#so i consider that a good healty thing
mondstaub1 · 10 months
JaceLuke vs Lucemond
I started the fandome with Lucemond and now I am drifting towards JaceLuke: Here is why
So Lucemond has a lot of posibilities and I started reading it when their war less then 140 storys of it on AO3 now there are amost 3000. I still like it a lot but here is the one thing that bothers me somethimes. A lot of the storys (I guess over 50%) have either rape, voilents or some kind of non-con in it. There is nothing wrong with writing or reading that of course but I am just to soft for it. I want a sweet healty (at least as much as a story basted on the Targaryens can be) relationship and that is sometimes hard to get with Lucemond. It makes sence considering it's a lovestory based on a morderer and his victum. And the incident with the eye. And the fact that Aemond had not the best emotional upbringing or rolemodel when it comes to relationships. Still the point stands: I want my sweet Lucerys to be happy and save. Meanwhile Aemond is just the picture perfect supervilan for a farytail.
That is realtive new from me but I grew to like it, because it's rather sweet. They have a good and healty relationship from the get go. They love each other as brothers and it's easy to built a loving romantic story on that. Jace is used to take care and protect Luke and Luke is used to look up to Jace and go to him for comfort. They would never want to hurt each other. In addition to that is their rather healty emotional upringing. Jace is raised to be responsible and wise. Damn he is like the prince in the fairytail who rescuse the princess (and Luke is the perfect damsel in destress, the princess in the tower).
So yea that is my reason for loving JaceLuke.
Mind you this is not meant to criticize anyone or anyones taste
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stridersshitpost · 8 months
No judgment here but is the reason you're getting a lot of hate due to affiliating yourself with anti spaces (with the proship dni stuff in bio)? Im not in any of either side of that (im normal lol) but know they can be particularly brutal in bullying people out of their spaces or that they dont feel are "good" or "morally correct" enough.
Maybe you'd just get less hate specifically listing who in that vein you don't want to interact with? It seems like people get the most peace by staying out of it and just curating their spaces without those terms.
Either way i hope people chill and leave you alone about it. Dont let them get you down.
Yeh, you're right about that. Although I have seen many people without receiving that type of hate even if they have a dni in bio and liking problematic characters, or not simply a “proshippers dni”, but a large extensive specific list of dni. But I mean, like, I think that not everyone would feel comfortable having someone who ship things that are not well seen like incest and problematic things. Personally it is too uncomfortable and unpleasant. I just don't want people who enjoy content like this to interact with me.
Of course, no one is the most morally correct. But I just want to get away from those types of people. Without needing to attack or anything, I just block them and that's it. The Dni in my bio is only for that people who enjoy that kind of content understand that this blog is not a place for proshippers.
And the same goes for the people who harass me with those stuff, if people don't like my content or the simple fact that my content is based more on a character like bro strider, if it makes them uncomfortable or displeases them, there is no Nothing is simpler than blocking me or ignoring him, it's much easier than wasting time attacking. Just keep any stupid comments inside u head and move on with your life bud.
I feel uncomfortable with proshippers and it is completely valid, so do the people who dislike my blog. They have every right to not like something. The problem is that people take the fact that I “like” a problematic character just to call me a hypocrite and shit. And there have been many times that I repeat over and over again that I only like his fanon (and healty headcanons) of that character. I don't even defended actions like that or shit to be attacked like that. It's totally ridiculous. I, at least I, do not consider myself problematic to be called a hypocrite. (or also receive “KYS” on my inbox. It's fucking surreal lmfao)
It's not like I did the worst thing in the world to receive something like that. As far as I know I never did any kind of problematic action or supported problematic things. I simply “like” a character and that's it. People get mad easily or are they right? I just don't know, I'm not sure and I don't understand. I'm tired of explaining it over and over again
Regarding the list and things like that, I will keep it in mind. And thanks for the message :)
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kareofbears · 3 years
persona 5 strikers thoughts and feelings
This is going to be a long post. Like, the type of post you’d only really have time to read when you’re trying to sleep but you’re not ready to be unconscious yet so you’re just looking for something to do to spend your time with minimal effort. 
So in 2018, a masterpiece was born into the world: Into the Spider-verse was released and it was amazing—it’s honestly the best spiderman movie we have without a doubt, and it’ll be very far into the future before Spider-verse is beaten as the best spiderman movie. Them’s the facts. Then in 2019, Spider-man: Far From Home was dropped. It’s a great movie! Great characters, great continuation of who these characters are and works fantastic as a continuation of a story. It’s really hard trying to take the torch of a previous movie (or in Marvel’s case, juggling twenty something movies) and come up with a new movie that both works on its own, as well as being the next step in this series of films. Thus, with that idea in mind, I think it’s kind of unfair to judge into the spiderverse and far from home, because these are two movies with two completely different objectives in mind. 
Okay, so this is still a persona 5 strikers post, I promise, but the idea is the same: Persona 5 could basically do whatever it wanted—new story, new characters, new everything, and it’s just plain old awesome. However, Persona 5 strikers did not have that sort of freedom. It was bound to the original game, and it had its own rules and stuff it had to keep intact, characters they had to work with, and on top of that, it had to justify its existence as a sequel (lets pretend money doesnt exist lmfao). 
SO, the big question is: did it do that? Did it justify its existence? 
And my answer: holy fuck did it ever do that
I came into this game knowing the extreme bare minimum. I knew there was someone named Sophia, and i knew there was roadtrip, and i knew there were Personas. That’s my knowledge of it before i played it on the Switch.  I should also clarify like, early on, that i was not expecting anything from this game. At all. I was the world’s biggest cynic of this game—if you scroll down my p5s tag far enough, youll just see me complaining about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. I was fully expecting to have this be a Waifu show, and any male character that isn’t Akira to just be shoved aside like some kind of nerd in a high school hallway, and i have never been more pleased to be wrong. In fact, i actually owe it an apology, because of how fucking rude i was for no reason!!! Because this game deserves everything to be honest. 
Persona 5 strikers is, frankly, insane. Insane in the sense that it got to pull shit off that just would never have existed in the original game, because the original game is scared. It had to be as impressive as possible and garner as much attention as possible. Strikers does not have that problem—every single person who bought that game does not need to be convinced that persona 5 is a good game. They already played it. That means Atlus can just fuck around and have a good time, and man did they have a good time. There’s still scenes that still shock me if i think about it too hard, because i’m used to atlus having to follow this sort of rule set when it comes to persona 5 (or any of the main games im assuming, but i havent played them.) And on top of that, there’s still shit that’s Atlus Trademarked Branded in a good way. The style of story of story telling, and revealing the mystery that is so integral to what p5 is, is still there. 
So, to make this even a little bit comprehensible, i will make a list! 
First of all, What is this game?
In short, this game is an OVA of an anime. It’s bonus side content that has one thing in mind: to showcase these lovable characters more by putting them in fun situations. That’s it, and it is just phenomenal. That was the main point of, i’d say, like forty hours of the game. It’s just fun times with fun characters. 
But to get deeper of what i think is happening, or what they were thinking during the development, is that this is a second opportunity. Persona 5 (as we all know) had a lot of problems, and we were not quiet about those problems. We yelled it all out, made posts, made complaints on every social media platform ever. And Atlus heard all of them, and Strikers is a way to mitigate those mistakes. Aside from being a fun OVA, Strikers also works to be a deeper exploration of these characters—more specifically, the characters that did not receive much in the original game. Creating this sequel is having the ability to redo what they felt (or to be more specific, we felt) in the original game while adding new ones. I will get to that in a second.  
The format of the game 
Absolutely brilliant to throw them on a road trip. P5V already forced us to experience Shibuya for 200+ hours, and im so glad that they didn’t do that again. Going from town to town, making us experience these new places alongside our favorite characters is so good, and it just makes sense. It’s fun, it’s lighthearted, and it’s actually shockingly good. But one thing i do want to talk about early on is the way the story unfolds and the villains that they use, and what they do with it because it’s very interesting. 
So as we explore japan and stuff, we encounter jails, and with those jails comes an antagonist. This antagonist works to be a parallel to one of our characters. That character will find it in their hearts to feel bad for the antagonist, because the antagonist could have been them had the original game not happen. At first I thought all of the thieves were gonna get an antagonist, and i was really hyped for the ryuji one. And then came to hour forty of the game where i realized “yeah that’s not gonna happen. There’s just not enough time.” And i was right, and the game ended. But i am not salty at all, honestly, because the people who got a direct antagonist were: Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. (we wont count zen and sophie). 
Is there a trend??? Yes. these are all characters in the original game that have received the worst treatment by atlus. The three of them are basically cast aside the minute they finished their original arc, and its horrible! BUT that’s why this is the path that atlus chose for them—to give them more depth, and screentime, and a way to show their inner self. That isn’t to say that the ones who aren’t those three (makoto, futaba, mona, akira, ryuji) didn’t get anything. Futaba still has her thing at the end with ichinose, and she was very prevalent and animated during the rest of the game. Mona and Akira have to be a focal points, that’s just the nature of the game. The other two though, I will talk about in depth in a second.  
Y’all i poke fun at shumako fans sometimes cause its kind of easy and fun, but i honestly love makoto. In my very first playthrough of p5 (my first ever jrpg game, first persona game, i had no idea what i was doing), i had only maxed out two characters: ryuji and makoto. And i know she had a lot of screentime and love in the original game which is great, but i truly felt like she was dissed in this game. Her only roles were
A driver
Someone to tell them “we don’t have a choice. Let’s keep going and see where this takes us.” (seriously, if you replay this game, you will see how much she does this)
Idk, i just wish she had more to do, especially compared to how much love they gave the other characters. 
But let’s talk about some of the new characters! 
Damn you atlus. Damn you and your insistence at bringing in cop characters. I was fully on board with hating zenkichi, i was fucking ready for it. I was convinced that there was nothing they could do convince to like zenkichi. I was immune to their copaganda. 
And then i ended up loving him, which makes me sad a little bit. I didn’t realize how desperate i was to have an adult who has a persona. Someone who wants the world to change just as much as they do, while still having that aspect of them that makes them adult. Like??? As someone who is technically an adult, its a breath of fresh air. An adult. Who fights. For justice. Using a persona. And god i love akane so much, and her obsession with the thieves (that scene is probably in my top ten fave scenes of the game). Also what i loved about zenkichi is that he fucking hates the cops!! He hates the system of the cops!! And thats why i actually really started to love him!! Because i thought it was atlus saying that the systematic problem of the police cannot be solved by one person, and zenkichi threw away his badge. I actually cried at that part!! 
But then he became a cop again, and i was just :/ but as a character, i really love him to bits and would love to do a study on him, or at least use him as an outside pov. But! i absolutely love his persona, since im a les miserables fan hehe
she’s probably my favorite new aspect of the game. I was ready to not like her—again, i just suck like that, lmfao—and when i saw her, i was scared that she was just another waifu. I mean, she was very cute after all. But then as the game went on, i thought she was a little too cute. And even further into the game, i finally slapped myself in the face and realized oh my god shes not a waifu. Shes a sister. 
That blew my mind, im ngl to you. A female character that isn’t supposed to be romanced? By jove, what a miracle! 
And she…is an amazing character. Im sorry, i just love her so much. I love her so much that she  probably ranks as my fifth or sixth favorite character which is surprising even to me. Everything about her is delightful and invigorating. She’s funny??? Her comedic timing is amazing, and she has such chemistry with the rest of the team. She’s actually useful to the plot, and while her character design is a little too on the nose for me in terms of cuteness (i mean, good god she’s wearing oversized sweater to show how cute and tiny she is, and her hair has literal hearts in it), she is absolutely lovable. 
But what i actually really wanna gush about for a second is sophia at the last stage of the game. You get the idea, i dont really like to get excited over things, so at this point i figured that there was nothing this game could do to shock me. 
And then sophia had a persona awakening. 
Like. holy fuck did i yell. I didnt realize what was happening until the music had already kicked in. and its just so fucking smart!!! Sophia??? The ai?? With no heart?? gOT A PERSONA???? AWAKENING??? BECAUSE SHE LEARNED WHAT THE HEART IS AND THE PASSION THAT YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET A PERSONA??? I started crying honestly, because it was just so smart. And looking back on it now, its obvious!! Of course it would lead to this, it only made sense that the culmination of her character arc leads to her getting a persona, nothing else would have been as good. Also, her voice actor is just amazing?? When she was talking to ichinose at the end, i actually got incredibly emotional because of the line reads. Its just so spot on and it really captures the essence of sophia.
Muah. five stars Atlus. You got me. 
Ryuji <3!!!!
Oh man. Oh boy. Okay. so where do i start. 
Yall know i love him. Hes probably my favorite fictional male character of all time, and he is the one i was the absolute most cynical about in this game. I was expecting literally nothing. Nothing. Like. nothing. I thought he was just gonna keep being used as a joke, or a gag, and he’s gonna be super horny all the time for the other girls and it was gonna make me mad and there was gonna be some insane homophobic/queerphobic jokes in every other scene and i know i was being unfair, but i cant help it. 
And then i played the first two hours of the game, and i cried the entire time. Because ryuji has never been better than he is in this game. Its crazy. 
The ryuji in persona 5 strikers is who ryuji should have been/how he should have been treated this entire time. From the actual funny jokes (for example, the gold bar joke + his reaction to it in the beginning of the game), defending his female friends instead of being the one people need to defend from (natsume arc), and the fact that he was the one to be there with morgana and akira in the very beginning of the game. Its such a small thing that they didnt even need to do, but it was such an integral part of the original game for me, that i just was convinced that nothing like this was going to happen. But then it happened. Its just small stuff like that that could have been overlooked but it wasn’t because this game? Persona 5 strikers? Fucking loves ryuji. 
The actual respect they gave this boy is insane and i wasn't ready for it. Like, they gave the shujin trio lunch, they gave the little charm of the katana when they were in natsume’s jail, and, in my opinion this is the second-best thing that they could have given ryuji is sophia. Ryuji and sophia are the pinnacle of a brother & sister bonding relationship in the game that isn’t akira & futaba. And its really prevalent too?? Small stuff from the beginning of the game (pulling her out of a jail, calling her shorty), but then you have the iconic “shut the fuck up” scene, and that scene was so well characterized and written and voice acted, that somehow him saying “fuck” was the least exciting part of that scene to me. Ryuji is an older brother to her, like its undoubtable, and its only further cemented at the end of the game where Ryuji helps out ichinose because he knows how much sophia cares about her. This game. Love ryuji. And i love. This game. 
You know what else i love? Akiryu. 
Guys. i was fully prepared to starve in terms of akiryu. But theres just. So much of it. I wont get too deep into it, because i think this aspect of the game for me still needs marinate a little bit. Like, what was that last shot when EMMA died and Ryuji walked to approach Akira so they could relish in their victory together?? And the smile from both of them??? What the fuck. That was amazing. Also Joker being saved by Ryuji when he was about to fall from the cliff to save sophia??? WHAT. The LEADER AND HIS RIGHT HAND MAN? WHAT. anyway. If theres anything i want to keep for myself in my own brain, its the akiryu aspect of this game, so i wont talk too much about that part of things (instead, itll probably manifest in fic lmfaooo). 
Sure, there’s tidbits of stuff i dont like that they gave ryuji: sexualizing ann in that one cut scene and making him touch the jails even though it hurts, and i recognize those and frown at them, but for the most part, i am blown away with how they treated him.
Basically, Ryuji has never been better. From the opening of the game with him being the first text message and the one to sling his arm around akira, to the very last cut scene where it was ryuji wordlessly leaving because he’s so confident that they would never be separated for long, this game adores Ryuji and i am so so happy to say that.
The Royal aspect of things
Yeah, i had to talk about this, but itll be a short thing i just wanted to point out. Because the last part of this game...is persona 5 royal. Which is curious. Like taking reality and giving that power to someone else so you dont have to experience suffering anymore? And even like, the final section just looked a lot like the top half of maruki’s palace?? And whats even crazier is that we had a boss fight with sophia, just like how we had a boss fight with sumire? Royal and Strikers have like, the same thesis statement. It’s kind of uncanny.It’s interesting, it’s like atlus came up with these two ideas, and then just decided they liked both of them so much that they just did it twice. I don’t mind though—actually, in terms of how the last Palace/Jails go, i probably like them both about equally. 
Though i did love the final battle in this one more than i did in royal. Splitting into teams?? Thats cool as fuck, and really innovative and i didnt see it coming. It also kicked my ass. A lot. 
Now for the last stretch: the small stuff!
The music — bomb as fuck. In my heart, Daredevil is ranked the same as Rivers. Axe to grind is also amazing, but Daredevil owns me
Akechi — i really debated whether or not to talk about him, but i figured a bullet point should be enough. Im really shocked that he wasnt in this at all. Like not even a name drop. If this is an OVA, and the point of the game is to please the fans, and akechi is arguably the fan favorite character, i was really ready for something. But there was nothing, except for the pancake hallway if that even counts as a reference. Thats it. Thats all i wanted to say about him.
The humour — FUCKING HILARIOUS im convinced that in my fifty hour playtime, five of that is dedicated to me laughing and unable to continue the game 
Akira — so much personality! His lines of dialogue are crazy sometimes (like. Whats up with him saying Ryuji has ‘nice abs’ when they were in bath? Im crazy and even i dont know what the fuck that could mean) 
Battle system — oh my god i almost forgot to talk about this. I love it! I kind of miss the turn based aspect just because i found it very comforting for some reason, but this hack and slash style of gameplay is so invigorating because i do feel like it justifies shit like the baton pass and huge attacks.  This battle system fully encompases how the Phantom Thieves are supposed to fight, you know what i mean?
Anyway, thats my thoughts on strikers. Loved it. Amazing. 9.3/10, wouldve been higher but Konoe’s Jail almost bored me to death. Also im a monster and i didnt do any requests that isn’t a fun one, teehee. As if i play persona 5 for the persona aspect of things.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 3 years
Hello ❤️ could I request some hcs with the courtiers having an s/o who's thicc and she's insecure about it 👉👈
And here we go again, everyone!! Vulgora:
*They are thicc too, let’s start from that point... Well, in fact they’d say they’re actually in the “perfect shape” for fighting and that’s enough for them.
*Except when they find out you don’t feel very secure. It simply cannot connect with their ideas, like... why?
*Basically lifts you in the air and claims angrily that you’re the “best shaped warrior” they’ve ever seen besides... well, Vulgora, of course.
*”Who dare to claim that your body was bad? Fluffy you say? Meaningless! Come here, my fierce feline, I’ll teach you some moves to shut those filthy mouths up”
*Beauty comes in many shapes, that’s a thing he understands perfectly due to his variety of pet worms. 
*Yes, he might look like someone who prefers long, slimy figures but you... you’re like a Reinaceanse (sorry cannot remember how to speel it) model, curvy and soft yet very sensual.
*As a proof he loves your body, he commisions an artist in order to make a lovely portrait that will hang on the wall of the main living room. And no, this doesn’t come with worms in the background or something, is just you, wearing a light gown that allows viewers to enjoy your shape with a glimpse of sexyness.
*”Oh, MC, how can you say that to yourself? Look how well we look together!”
*Not that they’re very into physical attraction, but they’ve seen a lot of bodies (both cold and warm) and proclaim themselves as a good conoceur of human anatomy and aesthetic.
*Probably the first time they noticed your lack of confidence was that day they palmed you up and down in a “amused” way and saw your cheeks coming red and your eyes filled with small tears. 
*They are very aware of social pressure over people to look atractive in a very specific manner, but since they don’t care they need some tome to understand how it affects you. 
*They won’t actively do or say anything about the issue, but will make sure to make you feel comfortable around them, saying nice things they like of your appearence and giving you giggles everytime that thing you consider a flaw comes out. “My lovely butterfly, whom are you gonna hear, those imbeciles around you or me, that I’m older than time and know more about beutiness?”
*A little like Vlastomil, he sees in you a classical beauty: rounded shape, soft tummy, big hips... Like, he can portray you in his mind wearing a loose transparent gown and mistake you for a greek goddess.
*He’s more aware than any other courtier of your damaged confidence, and will fight in his special way to anyone who dares to speak sh*t about you. Like, hello, the consul’s partner being bodyshamed? Are you trying to die or something?
*Always buys you nice clothes and accesories, like everytime, and waits for you to model them for him. That’s one of the few times he keeps his mood but you can bet his kind words for you are completely sincere.
*Probably the best worst comment he has made you was, basically, “you never feel ashamed of yourself, your complexion is so magnificent I can tell you’ll bear beautiful and healty heirs for me”.
*Smol bean is always ready to make you feel loved, doesn’t mind the situation. And knowing you feel a little uncomfortable of yourself is... shocking for her.
*”How can MC despise themselves? Ohh, this must be wrong! Volta doesn’t know anyone better than MC!”
*Since she’s very shy and anxious to control herself, will try to get some good opinions for you from other people she considers worth, like countess Nadia. 
*Besides her personal crusade to make you notice how phisically well you are, she’ll encourage your inner virtues. You can bet she truly believes you’re the most perfect creature of every kingdom and never hesitates to remind you.
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fancyphoenix · 3 years
The winx and the specialists after watching FATE.
Flora: So that was something... guys?
Bloom: I have to ask, am I so self centered? And annoying? And why Stella and I hate each other? Ugh it dosen’t make sense. And Sky and Stella, hell to the no.
Stella: Of course not, why the fuck did i date Sky? And why I’m such bitch? And where is my honey buckets. And i love fashion, it’s not and obligation. My mum is nice ok? Im confused...
Layla: At least they didn’t make you the black token friend, dont get me wrong she seems nice and all but that’s not me.
Flora: I Don’t meant to be rude but why i’m white? I look like a grown women, and why Riven and I treat eachother badly, he’s my friend. I miss Helia. I didn’t like it a LOT im sorry netflix. The only good think is the diferent body representation.
Musa: Fuck this shit, im not white either, gosh. Why the fuck im a empath? And why im dating that Sam dude hes not my type. I only talk to Riven ONCE, why?And why the fuck he dates that beatrix and not me? I Don’t get it.. At least my personality was kind of cool...
Tecna: At least you guys where in there. Why im not good enough for their shitty show? Ok, but I do have to say this, at least like Musa says they didn’t fuck me up. But I’m no quite happy, that they don’t consider me one of the Winx, that’s kind of irrespecful.
Timmy: Of course you’re good enough, i love you. They screwed it up. I’m actually a little bit happy that im not in there, at least they didn’t ruin me.
Helia: I think the same thing as you Timmy, But i didn’t like what they did too my flower.
Brandon: I’M GOING TO KILL SOMEONE. Why they make my sweet honey buckets like that? And why she’s dating Sky?He’s my best friend and she’smy girlfriend. Gosh don’t they have some respect for us, or what?
Nabu: Im not there, and i hope not to be, because for sure the will kill me again. And they make the Black token friend like they did with Layla..
Sky: I quite like my caracther.. I just Don’t like the fact that I dated Stella. But my dad is alive,why would they kill him? Uhmm, Riven are you good?
 AND why i fat shame Flora? She’s my mate. 
I Don’t smoke it’s not healty, im a healty person.
And fuck no, i Don’t wanna fucking date the trix. And it’s Musa my girl, not that Beatrix. FOR GOD SAKE. I ONLY DATED DARCY, BECAUSE I WAS POSESED. ONE TIME, ONE FUCKING TIME. I HATE THIS. 
 And why my fucking best friend is Sky, that dosen’t make sense. I HATE IT. I WILL MURDER THEM AND DESTROY EVERITHING THEY LOVE.
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a-s-levynn · 3 years
Why not get some autumn questions back ^V^ 🍂:🥧📺🧛🍬 (feel free to choose only to reply to some of them if there are too many :'D)
Thank you for asking! Oh no i'm not choosing, if you would have asked the entire list, i would have answered the entire list, believe me. I live for overshareing on the internet. 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
🍂: Make a simple autumn moodboard to show us your vibes this season! (or simply name the things you would put on such a moodboard) Little hectic but not really. But yeah this looks good.
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🥧: Regardless of skill, if you could bake anything right now (pie, cake, muffin, brownie etc.) what would you like to make? Uhh i have this really easy butter cookie recipe which is wonderful in on itself or as a side for tea or coffee or anything really. I'm just not that big on sweets to make them for myself because i'd be force to eat them for like 2 weeks and i'm just not putting through that myself. I mean i'd love to eat like.. 3 and that would be perfect. Maybe when i'll have guests or something, i'll make them.
📺: Do you watch horror movies? If yes, which are your favorite? I do! I'm more into the classic slashers like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Scream or the original Halloween, the Shining, American psycho (does it count horror at all? whatever) and i would have a hard time choosing just one.. but i'm pretty much game for anything in the genre. But to pick a favourite from any of these? It's waaay too hard. Also i equally like thrillers as well. Okay i'm pretty much omnivore in movies. From crima dramas to sci-fi to fantasy until action. Anything is game. Especially action movies lately.
🧛: Did you ever dress up for a costume party, or maybe cosplay for a convention? If yes, which character? Both. I occasionally dressed up for parties but i did cosplay a lot a few years back. I'm too lazy to list all the characters that i did (mostly anime/manga characters), but so far i'm most proud of my Reaper from Overwatch even if it was a bit unfinished and could have used a bit more work. I still have a few characters lined up, that i want to make but i didn't had the time nor the budget so far but maybe this or next year i can manage. But here, have a look at my pride and joy for now:
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It's so weird to think that this pic is over 5 years old now.
🍬: All-time favorite candy? Candy? Oh, Twizzlers. Definitely. The basic strawberry flavoured red ones. I'm not much for sweets in general, i rarely eat chocolate or any type of candy or sweets to be fair, but i don't consider twizzlers candy anyway.. because there are times i eat a pack and skip proper meals for the rest of the day. Which i don't recommend because it's not healty so be better than me please.
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deputy-videogamer · 4 years
Demon in Disguised | Part 3|
Pairing: Geralt x Reader
Warning: Slight Angst
Summary: It's almost been a month since you and the famous White Wolf has last scene each other and a month since you left Hell. During the time Geralt had taken a contract that was regarding a noonwraith in a nearby village that patrols around the a ruins of a castle. Unfortunately for you, this noonwraith has a very familiar face.
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Part 1 Part 2
A month.
It's been almost a month since you and Geralt last saw each other, you constantly wonder on what would've happen if you went along with Geralt, unfortunately you remember that your five siblings are still looking for you and would mostly likely create and send more demons to find you.
About a week ago you encounter Zevan in a village, well more like he was getting out of the village brothel as you were looking for a place to rest. By Hells, the uncomfortable silence when your eyes met his. Afterwards he told you on how your siblings are desperate to find you hell even Belphegor; the demon of sloth was actually doing work for once.
As you were enjoying that memory of Zevan's encounter, you started to notice how the once green healty tress were slowly being replaced with burnt withered trees. Confusion has spread you mind wondering what could've done such a thing. Base on how burnt the surrounding trees were it lost have been a war that happen a long time ago. As you were drawing further and further the trees had stopped and revealed a secret.
A clearing was revealed. Showing you the ruins of what looked like to be a small farms that were meant to grow crops or for wine. Your throat had suddenly became dry, your movements had halted. You prayed that this ruins you were in wasn't what you think it was, although you knew in your heart that it was the place you knew. Going to one of the ruin homes you searched for something that would confirm you answer.
You moved aside falled debris and gravel, searching for anything sign or hint of what this place might be. That when you saw it. Behind all the gravel was a small piece of fabric sticking out. Pulling it out of the confinement revealed itself to be a flag. The flag had blue strips on the top and on the bottom of the fabric that had a white surrounding. In the center of the flag was a detailed wolf face that had a snarled showing its fangs.
You were right.
This place was your kingdom.
Any emotion you had early had vanished. You once expressive eyes had become luterless. Dropping the flag you had walked further into you fallen kingom.
Geralt on the other hand couldn't get you out of his head. He could practically hear your moans, he could feel your touch burning on his skin. He was so close on tracking you down just so he could have you by his side, but it was highly unlikely he could ever find you. Being powerful demon means you could easily hide your scent and changing your appearance for all he know the next person he walks by would be you in disguise.
He shook his head, ridding any thoughts of you. He needs to focus now. He just accepted a request to slay a wraith that was coming from some ruins of an old kingdom. He was currently getting ready to head to the ruins when an old woman with silver eyes had stopped him.
"You Witcher. Are you heading to slay that poor wraith?" Her raspy voice asked him.
"Is there any other reason why I'm heading there?" He said in a smart ass way, the old woman rolled her eyes.
"Before you face the wraith, the moment you meet the burnt village leave this gift to the village." The old lady handed him an small statue that had a woman raising her sword in the air while her other harm was wrapped around a child.
On closer expectations the woman's face had oddly looked like (Y/N). Why would this women give him a state that had you face on it? Then something hit him. He remembered how Zevan told him that a Sin Demon are born not like other demons but killed by sin.
"The woman on the statue. What was her name?" It was a stupid answer, but he needed an answer to confirm it.
The woman gave him a smile that could only be described as a smile remembering a pleasant memory.
"Her name is (Y/N). She was once the ruler of the kingdom where the wraith is. Her kingdom was a heaven for anyone elves, humans, vampires you name it. No poverty, no starving, no unfair laws, it was truly a kingdom that was a heaven."
Geralt notice how the woman's eyes where turning from a bliss to misery.
"Of course, all good things must come to an end. An enemy kingdom wanted to claim her kingdom, she knew that their chances of winning were low, but she wanted to give her people time to evacuate our homes so we can relocate and live on. She died defending her home, the other kingdom knew what she was doing had looked for any citizens that were trying to escape. Only a few manage to escape their hands, the rest....."
Tears started to run down the old lady's face not wanting to continue her story. Geralt had finished the last part of her explanation.
"They were killed." The lady's face nodded.
It all made sense why would a wraith haunt the ruins. They were just a citizen trying to escape only to be killed. Geralt thanked the woman, promising to place the statue when he sees the burnt village.
On his way there Geralt wondered what was it like under you rule. Was it all true just like what the woman said? A place of Heaven? At the same time Geralt couldn’t believe that you the ruler of this kingdom. He just wondered how much wrath was enough for you to become a sin demon.
When the burnt ruins of came into his view, he tied Roach to the nearest tree and retrieved the statue from his bag. Geralt has been to haunted places before, but just walking here made him feel uncomfortable, a rustle from came his feet along with a familiar scent made him stop. Looking down, his foot was had step on a flag that had a wolf on it. Picking it up on closer examination the scent that linger on the flag was all to familiar.
It had belong to you and it was fresh.
Geralt followed the scent where you might be. Your scent had led him was near the outskirts of the remains, there he saw you sitting on a rock it wasn’t until he notice the noonwraith in front of you. His Witcher instincts immediately  told him that he should slay the phantom, but when he got closer the monster didn’t attack him or you at all.
Sensing a presence behind, you turned you head to see what would come here. To your surprise Geralt was just a few feet behind you. 
“Nice to see you again, Geralt.” You gave him a weak smile then turning back to your attention back to the wraith. “She won’t hurt you, she just a poor elf who’s bind here due to her unfair death.”
“Seems like you known who this wraith is.” Geralt took the spot on the rock right next to you, you nod at his response.
“Yep, while you and humans just seen the monster form of a soul. A demon such as myself see their real form.”
“What do you see then?” You remained silent before you answered.
“A young elf who is not even at the age of 30 looking at me with such pity eyes.” Which was true the green ghost form to humans was actually a poor elf soul who was still wearing the clothes the day she died with a stab wound on her stomach.
“I’m sure Asmodeus already explained how a sin demon is created? Yes?” You glance at Geralt for a brief moment then looking back at the wraith.  “Well here’s my story on how I came to be.”
You took one deep breath before you prepare yourself from the memories.
“Came from a village somewhere in Toussaint long before Anna Henrietta even became queen. At the age of 17 I left my village in search for something, didn’t know what just....something. It wasn’t long before I helped with a guild and gain recognition for my actions then some lord who’s name I long forgotten gave me a small piece of land where I started to build my kingdom. Nothing more than small refuge village for anyone who needed shelter elves, runaways, vampires, dwarves, you name it. As that village grow it became a city with no ruler, but to the people I was their ruler. It was nothing really I just solved the problems that was going on in the city and made a few laws that was fair for both the lower and upper class.”
Geralt watched and listened to every word you sprouting out of your mouth. Your actions told him how much you really cared for this kingdom.It wasn’t until you took a small pause in your storytelling that told him that he was getting closer to what led to you to become a sin demon.
“A.....an kingdom notice how my home was growing wealthy and powerful. They wanted our kingdom, so they planned an invasion. I knew that their army was much more stronger than ours, so I told the citizens to escape, even if I did fell into battle at least they could escape....I was right I was killed in battle took three swords to make be on my knees. I thought my efforts would be enough to save them....”
Geralt didn’t needed her to hear what she said next. Wiping her tears away as she recalled her death, even when she died she had witness the death of her beloved citizens. The elf woman looked at queen in pity, she wanted to do something to make her feel better, but what could she do? She was died.
“The death of my citizens was enough wrath to make me become a sin demon. When they conquered my home I whispered in the ears of their advisers of power and riches as a way of revenge. The same can be said to the citizens of overthrowing their rulers, it always works. Although, the burden of the death of my citizens never left even to this day.”
Getting up from the rock, you took a step closer to your citizen, then turning your head towards Geralt.
“I won’t let you kill her, but considering the fact you are here to slay her I have an alternate solution.” Pressing your index finger above her chest you chanted a small spell.
“Requiem qui se finxit (rest to the afterlife).”  It pained you to see her go, but it was the right thing to do. Parts of her ghostly body started to disperse in front of your eye.
There was a smile on her face making you puzzled on why she would smile. Perhaps she got to see her queen again?
“It was never your fault. You did all you could even when we died at least we had a place we call home. Thank you my queen.” Before she disappeared completely she gave a full on bow to you and a sweet smile on her face.
You didn’t even realize how late it was when you were talking about your kingdom to Geralt.
“You have a room for tonight?” 
“Can I join you?”
With his permission you followed Geralt back to the village. After earning his payment, you headed straight to the place where Geralt was staying at for the night. It was quite between the two of you, you knew that he and you wanted to talk, but you didn’t know where. The sounds of water splashing broke your train of thoughts, looking up you saw Geralt entering the tub that was set up for him.
His faced was in bliss as the hot water had messaged his aching muscles. Feeling your gazed he turn to your form that was lying on the bed. You quickly turned your attention away when he caught you staring.
“Your free to join me if you wish.” A sudden rise of heat had spread around your cheeks. 
Geralt chuckled, loving the fact that someone who calls themselves a sin demon was easily teased by him. He watche as you got off the bed and started to strip in front of him then removing your shoes.
“No, privacy?” You raised your eyes in a mocking way.
“You already saw me naked, so any type of privacy was removed when we had sex.” You slowly entered the tub with him, sinking in relaxing bath you had in awhile. 
For a moment the two of you didn’t have a conversation only just bathing in complete silence. It wasn’t until you spoke up that was about the questions that he still didn’t asked you.
“You still have seven questions for me to answer. And now that we are here..” You moved into a more comfortable, “You are welcome to ask questions.”
Geralt thought for a moment of what he should ask you about. Before he knew about your kingdom, he wanted to know more about what you were. But now that he knew about your past. Most of his questions became answers, although that still didn’t mean that he was still curious about you.
“What’s you powers?
“Anything that can rival the most skilled mages and powerful elves.”
“Are your siblings looking for you?”
“Yes, from what I heard even by lazy brother, Belphegor is actually trying to find me.”
“Do you think you’ll ever go back?”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” You gave a sly smirk much to Geralt’s amusement
“That’s childish of you.” You shrugged in response. “What will you do now?”
“Wander most likely.”
“What have you been doing the last time we met?”
“Nothing to exciting, just wandering, helped a little, blah blah.”
“Starting to realize that Earth isn’t fun?” He teased only for you to give him a sly smirk.
“No, just haven’t found source of excitement that can keep me entertained.” Leaning forward towards Geralt, both your chests where touching. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his hands moved slowly down to your waist. The slow contact made you release a moan slowly turning you on. “Last Question Geralt, ask wisely.” You panted.
“And if I ask you to join?” Geralt leaned forward, both of your lips were close to touching.
“Then I would gladly join.” Tilting your head up, both your lips had met where they fought once again for dominance sealing the deal between the two of you.
And done! Hope you enjoy the final chapter of Demon in Disguise. There will be more Witcher fics coming soon, such as
 Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Geralt x Reader x Jaskier
Yennefer x Reader
Jaskier x Reader
Until then wait until this happen
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reallifesultanas · 4 years
Fratricide /Testvérgyilkosság
An important part of the Sultanate of women (and the whole Ottoman Empire’s history) was the fratricide. The tradition of fratricide became legal during Mehmed II’s reign. Mehmed – who was the conquerer of Constantinapole – reformed the Empire in a lot of ways. One of his reforms were the legalization of fratricide.
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But why did he do that? Was he an evil man?
It’s not that easy… There was a long history of civil wars between brothers for the throne. A civil war is always bad for the empire, it costs a lot of money and a lot of human lives. The brothers fought with each other during long wars and when one of them won, the new sultan stayed there without healty soldiers and without money, because they spent these things for the war. We have to admit, that it was not an ideal situation to start a reign. One of the longest and bloodiest civil wars for the throne was the one between Mehmed I (grandfather of Mehmed II) and his brothers. It lasted for eight years and costed a lot of money and soldiers. This is why Mehmed II stated that "To whichever of my sons the Sultanate shall be granted [by God], it is appropriate that he should kill his brothers for the good order of the world. Most of the ulema have declared this permissible." Actually fratricide didn’t just mean the execution of the other prince, but his sons as well.
Short (and not full) history of fratricide:
Murad II (r. 1421-1444 and 1446-1451), who was the first sultan to secure himself on the throne with brothers safely under his control, blinded two younger brothers, because blindness was considered a disqualification for sovereignty in both Islamic and Byzantine tradition. But after his death, his oldest son Mehmed executed his infant brother and went on to institutionalize the practice of fratricide by incorporating it into his codification of imperial protocol.
When Mehmed II (r. 1444-1446 and 1451-1481) passed away he had two remaining sons Bayezid and Cem. The Ottoman nobility supported Cem; Bayezid in contrast, cultivated relations with people who had been damaged by the fiscal policies of Mehmed’s last years. When Bayezid won, Cem escaped to the Knights of Saint John at Rhodes, and eventually ended up a hostage of the Pope, in confinement in the Vatican. Bayezid’s agents got to Cem in Rome in February 1495 and poisoned him.
Bayezid II (r. 1481-1512) had numerous sons, however when he died the two biggest candidates were Selim and Ahmed. Bayezid prefered Ahmed over his other sons, he even named him as his heir. Meanwhile Selim was supported by a very few statemen but he had the support of the janisseries. The other son, Korkut didn’t have any support and when he tried to get some supporters, Selim sent him back to his province, which Korkut accepted. So in the end he didn’t show any interest to the throne. We know that in the end Selim won and he executed Ahmed with his sons. Korkut accepted Selim I (r. 1512-1520) as his sultan and tried to live a simple modes life, however later Selim tested his loyalty, but he failed so Selim executed him also.
Süleyman I (r. 1520-1566) was part of the war of his father. He exactly saw how his father dethroned Sultan Bayezid II, and exiled him (and maybe also poison him). Süleyman was lucky, because he was Selim’s only living son, so he didn’t have to face with fratricide. However it wasn’t easy for him still. The janissaries loved Selim, but when he led them to a long and tiring campaign they rebelled against him and threatened him that they will depose him and will make his son, Süleyman the new sultan. The folclore says that this was the time when Selim sent a poisoned kaftan to Süleyman. So it’s true that Süleyman didn’t have to face with his brothers, but he was part of the fight of his father. Moreover in his life he had to make decisions which were maybe more difficult than fratricide.
Selim II (r. 1566-1574) also was the only heir in the time of his father’s death, so he didn’t have to experience the classical way of fratricide. However he saw how their own father executed his brothers, Mustafa (and his young son) and Bayezid (with his sons). But as the third son of the family, with his two elder brothers being strong candidates, he lived his life in the fear of fratricide. The ultimate victory of his eldest borther, Mustafa was a possibilty, which would mean his and his son’s death. In the end however Süleyman solved the situation for Selim.
Until this time the fratricide mostly happened after civil wars and casual people were more permissive with it. They hardly accepted the death of young and innocent princes, however they were the descendants of a rebellious prince, so the people accepted fratricide. It was a needed bad. Selim was the first sultan to die in Istanbul, so his death was the first occasion when the people of Istanbul saw the real face of fratricide.
When Selim’s son Murad III (r. 1574-1595) arrived to Istanbul, all of his brothers were there, since they were too young to have a princely post. Some sources even claim that it was hard for Murad to make the decision and execute his brothers, since they were just young child (all of them were younger than 8 years old). In the end their coffins left the palace and the people of Istanbul were in shock. They knew about fratricide of course, but it was different to accept the execution of rebellios men and their sons, than seeing little coffins leaving the palace with innocent young children’s dead body. Even the family and political elite also started to change their opinion on fratricide.
But an even bigger shock came, when Murad died and his oldest son, Mehmed III (r. 1595-1603) became sultan, 19 small coffins left the palace. This was just too much for everybody. There are hints in some chronicles that the practice of fratricide always displeased the sultan’s subjects, but now the murder of innocent children caused a public outrage.
When Mehmed III died, his oldest living son, Ahmed I (r. 1603-1617) – still a child – became sultan. Ahmed was young, he was never sent to a province, he wasn’t circumcised yet, so it wasn’t known if he is able to produce children or not. Moreover he had a bad health and even was ill for a long time before his accession. So it would be a mistake to execute his only living brother Mustafa. Contarini, the Venetian ambassador reported that: „He has not otherwise had to have his only brother put to death, because the Sultan has said that he wishes to keep and cherish him like a son, but one must suppose that, for that purpose, he might have been persuaded by those who advise him. Since he does not yet have any children, they have considered it opportune for the continuation of the House of Osman not to rest solely in him in the face of such danger [i.e., of accidental death], especially since his brother is about four years old, so that little is to be feared from him, but it is best to wait some length of time for this eventuality, until the Sultan can secure his posterity.” But he couldn’t just leave him to live a simple life, rule a province far away from the capital, because he could easily start a rebellion. This is why Ahmed created the kafes (cages). This was a luxory apartement in the harem where princes could spent their days. However they could just leave it ocasionally and couldn’t have a harem or a proper education.
When Ahmed died, an unprecedented situation was created with respect to the thus-far-unbroken Ottoman tradition of father-to-son succession. Though he had several sons, Ahmed never threatened the life of his brother. Hence, at the time of his death, both his eldest son, thirteen year old Osman, and his brother Mustafa were eligible to rule. A court faction secured the enthronement of Mustafa in preference to Osman, thus solidifying the end of royal fratricide and confirming a new principle of seniority in succession. So Mustafa I (r. 1617-1618 and 1622-1623) became the next sultan, but soon he was deposed for the sake of Osman II (r. 1618-1622).
Osman II also used fratricide for the execution of his brother, Mehmed. Osman was soon deposed, just like his uncle, Mustafa, and then the jannissaries made Mustafa sultan again.
After Mustafa’s second reign, Ahmed’s other son, Murad IV (r. 1623-1640) became a sultan. Murad tried to revivify fratricide, when he executed his younger brothers, Süleyman, Bayezid and Kasim. However he wasn’t succesful and with his death fratricide disappeared forever.
Why Osman II and Murad IV tried to return to their roots with fratricide?
They were the only sultans to go on military campaign and thus to experience prolonged absence from the capital. Fratricide appears therefore to be linked to the possibility of a real threat to a sultan’s tenure on the throne. Osman executed Mehmed, the eldest of his younger brothers, when he set out on the Hotin (Polish) campaign in 1621; Murad executed three of his brothers, using the celebration of his victorious campaign against the Savafids in 1635 to mask the death of two, and the celebration of the reconquest of Baghdad in 1638 to do away with the other. So all in all they left Istanbul for campaigns and were afraid that their brothers would make a rebellion while they are away.
After these events there wasn’t any kind of attempt to revivify fratricide?
Yes there was! As he came of age Mehmed IV (r. 1648-1687), who was the son of Ibrahim I (r. 1640-1648) wanted to invoke the practice of fratricide in favor of his sons Mustafa and Ahmed, both born of his beloved haseki Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş Sultan. Public opinion, however, had come to regard the practice of fratricide as effectively lapsed. It was the valide sultan Turhan Hatice who assumed the responsibility of protecting Mehmed’s brothers, Süleyman and Ahmed, neither of whom was her own son.
Was it a good thing when fratricide disappeared?
If we watch it from the human side, of course yes! But if we watch it from the sake of the empire, the answer is not so easy. The lapse of fratricide resulted to a considerable degree from the increasing power of kingmakers, leading members of the military/administrative and religious hierarchies as well as troops stationed in the capital. Moreover princes never again became governors of provinces, so they became sultans without any kind of experience. The end of fratricide even was an effect on the decline of the empire.
Used sources: Colin Imber – The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; Douglas A. Howard – A history of the Ottoman Empire;  Günhan Börekçi – Factions and favourites at the court of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet – The Cambridge History of Turkey, volume 2: The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453–1603; Leslie Peirce – The imperial harem, Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire.
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A nők szultánátusának (és az egész oszmán történelemnek) nagyon fontos része a testvérgyilkosság. A hagyományt II. Mehmed legalizálta. Mehmed – aki elfoglalta Konstantinápolyt – sok szempotból megreformálta a birodalmat, ezen reformok egyike pedig éppen a testvérgyilkosság legalizálása volt.
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De miért tette ezt? Rossz ember lett volna?
Ez a kérdés nem ilyen egyszerű… Nagyon régre nyúlik vissza a testvérek trónért folyó küzdelme. Ezek a polgárháborúk nagyon negatívan hatottak a birodalomra, hiszen rengeteg pénzbe és emberéletbe kerültek. A testvérek igen hosszú időt töltöttek az egymással való csatározásokal, amely végén a győztes pénz és katonák nélkül maradt, ami lássuk be nem a legjobb kezdés egy uralkodáshoz. Az egyik legvéresebb és leghosszabb polgárháború I. Mehmed (II. Mehmed nagyapja) és testvérei között zajlott. Ez 8 évig folyt és hatalmas pénzösszegeket emésztett fel, a katonákról nem is beszélve. Ezért döntött úgy II. Mehmed, hogy „Akármelyik fiamra száll is a szultánátus Isten akartából, helyénvaló, hogy testvéreit meggyilkolja a világ érdekében. Az ulema nagyrésze szerint ez megengedhető.” A testvérgyilkosság azonban nem csak a testvérekre, hanem azok fiú gyermekeire is vonatkozott.
A testvérgyilkosság rövid (és nem teljes) története:
II. Murad (u. 1421-1444 és 1446-1451), volt az első szultán, aki úgy jutott a trónra, hogy két testvérét megvakíttatta, ezzel alkalmatlanná téve őket az uralkodásra, mind az iszlám, mind a bizánci jog szerint. Halála után azonban fia, Mehmed nem megnyomorította, hanem meggyilkoltatta egyetlen élő öccsét, egy csecsemőt, majd legalizálta a szokást.
Amikor II. Mehmed (u. 1444-1446 és 1451-1481) elhunyt, két fia volt: Bayezid és Cem. Az oszmán elit Cemet támogatta, míg Bayezid azokat gyűjtötte maga mellé, akiket apja pénzügyi politikája megkárosított. Mikor végül Bayezid győzedelmeskedett, Cem Rodoszra szökött a Szt. János lovagokhoz. Azonban végül a pápa túszaként végezte, majd Bayezid kémei megmérgezték 1495-ben, Rómában.
II. Bayezidnak (u. 1481-1512) több fia is volt, ám a két legesélyesebb jelölt Szelim és Ahmed voltak. Bayezid maga Ahmedet preferálta többi fiával szemben, még hivatalosan is elismerte őt, utódjaként. Mindeközben Szelimet kevés államférfi támogatta, ám övé volt a janicsárok támogatása. Bayezid egy másik fia, Korkut kevésbé volt szerencsés helyzetben és nem volt mellette egy támogató sem. Emiatt Isztambulba ment, hogy ott támogatókat szerezzen, ám Szelim visszaküldte őt Isztambulból a tartományába. Korkut elfogadta Szelim utasítását és visszatért tartományába, ahol aztán nem mutatott bárminemű érdeklődést a trónra. Tudjuk, hogy végezetül Szelim győzedelmeskedett és kivégezte Ahmedet fiaival együtt. Korkut elfogadta I. Szelimet (u. 1512-1520) szultánjaként és igyekezett visszavonultan élni. Szelim azonban tesztelte hűségét, mely próbán elbukott, így őt is kivégeztette a szultán.
I. Szulejmán (u. 1520-1566) részese volt apja harcának, végignézte, ahogy apja trónfosztja II. Bayezidet, majd száműzi őt (és talán meg is mérgezi). Szulejmán szerencsés volt, mert ő volt Szelim egyetlen élő fia, így nem kellett a testvérgyilkossággal szembenéznie. Azonban így sem volt neki egyszerű a helyzet. A janicsárok nagyon kedvelték apját, Szelimet, azonban amikor az egy túl hosszú és kimerítő hadjáratra vitte őket, azok megfenyegették, hogy trónfosztják és helyére fiát, Szulejmánt ültetik. A történetek szerint ekkor küldött apja egy mérgezett kaftánt Szulejmánnak. Tehát bár Szulejmánnak nem kellett testvéreivel harcolni, apja révén mégis részese volt a testvérgyilkosságnak. Mindemellett élete során sok még a testvérgyilkosságnál is nehezebb helyzettel kellett szembenéznie.
II. Selim (u. 1566-1574) szintén egyetlen örökös volt, apja halálakor. Ettől függetlenül azonban végignézte, ahogy apjuk kivégzi két testvérét: Musztafát (és kisfiát) valmint Bayezidet (és fiait). Mint a család harmadik fia, két olyan erős idősebb testvérrel, mint Musztafa és Mehmed, Szelim egész életében a testvérgyilkosság árnyékában élt. Bátyja, Musztafa végső győzelme nem volt kérdéses évekig. Végül azonban Szulejmán megoldotta a helyzetet Szelim számára.
Ekkoriban volt egy nagy fordulópont a testvérgyilkosság terén. Eddig ugyanis a testvérgyilkosság polgárháborúkhoz köthető szükséges rossz volt, amit az emberek megengedően fogadtak. Természetesen nehezen viselték a fiatal hercegek kivégzését, de végülis lázadó hercegek fiai voltak, így nem volt más választás. Azonban Szelim, első szultánként Isztambulban hunyt el, így halála után Isztambul népe életében először megtapasztalta a testvérgyilkosság igazi arcát.
Amikor II. Szelim fia III. Murad (u. 1574-1595) megérkezett Isztambulba minden öccse ott volt, hiszen még túl fiatalok voltak, hogy saját tartományt irányítsanak. Néhány forrás szerint még Murad számára is nehéz volt meghozni a döntést és kivégeztetni öccseit, hiszen mindannyian kisgyermekek voltak még, egyikük sem volt 8 éves. Végül csak koporsóik hagyták el a palotát és Isztambul népe megdöbbent. Természetesen tudtak a testvérgyilkosságról, de egészen más volt, hogy a távolban kivégeztetnek lázadó hercegeket, mint látni, ahogy ártatlan hercegek élettelen teste hagyja el a palotát kicsiny koporsókban. Még a család és a politikai elit is elkezdte megváltoztatni véleményét a testvérgyilkosságról.
De még ennél is nagyobb sokk érte Isztambul népét, amikor a Murad halála után a hatalmat átvevő III. Mehmed (u. 1595-1603) 19 gyermek öccsét végeztette ki. A 19 apró koporsó már túl sok volt az embereknek. Már korábban is voltak arra utaló feljegyzések, hogy a testvérgyilkosságot nehezen tűri el a nép, ám az ártatlan gyermekek meggyilkolása nyilvános felháborodást váltott ki.
Amikor III. Mehmed meghalt, legidősebb élő fia I. Ahmed (u. 1603-1617) – még mindig csak egy gyermek – lett a szultán. Ahmed nagyon fiatal volt, sosem uralkodott tartományban, nem volt körülmtélve, így nem volt ismert, hogy képes e egyáltalán gyermeket nemzeni. Mindemellett rossz volt az egészségi állapota is, és hosszú ideig betegeskedett trónralépése előtt is. Emiatt hiba lett volna kivégeztetnie egyetlen élő öccsét, Musztafát. Contarini, a velencei követ így ír erről: „Máskülönben úgy döntött, nem öli meg egyetlen testvérét, mert a szultán úgy nyilatkozott, gyermekeként szeretné nevelni. Ám valószínűleg tanácsadói győzték meg erről a szultánt. Mivel nem volt még gyermeke, nagyon óvatosan kellett eljárniuk, hogy elkerüljék az Oszmán ház kihalását (mondjuk egy hirtelen halál következtében). Különösen igaz ez, hiszen öccse csupán 4 éves volt, tehát nem volt mitől tartania, legalábbis arra az időre, amíg megerősíti hatalmát.” Ám természetesen Ahmed nem hagyhatta, hogy öccse egyszerűen élje a hercegek életét, távol a fővárostól egy tartományban, hiszen onnan könnyen lázadást szíthatott volna ellene. Ezért hozta létre Ahmed a kafes intézményét, mely tulajdonképpen egy luxusbörtön volt a háremben, ahol a hercegek eltölthették napjaikat. Azonban ezt csak alkalmanként hagyhatták el, nem lehetett saját háremük és nem kaphattak rendes oktatást sem.
Mikor I. Ahmed meghalt, a birodalom rendkívüli helyzettel nézett szembe. Hiába volt több fia is, Ahmed végül sosem végeztette ki öccsét, így mind Musztafa, mint Ahmed legidősebb fia, Oszmán alkalmas volt az uralkodásra. Végül a birodalmi bizottság Musztafát léptette trónra, hogy ezzel is rögzítsék a testvérgyilkosság törvényének végét. Így I. Musztafa (u. 1617-1618 és 1622-1623) lett a következő szultán, ám nem élvezhette ezt sokáig, mert hamarosan lecserélték unokaöccsére, II. Oszmánra (u. 1618-1622).
II. Oszmán szintén alkalmazta a testvérgyilkosságot és kivégeztette legidősebb öccsét, Mehmedet. Oszmán sem uralkodhatott azonban sokáig, hamarosan letaszították a trónról, és nagybátyját, Musztafát helyezték vissza.
I. Musztafa második uralma után Ahmed másik fia, IV. Murad (u. 1623-1640) lett az új szultán. Murad is megpróbálta újraéleszteni a testvérgyilkosság hagyományát és kivégeztette 3 öccsét is: Szulejmánt, Bayezidet és Kasimot. Azonban végül nem járt sikerrel, mert a testvérgyilkosság hagyományának örökre leáldozott.
II. Oszmán és IV. Murad miért próbáltak visszatérni a gyökerekhez és újraéleszteni a testvérgyilkosságot?
Ők voltak az egyetlen szultánok a korban, akik hadjáratra mentek és ezzel megtapasztalták, milyen az, amikor távol vannak a fővárostól. A testvérgyilkossággal tehát annak lehetőségét akarták megszüntetni, hogy távollétükbe öccseiket trónra juttassák. Oszmán öccsét, Mehmedet akkor végeztette ki, amikor 1621-ben Lengyelországba ment hadjáratra. Murad pedig három öccsét úgy végeztette ki, hogy kihasználta sikeres hadjáratainak ünneplését: két öccsét 1635-ben a Szafavidák elleni hadjárat ünneplése során végeztette ki, míg harmadik öccsét Bagdad visszafoglalása után 1638-ban. Lényegében tehát Oszmán és Murad hosszú időt töltöttek Isztambulon kívül, hadjáraton és féltek, hogy testvéreiket ellenük használhatják fel.
Ezen események után volt még arra kísérlet, hogy visszahozzák a testvérgyilkosságot?
Igen! Amikor IV. Mehmed (u. 1648-1687), aki I. Ibrahim (u. 1640-1648) fia volt, miután elég idős lett, szerette volna visszahozni a fiú-ági örökösödést, hogy szeretett haszekijével, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş-sel közös fiainak (Musztafa és Ahmed) biztosítsa a trónt. A közvélemény azonban egyértelműen elítélte a testvérgyilkosságot és maga a valide szultána, Turhan Hatice vette szárnyai alá Mehmed öccseit, Szulejmánt és Ahmedet, akik egyébként nem is a saját fiai voltak.
Jó dolog volt, amikor végre megszűnt a testvérgyilkosság?
Ha az emberi oldaláról nézzük, természetesen igen! Azonban ha a birodalom érdekében vizsgáljuk a kérdést, sokkal bonyolultabb a helyzet. A testvérgyilkosság eltörlésével megszaporodtak az úgynevezett királycsinálók, akik akár vallási, katonai vagy politikai elitől származók is lehettek. Továbbá a hercegek többé nem hagyták el Isztambult, nem uralkodtak tartományokban, így nem szereztek tapasztalatokat sem. Ezzel pedig úgy váltak később szultánná, hogy fogalmuk sem volt az ualkodás gyakorlati oldaláról. A testvérgyilkosság eltörlésének így hatása volt a birodalom hanyatlására is.
Felhasznált források: Colin Imber – The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; Douglas A. Howard – A history of the Ottoman Empire;  Günhan Börekçi – Factions and favourites at the court of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet – The Cambridge History of Turkey, volume 2: The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453–1603; Leslie Peirce – The imperial harem, Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire.
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magentacravat · 4 years
I can't believe i'll said this.
I never cared about Anna and Kristoff, let alone Kristanna before. (Because i'm all about Hans and Helsa only and you know it).
But after watching Frozen 2, i feel like Disney really REALLY did dirty about this couple. Especially to Kristoff. About their relationship.
This going to be a ramble, forgive for my grammar or such since i'm a non native english speaking.
I'm fed up with Disney or this people said Kristoff is like a good example of soft-masculinity stuff just because a simple line as "I'm here, what do you need?" Sure, i appreciate, we should appreciate him for asking Anna first before doing something to help her, but guys.... are you blind or what for not care enough of what Kristoff did throughout the movie?
All i can see him since the opening of the song was "I'm in love with this girl and i can't help to nuts with her!" All this angry elementals and no-future with Arendelle and all he was thinking was "How to propose to Anna"? And no, don't give me the speculation ot rumor of "Oh they probably did more than kissing especially after the leather comment" because that's not going to be the point in this topic here.
We are talking about Kristoff. He was kind, honest, so relatable and still logical in Frozen 1 movie, he made comments and thoughts we have for scenes in Frozen 1 like "i'm going to tell him" (about Olaf loving summer), he made comment to Anna who was agree on marrying Hans the first time they met, and actually a lot, and i'm sure you get it. We also get a glimpse of him being in a conflicted moment like when his sled was broken and he was considering to keep accompanied Anna to the North Mountain, like a normal human being and that's makes him a relatable character.
In Frozen 2, he is still this kind and honest guy, but suddenly they just make him in this lovey-dovey boy character which his purpose for the entire movie was for marrying Anna, they were like kicked out the relatable and logical characteristic in him, who even in the right mind to still thinking on how to propose your girlfriend after you finding out a new clan in the middle of a forest covered in a mist?, he lost his character and Disney tried to cover that by giving this "Soft-Masculinity" stuff to the media. Acted like they cared about him while it's so obvious that they make him like that in thr movie because they were confused on what should they do with the other characters besides Anna and Elsa in the movie. (Another evidence is by how they portrayed Honeymaren, Ryder, Yelena, and L. Mattghias, but that's another things).
If that's not obvious enough, they just let you know Kristoff ended up wondering around in the forest alone with Sven and suddenly being in the right place and in the right moment when Anna was almost stepped out by the giants.
His song didn't help either. I was cringing so hard on that scene. The song and him in the clip was like out of the place. Like it doesn't fit there. The movie looked so mature but there are scenes, i'm not going to call it childish because it looked more absurd and unfitting, inserted into the movie that make the pace feels weird. And Kristoff sang scene was one of them. None of the kids care enough for that scene after all.
He just simply let the fact Anna left him alone, with this new people they just discovered. What if the Northuldran actually not a good community? What if Matthias actually just set them up? What if they are not actually what they seemed? Anna didn't seems to think about that, think about Kristoff safety, how confused he would be when he realized that they just left him alone in the unknown forest with new people. She just LEFT HIM.
I get it that Elsa is her priority. I get it that maybe she believed in Kristoff more since he lived in the forest since he was a child. I get it that she was covered in fright of losing her sister. But leaving behind somebody that you already considered family, a friend, a boyfriend, without any message, without trying to at least looking for them, is wrong. And that's actually could lead to several problems in their relationship.
I'm surprised that Kristoff didn't show any anger, any despair, or any expressions to show his dissapontment any further and ended up showing how positive he accepted it. What? The woman you are willing to married just simply leave you like that for her sister, how many times you got this treatments that you ended up just simply accepted it? :|
I feel like it's always Kristoff that easily relent everything to Anna. I never see Anna do the same. If Kristoff keep doing this things in their relationship, he could probably end up being enough and be like "Okay! This is enough, i'm done! Now you listen to me!" I'm sorry, but this make me viewed their relationship as unhealty. Too much positivity from one side. In this case is from Kristoff. It's not good. It's not healty.
And i think they need to fix all of that first before the engangement thing to happen, especially on how serious Anna view their relationship.
ESPECIALLY, NOW ANNA IS THE QUEEN. I can see them as normal couple being together in simple life only. Don't get me wrong, i'm happy that Anna got the recognition she supposed to have, but i feel bad that she ended up being queen. You know a Queen is supposed to behave, need to think strategically, mostly spends her time in the office with piles of works, spends more time in the castle for meetings, talking to dignitaries and all, well anything i feel like ended up making Anna trapped her social and free-spirited characteristic.
And i'm afraid this also would effect their relationship because Kristoff is the "nature" guy type. Honest with me! Can you see him, Kristoff, being called Prince-Consort, King-Consort, or even King of Arendelle??? Because i'm not. In their 3 years together, Kristoff still uncomfortable using suits, and that speaks a lot. He probably under pressure to use this all the time. I really can't picture him or Anna as the leader in Arendelle.
But yeah it's canon, soooo we must accept it after all. I'm sorry if my opinion about Kristoff, Anna and their relationship sounds like a diss for them, but yeah it is. Sorry if you feel triggered by it, but this all just my disagreement about what Frozen 2 did to them and how disrty they did him in here. We need Kristoff appreciation after all. He is an interesting character too, my other boi after Hans in Frozen universe, i just hate Disney literally pushed his character out on the cliff. 🙃
If you guys have your own opinion, i would like to read it too.
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merseburg · 4 years
Happy Pride Month!
I don’t know if anyone reads my post (again),but I can’t help.
I know a lot going on all over the world, especially US, I deeply afraid everyone’s mental health.
I saw “DONT USE THAT TAG ON THE PICTURE ITS USELESS” or “NOW ALL FOCUS ON BLM ITS NOT TIME FOR YOUR BUISINESS” kind of things in social media. and those actions and movements....it’s a lot.
I understand it is too important. I know that. Black lives matter.
but tbh.... people assaulting others just posting ordinaly things in SNS? or claiming it’s not the time for all LGBTQ+ but black LGBTQ+?
I rememberd feelings when we cant post ordinary things on SNS after huge earthquake hits. It was different kind of situetion I know but at that time, we couldn’t use SNS for just a little things-it was really depressing. Then someone made an account “for just ordinary posts” and I posted for them ordinary, unneccesary things, to lighten my mood. It really helped. I guess many found a peace in it.
I know BLM actions are important. I try to understand what’s going on and what I can do. I want to tell you if you are depressed,or overwhelmed, It’s okay to have a moment for yourself- do something unnecessary, ordinary things. Do it, to keep your mind well. If you can’t stand those images or tragic reports, It’s okay to avoid seeing it for moment. If you want to celebrate pride month, it’s okay to celebrate just a bit. Do not bring yourself at bay, just take your time, take a break. Read books, watch movies and shows,eat your favorites. Don’t drunk. Don’t drug. your health is important. and then rejoin the actions of BLM with healty body and mind- dont keep yourself at bay. It’s okay to relax.
Talk ordinary things with your friends,family,partners if you can. If you can’t, I’m here! I may not understand every thing about you said- my English is damn. Just send a message! I will not judge you for doing not-BLM-thing. Everyone deserve to have a safe place. An escape. then let’s make world better with your healthy mind.
I am nonbinary- demiwoman, Aromantic, 33, living in Osaka,Japan, barista, have a histry of withdrawal, not good at socialize in person so I value one-time interaction and on SNS friendsip. Just return from recess and feel weird a bit. Our olive tree bears flower this year! Not in my best but good mood considering everything. How are you?
Hope everyone stay safe and fine. Again,happy pride month for everyone!!
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nhylluan · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
Tagged by @vailed-legacy, thank you! :D
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yep, I’m staying home for over a month now. I was graduating from college when quarantine started, but I’m done with all my courses and exams, so I don’t have to attend online lessons, just waiting to submit my thesis.
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? I live with my mother and she’s been furloughed until a later date so she’s home with me. And my grumpy old cat is here too XD
What movies have you watched recently?
Uhm, I haven't been watching any movies lately.  I usually spend most of my time sitting at my desk and drawing. I’m taking an online course on digital portrait so I’m mostly focused on that.
What shows are you watching? I’ve been watching Clone Wars (god I love that show), ATLA, started the last seasons of Castlevania and Altered Carbon. Are you a homebody? Good question! I do like staying at home, playing videogames and drawing but I also love to go for a run three to five times a week so I kinda miss that.
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled? Does my graduation session count? XD
What music are you listening to?  
I’ve been listening to Panic! at the disco, Florence and The Machine, Queen, The Beatles, Abba, lot of songs from the Moulin Rouge, Hozier,  Mcr, Amanda Palmer, plenty of anime and videogames soundtracks, mostly the ones from Attack on Titan, Naruto, Final Fantasy Type 0, Bloodborne and The Witcher). I know it’s a lot of stuff but when it comes to music there are really few things that I don’t like.
What are you reading?
Lot of sw fanfics, and I just started “Blindsight” by Peter Watts. I’ve been also reading “Drawing with the right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards, and I really like it ‘cause it has a tons of funny exercises.
What are you doing for self-care?
Ahem, next question?   I’ve been eating healty and exercising every day, but I can’t sleep for shit XD I try my best to keep in touch with my friends on discord. Also my mother instisted on staying on the terrace and sit under the sun cause “it helps to improve the mood” so I also got - plenty of D vitamin - a sunburn Since this can be a delicate topic, I’m gonna leave the tags open. If you see this and wanna share, consider yourself tagged. Also If you’re bored and want to talk a little, feel free to hit me in chat whenever you want! I struggle a little with english but we’ll manage i promi :D
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Last Year and This One
Resume of my 2018
So, here we are, another year over, a new one’s just began (quoting “so this is Christmas” because i’m out of ideas)
Where do i start? All this time i spend more time looking behind instead of longing for the future, because now more than ever i feel the weigth of the years passing and now i undestand why my grandmother was so attached to her foundest memories, those were the only things that give her strength to overcome everything.                                                                                              It’s been a incredibly long year, probably the worst that i’ve had since my family and i came back to our country and we were just too emotionally drained to actually celebrate with joy the arrival of a new one.                                            The beginnig was cool, we had an awesome trip and i’ve concluded one of my semesters with success, but things went downhill at the beginning of June. My phisical and mental health crumbled, the relationship with some of our family finally broke and a series of tragedies left my family completely in shreds and we did what we are good to, blaming each other and making our own life a hell.        I never was a strong person, and during this period my inferiority complex and poor self esteem messed with me greatly, and later the period of anxiety and the crippling self-doubt that i thougth i’ve managed to control made the rest of the job. I’m trying to keep myself together, but it’s harder than i thougth this time, i can’t count on the emotional support of my family and i’m tired of being weak, but if there’s something i learned over all this years is that life doesn’t ask you what you want and doesn’t care how broken or hurt you are, it’s like a river that keeps flowing and you must do the same.
But i noticed also some improvements in my relationships with others, i’ve opened up more with the only membres of my family that are always there for me, me relationship with my classmates improved and i’m more willing to make mistakes so i can learn from them. I’ve also joined a internship that took me out of my confort zone and was like a shock therapy for me, i’m a shy person and a certified walking disaster but i’ve managed to serve into events of 1.200 people and made some frienship along the way. I’m aware that i still have a long way ahead of be to become a self-sufficient person in a society were i’m considered  too old for study and work, but every step is the one that will bring me close to my goal (my title and maybe a stable job that will allow me to finally being  independent) 
During this year i also managed to met some wonderful people in this site, i took the risk to write again and share some works in English, my third language and even if i knoe that i’m just an amateur writer and i have a long way ahead of me to actually write something like my lovely friends and mutuals they were super supportive and believe in me, even when i don’t and i’m grateful of meeting them (i’m talking about my lovely friends from the Spanish Discord channel: @starsandskies, @naromoreau, @nalimeria, @conqueringthespace, @illusivesoul that always brigth my day with their post. And the wonderful people that inspires me @vorchagirl, @natsora , @alyssalenko, @blueteaparty, @briarfox13, @bronzeagelove, @juleshawke, @obvidalous, @valleniel, @agentkatie, @kxnways, @liaorban, @thealexmachina, @machatnoir, @seokanori and all the awesome comunity that listened to my rants and gave me support) i love you guys, i hope that this year will be more gentle with everyone, and will bring more opportunities to be happy and life a healty and awesome life. 
That’s all for now, let’s see how this year will go.
Until next year! Bye! 
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lifestreamsblog · 6 years
The Inevitable Future: Humanity’s Path Forward Amidst the Realities of Modern Day Life
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You won't get much closer Till you sacrifice it all You won't get to taste it With your face against the wall Get up and commit Show the power trapped within Do just what you want to And now stand up and begin
~Muse - Panic Station
Vegan, vegetarian or omnivore?  Exercise vigorously or be a couch potato?  Eat at McDonald's​ or make a homemade salad?  Sugar or fat?  Meat or carbs?  Fruit or vegetable?  Healty or not?
Privacy or publicity?  Download the app that asks for permission from a bunch of stuff or don't?  DuckDuckGo​ or Google​?  Twitter​ or Mastodon?  Siri or Alexa?
Left or right?  Libertarian or Socialist?  Trump or Hillary?  Democracy or Authoritarianism?
Good or bad?  Or neither...?
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The truth is it's all misleading.
Let's be perfectly honest:  life in the modern world is toxic by nature.  And while you listen to the endless snake-oil schillers try to sell you on this fad or that fad, you're being distracted from the reality:  humans are not living in a world where maintaining their health is possible.
Consider the fact that for millenia, humans were small-scale socieities; people lived in either tribal or nomadic groups.  These tended to stay very collected together and often never extended further out from their tiny little area of residence (or camp, if they were nomadic) with the exception of handfuls of alliances.  Thus, people didn't really do much outside of move around, hunt, settle and/or take care of things back at base (which was either a camp or a settlement).  Much of this involved great physical labour or other sorts of strenuous physical activity.  The food eaten often was made up of the freshest kill along with whatever vegetation could be found in surrounding areas, making meals a mixture of vitamins, minerals, water and fructose.
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This is how humans have lived for most of their existence on earth.  But then things began to change about two thousand years ago.
It all began with agrarianism; farming and growing food off the land allowed nomadic people to begin to expand further, along with being more in charge of what they could eat.  Then more and more inventions of technology came along; simple hunting tools got more complex, milling and fermenting tools were developed for the first time...and soon, humanity began to collect and form the prototypes for modern government (from Genghis Khan in the East to the Romans in the West).
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And then came the expansion of global colonialism, which developed enough advanced technology to lead to the industrial revolution...
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...Which led to enough technology to create the automated/service-based societal model we know today.
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We no longer hunt for our food and in most cases, we don't even grow our own food.  We work for people far above us every day...
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...And go home to climate-controlled housing...
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...While those who are not privileged enough live on the streets and have nothing to live off of at all.
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Obviously, this means life today is nothing like life in the past where humans spent much of their existence.  Because of this, in the span of only about two thousand years, things went from very basic and small-scale to complex and stratified.  We went from doing everything in our power to be responsible for our individual survival to modern conveniences, comforts and automation (the best of which only came about in the last several hundred years).  This, of course, has vastly outpaced the capacity humans (or indeed, any species) have had to evolve physically.
Of course, this means the way we live is incompatible entirely with the way we used to live...and it can never go back to that way again.  Thus, we have to find ways to adapt to our life and the way we live in the modern world; our lifestyles are unhealthy, our food is unhealthy, our way of living amongst each other is unhealthy and even the way we look at politics is unhealthy (as I alluded to above, we can no longer exist solely as individuals but rather as individuals within a whole; this is a huge reason why I believe socialism is the only sustainable political model for the future).
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But wait!!  That's what you want to say, isn't it?  And then you want to add comments about disease, obesity, health concerns, genetic ailments, privacy, liberty, freedom, personal success and other stuff, right?
Guess what?  Unhealthy and collectivist living is our future.  That is the future humanity chose when it chose this path of stratification, modernisation and convenience.  And that is the path we all must now pursue, because many of us cannot imagine life without what we have right now (and those of us who can--let's admit it--know that humanity will never want to regress back to the way it was for millenia).
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This means you get health care and fight for those who can't access it due to bigotry and hatred.  This means that you get involved with making life better the more we allow technology and modernity to be one with our way of life.  This means you find a way to live.  And it means you face the political reality and begin to understand that we can't all fend for ourselves any longer due to how things are structured in today's world.
Therefore, please, please, PLEASE!!  If you are able, join the fight to ensure that the homeless, the marginalised, the underprivileged and those otherwise without a voice can have enough of the resources to get involved as well; we can no longer rely on bootstraps thinking or believing that we can all help ourselves by ourselves in today's monstrous, modern world.
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As for you, personally?  Yes, you can go ahead and get that Big Mac or Whopper.
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Enjoy your technology and don't get angry when privacy concerns come to the forefront; we are learning and growing and so is all the technology we use every day.
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Be politically involved and stay educated so you know what's happening out there.  And thank gods you're privileged enough to have access to all of this while having a job (if you--indeed--want one or can have one) and living in your apartment or house.
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Educate yourself.  Experiment and figure out what works for you, because we live in a world where we can no longer do anything but try to find ways to entertrain ourselves and make ourselves more and more intelligent so we can all work together.  And realise that this is all we can possibly hope to do in today's modern world.
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endless-vall · 7 years
Endless Val fanfic masterlist
Finally time has come for me to create a masterlist post too! 😄 Check out my Drabble Masterlist, as well! Rules Of Engagement: Leo x Mc Brings back memories -  shortly before Leo and Kelly head to their new home, Kelly finally confronts him about being lost in thought all the time. We found love in a hopeless place (&TCATF/TRR crossover) -  Visiting back in Cordonia, Leo tells Kelly a tale about an old love story of Cordonia’s past. Blake x Jess (Party!twin)  Wonders  & Answers -  Jess is pregnant, and asks Blake for the support he suggested earlier. While helping her out, both get some answers for things they were wondering about.
The crown and the flame: What needs to be done - Luther Nevrakis fanfic - Being a Nevrakis meant something. It meant doing what needs to be done. Luther knows Diavolos would do whatever needed to be done, too, when he pulls off one final act of treason. Antheia Lykel - Raydan/Adder’s mother fanfic. (Kenna x Raydan) - Adder confronts Raydan after he names his third child after their deceased mother, and they talk about everything they’ve repressed for years. I’ll have your back - Kenna x Val (non-romantic) fanfic. - After returning from Fydoria, an injured Val falls into an argument with Kenna. A surprising visitor encourages Val to make things right again between her and Kenna. Multi-Chapter: What If? (Done) Exploring the epilogue of TCATF, where everybody gets their happy endings, and not just Kenna. Part One (Zenobia x Tevan), Part Two (Sei x Dom) Part Three (Aurynn) Part Four (Val x Claudius) Part Five (Withlock) Part Six (Withlock x Lia) A full circle (Done) *recommended to read after reading part two of What if?* Exploring what happened to rose after she disappeared, and the love story forging between two dear people in Dom’s life.  Part One - Dancing with the flames Part Two - Rose’s journey Part Three - Anchor Part Four - Seasons of love Kenna x Raydan Discolor all the worries -  The events following the end of book 3 chapter 11. Their future -  After defeating the iron empire Kenna can finally think of her future as queen of Stormholt. But, with all of her mentors gone, it turns out to be a difficult task. Raydan offers himself for comfort, and Kenna gets a reminder of all of her accomplishments, as well as a reassurance about her future. What comes next? -  Raydan’s thoughts and feelings throughout the celebration after defeating Azura, before Kenna chooses her husband. Raydan already knows his heart belongs to Kenna. But will he stay by her side? The way we fell in love -  Kenna and Raydan enjoy an afternoon in their gardens, reminiscing memories of the earlier parts of their relationship. Love over duty & It gets worse before it gets better & Evelyn - The story of how love can overcome any sense of duty. & Reunited, at last (NSFW!) - A steamy reunion set in the previous story.  Shattered, and rebuilt -  Kenna’s thoughts and reflections while learning Raydan betrayed her, lead her to one realization: She’s completely in love with the man. But she had realized it in the worst timing possible A breath of relief -  Only half a year has had passed since the ending of the war.  The problems come, from within. As two issues collide, Kenna is wary this isn’t the best timing for her to reveal a new, exciting discovery. Unlikely source of advice (slight Diavolos x Kenna mentions) - Diavolos decides to confront Raydan regarding their shared feelings towards Kenna, with the knowledge that Kenna’s heart belonged to Raydan. It’s all healty compatition (unclear if it’s Dom x Kenna or Raydan x Kenna) & It was never a competition (Kenna x Raydan) -  Dom is confronted by Raydan, with a strong statement of the truth. They’re both in love with Kenna. As time passes by, it turns out Raydan is Kenna’s choice of heart. But will Dom ever be able to move on? No running away (early Kenna x Raydan fanfic) -  At the night before meeting with Raydan’s sister, the Adder of Lykos, Raydan worries bringing Kenna to Lukos might be putting her in too much danger, and sleep doesn’t come easy to him. He and Kenna end up having a deep conversation regarding that topic. Love is like a flower, You’ve got to let it grow (Modern florist AU) -  Set in present days, Kenna is a flower shop owner for a living. A regular costumer she has seems to know more about flowers and plants than she does, making Kenna wonder why he keeps coming back everyday, anyway. A long forgotten proposal -  After years of being married, Raydan and Kenna think back at a night that happened a long time ago. Raydan reveals something that Kenna has long forgotten had happened. Sweet (NSFW!) -  After celebrating Adrien’s first birthday, Kenna and Raydan share a steamy night. Rewrite the stars - Kenna reflects on her relations with Raydan and considers what pursuing a relationship would mean. It was never easy -  Marrying Kenna is Raydan’s dream coming true. But Raydan realizes this is the reality, and not some dream or fairytale. To prevent any disaster awaiting to happen, he flees - before it would be too late. But can Kenna accept that? A good man in disguise (Modern spy au!) -  Raydan is a secret special agent working for the country, with just one job at the moment: to infiltrate the Nevrakis Industries and find out what pieces of information have they stolen from the authorities. The plan’s coming along smoothly, when the CEO of the competing company - Rys agencies, shows up and threatens to blow his cover. &One last mission (Modern spy au!) - Raydan sets out on one last mission as a secret agent, and it turns out that Annelyse is up to something. If I don’t tell you now -  At the night before the final battle with Azura, Kenna follows Raydan back to his bedchambers, with a confession in mind. A warrior lover & A savage lady - Kenna’s journey to learning how to love/Raydan’s journey to finding light in his life again. A dance can go a long way - Raydan shares a dance with Adder, seeking advice regarding his feelings for Kenna. Take your time -  Set between book 1 & 2, on their way to Thorngate. Early sweet moment in the beginning of Kenna and Raydan’s relationship, even before it’s was explicitly established.  Standing next to me - While still on their journey to freeing the kingdoms of the Nevrakis regain, Kenna wonders what kind of a queen she’ll make, once she’ll get there - ruling Stormholt without the sense of danger hovering over it. First dance -  The first dance Kenna and Raydan ever share. The first of many. No matter what - Kenna and Raydan’s relationship was always set on a ‘borrowed time’ setting. Raydan knew that once the war would be over, so will they be.He loves Kenna deeply, with all his heart. But he doesn’t dare assume she feels the same way.
Kenna x Diavolos Every moment with you feels right -  Both Diavolos and Kenna developed feeling for each other during the war, but never acted on them. A few months passed since the war was over, and Kenna’s advisors insists she needs to marry, but are against her pursuing a relationship with Diavolos. Love me, if you dare - Kenna had every reason not to give in to her desires and thoughts of Diavolos. They’ve been playing a game of pride, neither was ready to admit defeat first. All until, Diavolos did, and Kenna didn’t hold back anymore. Kenna x Annelyse Her sun -  Kenna ends up marrying Tevan. They are dear friends, but this is just a diplomatic marriage. Annelyse has had feelings for Kenna for years, but never said anything. Seeing Kenna on her wedding day, Annelyse breaks down in crying. Kenna insist to know what’s wrong, and Annelyse ends up confessing her feelings. Will Kenna call off the wedding? Val x Claudius If we stay alive long enough -  At the night before the battle against Azura and the Iron empire, after the party at the castle, Val and fellow soliders go out to a tavern near by. An invitation she shouted earlier makes the night take an interesting turn. What if? Part four - Kenna appoints her master of arms, Val, to a joint training mission in Abanthus, with Fydoria. Val meets old friends and reconnects with them, and finds out a few interesting details. I’ve kept my promise - Amidst the celebrations and the upcoming wedding of Kenna and Raydan, Val and Claudius reunite. Dom x Sei What if? Part two -  Dom serves as the ambassador for the fire tribe. He reflects on his past romantic relationships, and he comes to the conclusion he’s never going to get to keep his lover to himself. Especially if the discussion was regarding Sei. Turns out, life has its ways of surprising us Dom x Jackson About time - Modern AU! -  At Kenna’s wedding, Dom and Jackson are flirting relentlessly. Kenna, growing tired of watching them dance around the topic, shoves Dom in Jackson’s way, and the rest is history. Zenobia x Tevan What if? Part one -  A couple of years after peace is established across the five kingdoms and Ducitora, Zenobia asks Kenna for advice concerning a cretin king of Fydoria. Withlock x Lia What if? Part six -  Withlock finds something that inspires him even more than traveling or inventing. Endless summer: Making a choice (Quinn x Taylor (m!mc) x Estela) -  Taylor has been dating both Quinn and Estela for quite some time now. Now, with Diego urging him, he finally makes a choice. A slow dance and a promise - Diego & f!mc, mc x Jake. Never let me go (Michelle x mc) - As Taylor sacrifices herself, a realization downs on Michelle. Wondering if she’ll keep her feelings to herself for forever, Michelle decides to fight for Taylor’s life
Multi-Chapter: The map (WIP) Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten Part eleven Part twelve Part thirteen 
Jake x Mc Not all those who wonder are lost -  MC’s baffled on why Jake’s ignoring her ever since that kiss underwater, and confronts him on their favorite hammock. Gotta save him -  Jake catches MC pushing herself too hard, and tries to comfort her. She ends up telling him about how she and Diego became close friends. The winter brings a new -  Jake said goodbye to everyone from la-huerta a little over a year ago. He never said goodbye to MC, figuring it would be easier this way. He doesn’t know if it’s easier for her, but for him it definitely isn’t. Who we used to be before the island -  Mc and Jake share a talk after spending their first night at the Vaanti’s village Figuring out a way -  After Iris reveals there’s a way back home, both Mc and Jake are too busy in thoughts to fall asleep. Mc dares to ask what does that mean for them, and they figure things out as they talk. To make the most of.. -  All while trying to clear Jake’s name, Mc pays a visits to Costa-Rica. A blurt out of hers in one of the visits leads to a conversation about Jake’s family. Life isn’t always a fairytale. But it is with you. - Rourke ordered Lila to kill the gang. Mc and the rest of the gang managed to escaped the MASADA complex, but Grace was left behind. After a long day of scheming, Mc isn’t sure they can pull that off. She isn’t sure she could continue any longer. Only a certain snarky pilot can help discolor all her worries and make her believe again. Late night reassurence -  Set after Jake and MC made love and confessed their feeling for each other, before heading to the MASADA complex. Jake still finds it hard to sleep, and a shaky confession escapes his mouth, revealing his doubts. Please remember me (& also mentions of Varynn/Diego) & Don’t leave me now (Ironically this title is not referring to Jake x Mc) - A WIP story. Rourke wiped the gang’s memories clean, and they have to find a way to stop him from destroying the world before it’s too late. I will always find you & Of mice and men -  After speaking with The Endless, Taylor, Yvonne, and Uqzhaal are on their way to search for the gang. After reuniting together, she and Jake share a sleepless night together.  Can’t stand the thought of losing you -  What happens if Taylor didn’t solve the mystery, but did find all of the Catalyst Idols, in the final scene of book two?  And what if, Taylor can’t bear the thought of losing Jake? ... And ever after. - A proposal fic back in the states. The only way (Angst!) & Finding Taylor (Part two, happy ending) - Mostly Jake’s POV. - Jake believes he knows what’s best for Taylor. And the best thing for her is to believe he’s dead, until he could clear his name. No one is really lost forever - Jake finally gets through to Mike, and it’s with Taylor’s help. For the rest of our lives - Right in the middle of the lion’s den, Taylor asks for backup and disappears. Jake covers for her, while Taylor gets them out of trouble. Just then, without words, Jake puts his past behind him, and steps forward towards his new future.  Sacred moments - Taylor wakes Jake up too early in the morning, and they share a lovely morning before the rest of the world has a chance to wake up. Estela x Mc She’s worth it & It started out with a kiss - (f!mc) Taylor successfully hides her concerns and worries from everyone else, but Estela. As an act of comfort, Estela kisses her. Though they don’t discuss it until much later. Three times and once more -  (f!mc) The word “Marry” is exchanged three times between Estela and Mc while they’re in La-Huerta, but what does each time mean? Happy (?) New Year - (f!mc) The gang had planned out New Year’s Eve perfectly, but an old wound of Mc’s threatens to ruin the night. Going steady - (m!mc) After being interrupted by Zahra last time they were discussing their relationship, Taylor comes up with an idea to finally get together with Estela. No words needed - (m!mc) As Flynn is about to sacrifice himself and join with Vaanu, he and Estela share one last, teary, goodbye. Even in the coldest places I feel warm with you - (f!mc) It doesn’t take Estela long to figure out the gang’s suspicious of her, all but one person. As Taylor approaches her, Estela’s wonders come out loud. I can show you the world - (m!mc) The moments following Estela’s proposal and her and Flynn’s wedding. While the future may be unclear, their happiness surely is. Much needed getaway (NSFW!) - (m!mc) Another tear in time and space splits Flynn and Estela away from their friends. But maybe, this is exactly what they needed in that moment… Quinn x Mc Night stroll -  As the mysteries of the island and the evil doing of Rourke’s starting to weight down on Taylor’s mind, Quinn takes him out into a midnight stroll to ease his mind. Zahra x Craig Worried -  While being attacked by Lundgren and his people, Zahra jumps in and takes a blow that was meant to hit Craig. After Michelle clear her up, Craig confronts Zahra and they share a sweet moment. Lessons learned at La-Huerta - Being trapped in La-huerta can change the way you see things, and teach you a lesson or two. I will find you - Craig doesn’t plan on losing hope on Zahra. Not even on The Dorado, when they don’t have any idea where she might be. You can count on me - After reuniting with her friends, Zahra and Craig share a talk they both need. Varynn x Diego Be safe - Quinn’s gone wild while looking for the other half of the island’s heart.  Diego stresses about it, and spends some time alone with his thoughts, and a music player. Then, Varynn comes, and suddenly the answer is clear. 
Michelle x MC Never let me go (f!mc) - As Taylor sacrifices herself, a realization downs on Michelle. Wondering if she’ll keep her feelings to herself for forever, Michelle decides to fight for Taylor’s life.
The freshman/The Sophomore: Zig x Mc Valentine’s day - With Valentine’s Day arriving in such a busy time in Vall’s life, will it be a brilliant success or a horrendous disaster? Becca x Mc I won’t say I’m in love - Becca’s journey to realising her feelings for MC. Chris x Mc Good news (extra fluff) - Chris and MC share some good news at the start of their sophomore year. Nicole - MC never once worried about Chris’s ex, up until his little sister brought it up. Fight for us - As Chris’ life gets busier, a fight threatens to break his and Emily’s relationship apart
Kaitlyn x Mc Regret-free (Mc x Kaitlyn x Anissa) - MC realizes her feeling for Kaitlyn too late. Or is it? Nathan x Mc  I trust you - Emily has a hard time keeping the whole investigation as a secret from her friends, and Nathan does the extra mile for her, making her fall for him even further.
The royal romance:
It’ll be fun, they said (Hanawell/Dralivia)-  Hana and Maxwell come up with a plan to get Olivia and Drake out of their shell. As a result of that, the four of them end up going on a double date at the local cinema.
Is it me? (Olivia x Drake x Kiara)- At a party in the Unity tour, Olivia finally comes to terms of her feelings for Drake. But Drake has long gave up on trying to win Olivia over, and something might be blossoming between him and someone else. Who will he pick, eventually? Vanilla yogurt (Maxwell Beaumont fanfic) - A day in Maxwell’s life. Oh, and there’s a puppy. Liam x Mc Falling - During an adventure with Mc, Liam realizes something important about his feelings for her. Soulmates -  After the whole thing with Liam’s father queits down and he finally has some time, he finds MC and they share another stolen moment. Reunion (NSFW!) -  After wrapping everything up, and exposing the traitor, the gang is excited to reunite with Mc. Someone, is more excited than all of them, and that someone happens to be the king of Cordonia. Favorite moments -  Liam’s favorite moments are always the moments he and Mc have to themselves, when the eyes of the court and the press doesn’t prick into them. When his brother, Leo, drops off their niece without prior notice, they share another one of those moments. Before I lose everything - Mc has to act fast, or else Liam would be married to Madeleine in no time, and she’ll lose everything. Wedding day -  The events of Liam’s proposal and his (finally) wedding day with MC. Never ending -  What if they never found Tariq? What if had Liam married Madeleine? And what if, half a year had passed before they could fix it? Homecoming -  At the night of the homecoming ball, Liam and Amber dance to the Cordonian waltz, and Amber reminiscences about their first dance. The good outweighs the bad -  After the events of the homecoming ball, and the assassination attempt, it’s hard for things to go back to usual. Especially on Amber. Liam spends his time worrying what might be going through her head, until she finally tells him. Keeping you awake at night (NSFW!) - Since getting married, Liam and Amber’s schedules are a bit busy and doesn’t always seem to match up each other. So Amber takes initiative herself and wakes Liam up for a night snack. From tragedy we rise & From tragedy we rise (Liam’s POV) - Amber ignores her tiredness and dizziness throughout the entire day at court, until it’s too much to handle. Then, at the doctor’s office, much to everyone’s surprise, the tests turn to reveal shocking, good news. Life with Sir Wiggles -  Liam fights for Amber’s attention against Sir Wiggles, her adorable corgi, until they hit compromise. Only you - Liam is furious with an admirer of Amber’s, and she assures him he has nothing to worry about. Drake x Mc I came here for you (angst & making up) - Drake finally looses it, and snaps at MC. He’s so used to Liam having everything, including the girl. And Mc came to Cordonia for Liam, how could he ever compete with that? Losing you all over again -  Even after uncovering the assassins and culprits of Cordonia, Riley doesn’t get a break. At the event of naming Riley a Duchess, things go dark again. Will she survive? And more importantly, will Drake? A fake date (NSFW!) -  Getting some free time at the royal palace, Riley decides to go on one of the countless events she gets invited to as a member of the royal court, and she knows exactly who she wants to go there with. Caught up in the moment (NSFW!) -  Drake and Riley prepare for their first public event since their wedding, and get caught up in the moment
Drake x Olivia Past your walls -  Drake was the person Olivia least expected herself to worry about. Let along come back for. But desperate times calls for desperate measures, right? Don’t walk away from me -  After healing from his shot wound, something in Drake changes. He gets closed off again and pushes people away. He works alone in an attempt to find the people responsible for the assassination attempt, until Olivia finds out. Both of them have to let go of certain things and emotions in their past to be able to move on to the future, but will Olivia succeed in reaching out to Drake in time? Our story -  Olivia grows impatient, waiting for Drake to invite her on an actual date. Eventually, she decides to take that step herself, and while on their date, learns the truth about the reason he was withholding from doing it. Can’t imagine it any other way -  Drake seeks Liam’s advice about asking Olivia to marry him. He knows he loves Olivia and he wants to marry her, but with what it could mean to the duchy of Lythikos, it seems there’s a lot at hand to consider before taking such a step. Drake x Kiara Lust filled night (NSFW!) - A few nights before the homecoming ball, Drake and Kiara share a steamy night. I know - While visiting Kiara’s estate, things finally become clearer between Drake and Kiara, while they talk about the night of the assassination attempt. Maxwell x Hana New light & Camping & A bright Idea & Meeting the family & Hope &Three little words & Never a dull moment with you - Side story about Hana & Maxwell developing feelings for each other and pursuing a relationship. First times (NSFW!) -  Maxwell & Hana’s first time getting intimate together. Hero: Growing - Mc development as she realizes her feelings as a both a superhero and a person. Part one - Growing further apart - Grayson POV. Grayson x Mc x Kenji (Beware! angst) Part two - Growing closer - Kenji POV. Kenji x Mc fanfic. Part three - Growing. Mc POV. (Kenji x Mc, eventually). Grayson x Mc Somebody I used to know - Grayson feels as if he doesn’t know mc anymore. But will everything change? Kenji x Mc May I have this dance? - At the night of The Grand’s opening, Mc and Kenji share a dance. Home - After the final of Book 1, Mc disappears, but Kenji never loses hope in her. One day, she comes back. Eva x Mc Lavender - Some fluff after Eva and MC beat up some bad guys. High school story: Michael x Mc It’s all thanks to you -  Oliver M. Berry’s high Tigers win their game of football, and the group decides to go celebrate at the diner. While walking there, Michael admits to MC what makes him do better and try harder, and he and Mc end up finally taking a new step in their relationship. Lovehacks: Horatio x Parker Accepting the signs - After finishing off a shift at The Double-Tap, Horatio and Parker hang out a little while longer. Creating your own path -  While walking Parker home, Horatio finally builds up the courage to ask her out, without waiting for some sign to tell him so. Outsmarted - Horatio is eager to finally define his relationship with Parker, and comes up with a creative way to do it just around the holiday break. It lives in the woods Start over - Dan/Andy (non-romantic) fanfic - Dan and Andy bond while having to repeat their senior year in high school. Andy x Mc Promise you won’t go -  After Mc disappears into the woods in the middle of the night, Noah and Andy go after her. Finding her just in time, Andy makes her promise him something. Dan x Mc A few years later -  A few years after finishing high-school, Dan unexpectedly visits mc. After the incident with Redfield, mc doesn’t find this visit surprising, since the gang’s keeping in contact with everyone… But Dan’s visit turns out not to be a regular one, after all. Waiting for forever (Soulmate!AU) -  In a world where everyone get their soulmate’s name appear on top of their wrist by the age of 20, Mia never got one. And it was fine, really, everything was completely fine. Until one day, she did, and it was the one person she couldn’t have. Home for the holidays Nick x Scarlett A ray of sunshine - Nick reflect on his stay in Winter Haven. “We could” -  A broken window encourages Scarlett and Nick to spend the night together. Movie night -  Nick and Scarlett watch a movie when Nick finally comes up with a nickname to ‘get back’ at her. Moving in -  Nick and Scarlett have been dating for quite some time now, and maybe it’s time to take another big step. Give us a chance -  After returning from the holiday break, and haven’t spoken to Nick in a while, Scarlett worries that he put everything they shared behind him. A late visit to his office, turns out to reveal otherwise. Traditions - A year after visiting Winter-Haven over the holidays, Nick and Scarlett prepare to go back there, now, as a couple. Happy new year - After having a major fight in the Founder’s Festival, Nick and Scarlett reunite in New Year’s Eve. A guide to forgiveness - How Scarlett and Nick reunite once Scarlett comes back to New York after the holidays end. The talk - As Nicole tries to find her way back into Nick’s life, Scarlett starts to feel just a tiny bit jealous (or maybe a little more than that). But Nick manages to make all her worries fade away. Passionate encounter (NSFW!) - Getting stuck together in an elevator leads Nick and Scarlett to share a passionate stolen moment. Marry me - The moments leading up to Nick’s proposal to Scarlett.   Working late (NSFW!) - While still working together, Nick and Scarlett come up with a list of rules to make sure they won’t jeopardize Scarlett’s career, or ruin their standing in the office. But rules are sometimes, as it seems, hard to follow.
Red carpet diaries Matt x Mc Was it real? -  After the events of the fight and cancelling the production, Jey wonders where did everything went wrong. Will she be able to recover from the scandal and win Matt back over? Fight for what we have -  Matt’s feelings throughout the scandal, and a realization that changes everything. But is it too late to fight for his relationship with Jey? Or can they do it, together? Going serious -  With the end of Tender Nothings drawing near, Jey worries about the future of her relationship with Matt. One last goodbye - Jey takes on a movie deal in Britain, and has to move away. As a result, she and Matt break up, promising to reunite when she comes back to LA.But an interview Matt gives might change everything for the both of them. Teja x Mc One more chance -  Jey’s name was cleared, and she got invited to a big, hot party to celebrate the return of Tender Nothings to the big screen. But will she be able to face her former co-stars and directors? Teasing - A lazy Sunday morning of Jey and her girlfriend Teja Desai. Perfect match Multi-chapter: Survival The Journey - Part one Confusion - Hayden x Mc x Damien -  Amy’s heart gets torn apart, when she starts thinking both about Hayden and Damien. Hayden x Mc Real -  Hayden might be programmed to do a lot of things. To develop feelings? Not exactly one of them… But what happens when a candidate develops real feelings for his client? Hayden’s about to find out. Damien x Mc Maybe it’s different this time -  An innocent Friday movie night ignites Damien’s feelings for Amy once again. Life is crazy like that - While on the plane ride to Berlin, everyone but Sloan, Damien and Amy seem to fall asleep. Amy decides to finally confront Damien about his “strong romantic attachment” and it’s meaning. You know why - After getting pushed back against a wall back in Philadelphia by Damien, for professional reasons - Of course, Amy finds herself drowning in a sea of feelings and emotions she thought she buried long ago. It doesn’t help, either, that Damien invites her for a drink, later that day. Bloodbound Unlikely allies (Adrian x Jax) - The events of chapter 13, told from Jax’s point of view.Adrian isn’t an ally Jax ever thought he’d have, or even wanted to have in the first place. But what happens when Annie presents the opportunity in front of him? A silent agreement (Adrian x Jax) - While finding safe refuge in one Jax’s safe-houses, Adrian and Jax finally address the fact they both have feelings for Annie. Jax x Mc Not bad - After resisting for a while, Both Jax and Annie finally give in to their temptation. Trust me - After not hearing from Jax in a long while, Annie’s concerns reach a new peak in the awakening ball. Luckily enough, he obliges in the right moment, and Annie decides to take the next step in their relationship. Pillow talk - After getting intimate in Jax’s room in Shadow Den, Annie and him share a pillow talk expressing Annie’s latest concerns and showing a much needed support Jax’s happy to provide. Together, even when we’re worlds apart - Annie decides to stay by Adrian’s side in the upcoming clan war. She knows Adrian would do the right thing, when it came to the clanless or to council business. She knew where she belonged… But Jax couldn’t quite feel the same way about her decision.
Adrian x Mc Turn me (on) - Annie gets tired of constantly being the weakest link, the one that gets left behind, and demands Adrian would finally turn her into a vampire too. Leading you on (NSFW!) - While waiting for Lily to wake up as a vampire, and trying to console Adrian, Annie shares a passionate encounter with him. But this is at all, not what she intended to do, since the one who her heart truly desires, turns out not to be Adrian. Afraid of loving you - After sharing their night together, Annie notices Adrian seems to act as if nothing happened. She’s determined to finding answers, even if the truth might hurt her. Let her go - Annie is set out to do what’s right, even if it’s against all she stands for, working for Adrian. On the rooftop of his company, they share one last moment together. Can’t imagine my life without you - After successfully rescuing Adrian from the fate the council sentenced him to, the gang heads back into the Raines Corporations building.The next night they’ll have a lot to deal with, but until then… Adrian and Annie can steal a moment together. To love again - Annie has a hard time falling asleep in Adrian’s old house. Adrian never wanted to be turned in the first place, yet here Annie was, enjoying the perks of that - a couple of centuries later.Unable to ignore the feelings gnawing on her, she gets out to get some fresh air. Adrian follows her and they share a much needed heart to heart talk, and finally come clean about their feelings. Kamilah x Lily
Why bother? - While Adrian rests back in his quarters after being rescued, Lily and Kamilah spend the day in his lounge room. One thing leads to another… And suddenly Kamilah finds herself kissing Lily. Veil of Secrets
Naomi x MC Your smile -  A late night call to assure Ivy won’t fall into Walsh’s hands ends up with the both of them trying (and failing miserably) to properly flirt with each other. It’s the little moments - After Kate’s arrested, Naomi comforts Ivy while the other woman considers how to break the news to Flynn. America’s most eligible -
Adam x MC Just ours - Whenever the cameras arrive, Adam acts differently, and Heavenly finally snaps.
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vetto17-teo11-andme · 7 years
Ivan Zaytsev, saved by a blonde
The interview to the Tsar of volley, on the field “all strength, grit and ignorance. Outside a laziness champion.”
On his knees, open hands, a scream. One [scream] of the one he gave us during the five days at Rio, when the Azure volley conquered all the boot [Italy]. That’s the grit of Ivan Zaytsev, lent this time for a shooting at adidas, of which from last November he’s a testimonial. The shoot, then his voice. «Lemme know if I have to be madder!» Because then in the end, he says, that behavior in the field is partially fake. Or better, it stays in the nine meters under the net where the Tsar created his reign, but going out of the perimeter [of the field] he turns to be just Ivan, almost a quiet guy. «Summing up» - he says - on the field I’m talent, strength, fisique and ignorance, while outside I consider myself a solitary person, sometimes even really lazy.» Class 1988, two meters and four centimeters of height and an arm that is a cannon. After two years playing in Russia, he came back to Italy, at Perugia where he trains plays and be a dad for the little Sasha (and let’s also put some VIP’s jobs). Son of the Russian volley player Vjačeslav Zajctev [TN: don’t know why they translated the surname like this] and of the swimmer Irina Pozdnjakova, he made himself known for his grit and his so eccentric crests… «MY hair represents my mood. I do it for myself, the show confidence even if in reality my relationship with them is particular, strange. Maybe because every cut is temporary, I need that in that moment and then I cut everything.»
Let me understand, if you cut everything it means you’re calm, high crest we need to be scared?
«No, come on, it’s not so immediate. Let’s say that a particularly eccentric crest gives me a different strength.»
And do your teammates understand your mood from your hair? Did you ever fought with one of them?
«Let’s say that once it happened that I had to hold my tongue, but I would have gladly broke his face… stop. I’m not saying anything else. But never in Italy. A few words to the wise.»
So, what you can say us about Russia?
«So… It’s really where I didn’t want to go (laughs)! Let’s change topic?
Now in Italy everyone know you. Do you feel the responsibility of being a public character?
«No not at all, I would dedicate more time to the people that come see us, but it’s really difficult.»
Talking about responsibility, when you got in Russia you had a name when can define important…
«Uncomfortable maybe. My dad was voted as the “player of the century” in Russia, it’s normal that everyone was curious. The fact of being “son of”, I took it away when I was 19, when I changed role. The Soviet sport mentality imposes that the son has to follow his father’s footprints, not only in choosing the sport, but also in the role: he was a setter, so I would have also been one. With him I always just talked about volley, before and after the trainings and he kept telling me “Set, set”. Image the trauma he had when I decided to follow my instinct, the passion and become an hitter. A choice that created quite tensions between me and him, but at the same time it freed me from the weight of his inheritance. I created my path and my career. Now I don’t feel it anymore.»
How was the life with him?
«It all moved around volley. For some time, in the Perugia juniores, he was also my coach and I remember it as a terrible period. He “destroyed” me, I was always mocked, far from being the daddy’s favorite. I played in the first team because I was quite good, but everything I did I earned it, no-one ever gave me anything.»
What do you remember about him in that period?
«He was not a character you could laugh about, always really frank and direct, maybe too much and that isn’t liked in Russia where you have to know how to move really well. He was a great player, but as a coach he didn’t had the same fame because he didn’t made compromises. This side of his character, I got it a lot but I also inherited it: let’s say that the “politic-ish” doesn’t belong to me.»
And how does he handle being a grandfather?
«He’s super good. He softened a lot, with Sasha he’s really awesome.»
And your mother?
«Mom is also an ex sportswoman, but differently to my father she’s a weaker character, meeker. That’s the only thing I accuse her of, even if I consider her the great woman that managed to raise all alone an healty and beautiful family, since her husband often traveled around the world. She’s super connected to me, maybe too much. Even if now my parents are not together anymore, she stayed anchored to the volley world, the one she followed when she was with my father, and now with me. She lives in Russia and when I played here she followed me everywhere. “Do you get that I always had my mom in tribune”? I’m not even remotely a mommy’s boy and sometimes I’m sad I can’t give her everything she wants.»
Are you a single child?
«No, I have a elder sister, 13 years more than me, called Anna born in Moscow. She was a tennis player, but she didn’t lived the same pressure I had.»
What did you get after your father and what after your mother?
«From my father I took the honesty in the words, in being true. From my mother the well manners, the respect for people.»
And you today with your little Sasha, what kind of father are you?
«My life changed a lot, I understood more my parents, all the sacrifices they made for me. Becoming father made me responsible and gave me the chance to being more concrete and responsible. With Sasha I’m like every father: I spoil him! Every time I’m home he forgets about mom and plays only with me. He already learned how to move, to spike. For the summer I’ll buy him a basket case! I’m joking, he’ll be free to do what he wants, volley player, chef…»
And your wife Ashling?
«She’s extraordinary in and for all, a really wasted brain to being only a mother. Decisive, tough… She doesn’t get a shit wrong! This thing let me think less and relying a lot on her. When I have a doubt, I don’t even connect my brain, I follow what she says.»
How did she came in your life?
«I was living my rebellious, crazy phase. I was twenty, I came to Rome, away from the family. I lost myself in nights, drinking, friends and disco so much that my pay check wasn’t enough, I didn’t give up on nothing. Then there was the meeting with “the blonde”, in the beginning just a relationship without any kind of effort. The change came when, the summer we were knowing each other, I had to go and went to see a girl in the south and Ashling called me saying, “If you go you’ll never see me again”. I didn’t went and if I had the possibility to go back, I would do it again an hundred times.»
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assh0le0ndrugs · 7 years
i done got tagged by @fllthyfrank for a thing
rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better
name/nickname: I’m Simon, some call me Ronnyboi ‘cause they don’t know about me having splitpersonas and that Ronnyboi isn’t me, Ronnyboi’s boyfriend call her Raven
relationship status: I uh, this is so difficult, uh Raven has a boyfriend but I’d consider myself a fuckboy
favourite colour: I love black, it just matches my soul so fucking well
last song I listened to: NCT 127 - Fire Truck (it’s a great song to workout to)
favourite youtube channels: Ahh ,so many, but the ones I watch the most are TVFilthyFrank, Markiplier, MonteFjanton and mirrorHD
first fandom: Frankly, I can’t remember, probably the Teen Wolf one
hobbies: drinking, dancing, k-drama, drawing, drinking, painting nails, watching TV shows, drinking
things that I’m currently working on: my body, I’m working out every day and my goal is to be happy and have a healty body
worst thing I’ve ever eaten: I don’t wanna talk about it
favourite place: Haven’t been to many places but uh my bedroom I guess
three wishes: 1. Meet Joji and have a great time 2. Be as good a person as Markiplier 3. Go to Japan
10 people: I don’t know about that many people I uh, @sparklingjoji @pinkucunt @muistikatkos @j0jiblogs @beyond-absolute-zero
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