#so many questions :D
puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 266
Back on my Danny & Ras frienemies/rivals/maybe-lovers-nobody-can-tell-their-signals-are-very-mixed train. 
See, Danny has gone through time a lot. Often. It comes with being Clockwork’s charge-son-thing and honestly he finds it fun. And several times he’s used this time travelling to get some training in. Enter Ras, stage left, also a teen at the time and also learning swordsmanship from the same person. 
And they… utterly despise each other. They would kill the other for an apple slice, if the other one would die! But also, only they can kill the other, as it is obviously their right! 
And well, they keep running into each other. It has been a hundred years, surely the other would die by now? But of course their rival would live through utter spite. Probably to spite them specifically. 
The amount of times they have ended up sparring- trying to kill each other or not- the moment they see the other is actually ridiculous. But time is also passing. And… Danny understands, not having another to talk about things people are forgetting, or have already forgotten. 
How they ended up actually talking without a murder attempt was a long story that included a demon, a dragon, a pair of fae, some bandits, and a lot of alcohol, but it happened. And then it happens again. And again, and now it’s just kind of normal to share a drink after their spars, talking about things that no longer exist, and things they miss. 
Sure Danny can go back in time again, but he knows better than to do it willy nilly. He’s matured, he’s been an adult for a hundred years now, he knows there’s consequences for messing with time, even with Clockwork’s blessings. 
The first time they got married was technically for an undercover assassination. Well, Ras was there to assassinate someone, Danny was there to grab an artifact that should Not be in the realm of the living. And they got divorced after, it was fine. 
They just, also got married again when they met a few years later, for another job. And… okay, so maybe they have gotten married over a dozen times now and only divorced like half of those times. Half of those were for the bit or while drunk! 
And even if technically they’re married or shared a bed, it’s not like they're exclusive! As Ras’ daughters’ existences attest to (adopted in one case or not). They don’t exactly have a label for their relationship, despite others asking for one or trying to put a name to it themselves. 
Now Danny knows Ras isn’t exactly a good dude, or at least on the side of ‘good’ as he’s a literal assassin. But he also knows that good? Bad? Rather relative. He had gotten labeled as a villain when he was just trying to help all that time ago after all, and really who was he to tell someone else how to live their life? 
Which brings him to now, where he’s run into his old frienemy-rival and his youngest daughter. Who has a braindead teenager and a small toddler. Which is fine, really- but also, Talia dear, why are you using a brain dead teenager to guard your three year old son? 
Okay, Talia dear, Ras (Derogatory), why are you using your brain dead son and grandson to guard your younger son and grandson? Do you not have the Pits, which you were soo proud about Ras? Yes, he will spar with you, but for Realms’ sake, heal, what’s his name? Ah yes, go heal Jason and he’ll actually stick around for a few years, deal? Good. 
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buff-muffin · 3 months
There’s a pretty common ASL brothers headcanon that Sabo teaches his brothers things like reading and writing among other things and I do think this is true to a degree. Like of course the bandits taught Ace the basics but you know little Ace and his whole “raaaa don’t tell me what to do. If I stay out of the house I can’t be a bother to you” mindset. And I certainly think Makino and the Mayor TRIED to teach Luffy but he only has a grip on bare basics. So Sabo had to teach more complicated things like grammar, multiplication, division and other things.
And honestly I could see him being a pretty good teacher. He knows how his brothers brains work and how to phrase questions for them so that they would understand. And considering Ace and Sabo had known each other for years by this point I could imagine Ace is use to Sabo being a teacher.
But Sabo as Luffy’s teacher is a little different. Because Sabo watches Luffy struggle with so many things he did when he was little. Phonetic spelling, contractions, fractions even simple things like buttoning up his own shirt are hard for Luffy. And while Ace is quick to call him stupid because it’s easy don’t be a baby. Sabo is patient with him because his own parents never were. He buttons Luffy’s shirts in the winter when he struggles, he sounds out store signs for him and break down maths questions to the point of rocks for Luffy to count. While I doubt Luffy was ever fond of class time, he was almost always met with patience helping him to learn
When Sabo left, Ace would not coddle him the same Sabo did even if he tried to and that Winter after Sabo’s death Luffy learned to button his own shirt and was so proud. He chose to leave Dawn in a button up vest as if to prove to Sabo he was grown enough to survive on his own and he didn’t need to worry.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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clownsuu · 1 year
Bro, MatPat just made a video about Welcome Home.
He's Found Us
nOOOOOOOOO I don’t want another “”“mascot horror turned children’s media””” I will fuggin C R Y if I see elsagate videos of WALLYYYYYYYYYYY S C R E A M S S. S S S S
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shima-draws · 2 months
can we get an ace sneak peek?
Yes you may <3 A couple people asked for Luffy too so I give you. BOTH the brothers!!
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AREN'T THEY CUTE??? I cannot wait to holde them in my hands
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nicercymybeloved · 4 months
Very attached to the idea that if Percy had been a woman she would have been named Ariadne. Like, I know that Persephone is a popular fanon name for female Percy because it's a nice way to keep her nickname. I've also seen Andromeda used by some because she lives a long life with Perseus in the myths. But Sally would have at least considered it right? Because Ariadne's a popular female figure in mythology, linked to both Theseus and Dionysus, two other famous figures in mythology. She was a clever mortal princess who was dealt a bad hand because her father's arrogance allowed him to think that he could get away with defying a god, just like how Poseidon's arrogance allowed him to think that he could get away with breaking the pact he made with Zeus and Hades. And in the end, Ariadne survived both her family's legacy and Theseus's abandonment, becoming Dionysus's immortal wife in both the PJO universe and in many retellings of the myth of the Minotaur and Theseus in real life. Ariadne got to live out her happy ending just like how Perseus did in mythology, which is the main reason why Sally even gave Percy the name Perseus to begin with. Am I delusional to think that Sally would have given a female Percy the name Ariadne? Who the fuck knows. But I'm so attached to the idea that it literally just supersedes any other name I could have come up with
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one-idea · 5 months
I am chewing on your sun god nika/king of hell zoro concept. I am in love with it. Luffy "death before loneliness" trying to make a sacrifice he would loathe with every fiber of his being and /zoro knowing this/. Zoro dragging him back down because Luffy may be a god but he's the captain of the strawhats first!!! They won't let him be alone ever again!!!
I know right. (Ah madoka magica you never fail me) I’m so glad you’re interested because I have been waiting to talk about this one!!!!
Luffy being faced with the choice to safe his crew/world by becoming Nika. However doing so would force him into a different plain of existence. He can’t be with his loved ones anymore. He will be alone forever, but they would be safe and happy.
Luffy would take it. If there are no other options, if everything else had been exhausted, Luffy would become Nika to save his crew.
Even if it destroyed him.
He would hate it. Like you said. He would rather die than be lonely. But I think he’d also do it with a smile on his face not just to reassure his crew but also because if it’s to save them, his family who he loves so much, I don’t think he would regret the decision. Yes the consequences suck, but can he truly be sad in the moment or with the outcome when they are safe?
Some might see it as an act of selflessness but to Luffy this is him being selfish. He’s doing this to protect what is his, his crew.
Then you have Zoro. Loyal beyond understanding.
The whole crew wants Luffy back. The world is celebrating and yet they don’t care. They would have found another way to win. They will find another way to win! And when they do they will bring Luffy back!
They crew is determined, but even after finding a different solution, which took forever (they never would have found it in time to stop Luffy in the first place) Luffy still doesn’t return to them.
And they can’t wrap their minds around why. Why isn’t he back? They solved the problem, there’s no reason for him to be Nika anymore.
But that’s just the thing. Luffy is Nika now. And unless they can separate Luffy from Nika’s influence, find someway to block Nika’s power, Luffy’s not coming back.
And considering they can’t even get to him, because different plain of existence and all, any plan they might have to cut of Nika’s influence (sea prism cuffs?) they can’t enact.
But Zoro’s not willing to accept that. No way in hell, if only gods can get to where Luffy is then Zoro will become one and drag Luffy back down to them.
Cue becoming the literal king of hell.
And you know what, I haven’t even told you the best part.
Zoro dies doing this. The crew is mourning. They know Zoro’s dying. They gather around for his final moments on the Sunny. His body has exhausted itself trying to find away to return Luffy to them. The crew knows this is the end.
But who should descend to their ship, Nika himself in all his glory.
He approaches Zoro with a smile. He’s starts talking about how he’s sorry for making Zoro (and the crew, but right now he’s speaking to Zoro specifically, and isn’t his first mate just fantastic still setting an example for the crew!) wait but now they can be together. Mortals can’t be in the realm of the gods but spirits/souls can.
Nika is here to collect Zoro’s soul. To bring him with him. Luffy is a selfish person. Sure he had to separate from his crew in this life time. But what’s a lifetime to an eternity? They can now be together forever.
His hope was that his crew would live out their lives and accomplish their dreams. That way they could join him without regrets. This was always his plan.
This plan was not communicated to the crew. Even in this moment he sounds like he’s talking nonsense.
Jimbei and Robin are starting to realize what Luffy’s plan was all along. But it’s Sabo (yes he’s here hello) who puts it together in startling clarity when he see who is behind Luffy. Ace is here. Smiling and happy. As soon as Luffy became Nika he plucked Ace’s soul and said your mine now.
The crew thought Luffy was alone for eternity, and he should have been. But nothing is impossible for Luffy. Nothing stops him from loving those around him. I bet it took like a week before he figured out how to pull spirits into his realm.
But Zoro’s to gone to hear or notices any of this. But he can feel Luffy getting closer, he will always recognize Luffy. (It’s not Nika to him, only Luffy) and when Nika reaches for his soul Zoro strikes, grabbing hold of Nika’s wrist and releasing so much conquerors haki, the universe itself bends.
If Luffy rewrote the world becoming Nika then Zoro will rewrite it again. This is now Asura reality.
Because whatever Zoro did worked. He wasn’t dying his soul was changing.
He shatters their current reality ripping Luffy straight out of Nika. The crew is screaming. Ace charges forward but there’s nothing he can do as the universe rips apart and rebuilds itself for a second time.
During the whole chaos Luffy is held tightly against Zoro’s chest. His captain is safe and he’s not letting go again.
Here is the scene from the original for reference
Zoro rewrites reality.
When everyone comes to it’s a normal day on the Sunny. Sanji’s cooking breakfast, Nami is drawling her map, Robin and Jimbei are reading. Brook is playing music, and Franky is working on an invention. All is calm
Until Luffy, Chopper and Usopp barge onto the deck playing one of their games.
Zoro is on the deck finishing his “night watch” (because he just survived the darkest night, a world without Luffy) and smiles at them. Everything is back as it should be.
They even have guests coming to join them for breakfast as Fire Fist Ace and Flame Emperor Sabo. (It’s Zoro’s world. I’m sure when he was making it he felt Ace’s presences and was like why not bring him back)
And it’s perfect. They are all together. And Zoro will keep the crew and his captain safe, forever.
Except it’s not perfect
Luffy may not remember his time as Nika but he can feel that part of him pulling him. He gets the feeling that something is wrong.
It gets really bad whenever he is alone. He gets the feeling that he needs to be somewhere else. Nika starts to sink back in.
But Zoro’s always there. He can feel Nika trying to break free, to remake the universe again. He just wraps his arms around Luffy.
It’s a constant battle of wills between Nika and Asura. A battle that Zoro knows he’s only winning because Luffy is letting him. Because Luffy doesn’t remember why he became Nika in the first place, he has no context for why Nika is pulling so hard. All he knows is that Nika wants him to leave his friends, to leave Zoro. But why would Luffy ever abandon his crew? In what world would he ever leave them? He can’t imagine it.
So he lets Zoro win their battle of wills because he wants to stay with Zoro. Zoro would never keep him here if he didn’t want to stay (debatable) and Zoro would never hurt him.
Who remembers?
It’s debatable who remembers what at any given time. I think Zoro got rid of everyone’s memories of Nika’s world. To him it was kindness that the crew never knew a world without Luffy.
But there is one person who keeps remebering that world. Someone who is both part and not part of this new world and it’s not Luffy.
It’s Ace. He remembers the Devine realm Nika made for them since he was a part of it. He was dead in the main timeline and got to join Luffy in his divine plain once Luffy created it. He knows something is wrong with this new world.
And this is a problem for Zoro.
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iffeelscouldkill · 1 year
After rewatching Honor Among Thieves I couldn't help but notice that Kira is still warm and affectionate towards Holga while thinking that her dad abandoned her for riches. But they were both on the heist, and both were gone from her life for two years while locked up in jail, so why does her dad get the brunt of the bitter emotions?
You could theorise that Kira and Holga had a stronger bond to begin with that it was harder for her absence to dent, but Forge also had two years to turn Kira against both of her parental figures, and yet it seems like he only bothered to lie about Edgin. Why? Did he position Holga as collateral damage in Edgin's terrible plan, and that's why Kira doesn't see her as culpable? Did he bother to mention her at all?
When Edgin accuses Forge of setting a trap for him and Holga, Forge corrects him by saying that the trap was for him and Simon. So did he not see Holga as a threat?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
How about Wild showing a curious member of the chain some torture/interrogation resistance he was taught in Hyrule’s army? Asking for some more lighthearted whump.
Wild smacked his fist into his palm. "Wait, I actually remembered something fun this time!"
Sky, Twilight, and Legend glanced at him curiously from where they were lounging in the den.
"Okay, so back in the war there was this one drug--I can't remember what it's called--but it basically made you drunk and loose lipped and stuff," Wild explained hastily. "And the way we were taught--I think, I don't remember the training that well--but anyway, the point--the point is that the way we were taught was to basically just take a question and flip it."
"Wait, wait, wait," Legend interrupted, dropping his book onto his lap. "You're excited because you remembered a torture technique?"
"Told you he needs therapy," Twilight muttered as Sky snorted back a laugh.
"It can't be that bad if he's excited," Sky whispered before prompting their friend, "Go on, Wild."
"Exactly what Sky said, it's funny!" Wild emphasized. "Anyway! So this one guy was like tell us... tell us something. I don't rememeber what he was asking about--"
"Wait, he remembered being interrogated and tortured?" Legend hissed to the other two while Wild babbled.
The other two remained uncomfortably quiet, listening with unease.
"And so he finished his question and was all glaring and doing the bad cop vibe and I just said I hate bananas and when I tell you he went apeshit--"
"He has issues," Twilight sighed heavily.
"Agreed," Legend chimed in.
Sky just smiled. "Annoying them is always the best technique."
Wild laughed. "His face was so red! I'm glad you get it."
Legend gawked at the pilot. "Sky, what the hell. This isn't okay!"
Sky just glanced at his friend and cocked his head to the side, as if to a child who didn't know any better.
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fandom-geek · 3 months
mild spoilers for the latest episode but
we have so much potential for extended family shenanigans now. occam is d's almost-ex-husband and remold's beloved nephew??? how long were they married? were they all banished because of the divorce?? who is remold's grandchild, and is it somehow through slackjaw?
and that's not even touching on the millennia-long family rivalry, which makes the whole occam-d marriage even funnier. occam and slackjaw are somehow cousins, which means that technically slackjaw and marckus were step-cousins while occam and d were married???
i'll be honest, just thinking of the wedding cracks me up. remold presumably trying not to beat up his beloved nephew's new husband, while slackjaw and marckus were either horrified that they were now related and/or actively trying to murder each other via words and drinking during all of this.
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mitamicah · 11 months
I guess today was a good photoshoot day so; green hair time😆🤘💚(sorry for the length of this :’D)
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cakesmelons · 10 months
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With the powers I've been granted as a creator and owner of this very wonderful and logical rizz tl I have declared shattered joined the battle! I mean harem... so— Epic is such a rizzler he traveled through godam timelines to find a new bitch ..harem member?
Even funnier, I mean more fun, this Shattered killed his own Cross and Epic during the chaotic moments of his corruption ;3 ISN'T THAT FUN? 👁️w👁️
Shattered needs time processing the oddly reindeer like skeleton is similar to the oddly skeleton like reindeer.... I'm sure he'll be fine. Dream needs time to process there's another him— also u know the tension(problems?? I'm learning words gimme a sec) between Error and the Dreamtale twins? It's even worse between him and shattered... just how many times have they held shattered back from killing Error?
Shattered isn't like all that great around the harem.. and a little odd around the reindeer because despite that rizz he's still an oddly reindeer like skeleton similar to the oddly skeleton like reindeer. Aand a little protective over his not brother brother, Nightmare because of should be obvious reasons... But he's having a better time... at least he isnt eternally suffering anymore :( **proceeds to make him suffer more/....j ☺️
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utilitycaster · 2 years
POV: Two really good GMs are hearing a question in which a really good GM rewards a really good player who consistently made incredibly thoughtful and sweet RP choices with a one-time ability that will help the entire party, and the rest of the party screamed that it wasn't fair:
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keeps-ache · 2 months
there are a couple changes i would make to the keyboard if i could:
wiggly exclamation mark
bleeding heart emoji
varying snake emojis (more poses would be fun)
question mark with a little heart for the dot bc, well,
more explosions
and that is all thank you
#just me hi#i need these a lot#wiggly bc it makes a lot of sense#i am saying something but with a sort of ~~~~~~ to it!!#/bleeding heart because the other night (it musta been about 3 a.m.) i was looking for an emoji to really get my point across and i sadly#realized that i had imagined the existence of it. the disappointment was immense <//3 hfhs#/SNAKES. need i say more? :>#do i know a lot about them? not yet. am i scared of them? yes. but i love them a lot thanky#/i am asking a question but it's with love#<3#/explosion emoji my beloved#we NEED to diversify hfhsvb#a mushroom cloud would be cool :3 or one that clearly has shrapnel in it#or one with a little heart that's like the exploding head emoji. because it's like that#i'm mentioning hearts a lot bc the heart is willing but the brain is. trying#//anyway in the other newsings i'm remaking those pi.e refs again lmao 👍#ik they're only so many months old but man i changed some of the designs a bit during those months hfhs#funny how i made refs because i thought 'oh i haven't changed their designs in forever - it's not like it'll happen anytime soon yea?'#and then..........#oath's design has changed the most minimally during these - how many ? two‚ three-ish years - so i thought Ahh nothin'll happen#but Then--#aura has morphed So many times - she was at least 3 different people before i actually Got her so hfvhs <3#kinda knew that would happen. but she's actually changed the least so Lollll#hid's usual look has not changed at All - only his actual form‚ which i tweak every second day or something#and i've neglected kira so badly fvfsh - so now i've added and removed and swapped things for her in worldrecord time ! i think i've got he#in a way i like though so :D#but bc of all these changes now i gotta make new refs bc they are Inaccurate#not a big deal. but oh it IS#wonder how long it'll take me this time lol :) only one way to know ehegh#//anywho ciao ! i've got the things and stuffs to be doing.. ooo toodles :33
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Had a thought while i was chilling with my cat today, as you do:
Penelope is the weird Water Wife™ and Anthos is a black cat. We all know that black cats are something else, just weird in their own way.
Are those two just weird together?? Do they stare at you, unblinking, with their pretty eyes?? The half-naiad queen is watching you with her cat on her lap. They're silently judging you. As if she wasn't scary enough on her own - she has a black void with two big eyes by her side as well.
I'm sorry i'm really intrigued by the idea of weird wife and her weird cat.
YES!!! I love my weirdos!!! Also her and Odysseus are a lot like cats in a way as well >:)
Have their "favorite people", chaos, don't take orders from really anyone, etc. They're like kitty cats 🥺 even with how they're affectionate in a way. they're fidgeting with each other often but also will stubbornly be like "I want snuggles. I don't care if I'm uncomfy. >:( "
Odysseus: You know, I'm not gonna stop carving. You might get some wood shavings on you~ Penelope, knowing he won't let any get on her face at least: Don' care. Odysseus: Okay, if you say so. Penelope: ... Odysseus: asdfghjkl You stop that right now 🫵👁👁
Penelope: Odysseus, I'm trying to weave. (one of the smaller looms from the later periods, not accurate but don't care) Odysseus, squeezing her tighter: MMM >:( . *insert that baby seal video type of MMM* Penelope: At least your hair is tied up, but you can't be mad at me when your hair gets woven into it...Stop fucking with the thread, Odysseus.
You want something sad? >:) You want something really sad, Niko?
Years later, while Odysseus is away, something she's wearing keeps tickling her. She gets annoyed with it and has it taken off to see what it is ("My weaving is always flawless. >:( wtf is this?") only to look in the area and see that it was hair tickling her. A tiny bit of it is coming out from the cloth. It's not black and straight like her own. Nor is it black and curly like her son's. It's auburn and curly. Anticlea died years ago. And she remembers what she was doing when she first started this weaving.
And she weeps. :') Even gone, he's constantly "there" you know?
Penelope liked these critters because of that but also, "Heyyyyy, you're pretty good at fishing, you funky little creature!!!" Also, they like playing with string so weaving is always fun. Little headcanon but Ithaca doesn't really have as many cats as Sparta (hopping off ships from Egypt). So while Odysseus has seen them, he never really thinks much of them but then Penelope is like "yes, this is my weird little creature. You think you like me? You like this creature now." and he plays with Anthos a little and then is like, "Okay, I see why you like them...Penelope, why is she buzzing?👀 You promised you wouldn't put me in dangerous situations anymore!"
Probably a few cats are brought over for her but it doesn't become like, overrun you know?
Probably others were a bit annoyed by it at first. (cat hair to clean, cats are chaos, etc.) but the king and queen are scary when they want to be. Argos gets along pretty okay with them too!
Since having kitties outdoors is very dangerous, as there are birds of prey and such. A hawk once picked up one of the kitties but an Owl brought kitty back :')
Kitties know that Olive tree bed is NOT a scratching post.
Kitties will sleep with Penelope and check on her when she weeps :'D
"PENELOPE! ANTHOS JUST PUT A DEAD MOUSE IN FRONT OF ME!" "Sometimes they do that. Think it's the cat way of showing you they care." "I don't want this!"
so it's been around 7 years (changed it from 5 to 7) of them being married when Telemachus is born. And Anthos (and others) are very gentle with him but also "please don't grab me so roughly with your little baby hands".
Anthos is a bit older by the time he's around four so Penelope usually holds her but Anthos has had some kittens and...
Penelope: Telemachus, you sure you got him, sweetie? Telemachus: Yuh-huh.
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Telemachus loves them as well btw. And he learns how to hold them right but the cat he's holding is pretty chill anyways.
When Odysseus is a "beggar", and before Penelope comes to see him. He sees two kittens playing and thinks "Okay, they're definitely from Anthos' line." and rips a bit of the rags he's wearing to make a string and kind of plays with them. Then Melantho comes in and they run off and he's like "okay, they don't like you. Why is that?" and then he sees why.
When Odysseus is on Aeaea, it's...stressful and he feels on edge. He gets a specific "nightmare" and it's not a fun time. Yes, they dance and sing but he's still very stressed. (Headcanon that Odysseus is actually a pretty good dancer.) Circe has a lot of BIG cats and she has one that is a big black panther with blue eyes (yes, this cat was once a man. he actually will kind of have a story of his own in my fics eventually) And sometimes when he's by himself and not doing well, Big Black kitty will come in and kind of lay on him. Makes him think of Anthos and home. :'D
Polites: That panther seems to like you a lot. He's always following you. Odysseus: Yeah, he's my buddy.
"You were human once... Do you miss them? Your loved ones? Do you even remember?" *headbonks him*
*Big kitty yawns* "You know, my wife has sharp teeth as well being mostly naiad. My son most likely too by now... He was teething when I last saw him but the two he did have were already sharp. Penelope would soothe him with water when he got fussy from them..."
Penelope's 75% Naiad and Telemachus is 37.5% :D In some versions, Icarius and Tyndarius are half naiad! >:D And ANY chance I can have Penelope be weirder, I will FUCKING take it.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 7 months
Are you aware that I'm-a-gay-fish and Zu ship dr//m/are ?/genq
okay so it took me a while to answer this but i finally found the words to so here goes; yeah i do know, and i totally understand if you don't ship it, neither do i, but there's nothing i can do about it?
they're allowed, so long as they don't harm people, to do whatever they want on their own platforms. and before you ask me if i support *ncest, would you actually ask someone if they support toxic relationships and murder whenever they ship two unhealthy killers with mental problems? because that's funnily enough what most people do around here! you can say it's not the same, and that they're romanticizing it, but i can personally detach myself from fiction enough to realize that while this concept depicted in their art shouldn't be recreated in real life, that doesn't mean they actually engage or support people that do that irl- they asked zu the same question so many times, and frog doesn't either and i've known gayfish for three years! you're well within your right to stop associating with them or distance yourself from their content but i myself won't.
i know fiction affects reality to a degree, don't twist my words please, but if you're too young to consume that kind of content with a nuanced perspective or is triggered/affected by it then as long as they tag their content properly then you can unfollow, block and move on. i have a habit of following and reblogging people's works before looking at their bios and before i know it find myself having to choose between two sides i don't belong to and i frankly don't want to! anti this or proship that- in this online era you have to adapt by keeping your cool and curating your own online experience and viewing people in black and whites is stressful, painful and dangerous for everyone involved. i don't even reblog the content you probably have a problem with, and i'm honestly still scared of the response i'll get-
i will not blame or hate whoever unfollows or blocks me for this, it's to be expected, but please don't think about it like some bad vs good guys dilemma? sometimes thought provoking morally grey ambiguous stories with messed up characters spark more positive discussion and healing than people looking into it because they suffer from the same delusions and want a justification-
like realistically, in my blog, most ppl here are basically shipping two literal skeletons with magic in their bones who are sometimes almost the exact copy of one another, and who theoretically have a very similar dna, and sometimes they make shipkids, which, if you know anything about *ncest, is one of the main reasons why you shouldn't bang your siblings - mostly from a moral standpoint because that's so gross i can't even think of it, but also because any offspring would suffer greatly from physical and mental diseases hidden in their genetic code- like. you could argue it's not the same but it's sancest for a reason. and even when they're widely different sanses, you wouldn't think fell x sans is wrong (at least in this specific community) but really we've all just gotten numb to how weird that sounds. trust me, there's a reason we don't talk about our ships to outsiders HHH
TL,DR: so while i greatly encourage you to block people and content you don't want to see/associate with, including me! i hope i made it clear why i, personally, don't care about dreammare and whoever ships it.
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