden locket, I had been able to track their missing belongings and bought and polished them for them. I feel Donnie shake as he brings me in for a hug and I don’t mention the tears that soak my coat. “Happy Christmas, Donnie, to you and Linda” I hug him tighter and smile. “happy Christmas, miss Vanderbilt!” He says smiling and we both get in the car. The ride to Vanderbilt mansion was pleasant at best. He had decided to give an update on how my family have been. Aurora and my mother had moved to the West wing ever since the debutants ball. My sister was enraged about the selling of my painting and was doing almost every she could to find a way to buy it back. My mother was doing her best to help her in that. Charlisse and my father remained in the east wing. Charisse what stayed trying to keep father company but it was no use, he has been stuck in his study the entire time and only seemed to go out for supper. Not only that, my grandmother’s plane had been delayed due to the weather conditions and she was not going to be present until who knows when. That bit of news is what dulled me the most I think. It was no secret I was my grandmother’s favorite and it would have been a relief to have someone my father can’t control.
Finally, we arrive. Donnie opens my door and helps me carry my presents inside. There, Dorothy, my maid, takes them and goes to place them under the tree. “wait! Thea!” I say and she stops looking at me, waiting for my response. I take the bags and pull out three gifts. I put two in my purse and give the las one to her, “Happy Christmas, Thya!” I say with a big smile. She gives me a hearty laugh and wishes me a happy Christmas. She also tells me that I will find her present for me in my room. I smile and go on a search for my favorite butler. I find him ordering the kitchen staff around for the dinner and give him his present whilst wishing him a Happy Christmas. I give him a hug and run upstairs to drop my coat. In my bed, two beautiful presents are laid. I place the flowers in my nightstand and open them. Dorothy gave a three books, one of Monet, one of Van Gogh and another on Da Vinci; and Bartie gave me a gorgeous knitted sweater with a kite saying his wife made it for me. I hug all of my presents and decide to finally show up at the dining room, knowing my father will be impatient by now.
Before I enter the dinner, I straighten my back and wipe my dress making sure everything is perfect. Finally, Bartie opens the door and announces my arrival. Aurora comes straight away towards my and hugs me tightly. She whispers in my ear, “I miss you baby sis..and no matter what happens today, I am on your side!” She pulls away and smiles at me. Mom walks towards me next almost cautiously, last time we had spoken I had not been that welcoming towards her. I open my arms and she releases a sigh and envelopes me in her arms. “Hi, my little pearl, Merry Christmas” she says as she squeezes me tightly. “Mom! You are leaving me without air” I laugh out causing Aurora and my mother to laugh. Next is Charlisse. She squeezes me in a big hug and tries to ruffle my hair. I deflect it with a laugh and pat it down. Finally I meet my father’s gaze.
We stay staring at each other until, Mark, Aurora’s husband coughs and I look at him. He gives me a big hug and we laugh. Charlisse’s husband, Antoine, raises a glass at me and gives me a wink. I roll my eyes at him and discreetly give him the middle finger. He laughs, choking on his drink and nods in approval. They both have always been like my older brothers. Finally, we begin and sit down to eat. Like always, Dorothy, Bartie, and Donnie, with some of the other staff, sit down to eat with us in order to celebrate the festivities. We begin mindless chatter around the table as we eat. Even though it’s still a little tense between my father and I, we engage in some conversation. We finish dinner and change into the living room.
Everything was going perfect, until it wasn’t.
I was telling Charlisse about the ski trips with Tim when my father lets out a displeased grunt. We ignore him for the most part until he interrupts. “Where is Timothy by the way? Is he not supposed to be your boyfriend?” I turn to him and narrow my eyes. “Whatever you are implying father, it is far from that. You specifically told me tonight was about family and that I couldn’t bring him” I defend and he glares at me, “I am sure that would have not stopped a real gentleman, for example, Francis would have come and joined us” he said waiting for my reaction. I catch Charlisse scrunch up her nose in distaste. During the last few weeks, my sisters and I had a conference call where they asked about Mr. Morris. Aparantly my sisters had no knowledge of how much of a creepy man he was. Charlisse thought my father was just going to the extremes in order to push me towards the family business and was even entertained by me defying my father’s authority, but once she had heard everything, she was no longer amused. “Father, I don’t believe that is exactly fair for Y/n” Charlisse began but was interrupted by my father screaming, “I say what is fair in this household and Y/n has done nothing to honor our family name! She has only raked it through the mud parading with that boy toy of hers and engaging in activity unfit for a Vanderbilt!”
“I hardly think it’s something to shame her father, she was just having a little fun” tried Charlisse again and Aurora continued with “She’s young and in love, that’s all”
Our father was positively fuming. “You see what you have caused, Y/n. Your little act of rebellion has caused your sisters to step out of line and it might cause them their future titles. We wouldn’t want that, would we?” He said darkly looking at both of my sisters who shrunk under his gaze and gave me an apologetic smile.
“Don’t be unfair on the girl, William.” My mother tried to intervene when I interrupted her,
“Oh so I am a little rebel now! Is that what you are calling it?!?! Is that what you call anyone that doesn’t bend to your every will just because heaven forbid William Vanderbilt doesn’t get what he wants!?” I yell back and my father’s fury rises once again
“Enough! It’s Christmas Eve, for heaven’s sake! We are spending time as a family and these matters should be left for later!” My mother tried once again but it wasn’t enough.
“You are young, Y/n, there are many things that you don’t understand-“
“And you are old father, there are many things you have forgotten!” I responded looking at him dead in the eyes
“What is that supposed to mean?” He got closer to me, my mother was doing her best to push him back and Antoine and Mark stood up, ready for anything that was to come.
“You are selfish, arrogant, and cruel. You believe that everything should be done according to your plans yet you forget that we are our own people! We should live how we like and love who we want and be who we choose to be. You push your precious hotel agenda so far down our throats that you suffocate us! The only thing you do is push our family apart instead of bringing it together. I remember you used to tell us how much you hated your dad for forcing you to take on the company yet yOU DO THE SAME DAMN THING TO US!” I threw in his face and then snapped my hand to my mouth. My sisters gasped and my mother looked between my father and me. Everyone stood still for a moment. That wasn’t a subject we never brought up.
“Leave.” Was all my father said and it was the restraint in his body that made me run. I grabbed my purse, took a random coat from the closet and ran out of the manor. I could hear people calling out my name and yelling at my father but I paid no mind to it, I just ran. It was freezing, snow had begun falling and I was just in my short dress and heals. I knew Wayne manor was close so I just ran and ran until I got to its shiny golden gates. There I pressed the buzzer as many times as I could until I heard a posh British accent answer, “Yes?”
“H-h-hi A-a-Alfred, is T-t-Tim the-ere?” I asked, shivering.
“Goodness miss, YN, what are you doing in the snow! Master Tim! There’s an urgent matter you need to attend to, come quick!” Alfred said rapidly recognizing my voice and opened the gate. I began the long walk it takes to get to the manor and in the distance I see a body open the door. It starts to run towards me as I get closer and closer. Finally, it clears up and I recognize that shadow to be Tim.
“Fuck, angel what are you doing here at this hour and under so much snow, come on let’s get you inside” he says as he drapes another coat on me and picked me up. “I didn’t know where else to go…” I said softly and he squeezes me harder. I don’t know if it was because how much I am shaking or because of what I said.
Quickly I am taken in and brought to Tim’s room. He places me in the toilet and begins heating a bath for me.
“There you go, I’ll go get you a few things to change into later, see if Steph, Babs or Cass has something that can fit you” he says and is about to leave when i realize I don’t want to be alone right now, “Tim…”
“Yes?” He says turning back to me and looks at me, worry clouding his eyes.
“Can you stay with me?” I ask and he stiffened, suddenly I remember our situation and what I am asking of him, “never mind, sorry if I-“
“Let me get everything that you might need and I’ll be right back, okay? I’ll come back” he says softly.
The bath fills up and stops suddenly, I begin to shed the layers of coats I have until I am left only in my soaking dress. I am about to take it off when I realize the zipper is frozen and it is getting difficult for me to take it off. I struggle for a few seconds until Tim arrives again.
“I got you some pants and socks from Babs and a shirt and clean underwear from Steph. I also have many sweaters you can borrow. They are in the bed and here are some shampoos, conditioners, bath bombs, soaps and essential oils. Let me place some on the tub, Alfred said they can help you not get sick and help your body relax and recover as well. Why aren’t you our of your dress?” He rambles as he pours the liquids until he sees my struggling figure.
“It’s stuck and ruined” I say still, struggling.
“Let me help you, angel” he says softly. I turn around and feel his warm fingers on my shoulders. He ties my hair up and behind to tug the zipper down as careful as he can. Once it’s open, he turns around and lets me take the rest of my clothes off. I sink in the tub and almost moan out of relief. The warmth starting to seep into my bones.
“You can turn around, Timmy” I say laughing softly at his stiff and awkward posture, “the bubbles cover me quite well”
He turns around slowly and sits on top of the toilet. I can see his face red with embarrassment and muffle a giggle with my hand. He looks positively adorable. His eyes take in my face with soft adoration.
“What happened, angel?” He asks softly. I let out a sigh and sink completely into the bath. Thankfully the tub is big enough to still cover me completely. When I come back up, I see Tim rolling his sleeve and pouring shampoo in his hands. He pulls a stool to get sit closer to me in the bathroom and softly whispers “come here”
I get closer, changing positions and giving him my back. As he begins to wash my hair with utter care and devotion I begin to tell him everything that happened. He makes sure to listen to every single one of my woes and hums in response as he works the tangles out of my hair and massages my scalp. He rinses and gets the conditioner and I continue my rant. Somewhere along the line, I begin to cry, exhausted by both the emotions of the day and the horrible walk here. He rinses again and begins to pour soap into his hands. He whispers softly, “may I?” And I nod as he begins to massage my neck and shoulders. I finish my account and just numbly state at the wall.
“Well, you are safe now, safe and warm. We have an amazing feast going on, Alfred’s treat if you are hungry. They just started the movie marathon and soon we will be playing a bunch of board games, so there’s that. Alfred said you are lucky to have gotten here so fast cause the storm got stronger and we are most probably snowed in, which you don’t have to worry about because we have a lot of guest bedrooms. You are alright okay” he speaks rinsing the soap out of his hand, “and I’ll stay here as long as you need me here.” He gives me a soft kiss on the head.
We stayed there for a while until I decided to get out finally feeling warm enough and relaxed. He hands me a towel and leads me to his room where he turns around and let’s me chance into everything. I ask him for a sweater and he searches for one and and tells me to guard it because it is his favorite as he winks. That gets a laugh out of me. Finally we head downstairs where Steph bolts and gives me a hug, “girl! Next time call Tim! Don’t walk around in the snow alone!!” She says making me smile sheepishly. Everyone speaks in agreement. The Wayne’s hold a very special place in my heart and their worry for me just secures that place even more.
“So, Tim said movies and game night, Jason, Damian, ready to get your asses beat by me again?” I ask smiling and Jason looks insulted whilst Damian scoffs half heartedly and responds, “you wish!” As the rest holler.
We spend the rest of the night watching Christmas movies and playing board games and I laugh so hard the evening I almost forget the events prior to this evening. Once we all retire, Tim starts walking me to one of the guest rooms. I hesitate before going in…I really don’t want to spend the night alone knowing that I have probably been casted as an outsider by my father and shunned from the family. It must have been visible in my face because Tim puts his hand out and says, “you can spend the night in my room, I don’t mind”
I take his hand and he leads me back to his room where an extra toothbrush is set. We wash our teeth and both get under the covers, each on one side of the bed. I try to get some sleep but the shudder from the cold returns. I try to contain it as much as possible so that I don’t wake Tim. Suddenly I feel a hand get a hold of my waist and pull me towards a body.
“You’re freezing, come here” he says and i whisper a small thanks.
“It’s a surprise you are going to bed, Timmy” I say and he must have understood the implications of my statement cause he answers, “Crime usually lowers these days because of the holidays and the excessive cold so we don’t usually patrol around this time as much. Bruce might go out and sometimes one of us if we want but it is rarely the case so this is the one time a year we get to lay back and relax.” I feel him murmur into the crook of my neck. He wraps his arms around me and cuddles closer to me, “plus, I always sleep better when you are around so why would I waste a chance like that” he says and I feel my face warm up. I take one of his hands and bring it to my lips giving it a soft kiss and say, “thank you for everything, Timmy.” In return, he squeezes me harder and says, “Merry Christmas, angel”.
And we both fall asleep into a blissful slumber.
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kimchiagustd · 28 days
one week post KOA reading and not surprisingly, i am still mourning... spoilers ahead but i need to let go of all these feelings.
i miss this new family i discovered, the excitement of the next chapter or the next book, the anguish, the tears, the cliffhangers, the surprises, the couples and friendships dynamics. i miss everything about tog!
my brain is still processing aaaallllll the events of 7000 pages and a lot of things are settling when i could not process everything while still reading the books…
but to me, this saga is a masterpiece for so many reasons. as a woman, there are so many things validating in these books, i don’t even know where to begin with.
the sorority in tog is still mind blowing to me, probably my favorite part of the whole saga, that we clearly don’t talk about enough. the ending with aelin walking to meet her people with her girlfriends, marching with them as equals still gives me goosebumps. aelin and lysandra friendship (bestfriends and soulmates), aelin and ansel friendship (free young spirits), aelin and manon friendship (rivals then equal queens), aelin and yrene friendship (sisters), aelin and nesryn friendship (admiration and role models), aelin and elide friendship (bonded by fate and a love for the same kingdom) are so precious to me... i could write entire essays about them. i adore how all the female characters just fell in love with aelin, saw her vision of a better world and just followed her to the end. and then, the thirteen, do i even need te explain myself? i think a part of me will forever mourn them. the heartbreak i felt after their death is unspeakable. i never read a book with such flawed and beautiful characters. asterin (her hunter and her whichling), sorrel, vesta, imogen, ghislaine, faline, fallon, edda, briar, thea, kaya and linnea have my whole heart.
marion and josefin are branded in my very soul. their characters had so few pages but gods, how their sacrifice still resonate in me...
then the different journeys of all the characters… chaol has a special place in my heart, despite everything, despite all these things being said about him. he had so many flaws, did so many mistakes, but what a journey, what a fight against depression and disability, what an end… he was so lost and tormented throughout thousands of pages, even while being passionately in love with celeana (not aelin!), and is so appeased at the end, married and soon to be a dad… i rarely felt so proud of someone, fictional character or not. i am convinced chaol is one of the best written characters of the saga.
i read a lot of mean things about aedion too and that just broke my heart because the man redefined loyalty all by himself. he lost everything he was taught to believe in, whored himself with the enemy for his people while believing he lost his entire family and kingdom, lost every men and women in koa as a general (his very essence as a person!) and still held the line for hundreds of pages like rowan told him to do so. I. JUST. DON'T. GET. WHY. he is so hated for some fights with lysandra (that i don't excused!) in a horrific context, in the middle a many battles and thousands of casualties. just reread aedion's arc during koa : the only thing he experienced for hundreds of pages is failure, death, grief, terror and guilt, believing he failed terrasen again. LEAVE. MY. MAN. ALONE. plus, aedion is a bisexual icon, and he slayed the whole books, period.
same thing with lorcan. oh my lorcan… i won’t even begin with him but gods, what awful things i read about him… i don't know why but i fell really hard for this character, despite knowing very few things about him. he was far from being perfect, we agree on that. but what a redemption arc. him being finally at peace at the end, after 500 years of wars, (self-)hatred and being used and fooled by a valg bitch queen, made me tear up as mush as sam's death (shocking, i know but i don't make the rules).
i think, surprisingly regarding our society, people were harsher with the male characters than the female ones. aelin, manon, lysandr and elide lied and did mistakes too, yet somehow, people forgave them immediately. i think we should reflect on that.
a few words about baby dorian too... i think his end was my biggest and bitter disappointment at the end of the whole saga. i can't even tell how his ending wreaked me. he is the one character not at peace at the end of this whole journey. his city is utterly ruined, he is alone in his big castle (the very place where he lost the first woman he sincerely loved and the very place where he was enslaved) with the thought he killed the man he hated his whole life but somehow wasn't the bad guy, his friends are all married or happily in love, even manon won back the witches and her lost kingdom... but dorian is lonelier than ever and that does not sit right with me. he was such a hopeful and loving young man at the beginning of the saga but is broken at the end... i NEED a sequel, he deserves one, more than anyone.
and rowan, oh rowan... i think "love" is not strong enough to define aelin and rowan relationship. the way they overcame depression together long before falling in love with each other is one of the most beautiful thing of this saga. they just saw each other. i love how rowan accepted aelin 1000000%, flaws, scars, fire and all. i love how he never overstepped. like many people, i read acotar before tog and thought no one could surpassed rhysand but how wrong i was... to me, rowan is the best for so many reasons. he never took decisions for aelin, always respected her every moves, respected her pace, never lied to her. i am emotional writing this because him saying "aelin is my heart... my fireheart"... *sob* aelin loves rowan with every bones and cells in her body but rowan's love for aelin? i don't know, there's something about it, i can't find the right words... i don't think i'll ever find an other rowan in an other book. rowan was intensity, hatred, heartbreak, depression, longing, guilt, pain, redemption, learning, harshness, softness, falling in love, crossing an ocean for the woman he loved, giving her an armada when he had nothing, tattooing wyrdkeys in her back to bring her back to him, waiting, loving, loving, loving again and again and again. rowan is suddenly the sweetest and most beautiful name i've ever heard. rowan is love and so much more. rowan is aelin's heart and soul and the key to this new world because aelin without rowan is fear and too far gone. rowan is everything. and what i am about to write seems crazy but i think because there's so much things happening in tog, so much characters loving each other, so many couples we rooted for, we took for granted rowan's love and actions and he somehow became a secondary character - crazy, right? i think we loved passionately his character (especially in hof and qos) but somehow forgot on the way how utterly incredible and unique he is. him saying in qos aelin must build a theater in terrasen after the war and then him offering it to her as a mate / wedding gift at the end of koa? i mean, our boy is a man of his word and i love him so much for it. WE TOOK ROWAN FOR GRANTED AND DID NOT GIVE HIM ENOUGH CREDIT.
anyway, i could write so many more things about so many characters and scenes that broke me in these books (my same is sam cortland and i am not afraid) but you got the idea.
tog is the best saga i've ever read and i am not the same person anymore after reading it. i'll take time to heal. but how grateful i am i have a good run with all these characters...
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campbyler · 2 months
mmm what the fuck?
how am i supposed to live like a normal functioning person after experiencing the full range of human and Inhuman emotions?
thea i love u i promise but i also want to kill u in the most cruel way possible.
i was trying to read 32k words one hour before the work and failed Miserably 😭 i only get through driving lesson part. can u believe i had to do actual work the entire day instead of reading my gay fanfiction? 💔heartbreaking misogynistic And homophobic if u ask me.
anyway. i know im going to forget something. it always happens and then im too shy to send other asks so let hope it doesn’t happen this time.
driving lesson.
don’t worry about ur manual transmission description. i’ve changed three instructors in the span of year and a half and all three of them told me different things. i didn’t notice any Big Serious issues that would be at odds with driving mechanic.
to the other news. will sucks 😭😭 not his fault Obviously. he’s naturally anxious and tbh mike didn’t give him any hints about how to feel when the car is ready to go. not mikes fault too. i bet he doesn’t even think about this little thing anymore (and cause u don’t know about them either. which is ok don’t worry about it. u probably just need to experience it ti fully understand). i was so happy when will finally manage to get the car going 😭😭 i probably called him baby too.
and then i literally passed out when i saw the mike called Him baby?? first will’s brain in denial made me questioning was it really for him or for the car. cause mike Loves that car i wouldn’t be surprised if he really call it baby from time to time. but then i remembered that we know how mike feels thanks god and i became like 85% sure that it was for will. (i also Run to check playlist right after this line. yeah i found “king of my heart” there. u make the impossible possible cause why am i listening to two of my least favorite reputation songs and genuinely enjoy them?)
i mentally add the keychains to the list of things we need to know more about. but i think it’s cute that they both not only save them but also use them almost daily. and they both choose car keys to hang the keychains on. dare i say soulmates.
*two weeks later*
also i think it’s funny they consider each other hot while driving.
and of course mike is obsessed with old expensive cars!!
are the malls in the us exactly dying? my office building is near the mall and i can guarantee u that in my country they r super alive.
ok i might be wrong but i think that the deleted scene is from bookstore part idk.
i think it’s cute that they trust each other enough to allow to choose as significant item as journals concerning that they really picky about them.
and i loved that mike blushed over a simple kiss 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(i feel like i want to catch up on everything and it’s killing me cause i write down one thing and immediately remember the other 😭)
THEY WERE SO BOYFRIENDS IN DINER!!! i don’t think i will ever recover from how cute they r and how much they actually like each other (and how single i am. as the classic said “when someone will prey on my neurodivergency….” and so on and so forth). i love that everyone can see it and im obsessed that boys don’t even want to deny it. i think a lot about the fact that mike said that they middle school sweethearts like he regrets about the missed opportunities (but also he doesn’t regret cause the thing they have now (at this exact moment. cause i still have bad feeling) is like that Because of years of semi-friendship and rivalry and unsaid confessions).
and i think even more about the fact that mike didn’t want to talk about his pretentious ivy league college. squinting so hard and taking a lot of notes (in fact writing paragraphs of analysis to my friends who has no idea what acswy).
the photobooth scene!!! omg i can’t believe u almost deleted it all??? suni is our hero! lots of hugs and kisses and thanks to them!!
i can’t believe mike talked about showing pictures to their friends in one minute and literally kissing will on them in the other. i love them they r so silly and in love and can’t get enough of each other. u can feel how close they become and that the air is thick with the newfound (and rediscovered) feelings. and they can’t live without touching and the hold hands constantly!!! all day long!!! and it’s not enough!!! and oh. i think it wasn’t the last time we saw pictures (squinting even harder).
the way max immediately cut the bullshit and asked about swearshirt. i need to know what lucas wrote to mike.
he likes him!!!
i love the difference between mikes “i know i like him but i won’t do anything about it” and wills “i need to kiss him to death right now!”
and the kiss on the backseat of mikes stupid mustang!! we were all waiting for it!
i think i reread and memorized the last part and in still shaking whenever i think about “nervous” part. mike makes will nervous!! and he makes him shake and do stupid stuff like kissing and blushing and thinking to add heart next to his name and call him his boyfriend!!! omg!!
“I’ve got you, baby” WHO WILL GET ME??? im the one who is going insane??? it’s so tender. my boys 💔💔💔
(the second time. my eyes r hurting from squinting that much. and i feel like we’ll have “el’s not stupid” kind of scene in the flashbacks)
this character hits so hard!! i’ve never doubted any of u but i can see why this one is one of ur favorite thea!
thank u so much for ur hard work. if i could draw i would to the whole ass animation of this chapter (and any other too).
love u. thank u for reading all this rambling
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mmm what the fuck is RIGHT alya bc this is how i feel every time i read one of ur lovely essay comments. bc whaqt the fuck. why do u want me to CRY ALL THE TIME. (i guess it's fair considering we are making u cry with the fic itself but still . Rude)
you are so real for trying to read 32k in one hour and also so me . rly fucked up and cruel that you would have to work (even tho u threatened to murder me)...i hope you are freed from these perils Soon. don't ever be too shy to send more asks tho every ask from you is a BLESSING and a TREAT!!! EVEN WHENTHEY ARE LACED W THREATS!!!!!!!!!!!! and also tysm for validating my manual driving lesson description bc fr every video i watched was different and i was so stressed but it's FINE. ALYA SIGNED OFF ON IT SO NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL W IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will Does suck and that's one thing we can all agree on 💗💗💗 i was going to include a bit about likee what the engine Sounds like bc i know it sounds different when you're ready to switch gears but honest tbhly the driving scene alone is like 12k and i was super losing steam by the time i thought of it so i didn't <3 he is def a baby and mike def refers to his car as baby so he is right to be confused. but it WAS for him!! we actually aren't 100% sure of mike's feelings Yet (ch08 is meant to be the precipice of a realization, not an actual one) but obviously . we do have a pretty good idea of how he does feel. teehee. also i am glad you are enjoying komh now bc wtf......how is it one of your least faves................i support you but i am also judging u a little alya .
i think keychains will be included in one of the companions :o) also OBVIOUSLY they find each other hot while driving. they're both annoying and down bad 🙄🙄
malls here are super dying!! i think the only ones that aren't are ones in Major Cities (there's two nearby me that are pretty popular, but the other ones are mostly closed, and it's definitely been a phenomenon in the us over the last few years thanks to online shopping)!! the deleted scene is actually from the driving scene, but the bookstore scene Feels shorter bc i was truly at the point where i had nothing left to give when writing it (it was the last part of ch09 to be written), so it definitely suffered from that. if we ever do Huge post-mortem edits once acswy is over, i might go back and add to it, or write a deleted-scene-type companion, but tht's the tea w the bookstore scene <3
the diner scene was SOOOO fun to write and it had me blushing frfr. i answered this in another ask but the middle school sweethearts comment was Definitely the most insane thing that i thought of for this chapter and to me it was for sure the nail in the coffin for will of like damn. ok. he's Serious abt this. bc i think with their #history that will has trouble admitting even to himself that he likes mike, and so he'd need to feel pretty certain of how mike feels first, and after processing the middle school sweethearts comment later in the car that's what made him realize like oh damn. i Do like him. SO MUCH. and we all nodded and patted his back and said yeah baby we know. but what you described mike thinking is absolutely exactly how he feels 💗 very reminiscent and wistful, even.
LOL LITERALLY THIS HAS BEEN A UNANIMOUS COMMENT ACROSS THE BOARD OF "THANK GOD FOR SUNI" (INCLUDING MYSELF). to Explain the way i was feeling about it -- i did not initially mean to have that be a Spicy make out moment! it was supposed to read more along the lines of the thrift store scene, or even the kiss after will finished driving the mustang, so very sweet and soft and Romantic. it just didn't come out that way once i was actually writing it, and so i was nervous that i was toeing the line too heavily, or tht it was out of place with the rest of the vibe i had constructed for the chapter. a combination of suni (and abby, who got early access and acted as our second beta) being adamant that it Did fit and worked well, and me being too pressed for time/not having enough energy to rewrite that saved it from the deleted scene graveyard <3 thank god fr. they are both so fucking stupid.
the entiiiiire realization scene up from will realizing he likes mike to the very end of the chapter is my favorite thing that i have ever written i think 💗 i am just so happy with the way it turned out, especially with it being at the point in the fic that it's at!! it felt rly right for will :') also mike calling him baby!!! that was such a last minute decision but i'm so glad i went for it!! the original line was "i've got you, yeah?" but baby hit So much harder so shout out to editing thea for making that change 🤸 will wants to add a heart next to mike's name in his phone SOOOO BAD!!! WHEN WILL HE GET TO!!!!!!!!!!!
your second ask SO TRUE SO REAL. TEEHEE AND MWAHA AND SO ON AND SO FORTH. also you're so right jonathan is so fucked up for stealing steve from will like that 🙄
tytyty as always for your novel length comment alya 💗 really and genuinely and truthfully the thought of getting to read ur reactions is one of the most exciting parts of uploading a chapter!! i eagerly await all of ur other reactions <3333
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Valentine's Mini Fic // Eris Vanserra
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My boy, my main Autumn Court man, it is always so much fun writing him. And of course, with all the sass and drama he comes with I had to give him one of my favorite tropes. This is one of the cutest things I have ever written and I hope you guys just drown in all of the fluff, it’s also something totally different and I hope I executed it correctly. :)
Trope: Enemies to Lovers, Fairytale
The room was warm and cozy as your two daughters ran around in their nightgowns, their hair wet from their baths while you chided them about bedtime. 
“Come now girls, it is way past your bedtime. I want you in bed and asleep in the next five minutes.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully as they started groaning in annoyance.
“But mom, we just started playing!” Thea, the eldest one, pouted.
“Yeah! We aren’t ready for bed yet, we have to finish our story!” Her sister Calidia joined in, crossing her arms. 
You glanced over the swords and maps in their hands, raising an eyebrow while smoothing out the tops of their blankets.  Bedtime was always a battle with them though you shouldn’t be surprised, their father is the same way.
So, you decided to indulge them just a bit. “And what story would that be? Is it the one about the dragons and pirates?”
Calidia shakes her head, her amber eyes sparkling in the lamplight. “No, no, not that one! We don’t have our dragon wings!”
“Ahh, how silly of me. I should’ve known.” You chuckled softly. “Well then, what is it?”
“It’s princesses and princes.” Thea grinned, two of her bottom teeth missing giving her a slight lisp. “We’re reading stories about them in school.”
“Oh is that so? Well,” You paused, grinning from ear to ear as you leaned down like you were telling a secret. “What if I told you I once knew a princess and Prince?”
“For real life?!” Calidia gasped, running over to you in an instant. “You knew a princess?”
Thea followed closely behind her sister, both of them staring at you in awe. You nodded and motioned for them to get in bed. “I did. We were very close, and if you go lay down I might just tell you the story.”
They both ran as fast as they could to their respective beds, bringing their sheets and blankets up to their chins while you stood in between them. You could tell they were practically vibrating in excitement as you began your story as all children's stories do.
“Once upon a time…”
The princess was walking through the woods, a basket in her hand as she collected various berries and plants so she could make her favorite dessert when the sound of breaking twigs caught her attention. 
It only took a few seconds before she had to scramble several feet away as a group of horses and riders broke through the trees. They were not paying attention to where they were going, only focusing on the hunt as their dogs chased after a giant stag.
Trumpets chorused as a prince appeared in the front, his red hair tied back neatly as he scanned the area. He was as handsome as princes come, with amber eyes that reminded her of honey and a face that was blessed by the stars above. If he and his men hadn’t nearly run her over, she could see herself blushing over him.
“Hey! Excuse me!” She yelled, waving her arm to catch his attention. The prince looked over, his eyes widening at the sight of her, before making his way to her quickly. 
“No one is supposed to be out in these woods.” The prince said, narrowing his eyes. “Who are you?”
“I am a princess who is visiting this kingdom. I came out here to collect some things and then I suddenly find myself almost knocked down by you all.” The princess frowned, her head held high. “Next time I suggest you watch where you are going.”
“And next time, princess, I suggest you do not wander places you don’t belong.” The prince retorted, rolling his eyes at her attitude. “You are a guest in my kingdom, I do not take orders from you.”
“Stop!” Thea shouted, holding her hand up as you turned to look at her. “Is the prince a bad prince?”
“Yeah, why is he being so mean to the princess?” Calidia asked, her eyebrows furrowed. “I thought all princes were supposed to be nice.”
You smirked and folded your hands in your lap. “Unfortunately they aren’t all nice, but don’t worry, the story isn’t over yet.”
They glanced at each other, shrugging, before turning their attention back to you as you continued.
The princess scoffed at the prince’s bad manners. First, he had almost run her over, and now he was insulting her. She took a deep breath and turned back towards the castle, not wanting to give him the time of day. However, she couldn’t resist calling over her shoulder to him for one last jab.
“By the way, the stag is far gone now. I hope you’re better at ruling than you are hunting.”
She heard him yell something but she did not stop. It was starting to grow dark and there was still dinner that she had to clean up for. Once she returned to her room and got dressed, the prince had left her mind entirely. 
Her mother came to collect her to go to the great hall, her father was already inside and drinking with the prince’s father. She could smell the delicious food from halfway down the hall, her stomach growling as they both stepped inside. The prince’s father greeted her, as well as his mother, to which she returned their kindness with a bow.
“You have such a lovely home, thank you for inviting us.” She smiled as she sat down, folding the napkin in her lap as her mother taught her. “I am famished.”
“Well our son hasn’t returned yet but we can still eat.” The prince’s mother sighed, looking towards the door as everyone started to dig in. As the princess piled her plate with the food she heard the chair next to her scrape along the marble, a flash of red flicking forward in the corner of her eye.
“Sorry I am late, I know it is rude of me.” The voice apologized and the princess gasped, her head whipping to look at the prince who had sat beside her. “I was out hunting and thanks to someone, we lost sight and smell of the stag.”
The princess tightened her grasp on her silverware. 
“Who caused you to lose it?” The prince’s mother asked, frowning. “Is it one of the new guards?”
“No one of importance. I just hope they learned their lesson.” He replied while taking a sip of his wine, glancing at the princess from the corner of his eye. 
As dinner continued the princess and the prince kept stealing glances at each other. It was tense between the two of them though their parents were too enraptured in their trades and bargains to pay them any attention. 
When the princess went to grab the last lemon cake from the golden tray in front of her, another hand went to take it as well. She turned to look at the prince, their hands barely brushing against each other before she snatched the cake quickly. 
“Didn’t your mother teach you manners, young prince?” The princess teased, taking a delicate bite and groaning at the taste. She missed the way the prince tensed at her overexaggerated reaction. 
“Funny, I was about to ask you the same.” He retorted while taking another gulp of wine. “Though I would imagine someone raised to run barefoot through the forest and dress like that is about as civilized as my hounds.”
She visibly winced at his comment, her pride stinging as if she had just been nicked with an arrow. The prince could tell he took it too far but he was not the kind of man who would apologize first. The princess scowled, her face turning red in embarrassment, before dropping the cake on her plate loudly and standing up.
“You are the most egotistical, idiotic, and ill-mannered prince I have ever met.” She shouted, everyone’s conversations coming to a halt when she threw her napkin at the prince’s face. “I shall hope to never lay eyes on you again, your grace.”
And with that she stormed out of the room, her mother chasing after her while her father gave many apologies to the prince’s parents. The prince sat there, staring at where she had just been, and felt an unusual pang of guilt in his gut.
He knew he had been less than kind to the princess, not even giving her a chance before he pushed her away, but that was the way he was. He didn’t want to get to
know anyone, he preferred to be lonely. Or so he used to think. If he truly felt that way still…why did he want to chase after her?
The next morning the prince had decided to go pay her a visit before breakfast, wanting to clear the air for the sake of their families. But when he opened her door after no reply, he found it empty of all her things. 
“Did the princess leave?” Calidia asked, hugging her stuffed fox closely to her body. “Did she run away in the night?”
“I hope she did! That prince was so mean to her, I would run away too!” Thea frowned, crossing her arms. “I would never, ever, ever marry a prince like that.”
“Yeah me either, not even if he had a hundred castles.” Calidia stuck her tongue out in disgust, the two of them giggling as you laughed along with them. “Would you, mom?”
You raised your hands and shrugged, smiling mischievously before continuing on with the story. “Let’s see what happens next.”
Many years passed after the prince and the princess had met. She had kept her promise to herself that she would never see him again, avoiding all invitations and places that he might be at. Her parents had always wondered why she had cast him aside like that but they chose not to push, feeling as if fate might bring them back together soon enough. 
It was now the eve of her twenty-third birthday and the princess was anxious. Her parents were hosting a ball in her honor, with many people attending from around the continent. She knew that her parents were wanting her to find a husband tonight, to start a courtship to strengthen their kingdom, but the princess did not want that.
She hadn’t found any prince remotely interesting so far and here recently her dreams had been haunted by a prince with red hair and amber eyes. It was like the gods were teasing her. 
After pacing around her room she decided to go out for a walk in the woods behind their castle, the warm summer air feeling nice against her skin. It was almost dark but she was not afraid, she knew these woods like the back of her hand.  She snuck out her window and climbed down to the ground, taking off into the night.
The soft moss on the ground felt nice under her toes as she went down one of her favorite paths. There was a babbling brook on her left side, a small meadow in front of her, and to her right, a man strung up in a hunting trap.
She turned sharply, eyes widening in shock, and ran over to help. He was grunting in frustration, desperately trying to reach the rope that had tied his feet when he caught sight of her.
“Oh thank the gods.” The man sighed in relief, beginning to explain what had happened until the princess stopped a few feet away. She realized it wasn’t just any man caught in the trap…it was the prince from her childhood.
“It’s you.” The princess faltered, staring into the eyes of the man who had caused her much grief. He was more rugged, with frown lines on the top of his forehead though it did not take away from how beautiful he was. She cursed the butterflies that swam in her stomach, a small part of her wondering if this was the reason she had been dreaming of him recently.
“Princess, I-” The prince began but she stood straighter and crossed her arms, turning her head away. 
“I made a promise that I would never lay my eyes upon you again, prince.” She said, glaring off into the horizon. “Maybe if you weren’t somewhere you didn’t belong you wouldn’t find yourself hanging upside down.”
“Still holding that over my head, huh?” His lips turned into a crooked smile. “I know it wasn’t the kindest thing but-”
“No, there are no buts.” She interrupted, throwing her hands up in frustration. “What are you even doing out here?”
“I’ve come for your ball, to see you.” The prince said honestly, taking her off guard. It made her heart skip a beat. They hadn’t spoken in five years, he knew she was avoiding him, and yet he still traveled all this way to see her. 
All of these new emotions were confusing her brain and the prince seemed to be enjoying how he had shocked her, even if he was still hanging upside down. The princess sighed and grabbed a small knife she kept sheathed in her shoe, cutting down the rope.
He grunted when he hit the cool forest floor with a thump, relief etched on his face as he lay there for a few minutes. The princess rolled her eyes, stuffing the knife back into its place and turning to walk away. She needed to distance herself from him.
The prince scrambled to his feet, called her name, and started to run after her when she refused to turn back. He caught her arm and pulled her a little too roughly, sending both of them tumbling backward when he lost his footing. 
She landed on top of him, their legs intertwined and their noses touching as they shared the same breaths for several moments. It was as if time had frozen, her heart thudding in her chest while his eyes briefly dropped to her lips.
“Kiss him, kiss him!” Cladia shouted, sitting up straight in anticipation while Thea was hastily shaking her head in opposition.
“No, don’t!” Thea whined. “Mom please don’t make them kiss.”
“And why not? Don’t you think the prince is romantic?” A voice from the bedroom door asked, all of you turning to look and smiling when you saw your mate leaning against it.
“Eris…” You chided, blushing when he came to sit beside you and pulled you into his lap. “You’re interrupting our story.”
“I just want to know why my daughter doesn’t think the princess and prince should kiss, Y/N.” He smirks, glancing over at his two girls. “I think the prince has been perfectly respectable this whole story.”
“Pfft, you would.” You muttered under your breath, snickering when you felt a pinch on your hip.
“No, the prince has been so mean, dad!” Thea argued, standing up on her bed with her hands on her hips. “Did you not hear what he was saying?”
“Oh, he wasn’t that bad, Thea.” Eris countered, moving you off his lap and scooping her into his arms. She squealed with laughter as he turned and grabbed Calidia as well, holding them tight as they giggled until their faces were red. “I think he was just intimidated by the princess.”
You rolled your eyes and stood, snatching Calidia and kissing her head before laying her back in bed. “Okay, okay, that’s enough. It’s time for them to go to sleep.”
Eris slowly came to a stop and followed your lead with Thea, kissing her cheek while she exclaimed, “But mom, you didn’t finish the story! What did the princess do?”
“Yeah did she kiss him?” Calidia added, her eyes wide with curiosity. 
“Well…” You gazed at your mate, tilting your head as he watched you with laughter in his eyes. “I guess we’ll have to find out tomorrow.”
The girls began to protest but you held up your hand, giving them both a serious look before walking to the door with Eris. “Uh uh, it is late. I promise to tell you the rest tomorrow, okay?”
They nodded and you and Eris blew them kisses, snuffing out the lamp before quietly shutting the door. The two of you began walking to your room, hand in hand, as the moon lit up the hallway. 
“Do I get to know if the princess kissed him?” Eris asked playfully, pulling you into his arms when you arrived at your bedroom door.
“Hmm…” You pondered out loud, glancing towards the door before back at him. “I suggest we head into the bedroom and you can find out for yourself.”
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
andie can u give us some book recs?<33
Yes!! Although normally I think recs are best given in the context of your other tastes, because I find literary preferences to be a highly-individualized thing!! So without knowing what other books you love, idk how my recs will hold up.
But I will give you some of my personal recent faves!!
I have already talked at length about my favorite book of all time The Goblin Emperor, and I think I've already also recommended the Pink Carnation series to my fun silly regency romance lovers, so I will not go into depth on them here but those are easily my all time faves.
I forget if I have also already talked about Winter's Orbit so forgive me if this is repeat info for you!! But I absolutely loved this book.
SUMMARY: While the Iskat Empire has long dominated the system through treaties and political alliances, several planets, including Thea, have begun to chafe under Iskat's rule. When tragedy befalls Imperial Prince Taam, his Thean widower, Jainan, is rushed into an arranged marriage with Taam's cousin, the disreputable Kiem, in a bid to keep the rising hostilities between the two worlds under control. But when it comes to light that Prince Taam's death may not have been an accident, and that Jainan himself may be a suspect, the unlikely pair must overcome their misgivings and learn to trust one another as they navigate the perils of the Iskat court, try to solve a murder, and prevent an interplanetary war... all while dealing with their growing feelings for each other.
I really like the way Kiem's & Jainan's pictures of one another shift over the course of the narrative, and as you read them through one another's eyes you understand their unreliability in self-narration due to their own personal insecurities. And what I love is that they both strive to emulate the traits they grow to respect in one another and that becomes the key to defeating the forces working against them!! It's so masterfully done, very gentle and thoughtful, and I hope someday to write a book just like this.
As an aside the author also got their start on ao3 and has a tumblr account and you can really feel the love & respect for some of the fannish conventions in their work. Cannot recommend enough.
This is also so basic of me but I would be remiss if I did not also recommend Howl's Moving Castle which I recently reread. If you have seen the movie but not read the book, you are absolutely missing out because it's very much its own unique experience with several divergences from the plot of the movie. Sophie's perspective is hilarious, it's such a fond send up of men in general, and I love the extra argumentative element to Howl & Sophie's relationship we get to see here; I feel it adds way more depth to their characters and relationship and you will totally eat it up.
I also read The House Witch recently and would definitely recommend to fantasy fans who are in the mood for something wholesome and cozy!!
SUMMARY: When Finlay Ashowan joins the staff of the King and Queen of Daxaria, he’s an enigma. No one knows where he comes from or how he came to be where he is, which suits Fin just fine. He’s satisfied simply serving as the royal cook, keeping nosy passersby out of his kitchen, and concocting some truly uncanny meals. But Fin’s secret identity doesn’t stay hidden for long. After all, it’s not every day a house witch and his kitten familiar, Kraken, take to meddling in imperial affairs. As his powers are gradually discovered by the court, Fin finds himself involved in a slew of intrigues: going head-to-head with knights with less-than-chivalrous intentions, helping to protect the pregnant queen, fending off the ire of the royal mage, and uncovering a spy in the castle. And that’s only the beginning—because Fin’s past is catching up with him just as his love life is getting complicated . . .
It is not the most tightly-buttoned narrative, I think because there are several more books in the series that I haven't read yet, so there are lingering threads of an overarching plot I've not seen sewn together yet. But it's an extremely easy and accessible read and I again really loved the respect and admiration the characters grow for each other, even as they resist their feelings for one another.
This rec in particular though I can see people disagreeing with me on, as some of the humor is like kind of immature and you can tell the author is inexperienced and/or the editing team did not quite do their jobs as some of the ending felt forced or cobbled together. But overall I really did like this book, I thought the gems of a really compelling story shone through the little dirt there was lol.
I also cannot recommend most of Naomi Novik's work enough either. In particular I would recommend Spinning Silver (Uprooted too but that's wildly more popular and you might have already read it!!).
SUMMARY: Miryem is the daughter and granddaughter of moneylenders, but her father's inability to collect his debts has left his family on the edge of poverty--until Miryem takes matters into her own hands. Hardening her heart, the young woman sets out to claim what is owed and soon gains a reputation for being able to turn silver into gold. When an ill-advised boast draws the attention of the king of the Staryk--grim fey creatures who seem more ice than flesh--Miryem's fate, and that of two kingdoms, will be forever altered. Set an impossible challenge by the nameless king, Miryem unwittingly spins a web that draws in a peasant girl, Wanda, and the unhappy daughter of a local lord who plots to wed his child to the dashing young tsar. But Tsar Mirnatius is not what he seems. And the secret he hides threatens to consume the lands of humans and Staryk alike. Torn between deadly choices, Miryem and her two unlikely allies embark on a desperate quest that will take them to the limits of sacrifice, power, and love. Channeling the vibrant heart of myth and fairy tale, Spinning Silver weaves a multilayered, magical tapestry that readers will want to return to again and again.
Her prose is always immaculate, vividly descriptive but succinct enough to keep the story going at a driving pace. She always writes like the most compelling female POV characters, to me; driven and complex without falling into the trap of being ~so special uwu~ or ~angry murder girlie >:(~ which I feel so many authors end up flattening their FPOV characters into!! She is absolutely masterful at taking common ideas/tropes and turning them on their heads/fleshing them out in unique and interesting ways.
Lastly, I have also been reading through a bunch of MXTX's danmei series LOL. I haven't finished Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation so I can't quite give a coherent account yet but I have been enjoying it so far. What I can say is I like how conversational and silly her style is even while tackling gruesome and fairly problematic concepts, and I very much love the sweeping and single-minded focus the love interests always have on one another. She also is very good at writing unreliable narrators whose perspectives you don't really understand are unreliable until the end of the narrative, and it makes you fonder of them for all their self-doubt and strength in the face of hardships they try to downplay.
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welcome welcome, it’s been a while.
but we’re back now with tumblr’s favorite show: AFTG Hot Takes, where i spew paragraphs and paragraphs of bullshit instead of working on my WIP.
without any further ado, i am proud to present: every AFTG ship, ranked.
this is your friendly reminder that these are just my opinions. if you like a ship i don’t: great! if you don’t like a ship that i love: also great! i’m always happy to hear people’s thoughts, and i love a good friendly debate, but please remember that i’m 17. i’m not here to argue with you about why your ship is the best. i’m just here to have fun.
these probably aren’t all the ships that are out there, but this is everything i’ve seen so far. if i missed one, let me know!
24. Jean/Riko
this one… ew. ew ew ew. every ship with riko is so ew, i cannot begin to explain, but this one is the worst.
i’ve read too many Nest fics to not gag at this tag, cause it’s never consensual.
23. Kevin/Riko
just no.
moving on.
22. Kevin/Thea
y’all know i hate this ship by now, but for newcomers: it’s predatory and neglectful. very very ick.
21. Andrew/Roland
this one… where to start?
i’ll probably make a full post ab it soon, so for now, let’s just say that it’s very similar to Kevin/Thea. The age gap at the time that things started between them… the morals and legality are murky at best.
20. Andrew/Kevin
i’ve said it once, and i’ll say it again: they. aren’t. good. for. each. other.
Kevin doesn’t respect boundaries. he pushes things. and boundaries are the absolute most important thing for Andrew. they just don’t work.
19. Andrew/Neil/Kevin
i very vehemently despise this ship, for the same reason i hate Andrew/Kevin. i think it’s so important for y’all to remember who these characters are and not just ship them because they all have dicks and are nice to each other sometimes. that turns into mlm fetishization real fuckin quick.
18. Neil/Kevin
this is one that i can almost sort of see. if i hadn’t accidentally spoiled andreil for myself, i would have assumed this was canon during my first read.
but it’s just… i love the fact that they’re friends. i think their friendship can be so amazing, and i love reading fics where they’re that close. i don’t think every friendship in media has to turn romantic.
17. Kevin/Jean/Jeremy
remember what i said about kevandreil? apply it to this one too.
ik it sounds like i just hate poly couples. i don’t. i just hate ships like this, that really wouldn’t be healthy but people put together anyway because oh gay people yay! it feels gross and fetish-y and i am not here for it.
16. Kevin/Jean
this is a ship that i can see happening pre-canon, but i’m not the biggest fan of it simply because there’s no way it could be healthy. they went through a lot together, sure, but traumabonds are notoriously unhealthy.
15. Kevin/Matt
this, again, feels like just putting two characters together because they’re nice to each other occasionally, but really? they aren’t. correct me if i’m wrong, but Matt and Kev only have one canon interaction that i can remember, and it’s literally Matt punching Kev in the face.
Not to mention, Dan and Matt. Dan and Matt! i love them too much to accept this.
14. Kevin/Matt/Aaron
listen. again, i don’t hate poly couples. i really, really don’t. i just…
Matt literally… just doesn’t mesh well with Kev or Aaron. at all? i don’t understand the thought process behind this.
13. Renee/Jean
i don’t… i don’t hate this one. i just don’t like it. i feel like both Renee and Jean have wayyy better ships (not to spoil anything, but they both make top 5 in different ships)
i don’t think they’re awful, per se, i just don’t really see the chemistry.
12. Allison/Seth
this is an unpopular opinion, i know. but i’ve read a few “Seth lives” fics that redeem him, so i can’t hate him. i can’t, you can’t make me.
believe me, i don’t like it either, but i don’t run this city, the rats do.
anyway, it’s not awesome and i like Ally’s other options better, but it could be good! it could be great! i read too much redemption fanfic!
11. Kevin/Jeremy
i’ll be honest, it’s not my favorite to read when Jean is also in a fic, but if we’re talking in general?
i adore. fics where Kev is falling all over himself trying to talk to Jer are my bread. and. fucking. butter. quicksand has destroyed me. absolutely ruined me.
10. Aaron/Katelyn
starting off the top ten with one of my favorite minor characters ever, this ship is up here because i love Kate so much.
i read too much fanfiction, i know, but i just think she’s so cool?
honestly, i really don’t think Aaron deserves her. she’s that cool. i love her so much. that’s my lady. my babygirl. simply adore.
9. Abby/Wymack/Betsy
i like this one, i really do. all the Fox parents together? it’s perfect. i love it. enough said.
8. Kevin/Allison
listen. i’ve said i didn’t get it before, but honestly? i change my mind. i like this one. i like it a lot.
their personalities would mesh so well. they’re both dramatic, they’d be the funniest fucking couple in the world. i like it a lot.
7. Abby/Wymack
it’s a classic. i ship it, you ship it, the Foxes ship it too. we all ship it. they’re made for each other, and that’s all i have to say.
6. Matt/Dan
if you don’t like this one, you’re lying. they are. the definition. of love.
they’re so cute? so cute? i have no words?
your honor, i love them.
top five time!!
5. Nicky/Erik
god, these two.
if you know me at all, you know i have a soft spot for Nicky. i relate to his story so much, and i hate how dirty Nora did him.
but god, these two. they are love. they are perfect.
i have no words. i just love them so much
4. Kevin/Aaron
i love this one. you know i love this one. everyone knows i love this one.
they’re both assholes, and they’re both hurt in different ways, and i love when they heal together. when they help each other and lean on each other and just- ugh.
i like watching them heal, and i like watching them do it together. (plus best friend’s brother anyone?? a classic trope)
3. Renee/Allison
i love them so much. i love them so much.
they balance each other out so well? they’re so perfect for each other?
also, we need more wlw couples in media in general, and especially in this series.
i love them so much.
2. Jean/Jeremy
you know. you know i love this one (thank you Hoax, and thank you gus_47. you have ruined my sleep schedule and i have never been happier)
grumpyxsunshine, guys. healing together. i love when people heal together. i love it
also, round of applause to us in the fandom for creating an incredibly popular ship between two people who literally never interact in canon. we did that. i love that for us.
and now, for #1.
1. Andrew/Neil
they are love. they. are. love.
it’s a classic but it’s perfect, and i love them so much. no i will not elaborate (this time)
well! thank you for reading, start a (friendly) fight with me if you want, and drink some water
hugs and kisses <3
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lapluieellepleut · 1 year
Find me in Paris or how not to give a proper send off to a character
Find me in Paris tells the story of Lena, a girl from 1905, who ends up in 2018 because of Time Travelling. She is hunt down by the Bureau an organization who is controlling Time Travelling and time travelers. Lena not being in her time period constitutes for the Bureau an offense. She is also chase by the time collectors, outlaws time travelers who do not respect the rules of the Bureau and who are also hunted by him. In the meantime, Lena is trying to be a ballerina in the Opera of Paris.
Find me in Paris is one of those shows that have an endearing charm to it that make overlook all his flaws. But there one aspect of the show that i dislike a lot : it's how in season 3 they end the storylines of 4 characters in a very disappointing maner. This, probably way to long, post will approach the way the show handle the departure of Max, Thea, Pinky and Clive.
I want to preface that i don't know and don't want know the behind the scene details which led to the departure of the actors/characters. The writers have to work with a minimal time frame to make those exit, since 3/4 leave in the second episode of the season. It's wasn't an easy task. But the way they chose to send off those 4 characters wasn't great . I will now discuss each of them separately to explain why it's doesn't work for me and why i'm even mad at the way they handled those characters.
Max : After be one of the main love interest of Lena for 2 season, Max vanish at the start of season 3, leaving behind only a letter (accompanied by a voice over). After being seriously injured in season 2, he leave the school because he can't be cured. He is the only one we don't see on screen, only a montage of some of his scenes after Lena read his letter. His dream of becoming a dancer is now out of reach. A very depressing end for someone who was until that point one of the main characters. Max is in weird position because if you had asked me before that who is gonna end up with Lena, i was sure it's will be him. I'm not even a big fan of Max and Lena's relationship mainly because at the start of the show they were both in a relationship with someone else. But Max was the best of Lena's love interests: Henry, her boyfriend at the start of the show, was very tiring at times and Nico, a Bureau agent's introduced in season 3 is an interesting concept but it didn't work (at least for me). And the weirdest thing was that before Max left, it was clear that they would end up together. Max's father is also still in the series even after his departure.
Thea : After be for two season my favorite character, Thea chose to stay in 1905 to focus on her career. Alright, she was in 1905 in the first half of Season 2 and wants to go back to that time. In addition, her encounters with the Bureau leave her very afraid. So it makes sense that she wants to leave behind all this time traveling stuff and focus on her career right ? It's not like season 2 spent a lot of time trying to bring Thea back into present time. And also show her altering history and Lena fuming seeing that. Its also don't make sense that no one declare her disparition because, unlike season 2 where Lena and Ines where alimenting her social media account, no one do it in season 3. Pinky said she is on tour and that's it. And above all, it does not fit with the personality of Thea who until now don't give in on nothing. At the end of season 2 she wanted to live both in present time and 1905. Settling for less, for only 1905, was out for her character. Later in the season Frank said that he miss her and to quote him "the tour is only a few more months" implying that he is waiting for her. But that's it (the show had another love story in store for him). The funniest thing about her exit is: since Thea isn't in her proper time period now she can be a target for the Bureau...
Pinky : After Ines's had her memory erased by the Bureau, Pinky chose to not time traveling anymore. Since season 1, their love story has been built and it was interesting because Pinky was one of the time collectors and Ines Lena's best friend. After Pinky lose, as he said, the only girl he ever love he quit in episode 2. During episode 10 Ines regain her memory. One episode later she have a exchange with Franck and both of them are sorry for the loss of their respective love interest. I find Ines answer's strange when Franck said that he is sorry about Pinky to what Ines said "not talking about it". For all we know Pinky is still in the present. Why Ines don't try to reach to him ? And mind you it's in the same conversation that Frank says that he miss Thea and is waiting for her return form the tour, what Ines acknowledge. ... then few episodes later they start to date each other. The worst thing is : there are pretty cute together and work pretty well as couple. If we ignore the fact that Frank's friend that he see as his brother is somewhere sad that the love of his life lost all memory of him...
Clive: In the seventh episode of the season Clive go to the present with Claudine. He leave her there and mention going back in time to ride the dinosaurs then pass the portal to never be seen again...AND I WAS MAD... In season 2 Clive is erased by the Bureau and it's a huge deal for Frank to get him back. Finally after almost a season the trio of the time collectors will be reunited again...for Pinky to leave. But I was still hopeful the first time i watched the show. We didn't have Clive for most season 2 but we will have him for season 3....until episode 7 i guess...And Frank never ask about time again...
So to resume, for all we know : Max had to give up his dream, Thea is stuck in 1905, Pinky is wandering sad and alone in the present (meanwhile his bff is dating the only girl he had ever love) and Clive could have been eat by a dinosaur.
What all of those characters send off have in common : they never got an actual ending of their story. The show end without giving us a proper closure. If we have to keep the same exit for all of them there a solution to give them and us closure. At the end of the show Lena overtake the bureau and form a new bureau with Frank and Nico. Why not having a character saying that there are searching for a time period where Max injury's is curable or saying that Max is now is the futur and follow a traitement. Or if we don't want to involve Max in time travel why don't we see his father talk about him and say he's fine. For Thea you can have Lena fuming seeing all the change that she curently making for dance's history and that she will send someone to take her back in the present. For Clive, Frank find his painting and that he become a famous peintor in the past (referring to the painting of the time collectors painted by Clive in season 2). And for Pinky....actually he is one of the most screw up by the show (Max too but not in the same way)... so someone (maybe Henry ? Pinky helps him in season 2 and I don't see Frank mentioning him and i can't think of someone else speaking about him) can say he is doing fine traveling the world in the present ?
All to say that never really mentioning them again after their departure of the show was very strange. At least we have Jeff mentioning time to time that he miss Max and Thea...But he is the only (Jeff MVP of Find me in Paris). Maybe i'm over dramatic (just a little). But I like this show and its characters. When I watch the show again I wonder if I should stop at the end of season 2, but it's not really an ending. So I'm watching season 3 and I'm pissed off at how they treated these characters.
You have reached the end of my wanderings. See you somewhere in time !
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e-adlirez · 1 year
Your headcanons for the thea sisters is so fun and amusing! I was just wondering if you have more headcanons about them?
Oh DO I--
Once again I will clarify that my headcanons are very genfic-y, so uh, you're not gonna see any comments about the girls' sexual orientations or anything
So with that outa the way, headcanons :]
Canon context for most of these, Violet is canonically passive-aggressive as hell and is capable of dishing out some insane shade (for evidence, please consult every other time she's lightheartedly roasted the other girls, and the scene where the girls talk to Angus in Old Castle (the one where he attempts a pity party thing only for Violet to shut him down coldly); and also the non-English extras in the non-English books :D)
I will draw this at some point, but since Pam canonically believed that classical music is boring back in the day (like fall-asleep-to-the-sound-of-it boring), I like to think that passive-aggressive Violet and her cheeky ass slipped into her stereo key evidence that classical music is NOT boring, while Pam was slowly dozing off in her room or something. Feel free to make your selections of headcanon pieces from Liszt, Shostakovich, Ernst, Verdi, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky and more :D maybe even slip in a Haydn if you want :DDD
Nicky is the memelord of the group, and Paulina is the interpreter who has to explain to literally everyone what a mood and a tbh creature is.
Violet has a distinct Hangzhou accent when she speaks Chinese because she's been around her grandfather enough that she picked it up. She's rather self-conscious about it, but fortunately no one has made an open note about it so far. Also she is self-conscious about it but she doesn't really know how to change it so it's less "Hangzhou". She also doesn't really want to change it, so there's that.
Ever since I learned that English teachers in China can only be native English speakers from certain first world countries (and South Africa for some reason), I now have the funni idea of Violet having an unexpected accent when she speaks English. Just imagine one of the girls having a brain crash over Vi having either an American (neutral American), British, Irish Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, or South African accent. If it's Australian, then feel free to have Nicky's brain crash and think Vi's a Chinese immigrant who lives in Australia.
Not a Thea Sister, but Vic is canonically a gremlin (in the comics anyway). Headcanon, one of his favorite pastimes is platonically flirting with Pam to get her all flustered. Everybody thinks Pam has a crush on Vic, but the reality is she has a complicated relationship with him, and she's just not used to having someone flirt with her.
Pam is painfully oblivious to Shen having a crush on her, because the way Colette in particular teases her about it makes it sound like Pam has a crush on Shen, which Pam doesn't. That plus the fact that Shen never confessed makes it off to be a stupid rumor (in Pam's mind at least).
Nicky swears a lot, and the only reason they don't appear in the books is because Thea is very aware of the fact that kids like reading her books.
Violet came up with the nickname Coco for Colette out of lighthearted spite for "Vivi" and "Princess", the two nicknames Colette gave her early on in canon (there're these extras in the non-English books, and Dragon's Code's one in particular has the girls writing to each other. Colette gave her the nickname "Princess" because she saw Violet as a "little miss perfect" type person). It was supposed to be a one-off joke that Vi told in front of the girls once, but Coco has stuck ever since.
Enjoy :D
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feelssogoodinmyarms · 6 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
(By @winter-asleepening )
Doing this bc i miss springy wakening😔
1. how were you introduced to the show?
when i was really into hamilton in like 2016 jonathan groff was white boy of the month for a while and i was consuming all the groff content that i could and i came across that video of him talking about when he fucked up left behind. and then i listened to left behind and cried and read the wiki page and watched the obc boot and then i woke up here
2. Seen a production live?
yus i've seen 3
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
i've been in love with wendla since i laid eyes on her and i would die to play her. im obsessed with her, she's got so much more depth than people realize and that was cut during the transition from play to musical fuck you s*ter and i would love to bring that to my rendition of her. and i was also assaulted when i was her age, i was also suicidal, i was also confused af and my mom was not helpful, i also wanted to be loved so badly, i just see a lot of my teenage self in wendla. i related to her so much when i first saw the show and that's a big reason i got so obsessed with it.
4. Favorite male character
prob moritz or hanschen. they are 2 sides of the same dramatic ass coin. they also have daddy issues and are gay like girl me too.
5. Favorite female character
all of them? wendla holds a special place in my heart but like. there is so much to love about all of them even anna and thea who we know almost nothing about have the building blocks of great characters. i've always loved combining what we know about the characters from both the musical and the play to make more complete characters especially because s*ter cut so much of the girls characterization bc he's a sexist pos fuck you and i def do that with anna and thea.
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
dwsa for life but obc walked so they could fly
7. Favorite song
AAAAAA probably touch me just cuz it's soooooo pretty
8. Least favorite song
probably woyb bc im heterophobic and melchiorphobic
9. Favorite quote/line
musical: "giving yourself over to someone else? defending yourself endlessly until finally you surrender and let heaven break over you? i just put myself in her place. and imagine"
play: "won't you come visit me in my dreams now and then? i'll welcome you with outstretched arms and kiss your breath away"
10. Favorite TV performance
dwsa touch me on seth meyers i have to watch it daily or i get 1 level of exhaustion
11. Favorite cast member(s)
i can vouch that kathryn gallagher is cool as fuck cuz i met her at a ben platt concert but j groff and jgj seem pretty cool. alex wyse and jbw seem unhinged i think i could hang with them. smf and katie whoever are so talented i wish she wasnt an anti vaxxer. andy mientus attacked me with a candelabra just like riff raff did to rocky😔
12. Favorite cast member moment
when josh castille followed me back on instagram when andy mientus, kathryn gallagher, and josh castille covered sex by the 1975 and all the videos the cast made on various social media platforms
13. Do you write fan fiction?
14. Do you make fan art?
i have made 3 fan arts that i don't think i have anymore
15. Do you cosplay?
i am too poor
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
both bitch
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
reprise cuz i love gay ppl
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
19. Explain the song of purple summer
vague hope ig? like "the adults have failed everyone but we're all 15 and will be adults soon so maybe we'll be ok" with flowery language
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
ilse and mulchy took acid to see their dead friends
im tagging @dwsavideos and anyone else who sees this and is into spring awakening cuz idk if any of my sa mutuals are still active😭
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idleworkshop · 8 months
Hogtober Day 8
Excerpt from my fanfic on AO3.
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Flying was definitely Thea’s new favorite class. A few of her classmates, Imelda in particular, had lamented about the canceled Quidditch season but other than a few vague references, she couldn’t miss what’s she’d never known. Thea was excited when she saw the Slytherin class assembled on the pitch, immediately sidling up to Imelda. Her greeting was aloof, but Thea didn't miss the infinitesimal upturn of her mouth right before being shown why Imelda was so confident in her flying.
Miriam had shown her the basics of a broom during their short stint together at the Fig’s home, but having the top of her head skimmed by an inverted Imelda as she cackled sparked one hell of a competitive streak. Madame Kagowa had capitalized on this, challenging them all to a timed circuit around the lake. All those evenings spent straddling the railing of a bridge as she watched cargo ships trudge up the Thames gave Thea a natural balance, earning a calculated look when she landed only a few seconds behind Imelda’s record time.
“Guess I’ll actually have to try next time,” Imelda sniffed indignantly at her, stalking away with her nose high in the air. Thea simply chuckled, shaking her head as she followed her along the bright green pitch. She’d regret that later as her Slytherin classmate suggested they play catch with something called a ‘quaffle’.
She was still riding the high as she limped her way to the dungeons. She had only fallen off the broom once during their game, granted it had been about ten feet in the air, but the bruise that was likely forming on her hip wouldn't slow her down. She was itching to get back on and fly higher and faster; just the prospect had her grinning from ear to ear. She would have to talk to Natty soon about the broom shop in Hogsmeade.
The halls bustled with students making their way to afternoon classes, Thea being jostled along with them. Although her new housemates were kind and welcoming, she walked alone amongst them. Their established friendships hardly warranted her inclusion, and her eagerly studious housemates didn't allow for many sociable evenings, but she felt content nonetheless. Her stolen conversations with Natty, and now Imelda, staved off any loneliness she might have felt otherwise.
Shifting the heavy potions book in her arms, Thea caught sight of a painting against the wall. Slowing to a halt, she stepped out of the foot traffic to gaze at it a little longer. Dark, billowing clouds churned over an equally angry sea below. Lightning occasionally streaked across the canvas, striking the curiously familiar island in the middle. Flashes of memory echoed in her mind’s eye and Thea found herself struggling to breathe; salt filled her senses, the sensation of frigid rain seeping under her garments making her teeth chatter. She had been here. Why was this godforsaken island framed so ornately in the halls of Hogwarts, the very place the key had ultimately led them?
“Oi, new girl,” someone called from behind, breaking her from her trance. Thea gulped in air, not realizing she had stopped breathing before turning to see a familiar boy in green robes sauntering along with his confident smirk. “Where are you headed?”
“Potions,” she answered automatically, willing her face impassive. It wouldn’t do her any favors to be caught panicking over a painting on her way to the dungeons.
Sallow stopped in front of her, head tilted and lips pursed as he eyed her cooly. Their duel had been quick and violent, and their subsequent conversation short, but flirtatious. In her flustered state, she hadn’t taken the time to truly look at this Sallow boy; doing so now, she decided he was cute, with bright eyes and freckles, dark brunette hair pushed messily to one side and a dangerously charming smile. His tie was loosened just enough to hint at rebellion without actually being caught for it. His grin grew the longer she studied him.
“How convenient,” he smiled, “we’ll walk you there.”
“We?” She inquired, noting the now empty hallway in embarrassment. How long had she been enthralled with that painting?
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m Sebastian, and that’s Ominis.”
She grinned. “And to what do I owe the honor of being escorted by Hogwarts’ best duelist?”
A small snort of humor piped up from behind Sebastian’s rueful expression, drawing her curiosity. Leaning around him, she was met with silver eyes, dark blonde hair that reflected the ambient torch light, angular features and a shy demeanor. Who she assumed was Ominis seemed to be making himself as inconspicuous as possible, refusing to look at her; a complete contrast to his pompous friend. The amusement at her tone had pulled his lips slightly to the side.
“It was only once,” Sebastian bantered, crossing his arms over his chest. Thea’s attention returned to him, her earlier competitive streak returning in full force. What was it about these Slytherin students that got her so riled up? She exhaled sharply, cocking her hip and sizing him up with enough scrutiny to make him squirm.
“Care to make it a second,” she replied, extracting her wand and twirling it between her fingers playfully. His eyes narrowed slightly at the movement before huffing his dismissal, much to her satisfaction.
“Come on, teacher’s pet,” Sebastian grumbled, marching past her. Ominis followed dutifully along, his poorly disguised amusement making her smile. Curious, and otherwise being left behind, Thea followed the strange duo down the last flight of stairs and into a dark corridor, the wall sconces providing the only light in the dank hallway. Murmuring voices floated out of a doorway at the end of the hall, before a man’s face peered out, none too pleased to see them.
“Late again, Sallow?” He said, stepping fully into the hallway. His once black hair and beard were now streaked with silver, but his eyes retained the sharpness of youth. Jagged scars ran the length of his face and he entered the hallway with a slight limp; Thea had seen Professor Sharpe from a distance during meals but his presence up close was intimidating. Based on his tone, she gathered this was not the first time Sebastian had shown up late, and now she had been dragged into it.
“We were helping the new student,” he shrugged, sounding vaguely sympathetic as he threw his thumb over his shoulder. Sharpe’s eyes quickly cut to Thea as she trailed behind Ominis. Her face must have looked horrified, his stern gaze softening slightly.
He allowed Sebastian to slide by with only a glare, but stopped his friend. “Mr Gaunt, I’d like you to pair with Miss Whitehall today.”
“W-why,” Ominis stammered, his voice rising along with Thea’s nerves. None of her other classmates has sounded so abhorred at being paired with her. She knew brewing potions could be a dangerous practice, and a sense of ineptitude washed over her. Sharpe placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
“Because she needs a partner,” he said simply, before patting him and disappearing through the doorway. Ominis didn’t move; anger and fear of embarrassment at the hands of the confident new student had his jaw grinding. If their shared Defense class had been any hint to Fig’s tutoring, then this class was sure to be mortifying. Sebastian as a partner was annoying enough, but at least he could see what he was doing.
When he didn’t move towards the classroom, Thea swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry you’re paired with me,” she offered softly, chewing on her lip and hugging the tome close to her chest. Ominis whipped around, his cloak swinging out as he rounded on her angrily; Thea took a cautious step back.
“Why are you sorry,” he snapped, eyes flashing in the firelight, “you’re the one being paired with the blind kid.”
Thea froze, his gaze not meeting hers. Of course, she swallowed thickly, that’s why he wouldn’t look at me. What she first thought was a shy personality was actually his inability to see; he wasn’t looking away from her, he was tilting his ear towards her to listen. She suddenly thought Professor Sharpe quite cruel to pair two people who were sorely out of breadth in such a class as this. It was becoming very obvious why so many students had complained about Sharpe to her.
“And you’re stuck with the new girl,” she replied calmly, “who’s never brewed anything.”
Ominis scoffed. “You’re trying to convince me that Professor Fig taught you nothing about potions? Seems to have covered your other courses well.”
“How do you-,” she bit her tongue, annoyed at his presumptuous attitude. “No, Fig did not teach me any potions. All I know are the ingredients and recipes I’ve read about.”
He glared in her direction for a few moments before sighing in frustration. “Let’s just get this over with,” he grumbled, turning into the classroom.
Thea followed, swallowing her irritation as a blossoming red light began pulsing from his wand. She tried peering around his shoulder, fascinated by how he was navigating the clustered room, easily finding the only empty table available. Ominis dropped onto the bench, crossing his arms and refusing to acknowledge her as she slid into the bench beside him.
Sebastian, who had been relegated to a neighboring station, leaned towards their table. “Sorry, Ominis,” he whispered loudly.
“Get stuffed, Seb,” he hissed, and Thea bit her lips to keep from smiling while watching Sebastian pout. “This is because you’re always late to class.”
“Alright, everyone, if you’re finished,” Sharpe called over their heads, eyeing Sebastian especially. Thea smirked as his tall shoulders shrunk under Sharpe’s gaze. Serves him right. “Today we will be brewing the Wiggenweld potion. This is a potion to restore health to the individual. It is not a cure-all, but for minor maladies, this is a useful one to have. You will find the recipe on page 156 of your textbooks. I trust that most of you know how to follow instructions by now?”
“Most of us,” Ominis grumbled beside her, unseeing eyes boring into Sebstian’s head. It was met with an irritated glare over Sebastian’s shoulder, and Thea ducked her chin in order to keep from laughing. Ominis’ disgruntled behavior and Sebastian’s playful tolerance of it were distracting her, and she struggled to remember the page number the professor had called out. Hearing the excessive page flipping, Ominis muttered, “156.”
“Thanks,” she replied awkwardly. Turning to face him, she asked, “How do you, and I assume Sebastian, do this?”
“I don’t,” he replied lazily, resting his chin in his hand. “Can’t exactly read. Or see the ingredients. Or even know where the bloody cauldron is.”
Irritation bubbled up; there was no way she was going to do this entire potion alone. She had spent years watching people far worse off than him survive in the gutters of London, and here he was, well fed and impeccably dressed, refusing to do simple school work. How had he even survived four years of education if he didn’t participate? Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. Suddenly, his aristocratically straight nose was obnoxious to look at.
“Well, it's your lucky day, pretty boy, because I can read,” she snapped, pulling out different vials of ingredients. “You can help me pour the stuff in the cauldron at the very least.”
She finally looked at him to find his cool gaze turned in her direction, eyes not fully meeting her face. A single eyebrow quirked upwards, but he remained otherwise impassive. This continued as she quietly read the ingredient list aloud, placing their containers in listed order. Although his expression screamed boredom, he listened to her patiently. She allowed herself to steal glances at the silent boy next to her; his silver eyes were aggravatingly beautiful, reflecting the small flames of their cauldron fire in a way she had never seen before. Unable to outright study his features, Thea memorized the little bits of him she could, convincing herself that he was perhaps one of the most beautiful persons she had ever seen.
Clearing her throat to refocus, she grabbed the first ingredient.
“Here,” she said, holding the cylindrical vial of Horklump juice. Surprisingly, Ominis held his hand open expectantly and she placed it in his waiting palm. “We’re going to use the whole thing. I’ll let you know when it's empty.”
“Let’s hope I pour it into the actual cauldron,” he sneered, uncorking the vial and quickly trying to upend it.
“Wait!” Thea panicked, grabbing his hand and nearly burning her arm on the cauldron as she reached across. Ominis froze beneath her, and she noted the strained look on his face. “Let me guide you to it, at least, you pain in my arse,” she gritted her teeth, matching his irritation with her own. She should’ve known he would attempt to sabotage her, so why did she feel guilty for grabbing him? Slowly, he allowed his hand to be pulled until it hovered over the boiling liquid below. “Go ahead, just don’t burn yourself.”
Ominis dutifully emptied the vial, holding it aloft until Thea took it from his hand, making sure he didn’t accidentally bump against the rim as he retracted it. Tracing his memory, he couldn’t think of a single time when someone called him a ‘pain in the arse’ to his face, other than Sebastian, but brothers didn’t really count. For once, the weight of his family name lifted off of his shoulders, and he nearly laughed.
“What’s next,” he asked politely, his previous malice suddenly gone.
“Oh, um,” Thea scrambled a bit, confused at his sudden change. “Boom Berry juice,” she replied, grumbling to herself, “what in the bloody hell is a boom berry?”
The quiet laughter from her partner filled the space between them, and it took a moment for her to realize he wasn’t laughing at her. “What is any of this stuff, honestly.”
Thea froze, looking up to see the small smile changing his face entirely from sulky to content. She had caught a glimpse of it in the hallway earlier, not realizing the butterflies that would erupt in her stomach should he ever turn it her way. The difference was so remarkable, Thea took a moment to just appreciate it. He was-
“-beautiful,” she breathed.
Confusion flickered across his face. “Boom berry juice is beautiful?”
“No,” she chuckled, her cheeks heating in embarrassment. “It’s actually a rather putrid color. I meant your smile, it’s beautiful.”
Shocked, he gaped at her for a moment before snapping his jaw shut. Ominis shifted until he faced her fully and she enjoyed the pink flush in his cheeks. It surely matched her own.
“Th-thank you,” he mumbled, clearing his throat before holding out his hand again, “I’ll pour it in.” Biting her lips together, Thea gave him a rectangular vial. “This one’s shaped differently,” he remarked, rolling it in his hand for a moment. Thea stared at him now; his expressions, tiny flickers along his brows as he studied the shape with his hands, the slight twist of his mouth in concentration. Satisfied, he held his hand out to her, allowing her to guide him once more above the cauldron.
“They’re all different,” she replied softly, taking the now empty tube.
He clicked his tongue in quiet irritation. “Sebastian never told me that.”
“How rude of him,” she quipped, pleased with the small twitch of his lips. She desperately wanted to make him smile again. “Next, we have to crush Dittany leaves over the brewing potion.”
Ominis held his hand out towards her. “Show me how.”
Swiveling on the bench so that she faced him directly, she held out her hands, happy he couldn’t see the blush raging across her face. “I need both of your hands.”
Ominis turned to match her position, laying his hands in her upturned ones. Silently, Thea guided his palms together, sliding them back and forth against each other. “Are you comfortable doing this one?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, standing so that he could be above the cauldron.
“Alright, here’s the leaves,” she said, flipping one of his hands upright so she could tip the dried plants into his palm. He covered them carefully with his other hand, then began crushing them. Thea watched in satisfaction as the tiny bits disappeared into the boiling mass, turning it a sickly green. Wordlessly, she brushed the remnants off of his palms before guiding his hands away from the lip of the cauldron as he sat back down. She settled back onto her side of the bench, looking up to find Sebastian’s cool gaze trained on her. His face remained impassive as his eyes darted between her and Ominis.
“Ignore him,” Ominis muttered from beside her. “He’s just jealous.”
“I can’t imagine why,” she mumbled, turning pointedly away to review her potions book, knowing his eyes were still trained in her direction.
“From what I hear, you’re very pretty,” he smirked, making her flush so deeply, she began fanning her face. He had said it simply, so matter-of-fact as if talking about the weather. Others had commented on her appearance before, but never without inflection or meaning. Somehow, it meant infinitely more to receive a compliment without pretense. His eyebrows rose curiously at her prolonged silence. “What’s next on the list?”
She covered her hot cheeks with her hands. “Lionfish spines are the last things,” she replied awkwardly. “‘Grind them into a powder, then add in a counterclockwise motion.’”
“What is that?” He asked, his eyebrows drawing downward.
“What is what?”
Once again, Thea regarded him softly. He’s never seen a clock, she thought dumbly. His hand rested gently in his lap, and she slowly reached for it, ignoring his surprised flinch when she touched him. Allowing his hand to be held, Thea slowly traced a circle on the back of it in a counterclockwise direction. His eyebrows drew down, and he muttered ‘again’ a few more times. She smiled when she noticed his other hand tracing the circle on his leg.
“Thank you,” Ominis said softly, extracting his hand gently. “I’ll grind them, but I don’t want you to touch them.”
“Why not,” she asked, handing over the spines. He had been cooperative up to this point, helpful even, but now his face fell into an emotionless mask. Ominis all but snatched the spines, startling Thea enough to scoot away from him slightly. The change in character, as well as Sebastian’s watchful gaze, put her on edge.
Nervously, she watched his hands feel the shape of the mortar and pestle before he began breaking the spine down in even motions. Her attention drifted to his profile, eyebrows drawn slightly in concentration. A constellation of beauty marks began around his eye, trailing down his jaw, full lips pursed slightly. After a few minutes, his frown increased.
“Are you staring at me?” He asked, his head turning slightly towards her.
“You never answered me,” she replied, having been caught ogling her potions partner, but proud of her quick reply.
“They’re poisonous,” he shrugged.
She frowned. “Then why are you touching them?”
“Because you obviously didn’t know that,” he snapped, making all of her earlier irritation blossom like a spring lily. Maybe there was a reason Prewett disliked the Slytherins so much.
Thea felt her jaw begin to cramp, unclenching her teeth. “If you know they’re poisonous, why are you touching them?”
Ominis stopped grinding for a moment, staring blankly ahead. “Have these been ground well enough?”
Confused by his obvious avoidance, she tried to peer over the side of the dish. Unable to see inside, she shifted onto one knee, bracing a hand on his shoulder to see into the mortar fully, only a few pieces remaining unground. “Almost,” she answered tersely, oblivious to the boy beneath her hand. “A few more stirs ought to do it.”
Breathing deeply to calm the racing of his heart sparked by such intimate contact, Ominis resumed the grinding process, allowing Thea to oversee the progress until she declared it complete. “Pour it in, but don’t let it touch you,” he reiterated, refusing to raise his head to talk to her. Since the end of last term, he had heard of nothing but this girl. Rumors and speculation mostly, but now it had morphed into admiration and curiosity. Even Sebastian had raved about her wand work despite being embarrassed in front of the entire class. But he refused to be drawn in by her, regardless of his reaction to her gentle manners. The removal of her hand from his shoulder allowed him to breathe again.
Annoyed and confused by Ominis’ sudden withdrawal, Thea did as he instructed, pouring it in counterclockwise. The thickly bubbling potion flashed quickly before turning bright green and almost translucent. Professor Sharpe walked over to their station and peered inside, inhaling the steam. Meeting Thea’s eyes, he gave a subtle wink.
“Good work, you two,” he said quietly. “You work well together.”
Pride surged through her; she had successfully brewed her first potion, and with a somewhat unwilling participant to boot. She once again caught Sebastian’s watchful eyes, and smiled sweetly at the Professor.
“I thoroughly enjoyed working with Ominis,” Thea practically purred, ignoring her partner turning his head at the statement. “Whether he enjoyed it or not, I cannot say.”
“It was a definite change in pace,” he spoke up, once again resting his chin in hand lazily. His face was turned up in her direction, the knowing smirk on his lips giving her butterflies despite his sour turn of attitude at the end of their brewing. She was beginning to hate his perfect nose again.
The professor huffed in amusement. “You must be exhausted, Mr. Gaunt,” Sharpe smirked, taking his attention off of Thea, “what with having missed your weekly Potions nap.”
Ominis laughed then, quick and loud, nodding in concession to the professor's joke. Thea was once again taken with the change his smile made to his entire being. Full lips pulled over naturally straight teeth, one eye crinkled more than the other; what would it take for her to be on the receiving end of such a thing? With a few house points awarded to each of them for a completed potion, Sharpe dismissed the pair. Ominis settled his head on the table, while Thea sat back down awkwardly.
“I’m waiting on Sebastian,” he told her, not bothering to open his eyes as he burrowed into his folded arms. “It’s been a pleasure.”
Resigned, she rose to her feet, apparently being dismissed. Taking one last look at his peaceful face, she slid the book from the table. “I meant what I said,” she murmured, so only he could hear. “I enjoyed working with you. And you have a beautiful smile.”
Ominis’ head popped up as she walked away, his ears trying to follow what his eyes couldn't. Once again, heat began creeping up his neck at her compliment, and he buried his head before anyone could see. He shared her sentiment; it was enjoyable to create the Wiggenweld, and not just listen to Sebastian butcher any attempt at it. In spite of himself, he hoped Sharpe would pair them together again, if only to feel her gentle hands on his once more.
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
Happy Birthday Johnny
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February 8th, Johnny’s birthday. 
The managers gave the group a night off to celebrate and Johnny could wait to relax, drink some beer and hang out with some of his favorite people, his members. 
But it looked like they wouldn’t make it unless Moxy left her room in the next five minutes. 
“GYEONGIE!!! WERE GONNA MISS OUR RESERVATION IF WE DON’T LEAVE NOW!!” Taeyong shouted towards the closed door at the end of the hall. Moxy, Haechan and Jungwoo disappeared behind the door a hour ago and hadn’t resurfaced yet.
“FIRST OF ALL, YOU CAN’T RUSH PERFECTION!” Called out Jungwoo’s voice.
“SECOND OF ALL, LIAR!!!! I HEARD YOU SAY WE HAVE AT MOST TEN MINUTES!!!!” Haechan’s voice finished. 
“You really thought they didn't hear you?” Yuta smirked at Taeyong's misfortune.
“The maknaes hear all.” Jaehyun said ominously. 
Minutes went by and finally the door opened, to the relief of everyone in the living room. Jungwoo and Haechan walked shoulder and shoulder, faces barely holding back their laughter. Moxy was hidden from view.
“Thea? Is everything okay?” Johnny askes as the members around the room tugged on their jackets.  
“I would just like to say before I lose my cover that I’m only doing this for your birthday and ONLY for your birthday.” As Jungwoo and Haechan moved, the sight that caught Johnny's eyes caused a high pitched squeal to leave the mouths of several members. 
“OH MY GOD!!!” 
“Where’s my camera!?” 
“Oh Migyeong-ah! You look so precious.” 
While everyone else had their comments, Johnny stood still, shocked. Over the years, his mission to get his little sister to expand her wardrobe had faded. He gave up. If there was one thing Moxy wouldn’t budge on it was her clothes. He just accepted all of the dresses he bought were collecting dust in the back of her closet. 
At least he assumed so. 
What Moxy wore was an overall skirt that had caught his eye while out with Taeyong and Doyoung. What Jungwoo and Haechan had paired it with still gave that vibe on Moxy could pull off. 
Johnny still hadn’t moved. He didn’t even notice when Moxy walked over to stand in front of him. 
“You’re allowed five pictures of evidence, no more no less..” Moxy jabbed a finger into the older's chest. Johnny only managed to slowly nod. Moxy wrapped her arms around Johnny’s waist. 
“Happy twenty-eighth birthday, Oppa.” Moxy whispered. Arms wrapped around her shoulder, lifting her off the ground. 
If the group was thirty minutes late, It was Johnnys’ fault. Apparently all the pictures weren’t good enough. 
For reference, here’s what Moxy was wearing:
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
will byers 5 and 16 please miss andi 🙏
5 - okay i sat and thought about this for a long time, and character wise there really really isn't anything that i dislike about will. i feel like he's very well written and very nuanced, which is why he's one of my favorites... so i'm going to be shallow and say his s3 haircut.
16 - okay character arc wise? will deserves to be able to speak his truth and also i think it'd be lovely for him to get to communicate his feelings a bit better (since both instances we've seen will communicating his issues it has been in a tense situation). and then the obvious of just will deserves a happy ending. after all he's been through and knowing he's going to go through so much more, the only satisfying end to will's arc is for him to end up with mike and end up happy. because otherwise literally what was the point of making will suffer so much
(for this ask game)
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joeey-dee · 11 months
What are your other favorite Arrowverse ships if you have any?
Hmmm… good question. 
I guess Canarrow is a given by now, lol. Not going into detail here now why. 
I really liked Roy and Thea, I think they were a good fit and helped each other grow and move out of their comfort zones and the lives they knew and with that changed their outlook on what their lives are going to be like because of the environment they grew up in. Roy learnt that he could be more than a petty thief and that if someone like Thea Queen not only believed in him but actually loved him, other people might give him a chance too and see him for who he is, not the circumstances he grew up in and that shaped him into who he was at the beginning. She gave him a chance and with that pushed him towards believing in himself and that he could be more than what everyone thought and always told him. He didn’t need to be stuck in the situation he was in at the start of the show. 
And Roy in return taught Thea to look beyond a person’s first appearance, to understand what less fortunate circumstances could lead to and the path someone could be pushed into simply by circumstances and desperation. Roy also pushed her to be more than the spoiled trust fund princess that she was or pretended to be at the beginning of the show, he helped her grow up and look passed her own wants and needs. 
They were good for each other and in their case the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks and the spoiled rich girl actually worked very well, their relationship was very realistically portrayed in my opinion and that made me root for them. 
Moira and Walter were also a couple a got attached to. And I was really sad when they broke them up, even though I completely understand Walter’s reasons and support his choice. Their story was also very relatable and I loved how positive Walter’s presence in the Queen women’s life was portrayed. Stepparents get a bad rep on TV or in movies way too often and that saddens me, because I grew up with at stepdad and he’s the best. I was around the same age as Thea was when my dad died which led to me having a lot more patience and understanding with Thea’s behavior than most of the fandom. I guess I could relate. So, yeah, Moira and Walter have a special place in my heart because Moira got a second chance at love and some happiness after losing her husband and son in such a tragic way. 
I also very much wanted Laurel and Tommy to end up together, those two were so great together and brought out the best in each other. They were a much better fit than Oliver and Laurel in my opinion. They had their issues but I feel they could’ve worked passed those had Tommy lived, Laurel just needed to put Oliver in the past once and for all were romance was concerned. 
I also like Oliver with Helena or McKenna, Sara is my all time favorite but I could’ve easily seen either of those relationships work out in a positive way, once they’d dealt with some issues. McKenna would’ve been very interesting given she was on the Hood Taskforce and her learning her boyfriend was who she’d been hunting for months would’ve made for some great storytelling, plus given her character I could’ve easily seen her becoming Oliver’s inside person at the SCPD. 
Helena was a great character too and I felt her and Oliver’s involvement was very rushed, I would’ve loved for them to stretch it and make her turn on him all the more impactful. They could’ve even brought her back later on reformed and have them fall back into each other and a relationship, and have her become the Arrow’s partner in the field. 
Both Helena and McKenna had a lot of potential that was never really developed and their storylines felt very rushed, unfortunately. 
Lyla and John are also a couple I like, even though they do have some serious issues… but still, I think in they work very well together and they have great chemistry and are a lot of fun.
I think those are the major ones, it is possible I missed some that I enjoyed. I guess Quentin and Donna were pretty great together too and Felicity and Ray had a lot of potential too and would’ve been the better fit than Oliver and Felicity. 
Thank you for your question I hope I answered it to your satisfaction, otherwise just let me know and I elaborate some more, lol. 
I hope you have a great day.
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runfast-runfar · 1 year
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Daily things ~holiday edition~
✨ dog sat for a quick night for my favorite boy Finn!! So so happy I got to see him!
✨ I ended up getting the new switch OLED and it’s amazinggg!!! The differences are minor but they make the biggest difference!!
✨ haven’t been running in a month now which makes me so so sad and frustrated but I try to go out and walk in the neighborhood to get the light exercise still. I am doing the peloton daily now which is amazingggg!! But missing my runs and the fresh air with working out so so much. Hopefully my back will get figured out soon and can be resolved easily!! 🤞
✨ I am obsessed with platforms shoes now lol!!! I have platform converse, and then I also got my first pair of Nike airforce 1s 😭
In love with both!!
And then I just bought myself a pair of Oxford platform Doc Marten’s 😅 This year I spent SO much money…. So I need to go back to saving!! Lots to save for this year! My brother and I are moving early next year (YAY!!!) and that needs lots of saving, I have a Disneyland trip over the summer with a friend, going to NYC next year during the winter, spending money for Taylor swift concert next year, etc! Plus just saving in general! :)
✨ the biggest thing I bought myself for a holiday treat was a quest 2 VR system!!!!! That is getting delivered today!!!!! I am SO freaking excited!!!!! I have really gotten into gaming since being essentially on bed rest and it helps pass the time… but it’s also become a genuine hobby! I am loving Pokémon violet and then I got Pokémon shield and have been playing the two. And then I wanted the virtual reality system bc getting to be fully immersed in the games is amazing and escaping entirely to a new world… I need that right now lol
✨ I bought thea a new hammock since her old one broke way earlier this year. She got upgraded to a double decker lol
✨ on an iced coffee kick and not complaining about it!! I am trying to make coffee at home versus buying Starbucks to save money, and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to only get Starbucks twice a week! And then make coffee every other day! And these iced coffee nespresso pods are making that easy to happen lol!
✨ spending some time doodling my own little cute anime-esque characters; meet Kipper haha
✨ the day after Christmas I came down with the flu and so I’ve been in bed most of the day for the past two days now. But tbh I’ve needed the rest, I’m just bummed I feel shitty during it. But at least today I’m feeling better than yesterday!
✨ I’m going to a friends beach house tomorrow for the weekend in celebration of New Years. I’m chugging DayQuil like it’s water (haha jk.. sorta) and hopefully I only feel better as each day comes! 🤞
✨ ordered myself some sushi for lunch since my throat isn’t on fire like it was yesterday, thank god!! And then all I’ve done today is play the switch, draw, have the show Wednesday on in the background (last episode is playing now… sooo that’s seven hours later lol 😅) and began reading my new book “Remarkably Bright Creatures” which is so good so far but I can tell it’s going to be a sad one 💔
✨ Well, I hope you’re all doing good, that you had a nice holiday and the new year is good to you!!!
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thefaeryscribe · 7 months
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Theodora's newest book, The Collected Enchantments, is a book of collected short stories and poems, many of which have appeared in other collections, magazines, and anthologies, such as Snow White Learns Witchcraft, In the Forest of Forgetting, and Songs for Ophelia. There's something to be said for re-publishing work in new arrangements, though. Many of the poems and stories have similar themes, and are set next to each other in the book. During my read-through, I also noticed many stories with the same characters or locations, which I don't think I'd caught before.
With each new poem or story you begin, you can be assured that you'll be taken into Faerie, at least for a moment. Perhaps there will only be a glimpse, or maybe you'll jump in with both feet.
Although I'd read many of these stories before, it felt like I was reading many for the first time. Part of that may have been that it had been a few years since I'd first encountered them, but I also think we view stories differently when we read them at different points in our lives. Something I read when I was twelve will likely affect me in a completely different way if I read it when I'm forty-five.
A few stories in particular stuck out to me this time. I've always loved the stories involving Miss Emily Gray, but my favorite this time might have been "The Other Thea," about a young woman who has to reclaim her shadow now that she's an adult (without giving away too many details, it was removed when she was a child).
I was also particularly fond of "A Country Called Winter" this time around, which is a really fun Snow Queen retelling.
"How to Become a Witch-Queen" is hands down my favorite Snow White continuation. (Fair warning for those who care about such things: it's written in second person. This has never bothered me, though, especially when it's done well, as this one is).
I've also always really liked "Blanchefleur." It always seems intimidating at first because it's so long, but it's a really fun story.
But my favorite story overall for this read through might have been "Red as Blood and White as Bone." It's not really a retelling of any existing fairy tale, but has all the elements of a fairy tale. For fear of spoiling the story, I'll only say that it's about a young girl working in a castle who helps a stranger.
Another thing I really enjoyed about this collection was all the stories that connected with each other. The Emily Gray stories are one such example, as are those involving Rose and Emma. Theodora also created Sylvania, an imaginary European country, and it appears in many stories, with some characters, cities, and rivers being mentioned in more than one tale. I really hope she'll continue writing them (and Miss Gray stories). Perhaps then she can have a future collection featuring only Sylvania stories, or only Miss Gray stories (though some overlap with the Rose and Emma stories occurs in "Lessons With Miss Gray").
I've raved about Theodora's poetry elsewhere, so I'll only say here that while I don't read a lot of poetry, I've always enjoyed hers and highly recommend it, especially if you like fairy tale poetry.
Some of Theodora's other books include Snow White Learns Witchcraft, In the Forest of Forgetting, Songs for Ophelia, The Thorn and the Blossom, and the Athena Club trilogy.
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