#space personification
spaceraceart · 2 years
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some recent doodles of my planet personification ocs!
starring (from top to bottom) sirius A, sirius B, uranus, venus, sol, and mercury!
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rozmariflowers · 1 year
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posted this on the wrong blog at first
but my poor little meow meow
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a-celestial-journal · 8 months
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Fig. 1: The Blue Marble, a picture of Terra taken by Apollo 17 mission en route to Luna.
Height: 1.663 meters
Age: Current personality likely formed ~4520 million years ago.
Terra is, simply put, the Solar System's resident oddball.
The largest of the terrestrial planets, Terra's numerous unique features and processes not found elsewhere in the Solar System give them an equally distinct mind and personality that other planets regard as strange and random.
The blue planet considers themself to be a 'general biologist' who researches all aspects of life forms that inhabits their surface as a hobby.
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vanadiumvalor · 7 months
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The entire Solar System as furries! Finally got around to doing a full lineup <3
And I just had to throw Pluto in there, as a treat :3
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 244
Danny sighs in exhaustion, rubbing at his eyes with a too-long sleeve. He was honestly getting really tired of getting de-aged. It was annoying, and even if he did stuff differently there was still a lot of stuff the same. Not to mention that being partially alive (and unkillable) meant that it couldn’t be reversed, he just had to wait for his body to grow back up. Urgh. 
At least his babysitter- even if he doesn’t need one- is pretty nice, if a bit quiet. They’re not too busy, especially for being a reaper, and honestly it’s always nice to meet another of Clockwork’s kids. Which if someone had told him that CW had a habit of adopting anomalies to the timelines, he probably wouldn’t have believed them. 
But hey, he guesses Mr Speedforce-Death is his big brother anyway. And it’s not too boring, kind of nice to just chillax. Oh- the cowl-thing is going on and he’s getting an offer of a shoulder ride. Guess it’s someones time to die- hey, maybe he’ll be able to befriend their ghost! 
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madcat-world · 4 months
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Creation of the Stars - Cornis
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cypherscript · 10 months
There's a disturbance.
It started on a cold October day, magic users the world over felt the fabric of the universe shudder for but a moment before a sense of peaceful ease can be felt through their magics. Even the nonmagical power users felt something; Flash noticed a dramatic decrease in his speed, Poison Ivy losing control of her plants when she's not paying attention and Shazam's DivineTwitch Chat is going wild with a hype train.
This went on for nearly a month before most power users lost their powers completely; even superman was seen less often than he normally was! A team consisting of Batman, Shazam, Constantine, Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy and Aquaman to track down the source of the depowered beings. It takes them nearly a week to get a trail but they track it down to set of large purple double doors deep in space which open as they fly the ship closer. Once inside the doors closes and the team find themselves in the entryway of a giant castle, through the window is a vast expanse of swirling green which causes Constantine to swear.
Looking around they eventually hear a mans voice sounding like hes running around with things crashing. "Come on Nora, don't- Marina, please stop crying. Emma put your brother down, Myke stop antagonizing her! Gothi come on, help me here you're supposed to be the older sister. I don't know what to do!"
The team open the door to find a tall white hair man, casual clothes that held the universe of stars within their fabric, a small blonde girl under one arm practically vibrating in place until she falls through to the ground is suddenly behind them, another girl made of plants is holding up a large square grey boy who tries escape by writhing and throwing clouds of spores at the plant girl while another girl with red hair dressed in Atlantean garb crying over a fishbowl with a bright green glob of something in it. Gothi sits nearby giggling as she looks over the team.
Batman takes a look at each child, connections forming as he looks at each one; Nora Allen as a child, holding the power of the Flash, an Atlantean of some sort given how Aquaman is studying her cloths, the plant girl looks are similar to Poison Ivy's to a degree, the grey child looks like a minature Solomon Grundy and Gothi herself makes him feel like he's come home, alfred there waiting for him always ready.
The man turns around to find Nora and sees the heroes, "Ah shit, ok I know how it looks but it's not my fault." Nora pops up in different locations, repeating the new word she just learned, "No nonono, sweetie don't repeat that." _______________________________________________________
Or Danny's the ancient of space and his very presence gives corporeal form to the forces of the DC universe; Speed Force(Nora), Marina(The Blue/Clear), Myke(The Grey), Emma(The Green) and Gothi(gotham).
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Heliosphere: Under the Sky [MAIN CAST]
This is the main cast of "Heliosphere: Under the Sky", an art project about personified / human versions of planets, stars, and more! It mostly focuses on our very own solar system.
Please check out their character profiles for more info!
Character profiles: Tumblr | Toyhou.se
(NOTE: These were made to celebrate Heliosphere's 1st webcomic anniversary! Because it's the webcomic series that pushed it to be a more serious project overall, having been stagnant for years.)
(Thanks for checking under the cut! Here's an Easter egg for you.)
BONUS: Neptune in true colour! Because plot twist: he's not really royal blue.
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mendely · 1 year
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lead-acetate · 9 months
(a missing scene from young man came from hunting)
Satine *sipping her space cocoa*: so, do I need to give Jango Fett the shovel talk?
Obi-Wan: *blanches*
Quinlan: *cackles*
Quinlan: I love you.
Satine: thank you.
Quinlan: *clinks cups with Satine*
Quinlan: I want to vote for you. can I vote for you?
Satine: thankfully, no. you can bring me more biscuits from the kitchen, though
Quinlan: you got it, hon *dashes off*
Obi-Wan: *glares*
Satine: *raises an eyebrow*
Obi-Wan: stop. platonically seducing my friends
Satine: *takes a sip of cocoa*
Satine: no.
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for-the-sake-of-color · 7 months
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Welcome to the world: Sneef and Snorf!
XD Here we got a couple little Plush Hogsteed doodles for one of the certified coolest mf's on this planet: @wackylurker Honestly I would LOVE to own a 4ft plush of one of these
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danikoshi-doodles · 10 months
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Unfold the Webbverse
13 Webbjinkas on Art Fight wowza !!! I had so much fun with this attack I love everyone's Webbsters so much waghhh <33
The wonderful Webb parents:
@meiistheprimarynow, @timesnewfishcat, @nekomacbeth, @frogseasoning, @helljunker, @mendely, @pepperedart, @drakkoholic, @dottedmage, @robinwaaaaa , @hockeyambassador, @xenonb
See yall next season and manifesting new JWSTs on the site mwah !
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rozmariflowers · 1 year
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my beloveds
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fconvicted · 10 months
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i did a little outfit swap between my characters (Ra and Samuel) and @spaceraceart planet personification (Sol and Mercury), all the boys came out so precious~
may do more in the future!
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vanadiumvalor · 2 months
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Who got to see the eclipse today?
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Mr. Morden: What’s your problem with me?
Vir: The part where you exist, mostly.
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